1940 U.S. Federal Census of Mona Township, Ford, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Ford County > 1940 Census of Mona Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbsFlora born about 1879
AbsJohn born about 1873
AdamsBilly born about 1879
AlligEthel born about 1905
AlligJohn born about 1895
AlligJohn born about 1928
AlligWilmer born about 1925
AndersonBarbara born about 1933
AndersonElenore born about 1923
AndersonGlen born about 1930
AndersonJames born about 1894
AndersonKatherine born about 1906
AndersonPaul born about 1928
AndersonPhyllis born about 1925
AndersonThelma born about 1927
ArchJohn born about 1862
ArchLouis born about 1901
ArchMargarett born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaeteE Kborn about 1881
BaeteGertie born about 1888
BaeteMaxwell born about 1925
BaileyMaude born about 1889
BarkeenRollie Sr born about 1875
BarkeenRuby born about 1887
BennJoseph born about 1917
BennLawerence born about 1919
BishopJames born about 1912
BleicherGus born about 1877
BlevinsDorothy born about 1926
BlevinsMargaret born about 1924
BlevinsMary born about 1914
BlevinsRuth born about 1917
BlevinsSan born about 1891
BlevinsSarah born about 1888
BoemanJohn Sborn about 1924
BoemanPhillis Lborn about 1928
BoemanRussel Gborn about 1895
BoemanRussel Wborn about 1922
BoemanShirley Reaborn about 1920
BoemanWinefred born about 1894
BoukMabel born about 1897
BozierMary Ellenborn about 1859
BrownClifford born about 1905
BrownDella born about 1908
BrownDudley born about 1933
BrownHarrey born about 1895
BrownMarcella born about 1936
BrownMary Janeborn about 1938
BurrowBetty born about 1936
BurrowHoward born about 1910
BurrowLena born about 1904
ButeClaire born about 1910
ButeIrene born about 1919
ButeJ Cborn about 1870
ButeLela born about 1910
ButeMarshall born about 1909
ButeNellie born about 1872
ButePaul born about 1930
ButeWesley born about 1932
ButeWilfred born about 1903

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C Surnames

CarlsonAurora born about 1878
CarlsonOtto born about 1882
CarpDellia born about 1900
CarpGlen born about 1922
CarpHarold born about 1920
CarpHarry born about 1896
CarpRobert born about 1931
ChadCharles born about 1902
ChadCharles Arnoldborn about 1939
ChadMary born about 1909
ChadMary Louiseborn about 1938
ClagueEdward Pborn about 1878
ClagueElnor Eborn about 1880
ClarkArthur born about 1873
ClarkJane born about 1883
ClaytonBlanche born about 1881
ClaytonJohn born about 1866
CochisMargarett born about 1924
CochraneCecil born about 1909
CochraneNellie born about 1917
CookAugust born about 1870
CookDavid Leeborn about 1937
CookDuane born about 1928
CookJackie born about 1934
CookJohn born about 1899
CookLillian born about 1871
CookMary born about 1878
CookViola Janeborn about 1906
CorbinGeorge born about 1885
CorbinMargaret born about 1884
CorkellElizabeth born about 1868
CorkellFrank Tborn about 1912
CorkellHarriet born about 1875
CorkellJ Cborn about 1857
CorkellMae born about 1914
CorkellRoger Frankborn about 1937
CorkellShirley born about 1933
CraneArthur born about 1925
CraneEilene born about 1927
CraneElezabeth born about 1900
CraneElmer born about 1923
CraneFredie born about 1922
CraneLester born about 1895
CulkinElizabeth born about 1887
CulkinGeorge born about 1911
CulkinJames born about 1926
CulkinLeo born about 1925
CulkinLuella born about 1917

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D Surnames

DallyClare born about 1926
DawseCarolyn born about 1932
DawseClarence born about 1895
DawseDuan born about 1910
DawseElaine born about 1927
DawseElizabeth born about 1874
DawseEstelle born about 1912
DawseGeorge born about 1870
DawseIda born about 1896
DawseJanet born about 1909
DawseLa Vanborn about 1908
DawseRichard born about 1919
DeanyAnna born about 1916
DeanyClara born about 1927
DeanyDonald born about 1911
DeanyDonald Wborn about 1936
DeanyGertrude born about 1889
DeanyJerome Wborn about 1937
DeanyJosephine born about 1921
DeanyLeroy born about 1910
DeanyMary born about 1918
DeanyMary born about 1925
DeanyMicheal born about 1923
DeanyPaul born about 1937
DeanyRaynald born about 1938
DeanyWilliam Sr born about 1885
DeckerDurwood born about 1918
DeithsAlice born about 1933
DeithsMargarett born about 1909
DeithsThresa born about 1939
DeithsVerna born about 1930
DeithsWalter born about 1906
DeithsWayne born about 1936
DevereauxGuy born about 1872
DevereauxMinnie born about 1889
DiefenbachClarice born about 1909
DiefenbachG Mborn about 1880
DietzGertrude born about 1881
DietzJohn born about 1919
DietzLeo born about 1926
DietzLouis born about 1878
DietzMartin born about 1914
DonahueAlice Mborn about 1922
DonahueDonald born about 1938
DonahueElmer Jborn about 1896
DonahueJames Eborn about 1924
DonahueJohn Dborn about 1928
DonahueMary Eborn about 1897
DonahuePatrica born about 1932
DonahueTeresa born about 1935
DonleyCarl born about 1939
DonleyCharilyn born about 1938
DonleyCora born about 1878
DonleyDuane born about 1916
DonleyFloid born about 1901
DonleyFrancis born about 1936
DonleyGeorge born about 1872
DonleyGlen born about 1932
DonleyKeith born about 1930
DonleyLouise born about 1929
DonleyMary born about 1870
DonleyO Iborn about 1877
DonleyPaul born about 1926
DonleyRodger born about 1927
DonleyTrent born about 1935
DrendelBena born about 1886
DrendelCarrie born about 1884
DrendelEvelyn born about 1919
DrendelFrank born about 1882
DrendelFred born about 1883
DrendelLouis born about 1916
DrewHarriett born about 1869
DrewTom born about 1869
DuttonDavid born about 1939
DuttonDoris Jeanborn about 1932
DuttonDorthy born about 1914
DuttonJack born about 1936
DuttonJoseph born about 1908
DyrbyMaynard born about 1903
DyrbyOlin born about 1934
DyrbyRuth born about 1904

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E Surnames

EaringElmer born about 1908
EaringLeslie Jborn about 1871
EasingtonClara born about 1854
EheartBarbara born about 1939
EheartBennie born about 1928
EheartBerela born about 1899
EheartDorothy born about 1922
EheartEarl born about 1929
EheartEllis born about 1932
EheartEvelyn born about 1926
EheartFranklin born about 1920
EheartJane born about 1924
EheartThomas born about 1896
EheartThomas born about 1925
EheartVeron born about 1918
EmersonLottie Mborn about 1878
EmersonMorris born about 1922
ErvingAnna Maeborn about 1924
ErvingDoris born about 1927
ErvingElla born about 1898
ErvingHarold born about 1898
EssingtonAnna born about 1897
EssingtonDean born about 1931
EssingtonDonald born about 1934
EssingtonDorthy born about 1920
EssingtonEdgar born about 1894
EssingtonHarry born about 1893
EssingtonRichard born about 1934
EssingtonSchertey born about 1927
EssingtonVelma Mborn about 1921
EssingtonViola born about 1898

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F Surnames

FalterDona Leeborn about 1932
FalterDurwood born about 1898
FalterJohn born about 1869
FalterMarilyn born about 1929
FalterMinnie born about 1876
FalterOlive born about 1902
FalterOrville born about 1900
FalterStanley born about 1910
FalterThelma born about 1903
FarleyBarbara born about 1930
FarleyEmma born about 1874
FarleyEmma born about 1902
FarleyEula born about 1897
FarleyForest born about 1933
FarleyGeorge born about 1864
FarleyGeorge born about 1939
FarleyIda born about 1865
FarleyJanet born about 1922
FarleyLouis born about 1898
FarleyMargaret born about 1874
FarleyMargery born about 1925
FarleyMyron born about 1895
FarleyRusel born about 1929
FarleyStanley born about 1931
FarrAlvin born about 1883
FarrJames born about 1928
FarrJohn born about 1920
FarrMargaret born about 1923
FarrMary Agnesborn about 1915
FarrPauline born about 1896
FellowsBarbara born about
FellowsMartha born about 1917
FellowsRussel born about 1917
FraherRoena born about 1907
FussIda born about 1917
FussLola Mayborn about 1935
FussVernon born about 1910

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G Surnames

GardinerCharles born about 1896
GardinerDonald born about 1931
GardinerIda born about 1905
GardnerAbbert born about 1900
GardnerEugene born about 1939
GardnerKatherine born about 1911
GardnerLaurence born about 1936
GatesAnson born about 1890
GatesEdith born about 1899
GatesGerry born about 1938
GatesGlaria Annborn about 1933
GelssnerCeraldine born about 1929
GelssnerLeslie born about 1906
GelssnerMarie born about 1906
GelssnerMary Tosineborn about 1931
GelssnerRuth Annborn about 1938
GinterJoseph born about 1933
GinterLester Jborn about 1903
GinterMary born about 1936
GinterSarah born about 1909
GishEdward born about 1870
GishMary born about 1870
GoodingFloyd born about 1926
GoodingFrances born about 1900
GoodingJohn Cborn about 1894
GoodingMary born about 1928
GoodingTodd Jr born about 1921
GoodmanAlice born about 1870
GoodpastureClaude born about 1885
GoodpastureEthel born about 1886
GravilleOliver born about 1892
GrogginsGenevieve born about 1926
GrogginsJames born about 1923
GrogginsJohn born about 1885
GrogginsJohn Josephborn about 1909
GrogginsLeana born about 1886
GroskreietzFred born about 1900
GroskreietzHarold born about 1923
GroskreietzHattie born about 1900
GroskreietzPaul born about 1934
GroskreietzRichard born about 1926
GroskreietzRonald born about 1939
GroskreietzTheodore born about 1922
GrubbsEva born about 1920
GrubbsJennie born about 1911
GrubbsJudith Annborn about 1940
GrubbsOrville born about 1912

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H Surnames

HaagA Hborn about 1860
HackJennie Rubeborn about 1882
HackReuben born about 1883
HaleyElsie born about 1889
HaleyHarrison born about 1889
HaleyMerle born about 1920
HalpinJudith Mborn about 1939
HalpinJulia born about 1917
HalpinWilliam born about 1914
HarrenAlice born about 1919
HarrenDonna born about 1936
HarrenMarjorie born about 1938
HarrenRolla born about 1905
HatchArthur Sborn about 1877
HatchCatherine born about 1886
HatchShirley born about 1920
HatfieldAnna born about 1913
HatfieldCharles born about 1906
HawlandCharles born about 1880
HawlandDay born about 1919
HawlandLaura born about 1890
HeavisidesAmos born about 1878
HeavisidesMae born about 1874
HeavisidesThomas born about 1915
HersnerHenery born about 1890
HersnerIrma Mborn about 1925
HersnerRaymond born about 1918
HersnerRosa born about 1889
HersnerWyne Aborn about 1921
HillsBeverely born about 1926
HillsEmma born about 1878
HillsHoward born about 1911
HillsMargarett born about 1902
HillsPaul born about 1930
HillsRussel born about 1900
HopperDelbert born about 1931
HopperDenver born about 1924
HopperEmma Jeanborn about 1929
HopperFlora born about 1897
HopperLloyd born about 1894
HopperPerry born about 1937
HulganMyrtle born about 1903
HulganPhilmar born about 1896
HulganWayne born about 1935
HullElsie born about 1891
HullElzie born about 1891
HullLaverne born about 1915
HullMarvel born about 1927

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I Surnames

IllfordClarence born about 1900
IshamAlbert born about 1931
IshamEdward born about 1891
IshamLillian born about 1896
IshamLydon born about 1921
IshamWinifred born about 1919

J Surnames

JohnsonBetty Janeborn about 1934
JohnsonDonald born about 1935
JohnsonDonald born about 1937
JohnsonEdna born about 1912
JohnsonJosephine born about 1912
JohnsonMarjorie born about 1929
JohnsonMino born about 1909
JohnsonOdin born about 1911

K Surnames

KainEdith born about 1886
KainJames born about 1873
KeeleyAnn born about 1888
KeighinAlice born about 1903
KeighinAllie Louborn about 1927
KeighinCharles Wborn about 1896
KeighinLillian born about 1896
KeighinPhilis born about 1926
KeighinWilliam Cborn about 1933
KellyBonni Jeanborn about 1923
KellyJohn Eborn about 1900
KellyLettie born about 1903
KellyOrville born about 1926
KellyRobert Kborn about 1929
KellyRonald born about 1937
KellyT Eborn about 1861
KellyW Jborn about 1871
KempCora born about 1879
KempW Wborn about 1878
KeonnerGeorge born about 1878
KeonnerJoyce born about 1912
KeonnerLeona born about 1886
KewleyCharles born about 1878
KewleyEmma born about 1887
KewleyFrank born about 1889
KewleyLeona born about 1929
KewleyMary Eborn about 1859
KimberlinJacquelin Rborn about 1931
KirmanCatherine born about 1916
KirmanRussell born about 1914
KnealArt born about 1865
KoenerDuane born about 1928
KoenerFrancis born about 1930
KoenerOlive born about 1906
KoenerReuben born about 1900
KoenerRonald born about 1933
KoernorHenry born about 1893
KoernorLeroy born about 1919
KoernorOrie born about 1925
KoernorSadie born about 1894
KotthEdd born about 1916
KotthMarvin born about 1940
KotthOrrlia born about 1918
KrollBlanch born about 1901
KrollDona born about 1934
KrollDorthy born about 1923
KrollGeorge born about 1931
KrollGerald born about 1932
KrollIra Wborn about 1899
KrollJames born about 1925
KrollJohn born about 1921
KrollJoseph born about 1927
KrullEdward born about 1915
KrullFlorence born about 1922
KrullFred born about 1876
KrullGladis born about 1920
KrullGrace born about 1881
KrullHenry born about 1905

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L Surnames

LaskClara born about 1929
LaskGisela born about 1932
LaskHattie born about 1898
LaskOtto born about 1897
LechtGlendon born about 1919
LehmanEarl born about 1907
LehmanJohn born about 1934
LehmanLorraine born about 1915
LeightyBetty Janeborn about
LeightyEugene born about 1937
LeightyJulia born about 1907
LeightyKiem born about 1901
LeightyLeslie born about 1929
LeightyVirgil born about 1926
LeonardEdward born about 1872
LeonardLilly born about 1874
LewinFenton born about 1896
LewinOpal born about 1919
LewinPearl born about 1891
LewinRobert born about 1920
LingMildred born about 1902
LingShirley born about 1932

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M Surnames

MaloneCarol born about 1932
MaloneDona Bellborn about 1928
MaloneDonald born about 1928
MaloneDoris born about 1926
MaloneMarilyn born about 1924
MaloneShirley Bborn about 1937
MaloneVera born about 1902
MaloneWilliam born about 1892
MaloneWilliam Eborn about 1930
ManleyHolman born about 1882
MarksClayton born about 1926
MarksEdith born about 1888
MarksVern born about 1892
MartinHazel born about 1903
MartinIlene born about 1935
MartinLouis born about 1904
McGinnisClarence born about 1897
McGinnisDonald born about 1919
McGinnisIsabella born about 1900
McGinnisJames born about 1922
McGinnisJane born about 1928
McGinnisMarie born about 1924
McGinnisMarline born about 1936
McGreserGrace born about 1890
McGreserPaul born about 1913
McGreserRuth born about 1917
McGreserWalter born about 1888
McGuiganAlice born about 1875
McGuiganCharles born about 1877
McGuiganMargarett born about 1874
McGuiganMary born about 1885
McGuiganPeter born about 1881
McKinneyArchie born about 1875
McKinneyJohn born about 1915
McKinneyLucille born about 1915
McKinneyOma born about 1882
MillerFred born about 1905
MillerGilbert born about 1911
MillerHarold born about 1909
MillerJames born about 1928
MillerJane born about 1868
MillerKenneth born about 1916
MillerMartha born about 1889
MillerMyra born about 1887
MillerS Fborn about 1884
MonroeHelen born about 1937
MonroeLucelle born about 1931
MonroeMabel born about 1907
MonroeRobert born about 1903
MooreAddie born about 1898
MooreCharles Bborn about 1917
MooreChester born about 1894
MooreHarold born about 1920
MooreHelen born about 1926
MooreJohnie born about 1928
MooreLevon born about 1921
MooreMargarett born about 1919
MuellerBennie born about 1897
MuellerEmma born about 1891
MusselmanWalter born about 1920

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N Surnames

NettlinghamAgnes born about 1892
NettlinghamCharles born about 1893
NettlinghamDale born about 1921
NettlinghamDevere born about 1915
NettlinghamDonald born about 1917
NettlinghamGrace born about 1918
NettlinghamPhillis Annborn about 1938
NettlinghamRichard born about 1939
NickersonBlanche born about 1894
NickersonLeroy born about 1893
NickersonRita born about 1930

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O Surnames

OlsenDarlene born about 1929
OlsenLucille born about 1906
OlsonGeraldine born about 1918
OlsonLila born about 1873
OlsonLillian born about 1915
OlsonMargaret born about 1863
OlsonMinnie born about 1870
OlsonNephi born about 1867
OlsonPorter born about 1869
OlsonRoss born about 1907
OlwellBrooks born about 1888
OmmenBilly born about 1939
OmmenHattie born about 1908
OmmenHelen born about 1933
OmmenMary born about 1930
OmmenWilliam born about 1902
OnkenAnna born about 1874
OnkenHarry born about 1867

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P Surnames

ParkerEnola born about 1891
ParkerGeorge born about 1900
ParkerKathlene born about 1903
ParkerWesley Jborn about 1888
ParkerWithelmina born about 1887
PetersClara born about 1885
PetersEvelyn born about 1919
PetersMerrett born about 1883
PetersonHomer born about 1897
PetersonIva born about 1897
PetersonMarjorie born about 1923
PiercyArnold Gborn about 1911
PiercyMary Ellenborn about 1919
PlatzAlice born about 1883
PlatzClarence born about 1915
PlatzClarence Aborn about 1879
PlatzDelmer born about 1912
PlatzLeona born about 1923
PoolAldea born about 1913
PoolDale born about 1934
PoolJames born about 1938
PoolOscar born about 1908
PoolRichard born about 1935
PoolRita born about 1939
PoolRobert born about 1937

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R Surnames

RaltenbackRonald born about 1905
ReadCaroline born about 1939
ReadDonald born about 1908
ReadMargarett born about 1911
ReadRalland born about 1937
ReadRichard born about 1935
ReebeAlice born about 1888
ReebeArthur born about 1924
ReebeCharles born about 1927
ReebeJohn Jr born about 1918
ReebeJohn Sr born about 1886
ReebeLowell born about 1929
ResidoriLouis born about 1916
RewertsAnna Louiseborn about 1927
RewertsBonetta Cborn about 1905
RewertsFloid born about 1929
RewertsFrank born about 1898
RewertsGeorge born about 1905
RewertsGeorge born about 1934
RewertsGeorgia Bborn about 1931
RewertsIsalebth born about 1930
RewertsLavern born about 1927
RewertsSuanna born about 1905
RibordyCecelia Pborn about 1905
RibordyClementine Gborn about 1906
RichDullas born about 1880
RichThomas born about 1891
RingeisenArlon born about 1937
RingeisenFrieda born about 1912
RingeisenWalter born about 1906
RiordanGertrude Hborn about 1879
RosendahlEva born about 1911
RosendahlHarvey born about 1907
RosendahlPhyllis Annborn about 1937
RossW G Dr Mdborn about 1870

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S Surnames

SchaubNettie born about 1873
SchnoorAnton born about 1891
SchnoorErnest born about 1939
SchnoorFlorence born about 1907
SchnoorFredie born about 1930
SchnoorJense born about 1920
SchoonAngeline born about 1914
SchoonCarol born about 1936
SchoonLa Vernborn about 1914
SchultzJennie born about 1893
SchultzJohn Tborn about 1888
SchuttzC L Revborn about 1887
SchuttzCarolyn born about 1930
SchuttzDale born about 1926
SchuttzDonald born about 1928
SchuttzDoris born about 1891
SchuttzDorothy born about 1923
SchuttzErnest born about 1932
SchuttzWanda born about 1925
ScottAnna born about 1888
ScottDonald Philipborn about 1929
ScottEvelyn Louiseborn about 1931
ScottJohn born about 1906
ScottJohn Arthurborn about 1928
ScottPhilip Cborn about 1879
ScottZeitha born about 1907
SengpielAmelia born about 1874
SengpielJohn born about 1874
ShawLulu born about 1886
ShellLester born about 1918
SmedleyBert Nborn about 1885
SmedleyBeulah born about 1889
SmithAgnes born about 1869
SmithJohn born about 1868
SongerAda born about 1881
SongerWilliam born about 1879
SpiresEdron born about 1895
SpiresMable born about 1900
SpiresMary born about 1873
SpiresMildred born about 1908
SpiresRussel born about 1902
StaffordVienna born about 1861
StarkCharles born about 1900
StarkCharles born about 1932
StarkElsie born about 1901
StarkMary Louborn about 1928
SteinSena born about 1917
SternburgElma born about 1898
SternburgEvertt born about 1920
SternburgLaurene born about 1925
SternburgLeroy born about 1922
SternburgPeter born about 1894
StewartDurwood born about 1916
StewartH Wborn about 1879
StewartLaura Eborn about 1879
StoneCannon born about 1910
StoneEverett Leeborn about 1937
StoneLena born about 1917
SuttonArther born about 1912
SuttonBertha born about 1878
SuttonClarence born about 1903
SuttonElmer born about 1901
SuttonJoe born about 1916
SuttonNona born about 1878
SuttonWilliam born about 1876

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T Surnames

TbueskiFrances born about 1883
TbueskiJohn born about 1891
TibbsEarl born about 1934
TibbsEdwin born about 1906
TibbsLeona born about 1906
TibbsRodger born about 1935
TofteDurwood born about 1915
TofteMary born about 1918
TofteRodney Jeromeborn about 1938
TopteDolorus born about 1919
TopteSuanne born about 1892
TopteThorval born about 1891
TravisJames born about 1867
TravisMabel born about 1888
TurnerClarence born about 1892
TurnerKathleen born about 1919
TurnerKenneth born about 1918
TurnerMae born about 1890
TurnerMartha born about 1919
TurnerNelrose born about 1926
TurnerRobert Cborn about 1916
TurnerRobert Dborn about 1939

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W Surnames

WagnerCatherine born about 1895
WagnerElisabeth born about 1877
WagnerJames Bborn about 1925
WagnerJoseph born about 1871
WagnerLouis born about 1891
WagnerShirley born about 1929
WalthersAggie born about 1903
WalthersCharles born about 1925
WalthersDorthy Mayborn about 1934
WalthersHarvey born about 1902
WalthersLorine born about 1937
WalthersRichard born about 1929
WambackAlice born about 1874
WambackLouis born about 1878
WeckBerde born about 1888
WeckFoster born about 1877
WettsSadie born about 1872
WhaleyArthur born about 1932
WhaleyElizabeth born about 1939
WhaleyGerald born about 1930
WhaleyHelen born about 1913
WhaleyLee born about 1907
WhaleySarah born about 1935
WilsonIrma born about 1902
WilsonKeith born about 1926
WilsonMartha born about 1878
WilsonN Jborn about 1859
WilsonOrville Jborn about 1900
Wooldridge??? born about 1938
WooldridgeDelia Marieborn about 1937
WooldridgeMary Catherineborn about 1918
WooldridgeRobert born about 1921
WrideA Wborn about 1879
WrideDonna born about 1935
WrideGertie born about 1903
WrideGlen born about 1912
WrightDonald born about 1925
WrightMerlyn born about 1923

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