1940 U.S. Federal Census of Murdock Township, Douglas, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Douglas County > 1940 Census of Murdock Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AddisBonnie born about 1920
AddisHarold born about 1914
AddisShirley Jborn about 1939
AddisThomas Kborn about 1938
AkersBetty born about 1934
AkersEverett born about 1939
AkersMildred born about 1912
AkersRansom born about 1912
AllenEdward born about 1877
AllenLee born about 1879
AllenMary born about 1927
AllenPearl born about 1878
AllenRalph Eborn about 1914
AllenRaymond born about 1923
AllenStella Bborn about 1887
ArwineCharlie born about 1910
ArwineDan born about 1874
ArwineGerald born about 1918
ArwineHelen born about 1915
ArwineNeal Tborn about 1938
ArwinePauline born about 1918
ArwineSusie Eborn about 1878

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B Surnames

BakerAlbert born about 1871
BakerCecil born about 1910
BakerDesmond born about 1912
BakerEthel born about 1893
BakerGeorgia born about 1898
BakerHattie born about 1880
BakerMinnie born about 1879
BakerRetie Rborn about 1870
BakerRobert born about 1872
BakerRobert born about 1920
BakerViola born about 1920
BarnettEva born about 1913
BarnettFrank born about 1885
BarnettGlen born about 1911
BarnettNellie born about 1888
BarnettVelmer born about 1920
BarrickMancle born about 1876
BaxterFaye born about 1889
BaxterHarry born about 1886
BeanEva born about 1872
BeckAlma born about 1898
BeckDan born about 1932
BeckDonald Rborn about 1934
BeckJohn Wborn about 1923
BeckRay born about 1899
BenderGrace born about 1878
BenderMadge born about 1923
BenderOtis born about 1880
BlaneyBerenadine born about 1925
BlaneyEster born about 1927
BlaneyGaldie born about 1919
BlaneyHarold born about 1927
BlaneyIrvin born about 1921
BlaneyJohn Wborn about 1886
BlaneyMyrle born about 1895
BockKeith born about 1937
BockLyod born about 1902
BockMary Aborn about 1919
BoxterHarry Jr born about 1918
BoyerRoss born about 1916
BoyerTheodora born about 1915
BretzAdolph born about 1894
BretzBlanche born about 1906
BretzCharles born about 1936
BretzDorothy born about 1923
BretzJaunita born about 1932
BretzLouis born about 1926
BretzPaul born about 1930
BretzZella born about 1928
BrewerBernard born about 1917
BrewerClarice born about 1922
BrewerLois born about 1919
BrewerMelissa born about 1895
BrewerRoy born about 1892
BrownRena born about 1872
BucklerChlora born about 1910
BucklerDonna born about 1923
BucklerHarold born about 1921
BucklerLucille born about 1915
BucklerRosoe born about 1909
BucklerRoy born about 1883
BucklerWinnie born about 1889
BukerAlmattie born about 1889
BukerAron Eborn about 1859
BukerWalter born about 1886
BurgettEffie Sborn about 1865
BurgettOlive born about 1875
BurgettS Sborn about 1862
BurtnerAmelia born about 1872

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C Surnames

CalemanEdith born about 1913
CampbellCarl born about 1904
CampbellDonald born about
CampbellEverett born about 1919
CampbellEveyln born about 1928
CampbellGene Hborn about 1931
CampbellHelen born about 1920
CampbellJack born about 1935
CampbellJeanet born about 1927
CampbellJennie born about 1890
CampbellMary born about 1908
CampbellRuth Aborn about 1929
CampbellWilliam born about 1889
CarrierJohn Wborn about 1866
CarrierLuretta born about 1856
CarrollMary born about 1862
CarverAlice Annborn about 1939
CarverAnna born about 1921
CarverFred born about 1916
CatronEthel born about 1894
ChandlerElmer born about 1893
ChandlerEvyln born about 1922
ChandlerFred born about 1917
ChandlerGrace born about 1898
ChandlerLowell born about 1919
ChandlerLuclla born about 1895
ChandlerManfor born about 1892
CherrySammy born about 1921
CheshierHester born about 1869
CheshierW Oborn about 1875
ChilcoteDwight born about 1900
ChilcoteMaude born about 1879
ClarkLyra born about 1892
ClarkOrval born about 1892
ClasletJohn born about 1870
ClasletThena born about 1877
ClayAustin born about 1877
ClayLena born about 1880
ClaytonTheodore Pborn about 1875
ClerFrancis Lborn about 1938
ClerMary born about 1907
ClerMary Bborn about 1937
ClerWilliam born about 1905
CollinsAlbert born about 1923
CollinsClyde born about 1918
CollinsDella born about 1889
CollinsJoan born about 1929
CollinsLuther Dborn about 1887
CollinsMary born about 1920
CosletClark F born about 1881
CosletDonald born about 1930
CosletLois born about 1919
CosletMarcella born about 1927
CosletMarshal born about 1922
CosletNora born about 1890
CosletPaul born about 1932
CrauseAilene born about 1925
CrauseBarbara Aborn about 1939
CrauseBetty Jborn about 1932
CrauseBilly born about 1929
CrauseDickie born about 1937
CrauseGladys born about 1905
CrauseJames born about 1904
CrauseMaryane Lborn about 1927
CrauseRobret born about 1934
CrawfordEverett born about 1911
CrawfordJoyce born about 1935
CrawfordLouise born about 1913
CultonAlbert born about 1925
CultonAlberta born about 1925
CultonBeryl born about 1914
CultonBetty born about 1921
CultonDavid Wborn about 1885
CultonIrma born about 1909
CultonKeith born about 1912
CultonMargaret born about 1918
CultonOka born about 1887
CutsingerFred born about 1867

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D Surnames

DagueArchie born about 1935
DagueGeraldine born about 1912
DagueHelen born about 1939
DagueKeith born about 1908
DagueOlive born about 1911
DagueReese born about 1912
DagueVirginia born about 1937
DalzellClara born about 1916
DalzellHarold born about 1913
DavisAnn born about 1916
DavisCarrol born about 1905
DavisCharles born about 1923
DavisClyde born about 1915
DavisDarrell born about 1931
DavisDeana born about 1920
DavisDonovan born about 1919
DavisEarl born about 1902
DavisEdna born about 1885
DavisEster Ellenborn about 1936
DavisGlenn born about 1909
DavisHelen Louiseborn about 1938
DavisJames born about 1851
DavisJessie born about 1886
DavisJimmy born about 1932
DavisJune born about 1925
DavisKendall born about 1916
DavisLyle born about 1923
DavisM Lborn about 1884
DavisMinnie born about 1902
DavisNina Fborn about 1927
DavisOpal born about 1914
DavisPearl born about 1910
DavisRobert Wborn about 1936
DavisRussel born about 1907
DavisRussel Eborn about 1935
DavisThlema born about 1929
DavisWilliam born about 1877
DavisWillis born about 1909
DennyOscar born about 1935
DennyPauline born about 1911
DerbyDelio born about 1901
DerbyDonald born about 1909
DerbyEugene born about 1932
DerbyEva born about 1870
DerbyHelen born about 1934
DerbyHester born about 1910
DerbyHorace born about 1869
DerbyHorace born about 1905
DerbyJerry born about 1939
DerbyLarry born about 1939
DerbyLois born about 1932
DerbyMartha born about 1910
DerbyMyrtle born about 1882
DerbyPhillip born about 1930
DerbyRonald born about 1939
DiltheyDale born about 1920
DragooMary born about 1853
DriverElsie born about 1868
DubsonBonnie born about 1893
DubsonErma born about 1932
DubsonGrover born about 1887
DubsonJerry born about 1938
DubsonNellie born about 1929
DubsonRachael born about 1905
DubsonRobert born about 1899
DubsonSamuel born about 1930
DyarBetty Lborn about 1929
DyarClarence born about 1904
DyarDaniel Aborn about 1933
DyarHelen born about 1903

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E Surnames

EastinAlberta born about 1922
EastinAncil born about 1895
EastinJoyce born about 1931
EastinLeroy born about 1919
EastinMabel born about 1929
EastinRaymond born about 1926
EastinShirley born about 1895
EheelmanCleone born about 1904
EheelmanEverett born about 1880
EheelmanFred born about 1903
EpperosnHomer born about 1902
EpperosnJames born about 1930
EpperosnKenneth born about 1925
EpperosnSylvia born about 1904
EwingDella born about 1898
EwingFrank born about 1888
EwingJames born about 1922
EwingJames Mborn about 1879
EwingMartha Gborn about 1919
EwingVera Mborn about 1881

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F Surnames

FabertCharles Wborn about 1889
FaithAlva born about 1899
FaithBeulah born about 1893
FaithCora Aborn about 1873
FaithDonald born about 1924
FaithLeonard born about 1928
FaithMaude born about 1906
FaithNettie born about 1880
FaithWilliam Eborn about 1869
FarmerArthur born about 1909
FarmerEvelyn born about 1913
FarmerEverett born about 1940
FarmerFrancis born about 1939
FarmerLoren born about 1935
FenwickBertha born about 1897
FenwickCharles born about 1871
FenwickNettie born about 1902
FenwickNora born about 1873
FetheralfNora Jborn about 1900
FetheralfSnouden born about 1897
FetherolfBarbara born about 1937
FetherolfLeta born about 1919
FetherolfRobert born about 1918
FisherDavid born about 1939
FisherDonald born about 1932
FisherDoris born about 1937
FisherDorothy born about 1935
FisherLeona born about 1911
FisherRaymond born about 1911
FonnerLeona Maeborn about 1876
FonnerMartha Jborn about 1927
FordLettie born about 1868
FrancesMary born about 1867
FullerAlta born about 1896
FullerCarolyn born about 1908
FullerElla born about 1865
FullerKathyan born about 1919
FullerKenneth born about 1920
FullerMarieele born about 1924
FullerThomas born about 1890

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G Surnames

GardKatherine born about 1869
GibsonFannie born about 1864
GibsonGarnet born about 1900
GibsonNellie born about 1907
GilloglyBlanche born about 1894
GrayAnita born about 1932
GrayEsta born about 1905
GrayJac born about 1936
GrayLewis born about 1902
GrayLois born about 1924
GreenDora born about 1897
GreenEverett born about 1897
GreenMary born about 1885
GreenSamuel born about 1883
GreenWilliam born about 1936
GriffithCecil born about 1912
GriffithDoris born about 1939
GriffithLawerence born about 1907

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H Surnames

HahnGeorge Aborn about 1873
HahnLore born about 1872
HainesMary born about 1902
HainesThomas born about 1898
HainesThomas Jr born about 1928
HaleMyrtle born about 1903
HamiltonSmith born about 1927
HankbargerClyde born about 1881
HankbargerNoval born about 1891
HarbaughMargaret born about 1915
HarbaughVirgel born about 1915
HardwickBellie born about 1933
HardwickCarl born about 1905
HardwickDale born about 1911
HardwickDenzil born about 1912
HardwickMagalee born about 1931
HardwickRay born about 1909
HardwickWilliam born about 1870
HarrisCalvin born about 1895
HarrisDale born about 1917
HarrisGladys born about 1896
HarrisKizzie born about 1889
HarshbargerAndy born about 1871
HarshbargerGilby born about 1908
HarshbargerSarah born about 1878
HarveyBalanche born about 1883
HarveyCarol born about 1938
HarveyEverett born about 1937
HarveyGeorge born about 1911
HarveyLeonard born about 1905
HarveyVirginia born about 1913
HaukMaude born about 1873
HaunLaura born about 1883
HautsAlonzo born about 1873
HawkinsElsie Bellborn about 1878
HaysCharles Nborn about 1935
HaysDuane born about 1924
HaysEdgar Eborn about 1937
HaysFred Hborn about 1929
HaysIrene born about 1882
HaysJennie born about 1877
HaysJimmy born about 1925
HaysNoyles born about 1899
HaysPaul born about 1902
HaysPaul Jr born about 1926
HaysRobert born about 1933
HaysSarah born about 1902
HelmGeorge born about 1873
HelmLoie born about 1872
HendershotDaisy born about 1878
HillAnnie Lborn about 1864
HillZekel born about 1859
HiteAda Fborn about 1902
HiteWill born about 1896
HoffmanBert born about 1892
HoffmanBeulah born about 1921
HoffmanCora born about 1896
HoffmanDorotha Jborn about 1927
HoffmanFrancis born about 1925
HoffmanGarnet born about 1903
HoffmanHarold born about 1924
HoffmanHeschel born about 1897
HoffmanRaymond born about 1918
HoffmanRichard born about 1914
HooeAmanda born about 1879
HooeB Wborn about 1861
HowardFrancis born about 1911
HowardSamuel born about 1870
HuberClint born about 1912
HuberLida born about 1873
HuberMary Bellyborn about 1862
HuberWilliam born about 1868

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I Surnames

IngramEverett born about 1931
IngramLindy Lborn about 1939
IngramLymon born about 1900
IngramMargaret born about 1936
IngramMargarine born about 1920
IngramRichard born about 1927
IngramRuby born about 1902

J Surnames

JobeGeorge born about 1877
JobeJennie born about 1894
JobeMargaret born about 1925
JobeMarie born about 1895
JobeVerne born about 1899
JohnsBarbara born about 1936
JohnsBetty Aborn about 1932
JohnsDoris born about 1937
JohnsHarold born about 1930
JohnsLyle born about 1939
JohnsLyod born about 1934
JohnsRaymond born about 1897
JohnsTlnissia born about 1903
JordanGlen born about 1894
JordanRuby Eborn about 1919

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K Surnames

KearnasFay born about 1923
KearnasLinna born about 1901
KearnsEverett born about 1928
KeefeLawerence born about 1909
KeefeVirginia born about 1914
KincanonEva Cborn about 1888
KincanonFrank born about 1883
KlemMyrtal born about 1887
KlemRose Annborn about 1924
KlemWillian born about 1883
KnowlesKathyrn born about 1860
KraftClarence born about 1902
KraftPatricia born about 1935
KraftThelma born about 1899
KurtzMimie born about 1881

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L Surnames

LawrenceJ Sborn about 1872
LawrenceLaura born about 1876
LewisClara born about 1882
LewisEdward born about 1883
LewisJohn born about 1903
LewisJohn Sr born about 1877
LewisZora born about 1902
LiebEster born about 1920
LiebGeorge born about 1895
LiebLeroy born about 1925
LiebLewis born about 1917
LiebRose born about 1895
LiebRose Mborn about 1935
LinesayAllen born about 1939
LinesayCarroll born about 1936
LinesayEarl born about 1912
LinesayMary born about 1913
LinesayRobert Dborn about 1934
LivingoodIrvy born about 1880
LivingoodWilliam born about 1880
LongLeona born about 1921
LongMary Eborn about 1846
LongNora born about 1891
LongWalter born about 1887
LuthAlbert born about 1917
LuthDonald born about 1933
LuthDorothy born about 1935
LuthElla born about 1920
LuthFrieda born about 1896
LuthOlga born about 1915
LuthOswald born about 1890
LuthRalph born about 1926
LyonE Jborn about 1890
LyonGladys born about 1892

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M Surnames

MaminBethel born about 1939
MaminDorothy born about 1912
MaminRay born about 1914
MaminShirley born about 1936
ManninEmaline born about 1881
ManninJames born about 1876
ManninJesse born about 1911
ManninJimmy born about 1937
ManninLee Aborn about 1939
ManninMuriel born about 1916
ManninOtha born about 1898
MarshallEdna born about 1903
MarshallFrank born about 1903
MarshallJames born about 1934
MartinClestes born about 1914
MartinEdna born about 1915
MartinRobert born about 1937
MathewsJacquelin born about 1927
MathewsJohn born about 1903
MathewsMeil born about 1932
MathewsRuth born about 1904
MayhallBemadean born about 1919
MayhallChester born about 1907
MayhallEster born about 1911
MayhallHenry born about 1881
MayhallIda born about 1887
MayhallLeo born about 1910
MayhallLindy Lborn about 1939
MayhallMary Jborn about 1927
MayhallNathen born about 1859
MayhallNoma born about 1929
MayhallSylvester born about 1918
McCallCarrie born about 1907
McCallDuane born about 1927
McCallJesse born about 1897
McClellandAmerica born about 1875
McClellandW Aborn about 1869
McCumberDean born about 1927
McCumberDwigert born about 1920
McCumberFlorence born about 1897
McCumberFrank born about 1894
McCumberLouise born about 1925
McCumberRaymond born about 1923
McCumberRobert born about 1921
McIntyreLouise born about 1886
McQueenBelle born about 1894
McQueenDavid Lborn about 1933
McQueenDon born about 1914
McQueenDona Jborn about 1935
McQueenEdward born about 1881
McQueenJames born about 1912
McQueenMildred born about 1917
McQueenOlive born about 1915
McQueenShirley Maeborn about 1936
MeltonHazel Mborn about 1936
MeltonJohn born about 1909
MeltonJohn Jr born about 1932
MercerRoy Eborn about 1929
MercerStella born about 1888
MillerClaude born about 1887
MillerHazel born about 1890
MillerMalinda born about 1860
MorranDan born about 1918
MorranEdgar born about 1887
MorranMary born about 1922
MorranSusie born about 1890
MullinaxAnna born about 1900
MullinaxBillie born about 1934
MullinaxCarl born about 1919
MullinaxCletus born about 1927
MullinaxHoward born about 1922
MullinaxLillian born about 1923
MurdoAlice born about 1920
MurdoR Marionborn about 1904
MurdockAlta born about 1905
MurdockRobert born about 1931
MurdockRuby born about 1928
MurdockRuth born about 1928
MurphyEd born about 1870
MurphyMinnie Jborn about 1876
MyersDochia born about 1887
MyersDorothy born about 1923
MyersGenevieve born about 1916
MyersGertrude born about 1892
MyersHarvey born about 1927
MyersMary Fernborn about 1924
MyersMaxine born about 1921
MyersNoah born about 1883
MyersRuby born about 1918

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N Surnames

NickalsonEster born about 1930

O Surnames

OwensBradie born about 1897
OwensCatherine born about 1924
OwensClodene born about 1927
OwensDandell born about 1939
OwensDelbert born about 1936
OwensHarry born about 1922
OwensHoover born about 1919
OwensIrene born about 1927
OwensMay born about 1901
OwensPhyllis born about 1934
OwensRuth born about 1919
OwensThomas born about 1913

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P Surnames

ParkerDavid born about 1875
ParrArthur born about 1897
ParrEdna B Xborn about 1871
ParrMaurine born about 1898
PeddycortEvyln born about 1924
PeddycortHarold born about 1917
PhippsBelle born about 1887
PhippsPaul born about 1917
PonderBessie born about 1910
PonderCarl Eborn about 1937
PonderCharles born about 1888
PonderHomer born about 1914
PonderHoward born about 1918
PonderLorene born about 1919
PonderLou born about 1890
PonderRobert born about 1940
PorchLaura born about 1899
PorterfieldArthur born about 1887
PorterfieldLyod born about 1915
PorterfieldMarcus born about 1881
PorterfieldNellie born about 1889
PorterfieldRuth born about 1920
PorterfieldTishia born about 1895
PowellEster born about 1903
PowellRobert born about 1894
ProsserEdith born about 1884
PylesAnna born about 1893
PylesBertha born about 1888
PylesClarence born about 1919
PylesFloyd born about 1926
PylesFrank born about 1883
PylesHerbert born about 1921
PylesJohn Cborn about 1888

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R Surnames

RaburnGene born about 1888
RaburnRose born about 1890
RedmanFred born about 1906
RedmanPauline born about 1911
RedmonDorothy born about 1914
RedmonElmer born about 1873
RedmonPaul born about 1911
RedmonRalph born about 1905
RedmonThelma born about 1934
ReederFrank born about 1889
ReederGertrude born about 1892
ReynoldaHazel born about 1911
ReynoldaRenos born about 1901
RhodesElma born about 1918
RhodesEugene born about 1915
RiceC Oborn about 1871
RiceLula Mborn about 1874
RiddleGerald born about 1931
RiddleImogene born about 1933
RiddleJames born about 1929
RiddleJosie born about 1906
RiddleMargarie born about 1925
RiddleWilliam Rborn about 1904
RileyBetty Jborn about 1938
RileyEdith born about 1914
RileyPaul born about 1912
RineJohn born about 1895
RineLeona born about 1900
RineShirley born about 1936
RobertaMartha born about 1875
RobertsonAltha Rborn about 1921
RobertsonGlen Eborn about 1928
RobertsonLula born about 1900
RobertsonMasen born about 1890
RobinsonMargaret born about 1898
RobinsonRalph born about 1901
RoseJohn born about 1869
RoseMarie born about 1899
RoseMary born about 1925
RoseMelvin born about 1923
RowenCora born about 1873
RutherfordFlorence born about 1895
RutherfordMary born about 1853

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S Surnames

SchafferBlanche born about 1917
SchafferElsie born about 1935
SchafferJimmy born about 1939
SchafferWilbur born about 1915
SchwizerAlice born about 1906
SchwizerElmer Jborn about 1913
SchwizerGloria born about 1929
SenclairAnita Leeborn about 1940
SenclairLouise born about 1922
ShullCharles born about 1935
ShullDwane born about 1939
ShullJames born about 1911
ShullJames Rborn about 1865
ShullRosalie born about 1914
ShullRuth born about 1933
ShunkDale born about 1934
ShunkDonald Rborn about 1937
ShunkDonna Kborn about 1937
ShunkIvan born about 1912
ShunkJaunita born about 1936
ShunkLeota born about 1914
SidrerEddie born about 1929
SidrerMontelle born about 1927
SiglerErnest born about 1923
SiglerHelen born about 1890
SiglerJohn Wborn about 1888
SiglerMargarine born about 1925
SiglerNoble born about 1921
SiglerSamuel born about 1918
SinclairErnest born about 1881
SinclairFrancis born about 1919
SkidmoreEvert born about 1893
SkidmoreLouise born about 1894
SmithAlvin born about 1867
SmithEstella born about 1883
SmithH Bborn about 1895
SmithHugh Lborn about 1881
SmithRosa Bborn about 1874
SmithRuby born about 1894
StablerEnery born about 1909
StablerInis born about 1912
StablerJackie born about 1931
StablerJohn born about 1933
StablerLeota born about 1935
StablerPeggy born about 1937
StatzerGuy born about 1918
StatzerMally born about 1878
SteepletonLois born about 1914
SteepletonMaurice born about 1906
SteepletonMaurice born about 1940
StippDarrell born about 1916
StippEdith born about 1922
StippEva born about 1896
StippOlive born about 1918
SturmCarrie born about 1877
SturmMary born about 1869
StutzConnie born about 1937
StutzKatherine born about 1918
StutzRobert born about 1917
StutzWoodrow born about 1915
SuttonErnest born about 1899
SuttonHester Leeborn about 1923
SuttonJulia Annborn about 1925
SuttonLucy born about 1900
SwangleCharlie born about 1880

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T Surnames

TaggartAlfred born about 1911
TaggartBessie born about 1892
TaggartFlorence born about 1930
TaggartHarold born about 1924
TaggartMalvin born about 1914
TaggartPaul born about 1916
TaggartRay born about 1926
ThomasLenora Bborn about 1868
ThomasWilliam Eborn about 1868
ThompsonLuciele born about 1925
ThompsonLuther Wborn about 1861
ThompsonMinnie Bborn about 1879
ThompsonOran born about 1871
ThompsonSadie born about 1869
TireesayUla born about 1891
TireesayWilliam born about 1889
ToddKenneth born about 1912
ToddMay born about 1887
ToddPaul born about 1910
ToddPerry born about 1879
TrautmanEdgar born about 1882
TrautmanMargret born about 1919
TrautmanStella born about 1880
TrimbleAmanda born about 1873
TrimbleRobert born about 1904
TurbyvilleOpel born about 1886
TurnerDonald born about 1931
TurnerHubert born about 1900
TurnerJunior born about 1933
TurnerLarry born about 1937
TurnerLolas born about 1928
TurnerMarilyn born about 1936
TurnerPearl born about 1907
TurnerRichard born about 1934
TurnerVerds born about 1926
TurpenEverett born about 1888
TurpenGrace born about 1883
TurpenLeroy born about 1914
TurpinEloise born about 1914
TurpinFrancis born about 1935
TurpinJames born about 1911
TurpinMary Lborn about 1937

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U Surnames

UnderwoodAlonge born about 1878
UnderwoodAmos born about 1915
UnderwoodErma born about 1912
UnderwoodErnest born about 1856
UnderwoodErnest Jr born about 1935
UnderwoodIda born about 1878
UnderwoodJane born about 1937
UnderwoodJoan born about 1939
UnderwoodPatricia born about 1934
UnderwoodPriscialla born about 1869
UnderwoodRalph born about 1870

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V Surnames

VarnerWard born about 1907
ViceDonald Lborn about 1936
ViceDoris Jborn about 1938
ViceLorraine born about 1912
ViceThelma Iborn about 1933
ViceWilliam Fborn about 1909
ViseAndy born about 1868
ViseRosa born about 1874
ViseRose Eborn about 1872

W Surnames

WackerConstance born about 1936
WackerInez Mborn about 1910
WackerJacqueline born about 1932
WackerOscar born about 1906
WallsAlice born about 1880
WallsDavid born about 1882
WallsGeorge Wborn about 1849
WallsMaude born about 1888
WallsScott born about 1890
WaltzIrene born about 1878
WarnesDelbert born about 1908
WarnesFaye born about 1908
WarnesGeorge Oborn about 1882
WarnesMabel Cborn about 1884
WarnesMartha Mborn about 1939
WarnesPatircia Aborn about 1932
WarnesRobert Fborn about 1935
WatsonHazel born about 1894
WatsonSidney born about 1894
WatsonWanita born about 1927
WebbMattie born about 1873
WelliverAlice born about 1921
WelliverBernt born about 1897
WelliverBertha born about 1909
WelliverBetty Louborn about 1925
WelliverKenneth born about 1939
WelliverLarry born about 1937
WelliverVan born about 1894
WelliverWanda born about 1927
WellsBarbara born about 1938
WellsCarol born about 1919
WellsEllen born about 1899
WellsJoan born about 1930
WellsLois born about 1935
WellsNathan born about 1885
WellsNathen born about 1924
WellsOliver born about 1888
WellsRuth born about 1887
WilcoxonCora Bborn about 1932
WilcoxonHershel born about 1928
WilcoxonIva born about 1902
WilcoxonLemuel born about 1879
WilcoxonLisa Mborn about 1938
WilcoxonOhal Lborn about 1935
WilcoxonRay born about 1930
WildmanCharlie born about 1877
WildmanWilma born about 1900
WilkersonMarion born about 1863
WilliamsAdne born about 1888
WilliamsClara born about 1922
WilliamsDonald born about 1914
WilliamsDonald born about 1932
WilliamsDorothy born about 1914
WilliamsElsie born about 1927
WilliamsEmma born about 1895
WilliamsGary Lborn about 1940
WilliamsGleason born about 1914
WilliamsGlen born about 1925
WilliamsJohn Rborn about 1928
WilliamsJoseph born about 1917
WilliamsLuke born about 1889
WilliamsMary born about 1903
WilliamsMolly born about 1859
WilliamsPaul born about 1905
WilliamsWilliam born about 1857
WoodineCelia born about 1859

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Y Surnames

YoungbloodEthel born about 1878
YoungbloodHoward born about 1875

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