1940 U.S. Federal Census of Ogden Hill, Cook, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Cook County > 1940 Census of Ogden Hill

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertJohn R Jrborn about 1932
AlbertRuth born about 1895
AlbertRuth Mborn about 1925
AlbrightSadie born about 1882
AlbrightVurtice born about 1906
AlfirevichAnthony born about 1921
AlfirevichMary born about 1889
AlfirevichMichael born about 1880
AlfirevichSteven born about 1914
AllenDavid born about 1937
AllenEvelyn born about 1917
AllenJean Mborn about 1935
AllenSidney born about 1905
AndersonDennis born about 1866
AndersonDennis born about 1919
AndersonGeorge born about 1917
AndersonIan born about 1928
AndersonJames born about 1920
AndersonJames born about 1940
AndersonLa Verna born about 1916
AndersonMargaret born about 1901
AndersonMargaret born about 1927
AndersonMarlen born about 1936
AndersonMartha born about 1917
AndersonNelle born about 1901
AndersonPatrick born about 1894
AndersonRegina born about 1902
AnsierFrank born about 1921
AnsierGeorge born about 1923
AnsierJohn born about 1920
AnsierMartha born about 1900
AnsierWilliam born about 1918
AntonKarl Fborn about 1907
AntonMarie Hborn about 1914
AntsimCharles Lborn about 1908
AntsimLemuel born about 1880
AntsimLeo Bborn about 1905
AntsimRosemary born about 1915
AntsimSubina born about 1874
ApplebaumMeyer born about 1913
ApplebaumTydell born about 1915
ArtHattie born about 1880
ArtLillian born about 1911
ArtRudolph born about 1874

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B Surnames

BakerAmanda born about 1895
BakerEmmett born about 1897
BakerJohn born about 1871
BakerKatie born about 1874
BarkerCecilia born about 1915
BarkerFrank born about 1888
BarkerGeorge born about 1913
BarrGordon born about 1906
BarrIrene born about 1909
BarrMarguerite Jborn about 1931
BasilSamuel born about 1891
BatruelDorothy born about 1927
BatruelElaine born about 1929
BatruelJohn Aborn about 1893
BatruelMadeline born about 1922
BatruelMary born about 1935
BatruelMatthew born about 1923
BatruelRose Mborn about 1896
BaulandCaroline born about 1859
BaulandFrank born about 1857
BauskeEmma born about 1910
BauskeRobert born about 1934
BauskeWalter born about 1907
BayerDonald Wborn about 1933
BayerMargaret Bborn about 1904
BayerPaul Aborn about 1899
BayerPaul Tborn about 1930
BazzellDorothy born about 1910
BazzellDwight born about 1905
BeamerDonald born about 1902
BeamerMildred born about 1925
BeamerNina born about 1892
BebbDale born about 1913
BebbGeneva born about 1916
BebbMae born about 1893
BebbVeray born about 1916
BeilBarbara born about 1906
BeilCarl born about 1932
BeilEleanor born about 1939
BeilMartin born about 1910
BeilMatthias born about 1899
BeilWilliam born about 1933
BenedictAlbert born about 1908
BenedictGertrude born about 1907
BergestromEunice born about 1905
BergestromMarshall born about 1899
BerkhardClara Dborn about 1913
BerkhardRobert Wborn about 1912
BernthAnna born about 1886
BernthChristian born about 1914
BernthFelix born about 1887
BernthMyrtle born about 1918
BiateEsther born about 1896
BiateHerbert born about 1923
BiateMaurice born about 1921
BiateRalph born about 1927
BinderEdmund born about 1875
BinderEdmund born about 1907
BinderMargaret born about 1883
BittnerFrank Eborn about 1890
BocikJames born about 1888
BodnarEdward born about 1900
BodnarJoseph born about 1892
BogerBernice born about 1923
BogerEdward born about 1888
BogerRose born about 1893
BolandAnna born about 1895
BolandEileen born about 1916
BolandWilliam born about 1883
BolandWilliam Jr born about 1920
BoothAlice born about 1915
BrandstetterCaroline born about 1889
BrandstetterDorothy born about 1923
BrandstetterElsie born about 1921
BrandstetterGilda born about 1925
BrandstetterHenry born about 1886
BrandtArnold born about 1881
BrandtGrace born about 1919
BrandtJeannette born about 1924
BrandtMary born about 1890
BrittsHenry born about 1882
BrittsMary born about 1880
BrooksBobette born about 1922
BrooksDaryl born about 1939
BrooksJohn Rborn about 1894
BrooksLillian born about 1895
BrooksLillian Lborn about 1927
BrooksMarie Rborn about 1914
BrooksOrville Cborn about 1912
BrosiusEarnest Jborn about 1890
BrosiusHelen Bborn about 1899
BroughamEthel born about 1912
BroughamJames Jborn about 1939
BroughamWilliam Cborn about 1935
BroughamWilliam Mborn about 1909
BrownEdgar Eborn about 1910
BrownGertrude born about 1910
BruceEvelyn born about 1907
BruceWilliam Oborn about 1899
BrunnerHoward Gborn about 1903
BrunnerHoward Rborn about 1927
BrunnerMildred Mborn about 1904
BucherEdward born about 1905
BucherJean born about 1929
BucherJoan born about 1933
BucherJohn born about 1933
BucherMargaret born about 1908
BurnsCarol born about 1927
BurnsCatherine born about 1918
BurnsElaine born about 1931
BurnsJohn born about 1889
BurnsKatherine born about 1878
BurnsSigrid born about 1891
BurnsWilliam born about 1888
BurtonEsther born about 1906
BurtonHoward born about 1904
BurtonHoward Royborn about 1930
BurtonLulu born about 1928
BurtonRobert born about 1927
BurtonThomas born about 1932
BurtonWilliam born about 1938
ButlerCatherine born about 1871
ButlerWilliam Tborn about 1888

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C Surnames

CareyHanna born about 1881
CarrollDella born about 1886
CarrollJerome born about 1920
CarrollMary born about 1915
CarrollPhillip born about 1924
CarrollThomas born about 1885
CarrollThomas Jr born about 1919
CaseyMarion born about 1927
CaseyOpal born about 1908
CaseyRobert born about 1935
CaseyRoy born about 1904
CassidyEsther born about 1905
CassidyJames Tborn about 1898
CassidyNellie born about 1886
ChapmanCatherine born about 1892
ChardCharles Wborn about 1900
ChardGertrude Kborn about 1895
ChearGustave born about 1873
ChoppFlorence Mborn about 1908
ChristianElizabeth born about 1915
ChristianJames born about 1913
ChwaszczewskiFelix born about 1891
ChwaszczewskiFelix born about 1927
ChwaszczewskiFrances born about 1893
ChwaszczewskiMatthew born about 1925
ChwaszczewskiRichard born about 1929
ChwaszczewskiSteven born about 1923
ChyskaElmer born about 1913
ClarkeSarah born about 1865
ClarkeWilliam Jborn about 1894
ClarksonCharles born about 1875
ClarksonElizabeth born about 1883
ClemensFlory born about 1896
ClemensKate born about 1892
ClineJohn born about 1931
ClineJoseph born about 1924
ClineMary born about 1928
ClineRall Jborn about 1905
ClineTheresa born about 1903
CoffeyJohn Mborn about 1889
CoffeyLouise Cborn about 1886
CohnAbe born about 1898
CohnJerome born about 1922
CohnRose born about 1901
CohnStanley born about 1929
ColaoThomas Aborn about 1906
ColegraveFrank born about 1864
CollinsBridgie born about 1895
CollinsMartin born about 1890
CollinsThomas born about 1922
CondonAgnes born about 1891
CondonHugh born about 1924
CondonThomas born about 1885
CondonThomas born about 1921
ConradMartha born about 1893
ConradRuth born about 1919
ContalAnthony Wborn about 1910
ContalHilda Rborn about 1912
CorbettMary born about 1900
CostelloAdeline Tborn about 1916
CostelloLawrence Jborn about 1913
CoxRev Clinton Cborn about 1890
CoxStella born about 1888
CoxVivian born about 1921
CrockerTena born about 1881
CroninEleanor born about 1897
CroninMary born about 1931
CroninRobert born about 1930
CroninWilliam born about 1893
CussenChristine born about 1881
CussenThomas born about 1883

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D Surnames

DaviesMargaret born about 1886
DaviesWynne born about 1915
DavisEuphemia born about 1897
DavisJames born about 1919
DelinAnthony born about 1895
DemiereJosephine born about 1917
DemiereJosephine Tborn about 1883
DemiereKathryn born about 1926
DemiereLillian born about 1924
DemiereLucille born about 1921
DemiereMichael born about 1871
DemierePauline born about 1912
DemkoRose born about 1896
DemkoSamuel born about 1892
DemkoSamuel born about 1922
DemkoSteven born about 1920
DerowinAnton born about 1896
DerowinCarrie born about 1898
DerowinHarold born about 1919
DombrowskiJohn Eborn about 1938
DombrowskiMarie born about 1909
DombrowskiMatthias born about 1905
DombrowskiWilliam born about 1939
DoreMary Cborn about 1872
DoreRobert Mborn about 1870
DrapAndrew born about 1900
DrapMary born about 1901
DucharmeJames born about 1913
DucharmeMargaret born about 1919
DusablonArmand born about 1912
DusablonArmand Jr born about 1936
DusablonLouise born about 1915
DyerAlyci born about 1918
DyerLouis born about 1914
DyerMark born about 1939

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E Surnames

EarniskeJune born about 1902
EarniskeLouis born about 1876
EarniskeWalter born about 1912
EarsmanSophie born about 1903
EcklundMargaret born about 1910
EffertyFrank born about 1904
EffertyLa Verne born about 1930
EffertyMae born about 1899
EickstaedtAugusta born about 1866
EickstaedtElsie born about 1892
EiterAlma born about 1899
EiterGeorge born about 1889
EiterGeorge Jr born about 1933
EkstromHarriet born about 1912
EkstromRalph born about 1910
ElyRoy born about 1916
ElyThelma born about 1919
EtiennaJoseph born about 1911
EtiennaNancy born about 1916

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F Surnames

FarrellHelen Mborn about 1896
FarrellJoseph Sborn about 1892
FearGeorge Eborn about 1861
FearLouise Mborn about 1868
FennellFrank born about 1901
FennellMarie born about 1902
FennellMary born about 1905
FennellRobert born about 1936
FennellWalter born about 1900
FiehlMarie born about 1870
FisherGustave born about 1884
FitzgeraldJohn born about 1887
FitzpatrickFred born about 1918
FitzpatrickIrene born about 1895
FlahertyFrances born about 1922
FlahertyMichael born about 1915
FlynnFrank born about 1923
FlynnJerry born about 1885
FlynnJerry born about 1920
FlynnJohn born about 1919
FlynnJoseph born about 1922
FlynnKavin born about 1928
FlynnMary born about 1898
FlynnRobert born about 1930
FonsAlice Cborn about 1899
FonsLawrence Jborn about 1900
FonsRonald Wborn about 1935
FoxAnna Bborn about 1892
FoxFrances born about 1922
FoxFred born about 1898
FoxGeorge born about 1911
FoxHerman born about 1869
FoxJoanna born about 1935
FoxJoseph born about 1880
FoxKensey born about 1924
FoxLena born about 1875
FoxMarget born about 1937
FoxMinnie born about 1865
FoxPatricia born about 1920
FoxPearl born about 1887
FoxRobert born about 1928
FoxW Haroldborn about 1887
FraekeEmma born about 1883
FrancisHelen born about 1914
FrancisJohn born about 1909
FrederickJohn born about 1904
FrederickMary born about 1907

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G Surnames

GainesChristine Dborn about 1897
GainesClaude Sborn about 1899
GainesShirley born about 1926
GallagherDale born about 1938
GallagherGene born about 1898
GallagherGene Jr born about 1936
GallagherIrene born about 1908
GardnerThomas born about 1906
GarwoodMary born about 1909
GatesElsie born about 1888
GatesHattie born about 1863
GawleyJames born about 1869
GawleyMary born about 1865
GendronJoseph born about 1900
GendronMary born about 1909
GerharzWilliam born about 1898
GirebelEmma born about 1875
GirebelMax born about 1873
GleyBertha born about 1903
GleyCharles born about 1899
GleyCharles born about 1929
GleyOlga born about 1902
GleyShirley born about 1934
GofronGenevieve born about 1919
GofronStanley born about 1915
GolikTillie born about 1917
GolikVincent born about 1914
GongolaJoseph born about 1927
GongolaStanley born about 1894
GongolaStanley Jr born about 1926
GoodfellowAnna born about 1859
GoodmanInez born about 1918
GrallEarl born about 1930
GrallEmma born about 1898
GrallRichard born about 1925
GrangerBarbara born about 1937
GrangerKathleen born about 1901
GrangerNelson Rborn about 1897
GrangerWilliam born about 1932
GrimBenjamin born about 1884
GrimWendla born about 1881
GroveBlanche born about 1920
GroveEdward born about 1917
GrubisichAnthony born about 1895
GrubisichAnthony born about 1927
GrubisichFrank born about 1932
GrubisichMary born about 1905
GrubisichMary Janeborn about 1938
GuntherAlfred born about 1922
GuntherHelen born about 1895
GuntherHenry born about 1919
GuntherSigmund born about 1892
GusichMichael born about 1892
GusichRose born about 1901
GutkowskiMageline born about 1872
GutkowskiPearl born about 1912

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H Surnames

HadsenEarl born about 1904
HadsenHelen born about 1905
HakalmazianIsrael born about 1901
HakalmazianRose born about 1909
HambrightJohn Cborn about 1897
HambrightLydia born about 1895
HamelHelena born about 1902
HamelWilliam born about 1896
HanlinAlice born about 1925
HanlinLillian born about 1926
HansenDoris born about 1927
HansenFrieda born about 1893
HansenKenneth born about 1933
HansenLorraine born about 1924
HansenMatthew born about 1895
HappeJoseph Cborn about 1886
HappeMargaret born about 1892
HarderHelen born about 1905
HarderHonor born about 1927
HarderMarlene born about 1937
HarderRobert born about 1925
HarderWilbur born about 1906
HarderWilbur Jr born about 1928
HardwidgeAlbert Eborn about 1922
HardwidgeEarnest born about 1887
HardwidgeNellie Aborn about 1887
HardwidgeWilliam Eborn about 1929
HarshmanVirgil born about 1903
HarshmanWilmina born about 1906
HarveyKitty born about 1890
HarveyLouise born about 1913
HarveyRalph born about 1912
HaudekBernadette born about 1920
HedeenBlanche born about 1908
HedeenEmma born about 1876
HedeenFrithiof born about 1876
HeindelAlice born about 1901
HeindelClair born about 1905
HeindelElizabeth Lborn about 1936
HeindelPatricia Mborn about 1934
HeineEmma born about 1860
HengstBernard born about 1908
HengstCoral Annborn about 1937
HengstHelen born about 1912
HerbertA Williamborn about 1924
HerbertEdward born about 1917
HerbertEvelyn born about 1918
HerbertHarold born about 1913
HerbertLillian Cborn about 1917
HerbertRuth born about 1916
HerbertWayne born about 1937
HerbertWilliam born about 1939
HerbertWilliam Aborn about 1888
HillardClarice born about 1904
HillardGeorge Jborn about 1864
HillardJeral born about 1935
HillardOlga born about 1869
HillardWalter born about 1904
HobbsCharles Wmborn about 1897
HobbsEmily Mborn about 1896
HoulihanEdward born about 1907
HoulihanEdward Jr born about 1937
HoulihanEllen born about 1909

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J Surnames

JacobMarion born about 1901
JacobRobert born about 1930
JeanbergAll born about 1892
JeanbergNellie born about 1895
JensenDonald Hborn about 1919
JohnsonAmy born about 1893
JohnsonGertrude born about 1900
JohnsonHarry born about 1892
JohnsonHilmer born about 1893
JordanEllen born about 1878
JordanKent born about 1921
JordanMaybelle born about 1900
JustyAlbert born about 1920

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K Surnames

KainGarber born about 1894
KalbeAlbert born about 1895
KalbeThresa born about 1887
KatilCecilia born about 1900
KatilJoseph born about 1889
KattererClara born about 1886
KattererEdward born about 1886
KattererRobert born about 1923
KeaneAgnes born about 1899
KeaneColette born about 1924
KeaneDonald born about 1925
KeaneEdward Pborn about 1898
KeaneEdward P Jrborn about 1926
KeaneJames born about 1928
KeaneJohn born about 1930
KeaneMary Janeborn about 1932
KeaneMyra born about 1900
KeaneWilliam born about 1930
KellyMargaret born about 1907
KellyMartin Tborn about 1903
KemmlerElaine born about 1927
KemmlerEmma born about 1901
KemmlerHarry born about 1899
KemmlerShirley born about 1924
KempfAlvin Rborn about 1919
KempfJane Eborn about 1887
KempfWarren Rborn about 1921
KempfWayne Lborn about 1922
KempfWilliam Hborn about 1887
KennedyBertha born about 1898
KennedyCharles born about 1919
KennedyJames born about 1894
KennedyJames born about 1901
KennedyJames Bernardborn about 1918
KennedyJames Jborn about 1926
KennedyMarie born about 1895
KennedyMary Roseborn about 1925
KevaneJim born about 1907
KimmeDorothy born about 1922
KimmeFred born about 1894
KimmeFreda born about 1915
KimmeMyrtle born about 1895
KinnayLouise born about 1895
KleinkeAlpheus born about 1911
KleinkeFrederick born about 1917
KleinkeGladys born about 1926
KleinkeLa Verne born about 1919
KlepstzDorothy born about 1931
KlepstzJulius born about 1902
KlepstzMeta born about 1904
KlepstzNorman born about 1929
KlinkhomerLeo born about 1911
KlinkhomerVeronica born about 1916
KnocheAnna Bborn about 1882
KnocheWilliam Pborn about 1870
KoenigArleen born about 1935
KoenigEmil born about 1908
KoenigNorene born about 1915
KoenigRonald born about 1939
KogutMary born about 1916
KopasBobette born about 1911
KopasCarl born about 1879
KopasCarl born about 1909
KopasCarol born about 1938
KopasEmma born about 1884
KrauseJoseph born about 1921
KrauseWalter born about 1910
KreppsKenneth born about 1920
KreutzAnna born about 1870
KreutzArthur born about 1896
KreutzRobert born about 1935
KuchanAngelo born about 1898
KuchanEdward born about 1927
KuchanGloria born about 1906
KuchanMatthew born about 1888
KuchanWilliam born about 1928
KumkeFred born about 1898
KumkeHelen born about 1899
KumkeJohn born about 1930

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L Surnames

LablancArthur born about 1887
LablancNellie born about 1892
LagoniElmer born about 1919
LagoniGeorge born about 1899
LagoniGeorge Jr born about 1929
LagoniHans born about 1878
LagoniHarold born about 1916
LagoniMaria born about 1875
LagoniMary born about 1899
LagoniRaymond born about 1931
LandisAdolph Hborn about 1895
LandisBeatrice born about 1904
LauschMinnie born about 1868
LauschOscar born about 1865
LawlerMary Jborn about 1881
LawlerMichael Cborn about 1878
LayoniCaroline Hborn about 1903
LeeceGladys born about 1902
LeknherrCatherine born about 1921
LeknherrWilliam born about 1912
LeonardJames Jborn about 1874
LightEdith born about 1940
LightJoseph born about 1916
LightRuth born about 1918
LillyCharles Wborn about 1918
LillyCharles W Jrborn about 1939
LillyNancy born about 1916
LingCarl Eborn about 1913
LingEleanore Sborn about 1916
LinkMary Janeborn about 1876
LivishJames born about 1875
LivishMillie born about 1889
LivishTheodore born about 1922
LivishWilliam born about 1923
LongHubbard born about 1929
LongRamon Jborn about 1893
LorenzenAnna born about 1874
LorenzenDorothy born about 1912
LucasAnn born about 1915
LucasHenry born about 1916
LucasJoseph born about 1910
LucasJoseph Jr born about 1940
LucasNellie born about 1916
LundyJames Jborn about 1910
LundyJohn Lborn about 1872
LundyJohn Jr born about 1901
LundyMary Mborn about 1875
LundyRaymond Aborn about 1896
LyerlyAnn Nborn about 1915
LyerlyHarry Aborn about 1911

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M Surnames

MangelaLouis born about 1895
MarksAbraham born about 1906
MarksBernice born about 1914
MarksHarold born about 1911
MarsbakAdeline born about 1927
MarsbakEsther born about 1916
MarsbakFreda born about 1887
MarsbakMary Annborn about 1914
MarsbakSamuel born about 1887
MasbachArthur born about 1900
MattElla born about 1894
MattFred born about 1884
MattHoward born about 1920
MattShirley born about 1927
MattWalter born about 1923
McBrideBennett born about 1890
McCormackNancy Roseborn about 1940
McCormackNell born about 1914
McCormackPaul born about 1914
McCueigLillian Bborn about 1907
McCueigNorman Dborn about 1896
McEdeanHarold born about 1915
McEdeanVirginia born about 1919
McFarlandAnnette born about 1910
McFarlandJohn born about 1910
McGinleyJohn born about 1905
McGinnisAnna born about 1891
McGinnisDorothy born about 1925
McGinnisFrank born about 1891
McGinnisGertrude born about 1921
McGovernAnna born about 1901
McGovernDorothy born about 1924
McGovernMarylin born about 1930
McGovernPatricia born about 1934
McGovernTerrance born about 1939
McGovernWilliam born about 1902
McInerneyMargaret born about 1879
McInerneyPatrick Jborn about 1909
McKayCora born about 1913
McKayJames born about 1913
McKenneMargaret born about 1882
McLaughlanFrank born about 1913
McLaughlanWinifred born about 1917
McMahonLillian born about 1889
McMillanClarinda born about 1910
McMillanGwendolyn born about 1933
McMillanLawrence born about 1910
McMillanMay born about 1889
McMillanRichard born about 1937
McNicholasMary born about 1907
McNicholasPatrick born about 1902
MelodyHelen born about 1909
MelodyHelen Roseborn about 1939
MelodyJohn born about 1907
MerotMargaret born about 1887
MerotRobert born about 1882
MetzgerLora born about 1876
MeyerLester Jborn about 1907
MeyerViolet born about 1907
MicetichAnthony born about 1912
MicetichLoretta born about 1919
MicetichPeter born about 1890
MietheCarl Wborn about 1882
MillanMorton born about 1894
MillerMary born about 1862
MillerMolly born about 1900
MisheikoFred born about 1888
MisheikoMary born about 1887
MitchellFrank born about 1901
MontazAugust born about 1877
MontazEmily born about 1876
MoodyBenjamin born about 1890
MoodyMabel born about 1895
MoodyWilliam born about 1928
MoranMary born about 1887
MorgansenFred Jborn about 1895
MorgansenMeta born about 1864
MurphyIrene born about 1902
MurrayAnn born about 1888
MurtaughCatherine Tborn about 1894
MurtaughJohn born about 1892
MurtaughRita Sborn about 1925
MurtaughRobert Tborn about 1928
MurtaughThomas Aborn about 1894
MurtaughThomas Jborn about 1926
MusickMaraveen born about 1931
MyersBernard born about 1937
MyersDolores born about 1933
MyersHelen born about 1905
MyersJay born about 1903
MyersJay Jr born about 1939
MyersPatricia born about 1935
MyersRichard born about 1932

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N Surnames

NelsonArther born about 1892
NelsonHelen born about 1888
NelsonLawrence born about 1884
NelsonMarion born about 1927
NelsonVera born about 1897
NessMary born about 1871
NessMatthew born about 1900
NeudorferEva born about 1893
NeudorferLeonard born about 1920
NeudorferLois born about 1924
NeudorferMax born about 1893
NewmanElsie Mborn about 1895
NewmanPatricia J Mborn about 1933
NiedermanBernard born about 1899
NiedermanIra born about 1929
NiedermanLeah born about 1903
NielsonAndrew born about 1879
NielsonChristine born about 1889
NielsonDonald born about 1919
NielsonMay born about 1886
NielsonZella born about 1907
NorwichFrank born about 1870
NorwichMary born about 1893
NorwichWalter born about 1931
NorwickEstelle born about 1916
NorwickWalter born about 1908

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O Surnames

OconnorEdward born about 1905
OconnorEileen born about 1938
OconnorMary born about 1906
OdellBertha born about 1904
OdellHarvey born about 1900
OdonnellMary born about 1910
OdonnellPatrick born about 1902
OdriscollCatherine born about 1896
OdriscollCornelius born about 1897
OdriscollCornelius Jr born about 1920
OdriscollJames born about 1926
OdriscollRobert born about 1933
OlingerMinnie born about 1867
OliverEdward born about 1900
OliverThomas born about 1933
OliverVeronica born about 1897
OlsonLester Jborn about 1911
OlsonMary Cborn about 1914
OrielAlice born about 1890
OswaldAugust born about 1892
OswaldSteve born about 1903
OtoolePatrick Jborn about 1901

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P Surnames

PahlEileen born about 1929
PahlLucille born about 1911
PahlRichard born about 1930
PahlmannAnna born about 1907
PahlmannHenry born about 1893
PahlmannHenry Jr born about 1931
PahlmannMary born about 1928
PaineAlice Mborn about 1896
PaineAlice Mborn about 1919
PaineLeslie Aborn about 1893
PalichJoseph Cborn about 1903
PalichJoseph Mborn about 1924
PalichMarie Cborn about 1928
PalichMayme Aborn about 1905
PattisDavid born about 1925
PattisHarold born about 1898
PattisHoward born about 1940
PattisRose born about 1905
PayneJohn Jborn about 1890
PearsonDorothy born about 1922
PearsonEdwin born about 1891
PearsonHelen born about 1900
PearsonVerner born about 1929
PeplowRaymond born about 1916
PerrenEdward born about 1899
PerrenElizabeth born about 1901
PerrenElizabeth Jeanborn about 1928
PetersenHenry born about 1883
PetersonDarlene born about 1921
PetersonFlorence born about 1881
PetersonFred born about 1920
PetersonMarinus born about 1885
PetersonMary born about 1885
PetersonMary born about 1917
PetersonOscar born about 1886
PiebanHenry born about 1908
PiebanMarie born about 1935
PiebanMarjorie born about 1907
PlahnEric born about 1892
PlahnEric Jr born about 1920
PlahnEvelyn born about 1920
PlahnMargaret born about 1896
PleissJoseph born about 1910
PohlmannAugust born about 1859
PohlmannJuliana born about 1864
PorterKenneth Lborn about 1911
PorterVerna Eborn about 1912
PostJames Hborn about 1890
PostMarilyn born about 1923
PoverGertrude born about 1908
PoverJames born about 1907
PowersCaroline born about 1929
PowersJoanne born about 1933
PowersRose born about 1899
PowersRosemarie born about 1930
PowersVictor born about 1900
PowersVirginia born about 1934
PriestAlbert born about 1930
PriestCatherine born about 1917
PriestIna born about 1922
PriestMagaret born about 1921
PriestMary born about 1888
PriestMary born about 1923
PriestRichard born about 1926
PriscalEdward born about 1874
PriscalMaggie born about 1881
PutzArthur born about 1908
PutzDonald born about 1931
PutzMarcella born about 1912

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Q Surnames

QuinnDonato Cborn about 1914
QuinnGertrude born about 1919

R Surnames

ReganLucy born about 1865
ReidyMarybeth born about 1922
ReidyMyrtle born about 1902
ReidyWilliam born about 1924
RenneAlma born about 1913
RenneGertrude born about 1880
RenneHenry born about 1876
RoopLe Roy born about 1916
RoopMary born about 1920
RoseDorothy born about 1929
RoseJames born about 1880
RoseMarjorie born about 1919
RoseNellie born about 1883
RoseShirley born about 1926
RosengweigBernard born about 1900
RosengweigCharlotte born about 1929
RosengweigRegina born about 1900
RosensteinAbe born about 1889
RosensteinJette born about 1860
RosensteinMax born about 1854
RosensteinMay born about 1892
RosensteinMyron born about 1918
RosmussenMarie born about 1878
RossLewis born about 1881
RubyFrances born about 1906
RubyGeorge born about 1906
RubyShirley born about 1926
RudquistArthur born about 1905
RudquistOlaf born about 1869
RudquistWilliam born about 1904
RuppJoseph born about 1863
RuppPauline born about 1879
RuzicGeorge born about 1921
RuzicJoseph born about 1923
RuzicMarie born about 1929
RuzicMary born about 1896
RuzicSamuel born about 1893
RuzicSamuel born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabbeHenry Lborn about 1893
SabbeTheresa born about 1895
SabbeWilliam born about 1925
SallasGeorge born about 1925
SallasGus born about 1928
SallasJohn born about 1898
SallasPaul born about 1922
SallasPeter born about 1926
SallasVirginia born about 1905
SarrosMichael born about 1884
SarrosPeter born about 1890
SavageDonil Bborn about 1926
SavageMadonna born about 1904
SavageStephen Bborn about 1902
SavageVance Arnoldborn about 1927
SchiltzKaren born about 1938
SchiltzLeo born about 1914
SchiltzMarie born about 1915
ScullionJoseph born about 1898
ScullyJames Jborn about 1871
ScullyMary Aborn about 1880
SeamanCaroline born about 1885
SeldersAnna born about 1883
SeldersGeorge born about 1920
SeldersHarvey born about 1871
SeldersPearl born about 1925
SeldersRose born about 1914
SheltrawJames Eborn about 1897
SheltrawMaxie born about 1895
SicokisGeorge born about 1888
SicokisNicholas born about 1892
SicokisPanagiota born about 1895
SiegelClement born about 1882
SiegelLeopoldine born about 1887
SilovicMilan born about 1884
SilovicWilliam born about 1912
SilovicYvonne born about 1891
SimmonsJohnnie Eborn about 1913
SimmonsLillian Mborn about 1917
SimonsonWilhelmina born about 1862
SinclairCatherine born about 1898
SinclairKathleen born about 1919
SinclairMuriel born about 1921
SinclairVirginia born about 1928
SitekDorothy born about 1927
SitekGertrude born about 1903
SitekJoseph born about 1898
SitekSylvester born about 1922
SlackElsworth born about 1928
SlackIda born about 1895
SlackRobert born about 1886
SmithBessie born about 1890
SmithCargie born about 1898
SmithCharles Tborn about 1910
SmithDouglas born about 1899
SmithEsther born about 1906
SmithEvelyn born about 1914
SmithHarold born about 1909
SmithJames born about 1901
SmithJean born about 1900
SmithJohn born about 1901
SmithJohn born about 1923
SmithLillian born about 1928
SmithMary born about 1903
SmithRobert born about 1926
SpearsDorothy born about 1923
SpearsElizabeth born about 1903
SpearsFred born about 1906
SpillmanNathan born about 1889
StablerCharles born about 1877
StablerLetticia born about 1880
StablerThelma born about 1915
StclairMaude born about 1876
StclairVernon Jborn about 1882
StebbinsCharles Dborn about 1888
StebbinsEmma Aborn about 1891
StephensAnnette born about 1912
StephensLester born about 1913
StietzVivien born about 1916
StokesFrank Aborn about 1910
StokesViola Rborn about 1910
StonerHarold born about 1933
StonerLillian born about 1931
StonerRozell born about 1905
StrahammerJoseph born about 1899
StrahammerMargaret born about 1906
StrahammerWilma born about 1928
StreklowEdward born about 1904
StronerAlice born about 1891
StronerJames born about 1888
StronerViolet born about 1922
StyxClarence born about 1917
StyxMarie born about 1906
SullivanAnna born about 1896
SullivanBernard born about 1918
SullivanDaniel born about 1908
SullivanJune born about 1917
SullivanMary born about 1864
SullivanMary Lborn about 1894
SullivanWilliam Jborn about 1864
SummerfieldArthur born about 1911
SusnjaraAnte born about 1896
SutanovichJacob born about 1894
SwansonClara born about 1912
SwansonGeorge Sborn about 1908
SwansonGeorge S Jrborn about 1934
SwansonJean Lborn about 1932
SypienAdolph born about 1910
SypienAnn born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TamsJohanna born about 1871
TaylorAlice born about 1889
TaylorHelen born about 1915
TaylorJames born about 1903
TaylorJames born about 1914
TaylorJoan born about 1939
TaylorJohn born about 1897
TaylorJohn Jborn about 1921
TaylorMarilyn born about 1936
TaylorMinnie born about 1899
TechnerJohn born about 1919
TechnerRuth born about 1896
TesmondJames Jborn about 1899
TesslerFrancis born about 1923
TesslerFrank born about 1890
TesslerRose born about 1894
ThomasCatherine born about 1901
ThompsonAgnes born about 1880
ThompsonCatherine born about 1920
ThompsonMagnus born about 1876
ThompsonMarjorie born about 1922
ThompsonRuth born about 1918
TobojaJohn born about 1915
TobojaJulia born about 1910
TuckerAgnes born about 1888
TuckerJohn born about 1885
TuckerWilliam born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UtheGeraldine born about 1923
UtheLevon born about 1924
UtheMilton born about 1903
UtheOlga born about 1903

V Surnames

ValichMargaret born about 1901
ValichThomas born about 1890
VetterFred born about 1894
VoglisAlex born about 1895

W Surnames

WagnerFrederick born about 1906
WagnerHanna born about 1914
WahlenEdith born about 1908
WahlenFredolph born about 1906
WahlenNancy born about 1934
WalichDaniel born about 1919
WalterHarry Cborn about 1887
WalterLaura born about 1887
WalterWilliam born about 1915
WaltersFrances born about 1877
WaltersHenry born about 1874
WeberElizabeth born about 1889
WeberJacob Jborn about 1888
WeberLorraine Eborn about 1917
WeberMarion born about 1919
WeberThomas born about 1924
WeischedelAllen born about 1934
WeischedelGustave born about 1902
WeischedelKatherine born about 1902
WeischedelRobert born about 1924
WernerAnn born about 1916
WernerHarold born about 1909
WesselhoffAnn born about 1922
WesselhoffCarl born about 1891
WesselhoffCarl Jr born about 1928
WesselhoffMarie born about 1885
WettbeckerRuth born about 1914
WhiteJohn born about 1879
WilliamsJohn Rborn about 1890
WilliamsRobert born about 1921
WillnerDorothy born about 1906
WillnerEdward born about 1905
WillnerEleanor born about 1930
WillnerLa Verne born about 1926
WillsBeulah born about 1924
WillsJoseph born about 1921
WillsNora born about 1895
WilsonSusie born about 1873
WitnyMarilyn born about 1934
WitnyMarion born about 1913
WitnyPeter born about 1902
WokerlinEmma born about 1877
WokerlinGeorge born about 1873
WraithAnna born about 1878
WraithCharles born about 1915
WraithFrank born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YakaitisFrank Jborn about 1894
YakaitisMargaret born about 1876

Z Surnames

ZaferesJames born about 1898
ZanderCora born about 1893
ZanderHubert born about 1890

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