1940 U.S. Federal Census of Pisgah Township, Morgan, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Morgan County > 1940 Census of Pisgah Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsMaysie Aborn about 1879
AlcornCicero born about 1915
AlcornDillie Cborn about 1889
AlcornKatha Eborn about 1913
AllenJesse Dborn about 1922
AllenJessie Gborn about 1879
AllenLoren Eborn about 1909
AllenNellie Mborn about 1882
AllenRaymond Lborn about 1920
AllenSam born about 1876
AllenWilliam Eborn about 1882
AndersonBernice born about 1917
AndersonBeverley Jborn about 1938
AndersonCarl Oborn about 1890
AndersonChes Yborn about 1914
AndersonFlora Lborn about 1909
AndersonGladys Lborn about 1935
AndersonJerry Yborn about 1939
AndersonLaura Yborn about 1892
AndersonMildred Lborn about 1932
AndersonPaul Eborn about 1917
AndersonRaymond Hborn about 1919
AndersonSamuel born about 1898
AtwoodAmelia Zborn about 1916
AtwoodBarbara Aborn about 1936
AtwoodJoseph Hborn about 1905
AtwoodWilliam Hborn about 1935
AustiffMartha Eborn about 1913
AustiffMelvin Eborn about 1911
AustiffRichard Eborn about 1936
AustiffRobert Sborn about 1939

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B Surnames

BackerGeneva Vborn about 1910
BackerRonald Mborn about 1931
BackerW Arvelborn about 1906
BallengerLeonard Wborn about 1920
BarrowsAileen Mborn about 1906
BarrowsDon Eborn about 1939
BarrowsPaul Eborn about 1896
BarrowsWm Eborn about 1933
BatemanLaura Lborn about 1893
BaumgartnerWilliam Oborn about 1878
BeckJames Eborn about 1934
BeckJames Oborn about 1915
BeckJeannine Dborn about 1936
BeckPatricia Hborn about 1939
BeckThelma Mborn about 1916
BeckerCrill Mborn about 1934
BeckerHoward Eborn about 1908
BeckmanJohn born about 1903
BennettCharles born about 1852
BerkmanHattie Jborn about 1865
BerkmanW M Mborn about 1871
BradshawElizabeth Cborn about 1923
BradshawHarry Dborn about 1902
BradshawJohn Fborn about 1922
BradshawNelda Dborn about 1925
BradshawSusanne born about 1905
BredullEthel Mborn about 1939
BredullH Charlesborn about 1940
BredullHartley born about 1904
BredullHazel Lborn about 1911
BredullReth Bborn about 1934
BredullVelma Lborn about 1933
BurtonAnella Aborn about 1917
BurtonKenneth Wborn about 1938
BurtonMerle Eborn about 1939
BurtonWarren Cborn about 1912
BurtonWilbur Hborn about 1937

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C Surnames

CammBarnard Aborn about 1904
CammClara Eborn about 1908
CammKatherine Eborn about 1877
CammMargaret Vborn about 1902
CammSam Jborn about 1877
CarpenterAlvin Nborn about 1882
CarpenterEdith Gborn about 1890
ChilclessCarl Rborn about 1935
ChilclessFreda Jborn about 1912
ChilclessJohn born about 1910
ChilclessKenneth Eborn about 1933
ChilclessLawrence Lborn about 1930
ChilclessSlen Lborn about 1937
ChristenEthel Lborn about 1908
ChristenLouis Gborn about 1897
ClaytonJoe born about 1917
ColemanDorthy Nborn about 1935
ColemanIva Mborn about 1912
ColemanJames Tborn about 1939
ColemanMargaret Eborn about 1936
ColemanMary Cborn about 1931
ColemanMaryline Sborn about 1937
ColemanT Leoborn about 1903
ColemanThomas Eborn about 1932
CollinsHannah Nborn about 1886
CollinsJames Bborn about 1927
CollinsJames Jborn about 1866
CollinsMargaret Eborn about 1924
CollinsZona M Avborn about 1922
ConleeAlbert Bborn about 1904
ConleeCharles Aborn about 1939
ConleeElga Eborn about 1902
ConleeGertrude Hborn about 1908
ConleeLucille Vborn about 1911
ConleePaul Eborn about 1935
CoxAlbert Wborn about 1912
CoxAnna Maeborn about 1913
CoxGeorge Wborn about 1922
CoxJ Rossborn about 1873
CoxJoen Wborn about 1885
CoxMargaret Aborn about 1938
CoxNellie born about 1890
CoxRichard Iborn about 1927
CrawfordAlma Yborn about 1927
CrawfordEarl born about 1899
CrawfordEarl Jr born about 1929
CrawfordJames Rborn about 1931
CrawfordShirley Qborn about 1937
CrouseEdna Lborn about 1898
CrouseIrene born about 1905
CrumAlma Cborn about 1884
CrumBertha Nborn about 1876
CrumEdith Lborn about 1882
CrumpAnnabell born about 1913
CrumpEryline Mborn about 1936
CrumpRobert Lborn about 1939
CrumpRonald Rborn about 1939
CrumpVirgil Rborn about 1905
CrumpWanda Mborn about 1938
CurryAlbert Eborn about 1894
CurryLucille Jborn about 1895
CurryMartha Jborn about 1923

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D Surnames

DarleyAlpha Jborn about 1868
DarleySadie Cborn about 1870
DarleySamuel born about 1863
DavenportHarrison born about 1890
DavenportSamuel born about 1864
DavisCharles Eborn about 1920
DavisClifton Cborn about 1892
DavisGrace Rborn about 1896
DeckerFlora Eborn about 1874
DeckerIdd born about 1873
DeckerMary Jborn about 1887
DegrooteA Marieborn about 1916
DegrooteJoe Rborn about 1919
DemossJohn Iborn about 1873
DewittRobert Rborn about 1913
DobbinsElla born about 1869
DobbinsJames Hborn about 1869
DomossEdward Eborn about 1870
Donovan?belle born about 1872
DonovanEdward Wborn about 1910
DonovanGlenna Rborn about 1913
DonovanRoy Mborn about 1913
DonovanSam Mborn about 1862
DuffeyEdward Jborn about 1877

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E Surnames

EbreyGeorge Eborn about 1875
EbreyNettie Bborn about 1877
EdgarAudrey Eborn about 1891
EdgarNorma Eborn about 1926
EdgarPreston Jborn about 1894
EdwardLottie Aborn about 1891
EdwardRobert Eborn about 1928
EdwardRussell Sborn about 1924
EldridgeCharles born about 1904
EldridgeDavid Mborn about 1937
EldridgeDorthy Cborn about 1939
EldridgeEmily born about 1908
EldridgeHallie Aborn about 1911
EldridgeHervy born about 1914
EldridgeJoe Bborn about 1934
EldridgeWell Qborn about 1937

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F Surnames

FarmerGladys Gborn about 1905
FartadoHelen Vborn about 1915
FartadoJanet Lborn about 1939
FartadoKarl Aborn about 1940
FartadoManuel born about 1912
FitzsimmonDillard Jborn about 1887
FitzsimmonDorris Jborn about 1930
FitzsimmonHarold Yborn about 1918
FitzsimmonMargaret Yborn about 1920
FitzsimmonRuth Aborn about 1891
FitzsimmonRuth Eborn about 1923
FlinnAbbie born about 1873
FlinnAren born about 1898
FlinnLee born about 1895
FlynnChas Wborn about 1916
FlynnChas Wborn about 1937
FlynnEva Yborn about 1919
FoxFrances Mborn about 1921
FoxHarry Gborn about 1885
FoxMaude Mborn about 1884
FoxRobert Wborn about 1926
FryeBlydo Eborn about 1887
FryeMinnie Aborn about 1887

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G Surnames

GentryGrace born about 1930
GibsonChas Rborn about 1887
GibsonJennie Mborn about 1893
GilpinRebecca Mborn about 1880
GlancyHarvey Mborn about 1872
GlancyIda Mborn about 1870
GordonEdwin Qborn about 1895
GordonJohn Wborn about 1925
GordonSylva Eborn about 1897
GradyJames Tborn about 1881
GreenleafDavid born about 1917
GreenleafGorgania born about 1887
GreenleafJames Eborn about 1925
GrovesPearlie Eborn about 1916

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H Surnames

HalmesMary Wborn about 1873
HardenRebecca Hborn about 1877
HardenWilliam Jborn about 1874
HartLena Bborn about 1885
HaverEarl Aborn about 1927
HaverEarl Hborn about 1900
HaverJames Sborn about 1932
HaverJerome Dborn about 1936
HaverMary Aborn about 1901
HaverRichard Hborn about 1930
HawkinBernice Cborn about 1904
HawkinBetty Lborn about 1931
HawkinMarilyn Lborn about 1933
HawkinMerl Aborn about 1902
HayesBertha Eborn about 1882
HayesDorthy Eborn about 1935
HayesGus Aborn about 1882
HayesLeroy Oborn about 1918
HayesLucille Hborn about 1921
HayesMabel Aborn about 1901
HayesMargaret Aborn about 1931
HayesMary Jborn about 1924
HayesW Elmerborn about 1884
HayesWilliam Rborn about 1939
HeatonFreda born about 1898
HeatonJames Dborn about 1898
HelliwellLeona Mborn about 1914
HelliwellLilli Mborn about 1882
HelliwellWm Dborn about 1908
HibbsEvalle born about 1911
HibbsGeorge Aborn about 1906
HijkeAlbert born about 1882
HoaglandBernice Oborn about 1907
HoaglandDonald Wborn about 1932
HoaglandFrances Mborn about 1937
HoaglandFred Rborn about 1904
HoaglandHarold Eborn about 1928
HoaglandMargaret Lborn about 1929
HoaglandOliva Bborn about 1927
HolmesBetty Louborn about 1925
HolmesJohn Wborn about 1933
HolmesNellie Bborn about 1899
HolmesRobert Wborn about 1928
HolmesWilliam Wborn about 1898
HudginsMilton Jborn about 1905
HughesLoren Rborn about 1903
HughesMae born about 1899

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J Surnames

JacksonAda Jborn about 1903
JacksonAgnes born about 1933
JacksonAlbert Jborn about 1937
JacksonBarba Nborn about 1876
JacksonChas Oborn about 1912
JacksonEdna Mborn about 1910
JacksonHerbert Yborn about 1889
JacksonLaura Aborn about 1887
JacksonLe Roy born about 1915
JacksonLe Roy Jr born about 1937
JacksonLester Rborn about 1904
JacksonLouise Aborn about 1928
JacksonMaggie Eborn about 1918
JacksonPauline Bborn about 1913
JacksonRobert Wborn about 1932
JacksonRose Eborn about 1896
JacksonRoy Eborn about 1898
JacksonRussell born about 1930
JacksonWiley Hborn about 1894
JohnsonElmer Eborn about 1873
JohnsonWeir Rborn about 1905
JonesmaryJ M Millanborn about 1882

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K Surnames

KannHarold Dborn about 1904
KannJulia Hborn about 1905
KennedyChristine born about 1931
KennedyRay born about 1929
KennedyRobert Eborn about 1924
KennettElla born about 1894
KennettJessie Mborn about 1916
KennettLeola Jborn about 1924
KennettP Clarenceborn about 1888
KilverGus Cborn about 1899
KilverGussie Mborn about 1926
KilverJack Sborn about 1928
KilverLora Jborn about 1904
KilverZoe Cborn about 1937
KnappElla Hborn about 1871
KnappMervil Fborn about 1902
KnappOrville Fborn about 1922
KorkmanJoel Eborn about 1939
KorkmanMyrna Vborn about 1924

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L Surnames

LashCharles Eborn about 1934
LashGlenn Rborn about 1939
LashJ Howardborn about 1923
LashJames Mborn about 1926
LashJessie Cborn about 1928
LashJohn Lborn about 1887
LashMargaret Eborn about 1894
LashMarybell Iborn about 1936
LashRobert Dborn about 1931
LeadellDorthy Mborn about 1923
LeadellRaymond born about 1920
LeadillDonald Eborn about 1936
LeadillFrancis Pborn about 1912
LeadillHenry Jborn about 1910
LeadillR Jennettborn about 1934
LewinBetty Jborn about 1938
LewinJohn Wborn about 1907
LewinMary Kborn about 1913
LewinRaymond Wborn about 1935
LewinRuth Eborn about 1937
LindmanEdward Aborn about 1917
LindmanLaverne Vborn about 1918
LipeCharles Wborn about 1925
LipeViola Fborn about 1897
LisenbeeW Mborn about 1858
LittleAmanda born about 1876
LittleJohn born about 1884
LockerBaulah Lborn about 1927
LockerDilbert Gborn about 1905
LockerDilbert Lborn about 1925
LockerFrank Pborn about 1929
LockerMarie Eborn about 1905
LuckmanEarl born about 1882
LuckmanThos Jborn about 1853
LuthrellGester Gborn about 1923
LuthrellKathleen born about 1924

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M Surnames

MabienHenry born about 1924
MansfieldBenjamin Fborn about 1862
MansfieldCecil Gborn about 1888
MansfieldImogene Nborn about 1919
MansfieldMabl Dborn about 1891
MansfieldMyra Nborn about 1867
MansfieldRollin Cborn about 1923
MattinglyDonald Gborn about 1935
MattinglyEdward Sborn about 1937
MattinglyGeorge Rborn about 1919
MattinglyGrace Lborn about 1917
MattinglyJannett Cborn about 1933
MattinglyRobert Hborn about 1893
MayberryDora born about 1919
McCormickKaren Lborn about 1940
McCormickRob Sborn about 1914
McCormickVera Eborn about 1914
McDevittCarol Bborn about 1938
McDevittGrace Gborn about 1878
McDevittHarold Wborn about 1903
McDevittSam Hborn about 1870
McDevittZena Bborn about 1908
McNeeleyAlpha born about 1876
McNeeleyBert born about 1883
McNeeleyIva Dborn about 1916
McNeeleyLeon born about 1914
MeoleyBessie Lborn about 1900
MeoleyLloyd Jr born about 1930
MeoleyW M Hborn about 1867
MillsAda Mborn about 1887
MillsEdgar Rborn about 1887
MillsKenneth Rborn about 1925
MonroeAnna Pborn about 1922
MonroeJames Dborn about 1920
MonroeWilliam Aborn about 1939
MorrisDonna Rborn about 1937
MorrisOlive Hborn about 1910
MorrisW Miltonborn about 1909
MosleyBulah Mborn about 1931
MosleyClara Bborn about 1925
MosleyGeo Mborn about 1886
MosleyGilbert Pborn about 1913
MosleyJack Rborn about 1927
MosleyJohn Cborn about 1888
MosleyJohn Hborn about 1915
MosleyMannie Fborn about 1916
MosleyMargaret Aborn about 1890
MosleyMollie Gborn about 1891
MosleyRuth Aborn about 1932
MyersClias Cborn about 1884
MyersHarry Cborn about 1920
MyersHarvey Bborn about 1930
MyersHenry Hborn about 1928
MyersHoward Lborn about 1922
MyersHubert A Sborn about 1924
MyersLuella born about 1922
MyersMabel Yborn about 1926
MyersMargaret born about 1935
MyersRosie Bborn about 1896

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N Surnames

NeeceJennett born about 1938
NeeceJennivee born about 1938

O Surnames

OxleyCarla Wborn about 1887
OxleyDavid Wborn about 1926
OxleyMildred Eborn about 1923
OxleyRichard Bborn about 1880
OxleyWilma Fborn about 1919

P Surnames

PageAlbert Dborn about 1875
PageAsahel Pborn about 1901
PageClifford Eborn about 1924
PageHelen Mborn about 1914
PageOctava born about 1884
PattersonAllie Mborn about 1879
PattersonElaise born about 1908
PattersonW M Eborn about 1918
PattersonWalter born about 1874
PiersonDonald Cborn about 1918

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R Surnames

RaffityEdna Mborn about 1920
RaffityJoice Mborn about 1939
RansdellC Donaldborn about 1928
RansdellDonald born about 1902
RansdellJohn Pborn about 1937
RansdellOpal Bborn about 1902
RansdellW M Eborn about 1924
RaulandC Richardborn about 1916
RaulandIva Mborn about 1919
RaynoldsCarl Lborn about 1909
RaynoldsHelen Lborn about 1915
RaynoldsJames Hborn about 1935
RaynoldsJames Iborn about 1933
RaynoldsJoe Rborn about 1937
RaynoldsRichard Lborn about 1939
ReynaldsBetty Lborn about 1929
ReynaldsElvin Lborn about 1934
ReynaldsHarvey Eborn about 1937
ReynaldsIda Eborn about 1910
ReynaldsJames Hborn about 1939
ReynaldsJohn A Oborn about 1903
ReynaldsNora Mborn about 1931
RimbyDasie Iborn about 1877
RodgersRobert born about 1920

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S Surnames

SampleLouise Mborn about 1928
SampleR Lullaborn about 1873
ScottBarbara Aborn about
ScottClorence Rborn about 1908
ScottFlorence Aborn about 1912
ScottPhyllis Jborn about 1938
ScottRichard Dborn about 1934
ScuphamChas Wborn about 1927
ScuphamDonald Lborn about 1929
ScuphamLouise Jborn about 1926
ScuphamPauline Rborn about 1933
SeymourChas Nborn about 1861
SimpsonMartha Iborn about 1915
SimpsonWalter Eborn about 1900
SkolenBarbara Jborn about 1928
SkolenJohn Jborn about 1937
SkolenLorette Sborn about 1898
SkolenRoy born about 1925
SkolenRoy Dborn about 1898
SlossJim Mborn about 1870
SmithAllen Cborn about 1894
SmithAllen Jborn about 1929
SmithBarbara Jborn about 1932
SmithClarence born about 1882
SmithDorren Mborn about 1939
SmithEdith Pborn about 1924
SmithEmma Jborn about 1885
SmithEthel Jborn about 1904
SmithF Bylonborn about 1906
SmithHarold Hborn about 1925
SmithHarvey Cborn about 1904
SmithJames Jborn about 1939
SmithJohn Eborn about 1934
SmithJosephine Hborn about 1896
SmithKattryn Kborn about 1917
SmithLeonard Sborn about 1927
SmithMargret Hborn about 1921
SmithMary Tborn about 1912
SmithMary Tborn about 1936
SmithMigel Eborn about 1930
SmithW Earlborn about 1912
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1938
SpencerBulah Mborn about 1915
SpencerVelma Mborn about 1937
SpencerViolet Eborn about 1939
SpencerWesley Eborn about 1913
SpitznagleJoseph Hborn about 1930
SpitznagleVirginia Mborn about 1926
StanberryDell Mborn about 1900
StanberryE Pearlborn about 1922
StanberryElsie born about 1925
StanberryPaul Rborn about 1931
StanberryRuby born about 1924
StanberryViola Zborn about 1923
StanberryWilliam born about 1900
StanberryWilliam Jr born about 1928
StewartC Eborn about 1880
StewartDosie born about 1880
StewartLester Aborn about 1917
StewartRuth Eborn about 1919
StilzBurnie Wborn about 1923
StilzFreeman Eborn about 1916
StilzMartha Mborn about 1883
StoryE Thomasborn about 1865
SturgesRay born about 1891
SturgesTillie Mborn about 1902
SudethDorothy Iborn about 1918
SudethGeorge Mborn about 1915
SummersArza Vborn about 1915
SummersBetty Lborn about 1929
SummersClarence Wborn about 1923
SummersEthel Mborn about 1895
SummersEthel Mborn about 1933
SummersEva Mborn about 1926
SummersLloyd Gborn about 1892
SummersMary Lborn about 1925
SweetAlbert Wborn about 1933
SweetAllen Pborn about 1899
SweetMinnie Yborn about 1906
SwichCurtman born about 1926

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T Surnames

ThomasAlbert Lborn about 1910
ThomasAlbert Lborn about 1939
ThomasElizabeth Rborn about 1905
ThomasPatsy Rborn about 1937
TratherGrace born about 1899
TratherP Dunnettborn about 1880
TrotterDorthy Lborn about 1900
TurnerEdward Eborn about 1932
TuyfordRobert Wborn about 1933
TwyfordE Anbertborn about 1892
TwyfordMillie born about 1897
TwyfordPhyllis born about 1926

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V Surnames

VanosdolBillie Aborn about 1924
VanosdolHelen Mborn about 1914
VanosdolJohn Rborn about 1901

W Surnames

WagstaffHomer born about 1905
WagstaffRobert born about 1862
WalshFelix Jborn about 1867
WalshTeresa Mborn about 1861
WalterCarroll Yborn about 1931
WalterJohn Cborn about 1906
WalterJohn Wborn about 1937
WalterNorma Jborn about 1934
WalterRochel Bborn about 1906
WatkinsAnn born about 1928
WatkinsCharles Eborn about 1907
WatkinsDamon Wborn about 1882
WatkinsDella Mborn about 1918
WatkinsDolores Mborn about 1934
WatkinsElmer Hborn about 1906
WatkinsEugene Wborn about 1937
WatkinsFrances Oborn about 1909
WatkinsGeorge Hborn about 1909
WatkinsHelen Lborn about 1930
WatkinsJohn born about 1927
WatkinsLaura Bborn about 1887
WatkinsLillian Lborn about 1928
WatkinsLouis born about 1916
WatkinsRobert Dborn about 1930
WatkinsWilliam Dborn about 1932
WeakleyCarl Fborn about 1891
WeakleyJames Dborn about 1937
WeakleyJames Wborn about 1913
WeakleyMildred Lborn about 1916
WeakleyVeda Pborn about 1892
WeakleyWilliam Lborn about 1939
WeathingtonBernard Jborn about 1906
WeathingtonCarroll Fborn about 1934
WeathingtonDonald Lborn about 1935
WeathingtonMarina Mborn about 1913
WeathingtonWilliam Hborn about 1938
WhiteAlice Mborn about 1931
WhiteBertha Yborn about 1910
WhiteBetty Jborn about 1927
WhiteJames Sborn about 1906
WhiteMary Eborn about 1929
WillisEmmett Hborn about 1892
WillisJack Sborn about 1922
WillisJoseph Lborn about 1938
WillisKathryn Cborn about 1898
WillisRobert Rborn about 1935
WilsonEverett Tborn about 1906
WilsonJess Wborn about 1885
WilsonMyrtle born about 1890
WilsonWendell born about 1927
WithamBetty Jborn about 1926
WithamChar Eborn about 1918
WithamChar Wborn about 1887
WithamFrancis born about 1914
WithamJasie born about 1887
WithamMarjorie Mborn about 1924
WithamRaymond born about 1927
WithamTom Wborn about 1916
WithamWarren born about 1920
WoodArthur Lborn about 1880
WoodBeaulah Pborn about 1919
WoodBessie Rborn about 1889
WoodC Byronborn about 1922
WoodChar born about 1865
WoodEuphie born about 1868
WoodHazel Aborn about 1897
WoodHelen Gborn about 1925
WoodHomer Tborn about 1885
WoodJohn Jborn about 1916
WoodLeonard Jborn about 1896
WoodRobert Jborn about 1935
WoodsBlanch born about 1902
WoodsRalph Pborn about 1901

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Y Surnames

YorkCarrie born about 1900
YorkClyde Yborn about 1914
YorkDorthy Hborn about 1915
YorkEdw Hborn about 1890
YorkRonald Lborn about 1934
YorkShirley Sborn about 1933

Z Surnames

ZackeryC Russellborn about 1934
ZackeryHallie Wborn about 1912
ZackeryLinda Lborn about 1938
ZackeryMelvin Lborn about 1909
ZackeryPatricia Jborn about 1933
ZackeryStanley Aborn about 1935

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