1940 U.S. Federal Census of Raccoon Township, Marion, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Marion County > 1940 Census of Raccoon Township

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbramsBuddy Joeborn about 1939
AbramsClarence born about 1930
AbramsEvelyn Marieborn about 1940
AbramsHarry Leeborn about 1925
AbramsL Lborn about 1905
AbramsLeon born about 1929
AbramsMettie born about 1910
AbramsRoberta born about 1927
AbraramMary born about 1885
AbraramW Mborn about 1883
AdamsBilly born about 1926
AdamsEdith born about 1897
AdamsHenry born about 1904
AdamsJesse born about 1923
AikenAnn born about 1914
AikenKatie born about 1872
AikenT Rborn about 1866
AinscoughJuanita born about 1924
AinscoughKatherine born about 1906
AinscoughMary Ellenborn about 1927
AinscoughOtis born about 1902
AinscoughRuth born about 1930
AlcornNancy born about 1932
AllenCleo born about 1914
AllenSharon born about 1940
AmmermanBarbara Juneborn about 1931
AmmermanC Hborn about 1902
AmmermanChlo Marieborn about 1906
AmmermanG Iborn about 1895
AmmermanG Nborn about 1899
AmmermanJoyce Carolborn about 1932
AmmermanRichard Daleborn about 1935
AmmermanRobert Lborn about 1928
AndrewsDwight born about 1890
AngleDevere born about 1914
AngleKay Janeborn about 1937
AngleMillie born about 1916
AngleSharon Sueborn about 1940
AshworthBetty born about 1924
AshworthBobbie born about 1931
AshworthGoldie born about 1902
AshworthJ Hershelborn about 1901
AshworthJackie born about 1938
AshworthJimmie born about 1934
AshworthMartha Louborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BarerberBernice born about 1919
BarerberCharles Hborn about 1916
BarkerAvis born about 1918
BarkerHerbert born about 1921
BarkerJohn Wesleyborn about 1928
BarkerJones born about 1917
BarkerMyrtle born about 1887
BarkerRomona Darleneborn about 1939
BarkerWalter born about 1883
BartonFrank Lborn about 1884
BartonHelen born about 1931
BartonIda born about 1907
BartonKeith born about 1928
BartonLandis born about 1908
BartonLily born about 1888
BartonVelma born about 1926
BartonVivian born about 1927
BassDorothy born about 1923
BassJohn born about 1910
BassL Dborn about 1873
BassPaul born about 1917
BassReuben born about 1914
BealsRalph born about 1905
BeasleyHarold born about 1933
BeasleyLora born about 1896
BeasleySam Hborn about 1897
BickleyGuy born about 1896
BickleyHilda born about 1921
BighamGrace born about 1879
BighamLevi born about 1872
BirgeHarry born about 1913
BirgeJerrold Leslieborn about 1939
BirgeJoy born about 1902
BirgeMildred P Tomeyborn about 1870
BirgeRalph born about 1902
BirgeW Sborn about 1867
Blair born about 1877
BlairHugh born about 1910
BlairKenneth born about 1903
BlairWiley born about 1872
BoggsBlanche born about 1887
BoggsClark born about 1874
BoggsDora born about 1874
BoggsEarl born about 1887
BoggsMary Annborn about 1940
BoggsPaul born about 1920
BoggsVivian Oborn about 1879
BoggsWalter born about 1918
BoggsWanda born about 1922
BolesAlice born about 1921
BolesClaude born about 1929
BolesClinton born about 1885
BolesEthel born about 1890
BolesEugene born about 1921
BolesMacha born about 1880
BolesMary born about 1919
BolesMyrtle born about 1924
BransonIrene born about 1924
BransonOscar born about 1908
BraselBlair born about 1908
BraselJames born about 1940
BraselJane born about 1910
BraselRosman born about 1902
BraselUna born about 1882
BraselWanda born about 1920
BrattonD Eborn about 1915
BrattonEddie born about 1939
BrattonIlda born about 1918
BrattonLarry born about 1938
BrookmanJosephine born about 1880
BrookmanL Aborn about 1872
BrownRussel born about 1914
BrubakerBirdette born about 1927
BrubakerMae born about 1906
BrubakerMerle born about 1896
BrubakerRosella born about 1931
BrubakerWanda born about 1926
BruceDorothy born about 1917
BruceElizabeth born about 1889
BruceMerritt born about 1892
BruceRobert born about 1922
BrunsLucy born about 1914
BrunsWayne born about 1910
BrutchBilly born about 1913
BrutchEvelyn born about 1913
BryantElza born about 1882
BryantLeila born about 1865
BrysonCharles Gborn about 1918
BrysonNina Juneborn about 1918
BuddAnita Francisborn about 1925
BuddBetty born about 1923
BuddBonnie born about 1900
BuddF Cborn about 1899
BurgeBonnie Jeanborn about 1934
BurgeDorothy born about 1925
BurgeDorothy Juneborn about 1924
BurgeEthel born about 1899
BurgeFarrell born about 1921
BurgeGlenn born about 1909
BurgeGlenn Jr born about 1932
BurgeHoward born about 1939
BurgeJ Sborn about 1849
BurgeLamont born about 1882
BurgeLowell born about 1934
BurgeMabel born about 1905
BurgeMargie Maeborn about 1937
BurgeNeil Allenborn about 1927
BurgeNorma Jeanborn about 1934
BurgeOpal born about 1900
BurgeScott born about 1883
BurgeSylvia Louerneborn about 1930
BurgeT Lborn about 1887
BurgeVictor born about 1920
BurnsJewel born about 1908
BurnsLee born about 1904
BurnsLeroy born about 1938
BurrellArchie born about 1909
BurrellDonna Sueborn about 1938
BurrellNelle born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalhoonBilly born about 1929
CalhoonCora born about 1905
CalhoonEloise born about 1924
CalhoonWm born about 1900
CambellBelva born about 1931
CambellDorothy Juneborn about 1937
CambellHazel born about 1911
CambellIve born about 1910
CambellJeanne born about 1934
CambellMelvin born about 1939
CambellRaymond born about 1936
CameronAnna Fayborn about 1929
CameronDona Maeborn about 1935
CameronEdith born about 1905
CameronRalph born about 1906
CarleyBurthel born about 1908
CarleyEmma born about 1889
CarleyEthelyn born about 1910
CarleyLore born about 1881
CarleyWarren born about 1893
CarpenterC Hborn about 1916
CarpenterEmma born about 1918
CarpenterGerald Leeborn about 1938
CarpenterGracelyn Maeborn about 1933
CarpenterHarlean Jeneborn about 1937
CarpenterIrene born about 1914
CarpenterKenneth born about 1909
CarpenterNina Louiseborn about 1935
CarpenterPansy born about 1922
CarpenterRalph born about 1904
CarpenterRonald born about 1939
CarrElvine born about 1920
CarrFloyd born about 1894
CarrHarold Leeborn about 1940
CarrIda born about 1869
CarrJohn born about 1926
CarrLeona born about 1893
CarrOliver born about 1920
CarrR Eborn about 1917
CarrScott born about 1926
CasleyBertha born about 1883
CasleyCharles born about 1882
CasleyFlossie born about 1920
CasleyMary Ruthborn about 1926
CatisAline born about 1917
CatisBarbara born about 1936
CloptonGene born about 1936
CloptonJohn born about 1907
CloptonMarie born about 1907
CockrillRobert born about 1934
ConnelyEdward born about 1927
ConnelyGrover born about 1885
ConnelyGrover Jr born about 1925
ConnelyJames born about 1920
ConnelyJohn born about 1924
ConnelyVirginia born about 1922
CoppleJ Vborn about 1860
CornwellGarnet born about 1914
CornwellMarjorie born about 1922
CrabtreeElmer born about 1873
CrabtreeIva born about 1880
CraneIma born about 1907
CraneJackie Doloresborn about 1939
CraneLeroy born about 1931
CraneLucian born about 1907
CraneNara born about 1879
CranePatty Joborn about 1936
CraneSylvia Jeanborn about 1928
CrawKenneth born about 1912
CrawfordAda born about 1887
CrawfordFranklin born about 1922
CrawfordWanda born about 1915
CrawfordWilson born about 1911
CrawleyRuth born about 1905
CrawleyTimothy born about 1899
CroneAllen Donborn about 1939
CroneLaverne born about 1935
CroneMadge born about 1916
CroneRussel born about 1909
CroneSpencer born about 1933
CrosbyLee born about 1915
CrowleyJohnny born about 1902
CrowleyKatherine born about 1871
CrowleyLoraine born about 1912
CrowleyMargaret Leeborn about 1926
CrowleyMaude born about 1895
CrowleyNora born about 1892
CrowleySteve born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DabbsEarl born about 1917
DabbsLillian born about 1922
DavisAlina born about 1930
DavisAra Leeborn about 1917
DavisBilly Macborn about 1932
DavisCharles born about 1922
DavisDovid born about 1916
DavisEdward Bborn about 1916
DavisHarry born about 1889
DavisMary Oliveborn about 1910
DavisMyrtle born about 1888
DavisNorman born about 1880
DavisShirley born about 1936
DavisTed born about 1882
DavisVince born about 1908
DayFlora born about 1901
DelefordJ Bborn about 1863
DelefordLaura born about 1865
DeversDonald Royborn about 1939
DeversFlorene born about 1918
DeversRoy Allenborn about 1916
DickmanHenry born about 1883
DillardE Cborn about 1908
DillardJames Arthurborn about 1937
DillardJohn Michealborn about 1939
DillardKatherine born about 1911
DoaneKeith born about 1900
DoaneKeith Jr born about 1927
DoaneMarie born about 1904
DodsonAda born about 1909
DodsonDaisy born about 1874
DodsonDonald born about 1933
DodsonEmogene born about 1929
DodsonFerman born about 1931
DodsonFloyd born about 1936
DodsonHugh born about 1908
DodsonMary born about 1913
DodsonRaymond born about 1901
DodsonRaymond Jr born about 1930
DodsonWm Gborn about 1866
DouglasMyrtle born about 1872
DozierBarbara Jeanborn about 1866
DozierMinnie born about 1910
DozierWatt born about 1914
DykesBetty Janeborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

ElliotBerthol born about 1931
ElliotFlorence born about 1904
ElliotJohn born about 1906
ElliotSylvia born about 1927
ElliottMyrna born about 1914
ElliottRalph born about 1909
EricksonAdeline born about 1914
EricksonEddie Henryborn about 1939
EricksonS Hborn about 1914

F Surnames

FarthingArnold born about 1903
FarthingGene born about 1895
FarthingGrace born about 1928
FarthingHarold born about 1925
FarthingJames Hborn about 1858
FarthingJune born about 1908
FarthingLewis born about 1915
FarthingLorney born about 1888
FarthingLula born about 1864
FarthingMildred born about 1921
FarthingMyrtle born about 1898
FarthingOtis born about 1923
FarthingRobert born about 1928
FarthingVirginia born about 1930
FaulknerDuane born about 1928
FaulknerMelvin born about 1925
FelefordFlorida born about 1853
FisherPhilip born about 1885
FitzgeraldJack born about 1903
FitzgeraldJuanita born about 1908
FlanniganArnita born about 1903
FlanniganGeorge born about 1926
FlanniganHoward born about 1920
FlanniganJohn born about 1893
FosterAlice Mborn about 1875
FosterEleen born about 1918
FosterEva born about 1881
FosterHazel born about 1916
FosterHelen born about 1894
FosterJohn born about 1876
FosterKeith born about 1912
FosterMargaret born about 1918
FosterMary born about 1910
FosterMorris born about 1913
FosterNancy Kayborn about 1939
FouteFrank born about 1858
FowlerBetty Sueborn about 1938
FowlerHarley born about 1874
FowlerJo Ann born about 1933
FowlerLeo born about 1910
FowlerLeo Jr born about 1936
FowlerLola born about 1875
FowlerMuriel born about 1912
FrazierE Kborn about 1885
FrazierErnest Jborn about 1916
FrazierGladys born about 1920
FrazierGlenna born about 1917
FredrickC Aborn about 1899
FredrickMinnie Bborn about 1895
FredrickRose Marieborn about 1929
FreiksDorothy born about 1922
FreiksEdna born about 1890
FreiksFred born about 1883
FreiksFred Jr born about 1915
FurgesonMary born about 1871
FykeEtta born about 1876
FykeNorman born about 1874
FykeOpal born about 1901
FykeP Cborn about 1901
FykesAllen born about 1933
FykesGail born about 1927
FykesJoe Rborn about 1895
FykesMabel born about 1909
FykesMarilyn born about 1935

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G Surnames

GarnerDennis Leeborn about 1939
GarnerLyle born about 1921
GarnerWilma born about 1921
GarrenRay Bborn about 1900
GarrenRetha Maeborn about 1905
GarrenRoy born about 1921
GarrenScott born about 1870
GarrenVirginia born about 1922
GastonArnold born about 1915
GastonEdward born about 1882
GastonElva born about 1915
GastonFloyd Wborn about 1935
GastonGlenna born about 1936
GastonHarold Rayborn about 1938
GastonMaggie born about 1908
GateBetty born about 1926
GateCarolyn Sueborn about 1937
GateLucy born about 1904
GateMarle Royborn about 1935
GateMarvene born about 1923
GateMarvin born about 1904
GateVera Louborn about 1930
GatesBertie Louborn about 1929
GatesElsworth born about 1905
GatesFern born about 1904
GatesHarry born about 1922
GatesJames Eborn about 1924
GatesWayne born about 1926
GiddingsBen Fborn about 1894
GilliottHarry born about 1896
GilliottJune born about 1899
GilliottLyle born about 1926
GilliottRaymond born about 1920
GilliottVerna born about 1918
GoudeyLeah born about 1921
GoudeyLeonard born about 1919
GraboskiAlfred born about 1890
GraboskiEdward Jr born about 1878
GraboskiMargaret born about 1922
GraboskiMinnie born about 1887
GraybellMax La Deanborn about 1934
GruneGloria Gailborn about 1939
GruneJean born about 1919
GruneL Jborn about 1908
GuymanAnne born about 1890
GuymanClara Maeborn about 1933
GuymanDaisy born about 1913
GuymanGeorge born about 1887
GuymanLeon born about 1934
GuymanRay born about 1922
GuymanSam born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaleAnna born about 1902
HaleJoe Bborn about 1902
HallawayLala Murielborn about 1921
HallawayMarvella Jeanborn about 1939
HallawayRay born about 1920
HammondNora Eborn about 1899
HammondSeymore Nborn about 1870
HanesByod born about 1918
HanesEarl born about 1899
HanesGenevieve born about 1918
HanesHelen born about 1904
HanesHessie born about 1882
HanesRufus born about 1876
HargersChristine born about 1933
HargersDonald born about 1939
HargersDurand born about 1903
HargersJ Duvardborn about 1935
HargersLena born about 1911
HargersMary born about 1916
HargersWiley born about 1887
HarpIvie born about 1914
HarrisBetty born about 1928
HarrisBob born about 1928
HarrisBobby born about 1928
HarrisE Cborn about 1883
HarrisGarland Dborn about 1898
HarrisGeorge born about 1925
HarrisHelen Eborn about 1905
HarrisJack born about 1924
HarrisLavirda born about 1889
HarrisS Jborn about 1922
HasletHelen born about 1913
HasletHenry born about 1908
HatfieldBob born about 1912
HatfieldBonnie born about 1935
HatfieldNorma born about 1934
HatfieldPauline born about 1916
HawkinsBrown born about 1871
HawkinsMyron born about 1907
HawkinsNannie Bborn about 1876
HawthorneJohn Eborn about 1873
HawthorneLissa Bborn about 1875
HaysDora born about 1904
HaysHerbert born about 1880
HaysJ Hborn about 1857
HensleyBetty born about 1916
HensleyGarden Deaneborn about 1939
HensleyLeland Rborn about 1915
HessDorothy born about 1900
HessVirginia Hborn about 1917
HeydrickAmy born about 1855
HeydrickBernice born about 1935
HeydrickDorothy born about 1930
HeydrickDwight born about 1937
HeydrickHenry Jr born about 1854
HeydrickIrene born about 1932
HeydrickMary born about 1868
HeydrickRaymond born about 1928
HeydrickVelma born about 1924
HickmanElmo born about 1917
HigginsRobert born about 1912
HiltibidalBerthol born about 1926
HiltibidalCharles born about 1918
HiltibidalDaisy born about 1912
HiltibidalDoris born about 1922
HiltibidalEdna born about 1920
HiltibidalGeorge born about 1919
HiltibidalGeorge Jr born about 1924
HiltibidalGerald Leeborn about 1936
HiltibidalJ Wborn about 1867
HiltibidalJohn born about 1908
HiltibidalJohn Wborn about 1917
HiltibidalMary Kathereneborn about 1930
HiltibidalOpal born about 1915
HiltibidalRuby born about 1893
HiltibidalShirley born about 1939
HodgesBlaine born about 1885
HodgesClara born about 1885
HodgesKatherine born about 1924
HogueBetty Janeborn about 1925
HogueClint born about 1905
HogueClint Jr born about 1928
HogueElizabeth born about 1907
HornbuckleCarl born about 1930
HornbuckleEarl born about 1908
HornbuckleFlorence born about 1913
HornbuckleRollin born about 1933
HowardFred born about 1895
HowardHarold born about 1926
HowardHazel born about 1903
HowardNorma born about 1924
HuffCarolyn born about 1923
HuffDeloris born about 1937
HuffDonald born about 1933
HuffFlossie born about 1891
HuffGeorge born about 1923
HuffGlenn born about 1900
HuffJoe born about 1888
HuffJoe Jr born about 1919
HuffKeith born about 1913
HuffLarry Keithborn about 1939
HuffMarie born about 1919
HuffNorma born about 1923
HuffPearl born about 1890
HuffRita Pearlborn about 1921
HuffRobert born about 1929
HuffRuth born about 1893
HuffUla born about 1901
HuffWilson born about 1894
HughesDeane born about 1937
HughesDolores born about 1939
HughesDoris Cborn about 1916
HughesH Gborn about 1919
HughesHarley born about 1910
HughesMarilyn born about 1938
HughesMildred born about 1914
HughesRolland born about 1935

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J Surnames

JacksonCharles Rborn about 1895
JacksonL Wborn about 1918
JacksonLouise born about 1923
JacksonMary born about 1894
JohnsonBetty Sueborn about 1939
JohnsonBruce born about 1912
JohnsonCarrie born about 1914
JohnsonDavid born about 1927
JohnsonEzmar born about 1901
JohnsonGlenn born about 1918
JohnsonGoldie born about 1895
JohnsonJuanita born about 1922
JohnsonLala born about 1907
JohnsonLois Fernborn about 1936
JohnsonMarey born about 1903
JohnsonMarion born about 1918
JohnsonMarlin Celieborn about 1938
JohnsonMary born about 1917
JohnsonMary Aliveborn about 1929
JohnsonReuben Sborn about 1893
JonesChester born about 1918
JonesClarence born about 1913
JonesClifford born about 1873
JonesDoris born about 1914
JonesJ Rborn about 1893
JonesNina born about 1892
JupinEarl born about 1902
JupinLawrence Eborn about 1939
JupinLora born about 1907
JupinSandra born about 1936

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K Surnames

KarpAgnes born about 1913
KarpKenneth born about 1913
KellAmy born about 1880
KellGladys born about 1900
KellJo Nell born about 1936
KellLa Verne born about 1932
KellLydia Aborn about 1860
KellMax born about 1928
KellMildred born about 1909
KellOrville born about 1895
KellPhyllis Jeanborn about 1928
KellRoy born about 1906
KellS Bborn about 1862
KellTed born about 1906
KellThelma born about 1911
KellWm born about 1904
KeplingerEdward Gilbertborn about 1939
KeplingerGeorgia born about 1917
KeplingerGilbert born about 1914
KillCecil Lborn about 1902
KillGretta Sueborn about 1929
KillNorma Cborn about 1906
KillSherman born about 1935
KnisleyEthel born about 1893
KnisleyHenry born about 1892
KnisleyWilladene born about 1919
KnowsAllen born about 1918
KnoxBetty born about 1922
KnoxHester born about 1898
KnoxJames born about 1918
KnoxLouis born about 1900
KnoxLucille born about 1928

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L Surnames

LambertCharles born about 1914
LambertLorene born about 1921
LaswellGerald Leeborn about 1932
LaswellMaryland born about 1906
LaswellNorma Caleenborn about 1924
LaswellW Oborn about 1903
LeathersFrancis Coleenborn about 1938
LeeperMildred born about 1922
LeeperWayne born about 1918
LeutyJake born about 1891
LeutyMaude born about 1892
LeutyThelma born about 1926
LewisL Eborn about 1880
LitlephinFlossy born about 1889
LobaughAline born about 1906
LobaughJ Rborn about 1903
LobaughJeannine born about 1935
LuthrellEstel born about 1895
LuthrellNona born about 1898
LuthrellTreva born about 1919
LutrellAlvin born about 1869
LutrellAnn born about 1869

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M Surnames

MacksMarion born about 1927
MallochAlva born about 1908
MallochAlva Leroyborn about 1938
MallochGeneva born about 1912
MallochLara Leeborn about 1930
MallochMary Louiseborn about 1936
MarchEd born about 1887
MarchEdith born about 1909
MarchJames born about 1927
MarchJohn born about 1910
MarchPearl born about 1888
MarchRobert born about 1924
MarchRuth born about 1914
MartinBillie born about 1929
MartinBobbie born about 1920
MartinFreda born about 1918
MartinGreta Sueborn about 1936
MartinJackie born about 1934
MartinJohn Deeborn about 1934
MartinMaude born about 1880
MartinRoy born about 1915
MartinTroy born about 1910
MartonBobby born about 1936
MartonElmer born about 1862
MartonEtta born about 1869
MartonHershel born about 1914
MartonIda born about 1917
MartonJane born about 1865
MartonKenneth born about 1922
MartonLila Jeanborn about 1919
MartonLuther born about 1886
MartonMabel born about 1891
MartonMatthew born about 1887
MartonMelvin born about 1912
MartonOmer born about 1884
MartonWillard born about 1894
MathenaBilly born about 1935
MathenaChester born about 1889
MathenaHazel born about 1895
MathenaMary Louborn about 1936
MathenaVivian born about 1914
MatthewsAlice Ruthborn about 1920
MatthewsL Lborn about 1919
MaxeyAlice born about 1919
MaxeyOmer born about 1911
MayKatheryn born about 1937
MayMearl born about 1905
MayNancy born about 1931
MayPhyllis born about 1928
MayWilliam born about 1933
MayWilva born about 1907
McBrideFrank born about 1869
McCannRamon born about 1911
McCannRamon Jr born about 1932
McCannThelma born about 1912
McClanahanF Eborn about 1915
McClanahanHelen born about 1916
McClanahanMinyon born about 1940
McConaghieAlbert born about 1913
McConaghieCarleene born about 1933
McConaghieDonald born about 1935
McConaghieNadine born about 1918
McCoyAnna born about 1899
McCoyArvilla born about 1899
McCoyBarbara born about 1934
McCoyBilly born about 1931
McCoyDorothy born about 1939
McCoyHelen born about 1928
McCoyLa Don born about 1924
McCoyVirginia born about 1922
McHahanDonna Jeanborn about 1939
McHahanDwight born about 1915
McHahanRuby born about 1921
McLaughlinCharles born about 1873
McLaughlinCharles born about 1919
McLaughlinDorothy born about 1879
McLaughlinDorothy born about 1908
McLaughlinFlorence born about 1910
McLaughlinMayme born about 1884
McLaughlinMurray born about 1882
McMannJames Cborn about 1895
McMannJames Jr born about
McMannJesse Mborn about 1884
McMannKathleen Annborn about 1928
McMeensAndrew born about 1874
McMeensMinnie born about 1877
McNeillLula born about 1877
McNeillWm born about 1854
McNeillyG Bborn about 1909
McNeillyLula born about 1889
McNeillyMary Anglineborn about 1918
McNielyJohn born about 1856
McNielyLaura born about 1875
MercerAleen born about 1915
MercerBessie born about 1883
MercerBobby born about 1922
MercerCarole born about 1940
MercerDean born about 1914
MercerEdna born about 1918
MercerElizabeth born about 1913
MercerHarvey born about 1909
MercerHoward born about 1898
MercerIva born about 1868
MercerLewis born about 1908
MercerMabel born about 1893
MercerMarilyn born about 1931
MercerMarjorie born about 1922
MercerMary Hborn about 1893
MercerO Jborn about 1879
MercerRuby born about 1911
MercerWilmer born about 1918
MerchantJohn born about 1915
MerchantLucille born about 1909
MerrenDora born about 1872
MeyerEva born about 1888
MeyerFern born about 1909
MeyerG N Aborn about 1875
MeyerI Lborn about 1881
MeyerIrvin born about 1906
MeyersAlfred born about 1929
MeyersAllen born about 1932
MeyersAlson born about 1900
MeyersBetty Louborn about 1927
MeyersCecil born about 1897
MeyersDavie born about 1917
MeyersElsie born about 1922
MeyersEthel born about 1878
MeyersHenry born about 1865
MeyersJames born about 1865
MeyersJean born about 1938
MeyersJohn born about 1917
MeyersLouis born about 1907
MeyersMary born about 1935
MeyersMyrtle born about 1903
MillsAlice born about 1908
MillsCarl born about 1908
MontgomeryOwen born about 1919
MontonCora born about 1883
MooreAda born about 1872
MooreJohn born about 1862
MorkIvan Lborn about 1904
MorrisonIda born about 1870
MorrisonNelson born about 1869
MortonBetty Janeborn about 1938
MortonElma born about 1904
MortonEugene born about 1934
MortonLeroy born about 1930
MortonMary Gertrudeborn about 1928
MortonReed born about 1901
MortonRichard born about 1916
MortonWanita born about 1919
MurrayBill born about 1934
MurrayCharles Jeanborn about 1938
MurrayIva born about 1880
MurrayJerry Deanborn about 1940
MurrayJimmie born about 1936
MurrayMildred born about 1914
MurrayR Leneborn about 1876
MurrayRichard born about 1908

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N Surnames

NelmsCharles born about 1914
NelmsCharles Rayborn about 1938
NelmsDara born about 1919
NelmsGusta born about 1885
NelmsLola Maeborn about 1937
NelmsRobt Louisborn about 1939
NewbornLula Maeborn about 1911
NewbornN Gborn about 1911
NewbornPeggy Joyceborn about 1936
NewbornRay Eugeneborn about 1933
NewbornWilford Earlborn about 1934
NewportLeona born about 1907
NewportPhilip born about 1936
NewportS Mborn about 1901
NewportShirley Jeanborn about 1938
NewportTom born about 1933
NonnRobert born about 1929

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O Surnames

OldfieldCallie born about 1858
OldfieldEster born about 1888
OldfieldJames Dborn about 1929
OldfieldJared born about 1927
OldfieldL Eborn about 1866
OldfieldLela Mborn about 1896
OldfieldLora Eborn about 1868
OldfieldMary Lborn about 1874
OldfieldOtis Rborn about 1894
OldfieldWinifred born about 1909
OrearEula Maeborn about 1908
OrearJ Cborn about 1902
OrearJimmy born about 1928
OsborneBlossom born about 1901
OsborneClarence born about 1897
OsborneClarence Jr born about 1928
OsborneGeneva born about 1924
OsborneHarold born about 1930
OsborneMarie born about 1925
OwensHelen born about 1921
OwensRush Dborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PalmerMargaret born about 1939
PalmerMary born about 1908
PalmerNancy Keyborn about 1937
PalmerW Pborn about 1903
ParkhillE Cordeliaborn about 1906
ParkhillLa Joy born about 1927
ParkhillLynn Mborn about 1905
ParkinsonBilly Joeborn about 1936
ParkinsonBonadine born about 1934
ParkinsonCarolyn born about 1929
ParkinsonCharlene born about 1936
ParkinsonClark born about 1911
ParkinsonDonald born about 1930
ParkinsonDorene born about 1931
ParkinsonFlanna born about 1874
ParkinsonGlenda born about 1930
ParkinsonHarris born about 1896
ParkinsonHattie born about 1898
ParkinsonHerbert born about 1921
ParkinsonJ Cborn about 1870
ParkinsonLeonard born about 1929
ParkinsonLouise born about 1909
ParkinsonMartin born about 1884
ParkinsonMary Annborn about 1938
ParkinsonMerle Aborn about 1909
ParkinsonMildred born about 1911
ParkinsonThelma born about 1910
PateArnold born about 1918
PateModene born about 1920
PatterNancy born about 1862
PattersonEdith born about 1901
PattersonHooyey born about 1894
PearsonChris born about 1893
PearsonChris Jr born about 1918
PembertonBetty Jr born about 1931
PembertonEffie born about 1895
PembertonLeona Maeborn about 1923
PembertonOtis born about 1895
PembertonRosamary born about 1926
PenmanBillie born about 1919
PenmanBonnie born about 1841
PenmanCarl born about 1917
PenmanEdgar born about 1896
PenmanHubert born about 1926
PenmanIda born about 1872
PenmanLarry born about 1939
PenmanLeland born about 1924
PenmanLouise born about 1915
PenmanPearl born about 1900
PenmanWm Hborn about 1867
PerdueClyde born about 1909
PerdueFreida born about 1913
PetreaCharles born about 1921
PetreaEdith born about 1895
PetreaEdward born about 1892
PetreaEdwin born about 1930
PetreaErnest born about 1932
PettitEsther born about 1918
PettitLarry born about 1940
PettitSandra born about 1939
PettitVernon born about 1914
PhilpsDick born about 1907
PhilpsPatty Annborn about 1938
PhilpsShirley born about 1939
PhilpsVirginia born about 1937
PhilpsZelma born about 1913
PittsAnna born about 1893
PittsDolphis born about 1907
PittsHulan born about 1919
PittsIra born about 1891
PittsLavene born about 1889
PittsMargaret born about 1930
PittsSherman born about 1919
PittsUnice born about 1921
PittsVirginia Roeborn about 1927
PottsFannie born about 1880
PottsJoe born about 1885
PowellNina born about 1904
PowellR Aborn about 1904
PrasserHattie born about 1877
PrasserS Gborn about 1876
Prather born about 1920
PratherDirk born about 1929
PratherDoris born about 1925
PratherE Rborn about 1863
PratherIrene born about 1906
PratherJoe born about 1904
PrestonBessie born about 1906
PrestonGladys Deanborn about 1927
PrestonW Sborn about 1906
PriceEva born about 1897
PriceLucilla born about 1919
PriceM Slimborn about 1878
PriceMary Evelynborn about 1929
PriceRex born about 1894
PrinnCarl born about 1885
PrinnEldon born about 1935
PrinnEugene born about 1914
PrinnEugene Jr born about 1938
PrinnGerald born about 1915
PrinnLola born about 1893
PrinnLowell born about 1913
PrinnMelvin born about 1929
PrinnZerrelde born about 1917
ProssieGlen born about 1916
ProssieRoss born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandallCarla Jeonborn about 1927
RandallJune born about 1924
RandallWilliam born about 1926
RandolAlmy Jr born about 1934
RandolAutumn born about 1914
RandolOlney born about 1913
ReimDolores born about 1917
ReimEugene born about 1936
ReimTed Jborn about 1910
ReimTeddy born about 1937
RennerJacquelin born about 1931
RennerSteve born about 1910
RennerWilma born about 1914
ReynaldsHenry Aborn about 1912
RichardsonA Nborn about 1872
RichardsonC Eborn about 1887
RichardsonDwight born about 1916
RichardsonFronia born about 1900
RichardsonHarold born about 1922
RichardsonIzetta born about 1903
RichardsonJ Fborn about 1902
RichardsonJ Mborn about 1882
RichardsonJohn Dorisborn about 1923
RichardsonLynn born about 1924
RichardsonMary Cborn about 1874
RichardsonMary Kborn about 1888
RichardsonNorma born about 1929
RichardsonRalph born about 1912
RichardsonW Bborn about 1881
RileyBetty Janeborn about 1931
RileyBillie born about 1927
RileyCarl born about 1891
RileyFlyod born about 1928
RileyHarry born about 1926
RileyJames born about 1922
RileyJohn Carlborn about 1924
RileyMary Annborn about 1933
RileyNellia born about 1921
RileyNora born about 1892
RogersCecil Eborn about 1894
RogersCharles Dborn about 1925
RogersGeorgia Mborn about 1897
RushMalinda Mborn about 1875
RyanCharles born about 1914
RyanClifford born about 1919
RyanMargaret born about 1929
RyanMary born about 1891
RyanOmer born about 1889
RyanOmer Jr born about 1916
RyanRobert born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersArkadell born about 1879
SandersBessie Alfredborn about 1889
SandersC Eborn about 1880
SandersFred Eborn about 1889
SandersGladys born about 1886
SandersLesco born about 1912
SandersMarion born about 1886
SandersMildred born about 1921
SeymourBertha born about 1908
SeymourCarl born about 1905
SeymourDouglas born about 1936
SeymourJudith Kayborn about 1939
ShaneBobby Royborn about 1936
ShaneMabel born about 1918
ShaneMax born about 1938
ShaneR P Jrborn about 1912
SharpCharles born about 1896
SharpMurle born about 1904
SharpSarah Janeborn about 1923
ShrahCharles Rborn about 1867
ShrahHarriet Iborn about 1855
SightsLewis born about 1899
SightsLucile born about 1910
SilerArthur born about 1879
SilerMyrtle born about 1889
SledgeBobbie Glenborn about 1932
SledgeD Lborn about 1922
SledgeEmory born about 1887
SledgeMattie born about 1891
SledgeWalter Rayborn about 1928
SligarGoldie born about 1896
SligarJoe born about 1896
SloanBeverly Koyborn about 1938
SloanDona born about 1910
SloanHarry born about 1909
SloanRonald Leonborn about 1936
SmithDaisy born about 1880
SmithErma born about 1899
SmithHarold born about 1898
SmithJean Iborn about 1924
SmithLeah born about 1923
SmithMartha born about 1858
SmithOscar born about 1896
SmithOscar Jr born about 1922
SmithRaymond born about 1906
SmithRuby born about 1906
SmithWalker born about 1884
SnederMildred born about 1921
SnederWalter born about 1918
SnowEdgar born about 1878
SnowEmilyn born about 1918
SnowLeland born about 1913
SnowMeranda born about 1879
SnowMerta born about 1884
SnowPhyllis born about 1921
SnowWard born about 1910
SnowWillard born about 1880
SnyderEdwin born about 1879
SoulonBilly born about 1934
SparlinErnest born about 1897
SparlinFlora born about 1919
SparlinHazel born about 1900
SparlinLeo Deanborn about 1919
SquiresDonald born about 1910
StaneartAudry born about 1906
StaneartCharles born about 1937
StaneartFred born about 1907
StaneartFreddie born about 1934
StansberryMax born about 1913
StarnesFrank born about 1907
StarrJohn born about 1882
StarrRose born about 1894
StewartGeraldine born about 1916
StewartR Wborn about 1912
StewartRalph Geraldborn about 1940
StewartRuth Elaineborn about 1939
StonecipherDella born about 1871
StonerFrancis Willardborn about 1899
StonerGeorge Cborn about 1897
StonerJohn Rborn about 1890
StonerJohn Jr born about 1924
StonerMartha Janeborn about 1922
StonerPeggy born about 1912
StonerRobert born about 1924
StonerRoberta Kathleenborn about 1918
StonerRosman born about 1916
StonerStella born about 1896
StormentBilly born about 1928
StormentCarroll born about 1923
StormentElmer Leeborn about 1930
StormentJames born about 1901
StormentLourena born about 1902
StoverDara Eborn about 1885
StoverDean born about 1928
StoverE Cborn about 1878
StoverLeroy born about 1910
StoverLynn born about 1939
StoverOpal born about 1908
StreetBarbara Janeborn about 1932
StreetBernard Keithborn about 1930
StreetOlive born about 1901
StreetVirgil born about 1904
SummervilleAlva born about 1903
SummervilleAnnetta born about 1935
SummervilleJack born about 1924
SummervilleMargaret born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TarrAma born about 1897
TarrMargaret born about 1925
TarrRobert born about 1898
TarrRobert Jr born about 1920
TateAldon born about 1929
TateAlpha born about 1874
TateAnna born about 1902
TateBernice born about 1911
TateBeulah born about 1924
TateCharles born about 1926
TateCharles born about 1936
TateDorthy born about 1939
TateElaine born about 1934
TateEugene born about 1925
TateGeorge born about 1877
TateJean born about 1939
TateKatherine born about 1880
TateLouis born about 1895
TateMartha Janeborn about 1931
TateMervin born about 1927
TateOmer born about 1897
TateOra born about 1916
TateRuby born about 1900
TateSharan born about 1938
TateVictor born about 1936
ThomasClara born about 1866
ThomasJ Aborn about 1864
ThomasVeni born about 1889
ThompsonFrank born about 1917
ThompsonJames born about 1921
ThompsonJohn born about 1917
ThurmanEffie born about 1875
ToleAvery born about 1903
ToleCarol Leeborn about 1933
ToleHarold born about 1928
ToleJackie born about 1930
ToleNorma born about 1924
ToleRuth born about 1908
TuckerJune Evelynborn about 1939
TuckerKenneth Cborn about 1905
TuckerShirley Annborn about 1940
TuckerThelma born about 1913
TurnerDoris born about 1934
TurnerLiza Leeborn about 1912
TurnerLyle born about 1915
TurnerNorma born about 1936
TurnerOtis Royborn about 1933
TurnerRussel born about 1939
TurpinCharles born about 1874
TurpinEthel born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodNina born about 1920
UnderwoodR Bborn about 1916

V Surnames

VangilderBertha born about 1891
VangilderCarl born about 1926
VangilderEverett born about 1891
VangilderHarold born about 1931
VangilderJess born about 1918
VangilderMadeline born about 1925
VangilderPhyllis born about 1929
VaundronMaizie born about 1920
VaundronPhletiona born about 1940
VowellD Mborn about 1909
VowellHelen born about 1910
VowellSammy Louborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalterEdward Jborn about 1901
WalterHyacinth born about 1905
Wamar born about 1873
WardFred born about 1919
WardMarie born about 1922
WardRose Fborn about 1872
WardWilliam born about 1868
WareDoris born about 1918
WareFenton born about 1914
WatersLouise born about 1922
WatersVerna born about 1902
WatersWarren born about 1899
WatersWilfred born about 1926
WentworthDorothy born about 1925
WentworthEdward born about 1923
WentworthFlorence born about 1897
WentworthGeorge born about 1890
WentworthKenneth born about 1930
WentworthRobert born about 1921
WentworthWilliam born about 1919
WhiteHarrison born about 1917
WhiteIda born about 1920
WhiteJack born about 1938
WhitlockKelly born about 1887
WhitlockMabel born about 1884
WiegelEugene born about 1913
WiegelGeneva born about 1917
WiezelEvelyn born about 1917
WiezelPhilip born about 1881
WiezelTosie born about 1880
WileyE Cborn about 1905
WileyEdith born about 1911
WileyKenneth Dileborn about 1931
WilkinsVivian born about 1928
WilliamsC Oborn about 1889
WilliamsDica born about 1892
WilliamsJulia born about 1871
WilliamsRose Marieborn about 1930
WilliamsRoy born about 1882
WilliamsSarah born about 1881
WilliamsVelma born about 1911
WilsonAubry born about 1876
WilsonB Oborn about 1909
WilsonJames Walterborn about 1939
WilsonLucille born about 1915
WilsonMinnie born about 1871
WilsonRichard born about 1938
WilsonRoy born about 1877
WimpeyMaris Jeanborn about 1931
WimpeyMaude born about 1905
WimpeyShirley Nanborn about 1937
WinstonCarol born about 1910
WinstonHerbert Leeborn about 1909
WoodGlen born about 1913
WoodMary born about 1921
WootersDelia born about 1885
WootersElmer born about 1868
WootersEvelyn born about 1934
WootersIonia born about 1909
WootersPaul born about 1907
WootersRobert born about 1936
WootersTommy born about 1938
WootersWalter born about 1933
WyattAnna Eborn about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungDarrel Deanborn about 1939
YoungMargaret born about 1919
YoungNoble Esthelborn about 1911
YoungWarren born about 1937

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