1940 U.S. Federal Census of Rich Township, Cook, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Cook County > 1940 Census of Rich Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbrahamBonnie Jeanborn about 1931
AbrahamEsther born about 1905
AbrahamJohn born about 1936
AbrahamJohn Mborn about 1905
AdamFlorence born about 1891
AdamHenrietta born about 1870
AdamJames Pborn about 1932
AdamJanet born about 1931
AdamPaul Jborn about 1894
AdamRichard born about 1928
AdamsElizabeth born about 1890
AdamsRudolph born about 1879
AdamsRudolph Wborn about 1927
AdlerHoward born about 1896
AdlerHoward Jr born about 1925
AdlerJoan Louiseborn about 1930
AdlerMartha born about 1898
AdlerPaula born about 1928
AlbersAlma born about 1911
AlbersHerbert born about 1900
AlbersJean born about 1935
AlbersRoger born about 1937
AlbersValerie born about 1931
AlbrightFreda born about 1873
AllemongEdith born about 1884
AllemongFrank born about 1881
AllenEdward Aborn about 1902
AllenJudith Annborn about 1930
AllenKatherine born about 1904
AllenMary Lauborn about 1936
AllerHarry Wborn about 1898
AmbrusEzekiel born about 1931
AmbrusGavor born about 1888
AmbrusLucille born about 1931
AmbrusMarie born about 1936
AmbrusMary born about 1891
AmbrusStephen born about 1928
AmlandC Eugeneborn about 1936
AmlandClara born about 1910
AmlandClarence born about 1906
AmlandGerald born about 1933
AmlandJohn born about 1880
AndersonArthur born about 1898
AndersonHelen born about 1904
AndersonHelen born about 1927
AndersonHenrietta born about 1899
AndersonJohn Rborn about 1874
AndersonJosephine born about 1864
AndersonMarie born about 1911
AndersonWesley born about 1896
AndersonWilliam born about 1933
AnkerAnn born about 1915
AnkerMartin born about 1912
AnthonyHilma born about 1884
ArmstrongEdith born about 1909
ArmstrongJoel born about 1902
ArvesonBryan born about 1937
ArvesonCatherine Bborn about 1906
ArvesonCatherine Lborn about 1934
ArvesonMaurice Hborn about 1903
AugurRobert Cborn about 1934
AustinDavid Crewborn about 1933
AustinLouis Cborn about 1905
AustinRichard Bborn about 1901
AustinRichard Williamborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BadgleyCharles born about 1924
BadgleyFrancis Iborn about 1888
BadgleyFranklin born about 1914
BadgleyMarian born about 1912
BangsLeroy born about 1872
BangsMargaret born about 1890
BarberEmma Mborn about 1902
BarberFranklin Dborn about 1901
BarberFranklin Drake Jrborn about 1930
BarberJane born about 1926
BarberMargaret Aliceborn about 1934
BarlawArthur Nborn about 1879
BarlawLillian Mborn about 1888
BarnettAliase born about 1889
BarnettMyron born about 1895
BartelsAmanda born about 1899
BartelsMelvin born about 1918
BartelsOtto born about 1894
BartelsWilmer born about 1922
BartlingEdna born about 1906
BartlingElmer born about 1904
BartlingMarlene Mayborn about 1937
BartlingMarvin born about 1930
BartschClemens born about 1856
BartschEleanor born about 1920
BartschErna born about 1892
BartschRobert Wborn about 1892
BatesAdelmar Mborn about 1929
BatesDonna Lborn about 1932
BatesGeorge Hborn about 1935
BatesLemore Cborn about 1905
BatesMarcus Cborn about 1903
BatesMiles Cborn about 1930
BauerElizabeth born about 1872
BeamenIvan born about 1903
BeamenRa Vadaborn about 1905
BeckMaurine born about 1907
BeckNathan Leeborn about 1897
BeckRobert Leeborn about 1930
BeckWilliam Josephborn about 1927
BeckerBeth born about 1896
BeckerBetsey born about 1929
BeckerConstance born about 1937
BeckerDavid born about 1939
BeckerDorothy born about 1936
BeckerEllen born about 1917
BeckerMaston born about 1939
BeckerMiriam born about 1935
BeckerOscar born about 1906
BeckerPaul born about 1912
BeckerPaul Jr born about 1938
BeckerRenata born about 1910
BeckerS Williamborn about 1895
BeckerWilliam born about 1925
BegeshaCharles born about 1892
BegeshaCharles Jr born about 1935
BegeshaJohn born about 1931
BegeshaMary born about 1933
BegeshaSusan born about 1903
BegeshaThrese born about 1939
BeismerBarbara born about 1933
BeismerCarl born about 1901
BeismerCarol born about 1931
BeismerHenrietta born about 1905
BellFrances born about 1898
BellGertrude born about 1929
BellJoseph Eborn about 1895
BelowskyEllen born about 1903
BelowskyJohn born about 1899
BennettGrace Eborn about 1880
BennettJames Rborn about 1919
BennettLucille Eborn about 1916
BerbegAlfred born about 1921
BernEdward Anthonyborn about 1936
BernEdward Gborn about 1897
BernFrances born about 1903
BernNancy born about 1932
BerreshOtto born about 1900
BethmanAnna born about 1881
BethmanJohn born about 1881
BierbaumCharles Maxwellborn about 1912
BierbaumDouglass Maxwellborn about 1939
BierbaumMilton Aborn about 1908
BischoffHenry born about 1902
BischoffRobert born about 1936
BischoffRuth Hborn about 1902
BishopBelle born about 1908
BishopFrank born about 1924
BishopJimmie born about 1935
BishopJohn born about 1887
BishopJohn Wborn about 1919
BishopLoraine born about 1937
BishopParthy born about 1928
BishopRobert born about 1939
BispingHenry Cborn about 1876
BispingMinnie born about 1880
BlakerPaul born about 1902
BlankBarbara born about 1867
BlissGilbert Aborn about 1877
BlissOlive born about 1886
BlumeAlice born about 1912
BlumeAllen born about 1917
BlumeAnna born about 1888
BlumeCordula born about 1918
BlumeDonald born about 1939
BlumeEarnst born about 1881
BlumeEdgar born about 1917
BlumeEldon born about 1937
BlumeEthel born about 1915
BlumeGeorge born about 1883
BlumeGeorgeianna born about 1930
BlumeHenry Fborn about 1875
BlumeHenry Jborn about 1878
BlumeHerman born about 1885
BlumeHilbert born about 1905
BlumeKatherine born about 1878
BlumeKatherine born about 1886
BlumeLloyd Hborn about 1914
BlumeMarvin born about 1917
BlumeMary born about 1879
BlumeReinhart born about 1912
BlumeRuth Sborn about 1917
BlumeSelma born about 1908
BlumeStella born about 1890
BlumeVerna born about 1913
BlumeWilbur Hborn about 1914
BodeAllen born about 1931
BodeAlma born about 1895
BodeAnnie born about 1873
BodeCelia born about 1902
BodeGeorge born about 1866
BodeLawrance Fborn about 1895
BodeMarvin born about 1929
BodeSelma born about 1923
BodeSylvia born about 1923
BodeVirgil born about 1936
BoersDella born about 1912
BoettgerBetty Jeanborn about 1935
BoettgerEsther born about 1912
BoettgerJohn born about 1907
BogardingLillian born about 1904
BohlmannArnold born about 1912
BohlmannFrieda born about 1912
BohlmannHenry Fborn about 1907
BohlmannHerman born about 1913
BohlmannRuth born about 1939
BoicourtWillard born about 1919
BoleyAnna Maryborn about 1932
BoleyHarry born about 1896
BoleyHarry Jr born about 1929
BoleyRobert born about 1926
BoleySylvia born about 1900
BooneDorothy born about 1926
BooneHarry born about 1920
BooneJessie born about 1922
BooneJohn born about 1898
BooneJohn born about 1921
BooneLouise born about 1900
BordenFrank Bborn about 1885
BormanElla born about 1910
BormanGorge Wborn about 1915
BormanMary born about 1876
BowenCharles born about 1904
BowenCharles born about 1933
BowenDorothy born about 1927
BowenIsabel born about 1907
BoyerHenrietta born about 1879
BoyerHenry born about 1870
BoyerMary born about
BoyerVera born about 1903
BramstedtCaroline born about 1873
BramstedtHenry Cborn about 1873
BramstedtHerbert born about 1907
BrantClyde born about 1893
BrantFlorence born about 1905
BreiJohn born about 1877
BreiNorman born about 1915
BremanJames Eborn about 1894
BremanNancy born about 1937
BremanNorma Sborn about 1901
BremerCarl born about 1895
BrookeEdwin born about 1882
BrookeMayme born about 1884
BrownAnne born about 1905
BrownBette Anneborn about 1939
BrownRalph Cborn about 1892
BrownfieldElizabeth born about 1910
BrownfieldHarold born about 1927
BrownfieldHenry Jborn about 1906
BruderElla born about 1934
BruderEsther born about 1934
BruderHulda born about 1900
BruderMartin born about 1900
BruderMartin Jr born about 1938
BrumleyDaniel Jesephborn about 1865
BrumleySusanna P Lborn about 1874
BrunsAnna born about 1910
BrunsArchie born about 1897
BrunsClara born about 1896
BrunsDonald born about 1930
BrunsHenry born about 1853
BrunsHenry born about 1926
BrunsHenry Jborn about 1901
BrunsIda born about 1922
BrunsJoan born about 1933
BrunsJohn Ralphborn about 1895
BrunsMelvin born about 1918
BrunsWayne born about 1928
BuellDorothy born about 1895
BuellJames Hborn about 1890
BuellRobert born about 1923
BuindHalleck born about 1883
BuindMyrlea born about 1898
BuleCharmian born about 1918
BuleHarriet Reedborn about 1882
BuleNorma born about 1920
BunkmanAugust born about 1874
BunkmanEdward born about 1918
BunkmanElsie born about 1920
BurganMary born about 1869
BurgerEleanor J Nurborn about 1901
BurgerHenry Geoborn about 1892
BuschEthel Eborn about 1895
BuschFrank Vborn about 1891
BuschJohn Fborn about 1919
BuschMary Aliceborn about 1932
BuselmeierBernhard born about 1913
BuselmeierJosephine born about 1856
BuselmeierJudith Annborn about 1940
BuselmeierMary Annborn about 1939
BuselmeierStella born about 1915
BushWillard Hborn about 1911
ByrneLucille born about 1927
ByrneMildred born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellCatherine born about 1891
CaldwellEdward Jamesborn about 1916
CaldwellJane born about 1923
CaldwellJean born about 1923
CaldwellW Bruceborn about 1891
CalleyCharles Eborn about 1930
CalleyLouis Mabelborn about 1933
CalleyMabel Tborn about 1904
CalleyWalter Bborn about 1900
CallisDavid Rborn about 1902
CallisFay born about 1937
CallisPearl Jborn about 1897
CalpinoGaetano born about 1938
CalpinoJasephine born about 1917
CalpinoNick Gborn about 1890
CampbellBeverly born about 1928
CampbellCecil Fborn about 1897
CampbellClaude Wborn about 1901
CampbellCornelius born about 1899
CampbellErma born about 1898
CampbellHiram Jborn about 1893
CampbellRichard born about 1927
CampeMatilda born about 1880
CarlMyla born about 1927
CarlNellie born about 1930
CarlNorma born about 1934
CarlPearl born about 1932
CarlRichard born about 1929
CarlStella born about 1893
CarlStella Mayborn about 1925
CarlWalter Cborn about 1891
CarneyDwight born about 1921
CarneyEdward born about 1893
CarneyMayme born about 1897
CarrierAdelyn Danieleborn about 1912
CarrierDouglass Leeborn about 1887
CarrierJean born about 1924
CarrierRobert born about 1919
CarrierWilliam Cborn about 1913
CarrierWilliam Leeborn about 1939
CarrollClyde born about 1919
CarstairsArthur born about 1882
CarstairsJane born about 1888
CarterMary born about 1912
CaskeyGeorge born about 1928
CaskeyGeorge Rborn about 1899
CaskeyMargaret born about 1899
CaslooElizabeth born about 1872
CaslooParry born about 1869
CellarinoAugust born about 1867
ChapmanEleanor born about 1908
ChapmanJames born about 1900
ChapmanJames Jr born about 1931
ChessmanAnna born about 1867
ChildsEdith Mborn about 1898
ChildsOlive Mborn about 1900
ChinGlady Sborn about 1916
ClairE Jeromeborn about 1905
ClairKatherine born about 1905
ClairRandall born about 1939
ClareyStella born about 1909
ClarkAlice Edithborn about 1906
ClarkArthur Fborn about 1890
ClarkJudith born about 1936
ClarkRodger born about 1932
ClartonC Fredborn about 1920
ClartonHelen born about 1897
ClartonMiles born about 1892
ClartonRichard born about 1925
ClaussenMinnie born about 1863
ClawitterDaughter born about 1907
ClawitterEdward born about 1904
ClawitterJean born about 1939
ClaxtonAnn born about 1926
ClaxtonBessie born about 1899
ClaxtonLeo born about 1920
ClaxtonWes born about 1890
ClaxtonWesley born about 1923
ClementBurton Rborn about 1895
ClementBurton Robert Jrborn about 1936
ClementKatherine born about 1904
ClementMarilyn born about 1934
ClementRuth Annborn about 1940
CliffordCharles Pborn about 1904
ClueverJohn born about 1858
CoaleCarolne born about 1919
CoburnAbigail Wborn about 1940
CoburnBurniece Jr born about 1906
CoburnFordyce born about 1906
CohrsAdela born about 1916
CohrsClara Dborn about 1920
CohrsClarence C Drborn about 1913
CohrsDora born about 1882
CohrsEdward born about 1895
CohrsEdwin Cborn about 1916
CohrsElla born about 1902
CohrsEmil Fborn about 1889
CohrsGeorge born about 1898
CohrsHenry Fborn about 1881
CohrsLillie Sborn about 1891
CohrsLois Anneborn about 1923
CohrsLouise Wborn about 1898
CohrsLucille Olgaborn about 1927
CohrsOlga born about 1892
CohrsOtto Fborn about 1888
CohrsRuth born about 1928
CohrsSophia born about 1862
CohrsWilliam Hborn about 1901
ColemanMyrtle Iborn about 1875
ColladayBess Mborn about 1882
ColladayWalter Earlborn about 1880
ColomanMyrtle Iborn about 1879
CommesserJohn born about 1879
CommesserMay born about 1882
CondonBeatrice Vborn about 1895
CondonCalisle Jr born about 1930
CondonCarlisle born about 1888
CondonFlorence Rborn about 1895
CondonFrank Dborn about 1894
CondonGeorge born about 1916
CondonJane Vborn about 1918
CondonJoan Eborn about 1919
CondonMargaret born about 1921
CondonRichard born about 1932
ConnellCharlotte born about 1934
ConnellHazel born about 1911
ConnellLonnie born about 1909
ConnellWanda born about 1931
ConnellyCharles Hborn about 1883
ConnellyCharles Jr born about 1920
ConnellyIrene born about 1885
ConnellyMary born about 1914
ConnellyRichard born about 1929
ConnellyVeronica born about 1894
ConnollyCatherine born about 1921
ConnollyMary Kaneborn about 1885
ConnollyMary Teresaborn about 1914
ConnollyRichard Jborn about 1917
ConnollyRobert Eborn about 1885
CookElwood born about 1904
CookHarold Jeanborn about 1938
CookMary born about 1910
CopelandElsie Nborn about 1897
CopelandJean born about 1919
CopelandKenneth Bborn about 1894
CopelandPriscella Aldenborn about 1923
CopelandTodd Cushmanborn about 1936
CorlissCharles born about 1904
CorlissEleanor born about 1907
CorlissGregg Allenborn about 1938
CoryCharles Bborn about 1918
CoveyCharles Pborn about 1925
CrewElla Mborn about 1863
CrowsonGeorge born about 1896
CrowsonMary Annborn about 1931
CrowsonRobert born about 1924
CrowsonVida born about 1895
CuffeGertrude born about 1899
CuffeGertrude born about 1931
CuffeJames born about 1898
CuffeJames born about 1932
CuffeMarion born about 1937
CureFrancis born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DadyArthur born about 1885
DadyHelen born about 1923
DadyVirginia born about 1889
DadyVirginia born about 1923
DaftElizabeth Nborn about 1906
DaftFrances Hborn about 1906
DahlkeEdward born about 1914
DahlmannAugust born about 1919
DahlmannClarance born about 1910
DahlmannDora born about 1874
DahlmannDora born about 1880
DahlmannEdna born about 1912
DahlmannElmer born about 1903
DahlmannEsther born about 1917
DahlmannJack born about 1933
DahlmannLouis born about 1874
DahlmannMable born about 1912
DahlmannRichard born about 1937
DahlmannRonald born about 1939
DahlmannViolet born about 1909
DahlmannWalter born about 1907
DahlmannWalter Jr born about 1928
DalowyArdith born about 1916
DalowyEdward Fborn about 1909
DalowyFrancis born about 1938
DarlinCharles born about 1888
DarlinLovie born about 1900
DavisFrank born about 1874
DavisLester born about 1901
DavisLida born about 1868
DavisMyrtle born about 1898
DavisThelma born about 1937
DavisVirginia born about 1903
DeanGertrude born about 1899
DeanHarrey born about 1899
DeanHarvey born about 1925
DeanRichard born about 1932
DeanRobert born about 1930
DeatonBessie Isabellaborn about 1907
DeatonEthel born about 1936
DeatonHarold Bernardborn about 1903
DeckerMary born about 1867
DeeMcsimon born about 1898
DeeSimon born about 1895
DehningFerderick born about 1925
DehningGeorge Hborn about 1879
DehningMelvin born about 1922
DehningSofia born about 1883
DehningViola born about 1910
DeihlArma Rborn about 1887
DeihlEdith born about 1893
DeihlFrances born about 1924
DeihlGertrude born about 1922
DermottGloria born about 1927
DetteringEvelyn born about 1916
DetteringLouis born about 1883
DetteringRose born about 1889
DettmeringAllen born about 1920
DettmeringArlene born about 1934
DettmeringDora born about 1905
DettmeringDorothy born about 1938
DettmeringEmil born about 1902
DettmeringHenry born about 1876
DettmeringHenry Wborn about 1906
DettmeringHerman Lborn about 1886
DettmeringJune born about 1927
DettmeringLa Rue born about 1923
DettmeringLeanora born about 1912
DettmeringLucille born about 1928
DettmeringOscar born about 1900
DettmeringRose born about 1894
DettmeringRuth born about 1932
DettmeringSophie born about 1878
DettmeringViolet born about 1931
DettmeringWilma born about 1908
DettmerringLouise born about 1888
DevivoAlbert born about 1914
DevivoRuth born about 1920
DickmanH Aborn about 1889
DickmanLarraine born about 1920
DickmanMary born about 1897
DickmanPatricia born about 1926
DickmanRichard born about 1928
DidricksonCharles Edwardborn about 1939
DidricksonJohn Eborn about 1907
DidricksonLouise born about 1906
DierksCarolina born about 1871
DierksLillian born about 1900
DimickNormandy born about 1876
DincenHelen born about 1909
DincenJohn born about 1932
DincenJoseph born about 1907
DoehlerLouisa born about 1856
DoerrEmsie born about 1886
DoerrFrank born about 1916
DoerrWilliam Philippborn about 1888
DollingMary born about 1895
DonkerbroekHenry born about 1904
DonovanDaniel born about 1891
DonovanMercia born about 1935
DonovanMildred born about 1903
DoornMena born about 1919
DorsettDorothy born about 1931
DorsettJoan born about 1933
DorsettL W Jrborn about 1902
DorsettLe Rayborn about 1937
DorsettMarian born about 1908
Dovan born about 1907
DovanWilliam born about 1919
DrewBarbara Annborn about 1929
DrewCarrie born about 1893
DrewHedley Gborn about 1883
DrummondGeorge Sborn about 1891
DrummondMargaret born about 1898
DrumnLena born about 1900
DuffyBessie born about 1905
DuffyFrank born about 1900
DuffyFrank born about 1930
DuffyJames born about 1927
DuffyPatricia born about 1933
DuffyWalter born about 1933
DurhamCarole Jeanborn about 1932
DurhamHarold born about 1912
DurhamJohanna born about 1912
DurizziNorma born about 1921
DyerHarold Wborn about 1874
DyerJudith born about 1939
DyerJulia born about 1911
DyerOlive Lborn about 1914
DyerRobert Sborn about 1917
DyerRose Sborn about 1884
DyerWilliam Hborn about 1926
DyerWilliam Wborn about 1910

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E Surnames

EarlyEdith born about 1936
EarlyJacqueline born about 1930
EarlyLoridritta born about 1934
EarlyPatrcia born about 1923
EarlyRalph born about 1896
EarlyRalph Jr born about 1926
EarlySamuel born about 1920
EarlySarah born about 1902
EarnshawJohn born about 1883
EarnshawUrsula born about 1907
EbersoldEvelyn born about 1888
EbertGrace born about 1892
EbertWilliam Georgeborn about 1882
EcholsMargaret born about 1884
EcholsRobert Tborn about 1883
EckerEmma born about 1905
EckerRichard born about 1933
EckerRobert born about 1936
EckerWater born about 1905
EckertAlbert Aborn about 1877
EckertHulda born about 1909
EgdorfFrank Cborn about 1892
EgdorfGerald born about 1935
EgdorfHelen born about 1899
EggertCarl born about 1917
EggertCharles born about 1885
EggertChristina born about 1893
EggertEdwin born about 1923
EggertRuth born about 1920
EggertWalter born about 1917
EipperAdda Belleborn about 1901
EipperAnzolette born about 1933
EipperDolores born about 1931
EipperLloyd Vborn about 1901
EipperMarilyn born about 1933
EiskampClara born about 1901
EiskampClarence born about 1932
EiskampEsther born about 1900
EiskampFred born about 1890
EiskampHerbert born about 1936
EiskampMinnie born about 1899
ElbersArlene born about 1933
ElbersElaine born about 1938
ElbersEsther born about 1908
ElbersHenry born about 1873
ElbersHilbert born about 1906
ElbersMalinda born about 1907
ElbersSofie born about 1870
ElliottFreeman born about 1926
ElliottJohn Fborn about 1894
ElliottLena born about 1901
ElliottMary Janeborn about 1924
EmersonMonroe born about 1906
EmersonOrlys born about 1908
EmersonSarah born about 1936
EriczonJoan Ruthborn about 1930
EriczonMary Mborn about 1903
EriczonParl W Jborn about 1902
EttaLucille born about 1910
EttaWallace born about 1907
EvansAnn Lovejoyborn about 1927
EvansGeneva Bborn about 1901
EvansMelvin J Jrborn about 1923
EvansMelvin Jr born about 1900
EvelienDavid Mborn about 1887
EwartArlic Bborn about 1873

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F Surnames

FaatzRoberta Eborn about 1917
FaccaroAlma born about 1901
FaccaroAntonio born about 1896
FacenEmma born about 1875
FacenJames born about 1879
FalknorFrank Bborn about 1898
FalknorFrank Jr born about 1929
FalknorJean Eborn about 1900
FalknorMargaret born about 1925
FalknorMary Annborn about 1927
FarkAllen born about 1939
FarkBillie born about 1927
FarkDonald born about 1921
FarkEmma born about 1894
FarkNormi born about 1922
FarkWilliam born about 1891
FarnsworthBen born about 1889
FarnsworthLouise born about 1893
FeddersenClara born about 1908
FeddersenDonald born about 1935
FeddersenDorothy born about 1935
FeddersenHerbert born about 1903
FeddersenRuth born about 1931
FeigelEdwin born about 1925
FeigelElmer born about 1922
FeigelElsie born about 1916
FeigelGeorge born about 1913
FeigelHelen born about 1921
FeigelHenry born about 1883
FeigelHulda born about 1893
FeigelJohn born about 1888
FeigelMinnie born about 1857
FeigelNellie born about 1887
FeislinErna born about 1904
FeislinGordon born about 1936
FeislinJoan born about 1926
FeislinPaul born about 1899
FennClara born about 1896
FetherlingErnest born about 1925
FetherlingEtta born about 1900
FetherlingGeorge born about 1899
FetherlingLolita born about 1922
FickEarl Lborn about 1898
FickLuella born about 1900
FiebigAnna born about 1890
FiebigAugust born about 1892
FiebigVirginia born about 1920
FiefferDonna Jeanborn about 1934
FiefferGladys Jborn about 1914
FiefferOtto Jborn about 1904
FinkDonald born about 1937
FinkEmma born about 1875
FinkGeorge Fborn about 1871
FinkIda born about 1906
FinkIrwin born about 1907
FinkRonelle born about 1935
FiorenzGuerino born about 1915
FissePearl Mborn about 1885
FodterBessie Fborn about 1896
FodterCharles Jborn about 1883
FodterCharles J Jrborn about 1922
FodterMark Sborn about 1933
FosterEdna Maeborn about 1894
FosterEvelyn born about 1903
FosterRichard born about 1902
FosterRichard born about 1925
FosterThomas Fborn about 1885
FosterVincent born about 1927
FracaroChrist born about 1920
FracaroSelma born about 1921
FraccaroValentine born about 1916
FranceMoraine born about 1901
FrancePeter born about 1939
FranceWilliam born about 1889
FranklinCarl Hborn about 1898
FranklinCharles born about 1930
FranklinEstelle born about 1903
FranklinNeil born about 1933
FreemanEsther born about 1880
FridmanDelkline born about 1907
FridmanJack born about 1897
FriedemannElizabeth Mborn about 1894
FriedemannWm Gborn about 1894

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G Surnames

GalfinCorrinne born about 1914
GalfinEmil born about 1904
GalfinEmil born about 1933
GalitzFred born about 1897
GalitzMarie born about 1896
GardnerElizabeth born about 1901
GardnerJess born about 1900
GarmictheMargaret born about 1906
GarrellIda born about 1885
GarrettIrene born about 1919
GarsideClara born about 1894
GarsideElijah born about 1871
GarsideEliza born about 1871
GarsideFrank born about 1892
GatrellFrances born about 1919
GatrellMelvin born about 1915
GavinGladys Mborn about 1900
GavinH Tborn about 1899
GavinMargaret born about 1926
GavinMary Annborn about 1924
GavinThomas born about 1930
GeasleyJohn born about 1926
GeasleyNancy born about 1923
GeasleyNina born about 1895
GeasleySusan born about 1928
GeasleyWarren born about 1890
GenethMay born about 1914
GenethWilliam born about 1912
GerloffAugust born about 1876
GerloffEdna born about 1906
GerloffEmma born about 1886
GerloffMary Elizabethborn about 1919
GerloffMarylinn born about 1939
GerloffRaymond born about 1913
GerschErvin born about 1902
GerschJosephine born about 1904
GibbonsMargeret born about 1890
GiesekeHenry born about 1871
GilbertJack born about 1867
GilchristEddie born about 1901
GlaeserAnna born about 1895
GlaeserFred born about 1897
GlaeserFrederick born about 1925
GlaeserJohn Phillipborn about 1928
GlaeserMarie born about 1895
GlairH Fborn about 1889
GlairHortense born about 1894
GlairJacqueline born about 1920
GlazeAnne born about 1907
GoldenFred born about 1927
GoldenHoward born about 1925
GoldenMartha Flosayborn about 1923
GoldenMartha Vborn about 1886
GoldenRoy Wborn about 1892
GordonCara born about 1906
GordonKenneth born about 1903
GordonKenneth born about 1937
GordonSusan born about 1938
GraceAllen born about 1907
GraceCaroline born about 1886
GraceClarence born about 1921
GraceErvin born about 1919
GraceGertrude born about 1907
GraceHenry born about 1872
GrahamDonald Mborn about 1939
GrahamDoris Vborn about 1938
GrahamEdna born about 1898
GrahamHoward Eborn about 1908
GrahamMargaret Aborn about 1899
GrahamMildred Lborn about 1912
GrahamWillard Jborn about 1897
GrahamWilliam Nborn about 1898
GrantHoward Derlryborn about 1897
GrantJohn Lawrenceborn about 1928
GrantLucille Nruffeborn about 1896
GranthamJulia born about 1904
GranthamThos Dborn about 1899
GraybealFlorence born about 1883
GraybealWilliam born about 1878
GreenAlfred Sborn about 1905
GreenHelen born about 1907
GreenMarilyn born about 1935
GreenRonald born about 1933
GrigalanzAnn born about 1891
GrigalanzElda born about 1915
GrigalanzJohn born about 1885
GrigalanzJohn Jr born about 1914
GrigalanzJohn Jr born about 1938
GrigalanzLorretta born about 1937
GrigalanzStanley born about 1932
GroscheCharles born about 1874
GroscheEmily born about 1869
GroscheGustav born about 1863
GroscheKathryn born about 1918
GroscheOlga born about 1883
GroscheRuth born about 1913
GroscheWesley born about 1915
GroscheWilhelmine born about 1910
GrossBarbara born about 1869
GrunatJulius born about 1866
GrunstEmma Louiseborn about 1903
GrunstHenry born about 1899
GrunstHenry Jr born about 1934
GugleMildred born about 1880
GugleSamuel born about 1877
GuilotteCarl born about 1931
GuilotteElizabeth born about 1910
GuilotteJoan born about 1935
GuilotteKay born about 1935
GuilotteWalter Rborn about 1906
GunnHarry Eborn about 1879
GunnHarry E Jrborn about 1930
GunnIrma born about 1909
GunnWilliam Sborn about 1932
GustafsonB Gustaveborn about 1886
GustafsonHelen born about 1890
GuthrieEllen Wborn about 1880
GuthrieFlorence born about 1903
GuthrieJames Wborn about 1902
GuthrieJames Wborn about 1937
GuthrieSara Hborn about 1928
GwytonEdward Oborn about 1890
GwytonEdward O Jrborn about 1923
GwytonMarguerite born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaasHarvey born about 1936
HaasHenry Gborn about 1863
HaasHerbert born about 1905
HaasHerbert Jr born about 1934
HaasHilbert born about 1938
HaasKatherine born about 1915
HaasStanley born about 1936
HabasMary born about 1923
HainesAmee Mborn about 1918
HainesPerry Lborn about 1878
HainesPerry Tborn about 1919
HainesRuth born about 1919
HainesRuth Sharonborn about 1939
HallCarrie born about 1896
HallFred born about 1913
HamannRobert born about 1870
HammertH Hborn about 1896
HammertHerbert born about 1924
HammertOlive born about 1897
HammertRobert born about 1928
HammondEleanor born about 1885
HammondW M Jborn about 1883
HankenHarriet born about 1911
HankenMorgan born about 1907
HansenFred born about 1886
HantsbergerWm born about 1913
HarbartEdmund born about 1899
HarbartEdmund Jr born about 1939
HarbartPhyllis born about 1933
HarbartRichard born about 1930
HarbartRose born about 1899
HardingConstance born about 1937
HardingDavid born about 1940
HardingFrances born about 1900
HardingFrances born about 1930
HardingRichard born about 1885
HardingRichard Fborn about 1924
HardingWilliam born about 1935
HardmanHelen born about 1920
HardmanIra Cborn about 1894
HardmanIra Jr born about 1926
HardmanLillian born about 1890
HarmsAlvin born about 1916
HarmsAnna born about 1893
HarmsClarence born about 1930
HarmsEarnst born about 1918
HarmsEmil born about 1904
HarmsEsther born about 1915
HarmsEvelyn born about 1915
HarmsFlorence Van Dborn about 1892
HarmsGerhaid born about 1904
HarmsGertrude born about 1919
HarmsHarry born about 1917
HarmsHelena Cborn about 1898
HarmsHenry born about 1867
HarmsHenry Eborn about 1896
HarmsLe Roy born about 1932
HarmsLeona born about 1936
HarmsLewis A Pborn about 1888
HarmsLorraine born about 1915
HarmsLyla Jeanborn about 1939
HarmsMarie born about 1926
HarmsMatilda born about 1893
HarmsMilton born about 1926
HarmsOrval born about 1919
HarmsRaymond born about 1924
HarmsRomona born about 1930
HarmsRonald born about 1939
HarmsRussel born about 1928
HarmsTheodore born about 1889
HarmsTheodore born about 1923
HarmsVallmere born about 1934
HarmsVan Dursenborn about 1918
HarmsWesley born about 1924
HarringtonBlanche born about 1892
HarringtonDavid born about 1895
HarringtonEdward born about 1924
HarteCharles R Jborn about 1908
HarteEvelyn Sborn about 1912
HarteStefanie born about 1939
HartlingFred born about 1868
HartlingMeta born about 1875
HartshornHarry Haroldborn about 1892
HastadFred born about 1910
HatchEdward Wborn about 1902
HatchRuth Sborn about 1905
HatchWarren Wborn about 1938
HattendorfVernon born about 1921
HausmanFred born about 1916
HausmanVerna born about 1919
HawkEliza Janeborn about 1892
HawkGeorge Wborn about 1890
HawtonAdaline born about 1920
HawtonAllen born about 1918
HeaterCharles born about 1895
HeaterJohn born about 1923
HeaterMarian born about 1895
HeathMargery born about 1921
HeatonDorothy born about 1927
HeatonElizabeth born about 1904
HeatonGail Dborn about 1898
HeckFrank Wborn about 1880
HeckInez Edithborn about 1879
HeckNancy Leeborn about 1931
HedekeEmma born about 1890
HedekeHerman born about 1887
HedekeRalph born about 1929
HefnerFloyd born about 1908
HeineDora born about 1867
HeineFred born about 1870
HeineGeorge born about 1908
HeineHenry born about 1867
HeineHerman born about 1899
HeineHulda born about 1910
HeineLouise born about 1905
HeineMary born about 1884
HeineMildred born about 1927
HeineNorma born about 1914
HeineOscar born about 1917
HeineWilliad born about 1912
HeinerHarriet born about 1917
HeinerHenry born about 1881
HeinerHenry Jr born about 1918
HeinerMathilda born about 1887
HelgersenElsie born about 1921
HelgersenGeorge born about 1911
HelmsBurt born about 1884
HelmsDaniel born about 1914
HelmsLydia born about 1896
HendersonFrancis Dborn about 1891
HendersonNina Fborn about 1887
HenkeAlfred born about 1889
HenkeArthur Gborn about 1895
HenkeArthur Jr born about 1926
HenkeClara born about 1880
HenkeClara born about 1891
HenkeElaine born about 1921
HenkeEmma born about 1891
HenkeJohn Hborn about 1891
HenkeMagdalena born about 1892
HenkeMargaret born about 1867
HenkeMargaret born about 1920
HenkeRuth born about 1918
HenningCharles Wborn about 1897
HenningCharles W Jrborn about 1930
HenningRuth born about 1902
HensmanArlene born about 1931
HensmanFred born about 1885
HensmanFreda born about 1896
HensmanStella born about 1920
HensmanVernon born about 1917
HerdinMary born about 1910
HeronAlfred Tunstallborn about 1934
HeronDonald Meriwetherborn about 1939
HeronEleanor Francesborn about 1936
HeronFrances Dunlapborn about 1907
HeronLawrence Tborn about 1903
HeronMarian Susanborn about 1933
HerrickWilliam born about 1921
HerthelAlice born about 1894
HerthelEugene born about 1894
HerthelJane Edithborn about 1924
HerthelMary Aliceborn about 1926
HessBarbara born about 1885
HessOtto born about 1894
HieberArmin born about 1920
HieberCarl born about 1927
HieberEmil born about 1890
HieberHelen born about 1893
HieberLester born about 1916
HieberLoretta born about 1924
HieberNora born about 1925
HillClema born about 1908
HillDennis born about 1935
HillDonald born about 1927
HillEverett born about 1905
HillNorman born about 1925
HillPeggy born about 1933
HillRosa Bellborn about 1930
HillThomas born about 1939
HillgerHelen born about 1924
HillgerHulda born about 1885
HillgerMarion born about 1928
HillgerRichard born about 1920
HiwettDorothy Cborn about 1903
HiwettDorothy Elizabethborn about 1930
HiwettPhilip Cborn about 1901
HiwettWilliam born about 1934
HobbsCarlene Aborn about 1927
HobbsHarry Eborn about 1887
HobbsHarry E Jrborn about 1924
HobbsMabel Cborn about 1900
HobsonJames born about 1923
HobsonJohn Sborn about 1868
HobsonJohn Jr born about 1926
HobsonMargaret born about 1893
HockomFern born about 1907
HockomLester born about 1907
HodgsonHarace Mborn about 1900
HodgsonHugh Stewartborn about 1928
HodgsonInnogen Wborn about 1902
HodgsonJayce Leeborn about 1932
HodgsonThomas Mulfordborn about 1938
HodgsonWalter Williamborn about 1925
HoeppnerBruce born about 1937
HoeppnerJoan born about 1936
HoeppnerL Cborn about 1908
HoeppnerLouise born about 1914
HofsissElizabeth Cborn about 1904
HofsissWilliam Aborn about 1904
HogerAlbert born about 1885
HogerDella born about 1897
HogerDorothy born about 1925
HogerEarnst born about 1899
HogerErvin born about 1924
HogerHilbert born about 1923
HogerIrene born about 1922
HogerJulius born about 1855
HogerLavern born about 1918
HogerLouisa born about 1897
HogerLuella born about 1927
HogerMamie born about 1888
HogerMelvin born about 1929
HogerNorman born about 1912
HogerOtto born about 1889
HogerSylvester born about 1927
HogerViolet born about 1921
HohmanGeorge born about 1892
HohmanOlga born about 1897
HollisterBeverly born about 1936
HollisterGeorgia born about 1935
HollisterHarold born about 1905
HollisterKathryn born about 1908
HolmsDavid Hborn about 1861
HolmsElla Staddredborn about 1862
HooperBurley born about 1903
HooperMattie born about 1908
HooverAlbert born about 1925
HooverBrenton born about 1926
HooverClaude born about 1892
HooverGenevieve born about 1901
HopeCarl Rborn about 1912
HopeHilda born about 1916
HopkmsMargaret born about 1916
HopkmsStephen born about 1915
HostadtHattie born about 1881
HostadtNels born about 1886
HotchkinAnna Fborn about 1897
HotchkinJean Mborn about 1939
HotchkinJohn born about 1907
HotchkinJohn Fborn about 1935
HotchkinSara born about 1913
HotchkinWilliam Mborn about 1903
HovanecAnne born about 1912
HowardCarl Aborn about 1893
HowardHazel Eborn about 1901
HowardHenry Cborn about 1916
HowardIrene born about 1931
HowardMargaret born about 1893
HowardPauline born about 1927
HowardRose born about 1922
HowardWilliam Eborn about 1895
HuedepohlAlice born about 1939
HuedepohlChristine born about 1920
HuedepohlElmer born about 1910
HuffClay Gborn about 1901
HuffElaine born about 1937
HuffEskin born about 1929
HuffFlorence Clarkborn about 1903
HuggettAgnes Eborn about 1897
HuggettDorothy Agnesborn about 1924
HuggettRalph Merleborn about 1925
HuggettWilliam Stanleyborn about 1922
HuggettWilliam Wborn about 1895
HumstakEdna born about 1910
HumstakElmer born about 1900
HuntAlbert Fborn about 1886
HuntBlanche Iborn about 1890
HunterEdna Maeborn about 1916
HunterEmily born about 1890
HunterRichard Rborn about 1926
HunterVan Bborn about 1890
HustonAlice Blairborn about 1924
HustonCharles Jborn about 1891
HustonCharles Ruthborn about 1930
HustonDavid Halmsborn about 1928
HustonGeneva Holmborn about 1891
HydeClifford Hborn about 1912
HydeHarvey Gborn about 1885
HydeHelen Marieborn about 1894
HydeLillian Fborn about 1887
HydeR Fborn about 1890
HydeRichard Jborn about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngwersenAlice born about 1931
IngwersenCharlotte born about 1872
IngwersenHenry Wborn about 1897
IngwersenHenry Jr born about 1921
IngwersenIsabel born about 1899
IngwersenJanet born about 1924
IngwersenMary born about 1928
IngwersenTim Hborn about 1872
IrenaryClara born about 1892

J Surnames

JacabsEllen born about 1919
JacobsenAnna Leonaborn about 1919
JacobsenBetty Marieborn about 1882
JacobsenH Gborn about 1884
JacobsonMurle born about 1917
JaeschkeRobert born about 1905
JamesBasil born about 1917
JansenCharles Aborn about 1887
JansenHazel Rborn about 1892
JansenMarjarie born about 1919
JansenRuth Maryborn about 1919
JeffrieClara born about 1890
JeffrieHelen born about 1910
JeffriePercival Rborn about 1880
JeffrieRobert born about 1911
JenksAlbert Mborn about 1905
JenksAlbert Jr born about 1927
JenksDiane Janeborn about 1928
JenksMargaret born about 1907
JenksRichard born about 1938
JensenWalda born about 1896
JohnAlbert born about 1894
JohnAlma born about 1894
JohnRobert born about 1919
JohnsonAmanda born about 1867
JohnsonClailie born about 1879
JohnsonDaisy born about 1907
JohnsonFlora born about 1881
JohnsonHarry Mborn about 1881
JohnsonRobert Lborn about 1894
JonesDarrell born about 1929
JonesKenneth born about 1930
JonesLouise born about 1932
JonesLuella born about 1907
JonesMelvin born about 1880
JonesReymond born about 1935
JonesRose Fborn about 1886
JonesWalter born about 1902
JordonBlanche born about 1887
JordonJack born about 1918
JordonOram born about 1886
JordonRobert born about 1897
JuergensEdwin born about 1912
JuergensElmer born about 1939
JuergensEmil born about 1924
JuergensHelen born about 1930
JuergensHerman born about 1932
JuergensLucille born about 1937
JuergensMartha born about 1900
JuergensMildred born about 1935
JuergensOtto born about 1885
JuergensOtto Jr born about 1926
JuergensRuth born about 1928
JunesEmma born about 1895
JunesP Kborn about 1886
JungAllen born about 1933
JungElla born about 1929
JungEverret born about 1924
JungLeo Fborn about 1893
JungLillian born about 1927
JungMelvin born about 1931
JungRose born about 1898
JungRoy born about 1922
JungWaldemar born about 1926
JunglesAnthony born about 1896
JunglesElizabeth born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KackmanJohn born about 1866
KafkaJoseph Rborn about 1907
KafkaRuth Cborn about 1910
KallahanRuth born about 1916
KampeAlma born about 1903
KampeAlvin born about 1936
KampeArnold born about 1932
KampeArthur born about 1920
KampeAugusta born about 1900
KampeBernice born about 1928
KampeCarolyn born about 1939
KampeDelmar born about 1932
KampeEarnst born about 1891
KampeEd born about 1899
KampeEhler born about 1857
KampeElsie born about 1905
KampeEmil born about 1892
KampeEmily born about 1921
KampeEmily born about 1926
KampeFred born about 1895
KampeGeorge born about 1905
KampeGeorge born about 1924
KampeHenry born about 1901
KampeHerman born about 1866
KampeHilbert born about 1930
KampeHilda born about 1900
KampeHilda born about 1910
KampeIrene born about 1934
KampeJohn born about 1862
KampeLawrence born about 1936
KampeLillian born about 1908
KampeLucille born about 1930
KampeMabel born about 1897
KampeMelburn born about 1925
KampeMervin Hborn about 1934
KampeMildred born about 1927
KampeMyra born about 1933
KampeNorman born about 1927
KampeOlga born about 1894
KampeTheodore born about 1896
KampeVernon born about 1932
KampeViola born about 1918
KampeViolet born about 1935
KampeWilliam born about 1891
KantzlerAlice born about 1913
KantzlerCarol born about 1940
KantzlerEdward born about 1874
KantzlerEleise born about 1875
KantzlerHoward born about 1907
KantzlerJoyce born about 1936
KantzlerLarraine born about 1934
KantzlerNorman Eborn about 1903
KappOtto born about 1907
KarnesCara Alvidaborn about 1883
KarnesElizabeth Maryborn about 1914
KarnesWilliam born about 1870
KarstensEdward born about 1901
KarstensHarry born about 1897
KarstensJack born about 1928
KarstensJames born about 1924
KehleAlbertine born about 1899
KehleArmin born about 1894
KehleArmin Jr born about 1934
KehleArwalt born about 1934
KehleKatharine born about 1928
KeinigsbergBen born about 1894
KeinigsbergCecile born about 1929
KeinigsbergDelphine born about 1932
KeinigsbergLuella born about 1905
KennedyIssabell born about 1905
KennedyJeanie born about 1925
KennedyRobert Aborn about 1934
KennedyWilliam Mborn about 1901
KiesslingAlbert born about 1919
KiesslingElmer born about 1925
KiesslingJohn born about 1880
KiesslingMargaret born about 1883
KimballAlice Josephineborn about 1923
KimballGeorge Wborn about 1886
KimballGordana born about 1890
KimballJoyce born about 1927
KimballMargaret born about 1896
KimballMargorie born about 1894
KingAnnie born about 1865
KingWilliam born about 1898
KiteEdith born about 1921
KleinClara Fborn about 1906
KleinEdward born about 1899
KlempCaryl born about 1937
KlempEldon born about 1935
KlempErwin born about 1908
KlempHelen born about 1911
KlempLois born about 1939
KlunerWilliam born about 1906
KmetzMargaret born about 1917
KmetzMicheal born about 1912
KnechDonald born about 1932
KnechElsie born about 1910
KnechPaul born about 1908
KnieriemMelvin born about 1915
KnieriemShuly Annborn about 1939
KnieriemSylvia born about 1918
KocherJacques Jborn about 1887
KocherMargaret born about 1883
KocherMargarette born about 1916
KoekerCharles born about 1931
KoekerEllen Lecauntborn about 1915
KoekerMuller born about 1903
KoekerPaula born about 1934
KohlHerbert Hborn about 1907
KohlLillian born about 1917
KohlRobert born about 1936
KohlSharon born about 1939
KomarMichael born about 1907
KomarOtta born about 1912
KomarSandra born about 1938
KrabbeAlfred born about 1901
KrabbeBeverly born about 1937
KrabbeCarl born about 1874
KrabbeEdward born about 1883
KrabbeEdwin born about 1909
KrabbeEvelin born about 1909
KrabbeIda born about 1881
KrabbeMalinda born about 1879
KrabbeMargaret born about 1915
KrabbeMary Mborn about 1908
KrabbeRobert Wborn about 1908
KriepsBetty Hborn about 1911
KriepsHarold Eborn about 1910
KrugerPauline Eborn about 1881
KrumwiedeAnna born about 1910
KrumwiedeFred born about 1867
KrumwiedeFrieda born about 1897
KrumwiedeMargaret born about 1868
KruppsHilda born about 1901
KruseAnna born about 1899
KruseHenry born about 1891
KruseOtto born about 1862
KruseRosa born about 1892
KummelehneHarold born about 1930
KummelehneHerman born about 1894
KummelehneLouellen born about 1933
KummelehneMinnie born about 1896
KurlzhalsRaymond born about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaescherPauline born about 1901
LaescherRichard Eborn about 1901
LagesBarbara born about 1936
LagesElmer born about 1910
LagesLoretta born about 1934
LagesMarie born about 1913
LandreyAlexander born about 1906
LangJoe born about 1888
Langreder born about 1883
LangrederAdolph born about 1874
LangrederAlbert born about 1914
LangrederAlice born about 1917
LangrederDorothy born about 1882
LangrederHerbert born about 1906
LangrederHerman born about 1880
LangrederWalter born about 1910
LangworthCharles Eborn about 1864
LangworthKate born about 1872
LardonHelen born about 1870
LargeEdward Wborn about 1899
LargeEdward Jr born about 1930
LargeJane born about 1928
LargeKathryn Bborn about 1905
LargeOlivia born about 1928
LarsonAgatha born about 1869
LarsonCharles born about 1902
LarsonRay born about 1900
LarsonRay Jr born about 1937
LatourneauBetty born about 1908
LatourneauClarence born about 1927
LatourneauClifford born about 1910
LatourneauFred born about 1868
LatourneauRaymond born about 1926
LatourneauRonald born about 1931
LatourneauRose born about 1876
LatourneauRoy born about 1903
LauerAlvina born about 1864
LauerCarl born about 1891
LauerCatherine born about 1920
LauerHilda born about 1892
LauerLeonard born about 1914
LauerRose born about 1895
LauerWalter born about 1892
LawFrances Gborn about 1881
LawFred Hborn about 1878
LednerAdolph born about 1871
LednerAnna born about 1872
LeeEdith born about 1919
LehmannSarah born about 1918
LeinenEdward born about 1935
LeinenFreda born about 1902
LeinenJoe born about 1899
LenkeLaura born about 1892
LenkeLena born about 1892
LenkePaul born about 1892
LenkeWilliam born about 1890
LenkeWilliam Jr born about 1920
LerbsAlma born about 1906
LerbsElaine born about 1926
LerbsFred born about 1903
LiebrandtClarence born about 1909
LiebrandtElmer born about 1914
LiebrandtErvin born about 1911
LiebrandtHenry born about 1924
LiebrandtLorraine born about 1916
LiebrandtLucille born about 1922
LiebrandtNorman born about 1918
LiebrandtWilmer born about 1908
LindhaurerGwendolyn born about 1902
LindhaurerH Aborn about 1900
LindhaurerJohn born about 1922
LindleyJohn Rborn about 1938
LindleyLaura Hborn about 1910
LindleyMary Annaborn about 1935
LindleyRalph Rborn about 1908
LindleyRalph Jr born about 1933
LiptonMurriell born about 1928
LloydDoris born about 1921
LloydHarold born about 1887
LloydMadeline born about 1887
LonngrenAlvira born about 1904
LonngrenGeorge Wborn about 1901
LonngrenGlenn born about 1925
LoomisBetty Janeborn about 1925
LoomisJennie born about 1890
LotscherClarence born about 1897
LotscherGertrude born about 1921
LotscherJoseph born about 1925
LotscherMildred Eborn about 1901
LotscherMildred Iborn about 1924
LoughryDe Lous born about 1918
LoughryEarl born about 1910
LuehrsRuth born about 1922
LueringAugust Cborn about 1869
LueringElaine born about 1937
LueringEmil born about 1911
LueringLena born about 1876
LueringMargaret born about 1912
LundellCarl born about 1928
LundellDorothy born about 1931
LundellEric born about 1900
LundellSarah born about 1902
LustfeldtEleanor born about 1919
LustfeldtFred born about 1878
LustfeldtHarriet born about 1915
LustfeldtHelen born about 1905
LustfeldtHenrietta born about 1880
LustfeldtMarcus born about 1911
LustfeldtMyra born about 1911
LustfeldtRuth born about 1937
LuttermanLena born about 1907
LuttermanPearl born about 1927
LuttermanWilliam born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaccaaGladys Jborn about 1898
MaccaaMary Aliceborn about 1923
MaccaaRobert Aborn about 1896
MaccaaRobert Rborn about 1925
MackenzieArchieboy born about 1904
MackenzieEffie Cborn about 1902
MackenzieGwendolyn born about 1932
MaeckerAlvina born about 1883
MaeckerCzrna born about 1909
MaeckerHenrjr born about 1882
MahlerArthur born about 1886
MahlerDorothea born about 1889
MahlerDorothy born about 1914
MahlerElizabeth born about 1883
MahlerMelvin born about 1912
MahlerMelvin Aborn about 1937
MahlerMilton born about 1919
MahlerStella born about 1910
MahlerWilliam born about 1882
MaloneyBarbara Joanborn about 1926
MaloneyHilda Bborn about 1900
MaloneyJ Loyborn about 1892
MaloneyJames Summerborn about 1864
MaloneyPatricia Bborn about 1923
MaloniAnselmo born about 1879
MaloniEnrica born about 1886
MancinoJohn born about 1906
ManginaAngelo born about 1869
ManginaAnna born about 1882
ManginaBertha born about 1910
ManginaFrank born about 1913
ManginaNorman born about 1923
ManginaRaymond born about 1917
MannA Gailborn about 1939
MannAlice born about 1920
MannArthur Eborn about 1937
MannAudrey born about 1920
MannCatherine born about 1914
MannDelbert born about 1903
MannEdward born about 1897
MannEdward Sr born about 1881
MannEdwin Frankborn about 1872
MannElsie born about 1927
MannJohn born about 1921
MannJoseph born about 1925
MannLucille born about 1904
MannMargie Lborn about 1939
MannMay born about 1881
MannOtto born about 1909
MannOtto born about 1935
MantzAnna born about 1890
MantzOtto born about 1891
MarbleMary born about 1859
MarcusonCarl Jborn about 1893
MarcusonElizabeth born about 1894
MarpleBruce born about 1931
MarpleEdna born about 1909
MarpleJames Dborn about 1904
MarquadtEdwin born about 1900
MarquadtElmer born about 1908
MarquadtHilda born about 1903
MarquadtLavera born about 1911
MarquadtLawrence born about 1895
MarquadtLe Roy born about 1935
MarquadtLenora born about 1923
MarquadtMalinda born about 1895
MarquadtSofia born about 1859
MarquadtWilbert born about 1932
MarquardtAnita born about 1933
MarquardtElsa born about 1910
MarquardtEmil born about 1891
MarquardtLorna born about 1918
MarquardtLouis born about 1903
MarquardtLydia born about 1890
MartiArthur Cborn about 1894
MartiEmma born about 1892
MartnickJohn born about 1894
MasonLily born about 1902
MatsonAlice born about 1875
MatsonClara born about 1905
MatsonJohn born about 1875
MatsonLouise born about 1914
MatthewArgil born about 1938
MatthewCalven born about 1926
MatthewClara born about 1899
MatthewLouis born about 1897
MatthewMelvin born about 1928
MatthiesCalvin born about 1926
MatthiesDelores born about 1930
MatthiesFreda born about 1895
MatthiesGerbart born about 1920
MatthiesHelmuth born about 1892
MatthiesHenry born about 1922
MatthiesLaurenz born about 1922
MatthiesLillian born about 1923
MatthiesMarie born about 1901
MatthiesTheodore born about 1895
MatthiesWilbert born about 1919
MattoxDale born about 1928
MattoxJames born about 1926
MattoxJohn born about 1932
MattoxRaymond born about 1905
MattoxRichard born about 1934
MattoxSarah born about 1907
McAfeeNellimae born about 1923
McClimontMargaret born about 1886
McCloseErvin born about 1898
McCrindleAgnes born about 1909
McCrindleRobert born about 1930
McCrindleWilliam born about 1896
McDonaldHarold born about 1915
McDonaldMary Jeanborn about 1918
McEldowneyCharles Rborn about 1895
McEldowneyJames born about 1928
McEldowneyJean born about 1922
McEldowneyJohn born about 1923
McEldowneyLaura born about 1870
McEldowneyRuth born about 1895
McGeeJohana born about 1907
McGlaneBertha born about 1888
McGowenCatherine Sborn about 1901
McGowenEdward Jborn about 1896
McGowenEdward Jborn about 1926
McGowenRobert Wadeborn about 1928
McGowenSara Marieborn about 1937
McGuiganAnn born about 1930
McGuiganBernhardt born about 1932
McGuiganHazel born about 1906
McGuiganHelen born about 1936
McGuiganThomas born about 1901
McGuiganThomas Jr born about 1931
McIntoshCarl Wborn about 1909
McIntoshFlorence Mborn about 1911
McIntoshGerald Leeborn about 1936
McLeanMargaret Allenborn about 1853
McMullenAndrew born about 1898
McMullenAndrew born about 1928
McMullenMyrtle born about 1906
McMullenNorna Jeanborn about 1933
MeehlingMargaret Jaeneborn about 1928
MeekerMulvina born about 1924
MeekerRaymond Cborn about 1897
MeekerWinifred born about 1901
MeierPaul born about 1890
MeierPauline born about 1922
MeierStella born about 1895
MeierWilford born about 1924
MeinheitAugusta born about 1885
MeinheitCarl born about 1921
MeinheitEdna born about 1915
MeinheitElmer born about 1917
MeinheitEmma born about 1885
MeinheitFred born about 1911
MeinheitHerbert born about 1919
MeinheitHuld Aborn about 1917
MeinheitMary born about 1878
MeinheitRuth born about 1939
MeinheitViola born about 1911
MeinheitWalter Fborn about 1912
MeinheitWilbert born about 1912
MesnardAlvin Eborn about 1899
MesnardDonald Rborn about 1939
MesnardJoyce Eborn about 1931
MesnardLorraine Lborn about 1910
MetzTillie Eborn about 1879
MetzgerEmma born about 1908
MetzgerFred born about 1904
MetzgerHarold born about 1924
MetzgerHelen born about 1921
MetzgerMartha born about 1902
MetzgerMildred born about 1925
MetzgerWilliam born about 1899
MetzgerWilliam Jr born about 1929
MeyerArchie born about 1893
MeyerBetty born about 1928
MeyerBonnie born about 1938
MeyerCharles born about 1888
MeyerEddie born about 1890
MeyerElbert born about 1898
MeyerEleanora born about 1911
MeyerElla born about 1927
MeyerErna born about 1908
MeyerEsther born about 1897
MeyerGeorge Hborn about 1897
MeyerGustav Hborn about 1899
MeyerHelen born about 1911
MeyerHenry born about 1855
MeyerHenry Fborn about 1894
MeyerHerbert born about 1908
MeyerJanet born about 1936
MeyerKatie born about 1898
MeyerLa Verne born about 1919
MeyerLillian born about 1899
MeyerLoretta born about 1935
MeyerLouis born about 1892
MeyerLouis born about 1906
MeyerLouis Sr born about 1865
MeyerMarie born about 1926
MeyerMarvin born about 1919
MeyerMina born about 1856
MeyerMinnie born about 1881
MeyerNorman born about 1931
MeyerRaymond born about 1930
MeyerSophia born about 1863
MeyerVelora born about 1933
MeyerWalter born about 1915
MeyerWillard born about 1937
MeyerWilma born about 1917
MichalsSarah born about 1874
MierzwaHedwig born about 1901
MikenJames born about 1920
MillburnLowell born about 1908
MillburnLowell Jr born about 1939
MillburnMiriam born about 1914
MillerJune born about 1927
MillerLorraine born about 1924
MillerMabel born about 1902
MillerMargaret born about 1901
MillerMartin born about 1890
MillerRoger born about 1927
MillerRoy born about 1920
MillerWalter Rborn about 1899
MilliganGertrude Sborn about 1897
MilliganPatricia Annborn about 1934
MilliganRobert Eborn about 1901
MilliganRobert Jamesborn about 1931
MiltonHarry born about 1882
MiltonMargaret born about 1888
MitzlerDonald born about 1927
MitzlerMinnie born about 1890
MitzlerWilliam Pborn about 1883
MonroDonald born about 1901
MonroGrace born about 1905
MonroJane born about 1938
MooneyHattie Lborn about 1894
MooneyNathan Aborn about 1887
MooreBarbara Fborn about 1930
MooreJames Eborn about 1902
MooreMary Hborn about 1903
MoranSylvester born about 1903
MuffAmanda born about 1883
MuffJohn Wborn about 1881
MurfeyRose L Rborn about 1860
MyersEdward Jborn about 1898
MyersElla born about 1901
MyersHarold born about 1925
MyersJane born about 1897
MyersJane Claireborn about 1928
MyersLawrence Sborn about 1895
MyersLawrence Jr born about 1920
MyersRonald born about 1930
MyersShirley born about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NallMargaret Berryborn about 1914
NallRuby Berryborn about 1884
NallThomas Johnborn about 1883
NasshuomMichael born about 1867
NelsonDonald born about 1938
NelsonGeraldine born about 1923
NelsonLillian born about 1906
NelsonMinnie born about 1883
NelsonNelse born about 1880
NelsonReuben Kennethborn about 1900
NelsonRichard born about 1940
NesleyCharles Eborn about 1932
NesleyVernon Jr born about 1923
NesleyWilliam Philipborn about 1925
NewcombeJessie born about 1875
NewmanAugust born about 1884
NicalsonGilbert Sborn about 1882
NicalsonLucile born about 1887
NicholeCarrie Gborn about 1868
NicolsonHalen born about 1915
NicolsonRobert born about 1914
NiemeyerAlvin born about 1919
NiemeyerEdwin born about 1931
NiemeyerElsa born about 1903
NiemeyerFred born about 1898
NiemeyerHerman born about 1888
NiemeyerMalinda born about 1893
NiemeyerWilbert born about 1923
NietfeldtCalra born about 1898
NietfeldtDora born about 1866
NietfeldtDora born about 1912
NietfeldtFred Hborn about 1890
NietfeldtFrederick born about 1928
NietfeldtHenry born about 1892
NietfeldtHerbert Rborn about 1925
NietfeldtMary born about 1894
NietfeldtMinnie born about 1899
NietfeldtOscar Fborn about 1921
NietfeldtWilliam born about 1867
NietfeltAlbert born about 1901
NietfeltDelores born about 1933
NietfeltElise born about 1874
NietfeltEmily born about 1900
NietfeltGilbert born about 1931
NietfeltJick born about 1876
NietfeltMetha born about 1872
NietfeltTheodore born about 1902
NilesNita born about 1890
NillesBridgit born about 1885
NillesJohn born about 1881
NobleGlenn Smithborn about 1873
NobleMarcella born about 1872
NordWillie born about 1902
NordiMargaret born about 1913
NordiRose born about 1936
NortmeierMartha born about 1895
NortmeierRobert born about 1929
NortmeyerSophia born about 1865
NovotnyGrace born about 1904
NovotnyMary Ellenborn about 1936
NovotnyPatricia Annborn about 1934
NovotnyRichard born about 1925
NovotnyWilliam Rborn about 1903
NoyesJack born about 1920
NoyesMartha born about 1912
NuszHarriet Paskerborn about 1886
NuszW Gborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

ObrianMargaret born about 1884
ObrienJames born about 1896
ObrienJames Jr born about 1923
ObrienRichard Cborn about 1925
ObrienWilliam born about 1929
OgdenGeraldine Jr born about 1893
OgdenJames Dborn about 1930
OgdenJulia Aborn about 1927
OgdenMary Phyllisborn about 1922
OgdenPhilip Lborn about 1890
OgdenPhilip L Jrborn about 1925
OgradyBernard born about 1902
OhlendorfBertha born about 1892
OhlendorfCarl Lborn about 1886
OhlerkingAlvina born about 1908
OhlerkingArthur Nborn about 1905
OhlerkingArthur Jr born about 1931
OhlerkingClara born about 1888
OhlerkingJuanita born about 1930
OkeBarbara Annborn about 1926
OkeBetty Louborn about 1937
OkeHerbert Jborn about 1896
OkeHerbert J Jrborn about 1930
OkeLuella born about 1896
OkrutaCharlotte born about 1921
OlendorfAnne born about 1938
OlendorfEvelyn born about 1901
OlendorfHarry Fborn about 1902
OlovleEdward born about 1904
OlovleJoseph born about 1910
OlovleMay born about 1876
OlszakJoseph born about 1897
OmalleyDaniel born about 1902
OmalleyFrances born about 1900
OriellyJames born about 1905
OsbornMyrtle born about 1915
OsbornWalter Hborn about 1918
OstmanArthur born about 1924
OstmanClara born about 1890
OstmanElsie born about 1928
OstmanJohn born about 1877
OstmanMary born about 1915
OverbeyBarbara born about 1932
OverbeyEvelyn Rborn about 1911
OverbeyRonald born about 1930
OverbeyStewart Yborn about 1906
OverbeyStewart Jr born about 1936
OwensDavid born about 1926
OwensMarcia born about 1929
OwensMildred Bborn about 1901
OwensWarry Jamesborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PapeCharlotte Iborn about 1907
PapeT Wilfredborn about 1906
PapeThomas Wilfred Jrborn about 1936
PatersonDonna born about 1939
PatersonEdward born about 1912
PatersonHarriet born about 1917
PatersonIda born about 1914
PatersonPatrcia born about 1937
PatersonWilliam born about 1940
PatersonWilliam Cborn about 1917
PaulingArnold Cborn about 1883
PaulingArnold Jr born about 1925
PaulingArthur born about 1923
PaulingClifford born about 1905
PaulingDolores born about 1935
PaulingEdith born about 1914
PaulingElmer born about 1913
PaulingHenry Jr born about 1908
PaulingIda born about 1883
PaulingLloyd born about 1914
PaulingPaul born about 1919
PaulingVerlin born about 1925
PaulingVerma born about 1906
PaulingWalter born about 1906
PeasleyH Hamlinborn about 1862
PeasleyMartha born about 1862
PerkinsCassie born about 1908
PerkinsEdmund born about 1930
PerkinsHetty Joborn about 1928
PerkinsJoseph born about 1901
PerryAnn born about 1923
PerryGladys born about 1913
PerryJane born about 1925
PerryJohn Fborn about 1899
PerryLeonard born about 1904
PerryLeota Bborn about 1896
PerryVirgie born about 1900
PerutsConstance born about 1939
PerutsJoseph born about 1917
PerutsLenore born about 1919
PeterIrene born about 1904
PetersenOlga born about 1917
PetersonAgnes Bborn about 1896
PetersonAngie born about 1895
PetersonArthur born about 1930
PetersonArthur Eborn about 1877
PetersonDavid born about 1926
PetersonGeorge born about 1887
PetersonGeorge born about 1920
PetersonIda born about 1922
PetersonRichard born about 1929
PetrovichJulia born about 1910
PettersonLucille born about 1875
PfisterBarbara Jborn about 1938
PfisterEdna Gborn about 1914
PfisterJack Wborn about 1934
PfisterKatherine Aborn about 1937
PfisterTheobald Tborn about 1899
PiepenbrinkHarry born about 1904
PiepenbrinkHenry born about 1868
PiepenbrinkLouisa born about 1870
PiepenbrinkVerna born about 1915
PieperEmma born about 1882
PieperHarry born about 1880
PieperMildred born about 1913
PierceDavid born about 1932
PierceEdwin born about 1930
PierceEva born about 1898
PierceHarry Jr born about 1928
PierceHenry Hornsborn about 1895
PierceJohn born about 1921
PierceMary born about 1923
PierceNancy born about 1926
PierceRobert born about 1934
PierceRoy born about 1936
PinyerdCarl born about 1924
PinyerdCarl Aborn about 1884
PinyerdEdna born about 1899
PinyerdMargaret Annborn about 1927
PipherVera Maeborn about 1898
PipherW Vernonborn about 1900
PopeTheresa born about 1901
PopeWillie born about 1906
PortzHarry Elenn Jrborn about 1927
PortzHarry Glennborn about 1878
PortzHelen Margaretborn about 1923
PortzKarl Edwardborn about 1925
PortzLaura Louiseborn about 1936
PortzOlaug Pedersenborn about 1894
PossinBernice born about 1913
PossinHerbert born about 1906
PradinAlex born about 1913
PradinDorothy born about 1915
PradinPaul born about 1915
PradinRobert born about 1939
PralleAmy born about 1902
PralleEma born about 1875
PralleEmil born about 1910
PralleHenry born about 1904
PralleHugo born about 1907
PralleLillian born about 1908
PralleMartin born about 1912
PralleRichard born about 1901
PralleRoy born about 1898
PralleWalter born about 1913
PraterAlbert born about 1873
PraterBertanna born about 1893
PraterHarvey Sborn about 1881
PraterJohn born about 1918
PraterNettie born about 1877
PrendegastPatrick born about 1882
PryanEva born about 1908
PryanJoanne born about 1939
PryanM Aborn about 1903
PryanPatricia born about 1930
PutzCarol born about 1928
PutzEma born about 1897
PutzR Albertborn about 1894
PutzRita born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuinnEdwin Lborn about 1893
QuinnJoseph born about 1884
QuinnMary Lborn about 1900

R Surnames

RaberClaude Dborn about 1893
RaberJames born about 1933
RaberMarcia born about 1897
RadcliffeJosephine born about 1870
RadtkeElsie born about 1903
RadtkeKarl born about 1905
RadtkeLois born about 1926
RahmannCarolyn born about 1904
RamsayCharles born about 1898
RamsayCharles Jr born about 1934
RamsayEdna born about 1901
RamsayGeorge born about 1936
RandolphCarrie born about 1894
RasmussenMartha born about 1854
RawleyAlice born about 1904
RawleyAnn born about 1934
RawleyJael born about 1925
RawleyRobert Aldenborn about 1901
RayConstance born about 1936
RayGertrude Aborn about 1905
RayHerbert Dr born about 1897
RayMarilyn born about 1934
RayburnLeroy born about 1898
RayburnMary born about 1906
ReaClara born about 1916
ReaEldon born about 1920
ReaHoward born about 1922
ReaWilbert born about 1908
ReaWilliam Sborn about 1879
RedfieldFrank born about 1871
RedfieldRuth born about 1893
ReedCharles Rborn about 1877
ReedFlora Aborn about 1876
ReeseAlbert born about 1931
ReeseCora born about 1900
ReeseFlorence born about 1911
ReeseSamuel born about 1901
ReichertCharles Eborn about 1939
ReichertEsthermae born about 1914
ReichertHarriett Jeanborn about 1938
ReichertHarry Cborn about 1905
ReichertHelen born about 1915
ReichertRonald born about 1939
ReichertRussel born about 1936
ReichertWilliam born about 1907
ReidJack born about 1898
ReidSarah born about 1917
ReinhardtCaroline Dborn about 1900
ReinhardtGustav born about 1868
ReinhardtTheodore Fborn about 1900
RemacciAlex born about 1918
RemacciGolma born about 1924
RemacciJoseph born about 1928
RemacciMary born about 1915
RemacciNoggareno born about 1890
RemacciRosalie born about 1890
RemacciVincent born about 1916
RheimHulda born about 1909
RheimRoy born about 1914
RiechesHenry born about 1858
RiedDorothy Olmsteadborn about 1900
RiedRobert Newtonborn about 1898
RienhaldJulia born about 1895
RienhaldOscar born about 1878
RingFlorence born about 1910
RingJoseph Rborn about 1901
RioCharles born about 1900
RioLouisa born about 1874
RioLouise born about 1905
RioMinnie born about 1896
RkehleMarton born about 1937
RobertsCaroline born about 1896
RobertsJ Pborn about 1880
RobertsJoseph Rastleborn about 1905
RobertsJoseph Jr born about 1932
RobertsMarian born about 1906
RobertsRabb born about 1935
RobinsonMinnie born about 1875
RobinsonStephens born about 1851
RockstrochAnn born about 1893
RockstrochReinholde born about 1889
RodeckAndrew Tborn about 1940
RodeckAnna born about 1911
RodeckJacquline Jborn about 1936
RodeckJohn born about 1906
RodeckJohn Rborn about 1934
RodeckRose Marieborn about 1927
RoeGertrude born about 1882
RoeHarry Cborn about 1880
RoelElaine born about 1917
RohwedderBert born about 1898
RohwedderDelores born about 1928
RohwedderJack born about 1936
RohwedderLoyd born about 1926
RohwedderMarvin born about 1930
RohwedderMary born about 1905
RoofMargaret born about 1910
RoofMinnie Bborn about 1880
RossE Maudeborn about 1870
RozeneHarry Aborn about 1890
RozeneJoan born about 1933
RozeneMaude Aborn about 1898
RubleCarl Bborn about 1901
RueckheimHenry born about 1905
RueckheimMarguerite born about 1909
RueckheimMary born about 1867
RuedenzelDorothy born about 1902
RuedenzelRay born about 1897
RumisekBonnie born about 1922
RumisekFrank born about 1908
RusselLillian born about 1901
RusselWalter Wborn about 1900
RutgersCornelia born about 1928
RutgersEmko born about 1890
RutgersEmma born about 1932
RutgersHarry born about 1915
RutgersHilda born about 1919
RutgersJenny born about 1894
RutgersJoan born about 1934
RutgersRena born about 1925
RyanDaniel born about 1900
RyanMary born about 1905
RyanMary Cborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalterEdwin born about 1927
SalterLeslie Eborn about 1895
SalterMaud born about 1900
SalterRobert born about 1929
SamersLura Aborn about 1855
SampsomHarold Rborn about 1899
SampsonKatharyna born about 1904
SampsonSandra born about 1934
SampsonTheodore born about 1937
SandusMary born about 1917
SassanoJames born about 1910
SassanoLinda Luborn about 1939
SassanoMargaret born about 1915
SaxeJudith Annborn about 1932
SchaperA Danielborn about 1934
SchaperArthur Bborn about 1904
SchaperAudrey Jeneborn about 1931
SchaperFrances born about 1869
SchaperFrank born about 1902
SchaperJosephine born about 1905
SchaperLucille born about 1908
SchaperWm Raymondborn about 1938
ScharnhorstAnna born about 1890
ScharnhorstAnna Maryborn about 1917
ScharnhorstBarbara Jeanborn about 1932
ScharnhorstElmer born about 1912
ScharnhorstGertrude born about 1910
ScharnhorstHenry born about 1889
ScharnhorstRay born about 1908
ScharnhorstRichard born about 1933
ScheidtFrank Aborn about 1894
ScheidtGenevieve born about 1892
ScheidtLeo born about 1886
ScheidtPaul born about 1886
ScheidtTheresa Hborn about 1881
ScheidtVeronica born about 1889
ScheyverClyde H Jrborn about 1904
ScheyverFrances Marianborn about 1938
ScheyverJohn Davidborn about 1937
ScheyverMarian born about 1903
SchiavoniMarie Lborn about 1891
SchiavoniMario Lborn about 1883
SchlegelAnna born about 1873
SchlegelJames born about 1937
SchlegelJeanette born about 1933
SchlegelJohn born about 1873
SchlegelLouise born about 1904
SchlegelRoy born about 1902
SchlnemanRalph born about 1900
SchlossmanSamuel born about 1856
SchmaedekeAlfred born about 1888
SchmaedekeCharlott born about 1894
SchmaedekeClara born about 1889
SchmaedekeEdward born about 1890
SchmaedekeEhler born about 1887
SchmaedekeElise born about 1938
SchmaedekeErna born about 1927
SchmaedekeFred born about 1881
SchmaedekeFrieda born about 1894
SchmaedekeHerbert born about 1905
SchmaedekeTheo born about 1885
SchmaedekeWalter born about 1927
SchmaedekeWilliam born about 1939
SchmeckebierDiane born about 1934
SchmeckebierElla born about 1900
SchmeckebierJack born about 1929
SchmeckebierWillis born about 1900
SchmeckpeperDonald born about 1927
SchmeckpeperHelen born about 1904
SchmeckpeperJean born about 1926
SchmeckpeperJohn born about 1904
SchmeckpeperRobert born about 1929
SchmeckpeperSonia born about 1938
SchmeckpeperThomas born about 1932
SchmeckpeperVincent born about 1935
SchneeweissEmma born about 1889
SchneeweissHenry born about 1886
SchneiderEural born about 1904
SchneiderIda born about 1909
SchoelingDonald born about 1936
SchoelingFred born about 1899
SchoelingHenry Fborn about 1871
SchoelingIrene born about 1907
SchoelingKenneth born about 1940
SchoelingMalinda born about 1920
SchoelingMarie born about 1916
SchoelingRichard born about 1908
SchoelingSophia born about 1871
SchoemacherClara born about 1880
SchoemacherDorothy born about 1928
SchoemacherEmma born about 1884
SchoemacherHarry born about 1910
SchoemacherHenry born about 1876
SchoemacherWilliam born about 1881
SchoemacherWilliam Jr born about 1914
SchoenemanAugust born about 1916
SchoenemanClarence born about 1914
SchoenemanFred born about 1891
SchoenemanFrederick born about 1919
SchoenemanMary born about 1893
SchoenemanRichard born about 1917
SchofieldFrank Wborn about 1890
SchofieldLaura born about 1890
SchonemannCharles born about 1883
SchonemannEmma born about 1888
SchonemannLorraine born about 1926
SchonemannRoy born about 1907
SchrangCarolyn born about 1921
SchrankPaul born about 1915
SchroederEleanora Lborn about 1920
SchroederLiza born about 1854
SchroederMinnie born about 1894
SchroederViolet born about 1918
SchroederWalter born about 1893
SchultrArthur born about 1872
SchultrMildred born about 1919
SchultzEdna born about 1917
SchultzEthel born about 1917
SchultzLawrence born about 1914
SchultzLilly born about 1885
SchultzLouis Jborn about 1885
SchulzAnna born about 1878
SchulzHenry born about 1854
SchulzeLouise born about 1865
SchurichtAnna born about 1885
SchurichtEdward born about 1886
SchurichtEdwin born about 1920
SchurichtHelen born about 1925
SchwingendorfAlvin born about 1924
SchwingendorfAnna born about 1892
SchwingendorfArthur born about 1894
ScobeyJean born about 1934
ScobeyJoseph born about 1911
ScobeyLillian born about 1910
ScobeyRobert born about 1937
SeemanCaroline born about 1868
SeemanEarnst born about 1861
SeemanHenry Pborn about 1868
SeemanMinnie born about 1867
SeemannDelbert born about 1922
SeemannElmer born about 1905
SeemannErna born about 1892
SeemannFlorence born about 1907
SeemannGladys born about 1921
SeemannHoward born about 1924
SeemannLucille born about 1929
SeemannMilburn born about 1927
SeemannWilliam born about 1887
SeversonArthur born about 1928
SeversonMinnie born about 1897
SguibbFrances Plesmamer*born about 1902
SguibbFrancis Plesmmer Jrborn about 1928
SguibbMargaret Newcombeborn about 1903
SguibbRobert Nercmbeborn about 1940
ShamboThersea born about 1903
ShanklandKen Mborn about 1879
ShanklandMildred born about 1890
ShanklandNancy born about 1921
ShanklandWalter born about 1925
ShawDorothy born about 1914
ShawJames born about 1911
SheppardDora born about 1898
SherrillAmizetta born about 1915
SherrillKay born about 1938
SherrillLeon born about 1904
SherrillWesley born about 1936
SherwoodGeorge Bborn about 1893
SherwoodSally Sborn about 1868
SholtisAnna born about 1922
SholtisJoseph born about 1917
ShultzCharles born about 1874
ShultzJoseph born about 1925
ShymkusHarold born about 1927
ShymkusHazel born about 1903
ShymkusJoseph born about 1900
ShymkusRobert born about 1929
SickmanAmelia born about 1887
SickmanEdward born about 1890
SiekmanFred Aborn about 1875
SiekmanRaymond born about 1917
SiekmanSophie born about 1881
SieloffAlvina born about 1893
SieloffFrederick born about 1896
SievertIda Mayborn about 1940
SimonsRussell born about 1918
SiukolaArvo Nborn about 1908
SiukolaSadie Hborn about 1913
SlackCarolyn Annborn about 1928
SlackJames Fborn about 1897
SlackJennette born about 1899
SlackSally Maeborn about 1932
SluenkelSilvia born about 1921
SmithBertha born about 1897
SmithBetty Juneborn about 1928
SmithBeulah born about 1907
SmithBruce born about 1930
SmithDale Vborn about 1903
SmithEdith born about 1915
SmithEydia born about 1891
SmithHarriet born about 1906
SmithHoward born about 1892
SmithHoward Jr born about 1929
SmithIrwin born about 1921
SmithJacque Cborn about 1930
SmithJarvis born about 1880
SmithJohn born about 1933
SmithM Annaborn about 1881
SmithMargaret born about 1906
SmithMargaret born about 1917
SmithMary born about 1908
SmithMaurice born about 1923
SmithMiles Gborn about 1904
SmithPaul Mborn about 1891
SmithPaul Jr born about 1918
SmithPeter born about 1914
SmithRobert Woodborn about 1924
SmithShirley Anneborn about 1932
SmithSusie born about 1895
SmithWalter Fborn about 1905
SmithWalter Jr born about 1930
SmithWilliam born about 1916
SmootCornelia Annborn about 1940
SmootRobert Aborn about 1908
SmootViola Fborn about 1918
SnowKathleen born about 1875
SnowWalter born about 1875
SnyderBarbara born about 1926
SnyderJames Dborn about 1890
SnyderLenore Aborn about 1903
SoothillDonald born about 1931
SoothillFrank born about 1898
SoothillMartha born about 1872
SoothillTeresa born about 1900
SowersGladys born about 1905
SowersPenelope Aborn about 1937
SowersW Hborn about 1906
SparksSylvia born about 1911
SpearmanArlix born about 1884
SpearmanBurl born about 1907
SpearmanWm born about 1885
SponsoerArthur Mborn about 1899
SponsoerBlanche born about 1904
SponsoerThomas born about 1935
StadeAnna born about 1888
StadeErvin born about 1910
StadeHenry born about 1882
StadeLena born about 1856
StadeWilliam born about 1890
StaedkeArthur Gborn about 1898
StaedkeLillian Eborn about 1895
StamperElenore born about 1913
StamperW Sborn about 1903
StanleyAustine born about 1882
StaudtHelen Eborn about 1908
StaudtHelen Marieborn about 1935
StaudtWilliam Pborn about 1912
StegeArthur born about 1902
StegeArvin born about 1932
StegeBernice born about 1929
StegeBertha born about 1878
StegeBertha born about 1896
StegeClarence born about 1932
StegeEdna born about 1907
StegeEileen born about 1939
StegeEleanor born about 1938
StegeElester born about 1902
StegeElmer born about 1927
StegeElvert born about 1937
StegeFlorence born about 1908
StegeGilbert born about 1912
StegeHerbert born about 1904
StegeHerman Hborn about 1896
StegeIrene born about 1934
StegeJames born about 1936
StegeJohn born about 1904
StegeJohn born about 1932
StegeKaren born about 1939
StegeLaura born about 1907
StegeLeonard born about 1937
StegeLorraine born about 1934
StegeMarcia born about 1938
StegeMargaret born about 1919
StegeMarilyn born about 1934
StegeNorbert born about 1931
StegeRobert born about 1930
StegeRosa born about 1904
StegeWelme born about 1909
StegeWilbert born about 1928
StegeWm Cborn about 1912
SteinElizabeth born about 1921
SteinbornArthur born about 1931
SteinbornClara born about 1922
SteinbornElmer born about 1919
SteinbornFrieda born about 1890
SteinbornHenry born about 1888
SteinbornMildred born about 1928
SteinbornNellie born about 1915
SteinbornWilmer born about 1924
StelterEmil Hborn about 1882
StelterMarie born about 1920
StetterEdward born about 1870
StetterEmma born about 1882
StetterHalen born about 1916
StewartPaphia Bborn about 1871
StewartSamuel Hborn about 1871
StiboltDagmar born about 1936
StiboltHelen Loraborn about 1902
StiboltMarcie born about 1927
StiboltMarcus born about 1927
StiboltNaomi born about 1929
StiboltNoble born about 1893
StiboltNoble Hborn about 1926
StieberFred born about 1893
StockmanMargaret born about 1899
StockmanRay Wborn about 1899
StockmanRaymond born about 1924
StockmanSusan born about 1922
StoeckmanEmma born about 1895
StoeckmanGustaf born about 1900
StoeckmanRaymond born about 1921
StoeckmanVernon born about 1923
StokesAlepthea Lborn about 1928
StokesJohn Wborn about 1925
StokesSylvester born about 1926
StollEdith born about 1923
StollErwin born about 1935
StollFlorence born about 1897
StollLionel born about 1927
StollRoy born about 1895
StpierreAgnes born about 1913
StpierreBruce born about 1937
StpierreHarold born about 1910
StpierreLois born about 1914
StpierreS Robertborn about 1914
StrackeClara born about 1902
StrackePaul born about 1929
StrackeRobert born about 1900
StrackeRobert born about 1927
StrandbergC Bertborn about 1910
StrandbergDonna Jeanborn about 1938
StrandbergJoan Ruthborn about 1935
StrandbergRuth Rborn about 1914
StrawbridgeCharles Hborn about 1927
StrawbridgeClea born about 1875
StrawbridgeDorothie born about 1906
StrawbridgeDorothie Jeanborn about 1932
StrawbridgeEwart born about 1898
StrawbridgeWilliam Eborn about 1929
StricklerBarbara Annborn about 1940
StricklerCharles born about 1931
StricklerDoretha born about 1929
StricklerElla born about 1919
StricklerHattie born about 1890
StricklerJames born about 1889
StricklerJames Jr born about 1917
StricklerJudith born about 1939
StricklerPeter born about 1919
StricklerWallace born about 1925
StricklerWilliard born about 1925
StrumpflerLouis Cborn about 1886
StrumpflerMarie born about 1889
StuckeyAlvira born about 1924
StuckeyBernilda born about 1921
StuckeyFred Wborn about 1898
StuckeyJohn born about 1927
StuckeyLena Sborn about 1894
StuenkelAmanda born about 1899
StuenkelAnna born about 1869
StuenkelArlene born about 1938
StuenkelArwin born about 1924
StuenkelClarence born about 1911
StuenkelDennis born about 1935
StuenkelElnora born about 1914
StuenkelElsie born about 1900
StuenkelEmma born about 1864
StuenkelEmma born about 1879
StuenkelEmos born about 1928
StuenkelFred Hborn about 1865
StuenkelGeorge born about 1868
StuenkelGustav born about 1879
StuenkelHenry Fborn about 1857
StuenkelIda born about 1871
StuenkelIda born about 1876
StuenkelLawrance born about 1893
StuenkelLawrance born about 1929
StuenkelLeona born about 1921
StuenkelLoretta born about 1931
StuenkelLorraine born about 1927
StuenkelLouis Fborn about 1904
StuenkelLuella born about 1921
StuenkelLydia born about 1902
StuenkelOtto born about 1895
StuenkelRichard born about 1929
StuenkelRoger born about 1939
StuenkelSylvia born about 1921
StuenkelWilliam born about 1896
StychEdna born about 1907
StychLouis born about 1901
SubletteBruce born about 1931
SubletteGeneva born about 1902
SubletteGerard born about 1928
SubletteHorace born about 1902
SubletteRichard born about 1934
SubletteSusan born about 1936
SubletteThomas born about 1924
SundeenHarry born about 1901
SundeenHarry born about 1930
SundeenJeanne born about 1927
SundeenMargaret born about 1901
SweeneyHarry born about 1911
SweetMary born about 1869
SwobobaLeona born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TannerAlfred born about 1898
TannerBernice born about 1901
TannerNoeman born about 1938
TarneyPusfus born about 1923
TatgeEdmont born about 1895
TatgeEmma born about 1870
TatgeGustaf born about 1865
TatgeMyrtle born about 1897
TatgenhorstHarold born about 1926
TatgenhorstHenry Cborn about 1900
TatgenhorstHilda born about 1904
TatgenhorstHoward born about 1936
TatgenhorstIrene born about 1931
TatgenhorstKenneth born about 1939
TaylorAlfred born about 1900
TaylorAnnie born about 1902
TaylorJames born about 1930
TaylorMargaret born about 1928
TeeterD Rborn about 1882
TeeterElizabeth born about 1853
TeeterMargaret born about 1890
TeifkeFred born about 1906
TeifkeFred Jr born about 1934
TeifkeUgene born about 1936
TeifkeVictoria born about 1906
TeklaHedlund born about 1866
TemplinEmma born about 1887
TemplinFrederick born about 1914
TemplinGeorge Hborn about 1878
TemplinGeorge Wborn about 1913
TemplinLorraine born about 1920
ThiesFlorence born about 1904
ThiesHenry Fborn about 1877
ThiesHenry F Jrborn about 1931
ThiesJohn born about 1878
ThiesLaura born about 1919
ThompsonHattie Mborn about 1896
ThompsonIda born about 1885
ThompsonMarvin Fborn about 1895
ThompsonRobert born about 1923
ThompsonRussell born about 1918
ThompsonWarren born about 1877
ThorAnton Gborn about 1887
ThorMabel born about 1887
TiffanyAnn Eborn about 1927
TiffanyDorothy born about 1933
TiffanyDorothy Cborn about 1898
TiffanyRamere Sborn about 1897
TobeckAmanda born about 1892
TobeckClarance born about 1918
TobeckElmer born about 1916
TobeckFred born about 1913
TobeckHenry born about 1883
TobeckHenry Jr born about 1929
TobeckRichard born about 1932
TobeckWilliard born about 1926
ToblerLulu born about 1908
ToblerThomas born about 1937
TraupeCharles born about 1884
TreibelAnna born about 1903
TreibelHarry Walterborn about 1928
TreibelHenry born about 1865
TreibelHugo born about 1903
TreibelMartha born about 1885
TreibelMildred Louiseborn about 1935
TrenaryEdith born about 1936
TrenaryIda born about 1916
TrenaryJoyce born about 1935
TrenaryLawrence born about 1911
TrenaryRobert born about 1939
TrenaryVelma born about 1938
TreskowFrank Lborn about 1870
TrielJulia born about 1894
TrielThomas Jamesborn about 1888
TrimCatherine born about 1912
TullJames born about 1921
TurleyBeatrice born about 1892
TurleyDavid born about 1919
TurleyHarry born about 1889
TwietmeyerArthur Eborn about 1908
TwietmeyerFred born about 1893
TwietmeyerHarold born about 1923
TwietmeyerLaura born about 1919
TwietmeyerMartha born about 1901
TwietmeyerMary Lborn about 1882
TwietmeyerWilliam Mborn about 1871
TyeDorothy born about 1913
TyeWilliam born about 1906
TyeWilliam Jr born about 1932
TylerDavid born about 1930
TylerDoris born about 1926
TylerJean born about 1921
TylerJohn born about 1924
TylerLuella born about 1900
TylerPatricia born about 1923
TylerSylvester born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlreichFrank born about 1907
UlreichJohn born about 1910
UrbackAlbert Rborn about 1900
UrbackDonald born about 1932
UrbackIrene born about 1903

V Surnames

VallancourtMary Aborn about 1868
VallancourtWilfred born about 1861
VanDeursen Johannaborn about 1870
VanDuersen Johnborn about 1863
VanGeorgia born about 1872
VanPat Rayborn about 1899
VanburenFlorence born about 1898
VanburenNelene Marieborn about 1922
VanburenRoy Wborn about 1890
VanbuskirkBert born about 1894
VanbuskirkBert Jr born about 1937
VanbuskirkBetty born about 1927
VanbuskirkCarolyn born about 1930
VanbuskirkEileen born about 1928
VanbuskirkGeraline born about 1933
VanbuskirkGrace born about 1896
VanbuskirkHarriet born about 1917
VandersluisBeatrice born about 1883
VandersluisWarren Mborn about 1881
VandrealBarbara born about 1939
VandrealHarry born about 1906
VandrealJanet born about 1937
VandrealMargorie born about 1906
VandrealPaul born about 1932
VenskeBarbara Jeanborn about 1934
VenskeCaroline born about 1890
VenskeClarence born about 1908
VenskeEstaleene born about 1913
VenskeGustav Mborn about 1891
VenskeShirley Annborn about 1937
VogtCarsten born about 1862
VollmerAlfred born about 1907
VollmerHelen born about 1915
VollmerJanet born about 1935
VollmerLawrence born about 1916
VollmerMary born about 1877
VollmerNina born about 1911
VollmerPauline born about 1880
VollmerRaymond born about 1907
VollmerThelma born about 1913
VonbergDora born about 1897
VonbergGeorge born about 1865
VonbergHerman born about 1900
VonbergeAlvin born about 1924
VonbergeClarence born about 1917
VonbergeElmer born about 1918
VonbergeEsther born about 1897
VonbergeFred born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerAlvin Louisborn about 1892
WagnerAlvin Louisborn about 1940
WagnerBetty Joyborn about 1926
WagnerElizabeth born about 1897
WagnerEsther Janeborn about 1899
WagnerJean born about 1927
WagnerMary Lousborn about 1928
WagnerPercy Eborn about 1895
WagnerRobert Aborn about 1890
WaldalJohn born about 1928
WaldalLucy born about 1896
WaldalPalma born about 1926
WaldalWagner born about 1900
WalgrenLawrence born about 1902
WalgrenLawrence Jr born about 1936
WalgrenMelba born about 1904
WalgrenPatricia born about 1932
WalkerDoris Lborn about 1908
WalkerJ Cborn about 1895
WalkerVerneice born about 1921
WallBarbara Jborn about 1930
WallDouglas born about 1886
WallMargaret born about 1920
WallWinona Eborn about 1896
WallaceDorothy Jeanborn about 1928
WallaceGlenna Mborn about 1904
WallaceHenry Sborn about 1900
WallaceJohn Robertborn about 1929
WallenbergAgusta born about 1881
WallenbergFred born about 1885
WallingsEleanor born about 1902
WallingsGail born about 1936
WallingsRandolph Aborn about 1900
WallingsRandolph A Jrborn about 1939
WalterAlma born about 1892
WalterAurelia born about 1929
WalterDorothy Annborn about 1933
WalterElizabeth Jborn about 1902
WalterEsther born about 1920
WalterEvilena born about 1918
WalterFrank Gborn about 1900
WalterFrank G Jrborn about 1928
WalterLouis born about 1889
WalterLydia born about 1889
WalterMarvin born about 1932
WalterWilliam born about 1886
WaltersDorothy born about 1932
WaltersRobert born about 1920
WaltersWilliam born about 1893
WaltersZiona born about 1900
WarfelClarence born about 1924
WarneckeJudith Mborn about 1939
WarneckeMelvin Jborn about 1911
WarneckePauline Kborn about 1912
WatchFred Hborn about 1894
WatchFred H Jrborn about 1934
WatchJeane born about 1938
WatchJoan Marianborn about 1931
WatchMarian born about 1898
WatsonAda born about 1920
WatsonCornella born about 1900
WatsonEdward Lborn about 1891
WatsonEdward Jr born about 1918
WatsonGloyd Lborn about 1886
WatsonGordon Jborn about 1914
WatsonJoe Annborn about 1928
WatsonJohn born about 1922
WatsonJohn Hborn about 1880
WatsonKeith Lborn about 1923
WatsonLee born about 1918
WatsonMartin born about 1932
WatsonNancy born about 1930
WatsonNellie born about 1893
WatsonNellie born about 1924
WatsonRobert Dborn about 1922
WatsonSylvia Bborn about 1880
WatsonWanda Mborn about 1920
WebberA Lborn about 1882
WebberLewis born about 1916
WebberRuth born about 1886
WebberSara Janeborn about 1923
WechtAlbert Wborn about 1896
WechtMinnie born about 1899
WeddingWalter born about 1921
WefelLester born about 1926
WeinmannWillard Gborn about 1892
WeishaarRobert born about 1935
WeishaarTillie born about 1902
WeishaarWilliam Fborn about 1896
WeissCharles born about 1910
WeissSharon born about
WeissVivian born about 1916
WellsH Adelaideborn about 1908
WellsIvanille born about 1871
WellsRexford Mborn about 1901
WellsRichard Lattaborn about 1921
WellsRichard Pborn about 1868
WendellElla Durhamborn about 1899
WendellMelville born about 1936
WendellRaymond born about 1934
WendellRaymond Bborn about 1888
WennbergDuane Eborn about 1937
WennbergGrace Aborn about 1897
WennbergOlaf Eborn about 1856
WennbergWalter Tborn about 1899
WennbergWalter Jr born about 1922
WheelerAnne born about 1877
WheelerArthur born about 1925
WhitacreClara Rborn about 1869
WhitcombLeo born about 1916
WhitcombLulu Mborn about 1889
WhitcombOtis born about 1884
WhitcombSheldon born about 1918
WhiteJoyce born about 1931
WhiteSarah born about 1886
WhiteT Gborn about 1883
WhitfordDorothy born about 1894
WhitfordElenore born about 1935
WhitfordFrank Absborn about 1922
WhitfordMary born about 1927
WhitfordWim born about 1887
WiegertEdward born about 1898
WiegertFred born about 1862
WilkensLawrance Cborn about 1908
WilkensLillian born about 1915
WilliamsJessie born about 1925
WilsonEstelle born about 1903
WiltseeEdna born about 1884
WiltseeEdward Thompsonborn about 1880
WiltseeMargaret Janeborn about 1926
WiseEdith born about 1908
WiseRobert Leeborn about 1930
WiseThomas born about 1932
WittEmma born about 1864
WlaterDonald born about 1919
WlaterDorothy born about 1921
WlaterHerbert born about 1897
WlaterMary born about 1896
WlaterRuth born about 1923
WoehrleEleanor born about 1936
WoehrleElla born about 1904
WoehrleFlorence born about 1930
WoehrleHerman born about 1903
WoehrleTheodore born about 1933
WolffFred born about 1893
WolffHattie born about 1904
WollenbergDoris born about 1917
WollenbergEdwin born about 1916
WollenbergEmil born about 1911
WollenbergOtto born about 1889
WollenbergWalter born about 1902
WoodeichArnold born about 1915
WoodeichMary born about 1916
WoodmanClifford born about 1931
WoodmanGerrett born about 1909
WoodmanHoward born about 1938
WoodmanMarie born about 1912
WoodrichCharles born about 1924
WoodrichEdith born about 1899
WoodrichEthel Cborn about 1887
WoodrichGeorge born about 1894
WoodrichGeorge born about 1928
WoodrichJohn Eborn about 1926
WoodrichMargery born about 1922
WoodruffCarol born about 1935
WoodruffCharlotte born about 1938
WoodruffManford born about 1927
WoodruffManfrod born about 1899
WoodruffRose born about 1904
WoodruffWilliam born about 1929
WorstmanEmma born about 1892
WorstmanHenry Pborn about 1885
WorstmanIda born about 1890
WrghtBetty born about 1930
WrghtEdwin born about 1932
WrghtIsabel Cborn about 1899
WrghtThorpe Eborn about 1896
WrightMarion born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YochMary born about 1911
YoungMary born about 1925
YoungOlga born about 1911
YoungPascal born about 1916

Z Surnames

ZeilengaAnna born about 1918
ZeilengeFrances born about 1922
ZeilengeHarry born about 1880
ZeilengeNellie born about 1882
ZerzowEstelle born about 1919
ZeskaAnne born about 1922
ZiebellAnna born about 1872
ZiebellAnna born about 1910
ZiebellDonald born about 1927
ZiebellEarnst born about 1904
ZiebellEarnst Jr born about 1932
ZiebellEmil born about 1901
ZiebellMarvin born about 1937
ZiebellRichard born about 1927
ZiebellRobert born about 1924
ZievertAnna Mayborn about 1921
ZievertFrank born about 1913
ZinnEllen Culeyborn about 1908
ZinnMary born about 1931
ZinnRobert Eborn about 1906
ZumbahlenEdmund born about 1937
ZumbahlenEdmund Jr born about 1926
ZumbahlenFrances born about 1898
ZumbahlenJacqulyn born about 1928
ZumbahlenMadonna born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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