1940 U.S. Federal Census of Shirland Township, Winnebago, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Winnebago County > 1940 Census of Shirland Township

A SurnamesH SurnamesP Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames

A Surnames

AmphlettAgnes Mborn about 1909
AmphlettMargeret Jborn about 1864
AmphlettMarian Rborn about 1939
AmphlettT Gordonborn about 1909
AndersonCharles born about 1874
AndersonLouise Mborn about 1883
ArandClarence Jborn about 1902
ArandHelen Mborn about 1907
AustinCharles Eborn about 1856
AustinClaud Aborn about 1907
AustinNellie Fborn about 1867
AustinRuth Aborn about 1910

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B Surnames

BakerAlvie born about 1917
BaldwinEula Bborn about 1913
BaldwinKenneth born about 1912
BaldwinPatricia Aborn about 1937
BarteltAmelia Mborn about 1884
BarteltClarence Wborn about 1910
BarteltJosephine Eborn about 1920
BarteltMarjory Jborn about 1940
BarteltTheodore E Aborn about 1884
BatesBetty Lborn about 1922
BatesMarvin Dborn about 1889
BennettAnna S Mborn about 1899
BennettCharles Fborn about 1892
BennettClara Bborn about 1873
BennettDale Nborn about 1932
BennettHenry Lborn about 1869
BennettMary Mborn about 1876
BennettRobert Fborn about 1923
BennettRussel Cborn about 1927
BielickiSusan born about 1866
BlombergRobert Vborn about 1915
BloomEvelyn Mborn about 1895
BloomJohn Rilynborn about 1922
BloomSwan Wborn about 1891
BloomWilford Aborn about 1919
BolinFrank Lborn about 1917
BolinGeorge Lborn about 1879
BolinGeorge Wborn about 1906
BolinJeaninore Vborn about 1921
BolinPearl Mborn about 1880
BoswellCora born about 1872
BoswellFrank Tborn about 1930
BoswellGeorge Eborn about 1870
BoswellIrene Fborn about 1904
BoswellMaurice Gborn about 1907
BoswellStanton Mborn about 1933
BrattCharlott Iborn about 1897
BrattEdward Aborn about 1923
BrattJames Aborn about 1936
BrattJohn Rborn about 1932
BrattJohn Sborn about 1898
BrociesCarrie born about 1867
BrociesMathew Jborn about 1901
BrociesPeter born about 1887
BrociesWilliam born about 1894
BrocklyFrank born about 1883
BrocklyMadaline born about 1883
BrosierAlbert Vborn about 1905
BrosierDallas Jborn about 1939
BrosierIda Hborn about 1908
BrosierNick born about 1896
BrosierTheodore Cborn about 1908
BrydenBeulah Eborn about 1899
BrydenJames Wborn about 1926
BrydenNellie Annborn about 1873
BrydenRoss Fborn about 1895
BrydenRussel Fborn about 1921
BrydenWilliam Jborn about 1869
BrydenWilliam Rborn about 1919
BuskerBertha Rborn about 1934
BuskerElenor Iborn about 1923
BuskerHenry born about 1899
BuskerIris Vborn about 1901
BuskerLeroy Hborn about 1930

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C Surnames

CannellJames Rborn about 1899
CannellJoan Fborn about 1926
CannellMary Eborn about 1925
CannellRobert Jborn about 1922
CannellVivian Mborn about 1901
CarlsonEskil Gborn about 1911
CarlsonLarry Eborn about 1940
CarlsonRonald Eborn about 1938
CarlsonVirginia Mborn about 1916
CarpenterBeverly Kborn about 1935
CarpenterHazel Bborn about 1901
CarpenterJohn Fborn about 1900
CarpenterJohn Orborn about 1937
CarrHarry born about 1918
CarrPearl Eborn about 1889
CarrVern born about 1882
ChampionBetty Jborn about 1931
ChampionEdith Hborn about 1919
ChampionErnest born about 1929
ChampionErnest Jborn about 1908
ChampionHenry Jborn about 1916
ChampionLawanda Lborn about 1935
ChampionMary Jborn about 1933
ChampionMary Vborn about 1912
ClarkDoris Mborn about 1932
ClarkFrank Mborn about 1908
ClarkVera Mborn about 1909
ConklingHannah born about 1856
CoonetKate born about 1881
CoonetNewcond Pborn about 1876
CootsCarroll Eborn about 1910
CootsElwyn Eborn about 1934
CootsJanette Cborn about 1915
CootsLynn Gborn about 1939
CootsMarbry Cborn about 1933
CrowleyMary Bborn about 1856
CurranEllen Sborn about 1864

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D Surnames

DahlbergAron born about 1881
DahlbergBertha Hborn about 1907
DahlbergCarl Dborn about 1919
DahlbergCarl Hborn about 1905
DahlbergCarl Jborn about 1871
DahlbergClarence Pborn about 1938
DahlbergGladys Gborn about 1932
DahlbergHarry Jborn about 1935
DahlbergHenry born about 1911
DahlbergJosephin born about 1880
DahlbergLouise Nborn about 1880
DahlbergMildred Iborn about 1914
DahlgrenAda Dborn about 1901
DahlgrenCaroline Jborn about 1932
DahlgrenDonelene Hborn about 1926
DahlgrenDorthy Eborn about 1922
DahlgrenEmil Wborn about 1895
DahlgrenEmil Jr born about 1928
DahlgrenJoyce Lborn about 1930
DahlgrenLois Kborn about 1939
DahlgrenViola Lborn about 1925
DimmelClifford Rborn about 1924
DimmelElbrige Gborn about 1936
DimmelHarold Gborn about 1895
DimmelMartha born about 1862
DimmelRay Rborn about 1933
DimmelRoland Lborn about 1899
DimmelZelma Eborn about 1904
DobsonBetty Lborn about 1919
DobsonDonald Lborn about 1915
DobsonLouise Eborn about 1892
DobsonMason Hborn about 1892
DonerBetty Mborn about 1926
DonerDorthy Iborn about 1931
DonerGarland born about 1929
DonerJames Gborn about 1922
DonerJames Jborn about 1896
DonerLucile Eborn about 1898
DonerMary Vborn about 1925
DonerWilliam Fborn about 1924
DroyerFredrick born about 1909
DroyerMargeret Fborn about 1911
DroyerPeggy Eborn about 1935

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E Surnames

EarnestWallace born about 1922
EatonAdah Sborn about 1899
EatonDonald Tborn about 1926
EatonGuy Eborn about 1897
EatonMarjory Lborn about 1923
EddieCharles born about 1881
EdwardsDaniel Lborn about 1925
EdwardsDelos Eborn about 1897
EdwardsDoris Eborn about 1905
EdwardsElizabeth Aborn about 1939
EdwardsEllen Mborn about 1928
EdwardsMargeret Eborn about 1927
EickEvelyn Eborn about 1909
EickMary Lonborn about 1931
EickRichard Wborn about 1940
EickWayne Jborn about 1902
EricksonEdith Lborn about 1892
EricksonHoward born about 1892
EricksonMartin born about 1904

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F Surnames

FairchildBessie Mborn about 1922
FairchildHazel Eborn about 1917
FairchildOlive Dborn about 1890
FairchildRobert born about 1889
FultonOrvie born about 1893
FultonRoscue Jborn about 1880

G Surnames

GastonEldon Cborn about 1932
GastonGarry Dborn about 1939
GastonMary Lonborn about 1935
GastonVernon Rborn about 1905
GastonViola Fborn about 1908
GoldyAlta Lborn about 1897
GoldyDorothy Mborn about 1931
GoldyHoward Gborn about 1925
GoldySamuel born about 1892
GravesDonna Jeanborn about 1939
GravesElsie Fborn about 1920
GrennbergEdward Hborn about 1883
GrennbergVera Vborn about 1896
GriffenThomas Oborn about 1881
GrunkeAlice Mborn about 1858
GrunkeAugsut Fborn about 1865

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H Surnames

HaasAlbert Sborn about 1900
HaasBessie Bborn about 1903
HaasBurditte Wborn about 1928
HaasCeleste born about 1855
HaasClarence Mborn about 1924
HaasDoris Lborn about 1927
HaasElla Vborn about 1907
HaasFayette Dborn about 1906
HaasRobert Fborn about 1936
HaasSharon Eborn about 1939
HaasShirley Fborn about 1934
HaasWilliam Jborn about 1894
HarknessMarie Aborn about 1900
HarknessRaymond Dborn about 1897
HarknessRonald Rayborn about 1939
HarmannBetty Jborn about 1922
HarmannGeraldine Wborn about 1927
HarmannGertrude born about 1900
HarmannLois born about 1932
HarmannLouis born about 1898
HarmannLouis Cborn about 1926
HarmonGeorge born about 1885
HarrisLloyd Gborn about 1907
HarrisMary Lborn about 1896
HawleyGeorge Rborn about 1881
HawleyLula Mborn about 1883
HeadmanAlice Rborn about 1892
HeadmanDorice Mborn about 1932
HeadmanGeorge Lborn about 1933
HeadmanLennart Iborn about 1892
HeadmanLoren Rborn about 1927
HeadmanMariam Lborn about 1930
HeadmanPauline Rborn about 1925
HenzeEarl Hborn about 1902
HerbertBenjamin Wborn about 1917
HerbertMinnie Mborn about 1873
HerbertMtilda Mborn about 1900
HickoxHenry Lborn about 1873
HielmaArvid born about 1904

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J Surnames

JohnsonArthur Fborn about 1896
JohnsonBereneice born about 1909
JohnsonClarence Eborn about 1928
JohnsonDaisy Lborn about 1888
JohnsonFrank Pborn about 1900
JohnsonLoraine Eborn about 1934
JohnsonMargaret Pborn about 1895
JohnsonRaymond Jborn about 1923
JohnsonTu?ter Cborn about 1887
JohnsonWilber Lborn about 1914

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K Surnames

KatterheneryFredrick Jborn about 1888
KatterheneryJoephine Aborn about 1894
KeeneyAnna born about 1890
KeeneyDonald Eborn about 1915
KeeneyEmerson Rborn about 1888
KeeneyMarion Eborn about 1920
KeeneyPaul Aborn about 1928
KeeneyRalph Wborn about 1918
KingCharlott Mborn about 1926
KingEloise Eborn about 1936
KingNancy Kborn about 1939
KingRoy Eborn about 1901
KingRuth Aborn about 1905
KrugAnita Eborn about 1915
KrugLarry Lborn about 1939
KrugMilton Gborn about 1901

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L Surnames

LarisonFred born about 1876
LeechBetty Lonborn about 1924
LeechDonald Cborn about 1884
LeechDorthory Mborn about 1916
LeechLulu Mborn about 1884
LeffingwellHomer Bborn about 1872
LeffingwellIsabelle Rborn about 1912
LeffingwellKate born about 1876
LeffingwellRobert Bborn about 1910
LighthartCora Bborn about 1877
LighthartGeorge Hborn about 1874
LindstromBerdette Eborn about 1933
LindstromCarolyn Mborn about 1928
LindstromLillian Mborn about 1908
LindstromRalph Jborn about 1938
LindstromRaymond Aborn about 1905

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M Surnames

MaculanBatista born about 1890
MaculanMary Aborn about 1898
McEloryEdward Fborn about 1873
McHoesGeorge Wborn about 1900
McMakinDonald Eborn about 1919
McMakinFrank Hborn about 1885
McMakinGeneveive Aborn about 1884
McMakinHarold Cborn about 1910
McMakinJay Mborn about 1887
McMakinViolet Mborn about 1891
McNightRuth born about 1900
MesborgFay born about 1924
MeyersBenjamin Oborn about 1872
MeyersClarence born about 1912
MeyersEmma Pborn about 1890
MeyersEverett Eborn about 1920
MeyersGlen Lborn about 1924
MielkeEmma born about 1881
MielkeOtto born about 1879
MillerArthur Rborn about 1880
MillerCharles Hborn about 1873
MillerEthel Mborn about 1884
MillerFannie Aborn about 1876
MillerHattie Aborn about 1880
MillerLeland Eborn about 1924
MillerMinnie Fborn about 1870
MillerWilliam Rborn about 1870
MitchellAvery Dborn about 1916
MoateAlbert born about 1878
MoateClara Eborn about 1879
MoateGeorge born about 1928
MoateHarry Dborn about 1889
MoateMerle born about 1923
MoodyClare Eborn about 1899
MoodyJoan Lborn about 1926
MoodyMary Janeborn about 1928
MoodyMyrtle Eborn about 1899
MoodyWilliam Dborn about 1860
MorrellFrank Hborn about 1870
MorrellSusan Mborn about 1870
MusselmanLois Jborn about 1914

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N Surnames

NauertcJerry born about 1872
NauertcMary Jborn about 1876
NealBert Fborn about 1888
NealHazel Mborn about 1893
NealJanet Lborn about 1934
NelsonDawm Robertaborn about 1929
NelsonMargeret Eborn about 1903
NelsonPatrica Annborn about 1931
NelsonRobert Rodneyborn about 1904
NelsonRodney Kryderborn about 1933
NewallEliza born about 1875
NewallEmmett Wborn about 1871
NewallJean born about 1916
NewallThelma born about 1912
NichlessCaroline Lborn about 1939
NichlessCharles F Jrborn about 1914
NichlessGladys Mborn about 1918
NichlessLaverne Cborn about 1940
NicklessCarrie Lborn about 1886
NicklessCharles Fborn about 1885
NicklessPauline Mborn about 1921
NyeWinfield Jborn about 1862

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O Surnames

OlesonMary Aborn about 1873

P Surnames

ParkerClarence Mborn about 1861
ParkerFlorence Wborn about 1873
PhelpsDonna Mborn about 1928
PhelpsElizabeth born about 1873
PhelpsW Iborn about 1870
PiattAlice Hborn about 1895
PiattAlice Mborn about 1930
PiattCharles Cborn about 1891
PiattPeter Jborn about 1899
PiattRichard Jborn about 1928
PiattRose Maryborn about 1936
PlatukisCatherine Mborn about 1920
PlatukisGeorge Fborn about 1914
PlatukisJ Aborn about 1883
PlatukisJoan Mborn about 1939
PlatukisJoseph A Jrborn about 1912
PlatukisTillie Jborn about 1889
PomeroyAlvin Eborn about 1870
PomeroyGeorge Wborn about 1890
PomeroyIda Eborn about 1861
PomeroyIda Mborn about 1869
PomeroySumner Mborn about 1863
PriceLee born about 1888
PutnamJames Nborn about 1884
PutnamVilla Cborn about 1892

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R Surnames

ReckhowLillian Mborn about 1875
ReckhowWilliam born about 1864
ReedEdward born about 1880
ResitterWilliam born about 1881
ReynoldsHoward born about 1923
ReynoldsLester Lborn about 1897
ReynoldsMildred born about 1898
ReynoldsRuth born about 1924
RichardsonHattie born about 1884
RichardsonMildred born about 1908
RindyAnise Mborn about 1906
RindyBarbara Aborn about 1930
RindyCurtis Lborn about 1905
RindyDonald Cborn about 1934
RindyDonna Mborn about 1933
RindyHelen Nborn about 1909
RindyHirum Gborn about 1902
RobbCharles Hborn about 1886
RobbDavid Burtonborn about 1864
RobertaEffie born about 1873
RothCarl Rborn about 1896
RothCarol Aborn about 1931
RothFlorence Mborn about 1894
RothGeorge Fborn about 1896
RothGladys Fborn about 1899
RothShirley Rborn about 1924
RothWendall Kborn about 1926

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S Surnames

SamsonAlma Mborn about 1881
SamsonElmer Lborn about 1876
SavageBarbra born about 1925
SavageBeth Tborn about 1886
SavageEdward born about 1922
SavageElizabeth Tborn about 1914
SavageS Mborn about 1874
SawtellJoyce born about 1927
SawtelleClara Aborn about 1886
SawtelleDavid Cborn about 1887
SchooffBetty Aborn about 1924
SchooffFlora Bborn about 1886
SchooffJohn Pborn about 1927
SchooffWilliam born about 1883
ScottEva Eborn about 1874
ScottHoward Hborn about 1867
SeatonArthur Dborn about 1862
SeatonMary Lborn about 1870
SeatonVernon Gborn about 1899
SharpEverett Eborn about 1899
SharpJack Aborn about 1931
SharpJoseph Aborn about 1902
SharpMargeret Mborn about 1898
SharpMinnie Mborn about 1879
SharpRuth Mborn about 1903
ShawEmmett born about 1917
ShawJennie born about 1880
ShepardsonEmma Mborn about 1875
SievertEmma Eborn about 1874
SimondsCelia Mborn about 1872
SimondsLester Gborn about 1897
SimondsWilliam Rborn about 1866
SjostromEli born about 1908
SlatonClarence Aborn about 1928
SlatonEliza Cborn about 1901
SlatonLeser Mborn about 1903
SpacyClayton Pborn about 1935
SpacyPaul born about 1900
SpacyRomana Dborn about 1914
SteinhagenNowal Gborn about 1916
SteinhagenVerbena Cborn about 1920
StillwillSamuel Fborn about 1876
StockwellIda Maeborn about 1887
StockwellLevi Mborn about 1888
StrickerEarl Hborn about 1887
StrickerLena Mborn about 1900
StrickerPatrica Cborn about 1932
SwainLee Rborn about 1912
SwainLydia Mborn about 1914
SwartoutWilliam Mborn about 1885
SwensonEvelyn Lborn about 1903
SwensonPhilip Rborn about 1897
SwensonRichard Aborn about 1931

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T Surnames

TaylorMary born about 1861
TaylorMary Eborn about 1907
TaylorPearl Cborn about 1875
TaylorRussell Gborn about 1903

V Surnames

VineChester Lborn about 1904
VineGary Leeborn about 1939
VineHilda Mborn about 1912

W Surnames

WagerFlorence Aborn about 1873
WallaceHattie Lborn about 1867
WallaceLeora Bborn about 1893
WallaceSamuel born about 1873
WeaverRobert born about 1918
WehelanAlois born about 1897
WehelanAlois Eborn about 1930
WehelanAndrew Hborn about 1933
WehelanElenor born about 1926
WehelanEvelyn Mborn about 1927
WehelanLeita Mborn about 1895
WelchArlene Rborn about 1900
WelchDonald Wborn about 1925
WelchLester Hborn about 1900
WelchRobert Wborn about 1922
WellsAlice Mborn about 1922
WellsArlene Bborn about 1932
WellsArnold Cborn about 1924
WellsBetty Janeborn about 1931
WellsCharles Cborn about 1899
WellsCharles Jr born about 1926
WellsJames Cborn about 1929
WellsMargeret Iborn about 1939
WellsMargeret Mborn about 1899
WheelerHarry Eborn about 1886
WheelerIda Pearlborn about 1886
WiegmanBertha Gborn about 1871
WiegmanHenry born about 1872
WillCharles Lborn about 1883
WoodCharles born about 1871
WoodcockBeverly Jborn about 1930
WoodcockDelores Cborn about 1933
WoodcockFrank Bborn about 1906
WoodcockMary Lon Eborn about 1938
WoodcockMelott Jborn about 1909
WrightBruce Aborn about 1938
WrightCaroline Mborn about 1931
WrightCharles born about 1900
WrightEverett Cborn about 1909
WrightMargeret Mborn about 1911
WrightRalph Eborn about 1930
WrightWillis born about 1892

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Z Surnames

ZahmFayette Eborn about 1877
ZahmFlora Mborn about 1876
ZahmRobert Wborn about 1915
ZenantowskiAnton born about 1873
ZenantowskiFrancis born about 1882

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