1940 U.S. Federal Census of Southern, Williamson, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Williamson County > 1940 Census of Southern

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAllen Dborn about 1930
AdamsCarl Eborn about 1925
AdamsCharles Mborn about 1924
AdamsDennis Rborn about 1936
AdamsDoris Mborn about 1923
AdamsFranklin Dborn about 1933
AdamsHarrison born about 1893
AdamsHosea Lborn about 1927
AdamsLena born about 1905
AdamsLillian Bborn about 1922
AdamsLois Jborn about 1931
AdamsVera Vborn about 1929
AlbrightAlton born about 1912
AlbrightArthur born about 1939
AlbrightAubrey born about 1912
AlbrightBetty Lborn about 1937
AlbrightDorothy Dborn about 1929
AlbrightEugene born about 1922
AlbrightEverett born about 1905
AlbrightGlayds born about 1907
AlbrightHelen born about 1913
AlbrightIna Mborn about 1932
AlbrightJames Gborn about 1936
AlbrightJames Lborn about 1911
AlbrightLouise born about 1929
AlbrightMabel Aborn about 1925
AlbrightMary Jborn about 1938
AlbrightMary Lborn about 1917
AlbrightNettie born about 1892
AlbrightRazel born about 1889
AlbrightRobert born about 1914
AlbrightVelma born about 1925
AlbrightVenita born about 1939
AlbrightWendell born about 1927
AlmanordBonnie Lborn about 1931
AlmaroadAlice born about 1914
AlmaroadLucille born about 1929
AlmaroadRay born about 1907
AlmaroadRay Jborn about 1932
AmbroseClarence born about 1899
AtnipBetty born about 1934
AtnipDorothy born about 1932
AtnipHelen Mborn about 1914
AtnipHobert born about 1917
AtnipJanice born about 1937
AtnipLeroy born about 1913
AtnipMargaret born about 1939
AtnipMinnie born about 1908
AtnipRuth born about 1922
AtnipVirgil born about 1905

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B Surnames

BakerAda born about 1884
BakerLeona Gborn about 1934
BakerLoretta born about 1934
BakerMarion Tborn about 1922
BakerTom Aborn about 1884
BallanceAnna born about 1880
BallanceMark Wborn about 1881
BarberGrace Lborn about 1904
BarberWilliam born about 1898
BarnettDelbert born about 1906
BarnettDelbert Lborn about 1928
BarnettDonnie Dborn about 1938
BarnettHollice born about 1907
BarnettMary Sborn about 1932
BarnettMildred Lborn about 1936
BarnettMyrtle born about 1906
BarnettShirley Jborn about 1935
BarnettTony Wborn about 1930
BarnettVerbal born about 1903
BarnettVerbal Wborn about 1925
BarronAnna Delborn about 1914
BarronDonald born about 1909
BarronJoe Marletborn about 1931
BarronMax born about 1935
BarronRobert born about 1940
BattaMike born about 1882
BaylessClark Sborn about 1859
BaylessSarrah Nborn about 1863
BentonRuby born about 1919
BlankenshipBarba Jborn about 1940
BlankenshipConnie Rborn about 1938
BlankenshipGeneva born about 1920
BlankenshipJoanne born about 1937
BlankenshipLuther born about 1914
BlankenshipRichard born about 1884
BloodworthErnest Lborn about 1928
BloodworthKenneth Lborn about 1937
BloodworthMarie born about 1906
BloodworthPhillip born about 1904
BloodworthPhillip Jborn about 1931
BlumenstockBertha born about 1888
BlumenstockBertha born about 1889
BlumenstockLeroy born about 1929
BlumenstockPaul Eborn about 1934
BlumenstockPauline born about 1920
BlumenstockRudolph born about 1887
BlumenstockSherman born about 1926
BlumenstockWalter born about 1908
BlumenstockWalter Eborn about 1936
BolesAnna born about 1887
BolesBeatrice born about 1938
BolesEdward Aborn about 1888
BolesFred born about 1855
BolesHarry born about 1887
BolesIda born about 1875
BolesIva born about 1904
BolesLothena born about 1928
BolesNaomi born about 1913
BolesPaul born about 1930
BoomerBilly Wborn about 1939
BoomerCline born about 1917
BoomerHazel born about 1919
BorwickClaude born about 1907
BorwickClaude Jborn about 1929
BorwickDella born about 1910
BorwickEdward Aborn about 1932
BorwickJanuith born about 1937
BorwickJulia Bborn about 1935
BorwickVerna Mborn about 1927
BradleyCarrol born about 1860
BradleyDelmer born about 1882
BradleyHarry born about 1882
BradleyJohn Hborn about 1854
BradleyMalinda born about 1863
BradleyMelvin born about 1879
BradleyMinnie born about 1870
BradleyMinnie Lborn about 1871
BradleyWilliam Mborn about 1867
BradlyCarrol born about 1931
BradlyDon born about 1938
BradlyLouise born about 1928
BradlyModine born about 1935
BradlyPearl born about 1899
BradlyWilliam Cborn about 1894
BraggsEverett born about 1910
BraggsGlenna Mborn about 1936
BraggsMae born about 1910
BraggsMarilyn Lborn about 1938
BraggsNorma Lborn about 1932
BrattonAlma Mborn about 1903
BrattonDonald born about 1932
BrattonDorothy born about 1927
BrattonEva Mborn about 1924
BrattonFreeda born about 1928
BrattonGeorge Wborn about 1870
BrattonGrace Fborn about 1922
BrattonPatsy born about 1939
BrattonWilliam born about 1898
BrownCarl born about 1919
BrownCarolyn Sborn about 1939
BrownDora Eborn about 1920
BrownWilliam born about 1872
BurkstonBilly Lborn about 1930
BurkstonEarl Cborn about 1893
BurkstonEdith Gborn about 1939
BurkstonGeorge Lborn about 1920
BurkstonLoice born about 1903
BurkstonMarvin Dborn about 1937
BurkstonMyrtle born about 1901
BurkstonRobby Jborn about 1924
BurkstonToula Mborn about 1908
BurpoAgnes born about 1924
BurroughesEdith born about 1911
BurroughesJohn Jborn about 1905
BurroughesPaul Lborn about 1931
BurroughesRobby Dborn about 1933
ButtsAlbert born about 1875
ButtsBobby born about 1938
ButtsLela born about 1914
ButtsMurphy born about 1903
ButtsSarrah born about 1877

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C Surnames

CabuttiJohn born about 1890
CabuttiLedio born about 1925
CabuttiLena born about 1923
CabuttiMary born about 1891
CabuttiRosie born about 1922
CagleArthur born about 1914
CagleArthur Eborn about 1936
CagleFred Lborn about 1940
CagleHelen born about 1920
CagleJerry Lborn about 1938
CalvertJohn Wborn about 1876
CalvertRosa born about 1876
CandersonBessie Mborn about 1932
CandersonCharley born about 1899
CandersonGenevie born about 1926
CandersonGretta born about 1930
CandersonJessie born about 1928
CandersonLaina born about 1905
CandersonMary Lborn about 1939
CappellandClara born about 1918
CappellandJoe born about 1909
CarnerAlma Jeanborn about 1927
CarnerJohn born about 1923
CarnerSerena born about 1868
CashDorothy Aborn about 1938
CashEdward born about 1917
CashFrancis Lborn about 1938
CashIra born about 1876
CashIva Mborn about 1916
CashJames Eborn about 1922
CashPearl born about 1891
CashRalph Hborn about 1920
CashRay born about 1917
CashRobert Bborn about 1914
CashVinnie born about 1920
CashWayne Eborn about 1931
ChamnessBilly born about 1933
ChamnessDella born about 1884
ChamnessE Hborn about 1887
ChamnessEd born about 1868
ChamnessEugene born about 1922
ChamnessJessie born about 1893
ChamnessLillie Hborn about 1885
ChamnessSarrah Lborn about 1875
ChamnessY Jborn about 1862
ChildrenIda Bborn about 1877
ChildrenJesse Jborn about 1881
ChildressBetty born about 1925
ChildressJack born about 1896
ChildressLillian born about 1899
ChildressOdessa born about 1927
ChittyFern born about 1889
ChittyFloyd Lborn about 1932
ChittyMyrtle born about 1893
CollinsJoshua Fborn about 1866
CollinsKate Eborn about 1875
CoxCharles Eborn about 1932
CoxFern born about 1906
CoxJoe born about 1904
CoxMitzi Jborn about 1930
CoxRoscoe born about 1900
CoxTrecie born about 1905
CritesDewey born about 1901
CritesEllen Gborn about 1876
CritesFlorence born about 1920
CritesJames Dborn about 1937
CritesJames Hborn about 1873
CritesJoe Eborn about 1938
CritesPaul born about 1915
CritesWilliam Pborn about 1940
CsekeBalint born about 1876
CsekeSusana born about 1878
CutsingerAlbert born about 1906
CutsingerRachel born about 1874

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D Surnames

DaltonBessie born about 1925
DaltonBetty Dborn about 1936
DaltonBilly Rborn about 1940
DaltonBonnie born about 1928
DaltonJoan born about 1937
DaltonMadge born about 1918
DaltonRaymond Iborn about 1917
DaltonRena born about 1890
DaltonRobert born about 1913
DaltonWilliam Dborn about 1886
DaltonZilphia born about 1922
DammHerbert born about 1920
DammMaxine born about 1922
DavisAndy born about 1879
DavisClarence born about 1923
DavisEdna born about 1916
DavisElroy born about 1915
DavisHattie born about 1917
DavisKenneth born about 1937
DavisLinda born about 1939
DavisLowell born about 1922
DavisLum born about 1876
DavisMollie born about 1888
DavisWillard Lborn about 1906
DeanHugh born about 1886
DeanJohn Cborn about 1862
DeanSarrah Jborn about 1866
DemingLacene born about 1912
DemingOra born about 1892
DralleCharles Eborn about 1939
DralleErnest Jborn about 1911
DralleIrene born about 1916
DunhamMattie born about 1882
DunhamSam Wborn about 1876
DunnCarol Sborn about 1938
DunnDora Eborn about 1915
DunnWalter born about 1915
DurhamAlma born about 1885
DurhamCharles born about 1929
DurhamDonald Dborn about 1922
DurhamHosea born about 1884
DurhamJames born about 1923
DurhamMildred born about 1925
DurhamVada born about 1891
DurhanCordelie born about 1870
DurhanZack Lborn about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EatonAlfred Jborn about 1886
EatonMarie born about 1895
EvansAllean born about 1899
EvansCline born about 1916
EvansJune born about 1936
EvansOhmer Hborn about 1880
EvansOllie born about 1881
EvansPauline born about 1916
EvittsHazel born about 1939
EvittsHelen born about 1912
EvittsLaurence born about 1914

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F Surnames

FarkashJohn born about 1893
FarkashJohn Williamborn about 1924
FarkashSusie born about 1905
FergusCarl Dborn about 1918
FergusMack born about 1897
FergusMary born about 1920
FergusMyrtle born about 1901
FerryHartley born about 1925
FisherMary Rborn about 1867
FlemmingJohn born about 1877
FlemmingOra born about 1892
FlemmingWalter born about 1917
FlyBertie born about 1889
FlyDallas born about 1914
FlyFred Bborn about 1884
FlyHelen born about 1917
FlyJ Cborn about 1936
FlyWalter Bborn about 1935
FoxCarl born about 1898
FoxJohn born about 1873
FoxJohn Wborn about 1936
FoxLela born about 1906
FoxMary Lborn about 1934
FoxPansey Pborn about 1928
FoxRainie born about 1874
FoxWilliam Pborn about 1931
FrancesconAmerical born about 1933
FrancesconElizabeth born about 1889
FrancesconGeorge born about 1885
FrancesconGeorgina born about 1929
FrancesconRena born about 1927
FrancesconRose born about 1925
FrancisCharley Mborn about 1883
FrancisEphraim born about 1871
FrancisMilbry born about 1889
FrancisThomas Jborn about 1927
FreyCarrie born about 1893
FreyClifford born about 1927
FreyDallas born about 1900
FreyDorothy born about 1934
FreyDouglas born about 1929
FreyEugene born about 1937
FreyEvelyn born about 1928
FreyFranklin born about 1939
FreyHarry born about 1926
FreyHerman born about 1927
FreyJames Dborn about 1930
FreyKenneth born about 1934
FreyLavaughn born about 1935
FreyLoudean born about 1931
FreyMarrie born about 1904
FreyMarshall born about 1900
FreyWanda born about 1937
FrickBernard born about 1924
FrickEugene born about 1921
FrickJ Wborn about 1896
FrickJoan born about 1933
FrickKathryn born about 1927
FrickLavene born about 1931
FrickLillie born about 1897
FrickRobert born about 1925
FutrellAlfred born about 1921
FutrellLizzie born about 1899
FutrellWilliam Lborn about 1896

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G Surnames

GallitenoAndrew Wborn about 1895
GallitenoBilly Jborn about 1936
GallitenoFreeda Mborn about 1939
GallitenoLillian born about 1916
GallitenoMartha Jborn about 1934
GallitenoMary Cborn about 1939
GillDelbert born about 1885
GillMellie born about 1892
GoleyLois Geanborn about 1934
GoleyNola born about 1903
GoleyOrval born about 1903
GoleyRobert Dborn about 1936
GreenEula Vborn about 1924
GreenKenneth Lborn about 1930
GreenMamie born about 1897
GreenMary born about 1865
GreenOra born about 1894
GrimesDon born about 1928
GrimesDorothy born about 1928
GrimesEdna born about 1881
GrimesEllen born about 1914
GrimesEugene born about 1923
GrimesFrank born about 1906
GrimesHelen born about 1911
GrimesJames born about 1879
GrimesJefferson born about 1863
GrimesJimmie born about 1935
GrimesMary Rborn about 1931
GrimesRachell born about 1929
GrimesRee born about 1901
GrimesVadie born about 1889
GrimesZola born about 1912
GroverBilly Wborn about 1926
GroverWayne born about 1890
GrovesThomas born about 1924
GuishamErnest born about 1914
GuishamGeneva born about 1915
GuishamJack born about 1934
GulledgeNora born about 1879
GulledgeWilliam Eborn about 1874
GulleyBobby Rborn about 1931
GulleyCharles born about 1924
GulleyEthel born about 1891
GulleyEvelyn born about 1922
GulleyIna Maeborn about 1926
GulleyThomas Eborn about 1939
GurleyAda born about 1914
GurleyBetty Juneborn about 1938
GurleyIrma Geneborn about 1934
GurleyIvan born about 1900
GurleyJames Rayborn about 1932
GurleyVerenor Leeborn about 1936

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H Surnames

HadsonHarriet born about 1887
HadsonJames Fborn about 1885
HandeganMary born about 1922
HandeganRobert born about 1918
HandeganRobert Geneborn about 1939
HarrisAlbert born about 1866
HarrisAnna Mborn about 1940
HarrisNellie born about 1915
HarrisPaul Cborn about 1911
HarrisScynthia born about 1906
HartHallie Jborn about 1885
HearmGilbert born about 1932
HendricksonAnn born about 1864
HenryHattie born about 1867
HertzFlorence born about 1896
HertzJohn born about 1894
HillAlton Lborn about 1922
HillAnna Mborn about 1884
HillBen Hborn about 1884
HillCharles born about 1921
HillCharley born about 1883
HillEffie born about 1885
HillHosea born about 1908
HillJesse Eborn about 1908
HillJohn born about 1875
HillLarry Gborn about 1936
HillMabel born about 1887
HillMargaret born about 1885
HillMildred born about 1913
HillRuth born about 1914
HillWilliam Eborn about 1873
HollisBessie born about 1898
HollisClaude born about 1890
HollisLester born about 1939
HollisLouis born about 1937
HollisReba born about 1929
HollisRuth born about 1926
HomelAleen born about 1936
HomelEugene born about 1932
HomelGoldman born about 1911
HomelJimmie born about 1934
HomelNeva born about 1915
HooverEd born about 1881
HouserWilliam born about 1913
HoustonCharles Aborn about 1883
HoustonEster born about 1920
HoustonGrace born about 1889
HoustonMary Eborn about 1930
HoustonMary Hborn about 1915
HoustonRobert Lborn about 1914
HoustonSamuel Cborn about 1927
HoustonWalter Wborn about 1925
HowellBilly Lborn about 1937
HowellBonnie born about 1920
HowellCharles Eborn about 1935
HowellDonna Sborn about 1940
HowellEmella Donborn about 1940
HowellGary Gborn about 1938
HowellIrene born about 1931
HowellJeanett born about 1936
HowellKathern born about 1919
HowellLouise born about 1933
HowellNaona born about 1933
HowellOras born about 1909
HowellReola born about 1914
HowellRubie born about 1907
HowellSam born about 1906
HowellShirley Mborn about 1939
HowellStanley born about 1918
HowellWayne born about 1920
HowellWilma Gborn about 1931
HudgensAlma Sborn about 1891
HudgensBertie born about 1877
HudgensCarrie born about 1873
HudgensCelesta born about 1890
HudgensCharles born about 1917
HudgensClarence born about 1897
HudgensClarence born about 1920
HudgensClarine born about 1926
HudgensDora born about 1877
HudgensDorothy Dborn about 1931
HudgensElma Jborn about 1924
HudgensElsie born about 1893
HudgensEthel born about 1901
HudgensEvelyn born about 1917
HudgensEzra born about 1886
HudgensGrace born about 1921
HudgensHenry born about 1918
HudgensHerman born about 1876
HudgensImagene born about 1920
HudgensJ Oborn about 1927
HudgensJesse born about 1887
HudgensJoice Aborn about 1940
HudgensLena born about 1900
HudgensLena Mborn about 1919
HudgensLorene born about 1934
HudgensLoyd born about 1907
HudgensMary born about 1912
HudgensMax Hborn about 1918
HudgensMaxine born about 1921
HudgensMelva Dborn about 1940
HudgensNewsome born about 1901
HudgensRay born about 1924
HudgensRobert Lborn about 1929
HudgensSam born about 1889
HudgensShelby Gborn about 1938
HudgensThelma born about 1916
HudgensTheodore born about 1876
HudgensVirgil born about 1899
HudgensVirgil Eborn about 1927
HudgensZack born about 1874
HudgensZack born about 1914

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I Surnames

IceEdwin born about 1908
IceErma born about 1907
IceSue born about 1939
IngramHarry Lborn about 1927

J Surnames

JackClyde born about 1905
JackFlora born about 1880
JackJames Mborn about 1875
JackLena born about 1906
JackLinnie born about 1878
JackMary Jborn about 1933
JackRobert Lborn about 1939
JackShirley Aborn about 1934
JackWillma Jborn about 1936
JacksonBarbara Aborn about 1940
JacksonBertha born about 1897
JacksonBetty born about 1939
JacksonBilly born about 1930
JacksonDonald Wborn about 1937
JacksonDorothy Aborn about 1940
JacksonFrank born about 1888
JacksonGertie born about 1894
JacksonGilbert born about 1885
JacksonGilbert Fborn about 1936
JacksonHerbert born about 1898
JacksonJanie born about 1877
JacksonJoe born about 1910
JacksonJoe Eborn about 1931
JacksonJoshua Aborn about 1871
JacksonKenneth born about 1936
JacksonLouise born about 1932
JacksonLucy born about 1883
JacksonMary born about 1906
JacksonMary born about 1908
JacksonMary Hborn about 1932
JacksonRussell born about 1921
JacksonVerna Mborn about 1925
JamesAlbert Jborn about 1890
JamesAlberta born about 1924
JamesBilly Hborn about 1936
JamesClaude Jborn about 1902
JamesFerne born about 1911
JamesFrancis Aborn about 1939
JamesIsabelle born about 1873
JamesJanivene born about 1926
JamesJesse born about 1900
JamesJohn Cborn about 1932
JamesJohn Dborn about 1940
JamesLester born about 1918
JamesMary Cborn about 1934
JamesMildred Vborn about 1935
JamesNarcissio Lborn about 1938
JamesNona Mborn about 1899
JamesRuby born about 1904
JamesWilliam born about 1873
JamesWilliam Jborn about 1930
JohnsCumy born about 1882
JohnsJohn born about 1877
JohnstonHarvy born about 1881
JohnstonWillie born about 1881
JonesAgnes born about 1918
JonesBennie born about 1920
JonesBlanchard born about 1919
JonesChas born about 1887
JonesChas Mborn about 1863
JonesClarence born about 1891
JonesClifford born about 1912
JonesCora born about 1880
JonesDona Gborn about 1939
JonesDorothy born about 1907
JonesElizabeth born about 1860
JonesElla born about 1883
JonesElva born about 1882
JonesElza Lborn about 1908
JonesFoster born about 1921
JonesHerbert born about 1918
JonesHowell born about 1899
JonesIna Maeborn about 1923
JonesJack Cborn about 1933
JonesJames born about 1923
JonesJennie Mborn about 1918
JonesJoel Hborn about 1866
JonesLona born about 1877
JonesLouis born about 1923
JonesLula Fborn about 1931
JonesMargaret born about 1873
JonesMollie born about 1893
JonesNorman born about 1933
JonesPatsey born about 1934
JonesWillis Eborn about 1881
JonesWood born about 1873

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K Surnames

KatoMary born about 1896
KatoMike born about 1872
KelleyAlbert Dborn about 1939
KelleyBilly Jborn about 1940
KelleyCarmen born about 1925
KelleyCarol born about 1917
KelleyCecil born about 1895
KelleyCora born about 1889
KelleyDonna Jborn about 1939
KelleyDonnie born about 1936
KelleyErnest born about 1890
KelleyEsta born about 1895
KelleyHerman born about 1898
KelleyIva born about 1897
KelleyIva born about 1920
KelleyJames born about 1913
KelleyJune born about 1933
KelleyLenora born about 1920
KelleyLyndell born about 1939
KelleyMarjorie born about 1917
KelleyMary born about 1921
KelleyMaxine born about 1920
KelleyPauline born about 1920
KelleyVernon born about 1920
KingDonald born about 1936
KingIra born about 1878
KingKiz born about 1869
KingMae born about 1911
KingMary born about 1868
KingRay born about 1908
KinserEd born about 1873
KinserSally born about 1876
KinserVirbel born about 1916
KrontzOra born about 1870
KugkendallAlice born about 1936
KugkendallBetty born about 1930
KugkendallJoe born about 1903
KugkendallJoe Bborn about 1927
KugkendallMarie born about 1906
KugkendallPhillis born about 1929
KugkendallShirley born about 1932
KumorekJoe born about 1886

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L Surnames

LaffoonFloyd born about 1886
LaffoonLillian born about 1890
LannomJames Nborn about 1877
LannomJohn born about 1910
LannomLennie born about 1902
LannomNellie Rborn about 1904
LannomOllie Lborn about 1906
LannonAlta born about 1878
LannonThomas born about 1880
LaymonEarnest born about 1896
LaymonHattie born about 1897
LenartDora born about 1874
LenartJohn born about 1874
LenartMary born about 1917
LindseyEva born about 1899
LindseyJesse born about 1899
LindseyRuby born about 1924
LockardAlton born about 1919
LockardGeorge Eborn about 1879
LockardHerman born about 1913
LockardIna Lborn about 1939
LockardJames Lborn about 1938
LockardJanet born about 1939
LockardJesse born about 1901
LockardLawrence born about 1915
LockardLillie born about 1888
LockardPansey born about 1923
LockardRessie born about 1914
LockardRose Mborn about 1921
LockardStella born about 1882
LockardVelma born about 1919
LongSarah born about 1876
LuemostenAlleen born about 1918
LuemostenNoble born about 1917

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M Surnames

MajdichAugust born about 1913
MajdichGertrude born about 1913
MarksIda Mborn about 1876
MarksJames Eborn about 1874
MarksJames Wborn about 1897
MarksMary born about 1905
MarksRobert born about 1909
MarksWillie Wborn about 1918
MathisAlice born about 1921
MathisBirdie born about 1896
MathisWilliam Aborn about 1891
MayhewBobby Dborn about 1931
MayhewCaude Lborn about 1930
MayhewClaude born about 1903
MayhewLillian born about 1913
MazeBarabara born about 1936
MazeCarlyle born about 1925
MazeEverett Lborn about 1933
MazeFranklin born about 1930
MazeGeneva born about 1934
MazeHarold Dborn about 1938
MazeHester born about 1906
MazeIra born about 1896
MazeKenneth born about 1927
MazeRuby born about 1928
McAnellyAnderson Lborn about 1930
McAnellyBerthal born about 1907
McAnellyBetty Rborn about 1939
McAnellyBuddy Jborn about 1934
McAnellyErnest born about 1925
McAnellyEthel born about 1899
McAnellyGus born about 1892
McAnellyHarry born about 1902
McAnellyJack born about 1886
McAnellyJake born about 1904
McAnellyJesse born about 1896
McAnellyLois Aborn about 1929
McAnellyMaude Aborn about 1892
McAnellyParthenia born about 1864
McAnellyRobert born about 1923
McAnellyZella born about 1901
McAnellyZella Jborn about 1932
McAnnellyCharlie born about 1910
McAnnellyLora born about 1915
McComickFreeda Mborn about 1932
McComickGeraldine born about 1928
McComickJames born about 1856
McComickJewel born about 1909
McComickLorine born about 1930
McComickMary Eborn about 1929
McComickSam born about 1907
McCormickDrew born about 1881
McCormickElla Mborn about 1924
McCormickMabel born about 1895
McCormickVelma born about 1939
McCormickVera Lborn about 1937
McGeeBarbara born about 1926
McGeeBetty born about 1928
McGeeDewine born about 1931
McGeeElla born about 1902
McGeeEthel born about 1910
McGeeJackie born about 1932
McGeeJeanett born about 1937
McGeeKathryn born about 1932
McGeeLoren born about 1897
McGeeLouis born about 1899
McGeeOma born about 1901
McGeeOra born about 1907
McGeeRaleigh Bborn about 1886
McGeeWanda Lborn about 1928
McGeeWilliam born about 1927
McGillJohn born about 1870
McGlanElla born about 1878
McGlanHarim born about 1870
McInturffEdna born about 1893
McInturffMary born about 1918
McInturffNaoma born about 1925
McKinneyAlice born about 1879
McKinneyElla born about 1882
McKinneyJohn born about 1876
McKinneyLoyd born about 1922
McKinneyLoyd Eborn about 1882
McKinneyWilliam born about 1878
McNeelyAlice Mborn about 1931
McNeelyAlta born about 1886
McNeelyCline born about 1915
McNeelyClyde born about 1907
McNeelyHerman born about 1880
McNeelyKenneth born about 1922
McNeelyLaurence born about 1902
McNeelyLaurence Gborn about 1928
McNeelyReba born about 1924
McNeelyRuth born about 1906
McNeelyShirley born about 1936
MeneeseCharley born about 1870
MeneeseEugene born about 1922
MeneeseEverett born about 1907
MeneeseHelen born about 1924
MeneeseJohn born about 1919
MeneeseJunior born about 1927
MeneeseMarjorie born about 1931
MeneeseMary Hborn about 1934
MeneeseMeriel born about 1934
MeneeseOscar born about 1925
MeneesePearl born about 1898
MeneeseRobert born about 1929
MeneeseRuth born about 1931
MeneeseThelma born about 1908
MicheffGeorge born about 1929
MicheffHelen born about 1910
MicheffJimmie born about 1931
MicheffJoan born about 1927
MicheffSteve born about 1894
MidgettEffie born about 1894
MidgettGuy born about 1890
MillerBertha born about 1884
MillerBilly Jborn about 1926
MillerEugene born about 1922
MillerGeorge born about 1881
MillerHerbert Eborn about 1928
MillerJerry born about 1939
MillerJewel born about 1906
MillerJuanita born about 1929
MillerKenneth born about 1936
MillerLeon born about 1924
MillerLona born about 1865
MillerMildred Mborn about 1932
MillerPaul Jborn about 1904
MillerPaul Lborn about 1933
MillerRobert born about 1902
MillerRobert Dborn about 1916
MillerStella born about 1902
MillerThelma born about 1925
MintonIsabell born about 1908
MintonJames Mborn about 1873
MintonJimmie Jborn about 1938
MintonJoe born about 1907
MintonLaura born about 1871
MintonMilrded Aborn about 1933
MintonSandra Gborn about 1939
MontgomeryGlenn Eborn about 1924
MontgomeryHelene Jborn about 1932
MontgomeryHomer Dborn about 1896
MontgomeryHomer Dborn about 1927
MontgomeryInez born about 1898
MontgomeryJohn Eborn about 1935
MontgomeryPercy Lborn about 1928
MontgomeryRaymond born about 1923
MorganAmel Eborn about 1939
MorganCarl born about 1911
MorganChavis born about 1881
MorganClifton born about 1921
MorganCline born about 1906
MorganGlayds born about 1911
MorganLorene born about 1927
MorganLoretta born about 1935
MorganMason born about 1938
MorganMissouri born about 1912
MorganModena born about 1885
MorganMorene born about 1930
MorganRay Wborn about 1933
MorganRuben born about 1910
MorganZelma born about 1910
MorganoFralee born about 1918
MorganoKaren Lborn about 1939
MorganoVera born about 1920
MorrisAnna born about 1894
MorrisLeo born about 1891
MorrisMartha born about 1857
MoultonGertrude born about 1894
MoultonSarrah Jborn about 1864
MouserEtta born about 1874
MultonElla born about 1880
MultonPaul born about 1898
MultonWilliam Rborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeilsonHiram Aborn about 1864
NeilsonNannie Pborn about 1865
NewboldsFreeda born about 1934
NewboldsHoward born about 1908
NewboldsJames born about 1937
NewboldsMary born about 1915
NewboldsSylvia Lborn about 1932
NoelNoel born about 1932
NolenClaude born about 1910
NolenOpal born about 1911
NolenWayne born about 1929
NoltaCecil born about 1895
NoltaWilliam Hborn about 1893
NorrisArlie born about 1920
NorrisClyde born about 1915
NorrisDorothy Fborn about 1935
NorrisEva born about 1885
NorrisHarold born about 1929
NorrisLona born about 1894
NorrisMary Eborn about 1926
NorrisNoah born about 1888
NorrisPaula born about 1923
NorrisSeth born about 1884
NorrisSeth Tborn about 1920
NorrisVelda Jborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OllisAgnes Lborn about 1927
OllisBirtha born about 1900
OllisGeorge Wborn about 1900
OllisLester born about 1921
OllisMinta born about 1877
OllisOrpha born about 1901
OllisWendell born about 1924
OllisWilliam Eborn about 1900
OllisWilliam Hborn about 1870
OlsenBessie born about 1903
OlsenWilliam Fborn about 1898
OlsenWilliam Fborn about 1938
OnealSarrah born about 1880
OnealWilliam Jborn about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParrishCarma Sborn about 1937
ParrishEsta born about 1891
ParrishEvelena born about 1919
ParrishGlenda Lborn about 1936
ParrishGus born about 1891
ParrishLester born about 1916
ParrishLodema born about 1927
ParrishLouise born about 1918
ParrishVirgil born about 1923
PatrickJames Rborn about 1940
PatrickJohn Dborn about 1915
PatrickKatherine born about 1920
PattonGlena born about 1904
PattonJohn born about 1906
PerrineChas born about 1874
PerrineMaggie born about 1869
PerryAlice born about 1881
PerryAltha born about 1914
PerryJohn Eborn about 1875
PerryOtto born about 1917
PerryWalter born about 1870
PetermanDaulph born about 1901
PetermanHosea born about 1907
PetermanLeonard born about 1921
PetermanMartha born about 1911
PetermanMary Eborn about 1930
PetermanRosie Mborn about 1931
PhemisterLaurence born about 1884
PhemisterRuth born about 1892
PhillipBetty Lborn about 1937
PhillipGenevieve born about 1920
PhillipHarold born about 1918
PhillipJoan born about 1939
PhillipsCay born about 1892
PhillipsEva born about 1904
PhillipsSarah Eborn about 1866
PhippsDonell born about 1935
PhippsHelen born about 1918
PhippsHenry born about 1915
PhippsJimmy born about 1936
PierceClarence born about 1904
PierceFerne Jborn about 1903
PierceJack Jborn about 1931
PledgerElla born about 1901
PledgerEvelyn born about 1917
PledgerGrover born about 1893
PledgerMamie Melbaborn about 1894
PledgerMilton born about 1891
PledgerMilton Jr born about 1921
PritchettAlfred Lborn about 1856
PritchettAnna born about 1912
PritchettBetty born about 1925
PritchettBilly born about 1926
PritchettCarl Rborn about 1933
PritchettClaude Wborn about 1895
PritchettEarl born about 1923
PritchettErskine born about 1915
PritchettImagene Lborn about 1932
PritchettJackie born about 1932
PritchettJames born about 1867
PritchettJanie Lborn about 1930
PritchettJesse Dborn about 1925
PritchettJoan born about 1935
PritchettJoanna born about 1884
PritchettLarry Dborn about 1937
PritchettLibby born about 1902
PritchettPaul born about 1928
PritchettRalph Jborn about 1936
PritchettRay born about 1875
PritchettRobert born about 1912
PritchettRuby born about 1913
PritchettSarrah born about 1861
PritchettThomas Lborn about 1938
PritchettVirgil born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RagainCharley born about 1910
RagainDonald born about 1937
RagainDorothy Mborn about 1938
RagainEugene born about 1932
RagainFannie born about 1873
RagainFaye Mborn about 1935
RagainGlen born about 1939
RagainJoe born about 1933
RagainJones Oborn about 1870
RagainLen born about 1915
RagainLois Mborn about 1929
RagainLucy born about 1919
RagainMax Lborn about 1939
RagainRuth born about 1908
RagainSam born about 1897
RagainSyble born about 1922
RagainVincent born about 1918
RagainViolet born about 1904
RagainWanda Lborn about 1940
RamseyChester born about 1925
RamseyElla born about 1880
RamseyRalph born about 1904
RamseyRoma born about 1909
ReedAaron born about 1908
ReedEdward Vborn about 1929
ReedPaul Lborn about 1931
ReedRacel born about 1902
ReedSherlin born about 1936
ReedVerzell born about 1906
ReedWillis born about 1872
RixAnna born about 1905
RixAnna Jborn about 1930
RixCarline born about 1927
RixCharles Lborn about 1923
RixClifford born about 1929
RixEaline born about 1933
RixEarl born about 1906
RixHarold born about 1921
RixHoward Eborn about 1928
RixJacob Wborn about 1934
RixJohnie Hborn about 1933
RixMarie born about 1899
RixStanley Lborn about 1925
RixStanly Hborn about 1897
RoachElla born about 1870
RobertsEthel born about 1888
RobertsFern born about 1916
RobertsGreen Hborn about 1884
RobertsJames Fborn about 1881
RobertsPansey born about 1919
RobertsVernon born about 1923
RobertsVida born about 1894
RobertsZola Mborn about 1926
RobertsonClara Mborn about 1929
RobertsonClifton born about 1934
RobertsonElva born about 1926
RobertsonIva born about 1899
RobertsonJesse Jborn about 1890
RobertsonJohn born about 1916
RobertsonLorine born about 1923
RobertsonNaomi born about 1932
RodgersJanice born about 1937
RodgersLester born about 1912
RodgersLucy born about 1911
RodgersOscar Eborn about 1939
RodgersShirley Mborn about 1936
RodgersWanda Fborn about 1938
RodmanAubrey born about 1888
RodmanBetty Sborn about 1936
RodmanEtta born about 1888
RodmanFlorence born about 1911
RodmanRussell born about 1915
RodmanShirley Aborn about 1939
RowlandCora born about 1870
RowlandDorothy born about 1925
RowlandEthel born about 1900
RowlandGenevieve born about 1913
RowlandJackie born about 1934
RowlandJoseph Eborn about 1871
RowlandLarry Dborn about 1938
RowlandLavene born about 1930
RowlandRay born about 1896
RowlandReba born about 1921
RowlandRex born about 1907
RuhlVirginia born about 1924
RushBerchard born about 1934
RushBetty born about 1938
RushBilly Wborn about 1930
RushDora born about 1881
RushGus Hborn about 1877
RushGus Hborn about 1903
RushJames born about 1927
RushMax Aborn about 1940
RushMyrtle born about 1908
RushRobert born about 1932
RushSam Rborn about 1936
RushThomas born about 1928
RussellEmery Sborn about 1878
RussellMattie born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SapinskiWalter born about 1914
SchaubertFlossie born about 1895
SchaubertJunior Rborn about 1928
SchaubertLowell born about 1916
SchaubertMay Eborn about 1932
SchaubertRaleigh born about 1895
SchaubertWillma born about 1920
SellarsDean born about 1914
SellarsEmma born about 1870
SheppardDanny born about 1939
SheppardEthel born about 1908
SheppardFred born about 1892
SheppardFred Jborn about 1938
SheppardGlenn born about 1928
SheppardHarvey born about 1933
ShontAbb Oborn about 1877
ShontAgnes born about 1883
ShontHarold born about 1916
ShontOrvill born about 1918
ShontVernell born about 1923
ShontWilhelma born about 1925
SimmonsBeulah born about 1904
SimmonsGentie born about 1878
SimmonsJames Dborn about 1870
SimmonsJoe born about 1903
SimmonsJoe Dborn about 1931
SimmonsKenneth born about 1919
SimmonsMilton Hborn about 1868
SimmonsRuby born about 1922
SimmonsSallie born about 1875
SimmonsWanda Lborn about 1939
SimsCarrie born about 1890
SimsCharley born about 1919
SimsJohn born about 1915
SimsJohny Rborn about 1939
SimsRosemary born about 1919
SinglerCharles born about 1930
SinglerEarl Aborn about 1904
SinglerLouis Eborn about 1938
SinglerMabel born about 1909
SinglerWilliam Eborn about 1929
SmathersAlvin born about 1887
SmathersAndrew Jborn about 1889
SmathersMargarett Eborn about 1939
SmathersMarshall Jborn about 1862
SmathersMarshall Nborn about 1937
SmathersMinnie Nborn about 1909
SmithCecil Cborn about 1914
SmithCecil Lborn about 1938
SmithDorothy born about 1925
SmithJananita born about 1928
SmithJohn born about 1903
SmithJoyce born about 1930
SmithLola Lborn about 1920
SmithMadalyn born about 1907
SmithMarie born about 1906
SmithMilo born about 1886
SmithOscar Hborn about 1903
SmithPaul Eborn about 1940
SmithSylvester born about 1881
SpragueBeatrice born about 1902
SpragueBetty born about 1925
SpragueDon born about 1923
SpragueFloyd born about 1895
SpragueJ Dborn about 1921
SpragueJeanetta born about 1939
SpragueJoan born about 1937
SpraguePaul Lborn about 1934
SpragueRichard born about 1928
SpragueTommy born about 1929
StanleyGeneva Mborn about 1918
StanleyNola born about 1873
StanleyWilliam born about 1869
StarlingGenevieve born about 1924
StarlingJames born about 1898
StarlingJames Aborn about 1927
StarlingMarie born about 1905
StarlingRosella born about 1929
StarlingVirginia born about 1932
StarlingWilliam Lborn about 1933
StokesCatherine born about 1939
StokesRalph Eborn about 1919
StokesViolet Mborn about 1920
StroudCatherine born about 1936
StroudFannie born about 1903
StroudJames born about 1901
StroudJesse born about 1899
StroudJohn born about 1893
StroudJohn Fborn about 1934
StroudLaura Mborn about 1872
StroudMargaret born about 1938
StroudMildred born about 1901
SullivanAda Lborn about 1924
SullivanRalph Oborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleyHattie born about 1892
TalleyHulda born about 1901
TalleyLetha Mborn about 1925
TalleyNelson Pborn about 1855
TalleyRaymond born about 1894
TalleyShirley Aborn about 1860
TalleyWilliam Hborn about 1888
ThetfordCarl Eborn about 1939
ThetfordCharles Gborn about 1935
ThetfordEthanell born about 1913
ThetfordRay born about 1908
ThetfordRetha born about 1932
ThetfordRuth Cborn about 1930
ThrogmortonAuther Wborn about 1899
ThrogmortonBarbara born about 1938
ThrogmortonCarol born about 1919
ThrogmortonDale born about 1939
ThrogmortonFleta born about 1884
ThrogmortonGaithel born about 1927
ThrogmortonGaynell born about 1905
ThrogmortonHarley born about 1924
ThrogmortonImagene born about 1922
ThrogmortonIrene born about 1931
ThrogmortonJean born about 1936
ThrogmortonJoe born about 1927
ThrogmortonJohn born about 1879
ThrogmortonLee born about 1929
ThrogmortonLillie born about 1924
ThrogmortonMargie born about 1928
ThrogmortonMary Lborn about 1919
ThrogmortonMary Mborn about 1873
ThrogmortonNoel born about 1900
ThrogmortonNoel Gborn about 1926
ThrogmortonRaymond born about 1932
ThrogmortonRobert Lborn about 1914
ThrogmortonVera born about 1933
ThrogmortonVerna Mborn about 1931
ThrogmortonViola born about 1901
ThrontonFlora born about 1888
ThrontonVirgil Hborn about 1884
TuckerBirtie born about 1884
TuckerRichard Tborn about 1870
TumageEmma born about 1905
TumageLouis Bborn about 1905
TumageLouise born about 1938
TumageRosemary born about 1926
TurnerBennie Jr born about 1931
TurnerCarolyn born about 1936
TurnerElizabeth born about 1911
TurnerGuy born about 1911
TurnerHoward born about 1903
TurnerJimmie born about 1930
TurnerMarlene born about 1939
TurnerRobert born about 1934
TurnerRonald born about 1935
TurnerRuth born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

ValleFlossie Aborn about 1900
ValleGeorge Wborn about 1897
ViolettCharley Rborn about 1877
ViolettJack born about 1917
ViolettMartha born about 1884

W Surnames

WalkerHarry born about 1902
WalkerJames Dborn about 1930
WalkerMargaret Mborn about 1926
WalkerMary Aborn about 1928
WalkerOscar Wborn about 1890
WalkerRaymond born about 1922
WalkerRuth born about 1906
WalkerSula born about 1892
WalkerViola Rborn about 1939
WardCharley Cborn about 1875
WardCora Aborn about 1879
WatsonEhud born about 1867
WatsonElla born about 1873
WatsonGeorge born about 1868
WatsonSam born about 1871
WhiteHerbert born about 1890
WhitecottonAlbert Edwardborn about 1937
WhitecottonClarence born about 1913
WhitecottonEdna born about 1913
WhitecottonHelen Carollborn about 1940
WhitecottonJames Wesleyborn about 1939
WhitecottonOpal born about 1914
WhitecottonPaul born about 1910
WilbonClarence born about 1920
WilbonMinnie born about 1884
WilbonThomas Lborn about 1874
WillyardFlossie born about 1894
WillyardHenney born about 1894
WilsonAlbert Dborn about 1887
WilsonStella born about 1891
WinchesterBermice born about 1917
WinchesterGary Lborn about 1939
WinchesterJack Wborn about 1937
WinchesterJoe born about 1856
WinchesterWayne born about 1913
WollardCline born about 1902
WollardDonald Rborn about 1938
WollardSylvia born about 1917
WollardVernell born about 1939
WoodardDorothy born about 1934
WoodardEmma born about 1867
WoodardGeorge Wborn about 1860
WoodardHarold Gborn about 1906
WoodardMaryland Sborn about 1939
WoodardPauline born about 1911
WoodardVera Mborn about 1935
WrightBonnie Mborn about 1939
WrightDelsie born about 1920
WrightDewey born about 1939
WrightKenneth born about 1908
WrightMettie born about 1884
WrightVera born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaterAudria born about 1889
YaterIvo Nborn about 1882
YaterUriel Wborn about 1919
YousticFrank born about 1921
YousticMary born about 1928
YousticSophie born about 1897
YousticSophie born about 1930
YousticSteve born about 1883

Z Surnames

ZuccoloAntony born about 1876
ZuccoloMary born about 1880

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