1940 U.S. Federal Census of Stevenson Township, Marion, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Marion County > 1940 Census of Stevenson Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AhlBetty Aborn about 1925
AhlCecil Wborn about 1940
AhlEmma Jborn about 1929
AhlEssie Vborn about 1904
AhlJames Sborn about 1933
AhlJoe Aborn about 1939
AhlLuceal born about 1937
AhlSamuel Hborn about 1900
AhlSamuel H Jrborn about 1927
AhlWilma Gborn about 1932
AlbertEffie born about 1880
AlbertEli Wborn about 1890
AlbertLouis Eborn about 1873
AlbertMargaret Lborn about 1891
AlbertMarie Vborn about 1909
AlbertRaymond Eborn about 1907
AlbertRoy Mborn about 1906
AlhertPaul born about 1910
AndersonCarrol Rborn about 1938
AndersonCleo Lborn about 1931
AndersonElinor Jborn about 1934
AndersonEmma Pborn about 1898
AndersonLucile Fborn about 1924
AndersonOrrille J born about 1896
AndersonRosemary Rborn about 1937
AndersonVivian Lborn about 1926
AndersonWayne Aborn about 1928
AnnaDolores born about 1931
ArdBobbie Lborn about 1939
ArdMethel Lborn about 1921
ArdRobert Wborn about 1920
ArmstrongDorthy Mborn about 1926
ArmstrongElmer born about 1889
ArmstrongGenevieve Tborn about 1923
ArmstrongMinnie Mborn about 1890
AshcraftClara Lborn about 1908
AshcraftJack Dborn about 1911

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B Surnames

BadeHenry Cborn about 1888
BadeMinervie Sborn about 1904
BarksdaleClaude Rborn about 1906
BarksdaleDorthy Mborn about 1934
BarksdaleForest Cborn about 1899
BarksdaleLora Bborn about 1901
BarksdaleMabel Oborn about 1908
BarksdaleRachel Lborn about 1929
BasomRalph Wborn about 1933
BasonCarl Rborn about 1890
BasonHazel Dborn about 1891
BaylerDale Gborn about 1935
BaylerDenon Cborn about 1907
BaylerMyrtle Mborn about 1917
BaylesEugene born about 1926
BaylesJohn Hborn about 1874
BaylesLena Mborn about 1897
BaylesLester born about 1923
BeardEdna Rborn about 1898
BeardJessie Lborn about 1897
BeardLester Aborn about 1922
BeardmoreBetty Lborn about 1926
BeardmoreClara Bborn about 1907
BeardmoreHarold Rborn about 1903
BeardmoreJackeline born about 1929
BeardsleyFloyd Aborn about 1918
BeckerAlexander born about 1887
BeckerDale Wborn about 1939
BeckerGeneva born about 1920
BeckerHernan born about 1915
BeckerLyda Mborn about 1895
BeckerMary Louborn about 1937
BensonAgnes Bborn about 1909
BensonRonald Dborn about 1909
BirkesAlewyn Dborn about 1917
BlachEdgar Eborn about 1939
BlachEdgar Mborn about 1917
BlachLornny Wborn about 1939
BlachLucille born about 1917
BlackSarah Eborn about 1868
BondAlbert Sborn about 1917
BondCarlene Mborn about 1939
BondEdith Mborn about 1919
BondLaurence Wborn about 1921
BondWanda Mborn about 1939
BooherAlice born about 1870
BooherDavid Rborn about 1938
BooherDorthy Jborn about 1928
BooherGladys Mborn about 1909
BooherWalter born about 1901
BooherWalter Rborn about 1931
BooherWilliam Oborn about 1863
BookhartEugene born about 1914
BookhartGlenn Sborn about 1903
BookhartHelen Bborn about 1909
BookhartJoe Aborn about 1932
BookhartLucy Mborn about 1922
BookhartMarguerite born about 1919
BookhartOrin born about 1875
BookhartRonald Lborn about 1939
BookhartSusan Jborn about 1875
BookhartVernon born about 1921
BookhoutCharles born about 1889
BookhoutJessie Gborn about 1888
BoozerCecil Iborn about 1915
BorenLeo Aborn about 1915
BorenMay L Wborn about 1914
BorenWanda Jborn about 1937
BoringBetty Sborn about 1900
BoutwellBarnard Hborn about 1920
BoutwellMeda Mborn about 1917
BoydGrace Mborn about 1898
BoydLeland M Oborn about 1896
Boyles??? Gborn about 1934
BoylesBarbara Aborn about 1938
BoylesCatherin Jborn about 1906
BoylesHarold born about 1931
BoylesIrwin Leroyborn about 1916
BoylesJames Sborn about 1925
BoylesJanetha born about 1933
BoylesLois Catherinsborn about 1928
BoylesMary Rborn about 1939
BoylesMary Sborn about 1930
BoylesPettie M Oborn about 1915
BoylesReba born about 1909
BoylesRoscoe born about 1905
BoylesRufus Vborn about 1913
BoylesVald born about 1901
BoyntonBoynton Sborn about 1916
BoyntonDorthy Gborn about 1888
BoyntonEllis Eborn about 1868
BoyntonEthel born about 1870
BoyntonLena Pborn about 1875
BoyntonLinnie born about 1864
BoyntonWilliam born about 1859
BransonEllis Eborn about 1912
BransonJames Wborn about 1874
BransonKittie Mborn about 1879
BransonRichard Eborn about 1926
BranumBonnie Bborn about 1912
BranumSedel Dborn about 1913
BraselBenita Bborn about 1934
BraselBetty Lborn about 1930
BraselEldon Eborn about 1927
BraselGeraldine Aborn about 1917
BraselHarper Hborn about 1889
BraselJack Bborn about 1919
BraselJudith Aborn about 1938
BraselLaura Aborn about 1896
BraselLois Iborn about 1924
BraselLynda Kborn about 1928
BraselMary Vborn about 1922
BraselRegis Dborn about 1932
BrazalAlica Mborn about 1938
BrazalBenton Gborn about 1855
BrazalJerry Rborn about 1939
BrazalMax Aborn about 1916
BrazalNeva born about 1919
BrownAnnie born about 1917
BrownCecil Hborn about 1930
BrownCharley born about 1912
BrownChester Bborn about 1881
BrownClara Bborn about 1884
BrownDonale Rayborn about 1938
BrownElmer born about 1885
BrownElois Eborn about 1918
BrownEvelyn born about 1928
BrownHarold Dborn about 1932
BrownHoward born about 1932
BrownJoseph Gborn about 1937
BrownJosie born about 1895
BrownLouis born about 1925
BrownMary born about 1935
BrownPearl Eborn about 1911
BrownRay born about 1916
BrownRonald Leeborn about 1939
BrownRuby born about 1922
BrownStandley Eborn about 1929
BrownThomas Eborn about 1939
BrownVerner Hborn about 1905
BrubackerAnderson Hborn about 1875
BrubackerElla born about 1877
BrubakerAllevia Sborn about 1857
BrubakerEdith Aborn about 1866
BrubakerEthel Lborn about 1896
BrubakerFloyd Jborn about 1911
BrubakerHarold Sborn about 1927
BrubakerHerman born about 1872
BrubakerJean Dborn about 1929
BrubakerJess Gborn about 1900
BrubakerJoseph Lborn about 1926
BrubakerJune Vborn about 1924
BrubakerLucian Vborn about 1896
BrubakerLuella born about 1863
BrubakerMildred Eborn about 1911
BrubakerRuth Eborn about 1899
BrubakerWilliam Aborn about 1853
BrukakerLawerence Wborn about 1905
BryantAlva Lborn about 1896
BryantBarbara born about 1932
BryantBetty born about 1930
BryantClara Eborn about 1895
BryantClefton born about 1924
BryantCliford born about 1920
BryantCurtis Cborn about 1927
BryantDale Levisborn about 1930
BryantEllis born about 1930
BryantGertrude born about 1905
BryantHernan Cborn about 1899
BryantInez born about 1927
BryantJames Dborn about 1915
BryantJunior Mborn about 1922
BryantLaren Jborn about 1920
BryantLawrance Hborn about 1870
BryantLee born about 1923
BryantLena Aborn about 1894
BryantLevi born about 1867
BryantMerritt Hborn about 1893
BryantOtto born about 1893
BryantPearl Aborn about 1894
BryantRobert Wborn about 1934
BryantRoma born about 1935
BryantRuth born about 1901
BryantWana born about 1922
BryantWilliam Cborn about 1888
BundyBessie Cborn about 1891
BundyCharles Lborn about 1939
BundyDorthy Eborn about 1925
BundyEarl Rborn about 1890
BundyGlenn Jborn about 1922
BundyLeland Dborn about 1923
BundyPaul Rborn about 1914
BundySam Tborn about 1918
BundyThelma Bborn about 1919
BundyWayne Eborn about 1920
BurgerSylvia born about 1921
BurgerWillie Wborn about 1917
BurusJames Rborn about 1934
ButlerBetty Jborn about 1936
ButlerBurlie Wborn about 1915
ButlerHelen Lborn about 1918
ButlerJery Lborn about 1939

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C Surnames

CaldewellAnna Lborn about 1903
CaldewellWilliam Tborn about 1902
CallertDelores Pborn about 1929
CallertJohn Vborn about 1890
CallertKate Eborn about 1895
CallisonHarry born about 1914
CandellArthur Cborn about 1915
CandellCharley Cborn about 1883
CandellClaude Aborn about 1907
CandellIda Rborn about 1888
CandellSarah born about 1913
CantrellAnnie Bborn about 1913
CantrellIsla Mborn about 1883
CantrellMartha Eborn about 1913
CantrellOscar Sborn about 1879
CareImogene born about 1923
CareWilliam Cborn about 1916
CarnesSam born about 1877
ChandlerFrankie born about 1930
ChitwoodBlanche Jborn about 1904
ChitwoodCecil Eborn about 1934
ChitwoodKennith Wborn about 1936
ChitwoodMax Wborn about 1931
ChitwoodWood Hernanborn about 1904
ChorltonLillie Bborn about 1884
ChorltonLucy Annborn about 1923
ChorltonWalter Aborn about 1884
ClampetTherron born about 1922
ClarkBertha Fborn about 1907
ClarkBilly Rborn about 1931
ClarkHary Kborn about 1903
ClarkMary Gborn about 1929
ClarkOtta Jborn about 1928
ClarkRichard Jborn about 1934
ClarkThomas Eborn about 1938
ClarksonTommy born about 1868
CleftonCecil Gborn about 1899
CleftonKathleen Mborn about 1935
CleftonOpal Sborn about 1903
CleftonWilliam Rborn about 1929
ColeTom Darrellborn about 1913
CorlileHolley born about 1903
CoxAndie Lborn about 1887
CoxEva born about 1901
CoxMargie born about 1927
CraigAnna M Oborn about 1870
CraigCharles Eborn about 1876
CrairyWilliam born about 1901
CrippenBobby Dborn about 1938
CrippenElba Iborn about 1910
CrippenElbert Hborn about 1908
CrippenElbert Oborn about 1871
CrippenHarold Dborn about 1916
CrippenIrma Rborn about 1935
CrippenLee Oborn about 1932
CrippenLizzie Mborn about 1880
CrippsAsher Lborn about 1862
CrippsCecil Jborn about 1921
CrippsEarnest born about 1886
CrippsElmer Rborn about 1915
CrippsHannah Mborn about 1895
CrippsJacob Aborn about 1883
CrippsPaul born about 1917
CrippsRose born about 1884
CrosgroveRay born about 1888
CuppenAlice Mborn about 1912
CuppenCarl Cborn about 1910
CuppenJames Cborn about 1934
CuppenMary Cborn about 1936
CuppenNeal Aborn about 1940
CurryEarl Eborn about 1919
CurryEdna Eborn about 1901
CurryWalter Jborn about 1901

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D Surnames

DaltonBessie Eborn about 1902
DaltonBetty Fborn about 1929
DaltonChris born about 1898
DanielHomer Cborn about 1913
DanielKathryn born about 1913
DanielLenard Boborn about 1914
DanielNellie Rborn about 1915
DanielsCharles Wborn about 1889
DanielsFay Gborn about 1907
DanielsFloyd Bborn about 1916
DanielsJohn Hborn about 1913
DanielsOpal Aborn about 1918
DanielsRobert Lborn about 1922
DanielsWilliam born about 1871
DarnallNettie Eborn about 1900
DarnallWinfield Hborn about 1886
DavoultAnnie Eborn about 1903
DavoultCassielee born about 1928
DavoultLonnie Eborn about 1924
DavoultWilliam Hborn about 1901
DeliaGlenn Aborn about 1928
DeliaRuth born about 1925
DellSarah born about 1920
DonnaDonald Sborn about 1935
DonnaJohn Wborn about 1912
DonnaMarie born about 1922
DonnaWillie Lborn about 1916
DonnaWillie Rborn about 1918
DonohoCurt Lborn about 1877
DonohoJoe Dborn about 1896
DonohoLela Mborn about 1902
DonohoLouie Wborn about 1922
DonohoMaude Cborn about 1891
DuncanDorthy Eborn about 1939
DuncanGlady Eborn about 1917
DuncanHerman A Oborn about 1915
DuncanLeroy Aborn about 1937
DunlayFrank born about 1907
DunlayOma Tborn about 1909

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E Surnames

EarlsPleas born about 1889
EasilyWm Hborn about 1890
EasleyAlbert born about 1884
EasleyCharles Eborn about 1917
EasleyCharles Rborn about 1938
EasleyDella Mborn about 1892
EasleyDwight Lborn about 1921
EasleyEdmund Wborn about 1923
EasleyEmery born about 1878
EasleyEula Mborn about 1898
EasleyEverett born about 1888
EasleyFred Aborn about 1882
EasleyGilbert Jborn about 1862
EasleyJames Bborn about 1857
EasleyJesse born about 1886
EasleyLloyd Bborn about 1915
EasleyLoyal Nborn about 1925
EasleyMarine Hborn about 1924
EasleyMary Cborn about 1872
EasleyMillie Annborn about 1883
EasleyNadine Kborn about 1921
EasleyRussell Wborn about 1919
EastLillian Jborn about 1906
EastLouis Sborn about 1870
EastLovell Dborn about 1898
EddingsJean Mborn about 1888
EddingsSadie Mborn about 1894
EddingsWesley Sborn about 1867

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F Surnames

FosterHomer Oborn about 1882

G Surnames

GaineRose Hborn about 1876
GaineWilliam Sborn about 1867
GarnerBilly Jborn about 1930
GarnerCharles Dborn about 1890
GarnerDugles Vborn about 1925
GarnerElizabeth born about 1906
GarnerEma Bborn about 1919
GarnerEmma Kborn about 1895
GarnerEstella born about 1884
GarnerEugene Eborn about 1904
GarnerJames Tborn about 1903
GarnerLeland Dborn about 1919
GarnerLester born about 1900
GarnerSoren Eborn about 1921
GarrisonGuy born about 1895
GarrisonMartha Jborn about 1873
GarrisonMinnie Bborn about 1899
GartonBernard born about 1920
GartonBertha Sborn about 1887
GartonBilly Cborn about 1925
GartonForest born about 1886
GartonRobert Dborn about 1934
GastonAddie born about 1881
GastonAlbert Dborn about 1876
GastonAnna Mborn about 1885
GastonCatherine born about 1936
GastonEstel born about 1884
GastonLovell Iborn about 1918
GastonLoyd S Oborn about 1916
GastonMary Aborn about 1846
GeorgeEagan born about 1878
GettHazel Mborn about 1907
GettMaurice Eborn about 1907
GillisClinton Tborn about 1893
GillisLessie born about 1920
GillisOla Mborn about 1893
GillisRidolph born about 1911
GillisRosalie born about 1939
GillisT Cborn about 1917
GlasscockMary Aborn about 1886
GoldBoyd Oborn about 1924
GoldDeloris Mborn about 1927
GoldMary Oborn about 1929
GoldMatt Dborn about 1906
GoldVirgie Iborn about 1906
GonesDonna born about 1937
GonesEdna Bborn about 1882
GonesHelen Jborn about 1939
GoostreeAllie Mborn about 1899
GoostreeCarl Lborn about 1897
GoostreeClarence born about 1894
GoostreeDale Rborn about 1925
GoostreeEllis Bborn about 1908
GoostreeEllis Lborn about 1932
GoostreeHelen Eborn about 1914
GoostreeJackie Eborn about 1933
GoostreeJunioc Cborn about 1924
GoostreeMary born about 1896
GoostreeMilba Jborn about 1939
GoostreeOlen born about 1926
GoostreeZane Cborn about 1937
Gordon??? born about 1868
Gordon??? born about 1874
Gordon??? born about 1900
GordonDean Lborn about 1902
GordonOda Mborn about 1900
GreenCharles Cborn about 1900
GreenGracie Aborn about 1879
GreenWalter Sborn about 1876
GurleyCletus Eborn about 1926

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H Surnames

HalfacreBeatrice Jborn about 1915
HalfacreMargorie Lborn about 1919
HalfacreShirley Jborn about 1937
HalfacreTheodore born about 1914
HalfacreWilliam Charlesborn about 1939
HamiltonJames Bborn about 1869
HammersonEthel born about 1884
HammondEarl born about 1904
HargeAllene Pborn about 1920
HargeWilma Gborn about 1939
HarmonRay born about 1935
HarysHenry Oborn about 1915
HatcherMargie born about 1901
HatcherRay I Oborn about 1907
HeavenerAdell Sborn about 1908
HeavenerFrancis Mborn about 1861
HeavenerJean Cborn about 1909
HeavenerPatrichia Jborn about 1935
HeavenerRobert Fborn about 1939
HeavenerWilliam Aborn about 1936
HeflinHarold Eborn about 1916
HeflinJames Earlborn about 1928
HeflinLee Gborn about 1925
HeflinLucy born about 1886
HeflinMartha Lborn about 1922
HeflinMaryan Eborn about 1866
HeflinNathan Nborn about 1924
HenneDorthy Jborn about 1935
HenneFred Hborn about 1894
HenneFrieda Aborn about 1924
HenneMaude Fborn about 1896
HenneMyrtle Wborn about 1926
HenneRobert Eborn about 1928
HenryLanelle Lborn about 1916
HenryOren Lborn about 1914
HensonEarla Mborn about 1937
HensonEdith Fborn about 1909
HensonJames Vborn about 1940
HensonMarion born about 1856
HensonVerlie Eborn about 1904
HensonViolet Vborn about 1927
HickeyChamp Cborn about 1922
HickeyDempsey born about 1928
HickeyFord born about 1932
HickeyHarley Aborn about 1893
HickeyLeo Sborn about 1918
HickeyOma Iborn about 1916
HickeyOpal born about 1925
HickeyZephine born about 1898
HiltibidalEdna Mborn about 1920
HinesJohn born about 1879
HollandClara Lborn about 1906
HollandDelbert Dborn about 1924
HollandHershel Wborn about 1938
HollandLaverne born about 1929
HollandVerlin Rborn about 1932
HollandWoodson Wborn about 1912
HollemanDale Rborn about 1913
HollemanLena Lborn about 1939
HollemanMinnie Bborn about 1917
HollerBernard Eborn about 1936
HollerBernita Eborn about 1935
HollerBurl Cborn about 1909
HollerDonald Rborn about 1936
HollerEarl Lborn about 1909
HollerErma Lborn about 1929
HollerIva Iborn about 1912
HollerIvan Eborn about 1931
HollerJaunita Hborn about 1935
HollerRonald Fborn about 1938
HollerStella Lborn about 1909
HoltLom born about 1877
HortonJames Hborn about 1927
HostlamMarion Cborn about 1857
HostlamNicie Aborn about 1884
HuffBell born about 1864
HuffThomas Aborn about 1863
HuffViolet born about 1884
HutchinsonByford born about 1915
HutchinsonIrma Lborn about 1921

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I Surnames

IrwinEugene Eborn about 1894
IrwinGladys Gborn about 1893

J Surnames

JacksonJessie born about 1917
JacksonMarie born about 1920
JamesNettie born about 1878
JohnsonAlma Oborn about 1919
JohnsonAnna Eborn about 1894
JohnsonCarlous Eborn about 1918
JohnsonHerbert Lborn about 1892
JonesClark Lborn about 1923
JonesEdna Mborn about 1914
JonesEmma Aborn about 1885
JonesFlo Eborn about 1906
JonesGlenn Cborn about 1907
JonesJames S Oborn about 1878
JonesJoice Mborn about 1934
JonesLuther Mborn about 1874
JonesManda Mborn about 1881
JonesMary Eborn about 1933
JonesRichard Dborn about 1935
JonesWoodson Wborn about 1914

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K Surnames

KaggMyrtle born about 1869
KampElnor Bborn about 1932
KampJames Bborn about 1879
KampNellie Rborn about 1893
KellAlbert Bborn about 1874
KellAlice born about 1915
KellVirginia born about 1919
KellWinnie Rborn about 1888
KellerMerle Wborn about 1914
KellerOpal Mborn about 1917
KellerVanda Mborn about 1935
KesingerJames Hborn about 1937
KirganCecil Jr born about 1915
KirganRuby Fborn about 1921
KiryanDelores Mborn about 1939
KiryanHazel Jborn about 1938
KoyfByron Rborn about 1909
KoyfEllis Eborn about 1880
KoyfOra Gborn about 1885
KuyfEmma Tborn about 1913
KuyfKieth Gborn about 1907
KuyfNancy Aborn about 1939

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L Surnames

LaneGlenda Lborn about 1933
LaneIrvin Rborn about 1908
LaneKennith Lborn about 1928
LaneReatha Mborn about 1908
LankfordJanitt Oborn about 1932
LankfordMarcllious born about 1912
LankfordOliver Aborn about 1907
LankfordPercy Lborn about 1929
LansonDelbert Tborn about 1919
LansonJacob Pborn about 1882
LansonMyrtle Cborn about 1884
LeafElmer born about 1939
LeafElmer Cborn about 1888
LeafEra Eborn about 1911
LeafNeil Cborn about 1938
LeuellenHomer Wborn about 1907
LewisKoonce born about 1875
LiclemannGeorge Aborn about 1928
LiclemannLulu born about 1904
LiclemannWilliam Aborn about 1923
LomeryJake born about 1868
LuttrellClarence Bborn about 1900
LuttrellDorthy Mborn about 1915
LuttrellJack Eborn about 1930
LuttrellJimmie Lborn about 1935
LuttrellLouise Jborn about 1933
LuttrellOpal Jborn about 1909
LuttrellRay Cborn about 1913
LuttrellRaymond Lborn about 1933
LuttrellRoger Eugeneborn about 1938
LuttrellShirley Mborn about 1937
LynchRoy born about 1888

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M Surnames

MackJohn born about 1920
MalcomWalter Jborn about 1863
MandlerWilliam born about 1870
MareCharles Mborn about 1916
MareCharles Sborn about 1881
MareMargarete Jborn about 1896
MartinAris Sborn about 1923
MartinFrank Rborn about 1895
MartinFrank Wborn about 1919
MartinMartha Lborn about 1923
MartinMassie Lborn about 1895
MartinWoodron Rborn about 1919
MayhueDarrol Dborn about 1937
McCainFlora Vborn about 1922
McCainGorgie Leeborn about 1939
McCainJames Aborn about 1914
McCainMary Fborn about 1939
McCormickBettie Mborn about 1906
McCormickBetty Jborn about 1928
McCormickJohn Wborn about 1900
McCormickJohn Wborn about 1936
McCormickMary Eborn about 1934
McGlumphyHerbert Eborn about 1884
McGlumphyMartha Fborn about 1884
McIntosichHomer born about 1890
McKinneyEdna Lborn about 1931
McKinneyElla Bborn about 1916
McKinneyEllie Bborn about 1906
McKinneyGeorgia Mborn about 1933
McKinneyMyrtle Cborn about 1934
McNaryGladden Eborn about 1897
McNaryGlenn Eborn about 1939
McNaryJames Eborn about 1938
McNaryMary Eborn about 1904
McNaryVirtus Eborn about 1932
McNaryWallice Eborn about 1929
MerrillEster Aborn about 1919
MerrillGeorgia Aborn about 1937
MerrillOliver Aborn about 1940
MerrillSeorye Eborn about 1911
MetcalfAlice Mborn about 1896
MetcalfJunior Oborn about 1920
MetcalfKathleen Wborn about 1922
MetcalfOtto Fultonborn about 1894
Middleton??? born about 1907
Middleton??? born about 1910
Middleton??? born about 1930
Middleton??? born about 1934
MiddletonWilliam born about 1939
MillerBarbara born about 1937
MillerJoan Mborn about 1936
MillerJuanita born about 1918
MillerMarrin born about 1938
MillerPaul born about 1939
MillerRaymond Eborn about 1914
MitchellJohn Hborn about 1908
MitchellJune Mborn about 1933
MitchellStella Bborn about 1910
MooseEstelle Mborn about 1889
MooseFloyd Oborn about 1891
MooseTelma Fborn about 1928
MorganCarl Fborn about 1922
MorganDon Rborn about 1934
MorganEdna Lborn about 1890
MorganErma Jeanborn about 1926
MorganHershel born about 1883
MorrisonWilliam born about 1866
MorseAlbert Rborn about 1918
MorseNakita Mborn about 1920
MyersBlanch born about 1910
MyersCharles born about 1928
MyersFrancis Cborn about 1908
MyersHarvey Aborn about 1865
MyersJack Lborn about 1935
MyersJunior Vborn about 1930
MyersKathryne born about 1927
MyersLoretta Kborn about 1940
MyersMargaret Eborn about 1932
MyersMarilyn Sborn about 1936
MyersMildred Mborn about 1908
MyersMyrtle Eborn about 1886
MyersRody Aborn about 1906
MyersRuby Lborn about 1913
MyersShirley born about 1933
MyersTheda born about 1925
MyersVernie Dborn about 1903

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N Surnames

NeffAlta Mborn about 1930
NeffArthur born about 1936
NeffBarbara Mborn about 1939
NeffBoly Jborn about 1927
NeffCecil Hborn about 1921
NeffEdward born about 1893
NeffEthel Rborn about 1921
NeffFrank Lborn about 1918
NeffGenva Eborn about 1927
NeffMabel Aborn about 1899
NeffMary born about 1934
NesmithHarry Dborn about 1915
NesmithLouise Rborn about 1917
NesmithNancy C born about 1938
NicholsDavid Gborn about 1939
NicholsDwight Fborn about 1931
NicholsMorie Sborn about 1907
NicholsPriscilla Lborn about 1927
NicholsRamona Lborn about 1930
NicholsRaymond Gborn about 1904

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O Surnames

OdellElva Lborn about 1892
OdellEstel born about 1913
OdellLela Lborn about 1906
OrahRobert born about 1889
Ovens??? born about 1940

P Surnames

ParishBertha Jborn about 1884
ParishJohn Wborn about 1893
ParishWilliam Lborn about 1921
ParterEzenith Aborn about 1913
ParterMary Joannborn about 1940
ParterWilliam Gborn about 1910
PateDaniel Eborn about 1939
PateHazel Eborn about 1936
PateJohn Wborn about 1924
PateLarue born about 1914
PateLofton Bborn about 1913
PateMary Eborn about 1926
PateOra Eborn about 1887
PateWilliam Tborn about 1877
PathelDavid Wborn about 1857
PayneBradford born about 1905
PayneCarry born about 1905
PayneDarrel born about 1912
PayneDouglas born about 1923
PayneElizabeth born about 1915
PayneFrancis born about 1873
PayneFrancis born about 1936
PayneFreda born about 1918
PayneIrwin born about 1926
PayneJames born about 1932
PayneLona Mborn about 1932
PayneMinnie born about 1880
PaynePatty Jborn about 1930
PayneRoss born about 1907
PayneViolet born about 1932
PeddicordBetty Jborn about 1928
PeddicordEarl Aborn about 1904
PeddicordIrene Cborn about 1903
PeddicordKenneth born about 1924
PeddicordMargaret Lborn about 1930
PerchellPete born about 1921
PettusEmil born about 1881
PettusJulia born about 1891
PichettDorthy Eborn about 1922
PichettEnos born about 1900
PichettFrancis Lborn about 1925
PichettFredrick Aborn about 1937
PichettGladys Aborn about 1900
PichettLyle Rborn about 1930
PichettNorman Eborn about 1923
PickettFannie born about 1876
PickettHuston born about 1901
PickettLynn born about 1909
PiggNettie born about 1875
PittsGoldie born about 1907
PittsMaggie Mborn about 1897
PittsNellie Mborn about 1909
PorterDora born about 1864
PorterOrville born about 1890
PorterOrville Eborn about 1919
PoyntaArline Mborn about 1931
PriceHarold Eborn about 1914
ProcterLeta Gborn about 1903
ProcterOscer Wborn about 1898
ProphetHarvy born about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandollCarol Lborn about 1937
RandollJames Cborn about 1912
RandollJeanette born about 1936
RandollLouella Fborn about 1917
RayJohn Cborn about 1912
RayMabel Lborn about 1913
RayRalph Wborn about 1926
RehnkeJoseph Eborn about 1908
RehnkeJoseph Eborn about 1931
RehnkeMary Aborn about 1939
RehnkeViola Dborn about 1910
RepecEdvard born about 1917
RepecFrancis Wborn about 1921
RhoadsMarie Rborn about 1920
RhoadsMarshall Rborn about 1919
RiceDaril Cborn about 1911
RiceDasil Cborn about 1939
RiceMary Eborn about 1936
RiceSallie Fborn about 1916
RoddyJames Mborn about 1861
RoddyWilliam Oborn about 1885
RogersBessie born about 1918
RogersCharlotte Rborn about 1917
RogersDennis Oborn about 1921
RogersElwood Gborn about 1911
RogersFlorence Lborn about 1889
RogersFrancis Eborn about 1888
RogersGenevieve Mborn about 1923
RogersLayd Eborn about 1929
RogersLouise born about 1935
RogersThaddeus Eborn about 1914
RogersWilliam Lborn about 1927
RushMargaret born about 1914
RushMargaret Fborn about 1884
RushWoodsom born about 1914
RussellAlbert Lborn about 1881
RussellFoster Lborn about 1927
RussellPrincess born about 1886
RuthardtVivian born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

Scott??? born about 1917
Scott??? born about 1918
ScottCurt born about 1925
ScottGeorge Bborn about 1906
ScottJeff Jborn about 1878
ScottMartha born about 1887
SeckroulEthel Mborn about 1887
SeckroulJames Wborn about 1885
SeckroulQuetta Kborn about 1876
SeckroulRichard Sborn about 1923
SharardJames Dborn about 1891
SherrardOpal Lborn about 1905
ShippBeatrice Oborn about 1913
ShippOscar Hborn about 1895
ShippSammy Lborn about 1939
SholmanL Oborn about 1915
SholmanMary Aborn about 1939
SholmanPauline Bborn about 1915
ShookCarrie born about 1877
SimmonsBenton Hborn about 1900
SimmonsEva Sborn about 1877
SimmonsHelen Mborn about 1928
SimmonsHenderson Jborn about 1877
SimmonsHershel Jborn about 1913
SimmonsMartha born about 1919
SimmonsWanda Aborn about 1939
SimpsonGarner born about 1880
SipesMamie Hborn about 1897
SirrattGeorge born about 1877
SkeltonMarvin Gborn about 1905
SlaterGeorge born about 1892
SlaterTheo born about 1897
SmithDoris Wborn about 1906
SmithEugene Tborn about 1939
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1878
SmithJuanita born about 1929
SmithLuana born about 1911
SmithMelvin Lborn about 1903
SmithOla Bborn about 1916
SmithOra Eborn about 1877
SmithPatricia Fborn about 1938
SmithWallace born about 1933
SmithWayne born about 1939
SnowAlfred Wborn about 1930
SnowCharles Eborn about 1887
SnowD Ran Joyborn about 1932
SnowEarl Jborn about 1902
SnowHelen Mborn about 1922
SnowHomer Oborn about 1886
SnowIcel Cborn about 1910
SnowJames Mborn about 1873
SnowJohn Aborn about 1939
SnowLoran Jborn about 1918
SnowLouis Rborn about 1923
SnowMabel born about 1898
SnowMernel Mborn about 1923
SnowRoy born about 1892
SommersJames Sborn about 1930
SorrowsVida Fborn about 1936
SquibbElizabeth born about 1861
SquibbRuth born about 1894
SquilahAnna born about 1868
StanfieldEthel Eborn about 1891
StanfordDavid born about 1922
StanfordKelley born about 1891
StanfordLaura born about 1898
StanfordRichard born about 1926
StanfordRoberta born about 1929
StclairLyda Mborn about 1887
StclairNaomie Hborn about 1914
StclairRuth born about 1928
StclairWesley Wborn about 1882
SteevensonHannah born about 1911
SteevensonOtis Kborn about 1868
StevensonBetty Jborn about 1924
StevensonBilly Pborn about 1926
StevensonEarl Sborn about 1889
StevensonElla Vborn about 1892
StevensonFay Mborn about 1928
StevensonFern Lborn about 1922
StevensonIva born about 1915
StevensonJune Vborn about 1929
StevensonNoah Jborn about 1909
StevensonOmar born about 1868
StevensonRoberta Lborn about 1934
StevensonVivian Bborn about 1930
StevensonWanda Lborn about 1926
StevesonLaura Lborn about 1887
StevesonRay Vborn about 1885
StoopsFrank born about 1871
StoopsPearl born about 1919
StormentAlbert Cborn about 1871
StormentIda Mborn about 1878
StormentJanet Lborn about 1922
StormentLucy Fborn about 1912
StormentNancy Hborn about 1936
StormentRaymond Eborn about 1912
StormentRaymond E Jrborn about 1931
StrangRobert Aborn about 1912
StrangViolet Pborn about 1918
SuttleBernice born about 1917
SuttleCaroline Joyborn about 1939
SuttleCharles Eborn about 1937
SuttleEletha Aborn about 1939
SuttleGeorge Tborn about 1911
SwalleyAlbert Lborn about 1934
SwalleyCharles Aborn about 1914
SwalleyCora Eborn about 1915
SwazeyClaude born about 1902
SwazeyJohn born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TadlockEllen Fborn about 1889
TadlockGeorge Wborn about 1927
TadlockLouis Fborn about 1882
ThomasBetty Lborn about 1937
ThomasCloyd Vborn about 1907
ThomasFlorence Mborn about 1919
ThomasFrances Mborn about 1902
ThomasIda born about 1871
ThomasJess Eborn about 1896
ThomasJesse Tborn about 1919
ThomasJessie Jr born about 1936
ThomasRichard Sborn about 1926
ThomasRita Jborn about 1932
ThomasRobert Aborn about 1922
ThomasTeddy Pborn about 1933
ThomasThelma Gborn about 1913
TinklerDorthy Vborn about 1931
TinklerJames Jborn about 1888
TinklerLawrence Eborn about 1918
TinklerMinnie born about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VallunClara Tborn about 1915
VallunWilliam born about 1913
VaughnCyrene Hborn about 1876
VaughnIda Mborn about 1877
VursellDorthy Jborn about 1936
VursellEthel Mborn about 1888
VursellJohn born about 1868
VursellMaude Aborn about 1878
VursellOpal Nborn about 1909
VursellPaul Wborn about 1911
VursellVirginia Bborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaggonerBernice Fborn about 1929
WaggonerEmila Bborn about 1900
WaggonerGoes Sborn about 1894
WaggonerHubert Wborn about 1924
WallaceAnnelle Jborn about 1937
WallaceGeneva Zborn about 1917
WallaceJoe Hborn about 1917
WallaceVirgil Nborn about 1919
WallisFrank Hborn about 1863
WardJune Hborn about 1921
WardLanny born about 1939
WardVirgil Lborn about 1918
WarnerCarrie Bborn about 1864
WarnerEster Mborn about 1895
WarnerHilda Bborn about 1915
WarnerPaul Rborn about 1883
WarnerPerry Wborn about 1862
WeemsLucinda Aborn about 1862
WernerElmer Bborn about 1903
WernerEugene born about 1929
WernerImogene born about 1929
WernerLillie Bellaborn about 1906
WernerOlen Lborn about 1925
WestHarry Eborn about 1908
WestHarry E Jrborn about 1937
WestPauline born about 1909
WheelerBuddie Jborn about 1936
WheelerHoward Eborn about 1933
WheelerMary Lborn about 1909
WheelerWilliam Hborn about 1901
WhistnantEarl born about 1911
WhistnantNelda born about 1914
WhiteNora Lborn about 1922
WilfongFern Eborn about 1920
WilfongLewis Hborn about 1889
WilfongOline born about 1889
WilfongRaymond Lborn about 1923
WilkersonCharley born about 1909
WilkersonDorthy Mborn about 1918
WilkinsEloise Mborn about 1901
WilkinsFrancis Cborn about 1908
WilkinsNadine born about 1911
WilkinsVernie Rborn about 1902
WilliamCharles Mborn about 1927
WilliamMildred born about 1935
WilliamSylvester born about 1919
WilliamsAmelia born about 1879
WilliamsBetty Jborn about 1932
WilliamsDwight Aborn about 1899
WilliamsEthel Kborn about 1899
WilliamsFloyd Gborn about 1914
WilliamsLois Lborn about 1928
WilliamsMarian Eborn about 1930
WilliamsMary born about 1922
WilliamsMinna Lborn about 1914
WilliamsRo born about 1926
WilliamsRuphus born about 1871
WilliamsShirley Mborn about 1937
WilsonFrances Lborn about 1919
WilsonJaunit Aborn about 1905
WilsonJerry Hborn about 1926
WilsonMary Jborn about 1928
WilsonOlive Lborn about 1882
WilsonStanly Lborn about 1938
WilsonVirgil Sborn about 1917
WinegarnerCaroline born about 1870
WinegarnerDorthy Gborn about 1935
WinegarnerEames born about 1854
WinegarnerLeona Aborn about 1931
WinegarnerMargrie Eborn about 1929
WinegarnerMartha Eborn about 1910
WinegarnerMarvin born about 1910
WinegarnerMary Eborn about 1849
WinegarnerRalph Rborn about 1937
WinegarnerVira Ireneborn about 1933
WoodswardEdwin Tborn about 1919
WoodswardLola Mborn about 1924
WoodwardArtie Mborn about 1884
WoodwardLouis Bborn about 1920
WoodwardLouis Wborn about 1921
WoodwardMildred Lborn about 1922
WoodwardPearle Dborn about 1888
WoodwardRobert Rborn about 1917
WoodwardTed Wborn about 1917
WoodwardWalter Wborn about 1870
WymanBernice Lborn about 1918
WymanBertha I Oborn about 1892

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