1940 U.S. Federal Census of Timber Township, Peoria, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Peoria County > 1940 Census of Timber Township

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AddyArbilla born about 1880
AddyDean born about 1925
AddyGwendolyn born about 1905
AddyLawrence born about 1905
AddyLloyd born about 1901
AddyNellie born about 1903
AddyPatricia born about 1935
AddyRobert born about 1932
AddyRussel born about 1902
AedeweltElizabeth born about 1903
AedeweltSnowden born about 1894
AlauAmelia born about 1910
AlauDeau born about 1938
AlauDonald born about 1933
AlauGerald born about 1910
AlauJackie born about 1932
AlauJanis born about 1935
AlauMonroe born about 1930
AlauPhylis Annborn about 1936
AlbertClarence Wborn about 1930
AlbertH born about 1923
AlekAgnes born about 1906
AlekAlex born about 1901
AlekSharen born about 1940
AllgaierDarelda Gborn about 1923
AllgaierEsther Rborn about 1925
AllgaierGrace Fborn about 1899
AllgaierMildred Mborn about 1936
AllgaierRichard Mborn about 1930
AllgaierTheodore Rborn about 1895
AlsanAugust Jborn about 1878
AlsanNettie born about 1879
AndersonClaes Cborn about 1873
AndersonEd Jborn about 1870
AndersonHarold Cborn about 1914
AndersonMargarete born about 1910
AndersonMinnie born about 1872
ArnoldClara Bborn about 1921
ArnoldClyde born about 1907
ArnoldEdith born about 1912
ArnoldEdward born about 1876
ArnoldElmer born about 1880
ArnoldGrace born about 1889
ArnoldJames born about 1876
ArnoldJudith Annborn about 1940
ArnoldLaura Lborn about 1878
ArnoldPhil born about 1924
ArnoldSadie born about 1873
ArnoldVearl Cborn about 1910
AsbellAlbert Hborn about 1877
AsbellGillie born about 1875
AsbellOlive Aborn about 1884
AshellDarline born about 1938
AshellDelmer born about 1905
AshellViola born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerFrank born about 1875
BakerGrace born about 1907
BakerJohnnie born about 1903
BakerJohns born about 1874
BakerLois Dborn about 1908
BakerOtis born about 1900
BakerRoger born about 1926
BallNylar born about 1921
BallWard born about 1915
BandyCharles Edwardborn about 1870
BandyGeorge born about 1880
BandyMary born about 1886
BandyMinnie born about 1884
BarchettAnna born about 1888
BarchettFred born about 1886
BarnesJohn born about 1917
BarronBarbara born about 1925
BarronEffie born about 1892
BarronJohn born about 1886
BarronRobert born about 1892
BarronSam born about 1880
BaswellDonald Kborn about 1935
BaswellFlorence Roseborn about 1937
BaswellGeorge Aborn about 1907
BaswellVada Jborn about 1913
BatemanMary born about 1859
BattertonMary Eborn about 1864
BealGeorge born about 1897
BeechamAnnie born about 1864
BeechamCharles born about 1928
BeechamClarence born about 1896
BeechamClarence Rborn about 1924
BeechamDale Yborn about 1912
BeechamFrancis born about 1917
BeechamGordon born about 1908
BeechamHannah born about 1896
BeechamHarvey born about 1937
BeechamHelen Lborn about 1923
BeechamIva born about 1898
BeechamJemima born about 1889
BeechamJene born about 1938
BeechamMerle born about 1909
BeechamQuentin born about 1920
BeechamViolet born about 1909
BeechamWalter born about 1887
BeechamWalter Sborn about 1920
BeechamWilliam born about 1891
BeechamWilliam Wborn about 1932
BeechamZelma Aborn about 1915
BehrendsLouis Aborn about 1891
BehrendsMabel Eborn about 1900
BehrendsMargaret Lborn about 1934
BehrendsRaymond Aborn about 1922
BehrendsRobert Mborn about 1938
BehrendsVernon Lborn about 1925
BellB Fborn about 1868
BellBarbara born about 1885
BerryViola Maeborn about 1913
BetnerAlgie born about 1900
BetnerClara born about 1900
BetnerMary born about 1926
BetnerNorman born about 1931
BetnerPaul born about 1923
BettmanEdith Aborn about 1896
BettmanEthen Lborn about 1922
BettmanJames Rborn about 1925
BettmanLloyd Eborn about 1897
BettmanLloyd Jr born about 1923
BewleyJames Bborn about 1913
BewleyLalite Mborn about 1918
BiernatCarl born about 1871
BishopMelvina born about 1856
BitnerAllen Jr born about 1926
BitnerArchie born about 1916
BitnerArlo born about 1911
BitnerDorris born about 1873
BitnerDouglas born about 1936
BitnerE Jeanneborn about 1923
BitnerEarl born about 1890
BitnerElmer born about 1890
BitnerEmil Tborn about 1915
BitnerErma Mborn about 1916
BitnerEvelyn born about 1918
BitnerFreeman born about 1934
BitnerGenevieve born about 1921
BitnerGrace born about 1893
BitnerLemonte born about 1874
BitnerLonda Louborn about 1937
BitnerLucille born about 1912
BitnerLucille born about 1919
BitnerLyda born about 1892
BitnerMabel born about 1912
BitnerMina born about 1894
BitnerMollie born about 1879
BitnerNaomie born about 1888
BitnerNeil born about 1916
BitnerRalph born about 1916
BitnerRussel born about 1914
BitnerSandra Mborn about 1939
BitnerVirgil Lborn about 1934
BitnerVivia born about 1935
BitnerWilliam born about 1887
BlessingElmer born about 1910
BlessingMary Bellaborn about 1916
BlessingRaymond born about 1915
BlessingRuby born about 1912
BoathMadaline Mborn about 1917
BoathRay Eborn about 1911
BohananBeverley born about 1936
BohananBobby born about 1938
BohananLucille born about 1918
BohananMarion born about 1910
BohannanDavid born about 1938
BohannanEdward born about 1928
BohannanHarald born about 1929
BohannanHazel born about 1909
BohannanJohn Gborn about 1887
BohannanMarg born about 1939
BolanderDonald born about 1935
BolanderEdward born about 1901
BolanderFlora born about 1908
BolanderLois Jeanborn about 1929
BoothIsabelle Mborn about 1884
BoothLenard Cborn about 1881
BowesCarl born about 1908
BowesGrace born about 1909
BoyerClarence born about 1895
BoyerDavid born about 1922
BoyerJack born about 1928
BoyerNellie born about 1902
BranamanAgnes born about 1900
BranamanDonglas born about 1925
BranamanEarl born about 1898
BranamanJohn born about 1922
BranamanLavonne born about 1930
BranamanPaul born about 1928
BrazenaElizabeth born about 1891
BrazenaGeorge born about 1884
BreeseJohn born about 1882
BreeseStella born about 1880
BrennBernard born about 1927
BrennDona Geanborn about 1935
BrennDonald born about 1934
BrennGordon born about 1930
BrennJeriemiah born about 1858
BrennNollie Lborn about 1907
BrennPatrica Hoonborn about 1936
BrennTheodore Wborn about 1905
BrennVirginia born about 1925
BrightWalter born about 1912
BrooksSidney born about 1860
BrounCharles born about 1887
BrounMay born about 1888
BrownJanet born about 1885
BrownJohn born about 1885
BruningaAda born about 1895
BruningaEdwin born about 1924
BruningaElizabeth born about 1924
BruningaHarry born about 1897
BruningaRoger born about 1930
BucherAlbert Hborn about 1897
BucherMyrtle Vborn about 1901
BungerAnna Kborn about 1892
BungerAnna Kborn about 1905
BungerClarence Rborn about 1929
BungerEdith Sborn about 1899
BungerFlorence born about 1922
BungerGeorge born about 1923
BungerHenry born about 1892
BungerHerman born about 1904
BungerHilka born about 1868
BungerIrene born about 1925
BungerJacob born about 1862
BungerJohn born about 1932
BungerLena born about 1892
BungerLester Hborn about 1926
BungerMarjorie Mborn about 1924
BungerPeter born about 1889
BurgeAnna born about 1872
BurgeSamuel born about 1870
BurmhanEdgar born about 1900
ButtErnsns born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalhomHile born about 1874
CallawayWalter Sborn about 1873
CalvinApel Oborn about 1917
CalvinLeslie Eborn about 1891
CalvinLillie Mborn about 1900
CalvinPauline Eborn about 1927
CalvinWilliam born about 1912
CampenElmer Eborn about 1923
CampenGesena Mborn about 1892
CampenHerman Fborn about 1883
CampenLeroy Hborn about 1927
CampenRaymond Dborn about 1931
CapesJoy Gborn about 1866
CapesLidah born about 1859
CareyBernice born about 1904
CareyMaxine born about 1935
CareyMay born about 1899
CarlsonEarl born about 1920
CarlsonEsther born about 1923
ChamberlainCatherine born about 1924
ChamberlainClarence born about 1928
ChamberlainEugene Eborn about 1894
ChamberlainGilbert born about 1885
ChamberlainJessie born about 1887
ChamberlainLeah born about 1921
ChamberlainLean Dborn about 1930
ChamberlainLillian Mborn about 1924
ChamberlainMadelyn Kborn about 1939
ChamberlainMalli Mborn about 1900
ChamberlainPaul Jborn about 1918
ChamberlainThelma Jborn about 1927
ChamberlainVera Jborn about 1921
ChattertonJulia Annborn about 1938
ChattertonRozella born about 1911
ChattertonWilliam born about 1904
ClansonEdna Pborn about 1894
ClansonJohn Jr born about 1893
ClarkAndy born about 1878
ClarkCharles born about 1869
ClarkCorrine born about 1922
ClarkDale born about 1920
ClarkEffie born about 1870
ClarkFrank born about 1871
ClarkGeorge born about 1895
ClarkGlen born about 1901
ClarkKenneth Iborn about 1936
ClarkLizzie born about 1882
ClarkLula born about 1899
ClarkMable Pborn about 1910
ClarkRobert Lborn about 1926
ClarkSeth born about 1874
ClarksonCharles born about 1928
ClarksonJennie born about 1896
ClarksonJesse Rborn about 1896
ClausonAllie born about 1892
ClausonCecile Rborn about 1916
ClausonDaniel born about 1922
ClausonDonald Cborn about 1916
ClausonEdward born about 1905
ClausonGeorge born about 1864
ClausonHenry born about 1896
ClausonJoe born about 1886
ClausonJohn born about 1861
ClausonJohn born about 1903
ClausonMary born about 1866
ClausonRita born about 1920
ClausonWilma Lborn about 1917
ClausonYetta born about 1865
CliffordBarbara born about 1934
CliffordBetty Jeanborn about 1925
CliffordCleve born about 1925
CliffordEarl born about 1902
CliffordFlora born about 1907
CliffordJohn born about 1907
CliffordKenneth born about 1930
CliffordLeo born about 1927
CliffordLola born about 1904
ClousonLarry born about 1939
ClousonStanley born about 1935
ClousonTheodore born about 1908
ClousonUna born about 1911
CoatsArthur born about 1920
CoatsCharmane born about 1929
CoatsChester born about 1901
CoatsChester Juyborn about 1922
CoatsColleem born about 1923
CoatsDennie born about 1929
CoatsEunice born about 1930
CoatsHelen born about 1904
CoatsHiram born about 1896
CoatsIla Fayeborn about 1926
CoatsJames born about 1935
CoatsKenneth born about 1916
CoatsLelia born about 1920
CoatsManning Aborn about 1870
CoatsMargaret Jeanborn about 1927
CoatsOwen Roseborn about 1931
CoatsRonald born about 1925
CoatsSharon born about 1932
CoatsShirley born about 1924
CoatsVerna born about 1896
CoatsVirgil born about 1933
CollinsAlgie born about 1923
CollinsBobby born about 1934
CollinsClara born about 1893
CollinsDonald born about 1928
CollinsElla born about 1927
CollinsEvelyn born about 1912
CollinsFred born about 1903
CollinsGeraldina born about 1914
CollinsHarry born about 1929
CollinsHelen born about 1936
CollinsHelen Joyerborn about 1931
CollinsJack born about 1924
CollinsJene born about 1933
CollinsJohn born about 1938
CollinsJoseph Fborn about 1882
CollinsLeroy born about 1911
CollinsLesta born about 1920
CollinsMae born about 1886
CollinsMargaret born about 1909
CollinsMelvin born about 1939
CollinsPatrica born about 1930
CollinsPaul born about 1931
CookAda Leeborn about 1910
CookDonald born about 1937
CookEvelyn Leeborn about 1934
CookWilliam Eborn about 1898
CostaBeulak born about 1922
CostaCecil born about 1913
CoultisJane born about 1863
CoultisOscar born about 1857
CownerEarl born about 1914
CowserAllen born about 1871
CowserBena born about 1884
CowserEdward born about 1876
CowserEtta born about 1880
CowserForest Eborn about 1918
CowserGail Dborn about 1940
CowserGrace Mborn about 1896
CowserHarly Bborn about 1914
CowserLeatha Fborn about 1915
CowserLloyd Eborn about 1909
CowserMaggie Jborn about 1867
CowserMargie born about 1939
CowserMarlin Dborn about 1937
CowserMary born about 1910
CowserMyrtle born about 1896
CowserOra Eborn about 1872
CowserPatsy born about 1933
CowserPriscille born about 1868
CowserRalph born about 1899
CowserReinhart Lborn about 1886
CowserRussell born about 1895
CowserRuth Wborn about 1898
CowserSara born about 1900
CowserSarah Eborn about 1864
CowserSarah Eborn about 1867
CowserTom Cborn about 1882
CowserU Silasborn about 1867
CowserVera Fborn about 1900
CowserWilliam Jborn about 1859
CrabtreeGrace born about 1881
CrabtreeLavon born about 1935
CrabtreeRobert born about 1922
CrabtreeRobert Aborn about 1873
CrabtreeSadie born about 1910
CrabtreeVernon born about 1933
CrabtreeWarren born about 1902
CrabtreesAllen born about 1929
CrabtreesMildred born about 1901
CrabtreesThomas born about 1904
CrabtreesVirginia born about 1930
CrabtreesWanda born about 1939
CraycraftDonald Dborn about 1928
CraycraftEvelyn Mborn about 1909
CraycraftGillie born about 1868
CraycraftNona Fborn about 1933
CraycraftVan A born about 1906
CreekCharter Aborn about 1897
CreekMabel Gborn about 1895
CreekMargie Eborn about 1922
CreekMarion Dborn about 1918
CurtisBessie born about 1900
CurtisIra born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DallHanna born about 1877
DallWill born about 1882
DansonAgnes Aborn about 1890
DansonBeulah Sborn about 1925
DansonBlanche Mborn about 1928
DansonGeorge born about 1889
DansonVada Lborn about 1923
DansonVivian born about 1935
DavisCarol Joanborn about 1935
DavisGerald born about 1896
DavisGeraldine born about 1918
DavisJimmer Rayborn about 1939
DavisNora born about 1896
DavisOpal born about 1919
DavisRaymond born about 1910
DealDelbert born about 1932
DealEarnest Wborn about 1904
DealLaraine Aborn about 1909
DeppermanAnna Mborn about 1933
DeppermanMarie born about 1906
DeppermanRichard Wborn about 1937
DeppermanWillian born about 1903
DeppermannAlma Hborn about 1901
DeppermannAnna born about 1900
DeppermannDile Gborn about 1924
DeppermannDon Eborn about 1926
DeppermannEleanor born about 1931
DeppermannFritz Hborn about 1890
DeppermannGeorge born about 1892
DeppermannHenrietta Jborn about 1908
DeppermannHenry born about 1900
DeppermannHerman born about 1906
DeppermannJohn Dborn about 1910
DeppermannMargaret born about 1927
DeppermannPaul born about 1937
DeppermannRalph Dborn about 1928
DeppermannRay Aborn about 1921
DeppermannWanda Jborn about 1935
DeppermannZelma born about 1904
DeweerthEmma Lborn about 1892
DeweerthJake Jborn about 1882
DeweerthWilliam Lborn about 1872
DickersenMarshall born about 1919
DicksonVernon born about 1885
DiggsLarry Lborn about 1935
DiverCharles Wborn about 1882
DiverClarence Cborn about 1922
DiverGeorge Wborn about 1911
DiverHelen Lborn about 1924
DiverHelen Mborn about 1921
DiverIlene Lborn about 1919
DollBertha Wborn about 1872
DollJohn Jborn about 1875
DollMary Sborn about 1850
DorethyBerwyn Jayborn about 1933
DorethyClaude born about 1914
DorethyClyde Rborn about 1907
DorethyIrene born about 1911
DorethyJames Russellborn about 1931
DorethyMary born about 1919
DornbergerHelen Gborn about 1909
DornbergerKenneth Tborn about 1937
DornbergerMerle Sborn about 1909
DringenbergLizzie born about 1882
DudleyAbraham born about 1881
DudleyAnnie born about 1874
DudleyArthur Hborn about 1872
DudleyCharles born about 1865
DudleyCharles born about 1924
DudleyLee born about 1881
DuffieldCharles Henryborn about 1930
DuffieldCora Ireneborn about 1928
DuffieldHenry born about 1895
DuffieldJohn born about 1862
DuffieldKenneth born about 1923
DuffieldLawrence born about 1921
DuffieldLucien Kborn about 1915
DuffieldMartha born about 1870
DuffieldMary born about 1900
DuffieldViola Jeanborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EamrickMary Cborn about 1910
EiseleBetty Annborn about 1928
EiseleDale born about 1939
EiseleDean born about 1930
EiseleGladys born about 1910
EiseleHugh born about 1884
EiseleJames born about 1909
ElloittDale born about 1907
ElloittLola born about 1907
ElloittPatrina born about 1935
ElloittRichard born about 1932
ElsonAnz Jeanborn about 1938
ElsonArchie Lborn about 1892
ElsonGeorge born about 1881
ElsonJennie Mborn about 1881
ElsonJohn Lborn about 1934
ElsonMarion Aborn about 1925
ElsonMary Aborn about 1855
ElsonMattie born about 1883
EngleClara born about 1869
EstesArlene Mborn about 1917
EstiepxEstse born about 1903
EvelandMax born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FahnestockAmy Rborn about 1871
FahnestockCarol Jeanborn about 1931
FahnestockDon born about 1922
FahnestockJessie born about 1901
FahnestockOakly born about 1899
FainesHangdan born about 1893
FainesJessie born about 1897
FarmerR??? born about 1857
FilzgeraldChester born about 1912
FilzgeraldDorothy born about 1916
FilzgeraldPatrica born about 1938
FilzgeraldPhylis born about 1937
FirthJack born about 1891
FischerEldon Gborn about 1935
FischerGeorge Fborn about 1905
FischerGertrude Rborn about 1930
FischerRuth Lborn about 1910
FischerZelma Jborn about 1932
FiseherCarl Gborn about 1894
FiseherDorothy Mborn about 1924
FiseherHarlend Cborn about 1922
FiseherHulda Rborn about 1898
FiseherRosalie Mborn about 1928
FiseherViolet Mborn about 1934
FlambersLucille born about 1917
FlambersMary Ettaborn about 1938
FlambersOrvil Eborn about 1915
FlemingEthel born about 1909
FlemingJohn Aborn about 1906
FletcherEllin born about 1877
FletcherFred born about 1918
FletcherJoseph born about 1880
FletcherThomas born about 1918
FlitcroftLillie born about 1885
FootmanPearl born about 1895
FootmanSam born about 1892
FordAnna Maeborn about 1921
FordFranklin born about 1920
FordJole Edwinborn about 1940
FramptonLouise born about 1916
FramptonMary Aborn about 1879
FramptonSone Eborn about 1865
FrascaJohn born about 1881
FrottenBuddy born about 1916
FullerClarence Jborn about 1894
FullerJohn Sborn about 1870
FullerViola Mborn about 1874
FullerWill born about 1869

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarrettEdward Jborn about 1911
GarrettLouis Eborn about 1938
GarrettNorma Lborn about 1918
GarrettShirley Lborn about 1937
GeierAlise Mborn about 1911
GeierAugust Fborn about 1905
GeierBernadine born about 1936
GeierCharles born about 1872
GeierGeroldine born about 1939
GeierKarl Rborn about 1940
GentCharles born about 1911
GentDora born about 1887
GentEmma Rborn about 1874
GentFilora born about 1915
GentGeorge born about 1870
GentGeorge Edwardborn about 1893
GentJames born about 1876
GeorgeJo born about 1939
GeorgeZilla Cborn about 1938
GerrettaHenry born about 1873
GerrettaMinnie born about 1883
GillattSylvina Iborn about 1902
GillattWilliam Oborn about 1892
GillettFrank Mborn about 1903
GillettMaude born about 1912
GillottDorothy born about 1914
GillottEdward born about 1912
GillottJoseph born about 1877
GillottJosephine born about 1876
GlasfordDorothy born about 1911
GlasfordLewin born about 1898
GlasfordM Hborn about 1862
GlasfordMartha born about 1875
GlasfordMary Eborn about 1869
GoetzeBarbara Jeanborn about 1924
GoetzeBernard Gborn about 1933
GoetzeBetty Louiseborn about 1925
GoetzeDelores Mborn about 1930
GoetzeDuane Rborn about 1936
GoetzeJohn Bborn about 1897
GoetzeMinnie Eborn about 1901
GohdeAlta born about 1927
GohdeDelpa born about 1909
GohdeFred Jr born about 1905
GohdeHarold born about 1928
GollowayDora born about 1913
GollowayElva born about 1914
GollowayFrieda born about 1921
GollowayGeorge born about 1907
GollowayKatherine born about 1880
GouffGlenda Elaineborn about 1933
GouffLloyd born about 1906
GouffMarieda born about 1913
GragoryFern born about 1883
GragoryFred born about 1924
GragoryHarold born about 1916
GragoryKeith born about 1918
GragoryTon A Jborn about 1880
GrahAlbert Cborn about 1902
GrahBetty born about 1925
GrahGladys born about 1898
GrassfieldJeanette born about 1933
GrassfieldJohn Hborn about 1905
GrassfieldLois born about 1910
GrassfieldWm Dborn about 1932
GrayC Arthurborn about 1937
GrayCharles Jborn about 1934
GrayE Maeborn about 1908
GrayEarl Eborn about 1926
GrayEileen Hborn about 1932
GrayElvin Oborn about 1900
GrayGerald Rborn about 1930
GrayGrace born about 1880
GrayHerry Leeborn about 1939
GrayMaurine born about 1926
GrayOllie born about 1903
GrebnerFred Jborn about 1905
GrebnerHarley Sborn about 1933
GrebnerHerman Jborn about 1928
GrebnerJosephine Mborn about 1904
GrebnerMarion Jborn about 1940
GrebnerMary Lanborn about 1935
GrebnerWalter Jborn about 1931
GreenAnna Sborn about 1898
GreenEdward born about 1937
GreenEdward Hborn about 1889
GreenFlorence Jborn about 1929
GreenLee born about 1906
GreenPearl born about 1916
GreenSandra Sueborn about 1939
GreenfieldHarold born about 1905
GreenfieldHelen born about 1917
GreshamAlbert Lborn about 1935
GreshamBurnell born about 1926
GreshamCharles born about 1930
GreshamClyde Nborn about 1899
GreshamDonald Pborn about 1925
GreshamDonna born about 1928
GreshamDorothy Mborn about 1905
GreshamGilbert born about 1936
GreshamJimmy Dborn about 1936
GreshamLeta born about 1938
GreshamMildred born about 1906
GreshamMilton born about 1903
GreshamNida Mborn about 1927
GreshamRonald born about 1940
GreshamViolet Mborn about 1930
GreshamWanda born about 1934
GreweyCharles born about 1927
GreweyJohn born about 1885
GriggsBonnie born about 1915
GriggsCharles born about 1908
GriggsHelen born about 1883
GriggsMatha born about 1920
GriggsRichard born about 1910
GroniegerAllen born about 1866
GroniegerAmanda born about 1866
GroniegerBlanche born about 1895
GroniegerMargie born about 1920
GrubbDaisy Mborn about 1887
GuenonAugust Oborn about 1904
GuenonOpal Eborn about 1901
GuenonRaymond Hborn about 1926

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H Surnames

HackAda born about 1914
HackWilliam born about 1905
HadsonJone born about 1890
HadsonRoy born about 1893
HalkerLawrence born about 1915
HallerBarbara Jborn about 1936
HallerBeverly Mborn about 1939
HallerCharles Wborn about 1877
HallerJohn Wborn about 1912
HallerJulia Eborn about 1878
HallerMyrtle born about 1916
HancockCharles born about 1892
HancockCharles Jr born about 1922
HancockJames born about 1917
HancockLois born about 1919
HancockMamie born about 1897
HaneyFannie born about 1888
HaneyHazel Kborn about 1908
HaneyMarilyn Lonborn about 1937
HaneyMartin Nborn about 1880
HaneyWalter born about 1905
HantzLottie born about 1897
HantzWilliam Hborn about 1893
HardingFred born about 1894
HardingLloyd born about 1919
HardingMarion born about 1930
HardingMary born about 1900
HarlmanMaude born about 1884
HarmAlbert born about 1916
HarmonBlanche born about 1914
HarmonBobby born about 1931
HarmonJohn born about 1907
HarrisClorine born about 1903
HarrisGarnet born about 1877
HarrisJonne born about 1910
HarrisLewis Bborn about 1869
HarrisonEugene born about 1933
HarrisonGillock born about 1908
HarrisonJewell born about 1917
HartmanBertha born about 1903
HartmanCharles born about 1902
HartmanChester born about 1911
HartmanEthel Jborn about 1916
HartmanPatrica born about 1928
HartmanWilliam born about 1925
HartonJessie Bborn about 1900
HarwickFlora born about 1859
HawkinsAlva born about 1905
HawkinsChristine born about 1913
HayslipAlice born about 1893
HayslipBetty Janeborn about 1920
HayslipClarence born about 1889
HedgePearl born about 1889
HedgeRichard born about 1911
HedgeSteve born about 1884
HeerdeJeanette born about 1920
HeerdeJudith born about 1939
HeerdeWalter born about 1910
HeitzmanGrace born about 1896
HeitzmanWilma born about 1931
HeltzelArthur born about 1899
HeltzelBenny born about 1925
HeltzelJimmy born about 1934
HeltzelMary born about 1929
HeltzelOpal born about 1904
HendersonEarl born about 1892
HendersonMabel Wborn about 1900
HenrichenEva Lborn about 1935
HereyEditha born about 1912
HereyIrene born about 1936
HereyNorman born about 1930
HereyWallace born about 1899
HessAlice born about 1896
HessEarl born about 1887
HessFrank Vborn about 1882
HessGrace born about 1882
HessLinnie born about 1861
HeuyBeulah born about 1892
HeuyMary Loisborn about 1935
HigbyHazn born about 1912
HillCloyd born about 1917
HillCornelius born about 1870
HillEileen born about 1918
HillIrene born about 1877
HillLawrence born about 1913
HinderliterAndrew born about 1862
HinderliterArthur born about 1894
HinderliterBetty born about 1936
HinderliterBobby born about 1938
HinderliterClea born about 1920
HinderliterDean born about 1932
HinderliterDonald born about 1929
HinderliterElmer born about 1909
HinderliterFrancis born about 1934
HinderliterFred born about 1898
HinderliterJack born about 1927
HinderliterJoe born about 1931
HinderliterLinda Louborn about
HinderliterLula born about 1872
HinderliterMarie born about 1909
HinderliterMary Annborn about 1933
HinderliterNorman born about 1901
HinderliterRussel born about 1913
HinderliterStella born about 1903
HinderliterTressie born about 1900
HinderliterVelma Jborn about 1927
HinderliterVivian born about 1923
HinderliterWilmer born about 1920
HioronymusEleanor Jborn about 1935
HioronymusElla R Jborn about 1905
HioronymusJohn born about 1908
HioronymusJohn Pborn about 1936
HioronymusJulia Gborn about 1933
HioronymusRobert Eborn about 1939
HobblaGeorge born about 1856
HobblaLucinda born about 1862
HodsonJames Wborn about 1863
HodsonKeithel born about 1912
HoonanMay Eborn about 1885
HoonanRichard Dborn about 1884
HootmanBeverly Annborn about 1940
HootmanCarl born about 1911
HootmanCarlene born about 1935
HootmanClyde born about 1914
HootmanDrusilla born about 1921
HootmanHerbert born about 1918
HootmanMary born about 1914
HootmanMary Jeanborn about 1918
HootmanNiles born about 1933
HootrmanGerald born about 1909
HoreleBuel born about 1913
HornbakerAnnie Mborn about 1869
HornbakerBetty Lonborn about 1928
HornbakerDonald Hborn about 1922
HornbakerHazel Lborn about 1901
HornbakerJohn Cborn about 1925
HornbakerLee Fborn about 1924
HornbakerMerle born about 1894
HostmanArthur born about 1917
HostmanBetty born about 1925
HostmanEmma born about 1885
HostmanJohn born about 1881
HostmanLynn born about 1923
HostmanThomas born about 1888
HoustonLeatha born about 1906
HowarDavid Aborn about 1870
HowarDonald Aborn about 1912
HowarGrace born about 1875
HueyBerwyn born about 1912
HueyBessie Mborn about 1894
HueyHarvey Wborn about 1889
HueyLyle Wborn about 1932
HueyMary born about 1871
HueyMildred born about 1904
HueyRaymond born about 1910
HuffordCurtis born about 1879
HunnicuttGoldie born about 1900
HunnicuttHelen born about 1920
HunnicuttMargie born about 1924
HurleyDennis Fborn about 1924
HurleyFred born about 1893
HurleyMargaret Mborn about 1899
HurleyMary Aborn about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IhnesJohn Bborn about 1883
IhnesMaggie Aborn about 1884
IndallFrank born about 1882
IndallMaggie born about 1885

J Surnames

JahdeAnna born about 1874
JahdeFred Loeborn about 1883
JeckelLouis born about 1908
JeckelMargaret born about 1908
JeffordAda born about 1903
JeffordBessie born about 1880
JeffordBill born about 1890
JeffordDan born about 1882
JeffordDavid born about 1877
JeffordEdith born about 1907
JeffordEdward born about 1893
JeffordEvelyn born about 1932
JeffordJoe Bobborn about 1895
JeffordLloyd born about 1906
JeffordMaud born about 1883
JeffordPaul born about 1913
JeffordSam born about 1877
JenkinsGeorge born about 1897
JenkinsMary born about 1902
JibbensLouise born about 1883
JohnsHarold born about 1921
JohnsHenry born about 1898
JohnsMartha Annborn about 1923
JohnsMaude born about 1894
JohnsOran born about 1885
JohnsRalph born about 1922
JohnsVerna born about 1898
JohnsonAlbert born about 1865
JohnsonAnna Tborn about 1885
JohnsonAra Mborn about 1857
JohnsonBernard born about 1901
JohnsonClay born about 1879
JohnsonFred born about 1903
JohnsonGeorge born about 1881
JohnsonHazel born about 1906
JohnsonHazel Mborn about 1898
JohnsonJacob Gborn about 1882
JohnsonJessie born about 1896
JohnsonKaren Lynnborn about 1938
JohnsonKenneth born about 1904
JohnsonLester born about 1881
JohnsonLouise Bborn about 1898
JohnsonMabel born about 1911
JohnsonMarion born about 1915
JohnsonMary Annborn about 1874
JohnsonMerlin Eborn about 1917
JohnsonMildred born about 1921
JohnsonRay Homerborn about 1939
JohnsonRichard Eborn about 1890
JohnsonRuby Mborn about 1921
JohnsonVictoria born about 1882
JohrdeGeorge born about 1897
JohrdeGeorge Jr born about 1924
JohrdeHerman born about 1926
JohrdeMinnie born about 1889
JonesArwin born about 1916
JonesMary born about 1885
JonesSamuel born about 1904
JonssonJean Gborn about 1901
JonssonJohn Rborn about 1908
JonssonNyron born about 1939
JonssonOrlan Rborn about 1937
JonssonVirgil Dborn about 1935
JookGlenn born about 1898
JookRaven born about 1900
JuneBlanche Mborn about 1894
JuneFrank born about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KahmLeona born about 1872
KaiserRoger born about 1918
KarstetterGeorge born about 1875
KarstetterVera Aborn about 1894
KarstetterWilliam Bborn about 1923
KaufmanFlorence born about 1908
KaufmanJohn born about 1908
KeelClara Wborn about 1900
KeelClarence Jborn about 1894
KeelClarence Jr born about 1929
KeelFrances Jborn about 1926
KeelGeorge Wborn about 1927
KeelRichard born about 1931
KellyJanice born about 1933
KellyJohn born about 1907
KellyMabel born about 1909
KellyPat born about 1938
KingAndrey Rborn about 1910
KingJacob Wborn about 1919
KingLorrine born about 1916
KingsleyDallie born about 1887
KingsleyDon born about 1934
KingsleyEmma born about 1911
KingsleyFrank born about 1872
KingsleyGeorge born about 1870
KingsleyHanna born about 1881
KingsleyJohn born about 1910
KingsleyKathryn born about 1904
KingsleyKathryn born about 1932
KingsleyKenneth Paulborn about 1929
KingsleyLavisa born about 1911
KingsleyLottie born about 1876
KingsleyNorma born about 1929
KingsleyOtis born about 1904
KingsleyRachel born about 1903
KingsleySam born about 1907
KingsleyTheodore born about 1881
KingsleyVernon born about 1910
KingsleyWilliam born about 1879
KingsleyWilliam born about 1905
KinneyHanry born about 1854
KinserMary born about 1918
KinserWalter born about 1917
KirignerBeryle born about 1909
KirignerRuby born about 1909
KranseEugene Fborn about 1927
KranseFlorence Aborn about 1923
KranseFred Cborn about 1897
KranseFrieda Eborn about 1900
KranseJoyce born about 1935
KranseMary Lonborn about 1931
KranseShiley Aborn about 1936
KronGlady Iborn about 1896
KronHelgie Fborn about 1886
KupelCharles born about 1870
KyleAlbert born about 1860
KyleStella born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LacockAlbert born about 1910
LacockFlorence born about 1909
LacockMary born about 1888
LacockRobert Jr born about 1922
LacockRobert Sr born about 1889
LananBertha born about 1896
LananBrian born about 1891
LananElizabeth born about 1861
LananFrank born about 1893
LananHazel born about 1894
LananJack born about 1924
LananJohn born about 1886
LananLoretta born about 1912
LananMike born about 1864
LananRose born about 1868
LananTom born about 1858
LanauDella born about 1895
LanauThomas Hborn about 1890
LarryEllsworth born about 1924
LarryIda born about 1895
LawsonDale born about 1919
LawsonDonald born about 1932
LawsonFrances born about 1923
LawsonMary born about 1902
LawsonSim born about 1895
LeeEmma Aborn about 1882
LeeR Frankborn about 1880
LehmanMinnie born about 1871
LehmanOliver born about 1871
LennardDale born about 1918
LennardDean born about 1920
LennardEmma born about 1896
LennardLloyd born about 1923
LennardRay born about 1897
LeonardCharles born about 1869
LeonardLizzie born about 1879
LewisJoe born about 1881
LewisKatherine born about 1891
LightboduCharlie born about 1877
LightboduMary born about 1880
LightbodyAnnie born about 1894
LightbodyArther born about 1891
LightbodyChester Cborn about 1918
LightbodyDean born about 1927
LightbodyDedrich Cborn about 1901
LightbodyElmer born about 1887
LightbodyEverett Wborn about 1913
LightbodyFlorence Aborn about 1907
LightbodyFred Eborn about 1901
LightbodyGladys born about 1904
LightbodyJean born about 1929
LightbodyMaggie Aborn about 1874
LightbodyMelba Rborn about 1938
LightbodyOakley Eborn about 1908
LightbodyOtto born about 1900
LightbodyPearl born about 1918
LightbodyRay born about 1921
LightbodyRebecca born about 1868
LightbodyRoy born about 1917
LightbodyTheda born about 1898
LightlrodyDee Lyleborn about 1933
LightlrodyErnest born about 1892
LightlrodyErnestine born about 1928
LightlrodyFern born about 1900
LightlrodyLotus born about 1924
LingenfelterChester born about 1889
LingenfelterFlo born about 1893
LohrEtta born about 1873
LohrTord born about 1882
LoogerHenry born about 1871
LoogerLillian born about 1915
LoogerLloyd born about 1911
LoogerLonnie born about 1939
LoogerNellie born about 1874
LorgerCornelius born about 1866
LowderAmos born about 1903
LowderNellie born about 1902
LoweMargaret born about 1915
LoweVirtus Eborn about 1909
LurnerCecil Mborn about 1900
LurnerEverett Aborn about 1890
LurnerHarry born about 1930
LurnerMildred born about 1925
LurnerRena Mborn about 1923
LurnerRoy Hborn about 1930
LurnerSamuel born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacoyMaggie born about 1856
MagnessHanna born about 1858
MalchertGeraldine Mborn about 1922
MalconsonJohn born about 1880
MalconsonLucile born about 1893
MalconsonRobert born about 1913
MalconsonZola born about 1921
MalgremMinnie born about 1885
MalgremUley born about 1918
MapleAlbert Sborn about 1881
MapleCora born about 1888
MapleFlossie Bborn about 1888
MapleGeorge born about 1883
MapleGilbert Rborn about 1912
MapleJ Iborn about 1865
MapleKenneth born about 1917
MapleMargaret born about 1918
MapleMinta born about 1868
MartinAlan born about 1927
MartinAnne Eborn about 1901
MartinBetty Anneborn about 1924
MartinDean born about 1918
MartinEva Lborn about 1897
MartinFlorence Pborn about 1929
MartinGug Lborn about 1916
MartinHelen Jeanborn about 1926
MartinLeonard born about 1896
MartinLeonard Jborn about 1920
MartinLoura born about 1899
MartinMabel born about 1925
MartinMarie born about 1920
MartinNorman Mborn about 1922
MartinPhilly Dborn about 1919
MartinRay Oborn about 1897
MartinRufus born about 1898
MartinSamuel born about 1922
MartinSonya Sueborn about 1939
MartinWanda born about 1919
MasonClara born about 1896
MasonClifford born about 1935
MasonEdgar Rborn about 1908
MasonMorris born about 1894
MasonMorris Frederickborn about 1919
MasonRussell born about 1933
MasonVearn Eborn about 1897
MatthewVivan Iborn about 1904
MatthewWilliam Eborn about 1898
MatthewWilliam Rborn about 1861
MaynardCleo born about 1890
MaynardMyrtle born about 1890
McCamorAndrylee born about 1931
McCamorBerniece born about 1901
McCamorDewey born about 1899
McCayKatherine Lborn about 1884
McCayWeslie Sborn about 1878
McCoyBertha born about 1891
McCoyLloyd born about 1887
McCoyWilliam born about 1924
McCuneJack born about 1919
McCuneJames born about 1866
McCuneJames P Jrborn about 1894
McCuneJessie born about 1902
McCuneJohn born about 1898
McCuneJoyce born about 1930
McCuneLoretta born about 1906
McCuneLucille born about 1900
McCuneMinnie born about 1876
McCunePatrick born about
McCuneSarah born about 1871
McCuneThomas born about 1869
McCuneThomas Jr born about 1895
McElhaneyMabel born about 1896
McElhaneyOtto born about 1890
McElhaneyRuth Annborn about 1940
McElveeJohn born about 1869
McFarlandCora born about 1898
McFarlandJames born about 1869
McGuovinHarrison born about 1873
McKervonDon born about 1915
McKervonOline born about 1921
McKocnerKeith born about 1922
McKocnerKenneth born about 1924
McKocnerPaul born about 1925
McKocnerSussie born about 1886
McKocnerWilliam born about 1879
McManDonall born about 1905
McManMarry born about 1910
MemmenRudolph born about 1861
MichelLeonard Hborn about 1923
MichelMargaret Wborn about 1921
MillerBeatrice born about 1914
MillerEdward born about 1912
MillerVida born about 1898
MillerWilliam born about 1888
MillesonCharles born about 1901
MillesonGlen Rborn about 1890
MillesonKenneth born about 1929
MillesonPearl born about 1885
MillsEsram born about 1851
MitchellArchie born about 1889
MitchellEdgar born about 1924
MitchellPhyllis Jborn about 1931
MitchellRobert born about 1930
MitchellRose Jborn about 1893
MorphoaesonDon born about 1914
MorphoaesonMargaret born about 1915
MugfordCatherine born about 1855
MurphyClement born about 1913
MurphyMadline born about 1918
MurphyPeggie Lyonborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NannenAnnie born about 1876
NannenBernard Rborn about 1934
NannenFrieda Lborn about 1909
NannenHarm Eborn about 1903
NannenHenry born about 1872
NannenKatie Mborn about 1911
NannenLyle Eborn about 1939
NannenMelvin Rborn about 1934
NannenResa born about 1878
NannonFred Lborn about 1911
NannonMabel born about 1912
NelsonGoldie Eborn about 1892
NelsonHenneth Iborn about 1916
NelsonLarenzo Jborn about 1895
NelsonLorraine Vborn about 1920
NewsamFlorence born about 1909
NewsamGerald Jborn about 1937
NewsamMary Aliceborn about 1935
NewsamMary Ellenborn about 1882
NewsamRichard Jr born about 1912
NewsamRichard Sr born about 1873
NewsamSharron Kayborn about 1939
NoelMary born about 1914
NorthnyDelia born about 1868
NorthrumDolores born about 1933
NorthrumDonald born about 1924
NorthrumEdith born about 1908
NorthrumGerald born about 1931
NorthrumJean born about 1927
NorthrumOak born about 1902
NorthrupHope born about 1920
NorthrupMinnie born about 1882
NorthrupSherman born about 1865
NowakGeorge Gborn about 1903
NowakHazel Bborn about 1906
NuhnAda born about 1907
NuhnCatherine Mborn about 1911
NuhnEarl Hborn about 1901
NuhnElizabeth born about 1868
NuhnJesse born about 1905
NuhnRoger born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdewaltAbraham born about 1913
OdewaltCapper born about 1892
OdewaltLucy born about 1916
OdewaltSandra born about 1940
OdewaltSarah born about 1893
OdewaltVirginia born about 1919
OmensClen born about 1889
OrrMary Ellenborn about 1921
OrrPatricia Galeborn about
OrrRalph born about 1916
OwensAllen Jborn about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PagenBetty Jeanborn about 1927
PagenDonna born about 1932
PagenEdward born about 1903
PagenEdward Sborn about 1938
PagenGladys born about 1905
PagenHelen born about 1923
PagenMary Louborn about 1936
PainterScott born about 1854
PalmerAnnie born about 1901
PalmerArline Roeborn about 1940
PalmerBernadin born about 1922
PalmerBernard born about 1935
PalmerCharles born about 1897
PalmerErnest born about 1903
PalmerGrace born about 1904
PalmerIda born about 1870
PalmerLucyenne born about 1924
PalmerSam born about 1866
PangilCarl Rborn about 1901
PangilElizabeth Cborn about 1905
PangilLena Mborn about 1936
PareAllen Yborn about 1936
PareBessie Lborn about 1927
PareEarl Yborn about 1890
PareRoberta Aborn about 1932
PareSophia Tborn about 1900
PareWarren Eborn about 1929
ParrBetty Jeanborn about 1922
ParrBilley Rborn about 1924
ParrClarence Hborn about 1905
ParrDean born about 1931
ParrElsie Dborn about 1905
ParrJ Oralborn about 1898
ParrJohn Cborn about 1887
ParrMabel Aborn about 1899
ParrMarvis Leiborn about 1929
ParrNathan Aborn about 1863
ParrVirginia Mborn about 1925
ParrWayne born about 1934
PayneEula born about 1902
PayneRussell born about 1902
PayneWilliam Rborn about 1925
PembleBobby born about 1939
PembleFrancis born about 1908
PembleGeorge born about 1906
PembleJackie born about 1935
PembleLarry born about 1937
PetersEvelyn born about 1919
PetersFred born about 1888
PetersFred Bborn about 1926
PetersJohn Rborn about 1893
PetersLeana Aborn about 1891
PetersMayra born about 1894
PetersWilliam born about 1889
PetersonCassie born about 1879
PetersonEugene Eborn about 1890
PetersonNeil Eldenborn about 1915
PhelpsCarl born about 1933
PhelpsDavid born about 1936
PhelpsElmer born about 1931
PhelpsForrest born about 1903
PhelpsJeannin born about 1929
PhelpsMabel born about 1911
PhilipsBelle born about 1866
PhilipsGladys born about 1909
PhilipsMelvin born about 1859
PickettClaude Eborn about 1927
PickettEmma Lonborn about 1929
PickettHelmon born about 1902
PickettMary born about 1905
PlattSophia born about 1870
PollitEugene born about 1937
PollitHobert born about 1907
PollitLucille born about 1911
PollitShirley born about 1930
PollittEsta born about 1888
PorterHarry born about 1881
PorterMary Rborn about 1882
PrintzErvin born about 1899
PrintzJoney born about 1901
PrintzMatika born about 1924
PrintzRichard born about 1922
PriorBertha born about 1914
PriorDon born about 1914
PriorElmer born about 1878
PriorGoldie Mayborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabeHenry Wborn about 1890
RabeMary Aborn about 1896
RabournFlorence Mborn about 1884
RabournJacob Aborn about 1878
RaderBruce born about 1926
RaderKate born about 1883
RaderLynn born about 1919
RaderMorris born about 1885
ReaderGerald born about 1938
ReaderJohn born about 1895
ReaderLena born about 1898
ReaderPhilip born about 1875
ReaderVelma born about 1940
ReeseHarry Sborn about 1876
ReeseLizzie born about 1867
ReevesDaniel born about 1887
ReevesEva born about 1895
ReidelbaughSofa born about 1880
ReimerAlice Mborn about 1906
ReimerDonald born about 1936
ReimerDorothy born about 1910
ReimerFranlr Hborn about 1905
ReimerHarry Cborn about 1906
ReimerJo Annborn about 1935
ReimerJoann born about 1938
ReimerLouise born about 1930
ReimerMargorie born about 1933
ReulingGregor born about 1898
ReulingHilda born about 1904
ReulingJerry born about 1929
ReutherAnna born about 1884
ReutherDiane born about 1935
ReutherHarm born about 1911
RiceAbbie Lborn about 1854
RiceAle Dborn about 1868
RiceCharles Fborn about 1865
RiceClarence Fborn about 1910
RiceJacob Cborn about 1908
RiceKatie Mborn about 1875
RichardsonAlan born about 1922
RichardsonAlice born about 1926
RichardsonCecil born about 1924
RichardsonCharles born about 1897
RichardsonClarence born about 1919
RichardsonCorstance born about 1923
RichardsonDorothy born about 1903
RichardsonEugene born about 1923
RichardsonGeorgia Annborn about 1939
RichardsonJessie born about 1902
RichardsonLemuel born about 1867
RichardsonLena born about 1897
RichardsonLulu born about 1924
RichardsonPaul born about 1925
RichardsonRoy born about 1901
RichardsonRoy Jr born about 1930
RichigerCharline born about 1936
RichigerJune born about 1934
RichigerLucille born about 1909
RichigerWalter born about 1907
RichmondClarice born about 1921
RichmondHiram born about 1890
RichmondPaul born about 1918
RichmondSarah Aborn about 1892
RiedelbauchAnnie born about 1887
RiedelbauchF Pborn about 1874
RiegerJohn born about 1878
RiegerStella born about 1888
RiekenaBertha Mborn about 1903
RiekenaCarl Aborn about 1908
RiekenaChris Gborn about 1919
RiekenaDella Eborn about 1927
RiekenaDonald Dborn about 1932
RiekenaElmer Hborn about 1921
RiekenaJohn born about 1882
RiekenaJohn Cborn about 1917
RiekenaLoretta Mborn about 1939
RiekenaMary Mborn about 1891
RiekenaWilhemina born about 1924
RiesJanie born about 1899
RigbyAlice born about 1890
RigbyJohn born about 1874
RinaldoAnna born about 1875
RinaldoBatista born about 1865
RinaldoCarl born about 1873
RinaldoDomnick born about 1931
RinaldoErma born about 1934
RinaldoJanny born about 1932
RinaldoMargaret born about 1930
RinaldoMeris born about 1937
RinaldoOttavia born about 1898
RipperHenry born about 1910
RipperJake born about 1880
RipperMary Hborn about 1886
RipperMildred born about 1911
RobbinsBert Bborn about 1881
RobbinsDorothy born about 1918
RobbinsFloyd born about 1912
RobbinsHarold born about 1937
RobbinsHarry born about 1881
RobbinsJulia born about 1882
RobbinsLean Aborn about 1874
RobinsonMary born about 1881
RomineEmma born about 1884
RomineFred born about 1881
RomineJesse born about 1875
RomineJoyce Eborn about 1937
RomineKeith born about 1921
RomineMary Eborn about 1917
RomineShelby Hborn about 1912
RosenbergBernice Fborn about 1886
RosenbergHenry born about 1893
RosenbergJohn Dborn about 1892
RoskampBertha Mborn about 1898
RoskampCarl Aborn about 1893
RoskampDomer Jeamborn about 1933
RoskampDorothy Mborn about 1927
RoskampRobert Hborn about 1920
RossCharlie born about 1851
RossHarvey born about 1891
RossKatie born about 1895
RossShirley Jeanborn about 1924
RoyGeorge born about 1900
RozaJoseph born about 1882
RozaLucille Eborn about 1919
RozaMary born about 1888
RudBruce born about 1938
RudClarence born about 1912
RudEvelyn born about 1912
RudMarilyn born about 1934
RuddAlice born about 1913
RuddAlvin born about 1909
RuddAlvin Leeborn about 1935
RuddCarol Dianaborn about 1937
RuddDonald Eborn about 1931
RuddJackie born about 1937
RuddJohn born about 1878
RuddJohn born about 1917
RuddKatheleen born about 1923
RuddLanny born about 1935
RuddLester born about 1907
RuddLizzie born about 1892
RuddMary born about 1910
RuddMerle born about 1913
RuddNorma born about 1929
RuddRichard Wborn about 1888
RuddRuth born about 1907
RuddSarah born about 1877
RuddWillard born about 1915
RuschCarl Wborn about 1875
RuschJulia born about 1917
RuschLe Roy Cborn about 1923
RuschLloyd born about 1915
RuschMary Pborn about 1888
RyerFrank Eborn about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersElsie born about 1921
SandersJohn born about 1914
SatoffBurl born about 1917
SatoffGary Leeborn about 1940
SatoffNorman Jeanborn about 1920
SaundersRose Dborn about 1881
SaylorAnnie Lborn about 1872
SaylorBilly born about 1937
SaylorEarl born about 1898
SaylorFrank born about 1891
SaylorGeorge born about 1869
SaylorHugh born about 1913
SaylorJames born about 1938
SaylorJoan born about 1933
SaylorJulietta born about 1918
SaylorLaura born about 1869
SaylorMargaret born about 1890
SaylorPauline born about 1915
SaylorRobert born about 1935
SaylorRonald born about 1933
SaylorZora born about 1899
ScarcliffAnna born about 1867
ScarcliffAnnabelle born about 1917
ScarcliffBruce Oborn about 1939
ScarcliffCharlie born about 1872
ScarcliffClara Mborn about 1903
ScarcliffEileen Zborn about 1924
ScarcliffEtta Jborn about 1885
ScarcliffEugean born about 1926
ScarcliffEural Jborn about 1913
ScarcliffFannie born about 1892
ScarcliffFlorence born about 1875
ScarcliffJohn Jborn about 1887
ScarcliffKeith Aborn about 1919
ScarcliffLeona Mborn about 1916
ScarcliffLester Sborn about 1902
ScarcliffLois born about 1914
ScarcliffShelly born about 1904
ScarcliffTans Hborn about 1893
ScarcliffWilliam born about 1868
SchallKenneth born about 1939
SchallTreeman born about 1918
SchallVivian born about 1919
ScharffClyde Jborn about 1908
ScharffElva Dborn about 1928
ScharffMarvin Cborn about 1934
ScharffZella Mborn about 1908
SchlenkerJo Maeborn about 1938
SchlenkerJohn born about 1906
SchlenkerMargaret born about 1911
SchlenkerMaryen Kayborn about 1939
SchlenkerRuth born about 1935
SchultzClete Hborn about 1910
SchultzFlavis Aborn about 1901
SchwinnJacqueline born about 1939
SchwinnJulius born about 1911
SchwinnShirley Dborn about 1936
SchwinnTessie born about 1913
ScobyEleanor born about 1928
ScottAddy born about 1883
ScottAlexander Jr born about 1917
ScottAlexander Sr born about 1883
ScottAlva Lborn about 1884
ScottBilly born about 1937
ScottCorda born about 1895
ScottElla Aborn about 1892
ScottFrank born about 1864
ScottFrank born about 1923
ScottHoward born about 1885
ScottJessie Aborn about 1891
ScottJimmie born about 1932
ScottJimmie Martonborn about 1937
ScottLydia born about 1870
ScottNorma Jeanborn about 1927
ScottRichard Wborn about 1937
ScottRuth born about 1899
ScottThurman Jborn about 1888
ScottWalter born about 1921
ScottWilliam born about 1897
ScottWilliam Jr born about 1933
ScottWilma Leeborn about 1929
SebreeJoseph Mborn about 1923
SettlesAlice born about 1862
SevertCara Bborn about 1879
SevertFrank Rborn about 1898
ShaferAlbert Cborn about 1875
ShaferDean Aborn about 1918
ShaferEarl born about 1916
ShaferEvelyn Mborn about 1913
ShaferGeorge Hborn about 1883
ShaferJosie born about 1884
ShaferMary Mborn about 1885
ShaferPearl born about 1917
ShekhardMelisse born about 1858
ShepackAda born about 1868
ShepackRay born about 1893
ShillhornWilliam born about 1889
ShirckAbraham Lborn about 1864
ShirckChristine born about 1872
ShirckMildred Iborn about 1904
ShirckS Rayborn about 1899
ShirckSidney Jr born about 1925
ShirckWilma Jborn about 1924
ShreveHarold born about 1908
ShrghockJohn born about 1872
ShrghockJohn Jr born about 1921
ShryackBaker born about 1878
ShryackDonald born about 1920
ShryackHarvey born about 1874
ShryackMartha born about 1886
ShryhockArthur born about 1899
ShryhockCharles born about 1910
ShryhockVerna born about 1904
ShryhockVirginia born about 1922
ShryockDenna Lborn about 1916
ShryockGeorge Hborn about 1909
ShryockHazel born about 1898
ShryockLester born about 1897
SiepelEthel born about 1884
SiepelIra born about 1904
SiepelJoseph born about 1880
SiepelMaggie born about 1907
SiepelWilliam born about 1922
SillBette Jborn about 1922
SillBruce Eborn about 1926
SillCharles born about 1897
SillMaye Lborn about 1899
SimmonsRobert Eborn about 1931
SkinnesFrancis born about 1883
SkinnesMarvin born about 1876
SmithDonald born about 1925
SmithFlorine born about 1899
SmithGeorge Hborn about 1886
SmithHarry born about 1911
SmithHenry Wborn about 1878
SmithJerald born about 1919
SmithKaren born about 1937
SmithNoami born about 1883
SmithOrville born about 1893
SmithRuth born about 1912
SmithSarah Rborn about 1887
SmithShirley born about 1923
SnyderBeverly born about 1935
SnyderBilly born about 1932
SnyderFrank born about 1891
SnyderGordon born about 1936
SnyderPearl born about 1894
SnyderPhyllis born about 1927
SocttC Dborn about 1887
SocttClaborne Jr born about 1938
SocttSarah born about 1909
SonnemakerGeorge born about 1866
SpanglerCarol born about 1930
SpanglerClarance born about 1886
SpanglerDean born about 1914
SpanglerGoldie born about 1894
SpanglerLuciel born about 1918
SpanglerMargarett born about 1863
SpanglerRonad born about 1937
SpiresElsie born about 1908
SpiresWade Hborn about 1907
SpragneFranses born about 1870
SpragneNelson Hborn about 1869
SpragueAdrian Tborn about 1893
SpragueEdith born about 1898
SpragueLucien Bborn about 1898
SpragueMae Vborn about 1920
SpragueMary born about 1896
SpraguePhyllis born about 1919
SpragueWillard Vborn about 1921
SproutEldon Cborn about 1909
SproutWilber Lborn about 1874
SricsAyala Mborn about 1890
SricsMartin born about 1886
StainAlbert Nborn about 1878
StainLaeoronce born about 1920
StainLarrie born about 1917
StainOra born about 1890
StallardHelen born about 1917
StallardWilliam born about 1909
StanartEarl Deanborn about 1921
StanartJohn Dborn about 1893
StanartSussie Mborn about 1898
StatenBertha born about 1896
StatenCharles born about 1933
StatenEarliene born about 1926
StatenEugene Vborn about 1924
StatenJohn born about 1896
StewartDale born about 1930
StewartGerald born about 1906
StewartGerald Jr born about 1928
StewartLeila born about 1907
StewartMary Eborn about 1884
StewartWalter Hborn about 1886
StockhamAlbert Oborn about 1923
StockhamCecil Aborn about 1904
StockhamCleta born about 1925
StockhamDixie Leeborn about 1936
StockhamJo Annborn about 1939
StockhamLucien born about 1926
StockhamMary Ellaborn about 1903
StockhamRussell Lborn about 1933
StockhamRuth born about 1932
StockingBetty Janeborn about 1924
StockingGeorge born about 1888
StockingMyrtle born about 1891
StrantzGladys Aborn about 1896
StrantzRuth born about 1921
StrantzWilliam Mborn about 1891
StrantzWilliam Rborn about 1920
StrosniderWalter born about 1901
SuggWalter born about 1892
SwansonCarl born about 1908
SwansonCharles born about 1934
SwansonLeroy born about 1931
SwansonOpal born about 1913
SwartzRoscoe Wborn about 1913
SweetBonnie Lueborn about 1932
SweetCecil born about 1915
SweetFlora born about 1889
SweetHenry born about 1881
SweetMary born about 1917
SweetsBernard born about 1922
SweetsCora born about 1888
SweetsJuanita born about 1929
SweetsLewis born about 1888
SweetsRalph born about 1917
SweetsRobert born about 1927
SweetsWilma born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalleCecil born about 1897
TaylarDanny Lborn about 1939
TaylarEvelyn Mborn about 1938
TaylarEverett Cborn about 1916
TaylarFaye Mborn about 1920
TaylorEdna Mborn about 1913
TaylorGloria Joyborn about 1935
TaylorJohn Eborn about 1904
TaylorSarah Emilyborn about 1875
TaylorThelma born about 1919
TerrellCarl born about 1901
TerrellCarol Juneborn about 1932
TerrellDonna born about 1928
TerrellEdna born about 1905
TerrellNorman born about 1922
TharneGoldie born about 1913
TharneMorris born about 1913
TharnePhilip Morrisborn about 1939
TharneRandolph born about 1936
TharpeCharlie born about 1884
TharpeElwood born about 1928
TharpeFreida born about 1892
TharpeJames born about 1869
TharpeLogan born about 1887
TharpeMinnie born about 1892
ThomasAlise Nborn about 1893
ThomasDouglas born about 1913
ThomasLouise Hborn about 1895
ThomasOtra born about 1904
ThomasRollie born about 1939
ThomasRoselie born about 1917
ThomasSanford born about 1907
ThomasShirlee born about 1939
ThomasViola born about 1906
TiftCharles born about 1881
TiftEtta born about 1920
TiftLawrence born about 1912
TiftLizzie born about 1885
TindallAustin Aborn about 1874
TindallEdna born about 1904
TindallGlen born about 1901
TindallHarry born about 1886
TindallJudith born about 1937
TindallLydia Mborn about 1878
TindallLyle Lborn about 1911
TindallMillie Eborn about 1889
TindellBernice born about 1908
TindellHattie born about 1868
TindellMelvin born about 1868
TompkinsBessie born about 1883
TompkinsCharlie born about 1893
TrautschCharles born about 1876
TrautschFrank born about 1878
TrautschJoe born about 1867
TrautschMartha born about 1877
TurnpaughJohn Jr born about 1937
TurnpaughJohn Sr born about 1916
TurnpaughReinettie born about 1939
TurnpaughRuth born about 1919
TylerBarbara Annborn about 1938
TylerCharles born about 1867
TylerEarl born about 1916
TylerMargaret born about 1910
TylerMinnie born about 1868
TylerPatrica Louiseborn about 1939
TylerWilliam Lloydborn about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UphoffBerneda born about 1935
UphoffDonald born about 1931
UphoffDoris born about 1925
UphoffJacob born about 1899
UphoffJohn Aborn about 1874
UphoffLizzie born about 1875
UphoffRosa born about 1910
UphoffWilliam born about 1911
UphoffWilma born about 1933

V Surnames

VanbeuningLouise Eborn about 1891
VanbeuningWillim born about 1886
VandettumAmelia born about 1880
VandettumBennett born about 1880
VandevenerLula born about 1892
VandevenerRay born about 1892
VandeventerErma Lborn about 1902
VandeventerGlen Lborn about 1890
VandeventerLem born about 1860
VandykCarl born about 1906
VanhornCarrie born about 1903
VanhornHarm born about 1888
VanneKatherine born about 1926
VargaFrank Aborn about 1924
VargaJohanna born about 1898
VargaJohanne Maeborn about 1936
VargaJohn born about 1893
VargaJone Raseborn about 1934
VargaKathryn Mborn about 1923
VargaMargaret born about 1925
VipondBeasie Mborn about 1890
VipondEarl Hborn about 1900
VlahovickMargaret born about 1899
VlahovickThomas born about 1919
VlahovickTony born about 1895
VossGeorge born about 1871
VossGordon Eborn about 1930
VossReka born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagneC?ogton born about 1916
WagneCharles born about 1918
WagneMinnie born about 1915
WagnerCharles born about 1883
WagnerEugene Hborn about 1928
WagnerLouise born about 1897
WagnerRobert Leeborn about 1914
WalkJames born about 1882
WalkLyle born about 1914
WallCharles born about 1937
WallEarl born about 1928
WallGeorge Hborn about 1901
WallGeorge Jr born about 1934
WallJoseph born about 1926
WallPearl Cborn about 1904
WallRobert born about 1939
WallVivian born about 1931
WallWilliam born about 1925
WassonFrank born about 1866
WassonHarold born about 1907
WassonJoyce born about 1914
WassonRoger born about 1938
WassonSena born about 1876
WatsonJohn Wborn about 1887
WatsonLala Aborn about 1893
WatsonLucy Aborn about 1885
WatsonRoy Cborn about 1885
WattulaFrederick born about 1910
WattulaGracie born about 1918
WattulaOral Dborn about 1939
WdwardsDanny Leeborn about 1940
WdwardsErnest born about 1910
WdwardsGenevieve born about 1920
WdwardsLarry born about 1938
WeersAnnie born about 1867
WeersElizabeth Aborn about 1899
WeersFaye born about 1897
WeersGeorge Hborn about 1882
WeersJay Bborn about 1932
WeersJohn born about 1882
WeersJohn Hborn about 1903
WeersLena born about 1896
WeersMary Sueborn about 1934
WeersMax born about 1926
WeersWilliam born about 1891
WeertsEva born about 1892
WeertsIrene born about 1918
WeertsSeobo born about 1887
WellisErnest born about 1918
WellisPhyllis born about 1919
WheelerDaylne born about 1933
WherlerEva Mborn about 1896
WherlerKenneth Jborn about 1937
WherlerWalter Cborn about 1891
WhiteC Ireneborn about 1909
WhiteDolores Mborn about 1929
WhiteEma Lowborn about 1925
WhiteHarry born about 1904
WhiteHugh Eborn about 1895
WhiteIda Mborn about 1873
WhiteLena born about 1884
WhiteMarey Eborn about 1894
WhiteMilton Gborn about 1877
WhiteWillis born about 1876
WhitlawEthel Mborn about 1890
WhitlawJanet Aborn about 1939
WhitlawKenneth Eborn about 1915
WhitlawLayd Eborn about 1888
WhitlawOpal Eborn about 1916
WilliamRuby born about 1902
WilliamShelby born about 1903
WilliamsBarney born about 1893
WilliamsBernice born about 1920
WilliamsDavid born about 1928
WilliamsElaine born about 1927
WilliamsElsie born about 1893
WilliamsGeorge born about 1899
WilliamsJohn Dborn about 1876
WilliamsJohnty born about 1877
WilliamsJulia born about 1890
WilliamsLizzie born about 1888
WilliamsLloyd born about 1919
WilliamsLyle Dborn about 1921
WilliamsMae born about 1905
WilliamsMaggie Mborn about 1875
WilliamsMarshall born about 1889
WilliamsOpal born about 1914
WilliamsRose born about 1883
WilliamsSamuel born about 1893
WilliamsWalter born about 1885
WilliamsonDavid born about 1921
WilliamsonLaura Jborn about 1918
WilliamsonLen born about 1885
WilliamsonMabel born about 1891
WillsMerle born about 1900
WillsRuth born about 1904
WilsonAlva Aborn about 1880
WilsonEdna Mborn about 1880
WilsonErnest born about 1909
WilsonHenry born about 1902
WilsonJ Herbertborn about 1875
WilsonJoy born about 1904
WilsonLucille born about 1909
WilsonNancy Cborn about 1896
WilsonVelma born about 1906
WilsonWilliam born about 1926
WisselBertha Eborn about 1897
WisselElizabeth Mborn about 1927
WisselHoward Gborn about 1926
WisselIsadore Aborn about 1896
WisselRosalyn Dborn about 1928
WolfLydia Lborn about 1918
WolfOrville born about 1918
WolfVirgil Leeborn about 1938
WorleyGeraline born about 1912
WorleyJoanne born about 1936
WorleyUriah Lynnborn about 1904
WrightCharlie born about 1904
WrightIsabelle born about 1916
WrigleyEdith Mborn about 1901
WrigleyGen Rborn about 1932
WrigleyMiirin Lborn about 1928
WrigleyRalph Eborn about 1897
WurmnestAlma born about 1888
WurmnestEwald born about 1880
WurmnestGada born about 1915
WysBarbara born about 1873
WysClifford born about 1934
WysEarl born about 1905
WysElmer born about 1928
WysFred born about 1869
WysHelen born about 1910
WysJulia born about 1935
WysTwila born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZeineDonald born about 1922
ZeineFern born about 1931
ZeineHarvey born about 1930
ZeineHazel born about 1928
ZeineHenry born about 1895
ZeineMelba born about 1926
ZeineMerle born about 1921
ZeineRussel born about 1925
ZeineShirley born about 1938
ZeineVelda born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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