1940 U.S. Federal Census of Twigg, Hamilton, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Hamilton County > 1940 Census of Twigg

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllardinBertha born about 1916
AllardinCharlie born about 1879
AllardinFrancis Iii born about 1879
AllenEmma Jborn about 1873
AllenFannie Aborn about 1902
AllenGlenna born about 1935
AllenJ Wborn about 1865
AllenJames Aborn about 1895
AllenJames Arthurborn about 1925
AllenMerrell born about 1916
AllenNorman Gborn about 1938
AllenPatsy born about 1938
AllenThelma born about 1915

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B Surnames

BarkerBarbra born about 1933
BarkerFannie Lborn about 1868
BarkerLoomis born about 1902
BarkerNora born about 1906
BarkerOliver born about 1888
BenerHelen Almedaborn about 1933
BenerRalph born about 1897
BenerRuth born about 1907
BenerShirley born about 1939
BennettClarence Mborn about 1906
BennettJanita Maeborn about 1933
BennettMamie born about 1911
BennettMargaret born about 1871
BennettPauline Jaineborn about 1939
BethellEffie Mborn about 1883
BethellJae born about 1883
BiggerstaffAnna born about 1877
BiggerstaffBeatrice born about 1932
BiggerstaffDonald Eyersborn about 1936
BiggerstaffLala Graceborn about 1929
BiggerstaffPatty born about 1930
BiggerstaffWm born about 1873
BiggerstaffWoodrow born about 1913
BiggerstaffWoodrow Jr born about 1934
BittmanBillie born about 1926
BittmanFred born about 1891
BittmanLais born about 1924
BittmanLillie born about 1895
BondMyrtle born about 1899
BondObe born about 1930
BondReuben born about 1897
BordElsie born about 1901
BordRaymond born about 1899
BrackettAugusta born about 1876
BradenGene born about 1931
BradenIca born about 1902
BradenJ Lborn about 1900
BridwellMary Jborn about 1870
BridwellNellie born about 1908
BrumitEmery Dborn about 1939
BrumitFlora born about 1907
BrumitI Hborn about 1890

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C Surnames

CalpMarine born about 1928
CampbellMildred born about 1926
CantrellCora born about 1889
CantrellFayette born about 1875
CantrellHood born about 1913
CantrellMary Bborn about 1876
CantrellMildred Ilaborn about 1938
CantrellNora born about 1909
CatterDora Iborn about 1878
CatterEdmon born about 1874
CatterGeorge Oborn about 1877
CatterLauise Bborn about 1877
CatterSam born about 1920
CattinghamArthur born about 1912
CattinghamB Hborn about 1889
CattinghamC Cborn about 1879
CattinghamClaris Earlborn about 1937
CattinghamDara Helenborn about 1939
CattinghamEdith Mborn about 1925
CattinghamEliza Eborn about 1892
CattinghamFlora born about 1883
CattinghamRuby born about 1917
CattinghamWayne born about 1915
ClarkBeulah born about 1903
ClarkChristina born about 1930
ClarkDonnald Eborn about 1934
ClarkEverette born about 1927
ClarkFrank born about 1889
ClarkHelen Vborn about 1935
ClarkIda born about 1896
ClarkKenneth Dborn about 1936
ClarkLuthur born about 1902
ClarkNewton born about 1895
ClarkShelby born about 1924
ClarkStanley Eborn about 1918
ClarkWanda Lauiseborn about 1922
CluckAmos Eborn about 1888
CluckEmmett Dborn about 1890
CluckEugene born about 1932
CluckIva born about 1893
CluckJ Dborn about 1882
CluckLela Gayeborn about 1934
CluckLucille Mborn about 1938
CluckLucy born about 1888
CluckNara born about 1902
CookD Sborn about 1865
CoxAden born about 1921

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D Surnames

DavesEaster born about 1927
DavesLena born about 1925
DavesMeritt born about 1889
DavesRandall born about 1932
DavesRondall born about 1935
DavesRose born about 1889
DavisMargaret born about 1881
DavisMeridy born about 1857
DennyIra born about 1885
DennyR Eborn about 1882
DialDon Cborn about 1933
DialEmery Nborn about 1931
DialFrieda Janeborn about 1936
DialJames Pborn about 1929
DialJean born about 1923
DialJohn Oborn about 1928
DialJohn Jr born about 1906
DialStanley born about 1921
DialVernie born about 1910

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E Surnames

EatonArietta born about 1922
EatonEarl Jr born about 1925
EatonJohn born about 1887
EatonZirtha* born about 1889
EndicottDonald born about 1923
EndicottG Cborn about 1863
EndicottGillie Jborn about 1863
EndicottGrace born about 1890
EndicottK Lborn about 1890
EssaryClarance born about 1927
EssaryDoris Jeanborn about 1935
EssaryDorthy born about 1929
EssaryHarley born about 1918
EssaryJael Dauisborn about 1932
EssaryJames born about 1880
EssaryMargie born about 1921
EssaryMary born about 1884
EssaryPearl born about 1910
EssaryVera Ruthborn about 1939
EssaryVernie born about 1908

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F Surnames

FannAmie Leeborn about 1925
FannCharlie born about 1869
FannGenieve born about 1927
FannLouie born about 1906
FannMae born about 1908
FannStanley born about 1907
FarrierHerschel born about 1914
FarrisAgnis born about 1916
FarrisDeloris born about 1937
FarrisDonald born about 1935
FlintC Aborn about 1869
FlintCassie born about 1877
FreemanCharlie born about 1903
FreemanClara born about 1904
FreemanEmma born about 1872
FreemanJoe Annborn about 1933
FreemanJohn Cborn about 1931
FreemanNewton born about 1862

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G Surnames

GrovesN Hborn about
GrovesNicholas born about 1915
GrovesU Rborn about 1898
GuinGrayson born about 1916
GuinNara born about 1914
GuinSharon Sueborn about 1939

H Surnames

HaleEarl born about 1922
HallCharles Leonborn about 1939
HallIrene born about 1912
HallLester born about 1911
HallLester Ladonborn about 1936
HallMartha Deeborn about 1937
HamiltonH Wborn about 1884
HamiltonLillian Mborn about 1889
HamiltonRobert Leeborn about 1925
HammonsJael born about 1899
HammonsLala born about 1902
HammonsMarion born about 1930
HammonsThomas Jborn about 1930
HammonsVirginia Leeborn about 1931
HarrelsonAlpha born about 1892
HarrelsonBessie born about 1914
HarrelsonEllen born about 1899
HarrelsonErma Lanborn about 1939
HarrelsonJames Dborn about 1935
HarrelsonNorma Ruthborn about 1929
HarrelsonRalph born about 1912
HarrelsonRoy Aborn about 1918
HarrelsonSibyl born about 1918
HendersonLulu born about 1878
HendersonRobert born about 1910
HendersonS Rborn about 1867
HicksBillie born about 1925
HicksDenzil Rborn about 1934
HicksEffie born about 1897
HicksElmon born about 1921
HicksHerschel born about 1891
HicksRosa born about 1898
HicksSheridan born about 1896
HicksThelma Juneborn about 1930
HicksWilma born about 1925
HoldrenBertha born about 1910
HoldrenHarold born about 1927
HoldrenJames born about 1898
HoldrenJoseph Charlesborn about 1934
HoldrenKathleen born about 1933
HoldrenMelvin Rborn about 1937
HollandAlice born about 1866
HollandPerry born about 1867
HowellFred born about 1894
HowellJames Lborn about 1867
HuntDorris born about 1916
HuntGeorgia born about 1904
HuntJohn Ernestborn about 1933
HuntKathryn born about 1939
HuntKay Ernesteenborn about 1937
HuntL Dborn about 1905
HuntLincoln born about 1924
HuntPaul born about 1915
HuntSophie born about 1886
HutchonsonEdith born about 1924
HutchonsonGeorge born about 1900
HutchonsonJewel born about 1905
HutchonsonNoma born about 1927

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I Surnames

IrvinAnna born about 1895
IrvinChonie Carlynborn about 1931
IrvinEffie born about 1901
IrvinHallie born about 1884
IrvinHenry born about 1901
IrvinIda born about 1861
IrvinLloyd born about 1931
IrvinLogan born about 1925
IrvinLois born about 1927
IrvinLora born about 1877
IrvinObe born about 1875
IrvinPaul born about 1898
IrvinRobert Hborn about 1928
IrvinRoy Daleborn about 1924
IrvinSaphronia born about 1881
IrvinWillis Aborn about 1868

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J Surnames

JackmanMyrtle born about 1896
JackmanRoy Bborn about 1886
Johnson??? Lborn about 1867
JohnsonAlvan born about 1920
JohnsonAnna Sborn about 1895
JohnsonEmanuel born about 1924
JohnsonErnest born about 1892
JohnsonHenry Bborn about 1861
JohnsonIra born about 1888
JohnsonJim born about 1878
JohnsonJoyce born about 1912
JohnsonLillie born about 1881
JohnsonLois Jeanborn about 1939
JohnsonLucille born about 1913
JohnsonMarie born about 1928
JohnsonMary Arlenborn about 1937
JohnsonR Fborn about 1864
JohnsonR Mborn about 1866
JohnsonRalph born about 1926
JohnsonSally Dborn about 1866
JohnsonVerla Maeborn about 1930
JohnsonWanda born about 1924
JonesEanas born about 1890
JonesElizabeth born about 1925
JonesElsie Mborn about 1895
JonesF Hborn about 1877
JonesLucille born about 1935
JonkEddie Leeborn about 1938
JonkLee Roy born about 1917
JonkMary Almaborn about 1920

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L Surnames

LamkinJarvis born about 1911
LamkinVerla born about 1910
LeonardCharles born about 1922
LeonardJewel born about 1903
LeonardLee born about 1879
LeonardMartha born about 1919
LeonardMary Jr born about 1932
LeonardThomas born about 1925
LoueEliza Jborn about 1860

M Surnames

MartinCalie born about 1903
MartinG Wborn about 1876
MartinJane born about 1866
MartinMagie Jborn about 1882
McDonaldEmma born about 1873
McGillAncie born about 1876
McGillCloyd born about 1911
McGillMarion born about 1909
McGillR Rborn about 1871
MennArtie born about 1910
MennJesse born about 1902
MerrellAnna born about 1876
MerrellHerry born about 1909
MerrellJohn born about 1872
MillenbineHenry born about 1892
MillenbineHerbert Deanborn about 1936
MillenbineJohn Lowisborn about 1928
MillenbineReba Annborn about 1931
MillenbineRose born about 1904
MillenbineWilma born about 1934
MillenbineZelma born about 1926
MondayEuel born about 1922

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N Surnames

NikachRaymond born about 1903

O Surnames

ObryanGoldie born about 1895
ObryanOttis born about 1889
OnealA Aborn about 1875
OnealL Mborn about 1875
OustinEula Deanborn about 1933
OustinEverette born about 1904
OustinHelen born about 1905

P Surnames

ParkerBelvia born about 1901
ParkerEbbie born about 1925
ParkerEthel Fayeborn about 1927
ParkerLeslie born about 1900
ParkerMary Lborn about 1878
ParkerVernie born about 1905
PembertonA Vborn about 1885
PembertonFern born about 1915
PembertonFloridean born about 1930
PembertonGlenn born about 1920
PembertonHoward born about 1927
PembertonS Gborn about 1895
PhiffsDelia born about 1891
PhiffsW Eborn about 1886

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R Surnames

RathDaisy born about 1880
RathW Gborn about 1879
RewesAnna born about 1903
RewesW Tborn about 1908
RountreeJan Hborn about 1935
RountreeMinnie born about 1882
RountreePearl born about 1909
RountreeRaul born about 1903
RountreeT Kborn about 1880
RussellClaudia born about 1912
RussellFannie born about 1907
RussellJames Jr born about 1905
RussellMildred born about 1911
RussellRittie Aborn about 1885
RussellU Wborn about 1868
RussellVerna Jeanborn about 1937
RussellWanda Lucilleborn about 1935

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S Surnames

Satterfield??? born about 1906
SatterfieldAlbert Eborn about 1932
SatterfieldElmer born about 1895
SchoalcraftDaisy born about 1881
SchoalcraftOrvil born about 1874
ShasteenJohn W Oborn about 1863
SimmonsEdgar born about 1896
SimmonsEva born about 1910
SimmonsJae born about 1939
SimmonsRae born about 1939
SkeltonBillie born about 1931
SkeltonEstella born about 1902
SkeltonHerbert born about 1904
SkeltonHerman born about 1924
SloanCharlett Sueborn about 1940
SloanDelores Vlarieborn about 1937
SloanDonald Wmborn about 1934
SloanEdward Aleanborn about 1932
SloanOpal born about 1907
SloanWilford born about 1905
SmithAden born about 1920
SmithBetty Leroyborn about 1932
SmithCarl born about 1931
SmithCharles born about 1937
SmithDorthy born about 1911
SmithElla Maeborn about 1925
SmithEssie Fayeborn about 1925
SmithHouston born about 1905
SmithJohn born about 1933
SmithJohn Dwainborn about 1940
SmithJoyce Marieborn about 1934
SmithLaura Bellborn about 1929
SmithLaura Fborn about 1938
SmithM Aborn about 1867
SmithMagie Eborn about 1871
SmithManuel born about 1936
SmithMelvina born about 1874
SmithMerrill born about 1901
SmithModell born about 1921
SmithNorma born about 1940
SmithRalph Aborn about 1908
SmithRobert Glennborn about 1934
SmithRoy Fborn about 1898
SmithRuth born about 1911
SmithVakle Mborn about 1903
SmithVenita born about 1919
SmithWalter Lloydborn about 1938
SmithWanda born about 1929
StclairEstes born about 1895
SteeleBetty born about 1919
SteeleJohn Wborn about 1913
SteeleRobert Rborn about 1938

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T Surnames

TrautGeorgia born about 1911
TrautJ Aborn about 1869
TrautLoren born about 1908
TrautLuca Aborn about 1883
TrautOllie born about 1869
TrauttClyde born about 1922
TrauttEliza Aborn about 1900
TrauttHelen born about 1925
TrauttHobert born about 1897
TrauttKenneth born about 1930
TrauttWanda born about 1927
TrobaughFlorence born about 1885
TrobaughWilford born about 1887
TuckerDiana Sueborn about 1936
TuckerJames born about 1911
TuckerWenna Graceborn about 1913
TurnexJames Rborn about 1880
TurnexMinnie born about 1877

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W Surnames

WarrenCarolyn Juneborn about 1935
WarrenEffie born about 1880
WarrenJae Edwardborn about 1933
WarrenMildred Aborn about 1913
WarrenTheodore born about 1878
WarrenWilliam Lborn about 1913
WebbEmery Mborn about 1870
WebbIndiana born about 1872
WeigantMartha Jborn about 1877
WeigantW Aborn about 1875
WheelerAnna born about 1902
WheelerCharles Aborn about 1936
WheelerClarence Eborn about 1934
WheelerDonna Maeborn about 1938
WheelerHallie born about 1914
WheelerHarold Deanborn about 1924
WheelerJ Wborn about 1901
WheelerJeanette born about 1937
WheelerJohn Wborn about 1914
WheelerLawrence born about 1913
WheelerLincoln born about 1928
WheelerLinda Lauborn about 1939
WheelerMae born about 1916
WhiteBuelah born about 1923
WhiteElla born about 1894
WhiteEulah born about 1923
WhiteFloyd born about 1893
WhiteMillage born about 1932
WilliamsEudine born about 1939
WilliamsPerry born about 1919
WilliamsRosalie born about 1919
WilsonMary Aborn about 1854

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Y Surnames

YorkS Dborn about 1882

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