1940 U.S. Federal Census of Union in Fulton County, Fulton, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Fulton County > 1940 Census of Union in Fulton County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdonuellBenard born about 1931
AdonuellElizabeth born about 1888
AdonuellGertrude born about 1922
AdonuellJohn born about 1923
AdonuellMathew born about 1881
AithenMinnie born about 1881
AithenRobert Johnborn about 1877
AldenBernice Minupsborn about 1907
AldenBert born about 1910
AldenBronald born about 1931
AldenClarence Jr born about 1931
AldenEllen Cborn about 1879
AldenFrank born about 1874
AldenGeorgia born about 1910
AldenGlen born about 1902
AldenJohn born about 1936
AlexanderBedford born about 1890
AlexanderClara born about 1889
AlexanderEva born about 1887
AlexanderFranniy born about 1891
AlexanderMabel born about 1923
AlexanderVilma born about 1919
AlexanderVom born about 1883
AllisonBarbara born about 1935
AllisonDale born about 1909
AllisonEdith born about 1913
AllisonJaneen born about 1933
AllisonMarna born about 1937
AllisonMartin born about 1881
AllisonMary born about 1885
AlsonCharlotte born about 1895
AndersonHelen born about 1890
AndersonO Hborn about 1893
AringdaleElizabeth born about 1867
AringdaleHilda born about 1898
AringdaleLloyd born about 1892
AringdaleLloyd Jr born about 1922
AringdaleNancy born about 1935
ArmstrongElizabeth born about 1854
ArnoldWanda Leeborn about 1931
ArthurDixon born about 1919
AsguithFlorence born about 1896
AsguithGerald born about 1911
AsguithGerald Juniorborn about 1936
AsguithHarriet born about 1926
AsguithHelen born about 1910
AsguithRichard born about 1934
AsquthElizabeth born about 1883
AtchisonCharles born about 1883
AtchisonElias born about 1854
AtchisonLucy born about 1886
AvonnellCarrie Mborn about 1865

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B Surnames

BabbittE Pborn about 1872
BabbittHarry Eborn about 1927
BabbittJames Harryborn about 1874
BabbittMable born about 1874
BabbittPearl born about 1880
BaerEffie born about 1910
BaerNoretta born about 1934
BakerAmanda born about 1885
BakerDella born about 1880
BakerDonall Mayneborn about 1915
BakerErnest born about 1887
BakerGale Claytonborn about 1922
BakerGeorge born about 1875
BakerHilda born about 1912
BakerJerry Rodneyborn about 1938
BakerKenneth born about 1909
BakerMarvin Leeborn about 1934
BakerRichard Arlenborn about 1932
BakerSuzanne Nancyborn about 1936
BaughmanBilly Carolborn about 1937
BaughmanJessie born about 1868
BaughmanJosie born about 1889
BaughmanLoren born about 1919
BaughmanMartin born about 1871
BaughmanMaxine born about 1918
BaughmanTerry Alanborn about
BaughmanWilliam Hborn about 1884
BeairdBenjamin born about 1927
BearceBetty Janeborn about 1939
BearceDavid born about 1923
BearceFlorentine born about 1919
BearceHarvey born about 1889
BearceJosephine born about 1937
BearceMaggie Janeborn about 1887
BearceMargaret born about 1927
BearceRobertha Maeborn about 1938
BearceWilliam born about 1912
BeardBenjamin born about 1892
BeardJames born about 1924
BeardLollie born about 1899
BeardPearl born about 1920
BecknerHarold born about 1899
BecknerPatricio Marieborn about 1934
BecknerSamuel Franklinborn about 1872
BecknerVirgie Marieborn about 1903
BeerCora Mborn about 1894
BeerElizabeth born about 1922
BeerLynn Tborn about 1892
BellAlbert born about 1910
BellAnna born about 1903
BellBertha born about 1876
BellDavid born about 1890
BellFern born about 1914
BellGay born about 1893
BellHarold born about 1922
BellLewis born about 1939
BellMary born about 1893
BellMary Ethelborn about 1888
BellThomas born about 1886
BellWilliam born about 1884
BergGertrude born about 1899
BergRobert born about 1923
BernhartDora born about 1918
BernhartFrank born about 1859
BernhartGeorge born about 1912
BernhartGeorge born about 1937
BernhartGlen born about 1915
BernhartSarah born about 1865
BirdAmanda born about 1859
BivensBethel born about 1896
BivensClaire born about 1899
BivensDorothy born about 1925
BivensJohn Emeryborn about 1924
BivensJoseph Cborn about 1892
BivensMargaret born about 1928
BivensMargoni born about 1924
BivensMax Mborn about 1923
BivensNettie born about 1903
BivensWilliam born about 1934
BlissAnna Cborn about 1895
BlissBetty born about 1919
BlissElizabeth Francisborn about 1870
BlissJean born about 1923
BlissLon born about 1862
BlissRoy Dborn about 1893
BloomerFrancis Lyanaborn about 1922
BloomerMarvin Stanleyborn about 1932
BloomerPhyllis Louiseborn about 1901
BloomerShirley Jeanborn about 1925
BloomerWilliam Johnborn about 1896
BolenC Eborn about 1907
BolenChancey born about 1933
BolenClarence Everettborn about 1926
BolenGertrude Marieborn about 1930
BolenOpal Lucilleborn about 1908
BonillsCharles born about 1860
BonnettJeorgia Fayeborn about 1921
BottorffAlma born about 1887
BottorffFrank born about 1886
BradleyEmma born about 1859
BradshawElsie born about 1899
BrandGeorge born about 1913
BrandLanora born about 1910
BrandRessie born about 1891
BrandSenith Bborn about 1938
BrandVera born about 1891
BranttAmanda born about 1889
BrautF Wborn about 1869
BrautNellie born about 1874
BrautP Hborn about 1898
BrooksDonald born about 1926
BrooksEldon born about 1923
BrooksJames born about 1892
BrooksStella born about 1895
BrownCharles Wborn about 1891
BrownCora Gborn about 1895
BrownFred Gborn about 1913
BrownFrederick Hborn about 1919
BrownKlerment Lborn about 1923
BrownLeona born about 1894
BrownWarren born about 1931
BucklewElizabeth born about 1859
BuelCarl born about 1880
BuelMary Ellanborn about 1878
BullPeter born about 1879
BundrenCatherine Louiseborn about 1934
BundrenEllice Wayneborn about 1937
BundrenEvaleen born about 1926
BundrenHazel Ireneborn about 1931
BundrenHelen Marieborn about 1929
BundrenHobart born about 1899
BundrenHobart Laverneborn about 1924
BundrenLillian born about 1907
BurckE W Atborn about 1869
BurckPean born about 1875
BurgardLucretia born about 1894
BurgardZoalter born about 1883
BurrageWilliam Eborn about 1858
ButlerClara Mborn about 1938
ButlerDian Leakborn about 1936
ButlerDolores born about 1907
ButlerHoward Mborn about 1905
ButlerJohn Adneyborn about
ButlerPatricia Arenborn about 1931
ButlerSara Jeneborn about 1934

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C Surnames

CalhonnDane born about 1907
CalhonnLily born about 1907
CampbellLyner born about 1908
CappsAnna born about 1880
CappsElbert Hborn about 1882
CappsJosephine born about 1921
CappsLeota born about 1912
CappsMaurine Sherritborn about 1905
CappsWilbur born about 1913
CarleySarah born about 1861
CarnitzMary born about 1882
CarpenterRose born about 1871
CarrCharles Cborn about 1881
CarrCleone born about 1922
CarrDorothy born about 1898
CarrEdgar Vincentborn about 1914
CarrEdwin born about 1920
CarrFannie born about 1886
CarrJessie Aborn about 1888
CarrJosephine Mborn about 1885
CarrLeroy Aborn about 1886
CarrMary Catherynborn about 1919
CarrMary Graceborn about 1885
CarrOliver Rborn about 1880
CarrRoger born about 1918
CarrShirley born about 1940
Case??? born about 1884
CaseHelen born about 1914
CaseJeanette born about 1922
CaseShelby born about 1885
CavesMarty born about 1891
ChanceFrancis born about 1896
ChanceKenneth Leeborn about 1931
ChanceOnie born about 1897
ChapmanBoswell born about 1939
ChapmanFrancis born about 1921
ChattertonJohn Rayborn about 1937
ChattertonMary born about 1912
ChattertonStanley born about 1915
ChattertonWilliam Aborn about 1853
ChildsJohn born about 1864
ChildsLily born about 1863
ChurchillMary born about 1846
ClaytonBeverly Jeanborn about 1939
ClaytonClara Bborn about 1864
ClaytonDarell born about 1934
ClaytonEarl born about 1884
ClaytonElmer born about 1888
ClaytonFannie born about 1871
ClaytonFrank born about 1877
ClaytonGuy born about 1891
ClaytonLarry Daleborn about 1936
ClaytonMartha Roseborn about 1930
ClaytonMina born about 1897
ClaytonNaomi born about 1910
ClaytonOrie born about 1884
ClaytonRhea born about 1887
ClaytonRobert Leeborn about 1933
ClaytonWilbur born about 1920
ClemPhoebe born about 1867
Clugsten Revaborn about 1903
ClugstenFrank Wborn about 1897
ClugstenVirginia Aborn about 1929
ConkeyAmada born about 1870
CookDallas born about 1911
CookErma born about 1909
CookMiriam Joborn about 1937
CotterCarr Hughborn about 1922
CotterDan Eborn about 1896
CotterEmma Yeomanborn about 1860
CotterHoward Ernestborn about 1928
CotterJohn Earlborn about 1923
CotterNaomi Carrborn about 1895
CouplandJames Bernardborn about 1934
CouplandJames Fborn about 1896
CouplandLillie born about 1879
CouplandMaxwell born about 1869
CouplandRobert born about 1916
CozadFrank born about 1873
CramerAlva born about 1892
CramerGilberta born about 1895
CramerNellie Daleborn about 1911
CrisseyBess Ta??yborn about 1882
CrisseyClarence born about 1875
CrisseyEdith born about 1877
CrisseyGayle born about 1913
CrisseyH Rborn about 1880
CrisseyMinnie Pborn about 1880
CrisseyWinston Hborn about 1914
CuaksuanCuapsean born about 1907
CunninghamLettie born about
CunninghamWalter Rborn about 1859
CuppElizabeth born about 1883
CutforthCr born about 1889
CutforthElva born about 1892
CutlerBertha born about 1895
CutlerEmmet born about 1894
CutlerFaye born about 1898
CutlerFrancis born about 1934
CutlerLewis born about 1925
CutlerMarcus born about 1923
CutlerMarcus Jborn about 1859
CutlerMary Aliceborn about 1872
CutlerRobert Teoborn about 1899

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D Surnames

DallefeldChester born about 1892
DallefeldLula born about 1893
DarvinE Oborn about 1894
DavisAlberta born about 1939
DavisBernice born about 1931
DavisBessie born about 1888
DavisBetty born about 1925
DavisEdwin Mborn about 1916
DavisErnest Gborn about 1876
DavisErol born about 1905
DavisFrances Rborn about 1882
DavisGeorge born about 1933
DavisHoward Ennstborn about 1910
DavisJack born about 1929
DavisJennie Ireneborn about 1935
DavisJessie born about 1934
DavisM Lynnborn about 1905
DavisMarguerite born about 1919
DavisMarjorie born about 1928
DavisMartha born about 1932
DavisMinnie born about 1909
DavisRalph born about 1909
DavisRobert born about 1937
DavisRoberta born about 1939
DavisRoyce born about 1919
DavisSusan born about
DavisSylvia Mborn about 1906
DavisVirginia born about 1919
DavisW Eborn about 1894
DayDelbert born about 1937
DayDoris born about 1912
DayEdwin born about 1908
DelahuntCharles Robertborn about 1925
DelancyMary born about 1867
DelehuntJack born about 1930
DelhuntCharles Robertborn about 1927
DempseyAdler Sborn about 1907
DempseyBarry Joeborn about 1938
DempseyBruce Roderickborn about 1934
DempseyJ Oborn about 1902
DempseyJohn Baversborn about 1932
DixonCharles born about 1933
DixonDoris born about 1925
DixonElma Mayborn about 1935
DixonJames Donaldborn about 1926
DixonMargaret Annaborn about 1939
DixonOrvile Mortonborn about 1936
DomanFrank born about 1894
DonglasDoris born about 1908
DonglasHollisler born about 1937
DonglasRollin born about 1903
DotyLouise born about 1873
DredgeBeulah born about 1898
DredgeRay born about 1894
DuckweilerAlva born about 1910
DuckweilerCharles Alvaborn about 1933
DuckweilerElbert born about 1935
DuckweilerGladys born about 1915
DuncanCalvin born about 1925
DuncanClyde born about 1903
DuncanClyde Richardborn about 1927
DuncanDelphia born about 1891
DuncanEllen born about 1936
DuncanErnest Cborn about 1901
DuncanIla Fernborn about 1932
DuncanImogene born about 1901
DuncanInez born about 1900
DuncanJane born about 1933
DuncanM Mborn about 1883

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E Surnames

EathertonAlvin born about 1913
EathertonBetty Lonborn about 1935
EathertonDonald Clanborn about 1939
EathertonDorothy born about 1914
EathingtonDoris born about 1908
EathingtonHarley born about 1903
EathingtonMarjorie born about 1907
EathingtonMarois born about 1927
EathingtonMary Adelinborn about 1929
EathingtonMaryline born about 1936
EathingtonRay born about 1911
EathingtonSherril Kayborn about 1933
EccherCalvin born about 1916
EccherJudik Lynnborn about
EccherSara born about 1919
EhresmanAlice born about 1861
EhresmanCarl born about 1933
EhresmanEula Mborn about 1904
EhresmanG Uborn about 1887
ElliottClaudia Eugeneborn about 1936
ElliottDarlene born about 1938
ElliottHazel born about 1916
ElliottLenard born about 1909
EllisElla born about 1865
EllnerWilliam born about 1869
EmertCora Hattieborn about 1874
EmertJames Fredborn about 1875
EnlowFrancis born about 1910
EnlowFrancis Sborn about 1910
EnlowNora born about 1882
EwingMary born about 1862

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F Surnames

FaheyDavid born about 1872
FassarMarie born about 1922
FasterRoscoe born about 1884
FennessyMinnie born about 1861
FesterJames Rborn about 1907
FesterMildred born about 1905
FesterShirley born about 1930
FisherJohn born about 1917
FisherVera born about 1924
FitchMary born about 1914
FitzimmonsCatherine born about 1860
FitzimmonsJohn born about 1865
FitzimmonsMargaret born about 1880
FlakeElla born about 1867
FlukeAdella born about 1871
FordCharles Lesleyborn about 1900
FordDorothy Fayborn about
FordEdna born about 1905
FordEva Mayborn about 1937
FosterAdah born about 1895
FosterAnda born about 1934
FosterCandie born about 1919
FosterDrue born about 1893
FosterEunice born about 1922
FosterHoward Eugeneborn about 1929
FosterJean born about 1938
FosterLeroy born about 1905
FosterLessie born about 1885
FosterMarian born about 1917
FosterMartha Leeborn about 1932
FosterThelma born about 1915
FrebargAlfred Paulborn about 1850
FrebargErnest born about 1912
FrebargVerda born about 1918
FrederickJosie born about 1872
FrederickR Kborn about 1863
FuldsFrank born about 1875
FullertonAnton Kennethborn about 1904
FullertonCorinne born about 1907
FullertonLucy born about 1859
FullertonPamelia born about 1934
FullertonPauline born about 1931
FullertonWilliam Eborn about 1875

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G Surnames

GackBessie born about 1883
GardnerMary Mannieborn about 1882
GashBessie born about 1883
GenningsAaron born about 1870
GenningsAnlia born about 1871
GhersonAlta born about 1874
GhersonJerry born about 1873
GilbethDenna born about 1918
GilbethGene born about 1890
GillettBarbara Jeanborn about 1929
GillettDoris Marieborn about 1931
GillettGeorge born about 1921
GillettHelen born about 1904
GillettJean born about 1928
GillettJunior born about 1924
GillettLyle born about 1926
GillettMay Kborn about 1863
GillettMerle born about 1898
GillettR Gborn about 1860
GilletteAileen born about 1930
GilletteArnold Lborn about 1901
GilletteCharles born about 1932
GilletteChesler Oborn about 1898
GilletteEdward Allenborn about 1858
GilletteEvelyn Lucilleborn about 1925
GilletteHelen born about 1903
GilletteMarjorie born about 1934
GilletteMary born about 1929
GilletteReta born about 1909
GilletteRose born about 1906
GlahnEdna Mayborn about 1882
GlahnGeorge Wborn about 1876
GoddardHarold born about 1904
GoddardLulu born about 1913
GordonAllie born about 1880
GordonAlonzo Bborn about 1877
GordonAnna born about 1890
GordonNeal born about 1889
GordonRobert born about 1916
GordonRoselind born about 1916
GorhamB Eborn about 1883
GorhamRuth Aborn about 1893
GrahamAnita born about
GrahamElnora born about 1913
GrahamJohn born about 1910
GrahamMargaret born about 1937
GravesGene born about 1929
GravesMonroe born about 1933
GravesRaymond born about 1928
GrayAletheo born about 1910
GrayCharles born about 1879
GrayClyde born about 1905
GrayDoris Virginiaborn about 1933
GrayLeona born about 1929
GrayMinnie born about 1892
GrayMyrtle born about 1885
GrayRolland born about 1931
GrayWilliam Averyborn about 1928
GriffithBernice born about 1915
GriffithButhernie born about 1919
GriffithJoseph Rborn about 1911
GriffithJudith Annborn about 1939
GriffithMary Kborn about 1922
GuernseyD Gborn about 1869
GuernseyElma born about 1875

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H Surnames

HallBlanch Eborn about 1891
HallRoy Sborn about 1882
HallWyatt born about 1856
HallbickEileen born about 1927
HallbickHazel born about 1902
HallbickWalter born about 1887
HallinganJames born about 1882
HammondDorothy born about 1925
HammondErma born about 1931
HammondErnest born about 1921
HammondEthel born about 1896
HammondFay born about 1892
HammondGlenn born about 1912
HammondGrice born about 1934
HammondJay Juniorborn about 1933
HammondOrrin born about 1919
HammondPhyllis born about 1922
HammondVealma born about 1927
HamsherBlonda born about 1896
HamsherGrant born about 1894
HamsherOrlena born about 1922
HanksLorena born about 1868
HarrisJoan born about
HarrisJohn born about 1899
HarrisLity born about 1901
HarrisLouise born about 1936
HarrisLovell born about 1910
HarrisMary born about 1912
HarrisRaymond Lovellborn about 1938
HarrisonJames born about 1895
HarrisonJames Davidborn about 1927
HarrisonNina born about 1898
HarrisonVera born about 1930
HarrisonWinifred born about 1922
HarroldMaude born about 1888
HartfordEva Leonaborn about 1880
HatchArthur Jborn about 1922
HatchDonna Mborn about 1889
HatchHarold Eborn about 1925
HatchHenry Eborn about 1926
HatchHoozel Mborn about 1928
HatchMarie Fborn about 1893
HatchWalter Eborn about 1891
HatchWalter Jborn about 1933
HayesEthel born about 1893
HayesRobert born about 1926
HectorneBess Hborn about 1890
HelfordBarbara born about 1920
HelfordCharles Peanborn about 1922
HelfordClerstine Mborn about 1900
HelfordGeorge Wborn about 1896
HelfordRobert born about 1910
HelseyMarion born about 1912
HeplerBeulah born about 1915
HeplerClarence born about 1910
HeplerSharon Kayborn about
HerronHenry Oborn about 1910
HerronMary Oborn about 1911
HielGenevieve born about 1917
HielJohn Cborn about 1884
HielLena Pborn about 1885
HielLouis born about 1926
HielSchneider born about 1924
HielWayne born about 1915
HillsG Rborn about 1894
HillsOllie born about 1896
HillsVirgil born about 1922
HillsWrivian born about 1924
HiltonDelores born about 1933
HiltonFrancis born about 1909
HiltonGerald born about 1934
HiltonLois born about 1929
HiltonTaft born about 1909
HindmanClifford born about 1915
HolemanFlorence born about 1893
HolemanGeorge born about 1924
HollislieLucretia born about 1888
HollislirPauline Yborn about 1871
HombakerHannah Pearlborn about 1880
HombakerHelen Cborn about 1917
HombakerJeremiah Calineborn about 1869
HombakerLonise Annborn about 1925
HombakerNellie Fborn about 1913
HombakerNoak Wayneborn about 1920
HoppingJackie Lewborn about 1939
HoppingLola born about 1902
HoppingVern born about 1903
HornWarren born about 1901
HorneBernard Warrenborn about 1923
HorneCathrine Mayborn about 1895
HorneJack born about 1921
HorneLaura Louiseborn about 1924
HorneMary Catherineborn about 1926
HovellMary born about 1878
HovellSherley born about 1923
HowardEdna born about 1922
HowardElmer born about 1930
HowardFrances born about 1927
HowardHattie born about 1897
HowardJames Bernyborn about
HowardKenneth born about 1932
HowardLettie born about 1925
HowardLloyd born about 1918
HowardLouise born about 1935
HowardOra born about 1896
HowardPatsy Annborn about 1937
HowardWilliam born about 1923
HowarterCoralovina born about 1916
HowarterLowise born about 1920
HowarterMartha Joanborn about 1937
HowarterRoss born about 1917
HowarterVirgil born about 1914
HowarterVirgil Leroyborn about 1939
HunterEdna born about 1889
HunterHarriet born about 1919
HunterJohn Resceborn about 1923
HunterM Rborn about 1883
HuntleyC Hborn about 1885
HuntleyOllie born about 1880

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I Surnames

IkerdDavid Cborn about 1916

J Surnames

JacksonDavid born about 1935
JacksonJames Elbaborn about 1876
JacksonLarry born about 1937
JacksonLee born about 1902
JacksonMary Ellenborn about 1879
JacksonPearl born about 1902
JacksonThomas Woodsonborn about 1913
JanesBarbara Avisborn about 1914
JanesFred born about 1911
JenkinsEthel born about 1914
JewellBessie Allenborn about 1889
JewellElner Irvingborn about 1901
JewellFred Alfredborn about 1887
JohnsGevendell born about 1915
JohnsonAlbert Eborn about 1894
JohnsonAugustus born about 1865
JohnsonEdith born about 1900
JohnsonLloyd born about 1902
JohnsonLoy Mayborn about 1883
JohnsonOctavia born about 1866
JonesAlfred Edwardborn about 1923
JonesEdna born about 1903
JonesElida born about 1876
JonesFlora Marieborn about 1893
JonesJames Edwardborn about 1878
JonesPaul born about 1901
JonesWonna Leeborn about 1931

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K Surnames

KalbGertrude born about 1884
KalbGlen born about 1924
KalbRaymond born about 1909
KalbRobert born about 1915
KappnerMaude born about 1887
KeenerAnita born about 1939
KeenerLawrence born about 1914
KeenerWaneta born about 1918
KefferAmelia born about 1885
KefferRichard born about 1883
KeithBeth born about 1927
KeithDorothy born about 1901
KeithKale born about 1897
KellerVirginia born about 1934
KellerWandie born about 1916
KelsoFrank born about 1872
KelsoRicky born about 1926
KelsoWigette born about 1888
KeplerArthur born about 1882
KeplerLeona born about 1887
KeppleMaud born about 1873
KeppleWalter born about 1873
KiddLuella born about 1864
KidwellHilman born about 1920
KidwellJulian born about 1913
KidwellMargaret born about 1912
KidwellPatricia Louiseborn about 1937
KikendallWalter born about 1876
KingAlma born about 1925
KingAudrey born about 1903
KingC Wborn about 1899
KingHubert born about 1921
KingInez born about 1890
KingtonHerman born about 1904
KingtonLoma Leeborn about 1932
KingtonLon born about 1907
KingtonMary Lonborn about 1929
KirkendallNellie born about 1878
KnickerbockerRena born about 1887
KnickerbockerWilliam born about 1882
KollerPauline born about 1919
KrahlCarrol born about 1923
KrahlColleen born about 1928
KrahlEris born about 1925
KrahlJewell born about 1930
KrahlMyrtle born about 1898
KrahlWalter born about 1892
KreiderClaire born about 1913
KreiderGrace born about 1889
KreiderNancy born about 1886
KreiderR Cborn about 1887
KreiderRalph Cborn about 1885
KreiderVinta born about 1917
KrepsLillian born about 1864
KutehlerAlicia born about 1869

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L Surnames

LaffertyJerry born about 1927
LaffertyJohn born about 1939
LaffertyJohn Cborn about 1915
LaffertyMahala born about 1916
LakeEdward born about 1889
LakeHelen born about 1914
LakeJakey born about 1924
LakeMary Bellborn about 1865
LakeRobert born about 1892
LamasterLena born about 1898
LamasterLloyd born about 1923
LamasterRalph born about 1896
LandallWalter born about 1910
LanfordChell born about 1898
LanfordLester born about 1886
LauchtSaw born about 1890
LeighMary born about 1902
LeighNancy born about 1933
LeighOliver Wborn about 1894
LeighThomas born about 1930
LemonJesse born about 1885
LemonLulu born about 1888
LewisBlanche born about 1888
LillieBertha born about 1892
LillieLewis Fborn about 1890
LillieLewis Jborn about 1922
LillieNancy Annborn about 1930
LincolnBessie Ireneborn about 1906
LincolnBoren Arloborn about 1926
LincolnConser Mayborn about 1935
LincolnDorothy Oborn about 1917
LincolnForest Aborn about 1911
LincolnJemes Erleborn about 1902
LincolnNancy Marieborn about 1937
LincolnShirley born about 1930
LindeenL Jborn about 1911
LindeenToneita born about 1934
LindeenWreth born about 1912
LindseyBilly Joeborn about 1936
LindseyClarice born about 1908
LindseyJames Cborn about 1905
LindseyMac Roy born about 1928
LinkBernard born about 1895
LinkCarrie Lborn about 1864
LinkDell born about 1869
LinkMary Lborn about 1865
LockDean Stewartborn about 1925
LockEthel Agnesborn about 1895
LockHobart born about 1898
LockHobart born about 1918
LockKenneth born about 1923
LockRay born about 1931
LockwoodDavid Manlyborn about 1862
LongEdward born about 1870
LovewellAnes born about 1856
LovewellWilliam Hborn about 1856
LuigleL Cborn about 1881
LuigleNettie born about 1884
LuperAlberta born about 1913
LuperForest born about 1910
LuperGarnet born about 1880
LuperJacqueline born about 1932
LuperRichard born about 1937
LynnE Bborn about 1855
LynnErnest born about 1925
LynnH Cborn about 1883
LynnPletha born about 1892

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M Surnames

MallHoward born about 1878
MannelAlma born about 1897
MannelJames Calvinborn about 1925
MannelMary Eligabethborn about 1923
MannelOdette Adeleborn about 1939
MannelOra Cunonborn about 1894
ManockArthur born about 1903
ManockEarl Keithborn about 1930
ManockEva Lborn about 1905
ManockGale Elwoodborn about 1938
ManockHoward Russellborn about 1928
ManockVirginia Leeborn about 1932
MasonBilly Vonborn about 1920
MasonDelcie Fernborn about 1895
MasonGeorge Israelborn about 1927
MasonJames Wilberborn about 1878
MasonJohn Frederikborn about 1894
MasonLeda Cborn about 1900
MasonWilma born about 1924
MatchellRobert born about 1885
McClaughryBessie born about 1904
McClaughryGlen born about 1904
McClaughryMarjorie born about 1929
McClaughryWilbur born about 1930
McCoyDan Frankborn about
McCoyElla born about 1885
McCoyFrank Masonborn about 1868
McCoyGeorgia Francesborn about 1920
McCoyMary born about 1907
McCoyWm Lansonborn about 1911
McEllineyBilly born about 1928
McEllineyClernest born about 1884
McEllineyJuinor born about 1919
McEllineyRobert Josephborn about 1931
McEllineyVerna born about 1924
McElreaAmanda born about 1894
McElreaEmory born about 1884
McFarlanGeorge Aborn about 1883
McFarlanGeorge Jr born about 1918
McFarlanLela born about 1885
McGheeHazel born about 1916
McGheeLouis born about 1915
McGheeThomas born about 1939
McMullenAlice born about 1914
McMullenJohn born about 1911
McMullenWilliam Glenborn about 1932
MeadowsA Tborn about 1870
MeadowsBeryl born about 1923
MeadowsMinnie born about 1880
MerrillCatherine born about 1867
MerrillG Eborn about 1863
MeyersFrank Pborn about 1875
MeyersJanet Kayborn about
MeyersOtis born about 1918
MeyersRichard Keefeborn about 1940
MeyersViolet Mashas??born about 1921
MeyertHannah Elizabethborn about 1886
MeyertRoy born about 1878
MilbertAlvise born about 1917
MingsBlanche born about 1892
MingsC Lborn about 1865
MingsClaire Hborn about 1890
MingsElla Nborn about 1872
MingsWillis born about 1870
MitchellAnalee born about 1929
MitchellCharles born about 1868
MitchellDouglas born about 1860
MitchellEthel born about 1912
MitchellEva born about 1896
MitchellGeraldine born about 1906
MitchellGlen born about 1896
MitchellJames born about 1924
MitchellLily born about 1877
MitchellMarlene born about 1932
MitchellMary Janeborn about 1862
MitchellMillis born about 1902
MitchellOliver born about 1858
MitchellPatey born about 1935
MitchellRussell born about 1909
MitchellRussell Hborn about 1901
MitchellVirginia born about 1903
MitchellWills Kennaborn about 1938
MooreCarrie Eborn about 1880
MooreEva Mayborn about 1884
MooreJames Ernestborn about 1936
MooreMala born about 1878
MooreWilber Sborn about 1916
MooreWilliam Haverborn about 1881
MorrisAnna Bellborn about 1925
MorrisBetty Juneborn about 1929
MorrisFloyd Robertborn about 1928
MorrisLucy born about 1894
MorrisRoy Eborn about 1892
MorseJohn Lborn about 1863
MorseSarah born about 1868
MorssRose born about 1892
MorssWesley Josiahborn about 1882
MoultonElla born about 1876
MullenAlta Rborn about 1894
MullenMarjorie Roseborn about 1924
MullenMaxine Louiseborn about 1926
MullenW Pborn about 1892
MummeyDu Gborn about 1865
MummeyNettie born about 1867
MurrayClaudine born about 1912
MurrayGeorge born about 1902
MurrayHale born about 1908
MyetsDonald born about 1930
MyetsDowroan born about 1906
MyetsEula born about 1908
MyetsLouis Jeanborn about 1932
MyetsShirley born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NanceEthel born about 1882
NanceGeorgia born about 1849
NeffEmma born about 1870
NelsonCarl born about 1891
NelsonDoris born about 1925
NelsonEdith born about 1892
NelsonLester born about 1917
NewmanEllen born about 1911
NewmanJohn Parisborn about 1932
NewmanMuriel Anneborn about 1931
NewmanRussell born about 1903
NewtonCecelia born about 1924
NewtonJames born about 1900
NewtonThersa born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdonnellClara born about
OdonnellEdward born about 1920
OdonnellLester born about 1924
OdonnellR Pborn about 1879
OdonnellThomas born about 1918
OrwigCecil born about 1919

P Surnames

PalmerBetty Juanborn about 1935
PalmerByron born about 1913
PalmerFern born about 1914
PalmerLola Vborn about 1885
PalmerMartha Joyceborn about 1937
PalmerRichard Allenborn about 1937
PardueFranklin born about 1938
PardueKenneth born about 1936
PardueLoralee born about
PardueLydia Eborn about 1906
PardueWilliam Mborn about 1918
ParvinCharles born about 1919
ParvinMabel born about 1897
PaulMuiroce Catherinborn about 1867
PearcyArnold born about 1916
PearcyBarbara Annborn about 1925
PearcyLois born about 1917
PetersonBertha born about 1892
PetersonElizabeth born about 1921
PetersonLoren born about 1918
PetersonMarie born about 1927
PetersonParlin born about 1890
PetersonPeter O Eugeneborn about 1858
PhillippiNellie born about
PhillippiRolla born about
PhillippiRosalee born about
PhillippiWilliam born about 1857
PippittLeona born about 1869
PoisettAlbert born about 1867
PoisettNeva born about 1874
PoolAugusta born about 1876
PorterGlen born about 1914
PorterHelen born about 1916
PorterJennie born about 1884
PorterJoseph born about 1937
PorterNettie born about 1890
PorterWm Gborn about 1873
PotterArthur born about 1920
PotterAudrey born about 1924
PotterElsa Bborn about 1919
PotterFrank Cborn about 1866
PotterGeorge born about 1922
PotterJary Leeborn about
PotterLewis born about 1923
PotterMarietta Boystonborn about 1874
PotterMartha born about 1925
PotterPaul born about 1930
PotterRalph born about 1906
PotterRussel Doanborn about 1918
PowellCarmeleta born about 1923
PowellCarter born about 1911
PowellCharles born about 1870
PowellCoris born about 1919
PowellCorlas Terryborn about 1919
PowellCorliss Bborn about 1906
PowellD Marvelborn about 1907
PowellEdna born about 1897
PowellFaith born about 1918
PowellGlen born about 1894
PowellJack born about 1922
PowellMarcia born about 1899
PowellPatricia born about 1938
PowellRedhard Grantborn about 1939
PowellRoberta Annborn about 1931
PowellRonald Engeneborn about 1935
PowellWiley born about 1893
PriceBetty Rogeneborn about 1930
PriceCecil born about 1909
PriceLinda Lonborn about 1922
PriceOfal born about 1911
PriceRobert Ernestborn about 1933
PriceRonald Jeanborn about 1936
PringleCleon born about 1930
PringleEle born about 1869
PringleExie born about 1912
PringleTipton born about 1910
PringleUvon born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RandallJohn born about 1938
RandallMargaret born about 1912
RandallWilliam born about 1935
RayAndy Wborn about 1884
RayClinton Cborn about 1860
RayDonald Deanborn about 1936
RayElizabeth born about
RayFrances born about 1916
RayGlen Wborn about 1895
RayMahala born about 1885
RayMargaret born about 1862
RayRobert Eugeneborn about 1938
RayRobert Vborn about 1920
RayRoy born about 1911
RaymondAlf born about 1912
RaymondAuddie born about 1892
ReddingFrank born about 1929
ReddingHerschel born about 1920
ReddingMary born about 1902
ReddingThomas born about 1892
ReedEdith born about 1896
ReedEugene Russellborn about 1923
ReedGeraldine born about 1917
ReedGlen Austinborn about 1931
ReedHelen born about 1920
ReedJanet Kayborn about 1940
ReedJohn born about 1919
ReedLenna born about 1892
ReedLeona born about 1917
ReedMartha Annborn about 1918
ReedOnslow born about 1890
ReedRalph born about 1892
ReeveDorothy Lorenceborn about 1927
ReeveGertrude born about 1890
ReeveJames Thomasborn about 1884
ReeveMary Francesborn about 1919
ReihmAlberta Elliottborn about 1931
ReihmCharles Lborn about 1870
ReihmEverett Lborn about 1900
ReihmF Clarkborn about 1897
ReihmLucill born about 1902
ReihmLusan Cborn about 1874
ReihnAlbert born about 1876
ReihnEffie born about 1878
ReppBernard born about 1929
ReppCatherine born about 1927
ReppCecil Fborn about 1894
ReppErnest born about 1931
ReppJames born about 1924
ReppReginia born about 1921
ReppRichard born about 1934
ReppRonald born about 1923
ReppRose Elizabethborn about 1897
RiceJohn born about 1900
RickerAllard Jborn about 1929
RickerBeverly born about 1925
RickerT Mborn about 1868
RickerZenna born about 1867
RigginsArthur born about 1893
RigginsMarie born about 1922
RigginsNellie born about 1895
RobertsDale born about 1895
RobertsFrank born about 1873
RobertsLemon born about 1915
RobertsMargery born about 1898
RoderLeo born about 1916
RodgersAdah Lborn about 1873
RodgersC Mborn about 1907
RodgersEdna Gardnerborn about 1911
RodgersEdward born about 1877
RundleGeorge born about 1892
RundleHarlin born about 1922
RundleJennie Aborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SagelMerria born about 1918
SagterJohn born about 1865
SagterRose Slaterborn about 1867
SandsHarvey born about 1894
SanfordJennie born about 1859
SanfordMax born about 1915
SchecklerCharles born about 1895
SchecklerCharles Keithborn about 1931
SchecklerClara Deloresborn about 1933
SchecklerDonald Tborn about 1935
SchecklerHoward Daleborn about 1928
SchecklerMuriel born about 1898
SchislerConrad born about 1892
SchislerOllie born about 1895
SchleichClaudia born about 1863
SchlipmanLawence Wborn about 1899
SchlipmanRuth born about 1905
SchlisherKlayrine born about 1921
SchlisherRika Kayborn about 1939
SchlisherWilliam born about 1918
SchrodtBessie born about 1883
SchrodtJ Hborn about 1876
SermdergAlbert born about 1873
ShaferCharles born about 1869
ShaferMary Lborn about 1871
ShaughnessyElizabeth born about 1860
ShaverAlice born about 1925
ShaverBarbara born about 1939
ShaverJohn born about 1917
ShaverJohn Pborn about 1870
ShaverPauline born about 1922
ShoimckerClarance born about 1887
ShultzDonna Louisborn about 1931
ShultzEldon Leeborn about 1927
ShultzMerl born about 1906
ShultzW Hborn about 1901
ShumskerLeroy born about 1890
ShumskerRuth born about 1893
SingletonBessie born about 1908
SingletonEarl Wayneborn about 1935
SingletonFlorence born about 1901
SingletonFloyd born about 1934
SingletonFrancis born about 1936
SingletonJames Daytonborn about 1924
SingletonKenneth born about 1932
SingletonLola born about 1933
SingletonRaymond born about 1906
SingletonRoland born about 1937
SingletonRonald born about 1939
SingletonWilliam Allerborn about 1926
SiverlyElwing Mamieborn about 1926
SiverlyJames Ruchardborn about 1930
SiverlyRobert Iraborn about 1924
SlaterGeorge born about 1869
SlaterMinnie Adellborn about 1865
SmalleyIda born about 1867
SmickLewis born about 1899
SmickLois born about 1931
SmickRobert born about 1927
SmickRuth born about 1897
SmithBarbara born about 1927
SmithBertha born about 1920
SmithBeulah born about 1891
SmithClara born about 1917
SmithCleo Lawrenceborn about 1928
SmithDean born about 1918
SmithDemon born about 1917
SmithEnna born about 1884
SmithFloyd born about 1924
SmithG Lborn about 1874
SmithGeorge ?audliaborn about 1937
SmithGiles born about 1922
SmithJacqueline born about
SmithJohn Henryborn about 1925
SmithJoseph born about 1872
SmithLois born about 1909
SmithMarella born about 1915
SmithRosemary born about 1932
SmithRoss born about 1889
SmithRuby born about 1895
SmithWilbur born about 1918
SnappBouita Roseborn about 1934
SnappFrank born about 1907
SnappMayrie Leeborn about 1925
SnappOpal born about 1911
SnappSarah Mayborn about 1887
SnappSumner born about 1882
SniderCarl Frederickborn about 1936
SniderClovis Bborn about 1898
SniderJack born about 1929
SniderMary born about 1903
SniderMary Juneborn about 1933
SnookCarl born about 1889
SnookCharlene born about 1938
SnookMacie born about 1905
SpeerDon born about 1883
SpeerInez born about 1887
SpeerRuth born about 1916
SpencerDorothy born about 1925
SpencerElizabeth born about 1905
SpencerJohn born about 1924
SpencerO Eborn about 1901
SprinkleBruce born about 1885
SprinkleE Jborn about 1859
SprinkleJohn born about 1881
SprinkleMary born about 1860
SpurgeonAlice born about 1859
StaggsAerie born about 1884
StaggsArni?hda born about 1890
StaggsDelores Kathleenborn about 1917
StaggsDorothy Inezborn about 1884
StaggsElmer Kborn about 1893
StaggsGeorge Hborn about 1910
StaggsHoward Maxborn about 1914
StaggsJack Rborn about 1924
StaggsJames Blanceborn about 1892
StaggsM Rborn about 1881
StaggsMarshal Pborn about 1915
StaggsMarvin Leeborn about 1928
StaggsRuth Pborn about 1892
StaggsW Ofborn about 1886
StannardHoward born about 1875
SteachAnna born about 1873
SteachArthur Wilburborn about 1870
SteachDanny Leeborn about 1934
SteachFreda born about 1913
SteachGene born about 1938
SteachJames Mborn about 1905
SteckerAnna born about 1893
StephensonBert born about 1913
StephensonClyde born about 1915
StephensonHarrison born about 1890
StephensonJean born about 1890
StephensonLeo born about 1861
StephensonMax born about 1927
StephensonNellie born about 1893
StephensonPeggy Annborn about 1938
StephensonVirginia born about 1917
StevensEthel Mborn about 1900
StevensRex Rborn about 1890
StevensVanette Mborn about 1929
StittFrank born about 1912
StittFranklin Jamesborn about 1936
StittMargaret born about 1914
StittWilliam Turneyborn about 1937
StoddardRufus Earlborn about 1889
StombaughClifford Gborn about 1920
StombaughFred born about 1872
StombaughMargaret Irenborn about 1924
StoneDavid born about 1885
StoneIva born about 1904
SundbergArick born about 1922
SundbergAugustus born about 1878
SundbergBertha born about 1874
SundbergClarence Bborn about 1892
SundbergElla born about 1876
SundbergGerald born about 1910
SundbergHazel born about 1894
SwankBenice born about 1901
SwankDoris born about 1923
SwankGeorge born about 1894
SwankGerorge born about 1928
SwankJoseph born about 1871
SwankNoma born about 1922
SwarkClarence born about 1892
SwarkEugenie born about 1888
SwarkJames Rborn about 1928
SwarkVera born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TatmanAlbert Waslowborn about 1875
TatmanJessie Marieborn about 1879
TeachDale Cborn about 1906
TeachE M Jrborn about 1898
TeachEm born about 1861
TeachLena M Esterborn about 1874
TeachMira born about 1899
TeachOrrin born about 1900
TennessyFlorence born about 1877
ThompkinsMaude Hborn about 1886
ThomsonMaurice born about 1919
ThomsonW Cborn about 1894
ThrockmortonEllanora born about 1882
TowlerT Jborn about 1881
TrumpyBernice born about 1896
TrumpyBuena born about 1870
TrumpyCarter Hborn about 1894
TrumpyDorothy born about 1924
TrumpyR Sborn about 1897
TrumpyRobert Claireborn about 1929
TrumpyShirley born about 1922
TrumpyVera born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanNelson Adeliaborn about 1857
VernoyEdna born about 1893
VernoyRoy born about 1885
VernoySherley Annborn about 1933
VernoyWornalle born about 1929

W Surnames

WalkerClarence born about 1898
WalkerEffie born about 1862
WalkerFrank born about 1865
WalkerHazel born about 1891
WalkerJames Hborn about 1883
WalkerMargaret born about 1875
WalkerMrs J Cborn about 1869
WallAnna born about 1881
WallEugene born about 1906
WallLester born about 1922
WallTamson born about 1918
WatkinsLeroy born about 1895
WatkinsMildred born about 1897
WelchMartha Janeborn about 1921
WelshAlbert born about 1902
WelshAlice Lborn about 1855
WelshDelos Lborn about 1872
WelshEmma born about 1869
WenmanSarah born about 1872
WerrillCatherine born about 1928
WerrillClara born about 1900
WerrillG Aborn about 1899
WerrillMary Janeborn about 1923
WesselFlorence Lowiseborn about 1871
WesselFrank Pborn about 1870
WestoverAudrey born about 1936
WestoverBarbara Kayborn about 1937
WestoverBilly born about 1933
WestoverBobby born about 1935
WestoverFern born about 1914
WestoverW Eborn about 1908
WhiteArthur born about 1912
WhiteJken Marvieborn about 1919
WhiteMarcus born about 1881
WhiteNicholas Wborn about 1890
WhitePearl born about 1882
WhiteWarren Lborn about 1925
WhiteWayne born about 1924
WhiteWayne Wborn about 1922
WhitnackCarl Leroyborn about 1922
WhitnackClara Mborn about 1903
WhitnackElizabeth Francisborn about 1931
WhitnackFranklin ?born about 1935
WhitnackGladys Mayborn about 1933
WhitnackS Hborn about 1869
WilcoxenBertram born about 1885
WilcoxenMatel born about 1893
WilkinsEthel born about 1901
WilkinsHerbert born about 1900
WilkinsMarjorie born about 1920
WilkinsRalph born about 1922
WilliamsFred born about 1882
WilliamsMary Elizabethborn about 1869
WilsonChas Eborn about 1888
WilsonEugene born about 1936
WilsonHenrietta born about 1912
WilsonLucille born about
WilsonMargaret born about 1932
WindomAda born about 1900
WindomBernard born about 1928
WindomEvelyn born about 1932
WindomFred Wborn about 1895
WindomLouise born about 1922
WindomRobert born about 1924
WindomRoy born about 1939
WitterC Wborn about 1867
WitterCottie born about 1875
WoodruffB Wborn about 1914
WoodruffBenjamin born about 1937
WoodruffErnest born about 1938
WoodruffLeona born about 1918
WoodsE Sborn about 1865
WoodsErwin born about 1911
WoodsGrace born about 1876
WoodsHattie Aborn about 1863
WoodsJessie born about 1885
WoodsMabel Lborn about 1888
WoodsMartin born about 1887
WoodsNettie Mborn about 1870
WoodsOrel Jborn about 1885
WoodsRaymond Nartinborn about 1935
WoodsReta born about 1918
WoodsRuth Eborn about 1895
WorthDixon born about 1896
WorthFaye born about 1898
WrennAnn Elizabethborn about 1904
WrennIsabel Condonborn about 1870
WrennJames Josephborn about 1908
Wright? born about 1935
WrightMabel born about 1915
WrightW Aborn about 1899
WynkookCharles Hborn about 1902
WynkookNeva born about 1896

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Y Surnames

YarringtonClaude Albertborn about 1885
YarringtonCurtis born about 1913
YarringtonDonald born about
YarringtonGayle born about 1918
YarringtonMyrtle born about 1886
YeomanBelle born about 1875
YeomanJohn born about 1921
YeomanLaurence born about 1875
YeomanLeo Hborn about 1876
YeomanLouise born about 1886
YeomanMay born about 1866
YeomanRoss born about 1917
YeomanSamuel born about 1892
YocumJetta Leleborn about 1935
YocumMarjorie born about 1914
YocumNancy born about 1937
YocumRoy born about 1914
YonngSamuel born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZuckAttie Delbertborn about 1935
ZuckKitty Mborn about 1899
ZuckOlia Eborn about 1895

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