1940 U.S. Federal Census of Waddams Township, Stephenson, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Stephenson County > 1940 Census of Waddams Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AhrensJoseph Hborn about 1897
AlbrightCora Sborn about 1889
AlbrightEarl Fborn about 1911
AlbrightErvin born about 1889
AlbrightEverett Hborn about 1913
AlbrightHarold born about 1919
AlbrightIda Dborn about 1931
AlbrightIva Vborn about 1922
AlbrightMilford Lborn about 1916
AltenbernDavid Wborn about 1897
AltenbernDuane Aborn about 1926
AltenbernMarilyn Jborn about 1930
AltenbernMildred Mborn about 1902
AltenbernRobert Dborn about 1922
AmendtAlvin Mborn about 1900
AmendtIrene Eborn about 1927
AmendtMillie Mborn about 1904
AndersonEdna born about 1913
AndersonElmer Eborn about 1915
AndersonMarilyn born about 1935
AndersonRoger born about 1938
AndrewsDonald Rborn about 1934
AndrewsHelen Fborn about 1909
AndrewsIla Lborn about 1936
AndrewsMarjorie Aborn about 1939
AndrewsWilliam Mborn about 1902

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B Surnames

BabcockCora Aborn about 1898
BabcockDale Lborn about 1928
BabcockDoris Fborn about 1931
BabcockEdward Rborn about 1926
BabcockMary Eborn about 1923
BabcockThomas Aborn about 1896
BabcockVernon Gborn about 1924
BabcoskCarolyn Eborn about 1937
BabcoskDonald Rborn about 1935
BabcoskRobert Eborn about 1930
BabcoskRoy Iborn about 1908
BaerChristian Bborn about 1870
BaerDella Dborn about 1884
BaileyMabel Wborn about 1918
BakerEarl born about 1893
BarkerBonita Lborn about 1921
BarkerClarence Eborn about 1888
BarkerClarence Jborn about 1925
BarkerCoyla Bborn about 1927
BarkerDonald Lborn about 1926
BarkerGladys Iborn about 1905
BarkerIrene Sborn about 1902
BarkerJoyce Eborn about 1929
BarkerLela Iborn about 1926
BarkerLinda Rborn about 1939
BarkerLizzie born about 1903
BarkerLowell Lborn about 1901
BarkerMarietta Cborn about 1932
BarkerMerlyn Mborn about 1933
BarkerMerrill Bborn about 1916
BarkerOrville born about 1903
BarkerRobert Cborn about 1923
BarkerRuth Eborn about 1916
BarkerVera Lborn about 1925
BarkerViles Wborn about 1929
BechtoldEarl Rborn about 1916
BechtoldGeorge Lborn about 1886
BechtoldMarcella Gborn about 1927
BechtoldMinnie Mborn about 1886
BechtoldTheresa Aborn about 1886
BechtoldTroy Wborn about 1886
BeckeRobert born about 1933
BellGrace Rborn about 1881
BellThomas Bborn about 1879
BenferSimon born about 1870
BennekoffMary Mborn about 1937
BennekoffRalph Eborn about 1903
BennekoffRobert Rborn about 1939
BennekoffRuth Hborn about 1907
BennethHelen Lborn about 1896
BennethLynn Hborn about 1888
BennethMildred Hborn about 1924
BessertAlice Lborn about 1907
BessertGerald Eborn about 1929
BessertWaldemar Aborn about 1904
BlackClarence Bborn about 1911
BlackClifford Lborn about 1913
BorchardtEdna Mborn about 1899
BorchardtFrank Wborn about 1877
BorchardtKathryn Mborn about 1924
BorchardtWilliam Sborn about 1898
BowerDavid Eborn about 1937
BowerGary Mborn about 1940
BowerGeorge Mborn about 1909
BowerNaomi Eborn about 1915
BrinkmeierLorene Aborn about 1915
BrinkmeierWeldon Wborn about 1913
BrunnerFreeman Gborn about 1917
BrunnerGoldie Iborn about 1917
BrunnerSylvia Aborn about 1938
BucoEmma Rborn about 1889
BucoGlen Eborn about 1926
BucoHarold Lborn about 1927
BucoHerman Eborn about 1881
BusjahnElvin Rborn about 1929
BusjahnEugene Lborn about 1926
BusjahnFlorence Eborn about 1897
BusjahnHarold Vborn about 1923
BusjahnHerman Rborn about 1895
BusjahnLeonard Lborn about 1931
BusjahnMarvin Eborn about 1933
BuskeAmelia born about 1885
BussEleanor Lborn about 1922
BussHenry Jborn about 1894
BussLester Eborn about 1926
BussMargaret Aborn about 1895
BussianAlice Aborn about 1898
BussianClara Eborn about 1894
BussianSophia Mborn about 1868

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C Surnames

CampbellClarence Mborn about 1930
CampbellFrancis Hborn about 1923
CampbellHarry Jborn about 1928
CampbellHarry Mborn about 1897
CampbellLeland Lborn about 1878
CampbellLeotis Jborn about 1925
CampbellLona Yborn about 1939
CampbellMabel Nborn about 1935
CampbellMinnie Sborn about 1878
CampbellPerl Eborn about 1904
CampbellRuth Lborn about 1932
CarlsonArnold Bborn about 1928
CarlsonEric Aborn about 1896
CarlsonJennie Vborn about 1892
CarlsonJoey Eborn about 1927
ClarkLeonard Mborn about 1912
ColeEmma born about 1892
ColeFrank born about 1885
ColeLuella Eborn about 1879
CoomberGlenn born about 1927
CoomberJesse Rborn about 1895
CoomberMildred Aborn about 1895
CrossClaire born about 1933
CrossDale born about 1926
CrossJewell Lborn about 1926
CrossJohn Fborn about 1873
CrossKerth born about 1928
CrossLester Lborn about 1901
CrossLottie Mborn about 1876
CrossMaggie Mborn about 1879
CrossMartha born about 1899
CrossRoger Lborn about 1928
CrossRoy Tborn about 1901
CrossSara Rborn about 1904
CrossThomas born about 1872
CrossWayne born about 1935

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D Surnames

DahmsEdgar Dborn about 1926
DahmsKearney Fborn about 1897
DahmsLyle Wborn about 1929
DanielsonJoyce Aborn about 1923
DanielsonLaura Aborn about 1870
DanielsonLois Mborn about 1903
DanielsonPhyllis Jborn about 1927
DanielsonRalph born about 1900

F Surnames

FergusonClemmie Aborn about 1893
FergusonEarl born about 1918
FergusonFern Mborn about 1927
FergusonNellie Eborn about 1895
FergusonRaymond Eborn about 1922
FergusonViolet Mborn about 1931
FieldsF Mayborn about 1875
FisherDorothy Kborn about 1908
FisherJohn Cborn about 1872
FisherNellie Iborn about 1878
FisherRolland Rborn about 1862
FlickmyerNaomi Aborn about 1916
FlickmyerThurlow born about 1909
FoatAlice Rborn about 1910
FoatAudrey Rborn about 1938
FoatE Leroyborn about 1906
FoatEugene Lborn about 1932
FoatHoward Lborn about 1935
FogelAmelia Wborn about 1894
FogelE Dellaborn about 1873
FogelFrancis Mborn about 1900
FogelFred Mborn about 1896
FogelGrace Eborn about 1894
FogelJames Cborn about 1874
FogelMary Eborn about 1857
FolgatoMaude Aborn about 1897
FordycePatricia Rborn about 1929
FordyceRobert Wborn about 1926
FoyC Royborn about 1878
FoyMazie Mborn about 1888
FrancombJames born about 1914
FurrayDonna Lborn about 1932
FurrayFranklin Dborn about 1907
FurrayLela Jborn about 1933
FurrayViola Lborn about 1912

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G Surnames

GartnerAllen Wborn about 1923
GartnerAnna born about 1891
GartnerEmil Fborn about 1887
GartnerGladys born about 1920
GartnerViletta Eborn about 1899
GartnerWilliam Fborn about 1897
GassmanEdgar born about 1920
GiftOliver Dborn about 1900
GiftWilliam Mborn about 1874
GiftZora Jborn about 1883
GobeliArthur Rborn about 1919
GrabowHerman born about 1913
GreminRena Mborn about 1917
GustEmil Jr born about 1929
GustErnest Aborn about 1911
GustGenevieve born about 1912
GustMartha born about 1893
GuyerLucille born about 1917
GuyerMansel born about 1915
GuyerPaul Wayneborn about 1940

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H Surnames

HaffeleEdna born about 1873
HaleAnson Jr born about 1913
HaleIrene Lborn about 1912
HaleNathan Jborn about 1933
HamanCharlotte Aborn about 1876
HamanFrank born about 1874
HamanPhoebe Eborn about 1882
HardelCharles Gborn about 1910
HardelLa Verne Cborn about 1936
HardelLizzie born about 1870
HardelMabel Eborn about 1908
HardelMarie Aborn about 1902
HardelPaul Rborn about 1926
HardelWalter Jborn about 1903
HayesAnna Eborn about 1880
HayesBetty Jeanborn about 1938
HayesBurdette Mborn about 1906
HayesHelen born about 1916
HayesLa Verne born about 1935
HayesMalvin Lborn about 1914
HayesRalph Eborn about 1885
HayesStanley Lborn about 1918
HeftGeorge Wborn about 1894
HeftJohn Fborn about 1892
HeftLangelle Eborn about 1920
HeftLola Eborn about 1924
HeftMary Cborn about 1893
HeftUva Mborn about 1895
HeftWilliam born about 1863
HeilerBert Wborn about 1916
HeilerMargaret Aborn about 1916
HeilerWilliam Hborn about 1937
HendricksonHans Iborn about 1861
HenenWilliam born about 1861
HethertonBertha born about 1889
HohnerFern Eborn about 1917
HohnerLa Verne Eborn about 1918
HoknesArvilla Sborn about 1914
HoknesDonald Dborn about 1936
HoknesJohn Wborn about 1910
HoknesJudith Aborn about 1940
HoknesRobert Wborn about 1939
HomanBertha Wborn about 1879
HomanBeulah Mborn about 1915
HomanHazel Iborn about 1909
HomanJohn Fborn about 1876
HomanKenneth Wborn about 1913
HomanLizzie Dborn about 1886
HomanWilliam Hborn about 1872
HomeChester born about 1904
HomeDelores Jborn about 1935
HomeDonald Cborn about 1928
HomeLois Jborn about 1933
HomeLouise Fborn about 1907
HomeNorman Eborn about 1931
HomeThelma Lborn about 1939
HulbertJessie Mborn about 1896

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I Surnames

IlgenEdna Mborn about 1890
IlgenGrace Vborn about 1897
IlgenIrvin born about 1888
IlgenRalph Rborn about 1897

J Surnames

JohnsonBetty Lborn about 1934
JohnsonDonald Jborn about 1921
JohnsonEugene Nborn about 1928
JohnsonJohn Fborn about 1884
JohnsonJohn Jr born about 1926
JohnsonJoseph Eborn about 1929
JohnsonLuella Eborn about 1888
JohnsonPaul Lborn about 1923
JohnsonRita Mborn about 1931
JonesJulia Jeanborn about 1929
JordanClarence Eborn about 1900
JordanClifford Hborn about 1910
JordanCora born about 1905
JordanDorothy Mborn about 1926
JordanFlorence Cborn about 1906
JordanGene Cborn about 1935
JordanJewell Eborn about 1930
JordanJohn Cborn about 1934
JordanLeland Eborn about 1939
JordanMaggie Eborn about 1869
JordanMargaret Dborn about 1928
JordanRoger Lborn about 1937
JordanRuth Eborn about 1908
JordanSamuel Vborn about 1871

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K Surnames

KayserLoren Eborn about 1921
KerrArdith Aborn about 1925
KerrArdo Jborn about 1898
KerrVera Iborn about 1897
KilianCora born about 1879
KilianEmma born about 1870
KilianWilliam born about 1863
KindroTheodore born about 1883
KishDelores born about 1926
KlecklerCharles Oborn about 1887
KlecklerDorothy Jborn about 1923
KlecklerDorothy Mborn about 1912
KlecklerDuane Aborn about 1937
KlecklerEarl Eborn about 1914
KlecklerElsie Lborn about 1895
KlecklerEmma Jborn about 1890
KlecklerFloyd Eborn about 1919
KlecklerFred born about 1892
KlecklerGeorge Pborn about 1907
KlecklerGerald Wborn about 1936
KlecklerGlen Eborn about 1914
KlecklerHoward born about 1889
KlecklerJanet Jborn about 1940
KlecklerJosephine Aborn about 1919
KlecklerLeo Lborn about 1921
KlecklerLillian Aborn about 1889
KlecklerLois Lborn about 1925
KlecklerMarie Jborn about 1924
KlecklerMarion Eborn about 1920
KlecklerOscar born about 1875
KlecklerRaleigh Lborn about 1891
KlecklerRay Wborn about 1923
KlecklerRichard Lborn about 1939
KlecklerRobert Cborn about 1927
KlecklerWarren born about 1887
KlemmAnna born about 1892
KlemmEloria Lborn about 1919
KlentzCharles Mborn about 1882
KlentzEddie born about 1888
KlentzHeloric Cborn about 1926
KlentzRuth Eborn about 1900
KlippingClara Wborn about 1893
KlippingClarabelle Mborn about 1928
KlippingDonnie Dborn about 1933
KlippingEphraim Jborn about 1890
KlippingRobert Oborn about 1921
KlontzAnna Mborn about 1880
KlontzBernice Eborn about 1935
KlontzHelen Kborn about 1940
KlontzHollin Jborn about 1911
KlontzLavina Dborn about 1892
KlontzLewis Eborn about 1872
KlontzMarietta Vborn about 1914
KlontzOtis Hborn about 1891
KlontzRosemary Vborn about 1937
KluckGalwin born about 1899
KnoufBurnell Sborn about 1918
KnoufEdna Mborn about 1884
KnoufEdward Hborn about 1872
KorthJohanna Cborn about 1855
KorthLulu Aborn about 1884
KorthWilliam Fborn about 1882
KortmannElmer Rborn about 1895
KortmannHerman Eborn about 1856
KraftJohn Lborn about 1881
KraftMinnie Eborn about 1883
KraftNorman Wborn about 1922
KraftRebecca born about 1861
KraftWayne born about 1923
KramerHenry Cborn about 1862
KratzerAndrew born about 1876
KratzerAnna born about 1858
KratzerLibby born about 1898
KratzerNoa born about 1900
KubatzkeBilly Lborn about 1936
KubatzkeDoris Lborn about 1929
KubatzkeEarl Cborn about 1901
KubatzkeElta born about 1933
KubatzkeJane born about 1931
KubatzkeMarjorie Eborn about 1927
KubatzkeRuth Lborn about 1902
KumkleClaire Lborn about 1927
KunkleHannah Cborn about 1852
KunkleLucy Aborn about 1890
KunkleSpencer Gborn about 1888
KurthEdith Eborn about 1913
KurthHarold Lborn about 1912
KurthNorma Jborn about 1939
KurthWendel Hborn about 1937
KylerCarol Mborn about 1925
KylerElmer Aborn about 1872
KylerGrayce Eborn about 1903
KylerHarold Aborn about 1902
KylerMartha Jborn about 1880
KylerMaryetta Fborn about 1926
KylerRobert Hborn about 1936
KylerRoyal Mborn about 1919

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L Surnames

LaffEthel born about 1882
LaffJohn Wborn about 1877
LaneJohn born about 1858
LaneLenora Rborn about 1909
LaneMary born about 1864
LarronEmma born about 1862
LarrowAlice Aborn about 1897
LarrowHelen Cborn about 1868
LarrowHomer Fborn about 1900
LawlerEdith Mborn about 1911
LawlerNelson born about 1898
LawlerRichard Eborn about 1930
LeeHenry Jborn about 1903
LeeRachael Eborn about 1905
LeibyAnna Maeborn about 1927
LeibyDaniel Nborn about 1922
LeibyDeyane Cborn about 1938
LeibyEleanor Mborn about 1918
LeibyEllen Eborn about 1934
LeibyLula Sborn about 1918
LeibyMargaret Lborn about 1925
LeibyNora Lborn about 1892
LeibyO Frankborn about 1888
LeibyOney Cborn about 1915
LeibyPaul Fborn about 1916
LeisnerFrank born about 1871
LeisnerHulda Mborn about 1869
LenzAvery born about 1907
LenzEdna born about 1906
LenzRodney Aborn about 1939
LestikowBeata Lborn about 1881
LestikowDaylon Fborn about 1906
LestikowEldon Wborn about 1916
LestikowF Williamborn about 1873
LevertonAllen Lborn about 1939
LevertonFranklin Lborn about 1923
LevertonGertrude Eborn about 1912
LevertonGrace Eborn about 1888
LevertonHarold Eborn about 1937
LevertonHomer Cborn about 1884
LevertonHomer Jborn about 1920
LevertonIrene Eborn about 1917
LevertonJohn Wborn about 1908
LevertonLawrence Lborn about 1932
LevertonLeland Lborn about 1938
LevertonMerl Rborn about 1913
LevertonRobert Cborn about 1910
LinsCharles Cborn about 1879
LinsEffie Lborn about 1884
LobdellAllen Cborn about 1922
LobdellDonald Wborn about 1930
LobdellEtta Cborn about 1899
LobdellJohn Fborn about 1897
LobdellKenneth Lborn about 1935
LobdellLester Rborn about 1900
LobdellLeta Lborn about 1893
LobdellMarjorie Mborn about 1927
LobdellMervin Jborn about 1934
LobdellPaul Eborn about 1925
LobdellRobert Hborn about 1928
LobdellVernon Kborn about 1924
LutzE Lydiaborn about 1916
LutzJ Melvinborn about 1923
LutzKenneth born about 1918

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M Surnames

MammoserEldora Mborn about 1911
MammoserLa Verne Aborn about 1908
MammoserRobert Lborn about 1934
MammoserWilbur Lborn about 1937
MartinEdward born about 1883
MauMarilyn Jborn about 1927
MauMary Eborn about 1907
MauTheodore Hborn about 1905
McCammonPearl Eborn about 1887
McCoolHarry born about 1890
McDanielAmelia Lborn about 1860
MeierC Fredborn about 1868
MeierGeorge Cborn about 1918
MeierHarold born about 1930
MeierMary born about 1883
MerkleFred born about 1883
MerkleKatherine born about 1887
MerkleOrelda Eborn about 1920
MerkleOrville Fborn about 1918
MetzAnna Aborn about 1874
MetzHelen Lborn about 1901
MetzLeo Lborn about 1901
MetzLoral Aborn about 1935
MetzMaynard Gborn about 1922
MetzNorman Kborn about 1924
MetzVida Wborn about 1903
MetzYvonne Bborn about 1928
MeyersAlice Mborn about 1908
MeyersDonald Lborn about 1928
MeyersHarold Eborn about 1931
MeyersMarilyn Aborn about 1929
MeyersMarion Lborn about 1934
MillamFrancis Lborn about 1921
MillerJeremiah Eborn about 1867
MillikenClair Wborn about 1917
MillikenDonald Dborn about 1905
MillikenElaine Mborn about 1926
MillikenIris Iborn about 1906
MillikenLe Roy born about 1910
MillikinBelva Eborn about 1916
MillikinJ Emeryborn about 1883
MillikinKeith Rborn about 1915
MonigoldFrances Lborn about 1898
MonigoldOrdie Rborn about 1897
MoosEdith Cborn about 1894
MoosEdward born about 1893
MoyerAmmon Sborn about 1882
MoyerArthur Lborn about 1928
MoyerCharles Mborn about 1925
MoyerS Maudborn about 1883
MuezgeJulius born about 1863
MullinsFannie Jborn about 1928
MullinsLa Drusilla born about 1905
MullinsOda Aborn about 1934
MullinsOda Mborn about 1900
MurphyMary Kborn about 1872

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N Surnames

NeelsHenry born about 1866
NeelsMatilda H Cborn about 1870
NelsonMay Lborn about 1886
NelsonThomas Sborn about 1870
NiemeierJohn Eborn about 1906
NiemeierKathryn born about 1906
NiesmanAmma Sborn about 1877
NiesmanEdna born about 1930
NiesmanGlen born about 1938
NiesmanLeo born about 1928
NiesmanMarjorie born about 1905
NiesmanReilly born about 1935
NiesmanRobert born about 1933
NiesmanRoy Fborn about 1905
NiesmanTwyla born about 1937
NiesmanVerl born about 1931

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O Surnames

OlsenElla Mborn about 1885
OlsenHazel Iborn about 1910
OlsenOscar Iborn about 1881
OlthoffLois Mborn about 1924
OtteHulda Mborn about 1903
OtteLloyd Cborn about 1907
OtteMary Lborn about 1938
OwenAnita Mborn about 1933
OwenDavid Nborn about 1937
OwenDonovan Eborn about 1930
OwenEthel Mborn about 1904
OwenEverett Cborn about 1904

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P Surnames

PattatEugene Cborn about 1881
PennypackerWilliam Jborn about 1879
PhelpsJohn Hborn about 1882
PhelpsPhoebe Aborn about 1882
PhillipsAlice Mborn about 1891
PhillipsAnna Mborn about 1938
PhillipsBeda Mborn about 1895
PhillipsCharles Aborn about 1885
PhillipsChristine Rborn about 1871
PhillipsClyde Aborn about 1886
PhillipsEthel Bborn about 1889
PhillipsGeorge Wborn about 1867
PhillipsLillian Sborn about 1864
PhillipsLois Mborn about 1917
PhillipsRobert Rborn about 1913
PhillipsSidney Mborn about 1897
PhillipsVernon Aborn about 1921
PhillipsWilliam Jborn about 1871
PriceAchsa born about 1909
PriceAnna Eborn about 1885
PriceAugusta born about 1868
PriceClarence Eborn about 1902
PriceDaylon Lborn about 1923
PriceDonald Eborn about 1918
PriceDoris born about 1927
PriceEleanor Nborn about 1899
PriceElizabeth born about 1904
PriceElwyn Fborn about 1922
PriceEmory Bborn about 1882
PriceFrank Lborn about 1896
PriceFred Hborn about 1889
PriceGlenn Mborn about 1915
PriceGrace Mborn about 1896
PriceHarvey born about 1857
PriceHelen Eborn about 1917
PriceIda Lborn about 1900
PriceIrene Iborn about 1932
PriceKaren Dborn about 1939
PriceLeslie Eborn about 1898
PriceLizzie Mborn about 1865
PriceLois born about 1874
PriceMerrill Eborn about 1913
PriceMyrtle Lborn about 1892
PriceRoyletta Eborn about 1921
PriceStanley Aborn about 1911
PriceStanley Gborn about 1886
PriceUva Mborn about 1925
PriceVeneta Mborn about 1914
PriceVerl Wborn about 1929

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R Surnames

RabeArthur Tborn about 1884
RabeEmma Eborn about 1888
RackowDoris Aborn about 1936
RackowEdna Kborn about 1905
RackowEldon Eborn about 1930
RackowEldred Fborn about 1911
RackowGladys Lborn about 1908
RackowIola Mborn about 1933
RackowLe Owen Lborn about 1929
RackowLeo Lborn about 1928
RackowLester Hborn about 1905
RackowLibbie Hborn about 1870
RackowMelvin Dborn about 1931
RackowMilo Lborn about 1922
RackowMyron Wborn about 1899
RackowNeva Mborn about 1899
RackowViolet Eborn about 1926
RakowskaEmery Eborn about 1901
RakowskaFred Wborn about 1862
RakowskaMinnie Mborn about 1863
RakowskaWilliam born about 1884
RampenthalAlfred Wborn about 1910
RampenthalMarie Eborn about 1915
RampenthalMarjorie Lborn about 1938
RayhornBlanche Eborn about 1885
RayhornDale Gborn about 1930
RayhornDarrell Lborn about 1931
RayhornDonald Pborn about 1908
RayhornGloria Eborn about 1932
RayhornJohn Wborn about 1876
RayhornLois Bborn about 1910
RetzlaffAugust Fborn about 1877
RetzlaffBetty Sborn about 1936
RetzlaffLee Owenborn about 1939
RetzlaffMabel born about 1909
RetzlaffRobert Fborn about 1910
RetzlaffRoy Rborn about 1903
RetzlaffShirley Aborn about 1939
RetzlaffViola Lborn about 1917
ReuberHedwig Eborn about 1887
ReuberKarl born about 1859
ReuberKarl Hborn about 1884
RiceBenna born about 1914
RiceDorothy Eborn about 1921
RiceHarold Gborn about 1910
RicjiwJohn Eborn about 1898
RobbLydia Mborn about 1862
RobiesonDaniel born about 1876
RobiesonDwayne Jborn about 1936
RobiesonEvelyn Aborn about 1939
RobiesonIda Mborn about 1912
RobiesonLawrence Lborn about 1933
RobiesonLewis Hborn about 1907
RobiesonMarion Eborn about 1931
RobiesonRebecca born about 1873
RobiesonWillard Aborn about 1934
RockEmma Aborn about 1864
RockeyBarbara Jborn about 1938
RockeyKathryn Iborn about 1921
RockeyRussell Rborn about 1915
RockowCarrie born about 1883
RockowHerman born about 1872
RodebaughAnnie born about 1886
RodebaughFrederick Vborn about 1920
RodebaughJames born about 1888
RodebaughMarilyn born about 1921
RoderickCharles Eborn about 1932
RoderickDorothy Sborn about 1897
RoderickElmer Wborn about 1898
RoderickLois Gborn about 1924
RosensteelElbridge Mborn about 1894
RosensteelGladys Eborn about 1898
RosensteelRobert Lborn about 1922
RosenstielDonald Fborn about 1910
RosenstielHelen Mborn about 1899
RosenstielLee born about 1925
RoyerAlice Sborn about 1883
RoyerEber Bborn about 1907
RoyerJohn Bborn about 1883
RudyDelores Eborn about 1938
RudyElwyn Lborn about 1917
RudyIda Bborn about 1892
RudyMarian Lborn about 1919
RunkleCelia Jborn about 1901
RunkleLeslie Eborn about 1897
RunkleLois Lborn about 1927
RunkleMilton Lborn about 1899
RunkleSarah Jborn about 1864
RunkleWilma Lborn about 1904
RussClarence Lborn about 1918
RussDorothy Eborn about 1923
RussFred Hborn about 1894
RussHelen Mborn about 1898
RussHerman Fborn about 1869
RussJohn Fborn about 1896
RussKatie Jborn about 1894
RussLena born about 1894
RussMary Aborn about 1875
RussWill Fborn about 1890

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S Surnames

SagerAlbert Cborn about 1878
SagerLizzie Bborn about 1879
SagerWilbur Aborn about 1914
SchaferBernard Fborn about 1933
SchaferBlanche Iborn about 1903
SchaferBonnie Jborn about 1931
SchaferDonald Jborn about 1927
SchaferFred Jborn about 1901
ScheiderAlbert Lborn about 1937
ScheiderClarence Pborn about 1901
ScheiderClifford Eborn about 1893
ScheiderClinton Oborn about 1893
ScheiderCora born about 1919
ScheiderDelbert Cborn about 1925
ScheiderDonald Lborn about 1926
ScheiderDuane Eborn about 1925
ScheiderEldora Mborn about 1924
ScheiderElizabeth Eborn about 1885
ScheiderEthel Mborn about 1919
ScheiderFlorence Mborn about 1910
ScheiderFred born about 1883
ScheiderGlen Eborn about 1916
ScheiderHelen Jborn about 1910
ScheiderHenry Cborn about 1890
ScheiderKeith Lborn about 1918
ScheiderLeah Aborn about 1894
ScheiderLeone Eborn about 1925
ScheiderLera Lborn about 1905
ScheiderLewis Wborn about 1881
ScheiderLloyd Wborn about 1905
ScheiderLois Mborn about 1908
ScheiderLorene Eborn about 1897
ScheiderLyle Gborn about 1926
ScheiderMarlene Lborn about 1935
ScheiderMartha born about 1884
ScheiderMary Eborn about 1872
ScheiderMary Sborn about 1888
ScheiderMerwin Rborn about 1929
ScheiderMinnie Aborn about 1885
ScheiderNaomi Cborn about 1893
ScheiderNorman Eborn about 1926
ScheiderRaymond Aborn about 1908
ScheiderRichard Kborn about 1940
ScheiderRobert Dborn about 1912
ScheiderRoyal Hborn about 1903
ScheiderShirley Jeanborn about 1935
ScheiderTheora Mborn about 1929
ScheiderVerla Kborn about 1905
ScheiderVirgil Cborn about 1927
ScheiderWalter Tborn about 1905
ScheiderWilliam born about 1877
ScheiderWilliam Cborn about 1937
SchermerhornAlma Hborn about 1896
SchermerhornCuyler Cborn about 1891
SchermerhornJean Mborn about 1934
SchermerhornLeonard Lborn about 1927
SchmitzlerGlenn Mborn about 1913
SchoenyAnna Mborn about 1936
SchoenyBetty Mborn about 1924
SchoenyC Hughborn about 1926
SchoenyCharles Nborn about 1890
SchoenyDoris Eborn about 1917
SchoenyGerald Nborn about 1930
SchoenyJoan Cborn about 1934
SchoenyLavina Bborn about 1894
SchoenyRosemary Gborn about 1923
SchoenySylvia Aborn about 1929
SchoneyDonna Mborn about 1930
SchoneyEarl Rborn about 1919
SchoneyEthel Mborn about 1897
SchoneyHarry Aborn about 1891
SchoneyMarjorie Vborn about 1922
SchraderErnestine born about 1869
SchraderMartha Jborn about 1877
SchrammClifford Wborn about 1913
SchrammElsie Mborn about 1880
SchrammMichael Fborn about 1873
SchultzAugust Fborn about 1892
SchultzDonna Mborn about 1936
SchultzDonna Maeborn about 1932
SchultzElmer Aborn about 1894
SchultzLester Cborn about 1908
SchultzMartha Rborn about 1896
SchultzSadie Fborn about 1899
SchultzSophie born about 1914
SchultzUlan Dborn about 1919
SchultzVerna Gborn about 1919
SchulzAugust Wborn about 1866
SchulzC Ethelborn about 1893
SchulzClarence Fborn about 1890
SchulzDora born about 1874
SchulzEarl Wborn about 1902
SchulzEdwin Pborn about 1895
SchulzElizabeth Aborn about 1868
SchulzEmil Eborn about 1868
SchulzEvelyn Aborn about 1931
SchulzFern Lborn about 1925
SchulzJoyce Aborn about 1928
SchulzKenneth Cborn about 1921
SchulzLyle Aborn about 1927
SchulzMeta Cborn about 1898
SchulzNaomie Eborn about 1929
SchulzNora Aborn about 1903
SchulzRobert Pborn about 1923
ScudderBetty Aborn about 1938
ScudderCharles Aborn about 1923
ScudderDavid Lborn about 1937
ScudderDorothy Jborn about 1933
ScudderEmanuel Eborn about 1940
ScudderFranklin Dborn about 1935
ScudderKathryn Aborn about 1903
ScudderKathryn Vborn about 1927
ScudderLee Cborn about 1899
ScudderLee C Jrborn about 1931
ScudderLeona Mborn about 1929
ScudderMillard Lborn about 1930
ScudderMyrtle Mborn about 1928
ScudderNorma Aborn about 1926
ScudderRobert Lborn about 1922
ScudderRose Oborn about 1934
ServeyFlorence Cborn about 1896
ShifferDarrell Aborn about 1920
ShifferGiles Gborn about 1891
ShifferMaude Rborn about 1887
ShifferMerle Mborn about 1919
ShifferMyrtle Gborn about 1884
ShifferRoger Gborn about 1918
ShifferRoyal Eborn about 1926
ShifferWells born about 1875
ShiffyArabelle Jborn about 1926
ShiffyClarence Eborn about 1895
ShiffyDuane Eborn about 1921
ShiffyElwyn born about 1919
ShiffyEulalia Rborn about 1922
ShiffyGail Mborn about 1934
ShiffyGlen Jborn about 1932
ShiffyIvan Gborn about 1912
ShiffyLizzie born about 1867
ShiffyLouis Jborn about 1905
ShiffyMarian Jborn about 1922
ShiffyMyrtle born about 1895
ShiffyNorma Gborn about 1936
ShiffySherman born about 1867
ShiffyVera Lborn about 1907
ShiffyVerlene Mborn about 1915
ShipperGertrude born about 1884
ShipperMahlon born about 1882
ShippyHarry born about 1863
ShippyLoy Iborn about 1905
ShoemakerCaroline Mborn about 1920
ShoemakerFrank Rborn about 1939
ShoemakerRichard Mborn about 1917
SiegenthalerElizabeth Wborn about 1903
SmithFrank Dborn about 1861
SmithJennie Lborn about 1873
SmullCarrie Eborn about 1894
SmullMabel born about 1889
SmullThomas Sborn about 1885
SnyderDuane Jborn about 1937
SnyderEdward Lborn about 1874
SnyderGerald Sborn about 1935
SnyderOra Maeborn about 1913
SnyderRobert Bborn about 1911
SnyderRonald Lborn about 1939
SolaceAdelbert Vborn about 1889
SolaceAnnetta Cborn about 1914
SolaceBetty Eborn about 1922
SolaceDorothy Eborn about 1921
SolaceElizabeth Aborn about 1853
SolaceEvelyn Cborn about 1935
SolaceHazel Oborn about 1889
SolaceJames Aborn about 1927
SolaceJean Lborn about 1935
SolaceJohn Cborn about 1886
SolaceJoseph Wborn about 1883
SolaceKenneth Sborn about 1909
SolaceKenneth Jr born about 1937
SolaceLa Verne Hborn about 1939
SolaceLizzie Eborn about 1889
SolaceLois Fborn about 1937
SolaceLuella Jborn about 1931
SolaceMargaret Jborn about 1914
SolaceMary Lborn about 1893
SolaceRalph Cborn about 1913
SolaceThelma Eborn about 1919
SplinterClyde born about 1920
StabenowClaire Eborn about 1933
StabenowDale Wborn about 1926
StabenowDeloris Jborn about 1933
StabenowDonald Cborn about 1928
StabenowEdwin born about 1880
StabenowErnest Hborn about 1921
StabenowFrancis Mborn about 1901
StabenowFrancis M Jrborn about 1925
StabenowHelen Mborn about 1908
StabenowHenry Aborn about 1876
StabenowHoward Eborn about 1936
StabenowHoward Wborn about 1907
StabenowIris Eborn about 1895
StabenowIva Lborn about 1902
StabenowJohn Dborn about 1873
StabenowJohn Hborn about 1932
StabenowLeola Eborn about 1920
StabenowLeonard Sborn about 1918
StabenowLeroy Eborn about 1909
StabenowLewis Aborn about 1889
StabenowLizzie Hborn about 1882
StabenowMartha Baeborn about 1896
StabenowMartha Mborn about 1878
StabenowNancy Bborn about 1913
StabenowNorma Eborn about 1937
StabenowRalph Hborn about 1899
StabenowRaymond Lborn about 1922
StabenowRobert Mborn about 1920
StabenowSarah Mborn about 1924
StabenowWilliam Fborn about 1872
StabenowWinifred Mborn about 1923
StabenowZoa Eborn about 1879
StalderAdolph Gborn about 1907
StalderAdolph Jr born about 1881
StalderAlfred Eborn about 1909
StalderNina born about 1881
StalderViva Mborn about 1908
StammAnnie Aborn about 1860
StammByron Eborn about 1895
StammCharles Wborn about 1881
StammDonald Mborn about 1928
StammDonna Aborn about 1932
StammElaine Oborn about 1923
StammElma Eborn about 1877
StammElmer Wborn about 1873
StammElta Mborn about 1903
StammEsther Lborn about 1904
StammFlorence Eborn about 1899
StammGayle Dborn about 1927
StammGlenda Mborn about 1935
StammHarold Dborn about 1900
StammInez Aborn about 1907
StammJacob Wborn about 1855
StammLaverne Wborn about 1939
StammLeonard Cborn about 1921
StammLloyd Cborn about 1878
StammMarcella Iborn about 1917
StammMarilyn Lborn about 1924
StammMarjorie Eborn about 1916
StammMary Aborn about 1885
StammMildred Fborn about 1907
StammMilford Wborn about 1901
StammMurl Dborn about 1896
StammNettie born about 1886
StammRamon Cborn about 1917
StammRay Eborn about 1928
StammRoscoe Pborn about 1925
StammSylvia born about 1897
StammTheo Bborn about 1937
StammVeneta Lborn about 1919
StammWayne Aborn about 1924
StammWilliam Jborn about 1936
StifflerAnna Jborn about 1892
StifflerHiram Wborn about 1888
StifflerOrville Nborn about 1892
StifflerWilliam Cborn about 1885
StucksElsie Fborn about 1906
StucksHarold Wborn about 1935
StucksWilliam Tborn about 1900
SullivanSue born about 1855
SwansonBetty Jborn about 1926
SwansonCaroline born about 1896
SwansonClarence Hborn about 1896
SwansonFred Wborn about 1895
SwansonOliver Vborn about 1920
SwansonRuth Mborn about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TessendorfFrancis born about 1939
TessendorfHarry born about 1918
TessendorfHenry Fborn about 1913
TessendorfMarion Gborn about 1913
TessendorfPatricia Aborn about 1937

U Surnames

UkeJohn Aborn about 1894
UttechtCarl Wborn about 1931
UttechtMartha Mborn about 1899

V Surnames

VansinkleEdward Mborn about 1869
VansinkleHannah Mborn about 1880
VansinkleL Ralphborn about 1900
VoelkerFred Cborn about 1865
VoglerAdam born about 1874
VossAlvin Lborn about 1921
VossEvelyn Mborn about 1923
VossFerne Iborn about 1928
VossGrant Eborn about 1896
VossMartha Mborn about 1899

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WachlinElmer Mborn about 1906
WachlinMary Lborn about 1876
WachlinRobert Eborn about 1875
WachlinRolland Rborn about 1908
WagnerAda Jborn about 1867
WagnerLucille born about 1897
WagnerWilliam Eborn about 1897
WaitCyrus Fborn about 1880
WaitRalph Lborn about 1916
WaitSarah Eborn about 1883
WalesBlanche Lborn about 1887
WalesLewis Aborn about 1887
WalesLucille born about 1921
WalesUva Maeborn about 1922
WalterAlta Eborn about 1901
WalterClarence Aborn about 1899
WalterMarian Cborn about 1920
WeickAllen Cborn about 1920
WeickLeota born about 1892
WeickRonald Wborn about 1891
WellsClarence Eborn about 1875
WellsDarwin Aborn about 1924
WellsFloyd Eborn about 1898
WellsMary Jborn about 1901
WellsNorma Mborn about 1923
WeltFred born about 1875
WeltJacob born about 1883
WichmanCharles Oborn about 1889
WichmanClaire Eborn about 1931
WichmanDalen Cborn about 1926
WichmanEthel Sborn about 1895
WichmanLouise Mborn about 1929
WiesmanAlfred Jborn about 1903
WiesmanAlvin Aborn about 1934
WiesmanFredrick Aborn about 1938
WiesmanJoyce Eborn about 1936
WiesmanLola Jborn about 1925
WiesmanMarian Eborn about 1928
WiesmanRuth Eborn about 1908
WinningAllen Fborn about 1920
WinningCharles Fborn about 1889
WinningEdna Mborn about 1889
WinningMelvin Cborn about 1913
WintersAmanda born about 1869
WintersGeorge Rborn about 1869
WintersMabel Eborn about 1902
WintersMargaret Aborn about 1927
WintersRoss born about 1898
WintersRussell Rborn about 1931
WyssbrodErnest Eborn about 1939
WyssbrodJohn Rborn about 1917
WyssbrodJohn Wborn about 1938
WyssbrodRose Aborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerHelen Lborn about 1910
YeagerMary Lborn about 1939
YeagerOliver born about 1912
YoderGladys Bborn about 1913
YoderLeland Eborn about 1939
YoderMarjorie Jborn about 1938
YoderPaul Rborn about 1909
YoungFlossie born about 1894
YoungFrank born about 1889

Z Surnames

ZahnerEmma Mborn about 1901
ZahnerFrank Jborn about 1898
ZimkerLloyd Bborn about 1911
ZimkerOrella Dborn about 1913
ZimmermanHazel Fborn about 1899
ZimmermanMarlin Lborn about 1932
ZimmermanMerle Cborn about 1899
ZimmermanMerle Nborn about 1930
ZimmermanNorene Jborn about 1935
ZwerfelIda born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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