1940 U.S. Federal Census of West Concord Township, Morgan, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Morgan County > 1940 Census of West Concord Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyBarbara Gborn about 1910
AbernathyE Wilburborn about 1905
AbernathyEarl born about 1889
AbernathyElla Lborn about 1883
AbernathyMelba Gborn about 1921
AlexanderAlice Hborn about 1886
AlexanderJames Pborn about 1884
AlexanderWilliam Rborn about 1908
AringMary born about 1885
AritachCora Mborn about 1882
AritachJoe born about 1879
AritachRoscoe Cborn about 1915
AritachVirgil Eborn about 1918
AritachWalter Eborn about 1908
AufdenkampE Lorenborn about 1928
AufdenkampErwin born about 1899
AufdenkampJo Annborn about 1926
AufdenkampJohanna born about 1899

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B Surnames

BaiseMac W Kborn about 1913
BaiseVashti Fborn about 1919
BeckerHenry Fborn about 1867
BeckerInez Kborn about 1898
BochsAnnie Mborn about 1879
BochsGerhaught* Hborn about 1920
BochsHerman Wborn about 1882
BochsHerman Jr born about 1913
BoolLeda Fxborn about 1886
BoolLouise Jborn about 1901
BranerElta Katherynborn about 1927
BranerFedricka Mborn about 1932
BranerFred Cborn about 1885
BranerHerbert Allenborn about 1929
BranerMarie Eborn about 1925
BranerNellie Mborn about 1888
BranerRobert Pborn about 1923

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C Surnames

CharlesworchWilliam Jr born about 1919
CoxBertha Eborn about 1885
CoxDavid Sborn about 1878
CoxErma Gborn about 1914
CoxJohn Dborn about 1938
CoxJohn Sborn about 1915
CoxNaomi Wborn about 1929
CoxRachel born about 1910
CoxRosa Berniceborn about 1904
CoxRuth born about 1910

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D Surnames

DeitrichEdwin Hborn about 1903
DeitrichMarcia Jeanborn about 1927
DeitrichMarian Jborn about 1939
DeitrichMary Aborn about 1901
DeitrichPhyllis Nborn about 1930
DeitrichVirginia Fborn about 1928
DelaneyEileen Agnesborn about 1920
DelaneyKenneth Wborn about 1917
DetmerAndrew born about 1887
DetmerEarnest Hborn about 1925

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F Surnames

FlynnPhyllis Anborn about 1939
FrickeJulius born about 1884
FrickeRaymond born about 1918
FrickeRobert born about 1929
FrickeVelda born about 1921

G Surnames

GinderLucile Eborn about 1939
GinderPaul born about 1913
GinderThelma born about 1914
GoffinettMaud born about 1886
GoffinettWilliam born about 1884
GoodpastureChas Richardborn about 1921
GoodpastureCora Ireneborn about 1891
GoodpastureRobert Deanborn about 1928
GoodpastureRoscoe Aborn about 1890

H Surnames

HacherBryan Rborn about 1924
HallCharles Gborn about 1922
HallClark Mborn about 1930
HallDaniel Rborn about 1931
HallDean Mborn about 1935
HallHarvey Pborn about 1876
HallJessie Eborn about 1928
HallMartha Louiseborn about 1927
HallNoble Rborn about 1933
HallRobert Lborn about 1924
HallVirginia Jeborn about 1893
HamBarbara Jeanborn about 1936
HamBetty Louiseborn about 1931
HamChas Kennethborn about 1934
HamDoris Stellaborn about 1940
HamJames Edwardborn about 1928
HamLulu Mborn about 1908
HamWilliam Eborn about 1904
HamWilliam Ralphborn about 1932
HarbineJames Fborn about 1905
HarbineJimmie Walterborn about 1935
HarbineKeith Allenborn about 1931
HarbineLeona Mborn about 1909
HarbineTarry Donborn about 1939
HavenGlen born about 1921
HeffnerMorris Aborn about 1868
HeffnerPhebe J Bborn about 1871
HolscherLena born about 1879

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J Surnames

JoyAlice Pborn about 1849
JoyHarold Pborn about 1887
JoyRobert Bborn about 1919

K Surnames

KershawHelen Jaunitaborn about 1924
KershawJ Dwightborn about 1898
KershawMable Aborn about 1906
KershawRalph Eugeneborn about 1925
KershawWalter Daleborn about 1927

L Surnames

LeischerChas Gborn about 1938
LeischerClara Mborn about 1901
LeischerJohn Aborn about 1936
LeischerJohn Hborn about 1907
LeischerRichard born about 1939

M Surnames

MallicoatAugusta Mayborn about 1906
MallicoatEster Mborn about 1929
MallicoatNorman Lelandborn about 1937
MallicoatPaul Henryborn about 1931
MasonFloyd Dborn about 1910
MasonHoward Wallaceborn about 1938
MasonLouise Mborn about 1908
MasonLucretia Janeborn about 1931
MasonMelba Louiseborn about 1934
MayerBertha Eborn about 1887
MayerJohn Kborn about 1879
MayerLambert born about 1922
McDannaldBessie Mborn about 1901
McDannaldBetty Louborn about 1933
McDannaldDean Mborn about 1903
McDannaldHelen Louiseborn about 1930
McDannaldIva Mayborn about 1910
McDannaldOmer Eugeneborn about 1930
McDannaldSarah Annborn about 1864
McDannaldShirley Annborn about 1937
McDannaldViolet Marieborn about 1928
McDannaldViolet Marieborn about 1935
McDannaldVirginia Mayborn about 1923
McDannaldWilliam Dborn about 1896
McFaddenElynor Mborn about 1933
McFaddenJ Howardborn about 1887
McFaddenMuriel Hborn about 1894
McKinleyBarbar Gborn about 1931
McKinleyCora Lborn about 1888
McKinleyLuthur Eborn about 1925
MeltonFloyd born about 1912
MeltonHelen Leeborn about 1939
MeltonL Warrenborn about 1934
MeltonPearl born about 1911
MeltonWilliam Robertborn about 1932
MeyerChas Fborn about 1874
MeyerDorothy Vborn about 1921
MeyerElizebeth Jborn about 1908
MeyerKatherine Wborn about 1917
MeyerMignon born about 1918
MorrisonJese Bborn about 1880
MorrisonSarah Aborn about 1881
MuschAlfred Fborn about 1895
MuschDena Lborn about 1887
MuschGeorge Hborn about 1924
MuschGeorge Wborn about 1893
MuschIrene Aborn about 1897
MuschMary born about 1861
MuschSelnia Mborn about 1896

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N Surnames

NeillClaude Lborn about 1890
NeillNina born about 1891
NeillRebecca Jborn about 1870
NewtonJane Jborn about 1882
NewtonNellie born about 1887
NutgrassClarence born about 1895

O Surnames

OreEverett Rborn about 1897
OreFred Robertborn about 1926
OrePauline Vborn about 1906

P Surnames

PaulDorthy Lborn about 1922
PaulFrankie born about 1911
PaulFred Wborn about 1877
PaulLouise Mborn about 1877
PaulRuth M Eborn about 1912
PondByron Joeborn about 1938
PondMildred Cborn about 1939

R Surnames

RaganBillie Keithborn about 1938
RaganE Lyleborn about 1931
RaganEarnest Hborn about 1904
RaganJuanita Mayborn about 1934
RaganLeland Elvinborn about 1936
RaganRuth Mborn about 1901
RayFreda Mborn about 1906
RayLaniorne Nborn about 1935
RayLucille Mborn about 1928
RayNorris Eborn about 1910
RayRoberta Rborn about 1924
RobinsonCarl Cborn about 1908
RobinsonEthel Ireneborn about 1917
RobinsonJohn Cborn about 1880
RobinsonJulia Ellenborn about 1914
RobinsonMarie Louiseborn about 1876
RobinsonMartha Janeborn about 1906
RobinsonVelma Exborn about 1903
RudisillBernita Toyeborn about 1927
RudsillRalph Rborn about 1885

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S Surnames

SchoneAlice Kborn about 1920
SchoneAugust born about 1877
SchoneMary Matlidaborn about 1889
SchraederC Normaborn about 1925
SchraederClara Mborn about 1886
SchraederDoris Lborn about 1927
SchraederEma Wborn about 1920
SchraederJohn H Jrborn about 1917
SchraederJohn H Xborn about 1886
SchraederLeta Sborn about 1911
SchraederMarie Eborn about 1922
SchuitherErma Wanieborn about 1902
SchuitherGeorge Gborn about 1869
SchuitherMary Aborn about 1872
SchuitherWalter Fborn about 1904
ShirkerAlice born about 1891
ShirkerAmos born about 1890
ShirkerMary Francisborn about 1924
SilcoxSusan Mborn about 1877
SippertClarence Cborn about 1890
SippertFlossie born about 1904
SippertHerman Cborn about 1867
SmithAda Mborn about 1863
SricklerHarold Leeborn about 1917
StandleyEdward Allenborn about 1939
StandleyJames Aldenborn about 1935
StandleyMelba Daleneborn about 1931
StandleyRussell Yborn about 1911
StandleyV Ireneborn about 1908

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T Surnames

TegederHerbert V Wborn about 1906
TegederJuanita Maeborn about 1933
TegederMardell Lborn about 1931
TegederMarilyn Narisborn about 1939
TegederVerna Lborn about 1906
TholenEdward Dborn about 1882
TholenEleanora Mborn about 1883
TiemannHarry Nxborn about 1877
ToddEugene Rborn about 1932
ToddMazie Mborn about 1912
ToddVernon Kborn about 1910
TrickeFred born about 1879
TrickeHwbert born about 1921
TrickeKenneth born about 1931
TrickeLaura born about 1886
TrickeMildred born about 1920
TrickeOrval born about 1916

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V Surnames

VedderAgnes born about 1882
VedderPaul Hborn about 1913
VedderRalph born about 1920
VincentDavid Wainborn about 1940
VincentEdward Alonborn about 1939
VincentFrences Joanneborn about 1935
VincentJohn Leeborn about 1926
VincentJohn Wborn about 1898
VincentM Ellenborn about 1906
VincentWanda Lborn about 1925
VincentWarren Walterborn about 1937

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W Surnames

WillardFrancis Aborn about 1926
WillardFred Lborn about 1924
WillardMargaret Aborn about 1935
WillardReba Tborn about 1891
WilliamsG Troyfiborn about 1892
WilliamsJoe born about 1890
WilliamsOlive Lborn about 1880
WitteAlbert Eborn about 1895
WitteAlma Cborn about 1897
WitteEileen Lborn about 1923

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Y Surnames

YeckArthur J Cborn about 1896
YeckDella born about 1895
YeckFloyd Dborn about 1933
YeckPhilip Pborn about 1923

Z Surnames

ZillionAlice Rborn about 1933
ZillionJames born about 1894
ZillionJoan Mborn about 1932
ZillionMyrtle Mborn about 1904
ZulaufBillie Maxborn about 1934
ZulaufBonnie Joyceborn about 1932
ZulaufChas born about 1893
ZulaufMaleolm Kborn about 1921
ZulaufMalvin Leeborn about 1929
ZulaufMarvin Daleborn about 1924
ZulaufNancy Jborn about 1939
ZulaufPearl Pborn about 1896
ZulaufRussel Jamesborn about 1933
ZulaufWilliam Hborn about 1875

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