1940 U.S. Federal Census of Whitley, Moultrie, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Moultrie County > 1940 Census of Whitley

A SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesZ Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames
H SurnamesR Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottCadell born about 1934
AbbottEd born about 1876
AlexanderIvy Tborn about 1886
AlexanderMary born about 1890
AlexanderRuth born about 1911
AlexandersBeatrice born about 1915
AlexandersHarold born about 1914
AlexandersNancy Jeanborn about 1937
AllenBurnetta born about 1911
AllenClara Jborn about 1927
AllenGeorge born about 1898
AllenHilary born about 1897
AllenJames Eborn about 1929
AllenJohn Fborn about 1935
AllenJoyce Mborn about 1931
AllenMarie born about 1899
AndersonAudrey born about 1922
AndersonClaude Vborn about 1897
AndersonClaude Vanborn about 1928
AndersonSusie born about 1902
ArmantroutArlene born about 1919
ArmantroutPearl born about 1872
ArmantroutRobert born about 1916
ArmentroutQuincy born about 1918
ArthurBetty Juneborn about 1925
ArthurJake Hborn about 1883
ArthurMattie Jr born about 1921
ArthurOce born about 1920
ArthurSarrah born about 1888
AshbrookDick born about 1883
AshbrookIrene born about 1925
AshbrookIvanora born about 1888
AshbrookLester born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BakerDora Aborn about 1928
BakerDwight born about 1935
BakerFred born about 1901
BakerHarold born about 1924
BakerJaneice born about 1940
BakerKenneth born about 1938
BakerMerle born about 1901
BakerVirgil born about 1937
BakerWayne born about 1926
BarbeeMartha born about 1929
BauerAngeline born about 1900
BauerPaul born about 1901
BauerPaul Jr born about 1930
BeckGilbert born about 1910
BellMayme born about 1887
BenceDizie born about 1878
BenceElmer Gborn about 1878
BenceMargaret born about 1880
BenceWill Aborn about 1868
BiurstromGoldie born about 1914
BiurstromStanley born about 1937
BiurstromThedore born about 1909
BlackBesse born about 1900
BlackBill born about 1894
BlackburnGuy born about 1911
BlackburnMildred born about 1912
BlackburnRichard born about 1932
BlackburnRobert Eborn about 1930
BlytheCharlotte born about 1873
BlytheIra born about 1874
BolanDale Fborn about 1919
BolanMary Louborn about 1922
BolanMinnie born about 1876
BondBarbara born about 1928
BondFrank born about 1894
BondKeith born about 1938
BondOpal born about 1905
BoozeEthel born about 1897
BoozeHarold born about 1918
BoozeJames born about 1888
BoozeJames Dborn about 1917
BoozeVillas born about 1884
BoozeZella born about 1893
BouckCharlotte Jborn about 1934
BouckFern born about 1911
BouckMarvin Cborn about 1937
BouckRichard born about 1906
BowmanEffie born about 1873
BoydAlbert born about 1870
BoydBertha born about 1869
BoydEurso born about 1870
BoydFrank born about 1911
BoydHenry born about 1864
BraggDon born about 1923
BraggDuane born about 1925
BraggEarl born about 1923
BraggFrank Mborn about 1867
BraggGeneva born about 1916
BraggGladys born about 1899
BraggOrval Bborn about 1896
BraggRosa born about 1873
BraggRuth born about 1930
BraggWalter born about 1916
BriscoeEva born about 1906
BriscoeMervin born about 1900
BrownEunice born about 1870
BrownIda born about 1869
BrownWm Mborn about 1866
BuckalewAlma Fborn about 1908
BuckalewBarbara Aborn about 1935
BuckalewDonald Lborn about 1929
BuckalewFloyd Eborn about 1927
BuckalewJohn Wborn about 1937
BuckalewMark born about 1898
BuckalewZ Zborn about 1879
BuckleyClifford born about 1921
BuckleyDaisy born about 1900
BuckleyDee born about 1901
BuckleyFern born about 1927
BuckleyFoster born about 1929
BuckleyJim born about 1931
BunyardCarolyn Janeborn about 1937
BunyardJames Hborn about 1931
BunyardMary born about 1909
BunyardRaymond born about 1903
BunyardRaymond Jr born about 1928
BurkheadAlexine born about 1895
BurkheadJames Dborn about 1924
ButlerBetty Ellenborn about 1935
ButlerCharles Rborn about 1921
ButlerEmery Ralphborn about 1917
ButlerJulia born about 1897
ButlerOtis Lborn about 1924
ButlerRaymond born about 1926
ButlerVirgil born about 1930
ButlerWard born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellF Gborn about 1870
CaldwellLou born about 1876
CarlyleHenry born about 1884
CarlylePearl born about 1895
CarnineC Iborn about 1894
CarnineHelen born about 1895
CarnineMoluda born about 1857
CarnineRaymond born about 1929
CarrollAnabel born about 1899
CarrollVerne born about 1894
CarrollVirginia born about 1929
ChapmanVelma born about 1904
CheeneyEarl born about 1902
CheeneyEarlene born about 1936
CheeneyEdith born about 1906
CheeverHarry born about 1927
CheeverJ Websterborn about 1919
CheeverJas Lborn about 1884
CheeverMary born about 1923
CheeverNora born about 1912
ClabaughLaura born about 1875
ClabaughMarion born about 1873
ClabaughOwen born about 1909
ClawsonDorthy born about 1904
ClawsonElsie born about 1924
ClaxonJames born about 1867
ClaytonCora born about 1918
ClaytonJesse born about 1907
ClaytonJesse Jr born about 1937
ClaytonPaul Edwardborn about 1939
ColeDoris born about 1917
ColeKenneth born about 1939
ColeMarcilla born about 1938
ColeOra born about 1913
CooksonWarren Kborn about 1921
CooleyRegina born about 1903
CooleyRoy Eborn about 1906
CooperCarl Bborn about 1918
CooperGary Nborn about 1939
CooperRuth born about 1916
CordrayLucille born about 1914
CordrayPhyliss born about 1935
CordrayRobert born about 1938
CotnerD Eborn about 1862
CoxRebecca born about 1890
CrossDoris born about 1896
CrossHarold Eborn about 1938
CrossHarry born about 1896
CrossHelen born about 1927
CrossIsabel born about 1902
CrossPearl born about 1925
CrossW Douglasborn about 1920
CummingsCarl Kborn about 1923
CummingsIda born about 1885
CummingsWm Oborn about 1886
CuppyAbe born about 1909
CuppyElzzie born about 1872
CurryElva born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DailyBirdena born about 1894
DailyGlen born about 1906
DailyJ Loisborn about 1912
DailyKenneth born about 1940
DailyLewis Gborn about 1911
DarstCharles Wborn about 1863
DarstEssie born about 1886
DarstOlla born about 1890
DavisAnna born about 1875
DavisC Mborn about 1881
DavisFannie born about 1867
DavisFred born about 1923
DavisJean born about 1922
DavisLaura Rborn about 1919
DavisMary Cborn about 1929
DavisOpal born about 1894
DavisSam Dborn about 1895
DavisSaraphe born about 1886
DeckardHathas born about 1917
DeckardKermit born about 1920
DeckardLeola born about 1924
DeckardLester born about 1895
DeckardMandy born about 1897
DeckardMary born about 1922
DehartAlleta born about 1918
DehartHarold born about 1906
DehartHarold born about 1932
DehartRobert Eborn about 1937
DehartThomas Eborn about 1938
DenhamCora Sborn about 1899
DenhamEugene born about 1922
DenhamF Pborn about 1901
DenhamGerald born about 1925
DenhamRichard Dborn about 1930
DiepholzArthur born about 1899
DiepholzArthur Jr born about 1934
DiepholzDelbert born about 1925
DiepholzDrucilla born about 1894
DiepholzHarry born about 1931
DiepholzHoward born about 1927
DiepholzKenneth born about 1939
DiepholzLawanda born about 1929
DiepholzMaurice born about 1922
DiepholzWilber born about 1937
DoakAvanelle born about 1920
DoakE Sborn about 1896
DoakErbon Jr born about 1921
DoakEsther born about 1898
DoakMae born about 1930
DoakNoble born about 1927
DolanCarl born about 1912
DolanJames Terryborn about 1938
DolanMary born about 1916
DolanMyrtle born about 1915
DolanPaul born about 1908
DolanRalph Amesborn about 1935
DolanSandra Juneborn about 1939
DrummondEverett born about 1924
DrummondFrancis born about 1893
DrummondFrancis Jr born about 1932
DrummondGlen born about 1929
DrummondIvandeen born about 1923
DrummondLura born about 1894
DrummondMary born about 1869
DrummondRobert born about 1927

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E Surnames

EdisonMary born about 1872
EdwardsBarbara born about 1914
EdwardsC Lianeborn about 1937
EdwardsCarl born about 1914
EdwardsClara Mborn about 1881
EdwardsDorene born about 1915
EdwardsElsie born about 1892
EdwardsEula born about 1894
EdwardsFlorence born about 1915
EdwardsFloyd born about 1917
EdwardsGeorge born about 1932
EdwardsGertrude Cborn about 1877
EdwardsHelen born about 1911
EdwardsInez born about 1921
EdwardsJames Jborn about 1875
EdwardsJohn born about 1891
EdwardsJohn Triceborn about 1907
EdwardsLarry born about 1939
EdwardsNelle born about 1892
EdwardsR Jeromeborn about 1934
EdwardsRalph Lborn about 1912
EdwardsRay born about 1893
EdwardsRobert Lborn about 1938
EdwardsRose Marieborn about 1925
EdwardsSamuel born about 1885
EdwardsTimothy Mborn about 1878
EhrsamCharles born about 1900
EhrsamHelen born about 1900
EhrsamPatricia born about 1935
ElderCarl born about 1939
ElderJesse born about 1885
ElderJunior born about 1921
ElderLowell born about 1915
ElderMirtie born about 1890
ElderThelma born about 1920
EllisMargarite born about 1856
ElzyA Dborn about 1900
ElzyDale Jr born about 1925
ElzyDonald Lborn about 1932
ElzyMillie born about 1901
ElzyRay born about 1923
ErwinCharles born about 1887
ErwinCharles Jr born about 1920
ErwinEuginia born about 1899
ErwinKathrine Jborn about 1924
ErwinLeonard Geneborn about 1922
ErwinRobert Cborn about 1928
EvansElie born about 1907
EvansZeta born about 1913

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F Surnames

FarmerCharls born about 1879
FarmerOtha born about 1872
FarmerWill born about 1875
FellerBerdina born about 1926
FellerBetty born about 1928
FellerOpal born about 1893
FergisonHomer born about 1888
FergisonJohn born about 1917
FergisonRuby born about 1893
FinleyDena born about 1920
FinleyFred born about 1916
FinleyGeorge born about 1884
FinleyGrace born about 1915
FinleyJanean born about 1936
FinleyJerry born about 1940
FinleyJohn Oborn about 1874
FinleyRoy born about 1907
FinleyShirley born about 1934
FleenorAnna born about 1892
FleenorGenevieve born about 1916
FleenorH Cborn about 1881
FleenorMargaret born about 1914
FleenorMary Ruthborn about 1922
FleenorVirginia born about 1916
FlemingFlorence born about 1915
FlemingJames born about 1937
FlemingJoan born about 1938
FlemingOra born about 1916
FleshnerMollie born about 1869
FlippinRobert born about 1922
FloydChester born about 1885
FloydJullia born about 1896
FloydKeith born about 1924
FloydMarjorie born about 1921
FloydMildred born about 1928
FloydNell born about 1901
FloydStroyd born about 1886
FortJohn born about 1881
FortJuna born about 1875
FranklinBessio born about 1923
FranklinBettie born about 1906
FranklinLewis born about 1925
FranklinLoftis born about 1899
FranklinLouise born about 1929
FrazierCharles born about 1869
FullerD Eborn about 1889
FullerElizabeth Mborn about 1894
FullerJoseph born about 1915
FullerMary born about 1927
FullerRay born about 1914
FullerThomas born about 1925

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G Surnames

GabhartDon born about 1922
GammilMargarite born about 1857
GammillChlorine born about 1904
GammillDon Macborn about 1930
GammillLawrence born about 1899
GammillMack born about 1876
GammillOlive born about 1878
GammillRuth born about 1903
GammillWilliam born about 1902
GarrettAdah born about 1913
GarrettEarl born about 1916
GarrettGlen born about 1912
GarrettGrover born about 1887
GarrettIvan born about 1920
GarrettJean born about 1918
GarrettJohn born about 1930
GarrettLeota born about 1888
GarrettMargaret born about 1913
GarrettNorma Jeanborn about 1927
GarrettRex born about 1892
GarrettRuth born about 1893
GassJerome born about 1877
GassMabel born about 1895
GassPatricia born about 1931
GassWoodrow born about 1923
GilbreathCicero born about 1869
GlasscockCharles Oborn about 1873
GlasscockCharlotte born about 1914
GlasscockGene born about 1925
GlasscockLola born about 1897
GlasscockMary Eborn about 1877
GlasscockRoy born about 1892
GoddardT Bborn about 1864
GoddisGrace born about 1896
GraceGeorge born about 1914
GraceWade born about 1893
GravenMona born about 1913
GravenWallace born about 1910
GrissonAllice born about 1888
GrissonBillie born about 1924
GrossAnna born about 1892
GustBerdina born about 1919
GustEthel born about 1895
GustGeneva born about 1924
GustHerbert born about 1894
GustLavern born about 1927
GustPaul born about 1922

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H Surnames

HallDonald born about 1927
HallDora Bellborn about 1937
HallGeorge born about 1923
HallMargarite born about 1897
HallZack born about 1892
HamiltonClara born about 1887
HamiltonDelbert born about 1920
HamiltonEd Aborn about 1878
HamiltonJieasse born about 1884
HamiltonMollie born about 1876
HardingerJohn born about 1870
HarpsterAnnabelle born about 1908
HarpsterBetty born about 1926
HarpsterDelmar born about 1938
HarpsterEleanor born about 1932
HarpsterGlen born about 1929
HarpsterKathleen born about 1934
HarpsterNancy Eborn about 1871
HarpsterSarah Edithborn about 1899
HarpsterWesley born about 1907
HarpsterWm Arnoldborn about 1896
HarpsterWm Ellisborn about 1872
HarrisonCharles Wborn about 1929
HarrisonEarl Rborn about 1928
HarrisonEmma born about 1869
HarrisonHerchel Lborn about 1867
HarrisonKatherine born about 1931
HarrisonRobert Lborn about 1930
HawbakerBernice born about 1903
HawbakerDarrell born about 1930
HawbakerEverett born about 1900
HawbakerJeanine born about 1932
HawbakerJoan born about 1927
HawbakerJune born about 1925
HawkinsAllice born about 1872
HendersonCharles born about 1908
HendersonDane born about 1934
HendersonJohn Rborn about 1939
HendersonMargaret born about 1915
HendrixWard born about 1883
HensleyPurlina born about 1855
HickmanBeverly born about 1938
HickmanCharles Mborn about 1936
HickmanEllen born about 1891
HickmanFreddie born about 1935
HickmanJames Mborn about 1886
HickmanJames M Jrborn about 1912
HickmanJames Rborn about 1938
HickmanJerry born about 1936
HickmanMargarite born about 1915
HickmanNola Fborn about 1913
HilligossDavid Dborn about 1938
HilligossDella born about 1894
HilligossElizabeth Lborn about 1936
HilligossMary Aborn about 1912
HilligossRobert Mborn about 1902
HilligossRobert Rborn about 1939
HilligossWarren Wborn about 1930
HintonFlorence born about 1909
HintonHarold born about 1907
HintonRoy born about 1937
HintonTeddy born about 1932
HoelscherElla Eborn about 1887
HoelscherJohn Jborn about 1887
HooterFern born about 1901
HooterMarilyn born about 1928
HooterRalph born about 1902
HopperAlbert born about 1897
HopperAlbert Jr born about 1925
HopperHorace born about 1902
HopperJ Dborn about 1927
HopperJuas born about 1910
HopperMarguerite born about 1922
HopperMaud born about 1910
HopperNellie born about 1900
HopperNewt Cborn about 1873
HopperRussell born about 1915
HopperSusan born about 1877
HortenDan born about 1928
HortenRita born about 1907
HortenstineAlice born about 1924
HortenstineDaisy born about 1920
HortenstineDaniel born about 1930
HortenstineEdward born about 1914
HortenstineEmma born about 1919
HortenstineFern born about 1919
HortenstineHazel born about 1917
HortenstineHenry born about 1889
HortenstineJacob born about 1929
HortenstineJake born about 1888
HortenstineJohn born about 1921
HortenstineM Cohnborn about 1893
HortenstineMargaret born about 1889
HortenstineMarie born about 1893
HortenstineMark born about 1915
HortenstineMary Wborn about 1898
HortenstinePaul born about 1917
HortenstineRichard born about 1916
HortenstineRobert born about 1916
HortenstineRuth born about 1926
HortenstineSona born about 1938
HortenstineStella born about 1890
HortenstineTheodore born about 1939
HortenstineWaughie born about 1894
HortenstrmIssac born about 1900
HostletterCharles born about 1938
HostletterJames born about 1933
HostletterJoyce born about 1936
HostletterLagreta born about 1907
HostletterPaul born about 1906
HudsonDavey Rborn about 1928
HughesFrancis born about 1872
HummelBillie born about 1918
HuntHoward born about 1907
HuntIris Janiceborn about 1932
HuntJesse Edwinborn about 1931
HuntMary Evelynborn about 1911
HuntingtonKatherine born about 1867
HuttonB Rborn about 1897
HuttonCharles Rborn about 1922
HuttonDonald born about 1927
HuttonHallie Mborn about 1900

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J Surnames

JacksonMargaret born about 1918
JacksonRoy born about 1914
JacksonTheresa born about 1939
JacksonWilliam born about 1886
JacksonZela born about 1892
JanesAthar born about 1889
JanesJames Aborn about 1886
JanesRuby born about 1921
JeffersAletha Mayborn about 1938
JeffersErma born about 1917
JeffersRebecca born about 1864
JeffersThelma Marieborn about 1939
JeffersWayne born about 1913
JeffrisIrma born about 1923
JeffrisOrval born about 1897
JeffrisRonald born about 1938

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K Surnames

KermHelen born about 1900
KermLaura born about 1857
KiblerHattie born about 1883
KiblerRobert Hborn about 1877
KimboughGeorge born about 1866
KimboughLillian born about 1874
KingEdward born about 1917
KingEmma born about 1880
KingEthel born about 1921
KingGrace born about 1921
KingJoseph Hborn about 1873
KingNancy born about 1937
KingRobert born about 1939
KingSteven born about 1938
KinkadeSheridan born about 1879
KirkBell born about 1867
KirkOrion born about 1915
KirkRosella Mborn about 1921
KirkW Aborn about 1865
KirkWm Orvalborn about 1940
KirkendollJohn born about 1892
KrummelHelen born about 1900
KrummelWm born about 1883
KuhlAnnabelle born about 1930
KuhlCarl born about 1928
KuhlLillie born about 1889
KuhlThomas Mborn about 1883

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L Surnames

LaneClaude born about 1888
LaneDale born about 1917
LaneDonald Wayneborn about 1935
LaneEarl born about 1919
LaneEunice born about 1915
LaneEva born about 1924
LaneGertrude born about 1915
LaneHugh born about 1913
LaneJean born about 1935
LaneMarble born about 1922
LaneMyrtle born about 1885
LaneNettie Louborn about 1929
LaneRobert born about 1939
LaneRoscoe born about 1909
LaneWilma born about 1917
LarrewCharles born about 1931
LarrewDuane born about 1933
LarrewEtha born about 1903
LarrewJunior born about 1925
LarrewKellie born about 1895
LarrewNorma Jeanborn about 1928
LarrewPhyllis born about 1939
LedbetterChester born about 1885
LedbetterLizzie born about 1888
LenvinsonMary born about 1848
LinvilleBell born about 1883
LinvilleEdward born about 1880
LoveleasHarry born about 1910
LoveleasMerade born about 1913
LowDewey born about 1898
LowElaine born about 1930
LowMarjorie born about 1900
LowmasterElva born about 1888
LowmasterScott Wborn about 1886
LuttrelleMaude Vborn about 1870
LuttrelleRufus Jborn about 1868

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M Surnames

MaloneFlorence born about 1910
MaloneMadonna Fborn about 1939
MartinJohn born about 1914
MartinJohn Jamesborn about 1937
MartinKatharine born about 1915
MartinLana born about 1883
MartinSammy born about 1935
MartinTommy born about 1939
MattoxElla born about 1890
MattoxLuther born about 1891
MattoxMary Fborn about 1873
MattoxRosella born about 1900
MaxedonAllen born about 1934
MaxedonEugene born about 1932
MaxedonHerman born about 1908
MaxedonLola born about 1912
McDowellJerry Jeanborn about 1937
McDowellMorris born about 1909
McDowellRose Eborn about 1908
McFarlandWarren born about 1921
MessmoreBonnie born about 1923
MessmoreFrank born about 1889
MessmoreGeraldine born about 1931
MessmoreJack born about 1922
MessmoreJoy born about 1927
MessmoreLucy born about 1895
MessmoreMildred born about 1926
MessmorePeggy born about 1929
MessmoreRalph born about 1918
MillerDonald born about 1927
MillerEarl born about 1921
MillerGeorge born about 1891
MillerGeorgia born about 1889
MillsapDale born about 1938
MillsapDorothy born about 1915
MillsapLyndon born about 1912
MillsapSharon born about 1939
MisenheimerForest born about 1907
MisenheimerIrma born about 1909
MisenheimerJoyce born about 1927
MitchelCullen born about 1871
MitchelMildred born about 1916
MitchelPearl Mborn about 1875
MoberleyDon born about 1890
MoberleyDon Jr born about 1919
MoberleyElenore born about 1925
MoberleyIcey born about 1892
MoberleyRalph born about 1931
MonsonCharley born about 1888
MonsonDonald born about 1916
MonsonEdna born about 1895
MonsonLa Vaughne born about 1922
MontagueBeverly Annborn about 1932
MontagueBlanche born about 1869
MontagueByron born about 1935
MontagueHazel born about 1902
MontagueJerald born about 1931
MontagueNewell Dborn about 1901
MontagueRichard born about 1939
MontagueRobert born about 1929
MontagueSeth Mborn about 1868
MorreElla born about 1867
MorrisonAlice born about 1892
MorrisonBetty born about 1930
MorrisonOpooch born about 1919
MorrisonRoss born about 1890
MorrisonVerna born about 1922
MorrisonVirginia born about 1921
MullikinCharles born about 1910
MullikinElaine born about 1934
MullikinEugene born about 1936
MullikinOma born about 1916
MunsonBruce born about 1898
MunsonDavid born about 1925
MunsonFaye born about 1893
MyersDonnie born about 1933
MyersEarl Edwardborn about 1936
MyersEdith born about 1900
MyersEdward Rborn about 1891
MyersFrank born about 1873
MyersGrace born about 1895
MyersGraney born about 1928
MyersOliver born about 1917

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N Surnames

NaveAllie born about 1887
NaveEdith born about 1910
NaveHarry born about 1883
NaveWayne born about 1912
NealBette born about 1939
NealCharley Bborn about 1880
NealDarrell born about 1935
NealGertie born about 1875
NealHelen born about 1912
NealRalph born about 1910
NeillCharles Aborn about 1885
NilesEffie born about 1880
NilesNewton born about 1885
NilesOdd born about 1883
NilesOsie born about 1890
NilesSarah Eborn about 1861
NolteAlbert Hborn about 1903
NolteCaroline born about 1906
NoltePhyllis Annborn about 1930

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O Surnames

OlsonJanet born about 1935
OlsonJuanita born about 1940
OlsonLloyd born about 1912
OlsonLois born about 1907
OrendroffAlfred born about 1913
OrendroffPatric born about 1939
OrendroffSon Joaborn about 1937
OrendroffVellia born about 1918

P Surnames

ParrisAlice Fborn about 1923
ParrisBrice born about 1921
ParrisCassell born about 1923
ParrisHarold born about 1934
ParrisLena born about 1898
ParrisRose Marieborn about 1939
ParrisWanda born about 1927
ParrisWilbur born about 1895
ParrisWilda born about 1925
PattersonCarrie Bborn about 1864
PeadroBryan born about 1897
PeadroBula born about 1940
PeadroCarl born about 1910
PeadroDallas born about 1927
PeadroDevada born about 1931
PeadroEdward Cborn about 1865
PeadroEmma born about 1869
PeadroEva born about 1900
PeadroLela born about 1904
PeadroLinzie born about 1905
PeadroMable born about 1908
PeadroMary born about 1912
PeadroWm Edwardborn about 1924
PerrineBell born about 1868
PerryTilbern born about 1875
PhillipsMarjie Eborn about 1888
PhillipsRichard Hborn about 1887
PhippsAnna Maeborn about 1887
PhippsEdith born about 1917
PhippsFrederick born about 1884
PhippsFrederick Oborn about 1908
PhippsLucile born about 1890
PhippsPatric Rborn about 1940
PhippsSirvel born about 1914
PhippsW Shannonborn about 1921
PhippsWm Eborn about 1890
PierceAileen born about 1916
PierceBernice born about 1916
PierceEverett born about 1906
PierceJ Cborn about 1864
PierceKittie born about 1867
PierceLennie born about 1911
PierceLinda Loreborn about 1940
PierceRoy born about 1936
PiferChalmer born about 1908
PiferThelma born about 1911

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R Surnames

RandFrank born about 1919
RandOla born about 1882
RandOmer born about 1925
RandWayne born about 1911
RandolphR Eborn about 1882
RauchBlanch born about 1886
RauchEarl born about 1909
RauchHerman born about 1889
RauchJulius Wborn about 1881
RauchOra born about 1911
RauchTella born about 1898
RaymondTom born about 1887
ReedAda born about 1902
ReedBetty born about 1927
ReedClyde born about 1906
ReedEmma Lborn about 1939
ReedJoan born about 1930
ReedJohn born about 1896
ReedSybil born about 1926
RingoGuy born about 1890
RitterSarah Eborn about 1880
RitterWm born about 1883
RobyEdith born about 1883
RobyHarold born about 1917
RobyOrval born about 1882
RoseAlma born about 1893
RoseCena born about 1889
RoseMartha born about 1864
RoseWilber Tborn about 1886

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S Surnames

SampsonBessie born about 1895
SampsonOllie born about 1888
SargentJames Bborn about 1892
SargentSarah born about 1862
ScaggsBarbara born about 1911
ScaggsHarley Deanborn about 1932
ScaggsJohn Haroldborn about 1933
ScaggsJohn Jr born about 1908
ScaggsJulia Sueborn about 1934
ScaggsMary Katherineborn about 1929
ScribnerClara born about 1871
SeamonJohn born about 1885
SeamonSara born about 1885
ShadowMinnie born about 1882
ShafferAnna Lborn about 1895
ShafferAron born about 1885
ShafferBertha born about 1892
ShafferCamilla born about 1926
ShafferClem born about 1888
ShafferDelmar born about 1922
ShafferDonald born about 1924
ShafferFrances born about 1916
ShafferJames born about 1919
ShafferLawrence born about 1920
ShafferMary Fborn about 1883
ShafferWilliam born about 1878
ShainLandman born about 1892
ShainTennie born about 1893
SharpAddie born about 1893
SharpCharles born about 1898
SharpCharley born about 1927
SharpDana Bborn about 1935
SharpIona Jeanborn about 1932
SharpJohn born about 1932
SharpKenneth born about 1927
SharpLeola born about 1898
SharpMargurite born about 1907
ShawArvilla born about 1858
ShawBill Sborn about 1886
ShawDorothy Lborn about 1929
ShawGoldie Rborn about 1899
ShawJaunita born about 1926
ShawJo Comptonborn about 1920
ShawThos Dborn about 1889
ShoatsFern born about 1912
ShoatsKenneth born about 1911
ShriverAlice born about 1886
ShriverMarjorie born about 1923
ShriverRobert born about 1881
ShriverThelma born about 1926
SmithBruce born about 1904
SmithBruce Jr born about 1922
SmithEster born about 1892
SmithJohn born about 1923
SmithMaude born about 1905
SmithPaul born about 1871
SmithPaul Jr born about 1911
SmithRoy born about 1928
SmithThomas Dborn about 1930
SpencerBetty Rborn about 1929
SpencerEverett born about 1898
SpencerHazel born about 1900
SpencerHelen born about 1925
SpencerJoseph Wmborn about 1927
SpencerLucy born about 1888
SpencerMaurine born about 1907
SpencerOmer born about 1886
SpracklenArthur born about 1893
SpracklenInez born about 1924
SpracklenMae born about 1888
SpracklenRay born about 1919
StanfordAlta Kborn about 1886
StanfordJacob Nborn about 1873
StilabowerCharles Mborn about 1928
StilabowerChester born about 1905
StilabowerChester Jr born about 1932
StilabowerGary Leeborn about 1938
StilabowerRuth born about 1909
StoddardDelbert born about 1896
StoddardNettie born about 1898
StoneNettie born about 1873
StormC Dborn about 1902
StormDavid born about 1920
StormDwight born about 1937
StormJuanitta born about 1918
StormKenneth born about 1931
StormLidelia born about 1891
StormMary born about 1906
StormRoberta born about 1930
StormVerne born about 1888
StormVerne Lborn about 1925
StormsMary Eborn about 1866
StuckeyJoseph born about 1904
SullivanCharles born about 1887
SullivanGertude born about 1891
SuttonBlanche born about 1918
SuttonOtis born about 1911
SwinfordAllen born about 1918
SwinfordJohn born about 1882
SwinfordJohn Jr born about 1922
SwinfordLoie Macborn about 1924
SwinfordLou born about 1884
SwinfordRoberta born about 1939
SwinfordRuth born about 1920
SwinfordSarah Mborn about 1924
SwitzBurl born about 1895
SwitzClara born about 1873
SwitzIrene born about 1894
SwitzLyle born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateBeatrice born about 1918
TatePeggy born about 1938
TateRalph born about 1915
TateRetha born about 1939
TaylorWoodrow born about 1919
TharpAnna born about 1884
TharpJuanita born about 1924
TharpLafayette born about 1882
TharpVernon born about 1917
ThomasElmer born about 1881
ThomasEstella Mayborn about 1884
ThompsonJuanita born about 1916
ThompsonMarlone born about 1910
ThromBon born about 1891
ThromPearl born about 1898
TibbottJessie born about 1870
TibbottMarie born about 1898
TilfordEsther born about 1906
TilfordGoebel born about 1901
TilfordInez born about 1908
TilfordJames Cborn about 1930
TilfordJessie born about 1916
TilfordJohn Rborn about 1897
TilfordKenneth born about 1931
TilfordMarvin born about 1926
TiptonFlorence born about 1880
TiptonFred born about 1881
TreetMary born about 1854

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VoegelGrace born about 1881
VoegelJohn born about 1884
VoegelJohn Wborn about 1918
VoegelRay born about 1920
VoegelThelma Fernborn about 1920

W Surnames

WadeDelbert born about 1914
WadeEdna born about 1920
WadeRobert born about 1939
WagganerMildred born about 1911
WagganerPhillip Gborn about 1933
WagganerWm Gborn about 1890
WaggnerAlice born about 1879
WaggnerCora born about 1874
WaggnerNewton born about 1872
WaggnerRay born about 1892
WaggnerValeria born about 1894
WaggonerCornelia born about 1881
WaggonerJohn Boydborn about 1931
WaggonerJohn Gborn about 1906
WaggonerJosephine born about 1885
WaggonerLois Bborn about 1907
WaggonerRichard born about 1935
WaggonerRita born about 1926
WaggonerRobert born about 1921
WaggonerRuth born about 1878
WaiteBeulah born about 1915
WaiteGeorge born about 1924
WaiteJohn born about 1910
WaiteShirley born about 1935
WakelandBernice born about 1923
WakelandBernis Pborn about 1940
WakelandPaul born about 1921
WalkerBeulah born about 1896
WalkerFloyd born about 1895
WalkerHenry born about 1867
WalkerMaye born about 1871
WalkerSamuel Aborn about 1861
WallaceEttie Bellborn about 1868
WallaceWatson Lborn about 1866
WatkinsDorothy born about 1918
WatkinsHarlo born about 1883
WatkinsPaul born about 1920
WatkinsRalph born about 1914
WeakleyAndrew Jr born about 1912
WeakleyAndy born about 1877
WeakleyHarriett Eborn about 1876
WeakleyHelen born about 1919
WeakleyHelen Louiseborn about 1938
WeaverMary Jborn about 1908
WebbEthel Bborn about 1889
WebbJames Mborn about 1887
WelchHarrietta born about 1876
WelchWilliam born about 1877
WestArletta Mborn about 1922
WestCharles born about 1907
WestDarvin born about 1921
WestEthel born about 1921
WestIda Mayborn about 1926
WestIvan born about 1898
WestJames Wmborn about 1924
WestRaymond born about 1920
WestRuby born about 1897
WestRuby Ireneborn about 1927
WethwellElezibith born about 1870
WhiteLucille born about 1901
WhiteMelba Rborn about 1928
WhiteZada Maeborn about 1930
WhitlatchNewt S Mborn about 1886
WhitworthVilla born about 1897
WicklineLester born about 1920
WicklineMildred born about 1922
WileyEdna born about 1896
WileyHarve born about 1896
WileyJohn Dborn about 1926
WileyStella born about 1875
WileyWilliam born about 1901
WileyZelma born about 1902
WilliamsonHoward born about 1876
WilliamsonMertie born about 1881
WillisBessie born about 1906
WillisIrene born about 1925
WillisOra born about 1904
WillisOrval born about 1930
WillisPauline born about 1931
WinchesterEdna Bborn about 1885
WinchesterW Bborn about 1858
WinningsByron born about 1931
WinningsDonald born about 1929
WinningsGlen born about 1902
WinningsJames born about 1927
WinningsJean born about 1930
WinningsMargraite born about 1937
WinningsMargurite born about 1908
WinningsMarvin Jborn about 1937
WinninsAline born about 1911
WinninsDuane born about 1934
WinninsMorris born about 1905
WinninsWilliard born about 1871
WinninsWindell born about 1931
WrightBessie born about 1898
WrightDora Eborn about 1862
WrightHughie born about 1926
WrightJoe born about 1902
WrightJuanita born about 1935
WrightLucille born about 1897
WrightOsa born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarvisInez Jborn about 1900
YarvisJuan born about 1929
YarvisRalph Vborn about 1901
YoungAda born about 1885
YoungBetty born about 1930
YoungCarol Deanborn about 1926
YoungChas born about 1899
YoungDon born about 1917
YoungDon Jr born about 1938
YoungEdna born about 1891
YoungFrancis born about 1915
YoungGertrude born about 1902
YoungJoan born about 1934
YoungKenneth born about 1926
YoungLester born about 1922
YoungLina born about 1857
YoungMartha Jborn about 1894
YoungMary Lborn about 1938
YoungMervin Auriceborn about 1914
YoungOlive Bborn about 1924
YoungPaul born about 1913
YoungRay born about 1886
YoungRuth born about 1924
YoungSarrell Mborn about 1891
YoungThomas Sborn about 1920
YoungVirginia Ruthborn about 1919
YoungW Sborn about 1855
YoungW Scottborn about 1888
YoungWilma born about 1928
YoungWm Wborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZikeJohn born about 1912
ZikeKatherine born about 1914

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