1940 U.S. Federal Census of Whitmore, Macon, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Macon County > 1940 Census of Whitmore

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AcomBertha born about 1884
AcomHelen born about 1922
AcomW Hborn about 1888
AconPearl born about 1880
AconThomas born about 1880
AdamsDale born about 1930
AdamsHarriett born about 1903
AdamsLynn born about 1898
AdamsManie born about 1907
AdamsMargaret born about 1924
AdamsMurle born about 1926
AdamsRachel born about 1881
AdamsW Lborn about 1902
Alexander??? born about 1922
AlexanderDale born about 1919
AlexanderFlorsie Marieborn about 1901
AlexanderRalph born about 1896
AllenAllegra born about 1901
AllenArthur born about 1898
AllenCecil Williamborn about 1931
AllenElmer born about 1875
AllenHazel Ruthborn about 1934
AllenJ Ralphborn about 1893
AllenJohn Richardborn about 1938
AllenJulia born about 1891
AllenMary Janeborn about 1919
AlwoodAllie born about 1898
AlwoodWilbert born about 1888
AndersonAlfred born about 1915
AndersonArthur born about 1912
AndersonClara born about 1882
AndersonDorothy Elaineborn about 1940
AndersonEloise born about 1916
AndersonHarry born about 1925
AndersonMaude born about 1912
AndersonN Jborn about 1883
AndersonRobert Arthyrborn about 1938

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B Surnames

BabcockBessie Lborn about 1887
BabcockChas Hborn about 1879
BabcockEllis born about 1887
BabcockIrma born about 1925
BabcockMyrtle born about 1896
BabcockOrville Fborn about 1907
BaerFaith born about 1881
BaerFloyd born about 1878
BaerHelen born about 1912
BaesCarl born about 1904
BaesFrancis born about 1907
BaesLeonard Rayborn about
BaesMary Ellenborn about 1937
BamatableBarbara born about 1939
BamatableBud born about 1910
BamatableElsie born about 1910
BanningBill born about 1920
BanningBlanche born about 1909
BanningClarence born about 1931
BanningElmer born about 1915
BanningGlenn born about 1918
BanningGoldie born about 1895
BanningJanet Mayborn about 1938
BanningLouis born about 1894
BanningShirley Annborn about 1936
BanningVerna born about 1934
BanningVirginia born about 1934
BeadlestonBetty Louborn about 1926
BeadlestonCarolyn born about 1938
BeadlestonCleveland born about 1886
BeadlestonJohn born about 1916
BeadlestonLois born about 1897
BeadlestonVirginia born about 1919
BellTom born about 1881
BennettGeorge born about 1927
BennettGordon born about 1924
BennettGrace born about 1901
BennettLawrence born about 1900
BetgerDonald born about 1933
BetgerGerald born about 1939
BetgerGilbert born about 1921
BetgerLaurence born about 1907
BetgerLouis Eborn about 1878
BetgerRena born about 1884
BetgerVelma born about 1911
BlackBarle Denzelborn about 1914
BlackGrace born about 1887
BlackPaul born about 1885
BlockHarry born about 1931
BlockHilda born about 1922
BlockJerry Leeborn about
BlockKarl born about 1895
BlockMarie born about 1901
BobbettBeulah born about 1912
BobbettDonne Jeanborn about 1938
BobbettLowell born about 1910
BoneDoren born about 1910
BoneGrace born about 1914
BoneMargaret Aliceborn about 1939
BorkEmma born about 1893
BorkMargaret born about 1926
BorkWilliam born about 1923
BorkWilliam Hborn about 1891
BowmanDonald born about 1920
BoydA Tborn about 1889
BoydBessie born about 1889
BoydDale born about 1918
BoydFlorence born about 1930
BoydFlorence Mborn about 1892
BoydJane born about 1934
BoydJean born about 1926
BoydJoe Fborn about 1920
BoydKatherine born about 1922
BoydLenore born about 1920
BoydRufus born about 1867
BoydW Rborn about 1890
BradenElla born about 1853
BradenFlorence born about 1892
BradenJoseph Fborn about 1882
BrichardArtthur Leeborn about 1934
BrichardHerbert born about 1939
BrichardHoward born about 1909
BrichardWaneta born about 1912
BricherGeorge born about 1854
BrockAlmon born about 1922
BrockmanDelora born about 1916
BrockmanThomas Aborn about 1911
BrownLewis Frederickborn about 1932
BuffmeyarJoseph Wborn about 1872
BullockGuy born about 1877
BullockHattie born about 1877
BullockRobert born about 1917
BurgeHenry Bborn about 1915
BurgeJoseph Dwightborn about 1887
BurgeJoseph Dwight Jrborn about 1913
BurgeMartha Elizabethborn about 1928
BurgeMary Lillianborn about 1888
BurgersSarah born about 1858

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C Surnames

CarnellLadelbert* born about 1881
CarnellLeroy born about 1917
CarnellRosie born about 1885
CharvatEdward Wborn about 1913
CharvatPhyllis born about 1913
CharvatSally born about 1938
ChenowethCarol born about 1939
ChenowethHarold born about 1934
ChenowethJoan born about 1929
ChenowethJohn Eborn about 1899
ChenowethJohn Edwinborn about 1931
ChenowethLourine born about 1904
ChenowethRichard born about 1937
ClarkBernice born about 1890
ClarkCharles born about 1924
ClarkEddie born about 1932
ClarkFrancis Mborn about 1916
ClarkFreddie born about 1934
ClarkHarry born about 1917
ClarkJohn born about 1921
ClarkJohn Hborn about 1889
ClarkMary born about 1936
ClarkRoy born about 1929
ConwayA Eborn about 1883
ConwayEdith born about 1886
ConwayGeorge Allenborn about 1938
ConwayGeraldine born about 1918
ConwayHarold born about 1913
ConwayMargaret born about 1923
ConwayMarshall born about 1936
ConwayRuth born about 1914
ConwayThelma born about 1926
CooperJohn Hborn about 1862
CooperLa Vonborn about 1915
CooperRobert born about 1911
CoxGash born about 1887
CoxLodi born about 1892
CreekmurArthur born about 1897
CreekmurDelbert born about 1914
CreekmurEthel born about 1892
CreekmurJessie born about 1898
CreekmurJohn born about 1900
CreekmurJohn Eugeneborn about 1923
CreekmurMary Janeborn about 1864
CreekmurNeville born about 1929
CreekmurRoy born about 1892
CreekmurWilliam born about 1892
CullisonAlinor born about 1926
CullisonAndrew born about 1922
CullisonHelen born about 1899
CullisonJanet born about 1930
CullisonLois born about 1928
CullisonLyle born about 1939
CullisonRaymond born about 1900
CundeffViola born about 1901
CundeffW Hborn about 1883
CundiffBetty Louborn about 1933
CundiffFlorence born about 1911
CundiffFloyd born about 1904
CundiffMarshall born about 1906
CundiffMartha born about 1908
CurtisFrancis born about 1889
CurtisRufus born about 1888
CurtisWinnie born about 1858

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D Surnames

DaltonBobby born about 1930
DaltonEarl born about 1911
DaltonGerald Leeborn about 1934
DaltonThelma born about 1908
DarrRebecca born about 1860
DarrSam born about 1894
DaughartyDavid Aborn about 1871
DavidBetty Annborn about 1930
DavidCharlotte born about 1927
DavidDonald Deanborn about 1935
DavidLinda Louborn about 1938
DavidLucille born about 1924
DavidMarion born about 1894
DavidMary born about 1933
DavidMelvin Cborn about 1923
DavidRuth born about 1905
DavidVirginia born about 1929
DavisAmy born about 1908
DavisDonnal born about 1935
DavisElza born about 1912
DavisJanelle Sueborn about 1939
DavockAnna born about 1894
DavockAugust born about 1886
DavockCarl born about 1929
DavockEdwin born about 1921
DavockFred born about 1916
DavockMary born about 1924
DeardorffLucille born about 1921
DeardorffRobert born about 1920
DialArthur born about 1909
DialGladys born about 1915
DialJennie born about 1919
DialLloyd born about 1927
DialRoss born about 1915
DillingJohn Pborn about 1860
DoaneDorothy born about 1910
DoanePaul born about 1908
DoanePaul Edwardborn about 1932
DoaneWalter Phillipsborn about 1933
DunbarHarvey born about 1886
DunbarSena born about 1889
DuvallJohn born about 1889
DuvallPearl born about 1891

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E Surnames

EatonGeorge born about 1917
EatonHazel born about 1917
EatonJohn Leroyborn about 1939
ElkinsJohn born about 1867
ElkinsJosephine born about 1875
ElkinsRose born about 1872
EubankRobin born about 1901
EvansGoldie born about 1896
EvansJames Rborn about 1895

F Surnames

FahayPatricia born about 1935
FishelHattie born about 1887
FishelLarkin born about 1920
FishelLewis Aaronborn about 1917
FishelLouis born about 1887
FiskerFlorence born about 1900
FiskerJerff* born about 1905
FombelleHubert Jborn about 1913
FombelleLucille born about 1912
FombelleNorman born about 1937
FordArthur born about 1879
FreemanIrma born about 1912
FreemanJ Cborn about 1881

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G Surnames

GantryBilly born about 1924
GantryLe Moineborn about 1926
GantryMary born about 1904
GantryMary Janeborn about 1927
GantryParry born about 1923
GantzEttie born about 1865
GarriotMabel born about 1892
GarriotRussel born about 1892
GarriottEva born about 1866
GarverWilliam born about 1872
GeeyotDorothy born about 1922
GeeyotElla born about 1900
GeeyotJean born about 1924
GeeyotLester born about 1894
GeeyotWilliam born about 1932
GereanFrank born about 1880
GereanSada born about 1887
GermanBarbara Jeanborn about 1930
GermanCaroline born about 1909
GermanLarry born about 1938
GermanOrville born about 1903
GermanRichard born about 1932
GesterAlta born about 1912
GesterBetty Jeanborn about 1931
GesterRichard Leeborn about 1937
GesterRoy born about 1910
GesterRuth Ireneborn about 1934
GesterShirley Annborn about 1939
GoffronHenry born about 1896
GoffronMary born about 1901
GoffronOwen born about 1921
GokaneEmery Fborn about 1888
GokaneOlive Mborn about 1883
GokaneRalph born about 1915
GoodEleanor born about 1924
GoodFred born about 1894
GoodHarold born about 1935
GoodMaud born about 1900
GoodRobert born about 1926
GoodStanley born about 1929
GorenfloCharles born about 1897
GorenfloLela born about 1902
GourlyMildred Nborn about 1887
GourlyRoy born about 1887
GreenC Wborn about 1859
GreenCora born about 1894
GrosaRobert Pborn about 1908
GrossEmma born about 1884
GrossJulius born about 1878
GrossOlive born about 1910
GrossRoberta Annborn about 1935

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H Surnames

HamabergerUnulabell* born about 1856
HardyMary Ellenborn about 1917
HardyPearl Marieborn about 1892
HardyW Scottborn about 1890
HarrisBruce born about 1926
HarrisHarvit born about 1876
HarrisJ Mborn about 1875
HarrisJoan born about 1923
HarrisRoger born about 1903
HarrisRuth born about 1903
HarteEnos born about 1875
HarveyGeorge born about 1929
HarveyGuy Cborn about 1897
HarveyJames born about 1924
HarveyRessie born about 1895
HarveyRuth born about 1918
HarveyThomas Eborn about 1917
HavisonGuy Rborn about 1886
HavisonJannie born about 1934
HavisonMabel born about 1888
HawverHarold born about 1901
HawverHelga born about 1906
HazalriggKatie born about 1868
HebelHazel born about 1914
HebelLa Verneborn about 1934
HebelVernon born about 1912
HelmickEmily born about 1893
HelmickMarguerite born about 1927
HelmickWilber born about 1886
HelmickWilma Janeborn about 1928
HigginsCharlie born about 1890
HigginsDean born about 1921
HigginsEllen born about 1901
HigginsGeorge born about 1935
HigginsJoan born about 1938
HigginsRobert born about 1932
HiggisonBilly born about 1932
HiggisonSylvia born about 1905
HiggisonWillard born about 1903
HillStella born about 1882
HillW Aborn about 1880
HirbyRobert born about 1924
HirshC Jborn about 1877
HirshEsther Bellborn about 1912
HirshGlen born about 1908
HirshHarry born about 1911
HirshMary Aborn about 1879
HirshRussel born about 1904
HoodHarold born about 1921
HoodLeslie born about 1920
HoodRowena born about 1895
HoodWalter Lborn about 1887
HoodWilliam born about 1923
HoustonEd born about 1873
HoustonMattie born about 1874
HowallIrene born about 1920
HowallJames born about 1918
HubbardMary born about 1860
HuffCharles Orvilleborn about 1920
HuffEarl born about 1885
HuffEarl Jr born about 1914
HuffOlive born about 1887
HuffmanFred born about 1882
HuffmanLynn born about 1918
HuffmanStella born about 1884
HuntCarl Dborn about 1920
HuntEmma Bborn about 1893
HuntVernu?? Cborn about 1894
HuppBillie born about 1925
HuppDale born about 1923
HuppDorothy born about 1933
HuppEdith born about 1901
HuppHerbert born about 1923
HuppJ Eborn about 1878
HuppJane born about 1938
HuppKeith born about 1921
HuppPaul born about 1926
HuppRobert born about 1929
HuppShirley born about 1937
HustonBertha born about 1884
HustonC Nborn about 1881
HustonGail born about 1921
HustonThomas born about 1917

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J Surnames

JacksonArvin born about 1934
JacksonEdward Leeborn about 1938
JacksonGertrude born about 1910
JacksonLeonard born about 1908
JohnsonAlbin born about 1885
JohnsonHelen born about 1921
JohnsonJames born about 1902
JohnsonMalvin born about 1910
JohnsonMary Ruthborn about 1924
JohnsonMay born about 1890
JohnsonMildred born about 1912
JohnsonWalter born about 1912
JohnsonZeva born about 1905
JonesAnna born about 1915
JonesDick born about 1934
JonesGloria Jeanborn about 1935
JonesJanet born about 1937
JonesWilliam Bborn about 1912

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K Surnames

KaufmanBetty born about 1927
KaufmanDale born about 1920
KaufmanEsther Maeborn about 1902
KaufmanJess born about 1896
KaufmanKenneth born about 1922
KaufmanLarry Deanborn about 1937
KaufmanWanda born about 1933
KaufmanWayne born about 1932
KeisterJennie born about 1872
KeisterJohn born about 1870
KeisterJosephine born about 1880
KeisterNorman born about 1877
KellerArthur born about 1888
KellerPaul born about 1922
KellerZelma born about 1896
KinbyDot Sborn about 1882
KinbyRichard born about 1870
KinbySue born about 1880
KingBertha born about 1884
KingCedrie born about 1902
KingCharles born about 1925
KingDarrel born about 1929
KingEarl Wayneborn about 1939
KingFloyd born about 1888
KingFrancis born about 1902
KingGeneva born about 1925
KingLola born about 1903
KingRussel born about 1919
KingW Sborn about 1882
KingWalter born about 1921
KirbyGeraldine born about 1895
KirbyL Iborn about 1879
KirbyMary Lynetteborn about 1927
KirbySusanne born about 1923
KisselDonald born about 1936
KisselErvin born about 1905
KisselRobert Leeborn about 1934
KisselSarah born about 1911
KoppAdra born about 1914
KoppCecil born about 1908
KoppDelores born about 1934
KoppEarl born about 1916
KoppEdna born about 1913
KoppNancy Leeborn about 1936
KoppSandra born about

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L Surnames

LanterElsa born about 1910
LanterIra born about 1878
LanterMarine born about 1919
LanterNannie born about 1878
LeachA Vborn about 1899
LeachArmanda born about 1855
LeachOpal Rborn about 1903
LeachRayce born about 1930
LeeJessie born about 1890
LehewCharles born about 1907
LehewEula born about 1903
LehewGladys born about 1890
LehewMary Eborn about 1859
LehewNorma Jeanborn about 1932
LehewRalph born about 1886
LehewRoy born about 1878
LeighIrene born about 1909
LeighJohn born about 1897
LewisAileen born about 1925
LewisC Eborn about 1902
LewisCecil born about 1898
LewisDavid born about 1939
LewisDonald born about 1935
LewisElinor born about 1927
LewisHazel born about 1928
LewisHoward born about 1923
LewisJanet born about 1938
LewisKenneth born about 1932
LewisMayme born about 1899
LewisRandall born about 1921
LewisRuth born about 1929
LewisTeddy born about 1931
LewisWylma born about 1907
LichenbergerFlorence born about 1892
LichenbergerVirgil born about 1894
LikinoRussell Wborn about 1906
LikinoVira born about 1906
LikinsEarl born about 1902
LikinsEva born about 1875
LikinsJohn born about 1874
LikinsOscar born about 1886
LikivesDonna Kayborn about 1938
LikivesEdna Maeborn about 1928
LikivesEvelyn born about 1922
LikivesJohn born about 1935
LikivesJohn E Jrborn about 1899
LikivesMarilyn born about 1933
LikivesVina born about 1903
LikivesWanda born about 1922
LivingstonBertha born about 1897
LivingstonEd born about 1898
LivingstonJess born about 1895
LongDavid born about 1927
LongGeorge Williamborn about 1897
LongGeorge William Jrborn about 1923
LongHelen Lucilleborn about 1922
LongMartha born about 1902
LongRussel born about 1899
LongRuth Cborn about 1899
LongSeward Hamiltonborn about 1924
LongWilliam Russelborn about 1926
LoweryAlva Rborn about 1898
LoweryMildred born about 1903
LyonsEmily born about 1926
LyonsHerbert born about 1897
LyonsHerbert born about 1925
LyonsLille born about 1891

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M Surnames

MajorLouis born about 1875
MalloyWalter born about 1915
ManningArthur Wayneborn about 1922
ManningEdward born about 1897
ManningEtna born about 1901
ManningHerbert born about 1919
ManningMary born about 1929
MauchBessie born about 1923
MauchEthel born about 1882
MauchFrank born about 1915
MauchMary born about 1920
MaxwellViola born about 1858
MaxwellW Sborn about 1861
MayberryEarl born about 1888
McClellandBeatrice born about 1920
McClellandEverett Bborn about 1888
McClellandGrace born about 1889
McClellandHelen Louiseborn about 1922
McCollHarold born about 1926
McCollLester born about 1890
McCollMary Ettaborn about 1889
McIntoshArchie Pborn about 1893
McIntoshRuth Lborn about 1897
McKinleyGrace born about 1878
McPheronBernice born about 1896
McPheronBilly born about 1936
McPheronMarjorie born about 1928
McQuennFlora born about 1895
McQuennHarry Fborn about 1894
McQuennMarie born about 1923
MerrimanHelen born about 1923
MerrimanLeland born about 1918
MeyerJohn Pborn about 1888
MillerBlanche born about 1902
MillerCarroll born about 1933
MillerDean born about 1925
MillerElwood born about 1918
MillerJoan born about 1927
MillerLester born about 1897
MillerMary born about 1872
MillerMerle born about 1920
MillerRilla Jeanborn about 1939
MillerSammy born about 1932
MillhornDottie born about 1901
MillhornEverett Lloydborn about 1932
MillhornMary Lucilleborn about 1927
MillhornWilliam born about 1889
MillhornWilliam Charlesborn about 1933
MilliganHerbert born about 1889
MonroeKatherine born about 1885
MoothartEdna born about 1899
MoothartEdward born about 1925
MoothartHarriet Graceborn about 1927
MoothartHarry born about 1897
MoothartJean Aliceborn about 1923
MorgretGeorge Wborn about 1865
MorgretNellie Mborn about 1869
MossJohn born about 1884
MossLena born about 1896
MusselmanBessie born about 1890
MusselmanC Wborn about 1890
MusselmanWayne Anborn about 1917
MyeraDonald Jeanborn about 1931
MyeraFrancis Eborn about 1915
MyeraMargaret born about 1889
MyeraMargaret Helenborn about 1923
MyeraMildred born about 1917
MyeraR Hborn about 1888
MyersAlice Marieborn about 1931
MyersAnna Mayborn about 1925
MyersCorrine born about 1935
MyersEarl born about 1926
MyersEffie Maeborn about 1893
MyersEvelyn born about 1931
MyersFrank Iborn about 1885
MyersGeorge Henryborn about 1918
MyersIda Katherineborn about 1921
MyersMae born about 1900
MyersTheodore born about 1900
MyersTheodore Jr born about 1923

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O Surnames

OldweilerAlice born about 1925
OldweilerJoyce born about 1934
OldweilerLorraine born about 1902
OldweilerMartha born about 1927
OldweilerWilliam born about 1899
OldweilerWilliam born about 1930
OsbarnWilliam Mborn about 1931

P Surnames

ParrichGus born about
ParrichWinnie born about 1882
PatientEverett born about 1916
PayneElmer born about 1882
PayneMae born about 1892
PhillipsAlice Rborn about 1879
PhillipsHarry born about 1857
PhillipsLucille born about 1916
PhillipsOscar Dborn about 1874
PhillipsRichard born about 1917
PopeBert Jborn about 1883
PopeDarrel born about 1917
PopeNyrah born about 1891
PotrafkaFreida born about 1900
PotrafkaHenry born about 1897
PotrafkaJack born about 1921
PotrafkaRobert born about 1923
PotrafkaWilliam born about 1925
PottsCarrie born about 1882
PottsFrank Cborn about 1882

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Q Surnames

QuarryCarrie born about 1876
QuarryRoy born about 1877

R Surnames

RagsdaleLee born about 1878
RagsdaleMay Estherborn about 1889
RagsdaleRobert Clydeborn about 1919
RaineyRyland born about 1866
RandallJohn born about 1882
ReckwardtAnna born about 1888
ReckwardtMinna born about 1896
ReitzelAlbert Leeborn about 1934
ReitzelBetty Jeanborn about 1932
ReitzelEdward born about 1921
ReitzelJohn born about 1881
ReitzelLottie born about 1900
ReitzelMary Louiseborn about 1928
ReynoldaJohn born about 1887
ReynoldaOpal born about 1898
RhoadesFlorence born about 1922
RhoadesFloyd born about 1916
RhodesLena Bellborn about 1881
RhodesW Sborn about 1880
RiceJohn Rayborn about 1925
RiceRay born about 1898
RiceSara born about 1904
RichardsonArthur born about 1900
RichardsonAudrey born about 1939
RichardsonBetty born about 1929
RichardsonBlanche born about 1899
RichardsonFrank born about 1925
RichardsonInez born about 1931
RichardsonShirley born about 1932
RichardsonStanley born about 1935
RobleyAlan born about 1933
RobleyAustin born about 1903
RobleyLyle born about 1926
RobleyMildred born about 1906
RodgersEsther born about 1892
RodgersEugene Baggelborn about 1887
RodgersHelen born about 1935
RodgersJames Eugeneborn about 1925
RodgersKeith born about 1930
RogersHester born about 1909
RogersTommy Leeborn about 1938
RogersWilliam born about 1889
RoseAlberta born about 1920
RoseJack born about 1919
RoseLavey Jeanborn about 1939
RoweFlorence born about 1925
RoweHugh born about 1921
RoweJohn born about 1897
RoweNorman born about 1929
RoweRuth born about 1899

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S Surnames

SappGeorge born about 1901
SappRebecca born about 1915
SchallBonnie Leeborn about 1934
SchallCharlene born about 1939
SchallGlenn born about 1905
SchallRuth born about 1907
SchallaEdward born about 1884
SchallaMartha born about 1888
ScrimpolerAileen born about 1923
ScrimpolerB Eborn about 1889
ScrimpolerEthel Maeborn about 1932
ScrimpolerIda born about 1894
ScrimpolerMary born about 1921
ScrimpolerNoah born about 1929
ScrimpolerRobert born about 1926
SewardFerrol born about 1927
SewardForrest Fborn about 1904
SewardIrene born about 1903
SewardLynn born about 1929
SewardNelson born about 1934
ShafersBertha Maeborn about 1893
ShafersCharles born about 1893
ShafersCharles Cborn about 1918
ShafersDale born about 1923
ShafersEugene born about 1925
ShafersJack born about 1928
ShafersNorma Jeanborn about 1932
ShafersRichard born about 1931
ShelleyIda born about 1877
SheltHobart born about 1910
ShobeJena Marieborn about 1939
ShobeL Eborn about 1910
ShobePhyllis born about 1902
SholeDora Jeanborn about 1931
SholeDorothy born about 1907
SholeRobert born about 1905
SicklesAvis born about 1929
SicklesDreemua* born about 1912
SicklesEvelyn born about 1932
SicklesFrancis Marionborn about 1908
SicklesLoyd born about 1934
SicklesMary born about 1930
SicklesMerle Deanborn about 1939
SigmonDonna Leaborn about 1934
SigmonEarl born about 1904
SigmonNorma born about 1925
SigmonRuth born about 1904
SkeltonDonald Deanborn about 1933
SkeltonLide Kathryneborn about 1911
SkeltonRobert Eugeneborn about 1932
SmalleyGary Lynnborn about 1934
SmalleyLarry Kentborn about 1938
SmalleyOrville born about 1907
SmalleyRuth born about 1912
SmithBertha born about 1870
SmithEllet born about 1863
SmithLida born about 1874
SpoonerEdna born about 1938
SpoonerEtta born about 1884
SpoonerJ Cborn about 1880
StelesAnna born about 1907
StelesEdward born about 1908
StelesJoan born about 1934
StelesWanda born about 1933
StellwagonGeorge born about 1922
StiniAnna born about 1886
StiniClaude born about 1876
StiniClaude born about 1927
StiniHomer born about 1923
StiniRobert born about 1925
StiversonPaul born about 1929
StoutHarold born about 1914
StoutMella born about 1914
StoutShirley born about 1933
StropeAlice born about 1878
SullivanLitha born about 1886
SullivanW Mborn about 1884

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T Surnames

ThomasDale born about 1926
ThomasFlorence born about 1928
ThomasFrancis born about 1919
ThomasGene born about 1930
ThomasHerbert born about 1912
ThomasShirley born about 1937
TottenIona born about 1914
TottenMyrtle born about 1884
TottenR Bborn about 1878
TrummelDaryle born about 1915
TrummelEdwin born about 1911
TrummelEdwin Deanborn about 1938
TrummelEugene Cborn about 1922
TrummelHelen Bborn about 1919
TrummelL Hborn about 1874
TrummelMary born about 1922
TrummelNellie Mborn about 1881
TrummelNorman Lborn about 1914
TullisDorscy born about 1904
TullisElizabeth born about 1908
TullisWilliam born about 1938
TurkinIda Mborn about 1870
TurnerGrace born about 1886
TurnerHarris born about 1882

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V Surnames

VanmaterBurl born about 1914
VanmaterCasper born about 1887
VanmaterDora born about 1896
VanmaterRolla born about 1920
VestBertha born about 1883
VestOliver born about 1883

W Surnames

WagnerDonald Edwinborn about 1938
WagnerEmery born about 1895
WagnerLanie Ballborn about 1918
WagnerNorma Jeanborn about 1936
WaightKeith born about 1922
WaightMargueritte born about 1925
WalkerEllen born about 1913
WaltmerH Lborn about 1883
WaltmerLillie born about 1889
WarnarEdward born about 1887
WarnarEdward Jr born about 1921
WarnarNettie Maeborn about 1894
WarrerJoan born about 1933
WelgeCarl born about 1892
WelgeEmma born about 1892
WertHarold Raineyborn about 1901
WertMartha Lborn about 1879
WertNaomi Fernborn about 1910
WestAlbert born about 1886
WestBeulah born about 1910
WestEmerson born about 1912
WheelerAmos born about 1875
WheelerDorothy born about 1916
WheelerEthel Zelmaborn about 1893
WheelerEverett born about 1911
WheelerJ Hborn about 1887
WheelerLula Mborn about 1881
WilberDonald born about 1939
WilberEverett born about 1921
WilberHarold born about 1914
WilberLloyd born about 1919
WilberRuth born about 1916
WilberSally born about 1894
WilberWayne born about 1922
WilberWilliam born about 1888
WilberWilliam Glenborn about 1916
WilksBettye born about 1922
WilksBeverly born about 1926
WilksGracie born about 1920
WilksJack born about 1939
WilksRichard born about 1938
WilksRitchie born about 1918
WilliansMary Jeanborn about 1939
WilliansMildred born about 1918
WilliansNeal born about 1914
WilsonEmma Lborn about 1874
WilsonGilbert Aborn about 1878
WilsonMartha Eborn about 1886
WilsonNorma Jeanborn about 1926
WilsonRobert Eugeneborn about 1931
WiningGrace born about 1889
WiningJames Williamborn about 1891
WiningPhyllis born about 1918
WisemanCardelia born about 1907
WisemanCarol born about 1936
WisemanNolle born about 1907
WisemanRuby born about 1929
WolkeConrad born about 1872
WolkeJudith born about 1876
WoodsDora Bborn about 1869
WoodsRobert Sborn about 1869
WostHarold born about 1909
WostMildred born about 1910
WostRobert born about 1930
WrightBessie Ffrnborn about 1915
WrightBilly Deronborn about 1938
WrightCharlotte Fernborn about 1935
WrightGeorge Joeborn about 1912
WrightNoel Keithborn about

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Y Surnames

YetterBryan born about 1904
YetterEdna born about 1903
YetterLarry born about 1939

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