1940 U.S. Federal Census of Woodville, Greene, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Greene County > 1940 Census of Woodville

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AllenRobert born about 1921
AndersonAlice born about 1916
AndersonBeatrice born about 1882
AndersonElaine born about 1915
AndersonEster born about 1866
AndersonFred Eborn about 1873
AndersonGlenn Jborn about 1915
AndersonJoseph born about 1879
AndersonLyn born about 1926
AndersonPaul born about 1938
AndersonWillard born about 1913
AndersonWillard born about 1935
AndersonWilliam born about 1905
AngleDonald Rborn about 1916
AngleElla born about 1875
AngleRichard Nborn about 1880
ArmsonElizabeth born about 1857
AyresHazel born about 1922
AyresPatricia born about 1939
AyresRalph born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BairdIrvin born about 1873
BairdRuby born about 1867
BasdenLindell born about 1939
BeckdoldtCharles born about 1889
BennerAddie born about 1891
BennerLynus born about 1881
BennerLynus Eborn about 1932
BickAlfred born about 1931
BickCora born about 1903
BickEdith born about 1928
BickLeo Hborn about 1906
BickLesta born about 1933
BickLoretta born about 1939
BickWayne born about 1935
BlackwellConstance born about 1924
BlackwellKatherine born about 1890
BlackwellLucinda born about 1859
BlackwellMargeret born about 1935
BlackwellMerle born about 1927
BlackwellMildred born about 1903
BlackwellNone Aborn about 1892
BlackwellThomas born about 1888
BlackwellViola born about 1924
BlackwellWilliam born about 1940
BoothAlbert born about 1912
BoothBessie born about 1882
BoothEarl born about 1919
BoothGeorge born about 1875
BorlincAgnes born about 1889
BorlincHenry born about 1883
BowersAdelia born about 1913
BowersArnold Oborn about 1902
BowersArnold Rborn about 1933
BowersBaulah born about 1892
BowersBetty Lborn about 1931
BowersCharles born about 1935
BowersEllen born about 1922
BowersFloyd born about 1932
BowersGeorge born about 1885
BowersGeorge Jr born about 1927
BowersJames born about 1930
BowersJoseph Bborn about 1937
BowersKenneth born about 1925
BoydArthur Lborn about 1913
BrandtArthur born about 1936
BrandtBillie born about 1938
BrandtEmma born about 1889
BrandtLewis born about 1914
BrandtMadeline born about 1925
BrandtMary born about 1920
BrandtWert born about 1887
BrannanBert Cborn about 1893
BrannanCharles born about 1930
BrannanChristana born about 1897
BrannanDoris born about 1923
BrannanEdna Janeborn about 1931
BrannanGordon born about 1940
BrannanJeanette born about 1913
BrannanJoan born about 1933
BrannanJoe born about 1938
BrannanJohn born about 1925
BrannanKeith born about 1907
BrannanLois Leeborn about 1931
BrannanMargaret born about 1936
BrannanMary Louborn about 1929
BrannanRichard born about 1936
BrannanRuth born about 1904
BrannanWilliam born about 1891
BridgewaterCharles Eborn about 1890
BridgewaterEva born about 1928
BridgewaterFrancis born about 1922
BridgewaterGeorge born about 1926
BridgewaterHester born about 1901
BridgewaterIra Dellborn about 1935
BridgewaterLuther born about 1885
BridgewaterMaxine born about 1923
BridgewaterSiddell born about 1930
BridgewaterSybil born about 1925
BridgewaterWilliam born about 1900
BridgewaterWilliam Jr born about 1924
BridgewaterWinnie born about 1895
BridgmanBilly Jborn about 1927
BridgmanCharles Dborn about 1940
BridgmanWilliam Bborn about 1935
BrooksCharles Aborn about 1873
BrooksCora born about 1882
BrooksEugene born about 1926
BrooksGeorge born about 1937
BrooksHarry born about 1917
BrooksIda born about 1936
BrooksImogene born about 1939
BrooksLeola born about 1933
BrooksLeroy born about 1914
BrooksLouis born about 1921
BrooksMarvell born about 1913
BrooksVernos born about 1909
BrooksW Prestonborn about 1865
BrownJohn Tborn about 1913
BryantDella born about 1889
BryantEdward born about 1874
BryantWanda Jborn about 1930
BukenkemperAgnes born about 1899
BukenkemperJohn born about 1891
BurchHenry Lborn about 1867
BurnsVeronica born about 1935
BuschFrederick Fborn about 1872
BuschLinnie Maeborn about 1878
BuschRichard born about 1859
BushnellCharles born about 1896
BushnellCharlotte born about 1936
BushnellClara born about 1891
BushnellClover born about 1912
BushnellClyde born about 1902
BushnellKatherine born about 1875
BushnellLee Oborn about 1900
BushnellLeslie born about 1933
BushnellLorraine born about 1924
BushnellMajorie born about 1920
BushnellMarlin Fborn about 1940
BushnellOran born about 1903
BushnellRay born about 1892
BushnellSteve born about 1899
BushnellWalter Sborn about 1871
ButlerAnna born about 1889
ButlerFlorence born about 1927
ButlerMary Mborn about 1924
ButlerRobert Hborn about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadleGeorge born about 1915
CadleViola born about 1920
CamererGeorge born about 1919
CamererGrace born about 1911
CamererHenry Gborn about 1878
CamererHerman born about 1902
CamererMargeret born about 1887
CamererOpal born about 1924
CamererThomas born about 1922
CarltenJacob born about 1876
CarmodyAnna Mborn about 1861
CarmodyDavid Dborn about 1937
CarmodyJeanette born about 1931
CarmodyLucy Maeborn about 1929
CarmodyMary Aborn about 1924
CarmodyMary Cborn about 1901
CarmodyPhilip born about 1898
CarmodyPhilip Mborn about 1923
CarmodyRobert Wborn about 1925
CarmodyVirginia born about 1926
CarstenDamon born about 1911
CarterMary Lauborn about 1917
ChristenJoseph born about 1916
ChristenMay born about 1888
ChristenNorma born about 1923
ChristenRichard born about 1927
ChristenRobert born about 1890
ChristenWalter born about 1920
CopeLeonard born about 1903
CrabtreeDelbert born about 1920
CrabtreeOscar born about 1890
CrabtreeSophia born about 1889
CraigmilerMary born about 1918
CraigmilerOlen born about 1914
CrotchettJacob born about 1875
CummingsChrin born about 1885
CummingsClara born about 1891
CummingsClaude born about 1888
CummingsDonald born about 1931
CummingsEdna born about 1898
CummingsElsie born about 1893
CummingsGearld born about 1914
CummingsImogene born about 1926
CummingsLeonard born about 1934
CummingsMable born about 1925
CummingsOrman Oborn about 1893
CummingsOrnan born about 1928
CummingsPauline born about 1916
CummingsRuth born about 1923
CunninghamMary born about 1869
CunninghamWilliam born about 1867
CurtrightBerte born about 1912
CurtrightGrace born about 1915
CurtrightNorett born about 1887
CurtrightWilliam born about 1882
CurtrightWilliam Fborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarrDoris Mborn about 1928
DarrGeorge Eborn about 1930
DarrGeorge Wborn about 1904
DarrMajorie Jborn about 1936
DarrMary Fborn about 1906
DavidsonBettie born about 1937
DavidsonDoris born about 1932
DavidsonLucy born about 1905
DavidsonMargurite born about 1922
DavidsonMark Lborn about 1878
DavidsonMary born about 1877
DavidsonMary born about 1908
DavidsonMyrle born about 1900
DavidsonPaul born about 1935
DavidsonSharon born about 1929
DavidsonShirley born about 1930
DavidsonTony born about 1901
DawdyArchie born about 1902
DawdyAudrey Jeanborn about 1934
DawdyBetty Louborn about 1929
DawdyDorthy born about 1940
DawdyEarl born about 1927
DawdyVelma born about 1909
DayClinton born about 1913
DayClinton Jr born about 1938
DayPhyllis Annborn about 1936
DayVivian born about 1915
DeanJames Fborn about 1883
DeanJames Fborn about 1912
DeanMartha born about 1918
DeanPatsy born about 1939
DeanThomas born about 1914
DeveningDewain born about 1926
DeveningEdna born about 1908
DeveningLila born about 1926
DeveningMary born about 1939
DeveningRoy Lborn about 1898
DeveningRuth born about 1927
DevineBettie born about 1931
DevineBonnie born about 1925
DevineDonna born about 1939
DevineKatherin born about 1901
DevineLarry born about 1937
DevineRichard born about 1926
DevineRodney born about 1938
DevineYvonne born about 1930
DeviningDoris born about 1931
DeviningHazel born about 1914
DeviningPercy born about 1906
DierkingOliver born about 1875
DilksDaisy born about 1904
DilksPatsy born about 1937
DilksRonald born about 1934
DoveningJames born about 1871
DriverCharles Eborn about 1885
DriverCharles Lborn about 1928
DriverFrances born about 1885

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E Surnames

EarlyElsie Maeborn about 1930
EarlyLaverne born about 1927
EarlyLindell born about 1932
EarlyOthel Eborn about 1906
EarlyVelma born about 1908
EdieCharles born about 1865
ElmoreFred Hborn about 1880
ElmoreWinnie born about 1890
EvansAlpha born about 1909
EvansCarroll born about 1938
EvansClarance born about 1931
EvansEmmert born about 1903
EvansNorman born about 1936

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F Surnames

FalleyClem born about 1886
FalleyDonald born about 1922
FalleyIda born about 1887
FalleyPaul born about 1915
FlattArvella born about 1928
FlattBetty born about 1933
FlattDoris born about 1929
FlattEdna born about 1904
FlattFrancis born about 1925
FlattHarold born about 1926
FlattLois born about 1934
FlattMable born about 1901
FlattMilton born about 1888
FlattPaul born about 1904
FlattShirley born about 1935
FlattWilliam Kborn about 1923
FlockAlbert born about 1886
FlockDallas born about 1926
FlockHomer born about 1929
FlockMable born about 1891
FlockPaul born about 1924
FlockRichard born about 1921
FlowersEthel born about 1904
FlowersHarry Dborn about 1937
FlowersImogene born about 1932
FlowersJames born about 1926
FlowersJesse born about 1895
FlowersKeith born about 1928
FlowersKenneth born about 1929
FlowersMerle born about 1922
FolleyPearl born about 1921
FolleyVirgil born about 1917
FordGideon born about 1866
FowlerAlbert born about 1895
FowlerEthel born about 1919
FowlerHester born about 1939
FryAlice born about 1924
FryCharles born about 1922
FryCharles Hborn about 1877
FryGeorge born about 1917
FryHelen born about 1929
FryJanice born about 1936
FryPearl born about 1898
FryViola Pborn about 1923

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G Surnames

GaitherGail born about 1894
GaitherJohn Hborn about 1893
GaitherMadeline born about 1924
GaitherMajorie born about 1932
GaunttFannie born about 1884
GaunttFrank born about 1868
GaunttGlory Bellborn about 1928
GaunttIrvin born about 1926
GaunttRobert born about 1934
GavageGarry Allanborn about 1939
GavageJanice Joyceborn about 1937
GavagePansy born about 1915
GavageWilliam Aborn about 1912
GibbsDewey born about 1901
GibbsEdward born about 1869
GibersonHarold Wborn about 1921
GibersonKatherine born about 1884
GibersonSam Hborn about 1891
GibersonWilliam Pborn about 1880
GilbertArthur born about 1877
GilbertCharles born about 1905
GilbertEthel born about 1909
GilbertGeorge born about 1912
GilbertJames born about 1917
GilbertJuanita born about 1927
GilbertMyrle born about 1930
GilbertYvonne born about 1936
GillelandAugusta Mborn about 1894
GillelandBetty Jborn about 1929
GillelandBrozilina born about 1887
GillelandCaroline born about 1866
GillelandNeal born about 1867
GillelandThomas born about 1871
GillelandV Claudeborn about 1892
GoodmanBertha born about 1927
GoodmanHarold born about 1930
GoodmanJohn born about 1889
GoodmanRaymond born about 1923
GoodmanSarah born about 1891
GriffithDonald born about 1919
GriffithJoseph born about 1926
GriffithJoseph Hborn about 1896
GriffithLois born about 1933
GriffithLucy born about 1901
GriggleChester born about 1926
GriggleChester Cborn about 1896
GriggleDale born about 1934
GriggleEugene born about 1927
GriggleRosa born about 1906
GriggleRosemary born about 1930
GrovesHelen Wborn about 1907
GrovesLester Wborn about 1898

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H Surnames

HadsellMary born about 1853
HallHerman born about 1904
HallMary Louiseborn about 1931
HallViolet Eborn about 1904
HammondClarence born about 1901
HammondEarl Vborn about 1917
HammondNaomi born about 1880
HammondVivian born about 1907
HammondWahcelia born about 1926
HandlineHelen born about 1916
HandlineLarry born about 1938
HandlineThomas Cborn about 1940
HandlineThomas Eborn about 1914
HanelineEdith born about 1911
HanelineFlossie born about 1928
HanelineOscar born about 1904
HanelineOscar Jr born about 1932
HanelineRussel born about 1929
HanelineVirgil born about 1930
HardwickClifton born about 1908
HardwickCordelia born about 1890
HardwickLester born about 1939
HardwickLucile born about 1937
HardwickMarvin born about 1938
HardwickPaul born about 1917
HardwickThomas born about 1892
HauksFaris born about 1907
HauksJunior born about 1930
HauksKenneth born about 1913
HauksLora born about 1887
HauksMurel born about 1909
HauryCharles born about 1879
HaworthMary born about 1876
HaworthWilliam Sborn about 1875
HeltonBernice born about 1920
HeltonDoris born about 1938
HeltonHarlin born about 1914
HennebergBlanche born about 1918
HennebergGilbert born about 1911
HerringAnne born about 1888
HerringCharles born about 1912
HerringCora born about 1887
HerringDelores born about 1936
HerringDoris Juneborn about 1928
HerringDorthy born about 1917
HerringFred Fborn about 1911
HerringGarneita born about 1939
HerringHenry born about 1878
HerringJohn born about 1876
HerringMae born about 1916
HerringRondall born about 1936
HillmanMarguerite born about 1914
HillmanNettie born about 1885
HillmanRussell born about 1936
HillmanThomas born about 1876
HillmanTravis born about 1910
HiresGoldie born about 1899
HiresLydia born about 1870
HiresPerry born about 1894
HodgersonBertha born about 1895
HodgersonBillie born about 1933
HodgersonDavid born about 1938
HodgersonEugene born about 1924
HodgersonGeorge born about 1893
HodgersonGrace born about 1935
HodgersonHilda born about 1927
HodgersonHoward born about 1931
HodgersonMary Helenborn about 1922
HodgersonMeda born about 1929
HodgersonSam born about 1920
HolderCharles born about 1937
HolderEvelyn born about 1935
HolderGarnet born about 1918
HolderJoyce born about 1940
HolderRoy born about 1913
HoltsworthBarbara born about 1939
HoltsworthBeulah born about 1916
HoltsworthDaisy born about 1891
HoltsworthFred born about 1891
HoltsworthFroman born about 1910
HoltsworthGary born about 1936
HoltsworthJohn born about 1887
HovenCardelia born about 1917
HovenDolores born about 1939
HovenJesse Lborn about 1934
HovenLouis Pborn about 1913
HunterCharles born about 1924
HunterChester born about 1891
HunterEva born about 1892
HunterMary Ruthborn about 1930
HunterMildred born about 1922
HunterNola born about 1927
HunterTruman born about 1919
HydeDavid born about 1932
HydeFred born about 1899
HydeGrace born about 1899
HydeHarold born about 1909
HydeJessie born about 1907
HydeMary Mborn about 1939
HydePaul born about 1935
HydeThomas born about 1920
HydesAlfred born about 1894

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I Surnames

IversAudrey born about 1924
IversCressie born about 1896
IversEarl born about 1928
IversJames born about 1923
IversWilliam born about 1888

J Surnames

JohniseeBernice born about 1926
JohniseeClyde born about 1921
JohniseeErnest born about 1919
JohniseeGearld born about 1939
JohniseeKatherine born about 1928
JohniseeLelia born about 1899
JohniseeMary born about 1921

K Surnames

KimballPleas Aborn about 1869
KnightEllen Jborn about 1875
KnightJoseph Mborn about 1878
KnoxEverett born about 1912
KosterChristina born about 1871
KosterFrank born about 1914
KosterGearld born about 1940
KosterJanet born about 1940
KosterMargaret born about 1919
KosterTheodore born about 1868
KosterTheodore Jr born about 1908
KrauseArthur born about 1921
KrauseAugust born about 1882
KrauseElla born about 1892
KrauseWilliam born about 1914

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L Surnames

LandonNellie born about 1914
LandonSandra born about 1938
LangerAmand born about 1854
LangerEffie born about 1883
LangerElsie Maeborn about 1928
LangerEunice born about 1894
LangerJane born about 1930
LangerJean born about 1926
LangerJoseph born about 1889
LangerJoseph born about 1931
LangerLena born about 1897
LangerMaria born about 1859
LangerMildred born about 1912
LangerNellie born about 1900
LangerOtto born about 1901
LangerRobert born about 1934
LangerWilliam Fborn about 1876
LankfordEdmon born about 1875
LankfordEmma born about 1888
LankfordFrank born about 1908
LankfordHazel born about 1913
LankfordJohn born about 1925
LankfordMary born about 1928
LankfordRozella born about 1932
LemonsBetty Lborn about 1933
LemonsDoris born about 1939
LemonsFloyd born about 1922
LemonsGrace born about 1919
LemonsHarlan born about 1924
LemonsLouise born about 1918
LemonsPearl born about 1894
LemonsRobert born about 1917
LemonsRobert Dborn about 1893
LoganGeorge Jr born about 1891
LoganLucy born about 1893
LortonAda born about 1919
LortonBen Fborn about 1875
LortonBessie born about 1895
LortonEdna born about 1909
LortonFred Wborn about 1906
LortonMable born about 1929

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M Surnames

MackFrank born about 1880
MackLela born about 1887
MarshallHarriet Eborn about 1891
MarshallWilliam Aborn about 1890
MartinAnne Fborn about 1864
MartinEdward Jborn about 1866
MartinErnest Bborn about 1910
MartinFannie born about 1868
MartinSteven Lborn about 1878
McAdamsGeorge born about 1895
McConnellDelbert born about 1901
McConnellLelia born about 1900
McConnellOscar born about 1878
McCormickJames born about 1919
McCormickJosephine born about 1923
McCormickLincoln born about 1895
McCormickMartin born about 1934
McCormickNellie born about 1897
McCormickRichard born about 1938
McCormickViola born about 1922
McDanielsBuster born about 1909
McDanielsConrad born about 1934
McDanielsGeneva born about 1910
McDanielsRobert born about 1931
MemgallGertie born about 1904
MemgallHarry born about 1904
MemgallJames Mborn about 1877
MemgallMary born about 1877
MeyersCharles born about 1916
MillerClark born about 1912
MillerLula Annborn about 1939
MillerMary Louborn about 1938
MillerVirginia born about 1919
MillsAnnetta born about 1860
MilnerJennie born about 1868
MooreRichard born about 1917
MossWilfred born about 1898
MungallBeatrice born about 1886
MungallRobert Gborn about 1922
MungallRobert Jborn about 1881
MurphyCurtis born about 1911
MurphyGlenn born about 1936
MurphyRobert born about 1940
MurphyRuby born about 1916
MurphyVelma born about 1932
MurrayWatson born about 1919

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N Surnames

NewtonEleanor Kayborn about 1937
NewtonLawerence born about 1898
NewtonMargaret born about 1909
NolanMartin born about 1923

O Surnames

OstermanAgnes born about 1889
OstermanFred born about 1887
OstermanJohn born about 1885
OstermanJoseph born about 1896
OstermanLouis born about 1907

P Surnames

PegramLucille born about 1900
PegramWalter Aborn about 1888
PetersArthur born about 1924
PetersJames born about 1929
PetersJoseph born about 1925
PetersMary born about 1927
PetersRobert born about 1922
PetersRobert Rborn about 1891
PetersSarah born about 1893
PetersThelma born about 1925
PetersonBurl born about 1914
PetersonForest born about 1920
PetersonIwan born about 1922
PetersonJohn born about 1886
PetersonLeorene born about 1914
PetersonMae born about 1937
PetersonNettie born about 1893
PetersonPaul born about 1930
PetersonSharon born about 1937
PetersonValeria born about 1917
PhillipsAllan born about 1940
PhillipsArmpstead born about 1915
PhillipsLeroy born about 1937
PhillipsMageret born about 1919
PikeFlorence born about 1887
PikeWilliam Mborn about 1884
PowellAnne born about 1881
PowellBonetta born about 1917
PowellDelta born about 1912
PowellJohn born about 1877
PowellMarietta born about 1909
PowellMartha born about 1923
PowellMary born about 1878
PowellVernice born about 1907
PriceArthur born about 1900
PriceDora Maeborn about 1915
PriceFannie born about 1939
PriceJames Hborn about 1873
PriceKathleen born about 1938
PriceMajorie Lborn about 1937
PriceWaneta born about 1935
ProughBetty born about 1935
ProughClyde born about 1892
ProughDonald born about 1928
ProughGlenn born about 1930
ProughKenneth born about 1932
ProughLawrence born about 1929
ProughLucy born about 1908
ProughRalph born about 1903

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R Surnames

Raker born about 1932
RakerHenry born about 1882
RakerHenry Jr born about 1927
ReddishBernadine born about 1925
ReddishElmer born about 1897
ReddishEverett born about 1932
ReddishFlora Vborn about 1879
ReddishGeorge born about 1921
ReddishLily born about 1900
ReddishMaurice born about 1923
ReddishRobert born about 1876
ReddishRobert born about 1918
ReedSadie born about 1867
ReedThomas born about 1862
ReeseAlbert Jr born about 1928
ReynoldsAlice born about 1868
ReynoldsAlvadeen born about 1910
ReynoldsAmelia born about 1930
ReynoldsCharlotte born about 1935
ReynoldsDoris born about 1938
ReynoldsEllen Aborn about 1930
ReynoldsEster born about 1922
ReynoldsGertrude born about 1909
ReynoldsGladys born about 1900
ReynoldsJewel born about 1933
ReynoldsJodie born about 1924
ReynoldsJoseph born about 1894
ReynoldsLloyd born about 1897
ReynoldsLloyd Jr born about 1932
ReynoldsLoretta born about 1925
ReynoldsLydia born about 1898
ReynoldsMarjorie Joanborn about 1937
ReynoldsThelma born about 1928
ReynoldsVerna Maeborn about 1936
ReynoldsVernon born about 1911
ReynoldsWilliam Gborn about 1897
ReynoldsWilma born about 1924
RiceFreeda born about 1914
RiceGeorgiana born about 1932
RiceJeanette born about 1938
RiceJohn Aborn about 1880
RiceJohn Adrianborn about 1935
RiceJohn Hborn about 1912
RiceNelson Cborn about 1895
RiceRuth born about 1898
RiceStuart born about 1927
RichardsBenton born about 1922
RichardsBillie born about 1931
RichardsCatherine born about 1913
RichardsGuy Sborn about 1884
RichardsHelen born about 1936
RichardsJohn Dborn about 1909
RichardsLouise born about 1930
RichardsMiddie born about 1895
RichardsMiddie Louborn about 1921
RicheyFrances born about 1927
RicheyLillie born about 1897
RicheyWalter born about 1892
RiefAlt born about 1899
RiefDale born about 1931
RiefDelmar born about 1935
RiefEdward born about 1895
RiefFlorence born about 1923
RiefFrank born about 1897
RiefMather born about 1918
RiefRebecca born about 1939
RoachElbert born about 1918
RoachHarold born about 1934
RoachStella born about 1914
RobleyBertha born about 1878
RobleyHarry Aborn about 1876
RussellAlice born about 1890
RussellDorthy born about 1913
RussellEarl born about 1917
RussellEster born about 1922
RussellEster born about 1933
RussellEverett Jborn about 1911
RussellHarold born about 1905
RussellJustis born about 1892
RussellLillian born about 1917
RussellMartha born about 1938
RussellRichard born about 1926

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S Surnames

SagezJoseph Lborn about 1878
SavageDonald born about 1930
SavageHardin born about 1887
SavageLeonard born about 1910
SavageSarah born about 1892
SavageWayne born about 1919
SchildGeorge Jr born about 1904
SchildGeorgine born about 1936
SchildLouise born about 1908
SchildMary Louborn about 1933
SchildsEthel born about 1901
SchildsJoseph born about 1901
SchildsMinnie born about 1897
SchildsRobert born about 1925
ScogginsDonald born about 1932
ScogginsJohn born about 1908
ScogginsJohn Lborn about 1871
ScogginsMajorie born about 1938
ScogginsRollin born about 1932
ScogginsSarah Eborn about 1870
ScogginsThelma born about 1915
SeemanMerlin Rborn about 1895
SeimerJohn born about 1876
SethalerAnne born about 1892
SethalerBernard born about 1936
SethalerCharles born about 1930
SethalerHelen born about 1919
SethalerHenry born about 1933
SethalerIgnnatius born about 1893
SethalerLeo born about 1928
SethalerMartha born about 1925
SethalerNorbert born about 1920
SethalerRosemary born about 1922
SethalerViola born about 1924
SewellArthur born about 1877
SewellHelen born about 1894
ShackelfordMartha born about 1928
ShackelfordPaul born about 1903
ShackelfordThelma born about 1906
ShortAllena born about 1938
ShortArlington born about 1898
ShortHazel born about 1902
ShortVernon born about 1932
SkinnerAlice born about 1923
SkinnerRoy born about 1917
SmithAdelia born about 1934
SmithAlma born about 1922
SmithBeatrice born about 1888
SmithCharles born about 1924
SmithCharles Hborn about 1883
SmithEileen born about 1921
SmithElmore born about 1875
SmithGoldie born about 1894
SmithHannah born about 1917
SmithHoward born about 1919
SmithIvan born about 1930
SmithJohn Wborn about 1892
SmithJohn Jr born about 1926
SmithLloyd born about 1920
SmithMelissa born about 1886
SmithOramary born about 1926
SmithPaul born about 1930
SmithRichard born about 1922
SmithRufford born about 1904
StevensCora born about 1868
StewartLaverne born about 1931
StewartMary born about 1888
StewartRay Bborn about 1927
StewartWilliam born about 1886
StollgBillie born about 1932
StoutBlanche born about 1920
StoutElmer born about 1911
StoutHurst Mborn about 1884
StoutIda born about 1882
StoutMary born about 1907
StoutOrville born about 1907
StoutRobert born about 1934
SuddarthRuth Gborn about 1923
SynderAlbert born about 1920
SynderGurtie born about 1894
SynderHarold born about 1922
SynderPearl born about 1884
SynderPearl Jr born about 1933
SynderRobert born about 1930

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T Surnames

ThorntonArthur born about 1916
ThorntonE??? born about 1922
ThorntonOran born about 1907
ThorntonShirley Jborn about 1939
ThorntonWilma born about 1921
ThuerAgnes born about 1915
ThuerDean born about 1902
ThuerEverett born about 1937
ThuerGenena born about 1934
TilleryDale born about 1921
TilleryElizabeth born about 1876
TilleryIvan born about 1908
TilleryJohn born about 1871
TilleryLois born about 1925
ToddSteve born about 1877

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandersandLottie born about 1880
VandersandWilliam Fborn about 1874
VarbleAdrian born about 1939
VarbleBernita born about 1918
VarbleClifton born about 1886
VarbleDelbert born about 1917
VarbleDonald born about 1917
VarbleDonna Marieborn about 1939
VarbleDuane born about 1938
VarbleEdna born about 1932
VarbleEdna Pborn about 1927
VarbleElmer born about 1925
VarbleEmma born about 1917
VarbleEva born about 1928
VarbleFrancis born about 1893
VarbleFranklin born about 1937
VarbleGate Beeborn about 1939
VarbleGearld born about 1915
VarbleGeorge born about 1895
VarbleGeorge born about 1919
VarbleGerald born about 1938
VarbleGertrude born about 1873
VarbleGlenn born about 1913
VarbleGrace born about 1910
VarbleHarold born about 1930
VarbleHarry born about 1901
VarbleHelen born about 1920
VarbleHerbert born about 1931
VarbleInving born about 1931
VarbleIona born about 1908
VarbleJames born about 1931
VarbleJohn born about 1934
VarbleJohn Fborn about 1900
VarbleKathlee born about 1919
VarbleLeroy born about 1924
VarbleLester born about 1927
VarbleLillian born about 1935
VarbleLuther born about 1907
VarbleMae born about 1893
VarbleMarie born about 1926
VarbleMary born about 1923
VarbleMelvin born about 1929
VarbleMurle born about 1930
VarblePaul born about 1939
VarblePerry Aborn about 1898
VarblePerry Pborn about 1872
VarbleRichard born about 1917
VarbleRichard born about 1936
VarbleSilva born about 1907
VarbleTina born about 1892
VarbleVernice born about 1891
VarbleVirginia born about 1927
VarbleWalter Eborn about 1929
VinyardAlbert born about 1925
VinyardAlvin born about 1893
VinyardAnna Maeborn about 1927
VinyardCharles Dborn about 1934
VinyardFrances born about 1936
VinyardJohn Eborn about 1929
VinyardMildred born about 1906
VinyardRosemary born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalterArthur Cborn about 1888
WalterBetty born about 1925
WalterCharles born about 1903
WalterCharles born about 1929
WalterFlorence born about 1895
WalterGenevieve born about 1907
WalterIlean born about 1926
WalterIra Leeborn about 1935
WalterJennette born about 1920
WalterMartha Hborn about 1937
WalterWilliam born about 1931
WalzFred born about 1912
WalzJohn Jborn about 1936
WalzRuth born about 1916
WalzRuth born about 1938
WardOscar born about 1873
WeddleHobert born about 1900
WellsJohn Wborn about 1905
WellsLucy born about 1911
WhiteheadElizabetyh born about 1882
WhitlockRalph born about 1913
WhitlockVirginia born about 1921
WilcopinArthur Lborn about 1881
WilcopinFlorence born about 1885
WilcopinJane born about 1906
WillenburyAlbert born about 1904
WillenburyAlice born about 1915
WillenburyPhyllis born about 1935
WilliamsFlim born about 1906
WilliamsJohn born about 1939
WilliamsMagaret born about 1928
WilliamsOrville born about 1934
WilliamsViolet born about 1907
WillisEmery Rborn about 1896
WillisEugene born about 1923
WillisLula born about 1896
WittDavid born about 1923
WittEtta Ramonaborn about 1939
WittNeil born about 1918
WittVirginia born about 1872
WittWalter born about 1916
WittWalter Richardborn about 1938
WoodsLeonard born about 1915
WoodsLola born about 1907
WooldridgeDale born about 1939
WooldridgeDonald born about 1927
WooldridgeDorthy born about 1902
WooldridgeElinor born about 1936
WooldridgeElva born about 1910
WooldridgeHerman born about 1900
WooldridgeJune born about 1930
WooldridgeLyle born about 1931
WooldridgeOscar born about 1889
WooldridgeRobert born about 1931
WooldridgeTrenna born about 1932
WooldridgeWayne born about 1922
WooldridgeWillmeth born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungDorthy Mborn about 1934
YoungEdward Lborn about 1928
YoungElizabeth born about 1937
YoungFloyd Wborn about 1932
YoungGeorge Wborn about 1924
YoungMargaret born about 1939
YoungRuby born about 1905
YoungWalter born about 1902

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