1940 U.S. Federal Census of Wrights Township, Greene, Illinois

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Illinois > Greene County > 1940 Census of Wrights Township

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AlbertJess born about 1893
AlbertLela born about 1907
ArmstrongDean born about 1912
ArmstrongFlossie born about 1892
ArmstrongForest born about 1893
ArmstrongHenry born about 1915
ArmstrongRussel born about 1919
ArnoldDoris born about 1928
ArnoldHarry born about 1893
ArnoldHarry Jr born about 1924
ArnoldMable born about 1904
ArnoldMartha born about 1927
AshcockR Sborn about 1878
AshcockSarah born about 1886
AxleyDavid Wborn about 1879

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B Surnames

BakerMarion born about 1871
BalderBob born about 1932
BalderClyde born about 1910
BalderCora born about 1878
BalderDale born about 1927
BalderElery born about 1899
BalderLyndal born about 1930
BalderMarion born about 1928
BalderOpal born about 1909
BalderWalter born about 1907
BallardBertha born about 1871
BallardFred born about 1875
BeebeMary born about 1866
BenearMary born about 1871
BettyElla born about 1887
BettyEugene born about 1924
BettyMary Helenborn about 1927
BettyRay born about 1891
BettyRay F Jrborn about 1921
BigleyBuell born about 1912
BigleyDoris Lborn about 1939
BigleyJames Bborn about 1938
BigleyRusell born about 1918
BigleyShella born about 1916
BirchelBetty born about 1938
BirchelJames born about 1938
BoischelRosa born about 1904
BoischelSam born about 1900
BowersJoseph born about 1919
BowersVirginia born about 1921
BrannanC Lborn about 1882
BrannanColleen born about 1930
BrannanEdith born about 1920
BrannanEva born about 1891
BrannanGoldiea born about 1896
BrannanGordon born about 1923
BrannanLoyal born about 1930
BrannanVirgil born about 1894
BridgewaterJulia born about 1908
BridgewaterKenneth Dborn about 1933
BridgewaterRussel born about 1911
BridgewaterRussel Rborn about 1932
BroadmarkleJ Elwinborn about 1893
BroadmarkleJane born about 1893
BrockDorothy born about 1913
BrockGale Mborn about 1930
BrockGeorge born about 1866
BrockHal Rborn about 1934
BrockIna Jborn about 1932
BryantBuelah born about 1935
BryantDonald born about 1934
BryantErnest born about 1904
BryantGearldine born about 1937
BryantHarold born about 1919
BryantHarvey born about 1910
BryantHorace born about 1919
BryantJohn born about 1873
BryantKathryn born about 1939
BryantLena born about 1913
BryantMargaret born about 1931
BryantMina born about 1912
BryantOtis born about 1916
BryantShea born about 1936
BurtonBilly born about 1927
BurtonElvis born about 1882
BurtonFrances born about 1920
BurtonLoyal born about 1923
BurtonMartha born about 1897
BurtonMossie born about 1917
BurtonWard born about 1892

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C Surnames

CarmodyMable Eborn about 1890
CarmodyMary Jborn about 1861
CarmodyNellie Lborn about 1926
CarmodyRaymond Rborn about 1888
CiscoViola born about 1905
CloseByron Rborn about 1898
CloseMatilda Jborn about 1873
CoxCarrie Bborn about 1880
CoxCharles born about 1881
CoxFred born about 1873
CravensThomas Rborn about 1881
CravensZina born about 1897
CroninDorathy born about 1929
CroninJoe born about 1935
CroninJohn Leoborn about 1925
CroninPhlynie born about 1932
CroninRosalie born about 1896
CroninRose Maryborn about 1924
CroninThomas Eborn about 1922
CroterArthur born about 1918
CroterOthey born about 1872
CunninghamBell born about 1863
CunninghamCatherine born about 1934
CunninghamFrances Eborn about 1935
CunninghamGeo Fborn about 1891
CunninghamLee born about 1877
CunninghamLevi born about 1867
CunninghamLucy born about 1885
CunninghamPearl born about 1891

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D Surnames

DammBetty born about 1929
DammCarl born about 1903
DammDavid born about 1936
DammDeane born about 1935
DammJames born about 1931
DammJohn born about 1937
DammMarion born about 1933
DammRichard born about 1927
DammVesta born about 1909
DavidsonOscar born about 1887
DavisCarl born about 1925
DavisCarrol Annborn about 1934
DavisEvelyn born about 1914
DavisI Oborn about 1885
DavisJames born about 1923
DavisJames Wborn about 1932
DavisKenneth born about 1908
DavisLinda Janeborn about 1939
DavisMable born about 1909
DavisMargaret born about 1926
DavisOtis born about 1928
DavisUna Leeborn about 1890
DodsonEdna born about 1913
DodsonFred born about 1870
DodsonGladys born about 1937
DodsonHarlen born about 1907
DodsonHarold born about 1914
DodsonLee born about 1900
DodsonLorn born about 1918
DodsonLucille born about 1922
DodsonMargarite born about 1912
DodsonMartha born about 1939
DodsonMary born about 1876
DorseyBeas born about 1908
DorseyDan born about 1897
DorseyDarlene born about 1927
DorseyElwayn Dborn about 1931
DorseyGarry Lborn about 1938
DoyleAda born about 1892
DoyleAlma born about 1914
DoyleAlta born about 1907
DoyleAnna born about 1897
DoyleBarbara born about 1930
DoyleBernice born about 1895
DoyleBetty born about 1925
DoyleBilly born about 1928
DoyleClement born about 1890
DoyleDonald Bborn about 1922
DoyleFinice born about 1907
DoyleFrank Jr born about 1889
DoyleJoan Mariaborn about 1940
DoyleJoyce born about 1938
DoyleLeo born about 1915
DoyleMildred born about 1922
DoyleR Wborn about 1890
DoyleRaymond born about 1913

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E Surnames

EdwardsAnnie born about 1877
EinglebrightSamuel born about 1898
ElderRalph born about 1916
EvansCatherine born about 1932
EvansHoward Eborn about 1928
EvansJennie born about 1930
EvansLucinthey born about 1925
EvansThelma born about 1927
EvansWilliam I Jrborn about 1936

F Surnames

FeatherstoneDale born about 1918
FeatherstoneL Vborn about 1892
FeatherstoneNeitia born about 1895
FeatherstoneW Hborn about 1862
FitzgerrellDean born about 1909
FitzgerrellGarry Dborn about 1939
FitzgerrellMargery born about 1917
FlattJohn born about 1871
FlowersElmer born about 1891
FlowersJ Wborn about 1855
ForbesJohn born about 1912
ForbesJohn Vborn about 1938
ForbesMae born about 1917
ForbesRobert Lborn about 1934
FordClyde born about 1928
FraserBert born about 1887
FraserDesmond born about 1924
FraserFlorence born about 1891
FrazierLucy born about 1872
FrechAlbert born about 1896
FrechJasie born about 1891

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G Surnames

GandallClyde born about 1886
GandallClyde Francisborn about 1923
GandallElma born about 1927
GandallLois born about 1888
GillisCarlos born about 1936
GillisClarence born about 1914
GillisDelores born about 1939
GillisFrances Lborn about 1936
GillisGilbert Rborn about 1937
GillisGrace born about 1920
GillisLavonne born about 1939
GillisLowell born about 1937
GillisTheda born about 1918
GillisWilbur born about 1916
GilmoreD Hborn about 1904
GilmoreJame Fborn about 1934
GilmoreMarie born about 1903
GlenBurton born about 1922
GoodallBilly Bborn about 1938
GoodallCaroline born about 1858
GoodallGertrude born about 1904
GoodallJohn Eborn about 1929
GoodallMarion born about 1907
GoodallRobert born about 1931
GoodeBernice born about 1932
GoodeCharles born about 1930
GoodeDon Cborn about 1896
GoodeDonie born about 1938
GoodeEdward born about 1889
GoodeElmer Dborn about
GoodeGladys born about 1933
GoodeImogene born about 1925
GoodeJohnny born about 1936
GoodeLloyd born about 1907
GoodeLula born about 1894
GoodeMarjorie born about 1935
GoodeOmer born about 1902
GoodeStarcy born about 1903
GraceRalph born about 1874
GradallH Rborn about 1877
GradallStella born about 1881
GraftonBuell born about 1914
GraftonLou born about 1875
GraftonWoodrow born about 1920
GrishamDora Moborn about 1929
GrishamHarold born about 1932
GrishamIrena born about 1934
GrishamJames born about 1850
GrishamJames L Jrborn about 1930
GrishamPearl born about 1909
GrishamRobert born about 1931
GuthrieAmy born about 1888
GuthrieAmy Lborn about 1924
GuthrieCharles born about 1921
GuthrieDora born about 1888
GuthrieEunice born about 1916
GuthrieGerald born about 1913
GuthrieIrene born about 1921
GuthrieJ Pborn about 1884
GuthrieNancy born about 1938
GuthrieR Tborn about 1886
GuthrieRoy born about 1912
GuthrieWanda born about 1940

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H Surnames

HackmeisterGarriette born about 1898
HackmeisterHenry born about 1902
HallettAugusta born about 1901
HallettHillary born about 1933
HallettOtto born about 1902
HallettSally born about 1934
HartHattie born about 1888
HartOlin born about 1889
HefnerCharles born about 1875
HefnerKenneth born about 1905
HellisFrank born about 1870
HellisStella born about 1877
HeyingAgnes born about 1891
HeyingClarence born about 1927
HeyingEdith born about 1932
HeyingEdward born about 1909
HeyingGwendolyn born about 1905
HillisBilly Hborn about 1937
HillisFracis born about 1939
HillisHelen born about 1918
HillisRoyal born about 1913
HubbardBert born about 1886
HubbardJ Cborn about 1881
HubbardJ Leonardborn about 1922
HubbardMae born about 1882
HubbardMaybell born about 1895
HubbardRoy born about 1919
HudsonRonald born about 1908
HuntAlice born about 1936
HuntDonald born about 1931
HuntDoris born about 1911
HuntJoyce born about 1934
HuntW born about 1906
HuttonGrace born about 1911
HuttonJuanita born about 1934
HuttonRonald born about 1936
HuttonVirgil born about 1905
HuttonVirgil Jr born about 1929

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J Surnames

JacksonFrances born about 1897
JacksonHollyn born about 1907
JacksonMary Ellenborn about 1916
JacksonW Mborn about 1890
JohnsonAlice born about 1861
JohnsonDavid born about 1860
JohnsonElmer born about 1891
JohnsonGrace born about 1887
JonesElizabeth born about 1879
JonesM Aborn about 1880

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K Surnames

KaehmLeo born about 1897
KaehmLeo Jr born about 1922
KaehmMary born about 1901
KaehmRobert born about 1928
KaehmWilfred born about 1926
KellerElizabeth born about 1876
KellerHerman born about 1864
KesingerAlma born about 1916
KesingerCharles born about 1930
KesingerDale born about 1929
KesingerDon born about 1920
KesingerEdith born about 1923
KesingerEugene born about 1925
KesingerFrank born about 1865
KesingerGrace born about 1886
KesingerHal born about 1931
KesingerHarry born about 1872
KesingerHarvey born about 1917
KesingerI Jborn about 1865
KesingerJ Bborn about 1870
KesingerJ Hborn about 1878
KesingerJames born about 1866
KesingerJohn Oborn about 1916
KesingerLucille born about 1914
KesingerLydia born about 1879
KesingerMable Jborn about 1879
KesingerMargery Hborn about 1920
KesingerMay born about 1880
KesingerMyrtle born about 1884
KesingerNellie born about 1875
KesingerOlin born about 1895
KesingerViolet born about 1898
KesingerWm Iborn about 1910
KhunlineAlta Bborn about 1922
KhunlineCharles born about 1926
KhunlineEula born about 1890
KhunlineFred Gborn about 1911
KhunlineGeo born about 1887
KhunlineHarold Lborn about 1929
KhunlineRalph born about 1919
KhunlineRay born about 1921
KingHelen born about 1869
KingMartha born about 1934
KingRobert born about 1930
KirganDonie born about 1908
KirganDonna born about 1936
KirganWilliam Cborn about 1928
KistlerEdna born about 1903
KistlerHarold Fborn about 1901
KistlerMarian born about 1927
KistlerMaxine born about 1923
KistlerVirginia born about 1936
KnappA Vborn about 1872
KnappAbbie born about 1875
KnisleyCarolyn Sueborn about 1940
KnisleyMary Louborn about 1921
KnisleyRonald born about 1939
KoehmAileen born about 1917
KoehmG Vborn about 1885
KoehmGeorge born about 1923
KoehmHelen born about 1889
KoehmMable born about 1890
KoehmRoy born about 1926
KoehmVirgil Rborn about 1892
KuhnlineLance born about 1900
KuhnlineLester born about 1913
KuhnlineLouise born about 1903
KuhnlineVincint born about 1929
KuhnlineWilma born about 1895

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L Surnames

LakinJesse born about 1894
LakinLina born about 1885
LansenBilly Bobborn about 1928
LansenNellie born about 1902
LansenRonald born about 1923
LansenTillman born about 1897
LawlerA Dborn about 1849
LawlerFrank born about 1895
LawlerLucille born about 1906
LeeBetty born about 1927
LeeEdna born about 1940
LeeEllen born about 1901
LeeHarold born about 1900
LeeJames Wborn about 1936
LeeJoyce born about 1932
LeeLinda Bethborn about 1940
LeeLyle born about 1934
LeeManford born about 1892
LeeMary born about 1873
LeeMary born about 1936
LeeRegina born about 1913
LeeRoy born about 1913
LeningtonA Jborn about 1894
LeningtonCarrie born about 1897
LeningtonDorothy born about 1918
LeningtonVirginia born about 1924
LisenbeeAnna born about 1931
LisenbeeBeryle born about 1928
LisenbeeDarlene born about 1933
LisenbeeDavid born about 1938
LisenbeeEbert Aborn about 1898
LisenbeeJasper born about 1937
LisenbeeJoyce born about 1929
LisenbeeLeslie born about 1932
LisenbeeLucille born about 1909
LisenbeeRobert born about 1940
LloydL Eborn about 1888
LloydOllie born about 1887
LongB Hborn about 1891
LongGeorge born about 1878
LongJ Jborn about 1880
LongLona born about 1895
LongMinnie born about 1880
LorgonFrank born about 1881
LorgonLeola born about 1884
LorgonWilma born about 1925
LortonC Oborn about 1875
LortonDavid born about 1857
LortonDavid Dborn about 1921
LortonJoyce born about 1930
LortonL Jborn about 1899
LortonLucille Jborn about 1900
LortonLynn born about 1915
LortonStella born about 1879
LortonTerrel Jeanborn about 1937
LortonThelma born about 1917

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M Surnames

MaberryCora born about 1871
MaberryIvan born about 1907
MaberryM Mborn about 1870
MarleyC Lborn about 1888
MarleyElla Lborn about 1897
MayberryMary born about 1872
McKinneyC Aborn about 1870
McKinneyIdella born about 1872
McNamaraMartin born about 1875
McPhersonEffie Lborn about 1876
McPhersonFred Gborn about 1870
MeisterJohn born about 1906
MitchellCarl born about 1908
MolonyJohn born about 1870
MorrowJessie born about 1890
MorrowLee born about 1887
MuntzHarry born about 1889
MuntzKeith born about 1922
MuntzMyra born about 1889
MusserH Eborn about 1910
MyersSpencer born about 1905

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N Surnames

NashAllan born about 1921
NashFrank born about 1893
NashGeo born about 1891
NashMaude born about 1893
NashNoma born about 1901
NewbyFrank born about 1917

O Surnames

OwensMargarete born about 1878

P Surnames

PharesJames born about 1936
PharesLee born about 1908
PharesSarah born about 1939
PharesThelma born about 1914
PiperFay born about 1910
PiperHal born about 1936
PiperI Sborn about 1905
PiperJerry born about 1937
PiperRalph born about 1939
ProughAmy born about 1890
ProughClifton born about 1890
ProughEverett born about 1863
ProughMelvin born about 1919
ProughThomas born about 1921

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R Surnames

RabeChris Jr born about 1917
RabeHelen born about 1920
RaffetyJohn born about 1902
RaffetyJohn Jr born about 1926
RaffetyLenna born about 1907
ReddishLouella born about 1880
ReddishSteve born about 1876
ReevieAlfreda born about 1912
ReevieDelbert born about 1910
ReevieDoris born about 1929
RembrookArchie born about 1907
RembrookBabby born about 1938
RembrookBilly born about 1932
RembrookHelen born about 1908
RhodesMinnie born about 1880
RibeBarbara born about 1938
RibeBetty born about 1940
RibeEileen born about 1917
RibeJohn Hborn about 1908
RibeShirly Annborn about 1936
RidingsErnest Aborn about 1896
RidingsEvelyn born about 1884
RidingsFrank born about 1861
RidingsHazel born about 1918
RidingsHelen born about 1913
RidingsLeo born about 1918
RidingsMaie born about 1894
RidingsMary Belleborn about 1928
RidingsW Aborn about 1888
RidingsW A Jrborn about 1920
RottmayerAnna born about 1878
RyanEmma born about 1882
RyanJames born about 1884

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S Surnames

SchutzMinn born about 1867
ScottEdna born about 1894
ScottRay Vborn about 1928
ScottRoy born about 1897
ScrogginsA Mborn about 1890
ShaferFranklin born about 1939
ShaferHelen born about 1915
ShaferNaida born about 1937
ShafferRalphe born about 1913
ShanahanJohn Wborn about 1903
ShanahanKenneth born about 1927
ShanahanMayme born about 1905
ShawAda born about 1928
ShawArthur born about 1925
ShawMary Helenborn about 1933
ShawMinnie born about 1883
ShawOrit born about 1882
ShedeyWilliam born about 1879
ShortAlma born about 1908
ShortHerschel born about 1926
ShortHubert born about 1901
ShortL Hborn about 1878
ShortP Wborn about 1876
ShortRosa Lborn about 1878
ShortTruman born about 1932
ShortZora born about 1899
ShullDonna born about 1937
ShullGearldine born about 1930
ShullMaxine born about 1924
ShullMuriel born about 1905
ShullRobert born about 1925
ShullRoy born about 1899
ShullThomas born about 1927
SmithForrest Tborn about 1920
SmithHarry born about 1919
SmithI Jborn about 1873
SmithJ Aborn about 1934
SmithJean born about 1918
SmithJohn Bborn about 1940
SmithLela born about 1905
SmithMelvin born about 1920
SmithMollie born about 1873
SmithPerry born about 1872
SmithSam born about 1908
SpancelorClarence born about 1870
StinnettEarl born about 1894
StinnettEmma born about 1875
StinnettNellie born about 1894
StinnettO Mborn about 1859
StrangClella born about 1901
StrangEthel born about 1883
StrangHoward born about 1881
StrangRalph born about 1898
SummersAlla born about 1911
SummersMargaret born about 1890
SummersWayne born about 1918

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T Surnames

TankersleyC Eborn about 1884
TankersleyLucy born about 1885
ThaxtonEdward born about 1923
ThaxtonElla born about 1887
ThaxtonEmily born about 1902
ThaxtonHenry born about 1886
ThaxtonJanet born about 1936
ThaxtonLouise born about 1923
ThaxtonThomas born about 1900
ThaxtonVirginia born about 1930
ThaxtonWm born about 1864
TheobandBarbara Aborn about 1930
TheobandEmma Jborn about 1925
TheobandFranklyn Jborn about 1928
TheobandJon Wesleyborn about 1938
TheobandMary Melbaborn about 1896
TheobandMary Sborn about 1934
TheobandOscar Jborn about 1892
TheobandWilliam Aborn about 1921
TheobandWilliard Hborn about 1923
TilleryEdith born about 1911
TilleryGlenn born about 1936
TilleryJoann born about 1934
TilleryKeith born about 1939
TilleryKenneth born about 1930
TilleryMarion born about 1931
TilleryMarvin born about 1911
TilleryRalph born about 1933
ToddBobby born about 1929
ToddBuelah born about 1908
TuckerClaude born about 1883
TuckerElmer born about 1912
TuckerLena born about 1879
TurpinEileen born about 1918
TurpinGary born about 1938
TurpinJim born about 1914

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V Surnames

VaughanCharles born about 1931
VaughanCharles Wborn about 1898
VaughanMadge born about 1903

W Surnames

WalbornElla Jborn about 1872
WalbornPricia born about 1870
WalkGarry Aborn about 1936
WalkLeo Fborn about 1909
WalkVelma born about 1916
WalkVera born about 1938
WalkerAdam born about 1896
WalkerAnne born about 1935
WalkerArdeen born about 1904
WalkerEdith born about 1912
WalkerJanet born about 1929
WalkerLula born about 1885
WalkerNeal born about 1901
WalkerWilliam born about 1880
WalkerWreanita born about 1907
WaltripCharles born about 1870
WaltripEdna born about 1906
WaltripEffie born about 1884
WaltripEugene born about 1867
WaltripGertrude born about 1899
WaltripHarold born about 1898
WaltripHarold Cborn about 1935
WaltripJane Annborn about 1938
WaltripLewis Aborn about 1920
WaltripLynn born about 1893
WaltripLynn Jr born about 1925
WaltripMaletha born about 1878
WaltripRena born about 1878
WaltripRuth Aborn about 1923
WaltripS Sborn about 1874
WaltripSallie born about 1877
WhiteB Fborn about 1856
WhiteOliver born about 1892
WhitesidesCharles born about 1868
WhortenA Cborn about 1879
WhortenAlice born about 1924
WhortenDale born about 1912
WhortenGeorge born about 1926
WhortenJackuline born about 1930
WhortenMattie born about 1887
WhortenMerl born about 1925
WhortenRichard born about 1916
WittGeorge born about 1858
WittGertrude born about 1886
WittHarry born about 1870
WittMary Jborn about 1864
WrightA Jborn about 1896
WrightCorinne born about 1923
WrightDelia born about 1867
WrightEd Eborn about 1887
WrightElizabeth born about 1870
WrightGeo Wborn about 1877
WrightK Bborn about 1924
WrightK Sborn about 1895
WrightLarne born about 1920
WrightMarie born about 1897
WrightMary born about 1895
WrightMinnie Eborn about 1875
WrightRichard born about 1922

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Y Surnames

YenterAnna Mayborn about 1930
YenterDorothy born about 1906
YenterGeorge born about 1927
YenterJohn born about 1906
YenterJohn born about 1925
YenterMary born about 1931

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