1940 U.S. Federal Census of Blountsville in Henry County, Henry, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Henry County > 1940 Census of Blountsville in Henry County

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BainterElma born about 1907
BainterEugene born about 1907
BainterGail born about 1916
BainterJoy born about 1939
BainterJoyce born about 1935
BainterRalph born about 1912
BainterThomas born about 1937
BalesArchie born about 1894
BalesCharlie born about 1871
BalesDora born about 1872
BalesLena born about 1898
BeallBeatrix born about 1878
BirdEdmun Aborn about 1914
BirdElla C Yborn about 1895
BirdShad Rborn about 1892
BlountFanny born about 1857
BumbaloughBobby Eborn about 1940
BumbaloughErnest born about 1918
BumbaloughVera born about 1922
Burch??? born about 1917
BurchBernice born about 1894
BurchElane born about 1922
BurchGrace born about 1891
BurchGraden Mborn about 1890
BurchJohn born about 1923
BurchWesley born about 1919

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C Surnames

CainClara born about 1886
CainJohn Jborn about 1924
CainNoah Eborn about 1919
ChafantMashall born about 1886
ChafaudElsie Dborn about 1899
ChafaudGerard born about 1898
ChafaudLaran born about 1919
ConnorFrancis born about 1920
ConnorMargaret born about 1920
ConwellAlice born about 1866
ConwellArthur born about 1883
ConwellClara Bborn about 1883
ConwellJohn born about 1867
ConwellRollie born about 1881
ConwellVernon born about 1910
CrossCory born about 1880
CrossGene born about 1919
CrossMarion born about 1913
CrossMary Iborn about 1921
CrossOllie born about 1877
CurrentCharlie born about 1892
CurrentEmily born about 1932
CurrentGerald born about 1924
CurrentMary born about 1934
CurrentMinnie born about 1896
CurrentRex born about 1928
CurrentThomas born about 1930

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D Surnames

DukeMay born about 1871

F Surnames

FeltonCloria born about 1914
FeltonKeith born about 1914
FeltonSonja Geneborn about 1937
FeltoneKenneth born about 1925
FeltoneMerle born about 1930
FeltoneNellie born about 1895
FeltoneRobert born about 1919
FeltoneRonald born about 1895

G Surnames

GalyeanSylvia born about 1882
GibsonHarriett born about 1898
GibsonJoseph born about 1896
GibsonMatthew born about 1925
GordonGeorge born about 1937
GordonPearl born about 1907
GordonPrince born about 1906
GregoryCordell born about 1912
GregoryGussie born about 1919
GregoryLindell born about 1938

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H Surnames

HalsteadElizabeth born about 1913
HalsteadJanet born about 1933
HamiltonLaura born about 1891
HardyEldora born about 1882
HardyJohn born about 1877
HardyJohn Wborn about 1923
HaynesClayton born about 1868
HaynesHattie born about 1871
HerrEthel born about 1882
HerrWillard born about 1880
HicksJaunita Rborn about 1940
HicksNina born about 1922
HicksPalestine born about 1922
HicksStanley born about 1919
HicksWilliam born about 1916
HollidayAlbert Newtonborn about 1881
HollidayEullaie born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JesterBen Fborn about 1898
JesterCharles Rborn about 1918
JesterDorothy born about 1900
JesterFrancis born about 1921
JesterGene born about 1920
JohnsonArthur Lborn about 1925
JohnsonElizabeth Aborn about 1924
JohnsonHelen Cborn about 1893
JohnsonWalter Hborn about 1890
JordanCharles Hborn about 1885
JordanFlora born about 1858
JordanFlora Bborn about 1865
JordanGladys born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KerrCorrena Cborn about 1892
KerrRay Cborn about 1890
KoonsNellie born about 1877
KoontzFrancis born about 1912
KoontzHarry born about 1911
KoontzSusan born about 1934

L Surnames

LacyCharles born about 1913
LacyChristie born about 1896
LacyDonnie born about 1933
LacyGuy Cborn about 1893
LacyJoe Aborn about 1939
LacyJudith born about 1939
LacyMargorie born about 1924
LacyMarion born about 1914
LacyOrletta born about 1921
LacyPatty born about 1935
LakeAdelin Fborn about 1870
LakeElmer born about 1861
LindseyCharles born about 1886
LinvilleEtha born about 1884
LinvilleHarley born about 1879

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M Surnames

MarkerAlice born about 1905
MarkerDwayne born about 1936
MarkerGarfield born about 1895
MarkerMary Eborn about 1929
MarkerWayne born about 1936
MarshBarbara Rborn about 1933
MarshJohn P Drborn about 1905
MarshLucille born about 1903
MarshNancy Jborn about 1936
MarshRuth Sborn about 1905
McCollumFred born about 1912
McCollumOllive born about 1917

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O Surnames

OssenbellAlbert born about 1874
OssenbellJenne born about 1873

P Surnames

PigeonAnna born about 1865
PrettyBethel born about 1926
PrettyIndia Fernborn about 1899

R Surnames

RashLaira born about 1870
RodefferErnest born about 1903
RodefferHelen born about 1913
RodefferJanice Lborn about 1937
RodefferJaunita born about 1911
RodefferLois Gborn about 1932
RodefferNova born about 1886
RodefferThomas Nborn about 1882
RodefferWilliam born about 1912
RodefferWilliam Jborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

ShirleyCrystal Leoborn about 1923
ShirleyDelcie Iborn about 1890
ShirleyGeorge Aborn about 1916
ShirleyWilliam Fborn about 1886
ShutsAlice born about 1924
ShutsCharles born about 1925
ShutsClara born about 1896
ShutsMartha born about 1929
ShutsRichard born about 1931
SnodgrassBurt born about 1876
SnodgrassDecton born about 1861
StanelyMarjorie born about 1911
StanelyMarlan Maxborn about 1932
StanelyWalter Rborn about 1906
StanleyClifford born about 1891
StanleyFlora born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TemplenLoren Iborn about 1871
TemplenPermelia born about 1874

W Surnames

WilkinsonMary born about 1867

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