1940 U.S. Federal Census of Bolivar, Benton, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Benton County > 1940 Census of Bolivar

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdwellCarl born about 1923
AdwellElmer born about 1896
AdwellEvelyn born about 1919
AdwellHarriet born about 1889
AdwellHarry born about 1885
AdwellJack born about 1926
AdwellJoe born about 1926
AdwellMary born about 1899
AdwellWilma born about 1925
AffermanJoe born about 1883
AlspaughArthur born about 1878
AlspaughDelbert born about 1920
AlspaughLawrence born about 1927
AlspaughMerl Lborn about 1906
AndersonArthur born about 1902
ArmstrongOrville born about 1896
AthaBarbara born about 1908
AthaDaniel born about 1934
AthaDavid born about 1938
AthaRichard born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BalckwellLuella born about 1922
BalckwellPatricia Louborn about 1940
BalckwellPreston born about 1918
BalkemaHuda born about 1877
BanesEarnest born about 1915
BarrottIvan born about 1911
BarrottMartin Deanborn about 1940
BarrottRuth born about 1917
BartindaleBridget born about 1888
BartindaleGeorge born about 1888
BartindaleGeorge Jr born about 1929
BaugherEsther Cborn about 1902
BaugherJohn Lewisborn about 1937
BaugherLewis born about 1898
BaugherLouise born about 1930
BeekerFanny born about 1866
BellBernard born about 1922
BellClyde born about 1913
BellFlossie born about 1920
BellHopson born about 1888
BellJosie Charlesborn about 1938
BellLucille born about 1922
BellMaggie Annborn about 1926
BellRoxieda born about 1888
BelschBernard born about 1906
BelschClayton born about 1906
BelschGrace born about 1879
BelschJohn Hborn about 1876
BelschMarion born about 1919
BennettClarence born about 1917
BestJames Aborn about 1931
BestMary Aliceborn about 1929
BestWalter Bborn about 1926
BestWalter Hborn about 1890
BlackwellB Hborn about 1873
BlackwellCarolin Jeanborn about 1940
BlackwellCarroll born about 1916
BlackwellLorraine born about 1918
BlackwellMaude Oborn about 1890
BollingFannie born about 1866
BollingLouis Aborn about 1868
BoltKatherine born about 1887
BoltMargaret born about 1861
BoltWade Sborn about 1891
BondreauMose Aborn about 1891
BondreauSusa Mborn about 1897
BooherNelle Eborn about 1896
BooherRichard Eborn about 1922
BoothroydAda born about 1907
BoothroydBilly born about 1923
BoothroydOwen born about 1892
BoothroydRoy born about 1915
BowersAnnell born about 1886
BowersJohn born about 1882
BowersMildred born about 1917
BowersVirgil born about 1918
BowlesLaura born about 1867
BowlesWarren born about 1872
BowmanEtha born about 1910
BowmanJoan born about 1930
BrounBeulah born about 1871
BrounEthel born about 1884
BrounHelen born about 1894
BrounHenry born about 1883
BrounPearl born about 1874
BrundCora born about 1892
BrundGordon born about 1923
BrundJoe born about 1887
BrundPaul born about 1927
BurnsJeane born about 1923
BurnsKathryn born about 1884
BurnsRuth born about 1916
BusellElmer born about 1890
BusellLeo born about 1921
BusellMinnie born about 1891
BuzzardOra born about 1886
BuzzardSidney born about 1883
ByersBilly born about 1926
ByersBobbetto born about 1933
ByersBobby born about 1930
ByersBradley born about 1887
ByersCoralie born about 1892
ByrdEarl born about 1906

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C Surnames

CaineAgnes born about 1895
CaineKatherine Eborn about 1887
CaineMary born about 1858
CaineSherman born about 1868
CanfieldCecelia born about 1890
CanfieldJames born about 1912
CarterLawrence born about 1915
CarterLizzie born about 1894
CarterMyrtle born about 1919
CarterNoody born about 1884
CasebeerGilbert born about 1920
CattrellMildred born about 1910
CattrellPaul born about 1903
CharlesworthArthur born about 1878
CharlesworthDiva born about 1875
CharlesworthDoris Jeanborn about 1922
CharlesworthFrancis born about 1914
CharlesworthGertrude born about 1921
CharlesworthGlenn born about 1901
CharlesworthIsaac born about 1870
CharlesworthJoyce born about 1936
CharlesworthMadeline born about 1903
CharlesworthPhyllis born about 1927
CharlesworthRichard born about
ChenowethEarnest born about 1905
ChenowethIda born about 1883
ChenowethJohn Richardborn about 1936
ChenowethLiella born about 1904
ChenowethMildred born about 1907
ChenowethPatricia Annborn about 1932
ChenowethPaul Sborn about 1903
ChristianJames born about 1868
ChristianOlive born about 1874
ChristmanEdward born about 1895
ChristmanGlen born about 1932
ChristmanHomer born about 1922
ChristmanLucy born about 1898
ChristopherBilly Joeborn about 1927
ChristopherFrances born about 1907
ChristopherFrank born about 1899
ChristopherJane born about 1914
ChristopherJohn Richardborn about 1938
ChristopherO Wborn about 1890
ChristopherRichard born about 1903
ClaffeeConstance born about 1937
ClaffeeLewis born about 1914
ClaffeeMae born about 1915
ClaffeeThomas born about 1937
CoatsDonald Robertborn about 1921
CoatsEzra Wborn about 1896
CoatsGeorge born about 1893
CoatsJohn Henryborn about 1930
CoatsLillis Rborn about 1925
CoatsLowell born about 1918
CoatsMary Janeborn about 1927
CoatsNellie born about 1895
CoatsRuth Ireneborn about 1929
CoatsRuth Marieborn about 1919
CoatsRuth Maryborn about 1893
CochranHarold Eugeneborn about 1936
CochranSarah Aliceborn about 1876
CochranSherman born about 1872
CoffmanArthur born about 1901
CoffmanElamae born about 1907
CollinsArgola born about 1900
CombsBridget born about 1888
CombsElizabeth born about 1865
CombsWilliam born about 1887
ConnellMary Ellenborn about 1865
ConnellyJohn born about 1886
ConnerCharles born about 1925
ConnerClarice born about 1916
ConnerGene born about 1912
ConnerJames born about 1938
ConnerLora born about 1891
ConnerMartha born about 1922
ConnerRay born about 1889
ConnerVirginia born about 1939
CookCarroll Lborn about 1921
CookClyde Eborn about 1909
CookEthel born about 1928
CookGladys born about 1902
CookGolda born about 1913
CookPhyllis born about 1936
CookStephen born about 1934
CosbyJohn Wborn about 1890
CosbyMaude Eborn about 1884
CoulsonOscar born about 1874
CoxFrank Eborn about 1925
CozadChalmer born about 1906
CozadMarjorie born about 1911
CrawfordBlanche born about 1887
CrawfordCharles born about 1866
CriderLorene born about 1923
CriderMoses born about 1888
CriderMyrtle born about 1888
CrisvellBerta born about 1920
CrisvellCynthia born about 1913
CrisvellElmer born about 1908
CrossonLouis born about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DatzmanBasil born about 1900
DatzmanBasil Joeborn about 1934
DatzmanMargaret born about 1903
DatzmanRichard born about 1922
DatzmanRobert born about 1925
DavidsonBillie born about 1930
DavidsonBobbie born about 1934
DavidsonCharlotte born about 1906
DavidsonEdward born about 1928
DavidsonKathleen born about 1937
DavidsonLouise born about 1924
DavidsonMartha born about 1938
DavidsonVernie born about 1895
DavidsonVernie born about 1927
DaviesGeorge born about 1920
DaviesMartha born about 1920
DavisCharles born about 1936
DavisClyde born about 1881
DavisDora born about 1883
DavisElois born about 1918
DavisJames born about 1913
DavisJames born about 1938
DavisMaud Eborn about 1879
DawsonElizabeth born about 1924
DawsonHelen born about 1912
DawsonJohn born about 1922
DawsonMary born about 1887
DawsonOwal Aborn about 1902
DawsonWilbur born about 1886
DawsonWilliam born about 1917
DennisOtis born about 1868
DenzinClara born about 1871
DevossRosetta born about 1873
DevossSolomon born about 1862
DickonerBlanche born about 1907
DickonerRalph born about 1906
DineEva born about 1878
DonanhueJohn born about 1878
DonavanDona born about 1925
DonavanMargaret born about 1905
DonohueBridget Cborn about 1870
DonohueEdward born about 1876
DonohueNicholas born about 1872
DoughertyCarrie born about 1869
DoughertyCharles Fborn about 1904
DoughertyGertrude born about 1901
DoughertyJack born about 1928
DoughertyJean born about 1929
DoughertyMildred born about 1905
DoughertyW Bruceborn about 1898
DoughtyJames Gborn about 1924
DoughtyJanice born about 1926
DoughtyJohn Aborn about 1923
DoughtyJohn Hborn about 1895
DoughtyKathleen born about 1935
DoughtyOlive born about 1899
DoweClifford born about 1912
DoweMary born about 1908
DunlavyAlonzo born about 1870
DunlavyAmanda born about 1882
DurflingerLora born about 1891
DurflingerOrville born about 1894
DurflingerRose Maryborn about 1928

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E Surnames

EastburnJese Oborn about 1874
EastburnLucy Lborn about 1879
EdwardBeatrice born about 1913
EdwardOtis born about 1912
EdwardRaymond born about 1937
ErwinBessie born about 1874
ErwinGrant born about 1869
EtterElmer born about 1910
EtterHarry born about 1904
EtterLucille born about 1907
EtterRichard Albertborn about 1939

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F Surnames

FarrellRuth born about 1916
FeaselJohn born about 1888
FinchAnna Maryborn about 1866
FinchJ Ruskin Mborn about 1900
FinchKenyon born about 1898
FleenorEdith born about 1908
FleenorElsie Louiseborn about 1933
FleenorJames Lborn about 1931
FleenorLinden born about 1898
FleenorLois Jeanborn about 1928
FleenorMarjory Maeborn about 1938
FleenorNorah born about 1875
FollickBernard born about 1931
FollickBertha born about 1892
FollickCharles born about 1889
FosterJames born about 1907
FosterMary Annborn about 1938
FosterWanetta born about 1911
FoulesHobart born about 1898
FoulesJohn born about 1866
FoulesPauline born about 1900
FoxJulia born about 1865
FranklinCharles Wborn about 1910
FranklinClyde born about 1916
FranklinWilma born about 1911
FreemanGeorganna born about 1929
FreemanJoseph born about 1925
FreemanMarguete born about 1924
FreemanPhyllis born about 1927
FrischCaroline born about 1928
FrischGeorge born about 1902
FrischGeorge Jr born about 1930
FrischRuby born about 1910

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G Surnames

GallagherChesley born about 1870
GermanMetta born about 1864
GickAnna Marieborn about 1917
GickCharles born about 1908
GickCharles Johnborn about 1935
GickDaniel born about 1925
GickEdward born about 1939
GickFred born about 1913
GickGene born about 1938
GickGeorge born about 1916
GickJanet Roseborn about 1939
GickJohn born about 1874
GickJosephine born about 1907
GickJulia born about 1936
GickLoretta born about 1914
GickRobert born about 1917
GickRosa born about 1904
GickSophia Eborn about 1885
GickVerlyn born about 1919
GickVictor born about 1927
GickWalter born about 1918
GilbertAlbert born about 1888
GilbertDella born about 1898
GilbertDona Maeborn about 1932
GilbertEllen born about 1921
GillenDoris born about 1935
GillenGerald born about 1911
GillenJames Russellborn about 1939
GillenMary Marthaborn about 1940
GillenOpal born about 1917
GlynnJessie born about 1872
GriderBert born about 1918
GriderDona born about 1908
GriderEsco born about 1906
GriderLyle Wayneborn about 1937
GriderMildred born about 1930
GriderMilis Hopeborn about 1928
GriffinCisto born about 1880
GriffinMaggie born about 1887
GriffithAmanda born about 1878
GriffithJames Cborn about 1876
GriffithMary born about 1915
GriffithWilliam Jameborn about 1917
GuiggClara born about 1876
GuiggEva Nborn about 1898
GuiggMary Annisborn about 1940

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H Surnames

HaleAlma born about 1906
HaleGuy born about 1890
HallMildred born about 1919
HallOren born about 1909
HallShirley Orenborn about 1935
HannGrace born about 1886
HarringtonDannel Eborn about 1869
HarringtonElizabeth born about 1879
HarringtonEllen born about 1891
HarringtonLeo born about 1921
HarringtonNeal born about 1877
HartClarence Wborn about 1906
HartGladys born about 1910
HartLowell born about 1931
HartMarjery born about 1936
HartRaymond born about 1930
HawkinsAmanda born about 1879
HawkinsRobert born about 1876
HayworthIva born about 1903
HayworthJerry born about 1936
HayworthRobert born about 1933
HayworthRose born about 1926
HayworthViolet born about 1930
HayworthWilbur born about 1934
HayworthWilliam born about 1905
HayworthWilliam Jr born about 1928
HellenDonaldine born about 1934
HellenDorothy born about 1905
HellenPaul born about 1905
HellenPaul Kenethborn about 1938
HellenPaula Jeanborn about 1936
HellenWilliam born about 1864
HellenWilliam Franklinborn about 1940
HelmbockBessie born about 1909
HenryJames born about 1872
HibbenDonna Rayborn about 1937
HibbenKerny Joeborn about 1936
HibbenMarie born about 1907
HickmanAgnes born about 1867
HickmanBert born about 1882
HighCarrie born about 1910
HighEugene born about 1934
HighLouise born about 1937
HighOllie born about 1908
HighVernell born about 1932
HillEmell born about 1918
HintonCletis born about 1916
HoggardCharles born about 1929
HoggardClara Mayborn about 1927
HoggardEugene born about 1927
HoggardJosabelle born about 1903
HoggardKenneth born about 1924
HolderAnn born about 1938
HolderCarolyn born about 1914
HolderClista born about 1908
HolderEugene born about 1931
HolderFranklin Rborn about 1940
HolderGeorge born about 1912
HolderGeorge Hughborn about 1937
HolderLouise born about 1874
HolderRobert born about 1934
HolderSam born about 1908
HollandElliott born about 1874
HollandIda born about 1876
HollowayEdith born about 1894
HollowayFrank born about 1925
HollowayGeorge born about 1930
HollowayGladys born about 1920
HollowayMary born about 1924
HollowayOtto born about 1893
HollowayRobert born about 1922
HomrighouseMargaret born about 1860

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I Surnames

IngalsbeSam born about 1915
IrvinJo born about 1885
IrvinMarjorie born about 1921
IrvinWalter born about 1895

J Surnames

JamesonCharles born about 1917
JamesonHerschel born about 1921
JamesonIda Bborn about 1890
JamesonJohn Jborn about 1884
JamsenGweneth born about 1919
JamsenWilliam born about 1904
JansenAmna born about 1881
JansenHarry born about 1903
JansenLorene born about 1916
JenkinsFloyd born about 1900
JenkinsHazel born about 1903
JenningsMae born about 1875
JenningsO Eborn about 1874
JermanAnna born about 1890
JermanSam born about 1893
JohnsonAlice born about 1921
JohnsonAllien born about 1924
JohnsonArthur born about 1871
JohnsonArvel born about 1885
JohnsonBetty Janeborn about 1930
JohnsonCalra Nborn about 1883
JohnsonEdward Mborn about 1879
JohnsonGordon born about 1922
JohnsonGrace born about 1895
JohnsonLois Raeborn about 1926
JohnsonOral born about 1888
JohnsonPearl Bakerborn about 1875
JohnsonRoy born about 1895
JohnsonRuth Aborn about 1926
JohnstonCharles born about 1916
JohnstonGeorgia born about 1918
JohnstonLeslie born about 1918
JohnstonPaul born about 1916
JohnstonRita born about 1914
JordanHarold born about 1935
JordanJames born about 1938
JordanJohn born about 1913
JordanMary born about 1918

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K Surnames

KealingDora born about 1921
KeatingDick born about 1937
KeatingLouise born about 1901
KeatingLouise born about 1925
KeatingTom born about 1937
KeiserJames born about 1882
KeiserMaude born about 1888
KellarFlora Leeborn about 1893
KellarJohn Wborn about 1893
KellarRosemary born about 1925
KellasCharles born about 1913
KellasChristina born about 1876
KellasClarence Eborn about 1901
KellasJohn Hborn about 1870
KellerDonald born about 1922
KellerMattie born about 1898
KellerSamuel Hborn about 1883
KellerWillard born about 1921
KendallArthur born about 1911
KendallEugene born about 1937
KendallEunice born about 1914
KendallMartha born about 1863
KendallWayne born about 1934
KennedyJoan born about 1929
KennedyKay born about 1938
KennedyMartin born about 1932
KennedyMary Margaretborn about 1936
KennedyPatrick born about 1934
KennedyPaul born about 1902
KennedySally born about 1930
KennedyTheone born about 1909
KigerGeorgia born about 1910
KigerLoren born about 1906
KigerRichard born about 1934
KillinAlice Eborn about 1904
KillinCarol Sueborn about 1938
KillinCharlene born about 1913
KillinCharles born about 1886
KillinDovy born about 1885
KillinEdward born about 1912
KillinRoberta Kborn about 1936
KimbrellChester born about 1885
KimbrellDelia born about 1898
KlaverengaGeorge Rborn about 1892
KlineHarold born about 1914
KnoblockVirginia born about 1925
KottlewskiHarold born about 1915
KretschnanAddie born about 1902
KretschnanEmma Lborn about 1877
KretschnanHarry born about 1873

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L Surnames

LairdClara born about 1862
LairdElmer born about 1869
LairdEva born about 1860
LairdLeonard born about 1859
LandisArthur Clintonborn about 1889
LankAlice Roseborn about 1935
LankCarl born about 1932
LankCharles born about 1902
LankCynthia born about 1926
LankDelbert born about 1909
LankElizabeth born about 1928
LankEugene born about 1938
LankEva born about 1914
LankGerald born about 1932
LankGladys born about 1900
LankNannie born about 1877
LankRobert born about 1930
LankVivian born about 1927
LankWallace born about 1937
LankWilbur born about 1899
LascuoGeorge born about 1883
LawlerClaude Gborn about 1887
LawlerEffie Kborn about 1889
LeightyGeorge born about 1912
LemasterClifford born about 1912
LemasterEdgar born about 1918
LemasterFloyd born about 1922
LemasterJoe born about 1884
LemasterLoyde born about 1922
LemasterLucille born about 1923
LemasterRaymond born about 1916
LemasterStella born about 1886
LeschLeona born about 1919
LewellerAxie Maeborn about 1923
LewellerGlen born about 1919
LiptrapBeverly born about 1934
LiptrapChester born about 1904
LiptrapClarice born about 1907
LittletonPachie born about 1871
LivingstonLeslie born about 1883
LockwoodCartherine Lborn about 1935
LockwoodCena born about 1893
LockwoodClifford Cborn about 1925
LockwoodDavid Lborn about 1933
LockwoodDoris Pborn about 1929
LockwoodJames Cborn about 1894
LockwoodJames Jr born about 1927
LockwoodJohn Eborn about 1918
LongmireBarbara born about 1930
LongmireElza born about 1902
LongmireGloria born about 1931
LongmireHelen Joyceborn about 1938
LongmireMae born about 1908
LowanBeulah born about 1905
LowanEdwin born about 1929
LowanRobert born about 1927
LynchPatrick born about 1853

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M Surnames

MaddoxCharles Mborn about 1903
MaddoxLucille born about 1903
MaddoxNettie born about 1855
MaddoxTom born about 1930
MaddoxVirginia born about 1927
MaddoxWilliam born about 1929
MageeCharles born about 1872
MageeElizabeth born about 1870
MahionCharles born about 1917
MahionMary Ruthborn about 1924
MahionOra born about 1888
MannClone born about 1887
MannFrank born about 1866
MannMary Lborn about 1872
MannOscar born about 1883
MannSue Aborn about 1874
MannWendell born about 1921
MarguisBen born about 1905
MarguisDickie born about 1938
MarguisEdna born about 1905
MarguisJimmy born about 1933
MarguisVennell born about 1926
MarlattAlfretta born about 1872
MarlattAmos born about 1866
MarshEvelyn born about 1907
MarshGeorge Wborn about 1905
MarshIrene born about 1936
MarshLeonard born about 1938
MartinDale Stanfordborn about 1933
MartinEmma E M Dborn about 1871
MartinGrace Ellenborn about 1927
MartinLela born about 1900
MartinLizzie Eborn about 1873
MartinPhillip born about 1939
MartinRobert Duaneborn about 1931
MartinWilliam born about 1878
MartinWilliam Hallborn about 1929
MathewsLouise born about 1907
MathewsThomas Bborn about 1908
MatkinsBernice born about 1929
MatkinsDonald born about 1926
MatkinsEdgar Wborn about 1874
MatkinsGeorgia born about 1923
MatkinsLavina born about 1890
MatkinsLela born about 1920
MatkinsPaul Eborn about 1915
MatkinsRobert born about 1926
MayersAlvis born about 1907
MayersBobbie born about 1927
MayersClaude born about 1904
MayersNellie born about 1923
MayersNorma born about 1931
MayersWilma Janeborn about 1934
McAhlJames Eborn about 1875
McCloskyBen born about 1905
McCloskyEvelyn born about 1909
McCloskyPhylis born about 1932
McCloskyRichard born about 1935
McCohanCecelia born about 1907
McCohanMurrell born about 1907
McCohanSandra born about 1938
McDonellEarl Lborn about 1898
McDonellRich born about 1932
McDonellVelma born about 1898
McFarlandBeulah born about 1921
McFarlandCharles born about 1919
McFarlandMaggie born about 1865
McKimeyThomas Eborn about 1907
McKinneyDonald born about 1934
McKinneyHarry born about 1912
McKinneyPaul born about 1931
McKinneyRonald born about 1935
McKinneySally born about 1902
McKinneyTeddy born about 1929
McKinneyTheodore born about 1904
McKinnisVivian born about 1892
McKinnisWilliam born about 1855
McNaryBetty born about 1926
McNaryDorothy born about 1932
McNaryJames born about 1927
McNaryPaul born about 1903
McNaryStella born about 1901
McNennyJohn born about 1905
McNennyMildred born about 1918
McRaeHelen born about 1875
MichaelsAnna Bborn about 1879
MichaelsChas born about 1878
MillerBobby born about 1935
MillerDonna Deanborn about 1937
MillerJimmy born about 1934
MillerJohn born about 1908
MillerLeatha born about 1892
MitchellArlene born about 1926
MitchellCatherine born about 1927
MitchellGeorge born about 1931
MitchellGilbert born about 1882
MitchellHershall born about 1929
MitchellJay born about 1935
MitchellJohn born about 1925
MitchellLee born about 1929
MitchellVera born about 1927
MitchellVirginia born about 1932
MiteffEldon born about 1927
MiteffIrene born about 1930
MiteffLora born about 1925
MiteffManuel born about 1923
MiteffOscar born about 1921
MontgomeryDoris born about 1913
MontgomeryGerald born about 1911
MontgomeryLeslie born about 1939
MontgomeryRichard born about 1936
MooreAnna born about 1874
MooreBernice born about 1904
MooreCarolyn born about 1936
MooreCharles born about 1877
MooreElizabeth born about 1906
MooreFrank born about 1871
MooreJane born about 1933
MooreJohn born about 1930
MooreLavina born about 1878
MooreLeslie born about 1900
MooreLora Hborn about 1877
MooreMary born about 1907
MoorePaul born about 1902
MooreRichard born about 1929
MooreTommy born about 1938
MoorisJim Fborn about 1857
MorganBernard born about 1916
MorganDavid Geneborn about
MorganGeneva born about 1919
MorganJames born about 1915
MorganJenny born about 1884
MorganJohn born about 1876
MorrisGeorge born about 1911
MorrisWanda born about 1927
MortimerJohn born about 1929
MortimerMartha born about 1870
MoyarsCarol Juneborn about 1936
MoyarsEdward born about 1906
MoyarsEleanor born about 1925
MoyarsEliein born about 1917
MoyarsFloyd Wborn about 1910
MoyarsLorene born about 1911
MoyarsRay born about 1890
MoyarsRobert Leonborn about 1938
MoyarsRosy born about 1909
MoyarsVerna born about 1902
MurphyJohn born about 1863
MyersHerman Cborn about 1896

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N Surnames

NaddellBlanche born about 1898
NaddellFrank Aborn about 1896
NaddellMinnie born about 1868
NaddellRichard born about 1933
NadellWalter Sborn about 1865
NelsonEdward born about 1915
NelsonEdward Johnborn about 1940
NelsonGrace born about 1920
NelsonPeggy Joanborn about 1940
NewelBetty born about 1927
NewelCarmen born about 1933
NewelDelos born about 1924
NewelHarold born about 1930
NewelHelen born about 1936
NewelJay born about 1885
NewelLarry born about 1940
NewelLeroy born about 1921
NewelMary born about 1904
NicholsAnna Mborn about 1922
NicholsBessie born about 1893
NicholsCarrie Bborn about 1892
NicholsEugene Wborn about 1920
NicholsEvan born about 1916
NicholsGayle Rborn about 1919
NicholsGeorge born about 1926
NicholsHarold Eborn about 1918
NicholsHenry Oborn about 1885
NicholsHerbert born about 1885
NicholsIrene born about 1898
NicholsIrma born about 1920
NicholsJ Hborn about 1892
NicholsJerry born about 1938
NicholsLuther born about 1890
NicholsMargaret born about 1930
NicholsMilton born about 1917
NicholsNancy Aborn about 1875
NicholsNorma born about 1928
NicholsOscar Bborn about 1865
NicholsRebecca born about 1895
NicholsRobert born about 1924
NicholsRobert born about 1926
NicholsRuth Ellenborn about 1923
NicholsS Eborn about 1892
NicholsVelma Ruthborn about 1920
NorwoodDavid born about 1939
NorwoodDell born about 1875
NorwoodElizabeth born about 1921
NorwoodGeorge born about 1878
NorwoodGeorge born about 1906
NorwoodLloyd born about 1917
NorwoodMartha born about 1912
NorwoodRobert born about 1936
NorwoodWinfred born about 1934

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O Surnames

OlearyEdward born about 1872
OlearyPearl born about 1880
OwensDonald Leeborn about 1929
OwensPaul born about 1926

P Surnames

PalmoreLawrence born about 1899
PayneMay Eborn about 1921
PercyWalter born about 1880
PerkinsHarry Eborn about 1896
PerkinsMarie born about 1892
PerkinsRebecca born about 1859
PerkinsRobert born about 1919
PerryMildred Hborn about 1900
PerryRobert born about 1930
PerryWilliam Rborn about 1923
PerryWilliam Sborn about 1896
PetersonAlice born about 1923
PetersonEdna born about 1899
PetersonJohn born about 1925
PetersonMary Ellenborn about 1922
PhillipsAdrian born about 1921
PierceAlma born about 1884
PierceRalph born about 1880
PriceElizabeth born about 1887
PriceHerman born about 1915
PriceJo Annborn about 1938
PriceLois Jeanborn about 1932
PriceMarjorie born about 1916
PriceMary born about 1923
PrinceBertha born about 1884
PrinceHezekiah born about 1878
PritscherFrank born about 1894
PundueSmith born about 1903

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R Surnames

RalphBessie born about 1894
RalphHarry born about 1895
RalphWilliam born about 1886
ReadClinton born about 1863
ReadElla born about 1874
ReedCarrie born about 1906
ReedLeo Bborn about 1905
ReedLeo Jamesborn about 1932
RichWalter Eborn about 1866
RichardsonEffie born about 1898
RichardsonEvlyn born about 1926
RichardsonHarlan born about 1888
RichardsonHarlan Jr born about 1927
RichardsonKathleen born about 1924
RicklefsAndena born about 1886
RicklefsBarbara born about 1887
RiffenberickBetty born about 1929
RiffenberickBonnie born about 1897
RiffenberickMarlene born about 1933
RiffenberickRobert born about 1892
RiffenberickRobert born about 1927
RiffenberickRosalie born about 1923
RiffleEsther Eborn about 1906
RiffleJames born about 1934
RiffleLois Jeanborn about 1929
RiffleMarion born about 1899
RiffleMyra born about 1897
RifflePaul Hborn about 1904
RiffleRobert born about 1932
RobbinsClifford Eborn about 1931
RobbinsRuth Ellenborn about 1934
RobinsonArthur born about 1894
RobinsonGertrude born about 1897
RobinsonLowell Edmundborn about 1920
RolandBobbie Jeanborn about 1935
RolandMerle Leeborn about 1934
RoudebushElla born about 1894
RoudebushJames Cborn about 1882
RoudebushJuanita born about 1927
RoweAnna born about 1874
RoweFred born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SailorLevi Aborn about 1859
SailorLuretta born about 1864
SaylorGeneral Scottborn about 1892
SaylorIda Bborn about 1887
SchuambergerAnna born about 1896
SchuambergerEli born about 1889
SchuambergerHelen born about 1921
SchuambergerMaxine born about 1930
SchuambergerRuth Marieborn about 1926
SchwamburgerBertha Lborn about 1890
SchwamburgerRaymond born about 1920
SchwamburgerWilliam Fborn about 1885
ScottDonald born about 1939
ScottEnva born about 1915
ScottFrank Aborn about 1876
ScottJohn Fborn about 1860
ScottLuella born about 1876
ScottMinnie born about 1918
ScottTed born about 1920
ScottThelma born about 1908
SewellBertha born about 1914
SewellJohn Gborn about 1887
SewellJohn Jr born about 1910
SewellMary born about 1888
SewellRobert born about 1938
SewellRose Maryborn about 1936
SharpeEm Mborn about 1887
SharpeMary born about 1896
SheetsEleanor born about 1852
SheetsFrederick born about 1871
SheetzRobert Fborn about 1921
ShigbyFrank born about 1875
ShigbyGoldie born about 1896
ShigleyJeanette born about 1906
ShircliffAda Mborn about 1893
ShircliffElizabeth Sborn about 1919
ShircliffHarold Nborn about 1917
ShumakerAlice Eborn about 1909
ShumakerDelbert born about 1907
ShumakerPatricia Anneborn about 1928
SmithBeverly Joanborn about 1933
SmithBobby Dborn about 1930
SmithCarol Kayborn about 1938
SmithCleo Eborn about 1915
SmithCurtha born about 1935
SmithDortha born about 1910
SmithEarl born about 1897
SmithEmily Janeborn about 1922
SmithEsther born about 1896
SmithGenevieve born about 1902
SmithHerbert born about 1904
SmithJackie Jborn about 1932
SmithJames Leoborn about 1935
SmithJanet Boyerborn about 1939
SmithJoseph Eborn about 1912
SmithJoseph Sborn about 1920
SmithKenneth born about 1915
SmithLarry born about 1936
SmithLeo Dborn about 1893
SmithLester born about 1901
SmithLillie born about 1900
SmithLorell born about 1925
SmithMarian born about 1915
SmithPauline born about 1917
SmithRobert born about 1923
SmithRosco Dborn about 1906
SmithSarah Eborn about 1882
SmithWard Wborn about 1904
SmithWilma born about 1928
SmithZetta born about 1902
SnitzerIsiaac Eborn about 1881
SnitzerJohn Rborn about 1901
SnyderCourt born about 1885
SnyderHarvey born about 1921
SnyderMary born about 1925
SnyderStella born about 1891
SolmomanCora born about 1888
SolomanIrena born about 1917
SolomanRobert born about 1915
SolomanSharon Kborn about 1938
SondgerathHelen born about 1900
SondgerathMary Katherineborn about 1935
SosbyNina born about 1885
SosbyOren born about 1923
SosbyOtis born about 1893
SosbyWarren born about 1921
SosbyWilma born about 1924
SouligneBernard born about 1918
SouligneMarye born about 1919
SouthworthClara born about 1895
SouthworthJanet born about 1931
SouthworthShirley born about 1926
SouthworthWillard born about 1885
SpeesDoris born about 1912
SpeesMary Janeborn about 1935
SpeesStanley born about 1938
SpeesStephen born about 1910
SpeesStephen Jr born about 1934
StillabowerOlie Pearlborn about 1924
StillabowerThoyd born about 1899
StillabowerZula born about 1905
StrasbergerDavid born about 1937
StrasbergerEdwin born about 1915
StrasbergerRonald born about 1940
StrasbergerRuth born about 1917
StrasburgerAnn Marieborn about 1939
StrasburgerLawrence born about 1903
StrasburgerMary born about 1905
StrathernNellie Gborn about 1876
StuartDessie born about 1902
StuartDonald born about 1930
StuartHarry born about 1911
StuartHarry Deeborn about 1937
StuartLaverne born about 1911
StuartMerle born about 1900
SturgeonAlva born about 1911
SturgeonDureen born about 1924
SturgeonDwaine born about 1930
SturgeonGeorganna born about 1927
SturgeonGeorge born about 1888
SturgeonHoward Wayneborn about 1932
SturgeonJohn born about 1864
SturgeonJunior born about 1926
SturgeonL Florenceborn about 1889
SturgeonLeo born about 1905
SturgeonLinnie born about 1892
SturgeonRay born about 1890
SturnGeneva Mborn about 1900
SturnRoger Wborn about 1920
SturnRoy Aborn about 1898
SturnTed Eborn about 1922
SuttonAlta Rellisborn about 1868
SuttonHarry born about 1862
SuttonVera born about 1896
SwellDwight born about 1928
SwellEdith born about 1905
SwellGerald born about 1904
SwitzerGladys born about 1895
SwitzerKarl Bborn about 1893
SwitzerLee born about 1880
SwitzerMary Louiseborn about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TagueCarl born about 1910
TagueDorothy born about 1910
TagueJacke Rayborn about 1934
TagueKatherine Louiseborn about 1936
TaylorHenry born about 1870
TaylorLyda born about 1876
ThomasDillard born about 1916
ThomasEdgar Wborn about 1879
ThomasEdward born about 1890
ThomasMaud Tborn about 1889
ThompsonBeulah born about 1906
ThompsonCarl born about 1906
ThompsonEarl born about 1938
ThompsonEthelyn born about 1897
ThompsonEugene born about 1926
ThompsonFlora born about 1873
ThompsonJuliah born about 1902
ThompsonLela born about 1906
ThompsonRaymond born about 1910
ThompsonRosalin born about 1928
ThompsonVictor born about 1907
TimmonsGrace born about 1887
TimmonsLewis born about 1931
TimmonsLola born about 1910
TimmonsMarion born about 1907
TimmonsNaomi Ruthborn about 1928
TimmonsRobert born about 1937
TimmonsWalker born about 1870
TimonsClarence born about 1894
TolbertBertha born about 1904
TooleCharles Jborn about 1910
TooleJerry born about 1938
TooleOlga born about 1911
ToopsDorothy Jeaneborn about 1932
ToopsMable born about 1905
ToopsMarion born about 1914
ToopsRuth born about 1913
TribbetLeola born about 1921
TrimbleLewis born about 1913
TylerWallace born about 1861

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanlareAmiel born about 1880
VanlareBernard born about 1917
VanlareFrances born about 1916
VanlareKatherine born about 1916
VanlareLouten born about 1895
VanlareMarie born about 1916
VannottaA Earlborn about 1873
VannottaHarold Eborn about 1904
VannottaLizzie born about 1878
VarnerJanet born about 1929
VaughnJoe Wborn about 1934
VaughnJoseph born about 1902
VaughnNina born about 1901
VencilBelle born about 1874
VencilKarie Bborn about 1871
VerheyAlphonse born about 1874
VerheyIda Cborn about 1876
VincentEdward born about 1871
VincentLee Evaborn about 1878
VogelLouis born about 1909
VolivaClara Cborn about 1905
VolivaEula Eborn about 1904
VolivaLenora born about 1882
VolivaRobert born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WallaceHoward born about 1909
WalshWilliam born about 1871
WaltersBetty Janeborn about 1923
WaltersCarl Lborn about 1917
WaltersHerman born about 1886
WaltersRichard born about 1917
WaltersTheda born about 1890
WardLouise born about 1903
WardRosa born about 1905
WardThomas born about 1901
WarwickRobert born about 1890
WeichersAnna born about 1883
WeichersLucia born about 1859
WeigleCarl born about 1892
WeigleCharles born about 1918
WeigleEldora born about 1915
WeigleErma born about 1891
WeigleLeslie born about 1929
WeigleWilbur born about 1923
WhiteJackson Wborn about 1908
WhiteMary Annborn about 1930
WhiteRobert born about 1928
WhitselEarl born about 1900
WhitselElizabeth born about 1901
WhitselRobert born about 1930
WhitselWilliam born about 1928
WilkensonEarnest born about 1914
WilkensonHelen born about 1940
WilkensonMildred born about 1918
WilliamsClara born about 1901
WilliamsEarl born about 1900
WilliamsLeona Mayborn about 1938
WilliamsLillian born about 1929
WilliamsMary Janeborn about 1933
WilliamsMike born about 1892
WilsonAlzuza born about 1861
WilsonAnnabelle born about 1924
WilsonBarbara Elllenborn about 1934
WilsonCarl Rborn about 1916
WilsonCharles Aborn about 1874
WilsonCharles Rborn about 1913
WilsonCharles Robertborn about 1936
WilsonClevie Oborn about 1885
WilsonE Homerborn about 1882
WilsonHelen born about 1923
WilsonHomer born about 1921
WilsonHoward born about 1902
WilsonMary born about 1888
WilsonRaymond born about 1938
WinklerAmanda born about 1873
WinklerTurner born about 1861
WiseBettie born about 1889
WiseFrank born about 1887
WisenbergerClemence born about 1921
WisenbergerJohn born about 1890
WisenbergerJohn born about 1923
WisenbergerLeo born about 1919
WisenbergerMary born about 1924
WisenbergerRosena born about 1894
WisenbergerRuth born about 1927
WisenbergerVincent born about 1916
WisenbergerWillard born about 1918
WittersOtto born about 1904
WittusGeraldine born about 1924
WittusMattie born about 1908
WittusWilliam born about 1898
WolfAlda Aborn about 1907
WolfHarry Charlesborn about 1924
WolfJames Donaldborn about 1939
WolfJune Louisborn about 1919
WolfLeona Fborn about 1929
WolfMildred Lborn about 1926
WolfRalph Eborn about 1927
WolfVirgil Lborn about 1936
WolfWilliam Jborn about 1901
WolfWilliam Kborn about 1918

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YarnalCharles born about 1917
YarnalFred born about 1899
YarnalMyrtle born about 1903
YorkNaomi born about 1914
YorkWilliam Russellborn about 1915
YoungFred born about 1885
YoungLouise born about 1887

Z Surnames

ZinkAlbert born about 1924
ZinkCarl born about 1903
ZinkJames born about 1939
ZinkJoseph born about 1928
ZinkMartha born about 1930
ZinkRichard born about 1934
ZinkRobert born about 1932
ZinkVirginia born about 1903

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