1940 U.S. Federal Census of Boone in Harrison County, Harrison, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Harrison County > 1940 Census of Boone in Harrison County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamBertha born about 1904
AdamHenry born about 1895
AdamVirginia born about 1938
AdamWilma born about 1931
AdamsEarl Lloydborn about 1939
AdamsIona born about 1915
AdamsLee born about 1887
AdamsMary Aliceborn about 1935
AdamsWilliam Lborn about 1933
AlcornAddie born about 1902
AlcornHarvey born about 1914
AlcornLouise born about 1926
AlcornPeggy born about 1928
AlcornWayne born about 1939
AltonAlice born about 1916
AltonJane born about 1924
AltonLillian born about 1891
AltonMaggie born about 1891
AltonSidney born about 1888
AmyCarol Sueborn about 1939
AmyCharles born about 1910
AmyHelen born about 1917
AmyLanny Dorylborn about 1937
AndersonBonnie Jr born about 1927
AndersonEdna born about 1894
AndersonHelen born about 1924
AndersonJames born about 1931
AndersonMartha born about 1894
AndersonMarvin born about 1917
AndersonNorma Jeanborn about 1926
AndersonRobert born about 1929
AndersonStoy born about 1892
ArterPearl born about 1908
ArterSally born about 1885
AshtonEleanor Fayeborn about 1937
AshtonJohn born about 1911
AshtonJohn Mauriceborn about 1934
AshtonLon born about 1887
AshtonLouise born about 1912
AshtonMinerva born about 1877
AshtonPatricia Geneborn about 1933
AshtonRalph born about 1924
AshtonSue Elleyborn about 1932
AshtonVirginia born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BachermanBen born about 1875
BachermanG Aborn about 1878
BachermanLucille born about 1912
BachermanNora born about 1884
BachermanSusie Aborn about 1874
BachermanVallas born about 1927
BachermanWillian born about 1926
BackermanHozel born about 1915
BackermanLouise born about 1910
BarstBenjamin Lborn about 1881
BarstDollie born about 1890
BartleyBilly born about 1931
BartleyBonnie born about 1934
BartleyDallas born about 1929
BartleyEd born about 1888
BartleyElnora born about 1877
BartleyEmma born about 1852
BartleyIrllen born about 1920
BartleyJohn born about 1926
BartleyJunior born about 1923
BartleyNettie born about 1889
BartleySarah Maeborn about 1892
BartleyThomas born about 1878
BartleyWalter born about 1891
BaumanAndrew born about 1870
BaumanAnnie born about 1882
BeanAdam born about 1877
BeanElizabeth born about 1887
BeanGarfield born about 1881
BeanHollie born about 1913
BeanKate born about 1886
BeardBertha born about 1923
BeardBetty born about 1939
BeardClyde born about 1932
BeardHiram born about 1918
BeardImer born about 1908
BeardOctavia born about 1911
BeardPeter born about 1871
BeardRoscoe born about 1907
BeardRuth born about 1930
BeckortBertha born about 1881
BeckortBette Janeborn about 1940
BeckortElma born about 1900
BeckortFerne born about 1910
BeckortHarrison born about 1904
BeckortMarlyn born about 1934
BeckortMelvin born about 1923
BeckortPorter born about 1896
BeckortRoy born about 1908
BehrAlice born about 1929
BehrAllen born about 1929
BehrDorthy born about 1924
BehrHerman born about 1918
BehrHozel born about 1926
BehrJoseph born about 1890
BehrNorma born about 1920
BehrRuth Hborn about 1895
BehrW Hborn about 1866
BennettChester born about 1913
BennettDurrett born about 1926
BennettEthel born about 1888
BennettJohn born about 1878
BennettJunior born about 1924
BensonBilly born about 1923
BensonGladys born about 1895
BensonHarry born about 1893
BerseEva Aborn about 1882
BerseGeorge born about 1872
BestCarl born about 1920
BestCatherine born about 1916
BestCharles born about 1896
BestErnest born about 1901
BestEugene born about 1934
BestHarry born about 1891
BestHelen born about 1909
BestJohn born about 1881
BestMildred born about 1896
BestOscar born about 1914
BestRalph Dborn about 1933
BestWilliam Lesterborn about 1940
BiddleAlice Marieborn about 1934
BiddleClifford born about 1907
BiddleDenail born about 1916
BiddleEarl Wayneborn about 1930
BiddleErsel born about 1902
BiddleJessie born about 1875
BiddleRuth born about 1910
BiddleThula born about 1882
BiddleWilma Fayeborn about 1932
BishopEthel born about 1898
BishopHoward born about 1893
BishopJohn Lloydborn about 1933
BishopMolle Vborn about 1923
BlakeAnna Maeborn about 1890
BlakeLouisa born about 1868
BlakeRichard born about 1919
BlakeW Eborn about 1898
BoleyJacob born about 1880
BooneAbbie born about 1904
BooneCarl born about 1910
BooneFidilia Sborn about 1898
BooneHamilton born about 1879
BooneHarold born about 1898
BooneHarry born about 1905
BooneHelen born about 1923
BooneJames Cborn about 1938
BooneJohn Eborn about 1934
BooneLouise born about 1914
BooneMargaret born about 1913
BooneMaude born about 1875
BooneMaude born about 1880
BooneRobert born about 1886
BooneRush born about 1872
BooneSheldon born about 1927
BooneShirley born about 1935
BrilesAnna Leeborn about 1929
BrilesJackie Eborn about 1934
BrilesLloyd born about 1926
BrilesMary Cborn about 1931
BrownAlbert born about 1887
BrownAlthia born about 1907
BrownArthur born about 1884
BrownB Wborn about 1888
BrownBeatrice born about 1866
BrownEdna born about 1900
BrownElla born about 1873
BrownEverett born about 1869
BrownFae born about 1921
BrownGordon born about 1936
BrownHarland born about 1906
BrownHelen born about 1915
BrownJohn born about 1924
BrownLaurice born about 1939
BrownLawrence born about 1909
BrownLee born about 1892
BrownLorrine born about 1916
BrownLou born about 1876
BrownLou born about 1882
BrownLucille born about 1927
BrownMargie born about 1913
BrownMary born about 1889
BrownMary born about 1897
BrownNancy born about 1880
BrownOscar born about 1913
BrownPaul born about 1937
BrownPaul Gordonborn about 1933
BrownPauline born about 1920
BrownRoscoe born about 1916
BrownRoy born about 1885
BrownSarah Eborn about 1922
BrownTerrence born about 1939
BrownTheodore born about 1872
BrownWillard born about 1916
BrownZilpah born about 1891
BruceDonald Wborn about 1934
BruceEdna born about 1918
BruceSadie Ellenborn about 1938
BruceWilliam Wborn about 1889
BryantAda born about 1907
BryantArthur Eborn about 1934
BryantClayton Hborn about 1938
BryantDonald Lborn about 1928
BryantElmer Cborn about 1904
BuseAnna Margaretborn about 1927
BuseBertha born about 1915
BuseEarl born about 1916
BuseHenry born about 1874
BusePaul born about 1925
BuseSusanna born about 1885
ByrumAllen Eborn about 1938
ByrumErl born about 1894
ByrumGeorge Wborn about 1924
ByrumHelen born about 1931
ByrumJacie born about 1910
ByrumJohn born about 1905
ByrumLaura born about 1934
ByrumWiley born about 1893
ByrumWilliam Eborn about 1936
ByrunLula Bborn about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CarrolCharles born about 1857
CarrolOllie born about 1909
CarrolPervia born about 1870
CarrolRobert born about 1901
CarrollClara born about 1908
CarrollEugene born about 1904
CarrollPaul born about 1929
CarterHarold born about 1924
CarterVirgil born about 1892
CarterWalter born about 1928
CarterWillie Dborn about 1921
CarverDell born about 1887
CarverElizabeth born about 1918
CarverLee born about 1888
CarverLester born about 1917
CaseyAnna Fayeborn about 1932
CaseyIrene born about 1908
CaseyJack born about 1927
CaseyJames born about 1938
CaseyJanett born about 1935
CaseyMaxine born about 1929
CaseyPearl born about 1897
CaseyRoger Allenborn about
CatnerLillie born about 1872
CatnerWalter born about 1882
CavinoClinton born about 1919
CavinoJames born about 1917
CavinoLillie born about 1895
CavinoLonise born about 1924
CavinoWilliam born about 1926
ChaffinAlbro born about 1931
ChaffinGeorge Fborn about 1891
ChaffinMildred born about 1922
ChaffinPearl born about 1904
ChanleyEthel born about 1888
ChanleyHerman born about 1891
ConradAnna born about 1873
ConradArthur born about 1881
ConradBeulah born about 1896
ConradCordie born about 1904
ConradGroves born about 1885
ConradHorace born about 1920
ConradLee born about 1871
ConradLon born about 1885
CooperHarry born about 1875
CooperJoyce Fborn about 1927
CooperMary born about 1870
CooperMary Mborn about 1925
CooperMonnie Mborn about 1893
CooperThomas born about 1893
CorverBessie born about 1902
CorverBetty Louborn about 1935
CorverCharles born about 1886
CorverJimmie born about 1933
CorverSarah Cathrineborn about 1932
CotnerClara born about 1890
CotnerEmmet Jborn about 1876
CotnerForest born about 1890
CotnerGerald born about 1925
CotnerHarold born about 1925
CotnerMinnie Sborn about 1890
CrasierJames born about 1883
CrasierMayme Bborn about 1883
CrasierSidney born about 1884
CritchlonRobert born about 1912
CritchlonTheodore born about 1907
CroseirGeorge Lborn about 1860
CroseirMelia born about 1870
CrosierAlberta born about 1924
CrosierAlma born about 1895
CrosierArland born about 1911
CrosierBelle born about 1874
CrosierBessie Aborn about 1888
CrosierBilly born about 1939
CrosierBobby Jeanborn about 1927
CrosierBobby Joeborn about 1939
CrosierCarlton born about 1937
CrosierCarmen Bborn about 1928
CrosierCatherine born about 1914
CrosierCecil born about 1911
CrosierEdna born about 1916
CrosierEdward Cborn about 1876
CrosierEdwin born about 1872
CrosierHarry Donborn about 1930
CrosierHershel Leeborn about 1914
CrosierJames born about 1912
CrosierJames Albertborn about 1937
CrosierJohn born about 1911
CrosierKeith born about 1925
CrosierMargaret born about 1934
CrosierMargaret Janeborn about 1880
CrosierMarjorie Bborn about 1901
CrosierMary born about 1869
CrosierMary Janeborn about 1922
CrosierMaurece born about 1893
CrosierMildred born about 1909
CrosierPhyllis Annborn about 1935
CrosierRoger born about 1938
CrosierRuth born about 1911
CrosierWalter born about 1871
CrosierWillard Hborn about 1898
CrosierWilliam born about 1935
CunninghamClara Virginiaborn about 1922
CunninghamCletna born about 1921
CunninghamEstyal born about 1901
CunninghamFrank born about 1867
CunninghamLayton born about 1898
CunninghamMarcell born about 1896
CunninghamMary born about 1924
CunninghamRe Ettaborn about 1934
CunninghamRobert born about 1931
CunninghamWanda born about 1925
CunninghamWannita born about 1925
CunninghamWayne born about 1897

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D Surnames

DannerAnna born about 1872
DannerJohn born about 1876
DannerOrlin born about 1910
DavisAnna Maeborn about 1884
DavisClifford born about 1917
DavisClifford born about 1921
DavisEdith born about 1914
DavisNorman born about 1937
DavisOsborne born about 1910
DavisRalph born about 1939
DavisSarah born about 1918
DavisStay born about 1892
DavisSteven born about 1905
DavisSylvia born about 1893
DavisWilson born about 1875
DavisonAlma born about 1908
DavisonDennis born about 1936
DavisonFlemming born about 1875
DavisonHenry born about 1933
DavisonIrwin born about 1931
DenboAllen Kingborn about 1935
DenboCarolyn born about 1926
DenboCrystal Cborn about 1899
DenboGeorge Wborn about 1917
DenboJames Gborn about 1927
DenboJohn Rborn about 1924
DenboJoyce born about 1934
DenboLaura Jeanborn about 1931
DenboLaurence Royborn about 1936
DenboLottie born about 1926
DenboRobert Rborn about 1891
DoddAnnie born about 1880
DoddCharles born about 1878
DoddJimmie born about 1867
DoddNola born about 1883
DugginaCloria born about 1925
DugginaFairy Bborn about 1881
DugginaLamar born about 1920
DugginaMenifee born about 1918
DugginaMerlin born about 1916
DugginaRoy born about 1882
DuleyCarl born about 1936
DuleyEdith born about 1916
DuleyGilbert born about 1916

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E Surnames

EckartLee born about 1880
EckertJode born about 1865
EckertSally born about 1875
ElishaMcmonigh born about 1894
EvansJerry born about 1867
EvansMary Eborn about 1865

F Surnames

FaithAlfred Hborn about 1927
FaithBenjamin born about 1868
FaithCharles Rborn about 1924
FaithEvelyn born about 1917
FaithEzra born about 1870
FaithGelia born about 1873
FaithHoward born about 1917
FaithLee born about 1882
FaithNora born about 1896
FaithRuby Sborn about 1933
FaithThomas born about 1920
FarnsleyEdna Maeborn about 1932
FarnsleyJames born about 1935
FarnsleyJohn born about 1908
FarnsleyPaul born about 1938
FarnsleyThelma born about 1908
FerreeClyde born about 1928
FerreeJames born about 1932
FerreeJewel born about 1898
FerreeMae born about 1896
FerreeManford born about 1900
FerreeRobert born about 1926
FerreeWilliam Jborn about 1924
FerruGuy born about 1882
FerruMurray born about 1881
FerruNoma born about 1869
FerruNoma born about 1928
FerruRoxie born about 1926
FerruRudolph born about 1872
FerruSadie born about 1900
FokumCurtis Bborn about 1911
FokumGoldie born about 1919
FokumJune born about 1939
ForbiaBurrel born about 1905
ForbiaCuna Gborn about 1863
FrakesAlda born about 1876
FrakesAlva born about 1873
FrakesArtie born about 1908
FrakesBeulah born about 1917
FrakesEthel born about 1912
FrakesFred Oborn about 1866
FrakesHoward born about 1917
FrakesJewel born about 1896
FrakesKenneth born about 1913
FrakesLoura Aborn about 1879
FrakesMarget Hborn about 1875
FrakesRalph born about 1930
FrakesSamuel Dborn about 1875
FrakesSheldon born about 1884
FrankAda born about 1900
FrankAlbert born about 1862
FrankCarl born about 1919
FrankClarence born about 1923
FrankDallas born about 1927
FrankEdward Wborn about 1866
FrankElma born about 1925
FrankEva Leeborn about 1932
FrankGlenn born about 1920
FrankGrace born about 1885
FrankHarry born about 1896
FrankHerman born about 1902
FrankJames Oborn about 1918
FrankKelman born about 1924
FrankKenneth born about 1920
FrankLena born about 1901
FrankMary born about 1911
FrankMary Annborn about 1938
FrankMyrta born about 1891
FrankOscar born about 1899
FrankRay born about 1892
FrankStoy born about 1902
FrankVeneva Bellborn about 1860
FulkersonBetty born about 1929
FulkersonNorma born about 1931
FulkersonPearl born about 1900
FulkersonRobert born about 1920
FulkersonWm Rborn about 1898
FunkMaurice born about 1892

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G Surnames

GatesGeorge born about 1869
GatesNerva born about 1867
GibsonCatherine born about 1922
GibsonJoseph born about 1899
GibsonMary Cborn about 1927
GibsonMary Lborn about 1899
GibsonWalter born about 1920
GistCarl born about 1901
GistGale born about 1932
GistKenneth born about 1924
GistOpal born about 1904
GistRoger born about 1937
GlasgowElla born about 1874
GlasgowMeade born about 1873
GooghBetty born about 1933
GooghEdna born about 1931
GreerCharles born about 1876
GreerWilliam born about 1872
GreerWilliam Jborn about 1925
GrestAmbrosia born about 1876
GriffinElva born about 1868
GuestOscar born about 1893
GurleyD Bborn about 1900
GurleyHelen born about 1872
GurleySraiffilt born about 1902
GuslerClaude Lborn about 1933
GuslerCriss born about 1896
GuslerH Jborn about 1918
GuslerTona born about 1891
GuslerWilladean born about 1926

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H Surnames

HayesAnna born about 1888
HayesHayes born about 1925
HayesWilliam born about 1882
HedgesAmy born about 1874
HedgesHal born about 1867
HeiseyRuby born about 1930
HensonRosie born about 1892
HensonW Cborn about 1882
HiseyFred born about 1890
HiseyOma born about 1891
HiseyRoy born about 1928
HiseyStanley born about 1922
HollidayMae born about 1880
HollidayRichard born about 1869
HornickleAlice born about 1911
HornickleArlene born about 1936
HornickleArthur born about 1898
HornickleCarl born about 1902
HornickleElsie born about 1907
HornickleGlenn born about 1939
HornickleMarlene born about 1937
HornickleRalph born about 1938
HornickleShirley born about 1929
HoweAlles born about 1894
HowellBetty Louborn about 1927
HowellBlanche born about 1905
HowellLloyd Eborn about 1936
HowellMary Rborn about 1932
HowellNewland born about 1905
HowellWilliam Dborn about 1930
HowertonElizabeth born about 1878
HunterM Aborn about 1886
HunterWard born about 1879
HurstMary Iborn about 1862
HurstRolando born about 1894
HutchinsonBessie born about 1893

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J Surnames

JacobsLizzie born about 1861
JacobsRussell born about 1899
JimmermanEllen Maeborn about 1911
JimmermanJonathan born about 1870
JimmermanJonathan born about 1934
JimmermanRobert born about 1906
JimmermanRobert Aborn about 1938
JimmermanVenus born about 1873
JohnsAlbert born about 1895
JohnsBertha born about 1908
JohnsCarl born about 1929
JohnsDoris born about 1931
JohnsEurba born about 1895
JohnsHilda born about 1925
JohnsJames born about 1927
JohnsMarie born about 1923
JohnsPaul born about 1932
JohnsRosalie born about 1935
JohnsRoyella born about 1935
JohnsWilliam born about 1905
JohnsonDon born about 1883
JohnsonPauline born about 1913
JohnsonSusan born about 1883
JonesCharles Williamborn about 1928
JonesEthel born about 1906
JonesGeorge Robertborn about 1926
JonesHenry Lawrenceborn about 1930
JonesJoe born about 1854
JonesJohn born about 1901
JonesJoseph born about 1873
JonesLydia born about 1858
JonesMary Catherineborn about 1934
JonesSamuel born about 1927
JonesThomas Josephborn about 1931

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K Surnames

KeethArvill born about 1922
KeethClementine born about 1884
KeethDavid Mborn about 1881
KeethElsie Maeborn about 1911
KeethGladys born about 1919
KeethHorace born about 1913
KeethLe Roy born about 1919
KeethMary Janeborn about 1935
KeithAdeline born about 1871
KernsAnna born about 1883
KernsMary Ferneborn about 1924
KernsSamuel born about 1921
KernsStanley born about 1918
KingFrank born about 1893
KingJohn Wesleyborn about 1926
KingMildred born about 1901
KingSally born about 1876
KingWilliam born about 1917
KingerCharles born about 1912
KingerMarion born about 1919
KingerWilliam born about 1865
KingsleyGrace Lborn about 1904
KingsleyMillie Maeborn about 1928
KingsleyMittie born about 1882
KingsleyNormand Fborn about 1930
KingsleyRoy Fborn about 1899
KirkhamAddie born about 1884
KirkhamBenny born about 1877
KnearAnn born about 1876
KnearFred born about 1873
KnearJohn born about 1919

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L Surnames

LangdonCorda born about 1882
LangdonNellie born about 1883
LeeEdward born about 1931
LeeHarvey Lborn about 1906
LeeJames born about 1933
LeeKenneth born about 1936
LeeLloyd born about 1938
LeeRuth born about 1913
LemmonDaisy born about 1888
LemmonOra Bborn about 1874
LemmonWaller born about 1893
LethcoCatherine born about 1906
LethcoDan born about 1874
LethcoHarry born about 1910
LethcoHarvey born about 1913
LethcoJohn born about 1877
LethcoLee Eborn about 1880
LethcoLouise born about 1914
LethcoNeal born about 1879
LethcoPaul born about 1902
LethcoPearl born about 1885
LethcoViolet born about 1900
LevismanArdeth Aborn about 1936
LevismanEllen born about 1933
LevismanEster born about 1907
LevismanFern born about 1939
LevismanFrank born about 1928
LevismanOmer Fborn about 1900
LevismanRuth born about 1926
LevismanThomas Eborn about 1934
LichartArtie born about 1915
LichartIda born about 1886
LichartRoy born about 1909
LichartViolet born about 1920
LiebertAndrew born about 1877
LiebertCarl born about 1928
LiebertCarrie born about 1887
LiebertDenvil born about 1913
LiebertEdith born about 1924
LiebertHenry born about 1869
LiebertJacob born about 1922
LiebertPearl Maeborn about 1924
LiebertSally born about 1873
LillpopGrover born about 1893
LillpopMongelli born about 1899
LongdronDonald born about 1926
LongdronHarold born about 1922
LoppMason born about 1886
LoppOlitha Eborn about 1888
LubertCharles Lborn about 1920
LubertMelvin born about 1930
LubertPansy born about 1898
LubertSidney born about 1926
LubertWalter born about 1897
LudlowBurl born about 1915
LudlowGerald born about 1910
LudlowHildreth born about 1918
LutherAlbert born about 1906
LutherClyde Wborn about 1939
LutherJacie born about 1911
LynchLafe born about 1870

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M Surnames

MarkA Gborn about 1872
MarkCharles born about 1918
MarkClarence born about 1921
MarkEdward born about 1916
MarkJoseph born about 1919
MarkMary Lborn about 1880
MarkMerlin born about 1910
MartinEdna born about 1896
MartinWilliam born about 1891
MauckIda born about 1902
MauckKenneth Wborn about 1936
MauckWilliam born about 1906
MayAnna Aborn about 1874
MayConrad born about 1860
MayGeorge born about 1864
MayKate born about 1867
MayLydia born about 1873
MayRalph Eborn about 1917
MaySidney Bborn about 1875
McBrideElla born about 1870
McCarteyBen born about 1872
McCarteyMary Aborn about 1889
McCartyBill born about 1862
McIntyreClaude born about 1886
McIntyreDelis born about 1857
McIntyreGeorge born about 1884
McIntyreOla born about 1877
McKimElwood born about 1922
McKimFred born about 1875
McKimJohn born about 1880
McKimJohn Dborn about 1920
McKimMildred born about 1912
McKinnAnna Gladysborn about 1931
McKinnCreston born about 1896
McKinnEverett born about 1923
McKinnGoldia born about 1900
McKinnLeo born about 1927
McKinnVernon born about 1922
McMomighBurl born about 1930
McMomighFreda Maeborn about 1896
McMomighMildred born about 1927
McMomighMural Jeanborn about 1930
McMomighRobert born about 1924
McMonigleHenry born about 1880
McRaeMary Janeborn about 1850
McReaBert born about 1873
McReaMartha born about 1875
MehhCharles born about 1879
MehhTheresa born about 1897
MeltaGeorgia born about 1902
MeltaJunior born about 1928
MeltaWord born about 1888
MeltonAgnes born about 1889
MeltonAnna Maeborn about 1920
MeltonCad born about 1877
MeltonCharles born about 1918
MeltonEula born about 1891
MeltonForrest born about 1881
MeltonGeorge born about 1864
MeltonInis born about 1921
MeltonJames born about 1860
MeltonJasper born about 1861
MeltonLaura born about 1868
MeltonLeoda born about 1913
MeltonLoretta born about 1921
MeltonMary Fborn about 1893
MeltonPatricia Fborn about 1917
MeltonRaymond born about 1916
MeltonRuth born about 1916
MeltonSeward born about 1864
MillerBetty Maeborn about 1929
MillerBonnie born about 1923
MillerCarol Jeanborn about 1939
MillerDarrell born about 1917
MillerEdward born about 1877
MillerGriff born about 1883
MillerHarley born about 1919
MillerHoward born about 1921
MillerIrma born about 1916
MillerJane Annborn about 1936
MillerLabert born about 1916
MillerLeora born about 1892
MillerLucy born about 1885
MillerMarlene born about 1937
MillerMartha born about 1921
MillerMary Jeanborn about 1923
MillerMaude born about 1884
MillerMelvin born about 1913
MillerNancy born about 1938
MillerPaul born about 1896
MillerShirley born about 1939
MillerShirley Annborn about 1940
MillerWayne born about 1928
MillerWilliam born about 1916
MillerZella Maeborn about 1917
MoneyEarl born about 1916
MoneyRaymond Eborn about 1938
MoneyStella born about 1919

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N Surnames

NeafusEdward born about 1868
NeafusEdward born about 1900
NyeAugust born about 1855

P Surnames

ParkerCharles born about 1923
ParkerDewey born about 1896
ParkerEstella born about 1906
ParkerGeorge born about 1837
ParkerGrace born about 1926
ParkerRoy born about 1932
PearsonDaisy born about 1886
PearsonRobert born about 1921
PearsonViolet born about 1909
PearsonWilliam born about 1887
PerryHarry born about 1898
PerryRuth born about 1865
PettmanViola born about 1906
PindellCharles born about 1921
PindellCoartney born about 1912
PindellDave born about 1881
PindellEthel born about 1923
PindellJohn born about 1915
PindellMary Leeborn about 1923
PindellMildred born about 1914
PindellMillie born about 1890
PindellRobert born about 1916
PindellWilbur born about 1907
PindellWilliam born about 1886
PitmanCatherine born about 1913
PitmanCharles born about 1883
PitmanGrace born about 1883
PitmanMadlyn born about 1924
PittmanAnna born about 1863
PoytonBobby Carlborn about 1929
PrageAmzi born about 1910
PrageCatherine Cborn about 1939
PrageEdna Cborn about 1911

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R Surnames

RadmacherCharles born about 1919
RadmacherClara born about 1887
RadmacherEd born about 1875
RadmacherFerne born about 1912
RadmacherHermon born about 1914
RadmacherIrma born about 1922
RadmacherMae born about 1914
RadmacherMary Eborn about 1935
RadmacherRobert Allenborn about 1939
RadmacherVirgie born about 1879
RadmacherWanda Fborn about 1940
RadmacherWilliam born about 1913
RadmacherWilliam Jborn about 1878
RadmacherWilliam Pborn about 1939
RaymerDora Rborn about 1920
RaymerSherman born about 1915
RaymerShirley Maeborn about 1937
RedmanMargaret Aborn about 1929
ReedEdward born about 1937
ReedJesse born about 1902
ReedZelma born about 1899
ReevesAnn born about 1868
ReevesCodie born about 1889
ReynoldsClarence born about 1925
ReynoldsJoseph born about 1922
ReynoldsJunior born about 1923
ReynoldsMildred born about 1940
ReynoldsMurtle born about 1901
ReynoldsVirgil born about 1897
ReynoldsWilliam born about 1928
RiceFerne born about 1912
RiceRobert born about 1912
RichardMyra born about 1868
RobyAddie born about 1885
RobyAlferd born about 1916
RobyArtie born about 1883
RobyBessie born about 1894
RobyElmae born about 1914
RobyEmma born about 1878
RobyIler born about 1884
RobyLinnie born about 1881
RobyMaurice born about 1939
RobyRolta born about 1893
RobyS Jborn about 1854
RooksbyBetty Lonborn about 1926
RooksbyFaye born about 1918
RooksbyJunior born about 1925
RooksbyLonnie born about 1882
RooksbyMaxine born about 1922
RooksbyNewell born about 1915
RooksbyTrue born about 1883
RooksbyViolet born about 1904
RusselbergCletus Melvinborn about 1934
RusselbergF Dborn about 1875
RusselbergJennie Bborn about 1900
RusselbergMaurice Leeborn about 1933
RusselbergRonald Royborn about 1936
RussellAggie born about 1879
RussellElla born about 1877
RussellJalius born about 1878
RussellLewis born about 1885
RussellRella born about 1891
RussellTillie born about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SampleDonald born about 1931
SampleJames born about 1934
SampleManny Bborn about 1906
SampleMarion born about 1904
SampleMary Bborn about 1872
SengCharles born about 1915
SengElizabeth born about 1939
SengMary born about 1920
SengWayne Sborn about 1939
ShepherdFrancis born about 1916
ShepherdOven born about 1910
ShepherdRobert Oweneborn about 1938
ShermanAddie born about 1889
ShermanAmelia born about 1897
ShermanRoscoe born about 1889
ShermanWilliam born about 1882
ShermanWilliam Tborn about 1864
ShicklesAlfred born about 1911
ShicklesBenjamin born about 1871
ShicklesDengil born about 1938
ShicklesLois born about 1914
ShieldsAllie born about 1886
ShieldsBetty Jr born about 1931
ShieldsElla Maeborn about 1919
ShieldsG Lborn about 1866
ShieldsGerald born about 1922
ShieldsHelen born about 1912
ShieldsHoward born about 1909
ShieldsJames born about 1888
ShieldsJames Dborn about 1919
ShieldsLila born about 1921
ShieldsMartha born about 1910
ShieldsMary Aborn about 1867
ShieldsMaude born about 1882
ShieldsMaurice born about 1907
ShieldsNola born about 1909
ShieldsRobert born about 1910
ShieldsRoy born about 1882
ShieldsRuby born about 1930
ShieldsSally Cborn about 1894
ShieldsSharon Fayeborn about 1939
ShieldsShirley Ellenborn about 1936
ShieldsTrewhitt born about 1922
ShieldsVelera Jeanneborn about 1939
ShieldsWilliam born about 1936
ShiremanCarolyn Nborn about 1938
ShiremanCharlotte born about 1904
ShiremanFbenjamin born about 1893
ShuckAbbie Aborn about 1875
ShuckWin Jesseborn about 1879
ShuldaHuldah born about 1872
ShuldaJohn born about 1859
SimcoxBoyd born about 1912
SimcoxCarl Alanborn about 1936
SimcoxDarline Fayeborn about 1939
SimcoxJunior born about 1921
SimcoxMarlene Gayborn about 1939
SimcoxMary born about 1914
SimcoxMaxene born about 1925
SimcoxMeade born about 1893
SimcoxVirginia born about 1923
SincoxLaeonard born about 1925
SkipworthGodfrey born about 1886
SmithAda born about 1871
SmithBen born about 1872
SmithHarriet born about 1863
SnyderAldine born about 1898
SnyderAlma born about 1912
SnyderAlva born about 1897
SnyderBilly Bobborn about 1939
SnyderCarl born about 1934
SnyderChristine born about 1922
SnyderCuba born about 1926
SnyderJohnathan born about 1906
SnyderOlive born about 1915
SnyderRichard born about 1908
SnyderShirley born about 1937
SnyderWayne born about 1935
SnyderWillie born about 1932
SteenCristine born about 1924
SteenEd born about 1896
SteenJewel born about 1911
SteproEdna born about 1899
StevensAlbert born about 1939
StevensBonnie Fayeborn about 1931
StevensClementine born about 1862
StevensEllen born about 1927
StevensFloyd born about 1934
StevensFrank born about 1902
StevensGillie born about 1871
StevensLawrence born about 1907
StevensLotha born about 1876
StevensMary born about 1898
StevensMaxine born about 1939
StevensMillie born about 1906
StevensNelson born about 1937
StevensWindom born about 1891
StevensYvonne born about 1936
StuphtonJohn Rborn about 1878
StuphtonMartha born about 1882
SwitzerAlice born about 1891
SwitzerJake born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasAlbert born about 1893
ThomasBessie born about 1904
ThomasBetty born about 1936
ThomasCharles born about 1897
ThomasEdward born about 1891
ThomasFremont born about 1921
ThomasJohn Mborn about 1859
ThomasKathleen born about 1929
ThomasMary born about 1894
ThomasMary born about 1938
ThomasMaurice born about 1937
ThomasMollie born about 1868
ThomasNoa Hborn about 1897
ThomasSally Bborn about 1892
ThompsonMary born about 1919
TimberlakeFerke born about 1924
TimberlakeHarley born about 1921
TimberlakeHershel born about 1917
TimberlakeJacie born about 1921
TimberlakeLeona born about 1899
TimberlakeRobert Dborn about 1888
TimberlakeRuth born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WatherAda born about 1924
WatherCharles born about 1930
WatherLois Annborn about 1926
WatherRoy born about 1918
WatsonIda born about 1867
WhitworthJames born about 1888
WhitworthLucille born about 1891
WilliamBernadine born about 1924
WilliamDale born about 1892
WilliamElsie born about 1895
WilliamIrwin born about 1922
WilliarElmer born about 1876
WilliarFlora born about 1878
WilliarJohn Eborn about 1874
WilliasAnderson born about 1898
WilliasAnderson Doberseborn about 1937
WilliasAnnie born about 1868
WilliasCarl born about 1899
WilliasDoris born about 1934
WilliasE Cborn about 1860
WilliasFlorence born about 1909
WilliasHenry born about 1920
WilliasLois born about 1897
WilliasMae born about 1899
WilliasMary Ellenborn about 1935
WilliasMaurice born about 1934
WilliasMorris Allenborn about 1940
WilliasRay born about 1896
WilliasVirginia born about 1920
WillierAlma Kborn about 1882
WillierEarl born about 1883
WillierJacqueline born about 1929
WillierKensington Dborn about 1857
WillierMarcella born about 1927
WilsonNancy Eborn about 1873
WilsonPaul born about 1923
WisemonEmery born about 1867
WisemonOthea born about 1909
WithersGeorge born about 1930
WithersHenry born about 1930
WithersHood born about 1883
WithersJames born about 1929
WithersJulia born about 1888
WoodsMattie born about 1870
WrightAlil born about 1900
WrightBilly born about 1930
WrightDenzil born about 1919
WrightDoris Marieborn about 1938
WrightErnest born about 1886
WrightHelen born about 1926
WrightJames Aborn about 1921
WrightJanntia born about 1925
WrightJesse born about 1884
WrightJunior born about 1931
WrightLena Francisborn about 1933
WrightMae born about 1872
WrightMary Louiseborn about 1935
WrightNorma Janeborn about 1935
WrightRobert Daleborn about 1928
WrightSidney born about 1921
WrightSylvia born about 1893
WrightWilliam born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerAnna Mayborn about 1903
YeagerDoris Jeanborn about 1932
YeagerEverett born about 1927
YeagerHarold born about 1896
YeagerIrma Lborn about 1925
YeagerRuby born about 1928
YokumBetty born about 1933
YokumBonnie born about 1928
YokumCharles born about 1924
YokumDonald born about 1931
YokumDuane born about 1938
YokumMary Willborn about 1921
YokumOlive born about 1892
YokumThurman born about 1889

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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