1940 U.S. Federal Census of Boone in Lawrence County, Lawrence, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Lawrence County > 1940 Census of Boone in Lawrence County

A SurnamesH SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AkinRowena born about 1916
AkinsDora Bborn about 1887
AkinsGertrude Rborn about 1897
AkinsHenry Mborn about 1894
AkinsIda Eborn about 1876
AllenBernice born about 1906
AllenCecil Bborn about 1910
AllenElsie Nborn about 1913
AllenHarley Kborn about 1896
AllenIvy Iborn about 1919
AllenJohn Eborn about 1925
AllenJulia Aborn about 1891
AllenKenneth born about 1925
AllenMargaret born about 1922
AllenPerry born about 1881
AllenRobert Dborn about 1937
AllenVirginia Mborn about 1930
AllenWalter Jborn about 1908
AllenWilliam Hborn about 1926
AndersonRalph Mborn about 1915
AndersonVada Iborn about 1917
AndrewsAlfred Bborn about 1875
AndrewsBlanche born about 1880
ArcherBert Aborn about 1927
ArcherBervia Mborn about 1891
ArcherGrover Cborn about 1920
ArcherM Lucilleborn about 1924
ArcherMartin Hborn about 1884

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B Surnames

BarlowFannie born about 1861
BarnesBarbara Aborn about 1937
BarnesBonnie Jborn about 1934
BarnesClovis born about 1911
BarnesLois born about 1912
BarnesOrna born about 1890
BarnesRobert Wborn about 1939
BarnesRuth Eborn about 1917
BarnesVerlin Kborn about 1916
BarnesWilliam Mborn about 1884
BarnettBenjamin Cborn about 1887
BarnettMinnie Mborn about 1892
BartlettJohn Wborn about 1856
BatchelorDorthy born about 1935
BatchelorElsie born about 1928
BatchelorHelen born about 1921
BatchelorKenneth born about 1923
BatchelorLucile born about 1926
BatchelorOscar born about 1897
BatchelorPansy born about 1912
BaughEverett born about 1890
BaughJoseph Fborn about 1866
BennettAlfred Fborn about 1927
BennettC Richardborn about 1920
BennettFrances born about 1929
BennettFred Cborn about 1891
BennettFred Dborn about 1923
BennettRalph Eborn about 1922
BennettRilda Lborn about 1938
BennettRuby Fborn about 1896
BlackwellLucy born about 1873
BlackwellRobert born about 1876
BocockAnnie Bborn about 1896
BocockDoyle Fborn about 1914
BocockEloise Lborn about 1921
BocockGeneva Iborn about 1918
BocockGerald born about 1920
BocockGladys Mborn about 1928
BocockKathleen Rborn about 1931
BocockLeah Cborn about 1935
BocockLeona born about 1899
BocockMarie Gborn about 1922
BocockRoy Eborn about 1920
BocockRoy Jborn about 1937
BocockThelma Mborn about 1925
BocockThomas Wborn about 1933
BocockVirgil born about 1897
BocockWilliam Hborn about 1877
BoxCharles born about 1889
BoxChester Oborn about 1922
BoxGladys Jborn about 1895
BoxWinford Pborn about 1917
BoydBernice born about 1887
BoydEva Mborn about 1929
BoydEverett Hborn about 1887
BoydMargaret Fborn about 1932
BoydRachel Eborn about 1931
BrewerCarrie Mborn about 1882
BrewerHarley Cborn about 1910
BrewerHarley F?nkborn about 1940
BrewerMable Iborn about 1916
BrewerRoss Ellenborn about 1935
BrimEmma Zborn about 1875
BrimJohn Eborn about 1868
BriscoeBonnie Bborn about 1935
BriscoeDonald Lborn about 1937
BriscoeFrances Lborn about 1927
BriscoeFranklin Lborn about 1927
BriscoeHopal Vborn about 1900
BriscoeJames Mborn about 1924
BriscoeMyrtle Fborn about 1922
BriscoeOra Vborn about 1899
BriscoeRobert Lborn about 1932
BriscoeRuby Lborn about 1922
BriscoeWalter Cborn about 1930
BriscoeWilbur Eborn about 1923
BrowningBernice born about 1906
BrowningBetty Jborn about 1926
BrowningMarjorie Mborn about 1928
BrowningOtto Jborn about 1901
BrowningRosemary born about 1930
BrumfieldBetsy Jborn about 1924
BrumfieldBobette born about 1936
BrumfieldClell Aborn about 1899
BrumfieldJoshua Bborn about 1939
BrumfieldLouann born about 1926
BrumfieldNettie born about 1899
BrumfieldSusan Lborn about 1935
BrunerAlma Rborn about 1918
BrunerElizabeth Aborn about 1939
BrunerJane Rborn about 1938
BrunerJimmie Nborn about 1939
BrunerJoseph Aborn about 1916
BrunerMaude Mborn about 1916
BrunerMorris Aborn about 1911
BrunerShirley Maeborn about 1937
BrunnerEdward Jborn about 1902
BrunnerElizabeth Mborn about 1874
BrunnerHarry Rborn about 1899
BundyCarrie Bborn about 1876
BundyIda Mborn about 1883
BundyNoah Aborn about 1884
BurtonHarold Jborn about 1928
BurtonJenne born about 1880
BurtonJoe D Exborn about 1881
BurtonM Jborn about 1905
BurtonRowanna born about 1906
BushAnna born about 1881
BushBeverly Jborn about 1935
BushCharles Cborn about 1903
BushClarence Eborn about 1938
BushClinton Lborn about 1872
BushEdna Janeborn about 1936
BushIzillah born about 1914
BushJoan Lborn about 1933
BushJohn Royborn about 1937
BushMilo born about 1914
BushNaomi Rborn about 1916
BushRosaltha born about 1876
BushSharon Rayborn about
BushTilford Hborn about 1880
ByrdDora Aborn about 1874
ByrdJohn Fborn about 1873

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C Surnames

CaseAlice Wborn about 1918
CaseCarol Annborn about 1935
CaseCecil Tborn about 1893
CaseClifford born about 1908
CaseGretchen Wborn about 1926
CaseJosie Bborn about 1859
CaseKenneth Gborn about 1930
CaseMiriam Bborn about 1923
CasePriscilla Mborn about 1892
CaseRichard Hborn about 1920
CaseWinford Eborn about 1913
CatlettMamie born about 1894
CatlettOscar Wborn about 1915
CatlettParthema Fborn about 1916
CatlettVirginia Lborn about 1933
CatlettWill born about 1889
CatletteCarl Aborn about 1938
CatletteGeorgia Lborn about 1916
CatletteJames Aborn about 1916
CatletteJerry Dborn about 1937
CatletteWilbur Gborn about 1936
CecilHarley born about 1888
CecilLula born about 1894
ChapmanAlfred R Exborn about 1883
ChapmanEffie Mborn about 1881
ChastainA Ottoborn about 1879
ChastainAlbert Nborn about 1911
ChastainDavid Rborn about 1928
ChastainDora Iborn about 1889
ChastainElta Bborn about 1884
ChastainEvelyn Mborn about 1919
ChastainG Fayeborn about 1926
ChastainGranville Oborn about 1923
ChastainHerman born about 1907
ChastainJerry Lborn about 1934
ChastainJesse born about 1883
ChastainJohn born about 1929
ChastainJohn Wborn about 1875
ChastainLeatha Jborn about 1874
ChastainLena Mpearlborn about 1908
ChastainLois born about 1923
ChastainMartha Eborn about 1883
ChastainMary Ettaborn about 1878
ChastainMary Loisborn about 1929
ChastainMildred Eborn about 1914
ChastainNorma Eborn about 1921
ChastainPauline Mborn about 1904
ChastainRobert Eborn about 1880
ChastainRosanell born about 1924
ChastainSharon Rborn about 1939
ChastainShirley Pborn about 1937
ChastainStella Pborn about 1881
ChastainTheodore Jborn about 1917
ChastainWilliam Hborn about 1881
ChastainWilma born about 1911
ChessMilton Lborn about 1881
ClarkHarley born about 1890
ClarkLola Eborn about 1887
ClippMildred Mborn about 1926
ClouseBernice Oborn about 1914
ClouseCarolyn Jborn about 1936
ClouseGranville Bborn about 1912
ClouseWanda Jborn about 1934
ComptonMargaret born about 1879
ConleyDella Mborn about 1881
ConleyLloyd born about 1891
ConnerleyDewey Lborn about 1917
ConnerleyEdna Lborn about 1919
ConnerlyEvelyn born about 1923
ConnerlyLowell Fborn about 1919
CooperArchie Fborn about 1925
CooperDearl Eborn about 1901
CooperEdward Wborn about 1922
CooperLavon Mborn about 1928
CooperLucille born about 1902
CooperRowanna Jborn about 1926
CooperThursie Jborn about 1935
CordDwight Wborn about 1909
CordVerna born about 1914
CornwallLawrence Eborn about 1876
CornwallMary Eborn about 1875
CraneB Maryborn about 1917
CraneHarry Hborn about 1880
CraneMary Aliceborn about 1935
CraneRoy born about 1915
CraneVirginia Rborn about 1936
CrawfordDonald Wayneborn about 1940
CrawfordHarvey Eborn about 1891
CrawfordJulia Fernborn about 1922
CrawfordRex Deanborn about 1939
CrawfordRuth born about 1889
CrawfordWinifred Hborn about 1919

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D Surnames

DaltonCora Eborn about 1881
DaltonWilliam Oborn about 1872
DickersonRobert Rborn about 1871
DietzJanet Sborn about 1939
DietzLewis born about 1914
DietzLewis Eborn about 1937
DietzMarie Mborn about 1917
DixonEdward Aborn about 1871

E Surnames

EarlAlonzo born about 1893
EarlFlorence born about 1862
EarlGrover Cborn about 1887
EarlJackie Lborn about 1940
EarlJames Wborn about 1924
EarlJaquline Sborn about 1940
EarlJoseph Fborn about 1934
EarlLillie Mborn about 1910
EarlMable born about 1903
EarlMarlain Jborn about 1930
EarlRalph Eborn about 1927
EarlRoberta born about 1923
EarlSara Eborn about 1933
EarlWilliam born about 1852
EarlWilliam Jr born about 1905
EckensbergerEdgar Jr born about 1909
EckensbergerGretchen Aborn about 1937
EckensbergerJulian Aborn about 1940
EckensbergerKeith Nborn about 1934
EckensbergerMaxine Lborn about 1907

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F Surnames

FarmerC Eborn about 1881
FitzgibbonNellie Gborn about 1877
FlinnMamie Lborn about 1889
FlinnSerilda Jborn about 1880
FlinnWilliam Hborn about 1882
FlinnWilliam Hborn about 1884
FreedFred Cborn about 1887
FullenHarold born about 1923
FullenJanet Eborn about 1927
FullenNellie Mborn about 1907
FullenOscar born about 1906

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G Surnames

GarrisonAnna born about 1905
GarrisonClaude born about 1915
GarrisonFred Lborn about 1902
GarrisonJames Bborn about 1894
GarrisonJennie Lborn about 1913
GarrisonLola Lborn about 1907
GarrisonMarvin Jborn about 1938
GarrisonSarah Eborn about 1918
GarrisonVollie Dborn about 1897
GarrisonWaneta Hborn about 1933
GilstrapLavern Wborn about 1927
GilstrapLeo Oborn about 1931
GilstrapMaxine Aborn about 1933
GilstrapRobert Dborn about 1929
GilstrapRowena born about 1919
GilstrapWalter born about 1889
GreenCarrie born about 1888
GreenJames Jborn about 1937
GreenLeon Oborn about 1906
GreenPegg Roseborn about 1939
GreenRubie Rborn about 1910
GreenThomas Bborn about 1884
GreshamDave born about 1885
GreshamDonald Lborn about 1921
GreshamHugh Franklinborn about 1931
GreshamMyrtle born about 1887
GreshamOpal Lborn about 1910
GreshamRalph Sborn about 1909
GreshamRalph Jr born about 1929
GreshamThomas Eborn about 1932
GrossGeorge Eborn about 1939
GrossGladis born about 1891
GrossHarry Eborn about 1878
GrossHarry Eborn about 1916
GrossMarie Aborn about 1920
GrossMartha Lborn about 1924
GrossMary Oborn about 1922
GualkinsbushCharles Rborn about 1925
GualkinsbushDella born about 1888
GualkinsbushDonnie Nborn about 1928
GualkinsbushEvert Eborn about 1914
GualkinsbushHelen Aborn about 1939
GualkinsbushWilliam born about 1885
GualkinsbushWilma Eborn about 1915
GuthrieBerndine Rborn about 1928
GuthrieBertha Bborn about 1907
GuthrieClara Bborn about 1883
GuthrieGeneva Jborn about 1935
GuthrieJoan Iborn about 1933
GuthrieJoe Jborn about 1933
GuthrieJohn Eborn about 1906
GuthrieJohn Eborn about 1931
GuthrieLefair Fborn about 1904
GuthrieMarjorie Mborn about 1926
GuthrieOrpha born about 1903
GuthrieTorrence Pborn about 1881

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H Surnames

HallAlbert Bborn about 1863
HallCharlotte born about 1908
HallElla born about 1871
HallEzra Rborn about 1909
HallG La Verneborn about 1932
HallS La Vonneborn about 1932
HalsappleJohn Wborn about 1879
HalsappleJulia born about 1874
HalsappleL Eldenborn about 1937
HamiltonHarold Kborn about 1920
HamiltonHarry Wborn about 1923
HamiltonJohn Aborn about 1867
HamiltonKeltchen Jborn about 1898
HamiltonRosa born about 1890
HatcherFannie Mborn about 1876
HayesGeorge Aborn about 1855
HetzelEva Maeborn about 1913
HetzelWilliam Aborn about 1909
HickmanRuby born about 1928
HicksBetty Jeanborn about 1924
HicksEmily Kborn about 1929
HicksJames Hborn about 1879
HicksLloyd born about 1922
HicksMartha born about 1924
HicksMary born about 1887
HicksMary Fborn about 1930
HindsDora born about 1877
HoggattAlbert born about 1898
HoggattAnna Lborn about 1903
HoggattChristopher born about 1899
HoggattDella Mborn about 1912
HoggattEdwin Eborn about 1929
HoggattElmer Hborn about 1925
HoggattEloise Rborn about 1929
HoggattEvelyn born about 1922
HoggattJohn Hborn about 1927
HoggattLawrence Aborn about 1920
HoggattMarietta Sueborn about 1938
HoggattMary Eborn about 1921
HoggattNoble Kborn about 1935
HoggattNona Kborn about 1935
HoggattViolet born about 1901
HoggattWanda Gborn about 1940
HoggattWincel Tborn about 1908
HoggattrCorinne Fborn about 1929
HoggattrGlancy Mborn about 1906
HoggattrV Roseborn about 1913
HolsappleAnabel Jborn about 1925
HolsappleG Warrenborn about 1903
HolsappleGeorgia Mborn about 1933
HolsappleJohn Mborn about 1932
HolsappleMaralyn Oborn about 1929
HolsappleMarion Leeborn about 1935
HolsappleRuby Fborn about 1930
HolsappleVan Wborn about 1927
HoopingarnerGarfield born about 1884
HopkinsAnna Jborn about 1903
HopkinsHenry born about 1896
HowardDaisy born about 1899
HowardFred born about 1895
HowardIva Bborn about 1901
HowardLeland Lborn about 1924
HowardLeonard Exborn about 1868
HowardLouise born about 1924
HowardMarion born about 1926
HowardPaul born about 1903
HughesEretta born about 1872
HughesGeorge born about 1862
HughesWayne born about 1892
HunsuckerHenry Cborn about 1889
HunsuckerMarjorie Fborn about 1930
HunsuckerOphia born about 1902
HunsuckerOrin Mborn about 1927

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J Surnames

JacksonAlice Mayborn about 1886
JacksonCharles born about 1890
JacksonWilliam born about 1858
JeanManson born about 1884
JenkinsChester Lborn about 1928
JenkinsCora born about 1898
JenkinsHubert Wborn about 1935
JenkinsLawrence born about 1894
JohnsonAlfred Eborn about 1912
JohnsonGretna Fborn about 1938
JohnsonHuston born about 1917
JohnsonJuantia born about 1918
JohnsonKenneth Lborn about 1937
JohnsonNoble born about 1924
JohnsonRobert Hborn about 1939
JohnsonRuth born about 1913
JohnsonVernon born about 1925
JonesBetty Hborn about 1939
JonesDavy Cborn about 1877
JonesEllen born about 1879
JonesElsie Jborn about 1928
JonesGeorge Gborn about 1934
JonesJohn Bborn about 1879
JonesJoseph Pborn about 1937
JonesMary Lborn about 1931
JonesNoble Leusborn about
JonesOtis Glenborn about 1919
JonesSylvia born about 1905
JonesThelma Mborn about 1936

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K Surnames

KearbyFrank Bborn about 1888
KearbyNaomi Mborn about 1903
KernJohn Dborn about 1924
KeynonJohn Fborn about 1896
KnightJohn Wborn about 1861

L Surnames

LaneWilliam born about 1886
LeathemanCarl born about 1918
LeathemanDelbert born about 1889
LeathemanDelbert Hborn about
LeathemanHarold born about 1925
LeathemanJames Lborn about 1923
LeathemanJane Exborn about 1863
LeathemanKenneth born about 1930
LeathemanLucille born about 1923
LeathemanNellie Eborn about 1888
LeeCharles Wborn about 1936
LeeEvertt Gborn about 1892
LeeLewis Lborn about 1867
LeeLuella Hborn about 1875
LeeNellie born about 1891
LewisVirgle born about 1873
LoweryCharlie Fborn about 1870
LoweryLula Aborn about 1871
LucasSadie Eborn about 1881
LucasWilliam born about 1862

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M Surnames

MaydenDora born about 1876
MaydenVance Nborn about 1909
McGuileenClara Lborn about 1871
McGuileenClinton Hnborn about 1904
McIntereFrank born about 1889
McIntereOrna Mborn about 1890
McIntereRoy Fborn about 1919
McIntireCharlie Aborn about 1876
McIntireMamie born about 1876
McPikeErnest Lborn about 1915
McPikeOscar born about 1881
McPikeWilliam Fborn about 1917
MillerCatherine Aborn about 1873
MillerCharles Fborn about 1874
MillerEdwina Rborn about 1897
MillerEugene Rborn about 1922
MillerHarry born about 1878
MillerHomer Aborn about 1896
MillerHubert Wborn about 1930
MillerRobert Hborn about 1925
MillerWayne Rborn about 1933
MontgomeryAnna born about 1895
MooreDelo born about 1909
MooreLillie born about 1911
MooreSharon Rborn about 1936
MundyArthur Royborn about 1935
MundyBeatrice Mborn about 1918
MundyBernard born about 1939
MundyBeryl born about 1912
MundyCalvin Eborn about 1917
MundyCharlotte Aborn about 1939
MundyGordon born about 1934
MundyHelen Lborn about 1936
MundyJoe Mborn about 1938
MundyMary born about 1911
MundyMary Francisborn about 1917
MundyRussell born about 1910
MundyWayne born about 1937

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N Surnames

NeidefferCarrie Lborn about 1873
NeidefferLeah Dborn about 1904
NicholsonAudrey Eborn about 1898
NicholsonBarbara Jborn about 1931
NicholsonFred Pborn about 1901
NicholsonFrederick Pborn about 1926
NicholsonMarjorie Eborn about 1927

P Surnames

PaveyOra born about 1888
PaveySamuel born about 1859
PaytonDova born about 1907
PaytonFloy Eborn about 1937
PaytonNancy Cborn about 1935
PaytonWilliam Mborn about 1903
PhillipsEverett born about 1892
PhillipsIsaac born about 1882
PhillipsMary Lborn about 1882
PhillipsVirgie born about 1889
PhippsClarence born about 1908
PhippsEsther Eborn about 1913
PhippsGeorge Eborn about 1937
PhippsR Mansonborn about 1863
PolhemusAnna Lborn about 1872
PolhemusOscar born about 1861
PottsCharles Jr born about 1918
PottsMary Francesborn about 1919
PridemoreBeulka born about 1906
PridemoreChristena born about 1932
PridemoreVorris born about 1933

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R Surnames

RayEura Fborn about 1926
RayIda Fborn about 1871
RayJoe born about 1870
RayLois born about 1920
RayMargurite Aborn about 1911
RayRalph Gborn about 1907
RayRaymond born about 1915
RayRobert Eborn about 1931
RayThomas Eborn about 1927
ReynoldsAnna Eborn about 1895
ReynoldsBen Fborn about 1922
ReynoldsBenjamin Fborn about 1898
ReynoldsCarl born about 1894
ReynoldsCarl Jr born about 1922
ReynoldsCurtis Eborn about 1935
ReynoldsDavid Lborn about 1927
ReynoldsDorthy Mborn about 1909
ReynoldsElgan Wborn about 1926
ReynoldsForest Eborn about 1920
ReynoldsH Lavernborn about 1908
ReynoldsHarold Wborn about 1918
ReynoldsHelen Mborn about 1921
ReynoldsJames Wborn about 1908
ReynoldsLena Lborn about 1920
ReynoldsMargaret Eborn about 1925
ReynoldsMattie born about 1858
ReynoldsMinta Oborn about 1869
ReynoldsMiriam Eborn about
ReynoldsMiriam Eborn about 1864
ReynoldsRuth Eborn about 1930
ReynoldsStanley Lborn about 1932
ReynoldsThomas Aborn about 1930
ReynoldsWilliam Cborn about 1924
ReynoldsWillim Lborn about 1937
Roberts born about 1925
RobertsChristina Mborn about 1933
RobertsHazel Fborn about 1903
RobertsHelen Jborn about 1912
RobertsJames Dborn about 1938
RobertsJames Wborn about 1937
RobertsJennie Mborn about 1914
RobertsJerry Dborn about 1937
RobertsJohn Larrborn about 1935
RobertsJohn Wborn about 1915
RobertsKenneth Nborn about 1939
RobertsLizzie born about 1855
RobertsLouis Nborn about 1912
RobertsMalin born about 1901
RobertsMalin Jr born about 1928
RobertsMarjorie Aborn about 1922
RobertsMisch Cborn about 1936
RobertsRobert Hborn about 1925
RobertsSarah Eborn about 1907
RobertsSarah Janeborn about 1935
RobertsSue Annborn about 1938
RobertsVernon Aborn about 1897
RobertsVirginia Iborn about 1926
RobertsWalter born about 1883
RobertsWilliam Iborn about 1927
RobertsZella Oborn about 1884
RobertsonElta born about 1878
RobertsonJ Wborn about 1876
RosenbaumEva born about 1878
RosenbaumJ Lborn about 1877
RuthRosaline born about 1910
RuthWalter born about 1890

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S Surnames

SalleeBarbara Fborn about 1924
SalleeFrank Wborn about 1915
SandersDelbert born about 1886
SandersMenlo born about 1923
SandersPauline born about 1904
SandersRaymond born about 1914
ShawAllie Bborn about 1885
ShawJesse born about 1896
SheeksRobert Eborn about 1925
SheeksWilliam Aborn about 1926
ShoopmanJack born about 1885
ShoopmanMilburn born about 1909
SimpsonArvada born about 1873
SimpsonGrover Cborn about 1893
SimpsonLewis born about 1891
SimpsonLorena born about 1894
SimpsonMaude born about 1890
SlaughterAlfred Aborn about 1919
SlaughterBetty Fborn about 1930
SlaughterDelbert born about 1899
SlaughterDelbert Jr born about 1928
SlaughterEdward born about 1888
SlaughterEdward Vborn about 1924
SlaughterFred born about 1897
SlaughterJames Hborn about 1925
SlaughterJoan Mborn about 1930
SlaughterLawrence Eborn about 1922
SlaughterLena born about 1901
SlaughterMiriam Mborn about 1892
SlaughterNellie Vborn about 1899
SlaughterOliva Jborn about 1935
SlaughterRobert Hborn about 1932
SlaughterRoscoe born about 1918
SlaughterRowanna born about 1922
SlaughterSamuel born about 1859
SlaughterSamuel Wborn about 1920
SlaughterWilbert born about 1915
SmithBurrell Gborn about 1927
SmithCharles C Lindyborn about 1929
SmithDorothy Jborn about 1917
SmithDorothy Mborn about 1925
SmithGeorge Eborn about 1920
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1860
SmithGloria Eborn about 1936
SmithHugh Lborn about 1916
SmithJohn Rborn about 1903
SmithKelly Lborn about 1892
SmithMabel born about 1902
SmithMaggie Gborn about 1860
SmithMary Elizabethborn about 1911
SmithMary Janeborn about 1926
SmithNoble Mborn about 1894
SmithOlive Lborn about 1897
SmithPearle born about 1893
SmithRosa Bborn about 1881
SmithSarah Eborn about 1868
SmithThomas Wborn about 1933
SmithVirginia Rborn about 1924
SmithWilliam Fborn about 1878
StevensAlbert born about 1896
StevensJames Tborn about 1867
StevensLeona Hborn about 1900
StewartAlbert Hborn about 1912
StewartBessie Rborn about 1905
StewartClyde Eborn about 1910
StewartClyde Mborn about 1937
StewartHerbert born about 1897
StewartJohn Grayborn about 1918
StewartLodena born about 1905
StewartNorman Hborn about 1923
StewartRalph Mborn about 1883
StewartRobert Eborn about 1925
StewartSusan Gborn about 1885
StopppmanGilburn born about 1909
SullivanGeorge Rborn about 1885
SullivanHugh Kborn about 1920
SullivanVirginia Hborn about 1886

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T Surnames

TalbottCarl Lborn about 1892
TalbottChester Hborn about 1926
TalbottEsther Bborn about 1926
TalbottFlossie Gborn about 1894
TalbottRoy born about 1923
TalbottV Jeanborn about 1929
TaylorKet born about 1918
TerryJohn Cborn about 1920
TerryMary Hborn about 1923
ThomasElmer Cborn about 1897
ThomasEthel Pborn about 1920
ThomasMaria born about 1896
ThrallBertha Aborn about 1888
ThrallCharles Aborn about 1884
ThrallCharles Lborn about 1929
ToddArchie Pborn about 1871
ToddGrace Mborn about 1897
ToddMaggie Mborn about 1874
TomesBinnie born about 1891
TomesMary Kborn about 1926
TomesMuntona born about 1882
TomesRoy Dborn about 1920
TomesThomas Jr born about 1932
TrotterJennie Mborn about 1863
TrueArrie born about 1871
TrueEliza Jborn about 1875
TrueJohn Cborn about 1881
TrueMelvin Oborn about 1884
TrueNora Bborn about 1884
TurleyHenry Mborn about 1874
TurleyJoe Henryborn about 1935
TurleyLaura Aborn about 1874
TurleyMary Eborn about 1898
TurleyWilliam Sborn about 1896

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V Surnames

VarvelChester Daleborn about 1931
VarvelGeorge Wborn about 1893
VarvelH Eugeneborn about 1925
VarvelLoren Vborn about 1918
VarvelLucy Ettaborn about 1894
VoylesJacob C Sxborn about 1887

W Surnames

WadeGrace Mborn about 1899
WadeSanford Eborn about 1903
WadeWilma Jborn about 1924
WesterfieldJesse Mborn about 1897
WesterfieldJohn Sborn about 1936
WesterfieldLavern Lborn about 1928
WesterfieldOma born about 1898
WesterfieldRosemary born about 1925
WhiteJames Sborn about 1923
WilcoxBarbara Rborn about 1923
WilcoxGeorge Fborn about 1925
WilcoxGeorgia Aborn about 1901
WilcoxMary Annborn about 1933
WilcoxOren Hborn about 1921
WilcoxOren Mborn about 1897
WilliamsBeluah Fborn about 1923
WilliamsClema Lborn about 1891
WilliamsRalph Eborn about 1888
WrightAlbert born about 1875
WrightDoris Jborn about 1928
WrightEarl Fborn about 1906
WrightEdith born about 1903
WrightEverett Cborn about 1904
WrightFay Mborn about 1938
WrightFlorence born about 1875
WrightIris Lborn about 1940
WrightLeslie Eborn about 1926
WrightMelvin Rborn about 1934
WrightWilma Rborn about 1932
WrightWymena born about 1909
WynnBonnie Jeanborn about 1926
WynnBonnie Oborn about 1903
WynnKenneth Leoborn about 1924
WynnRussell Jborn about 1892

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Y Surnames

YaneyOgal Cborn about 1921
YaneyRichard born about 1876
YoungAnna Eborn about 1865
YoungFrank Yborn about 1867

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