1940 U.S. Federal Census of Brandywine in Hancock County, Hancock, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Hancock County > 1940 Census of Brandywine in Hancock County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AddisonErnest born about 1903
AddisonHelen Jeanborn about 1931
AddisonMabel born about 1907
AlyeaAaron born about 1857
AlyeaCharles born about 1870
AlyeaCrystal born about 1893
AlyeaHarry born about 1894
AlyeaMary Eborn about 1860
AlyeaMary Fborn about 1872
AlyeaPaul born about 1920
AndisJohn born about 1862
AndisLois born about 1925
AndisNeal born about 1918
AndrewsFrank born about 1888
AndrewsNola born about 1900
AppleFloyd Eborn about 1920
AppleHazel born about 1897
AppleJohn Hborn about 1888
AppleMary Eborn about 1918
ApplePaul born about 1925
ArnoldBessie born about 1883
ArnoldBlanche born about 1918
ArnoldEphraim born about 1910
ArnoldIona born about 1880
ArnoldJames Dborn about 1883
ArnoldThompson born about 1878
AshcraftElnora born about 1873
AshcraftFay born about 1894
AshcraftGeorge Hborn about 1874
AshcraftJoseph born about 1866
AshcraftMary born about 1871
AshcraftRuth born about 1893
AshworthFloyd born about 1905
AshworthForest born about 1864
AshworthHelen born about 1926
AshworthInez born about 1908
AshworthWilma born about 1930

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B Surnames

BarlettEstella Sborn about 1881
BarlettHarry Fborn about 1875
BarrettMargaret born about 1874
BaxterBetty born about 1926
BaxterHarry born about 1886
BaxterMaud born about 1900
BeavenDamon born about 1899
BeavenFelix born about 1927
BeavenJuanita born about 1925
BeavenLouise born about 1933
BellEtta born about 1894
BellPearl born about 1895
BentleyHayes born about 1876
BentleyPressie born about 1879
BixlerHerman born about 1879
BlackfordBernard born about 1925
BlackfordDorothy born about 1907
BlackfordLonnie born about 1888
BlackfordRaymond born about 1902
BlackfordVesta born about 1891
BooneAugusta born about 1885
BooneCarl born about 1910
BooneFrank born about 1884
BoringAnna born about 1882
BoringCecil born about 1913
BoringDean born about 1914
BoringImogene born about 1922
BoringLoren born about 1902
BoringMarcile born about 1928
BoringRalph born about 1899
BoringRennie born about 1904
BoringWilliam Hborn about 1938
BoringWilliam Rborn about 1871
BowmanLawrence Mborn about 1870
BowmanMinnie born about 1880
BravardCharles born about 1909
BravardDaisy born about 1877
BravardHelen born about 1912
BrownLaurinda born about 1876
BrownOlive born about 1913
BruneClifford born about 1894
BruneDorothy born about 1930
BruneHarold born about 1923
BruneHazel born about 1898
BurkeJohn born about 1895
BurkeMary Eborn about 1903
BurrisCarolyn Sueborn about 1936
BurrisIsabelle born about 1917
BurrisMary Roseborn about 1911
BurrisOla born about 1913
BushEdgar born about 1904
BushNettie born about 1911
BushTheo born about 1877
BussellAvery born about 1897
BussellClora born about 1899
BussellMary Inezborn about 1924
BussellNarvella born about 1922

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C Surnames

CallahanJ Donaldborn about 1910
CallahanLorena born about 1910
CallahanRosalyn born about 1939
CampbellClifford born about 1902
CampbellCora born about 1867
CarrHomer born about 1904
CarrJoanne born about 1932
CarrLouise born about 1909
CattJoseph Mborn about 1873
CattNancy born about 1873
CecilFrank born about 1928
CecilJohn born about 1907
CecilJohn Boydborn about 1869
CecilLeona born about 1921
CecilMaudie born about 1909
CecilSarah Eborn about 1870
CecilWilliam born about 1931
CliftAlta born about 1887
CliftFrank born about 1886
CliftJames born about 1922
CliftLetta Bborn about 1893
CliftMary Ruthborn about 1919
CliftWalter Hborn about 1922
ClosserEugene born about 1917
ClosserLillian born about 1919
ClosserRobert born about 1939
ConawayClark born about 1930
ConawayHarry born about 1893
ConawayJosephine born about 1899
ConawayMadonna born about 1934
ConawayPaul born about 1938
ConawayRobert born about 1936
ConnerCarl born about 1912
ConnerMargaret born about 1920
ConnorEdward born about 1876
CookCarl born about 1893
CookMax born about 1930
CookNannie born about 1892
CookRosa born about 1888
CorwinBetty Janeborn about 1921
CorwinBruce born about 1918
CorwinFaye born about 1894
CorwinOrson born about 1882
CrossClyde born about 1895
CrossMarie born about 1896
CrossWilliam born about 1864

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D Surnames

DakeElizabeth born about 1931
DearingerEdith born about 1921
DearingerLowell born about 1917
DerschMarguerite born about 1912
DerschSarah born about 1939
DerschWalter born about 1907
DevaultDavid born about 1940
DevaultFlorence born about 1915
DevaultFred born about 1917
DevaultRalph born about 1920
DismoreAustin born about 1914
DismoreClarence born about 1890
DismoreEdith born about 1892
DismoreEmerson born about 1929
DismoreHelen born about 1916
DismoreKenton born about 1926
DismoreLinda born about 1937
DismoreSharon Leeborn about 1935
DoddJoseph Cborn about 1914
DoddMary born about 1911
DonleyElizabeth born about 1889
DonleyOren born about 1878
DonleyRaymond born about 1922
DraperAgnes born about 1903
DraperBilly Eborn about 1939
DraperCharles Hborn about 1930
DraperEmerson born about 1900
DuncanGertrude born about 1881
DuncanLaura born about 1879
DuncanOtha born about 1879
DuncanReverdy born about 1877

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E Surnames

ElliottAnnabelle born about 1938
ElliottGeorge born about 1908
ElliottOpal born about 1910
EstelleForest born about 1923

F Surnames

FairGladys born about 1909
FaulknorEleanor born about 1916
FaulknorJames born about 1879
FaulknorMildred born about 1936
FaulknorRichard born about 1911
FaulknorViola born about 1881
ForisterChester born about 1909
ForisterGeorge Wborn about 1935
ForisterRuby born about 1915
FrazierJula Maeborn about 1916
FrazierRobert born about 1934

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G Surnames

GibbsDonna Louiseborn about 1939
GibbsEva born about 1876
GibbsJessie born about 1920
GibbsPaul born about 1917
GilesElizabeth born about 1877
GilesMartha born about 1885
GilesOmer born about 1883
GilesViolet born about 1926
GilesWalter Pborn about 1876
GillispieAlonzo born about 1897
GillispieJeptha born about 1874
GillispieMary born about 1869
GioscioJacqeline born about 1929
GlassMargaret born about 1882
GoffCecil Wborn about 1894
GoffH Franklinborn about 1923
GoffJulia Maryborn about 1925
GoffJune Mborn about 1891
GoodloeBetsy born about 1939
GoodloeCharles born about 1915
GoodloeRuth Annborn about 1935
GoodloeThelma born about 1917
GoodmanClyde Dborn about 1906
GoodmanHazel born about 1908
GoodwinEllen born about 1925
GoodwinEtorlia born about 1902
GoodwinHarry born about 1901
GoodwinLorene born about 1922
GoodwinRoy born about 1923
GriffithDelmar born about 1899
GriffithFrank born about 1870
GriffithRuth born about 1896
GunnEstella born about 1871
GunnWilliam Aborn about 1871

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H Surnames

HamelHarry born about 1880
HamelLillian born about 1884
HamelVirginia born about 1922
HamiltonAnna Pborn about 1890
HamiltonBrooks born about 1900
HamiltonDoyt born about 1923
HamiltonHoward born about 1921
HamiltonIrene born about 1899
HamiltonSarah born about 1865
HardinHerschel born about 1908
HardinJean born about 1934
HardinLura born about 1909
HardinRichard born about 1932
HarrellHarry Eborn about 1872
HarrellMina born about 1874
HaydenDaniel born about 1861
HillFlavella born about 1923
HillNellie born about 1893
HillVirginia born about 1931
HillWalter born about 1892
HollidayErma Leeborn about 1930
HollidayHerbert born about 1910
HollidayKatherine born about 1912
HolmesEvelyn Jeanborn about 1929
HolmesFrancis born about 1902
HolmesHazel born about 1904
HouseMinna born about 1851
HoweryNancy born about 1881
HoweryOttis born about 1877
HutchisonIda born about 1886
HutchisonMarian born about 1871

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J Surnames

JacksonDonald born about 1939
JacksonLois born about 1922
JacksonWilbur born about 1912
JacobiCaleb born about 1889
JacobiMabel born about 1895
JamesArizona born about 1868
JeffriesCatherine born about 1926
JeffriesDaisy born about 1890
JeffriesRoy born about 1888
JonasClarence born about 1910
JonasEzra Cborn about 1886
JonasLucille born about 1912
JonasMae born about 1900
JonesAlfred born about 1934
JonesAquilla born about 1924
JonesBessie born about 1927
JonesCleta born about 1935
JonesHelen born about 1925
JonesLotus born about 1898
JonesMary born about 1929
JonesNellie Mayborn about 1905
JonesWilliam Robertborn about 1930

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K Surnames

KingByron Leeborn about 1926
KleimanAnna born about 1880
KleimanChristian born about 1879
KleimanDelores born about 1932
KleimanEdward born about 1906
KleimanElnora born about 1928
KleimanHerman born about 1915
KleimanMarjorie born about 1935
KleimanMildred born about 1908
KleimanPaul born about 1938
KrammesGrant born about 1865
KrammesMartha born about 1871

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L Surnames

LambJosie born about 1873
LandErnest born about 1913
LandMartha born about 1919
LauferAudrey born about 1911
LauferMatilda born about 1869
LeonardClara born about 1877
LimingAlice born about 1864
LingenfelterClyde born about 1882
LingenfelterEthel born about 1882
LotzClifford born about 1875
LotzLaura born about 1880
LowGarnetta born about 1897
LowIvan born about 1886
LowJames born about 1923
LowMarie Lborn about 1931
LowPearl born about 1889
LowRaymond born about 1895
LowRichard born about 1924
LowThelma born about 1916
LpwRichard Wborn about 1859
LpwUriah born about 1890
LucasClara born about 1882
LucasHenry Dborn about 1875

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M Surnames

MackBern born about 1884
MackBlanche born about 1889
MarshDollie born about 1880
MarshallJoseph born about 1881
MartinCarolyn born about 1937
MartinKenneth born about 1907
MartinLorena born about 1911
MassenaLillie born about 1887
MassenaWilbert born about 1881
McCormickEmma born about 1886
McCormickHelen born about 1918
McCormickJacob born about 1875
McCormickJohn Aborn about 1871
McCormickMyrtle born about 1877
McNallyEdward born about 1921
McNallyFrancis born about 1919
McNallyJams born about 1932
McNallyJoseph born about 1925
McNallyLawrence born about 1886
McNallyMary Lillianborn about 1931
McNallyRuby born about 1897
McNallyRuth born about 1928
McQueeneyBetty born about 1925
McQueeneyBobby born about 1933
McQueeneyDaryle born about 1940
McQueeneyFrances born about 1927
McQueeneyJackie born about 1935
McQueeneyJune born about 1897
McQueeneyPaul born about 1924
McQueeneyRandall born about 1897
McQueeneyRex born about 1917
McQueeneyRuth born about 1923
McRobertsGeorge born about 1875
MessersmithGustav born about 1876
MilbournBelle born about 1882
MilbournClarence born about 1873
MilbournMarshall born about 1880
MillerBerl born about 1927
MillerElla born about 1892
MillerHoward born about 1887
MitchellCloe Dborn about 1881
MitchellRobert born about 1922
MitchellTinza born about 1880
MontroseBeverly born about 1907
MontroseClaudia born about 1874
MontroseConstance born about 1928
MontroseNannie born about 1901
MontroseRaymond born about 1900
MontroseRosalind born about 1909
MorrisChester born about 1894
MorrisDaniel born about 1926
MorrisHarry born about 1916
MorrisKathryn born about 1899
MorrisKenneth born about 1924
MorrisRaymond born about 1917
MussmanEmma born about 1877
MussmanFrank Aborn about 1903
MussmanHelen born about 1912
MussmanHenry Aborn about 1905
MussmanLouis Wborn about 1861
MuthEdward Aborn about 1879
MuthJessie born about 1883

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N Surnames

NabalJessie born about 1886
NabalNorman born about 1879
NanceMary born about 1877
NanceMary Roseborn about 1917
NanceOra Fborn about 1883
NeffFrank born about 1873
NeffNellie born about 1876
NicholsonCarl born about 1916
NicholsonDavid born about 1938
NicholsonEffie born about 1890
NicholsonJoseph born about 1939
NicholsonJulian born about 1917
NicholsonMaude born about 1881
NicholsonOra born about 1882
NicholsonValeeta born about 1924
NoeAlonzo born about 1880
NoeCarroll born about 1934
NoeEdgar born about 1898
NoeElla born about 1901
NoeFrederick born about 1935
NoeGeorge Mborn about 1856
NoeGeorge Rborn about 1924
NoeMae Lwborn about 1881
NoePauline born about 1926
NorcrossBetty Jeanborn about 1928
NorcrossMary Ellenborn about 1922

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O Surnames

OstermeyerMary born about 1888
OwingsWiley Aborn about 1867
OwingsZelma born about 1882

P Surnames

PasswaterFred born about 1893
PasswaterTressie born about 1896
PlummerHoward Aborn about 1883
PlummerSusie born about 1878
PopeAnna born about 1889
PopeArlie born about 1886
PopeArthur born about 1889
PopeClyde born about 1913
PopeFrank born about 1921
PopeGladys born about 1913
PopeHazel born about 1891
PopeIna born about 1882
PopeLarry born about 1939
PopeLillie born about 1887
PopeMary Roseborn about 1914
PopeOrville born about 1884
PopeReva born about 1890
PopeRobert born about 1934
PopeThomas born about 1912
PorterCora born about 1874
PorterHarry born about 1877
PorterMaude born about 1883
PowersAmy born about 1916
PowersHarriet born about 1920
PowersHazel born about 1891
PowersJames Bborn about 1888
PownerEdward born about 1878
PrattDessie born about 1892

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R Surnames

RabeAnton Hborn about 1878
RabeAugust born about 1883
RabeCharles born about 1923
RabeElsie born about 1898
RabeRussell born about 1925
RabeStella born about 1879
RabeWayne born about 1929
RaineyClaude Dborn about 1896
RaineyClaude Jr born about 1926
RaineyMadge born about 1928
RaineyRuth born about 1901
RawlingsHattie born about 1883
ReeseEsther born about 1913
ReeseFrancis born about 1918
ReeseJennie born about 1881
ReeseLeonard born about 1887
ReeseMarjorie born about 1933
ReeseWilliam born about 1881
ReevesCora born about 1907
ReevesFrank born about 1908
ReevesJohn born about 1891
ReynoldsClifford Rborn about 1909
ReynoldsDonald born about 1934
ReynoldsHarriet born about 1909
RidlenDella born about 1882
RidlenIra born about 1882
RobbinsCarl born about 1926
RobbinsRuth born about 1928
RoepkeGeorge born about 1856
RoushDavid Sborn about 1871
RunionFloyd born about 1915
RunionMargaret born about 1916
RunionNelson born about 1938
RuschhauptEmma born about 1876
RushAlice born about 1910
RushHarry Gborn about 1938
RushMarian born about 1939
RushWilliam born about 1906
RussellMary born about 1931

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S Surnames

SchafferCharles Wborn about 1931
SchafferEllen born about 1933
SchillingCarl born about 1889
SchillingCarl Wborn about 1922
SchillingEarl born about 1921
SchillingEdith born about 1891
SchillingKathryn born about 1924
SchillingPauline born about 1919
SchmittJohn born about 1891
ScottCharles Lborn about 1857
ScottEdd born about 1884
ScottHarry born about 1899
ScottMary born about 1903
ScottRachel born about 1859
ScottSylvia born about 1890
ShawCarl born about 1918
ShawDorothy born about 1923
ShockleyIsabelle born about 1919
ShockleyJoseph born about 1904
SingleyAlberta born about 1924
SingleyCora born about 1894
SingleyEllis born about 1895
SingleyHarold born about 1931
SingleyIrene born about 1925
SixLeroy born about 1927
SixMarion born about 1922
SixNettie born about 1890
SixRaymond born about 1890
SmithGala Mayborn about 1936
SmithGeorge born about 1905
SmithJanice born about 1912
SmithJohn Rborn about 1909
SmithJulia born about 1886
SmithMartha born about 1907
SmithMary Ellenborn about 1889
SmithRobert born about 1938
SmithRobert Eborn about 1888
SmithRuth Annborn about 1933
SniderColumbus born about 1869
SnodgrassFreda born about 1897
SnodgrassMildred born about 1923
SorrelCarrie born about 1907
SorrelJames born about 1935
SorrelJoan born about 1933
SorrelLila Ruthborn about 1940
SorrelNorma born about 1931
SorrelRoy Hborn about 1903
SorrelRoy Wayneborn about 1939
SparksAnsel Dborn about 1860
SparksCicers born about 1894
SparksHenrietta born about 1891
SparksJulia born about 1863
SpringmanDayton born about 1902
SpringmanDayton Jr born about 1925
SpringmanErma born about 1932
SpringmanJessie born about 1900
SpringmanJohn born about 1927
SpringmanMary born about 1933
SpringmanRoss born about 1930
SpringmanWilliam born about 1926
SpurrierCarlys Cborn about 1884
SpurrierEdith born about 1888
SpurrierIvery Rborn about 1874
SpurrierKathryn born about 1917
SpurrierSarah born about 1871
StrainElsie born about 1887
StrainLenuel born about 1887
SuttonEmaline born about 1870
SuttonWilliam born about 1865
SwainCharline born about 1931
SwainEarl born about 1881
SwainJessie born about 1899
SwainLa Donna born about 1919
SwainSamuel born about 1878
SwainThelma born about 1920
SwainWendell born about 1918
SweigartCharles born about 1923

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T Surnames

ThayerGeorge Hborn about 1871
ThayerPearl born about 1881
ThomasHazel born about 1891
ThomasRoy born about 1889
ThomasVirginia Louborn about 1925
ThomsonNellie born about 1894
ThomsonWillard Sborn about 1884
TinneyFannie born about 1876
TinneyFrank born about 1876
TongretAnne born about 1886
TongretBland born about 1891
TongretCharles born about 1924
TongretMarjorie born about 1921
TongretVirginia born about 1925
TreesAnna born about 1895
TreesHarold born about 1916
TreesLucille born about 1917
TreesRaymond born about 1894
TrowbridgeRilla born about 1862
TuckerCora born about 1876
TuckerFloyd Eborn about 1917
TuckerMarian born about 1879

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U Surnames

UngerMary born about 1874
UngerPerry born about 1871

V Surnames

VandegriffHomer born about 1883
VandegriffLydia born about 1883
VanscyocCharles Eborn about 1890
VanscyocGrace born about 1892
VettersJohn Cborn about 1890
VettersKenneth born about 1925
VettersMary born about 1894
VettersMildred born about 1924
VettersSarah Cborn about 1863

W Surnames

WainscottEdward born about 1888
WainscottNellie born about 1890
WainscottRobert born about 1921
WaldenDavid born about 1931
WaldenDolores born about 1931
WaldenDon born about 1928
WaldenGeorge born about 1902
WaldenJudith Annborn about 1935
WaldenOlive born about 1907
WalkerEmerson born about 1911
WalkerFrank born about 1883
WalkerOrpha born about 1887
WalkerSarah Janeborn about 1926
WallacePatrice born about 1891
WarnerArthur born about 1938
WarnerHarold Gborn about 1911
WarnerHazel born about 1912
WeberMary Sborn about 1859
WeberRaymond born about 1897
WeevieClayton born about 1903
WeevieMyrtle born about 1910
WhiteAnna born about 1886
WhiteClaude born about 1885
WhiteRay born about 1907
WhiteRuby Cborn about 1908
WickliffEmmett born about 1891
WickliffJohn Williamborn about 1920
WickliffLaura born about 1894
WickliffLenore born about 1909
WickliffRoss born about 1904
WillisOtto born about 1857
WilsonAnnie Leeborn about 1912
WilsonBilly born about 1934
WilsonCrystal born about 1883
WilsonHelen born about 1936
WilsonJohn Wborn about 1879
WilsonMartha Joborn about 1931
WilsonRobert born about 1903
WilsonRobert born about 1929
WindhorstEdith born about 1923
WindhorstEdna Mborn about 1889
WindhorstEdward born about 1885
WootenCamilla born about 1932
WootenClarissia born about 1864
WootenDephra born about 1897
WootenEsther born about 1905
WootenJean born about 1926
WootenLucy born about 1899

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Y Surnames

YoungAndrew born about 1912
YoungCharles born about 1874
YoungDorothy born about 1919
YoungRichard born about 1938

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