1940 U.S. Federal Census of Brandywine in Shelby County, Shelby, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Shelby County > 1940 Census of Brandywine in Shelby County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbelElizabeth born about 1864
AbelLuther born about 1890
AdamsCora born about 1897
AdamsVernie born about 1897
AlexanderLoretta born about 1901
AlexanderMelvin born about 1872
AlexanderOra born about 1878
AlexanderWilliam born about 1888
AllenAnnabelle born about 1920
AllenEva born about 1924
AllenJack born about 1929
AllenKenneth born about 1936
AllenLloyd born about 1906
AllenMilton born about 1930
AllenViola born about 1910
AlyeaJasper born about 1886
AndersonAlbert born about 1922
AndersonAlma born about 1919
AndersonDale born about 1924
AndersonEmma born about 1862
AndersonGeorge born about 1868
AndersonJessie born about 1891
AndersonMartha Jeanborn about 1937
AndersonMilton born about 1921
AndersonMyrtle born about 1887
AndersonRay born about 1913
AndersonSadie born about 1916
AndersonWillie Eborn about 1891
AnnPhoebe born about 1863
AntleEffie born about 1866
AntleIra born about 1870
ArbuckleErnest born about 1911
ArbuckleHarry born about 1885
ArbuckleMarilyn born about 1937
ArbuckleMildred born about 1914
ArbuckleRobert born about 1932
ArbuckleVey born about 1888
ArmstrongEzra born about 1916
ArmstrongIrvin born about 1895
ArmstrongMaggie born about 1898
ArmstrongMartha Mborn about 1926
ArmstrongRuth born about 1916
ArnoldMaglona born about 1870

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B Surnames

BalesCharles born about 1869
BalesMargaret born about 1872
BargerAmy born about 1907
BargerEdgar born about 1908
BargerElizabeth born about 1932
BargerGeorge Wborn about 1938
BargerHarold born about 1903
BargerJanet born about 1937
BargerLouise born about 1905
BargerMary born about 1878
BargerRobert born about 1934
BargerWilliam born about 1877
BaseyArtie born about 1886
BaseyLaura Bborn about 1870
BaseySanfort born about 1876
BassAllene born about 1930
BassAnn born about 1932
BassCarolyn born about 1931
BassDwain born about 1935
BassDwight born about 1919
BassHarry born about 1893
BassJohn born about 1920
BassMarie born about 1896
BassMarion born about 1926
BassRaymond born about 1895
BassStella born about 1896
BassettEdythe born about 1908
BassettLora born about 1883
BassettMelvin born about 1877
BassettWilbur born about 1918
BattonFern born about 1898
BattonLandis Daleborn about 1926
BattonLenora Mborn about 1921
BattonWilliam born about 1895
BaxterDora Maeborn about 1933
BaxterElsie born about 1904
BaxterFred born about 1895
BaxterMary born about 1909
BaxterMary Louborn about 1937
BaxterOris Gayleborn about 1937
BaxterRoy born about 1900
BaxterRoy Jr born about 1929
BaxterViola Juneborn about 1925
BeardHenry born about 1898
BeardLydia born about 1883
BellingsleyMinnie born about 1880
BennettGeorge born about 1867
BennettGeorge Jr born about 1915
BennettLewis born about 1919
BennettLizzie born about 1881
BergEva born about 1909
BergFrank born about 1874
BergLouise born about 1912
BishopMartin born about 1885
BoansonChester born about 1884
BoansonLena Maeborn about 1931
BoansonVersie born about 1889
BonslerMollie born about 1861
BookerHarlan born about 1931
BookerMary born about 1904
BordenLoretta born about 1920
BordersLewis Gborn about 1873
BowmanFrances born about 1911
BowmanKenneth born about 1910
BowmanKenneth Jr born about 1930
BowmanZoe Annborn about 1935
BradleyEdgar born about 1875
BradleyFloyd born about 1902
BradleyJeane born about 1930
BradleyLouellen born about 1905
BradleyMay born about 1880
BransonClaude born about 1904
BransonHarold born about 1910
BransonLinda Carolborn about 1940
BransonMaurice Eugeneborn about 1937
BransonRuth born about 1915
BrantCharles born about 1865
BrantCurtis Wayneborn about 1929
BrantEarl Emmetborn about 1939
BrantElla Veyborn about 1922
BrantHarry born about 1880
BrantOra born about 1897
BrantRuby born about 1919
BrantViola born about 1887
BreedloveGeorge born about 1870
BrewerArlie born about 1891
BrewerEva born about 1890
BrownMary born about 1868
BurkDonna Joanborn about 1933
BurkKathryn born about 1927
BurkMarvin Rayborn about 1935
BurkRuby born about 1893
BurkWilla Leeborn about 1928
BurkZola Edithborn about 1896
BurtonArthur born about 1883
BurtonGrace born about 1896
BushClyde born about 1895
BushCora Bborn about 1873
BushEdna born about 1913
BushEva born about 1920
BushEzra born about 1892
BushFrances born about 1918
BushGreen Wborn about 1873
BushJudith Annborn about 1935
BushKenneth born about 1912
BushMartin born about 1849
BushWilhelmina born about 1916

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C Surnames

CareyMargaret Aborn about 1855
CarnesCharles born about 1888
CarnesHall born about 1921
CarnesMary born about 1882
CartwrightMaude born about 1883
CartwrightWillard Voriesborn about 1883
CassidyIva born about 1899
CassidyKelvin Dborn about 1899
CassidyMargaret Eborn about 1932
CaudellHarley born about 1871
CaudellMaude born about 1876
CherryArthur born about 1881
CherryAthalia Annborn about 1929
CherryClaude born about 1902
CherryEarl born about 1905
CherryFrank born about 1887
CherryFranklin born about 1938
CherryFreda born about 1910
CherryGladys born about 1939
CherryMarie born about 1927
CherryMary born about 1909
CherryMary born about 1913
CherryMaude born about 1881
CherryMeans born about 1909
CherryMorris born about 1908
ChesserLa Vonne born about 1920
ChesserLucille born about 1895
ChuedenAnnette born about 1938
ChuedenFrederick born about 1911
ChuedenVirginia born about 1913
ChurchBeatrice born about 1925
ChurchDoris born about 1905
ChurchJean born about 1927
ChurchVonnie Emborn about 1899
ClaytonAmelia Louiseborn about 1918
ClaytonEarnest Aborn about 1895
ClaytonErnest Andrew Jrborn about 1926
ClaytonEsther born about 1922
ClaytonFlora born about 1894
ClaytonRuth Genevieveborn about 1930
ClouseThomas born about 1922
ClymateDonald born about 1900
CobblerJames Williamborn about 1862
CobblerRosina Oborn about 1865
ColeAnnabelle born about 1904
CollinsGrover born about 1893
CollinsThelma born about 1916
CoreyBell born about 1873
CoreyCharles born about 1869
CouchEthel born about 1929
CouchGerald born about 1922
CouchJoe born about 1890
CouchJoseph Jr born about 1926
CouchJuanita born about 1928
CouchLouellen born about 1893
CoveyCharles born about 1883
CrattonCatherine born about 1922
CrattonHarlen born about 1920
CrawleyEdward Jborn about 1868
CriapMartha born about 1874
CrosbyColleen born about 1928
CrosbyDon born about 1898
CrosbyDonald born about 1925
CrosbyEmma Jeanborn about 1937
CrosbyEugene born about 1937
CrosbyGoldie born about 1903
CrosbyIona Maeborn about 1930
CrosbyMelvin Leeborn about 1932
CrosbyRobert Wayneborn about 1939
CumminsFlora born about 1878

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D Surnames

DakeFrances born about 1929
DakeLeslie born about 1911
DakeMargaret born about 1902
DakeMartha born about 1868
DakeRobert born about 1901
DakeRobert Jr born about 1932
DarbyEthel born about 1908
DarbyNorman born about 1928
DarbyRichard born about 1932
DarbyRufus born about 1901
DeprezElizabeth born about 1924
DouthitLora born about 1875
DrakeBeatrice born about 1892
DrakeHarry born about 1890
DrakeJames Aborn about 1861
DrakeNorma Jeanborn about 1923
DrishellBernice born about 1927
DrishellCharles born about 1923
DrishellJames born about 1890
DunaganEmma born about 1928
DunaganHarry born about 1938
DunaganJames Kborn about 1936
DunaganJay born about 1898
DunaganMargaret born about 1930
DunaganNannie Reaborn about 1899
DunaganPaul born about 1926

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E Surnames

EckCelia Maeborn about 1890
EckHarold Davidborn about 1930
EckJohn born about 1890
EckJohn Enelenborn about 1928
EkmanMary born about 1907
EkmanPaul born about 1908
EllisAndrew born about 1874
ElmoreEletha born about 1895
ElmoreRobert born about 1926
EmerickEbert born about 1908
EmerickGoldie Francesborn about 1917
EmmingerMary born about 1851
EndsleyLincoln born about 1861
EnsmingerMary Elizabethborn about 1872
EwickBetty born about 1933
EwickLois born about 1932
EwickMecie born about 1906
EwickRaymond born about 1931
EwickRussell born about 1894

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F Surnames

FallisBessie born about 1897
FallisMaurice born about 1918
FallisWalter born about 1888
FehrmanAlbert born about 1898
FehrmanBetty born about 1925
FehrmanJack born about 1923
FehrmanNeva born about 1900
FeuerstineDella born about 1883
FeuerstineLouis born about 1876
FieldsAnn born about 1887
FieldsFranklin born about 1912
FieldsIra born about 1875
FieldsKathleen born about 1914
FieldsRoy born about 1910
FisherAlice born about 1889
FisherCharles born about 1890
FisherClara born about 1876
FisherElma born about 1930
FisherErnest born about 1891
FisherEstel born about 1912
FisherGeorge born about 1902
FisherGertrude born about 1911
FisherMarion born about 1924
FisherMelvin Howardborn about 1937
FisherMinnie Eborn about 1873
FisherOllie born about 1903
FisherPauline born about 1914
FisherRalph born about 1928
FisherRex born about 1928
FisherStella born about 1892
FisherWayne Earlborn about 1932
FlanaganDora born about 1873
FoxArtist born about 1877
FoxElizabeth born about 1872
FrakerOtis born about 1906
FuchsMargaret born about 1922
FuchsMaude born about 1892
FuchsMelvin born about 1917
FuchsPaul born about 1890

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G Surnames

GainesGarnet Daleborn about 1938
GainesJoan born about 1932
GainesJulia born about 1912
GainesNora born about 1891
GainesShirley Jeanborn about 1936
GainesTheodore born about 1884
GainesWilbur born about 1911
GallagherHelen Loisborn about 1914
GallagherJames born about 1912
GallagherSandra Kayborn about
GarrettDoris Eborn about 1917
GephartLela born about 1882
GephartLula born about 1887
GillaspyGeorge born about 1925
GiltnerClarence born about 1926
GiltnerEverly born about 1896
GiltnerMarvin born about 1928
GiltnerMerle born about 1892
GoodmanAnne born about 1886
GoodmanDavid born about 1888
GoodrichCharles born about 1875
GoodrichClyde born about 1881
GoodrichCora Marieborn about 1920
GoodrichJulia Lavinaborn about 1914
GordonDarius born about 1882
GordonElizabeth born about 1883
GreenapThomas born about 1869
GrimesClara born about 1881
GrinerBonnie born about 1920
GrinerDe Andieborn about 1882
GuildCecelia born about 1858
GuildJ Kentborn about 1931
GuildLily born about 1900
GuildMary Eborn about 1925
GuildMerrill born about 1899
GuildSusan born about 1929

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H Surnames

HackEdgar born about 1890
HackLena born about 1890
Hall born about 1939
HallErnest born about 1915
HallJames Aborn about 1855
HallMary Maeborn about 1921
HardwickAda born about 1878
HardwickAlvin born about 1912
HardwickBeatrice born about 1916
HardwickLillian born about 1923
HardwickOdis born about 1919
HarrellDorothy born about 1917
HarrellJessie born about 1890
HarrellRuby Juneborn about 1922
HarrellSylvia born about 1897
HarrellVirgil born about 1896
HarrellWilliam born about 1880
HarrellWilliam born about 1920
HarrisMernervia born about 1859
HarrisPearl born about 1881
HarrisThomas born about 1883
HarryFranklin born about 1916
HaslerArthur born about 1880
HaslerBertha born about 1881
HaslerDorothy born about 1911
HaslerGerald born about 1903
HaslerGeraldine born about 1935
HaslerHarriet born about 1917
HaslerMae born about 1933
HaslerMargaret Eborn about 1907
HaslerVirginia born about 1931
HaukBert born about 1883
HaukCharles born about 1927
HaukEdgar born about 1893
HaukEdgar Jr born about 1926
HaukFlorence born about 1888
HaukFred born about 1921
HaukPaul born about 1929
HaukRay born about 1932
HaukVera born about 1890
HeadleeLavancha born about 1859
HeathAlice Elizabethborn about 1923
HeathAudley Hborn about 1903
HeathCleva Aborn about 1902
HeathHelen Janeborn about 1929
HeathMarjorie born about 1914
HeathRobert Aborn about 1922
HeathWilliam born about 1927
HedrickEmma born about 1914
HedrickEva born about 1876
HeifnerAmanda born about 1867
HeifnerHenry born about 1863
HelmsRobert born about 1926
HendersonBeverley born about 1938
HendersonCecil born about 1913
HendersonEdyth born about 1921
HennisNettie born about 1877
HeraldOniska* born about 1876
HeroldAlice Leonborn about 1928
HeroldCecil born about 1896
HeroldGeneva born about 1901
HigdonMartin born about 1905
HillAkle born about 1887
HillAlonzo born about 1885
HillAudrey born about 1893
HillBrint born about 1889
HillEsther born about 1915
HillHerbert Jamesborn about 1933
HillKenneth born about 1930
HillOtis born about 1912
HillRoger born about 1939
HillWayne born about 1926
HinkleDiego born about 1881
HinkleFannie born about 1876
HockesmithElda born about 1899
HockesmithWilliam born about 1873
HollidayLydia Janeborn about 1862
HolmesFranklin born about 1869
HoltJoseph Eborn about 1869
HoltenBarbara born about 1935
HoltenEmerson born about 1931
HoltenHarold born about 1924
HoltenJoan born about 1934
HoltenMartha born about 1926
HoltenMarvin born about 1930
HoltenStella born about 1905
HoltzMary born about 1900
HomesFrances Juneborn about 1921
HomesFranklin Jr born about 1916
HomesKay Francesborn about 1939
HookCharles born about 1899
HookDelories born about 1905
HookJohn born about 1928
HookJune born about 1926
HookRobert born about 1925
HoopEdgar born about 1870
HornidayDonald born about 1920
HornidayEdgar born about 1880
HornidayJoan born about 1928
HornidayLeah born about 1895
HornidayMary born about 1930
HowardMarie Annborn about 1919
HoweryEdith born about 1915
HoweryJane born about 1870
HoweryRussell born about 1905
HuberAnna Maeborn about 1913
HuberCharles Williamborn about 1937
HuberDillard born about 1897
HuberEric born about 1899
HuberJames Robertborn about 1938
HuberJoan born about 1931
HuberLois born about 1924
HuberLova born about 1899
HuberPatricia born about 1923
HuberResie born about 1900
HuberRex Daleborn about 1940
HuberRichard born about 1862
HuberRoland born about 1913
HuffmanEarl Wayneborn about 1929
HuffmanFrank born about 1882
HuffmanMona born about 1890
HughesHarry born about 1895
HughesMary born about 1857

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J Surnames

JackmanDavid born about 1879
JackmanDortha born about 1911
JackmanGrace born about 1884
JackmanLoren born about 1908
JeffriesClyde born about 1909
JeffriesFrank born about 1867
JeffriesMaurice born about 1907
JonesEugene born about 1920
JonesGary Allenborn about 1938
JonesGladys born about 1918
JonesJohn born about 1913
JonesMary born about 1918
JonesMaynard born about 1918
JonesPauline born about 1911
JonesPhylis Gayleborn about 1940
JonesReta born about 1890
JonesSandra Jeanborn about 1938
JonesWilliam born about 1888
JudgeBetty born about 1931
JudgeDanny born about 1938
JudgeDickie born about 1930
JudgeFreda born about 1910
JudgeHassell born about 1903
JudgeJackie born about 1935

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K Surnames

KaufmanEveuret born about 1909
KaufmanMarguerite born about 1912
KelleyBetty born about 1937
KelleyGorden born about 1935
KelleyWinfred born about 1915
KennedyEdith born about 1890
KerrDelbert born about 1901
KerrLucy born about 1903
KerrMary Jeanborn about 1927
KirkhamBerne born about 1907
KirkhamNorma Jeanborn about 1929
KirkhamRonald born about 1930
KirkhamViola born about 1910
KlingEva born about 1904
KlingHazel born about 1909
KlingJoseph born about 1872
KlingKattie born about 1881
KnightAlice Marieborn about 1939
KnightIlene born about 1920
KnightPaul born about 1912
KocherCharles born about 1921
KocherFlorence born about 1892
KosterDorothy born about 1917
KosterJames born about 1910
KuhnVessie born about 1896

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L Surnames

LambertAlbert born about 1910
LambertJames born about 1939
LambertLucy Maeborn about 1920
LancasterLouis born about 1886
LancasterPearl born about 1886
LancasterWanda born about 1925
LandworlenEva born about 1902
LandworlenHarry born about 1897
LandworlenHarry Wborn about 1921
LandworlenJohn Edwardborn about 1928
LandworlenTeddy Clifordborn about 1936
LarkeyAddie born about 1880
LarkeyCreed born about 1922
LarkeyJohn born about 1877
LarshEdmund born about 1907
LarshLydia Ellenborn about 1904
LarshWilliam born about 1925
LatshawMary born about 1900
LatshawRalph born about 1902
LatshawRuth Elizabethborn about 1925
LawsonBert born about 1910
LawsonIrene born about 1885
LawsonMarie born about 1921
LawsonMay born about 1908
LawsonWilliam born about 1882
LeeGeorge born about 1901
LeeVelma Jeanborn about 1928
LeeVerna born about 1900
LeonardMaude born about 1891
LeonardWalter born about 1885
LeslieMinnie born about 1885
LeslieWalter born about 1882
LewisBernice born about 1931
LewisRuby born about 1912
LewisSidney born about 1906
LiggettJames Fborn about 1892
LiggettLilly born about 1895
LinvilleCharles born about 1885
LinvilleDavid born about 1934
LinvilleEllen born about 1863
LinvilleFredrick born about 1931
LinvilleGertrude born about 1907
LinvilleMaurice born about 1905
LuckerBarbara born about 1931
LuckerClaire born about 1900
LuckerFred born about 1897
LuckerJack born about 1923
LutherGertrude born about 1875

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M Surnames

MaddenClaudia born about 1880
MaddenMatthew Jr born about 1923
MahleyGeorgia born about 1908
MahleyHoward born about 1909
MahleyMargaret born about 1877
MahleyMary born about 1914
MahleyRichard born about 1912
MalloryBetty born about 1924
MalloryFloyd born about 1899
MalloryFrederick born about 1906
MalloryFrederick S Jrborn about 1927
MalloryJanice born about 1922
MalloryJohn born about 1872
MalloryJohn Jborn about 1933
MalloryMarion born about 1906
MalloryMary born about 1873
MalloryMary Eborn about 1906
MannElla born about 1863
MannHarry Lborn about 1885
MannMary Aliceborn about 1890
MardisEmmet Aborn about 1874
MardisGertrude born about 1880
MarklandLizzie born about 1877
MarshEdwin born about 1881
MarshIlene born about 1923
MarshLilly born about 1884
MarshMarian born about 1925
MarshVernon born about 1927
MarshallAlmeada born about 1886
MarshallFrona born about 1918
MarshallGeorge born about 1920
MarshallLester born about 1916
MarshallMary Janeborn about 1923
MarshallMaxine born about 1924
MartinJoshua born about 1871
MartinMargaret born about 1881
MartinNellie born about 1906
MartinWm Earlborn about 1901
MattoxCarolyn Anneborn about 1921
McClureJesse born about 1885
McClurePearl born about 1887
McCordMary born about 1886
McCormickOra born about 1873
McCormickPeni born about 1885
McKenneyArthur born about 1904
McKenneyBert born about 1881
McKenneyClara born about 1881
McKenneyGeorge born about 1888
McKenneyHarry born about 1880
McKenneyHazel born about 1909
McKenneyKeturah born about 1887
McKenneyLarry Joeborn about 1938
McKenneyMargaret born about 1913
McKenneyMaurice born about 1912
McKenneyNina born about 1913
McKenneyRichard born about 1935
McKenneyRonald born about 1936
MeaseIley born about 1895
MedskerCharles born about 1875
MedskerCynthia born about 1877
MedskerMaurice born about 1914
MedskerRussell born about 1916
MillerDonald born about 1922
MillerEarl born about 1912
MillerEvaret born about 1916
MillerFreda born about 1922
MillerGerald born about 1916
MillerMartha born about 1929
MillerMary born about 1887
MillerMildred born about 1929
MillerRoland born about 1931
MillerVirginia born about 1924
MillerWayne born about 1927
MillinerClarence born about 1886
MillinerVirginia Aborn about 1861
MilnerAsher Tborn about 1882
MilnerMammie born about 1891
MilnerNancy Annborn about 1930
MohrBertha born about 1887
MohrErnest born about 1888
MontgomeryJohn born about 1926
MontgomeryLaura born about 1862
MontgomeryLaura Annborn about 1929
MontgomeryMartha born about 1923
MontgomeryMary Jborn about 1897
MontgomeryMildred born about 1922
MooreMildred born about 1908
MorganBertha Maeborn about 1925
MorganCarey born about 1897
MorganElva born about 1883
MorganJesse born about 1895
MorganLois Maeborn about 1926
MorganMargaret born about 1886
MorganWilliam born about 1883
MorganZora Zborn about 1881
MullenBertha born about 1927
MullenHubert born about 1906
MullenMabel born about 1905
MullenMary Dellborn about 1934
MullenNorman born about 1930
MyerCharles born about 1907
MyerShirl born about 1904
MyerWalter Jborn about 1877

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N Surnames

NailLaura born about 1861
NailNora born about 1870
NailSarah born about 1859
NelsonClark born about 1927
NelsonJack born about 1932
NelsonLoraine born about 1901
NelsonPaul born about 1900
NicholsAlbert born about 1876
NicholsMargaret born about 1887
NighErnest born about 1894
NighJeanette born about 1918
NighMartha Jeanborn about 1921
NighRuth born about 1896
NorvellCora born about 1868
NorvellFrank Pborn about 1871
NorvellLavone born about 1904
NorvellRichard born about 1900
NorvellRuth born about 1902
NoveAlva born about 1868
NoveBell born about 1870
NullinerFred born about 1885
NullinerGeorge Davidborn about 1937
NullinerInez born about 1901
NullinerRichard Lewisborn about 1939

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O Surnames

OdellDicie born about 1867
OldhamGertrude born about 1921
OlingerBert born about 1918
OriscollOpal born about 1893
OriscollWilliam born about 1888
OsborneMabel born about 1886
OwenHarvey born about 1918

P Surnames

PadrickAnnetee born about 1940
PadrickJ Douglhlasborn about 1904
PadrickJosephine born about 1914
PalmerCharles born about 1872
PalmerCharles Rayborn about 1935
PalmerHazel born about 1915
PalmerNorman born about 1912
PalmerRose Janeborn about 1881
ParamoreArchie born about 1885
ParamoreDoris Ileneborn about 1920
ParamoreMary born about 1891
ParcellJessie born about 1885
ParkerCharles born about 1860
ParkerCharles Jr born about 1915
ParkerMary Elizabethborn about 1919
ParkhurstLula born about 1881
ParksMary Francesborn about 1889
ParsonWilliam Fborn about 1859
PattersonBlanche born about 1887
PattersonD Anneborn about 1929
PattersonHarold Wborn about 1906
PattersonIda born about 1905
PattersonJ Chesterborn about 1884
PattersonJames born about 1919
PattersonJennie born about 1865
PattersonJoe born about 1901
PattersonMarcella Jborn about 1924
PattersonMeredith born about 1921
PaulJoseph Aborn about 1870
PaulsJunior Richardborn about 1923
PerkinsRoy Jr born about 1921
PerkinsSamuel born about 1920
PerryAgnes born about 1921
PerryFloyd born about 1923
PerryHazel born about 1906
PerryMarshall born about 1873
PerryMilton born about 1936
PerryOra Clearnceborn about 1875
PerrySarah Eborn about 1878
PerrySelbert born about 1901
PersingerByron born about 1915
PersingerDavid Leeborn about 1939
PersingerHelen born about 1918
PersingerMary Louborn about 1938
PersngerFinger Annborn about 1937
PersngerGenevieve born about 1916
PersngerGray born about 1916
PetersCarol born about 1916
PetersGrace born about 1876
PetersHelen born about 1915
PetersonMerl born about 1898
PetersonRoy Cborn about 1899
PettyDorothy Lavahnborn about 1926
PettyMildred born about 1928
PettyRussell born about 1932
PfendlerGeneva born about 1917
PfendlerMary born about 1919
PfendlerMaxine born about 1921
PlymateBetty Louborn about 1936
PlymateCora born about 1876
PlymateEd Clarkborn about 1871
PlymateEdna Marieborn about 1933
PlymateFrancis born about 1905
PlymateKathryne born about 1915
PlymateKenneth born about 1900
PlymateMary Elizabethborn about 1939
PlymatePatricia born about 1933
PlymateRichard born about 1883
PlymateRichard born about 1938
PlymateRobeta born about 1912
PlymateVerlie Agustusborn about 1938
PlymateWalter born about 1908
PlymateWalter Jr born about 1935
PolandCharles born about 1912
PolandDora born about 1871
PolandGlen born about 1894
PondAlbert born about 1869
PondAnna born about 1883
PondIda born about 1868
PondMartha born about 1910
PooleElva Maeborn about 1897
PooleHarold Lesterborn about 1939
PooleHarry Lesterborn about 1888
PorterfieldAlta born about 1884
PorterfieldSamuel born about 1876
PrickettBertha Joanborn about 1937
PrickettDorothy born about 1915
PrickettElizabeth Josephineborn about 1934
PrickettJohn Wayneborn about
PrickettMary Florenceborn about 1933
PrickettVictor born about 1907
PurcellLeona born about 1921
PurcellMitchell born about 1919

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R Surnames

RayCharles Rborn about 1881
RayClara born about 1871
RayPearl born about 1898
RayVania born about 1882
RecordsAra born about 1892
RecordsFrank Gborn about 1892
RecordsHarriett born about 1916
RecordsHelen born about 1921
RecordsLucile born about 1923
RiserLouie Mborn about 1882
RiserWilliam born about 1876
RouseCarol born about 1931
RouseCharles born about 1939
RouseCloyd born about 1933
RouseGrover born about 1915
RouseJames born about 1907
RouseJames Williamborn about 1902
RouseLester born about 1936
RouseLouis born about 1895
RouseLouis Jr born about 1928
RouseMartha born about 1899
RouseMax born about 1931
RousePaul born about 1927
RouseRalph born about 1922
RouseRobert born about 1929
RouseRoda born about 1885
RuleMartha born about 1865
RushAlfred born about 1867
RushHelen born about 1867

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S Surnames

SacreMaude born about 1880
SacreThomas Wborn about 1871
SchefflerCarl born about 1918
SchefflerCarol Annborn about 1940
SchefflerFrederick born about 1884
SchefflerHelene born about 1917
SchefflerLulla born about 1884
SchefflerMargaret born about 1907
SchnofnerDale Eugeneborn about
SchnofnerFred born about 1903
SchnofnerHarold born about 1923
SchnofnerHelen born about 1926
SchnofnerIrene born about 1925
SchnofnerMelton born about 1927
SchnofnerMyrtle born about 1904
SchnofnerRussell born about 1935
SchnofnerWilma Jeaneborn about 1938
SchraderEmma born about 1895
SchraderGeorge born about 1926
SchraderGladys born about 1897
SchraderJohn born about 1887
SchraderMarie born about 1924
ScottHelen born about 1911
ScottHelen Joanborn about 1931
ScroghamEdna born about 1904
ScroghamOmer born about 1906
ScroghamOmer Jr born about 1934
SedgwickEvert born about 1892
SedgwickMabel born about 1893
SextonGlen born about 1900
ShannerFloyd born about 1906
ShannerNorma Jeanborn about 1935
ShannerRuby born about 1908
SheltonFrederick born about 1926
SheltonJohn Jborn about 1922
SheltonMary born about 1899
ShipmanAgnes born about 1895
ShipmanCharles born about 1869
ShipmanCharles Verneborn about 1898
ShipmanFlora born about 1864
ShipmanJoan born about 1928
ShirleyHarriet born about 1866
ShofnerBarbara Jborn about 1935
ShofnerHenry born about 1906
ShofnerMary born about 1908
ShofnerSophia born about 1873
ShofnerWilliam born about 1929
SillsEsta born about 1904
SillsEvos born about 1901
SillsGoldie born about 1886
SillsMaryln Eugeneborn about 1935
SipesArthur born about 1913
SipesFern born about 1921
SipesKenneth born about 1923
SipesRay born about 1933
SkillmanCharles born about 1890
SkillmanJanet born about 1939
SkillmanLeroy born about 1868
SkillmanMay born about 1898
SkillmanPatsy born about 1931
SkillmanRex born about 1922
SkillmanRuby born about 1903
SmithAllen born about 1888
SmithDicie born about 1881
SmithEdna born about 1911
SmithHarry born about 1882
SmithHerbert born about 1918
SmithJohn Bborn about 1940
SmithOliver born about 1878
SmithRaymond born about 1913
SmithRobert born about 1878
SmithRuby born about 1888
SmithWinston born about 1912
SniderGrace born about 1882
SniderRoy born about 1884
StammLena Leotaborn about 1866
StammWilliam born about 1861
SteethStella born about 1868
SterrittJean born about 1919
SterrittNell born about 1883
StewartAlbert born about 1891
StewartAlbert Jr born about 1927
StewartEdith born about 1870
StewartGrace born about 1889
StewartHelen Aborn about 1925
StewartHelenx born about 1901
StewartMartha Jeanborn about 1923
StewartOscar Mborn about 1883
StewartPhylis born about 1923
StewartRobert born about 1925
StoneElinor born about 1895
StoneWilliam born about 1894
StrahlMary born about 1881
StrahlWm Porterborn about 1884
SuitsMary born about 1921
SuitsWyman born about 1916
SullivanCharles born about 1898
SuttonMary Adaborn about 1872
SylvesterCharles born about 1895
SylvesterLilly Maeborn about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorJames born about 1873
TaylorPreston Jr born about 1922
TaylorZeta born about 1875
ThomasCarriss born about 1905
ThomasEmma born about 1875
ThomasGus born about 1872
ThomasJohn born about 1927
ThomasMilton born about 1898
ThomasRebecca born about 1934
ThomasRobert born about 1926
ThurstonDan born about 1868
ThurstonOtto born about 1873
TimneyMae born about 1894
TolenEarl born about 1903
TolenFrances born about 1905
TottenFrank born about 1889
TottenFrank Jr born about 1920
TottenHarry born about 1929
TottenJohn Huberborn about 1917
TottenLena born about 1894
TottenLeota born about 1902
TottenMannie born about 1858
TottenMarlyn born about 1927
TottenMyrtle born about 1882
TottenThomas born about 1861
TravisArthur born about 1894
TravisMary Ireneborn about 1912
TravisValdora born about 1868
TreeceGordon born about 1890
TreeceMaude born about 1892
TuckerDennis born about 1878
TuckerEacil born about 1897
TuckerMalinda born about 1881
TuckerRoy born about 1890
TuckerWilliam Jborn about 1934
TuefelJohn born about 1856

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UpdegraffForrest born about 1915
UpdegraffJessie born about 1882
UpdegraffLouise born about 1915
UpdegraffThomas born about 1876

V Surnames

VanarsdalBertha born about 1886
VanarsdalEarl born about 1886
VanceClaudia born about 1894
VanceJohn born about 1889
VernonElmer born about 1883
VernonHelen born about 1906
VernonJoan born about 1927
VernonMargaret born about 1881
VernonRae Ellenborn about 1928
VernonRay born about 1904
VernonShari Maeborn about 1935
VictorHulda born about 1854

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalkerCarey born about 1869
WalkerCharles born about 1868
WalkerFrederick born about 1939
WalkerGeorge born about 1890
WalkerKathryn born about 1910
WalkerWilbert born about 1910
WaymanAlfred born about 1904
WaymanConnie born about 1938
WaymanZelma born about 1911
WeirLeanah born about 1859
WelbyDr Milton Mborn about 1871
WellsAlice Jeanborn about 1939
WellsAnne born about 1887
WellsClare Opalborn about 1892
WellsDessie born about 1900
WellsEdgar born about 1918
WellsElmer born about 1890
WellsHarrison born about 1914
WellsMabel born about 1920
WellsMary born about 1876
WellsPenola born about 1923
WellsRobert born about 1932
WellsWilliam born about 1869
WellsWilliam Aborn about 1872
WeloyClara born about
WeloyRoy born about 1887
WeloyThelma born about 1925
WeloyThomas born about 1915
WhiteLouise born about 1907
WhiteRobert born about 1933
WhiteRussell born about 1906
WhiteVirginia born about 1932
WillardAda born about 1874
WillardJa Dr born about 1871
WilliamsDale born about 1920
WilliamsErnest born about 1897
WilliamsEverly born about 1911
WilliamsFrench born about 1904
WilliamsGenevieve born about 1892
WilliamsHerbert born about 1888
WilliamsJames born about 1922
WilliamsJanet born about 1923
WilliamsLowell born about 1924
WilliamsMartha Annborn about 1928
WilliamsMary born about 1870
WilliamsMathew born about 1881
WilliamsMolly born about 1898
WilliamsNellie Bborn about 1879
WilliamsNewton born about 1867
WilliamsRichard born about 1926
WilliamsSlephanne* Annborn about 1933
WilliamsSusan born about 1891
WilliamsVeverly Joborn about 1933
WilliamsWilliam born about 1924
WillisMaynard born about 1917
WillisThelma born about 1921
WilsonAlice born about 1929
WilsonGeorge born about 1937
WilsonLucile born about 1908
WilsonTe Kborn about 1909
WilsonTheodore Jr born about 1929
WintonBertha born about 1908
WintonCarl born about 1896
WoodsClara born about 1886
WoodsErnest born about 1913
WoodsWilbert born about 1884
WorlandGeorge born about 1919
WorlandIda born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungBert born about 1886
YoungCharles Fborn about 1879
YoungEarl born about 1913
YoungMary Lborn about 1851
YoungPearl born about 1887

Z Surnames

ZerfaceMyrtle born about 1878

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