1940 U.S. Federal Census of Carr in Jackson County, Jackson, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Jackson County > 1940 Census of Carr in Jackson County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbnerBoyd born about 1925
AbnerErnest born about 1930
AbnerEthel born about 1937
AbnerHarold born about 1926
AbnerJannie born about 1906
AbnerLida Janeborn about 1931
AbnerMary Louborn about 1935
AbnerPaul born about 1939
AbnerPetty Leeborn about 1938
AbnerPleas born about 1891
AbnerRaymond born about 1928
AbnerRobert born about 1933
AbnerWilliam Sborn about 1923
AbnerWoodfad born about 1934
AlexanderOrville Jr born about 1939
AlexanderRuby Dborn about 1921
AllenJason born about 1896
AllenLucinda Jborn about 1861
AllmanArnold born about 1917
AllmanArthur born about 1920
AllmanEstella born about 1887
AllmanJames born about 1928
AllmanLois born about 1924
AllmanMary born about 1921
AllmanS Lborn about 1889
AllmanWard born about 1925
AltOpal born about 1923
AndrewsLa Dona born about 1932
AsherAndrew Jborn about 1847
AsherJohn born about 1872
AsherNell Bborn about 1879
AultAlegreth born about 1921
AultAlice born about 1893
AultAlva born about 1919
AultClifford born about 1922
AultDelmer born about 1916
AultErmina born about 1928
AultGeorgia born about 1932
AultLuella born about 1923
AultMarilyn born about 1939
AultRaymond born about 1918
AultRobert born about 1921
AultWilliam born about 1890

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BahanKenneth born about 1920
BahanLee born about 1914
BahanLinnie Gborn about 1894
BahanRay born about 1892
BaileyArnetta born about 1876
BaileyGeorge Eborn about 1876
BakerAnna Nborn about 1922
BakerAsher born about 1913
BakerHarley born about 1916
BakerJohnny born about 1920
BakerMarshall born about 1898
BakerNancy Jborn about 1886
BakerPatricia Aborn about 1936
BakerSamuel Jborn about 1876
BakerVirginia born about 1918
BakerWilbur born about 1923
BankmanBetty born about 1932
BankmanCharlie born about 1893
BankmanJoseph born about 1921
BankmanMarion born about 1925
BankmanMarjorie born about 1927
BankmanMertie born about 1890
BankmanMydella Rborn about 1929
BarkmanBonnie Sborn about 1939
BarkmanChalmer born about 1913
BarkmanHarold Lborn about 1932
BarkmanOpal Iborn about 1913
BarkmanRalph Hborn about 1911
BarkmanRose Mborn about 1936
BarkmanSon Bborn about 1937
BarkmanZudora Pborn about 1915
BarnesFre Donaborn about 1926
BarnettBarbara born about 1936
BarnettEstella born about 1873
BarnettEugene born about 1928
BarnettLois born about 1906
BarnettWillard born about 1904
BarnettWilliam Hborn about 1871
BeaversAlyda Mborn about 1905
BeaversBilly Rborn about 1931
BeaversBonnie Lborn about 1930
BeaversDon Eborn about 1933
BeaversHarvey Hborn about 1886
BeaversHoward born about 1901
BeaversHubert Lborn about 1921
BeaversJoe Mborn about 1928
BeaversLa Dean born about 1936
BeaversLloyd Sborn about 1914
BeaversNellie Oborn about 1895
BeaversRaymond Hborn about 1923
BeaversRussel Wborn about 1918
BeaversWilma Jborn about 1928
BeckEmil Cborn about 1921
BeckIvan Eborn about 1919
BeckLeona Mborn about 1884
BeckMary Aborn about 1869
BeckMary Eborn about 1926
BeckWalter Wborn about 1881
BeckWalter W Jrborn about 1915
BellMelvin Kborn about 1923
BennettHenry Wborn about 1860
BlairAurthur born about 1925
BlairBetty born about 1927
BlairChauncy born about 1923
BlairDonald born about 1928
BlairDoris born about 1929
BlairJames born about 1926
BlairJohn born about 1899
BlairLucretia born about 1870
BlairMary born about 1903
BlairMaxine born about 1928
BlairOrice born about 1898
BlairPansy born about 1902
BloomHelen born about 1927
BoldingLloyd born about 1931
BolingAlfred Lborn about 1935
BolingAllen born about 1921
BolingArchie Lborn about 1911
BolingArchie Jr born about 1936
BolingJennie Fborn about 1940
BolingMildred Lborn about 1917
BorderMinnie born about 1922
BottorffBryan born about 1897
BottorffFrancis born about 1926
BottorffHazel born about 1901
BowdenChris born about 1902
BowdenLillian born about 1911
BozarthIrvin Eborn about 1930
BranamanAlva born about 1907
BranamanDamon born about 1918
BranamanJessie Pborn about 1912
BranamanLucy Mborn about 1922
BranamanOwnes born about 1905
BranamanRoy Eborn about 1939
BranamanRuth born about 1877
BranamanTruman born about 1910
BranamanVirginia born about 1924
BratherAlbert born about 1890
BratherBernice Sborn about 1891
BrewerDella born about 1910
BrewerHarry born about 1909
BrotherHelen Pborn about 1893
BrousmanMartha Sborn about 1935
BrousmanRuth Mborn about 1931
BrownBee born about 1910
BrownBernetta Cborn about 1916
BrownBessie born about 1901
BrownCecil born about 1911
BrownClifford born about 1935
BrownEdna born about 1891
BrownFlorence born about 1917
BrownFrank born about 1906
BrownHarley born about 1930
BrownHarry born about 1889
BrownHelen Lborn about 1929
BrownJohn Ervinborn about 1937
BrownJoyce Bborn about 1939
BrownKenneth Hborn about 1915
BrownLenora born about 1917
BrownLottie born about 1896
BrownMabel born about 1896
BrownMarion born about 1903
BrownMarjorie born about 1919
BrownMary Aborn about 1940
BrownNorman born about 1937
BrownOla Iborn about 1911
BrownOliver Oborn about 1893
BrownOren Eborn about 1917
BrownRacfhel born about 1890
BrownRobert born about 1932
BrownRonald born about 1938
BrownWanda Fborn about 1930
BrownWilma Jborn about 1916
BrowningFlorence born about 1899
BrowningHarold born about 1918
BuahErvin born about 1924
BurchamDaisy born about 1880
BurchamEllis born about 1882
BurgdollEmanuel born about 1858
BurgdollJames born about 1930
BurgdollJohn born about 1900
BurgdollJohn Fborn about 1924
BurgdollMary born about 1925
BurgdollOrpha born about 1905
BurgeElmer born about 1895
BurgeEloise born about 1924
BurgeFlora born about 1901
BurgeOgnurita born about 1923
ButtoffGeorge born about 1871
ButtoffGeorge Jborn about 1905
ButtoffRoy born about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CalahanGurtrude born about 1903
CalahanLee born about 1898
CallahanIrmalee born about 1939
CallahanMarvin Lborn about 1932
CallahanThomas Dborn about 1935
CallawaySarah born about 1863
CallowayEvelyn Aborn about 1908
CallowayMildred born about 1918
CallowaySharon Lborn about 1939
CallowayThurman born about 1911
CampbellNora born about 1883
CarrAlex born about 1866
CarrBarbara Aborn about 1864
CarrBelle Nborn about 1900
CarrBetty Mborn about 1928
CarrEvelyn Jborn about 1938
CarrFlorence born about 1869
CarrHelen Bborn about 1930
CarrJames Hborn about 1876
CarrJuanita born about 1930
CarrLewis born about 1889
CarrLillie Bborn about 1871
CarrLouis born about 1922
CarrMarie Lborn about 1895
CarrMary Vborn about 1925
CarrPaul Aborn about 1933
CarrSib born about 1898
CarsonClara Hborn about 1887
CecilEmil born about 1912
CecilEmily born about 1922
CecilGladys born about 1911
CecilJackie Dborn about 1940
CecilKenneth born about 1916
ChastainDorothy born about 1915
ChastainElbert born about 1909
ChastainOlive Gborn about 1936
ChastainRolland Dborn about 1938
ChastainRoy Lborn about 1934
ChildersAllie born about 1890
ChildersOrange born about 1886
ChildersStanley born about 1921
ClarkBess born about 1892
ClarkCharles Eborn about 1930
ClarkClemma Mborn about 1877
ClarkHelen Jborn about 1927
ClarkHoward born about 1872
ClarkHoward Lborn about 1925
ClarkL Wilburnborn about 1904
ClarkLaura Jborn about 1865
ClarkMyrtle E Mborn about 1903
ClarkW Aborn about 1884
CockerhamBarbarba born about 1939
CockerhamElnora born about 1937
CockerhamHenry born about 1909
CockerhamJackie born about 1919
CockerhamMabel born about 1903
CockerhamNeal born about 1934
CockerhamThomas born about 1931
CookCecille born about 1922
CookDawn born about 1927
CookEisley born about 1893
CookJohn Hborn about 1893
CooleyAbraham born about 1864
CooleyCora born about 1884
CooleyEffie born about 1908
CooleyMary born about 1894
CriffithsDorothy Eborn about 1924
CriffithsGeneveiva Wborn about 1921
CriffithsOlivia born about 1892
CriffithsRoland Dborn about 1883
CriffithsRolland Iborn about 1922
CrockettMinerva born about 1860
CuninghamIda Bborn about 1869
CurryLola Bborn about 1898
CurryOscar Cborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DarkisCatherine born about 1919
DarkisClifford Lborn about 1939
DarkisElizabeth born about 1919
DarkisJames born about 1916
DarkisJohn born about 1919
DarkisLeo born about 1914
DarkisPearl Eborn about 1881
DaultonAmes Janeborn about 1933
DaultonClifford born about 1892
DaultonEliza born about 1903
DaultonEllis born about 1915
DaultonFranklin born about 1933
DaultonGeorge Wborn about 1873
DaultonGladys born about 1929
DaultonGoldie Mborn about 1890
DaultonHenry Cborn about 1871
DaultonJohn Wborn about 1895
DaultonMary Eborn about 1903
DaultonMelvinia born about 1877
DaultonPaul Eborn about 1929
DaultonRalph born about 1925
DaultonRaymond born about 1927
DaultonRichard born about 1931
DaultonRobert born about 1923
DaultonRoscoe born about 1924
DaultonRussell born about 1929
DaultonVirgil born about 1935
DaultonWinford born about 1920
DaversHarriet Lborn about 1924
DaversJames Lborn about 1938
DaversMant Fborn about 1895
DaversRella born about 1899
DavidsonChester born about 1910
DavidsonChester Jr born about 1939
DavidsonDola Iborn about 1929
DavidsonJanet born about 1934
DavidsonOcie Iborn about 1911
DavidsonRoger Lborn about 1937
DavisAnsel born about 1904
DavisArtemas born about 1919
DavisB Eltonborn about 1902
DavisDonald Wborn about 1927
DavisEdgar Bborn about 1915
DavisEdith born about 1908
DavisElva Mborn about 1907
DavisEmma Nborn about 1881
DavisEmmet Bborn about 1902
DavisHarry born about 1911
DavisJuanita Cborn about 1937
DavisKathleen born about 1918
DavisLois Mborn about 1931
DavisLucy Aborn about 1878
DavisM Glennborn about 1909
DavisMarjorie Jborn about 1930
DavisOetha Mborn about 1938
DavisRoy born about 1905
DavisThomas Rborn about 1934
DavisWilburn Dborn about 1930
DavusAlford born about 1864
DeckertSarah Aborn about 1863
DixionAlva Eborn about 1905
DixionDorothy born about 1912
DixionMary born about 1882
DixonAllyde born about 1926
DixonAnna born about 1882
DixonBarbra Aborn about 1932
DixonCharles Eborn about 1874
DixonCriscilla born about 1935
DixonDixie Jborn about 1931
DixonEttie Lborn about 1928
DixonHoward Nborn about 1907
DixonHoward Jr born about 1931
DixonLucie born about 1910
DixonMack H Hborn about 1937
DixonMaralan born about 1936
DixonMary Aborn about 1924
DixonNeal born about 1902
DixonNellie born about 1908
DixonRichard Eborn about 1935
DixonWilliam J Srborn about 1862
DoddsCora born about 1887
DoddsGrace born about 1920
DoddsHarry born about 1881
DowlingJohn Wborn about 1874
DowlingMassie born about 1879
DuchanElbert born about 1870
DuchanJohn Hborn about 1928
DuchanLawrence born about 1924
DuchanLula born about 1889
DuchanMax Allenborn about 1930
DuchanMorton born about 1879
DuchanRobert born about 1922
DurhamErvin born about 1915
DurhamFlotilla born about 1912
DurhamFrances born about 1890
DurhamJohn born about 1916
DurhamJohn Lborn about 1934
DurhamMedford born about 1913
DurhamMorris born about 1936
DurhamRobert Bborn about 1937
DurhamSibel born about 1919
DurhamThomas born about 1939
DurhamWilliam Eborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlyMary born about 1896
EastinEffie born about 1887
EastinFred born about 1884
EastineBilly born about 1932
EastineHerbert born about 1907
EastineIolene born about 1909
EastinePatty born about 1934
EglenEthel Bborn about 1885
EglenGeneral Wborn about 1887
EglenHelen born about 1887
EglenHorace born about 1926
EglenJames born about 1920
EglenJoseph Lborn about 1879
EglenJuanita Mborn about 1920
EglenLewis born about 1907
EglenMary Eborn about 1933
EglenWinfield Hborn about 1908
EgtenHarold Oborn about 1939
EgtenPearl born about 1916
ElkinsMabel born about 1904
ElkinsMeade born about 1893
ElliottMaurice born about 1926
EnglandAnna Jborn about 1862
EnglandEdward born about 1868
ErnstGlenn Oborn about 1888
ErnstHarry Lborn about 1882
ErnstIdelia born about 1857
ErnstNellie Nborn about 1885
ErnstOtto Wborn about 1885
EshomCharles Wborn about 1874
EvansImogene born about 1933

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F Surnames

FeeBeatrice born about 1898
FeeBernice born about 1924
FeeG Wborn about 1897
FeeGeorge born about 1922
Feltner??? born about 1912
FeltnerCarl born about 1909
FeltnerCarl Jr born about 1931
FeltnerCarol Mborn about 1933
FishDillie Gborn about 1900
FishE Lynnborn about 1928
FishEmitt Cborn about 1888
FishJames Cborn about 1923
FishM Williamborn about 1933
FishMary Vborn about 1924
FishNorma Cborn about 1926
FishPhyllis Aborn about 1930
FishTheodore Oborn about 1920
FisherFlorence Aborn about 1916
FisherFloyd Rborn about 1915
FisherNeal Fborn about 1937
FleenorEverett Cborn about 1894
FleenorJames Mborn about 1924
FleenorKaren Sborn about 1939
FleenorNina Gborn about 1897
FleenorRosalie Aborn about 1928
FleenorThomas Eborn about 1931
FlinnHerman born about 1906
FordiceGladys born about 1931
FordiceJohn born about 1898
FordiceLula Pborn about 1926
FordiceMary Eborn about 1922
FordiceRuth born about 1899
FordiceRuth Eborn about 1929
FordiceVirgil Kborn about 1937
FosterEp Fborn about 1880
FosterFloyd Jr born about 1939
FosterH Bborn about 1874
FosterMary Eborn about 1917
FosterOsceola born about 1869
FosterWilliam Fborn about 1907
FountainRuth born about 1907
FountainThomas born about 1904
FreemanBernard Jborn about 1928
FreemanBobby Allenborn about 1937
FreemanElla born about 1892
FreemanEverett born about 1915
FreemanHarry Eborn about 1923
FreemanIrene born about 1916
FreemanJohn born about 1913
FreemanMary Eborn about 1862
FreemanMorris Gborn about 1934
FreemanOlean born about 1901
FreemanOscar born about 1882
FreemanRalph Mborn about 1925
FreemanRexnal born about 1936
FreemanUrby born about 1889
FreemanWillard Kborn about 1931

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G Surnames

GallionSara Oborn about 1923
GanstineJennie born about 1872
GanstinePercy born about 1912
GanstineWalter Rborn about 1864
GardnerAsher Wborn about 1858
GardnerElnora born about 1932
GardnerHerbert Rborn about 1922
GardnerKate born about 1870
GardnerLarry Eborn about 1937
GardnerLeon born about 1919
GardnerLeonard Dborn about 1925
GardnerO Deanborn about 1925
GardnerOessie Bborn about 1895
GardnerPearl Mborn about 1895
GardnerSamuel Lborn about 1891
GardnerWilliam Hborn about 1897
GarlandBetty Jborn about 1933
GilbertAdrian born about 1896
GilbertBen born about 1888
GilbertCurtis Rborn about 1891
GilbertDorothy born about 1921
GilbertEdward born about 1869
GilbertElizabeth born about 1935
GilbertElizabeth Eborn about 1917
GilbertEmily Bborn about 1931
GilbertFranklin born about 1912
GilbertJack born about 1940
GilbertJames born about 1926
GilbertJames Iborn about 1929
GilbertLois Mborn about 1924
GilbertMarjie born about 1930
GilbertMartha born about 1880
GilbertMary born about 1903
GilbertMaxine Gborn about 1921
GilbertMyrtle born about 1880
GilbertNellie born about 1895
GilbertPatsy born about 1933
GilbertPhyllis born about 1927
GilbertPhyllis born about 1932
GilbertRaymond Lborn about 1926
GilbertStanley born about 1905
GilbertTheodore born about 1867
GillenClaude born about 1898
GillenMary Eborn about 1863
GlaeslineJoseph born about 1872
GlaeslineRebecca born about 1886
GoenAddie Blancheborn about 1904
GoenAgnes born about 1920
GoenAlbert born about 1870
GoenAnnie Ireneborn about 1933
GoenCarrie Gborn about 1901
GoenCecil born about 1929
GoenDavid Mborn about 1925
GoenDorothy Rborn about 1908
GoenEarl born about 1927
GoenElsie born about 1903
GoenEverett born about 1919
GoenFlossie born about 1930
GoenHarold born about 1923
GoenHarvey Elmerborn about 1922
GoenHazel born about 1925
GoenHenry born about 1877
GoenHershel born about 1922
GoenHomer born about 1881
GoenHomer born about 1935
GoenJames born about 1938
GoenJames Orvelborn about 1928
GoenLarmen born about 1905
GoenLewis born about 1913
GoenLouise born about 1917
GoenLula Florenceborn about 1936
GoenMarshall born about 1876
GoenMartha born about 1884
GoenMinie Marieborn about 1931
GoenRaymond born about 1933
GoenRobert Leeborn about 1924
GoenSimon born about 1887
GoenSimon Wborn about 1923
GoenStanley Vborn about 1928
GoseJoe Vborn about 1916
GoseJohn Fborn about 1896
GoseMable born about 1899
GossAlberta born about 1914
GossBertha born about 1871
GossBertha Eborn about 1886
GossBetty born about 1931
GossClarence Aborn about 1882
GossGeorgia Hborn about 1890
GossGrace born about 1887
GossLaura born about 1872
GossOrva Mborn about 1868
GossRalph Rborn about 1893
GossWalter Bborn about 1884
GrayBernard Aborn about 1930
GrayBetty Lborn about 1932
GrayBonnie Lborn about 1938
GrayDeborah Rborn about 1934
GrayDoris born about 1906
GrayEvidine Rborn about 1925
GrayFonnie Hborn about 1885
GrayNadine Vborn about 1929
GrayOrpha Mborn about 1889
GrayOrva Wborn about 1882
GrayPatricia Fborn about 1936
GrayRalph born about 1902
Greathouse??? born about 1905
GreathouseBetty born about 1934
GreathouseBeulah born about 1910
GreathouseClifford born about 1924
GreathouseFrances Aborn about 1937
GreathouseGean born about 1935
GreathouseGlen born about 1939
GreathouseHazel born about 1929
GreathouseHelen born about 1932
GreathouseJudith Aborn about 1939
GreathouseLester born about 1909
GreathouseMabel born about 1896
GreathouseMildred born about 1914
GreathouseMoley born about 1896
GreathouseMyrtle born about 1913
GreathouseRay born about 1915
GriderCarl Hborn about 1918
GriderElizabeth Mborn about 1921
GriderLloyd Wborn about 1940
GuthrieArthur born about 1940
GuthrieChristena born about 1929
GuthrieDonald born about 1938
GuthrieFloyd born about 1900
GuthrieFloyd Jborn about 1927
GuthrieGeorge born about 1937
GuthrieHattie Mborn about 1887
GuthrieHomer born about 1894
GuthrieJames born about 1927
GuthrieJames born about 1929
GuthrieKenneth born about 1931
GuthrieMaggie born about 1897
GuthrieMollie born about 1908
GuthrieMyrtle born about 1935
GuthrieNellie born about 1910
GuthrieOcie Aborn about 1865
GuthrieRaymond born about 1897
GuthrieRobert born about 1931
GuthrieWilliam Bborn about 1880

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H Surnames

HaffmanCharles born about 1917
HaffmanFlorence born about 1894
HaffmanHubert Lborn about 1936
HaffmanMary Bborn about 1920
HaffmanNellie born about 1926
HaffmanW Sborn about 1866
HaffmanWilliam Fborn about 1923
HaffmanWilliam Hborn about 1892
HaggettHarlin born about 1939
HaggettNelson born about 1911
HaggettRex born about 1938
HaggettWillma born about 1920
HagueNellie Mborn about 1874
HagueWilliam Lborn about 1872
HallC Dborn about 1866
HallClara Mborn about 1923
HallEffie born about 1875
HallEmmer Lborn about 1871
HallGeorgia born about 1902
HallHarriet born about 1918
HallJane born about 1939
HallJohn born about 1907
HallKenneth born about 1931
HallNathan born about 1893
HallNellie born about 1901
HallSarah Aborn about 1876
HallSonia Jborn about 1896
HallThomas Wborn about 1905
HallWalter born about 1895
HamiltonAndrew Jborn about 1861
HamiltonCynthia born about 1934
HamiltonHazel Cborn about 1901
HamiltonHurtrude born about 1914
HamiltonIsaac born about 1903
HamiltonJ Henryborn about 1924
HamiltonJames born about 1939
HamiltonJames Hborn about 1899
HamiltonJanet Aborn about 1931
HamiltonJannie born about 1891
HamiltonJeanne Eborn about 1923
HamiltonJohn born about 1936
HamiltonJohn Wborn about 1861
HamiltonKirby born about 1889
HamiltonMary Aborn about 1873
HamiltonRalph born about 1932
HamiltonRuth Lborn about 1924
HammarFlotilla born about 1925
HammarMabel born about 1922
HammarMary born about 1903
HammarMellvina born about 1931
HammarSam born about 1894
HamsltonCarrie Mborn about 1889
HamsltonClaude born about 1889
HardyEarl born about 1889
HardyEva born about 1895
HardyJames Mborn about 1867
HariltonKatie Eborn about 1916
HariltonMelvin born about 1906
HariltonRobert Gborn about 1930
HarrisAda born about 1870
HarrisBlanche born about 1881
HarrisCarolyn Jborn about 1939
HarrisCharles born about 1925
HarrisCharles Iborn about 1880
HarrisEmma Dborn about 1886
HarrisFarl Fborn about 1918
HarrisGilbert Nborn about 1884
HarrisHelen Lborn about 1926
HarrisHenry born about 1863
HarrisJohn born about 1920
HarrisKathleen Lborn about 1922
HarrisLavena Rborn about 1925
HarrisLaverne born about 1890
HarrisRuth born about 1923
HarrisRuth Lborn about 1928
HarrisWilliam born about 1878
HarrisonArnold Lborn about 1937
HarrisonClyde born about 1916
HarrisonDelema born about 1938
HarrisonElarea Rborn about 1918
HarrisonHenry Aborn about 1914
HarrisonLoyett Jborn about 1919
HassenaHazel Mborn about 1888
HassenaR Duwaneborn about 1924
HassenaSanley Tborn about 1882
HawsHerman Jr born about 1933
HawsJoe Lborn about 1938
HeitgerLucille born about 1917
HeitgerNellie Hborn about 1888
HeitgerTheodore Jborn about 1881
HelenMary born about 1868
HenderliderEva Bborn about 1909
HenderliderGerald Lborn about 1907
HenderliderL Maxborn about 1937
HenderliderMarion Lborn about 1938
HenderliderMary Eborn about 1928
HendersonBell born about 1880
HendersonDoyle born about 1916
HendersonElmer born about 1874
HendersonEmma born about 1860
HendersonEzra born about 1890
HendersonGoldie born about 1881
HendersonGrace born about 1899
HendersonGrace Rborn about 1893
HendersonHubert born about 1921
HendersonInez born about 1923
HendersonKenneth born about 1901
HendersonLeatha born about 1905
HendersonMabel born about 1896
HendersonMargarette born about 1918
HendersonOscar born about 1877
HendersonStanley born about 1918
HendersonVivian Fborn about 1936
HendersonWalter Cborn about 1888
HendersonWarren born about 1922
HendersonWilliam born about 1876
HendersonWinfred born about 1923
HendersonWoodrow born about 1917
HenleyBluford born about 1852
HigniteBernice born about 1931
HigniteBruce born about 1935
HigniteLester born about 1908
HigniteRuth born about 1913
HillBarbara born about 1936
HillCecil Jborn about 1912
HillDonely Bborn about 1886
HillE Janeborn about 1919
HillElizabeth Jborn about 1919
HillFannie born about 1882
HillJackie Dborn about 1939
HillJohn born about 1917
HillKathryn born about 1921
HillMary Eborn about 1862
HillMary Lborn about 1919
HillMax born about 1938
HillMildred born about 1919
HillMyrtle born about 1915
HillOra Aborn about 1892
HillPhoebe Eborn about 1851
HillRobert born about 1921
HillRobert Dborn about 1929
HillRoss born about 1913
HillStyles Hborn about 1880
HinderliderHota Pborn about 1883
HinderliderJoan Mborn about 1879
HinderliderJoel Vborn about 1883
HinderliderNellie born about 1880
HobbsEsther Eborn about 1871
HobsonJessie born about 1873
HobsonLeland born about 1923
HobsonPauline born about 1904
HobsonRaymond born about 1921
HolmerAlice Gborn about 1871
HolmerFrank born about 1871
HolmerL Williamborn about 1873
HolmerOllie Pborn about 1875
HolmesEffie Bborn about 1870
HolmesEileen born about 1916
HolmesEverett Nborn about 1880
HolmesHarold Cborn about 1909
HolmesLenora born about 1886
HolmesLloyd Bborn about 1915
HolmesMaxine Dborn about 1926
HolmesRonald Pborn about 1937
HolmesThomas born about 1859
HolmesVirgil born about 1916
HookAvanell Mborn about 1913
HookElla Eborn about 1880
HookFred Mborn about 1881
HookJoe Tborn about 1939
HookOmar Wborn about 1890
HookRuth Eborn about
HoushourBernard born about 1931
HubbardAllen Lborn about 1908
HubbardC Ednaborn about 1911
HubbardChole Mborn about 1939
HubbardClarence born about 1890
HubbardEthel born about 1893
HubbardFern Mborn about 1940
HubbardFlorence Rborn about 1931
HubbardLeland Rborn about 1927
HubbardMartha Eborn about 1922
HubbardMaryland Rborn about 1935
HubbardRhodia born about 1863
HubbardRoy Aborn about 1903
HubbardRoy Eborn about 1937
HuffingtonOlean Hborn about 1868
HuffmanBetty Rborn about 1929
HuffmanDale born about 1931
HuffmanDean born about 1931
HuffmanDonald born about 1932
HuffmanElvin born about 1909
HuffmanGenevieve born about 1933
HuffmanKathleen born about 1915
HuffmanMarvin born about 1935
HuffmanMary Jborn about 1928
HuffmanMonte born about 1935
HuffmanMorris born about 1936
HuffmanNellie born about 1900
HuffmanNorman born about 1934
HuffmanRaymond born about 1902
HuffmanShelby born about 1936
HuffmanWilliam born about 1939
HughesBonnie born about 1933
HughesCari Oborn about
HughesCarolyn born about 1935
HughesClarence born about 1878
HughesDelbert born about 1910
HughesDovie born about 1912
HughesEmerson born about 1915
HughesEverett Eborn about 1901
HughesHazel Cborn about 1901
HughesIrene born about 1912
HughesJack born about 1925
HughesJoe born about 1924
HughesJohn Wborn about 1917
HughesJulia Iborn about 1909
HughesMary born about 1878
HughesNin born about 1882
HughesOrpha born about 1909
HughesOscar born about 1910
HughesRichard born about 1873
HughesRosie born about 1900
HughesWilliam Eborn about 1926
HunderEova born about 1915
HunderSharon Dborn about 1937
HunsuckerCarrie Jborn about 1890
HunsuckerDoyle Lborn about 1915
HunsuckerEdith Mborn about 1911
HunsuckerFrances born about 1911
HunsuckerGlenn Eborn about 1939
HunsuckerGoldie Rborn about 1890
HunsuckerHary born about 1864
HunsuckerHenry born about 1914
HunsuckerJewell Oborn about 1912
HunsuckerMallie born about 1888
HunsuckerNeal born about 1921
HunsuckerOweettah Wborn about 1926
HunsuckerRay Aborn about 1928
HunsuckerRobert Hborn about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IngramLinda Sborn about 1940
IngrumPaul born about 1913
IngrumRuby Mborn about 1924

J Surnames

JacksonWilma born about 1915
JeansEthel Mborn about 1939
JewellHarold Mborn about 1929
JewellLawrence Eborn about 1904
JewellPhoere Vborn about 1903
JohnsonCalvin Lborn about 1927
JohnsonCarl born about 1920
JohnsonCorneilue born about 1856
JohnsonDorothy born about 1925
JohnsonEd born about 1892
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1857
JohnsonEmma born about 1895
JohnsonEva born about 1903
JohnsonHarry born about 1889
JohnsonHarry Dborn about 1932
JohnsonJames Dborn about 1923
JohnsonJulia Aborn about 1871
JohnsonLavell Mborn about 1935
JohnsonMary Eborn about 1938
JohnsonMelvin born about 1917
JohnsonMildred born about 1932
JohnsonNeal born about 1896
JohnsonRalph born about 1923
JohnsonRaymond born about 1920
JohnsonRethie born about 1935
JohnsonRichard born about 1923
JohnsonRosa Mborn about 1915
JohnsonRussel born about 1922
JohnsonSherman born about 1890
JohnsonViola born about 1909
JohnsonVirgil born about 1927
JohnsonWarren Bborn about 1921
JolmesEdna Wborn about 1907
JolmesKenneth Wborn about 1906
JordonMary born about 1884
JordonRichard born about 1887
JoyceVolney born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KelleyBeverly Cborn about 1936
KelleyFlora born about 1915
KelleyFoster born about 1900
KelleyJames Fborn about 1934
KillionCarrie born about 1911
KillionEmma born about 1866
KillionFrank born about 1865
KillionFrank born about 1904
KillionJames born about 1892
KillionKenneth born about 1909
KillionMarlyn born about 1937
KillionMorline born about 1935
KirkhamCristine Eborn about 1908
KirkhamJoanne born about 1933
KirkhamJulius Gborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LahrmanBarney born about 1879
LahrmanLaura Jborn about 1862
LambertAgnes Oborn about 1930
LambertBulah Mborn about 1939
LambertChristena born about 1936
LambertEva born about 1910
LambertHubert born about 1902
LambertIrene born about 1937
LambertJames born about 1927
LambertLyman born about 1933
LambertMarion Dborn about 1931
LambertMary Lborn about 1925
LaneBonnie born about 1939
LaneCharles Fborn about 1869
LaneClauzel born about 1902
LaneEugene born about 1928
LaneEverett born about 1905
LaneEvon born about 1934
LaneGrace born about 1903
LaneHurbert born about 1929
LaneJames born about 1925
LaneJunior born about 1932
LaneMax born about 1937
LanePhoeba born about 1847
LaneRhode born about 1902
LaneWaneta born about 1930
LawsonAnnalee born about 1931
LawsonBernice born about 1924
LawsonCarol born about 1936
LawsonEvelyn born about 1912
LawsonFannie born about 1888
LawsonJames Hborn about 1888
LawsonJene born about 1927
LawsonJohnny born about 1931
LawsonJuanita born about 1939
LawsonMarshall born about 1924
LawsonMax born about 1940
LawsonRichard Gborn about 1935
LawsonRosa born about 1930
LawsonRussell born about 1910
LawsonThelma born about 1918
LawsonWarren born about 1921
LeeAmy Hborn about 1895
LeeAndrew born about 1934
LeeCarl born about 1907
LeeEdwin Dborn about 1939
LeeHervey born about 1888
LeeLarry born about 1937
LeeLois born about 1911
LeeMarilyn Jborn about 1936
LeeMary born about 1894
LeeNellie born about 1886
LockhartCarol Sborn about 1925
LockhartMary born about 1905
LockhartMary Cborn about 1927
LockmanCliford Vborn about 1919
LockmanFarrell born about 1891
LockmanGoldie Mborn about 1892
LonesberryEdith Vborn about 1923
LonesberryRobert Vborn about 1917
LonsberryBertha Eborn about 1887
LonsberryDonald Lborn about 1938
LonsberryEverret born about 1915
LonsberryHarold born about 1920
LonsberryHershal Lborn about 1926
LonsberryJohn born about 1882
LonsberryLavada born about 1921
LonsberryMay born about 1926
LonsberrySaddie born about 1882
LonsberryStanley born about 1908
LonsberryW Henryborn about 1881
LoudermilkBetty born about 1928
LoudermilkDaniel born about 1885
LoudermilkDelcie born about 1898
LoudermilkJack born about 1932
LoudermilkJoe born about 1924
LoudermilkKatie born about 1876
LoudermilkOrle born about 1888
LutesDavid Jborn about 1871
LutesFord born about 1908
LutesG Marieborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaedowsJackie born about 1938
MaedowsJeanette born about 1935
MaedowsJessie born about 1914
MaedowsJoan born about 1937
MaedowsWilliam born about 1916
MapelsClearcie born about 1902
MapelsIrven born about 1931
MaplesFlora born about 1913
MaplesJames born about 1909
MartinAlice Rborn about 1889
MartinDavid Eborn about 1920
MartinEmma Eborn about 1854
MartinFloyd Wborn about 1911
MartinJoan Wborn about 1936
MartinJohn Eborn about 1880
MartinJula Eborn about 1882
MartinMary Mborn about 1920
MartinMinnie born about 1879
MartinRobert Cborn about 1922
MartinRuby Mborn about 1909
MartinSarah Cborn about 1859
MartinWalter Sborn about 1916
MassenaDian born about 1932
MassenaDonald Tborn about 1907
MassenaElsie Gborn about 1915
MassenaStella Mborn about 1884
MastAda Eborn about 1895
MastThomas Dborn about 1899
MathersClara Mborn about 1921
MathersJohn Kborn about 1916
MathersJoseph Bborn about 1927
MathersNellie Rborn about 1891
MatlockMinnie Jborn about 1885
MatlockNeal born about 1878
McChesneyClara Oborn about 1913
McChesneyDonald Gborn about 1931
McChesneyFloyd Zborn about 1909
McChesneyGeorge Lborn about 1934
McClintockBetty Jborn about 1928
McClintockBeverly Cborn about 1940
McClintockDora born about 1867
McClintockFlora born about 1900
McClintockMary Jborn about 1865
McClintockNellie Mborn about 1876
McClintockPatricia Aborn about 1933
McClintockRalph born about 1895
McClintockRegina born about 1921
McClintockRobert Lborn about 1931
McClintockVivian born about 1923
McClintockWanda Wborn about 1925
McClintockWilliam Dborn about 1937
McConnellJames born about 1873
McConnellMaggie born about 1877
McCounCinthia born about 1881
McCounElizabeth born about 1853
McCounHorace born about 1880
McDonaldGeorge Cborn about 1872
McDonnelClay Gborn about 1903
McDonnelFlossie born about 1912
McDonnelJoan born about 1934
McElvaneDoris Gborn about 1915
McElvaneMarion Lborn about 1915
McKimreyChauncey Eborn about 1920
McKimreyErnest born about 1906
McKimreyEsco born about 1922
McKimreyHarold Fborn about 1918
McKimreyLula born about 1885
McKimreyNoah Fborn about 1880
McKimreyNoble born about 1916
McKinneyBarbra Jborn about 1932
McKinneyFlorence Lborn about 1913
McKinneyKay born about 1937
McKinneyNewlin Eborn about 1908
McMillanEthel born about 1878
McMillanRoland born about 1884
McNellyHelen Lborn about 1928
McNellyIva Mborn about 1902
McNellyJames born about 1936
McNellyMary Eborn about 1926
MikelBettie born about 1928
MikelEllen born about 1896
MikelMary born about 1924
MikelRay born about 1920
MikelSmith born about 1887
MizeMay Wborn about 1890
MooreFloyd born about 1908
MooreKenneth Mborn about 1938
MooreMellie born about 1912
MooreRussell Eborn about 1935
MooreShirley Aborn about 1940
MooreThelma born about 1934
MosmanElizabeth Mborn about 1865
MotsingerClayborne born about 1927
MotsingerGertrude born about 1918
MotsingerLillie born about 1882
MotsingerOretta born about 1907
MotsingerStanley born about 1905
MotsingerTerry Bborn about 1931
MurrayLillian born about 1910
MurrayLillian Iborn about 1910
MurrayMartha born about 1875
MurrayRaymond born about 1906
MyersClaude born about 1901
MyersDaniel born about 1895
MyersDelores Jborn about 1935
MyersEdna Aborn about 1882
MyersIrene Lborn about 1915
MyersJacob born about 1882
MyersJerry born about 1938
MyersJoe Wborn about 1922
MyersJohn born about 1875
MyersJohn born about 1884
MyersLillie born about 1885
MyersMarvin born about 1922
MyersMary Sborn about 1933
MyersMaxine born about 1920
MyersMyrtle born about 1900
MyersNellie Gborn about 1902
MyersTheodore Rborn about 1906
MyersTorene born about 1876
MyersWilliam born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NellieMae born about 1929
NewkirkGenevieve born about 1923
NewkirkIrvin Zborn about 1913
NewkirkJessie born about 1885
NewkirkRuth born about 1919
NewkirkSue Aborn about 1939
NewkirkWaldo born about 1919
NicholsonGuy born about 1869
NicholsonWesley born about 1907
NickolsonJackie born about 1932
NickolsonMoreland born about 1864
NickolsonRaymond born about 1901
NowlandKathryn born about 1923
NowlandNoble Jr born about 1940
NowlandRoble born about 1914
NowlandSamuel Dborn about 1939
NowlingEd born about 1886
NowlingFrances born about 1922
NowlingIvan born about 1917
NowlingMyrtie born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OllisAaron Oborn about 1916
OllisEliza born about 1879
OllisFred born about 1908
OllisMabel born about 1910
OllisMick born about 1868
OllisPearl born about 1914
OwensDon Mborn about 1935
OwensHurbert Mborn about 1898
OwensRuth Lborn about 1902

P Surnames

ParsongJerry born about 1939
ParsongVirginia born about 1919
PeckGeorge Wborn about 1874
PeckKate born about 1873
PeckLew born about 1880
PeckLogan Fborn about 1869
PeckOra born about 1878
PembertonBertha born about 1928
PembertonJosephine born about 1930
PenningtonDaloris born about 1935
PenningtonGladys born about 1908
PenningtonHomer born about 1926
PenningtonMary Wborn about 1883
PenningtonSamuel born about 1904
PenningtonSamuel Jborn about 1931
PenningtonWilliam born about 1876
PenningtonWilliam Jr born about 1924
PenningtonYvonne born about 1936
PerrerAmy Vborn about 1894
PerrerJohn Pborn about 1894
PerrerJohn P Jrborn about 1931
PerrerLa Verne born about 1920
PerrinDan Eborn about 1934
PerrinElizabeth born about 1914
PerrinJames Mborn about 1936
PerrinJerry Dborn about 1940
PerrinLarry Dborn about 1937
PerrinRiley Tborn about 1906
PersingerAmaye born about 1907
PersingerBernard born about 1939
PersingerChester born about 1888
PersingerChristina born about 1917
PersingerDella Mborn about 1903
PersingerDorothy Mborn about 1926
PersingerEmma born about 1889
PersingerHarvey Jborn about 1894
PersingerLeona born about 1923
PersingerLinda Lborn about 1938
PersingerLovell born about 1915
PersingerMabel born about 1921
PersingerMary Cborn about 1938
PersingerMary Lborn about 1928
PersingerMerle born about 1913
PersingerNona born about 1920
PersingerOrval Sborn about 1905
PersingerSharon Aborn about 1937
PhillipsAmanda Eborn about 1939
PhillipsBenjamin born about 1893
PhillipsBetty Lborn about 1930
PhillipsCaroline Sborn about 1939
PhillipsEthel born about 1914
PhillipsFayne Hborn about 1913
PhillipsFergus Lborn about 1926
PhillipsForest Mborn about 1916
PhillipsHarry born about 1901
PhillipsHollis Wborn about 1912
PhillipsJoan born about 1934
PhillipsJohn Hborn about 1876
PhillipsLaura Lborn about 1913
PhillipsLillie Mborn about 1909
PhillipsMarie born about 1938
PhillipsMarlin Dborn about 1932
PhillipsMaxine born about 1928
PhillipsMurrel Eborn about 1907
PhillipsNettie born about 1926
PhillipsRexal Lborn about 1937
PhillipsRichard Mborn about 1939
PhillipsRichard Wborn about 1937
PhillipsRoberta Lborn about 1918
PhillipsRuby born about 1899
PhillpsAubrey Fborn about 1905
PhillpsBuena Vborn about 1878
PhillpsR Wileyborn about 1879
PhillpsRobert Mborn about 1926
PittsRandall born about 1935
PlammerElizabeth Aborn about 1937
PlammerGeorgia born about 1907
PlammerJerry born about 1935
PlammerVerlin born about 1905
PlummerCurtis born about 1873
PlummerDorothy born about 1913
PlummerMine born about 1878
PlummerStacy born about 1915
PlummerThurman born about 1909
PollockPhillip born about 1862
PoorDaniel Sborn about 1867
PoorFred Fborn about 1908
PoorLucy born about 1870
PoorRalph Rborn about 1898
PooreHarley Hborn about 1889
PooreKelly Mborn about 1918
PooreKenneth Bborn about 1935
PooreMildred Dborn about 1908
PoorePearl Aborn about 1887
PooreRoy Bborn about 1909
PrayAlbert Fborn about 1875
PrayBertie born about 1884
PrayBilly born about 1933
PrayDonald born about 1930
PrayDorothy born about 1910
PrayEugene born about 1927
PrayFlossie Aborn about 1891
PrayJanet born about 1937
PrayJesse Eborn about 1883
PrayJohn born about 1905
PrayRuth Iborn about 1916
PrayWilliam Eborn about 1936
PrayWilliam Tborn about 1914

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RagsdaleAlma born about 1917
RagsdaleArthur born about 1915
RagsdaleDonnie Jborn about 1939
RagsdaleJackie born about 1936
ReynoldsBetty born about 1936
ReynoldsBrant born about 1868
ReynoldsCarrie born about 1914
ReynoldsCharles Lborn about 1912
ReynoldsClinton born about 1925
ReynoldsCurtis born about 1914
ReynoldsDarvin Jborn about 1932
ReynoldsDeloris born about 1921
ReynoldsDonald born about 1932
ReynoldsDonald Lborn about 1939
ReynoldsDoris born about 1936
ReynoldsEllis born about 1910
ReynoldsErnest born about 1918
ReynoldsGeorge born about 1880
ReynoldsGeorgia born about 1909
ReynoldsGladys born about 1919
ReynoldsHarold born about 1932
ReynoldsHarold born about 1935
ReynoldsHelen born about 1906
ReynoldsHenry born about 1929
ReynoldsHubert born about 1911
ReynoldsIrene born about 1924
ReynoldsJanice Fborn about 1936
ReynoldsJessie born about 1907
ReynoldsLeo born about 1934
ReynoldsLeslie born about 1916
ReynoldsMae born about 1899
ReynoldsMagdelane born about 1927
ReynoldsMarcie born about 1930
ReynoldsMary born about 1924
ReynoldsNeal Rborn about 1906
ReynoldsNorma Dborn about 1928
ReynoldsOpal born about 1915
ReynoldsRaymond born about 1914
ReynoldsRobert Lborn about 1930
ReynoldsRonald Nborn about 1938
ReynoldsRovena born about 1925
ReynoldsRoy born about 1897
ReynoldsSally Aborn about 1938
ReynoldsSarah Sborn about 1885
ReynoldsStella born about 1889
ReynoldsT Juneborn about 1921
ReynoldsTalmage born about 1914
ReynoldsThelma Lborn about 1939
ReynoldsVirgil Tborn about 1881
ReynoldsVirginia born about 1937
ReynoldsWilford born about 1925
ReynoldsWillard born about 1907
ReynoldsWilliam Hborn about 1875
RobbinsIrene born about 1911
RobbinsRoy Jborn about 1928
RobertsCathryn Nborn about 1920
RobertsRoy Mborn about 1895
RobertsZella Hborn about 1898
RobertsonGoldie Eborn about 1893
RobertsonRobert Kborn about 1935
RobertsonWilliam Eborn about 1898
RobertsonWilma born about 1916
RobinsonJohn Lborn about 1898
RobinsonMary Lborn about 1935
RobinsonPauline Cborn about 1915
RobinsonRuth Aborn about 1937
RollerAllena born about 1902
RollerCarl born about 1895
RollerJack born about 1929
RollerJohn Lborn about 1908
RollerKathryn born about 1873
RollerMinnie born about 1897
RuckerRaymond Lborn about 1885
RusselMargaret born about 1861
RusselPaul Aborn about 1904
RussellNorma Sborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaltsgaverAnneta born about 1903
SaltsgaverRobert born about 1922
SawsonJ Mborn about 1874
SawsonMaggie born about 1875
SchererJessie born about 1913
SchererJohn born about 1913
SchultzJesse born about 1869
SchwortzBernadine born about 1930
SchwortzGeorge Pborn about 1939
SchwortzGurtrude born about 1933
SchwortzMarsel born about 1937
SchwortzMay born about 1907
SchwortzRoy born about 1906
SchwortzRuth born about 1931
ScottCurtis born about 1870
ScottJessie Aborn about 1919
ScottLaura born about 1874
ScottLeslie Cborn about 1885
ScottLouise born about 1921
ScottMorton Eborn about 1884
ScottMyrtle born about 1886
ScottPearl born about 1882
ScottRalph born about 1928
ScottRobert Oborn about 1926
ScottRussel born about 1907
SealAlex born about 1870
SealIda born about 1876
SerrillAngelyn born about 1880
SerrillJoseph Mborn about 1870
SheildsLillie born about 1908
SheltonAgnes born about 1901
SheltonAlfred born about 1934
SheltonBenny born about 1932
SheltonCalvin born about 1912
SheltonCarol Dborn about 1935
SheltonCharles Eborn about 1875
SheltonClayton born about 1927
SheltonDan born about 1880
SheltonEwan born about 1922
SheltonFrank born about 1889
SheltonGary born about 1895
SheltonGrace born about 1892
SheltonHelen born about 1916
SheltonJames born about 1924
SheltonJohn Wborn about 1856
SheltonJohn Wborn about 1888
SheltonMary Lborn about 1936
SheltonMay born about 1927
SheltonPeter born about 1871
SheltonRosetta born about 1883
SheltonSarah born about 1896
SheltonTalmage born about 1927
SheltonVencent born about 1930
SheltonVernie born about 1937
SheltonVirg born about 1904
SheltonWilma born about 1925
ShepardAlma Jborn about 1933
ShepardAmanda born about 1896
ShepardAustin Wborn about 1909
ShepardCharles born about 1922
ShepardCharlie born about 1893
ShepardDale born about 1933
ShepardDessie born about 1897
ShepardDwight born about 1930
ShepardGeorge Aborn about 1882
ShepardHarold born about 1911
ShepardHelen born about 1918
ShepardIlla Jborn about 1935
ShepardIrene Eborn about 1915
ShepardJerry Mborn about 1939
ShepardKenneth born about 1909
ShepardKenneth Jr born about 1932
ShepardLarry Dborn about 1934
ShepardLela Aborn about 1909
ShepardLenord Gborn about 1914
ShepardNellie born about 1920
ShepardPhoeba Sborn about 1888
ShepardRobert Bborn about 1924
ShepardRuby Mborn about 1910
ShepardSarah Aborn about 1862
ShepardStanley born about 1924
ShepardWilliam Pborn about 1885
SherrillJerome born about 1880
SherrillWalter born about 1876
ShieldsBed Myersborn about 1933
ShieldsClarence born about 1899
ShieldsClyde born about 1899
ShieldsCorean born about 1917
ShieldsCurtis born about 1880
ShieldsEverett born about 1903
ShieldsJane born about 1877
ShieldsMay born about 1886
ShieldsSeba born about 1883
ShieldsStella born about 1904
ShortridgeCatherine born about 1885
ShortridgeOliver Oborn about 1884
ShoultaBerl born about 1914
ShoultaEldon born about 1919
ShoultaHuston born about 1891
ShoultaLaverne born about 1925
ShoultaMary Eborn about 1890
ShoultsEldora born about 1919
SkinnerFrieda Jborn about 1890
SkinnerGeorge Aborn about 1874
SmithBetty Jborn about 1931
SmithBulah born about 1925
SmithCharleen born about 1924
SmithCharles Pborn about 1929
SmithDavid born about 1939
SmithDoyle Lborn about 1933
SmithEdith born about 1919
SmithEverett born about 1914
SmithFlorin born about 1905
SmithGeorge Mborn about 1929
SmithGeorge Wborn about 1862
SmithGrethel born about 1907
SmithHarold Eborn about 1936
SmithHarry born about 1893
SmithHazel Lborn about 1926
SmithHoward born about 1872
SmithHoward Eborn about 1926
SmithJacob Mborn about 1862
SmithJames born about 1915
SmithJames Rborn about 1932
SmithJerry Dborn about 1937
SmithJessie born about 1904
SmithJoe Mborn about 1904
SmithJoe Mborn about 1935
SmithJohn Rborn about 1928
SmithLoran Iborn about 1937
SmithMaggie born about 1871
SmithMamie born about 1905
SmithMark born about 1902
SmithMary born about 1935
SmithMary Aborn about 1934
SmithMelvin Hborn about 1938
SmithMinnie born about 1873
SmithNeal born about 1905
SmithNolan born about 1908
SmithOla born about 1891
SmithOrville born about 1921
SmithPansy Iborn about 1916
SmithPearl born about 1920
SmithPhebe born about 1892
SmithRobert Aborn about 1929
SmithRonald Lborn about 1939
SmithRuth born about 1907
SmithSaundia Sborn about 1939
SmithViolet born about 1904
SmithW Taftborn about 1908
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1933
SneedArlette born about 1931
SneedHelen born about 1895
SneedTilden born about 1895
SomaBobby born about 1932
SomaDanny born about 1929
SomaHansel born about 1926
SomaMary Lborn about 1924
SomaMorris born about 1936
SonsEsta born about 1912
SonsFrank born about 1882
SonsWillie born about 1912
SpenBettie Jborn about 1928
SpenClyde born about 1922
SpenJoy Aborn about 1940
SpenLloyd born about 1894
SpenMarjory born about 1923
SpenMarvin born about 1924
SpenOcie born about 1904
SprayCarrie born about 1897
SprayCora born about 1871
SpraySamuel born about 1895
SprayWilliam born about 1919
SprayWilma born about 1921
SpurlockDon Rborn about 1932
StaggsPearl born about 1903
StagnerAileen born about 1922
StagnerDurland Eborn about 1916
StagnerHubert Lborn about 1920
StagnerOrpha born about 1888
StagnerW Wborn about 1888
Stalcup??cretia born about 1884
StalcupWilliam Aborn about 1874
StarJ Wborn about 1854
StarkCarl Aborn about 1930
StarkF Wendelborn about 1928
StarkFern Aborn about 1900
StarkFloyd Hborn about 1903
StarkHoward born about 1877
StarkJohn Rborn about 1936
StarkLetitia Dborn about 1903
StarkRalph Wborn about 1903
StarkRex Lborn about 1923
StarkVivian Jborn about 1938
StarrAmanda born about 1863
StarrBilly born about 1921
StarrClaude born about 1884
StarrEdwin Hborn about 1909
StarrFlavia Bborn about 1890
StarrHargareta born about 1865
StarrIrene born about 1906
StarrNorman born about 1859
StarrO Vborn about 1881
StarrOrpha born about 1879
StarrStanley Aborn about 1887
StidamCalvin born about 1916
StidamCarl born about 1939
StidamElmer born about 1920
StidamMildred born about 1922
StidamRebel born about 1935
StidsonErnest born about 1914
StidsonEthel born about 1912
StrattonClifford Rborn about 1915
StrattonLuella Mborn about 1908
StreetDavid Wborn about 1940
StreetRaymond Hborn about 1911
StreetRuth Lborn about 1917
SturdivantClarence born about 1896
StwartElla born about 1863
StwartJohn Sborn about 1857
SutherlandAlva Mborn about 1883
SutherlandAlva Jr born about 1927
SutherlandDavid Hborn about 1924
SutherlandFlorence born about 1897
SutherlandIda born about 1869
SutherlandJames Aborn about 1928
SutherlandJuanita Aborn about 1922
SutherlandKenneth Eborn about 1921
SutherlandWilliam Dborn about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaskeyDella born about 1898
TaskeyEdwin Lborn about 1923
TaskeyGeorge Fborn about 1895
TempleAlbert born about 1913
ThomasOscar born about 1868
ThompsonBetty born about 1937
ThompsonGeorge born about 1905
ThompsonHoward Gborn about 1931
ThompsonIda born about 1913
ThompsonJessie born about 1883
ThompsonKenneth born about 1935
ThompsonMartha born about 1882
ThompsonRalph born about 1933
ThompsonSamuel Fborn about 1856
TreadwayAnna Mborn about 1926
TreadwayCharleen born about 1938
TreadwayCharles born about 1900
TreadwayCharles Jborn about 1922
TreadwayEdna born about 1924
TreadwayEdna Sborn about 1928
TreadwayEssie born about 1901
TreadwayHomer born about 1896
TreadwayHomer Jr born about 1931
TreadwayL Wborn about 1933
TreadwayLeota born about 1928
TreadwayMary Eborn about 1906
TreadwayOrpha Lborn about 1924
TreadwayRichard Eborn about 1935
TreadwayWilliam Dborn about 1926
TreatwayAnna Mborn about 1933
TreatwayFletia born about 1936
TreatwayFredrick born about 1927
TredwayLouise born about 1924
TruebloodAmy Lborn about 1931
TruebloodCarolyn Aborn about 1933
TruebloodEdith born about 1910
TruebloodFrancis Nborn about 1907
TruebloodJessie Mborn about 1887
TruebloodRobert Fborn about 1939
TryonLincon born about 1865
TurnerCarl born about 1876
TurnerCharles Cborn about 1895
TurnerHarriet Lborn about 1916
TurnerHelen born about 1911
TurnerJennings born about 1908
TurnerMichael born about 1867
TurnerNorma Rborn about 1931
TurnerP Hborn about 1894
TurnerSarah born about 1863
TurneyCarolyn born about 1933
TurneyOscar Pborn about 1896
TurneyThomas Mborn about 1904
TyndallClaude Eborn about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmphressBilly Iborn about 1930
UmphressBonnie Sborn about 1932
UmphressGeorge born about 1907
UmphressHazel born about 1908
UmphressShirley Aborn about 1935
UnderwoodBilly Joeborn about 1937
UnderwoodCleo Wborn about 1916
UnderwoodFayretta born about 1940
UnderwoodFredrick Lborn about 1935
UnderwoodRalph Jborn about 1908

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughnFern born about 1919
VaughnFranklin Kborn about 1940
VaughnGessie Fborn about 1938
VaughnJohn Wborn about 1901
VaughnJohn W Jrborn about 1934

W Surnames

WallaceAdrienne born about 1936
WallaceEvelyn born about 1915
WallaceJoan born about 1935
WallaceJohn Mborn about 1911
WallaceKay Mborn about 1938
WallaceMartha born about 1891
WaltersEthel born about 1912
WaltersHarry born about 1910
WaltersJ O Aborn about 1937
WaltersKatherine born about 1874
WaltersLawrence born about 1879
WattsClarence Rborn about 1897
WattsCora Iborn about 1914
WattsEmogene born about 1928
WattsEthel born about 1906
WattsGeneiva born about 1915
WattsGeorge born about 1864
WattsJames born about 1902
WattsLaura Pborn about 1877
WattsPatsy Rborn about 1933
WattsPeggy Lborn about 1931
WattsRoy born about 1911
WattsRussel Cborn about 1904
WattsRuth born about 1932
WattsSamuel born about 1870
WattsVirgil born about 1903
WaymanCharles born about 1875
WaymanCurtis Mborn about 1875
WaymanElizabeth born about 1858
WaymanOscar born about 1902
WaymanRobert Oborn about 1939
WeanerAlbert born about 1885
WeanerEtta born about 1885
WeaverLawrence Aborn about 1916
WeaverPhyllis born about 1923
WeddelAnna Mborn about 1880
WeddelDaisy Eborn about 1885
WeddelNelma Lborn about 1921
WeddelOrel Eborn about 1875
WeddelSamuel Hborn about 1884
WeddellA Mborn about 1877
WeddellAuther D Jrborn about 1919
WeddellAuther Oborn about 1896
WeddellCarolyn Rborn about 1933
WeddellCharles Vborn about 1872
WeddellHarley born about 1924
WeddellHazel Gborn about 1900
WeddellHenry born about 1889
WeddellJerry Qborn about 1936
WeddellJohn Dborn about 1921
WeddellKermit Dborn about 1923
WeddellMarion Lborn about 1918
WeddellMaye born about 1898
WeddellMayme born about 1880
WeddellMinnie Eborn about 1873
WeddellNora Mborn about 1925
WeddellOwen born about 1903
WeddellVelma Lborn about 1921
WeddellVictor Wborn about 1916
WeddleAlta Mborn about 1936
WeddleCarrie born about 1878
WeddleCharles Wborn about 1879
WeddleDonald Gborn about 1933
WeddleFlora Dborn about 1883
WeddleHenry born about 1921
WeddleHubert born about 1911
WeddleMavin born about 1917
WeddleMyrtle Mborn about 1916
WeddlePauline born about 1920
WeddlePerrila Kborn about 1859
WeddleTheodore Wborn about 1909
WeddleTheodore Jr born about 1940
WeddleThomas born about 1896
WeddleWanda Fborn about 1938
WeddleWilliam Nborn about 1876
WeddleWillie born about 1878
WernerMary Eborn about 1850
WessnerElymas born about 1905
WessnerHettie Mborn about 1885
WessnerHomer born about 1875
WessnerLois Aborn about 1921
WheelerArthur born about 1917
WheelerBetty born about 1939
WheelerEliza born about 1895
WheelerHilda born about 1939
WheelerHubert Aborn about 1921
WheelerMarshall born about 1921
WheelerMary born about 1921
WheelerRogie born about 1924
WhiteGerald born about 1921
WhiteJennie born about 1890
WhiteLawrence Gborn about 1888
WiggensCharles born about 1886
WilconAlice born about 1885
WilconWilliam Lborn about 1883
WileyEdith Mborn about 1920
WileyJames Lborn about 1939
WillcuttBirt born about 1876
WillcuttHershell born about 1926
WillcuttKatie born about 1882
WillcuttThomas born about 1903
WilliamOtho born about 1928
WilliamsArthur born about 1915
WilliamsAvis born about 1929
WilliamsCharles born about 1883
WilliamsClarence born about 1902
WilliamsDorothy Vborn about 1923
WilliamsElmer born about 1918
WilliamsEmily born about 1876
WilliamsFrancis born about 1921
WilliamsIra born about 1878
WilliamsIva born about 1904
WilliamsJohn born about 1925
WilliamsLydia born about 1887
WilliamsMaggie born about 1878
WilliamsMarlen born about 1926
WilliamsMinnie born about 1923
WilliamsPearlie Lborn about 1894
WilliamsWilliam Aborn about 1888
WineingerAnne Cborn about 1931
WineingerEthel Dborn about 1908
WineingerKenneth Eborn about 1937
WineingerMillard Fborn about 1882
WineingerMillard Jr born about 1929
WineingerThomas Rborn about 1939
WinglerCharles born about 1879
WinglerClara born about 1907
WinglerLouie born about 1904
WinglerManda Aborn about 1870
WoodsAlice Aborn about 1931
WoodsBuddy Wborn about 1938
WoodsD Wirtborn about 1892
WoodsEsther Lborn about 1909
WoodsGary Wborn about 1889
WoodsGrace Lborn about 1901
WoodsJoe Iborn about 1926
WoodsKate Lborn about 1866
WoodsMary Lborn about 1924
WoodsPeggy Lborn about 1935
WoodsRobert Eborn about 1923
WoodsRobert Lborn about 1861
WoodsRobert Lborn about 1890
WoodsRosette born about 1932
WoodsStrausa Oborn about 1887
WoodsTalmaqe Rborn about 1921
WoodsWinona Rborn about 1929
WoolfFrank Gborn about 1887
WoolfMaude Bborn about 1892
WoolfWilmer Lborn about 1922
WrayAnna Bborn about 1878
WrayFay born about 1921
WrayThomton born about 1875
WrightClay born about 1871
WrightElizabeth Wborn about 1910
WrightFannie Mborn about 1878
WrightJerry Rborn about 1936
WrightLarry Dborn about 1939
WrightNoble Fborn about 1910
WrightPearl Eborn about 1916
WrightTheodore Pborn about 1905
WrightWanda Rborn about 1937
WrightWest Lborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZellarsMary Cborn about 1917
ZollmanFloyd born about 1889
ZollmanGeorge Wborn about 1904
ZollmanH Haroldborn about 1906
ZollmanMary Lborn about 1908
ZollmanMinnie born about 1890
ZollmanNellie Dborn about 1884
ZollmanRobert born about 1922
ZollmanThomas Bborn about 1913
ZollmanThomas Fborn about 1860
ZollmanZane Aborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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