1940 U.S. Federal Census of Center in Union County, Union, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Union County > 1940 Census of Center in Union County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyBarbara Jborn about 1934
AbernathyC Clintonborn about 1911
AbernathyC Everettborn about 1892
AbernathyD Fernborn about 1892
AbernathyEllis Dborn about
AbernathyLucy born about 1880
AbernathyMary Eborn about 1912
AbernathyPhyllis Nborn about 1936
AblesElnetta born about 1869
AdamsEvalyn Eborn about 1876
AdamsThomas Aborn about 1914
AddisonAl born about 1867
AddisonFlorence born about 1889
AddisonLissa born about 1871
AlbertBetty Jeanborn about 1928
AlbertMabel born about 1886
AlbertPaul born about 1920
AlbertWilliam born about 1876
AlbertWilliam Jr born about 1917
AlexanderAlva Eborn about 1877
AmmermanAddie Mborn about 1887
AmmermanBessie born about 1887
AmmermanCarl Lborn about 1895
AmmermanJ Joanborn about 1918
AmmermanJessie born about 1882
AmmermanMarie Cborn about 1896
AmmermanWilliam born about 1870
AnthonyFlorence born about 1904
AnthonyHarry born about 1884
AnthonyIdell born about 1930
AnthonyMargaret born about 1871
AnthonyNoah born about 1858
AnthonyOtis born about 1883
ArderyA Janeborn about 1939
ArderyCecil Gbborn about 1905
ArderyCharles Hborn about 1890
ArderyCora Lborn about 1876
ArderyJames Nborn about 1916
ArderyJean born about 1911
ArderyL Clementineborn about 1909
ArderyL Lucilleborn about 1910
ArderyLaura born about 1867
ArderyMinnie born about 1869
ArderyOmer Mborn about 1875
ArderyPearl born about 1888
ArderySarah Aborn about 1916
ArnoldCharlotte Mborn about 1939
ArnoldEthel Lborn about 1921
ArnoldJohn Lborn about 1912
ArnoldMarilynn Gborn about 1938
AshcraftAnna Rborn about 1903
AshcraftDavid Jborn about 1940
AshcraftJanet Aborn about 1930
AshcraftNelson Lborn about 1903
AshcraftWilliam Lborn about 1932
AuxierHelen born about 1909
AuxierOmer born about 1904
AuxierPatricia born about 1938
AydelotteGeorgia born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BalchersEmma Lborn about 1890
BalchersJames Pborn about 1883
BallengerEverett Eborn about 1888
BallengerNell Fborn about 1892
BarbardParris born about 1906
BarbardRobert born about 1931
BarbardRuth born about 1907
BarcusCarl born about 1893
BarcusHazel Oborn about 1890
BarcusMarjorie Aborn about 1929
BarcusRay Mborn about 1917
BarcusVirginia Fborn about 1920
BarnardBlanche Lborn about 1884
BarnardClaude Cborn about 1879
BarnardJulia Sborn about 1868
BarnardMargaret born about 1907
BarnardRichard born about 1924
BarnardTheresa born about 1900
Barnhart??? born about 1899
BarnhartFrank Mborn about 1927
BarnhartLillian Aborn about 1872
BarnhartMary Eborn about 1901
BarnhartMary Lborn about 1924
BarnhartRobert born about 1871
BarnhartRobert Lborn about 1923
BaughEdith born about 1903
BeanOliver Rborn about 1916
BeardAnna born about 1865
BeardAnna born about 1868
BeardHollis Fborn about 1864
BeardSallie born about 1845
BeckBeatrice Mborn about 1932
BeckCharles Rborn about 1893
BeckClyde Cborn about 1878
BeckEffie Bborn about 1870
BeckHarold Lborn about 1922
BeckHattie Aborn about 1878
BeckHelen Lborn about 1925
BeckMartha Eborn about 1929
BeckRena Lborn about 1903
BeckRobert Tborn about 1926
BeelerIrena Sborn about 1876
BeetsArlene born about 1918
BeetsHilbert Rborn about 1916
BegemanJohn Hborn about 1900
BegemanNancy Aborn about 1932
BegemanThelma Wborn about 1904
BehymerCharlotte Lborn about 1926
BehymerHarold Lborn about 1929
BehymerL Russellborn about 1903
BehymerMary Eborn about 1908
BehymerRoy Lborn about 1927
BeldenClarence Lborn about 1876
BeldenEmma Eborn about 1912
BeldenJohn born about 1939
BeldenL Eugeneborn about 1911
BeldenMarilyn Rborn about 1937
BeldenMarlene Kborn about 1939
BeldenPauline Nborn about 1917
BeldenRobert Eborn about 1930
BeldenVirgil Rborn about 1913
BeldenZina born about 1876
BellEsther born about 1917
BellHarold born about 1900
BellJimmie born about 1934
BellTommy born about 1937
BengeBeverly Lborn about 1918
BengeJackie Mborn about 1935
BenhamAmy Gborn about 1888
BenhamRoss Aborn about 1919
BenhamRoy born about 1888
BermanMarjorie Cborn about 1912
BermanMilton born about 1904
BertchAlbert born about 1866
BertchDorothy Pborn about 1909
BertchJ Maxwellborn about 1905
BertchMargaret Aborn about 1930
BertchOra Mborn about 1875
BertchRobert Pborn about 1923
BertchRose born about 1867
BertchVerna Aborn about 1891
BertchWillard Hborn about 1883
BethgeCharles born about 1919
BethgeFrank born about 1890
BethgeHelen Eborn about 1921
BethgeHerman born about 1858
BethgeHerman Eborn about 1881
BethgeMarie Wborn about 1860
BethgeMildred born about 1898
BethgeRose Aborn about 1892
BettnerHenry born about 1886
BettnerLeonard born about 1915
BevisJosephine born about 1862
BevisMilton Jborn about 1860
BiasAnna Eborn about 1862
BiasDoris Jborn about 1916
BiasGerald Dborn about 1918
BiasHelen Cborn about 1891
BiasJames Cborn about 1889
BiasJosephine Lborn about 1892
BiasJudith Lborn about 1927
BiasLloyd Rborn about 1888
BiasMary Mborn about 1916
BiasPaul Eborn about 1913
BiasRaymond Jr born about 1921
BiasRobert Aborn about 1924
BiasSherman born about 1886
BiasWilford born about 1922
BiasWinifred born about 1899
BicknellMary born about 1868
BlackJeannette born about 1924
BondAddie Mborn about 1880
BondBarbara Jborn about 1939
BondCarroll Lborn about 1919
BondClara Rborn about 1880
BondClinton Cborn about 1869
BondEdward born about 1864
BondJene Cborn about 1916
BondLeland born about 1881
BondMable Cborn about 1895
BondMayme Mborn about 1874
BondMorris Lborn about 1889
BonnerBessie Lborn about 1875
BonnerMaude born about 1873
BoothLou Mborn about 1856
BossertElmer Fborn about 1897
BossertJ Keithborn about 1933
BossertThelma Gborn about 1903
BossertW Richardborn about 1929
BothastLuther born about 1895
BothastMary born about 1913
BourneIda born about 1866
BoviadaileBurdette born about 1919
BoviadaileDelpha born about 1890
BoviadaileEarl born about 1930
BoviadaileEleanor born about 1921
BoviadaileFlorence born about 1915
BoviadaileWilliam Lborn about 1890
BowmanEmmett born about 1872
BowmanRosa Sborn about 1869
BradleyBarbara Sueborn about 1939
BradleyDonald born about 1910
BradleyVelma born about 1913
BrandeburgGordon born about 1906
BrandeburgJanice born about 1926
BrandeburgRobert born about 1930
BrandenbergDean born about 1892
BrandenbergHerchel born about 1919
BrandenbergJames born about 1888
BrandenburgClabe born about 1881
BrandenburgDarrell born about 1927
BrandenburgEvelyn born about 1911
BrandenburgFred born about 1910
BrandenburgMyrtle born about 1886
BrandenburgPearl born about 1883
BrandenburgPerry born about 1872
BrandenburgPhyllis born about 1929
BrandenburgRuby born about 1910
BreenAlice Fborn about 1876
BreenCorilla born about 1906
BreenDaniel born about 1858
BreenDaniel born about 1938
BreenDonald born about 1939
BreenEllen born about 1903
BreenHarry born about 1897
BreenJames born about 1863
BreenJerry born about 1940
BreenJoyce born about 1930
BreenLouis born about 1899
BreenMary born about 1902
BreenSuzanne born about 1934
BreenWalter born about 1893
BridenhagerCharles Aborn about 1932
BridenhagerGeorge Lborn about 1895
BridenhagerJ Franklinborn about 1933
BridenhagerPauline Sborn about 1896
BrightFerry born about 1876
BrightJames born about 1865
BrittonGrace Ellenborn about 1896
BrittonHiram Pborn about 1860
BrittonSarah Elizabethborn about 1860
BrookbankClark born about 1891
BrookbankMabel born about 1893
BrownEdith Aborn about 1894
BrownEmma Lborn about 1872
BrownHoward Oborn about 1886
BrownLloyd Kborn about 1923
BrownNicholas Lborn about 1888
BrownWalter born about 1890
BrubakerIra Iborn about 1884
BrubakerPauline Lborn about 1890
BrumleySusie born about 1871
BrunnerAgustus born about 1875
BrunnerClarence Eborn about 1920
BrunnerHarold Rborn about 1921
BrunnerLilly born about 1877
BrunnerMatilda Kborn about 1893
BrunnerWatsie Oborn about 1899
BryantBarbara Ellenborn about 1925
BryantBertha born about 1900
BryantBessie Maeborn about 1925
BryantGeorge born about 1905
BryantHelen born about 1929
BryantSamuel born about 1922
BryantSidney born about 1923
BuchananElla born about 1871
BuchananJohn born about 1896
BuchananMarie born about 1902
BuchananViolet born about 1921
BuflerLillian Eborn about 1885
BuflerSamuel Lborn about 1887
BuntingLillian Nborn about 1896
BuntingNorma Jborn about 1928
BuntingRoy Pborn about 1885
BurchamLawrence Sborn about 1893
BurchfieldCharlotte born about 1921
BurchfieldLois Jborn about 1936
BurkeChester born about 1914
BurkeEdward born about 1859
BurkeHoward Lewisborn about 1939
BurkeLucille born about 1917
BurrisFlorence born about 1879
BurtFrank born about 1880
BurtGrace born about 1881
BurttBetty Louborn about 1930
ButtNellie born about 1877
ButtmanCharles Lborn about 1914
ButtmanMaribelle born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaldwellAlberta born about 1868
CaldwellLuise born about 1905
CaldwellMary Jborn about 1860
CaldwellSamuel born about 1872
CaldwellStephen born about 1861
CalkinsCora born about 1877
CalkinsMartha Jborn about 1923
CalkinsMary Cborn about 1904
CalkinsWilliam Jborn about 1883
CarneyJane Eborn about 1913
CarpenterClarence born about 1892
CarpenterClyde Eborn about 1904
CarpenterClyde Jborn about 1934
CarpenterDorothy born about 1901
CarpenterMargaret Eborn about 1910
CarrC Albertborn about 1897
CarrM Loreneborn about 1899
CarrellBeulah Mborn about 1922
CarrellBuddy Lborn about 1940
CarrellGardon Eborn about 1920
CarringtonAnastasia born about 1925
CarringtonBert Lborn about 1879
CarringtonCarolyn Mborn about 1932
CarringtonElla born about 1880
CarringtonHazel Mborn about 1905
CarringtonMartha Lborn about 1935
CarringtonSamuel Mborn about 1903
CarsonFrank born about 1891
CarsonGlen born about 1929
CarsonJohn born about 1921
CarsonMartha Annborn about 1935
CartwrightLenora born about 1851
CaryCharles Lborn about 1918
CaryDonald Bborn about 1924
CaryEthel Mborn about 1900
CaryFlorus Aborn about 1884
CaryRuth Lborn about 1921
CashBessie Aborn about 1914
CashHollie Gborn about 1914
CashLarry Lborn about 1940
CashTed Dborn about 1938
CasterHelen born about 1912
ChamberlainHarry born about 1893
ChamberlainNellie born about 1889
ChanningMima born about 1906
ChewningElla born about 1890
ChewningJoseph Hborn about 1924
ChewningLunsford born about 1893
ChewningSarah Aborn about 1922
ClarkAnne Vborn about 1913
ClarkBertha born about 1893
ClarkEmily Fborn about 1910
ClarkJ Virgilborn about 1913
ClarkJackie Jr born about 1934
ClarkJoan Mborn about 1937
ClarkMack born about 1883
ClarkMorris born about 1880
ClarkRalph Mborn about 1909
ClarkWalter born about 1868
ClemansMary Aborn about 1877
CliffordDellon born about 1872
ClineBetty Mborn about 1922
ClineCharles Mborn about 1915
CoddingtonJoseph Eborn about 1867
CoddingtonVerla Gborn about 1886
CoffmanA Ruthannaborn about 1924
CoffmanDaisy Pborn about 1888
CoffmanDoris Aborn about 1927
CoffmanLera Eborn about 1888
CoffmanRay Dborn about 1918
ColemanAnnabel born about 1925
ColemanLeona born about 1905
ColemanRobert born about 1902
ColemanRobert born about 1933
ColemanRoberta born about 1933
CollierEleanor born about 1925
CollierEthel Lborn about 1928
CollierJ Everettborn about 1915
CollierJohn born about 1922
CollierJohn Hborn about 1879
CollierJulia born about 1887
CollierNora born about 1906
CollierRoy Sborn about 1919
CollierTheodore born about 1907
CollingsRobert Fborn about 1912
CollingsRuby Mborn about 1911
CollyerBennett Sborn about 1900
CollyerDorothy Jborn about 1930
CollyerF Frederickborn about 1927
CollyerFlorence Mborn about 1902
CollyerFranklin Bborn about
CollyerIda Bborn about 1864
CollyerMary Cborn about 1925
CombsAlan Rborn about 1939
CombsGoldie Fborn about 1910
CombsRussell Bborn about 1905
ConnellElizabeth born about 1880
ConnellElizabeth Eborn about 1878
ConnellJoseph born about 1890
ConnellMargaret born about 1881
ConnellMargaret Eborn about 1865
ConnellNora born about 1882
ConnellSarah Bborn about 1875
ConnellThomas Aborn about 1873
Conner??? Tborn about 1914
ConnerCarol Cborn about 1888
ConnerEarl Dborn about 1939
ConnerGoldie Dborn about 1937
ConnerJulia born about 1875
ConnerWilma Jborn about 1935
ConnowayAnn Lborn about 1918
ConnowayBessie born about 1883
ConnowayGlen Eborn about 1916
ConnowayIsaleen born about 1846
ConnowayLeah born about 1884
CookAnna born about 1891
CookEdward Aborn about 1911
CookElic born about 1847
CooleyEdward Lborn about 1874
CooleyLulu Lborn about 1879
CorbinCharles Sborn about 1915
CornettBernice born about 1922
CornettEliza born about 1872
CornettEttle born about 1911
CornettJeraldine born about 1936
CornettKermit born about 1909
CornettPolly born about 1877
CorringtonFreda born about 1907
CorringtonGeorge born about 1905
CorringtonJohn born about 1930
CorringtonNelson born about 1934
CorringtonRichard born about 1932
CoughlinCrystal Eborn about 1908
CoughlinGeorge Aborn about 1896
CoughlinJennie Dborn about 1859
CowingCarl Wborn about 1924
CoxDelson Aborn about 1904
CoxDelson Jr born about 1927
CoxJean Cborn about 1924
CoxJewell born about 1928
CoxL Ruthborn about 1905
CraftLeo born about 1891
CraftMartha Aborn about 1868
CraftSarah born about 1883
CraneAllen born about 1920
CraneBetty born about 1935
CraneBobby Lborn about 1934
CraneCharles born about 1908
CraneDelilie born about 1901
CraneDonald born about 1922
CraneDonna Dborn about 1939
CraneDoris born about 1928
CraneKeith Dborn about 1939
CraneLeona born about 1924
CraneLucy born about 1902
CraneMarie born about 1922
CraneMary Eborn about 1882
CraneMilton born about 1899
CraneMinnie Fborn about 1914
CraneNathan born about 1893
CraneRobert Mborn about 1912
CraneRuth born about 1920
CraneShirley Aborn about 1936
CraneThelma born about 1926
CreekClarence Fborn about 1889
CreekElizabeth born about 1874
CreekFlorence born about 1877
CreekJean Evaborn about 1919
CreekJosephine born about 1866
CreekLuzenia born about 1856
CreekMartha born about 1886
CreekWayne born about 1882
CrewsJohn born about 1867
CristBecky Louborn about 1927
CristEarl born about 1887
CristElizabeth born about 1884
CristFaye born about 1914
CristJoe Deanborn about 1933
CristRosemary born about 1930
CristWilbur born about 1910
CristeHelen Bborn about 1915
CristeJ Carrolborn about 1909
CriswellDorothy Mborn about 1928
CriswellHarold Wborn about 1921
CriswellMabel born about 1888
CriswellRobert Mborn about 1889
CullyEdward born about 1868
CullyMartha born about 1890
CulpNaomi born about 1915
CulpWilliam born about 1901
CunninghamThomas born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DairsCharles Mborn about 1884
DairsFlorence Eborn about 1885
DairsGertrude Mborn about 1904
DanceEdna born about 1912
DanceGlenna born about 1933
DanceRobert born about 1901
DanceRosemary born about 1937
DareFlorence born about 1858
DarterCorrine Mborn about 1920
DarterMabel born about 1888
DavisA??eta Aborn about 1908
DavisAda born about 1918
DavisArthur Aborn about 1939
DavisC Helenborn about 1912
DavisCharles Gborn about 1922
DavisDonald born about 1928
DavisDorothy born about 1926
DavisEarl born about 1923
DavisEthel Mborn about 1895
DavisFrances born about 1928
DavisJames Tborn about 1905
DavisLouise born about 1868
DavisLowell Kborn about 1938
DavisMabel born about 1896
DavisNelson Lborn about 1932
DavisPaul Lborn about 1929
DavisPerry born about 1896
DavisPhillip born about 1934
DavisRobert Cborn about 1918
DavisSarah Aborn about 1926
DavisSibbie born about 1867
DavisW Arthurborn about 1910
DavisWilbur born about 1924
DawesAbe born about 1878
DawesAlbert Lborn about 1908
DawesAshford Jborn about 1886
DawesBeaula born about 1922
DawesBertha Mborn about 1899
DawesCharles born about 1871
DawesElizabeth born about 1870
DawesGeorge born about 1915
DawesJo Aliceborn about 1928
DawesLaura Bborn about 1885
DawesLee Fborn about 1912
DawesMaida born about 1919
DawesMartha Lborn about 1913
DawesMinnie born about 1876
DawesNeil born about 1934
DawesSharon born about 1939
DawesWesley Eborn about 1878
DawsonCora born about 1864
DeckerJosephine born about 1866
DeerElmer born about 1895
DeerHelen born about 1898
DeesAllen Bborn about 1910
DeesAnna Eborn about 1905
DeesDon Aborn about 1931
DeesEdna Mborn about 1930
DeesHiram Hborn about 1913
DeesHiram Lborn about 1876
DeesHomer born about 1905
DeesIda born about 1920
DeesMarie born about 1911
DeesMary born about 1875
DeesMary Fborn about 1929
DeesNorman Lborn about 1934
DeesRaymond Lborn about 1939
DeesRobert Eborn about 1938
DeesRonald Eborn about 1939
DemonBardett born about 1919
DemonGilbert born about 1930
DemonJohn Irvinborn about 1939
DemonKenneth born about 1896
DemonRuby born about 1894
DemonWinnie born about 1921
DemryRobert Cborn about 1879
DierckmanImmanuel born about 1911
DierckmanThelma born about 1918
DillonRobert Jborn about 1929
DisteJoe born about 1898
DixonStanley Mborn about 1906
DonahueM Ednaborn about 1882
DonahueThomas Pborn about 1883
DonerLydia born about 1858
DonerSamuel born about 1865
DonerSarah Fborn about 1866
DooleyFrancis Wborn about 1898
DooleyMargaret Hborn about 1892
DooleyPhillip Eborn about 1862
DorrisAlbert Rborn about 1899
DoubErnest born about 1912
DoubHazel born about 1915
DouglasEva born about 1874
DouglasMary Lborn about 1902
DouglassCharles born about 1868
DouglassStella born about 1879
DownardBetty Iborn about 1923
DownardClaud Fborn about 1921
DownardMarguerite born about 1897
DragooHelen born about 1918
DragooJames born about 1918
DriggsAudrey Oborn about 1913
DriggsEmma Lborn about 1864
DriggsKate born about 1872
DriggsRobert Bborn about 1907
DriggsRoy Jborn about 1878
DuboisAdelaide born about 1869
DuboisArthur born about 1871
DuboisCarrie Eborn about 1875
DuboisFranklin Tborn about 1871
DuboisMartha born about 1860
DuboisRose born about 1867
DuboisSmith born about 1874
DunbarHarry born about 1887
DunbarJohn born about 1882
DunbarRebecca born about 1861
DunbarTressa Rborn about 1887

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E Surnames

EatonAlice born about 1855
EatonCarl born about 1884
EatonH Mildredborn about 1913
EatonJames born about 1889
EatonKatheryn born about 1889
EdkinsGeorge Tborn about
EdkinsJuanita Eborn about 1920
EdkinsRussell Rborn about 1919
EdsallElla born about 1862
EdsallGeorge born about 1852
EdsallTressa Mborn about 1870
EdwardsGeorge Aborn about 1858
EganAnna Mborn about 1877
EganEdward Kborn about 1870
EganEmma born about 1868
EganManus Jborn about 1877
EganMayura Kborn about 1882
EikenberryHenry born about 1868
EllisJames Hborn about 1895
EllisVerna Vborn about 1898
EllisonHerbert Lborn about 1899
EllisonJoan Sborn about 1928
EllisonNellie Mborn about 1901
EngleFrances Jborn about 1906
EngleKaren born about 1935
EngleRobert Lborn about 1923
EnnisLois born about 1924
EnnisOrabel born about 1927
ErhancharWilliam Jborn about 1888
EvansVirginia Rborn about 1918
EwingJohn born about 1873
EwingJunior born about 1922
EwingLeota born about 1886
EwingSadie Eborn about 1870
EwingSamuel Aborn about 1860

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F Surnames

FarrCarrie Bborn about 1861
FarrElizabeth born about 1875
FarrFrank Mborn about 1869
FarrGarfield born about 1882
FarrGuy born about 1874
FarrMary Fborn about 1840
FieldsAnna born about 1862
FieldsAnna Lborn about 1924
FieldsArthur Fborn about 1933
FieldsGarry Lborn about 1940
FieldsHarriet born about 1928
FieldsJames born about 1913
FieldsLowell Bborn about 1912
FieldsMilton Fborn about 1900
FieldsNellie born about 1909
FieldsOmer Daleborn about 1922
FieldsPatricia Lborn about 1937
FieldsPhyllis Eborn about 1919
FieldsViola born about 1883
FilerAlbertus Eborn about 1865
FilerSarah Zborn about 1874
FinchCoraine Cborn about 1909
FinchDarrell Eborn about 1927
FinchGrace born about 1885
FinchHelen Lborn about 1916
FinchJ Earlborn about 1909
FinchJoe Lborn about 1926
FinchLoretta born about 1883
FinchMamie born about 1894
FinchMargaret born about 1872
FinchWalter Sborn about 1889
FlintPerry born about 1861
FlintSherman born about 1897
FolzenlogelG Irvinborn about 1921
FosdickAnna born about 1890
FosdickEugene Oborn about 1901
FosdickHerbert born about 1887
FosdickJanet born about 1904
FosdickLloyd Dborn about 1928
FosdickLloyd Eborn about 1875
FosdickMalinda born about 1868
FosdickSallie Jborn about 1932
FosterAlbert born about 1907
FosterElizabeth born about 1871
FosterMaggie born about 1880
FosterNondus born about 1904
FosterRobert Mborn about 1877
FosterW Howardborn about 1884
FoutsAllen born about 1879
FoutsGrace born about 1879
FrameMildred Lborn about 1920
FramePaul Eborn about 1919
FramePaul Jr born about 1939
FrankEarl Jborn about 1897
FrankInez Fborn about 1892
FrechCharles Williamborn about 1927
FrechHoward born about 1926
FrechMartha Louiseborn about 1929
FrechMary Catherineborn about 1924
FreemenEunice born about 1859
FriesGeorge Mborn about 1867
FrostFlorence born about 1915
FrostJames born about 1910
FullerHarry born about 1898
FultonJames Jborn about 1903
FultonMary Nborn about 1917

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G Surnames

GaineyEdmond Zborn about 1867
GaineyMarilla born about 1873
GaineyOsa ?born about 1878
GairnMollie born about 1873
GardClara born about 1868
GardJosephine born about 1863
GardMarie born about 1873
GardnerMinnie born about 1864
GardnerRoscoe born about 1881
GarretsonElizabeth born about 1873
GarretsonMargaret born about 1905
GarretsonRay Gborn about 1873
GarrettEmma born about 1886
GarrettJohn born about 1882
GatesCelestine Jborn about 1901
GatesCharlene Eborn about 1918
GatesCharles Hborn about 1896
GavinGeorge born about 1886
GavinGrace born about 1885
GavinStanley born about 1911
GeisArnold Lewisborn about 1940
GeisGeorge born about 1878
GeisHarry Lewisborn about 1920
GeisLyda Lborn about 1921
GeisMargaret born about 1877
GeisThelma born about 1921
GeisWalter Fborn about 1918
GeisWalter Jr born about 1939
GeiseAlbert born about 1888
GeiseCarolyn born about 1932
GeiseCharles born about 1927
GeiseElizabeth born about 1897
GeiseRobert born about 1930
GeorgeJames born about 1865
GeorgeRosa born about 1871
GibbleOpal Lborn about 1917
GibbleStauffer Aborn about 1916
GibsonDaisy born about 1925
GibsonGillie born about 1898
GibsonHazel born about 1925
GibsonJames born about 1927
GibsonLilly born about 1899
GibsonLucy Helenborn about 1928
GibsonMaggie born about 1905
GibsonMartha born about 1930
GilmoreAdelaide born about 1878
GilmoreEmma born about 1875
GlaubClara born about 1889
GlaubGeorge born about 1884
GlaubUrban born about 1918
GlautErvin born about 1902
GlautHazel born about 1916
GlautRonnie born about 1938
GleasonMary Aborn about 1878
GlessonJohn born about 1871
GobleOlive Bborn about 1913
GobleOran Rborn about 1911
GoodwinDessie Mborn about 1907
GoodwinJackie Jborn about 1928
GoodwinMerlin Aborn about 1902
GreesonCarolyn Maeborn about 1935
GreesonElizabeth Lborn about 1906
GreesonLeroy born about 1929
GreesonRaymond born about 1930
GreesonRobert Eugeneborn about 1926
GreesonThomas born about 1931
GreesonWalter Eborn about 1891
GreesonWilliam Fborn about 1927
GregersonBessie born about 1879
GregersonClara Mborn about 1884
GregersonFred born about 1882
GregersonLorence Aborn about 1881
GregersonNellie Mborn about 1900
GrewerLilah born about 1882
GreyFloyd born about 1911
GreyeBetty Jborn about 1907
GreyeC Robertborn about 1935
GreyeDonna Jborn about 1939
GreyeJewell born about 1923
GreyeLouise born about 1927
GreyeMadge born about 1931
GreyeMartin Lborn about 1925
GreyeMary Rborn about 1898
GreyeWalter born about 1929
GriffithDaniel Rborn about 1885
GriffithMollie born about 1902
GrimeHenry born about 1872
GrimmeBryce Edwinborn about 1937
GrimmeCarl born about 1906
GrimmeEtta born about 1874
GrimmeGldys born about 1927
GrimmeHerschel born about 1919
GrimmeNaomi born about 1910
GrimmeWanda Jeanborn about
GrimmeWilliam born about 1875
GristCelia born about 1864
GrossBelle born about 1913
GrossCharles Wmborn about 1936
GrossCharley born about 1909
GrossGene born about 1939
GrossGerald born about 1939
GrossLena Mayborn about 1938
GrossMabel born about 1934
GroveBennett Mborn about 1876
GroveJessie born about 1878
GrubbsFred born about 1898
GuillenJ Leoborn about 1899
GuillenOlive Iborn about 1902
GuillenRobert Lborn about 1927
GuldeA Ruthborn about 1923
GuldeE Marieborn about 1922
GuldeEgle Gborn about 1894
GuldeGeorge Mborn about 1892
GuldeGeorge Mborn about 1919
GuldeHelen Lborn about 1927
GulleyCarrie Mborn about 1873
GulleyCharles born about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaagMartha Eborn about 1868
HaagWilliam born about 1862
HaleChester born about 1916
HaleDorthy born about 1939
HaleJannet born about 1939
HaleRoxie born about 1914
HallEula Hazelborn about 1911
HallWalter born about 1907
HamiltonCharlotte Lborn about 1925
HamiltonEsther Aborn about 1876
HamiltonHelen Eborn about 1927
HamiltonMarie Mborn about 1890
HamiltonThr?? Aborn about 1934
HamiltonWilliam Aborn about 1879
HammDuane Cborn about 1940
HammLloyd Cborn about 1916
HammRichard Lborn about 1938
HammRuby Bborn about 1915
HammerleCora born about 1883
HammerleJoseph born about 1882
HamptonDan born about 1906
HamptonEarnest born about 1904
HamptonFred born about 1927
HamptonGrace born about 1910
HamptonHelen born about 1928
HamptonJames born about 1933
HamptonNancy born about 1876
HamptonTreva born about 1929
HamptonVerda born about 1898
HamptonWilliam born about 1936
HandleyDonald born about 1936
HandleyJeannette born about 1918
HandleyKenneth Dborn about 1913
HandleyNeil born about 1937
HandleySylvan born about 1917
HandleyWilma Eborn about 1919
HannahEarl born about 1885
HannahEverett born about 1923
HannahKathryn born about 1897
HannahMary born about 1926
HannahThomas born about 1920
HannahWilliam born about 1931
HarbineNettie Jborn about 1860
HarcourtMyra Tborn about 1897
HarcourtNorman Aborn about 1897
HarcourtWilbur Tborn about 1870
HardyDixie Lborn about 1939
HardyFrancis Aborn about 1913
HardyThearis Mborn about 1914
HarlanAaron Lborn about 1876
HarmanM Oraborn about 1873
HarranGeorge born about 1892
HarranHazel born about 1892
HarranLowell born about 1924
HarranWayne born about 1925
HarrellC Almaborn about 1873
HarrellLouis born about 1872
HarrisAlice born about 1918
HarrisAmerica born about 1873
HarrisAnnabel born about 1918
HarrisAnne Cborn about 1934
HarrisArthur born about 1937
HarrisBurt Lborn about 1912
HarrisCharles Eborn about 1923
HarrisClaude born about 1908
HarrisElnora born about 1884
HarrisGeorge Mborn about 1889
HarrisJack Eborn about 1919
HarrisJames born about 1874
HarrisJames Pborn about 1938
HarrisLaurel Eborn about 1915
HarrisM Janeborn about 1921
HarrisMerle Aborn about 1893
HarrisRoy born about 1905
HartmanGertrude born about 1899
HartmanHoward born about 1895
HartmanHoward Melvinborn about 1923
HarveyBillie Joborn about 1933
HarveyOrena born about 1910
HarveyThomas born about 1911
HarveyThomas Leeborn about 1936
HaslerHelen Lborn about 1905
HaslerJames Oborn about 1902
HaslerJohn Fborn about 1938
HaworthAusta born about 1875
HaworthWilliam Lborn about 1863
HayWilson born about 1861
HaysBertha Iborn about 1896
HaysBins born about 1893
HaysCecil born about 1890
HaysCharles Eborn about 1927
HaysKathleen born about 1922
HaysMillard born about 1926
HaywardGrace Mborn about 1887
HeavenridgeByron born about 1921
HeavenridgeLester born about 1898
HeavenridgeMyrtle born about 1900
HendrixEarl Rayborn about 1930
HendrixGeneva Bborn about 1931
HendrixGertrude born about 1902
HendrixHarold Jborn about 1923
HendrixHelen Bborn about 1925
HendrixRobert Dborn about 1932
HendrixRussel Cborn about 1927
HendrixShirley Aborn about 1938
HendrixWalter born about 1888
HendrixWilliam Eborn about 1921
HenshawHerschel born about 1894
HensleyCharles Wborn about 1926
HensleyElizabeth Lborn about 1911
HensleyFranklin Dborn about 1940
HensleyGeorgia Pborn about 1931
HensleyJanice Gborn about 1921
HensleyLeonard Mborn about 1932
HensleyMary Rborn about 1938
HensleyMelvin Lborn about 1905
HensleySallie Lborn about 1935
HensleyZera Gborn about 1928
HerdAbraham Mborn about 1914
HerdBobby born about 1935
HerdChelsea born about 1938
HerdCristopher born about 1894
HerdDonald born about 1927
HerdGeorge born about 1878
HerdGeorgia born about 1933
HerdHallie born about 1924
HerdHannah born about 1922
HerdHarrison born about 1925
HerdHattie born about 1895
HerdHattie Mayborn about 1900
HerdJohn born about 1886
HerdLena Ireneborn about 1930
HerdMary Eborn about 1891
HerdPearl born about 1927
HerdRobert Eborn about 1924
HerdSamuel born about 1936
HerdSamuel Wborn about 1893
HerdSusie born about 1894
HessBarbara born about 1935
HessHarold born about 1910
HessRobert born about 1936
HessRuth born about 1915
HetisimerMary born about 1877
HetisimerWm born about 1872
HicksCleo Rborn about 1935
HicksDenver Claudieborn about 1936
HicksDoyle born about 1939
HicksLetch born about 1906
HicksMarvin Fborn about 1929
HicksMary Sueborn about 1938
HicksMelvin Tborn about 1936
HicksNannie born about 1911
HicksPolly born about 1909
HicksRobert born about 1903
HigginsDora born about 1871
HigginsEverett born about 1901
HigginsFlorence born about 1905
HigginsGeorge born about 1910
HigginsGlen born about 1933
HigginsGordon born about 1939
HigginsHelen born about 1899
HigginsHoward born about 1937
HigginsPhillip born about 1931
HilerFreda born about 1899
HilerThurman born about 1890
HillEmma Bborn about 1875
HillRobert Bborn about 1875
HillardGeorge born about 1890
HillardJohn born about 1887
HipkinsJohn Sborn about 1893
HistJohn born about 1870
HockenberryJohn born about 1862
HollandGloria Gborn about 1929
HollandRobert Rborn about 1930
HollingworthGeorgia born about 1881
HolzhammerPeter born about 1880
HormellEarl born about 1888
HormellEvelyn born about 1913
HormellHoward born about 1912
HormellJunie born about 1888
HoskinsDorothy born about 1917
HoskinsHarold born about 1939
HoskinsWilliam born about 1916
HoughtonC Richardborn about 1879
HoughtonLillian Dborn about 1880
HowardCharlotte Hborn about 1896
HowardEleanor Jborn about 1939
HowardWilbur Fborn about 1886
HoweAmy born about 1865
HoweAnna Mborn about 1931
HoweCharles Nborn about 1910
HoweI Monzellaborn about 1935
HoweLois Mborn about 1910
HoweRobert born about 1906
HowrenGuy Bborn about 1873
HowrenLilly Bborn about 1860
HuberWalter Gborn about 1915
HudsonSherman born about 1867
HuffRuth Aborn about 1916
HuffWayne Aborn about 1904
HuffWayne Tborn about 1939
HughesAgnes born about 1895
HughesCarlisle born about 1894
HughesCarolyn Fborn about 1928
HughesDavid born about 1927
HughesDavid Bborn about 1894
HughesEarl born about 1928
HughesEugene born about 1936
HughesEvelyn born about 1922
HughesGlen born about 1919
HughesHarold Sborn about 1896
HughesHelen Fborn about 1900
HughesIal born about 1917
HughesJane Carolynborn about 1939
HughesMary born about 1889
HughesMary Ruthborn about 1937
HughesMattie born about 1922
HughesNellie born about 1931
HughesRex born about 1917
HumbertEva born about 1879
HumbertLorena born about 1885
HumbertOscar born about 1881
HuntDessie Rborn about 1876
HuntHiner Mborn about 1878
HuntRuby born about 1885
HuntingtonAnn born about 1934
HuntingtonAnnetta born about 1898
HuntingtonArmina born about 1882
HuntingtonBertha born about 1895
HuntingtonButler born about 1922
HuntingtonCharles born about 1870
HuntingtonCharles born about 1932
HuntingtonCharlotte Rborn about 1923
HuntingtonCynthia born about 1869
HuntingtonDale Fborn about 1925
HuntingtonDonald born about 1939
HuntingtonE Ruthborn about 1911
HuntingtonEdward born about 1879
HuntingtonGeorge born about 1874
HuntingtonHarry born about 1938
HuntingtonHazel born about 1906
HuntingtonHerbert born about 1905
HuntingtonHoward born about 1885
HuntingtonJames born about 1936
HuntingtonJames Bborn about 1898
HuntingtonLawrence born about 1915
HuntingtonLee Jborn about 1891
HuntingtonLucy born about 1876
HuntingtonMarion Jborn about 1912
HuntingtonMary born about 1904
HuntingtonPaul Eborn about 1908
HuntingtonRobert born about 1928
HuntingtonRonald Davidborn about 1939
HuntingtonRuby born about 1913
HuntingtonShirley born about 1926
HuntingtonStella born about 1888
HurstMaggie born about 1926
HusseyJames born about 1852
HusseyMartha born about 1888
HustedA Marieborn about 1907
HustedAlma born about 1886
HustedCaroline born about 1865
HustedEarl Hborn about 1885
HustedEthel born about 1888
HustedMarlin Kborn about 1930
HustedMorris born about 1878
HustedP Kennethborn about 1907
HustedRosalene Nborn about 1933
HustonEvelyn born about 1922
HustonMary born about 1881
HustonMerrit born about 1874
HustonRiley born about 1919
HustonRobert born about 1923
HutsonAnna born about 1869
HutsonSarah Eborn about 1867
HutsonWilliam born about 1864
HydeBenjamin born about 1880
HydeKate born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

ImmelMary born about 1861
IngramJohn born about 1921
IrwinClaude Lborn about 1888
IrwinJames Cborn about 1865
IrwinLouella born about 1868
IuesenberryGrover born about 1893
IuesenberryLula born about 1893
IuesenberryMarshal born about 1924

J Surnames

JacksonEthel born about 1903
JacksonJune Roseborn about 1928
JacksonNeil born about 1926
JacksonPaul born about 1905
JansenElla born about 1856
JenkinsGertrude born about 1916
JenkinsJohn born about 1912
JenkinsJoseph Fborn about 1910
JenkinsMary Isabellborn about 1914
JeromeCarolyn Lborn about 1929
JeromeE Berneiceborn about 1922
JeromeGlen Wborn about 1891
JeromeGlenna Rborn about 1926
JeromeJeanette born about 1898
JeromeMary Aborn about 1931
JobeClair Sborn about 1888
JobeMartha Iborn about 1898
JobeMartha Mborn about 1924
JobeMary Jborn about 1921
JohnForrest born about 1909
JohnMartha born about 1875
JohnMary born about 1913
JohnWilliam Hborn about 1863
JohnsWilliam born about 1862
JohnsonAlbert Dborn about 1881
JohnsonAzalea Hborn about 1872
JohnsonBessie Eborn about 1883
JohnsonCharles Dborn about 1868
JohnsonEdward born about 1888
JohnsonJohn Mborn about 1874
JohnsonMary born about 1907
JohnsonN Millerborn about 1935
JohnsonNorman Hborn about 1908
JohnsonRetta Aborn about 1877
JohnstonNina Lborn about 1931
JonesBetty born about 1909
JonesBetty born about 1930
JonesDorothy Jeanborn about 1931
JonesElmer Sborn about 1928
JonesGolda Mborn about 1937
JonesGrace born about 1908
JonesHubert born about 1907
JonesImo born about 1891
JonesJames born about 1923
JonesJames Aborn about 1902
JonesJoseph born about 1890
JonesJoseph born about 1919
JonesMargaret born about 1933
JonesMarjorie Eborn about 1916
JonesMartha Bborn about 1894
JonesMartha Ednaborn about 1881
JonesMary Louiseborn about 1928
JonesMorton Pborn about 1865
JonesN Joanborn about 1932
JonesPatricia born about 1936
JonesPhyllis Jeanborn about 1935
JonesRaymond born about 1927
JonesRichard Eborn about 1912
JonesShirley Anneborn about 1931
JonesWilliam born about 1929
JordanJanice born about 1924
JordanJoseph born about 1892
JordanKeith born about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KainCharles Eborn about 1916
KainDonna Sborn about 1939
KainEdwin Eborn about 1886
KainMargaret Jborn about 1881
KainMargaret Mborn about 1922
KalsbeckGertrude born about 1901
KalsbeckHoward born about 1919
KalsbeckTheodore born about 1926
KalsbeckWilliam born about 1898
KampAllen born about 1937
KampEdith Mborn about 1919
KampJames born about 1917
KampMarvel born about 1920
KampPatsy Joyborn about 1939
KarlGeorge Eborn about 1869
KarlOlive Aborn about 1875
KaserBlanche born about 1913
KaserFrank born about 1913
KauffmanAlbert born about 1899
KauffmanFrank Eborn about 1920
KauffmanPauline Mborn about 1906
KeeneWilliam born about 1917
KefferGeorge born about 1874
KeimAgnes Mborn about 1895
KeimAnnette Eborn about 1925
KeimCarroll Dborn about 1902
KeimJoan Cborn about 1930
KeimThomas Mborn about 1933
KellIla born about 1917
KellJoan born about 1937
KellKenneth born about 1915
KellyJohn born about 1863
KemAlbert Hborn about 1879
KemEthel Eborn about 1880
KennedyFlora born about 1864
KerrLou born about 1862
KerrWilliam Kborn about 1858
KetnerEdward born about 1863
KetnerElla born about 1866
KetnerRota Cborn about 1874
KettyRose Eborn about 1871
KingeryGlen Eborn about 1916
KingeryHarold Rborn about 1922
KitchelEverett Aborn about 1866
KitchelNellie Eborn about 1880
KitchelRalph Hborn about 1867
KitchelRobert Rborn about 1876
KitchelStella Hborn about 1868
KramerFred Hborn about 1877
KramerMinnie Wborn about 1879
KreitzerBert born about 1876
KuhnClarance Pborn about 1909
KuhnEtta born about 1881
KuhnFred born about 1879
KuhnGeorge Tborn about 1887
KuhnGertrude Lborn about 1908
KuhnLeota Mborn about 1885
KuhnLouis Dborn about 1938
KuhnLouis Fborn about 1904
KuhnMary Aborn about 1885
KuhnMary Fborn about 1930
KuhnOra Wborn about 1876
KuhnPhyllis Jborn about 1929
KuhnSarah Mborn about 1906
KuhnWannie Jborn about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LackeyLeona born about 1882
LackeyTruman born about 1879
LacyAnna born about 1885
LacyArthur born about 1879
LacyLydia born about 1883
LacyOtis born about 1879
LafuzeAda born about 1862
LafuzeIrving born about 1882
LafuzeLora born about 1882
LainhartFannie born about 1885
LairdMargaret Jborn about 1855
LairdMartha Aborn about 1882
LakeAlma Janeborn about 1907
LakeDaisy Lborn about 1905
LakeDonald Wborn about 1937
LakeJennie born about 1884
LakeJohn Wborn about 1877
LakeJoseph Fborn about 1914
LakeNorman Lborn about 1934
LakeRuth Jeanborn about 1929
LakeWayne Cborn about 1905
LamarBertha Eborn about 1891
LathropLama Lborn about 1868
LathropM Hazelborn about 1892
LaytartHugh born about 1896
LaytartMargaret born about 1896
LaytartMyrle born about 1916
LeeEdna born about 1889
LeeErnest born about 1878
LeechRebecca Aborn about 1860
LennonJohn Dborn about 1868
LennonMinnie Aborn about 1875
LeonardAlta Bborn about 1865
LeonardDonald Rborn about 1933
LeonardElla Fborn about 1866
LeonardForrest born about 1892
LeonardGoldie Hborn about 1890
LeonardJennie Dborn about 1908
LeonardL Fayeborn about 1894
LeonardR Keithborn about 1935
LeonardRaymond Jborn about 1897
LeonardWilliam born about 1866
LewisDorothy Mborn about 1905
LewisEdith Aborn about 1911
LewisJames Fborn about 1905
LewisJames Rborn about 1936
LewisJoan Sborn about 1936
LindleyCollis Oborn about 1902
LindleyLela Mborn about 1908
LindleyNatalie Jborn about 1932
LinisAdeline born about 1855
LippittGladys born about 1899
ListerB Ellenborn about 1862
LittleBessie born about 1893
LittleCharles born about 1886
LittleJulia born about 1864
LittleRuby born about 1891
LiversA Sylvesterborn about 1918
LiversJ Hermanborn about 1912
LiversMary Eborn about 1911
LockerMalissa born about 1872
LogueAlonzo Sborn about 1855
LogueBertha born about 1893
LogueDelbert born about 1902
LogueElsie born about 1898
LogueGlennajean born about 1930
LogueJulian born about 1921
LogueLester Hborn about 1894
LogueLoren born about 1925
LogueMartha born about 1905
LogueMildred born about 1924
LogueNellie Oborn about 1907
LoguePatricia Lborn about 1933
LogueRichard born about 1937
LogueRobert Dborn about 1928
LogueRoger born about 1892
LogueWilliam Tborn about 1865
LohreyMargaret born about 1880
LohreyWilliam born about 1879
LongCora born about 1891
LongEugene born about 1923
LongJohn born about 1886
LongMyrtle born about 1876
LongTheodore born about 1873
LongbonJames Cborn about 1883
LongbonNellie Mborn about 1883
LoperHelen Nborn about 1894
LoperWard Eborn about 1891
LoperWilford Aborn about 1913
LoweChauncey Jborn about 1898
LoweHollis Eborn about 1920
LoweRuby Lborn about 1901
LyonsBert born about 1880
LyonsVictoria born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacySophia Nborn about 1877
MaddockFred born about 1900
MaddockHelen born about 1898
MaddockHomer born about 1930
MaddockRoy born about 1925
MaddockWilliam born about 1923
MaibaughAdelaide Mborn about 1893
MaibaughS Grayceborn about 1885
MaleyJennie born about 1862
MaleyManus Eborn about 1895
MaloneAnna born about 1863
MaloneKathryn Mborn about 1891
ManierePearl Lborn about 1893
ManiereWilliam Iborn about 1883
MarlattLawrence born about 1918
MarlattMary Mborn about 1923
MarlattNina Mborn about 1893
MarrettJ Harryborn about 1883
MarthelMaude Jborn about 1883
MarthelWilliam born about 1873
MartinArdath born about 1926
MartinDostal born about 1932
MartinFlora born about 1898
MartinFlossie Sborn about 1879
MartinGeorge born about 1896
MartinHenry Iborn about 1869
MartinM Pearlborn about 1874
MartinOscar Bborn about 1878
MasonHoward Rborn about 1907
MasonMadonna Jborn about 1928
MasonMildred Nborn about 1907
MattixClyde born about 1913
MattixHubert born about 1923
MattixNartha Eborn about 1921
MattixPearl born about 1890
MattixRoy born about 1890
MaullerJessie Iborn about 1922
MaxwellCarolyn born about 1907
MaxwellEugene Rborn about 1918
MaxwellFloyd Lborn about 1915
MaxwellHollis born about 1882
MaxwellHustea born about 1928
MaxwellJames born about 1907
MaxwellLaura born about 1868
MaxwellLeo Cborn about 1878
MaxwellMarilyn born about 1931
MaxwellMelton born about 1928
MaxwellStella born about 1882
MaxwellWilliam born about 1865
MayFred born about 1880
MazeAlice Jborn about 1865
McCartyFrank Sborn about 1875
McCartyMary Jborn about 1878
McCashlandAnna Aborn about 1936
McCashlandEverett Cborn about 1906
McCashlandH Maxineborn about 1910
McCashlandIrene born about 1909
McCashlandJames Eborn about 1934
McCashlandNedra Aborn about 1930
McCormickAnna Lborn about 1868
McCormickClifford born about 1902
McCormickEugene born about 1928
McCormickJ Kborn about 1868
McCormickMaxine born about 1927
McCormickMildred born about 1906
McCrayLaura born about 1892
McCrayPaul born about 1891
McFarlandGrace born about 1911
McFarlandHerman born about 1902
McFarlandMary born about 1930
McFerrinEmma born about 1896
McGaffneyEllen born about 1865
McGaffneyMary born about 1911
McGrawEdwin born about 1870
McGrawErnest Eborn about 1905
McGrawEthel born about 1888
McGrawJoseph born about 1873
McGrawRobert Bborn about 1903
McInteerBetty Lborn about 1926
McIntyreBrendan Iborn about 1907
McKeeA??el Oborn about 1908
McKeeJanet Lborn about 1940
McKeeLewis Eborn about 1904
McKeeRobert Eborn about 1921
McKeeShirley Aborn about 1938
McMahanAlpha Lborn about 1899
McMahanCharles Rborn about 1926
McMahanDavid Nborn about 1924
McMahanJohn Eborn about 1897
McMahanJohn Rborn about 1922
McMahanMinnie born about 1864
McMahanWilliam Nborn about 1878
McMehanJames born about 1940
McMehanRoberta born about 1919
McMehanWalter born about 1917
McMurneyArthur Lborn about 1925
McMurneyLeo born about 1890
McMurneyPruda born about 1887
McNealClaire Vborn about 1902
McNealFrances Aborn about 1904
McNealHarriet Gborn about 1936
McNealJean Tborn about 1937
McRayLavina born about 1850
McWhinneyElizabeth born about 1854
McWilliamsFlorence born about 1905
McWilliamsJohn Rborn about 1931
McWilliamsWilliam Aborn about 1897
MeeceFlora born about 1901
MeeceGeraldine born about 1926
MeeceHarold born about 1923
MeeceHarry born about 1923
MeeceLuther born about 1901
MelvinAdelaide born about 1898
MelvinCharles Wborn about 1921
MelvinHerbert Sborn about 1900
MelvinMildred Lborn about 1919
MeyersAllison born about 1867
MeyersCurtis Aborn about 1908
MeyersLeona Eborn about 1910
MeyersSarah born about 1867
MichaelCarl Hborn about 1937
MichaelDelbert Lborn about 1939
MichaelEthel born about 1917
MichaelGilbert Bborn about 1920
MichaelHarold Hborn about 1907
MichaelLeona Lborn about 1910
MichaelMartha Bborn about 1872
MichaelNorman born about 1915
MichaelsLena Mborn about 1857
MichaelsOra Lborn about 1882
MilesMary Aborn about 1869
MillerCalvin born about 1927
MillerEdward C Jrborn about 1917
MillerEdythe Mborn about 1902
MillerElla born about 1872
MillerElla Janeborn about 1921
MillerElva born about 1864
MillerHazel born about 1932
MillerHazel Cborn about 1914
MillerHelen born about 1919
MillerHenry born about 1887
MillerKathleen born about 1923
MillerLena born about 1889
MillerM Estherborn about 1897
MillerMartin Hborn about 1901
MillerMary Eborn about 1878
MillerMary Eborn about 1897
MillerMaurice Wborn about 1920
MillerMeble Gborn about 1908
MillerMyrtle born about 1876
MillerNora Lborn about 1872
MillerOmar born about 1870
MillerRay Pborn about 1894
MillerWilliam born about 1911
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1882
MinorA Leroyborn about 1887
MinorCecil born about 1897
MinorLoraine born about 1899
MinorRuth Eborn about 1911
MitchellElizabeth born about 1875
MitchellElsie Hborn about 1876
MitchellFannie born about 1873
MitchellJean Eborn about 1918
MitchellJohn born about 1873
MitchellMildred born about 1898
MitchellSheila born about 1925
MizeBetty Janeborn about 1923
MizeClarence Aborn about 1928
MizeDale born about 1889
MizeElla born about 1896
MizeIra born about 1871
MizeJames Hborn about 1919
MizeLarkin born about 1884
MizeLorena Pborn about 1916
MizeLucille Mborn about 1922
MizeMargie born about 1924
MizeMarie Gborn about 1925
MizeMax born about 1923
MontgomeryB Joyceborn about 1919
MontgomeryCarrol born about 1884
MontgomeryGeneva Jborn about 1912
MontgomeryGlade born about 1922
MontgomeryHazel born about 1890
MontgomeryHugh born about 1916
MontgomeryRobert Eborn about 1912
MontgomeryTed Jborn about 1940
MontgomeryWillard Lborn about 1914
MooreArlene Lborn about 1919
MooreCharles born about 1884
MooreE Parkerborn about 1864
MooreEarl Rborn about 1917
MooreEdna Rborn about 1914
MooreHarry Eborn about 1922
MooreHelen Hborn about 1893
MooreHerbert born about 1886
MooreIda Jborn about 1890
MooreJoseph Pborn about 1884
MooreKathryn born about 1880
MooreMaebelle born about 1885
MooreMildred Iborn about 1908
MooreMilford Gborn about 1905
MooreOliver Pborn about 1876
MooreRoss Kborn about 1892
MorrettBessie born about 1892
MorrettDavid born about 1878
MorrettEdna born about 1890
MorrettIra born about 1876
MorrettWilliam Earlborn about 1925
MorrisonLloyd born about 1928
MossFern born about 1881
MossGolda Cborn about 1889
MossJean Eborn about 1915
MossLoren Wborn about 1914
MuchmoreBessie born about 1893
MuchmoreCassius born about 1881
MuddellGeraldine born about 1923
MullinCharles ?born about 1934
MumfordHazel born about 1887
MumfordMelvin born about 1885
MumfordPaul born about 1913
MussBlanche Hborn about 1893
MussRalph born about 1886
MyersMatilda born about 1887
MyersRoy born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NapierCleo Eborn about 1918
NapierEleanor born about 1913
NapierEssie born about 1886
NapierF Eleanorborn about 1917
NapierFrances born about 1883
NapierGeorge born about 1892
NapierImo Bborn about 1917
NapierMarilyn Jborn about 1938
NapierMelvin born about 1935
NapierNorman born about 1910
NapierOris Mborn about 1916
NapierRobert born about 1880
NapierRobert Earlborn about 1931
NapierWilliam born about 1854
NaylorEdwin born about 1929
NaylorHelen born about 1906
NaylorMarilyn born about 1935
NaylorRichard born about 1902
NiccumBoyd Sborn about 1882
NicholsonElmer born about 1887
NicholsonElmo born about 1925
NicholsonGrace born about 1895
NicholsonLou born about 1936
NicholsonMildred born about 1928
NickelsElizabeth born about 1859
NickelsLe Roy born about 1920
NickelsMyra born about 1867
NormanAlbert born about 1874
NortonAndy Bborn about 1897
NortonEdith Gborn about 1901
NortonV Lucilleborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OconnellAlice born about 1883
OneilAgnes Mborn about 1877
OneilAlma born about 1878
OneilMichael born about 1864
OneilNora Fborn about 1880
OneillAgnes born about 1893
OneillJohn Pborn about 1893
OneillJulia born about 1923
OneillPeggy born about 1927
OneillRobert born about 1930
OneillThomas born about 1921
OrebaughF Daleborn about 1932
OrebaughFloyd Lborn about 1900
OrebaughVerla Eborn about 1901
OrenCharles Cborn about 1875
OrenSallie born about 1870
OrlandoCharles born about 1893
OrrClarence born about 1894
OrrDwight Mborn about 1900
OrrEdgar born about 1863
OrrEmma born about 1884
OrrIgerna born about 1892
OrrIsabella Sborn about 1895
OrrLyman Dborn about 1898
OrrMabel born about 1887
OrrMartha Aborn about 1927
OrrMartha Sborn about 1909
OrrMary Fborn about 1925
OrrOlive born about 1864
OrtonBilly born about 1937
OrtonCharles born about 1939
OrtonDillard born about 1913
OrtonJames born about 1936
OrtonRobert born about 1940
OrtonRuby born about 1917
OsbornAda Mborn about 1887
OsbornFoster born about 1862
OtolleArnold Eborn about 1914
OtolleMargie Bborn about 1916
OtooleAlbert Eborn about 1887
OtooleAlice Mborn about 1867
OtooleJames Dborn about 1915
OtooleJames Pborn about 1880
OtooleMargaret Vborn about 1878
OtooleNelle born about 1888
OverkolserRuth born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaceBetty born about 1926
PaceHerbert born about 1898
PaceIda Gborn about 1897
PaceJack born about 1927
PaceMartha Mborn about 1938
PaceMary Lborn about 1933
PaceNelle born about 1925
PacePaul born about 1930
PaceWalter born about 1932
PaddockAmanda born about 1880
PaddockCharles Cborn about 1876
PaddockDaniel Cborn about 1908
PaddockDorothy Mborn about 1908
PaddockEdna born about 1903
PaddockErnest born about 1917
PaddockEugene born about 1922
PaddockFrank born about 1877
PaddockFranklin born about 1912
PaddockGeorge Rborn about 1933
PaddockGladys born about 1933
PaddockGlenna born about 1909
PaddockHarold born about 1936
PaddockLaurence born about 1901
PaddockLynn born about 1887
PaddockLynn born about 1938
PaddockMaggie born about 1868
PaddockMarle Bborn about 1913
PaddockMaxine Bborn about 1915
PaddockPaul born about 1926
PaddockPaul Oborn about 1903
PaddockPauline born about 1914
PaddockRosemary born about 1937
PaddockRussel born about 1931
PaddockTreva Bborn about 1908
PaddockVernon born about 1904
PageElla Lborn about 1879
PageHarry Eborn about 1870
PainterNell born about 1890
PalmerFlora Rborn about 1876
PalmerJames Cborn about 1878
ParkerRobert Jborn about 1916
ParkerThelma born about 1917
ParkerTheodore born about 1855
PattersonNina Lborn about 1890
PaulEdwin Tborn about 1876
PaulJ Eugeneborn about 1913
PaulMary Eborn about 1881
PaulMary Mborn about 1915
PauleyElizabeth born about 1845
PauleyWilliam born about 1866
PaytonFreda born about 1921
PaytonRussell born about 1917
PentecostCarl born about 1916
PentecostEverett born about 1889
PentecostGeorge born about 1884
PentecostGerald born about 1919
PentecostIda born about 1877
PentecostMartha born about 1919
PentecostMary Eborn about 1882
PentecostMay born about 1891
PentecostSadie born about 1917
PerkinsAlice born about 1929
PerkinsBilly born about 1931
PerkinsCecelia born about 1861
PerkinsDoris born about 1927
PerkinsFrank born about 1882
PerkinsGladys born about 1904
PerkinsJohn born about 1900
PerkinsJohn born about 1939
PerkinsMary born about 1934
PerkinsMinnie born about 1871
PerkinsPeggy born about 1938
PerkinsThomas born about 1920
PerseyMary born about 1868
PerseyWilliam born about 1869
PetersLizzie born about 1867
PetroDonald Eborn about 1933
PetroGerold Dborn about 1935
PetroJohn Tborn about 1910
PetroJohn Jr born about 1939
PetroMary Eborn about 1913
PettiboneArthur born about 1927
PettiboneMartha born about 1924
PettiboneRilla born about 1890
PettiboneRobert born about 1922
PierceJoseph Cborn about 1870
PierceRosa Dborn about 1879
PiersonEva born about 1871
PiersonJamie Lborn about 1869
PiersonJohn Nborn about 1902
PiersonMaimie Mborn about 1866
PiersonMary Mborn about 1906
PiersonOpal born about 1913
PlummerDesmond born about 1909
PlummerFlorence born about 1907
PlummerPaul Deanborn about 1939
PohlGeorge Aborn about 1879
PollardEvelyn born about 1921
PollardLarry Mborn about 1939
PollardRobert Mborn about 1921
PorterBonnie Cborn about 1933
PorterC Dudleyborn about 1898
PorterCarl born about 1928
PorterDavid Cborn about 1939
PorterE Marieborn about 1922
PorterErnest born about 1887
PorterGladys born about 1903
PorterHelen Mborn about 1902
PorterJames Cborn about 1903
PorterJimmie Aborn about 1927
PorterMallissie born about 1904
PorterReid born about 1927
PorterRobert Mborn about 1926
PostElmer Eborn about 1871
PostMary born about 1868
PotterBarbara Aborn about 1934
PotterBeverly Pborn about 1878
PotterCarl Mborn about 1931
PotterCora Eborn about 1893
PotterCynthia born about 1914
PotterDaisy Mborn about 1928
PotterElmer Lborn about 1937
PotterG Mayborn about 1923
PotterHarry Gborn about 1937
PotterHelen born about 1939
PotterJames born about 1880
PotterJames Gborn about 1920
PotterRobert Pborn about 1926
PotterW Edwardborn about 1916
PotterWilbur Lborn about 1912
PottsMarilyn Gborn about 1935
PottsOrval Rborn about 1910
PottsZetta Oborn about 1910
PouderDan born about 1872
PouderEmma Eborn about 1872
PouderM Clarkborn about 1895
PouderMarsh born about 1925
PouderPatricia Aborn about 1936
PouderRuby born about 1898
PriceM Maxineborn about 1910
PriceOsa born about 1886
PricePricilla born about 1874
PritchardBarbara born about 1878
PritchardBessie born about 1895
PritchardCharles born about 1868
PritchardClaude born about 1893
PritchardEdith born about 1900
PritchardFrank Vborn about 1866
PritchardJosina born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Q Surnames

QuanteHilda Eborn about 1919
QuickMary born about 1872
QuickMary Eborn about 1866
QuickMurray born about 1886
QuickOsie born about 1892
QuickRobert Jborn about 1872

R Surnames

RaddellBernard Lborn about 1882
RaddellNancy Dborn about 1884
RaderCraven born about 1870
RaderVerna born about 1883
RadiganRobert Bborn about 1897
RamseyDella Lborn about 1916
RamseyLetha Lborn about 1933
RankinBertha Aborn about 1921
RankinDennis Rborn about 1939
RankinFrances Eborn about 1906
RankinGeorge Wborn about 1885
RankinJ Wilmotborn about 1913
RankinMildred Eborn about 1914
RankinMinnie born about 1880
RaridenGertrude born about 1874
RaridenOwen born about 1873
RaxtonBilly born about 1926
RaxtonCharles born about 1891
RaxtonCharles Gborn about 1921
RaxtonFreda born about 1929
RaxtonIrene born about 1923
RaxtonPearl born about 1900
RayAllen Dborn about 1939
RayAmelia Jborn about 1877
RayBertha Eborn about 1908
RayCora born about 1911
RayDavid born about 1866
RayEdna born about 1936
RayEdward Jborn about 1874
RayEna Eborn about 1907
RayFrederick born about 1932
RayHarvey born about 1908
RayJackie Cborn about 1935
RayJames Aborn about 1930
RayJoan born about 1932
RayJoseph born about 1915
RayJoseph Wborn about 1928
RayKate born about 1868
RayLaurence born about 1940
RayLawrence born about 1903
RayLillian born about 1934
RayLindley Eborn about 1913
RayMargaret Cborn about 1914
RayMargaret Hborn about 1910
RayPatricia Rborn about 1937
RayRobert Lborn about 1897
RayRobert Jr born about 1925
RayRuby Cborn about 1923
RayRuth Ellenborn about 1937
RayThomas Jborn about 1898
RayWilliam Hborn about 1901
ReddAlice Mborn about 1933
ReddClarence Rborn about 1908
ReddMary Eborn about 1912
RennekampLouis born about 1912
RetherfordBernie born about 1893
RetherfordBuehla born about 1893
RetherfordLula born about 1894
RetherfordMary Kborn about 1910
RetherfordMichael Jborn about 1939
RetherfordNeal Jborn about 1912
RetherfordRoss born about 1888
RetherfordTheodore born about 1925
RhonemusEnid Jborn about 1903
RhonemusJ Williamborn about 1926
RhonemusJohn Cborn about 1899
RhonemusLaura Jborn about 1927
RichardsonCelia born about 1881
RichardsonJohn Dborn about 1880
RichardsonMary Cborn about 1852
RichmondC Sueborn about 1939
RichmondClaire Vborn about 1912
RichmondJean Cborn about 1937
RichmondWilford Rborn about 1910
RidenourAlonzo born about 1892
RidenourBilly Jr born about 1933
RidenourMartha Lborn about 1920
RidenourSuzanne born about 1930
RidenourWilliam born about 1870
RidgeAnna born about 1868
RilesEmmett Aborn about 1883
RilesPearl Aborn about 1895
RischElmer born about 1905
RischElsie born about 1911
RischSheldon Leeborn about 1940
RoachBert born about 1882
RoachLee Tborn about 1875
RoachRobert Fborn about 1925
RobertsAnna Mborn about 1880
RobertsBert born about 1880
RobertsBertha born about 1877
RobertsChester Eborn about 1883
RobertsDonald Aborn about 1940
RobertsElmer Dborn about 1916
RobertsLeonard born about 1916
RobertsRuth Annaborn about 1918
RobertsRuth Pborn about 1921
RobertsonElmer Fborn about 1885
RobertsonHelen Mborn about 1893
RobertsonMargaret Mborn about 1899
RobertsonRalph Jborn about 1891
RobertsonWilliam Wborn about 1931
RobesonAdolph Jborn about 1910
RobesonCarolyn Lborn about 1935
RobesonCharles Pborn about 1880
RobesonDamon born about 1918
RobesonDamon Eugeneborn about 1939
RobesonEarl born about 1877
RobesonEstella born about 1886
RobesonJames Fborn about 1939
RobesonKitty born about 1914
RobesonL Clydeborn about 1887
RobesonMame born about 1881
RobesonMary born about 1919
RobesonMary Cborn about 1871
RobesonNan Bborn about 1878
RobesonShirley Anneborn about 1935
RobesonViolet Marieborn about 1938
RobesonVirginia Lborn about 1934
RobinsonAlta Mborn about 1914
RobinsonAnna Bborn about 1896
RobinsonCharles born about 1922
RobinsonCora born about 1891
RobinsonEdgar born about 1889
RobinsonGeorge Cborn about 1909
RobinsonJackie Dborn about 1931
RobinsonJosie born about 1899
RobinsonLucy Jborn about 1903
RobinsonLuther born about 1893
RobinsonMary Jborn about 1868
RobinsonMelvin Jborn about 1921
RobinsonR?land Dborn about 1925
RobinsonRalph born about 1895
RobinsonRuth Annaborn about 1924
RobinsonWilliam born about 1868
RobinsonWilliam Hborn about 1894
Rodefer? Elmerborn about 1877
RodeferMinne Bborn about 1883
RoseBelle Dborn about 1864
RoseClude Uborn about 1872
RoseJohn Bborn about 1877
RoseMarjory Wborn about 1878
RoseWilliam ?born about 1872
RossBetsy born about 1930
RossDavid Jborn about 1916
RossEstella Mborn about 1881
RossJoan Mborn about 1913
RossMae Eborn about 1869
RossNancy Lborn about 1938
RossNellie Fborn about 1905
RossRaymond Rborn about 1917
RossRichard Eborn about 1905
RossRobert Aborn about 1910
RossRuth Lborn about 1916
RubushGayle born about 1923
RyanDolph Fborn about 1887
RyanNancy Jborn about 1850

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SabekEmma born about 1900
SabekJohn born about 1900
SalyerEmmett born about 1866
SalyerMinnie born about 1870
SanfordCarl Aborn about 1891
SanfordGilbert born about 1907
SanfordJames Earlborn about 1938
SanfordMargaret born about 1908
SanfordOra born about 1910
SanfordRalph born about 1906
SanfordRuth Mborn about 1900
SanfordVerna Maeborn about 1913
SawyerInah born about 1885
SawyerWilliam born about 1874
ScaggsHarold born about 1928
ScaggsHerbert born about 1922
ScaggsMamie born about 1896
ScaggsPerry born about 1890
ScheidtKathryn Aborn about 1891
SchenkelHarry born about 1890
SchenkelRuth born about 1896
SchenkelShirley born about 1929
SchmidBarbara born about 1939
SchmidFrank born about 1908
SchmidMartha born about 1922
SchroederDelouas born about 1891
SchroederHenry born about 1885
ScottAnna born about 1893
ScottEllen Kborn about 1885
ScottGrace born about 1869
ScottRutherford Bborn about 1877
SealWilbur born about 1886
SenourBarbara born about 1932
SenourBetty Jeanborn about 1929
SenourDonald born about 1930
SenourFrank born about 1906
SenourGeneva born about 1907
SeringCordelia born about 1868
ShaferAnna born about 1875
ShaferI Elmerborn about 1862
ShaferMinnie Fborn about 1867
ShannonHarlan Cborn about 1905
ShannonNanette born about 1895
SharkeyMichael Jborn about 1871
SharkeyPearl born about 1879
SharpGlen born about 1924
SharpLawrence born about 1923
SharpMabel born about 1897
SharpMary Aliceborn about 1933
SharpWilbur born about 1921
SheatsDeborah Aborn about 1936
SheatsHarold Wborn about 1907
SheatsJulia Mborn about 1939
SheatsMargaret Eborn about 1908
ShendlerEdward born about 1857
ShendlerFlorence born about 1860
ShepardCharles born about 1872
ShepardKathleen born about 1924
SheplerBobby Bborn about 1928
SheplerGerald Iborn about 1931
SheplerI Monzellaborn about 1927
SheplerJudith Aborn about 1932
SheplerMerle Wborn about 1902
SheplerPeggy Jborn about 1936
SheplerRuby Eborn about 1907
SheridanEdith Mborn about 1904
SheridanRolland C Jrborn about 1924
SheridonRolland Cborn about 1898
ShoemakerEdith born about 1889
ShookA Maudeborn about 1915
ShookChester Dborn about 1890
ShookH Burlborn about 1912
ShookHazel Aborn about 1891
ShookLary Tborn about 1939
ShookPatty Kborn about 1940
ShouseLola Mborn about 1893
ShouseVirgil born about 1889
ShowalterEdna born about 1888
ShowalterHerbert born about 1878
ShowalterJohn born about 1867
ShowalterM Elizabethborn about 1870
ShraderEleanor Cborn about 1907
ShraderJ Aaronborn about 1909
ShraderJ Richardborn about 1935
ShraderP Joanborn about 1933
ShrinerCarl born about 1889
ShrinerElizabeth Mborn about 1908
ShrinerJane Cborn about 1934
SiebertVernon Jborn about 1912
SimsCarl Fborn about 1905
SimsErma Wborn about 1932
SimsMary Lborn about 1904
SizeboreA Gborn about 1881
SizeboreAgnes born about 1891
SizeloveL Pearlborn about 1891
SizeloveN Bentonborn about 1891
SlabaughCurtis Wborn about 1934
SlabaughGlen Wborn about 1910
SlabaughJames Wborn about 1932
SlabaughPaul Bborn about 1936
SlabaughRichard Gborn about 1938
SlabaughRuth Bborn about 1910
SlackNina Mborn about 1917
SmithCharles born about 1874
SmithDella born about 1897
SmithElsie born about 1892
SmithFrank born about 1874
SmithH Janeborn about 1938
SmithHenrietta born about 1877
SmithJames Fborn about 1907
SmithLouise Cborn about 1881
SmithMary Cborn about 1870
SmithMaxine Jborn about 1916
SmithOscar born about 1897
SmithP Joanborn about 1938
SmithRuby born about 1922
SmithWilliam born about 1924
SmithWilliam Bborn about 1893
SnodgrassGeorge born about 1924
SnodgrassL Jborn about 1886
SnodgrassVictoria born about 1891
SnowdenDorothy born about 1876
SnyderAdam born about 1909
SnyderAngela born about 1883
SnyderArthur Jborn about 1927
SnyderBertha Mborn about 1886
SnyderByron Tborn about 1891
SnyderCatherine Eborn about 1917
SnyderDoris Mborn about 1923
SnyderDorothy Eborn about 1924
SnyderEarl Lborn about 1893
SnyderEleanor Aborn about 1927
SnyderElizabeth born about 1910
SnyderEsther Kborn about 1901
SnyderEthel Eborn about 1893
SnyderFranklin Wborn about 1934
SnyderKaren born about 1939
SnyderLester Wborn about 1889
SnyderM Angelineborn about 1919
SnyderMary born about 1879
SnyderMary Bborn about 1914
SnyderMary Jborn about 1922
SnyderNevada born about 1869
SnyderNorma Pborn about 1926
SnyderP Geneborn about 1921
SnyderR Prestonborn about 1888
SnyderRalph Mborn about 1913
SnyderRatie born about 1894
SnyderRondal Mborn about 1937
SnyderSimon Hborn about 1866
SnyderVirgil Eborn about 1914
SpillersAlice born about 1870
SpillersFranklin born about 1895
SpillersIsolina born about 1913
StahrCharles Wborn about 1878
StahrMinnie born about 1879
StantonEdgar born about 1870
StantonEmma born about 1882
StantonGrace born about 1917
StantonWallace born about 1919
StearnsGrover born about 1886
StearnsLizzie born about 1901
StearnsVivian Eborn about 1913
StephenBilly born about 1928
StephenClara born about 1900
StephenGeorge born about 1894
StephenJoan born about 1935
StephenMabel Jeanborn about 1924
StephenMarcella born about 1932
StephenMary born about 1922
StephenNancy born about 1936
StevensBelle Aborn about 1871
StevensGeorge Mborn about 1871
StevensJessie Eborn about 1885
StevensJohn Eborn about 1892
StevensKate Dborn about 1892
StevensMarilyn Aborn about 1925
StevensNeal Sborn about 1931
StevensNellie Eborn about 1890
StevensPauline Vborn about 1908
StevensPearl Rborn about 1885
StevensRobert Lborn about 1896
StevensonBertha Rborn about 1875
StevensonGeorge Eborn about 1873
StewartHazel Lborn about 1899
StewartRoss Aborn about 1898
StewartThomas Hborn about 1931
StewartWilliam Jborn about 1873
StinsonSamuel Rborn about 1898
StiversMinnesota born about 1867
StoutPhyllis Jborn about 1938
StroupA Keithborn about 1905
StroupJames Lborn about 1939
StroupLouise Yborn about 1911
StroupO Keith Jrborn about 1934
SuitersMary Eborn about 1863
SuttonCharles born about 1874
SuttonRoy born about 1909
SuttonWilliam born about 1891
SuttonWilliam born about 1911
Swafford? Earlborn about 1888
SwaffordCharles Lborn about 1873
SwaffordCynthia born about 1860
SwaffordEdith born about 1883
SwaffordI?rea born about 1901
SwaffordJames Rborn about 1918
SwaffordLillian Mborn about 1890
SwaffordMax Wborn about 1920
SwaffordMorris born about 1881
SwaffordNina born about 1873
SwaffordShirley born about 1918
SwitzerClara born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TalbottDaise Fborn about 1878
TampleByron Jborn about 1934
TampleDale Cborn about 1935
TampleElmer Tborn about 1904
TampleMarian Jborn about 1907
TappanCad born about 1859
TappanMerritt Eborn about 1893
TappanMinnie Bborn about 1869
TappenBarbara Annborn about 1933
TappenCharles Edmundborn about 1934
TappenEwing born about 1900
TappenStella born about 1914
TeeguardenBen Hborn about 1890
TeeguardenEmmaline born about 1884
ThomasLovell born about 1872
ThomasNaomi born about 1882
ThompsonNed Lborn about 1904
ThompsonNelle Mborn about 1881
ThompsonNettie born about 1886
ThompsonWilliam Aborn about 1878
ThompsonWillis born about 1886
TimmermanCharlotte born about 1901
TolarCarrie Bborn about 1863
TolerEdghill born about 1883
TolerStella born about 1885
TolerWilliam born about 1870
TownsendBrownlow born about 1897
TownsendBrownlow born about 1929
TownsendHerman born about 1922
TownsendIsaac born about 1924
TownsendJames born about 1921
TownsendJohanna born about 1897
TownsendLillie born about 1923
TownsendLuella born about 1931
TracyMozelle born about 1909
TulleyGaynelle born about 1908
TulleyJerry Aborn about 1933
TulleyJulius Eborn about 1907
TulleyLaquita Jborn about 1931
TulleyPatti Lborn about 1935
TurnerAnn Mborn about 1938
TurnerBarbara Jborn about 1930
TurnerBertha Bborn about 1916
TurnerDonald Gborn about 1939
TurnerEarl Hborn about 1911
TurnerJackie Eborn about 1937
TurnerJessie Jborn about 1939
TurnerLucy Hborn about 1919
TurnerMary Bborn about 1909
TurnerMaurice Aborn about 1907
TurnerZack born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanansdellClifford Gborn about 1883
VanansdellMyrtle born about 1897
VanausdallArdilla Rborn about 1895
VanausdallGlody Jborn about 1926
VanausdallJ Carlborn about 1897
VanausdallJoyce Gborn about 1920
VanderkolkHelen Iborn about 1914
VanderkolkTina Mborn about 1891
VeneerMinnie born about 1878
VerckerMargaret born about 1870
VernonJosephine born about 1884
VoorheesC Eugeneborn about 1908
VoorheesHazard born about 1878
VoorheesLena Pborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WashburnClifton born about 1921
WasselDorothy Mborn about 1917
WasselMadonna born about 1937
WasselMark Jborn about 1914
WattsThomas born about 1859
WeddellJames Eborn about 1891
WeddingDavid Sborn about 1935
WeddingMary Rborn about 1910
WeersCatherine Eborn about 1912
WeersForrest Aborn about 1890
WeersNora Eborn about 1890
WeersPaul Lborn about 1914
WeimerKeith born about 1939
WeimerLois born about 1914
WeimerNorman born about 1938
WeimerPaul Eborn about 1913
WelchHattie born about 1907
WelchKenneth born about 1906
WelchMary born about 1884
WelchMary Louborn about 1931
WelchPatricia Annborn about 1936
WerkingEugene born about 1904
WerkingJune Mborn about 1929
WerkingNaomi Bborn about 1905
WerkingThelma Mborn about 1927
WestEleanor Cborn about 1916
WetherlyAudrey born about 1936
WetherlyCecil born about 1933
WetherlyClarence born about 1915
WetherlyOrpha born about 1916
WetherlyThelma born about 1938
WheelerGwendolyn Mborn about 1895
WhippleAthelene born about 1904
WhippleJohn Witterborn about 1932
WhippleLouis born about 1904
WhippleWilliam Leeborn about 1938
WhiteA Jayborn about 1922
WhiteA Robertborn about 1931
WhiteAddie Eborn about 1929
WhiteBelle born about 1896
WhiteBetty Jborn about 1937
WhiteCharles born about 1877
WhiteEthel born about 1885
WhiteLewis born about 1874
WhiteMerril born about 1894
WhiteMildred born about 1924
WhiteNellie Pborn about 1926
WhitePaul Eborn about 1933
WhiteRichard born about 1882
WhiteRobert born about 1923
WhiteRoy Rborn about 1936
WhiteWesley born about 1891
WhitleyLela Mborn about 1924
WhitleyRobert Pborn about 1901
WhitleyVirginia born about 1904
WhitleyWilliam Gborn about 1923
WiddowsClaire Cborn about 1918
WiddowsCora Aborn about 1889
WiddowsHoward Eborn about 1888
WigginsDon Aborn about 1932
WigginsJames Cborn about 1922
WigginsOma Gborn about 1894
WigginsWalter Rborn about 1892
WiggsAngie Mborn about 1875
WilliamsAnabelle Sborn about 1920
WilliamsBernice born about 1918
WilliamsFrances born about 1906
WilliamsIda Mborn about 1872
WilliamsJames Bborn about 1919
WilliamsLowell born about 1892
WilliamsPatty born about 1936
WilliamsonAlbert born about 1886
WilliamsonClark born about 1911
WilliamsonClyde Albertborn about 1938
WilliamsonMary Louiseborn about 1917
WilliamsonNancy Annborn about 1937
WilliamsonRoxie born about 1885
WillisCharles Lborn about 1855
WillisJean Mborn about 1930
WillisLaura born about 1863
WilsonBeatrice Cborn about 1902
WilsonBertha Lborn about 1873
WilsonBilly Geneborn about 1935
WilsonChelsea born about 1907
WilsonEmily born about 1907
WilsonFannie Maeborn about 1929
WilsonInda Mborn about 1937
WilsonJames Mborn about 1877
WilsonKenneth Hborn about 1927
WilsonLloyd born about 1932
WilsonMaynard born about 1904
WilsonMaynard born about 1939
WilsonMlartha born about 1874
WilsonOllie born about 1896
WilsonOrabel born about 1915
WilsonRollie Rborn about 1893
WilsonSharon Jborn about 1935
WilsonWilliam Earlborn about 1932
WinefeldErnest Aborn about 1898
WinefeldJack born about 1937
WinefeldJane born about 1935
WinefeldJoann born about 1932
WinefeldKathryn born about 1905
WisevupD Mborn about 1889
WisevupEssie born about 1890
WisevupHerbert born about 1922
WisevupPeggy born about 1926
WitcherIda Mborn about 1893
WittCharles born about 1928
WittEdna Zborn about 1876
WittFrank Cborn about 1875
WittGennie Mborn about 1875
WittJames born about 1927
WittLaverne born about 1909
WittLloyd born about 1903
WittLois born about 1933
WitterA Earlborn about 1893
WitterCarolyn born about 1930
WitterElbert Mborn about 1893
WitterGeorge Eborn about 1924
WitterHelen born about 1913
WitterHope born about 1896
WitterIrene born about 1924
WitterMable Tborn about 1901
WitterMark born about 1915
WitterMarthabel born about 1916
WitterMary Arleneborn about 1923
WitterMyrtle born about 1891
WitterNorma Jeanborn about 1926
WitterRaymond born about 1907
WitterRobert born about 1927
WitterRoss born about 1889
WitterRuth Annaborn about 1931
WitterWanda Jborn about 1934
WolfGlen born about 1927
WolfJulia born about 1891
WolfWilliam born about 1888
WolfWilliam born about 1924
WolfalEsther born about 1925
WolfeArthelia Cborn about 1911
WolfeBarbara born about 1933
WolfeCecil Oborn about 1900
WolfeClinton Wborn about 1916
WolfeDarlene born about 1931
WolfeFrancis born about 1932
WolfeGlenn born about 1908
WolfeHelen Jborn about 1916
WolfeIva Pborn about 1900
WolfeJames Eborn about 1939
WolfeJohn Fborn about 1912
WolfeKathryn Eborn about 1929
WolfeLeonard Wborn about 1901
WolfeLeonard W Jrborn about 1931
WolfeMarcella born about 1911
WolfeNellie Lborn about 1905
WolfeRobert Bborn about 1927
WolfeRonald Cborn about 1936
WolfeRussell Eborn about 1914
WolfeVelma Alayneborn about 1939
WolfeVelma Bborn about 1906
WolfeVinton Eborn about 1904
WolkeEugene born about 1915
WolkeFrancis Jborn about 1874
WoodruffBetty Annborn about 1938
WoodruffDorothy born about 1908
WoodruffEddie born about 1930
WoodruffHarold born about 1904
WoodsArthur born about 1880
WoodsIda born about 1869
WoodsJessie born about 1877
WoodsMary Hborn about 1855
WoodsOrville born about 1922
WoodsTobitha born about 1880
WoodsWilliam born about 1917
WooleyCarlyton born about 1931
WooleyLydia born about 1867
WooleySandra born about 1933
WrightCarl Fborn about 1921
WrightCarl Jborn about 1889
WrightVera Fborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeltonElizabeth Joborn about 1934
YeltonMary born about 1914
YeltonPatsy Annborn about 1936
YeltonRichard born about 1912
YeltonWilliam born about 1939
YoungHarriet born about 1897
YoungTrebor born about 1895

Z Surnames

ZerrErma Mborn about 1924
ZerrJohn Dborn about 1922
ZerrJulia Jborn about 1895
ZerrLouis Nborn about 1883
ZerrMinnie Rborn about 1925
ZerrRaymond born about 1928
ZerrRobert Lborn about 1931
ZuttermeisterMary Wborn about 1876

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