1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clay in Clay County, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Clay in Clay County

A Surnames B Surnames D Surnames E Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AsterburnBruce Dborn about 1879
AsterburnE Mildredborn about 1888

B Surnames

BeattyAlta born about 1922
BeattyElla born about 1879
BeattyI Hborn about 1877
BeattyMyrtle born about 1906
BrownCharles Eborn about 1922
BrownGeorge Rborn about 1925
BrownHarry Eborn about 1890
BrownMinnie Mborn about 1890
BurnsDave born about 1905
BurnsDave Wborn about 1933
BurnsDudley born about 1908
BurnsMargurite born about 1906
BurnsMinnetta born about 1908

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D Surnames

DanilsAlbert born about 1902
DanilsDoris born about 1929
DanilsGladys born about 1906
DeeterAttie born about 1871
DeeterGeorge born about 1867
DeeterJoe born about 1897
DesterCharles born about 1917
DesterDonald born about 1936
DesterGeorge born about 1932
DesterHarley born about 1892
DesterKatherine born about 1900
DesterRobert born about 1924
DesterRuth born about 1921
DesterThomas born about 1913

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E Surnames

EverettIra born about 1876

G Surnames

GarrardCoy born about 1894
GarrardMinnie born about 1894
GerberD Walterborn about 1876
GerberDora Sborn about 1883
GooseCarl Lborn about 1932
GooseDon Eborn about 1939
GooseDorothy Lborn about 1934
GooseHubert Lborn about 1927
GooseMay Lowborn about 1930
GooseRoy Lborn about 1929
GrayPhillip born about 1932
GrayThomas born about 1928

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H Surnames

HinesDon born about 1934
HinesLucille born about 1913
HinesPaul born about 1912
HuffErnest Cborn about 1905
HuffLaura Eborn about 1867

J Surnames

JohnsonHerbert born about 1916
JohnsonNustie born about 1917
JohnsonPaul Gborn about 1936

K Surnames

KellerKathleen born about 1920
KellerRalph born about 1917
KillmerGrover born about 1884
KillmerSusan born about 1861
KussRoya Kborn about 1919

L Surnames

LankfordCharles Iborn about 1874
LankfordOlive Nborn about 1879
LeohrArmetta born about 1919
LeohrDora Mawborn about 1893
LeohrJisse born about 1893
LeohrRuth born about 1920
LeohrVirgil born about 1923
LiechtyBeverly born about 1931
LiechtyDarrell born about 1935
LiechtyManford born about 1907
LiechtyMartha born about 1906
LoftonEamon born about 1879
LucyElmer born about 1907
LucyJ Eborn about 1873
LucyMary born about 1875
LutherRoy born about 1917
LutherWanna born about 1922

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M Surnames

McClureHalen born about 1923
McSerryBert born about 1868
McSerryMay Aborn about 1868
MeadowsFred born about 1913
MeadowsGeneva born about 1913
MerchantAnnie Rborn about 1883
MeshlinAmie born about 1880
MeshlinErnestine born about 1912
MeshlinLevi born about 1870
MillerBilly born about 1925
MillerFlorence born about 1910
MillerGeorge Nborn about 1877
MillerMabel born about 1900
MillerMarjorie born about 1923
MillerRose Eborn about 1877
MillerWm born about 1898
MiswingerFlorence born about 1912

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O Surnames

ObertholtzerAlta Mborn about 1874
ObertholtzerDaniel Vborn about 1864

P Surnames

PeavieM Vborn about 1860

R Surnames

RogersOtis born about 1867
RogersSue born about 1869

S Surnames

SchaweckerClarence born about 1895
SchaweckerHanova born about 1920
SchaweckerJessie born about 1898
SchaweckerPool born about 1924
SchlegilLaurena Fborn about 1926
SchlegilOtis Fborn about 1894
SchlegilRen born about 1935
SchlegilWilna born about 1904
ScottElsie born about 1901
ScottLillian born about 1924
ScottLuther born about 1892
SheveEdna born about 1928
SheveGeorge born about 1874
SheveOllie born about 1884
SippleBernici born about 1901
SippleBinjonia Hborn about 1899
SluckerBernice born about 1914
SluckerRaymond born about 1914
SmithG Lowellborn about 1894
SmithPauline born about 1905
StaleyDon born about 1938
StaleyEarl born about 1911
StaleyHelen born about 1914
StaleyUrlina born about 1934
StephenAnn Eborn about 1929
StephenBessie born about 1896
StephenRoy Jborn about 1897
StephenRussell Jborn about 1925
StephenRuth born about 1932
SwankJohn born about 1860

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T Surnames

TaborBetty Jeanborn about 1929
TaborHelen born about 1907
TaborJerry Wayneborn about 1936
TaborPatricia born about 1927
TaborSarah Kborn about 1940
TaborThomas born about 1903
TaborWillard born about 1931
ToddJohn Wmborn about 1923
TravisEllen born about 1865
TravisLoy born about 1902

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V Surnames

VashornEmma born about 1884
VashornErvin Gborn about 1876
VroxaiNiani born about 1898
VroxaiWile born about 1895

W Surnames

WeaverDonald born about 1927
WeaverElza born about 1902
WeaverMarie born about 1900
WeaverMary Louborn about 1924
WeltonMorison born about 1868
WhitemanMay Hborn about 1905
WhitemanWm Oborn about 1897
WigginsCecil born about 1898
WigginsCharles born about 1921
WigginsKathryn born about 1928
WigginsLola born about 1900
WilsonJames born about 1864
WilsonMary born about 1876
WoodruffBonnie born about 1891
WoodruffBonnie Louborn about 1932
WoodruffCourt Dborn about 1889
WoodruffCourt Jr born about 1919
WoodruffNorma Jborn about 1927
WoreDonald born about 1927
WoreFrieda born about 1901
WoreNoe born about 1895

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