1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clay in Howard County, Howard, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Howard County > 1940 Census of Clay in Howard County

A SurnamesI SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesJ SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesK SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesL SurnamesU Surnames
E SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
F SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
G SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
H SurnamesP Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsBarnell Pborn about 1934
AdamsClaud born about 1909
AdamsEarl Hborn about 1932
AdamsFannie born about 1914
AdamsHomer Eborn about 1911
AdamsJohnnie Fborn about 1916
AdamsMartha Lborn about 1939
AdamsRosilue* born about 1937
AllenDorothy Aborn about 1936
AllenIsaac Wborn about 1912
AllenLuvania Vborn about 1933
AllenLuvenia born about 1884
AllenMay Bborn about 1881
AllenRobert Eborn about 1939
AllenS Catherineborn about 1913
AllenWalter Bborn about 1938
AllisonRichard born about 1939
AmmermanAlta Mborn about 1907
AmmermanDennis Pborn about 1930
AmmermanJohn Aborn about 1872
AmmermanR Wayneborn about 1932
AmmermanWalter Rborn about 1904
AmosD Guyborn about 1905
AmosGretchen born about 1912
AmosJeny Eborn about 1932
AmosPatricia Aborn about 1930
AmosWilliam Iborn about 1873

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B Surnames

BackertClara born about 1892
BackertDorothy born about 1920
BackertHarry Cborn about 1878
BantaCharles Hborn about 1877
BantaMay born about 1872
BarhartBessie born about 1895
BarhartDale born about 1929
BarhartOtto born about 1887
BarhartRobert born about 1926
BarkerElizabeth born about 1874
BarkerGeorge Rborn about 1928
BarkerMax Lborn about 1933
BarkerRaymond born about 1873
BarkerRichard Dborn about 1929
BarkerVivian Vborn about 1909
BarkerWalter Rborn about 1926
BarnhartGrover Eborn about 1890
BarnhartWanda Oborn about 1897
BennettRonald Eborn about 1936
BensonJohn Jborn about 1905
BensonRoxie born about 1901
BergnerDaisy Mborn about 1893
BergnerLouis Cborn about 1892
BerryEvelyn Bborn about 1926
BerryGrace Hborn about 1904
BerryMartha Jborn about 1929
BerryWilliam born about 1889
BettsDavid born about 1908
BettsMary Gborn about 1908
BettsMaude born about 1873
BettsRobert born about 1882
BiermanRosa Aborn about 1870
BolingerAlma Rborn about 1912
BolingerCaroline Lborn about 1938
BolingerClifford Mborn about 1912
BolingerCornelius Mborn about 1933
BolingerDonald Jborn about 1925
BolingerEleanor Jborn about 1922
BolingerMichael born about 1940
BolingerNina Mborn about 1899
BolingerThelma Cborn about 1900
BolingerVictor Cborn about 1895
BolingerViola born about 1880
BorneGeorge Sborn about 1868
BorneNeva born about 1901
BoslieAlberta born about 1920
BoslieAlfred born about 1894
BoslieAlfred Jr born about 1923
BoslieLinna born about 1900
BoslieRaymond born about 1918
BostieAlice born about 1902
BostieBessie Iborn about 1926
BostieGeorge born about 1898
BowlandHomer born about 1877
BowlandJessa Eborn about 1879
BradburgElmer Jborn about 1918
BrantGladstone born about 1896
BrantMary born about 1898
BulkFrank Jborn about 1925
BulkFred Wborn about 1886
BulkPauline Cborn about 1895
BurlsSamuel born about 1851
BurnsBruce Jborn about 1906
BurnsHelen Mborn about 1914
BurtBetty Aborn about 1934
BurtCharles Lborn about 1912
BurtCharles Lborn about 1931
BurtEdna Wborn about 1912
BurtJerry Mborn about 1937
BusleyJanet Lborn about 1926
ButlerDewitt born about 1912

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C Surnames

CameronCharles Wborn about 1923
CameronGertrude Eborn about 1901
CameronJames Sborn about 1932
CameronRobert Lborn about 1926
CameronWilliam Cborn about 1891
CamplinJames born about 1909
CamplinKathleen born about 1911
CarnwellCarrie born about 1876
CarnwellJames born about 1875
CarusoreAlbin born about 1922
CarusoreEthel born about 1899
CarusoreJohn born about 1898
CarusoreMildred born about 1922
CarusorePatsy born about 1935
CarusorePhyllis born about 1930
ClarkEugene born about 1867
ClarkJames born about 1924
CoateAlice Mborn about 1881
CoateClarence Lborn about 1881
CoateThelma Mborn about 1917
CognataJackie born about 1931
CognataJames born about 1895
CognataJoe born about 1885
CognataJosephine born about 1913
ColtermanAlice born about 1878
ColtermanCharles born about 1876
ColtermanDonald born about 1919
ConsnorCatherine Lborn about 1885
ConsnorJohn Wborn about 1865
ConwellAlbert Sborn about 1870
ConwellDorothy Mborn about 1913
ConwellEmma Lborn about 1918
ConwellFloyd Eborn about 1933
ConwellGail Eborn about 1935
ConwellHoward Gborn about 1916
ConwellJames Lborn about 1886
ConwellJerry Lborn about 1939
ConwellKatie Pborn about 1887
ConwellRuth born about 1905
ConwellS Francesborn about 1918
ConwellVane Hborn about 1906
ConwellVelma Eborn about 1930
CookErnest Pborn about 1921
CookZelma Mborn about 1913
CornellCharles Eborn about 1883
CornellCharley Lborn about 1869
CornellDaisy Mborn about 1897
CornellLaura Bborn about 1886
CornellMae Eborn about 1916
CornellMartha Jborn about 1921
CornellMax Lborn about 1915
CornellMay Mborn about 1874
CoukHerschel Hborn about 1905
CoukJohn Aborn about 1928
CoukJohn Fborn about 1876
CoukMollie born about 1881
CoukPaul Mborn about 1904
CoukValtie Mborn about 1901
CowgillBernice Jborn about 1914
CowgillO Charlesborn about 1910
CowgillSharon Sborn about 1940
CoxBarbara born about 1933
CoxLeona born about 1924
CoxMarjory born about 1936
CoxMarrien born about 1930
CoxMyrtle born about 1907
CoxRichard born about 1900
CoxWilliam Jborn about 1873
CreasonAlfred Dborn about 1866
CreasonCharley Eborn about 1902
CreasonChester Bborn about 1930
CreasonCora Rborn about 1896
CreasonEdna Jborn about 1929
CreasonIsaac Hborn about 1891
CreasonLester Jborn about 1928
CreasonLowell Lborn about 1934
CreasonMargaret Jborn about 1868
CreasonStella Mborn about 1904
CreasonWalter Hborn about 1924
CritchleyEdward born about 1905
CritchleyHelen Tborn about 1901
CritchleyJoseph Eborn about 1939
CrockettCarol Aborn about 1936
CrockettClarence Rborn about 1913
CrockettMargaret Lborn about 1926
CrousoreGerald Hborn about 1931
CrousoreWilliam Eborn about 1927
CushingErwin Hborn about 1881
CushingHazel Jborn about 1897

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D Surnames

DailyCharles born about 1933
DailyEmma born about 1911
DailyEvelyn born about 1924
DailyHarry born about 1897
DailyJames born about 1895
DailyJames born about 1920
DailyJanet born about 1939
DailyJoan born about 1931
DailyJohn born about 1926
DailyMabel born about 1903
DailyMaris born about 1935
DailyMarlo born about 1936
DailyMary born about 1922
DailyMichael born about 1937
DailyRobert born about 1928
DailySandra born about 1939
DaviesMinnie Aborn about 1872
DaviesSamuel Dborn about 1868
DeaconJane Aborn about 1921
DeardorffDorothy Fborn about 1924
DeardorffGladys Mborn about 1898
DeardorffRalph born about 1894
DeardorffRalph Jr born about 1927
DeardorffRoger Lborn about 1929
DemossBenjamin Fborn about 1881
DemossIna Bborn about 1881
DemotteDella Mborn about 1889
DemotteEdison Sborn about 1882
DevoreG Darleneborn about 1936
DevoreGerald Aborn about 1938
DevoreGertrude Iborn about 1915
DevoreJames Eborn about 1934
DevoreLoretta Aborn about 1939
DevoreMenitt Eborn about 1916
DevoreRonald Lborn about 1935
DoyleGeorge Lborn about 1907
DoyleGladys Rborn about 1908
DrakeRay Mborn about 1919
DuncanEileen Eborn about 1915
DuncanHelen Lborn about 1925
DuncanOra Cborn about 1892
DunkinElla Jborn about 1917
DunkinLudy Wborn about 1910
DyarCarl born about 1909
DyarGene born about 1929
DyarGerald born about 1935
DyarHarold born about 1932
DyarRex born about 1927
DyarRuth born about 1908
DyeDavid Cborn about 1891
DyeFrona Mborn about 1900
DyeHazel born about 1890
DyeM Emmaborn about 1870

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E Surnames

EarismanCarl Wborn about 1922
EarlyAlbert Cborn about 1880
EarlyEmma Eborn about 1860
EarlyJohn Cborn about 1855
EhrmanBetty Lborn about 1931
EhrmanEva Nborn about 1903
EhrmanGeorge Lborn about 1902
EhrmanGeorge Rborn about 1928
ElkinsAlonzo born about 1875
ElkinsM Elizabethborn about 1875
EllisMinnie born about 1870
EllisWilliam born about 1860
EllsinsElla Eborn about 1868
EllsinsIra born about 1872
EllsinsMary Mborn about 1895
ElstonEsther Lborn about 1914
ElstonLoretta Jborn about 1938
ElstonRoscoe Pborn about 1912
ErfcampEva Nborn about 1927
ErfcampFred Cborn about 1901
ErfcampWilma born about 1907
EthringtonDora born about 1891
EthringtonRalph born about 1913
EthringtonSam born about 1885

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F Surnames

FawcettJames Cborn about 1912
FawcettKenneth Wborn about 1935
FawcettMinnie Lborn about 1875
FawcettPatricia Aborn about 1937
FawcettRosemary Lborn about 1914
FawcettWilliam Bborn about 1875
FeatherstoneDonald Rborn about 1927
FeatherstoneOna Mborn about 1891
FeatherstoneWalter Hborn about 1888
FeatherstoneWilliam Eborn about 1922
FernungAndrew born about 1865
FernungNora Eborn about 1866
FikeErma Hborn about 1893
FikeW Edwardborn about 1894
FikeWinifred born about 1917
FlemingJoseph Lborn about 1893
FlemingKatherine born about 1891
FlemingL Juneborn about 1893
FlemingRichard Vborn about 1922
FlemingRuth Aborn about 1929
FloraBetty Jborn about 1925
FloraBilly Jborn about 1929
FloraMay born about 1905
FloraRamona Jborn about 1931
FloraRaymond Hborn about 1905
FlorekAnna Jborn about 1879
FlorekTheodore born about 1877
FoxRalph Zborn about 1894
FrierMary Eborn about 1910
FrierRebecca Lborn about 1935
FrierW Paulborn about 1909

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G Surnames

GetzIwaine born about 1936
GetzMary born about 1911
GetzVictor born about 1912
GibsonDessie Fborn about 1893
GibsonEarl Rborn about 1911
GibsonHarney Tborn about 1892
GibsonLora born about 1914
GibsonPatty Jborn about 1930
GoodierClarence Eborn about 1904
GoodierGeorgia born about 1903
GoodierJohn Rborn about 1875
GoodierMary Eborn about 1925
GoodierMinnie Rborn about 1875
GoodierPatricia Aborn about 1935
GragsonAnna Hborn about 1888
GragsonEverett Fborn about 1887
GrahamBertha Lborn about 1897
GrahamCharles Nborn about 1892
GrahamEsther Eborn about 1927
GrahamJames born about 1929
GrahamJohn Rborn about 1930
GrahamMary Eborn about 1919
GrahamNorma Lborn about 1932
GrahamPaul Eborn about 1936
GrahamRobert Lborn about 1933
GrahamRuth Hborn about 1923
GrahamWilliam Tborn about 1925
GrantLorel born about 1908
GravesAnnalee born about 1913
GravesEli born about 1872
GravesMadolin Fborn about 1907
GravesMyrtie Cborn about 1880
GravesRoy Cborn about 1905
GrayGrace Bborn about 1880
GrayHarry born about 1879
GrayHelen Mborn about 1915
GreesonHomer born about 1867
GreesonLola Eborn about 1872
GunnellEdna Mborn about 1890
GunnellW Leslieborn about 1888

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H Surnames

HancookEva Aborn about 1865
HancookJesse Fborn about 1863
HarrisonAda Rborn about 1893
HarrisonBetty Lborn about 1929
HarrisonGail Lborn about 1927
HarrisonGeorge Wborn about 1863
HarrisonHugh Rborn about 1923
HarrisonN Elizabethborn about 1922
HarrisonRolla Eborn about 1892
HarrisonSarah Fborn about 1866
HarrisonWilma Jborn about 1925
HartmanAlfred Fborn about 1906
HartmanAnna Rborn about 1905
HartmanBob Mborn about 1935
HartmanEdythe Mborn about 1903
HartmanGeorge Wborn about 1902
HartmanGlenn born about 1932
HartmanHarold born about 1930
HartmanHarry Fborn about 1893
HartmanHelen Mborn about 1911
HartmanLeonard born about 1928
HartmanNora Jborn about 1939
HartmanNorma Vborn about 1925
HartmanRonald Jborn about 1935
HarveyCarl Aborn about 1887
HarveyCarrie born about 1877
HaynesDavid Eborn about 1927
HaynesJohn Eborn about 1925
HaynesLawrence Wborn about 1915
HaynesLouise Hborn about 1923
HaynesMary Jborn about 1890
HaynesWard Sborn about 1891
HemningerAnna Mborn about 1918
HemningerG Jeneborn about 1921
HemningerJohn Aborn about 1890
HemningerMary Iborn about 1899
HendrixIvan Eborn about 1888
HendrixLaura Mborn about 1889
HendrixRuby Jborn about 1924
HenningerAttie Bborn about 1889
HenningerClaude Fborn about 1885
HenningerFrancis Cborn about 1918
HenningerJoseph Wborn about 1920
HenningerM Margaretborn about 1913
HenningerMargaret born about 1859
HenningerMildred Bborn about 1926
HicksBetty Mborn about 1934
HicksGeorge Wborn about 1899
HicksLena Cborn about 1891
HobsonElsie Oborn about 1891
HobsonLloyd Dborn about 1889
HoodRussell Mborn about 1922
HoworthBetty born about 1926
HoworthMadeline born about 1904
HoworthPeny L Jrborn about 1936
HoworthPerry Lborn about 1899
HummelBertha Pborn about 1897
HummelCharles Lborn about 1875
HummelCharles L Jrborn about 1929
HummelE Janeborn about 1913
HummelElizabeth Aborn about 1932
HummelMary Eborn about 1924
HuntBerdean born about 1918
HuntJames Hborn about 1918

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I Surnames

IrelanBert Gborn about 1888
IrvinDonald Rborn about 1892
IrvinFred Bborn about 1867
IrvinJessie Sborn about 1868
IwinFred Jborn about 1896
IwinIrene Bborn about 1898
IwinJ Eugeneborn about 1922

J Surnames

JacksonAlice Jborn about 1919
JacksonBeverly Cborn about 1939
JacksonEverett Hborn about 1914
JacksonFanny born about 1878
JacksonGerald born about 1915
JacksonJames Hborn about 1940
JacksonMerrill born about 1881
JacksonRuby Lborn about 1918
JesterBessle Bborn about 1894
JesterOmer born about 1901
JohnsonE Frenkborn about 1884
JohnsonJennie Eborn about 1890
JohnsonLewis Mborn about 1875
JohnsonWilliam Dborn about 1864
JonesLaura born about 1865
JonesMorton Cborn about 1863

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K Surnames

KeelPauline Eborn about 1916
KeelPhyllis Jborn about 1940
KeelStanley Cborn about 1916
KeislingAda Gborn about 1921
KeislingGlen Wborn about 1915
KeislingIra Jborn about 1869
KeislingMinnie Cborn about 1871
KellerMadge Eborn about 1897
KelleyAdam Nborn about 1902
KelleyAdam N Jrborn about 1932
KelleyByrom Bellborn about 1910
KelleyCharles Aborn about 1936
KelleyPeggy Annborn about 1933
KepnerHazel Bborn about 1907
KepnerOrba Aborn about 1907
KepnerPaul Eborn about 1930
KepnerRoma Lborn about 1932
KimballDorthy Jborn about 1921
KimballEthel Bborn about 1885
KimballWillis born about 1876
KimballWillis Lborn about 1924
KingEmerson Dborn about 1918
KingJerry Lborn about 1939
KingMadelyn born about 1921
KingeryLillian Fborn about 1905
KingeryManson Mborn about 1897
KinneyAnna Mborn about 1877
KinneyHenry Aborn about 1873
KinneyMarjorie born about 1929
KinneyMary born about 1898
KinneyMary Ellenborn about 1930
KinneyRichard born about 1934
KinneyRobert born about 1936
KinneyWilliam Fborn about 1898
KrallBueaford Jborn about 1915
KrallElla Jborn about 1878
KrallElsie Mborn about 1921
KrallJoseph Mborn about 1874
KratzerBarbara Eborn about 1891
KratzerLewis Wborn about 1884
KratzerMargaret Lborn about 1927

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L Surnames

LandesEllis Hborn about 1898
LandesEva Mborn about 1922
LandesJohn Eborn about 1929
LandesJune Lborn about 1925
LandesMamie born about 1902
LandisCharles Aborn about 1877
LandisMary Jborn about 1882
LittleHallie Rborn about 1888
LittleWilliam Dborn about 1867
LobleyKatherine born about 1900
LockJenny born about 1853
LongAudrey Sborn about 1909
LongE Ruthborn about 1911
LongGrace Paulborn about 1886
LongJames Fborn about 1938
LongJames Lborn about 1939
LongKenneth Lborn about 1911
LongOmer Fborn about 1885
LongPatsy Jeanborn about 1931
LongW Harryborn about 1912
LovelaceAlice Mborn about 1925
LovelaceEdger Eborn about 1900
LovelaceGrace Aborn about 1933
LovelaceGrace Cborn about 1904
LovelaceJohn Eborn about 1928
LovelaceJoseph Eborn about 1923
LovelaceMary Mborn about 1927
LovelaceNorma Jborn about 1932
LovelaceRobert Bborn about 1930
LowderAlbert born about 1902
LowderChester born about 1919
LowderEleanor born about 1930
LowderFrancis born about 1927
LowderLarene born about 1906
LowderM Gborn about 1877
LowderMary born about 1923
LowderRobert born about 1926
LowderSarah born about 1886
LoweClifford Hborn about 1901
LoweEdward Fborn about 1934
LoweGladys Eborn about 1904
LoweHelen Gborn about 1911
LoweJudith Fborn about 1936
LoweMary Jborn about 1933
LoweRalph born about 1905
LyonsDelphia Aborn about 1918
LyonsKenneth Eborn about 1915
LyonsMurphy Hborn about 1916

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M Surnames

MaddockEva Bborn about 1887
MaddodAlonzo Jborn about 1880
MaddodKate Mborn about 1879
MaherMary Eborn about 1866
MaherThomas Jborn about 1892
ManellCharlotte Lborn about 1939
ManellEdward Hborn about 1929
ManellErnest Rborn about 1903
ManellIda Aborn about 1878
ManellJohn Aborn about 1879
ManellRhea Jborn about 1904
ManellRobert Eborn about 1934
ManellWalter Wborn about 1905
MarshallLowell Dborn about 1896
MarshallLucy Bborn about 1903
MartinBernard Hborn about 1931
MartinCarol Sborn about 1939
MartinClyde Aborn about 1898
MartinDale Aborn about 1937
MartinEdyth Mborn about 1903
MartinElizabeth Aborn about 1882
MartinJohn Bborn about 1875
MartinJohn Jborn about 1904
MartinMax Eborn about 1924
MartinPatsy Jborn about 1930
MartinWanda Lborn about 1926
MasonArian Eborn about 1915
MasonBessie Aborn about 1890
MasonEdward Lborn about 1924
MasonEllen born about 1922
MasonFlodie born about 1896
MasonGarland Wborn about 1912
MasonJeanine born about 1929
MasonLillian Marieborn about 1937
MasonMarilyn born about 1934
MasonRangle born about 1891
MasonRenna Vborn about 1886
MasonRobert Mborn about 1925
MassBetty Jborn about 1925
MassElmer Cborn about 1896
MassElmer Wborn about 1936
MassH Rayborn about 1921
MassHerschel Lborn about 1923
MassRalph Eborn about 1927
MassVada Mborn about 1896
MasseyBessie Mborn about 1932
MasseyLottie Nborn about 1895
MasseyTilghman Wborn about 1925
MatcalfA Mildredborn about 1911
MatcalfCleo Oborn about 1938
MatcalfDorothy Mborn about 1929
MatcalfForrest Eborn about 1936
MatcalfHarry Rborn about 1905
MatcalfJohn Wborn about 1932
MatcalfMargaret Lborn about 1930
MatcalfPerry Sborn about 1939
MatcalfWilma Rborn about 1928
MatlockHarry Lborn about 1879
MatlockJohn Eborn about 1910
MatlockLena Mborn about 1877
MatlockMary Lborn about 1913
McCainAldena Rborn about 1924
McCainBarbara Jborn about 1930
McCainCarleton born about 1865
McCainGlen Gborn about 1901
McCainMinnie Aborn about 1869
McCainRichard Gborn about 1933
McCainSusie Mborn about 1902
McCauleyBetty Lborn about 1929
McCauleyBirdie Eborn about 1888
McCauleyClarence Eborn about 1887
McCauleyEverett Lborn about 1919
McClaenIda Jborn about 1882
McClaenMarion Vborn about 1881
McCoyCatherine Iborn about 1882
McCoyCharles Hborn about 1876
McCrockenMary Jborn about 1858
McDonaldAudrey Rborn about 1895
McDonaldJames Eborn about 1925
McDonaldMark Lborn about 1894
McGaineCharles born about 1881
McGaineIva Mborn about 1882
McQuistonGilbert born about 1920
MerrellHallsted Lborn about 1898
MerrellJames Sborn about 1871
MeunlerAdolph born about 1871
MeunlerMayme born about 1881
MillerAmanda Iborn about 1891
MillerBetty born about 1873
MillerDonal Aborn about 1918
MillerEarl Sborn about 1908
MillerEdith Mborn about 1887
MillerFrances Eborn about 1909
MillerGene Bborn about 1927
MillerGeorge Dborn about
MillerGladys Sborn about 1916
MillerJames Wborn about 1939
MillerJudith Aborn about 1937
MillerLee Rborn about 1887
MillerLela born about 1892
MillerLeland Oborn about 1889
MillerOra Aborn about 1893
MillerWilliam Hborn about 1875
MillerWilliam Jborn about 1936
MossDorothy Jborn about 1928
MossEsther Bborn about 1921
MossJesse Rborn about 1890
MossNina Jborn about 1889
MossNorma Lborn about 1930
MossRussell Rborn about 1924

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N Surnames

NegangardAlbert Eborn about 1879
NegangardHattie Eborn about 1886
NelsonBilly Hborn about 1929
NelsonClaude Rborn about 1901
NelsonJackie Mborn about 1924
NelsonJerry Eborn about 1937
NelsonLouise Aborn about 1927
NelsonMargie Aborn about 1934
NelsonMinnie Aborn about 1904
NelsonRobert Aborn about 1931
NethcoteClaude Oborn about 1883
NethcoteNora Aborn about 1888
NombreFlorence born about 1858

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O Surnames

OakleyDaisy Eborn about 1887
OakleyIda Bborn about 1866
OdomCarroll Oborn about 1912
OdomJohn Pborn about 1937
OdomMadeline Eborn about 1912
OdonnellByrl Jborn about 1914
OdonnellCora Dborn about 1913
OdonnellLida Lborn about 1874
OdonnellMabel Aborn about 1917
OdonnellPatrick Wborn about 1876
OdonnellSharon Kborn about 1938
OldfatherEva Eborn about 1888
OldfatherJane Mborn about 1929
OldfatherYuba Rborn about 1888
OrtmanEd born about 1878
OrtmanEmma Eborn about 1916
OrtmanHenry born about 1875
OrtmanJohn Bborn about 1891
OrtmanJoseph Mborn about 1928
OrtmanJosephine born about 1893
OrtmanRaymond Lborn about 1930
OrtmanRichard Kborn about 1923
OrtmanRobert Eborn about 1921
OusleyBurand Dborn about 1910
OusleyCordore Aborn about 1912
OusleyDavid Rborn about 1938
OusleyFlorence Mborn about 1915
OusleyHelen Mborn about 1922
OusleyJohn Cborn about 1884
OusleyLaura Bborn about 1886
OusleyLloyd Gborn about 1919
OusleyPauline Mborn about 1925

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P Surnames

ParkerBessie Mborn about 1895
ParkerCharles Rborn about 1889
ParkerHarold Wborn about 1916
ParkerJoan born about 1926
ParkerPaul Eborn about 1924
PearceStella Gborn about 1900
PearcyBertha Bborn about 1907
PearcyHorace Fborn about 1905
PearcyJeralyn* Aborn about 1929
PearcyJoseph Oborn about 1879
PearcyMinnie Eborn about 1879
PearcyWilliam Jborn about 1927
PellCatherine Lborn about 1914
PellKermit Hborn about 1911
PellWanda Cborn about 1939
PenceDallas Rborn about 1882
PenceDollie Lborn about 1881
PenningtonCharles Cborn about 1875
PenningtonFrieda Mborn about 1915
PenningtonLloyd Cborn about 1907
PenningtonMattie Mborn about 1882
PingryArthur Wborn about 1871
PingryLizzie Aborn about 1878
PohlmanAlma Mborn about 1904
PohlmanChristina Lborn about 1888
PohlmanDora Kborn about 1881
PohlmanEvelyn Eborn about 1939
PohlmanHarry Hborn about 1902
PohlmanJohn Cborn about 1936
PohlmanLois Mborn about 1933
PollardBetty Jborn about 1932
PooreAnna Bborn about 1879
PooreFrank Lborn about 1876
PooreGeorge Nborn about 1914
PowersCharley born about 1897
PowersJoanna Cborn about 1935
PowersMabel born about 1897
PowersRichard born about 1921
PowersWilliam born about 1923
PratherBetty Iborn about 1924
PratherCharles Rborn about 1896
PratherDenzel Eborn about 1896
PratherLee Cborn about 1926
PratherWilby Lborn about 1903
PriceGeorge Nborn about 1915
PriceMabel Eborn about 1917

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R Surnames

RashBetty Lborn about 1929
RashEsther Lborn about 1925
RashHelen Lborn about 1922
RashVilla born about 1903
RashWaldo J Jrborn about 1933
RashWales Jborn about 1895
RawlingsRussell Hborn about 1899
RaylBetty Annborn about 1929
RaylCora Eborn about 1890
RaylJohn Fborn about 1887
RaylVirginia born about 1922
ReichertIda born about 1898
ReichertJacob born about 1866
ReichertKatherine born about 1869
RichardArthur Wborn about 1886
RichardDora born about 1867
RichardGladys born about 1913
RichardIsabelle born about 1887
RichardJohn born about 1862
RickeyCharety born about 1878
RickeyFrank born about 1884
RickeyVirgil born about 1919
RingeisenDolly Mborn about 1926
RingeisenFrank Gborn about 1892
RingeisenGrace Eborn about 1893
RingeisenMadonna Eborn about 1928
RobertsonBurton born about 1882
RobertsonJennie born about 1857
RobinsonHarry Mborn about 1922
RobinsonJames Mborn about 1918
RobinsonJames Uborn about 1890
RobinsonJennie Dborn about 1934
RobinsonLola Mborn about 1891
RossAmanda Mborn about 1876
RossBetty Eborn about 1939
RossJesse Fborn about 1873
RossMary Eborn about 1918
RossOrpha born about 1872
RossRichard Fborn about 1917
RossShirley Jborn about 1937
RothwellCharles Rborn about 1908
RothwellGladys Wborn about 1908
RudyErnest Pborn about 1898
RuskEliza Jborn about 1869
RuskLacy Eborn about 1901

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S Surnames

SaylowGeraldine born about 1906
SaylowJachus Kborn about 1867
SaylowPearl Mborn about 1888
SchultzChristie born about 1878
SchultzJohn Aborn about 1918
SeaverAnara* born about 1881
SeaverBenjamin Wborn about 1875
SeaverLee Mborn about 1901
SeaverMary Cborn about 1913
SeitzDorothy Aborn about 1911
SeitzJerry Wborn about 1935
SeitzJimmy Leeborn about 1937
SeitzWalter Wborn about 1911
SendelbockFrank born about 1923
SendelbockPaul born about 1918
ShakelHenry Dborn about 1914
ShawBetty Jborn about 1920
ShawCharles Bborn about 1915
ShawJean Aborn about 1939
ShelbyBeatrice born about 1887
ShelbyMarten Bborn about 1885
ShelbyMelvin Rborn about 1924
ShortKenneth Wborn about 1907
ShortLucille Mborn about 1911
ShortRobert Bborn about 1935
SimpsonClaude Hborn about 1887
SimpsonJoe Fborn about 1931
SimpsonLee Rborn about 1925
SimpsonLula Aborn about 1899
SimpsonMax Jborn about 1923
SimpsonNed Cborn about 1919
SkinnerRoy born about 1908
SkinnerRuth born about 1907
SmithAnna Bborn about 1889
SmithBert born about 1897
SmithBertram born about 1920
SmithDelores Lborn about 1924
SmithDonald Pborn about 1918
SmithEarl Wborn about 1914
SmithEdna Gborn about 1920
SmithEdward Eborn about 1929
SmithFrances Vborn about 1910
SmithFrank Wborn about 1881
SmithHugh Eborn about 1886
SmithIra Gborn about 1898
SmithJ Robertborn about 1922
SmithJames Gborn about 1930
SmithJean Aborn about 1940
SmithJennie Bborn about 1854
SmithLaura Eborn about 1885
SmithLottie Bborn about 1872
SmithLucille Mborn about 1888
SmithMary Aborn about 1870
SmithPaul Cborn about 1911
SmithPearl Lborn about 1899
SmithRichard Wborn about 1920
SmithSue born about 1890
SmithVernon Rborn about 1925
SmithWilliam Hborn about 1873
SpetzerDaisy Bborn about 1883
SpetzerJames Hborn about 1916
SprakerEthel Aborn about 1899
SprakerIvan Wborn about 1898
StallAlfred born about 1929
StallCecilie Mborn about 1927
StallHenry born about 1880
StallHenry Jborn about 1922
StallHouston born about 1919
StallIvan born about 1925
StallMaude Lborn about 1887
StallRichard born about 1918
StetlerCecil Rborn about 1900
StetlerPearl Cborn about 1900
StewardEva Mborn about 1870
StewardSherman born about 1874
StontFlorence Gborn about 1881
StontJune born about 1910
StontRay born about 1907
StontVernon born about 1906
StoutBessie born about 1887
StoutJ Leonardborn about 1918
StoutLuman Aborn about 1886
StreeteyClive Cborn about 1883
SweeneyJoseph Sborn about 1864
SweeneyMary Mborn about 1868
SwisherHelen Mborn about 1913
SwisherPeggy Eborn about 1930
SwisherRichard Cborn about 1931
SwisherWalter Rborn about 1933
SwisherWilbur Cborn about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaffeJack Aborn about 1919
TaffeRobert Gborn about 1922
ThorneEsther Jborn about 1860
TroyerAlmeda Lborn about 1922
TroyerJoel Aborn about 1924
TroyerKatie Dborn about 1902
TroyerMartin Jborn about 1897
TroyerMiriam Cborn about 1931
TroyerOmer Rborn about 1936
TroyerPhilis Lborn about 1938
TroyerSylvia Mborn about 1928
TroyerWillard Aborn about 1926
TurleyAlva Oborn about 1890
TurleyAudrey Bborn about 1914
TurleyEva Aborn about 1901
TurleyEverett born about 1897
TurleyMartha Aborn about 1894
TurleyMedford born about 1899
TurleyOmer Oborn about 1880
TurleyPriscilla Mborn about 1891
TurnerArnold born about 1900
TurnerElzie Fborn about 1892
TurnerEugene Mborn about 1926
TurnerFrank Dborn about 1915
TurnerJ Malcolmborn about 1923
TurnerLydia born about 1904
TurnerMargie Eborn about 1935
TurnerRoxie Mborn about 1898
TurnerRuby born about 1905
TurnerRussell born about 1900
TurnerWilliam Hborn about 1928

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodEdith born about 1899
UnderwoodMax born about 1924
UnderwoodMillard born about 1894
UnderwoodPhilip born about 1931
UnderwoodRuth born about 1919
UttingerBetty Jborn about 1924
UttingerEmma Iborn about 1874
UttingerFrances Mborn about 1901
UttingerFrank born about 1865
UttingerHarold Fborn about 1920
UttingerNelson Gborn about 1928
UttingerOwal Oborn about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VonderakeCarrie Cborn about 1880
VonderakeFrank born about 1878
VonderakeHarry Hborn about 1881
VonderakeLawrence Fborn about 1920
VonderakeRose Mborn about 1887
VondrakeDorothy Jborn about 1924
VondrakeEllen born about 1889
VondrakeErnest Eborn about 1917
VondrakeLewis Cborn about 1886

W Surnames

WalshEdward Jborn about 1875
WalshVencent Eborn about 1909
WandtkeH Eugeneborn about 1918
WandtkeVirgina Mborn about 1920
WattsCarl born about 1924
WebsterKenneth Eborn about 1914
WebsterMaggie Mborn about 1878
WeeseCassius Sborn about 1865
WeeseDondwena born about 1867
WeitzelDonald Lborn about 1925
WeitzelGeorge Rborn about 1930
WeitzelJessie born about 1900
WeitzelJune Aborn about 1928
WeitzelLawrence Lborn about 1896
WeitzelMarilyn Rborn about 1933
WeitzelWilodene born about 1924
WendlensHerbert Eborn about 1918
WenslowCaroline Sborn about 1938
WenslowClara Lborn about 1914
WenslowPaul Fborn about 1912
WhiteMary Aborn about 1865
WikleClaude Eborn about 1880
WikleFlora Aborn about 1880
WilliamsBessie Mborn about 1894
WilliamsBetty Jborn about 1931
WilliamsDavis born about 1864
WilliamsEthel Jborn about 1920
WilliamsEtta Jborn about 1868
WilliamsLora Eborn about 1890
WilliamsMabel Eborn about 1892
WilliamsMargaret Aborn about 1862
WilliamsRalph Dborn about 1921
WilliamsRichard Hborn about 1934
WilliamsRoy Wborn about 1929
WilliamsRuth Eborn about 1924
WilliamsVade Hborn about 1893
WilliamsWesley born about 1890
WilliamsWinifred born about 1920
WilsonFrank Rborn about 1934
WilsonKeith Pborn about 1908
WilsonM Isabelleborn about 1909
WimmerBert born about 1879
WimmerGroce born about 1880
WiseCharles Fborn about 1878
WolfeArthur born about 1895
WolfeBetty Sueborn about 1939
WolfeGladys born about 1910
WoodleyAllen Oborn about 1887
WoodleyDonald Eborn about 1917
WoodleyMargaret Rborn about 1919
WoodleyMary Cborn about 1887
WrightJerome Jborn about 1931
WrightKeith Jborn about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungCharles born about 1877
YoungGeneva Eborn about 1882
YoungJosephine born about 1868
YoungWilliam Nborn about 1889
YoungmanJohn Mborn about 1871

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