1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clearspring, LaGrange, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > LaGrange County > 1940 Census of Clearspring

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AgateHenry born about 1869
AgateLucy born about 1872
AllenEdna Mayborn about 1926
AllenFrances Mborn about 1924
AllenPerry born about 1892
AllenRaymond Eborn about 1935
AllenRose Fborn about 1901
AltimusErnie born about 1885
AndersonArnold born about 1918
AndersonEmma born about 1864
AndersonGeorge Wborn about 1861
AntonidesArthur Lborn about 1882
AntonidesLee Mborn about 1919
AntonidesNina Rborn about 1892
ArcherElva born about 1885
ArcherRoy born about 1922

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B Surnames

BaileyBetty born about 1895
BaileyBetty Jeanborn about 1934
BaileyHarry Rborn about 1931
BaileyMary Lonborn about 1938
BaileyRussell born about 1899
BaileyRussell Jborn about 1929
BakerBeverly born about 1922
BakerMarsha Leeborn about 1933
BareBess Eborn about 1892
BauderAntoinette Cborn about 1869
BeachyAaron Dborn about 1931
BeachyAlvin Dborn about 1925
BeachyAnna Wborn about 1899
BeachyBarbara Dborn about 1924
BeachyDaniel Aborn about 1896
BeachyDaniel Dborn about 1939
BeachyEmma Dborn about 1929
BeachyKatie Dborn about 1920
BeachyLydia Ann Dborn about 1927
BeachyWilliam Dborn about 1922
BeatyDorias Aborn about 1939
BeatyLarry Eborn about 1937
BeatyLucile born about 1911
BeatyMartha Aborn about 1858
BeatyPearl Eborn about 1887
BeatyRaphael Aborn about 1912
BeatySamuel Jborn about 1889
BeechyAaron Bborn about 1868
BeechyAlvin born about 1877
BeechyAlvin Jayborn about 1933
BeechyAmanda Hborn about 1921
BeechyAmanda Wborn about 1929
BeechyAnna Dborn about 1899
BeechyAnna Mborn about 1937
BeechyBarbara Jborn about 1922
BeechyCatherine Dborn about 1868
BeechyDaniel Hborn about 1922
BeechyDaniel Jborn about 1927
BeechyEli Mborn about 1931
BeechyElizabeth Jborn about 1925
BeechyIda Mborn about 1928
BeechyJohn Aborn about 1901
BeechyJohn Mborn about 1921
BeechyJohn Wborn about 1930
BeechyJoni Hborn about 1927
BeechyJoseph Jborn about 1928
BeechyKatie Jborn about 1923
BeechyLeor Hborn about 1925
BeechyLevi Mborn about 1925
BeechyLydia Jborn about 1931
BeechyMary born about 1882
BeechyMary Mborn about 1920
BeechyMattie Mborn about 1923
BeechyMaueleus* Aborn about 1895
BeechyOra Jborn about 1935
BeechySusan Jborn about 1892
BeechyViola Jborn about 1939
BettsLois born about 1930
BettsWilliam born about 1932
BloughBess born about 1872
Bontrager?ydea Eborn about 1928
BontragerAbe born about 1919
BontragerAmelia Nborn about 1925
BontragerAmelie Aborn about 1912
BontragerAmos Aborn about 1914
BontragerBarbara Hborn about 1930
BontragerBenj born about 1878
BontragerClara born about 1935
BontragerClara Jborn about 1885
BontragerClara Jborn about 1896
BontragerDan Cborn about 1899
BontragerDaniel Nborn about 1932
BontragerElizabeth born about 1933
BontragerElizabeth Bborn about 1870
BontragerElizbath Hborn about 1924
BontragerElnora born about 1913
BontragerEsther Hborn about 1933
BontragerFloyd Hborn about 1934
BontragerGertie born about 1938
BontragerGlenn Iborn about 1935
BontragerHanry born about 1921
BontragerHarry Jborn about 1906
BontragerHenry Rborn about 1895
BontragerIda born about 1935
BontragerIrvin Eborn about 1913
BontragerJoe Bborn about 1910
BontragerJohn Hborn about 1930
BontragerJohn Hborn about 1940
BontragerJonas Hborn about 1928
BontragerKatie born about 1940
BontragerLena Jborn about 1909
BontragerLizzie born about 1885
BontragerLizzie born about 1938
BontragerLydie Bborn about 1922
BontragerM??? Jborn about 1938
BontragerMartha born about 1936
BontragerMartha Jborn about 1919
BontragerMary Eborn about 1936
BontragerMary Iborn about 1924
BontragerMary Nborn about 1935
BontragerNoah Bborn about 1908
BontragerNoah Eborn about 1914
BontragerOla born about 1939
BontragerOra Hborn about 1928
BontragerPerry Nborn about 1935
BontragerPolly born about 1907
BontragerRudolph Eborn about 1871
BontragerRudy Hborn about 1925
BontragerSalome Bborn about 1913
BontragerSalome Lborn about 1911
BontragerSam Sborn about 1883
BontragerSamuel Nborn about 1932
BontragerSarah Eborn about 1914
BontragerWilma Jborn about 1935
BorntragerAlvin Jborn about 1936
BorntragerAnna* Jborn about 1924
BorntragerIda born about 1904
BorntragerJacob Cborn about 1901
BorntragerMary Jborn about 1928
BorntragerOrvin born about 1940
BorntragerSarah Jborn about 1929
BorntragerSusie Jborn about 1934
BouterseJames Aborn about 1928
BouterseJoseph Jborn about 1900
BouterseOramell* born about 1899
BouterseRobert Aborn about 1932
BowenFlorence Mborn about 1897
BowenHarry Dborn about
BowenHoward born about 1898
BowenJames Aborn about 1872
BowenLester born about 1910
BowenMaud Bborn about 1888
BowerEdna born about 1915
BowerJohn born about 1881
BowerJune born about 1923
BowerLorna born about 1882
BowmanIra born about 1877
BowmanVesta born about 1875
BullEarl born about 1883
BushongWilliam born about 1924
BylerElizabeth Jborn about 1927
BylerElmer Jborn about 1923
BylerLydia Mborn about 1918
BylerMary Jborn about 1925

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C Surnames

CaldwllBetty Jborn about 1930
CaldwllDoma Iborn about 1940
CaldwllEdie Iborn about 1932
CaldwllEdward born about 1881
CaldwllEva Mayborn about 1883
CaldwllGeraldine Lborn about 1934
CaldwllHelen Mborn about 1912
CaldwllJacque Jborn about 1937
CaldwllLoyd Lborn about 1907
CampbellSam born about 1880
CarneyAlbert Lborn about 1888
CarneyFlorence Mborn about 1893
CarpenterArchie Lborn about 1877
CarpenterBarbara Lborn about 1933
CarpenterCharles Aborn about 1939
CarpenterDail* born about 1930
CarpenterHesta Eborn about 1880
CarpenterKenneth Wborn about 1905
CarpenterMaurine born about 1904
CarpenterMiriam Eborn about 1925
CarpenterVerda Eborn about 1936
ChristnerAmos Lborn about 1925
ChristnerArthur Lborn about 1939
ChristnerChristain Lborn about 1923
ChristnerClara born about 1917
ChristnerDavid Dborn about 1890
ChristnerDavid Lborn about 1921
ChristnerEdith Lborn about 1936
ChristnerEmma Lborn about 1924
ChristnerGoldia* Lborn about 1934
ChristnerGoldie born about 1897
ChristnerJohn Lborn about 1930
ChristnerLevi Dborn about 1898
ChristnerLevi Lborn about 1932
ChristnerMary Lborn about 1927
ChristnerMilo Dborn about 1928
ChristnerNeil born about 1883
ChristnerSamuel Lborn about 1929
ChristnerSusan Lborn about 1920
ChristnerSusanna born about 1885
ChrystlerAnthony Lborn about 1934
ChrystlerCharles Dborn about 1936
ChrystlerRuby born about 1913
ChrystlerWayne born about 1911
ClarkBelva Eborn about 1885
ClarkJesse born about 1858
ClarkRollin Iborn about 1886
ClevelandJunior born about 1922
ClevlandDelma born about 1935
ClevlandMargaret born about 1930
ClevlandRuth born about 1932
ClevlandWilliam born about 1928
CliftonAnna Leeborn about 1935
CliftonJohn Nborn about 1936
CliftonMary Lborn about 1917
CliftonRay Lborn about 1910
Clingenpeel?anny Eborn about 1890
ClingenpeelGeo Hborn about 1887
ClingenpeelNola Rborn about 1931
ClingenpeelVerneda Aborn about 1926
ClingenpeelWaneta Hborn about 1927
CorneliusPauline Eborn about 1916
CoxDaniel Wborn about 1861
CulverDelores born about 1932
CulverMargaret born about 1901
CulverMaxine born about 1925
CulverRoy born about 1895

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D Surnames

DallasDora Eborn about 1875
DallasGladys Mborn about 1892
DallasIris Dborn about 1924
DallasJulia Aborn about 1920
DallasKenneth Fborn about 1927
DallasMartha Eborn about 1905
DallasRussell Lborn about 1902
DavidsonCora born about 1872
DavidsonWilliam Aborn about 1870
DeterBeverly Jborn about 1931
DeterEarl born about 1906
DeterEvelyn Lborn about 1929
DeterFannie Mborn about 1891
DeterKeith Lborn about 1937
DeterMildred Lborn about 1907
DeterRoss born about 1895
DeterRuth born about 1938
DeterSanford Aborn about 1870
DeterSarah Mborn about 1878
DeterViola born about 1902
DeterWerm* born about 1892
DeterWilbur born about 1915
DolittleBessie Mborn about 1896
DolittleLeon Rborn about 1899
DomerIris Mborn about 1902
DomerMary Kborn about 1904
DomerSheldon Lborn about 1939
DouglasDorothy Eborn about 1913
DouglasFloyd Wborn about 1916
DouglasMary Loreborn about 1937
DriverEva born about 1878
DunithaeeAmzie born about 1918
DunithaeeEthel Mborn about 1922
DunithaeeShirley Mborn about 1938
DunithanBessie Mborn about 1886
DunithanEzra Eborn about 1914
DunithanIra born about 1880
DunithanIrene Hborn about 1915
DunithanLarry Eborn about 1939
DunithanLouis Cborn about 1878
DunithanMilo born about 1904
DunithanPearl Cborn about 1883

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E Surnames

EashA??? Hborn about 1918
EashAmanda Vborn about 1887
EashAmos Nborn about 1924
EashAndrew Jborn about 1886
EashChristian Nborn about 1928
EashFreeman Hborn about 1935
EashHarvey Jborn about 1890
EashJerry born about 1930
EashJohn Hborn about 1917
EashJohn Nborn about 1927
EashJunior Hborn about 1938
EashKatie Hborn about 1936
EashKatie Jborn about 1890
EashKatie Maeborn about 1935
EashLevi Nborn about 1933
EashMarvin Hborn about 1937
EashMary born about 1896
EashMary Hborn about 1933
EashNoah Tborn about 1882
EashSaloma Nborn about 1931
EashVernie born about 1919
EashWilma Hborn about 1930
EddyBirch Iborn about 1887
EddyDollie Rborn about 1888
ElliottArlene Mborn about 1920
ElliottHenry Bborn about 1919
EmerickErnest Rborn about 1925
EmerickNeal Aborn about 1926
EmmertGeorge born about 1891
EmmertLeon Elmond*born about 1924
EmmertLois Kborn about 1921
EmmertVida Mborn about 1891
EvansDon Aborn about 1938
EvansElenor Sborn about 1913
EvansWillraid* Rborn about 1912

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F Surnames

FasinAtlee born about 1912
FasinBeulah born about 1912
FaughtAlice Bborn about 1894
FaughtCharles Fborn about 1925
FaughtJames Wborn about 1928
FaughtMary Eborn about 1937
FaughtWillis Aborn about 1888
FinleyBlanche Eborn about 1880
FinleyRaymond Dborn about 1881
FisherNeal Kborn about 1883
FisherOra Mborn about 1886
FoughtAmos born about 1867
FoughtBetty Lborn about 1929
FoughtDavid Rborn about 1939
FoughtDeana Jborn about 1940
FoughtDelbert Jborn about 1925
FoughtDonald Eborn about 1923
FoughtDorothy Mborn about 1913
FoughtElman Dborn about 1919
FoughtElva Bborn about 1887
FoughtEvelyn Eborn about 1920
FoughtFlorence Mborn about 1898
FoughtFranklin Fborn about 1940
FoughtGeraldine Lborn about 1935
FoughtHoward Rborn about 1919
FoughtIris Rborn about 1896
FoughtLeon Lborn about 1921
FoughtMargaret Eborn about 1918
FoughtOra Cborn about 1885
FoughtPauline Yborn about 1932
FoughtRichard Eborn about 1937
FoughtRobert Mborn about 1912
FoughtRosa born about 1868
FoughtRoy Sborn about 1913
FoughtShirley Aborn about 1938
FoughtWayne Rborn about 1926
FowlerHewy born about 1891
FoxAlice Aborn about 1906
FrainSam born about 1859
FraiseChalmer born about 1935
FraiseElroy born about 1932
FraiseJosephine born about 1929
FranklinEdgar born about 1906
FranklinJames Wmborn about 1937
FranklinMildred born about 1908
FreyBarbara Dborn about 1922
FreyDaniel Dborn about 1866
FreyDaniel D Mborn about 1896
FreyDaniel Eborn about 1925
FreyEdna Mborn about 1936
FreyElizabeth Dborn about 1927
FreyElizabeth Jborn about 1896
FreyIrma born about 1939
FreyJoe Dborn about 1905
FreyJohn Wborn about 1923
FreyKatie born about 1910
FreyMary Annborn about 1865
FreyMary Eborn about 1867
FreyMary Eborn about 1920
FrickMary Eborn about 1876
FryDan Jborn about 1916
FryJohn Oborn about 1939
FryLydia Gborn about 1919
FryeAda Maeborn about 1921
FryeCalvin born about 1939
FryeDaniel Nborn about 1919
FryeEdna born about 1933
FryeElizabeth born about 1919
FryeElla born about 1936
FryeElvie born about 1926
FryeHenry Sborn about 1897
FryeJoas born about 1920
FryeJoe born about 1917
FryeKaty born about 1924
FryeLezzie Nborn about 1899
FryeLovina born about 1867
FryeLydia Annborn about 1898
FryeMattie Nborn about 1923
FryeNoah born about 1928
FryeNoah Sborn about 1892
FryeSamuel born about 1937
FryeSusan born about 1922
FullerHelen Mborn about 1921
FullerJonas Gborn about 1895
FullerMartha Hborn about 1864
FullerMay Bborn about 1896
FunkBetty Louborn about 1930
FunkJean born about 1928
FunkJoan born about 1928
FunkLa Donne Deborn about 1936
FunkPearl Cborn about 1891
FunkRoscoe Rborn about 1875
FunkSlaeeley born about 1919
FunkWalton born about 1921

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G Surnames

GaugerFrank born about 1879
GaugerGladys born about 1886
GaugerLawra born about 1912
GayJames born about 1915
GerberAlonzo Lborn about 1867
GerberMina born about 1873
GerrenJames Wborn about 1865
GerrenMolly Sborn about 1868
GingerichAlbert Jborn about 1929
GingerichAndrew Jborn about 1927
GingerichBenedie* Jborn about 1914
GingerichClara Mborn about 1932
GingerichEdna Jborn about 1923
GingerichIda Iborn about 1892
GingerichJoe Jborn about 1921
GingerichMalinda Jborn about 1925
GlickEsther Nborn about 1918
GlickFreeman born about 1936
GlickJacob Nborn about 1908
GnagyGoldy born about 1881
GohmCharles Jborn about 1929
GohmCharles Wborn about 1880
GohmEdith Lborn about 1890
GonserJohn born about 1868
GonserJulia born about 1875
GoodlasterRuth born about 1918
GrateCharles born about 1919
GreenawaltAdeline born about 1878
GreenawaltBertha born about 1883
GreenawaltElmer Cborn about 1885
GreenawaltHoward Fborn about 1916
GreenawaltKatherine born about 1885
GreenawaltLydia Sborn about 1874
GreenawaltMyrtle born about 1872
GrossmanJohn Cborn about 1863
GrossmanMartha Jborn about 1876
GrossmanMary Aborn about 1919
GuaryHarriet Wborn about 1888
GuaryOrator* Eborn about 1887

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H Surnames

Hadden??? born about 1920
HaddenAlmeda born about 1856
HaddenDelores born about 1930
HaddenDonald born about 1931
HaddenFay born about 1894
HaddenLily born about 1899
HaggardFranklin born about 1930
HarkArthlo* born about 1910
HartAaron born about 1912
HartAlba* born about 1873
HartAlfred born about 1872
HartOlonzo born about 1864
HartleyAnna Wborn about 1869
HartleyC Fborn about 1862
HartzlerCeleste Cborn about 1869
HartzlerElida Mborn about 1868
HartzlerEphraim Eborn about 1865
HavilandArthur born about 1935
HavilandEsther born about 1918
HavilandHomer born about 1885
HavilandJunior born about 1937
HavilandLouie born about 1864
HavilandWilliam Lborn about 1939
HelmuthJohn Aborn about 1924
HelmuthJoseph Jborn about 1923
HelmuthLovina Gborn about 1927
HendersonElnora Fborn about 1866
HendersonGeorge Eborn about 1867
HerschbergerAmelia Jborn about 1926
HerschbergerBenjamin Mborn about 1925
HerschbergerClara Mborn about 1922
HerschbergerDavid Mborn about 1930
HerschbergerElla Jborn about 1934
HerschbergerJohn Mborn about 1937
HerschbergerKatie Nborn about 1923
HerschbergerLizzie Aborn about 1891
HerschbergerMahlon Jborn about 1927
HerschbergerMary Nborn about 1901
HerschbergerMeriam Mborn about 1920
HerschbergerMoses Bborn about 1892
HerschbergerNancy Mborn about 1927
HerschbergerNoah Jborn about 1894
HerschbergerPerry Jborn about 1932
HerschbergerPolly Jborn about 1930
HershbergerEmanuel Jborn about 1885
HershbergerJoni Eborn about 1923
HershbergerLevi Dborn about 1919
HershbergerMary Eborn about 1921
HershbergerPolly born about 1888
HershbergerVerna Dborn about 1919
HigleyDorothy Iborn about 1906
HigleyElgin Lborn about 1904
HigleyIrene Mborn about 1927
HigleyRichard Wborn about 1933
HigleySherley Aborn about 1937
HigleyVivian Lborn about 1928
HildebrandEdith born about 1886
HildebrandWilliam Oborn about 1878
HoakElizabeth Eborn about 1932
HoakGeorge born about 1899
HoakMargaret Nborn about 1905
HoakMattie Mborn about 1873
HoakPhyllis Jborn about 1929
HochstellerChrist Cborn about 1913
HochstellerIda Cborn about 1937
HochstellerLester Cborn about 1938
HochstellerMattie Cborn about 1938
HochstellerRosa Cborn about 1935
HochstellerWilma Lborn about 1914
HochstetlerAlbert born about 1894
HochstetlerAnna Mborn about 1930
HochstetlerAnnie Jborn about 1894
HochstetlerBarbara Aborn about 1923
HochstetlerDaniel Aborn about 1917
HochstetlerElizabeth Aborn about 1928
HochstetlerJohn Aborn about 1934
HochstetlerMattie Jborn about 1874
HochstetlerNeil Cxborn about 1871
HochstetlerSamuel Aborn about 1920
HodgeDonald Lborn about 1914
HodgeIvan Rborn about 1908
HodgeMaude Aborn about 1892
HodgeMilvin born about 1888
HoffBetty Jeanborn about 1926
HoffFrances born about 1905
HoffGerald born about 1922
HoffRussell born about 1902
HoldenEthel born about 1890
HoldenGerald Wborn about 1923
HoldenMary Ellenborn about 1920
HollerWilliam born about 1878
HooleyDora born about 1891
HooleyIrvin born about 1878
HooleyLester Hborn about 1925
HooleyMarion Mborn about 1928
HooleyMenno Sborn about 1889
HooleyVerna Vborn about 1917
HooleyWalter Hborn about 1914
HostellerMary Eborn about 1877
HostellerWilliam born about 1877
HostetlerAlma born about 1929
HostetlerArthur Jr born about 1924
HostetlerBernis born about 1920
HostetlerBrayden born about 1906
HostetlerDaniel born about 1935
HostetlerElizabeth born about 1907
HostetlerElizabeth born about 1926
HostetlerEmma born about 1914
HostetlerHomer born about 1931
HostetlerLe Roy born about 1933
HostetlerLeland born about 1920
HostetlerMartha Lborn about 1921
HostetlerMattie Nborn about 1901
HostetlerMelvin born about 1939
HostetlerRuda born about 1916
HostetlerSusan born about 1922
HostetlerThelma born about 1922
HostetlerTobias Mborn about 1899
HotetlerHenry Gborn about 1939
HotetlerJerome Hborn about 1909
HotetlerMary Aborn about 1917
HoverstockKenneth born about 1900
HoverstockNaomi born about 1913
HunterBarbara Jborn about 1924
HunterDeiran* Lborn about 1900
HunterJoseph Wborn about 1899
HunterMaud Jborn about 1875
HunterNedra Hborn about 1926
HunterWalter Nborn about 1933
HurstJacqueline Lborn about 1935
HurstJaone* Aborn about 1910
HurstRuth Cborn about 1914
HuttonRebecca born about 1878

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J Surnames

JohnsDavid Rayborn about 1940
JohnsRuth born about 1909
JohnsWard born about 1913
JonesManass Sborn about 1920
JudyEugene Fborn about 1875
JudyFem Eborn about 1912

K Surnames

KauffmanJessie Mborn about 1881
KauffmanL Franklinborn about 1919
KauffmanMilton Sborn about 1882
KauffmanRoy Dborn about 1922
KaufmanElizabeth born about 1893
KaufmanIris Iborn about 1888
KaundyIvah Gborn about 1887
KaundyOrpha Pborn about 1876
KeimJohn Eborn about 1876
KeimLacelle* Eborn about 1871
KellamEuphemia born about 1914
KellamWilliam Hborn about 1910
KendallArlene Lborn about 1919
KendallEldon Lborn about 1922
KendallMaud Bborn about 1887
KendallRiley born about 1886
KentBernie Fborn about 1877
KentMaurise born about 1914
KentRose Cborn about 1877
KingLyle born about 1923
KingRobert born about 1878
KirkendallVirginia born about 1931
KitchenHal born about 1897
KitchenWilliam born about 1868
KneppEmma L Zborn about 1862
KohlHellyn* born about 1895
KohlSam born about 1890
KurtzChristian Jborn about 1905
KurtzJacob Cborn about 1932
KurtzKatie Aborn about 1906

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L Surnames

LambrightAnne Mborn about 1911
LambrightCharlie born about 1907
LambrightChris Mborn about 1937
LambrightElizabeth born about 1908
LambrightEnos born about 1929
LambrightHanry born about 1932
LambrightMary born about 1931
LambrightMattie born about 1933
LambrightMilton Jborn about 1909
LambrightWilma born about 1937
LamunionByron born about 1929
LamunionMargaret born about 1927
LantzAnna Lborn about 1861
LantzHarry Jborn about 1891
LantzIra born about 1921
LantzSam Sborn about 1868
LaughlinC Robertborn about 1916
LaughlinRuth Eborn about 1923
LautzOlga Mborn about 1900
LautzRufus Aborn about 1870
LehmanAlbert Jborn about 1895
LehmanAmie Cborn about 1897
LehmanAnna Mborn about 1916
LehmanAnnie born about 1940
LehmanDaniel Aborn about 1920
LehmanDaniel Mborn about 1938
LehmanEdna Aborn about 1924
LehmanEdward Mborn about 1922
LehmanErvin Mborn about 1923
LehmanFreeman Mborn about 1938
LehmanHarvey Aborn about 1929
LehmanIda Aborn about 1922
LehmanJoe Cborn about 1933
LehmanJohn Eborn about 1925
LehmanKatie born about 1911
LehmanLevi born about 1934
LehmanLezzie Dborn about 1905
LehmanMahlon Jborn about 1914
LehmanMary Aborn about 1936
LehmanMau??? Mborn about 1900
LehmanMauasses Jborn about 1932
LehmanPerry Aborn about 1927
LehmanPolly born about 1938
LehmanSamuel born about 1913
LehmanYost born about 1904
LekmanElla Nborn about 1939
LekmanErwin Jborn about 1910
LekmanKaly Vborn about 1935
LekmanPery Jayborn about 1933
LekmanPolly born about 1912
LemastersRuth Hborn about 1896
LemastersWilliam Hborn about 1882
LerningGeorge Hborn about 1857
LerningHerbert Gborn about 1918
LerningJack Douglasborn about 1940
LerningKenneth Gborn about 1893
LerningLettie Vborn about 1892
LerningMargaret Annborn about 1921
LockwoodAlbert Sborn about 1868
LockwoodFlora Aborn about 1873
LongDorothy Mborn about 1933
LongHomer born about 1905
LongMargaret Aborn about 1935
LongMary Eborn about 1938
LongPhillip Wborn about 1939
LongThelma Rborn about 1901
LonsburyVirginia born about 1924
LowJennie Mborn about 1874
LowLaura born about 1859
LowerDaniel Dborn about 1856
LowerDavid Eborn about 1920
LowerHarry Aborn about 1884
LowerJames Mborn about 1921
LowerNettie born about 1864
LowerRuth Lborn about 1892
LungEsther Sborn about 1891
LungEverett Cborn about 1925
LungMerritt Cborn about 1887
LungOrville Wborn about 1921
LungShirley Kborn about 1931
LungVirginia Lborn about 1921

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M Surnames

MannAlbert Lborn about 1918
MannBetty Jborn about 1923
MarkerEdwin Sborn about 1874
MarkerMelvin Dborn about 1871
MarnsFrances born about 1908
MarnsHugh born about 1903
MarnsMargaret born about 1935
MarnsPaul born about 1939
MarnsWilliam born about 1937
MarshalAshley Rborn about 1888
MarshalKaliorah* Cborn about 1892
MarshalLouise Aborn about 1928
MarshallLemia* Pborn about 1889
MarshallMaurice Rborn about 1913
MarshallMaxine Rborn about 1915
MarshallWm Wborn about 1879
MastAda born about 1922
MastChrist born about 1910
MastEdward Lborn about 1925
MastErvin Lborn about 1939
MastFreda Mborn about 1937
MastJohn Lborn about 1923
MastLevi Lborn about 1883
MastLui Mborn about 1911
MastMary Sborn about 1876
MastMelvin Lborn about 1930
MastMervin Lborn about 1939
MastMoses Lborn about 1880
MastNettie Wborn about 1914
MastSusan born about 1882
MastUriah born about 1920
McConnellCecil Wborn about 1888
McConnellHelen Mborn about 1922
McConnellNettie Jborn about 1896
McConnellWillis Dborn about 1924
McCulloughJames Cborn about 1888
McCulloughNorma born about 1923
McCulloughRoyce born about 1925
McCulloughWava Aborn about 1891
MeronyVernon Hborn about 1875
MerrimanClyde born about 1888
MerrimanEmma born about 1887
MetzgerJessie Mborn about 1878
MetzgerWilliam Hborn about 1872
MillegLornie* born about 1921
MillerAlbert Dborn about 1923
MillerAlice Mborn about 1909
MillerAlvin Eborn about 1934
MillerAmcie Gborn about 1927
MillerAmos Jborn about 1939
MillerAmos J Mborn about 1916
MillerAmos Joyborn about 1877
MillerAmos Mborn about 1925
MillerAmos Nborn about 1928
MillerAmra Jborn about 1912
MillerAndy Sborn about 1939
MillerAnna born about 1911
MillerAnna Dborn about 1918
MillerAnna Gborn about 1920
MillerAnna Lborn about 1912
MillerAnnie born about 1909
MillerBarbara born about 1878
MillerBarbara born about 1938
MillerBarbara Dborn about 1931
MillerBarbara Eborn about 1931
MillerBarbara Eborn about 1933
MillerBarbara Jborn about 1873
MillerBarbara Jborn about 1884
MillerBertha Aborn about 1901
MillerBlanche Eborn about 1883
MillerCharles Aborn about 1883
MillerChrist Dborn about 1934
MillerChristy Jborn about 1939
MillerClara born about 1934
MillerClara Dborn about 1899
MillerClara Eborn about 1937
MillerClara Jborn about 1930
MillerClarence Jborn about 1940
MillerClaud Lborn about 1938
MillerClyde Eborn about 1935
MillerCora Aborn about 1876
MillerCornelius Aborn about 1911
MillerDane Aborn about 1907
MillerDaniel Iborn about 1897
MillerDavid Jborn about 1933
MillerDolores Jborn about 1937
MillerDorothy Lborn about 1906
MillerEdna Eborn about 1936
MillerEdna Eborn about 1940
MillerEdward born about 1919
MillerEdward Jborn about 1900
MillerEdward Lborn about 1940
MillerEldon Jborn about 1933
MillerEli Aborn about 1909
MillerEli Eborn about 1914
MillerEli Eborn about 1928
MillerEli Jborn about 1880
MillerEli Jborn about 1919
MillerEli Mborn about 1939
MillerElizabeth born about
MillerElizabeth Aborn about 1906
MillerElizabeth Jborn about 1933
MillerElizabeth Mborn about 1936
MillerElizabeth Vborn about 1903
MillerElla Dborn about 1933
MillerElla Jborn about 1927
MillerEloise Sborn about 1939
MillerEmanuel Vborn about 1939
MillerEmaunnel* Jayborn about 1933
MillerEmmanuel Wborn about 1906
MillerEmmery Rborn about 1905
MillerEnos Jborn about 1937
MillerErnest born about 1924
MillerErnst Dborn about 1933
MillerErnst Jborn about 1939
MillerErvin Jborn about 1908
MillerErvin Lborn about 1935
MillerErvin Mborn about 1928
MillerErvin Mborn about 1938
MillerErvin Nborn about 1933
MillerErvin Wborn about 1935
MillerEzra Sborn about 1936
MillerFanne Mborn about 1905
MillerFannie Jborn about 1930
MillerFannie Jborn about 1937
MillerFannie Mborn about 1931
MillerFloyd Wborn about 1939
MillerFrada Mborn about 1934
MillerFrances Oborn about 1938
MillerFranklin Iborn about 1935
MillerFreda Mborn about 1931
MillerFreeman Eborn about 1937
MillerGerald Tborn about 1935
MillerGertie born about 1904
MillerGra??tt Lborn about 1914
MillerGwenda Leeborn about 1933
MillerHarby Pborn about 1913
MillerHarold born about 1924
MillerHenry Nborn about 1936
MillerIda Aborn about 1915
MillerIda Eborn about 1910
MillerIda Eborn about 1934
MillerIda Jborn about 1924
MillerIda Mayborn about 1934
MillerIda Tborn about 1939
MillerIrvin Jborn about 1928
MillerIzzie Aborn about 1910
MillerJacob Aborn about 1932
MillerJacob Eborn about 1902
MillerJacob J Kborn about 1895
MillerJacob J Lborn about 1901
MillerJacob J Mborn about 1891
MillerJacob Nborn about 1914
MillerJacob Sborn about 1888
MillerJacob Wborn about 1924
MillerJemmia* Mborn about 1913
MillerJene Iborn about 1929
MillerJoe Aborn about 1902
MillerJoe A Lborn about 1909
MillerJoe Jborn about 1904
MillerJoe Jborn about 1911
MillerJoe Wborn about 1910
MillerJohn Dborn about 1860
MillerJohn D Mborn about 1898
MillerJohn Eborn about 1925
MillerJohn Eborn about 1939
MillerJohn Jborn about 1928
MillerJohn Rborn about 1928
MillerJohn Sborn about 1886
MillerJohn Vborn about 1910
MillerJohn Jr born about 1872
MillerJohnathan Jborn about 1871
MillerJohnathon Dborn about 1926
MillerJoni born about 1901
MillerJosephine born about 1917
MillerJuanila* Mborn about 1927
MillerJulia Aborn about 1935
MillerKatie born about 1873
MillerKatie born about 1901
MillerKatie Dborn about 1891
MillerKatie Jborn about 1893
MillerKatie Jborn about 1925
MillerKatie Mborn about 1919
MillerKatie Mborn about 1933
MillerLaura Rborn about 1905
MillerLeah Bborn about 1890
MillerLester born about 1937
MillerLevi born about 1931
MillerLevi Aborn about 1907
MillerLevi Eborn about 1936
MillerLizzie born about 1867
MillerLizzie Aborn about 1892
MillerLizzie Aborn about 1905
MillerLizzie Aborn about 1911
MillerLuella born about 1939
MillerLuzanna Eborn about 1910
MillerLydia Aborn about 1936
MillerLydia Ann Eborn about 1908
MillerLydia Dborn about 1894
MillerLydia Eborn about 1928
MillerLydia Jborn about 1931
MillerLydia Mborn about 1928
MillerMable Eborn about 1939
MillerManassas born about 1906
MillerManasses Eborn about 1876
MillerMartha born about 1936
MillerMartha Eborn about 1932
MillerMartha Jborn about 1888
MillerMary born about 1883
MillerMary born about 1930
MillerMary Dborn about 1935
MillerMary Eborn about 1903
MillerMary Eborn about 1926
MillerMary Eborn about 1936
MillerMary Eborn about 1938
MillerMary Jborn about 1905
MillerMary Jborn about 1922
MillerMary Sborn about 1906
MillerMatie Jborn about 1923
MillerMatie Tborn about 1936
MillerMattie Jborn about 1934
MillerMelvin Jborn about 1926
MillerMelvin Nborn about 1939
MillerMelvin Vborn about 1938
MillerMenno Jborn about 1913
MillerMervin Eborn about 1933
MillerMillie born about 1910
MillerMillode* born about 1931
MillerMilton Dborn about 1939
MillerMinnie Cborn about 1910
MillerModa Jborn about 1905
MillerMonroe Jborn about 1899
MillerMos Eborn about 1940
MillerNathaniel Aborn about 1906
MillerNettie Lborn about 1927
MillerNoah born about 1935
MillerNoah Jborn about 1888
MillerNora Fborn about 1912
MillerOlie Jborn about 1929
MillerOra Lborn about 1939
MillerOra Nborn about 1935
MillerOyde Wborn about 1906
MillerPaul Iborn about 1926
MillerPaul Rborn about 1934
MillerPerry Lborn about 1930
MillerPerry Vborn about 1936
MillerPeter Jborn about 1872
MillerPolly ???born about 1931
MillerPolly Jborn about 1912
MillerRamah Dborn about 1939
MillerRay born about 1927
MillerRay Oborn about 1905
MillerRaymond Dborn about 1939
MillerRichard Eborn about 1921
MillerRochel Mborn about 1906
MillerRollin Lborn about 1923
MillerRosa Jborn about 1934
MillerRosanne Lborn about 1928
MillerRoy Jborn about 1934
MillerRoy Oborn about 1911
MillerRoy Rborn about 1898
MillerRuby Mborn about 1929
MillerRudy Cborn about 1935
MillerSamuel Eborn about 1938
MillerSamuel Jborn about 1865
MillerSamuel Jayborn about 1930
MillerSamuel Sborn about 1904
MillerSarah Cborn about 1907
MillerSarah Eborn about 1929
MillerSarah Jborn about 1866
MillerSarah Jborn about 1924
MillerSarah Lborn about 1933
MillerSue Mborn about 1913
MillerSusie Dborn about 1938
MillerSusie Lborn about 1920
MillerSusie Lborn about 1936
MillerTed Wayneborn about 1938
MillerTheora Rborn about 1931
MillerTole Uborn about 1912
MillerTreva Jborn about 1929
MillerTruman Yborn about 1902
MillerUriah born about 1936
MillerUriah Dborn about 1931
MillerViola born about 1938
MillerViola Sborn about 1939
MillerWalter born about 1939
MillerWaneta Mborn about 1926
MillerWaneti? J Kborn about 1931
MillerWayne Mborn about 1928
MillerWillard Jborn about 1928
MillerWilliam born about 1912
MillerWilliam Jborn about 1937
MillerWilma Jborn about 1932
MillerYale Yborn about 1934
MillerZena Bborn about 1891
MinickClarence born about 1883
MinickLaura Mborn about 1883
MishlerAmos Fborn about 1918
MishlerErvin Fborn about 1927
MishlerHarry Fborn about 1921
MishlerJohn Fborn about 1931
MishlerLydia Annborn about 1913
MishlerMary Iborn about 1894
MishlerMattie Lborn about 1919
MisnerTheodore Aborn about 1872
MortonCarroll born about 1922
MosemanIrma Lborn about 1905
MosemanJanet Cborn about 1935
MosemanJulia Jborn about 1932
MosemanMeudall born about 1902
MoserDan Dborn about 1876
MoserPhebe Annborn about 1873
MullerAdam Sborn about 1935
MullerBarbara Sborn about 1937
MullerChrist Sborn about 1932
MullerJohn Sborn about 1926
MullerKatie Mborn about 1906
MullerLovina Sborn about 1929
MullerMattie Sborn about 1931
MullerSam J Bborn about 1904
MyersElsie born about 1912
MyersSylvia born about 1909
MyhersFord Fborn about 1886
MyhersLula Aborn about 1885
MyhersMark Sborn about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeffLucy born about 1875
NeffSamuel Bentonborn about 1870
NelsonCurt born about 1864
NelsonIda Mborn about 1869
NelsonJean born about 1926
NelsonLeo born about 1887
NelsonRuth born about 1894
NewtonPaul born about 1926
NillerAlma born about 1872
NillerRudy Fborn about 1863

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OeschBessie Oborn about 1890
OeschDaniel born about 1891
OeschFreeman born about 1899
OeschZonita Lborn about 1914
OliverFrank Jborn about 1885
OliverNellie Bborn about 1885
OswaldEsther Rborn about 1915
OswaldRaymond Aborn about 1916
OswaldShirleen Jborn about 1939

P Surnames

ParkerFrances born about 1872
ParkerJohn born about 1867
PerryAmanda Aborn about 1911
PerryChristian Jborn about 1936
PerryElizabeth Eborn about 1934
PerryKatie Marieborn about 1939
PerryMiller Perry Jborn about 1910
PerryNina born about 1903
PhendClara born about 1926
PhendGrace born about 1936
PhendLois born about 1934
PhendLouise born about 1933
PowersMargarite born about 1921
PrenticeLucy born about 1865
PriceAllen born about 1896
PriceCornell Hborn about 1919
PriceIrma Eborn about 1896
ProbstLucy Eborn about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RainsbyCharles born about 1876
RainsbyLucy born about 1870
RayEdna Eborn about 1886
RayVern Jborn about 1885
ReedAllie born about 1876
ReedClarence Oborn about 1907
ReedDonald Rborn about 1928
ReedFay born about 1916
ReedLois Iborn about 1934
ReedMelbrt Aborn about 1875
ReedRichard Lborn about 1940
ReedRobert Aborn about 1911
ReedRobert Aborn about 1940
ReedRuby Iborn about 1909
ReedWayne Lborn about 1929
ReynoldsRohales* born about 1900
RhinismithBessie Bborn about 1897
RhinismithHarold born about 1928
RhinismithLeona Bborn about 1924
RitterAdrian Wborn about 1864
RitterAshlay* born about 1875
RitterEmma Bborn about 1869
RitterNora Aborn about 1877
RobbinsMary born about 1859
RodmanFannie Mborn about 1915
RodmanHoward Jborn about 1936
RodmanHoward Jborn about 1937
RodmanHoward Sborn about 1912
RoomerJohn born about 1898
RoseDora born about 1867
RossmanDella born about 1882
RossmanWalter born about 1876
RothClaron* born about 1931
RothDaniel Wborn about 1900
RothHoward born about 1927
RothJoyce born about 1934
RothSusie born about 1899
RoyArthur Vborn about 1918
RoyMargaret Cborn about 1919
RoyPatricia Lborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalzmanDorothy Lborn about 1929
SalzmanEarl Lborn about 1896
SalzmanMargaret Eborn about 1931
SalzmanVinora Pborn about 1896
SchcockAnne Lborn about 1920
Schermerhorn??mer Oborn about 1919
SchermerhornJohn Hborn about 1877
SchermerhornLaura Kborn about 1891
Schlabach??? Samuelborn about 1924
SchlabachAlvin Jayborn about 1922
SchlabachClarence Jayborn about 1936
SchlabachEli Jborn about 1919
SchlabachJacob Sborn about 1891
SchlabachJonas Jborn about 1916
SchlabachMartha Jborn about 1939
SchlabachMary Eborn about 1928
SchlabachMelvin Jborn about 1937
SchlabachSusie Jborn about 1897
SchlebachEdna Jborn about 1897
SchlebachEdna Sborn about 1934
SchlebachElizabeth Sborn about 1928
SchlebachEmma Cborn about 1921
SchlebachErvie Aborn about 1926
SchlebachMattie Sborn about 1938
SchlebachSamuel born about 1898
SchlebachWilma Sborn about 1931
SchmuckerAlma born about 1934
SchmuckerJohn born about 1906
SchmuckerJohn Jr born about 1940
SchmuckerLaura born about 1904
SchmuckerMartha born about 1936
SchmuckerMaurie born about 1938
SchmuckerPaul born about 1932
SchrochBarbara Eborn about 1896
SchrochDella born about 1865
SchrochIda Mayborn about 1902
SchrockAlma Mborn about 1931
SchrockBelly Oborn about 1938
SchrockBetty Lborn about 1935
SchrockBobby Bborn about 1931
SchrockClayton born about 1921
SchrockDelbert Eborn about 1932
SchrockDonald Rborn about 1939
SchrockElmer born about 1900
SchrockElmer born about 1923
SchrockHelen Eborn about 1924
SchrockLester Eborn about 1940
SchrockLizzie Annborn about 1904
SchrockMary Eborn about 1928
SchrockMoses Eborn about 1937
SchrockPaul Rborn about 1930
SchrockRalph Eborn about 1925
SchrockRub* born about 1893
SchrockRuth Annborn about 1925
SchrockSusan born about 1895
ScottAlbert Gborn about 1869
ScottElizabeth Cborn about 1871
ScottMonnie Aborn about 1856
SeagleyDale Eborn about 1887
SeagleyJean born about 1926
SeagleyMary Janeborn about 1897
SeagleyRichard Sborn about 1930
SelleckAdeline Eborn about 1895
SelleckSolon Bborn about 1887
SeslineEthel Aborn about 1878
ShadeMyron Eborn about 1875
ShadeMyrtie Mborn about 1883
ShearoGertie born about 1873
SheleyArthur Hborn about 1906
SheleyMary Aborn about 1902
ShererAndra Sborn about 1892
ShererEli Sborn about 1866
ShererLaura Aborn about 1889
ShererMary born about 1863
ShererRalph Vborn about 1895
ShererRussell Jborn about 1923
ShererRussell Sborn about 1896
ShroyerHarry Nborn about 1889
ShroyerOra born about 1885
SiglerAlta Eborn about 1888
SiglerCarl born about 1883
SiglerDella Mayborn about 1926
SiglerH Artborn about 1885
SiglerJennie Mborn about 1861
SiglerLula Mborn about 1888
SiglerOra Iborn about 1892
SiglerPhyllis Cborn about 1935
SiglerSusan Catherineborn about 1923
SiglerVirginia Rborn about 1920
SlabachErerie born about 1912
SlabachErov* Jborn about 1936
SlabachGbeen* Rborn about 1935
SlabachMartha Eborn about 1938
SlabachMary born about 1938
SlabachNaomah Jborn about 1915
SlabaughAmra born about 1890
SlabaughAnna born about 1931
SlabaughElva born about 1932
SlabaughHenry born about 1924
SlabaughMoses Jborn about 1883
SmeltzlyAda born about 1860
SmithArnold Gborn about 1939
SmithBenton Eborn about 1937
SmithBercha* Aborn about 1892
SmithCarl born about 1867
SmithCelete* born about 1875
SmithCharles Lborn about 1867
SmithCharles Lborn about 1903
SmithDora Mborn about 1868
SmithFred Rborn about 1918
SmithGary Gborn about 1936
SmithGlenn Wborn about 1906
SmithGuy Fborn about 1908
SmithHenry born about 1876
SmithHerbert Eborn about 1870
SmithJohn Mborn about 1869
SmithKeith Lborn about 1913
SmithLawrence born about 1891
SmithLily Cborn about 1879
SmithLoyd born about 1915
SmithMaggie born about 1894
SmithMarlene Rborn about 1932
SmithMildred Dborn about 1911
SmithMildred Lborn about 1910
SmithNora born about 1883
SmithPhyllis Eborn about 1917
SmithStanley Aborn about 1887
SmithStella born about 1876
SmithVirginia Eborn about 1915
SparlingMary Aborn about 1868
SpidleDaniel born about 1870
SpidleFlorence Aborn about 1874
StalcupDoris born about 1917
SteinbargerAlta Iborn about 1884
SteinbargerCassie* born about 1879
SteinbargerDarrell Aborn about 1919
StoutCharles Eborn about 1917
StoutHervey Wborn about 1879
StoutLilly Rborn about 1887
StoutMable Cborn about 1910
StrangMary Wborn about 1852
StrayerAlbert Wborn about 1886
StrayerLorraine Rborn about 1898
StricklandSterling born about 1877
StugisFranklie Lborn about 1936
StugisGenevieve Hborn about 1915
StugisLyston Lborn about 1912
StutzmanAnna born about 1877
StutzmanElmer born about 1881
StutzmanGeorge born about 1875
StutzmanNettie born about 1869
StutzmanOra Cborn about 1867
StutzmanSusan born about 1918
StutzmanWill born about 1915
SultonKathleen born about 1914
SuttonEula Cborn about 1887
SuttonRay Lborn about 1883
SuttonRobert born about 1922
SwankMargaret Annborn about 1931
SwankMartha Janeborn about 1936
SwankMary Iborn about 1899
SwankMary Kathrineborn about 1923
SwankWilliam Hborn about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateRachel born about 1862
TateRobert Jborn about 1861
TealFrank Gborn about 1856
ThompsonDonald born about 1928
ThompsonEdna born about 1882
ThompsonIrwin born about 1894
ThompsonJeanette born about 1940
ThompsonLettie Eborn about 1896
ThompsonLincoln Rborn about 1865
ThompsonPhillip born about 1928
ThompsonRobert born about 1932
ThompsonRobert Bborn about 1924
ThompsonWayne Lborn about 1921
ToddMay Eborn about 1890
ToddWilliam Jborn about 1914
ToughtElla born about 1895
ToughtGloria Jborn about 1932
ToughtIrvin Jborn about 1892
ToughtJaniel Eborn about 1933
ToughtJlah Rborn about 1924
ToughtJoan Nborn about 1923
ToughtPhyllis Cborn about 1927
TrittcpoBert born about 1879
TrittcpoNellie born about 1883
TrittipoHelen Bborn about 1914
TrittipoPatricia Aborn about 1939
TrittipoPaul Aborn about 1915
Troyer??? born about 1874
TroyerAlvin born about 1935
TroyerAnna born about 1915
TroyerElizabeth Lborn about 1861
TroyerJacob Cborn about 1868
TurnerBilly born about 1931
TurnerMay Normaborn about 1904
TurnerTommy born about 1933
TurnerWilliam Hborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UlmerDon Pborn about 1905
UlmerDonna Cborn about 1936
UlmerDorothy Gborn about 1905
UlmerIrlin Mborn about 1912
UlmerJames Gborn about 1927
UlmerJoe Tborn about 1873
UlmerJohn Pborn about 1930
UlmerLevanchie Fborn about 1877
UlmerMaynard born about 1876
UlmerSadat Eborn about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WalberJohn born about 1896
WalburnMary born about 1921
WalterEmory Aborn about 1878
WalterFondah Jborn about 1927
WalterOpal Dborn about 1891
WalterWayne Fborn about 1930
WalterYvonne Oborn about 1929
WaltersAmanda born about 1877
WaltersIrma Jborn about 1897
WaltersMyron born about 1877
WaltersSam born about 1869
WalthersFrank born about 1908
WalthersGladys born about 1906
WeaverEvelyn Aborn about 1916
WeaverHugh Sborn about 1913
WeaverIda Jborn about 1882
WeaverPhenas born about 1886
WeaverStanley Eborn about 1938
WebbFrank Eborn about 1880
WebbLouie Bborn about 1882
WempleA Bborn about 1893
WempleElizabeth born about 1919
WempleEva born about 1896
WempleMercy Rborn about 1864
WianLee Wborn about 1909
WianLydia Iborn about 1919
WickeyAmos Sborn about 1922
WickeyBarbara Aborn about 1931
WickeyJacob Sborn about 1896
WickeyJohn Jborn about 1923
WickeyPerry Jborn about 1937
WickeySamuel Jborn about 1935
WickeySusan Jborn about 1897
WilsonClaud born about 1872
WilsonFrances Wborn about 1885
WilsonMilton Sborn about 1915
WithemJohn born about 1919
WolfAndrew born about 1867
WolfClara born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoderAda Eborn about 1922
YoderAda Jborn about 1897
YoderAlma Aborn about 1904
YoderAmanda Dborn about 1922
YoderAmanda Eborn about 1928
YoderAmanda Jborn about 1907
YoderAmanda Mborn about 1924
YoderAmanda Mborn about 1929
YoderAmelia Mborn about 1919
YoderAmos Mborn about 1923
YoderAnna born about 1891
YoderAnna Mayborn about 1927
YoderBarbara Mborn about 1921
YoderBlanche Eborn about 1887
YoderCassie Eborn about 1866
YoderClarence Aborn about 1913
YoderClyde Wborn about 1896
YoderCornelius Mborn about 1923
YoderDaniel Aborn about 1890
YoderDaniel Mborn about 1926
YoderDarrell born about 1923
YoderDorothy born about 1906
YoderEdna Eborn about 1937
YoderEdna Mborn about 1920
YoderEdna Mayborn about 1940
YoderEli Hborn about 1909
YoderElizabeth born about 1860
YoderElizabeth Mborn about 1935
YoderElla Mborn about 1895
YoderEllis Aborn about 1884
YoderElmer born about 1917
YoderElmer Mborn about 1917
YoderElnora Sborn about 1905
YoderEmma born about 1882
YoderEmma born about 1899
YoderEmma born about 1901
YoderEmma Aborn about 1857
YoderEmma Dborn about 1919
YoderEmma Mborn about 1931
YoderEzra Aborn about 1899
YoderFannie Cborn about 1873
YoderGloria Lborn about 1935
YoderHenry Mborn about 1924
YoderIda Mayborn about 1928
YoderIrvin born about 1911
YoderIva Mborn about 1870
YoderJanet Cborn about 1938
YoderJoe Mborn about 1927
YoderJohn Dborn about 1914
YoderJohn Hborn about 1868
YoderJohn Jayborn about 1935
YoderJohnathan born about 1887
YoderJoseph Dborn about 1932
YoderJoyce Eborn about 1937
YoderKathleen Jborn about 1931
YoderKatie born about 1881
YoderKatie Annborn about 1925
YoderKatie Mborn about 1922
YoderLedgle* Cborn about 1904
YoderLeo Mborn about 1912
YoderLevi Eborn about 1924
YoderLevi Mborn about 1920
YoderLorene Lborn about 1933
YoderLovina born about 1895
YoderLoyd Cborn about 1940
YoderLydia Eborn about 1925
YoderLydia Wborn about 1940
YoderMa??? J Sborn about 1892
YoderMartha Eborn about 1939
YoderMartin Wborn about 1891
YoderMatalie Mborn about 1929
YoderMattie Eborn about 1939
YoderMattie Wborn about 1936
YoderMime Lborn about 1914
YoderMonroa born about 1894
YoderMonroe born about 1939
YoderOra Jborn about 1939
YoderOrpha Dborn about 1936
YoderPerry Wborn about 1929
YoderPolly Jborn about 1903
YoderRosalee Aborn about 1936
YoderRuby born about 1918
YoderRuby Fborn about 1911
YoderSam Dborn about 1876
YoderSarah Eborn about 1939
YoderSolonaon* born about 1864
YoderSusie born about 1870
YoderSusie Eborn about 1931
YoderSusie Eborn about 1938
YoderSusie Jborn about 1890
YoderSusie Jborn about 1917
YoderSussie Mborn about 1940
YoderSylvia Mborn about 1936
YoderUriah Vborn about 1885
YoderValentine born about 1861
YoderVenus born about 1873
YoderWilliam Aborn about 1904
YoderWilliam Eborn about 1935
YoderWilliam Iborn about 1917
YoderWilma Dborn about 1934
YontzSarah Eborn about 1882
YorderBertha Fborn about 1897
YorderDona Mborn about 1930
YorderIrma Jborn about 1934
YorderJonas Dborn about 1892
YorderMartha Leeborn about 1928
YorderNancy Kborn about 1940
YorderPhil Eborn about 1931
YorderVera Lborn about 1937
YoukerDella Iborn about 1873
YoukerSilas Dborn about 1868

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