1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clinton in Boone County, Boone, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Boone County > 1940 Census of Clinton in Boone County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsJod born about 1870
AdamsMarion born about 1923
AdamsOris born about 1921
AdamsPearl born about 1884
AlegreeLewis born about 1882
AlegreeLucy born about 1864
AllenDavid Oborn about 1933
AllenEmma born about 1912
AllenEverett Oborn about 1906
AllenHenry Karrborn about 1939
AllenPauline born about 1936
AlmondAlva Aborn about 1866
AlmondAnna Iborn about 1868
ArbegastJess born about 1875

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B Surnames

BakerCecil born about 1900
BarnesSusan born about 1882
BarnesWilliam Hborn about 1876
BarrettJesse born about 1912
BarrettJoe born about 1936
BarrettWilliam born about 1907
BatesChas Fborn about 1882
BatesJames Marionborn about 1927
BatesJesse Lborn about 1887
BatesJohn Mborn about 1878
BatesVivian born about 1914
BieseckerEarl born about 1905
BieseckerEarl Wrightborn about 1925
BieseckerFredrice Genborn about 1931
BieseckerJudith Annborn about 1938
BieseckerJulia Bethborn about 1927
BieseckerKenneth Leeborn about 1935
BieseckerVera Kborn about 1906
BillingshLinnie Mborn about 1883
BillingshSamuel Zborn about 1881
BirdDavid Lborn about 1936
BirdMartha Roeborn about 1909
BishopClarence born about 1888
BishopClarence Jr born about 1930
BishopFrances born about 1921
BishopPauline born about 1925
BishopVada born about 1897
BlubaughDoyle born about 1925
BlubaughEthel born about 1893
BlubaughFrank Fborn about 1893
BlubaughRalph born about 1921
BlubaughRonnie born about 1937
BoganBertha born about 1883
BoganWesley born about 1882
BradshawClifford Gborn about 1894
BradshawLottie born about 1895
BrayBetty Louborn about 1931
BrayClessie Edithborn about 1912
BrayDelois born about 1937
BrayLeonard born about 1912
BrownBetty Leeborn about 1922
BrownGrace born about 1900
BrownRandall Eborn about 1894
BurkhalterLurabelle born about 1907
BurkhalterMartin born about 1904
BurkhalterMarvin Zborn about 1935
BurlesonGrace born about 1881
BurlesonLevis born about 1878
BushCharles Mborn about 1896
BushNellie born about 1898

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C Surnames

CaddickBernard born about 1931
CaddickJane born about 1925
CaddickVirginia Leeborn about 1934
CaldwellAlma Bborn about 1868
CaldwellCarolyn born about 1935
CaldwellClaude Rborn about 1902
CaldwellEarl born about 1900
CaldwellElna Jeanborn about 1930
CaldwellEvalena born about 1901
CaldwellFrank born about 1873
CaldwellGerald born about 1930
CaldwellGrace born about 1888
CaldwellHattie born about 1876
CaldwellHelen born about 1922
CaldwellHerbert born about 1924
CaldwellIvy born about 1883
CaldwellJames born about 1878
CaldwellJoan born about 1926
CaldwellKenneth born about 1898
CaldwellLeland born about 1939
CaldwellLura born about 1877
CaldwellMarie born about 1900
CaldwellMary Elizabethborn about 1924
CaldwellOrville born about 1876
CaldwellSumner born about 1926
CaldwellWayne Gborn about 1921
CalvertClefa born about 1940
CalvertCleora born about 1938
CalvertDoran born about 1935
CalvertDorsey born about 1933
CalvertG Willisborn about 1881
CalvertJesslyn born about 1932
CalvertMary born about 1906
CalvertRalph born about 1910
CalvertRonald born about 1936
CampbellEliza Fborn about 1863
CampbellJay born about 1892
CampbellRosalie born about 1926
CampbellSherman born about 1897
CampbellSusie born about 1900
CarneyFloyd born about 1896
CarneyKeith born about 1924
CarneyLetha born about 1900
CarneyLowell born about 1928
CarneyRaymond born about 1926
CarrFrancis born about 1907
CarrGoldie born about 1908
CashJoseph Cborn about 1870
CashMarie Eborn about 1896
CashNannie Bborn about 1870
CastlowEleanor Mborn about 1917
CastlowRalph Nealborn about 1916
CastlowRonald Nealborn about 1938
CaveRobert Le Royborn about 1920
ChristensenBarbarba born about 1932
ChristensenIdella born about 1907
ChristensenMax Gordonborn about 1933
ChristensenRaymond born about 1900
ClarkFrank Hborn about 1903
ClarkFrank Jr born about 1927
ClarkLawrence Josephborn about 1934
ClarkMabel Mborn about 1906
ClarkRichard Sborn about 1931
ClarkVirginia born about 1929
ClarkWayne Leeborn about 1938
CleaverAlfred Jborn about 1922
CleaverAnne born about 1911
CleaverGeo Cborn about 1884
CleaverMary born about 1889
ClemensChas born about 1881
ClemensChas Jr born about 1910
ClemensMarzetta born about 1918
CoatneyBertha Ellenborn about 1893
CoatneyClarence Eborn about 1886
CobbBertha born about 1883
CochranElmer born about 1898
CochranMabel born about 1892
CochranMary Francisborn about 1927
CoddinghamHarry born about 1888
CoddinghamMary born about 1885
CogswellChas Eborn about 1928
CogswellClaude born about 1892
CogswellDon Fborn about 1926
CogswellOlive born about 1904
CogswellRobert Eborn about 1924
CollierDarrell born about 1912
CollierDuane born about 1936
CollierJerry born about 1938
CollierLorretta born about 1934
CollierMargaet born about 1915
CookMabel Bborn about 1893
CookusElmer Jborn about 1865
CookusSophia born about 1868
CopenhaverErnest born about 1930
CopenhaverJohn born about 1896
CopenhaverJohn Jr born about 1926
CopenhaverMay Marieborn about 1896
CopenhaverMorris born about 1920
CopenhaverRichard born about 1929
CopenhaverRobert Wmborn about 1932
CopenhaverWayne born about 1922
CornellAnna Maryborn about 1875
CornellBirtsel Eborn about 1881
CoxDora born about 1884
CoxElva born about 1887
CoxJewell born about 1914
CoyElmer Louiseborn about 1920
CoyForest Mborn about 1898
CoyLorena Lborn about 1900
CoyWilliam Leeborn about 1924
CraganAgnes born about 1903
CraganElmer born about 1879
CraganFloyd born about 1919
CraganFred born about 1914
CraganLoyd born about 1919
CraganMinnie Vborn about 1879
CraganVirgil born about 1907
CraganWayne born about 1916
CranfordCarrie born about 1895
CranfordWillard born about 1884
CrothersHerbert born about 1915
CulverCharles born about 1895
CulverJames Lewisborn about 1939
CulverMary born about 1908
CulverRita Maeborn about 1931
CulverWalter born about 1901
CurtsDorothy born about 1920
CurtsEmerson born about 1921
CurtsEmmett born about 1918
CurtsGeorge Ebyborn about 1938
CurtsKathryn born about 1924
CurtsMadys born about 1896
CurtsRalph Hborn about 1892

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D Surnames

DavidsonFlora born about 1867
DavidsonJames born about 1861
DavisCharles Oborn about 1878
DavisIrene born about 1929
DavisJames Fborn about 1872
DavisJohn Bborn about 1920
DavisLester born about 1906
DavisMinnie Janeborn about 1873
DavisNellie Iborn about 1882
DavisRuth born about 1913
DayJulia born about 1875
DayOtto born about 1876
DayViva born about 1908
DellGerstal born about 1898
DellOpal born about 1910
DerlinChas Iborn about 1898
DerlinElva born about 1899
DerlinLoriene born about 1926
DoughtyClaud Oscarborn about 1905
DoughtyEtta Sborn about 1884
DoughtyOliver Cborn about 1879
DriverWalter born about 1865
DriverWashtella born about 1875
DulinMalvern Eborn about 1873
DulinMay Bborn about 1871
DuvallJohn Aborn about 1857

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E Surnames

EatonMattie Eborn about 1867
EatonMrs Bessie born about 1886
EatonWilliam Gborn about 1860
EdringtonAlice Sueborn about 1877
EdringtonWilliam Pborn about 1866
EndicottAugusta born about 1873
EndicottLeeodemus Oborn about 1872
EndicottNolan Leeborn about 1903

F Surnames

FaussetCharles Melvilleborn about 1924
FaussetDonald Alphensborn about 1926
FaussetJean Francisborn about 1921
FaussetJesse Lborn about 1895
FaussetMary Ellenborn about 1922
FaussetNancy Vernaborn about 1896
FinchAlice born about 1857
FinchBarbare born about 1931
FinchDennis born about 1916
FinchFern born about 1910
FinchMaxine born about 1924
FinchStella born about 1890
FinneyJames born about 1862
FinneyMary Cborn about 1872

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G Surnames

GabrielErnest Aborn about 1873
GabrielGrace Dborn about 1886
GabrielMary Janeborn about 1914
GaddisAmos Mborn about 1877
GaddisMaettie Bborn about 1883
GambleAlice born about 1918
GambleJames Aborn about 1884
GambleLillian Mborn about 1884
GarrettClara Aborn about 1865
GarrettDavid Mborn about 1873
GibbsCharles Emoeryborn about 1939
GibbsJohn Eborn about 1913
GibbsRhea born about 1920
GoldsboroughCatherine born about 1894
GoldsboroughJames Mborn about 1917
GoldsboroughJos Eborn about 1894
GoldsboroughRena born about 1873
GoodnightElizabeth born about 1922
GoodnightEva born about 1881
GoodnightMosey born about 1886
GrahamCarl born about 1906
GrahamJune born about 1934
GrahamLarry born about 1939
GrahamMabel born about 1906
GrahamPhillis born about 1932
GrayDaniel Tborn about 1872
GrayOllie Eborn about 1883
GriffinEliza Eborn about 1866
GriffinGuy born about 1886
GriffithBetty Joanborn about 1940
GriffithCharlotte born about 1918
GriffithElwood born about 1878
GriffithOllie Mayborn about 1883
GriffithRichard born about 1939
GriffithRussell born about 1911
GuttridgeEdna Mborn about 1909
GuttridgeHarry born about 1916
GuttridgeIra Vborn about 1882

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H Surnames

HaasFred born about 1893
HaasTheresa born about 1902
HancockIda Mayborn about 1869
HancockW Harveyborn about 1871
HarlosJames Davidborn about 1922
HarlosJohn Clarenceborn about 1889
HarlosMargaret Joanborn about 1931
HarlosRosa Mayborn about 1893
HartJess Hborn about 1891
HartLovie born about 1890
HawkinsDella Lborn about 1871
HawkinsFrank Fborn about 1875
HerrmannBeverly Jborn about 1931
HerrmannClarence Wborn about 1900
HerrmannMaleetha Eborn about 1910
HerrmannRobert Dborn about 1930
HershmanDelilah Eborn about 1917
HershmanJohn Williamborn about 1940
HershmanSamuel Sborn about 1915
HinnanJohn born about 1873
HinnanMaude born about 1871
HoffmanBeryl born about 1896
HoffmanJess born about 1892
HoffmanPaul Fborn about 1909
HoffmanRuby Vivanborn about 1912
HofmanHazel born about 1904
HofmanKatie born about 1871
HofmanLewis born about 1900
HofmanLillie born about 1900
HofmanWilliam Robertborn about 1920
HoletonDavid born about 1897
HoletonDorrell born about 1923
HoletonRuth born about 1904
HubbardDorothy Mayborn about 1920
HubbardHarold Eborn about 1878
HubbardMarie Aborn about 1894

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J Surnames

JacksonDorothy Mayborn about 1912
JacksonEdward Eborn about 1910
JacksonLoretta Juneborn about 1937
JeffriesMabel Graceborn about 1883
JeffriesWilliam Sborn about 1870
JenkinsJohn Lborn about 1866
JohnsonBetty Joborn about 1928
JohnsonEdwin Cborn about 1930
JohnsonEffie Kingborn about 1894
JohnsonFloyd Wborn about 1917
JohnsonGarnet Aliceborn about 1908
JohnsonGeo Hborn about 1909
JohnsonGeo Marvinborn about 1939
JohnsonJeanne Gborn about 1919
JohnsonOrvan Vborn about 1891
JohnsonOrvin D Jrborn about 1925
JohnsonTondy Leeborn about 1934

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K Surnames

KernB Rayborn about 1889
KernVirlen born about 1888
KimbleClara born about 1867
KimbleIra Sborn about 1865
KingBernard Cborn about 1931
KingDavid born about 1902
KingHelen Louiseborn about 1933
KingLemoine Fayborn about 1928
KingLou Annborn about 1938
KingMerle born about 1906
KingRobert Eugeneborn about 1927
KingWilliam Royborn about 1925

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L Surnames

LaflinJames Wborn about 1867
LambersonLaura born about 1858
LambersonMarion born about 1883
LandHaroe born about 1866
LandLaura born about 1870
LasleyBetty Louiseborn about 1937
LasleyKenneth born about 1910
LasleyKenneth Russellborn about 1934
LasleyWaneta born about 1910
LeapEdward Bborn about 1875
LeapRaymond born about 1929
LeapRuth Elmeborn about 1886
LindleyFrank Braxtonborn about 1933
LindleyFrank Lborn about 1894
LindleyWyndham born about 1904
LindleyWyndham Rborn about 1924
LockhartLuna born about 1873
LouksBessie born about 1884
LouksOra born about 1880
LovettDorothy born about 1910
LovettLloyd born about 1902
LovettNorma Jeanborn about 1939
LuseBeulah Catherineborn about 1912
LuseChas Elmerborn about 1888
LuseDaisy Aliceborn about 1889
LynchBarbara born about 1936
LynchBernice born about 1909
LynchBetty born about 1932
LynchHelen born about 1926
LynchJackie born about 1939
LynchJohn Hborn about 1905
LynchLela Marieborn about 1929

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M Surnames

MacarthurArthur born about 1894
MacarthurGertrude born about 1894
MarshallDorothy born about 1908
MarshallErnest born about 1905
MarshallStanley born about 1931
MartinAnna Maeborn about 1924
MartinCarol born about 1926
MartinDale Kborn about 1922
MartinGrace born about 1902
MartinJesse Fernborn about 1895
MartinLoren Curtisborn about 1926
MartinMary Jeanborn about 1924
MartinMaxine born about 1928
MartinNeita Fernborn about 1930
MartinRobert Lynnborn about 1920
MartinRobt Lborn about 1891
MartinRussell Lborn about 1898
MartzIda Rborn about 1891
MartzOllie Bborn about 1881
MartzRalph born about 1924
MaxwellCarl born about 1929
MaxwellDora Minnieborn about 1932
MaxwellFloyd born about 1927
MaxwellFred born about 1899
MaxwellKenneth born about 1938
MaxwellLoyd born about 1929
MaxwellMabel born about 1934
MaxwellMargaret born about 1903
MaxwellPaul born about 1936
MazeStephen Eborn about 1875
McAnceCharles Eborn about 1874
McAnceErva Mayborn about 1881
McCaskeyMartha Rborn about 1872
McCaskeyWilliam Eborn about 1867
McClungChas Hborn about 1886
McClungChas H Jrborn about 1922
McClungElizabeth Leeborn about 1890
McCoskeyEdith born about 1896
McCoskeyEldon Cborn about 1938
McCoskeyFred born about 1897
McCoskeyFredia Fborn about 1925
McCoskeyKeith Lborn about 1923
McCoskeyKenneth Eborn about 1920
McCoyOkie Mayborn about 1884
McCoyOtis Eborn about 1881
McDanielPhilip born about 1915
McDanielWilma born about 1914
McDonaldEarl Eborn about 1891
McDonaldEtta born about 1880
McDonaldFannie born about 1894
McDonaldFloyd Lborn about 1904
McDonaldJane born about 1936
McDonaldLucile born about 1903
McDonaldO Carlborn about 1883
McKinleyLevi born about 1871
McMannisDaisy born about 1876
McMathJohn Carrollborn about 1940
McMathJohn Fborn about 1915
McMathMary Aliceborn about 1917
McMathRobert Williamborn about 1938
McQuernBetty born about 1925
McQuernCora born about 1904
McQuernIra born about 1899
McQuernRobert born about 1921
McRobertsCarolyn Sueborn about 1931
McRobertsMartha born about 1858
McRobertsWm Otisborn about 1890
McRobertsZulma born about 1891
McVeyFranklin Jborn about 1891
McVeyGeorganna born about 1918
McVeyHelen born about 1893
McVeyJames born about 1919
McVeyVern born about 1913
MillerOllie born about 1881
MillerRobert Fborn about 1921
MooreArminta Fborn about 1872
MooreEmma born about 1914
MooreLaurence Pborn about 1859
MooreLoami Sborn about 1867
MooreMargaret Jborn about 1861
MoorePaul Wborn about 1911
MortonAddie born about 1876
MortonAlva Dborn about 1874
MortonCarrie born about 1885
MortonDon born about 1939
MortonDorothy Aborn about 1906
MortonFred Tborn about 1903
MortonGeorge Aborn about 1937
MortonHugh born about 1914
MortonIvy Ireneborn about 1908
MortonJohn born about 1929
MortonJohn Wayneborn about 1907
MortonJulia born about 1922
MortonLaura born about 1904
MortonLeah born about 1919
MortonLois born about 1926
MortonLula Pborn about 1875
MortonMabel born about 1924
MortonMarjorie Jborn about 1935
MortonMattie Eborn about 1878
MortonMildred Rborn about 1924
MortonNancy Jeanneborn about 1936
MortonPaul Lborn about 1905
MortonRosemay Eborn about 1930
MortonRuby Eborn about 1903
MortonWendell Pborn about 1903
MortonWilliam Aborn about 1872
MortonZoro Nborn about 1871
MullikinCleo born about 1895
MullikinDonald born about 1920
MullikinFrank Aborn about 1891
MullikinGlenda Kayborn about 1938
MullikinJames born about 1916
MullikinJohn born about 1924
MullikinLucile born about 1922
MullikinMarjorie born about 1932
MullikinMary Aliceborn about 1918
MullikinRobert Fborn about 1918
MullikinVernie born about 1898
MullikinWilliam Hborn about 1898
MundellLizzie born about 1881
MyersBeverly Annborn about 1936
MyersFrances Ellenborn about 1915
MyersJames Sborn about 1913
MyersJames S Jrborn about 1937
MyersLe Roy born about 1924
MyersMarie born about 1925

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N Surnames

NanceFelix born about 1863
NanceIda Mayborn about 1870
NashLula born about 1887
NealAlva Gborn about 1877
NealDonald born about 1924
NealDonnagene born about 1936
NealLloyd born about 1903
NealLyle born about 1898
NealMary born about 1908
NealMary Elizabethborn about 1898
NealMaude Cborn about 1877
NealRichard Leeborn about 1925
NealRobert born about 1927
NealRosemary born about 1922
NeuenschwanderAnna born about 1898
NeuenschwanderDale Victorborn about 1932
NeuenschwanderGlenna Deanborn about 1930
NeuenschwanderHarold born about 1901
NeuenschwanderLeroy born about 1923
NeuenschwanderVida Joyceborn about 1924
NewAlva Hborn about 1880
NewJulia born about 1882

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O Surnames

OlivetFonce born about 1875
OlivetMary Marvilleborn about 1872

P Surnames

PeabeHubert Lborn about 1916
PeakeIsaac born about 1879
PeakeNelle born about 1892
PerkinsBarbara Joanborn about 1929
PerkinsBetty Maeborn about 1937
PerkinsClarke born about 1893
PerkinsClaude Mborn about 1890
PerkinsClint born about 1874
PerkinsEdith Mayborn about 1895
PerkinsElbert born about 1879
PerkinsEmil Wellsborn about 1910
PerkinsEverett born about 1909
PerkinsFern Iborn about 1920
PerkinsFlorabelle born about 1919
PerkinsGladys Estheborn about 1894
PerkinsHerschel Mborn about 1904
PerkinsJennie Mayborn about 1878
PerkinsKenneth Fborn about 1923
PerkinsLouise born about 1912
PerkinsMarion born about 1924
PerkinsMary Claydsborn about 1902
PerkinsMary Vonborn about 1916
PerkinsOrie born about 1879
PerkinsPerry born about 1872
PerkinsRobert born about 1919
PerkinsRoscoe Jackieborn about 1929
PerkinsRussell born about 1920
PerkinsRussell Mborn about 1912
PerkinsThelma born about 1916
PerkinsVelma Opalborn about 1902
PerkinsVirginia born about 1926
PerkinsWendell born about 1916
PerkinsWilliam Rushborn about 1900
PerkinsWilliam Rush Jrborn about 1922
PerkinsWinnifred born about 1913
PittserBen Hborn about 1889
PittserLucile born about 1907
PlewA Jackborn about 1858
PlewSusan Lborn about 1868
PlunkittArthur born about 1886
PlunkittDema born about 1888
PlunkittRobert born about 1923
PowellDale born about 1906
PowellOrilla born about 1882
PriceBilly born about 1927
PriceBon born about 1921
PriceFred born about 1897
PriceMaude Dborn about 1892
PriceMax born about 1919
PriceSamuel born about 1930

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R Surnames

ReserClara born about 1867
RobertsMary Cborn about 1865
RobinsonChas Oborn about 1884
RobinsonGertrude born about 1886
RobinsonOpal born about 1925
RodgersAnna born about 1918
RodgersBuren born about 1918
RodgersCecil born about 1898
RodgersDe Lores born about 1923
RodgersMinnie born about 1897
RogersAlfred born about 1901
RogersDoris Mayborn about 1923
RogersGertrude born about 1879
RogersJohn Alfredborn about 1927
RogersLila Fayeborn about 1937
RogersMay born about 1900
RogersRobert born about 1876
RogersRoberta born about 1923
RowanFenta born about 1893

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S Surnames

SampleClara Maudeborn about 1883
SampleEarnest born about 1878
SandersFrancis born about 1924
SanfordRobt Nborn about 1872
SaundersJesse born about 1885
ScottBernice born about 1902
ScottClark born about 1901
ScottWilliam Cborn about 1920
SedwickEllsworth born about 1866
SedwickFred born about 1893
SedwickFred Jr born about 1921
SedwickMabel born about 1898
SedwickMattiellen born about 1916
SeegerMary born about 1881
SheeksS Lborn about 1881
ShirleyClaude born about 1893
ShirleyRuby born about 1901
ShirlingDavid born about 1935
ShirlingEarl born about 1902
ShirlingHelen born about 1906
ShirlingMaxine born about 1928
ShirlingWayne born about 1925
ShultzHarry born about 1880
SinkCarl Leslieborn about 1921
SinkCharles Thomasborn about 1918
SinkIva born about 1893
SinkThomas born about 1889
SipeBonetha Jeanborn about 1923
SipeClarence Oborn about 1891
SipeEthel born about 1893
SipeHarold born about 1918
SipeLowell Wayneborn about 1933
SipeRuth born about 1921
SmithBessie Mayborn about 1910
SmithCarl Eborn about 1905
SmithCene born about 1862
SnodgrassFrank born about 1876
SnodgrassHattie born about 1877
SnowAnn Mayborn about 1924
SnowAustin born about 1898
SnowEffie born about 1899
SnowLowell Otisborn about 1932
SprayDelliah born about 1870
SprayFrank born about 1866
StatonFrank Oborn about 1873
StatonLotis Vborn about 1916
StatonMae born about 1876
StatonMaybelle Mborn about 1915
StephensonCharles born about 1911
StephensonEarl born about 1880
StephensonEmery born about 1871
StephensonLloyd born about 1916
StephensonMellvina born about 1871
StephensonNeva born about 1885
SternElias Wborn about 1883
SternGeo Wborn about 1856
SternKatie Mayborn about 1883
StewartGrover Aborn about 1885
StewartLila Cborn about 1884
StokerFlora Bborn about 1881
StokerJohn Tborn about 1880
StrahanChas born about 1875
StrahanElla born about 1882
StrawnyerCecil Eugeneborn about 1928
StrawnyerFairy born about 1908
StrawnyerFranklin born about 1933
StrawnyerHubert born about 1930
StrawnyerMaxine born about 1934
StrawnyerOrville born about 1906
StrawnyerPatty born about 1937
StumpDon born about 1923
StumpGeneva born about 1904
StumpIvan born about 1900
StumpJames born about 1932
StumpMartha born about 1927
StumpShirley born about 1936
SurberErnest Eugeneborn about 1918
SurberLaurence Wayneborn about 1923
SurberMarin Neielborn about 1921
SurberNancy Cathborn about 1865
SurberNeiel Bborn about 1896
SurberRuth Beatriceborn about 1920
SurberWilliam born about 1857
SwinfordDorothy Eborn about 1921
SwinfordFern born about 1892
SwinfordJoseph Eborn about 1863
SwinfordLeona born about 1923
SwinfordMarion Hborn about 1916
SwinfordNeva Eborn about 1898
SwinfordOscar born about 1891
SwinfordPhillis Louiseborn about 1939
SwinfordSnell Rebeccaborn about 1932
SwinfordSylvia Obelborn about 1892
SwinfordThornton born about 1888
SwopeAlberta Janeborn about 1929
SwopeAlva Dborn about 1876
SwopeAnna Fborn about 1905
SwopeBasil born about 1900
SwopeBeulah born about 1904
SwopeClara born about 1876
SwopeDonald Bertborn about 1929
SwopeElnora Jeanborn about 1924
SwopeEster Eborn about 1905
SwopeEva born about 1899
SwopeFern born about 1912
SwopeHarold Rborn about 1901
SwopeLaurel Eborn about 1896
SwopeLewis Mborn about 1871
SwopeLowell Francisborn about 1935
SwopeMary Janeborn about 1922
SwopeNellie born about 1908
SwopeRoy born about 1912
SwopeWayne Nealborn about 1928

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T Surnames

TewellAlice Bborn about 1922
TewellEdith Eborn about 1893
TewellFred born about 1882
TewellFred born about 1921
ThomasDonald Eugeneborn about 1923
ThomasFred Sborn about 1894
ThomasOlive Gborn about 1902
ThomasTwanette born about 1919
ThomasYvonne born about 1928
ThrineBobby Joeborn about 1933
ThrineCarl Lborn about 1907
ThrineChristiane Maeborn about 1930
ThrineEvelyn Louiseborn about 1910
ThrineJennie born about 1886
ThrineJoseph born about 1885
ThrineLeon born about 1918
ThrineLeona born about 1919
TimmonsClaud born about 1888
TimmonsFlora born about 1891
TimmonsOlive born about 1921
TomlinIda Aborn about 1870
TomlinSamuel Cborn about 1871
TuckerJ Cborn about 1870

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V Surnames

VirtueAlva born about 1876
VirtueCleo born about 1899
VirtueClifford born about 1921
VirtueEmma born about 1880
VirtueGolda born about 1903
VirtueJesse Fernborn about 1920
VirtueLeon born about 1930
VirtueMabel born about 1905
VirtueMarleen born about 1936
VirtuePeggy Rosalieborn about 1932
VirtueRuby born about 1928

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W Surnames

WadeEdwin Eugeneborn about 1931
WadeGrant Oliverborn about 1934
WadeHarley Aborn about 1903
WadeMaybeltha born about 1904
WadeOlive Eleanorborn about 1927
WagonerLillian Cborn about 1892
WagonerPerry Oborn about 1885
WakefieldAlbert born about 1875
WakefieldFranklin born about 1918
WakefieldGladys Mayborn about 1888
WakefieldImogene born about 1927
WallaceCleo born about 1900
WallaceGlen born about 1901
WallaceHelen born about 1900
WallaceRoy Lborn about 1899
WarburtonClifford Oborn about 1874
WarburtonErnest born about 1912
WarburtonInez born about 1910
WarburtonMellie born about 1882
WarrenJames born about 1920
WarrenLavaughn born about 1927
WarrenOra born about 1885
WarrenZelma born about 1889
WellsA Nborn about 1854
WellsEllis born about 1907
WellsGrace Aborn about 1867
WellsHarold Nborn about 1908
WellsPhyllis born about 1910
WellsRay born about 1914
WellsRaymond born about 1933
WellsRosemary born about 1938
WellsRuby born about 1908
WellsSue Carolynborn about 1935
WethingtonAllene born about 1927
WethingtonErnest born about 1905
WethingtonGrace born about 1908
WethingtonJames born about 1933
WethingtonJoyce born about 1930
WethingtonMadonna born about 1931
WethingtonMorris Leeborn about 1936
WhitelyChas Mborn about 1933
WhitelyErnest Lavernaborn about 1920
WhitelyErnest Pborn about 1890
WhitelyGrace Opalborn about 1891
WileyArthur Nborn about 1898
WileyBurce Aborn about 1937
WileyEdith Wborn about 1894
WileyElsie Mborn about 1916
WileyGrace born about 1889
WileyHugh Rborn about 1929
WileyMattie Eborn about 1868
WileyMildred Fborn about 1902
WileyRobert Nborn about 1933
WilliamsBetty Joborn about 1927
WilliamsDryane Ernestborn about 1936
WilliamsEdna Aliceborn about 1906
WilliamsErnest Hborn about 1899
WilliamsJames Edwardborn about 1932
WilliamsJoseph Harlanborn about 1938
WilliamsLois Vivianborn about 1934
WilliamsPeggy Leeborn about 1929
WillsAlbert Jborn about 1876
WillsMarion born about 1921
WillsRuth born about 1901
WillsVirgil born about 1895
WilsonCelesta born about 1924
WilsonEveline born about 1918
WilsonIona born about 1898
WilsonRalph born about 1895
WilsonShirley born about 1935
WithamAlbert born about 1869
WithamCarrie born about 1886
WithamClarence born about 1920
WithamMary Elizabethborn about 1918
WithamRussell born about 1923
WithamWilliam Jborn about 1916
WoodFrederick born about 1906
WoodruffBennie born about 1917
WoodruffJoan born about 1921
WoodruffSharon born about 1940
WoodrumEdith born about 1913
WoodrumJames born about 1913
WoodrumRoderick born about 1937

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Y Surnames

YoungLidie born about 1863

Z Surnames

ZurfasRobert Jborn about 1923

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