1940 U.S. Federal Census of Clinton in Elkhart County, Elkhart, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Elkhart County > 1940 Census of Clinton in Elkhart County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsGeorge Jborn about 1876
AkersAlonzo born about 1859
AlbrightLaura Bborn about 1885
AlbrightReader Gborn about 1876
AllmanMinnie born about 1868
AlwineAnna born about 1873
AlwineLewis born about 1869
AndersonAmelia born about 1892
AndersonJosephine born about 1933
AndersonNoah born about 1895
AndersonRobert born about 1932
ArchartJoseph Fborn about 1871
ArnoldElwin born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaerOpal born about 1917
BaerStanley Lborn about 1940
BakerBertha born about 1881
BakerJacob Eborn about 1858
BakerMargaret Aborn about 1923
BakerOliver Lborn about 1879
BakerRaymond born about 1917
BarnardEnola Sborn about 1873
BartholomewDavid born about 1933
BartholomewDonald Hborn about 1897
BartholomewEdson Cborn about 1870
BartholomewFlorence born about 1875
BartholomewIrene born about 1901
BartholomewPaul born about 1938
BartonOliver Dborn about 1877
BartonOliver Jr born about 1934
BartonRhode Llborn about 1939
BartonVada born about 1903
BatesAnnabelle born about 1926
BatesBerdine born about 1925
BatesBeulah born about 1899
BatesDonald born about 1923
BatesGordon born about 1937
BatesLeroy born about 1929
BatesRalph born about 1900
BeckBertha Mborn about 1878
BeckGeorge Lborn about 1873
BeckLuella born about 1890
BeechyElva born about 1923
BenderChristina born about 1939
BenderDaniel Bborn about 1911
BenderDanielr born about 1872
BenderDorothy born about 1936
BenderEdward Lborn about 1933
BenderFloyd Sborn about 1938
BenderKatie Nborn about 1872
BenderNoah Rborn about 1870
BenderOmer born about 1929
BenderSusan born about 1878
BenderSylvia born about 1912
BendesClara born about 1915
BendesLillian born about 1937
BendesNorma Jborn about 1936
BendesOrus born about 1910
BergerAline born about 1915
BergerEdith born about 1876
BergerEmiel Eborn about 1877
BergerGeorge born about 1917
BerkeyEarl born about 1896
BerkeyEmma born about 1875
BerkeyFrank born about 1887
BerkeyJacob Mborn about 1878
BerkeyJohn born about 1874
BerkeyLena born about 1894
BerkeyMargaret born about 1902
BerkeyMargie born about 1922
BerkeyMarlin born about 1909
BerkeyMary Aborn about 1872
BerkeyNoble born about 1905
BerkeyOra born about 1889
BerkeyRalph born about 1900
BerkeyRena born about 1882
BerkeySadie born about 1882
BickelAdam born about 1885
BickelBeulah born about 1892
BickelEdith born about 1897
BickelEllsworth born about 1925
BickelErnest born about 1899
BickelForest born about 1920
BickelGeneva born about 1927
BickelGwendolyn born about 1918
BickelHarold born about 1917
BickelIra Aborn about 1881
BickelIra A Jrborn about 1917
BickelMars born about 1924
BickelMax born about 1929
BickelMildred born about 1901
BickelOretha born about 1929
BloughBarbara born about 1914
BloughMaurice Jborn about 1911
BollingerMartha Hborn about 1866
BontragerAmanda born about 1880
BontragerAmanda born about 1907
BontragerBarbara born about 1899
BontragerChris Cborn about 1873
BontragerDaniel born about 1915
BontragerDaniel born about 1928
BontragerElam born about 1925
BontragerEli Sborn about 1876
BontragerElizabeth born about 1912
BontragerElizabeth born about 1918
BontragerEsra born about 1921
BontragerEsther born about 1932
BontragerEsther Lborn about 1915
BontragerFannie born about 1891
BontragerFennie Eborn about 1934
BontragerFred Sborn about 1898
BontragerGideon born about 1898
BontragerGideon born about 1923
BontragerIda born about 1921
BontragerIlah born about 1919
BontragerIrene born about 1930
BontragerJacob Dborn about 1888
BontragerJoseph Aborn about 1918
BontragerLeroy Eborn about 1929
BontragerLloyd born about 1933
BontragerLoretta born about 1939
BontragerMarion born about 1936
BontragerMildred born about 1927
BontragerOris Uborn about 1939
BontragerOrval Dborn about 1936
BontragerPaul born about 1909
BontragerRay born about 1938
BontragerRuby born about 1939
BontragerRuby born about 1940
BontragerSimon born about 1910
BontragerUrich born about 1908
BontragerVera born about 1925
BontragerWilma Mborn about 1925
BoomershineDonald born about 1910
BoomershineDonald Gborn about 1935
BoomershineGenevive born about 1910
BoomershineMarlene born about 1934
BoomershineNorris Lborn about 1932
BottsElva Bborn about 1889
BottsHarry Eborn about 1927
BottsOra born about 1884
BottsThomas Jborn about 1918
BottsWilliam Fborn about 1880
BottsWilmina Bborn about 1884
BowmanAlice born about 1876
BowmanAnna born about 1927
BowmanDoris born about 1924
BowmanEdward born about 1875
BowmanElmer born about 1897
BowmanViola born about 1902
BowserCharles Aborn about 1889
BowserGrace Nborn about 1894
BranstromCharles born about 1899
BrownJosephine born about 1880
BrownMinfort born about 1873
BrynerOrlin born about 1875
BullardEma Bborn about 1898
BullockMargaret born about 1867
BullockMinor born about 1863
BungerCharles born about 1873
ByersEdna born about 1876
ByersHenry Aborn about 1870
BylerBerdine born about 1925
BylerCarl born about 1921
BylerClarence Rborn about 1896
BylerFred Sborn about 1891
BylerIda born about 1897
BylerLowell born about 1929
BylerMinnie born about 1890

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C Surnames

CampbellAnne born about 1866
CarlsonRuth born about 1895
CarpenterLois Nborn about 1912
CarpenterMiles Mborn about 1905
CarpenterNorman Lborn about 1925
CharltonAgatha born about 1900
CharltonDorothy born about 1932
CharltonGerald born about 1899
CharltonGeraldine born about 1924
CharltonWarren born about 1922
CharltonWilliam Fborn about 1935
ChebusDonald born about 1922
ChiddesterMary Aborn about 1882
ChiddesterWilliam born about 1868
ChiddisterBeda born about 1915
ChiddisterCarlisle born about 1935
ChiddisterDelos born about 1913
ChrismanBertha born about 1883
ChrismanChauncey born about 1877
ChrismanJames Jborn about 1884
ChrismanMyrtle Jborn about 1892
ChuppDene born about 1879
ChuppElsie Mborn about 1938
ChuppEnos born about 1899
ChuppLizzie Aborn about 1907
ChuppMagdalena born about 1857
ChuppMarlin born about 1937
ChuppMary Eborn about 1936
ChuppMervin born about 1935
ChuppPhillis born about 1933
ChuppWilbur Rborn about 1939
ChuppWilliam born about 1920
ClarkElsie Mborn about 1890
ClarkJack Hborn about 1929
ClarkWilliam Gborn about 1887
ComstockElmer Hborn about 1917
ComstockLois Mborn about 1939
ComstockMiriam born about 1917
ConnellGrace Cborn about 1916
ConnellPaul Sborn about 1902
ConnellThomas Rborn about 1938
ConradAllen born about 1921
ConradAlonzo Eborn about 1876
ConradBennie born about 1919
ConradCharles born about 1889
ConradElizabeth born about 1863
ConradFrank born about 1887
ConradGrover born about 1927
ConradHenry born about 1862
ConradJosephine born about 1891
ConradLola born about 1880
ConradRuth born about 1923
CoolCharles born about 1870
CoolElla born about 1876
CoyTelmar Jr born about 1920
CripeAncil Cborn about 1920
CripeBeulah Aborn about 1922
CripeClarence Rborn about 1890
CripeDonald born about 1917
CripeEdith Mborn about 1890
CripeEdward born about 1922
CripeGeniza born about 1877
CripeHarvey Aborn about 1891
CripeIla born about 1890
CripeIra Dborn about 1870
CripeJennie born about 1861
CripeJuanita born about 1924
CripeLawrence born about 1886
CripeLawrence Jr born about 1927
CripeLloyd Jborn about 1926
CripeLois Lborn about 1931
CripeLoyal born about 1913
CripeLydia Aborn about 1892
CripeMargaret born about 1887
CripeMervin Aborn about 1920
CripeMoses born about 1869
CripeNorman born about 1886
CripeOpal born about 1916
CripePhillis born about 1933
CripeSeth born about 1926
CripeViola born about 1907
CripeVirgil Aborn about 1908
CripeWarren born about 1936
CripeWilbur Jborn about 1920
CrislerA Earlborn about 1896
CrislerArchibald born about 1866
CrislerRosa born about 1867
CrossAlvin born about 1934
CrossAmanda born about 1929
CrossGeorge Gborn about 1912
CrossHarold born about 1938
CrossHoward born about 1921
CrossMahlon born about 1898
CrossMahlon Jr born about 1937
CrossMelvin born about 1928
CrossRosa born about 1915
CrothersElla born about 1866
CrothersWilliam Fborn about 1865

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DanAlta born about 1911
DanEverett born about 1908
DanRay Eborn about 1932
DarrEarl born about 1885
DavisFrances Lborn about 1910
DavisLester Dborn about 1910
DavisNora born about 1913
DavisRoy Eborn about 1911
DitchettBlanche born about 1894
DitchettDelores born about 1933
DitchettPaul born about 1897
DitchettPaul Jr born about 1923
DovelBenjamin Fborn about 1875
DovelDora born about 1881
DovelOliver Bborn about 1870
DowtyCherie Lborn about 1934
DowtyDean born about 1928
DowtyLois born about 1940
DowtyMary born about 1909
DowtyMary Eborn about 1937
DowtyVernon born about 1931
DowtyVirgil born about 1905
DulaneyDavid born about 1923
DunlepDavid Lborn about 1939
DunlepJohn born about 1873
DunlepJohn Dborn about 1906
DunlepLola Mborn about 1936
DunlepVelda born about 1915
DunnIda Bborn about 1860
DunnJames Aborn about 1853

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E Surnames

EashBertha born about 1905
EashDale Sborn about 1937
EashDaniel born about 1890
EashGalen Jborn about 1939
EashJohn Kborn about 1860
EashKathlene born about 1932
EashLorene born about 1929
EashMabel born about 1923
EashMagdalene born about 1862
EashOra born about 1922
EashOrpha born about 1915
EashSanford born about 1913
EashSusan born about 1902
EashVera born about 1937
EldridgeEsther Mborn about 1916
EldridgeGeorge Aborn about 1870
EldridgeHarriet Eborn about 1940
EldridgeRobert Mborn about 1905
EldridgeSadie born about 1869
EldridgeSarah Aborn about 1938
EldridgeWillard born about 1862
EldridgeWilliam Aborn about 1930
ElliottAdeline born about 1860
ElliottFred born about 1883
EngleRoss born about 1915
EngleRuth born about 1914
EschEnos Wborn about 1905
EschKatie Eborn about 1932
EschLeve Eborn about 1938
EschMary born about 1903
EschMelvin Eborn about 1935

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F Surnames

FahlRosetta born about 1864
FisherAllen Jborn about 1933
FisherEdith born about 1888
FisherEthel Jborn about 1937
FisherMary Oborn about 1919
FisherRalph born about 1886
FisherRalph Lborn about 1929
FisherThelma born about 1912
FisherVernon born about 1912
FisherViolet born about 1939
FisherWilbur born about 1938
FleenorMack born about 1853
FredricksonAllen Wborn about 1927
FriendJames Mborn about 1864
FryeRobert born about 1916

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G Surnames

GangwerCharles Wborn about 1873
GangwerFlorence Mborn about 1915
GangwerJames Eborn about 1885
GangwerOrpha Tborn about 1887
GarberAnna Lborn about 1892
GarberCora born about 1928
GarberHazel born about 1924
GarberIra born about 1883
GarberLeander Cborn about 1893
GarberLeroy born about 1923
GarberLouise born about 1926
GarberMelvin born about 1920
GarberVerlin born about 1935
GarberViolet born about 1926
GardnerCharles Vborn about 1915
GardnerClaud Oborn about 1903
GardnerElijah born about 1870
GardnerFern Gborn about 1906
GardnerGary Cborn about 1938
GardnerIda born about 1872
GardnerMarjorie Lborn about 1925
GardnerMeredith born about 1911
GardnerOneta Bborn about 1915
GardnerOneta Rborn about 1930
GardnerRoy born about 1911
GardnerRuth Aborn about 1940
GardnerSharon Dborn about 1938
GarmanAnna Jborn about 1878
GarmanCarl Rborn about 1878
GayAlbert Jborn about 1922
GayArthur Tborn about 1893
GayBessie Bborn about 1896
GayBetty Aborn about 1928
GayDoris born about 1934
GayEugene Lborn about 1930
GayGeorgia Eborn about 1924
GayHerbert born about 1931
GayLarry Rborn about 1938
GayLavon born about 1933
GaySharon Lborn about 1940
GerberDoris born about 1924
GibsonEileen Lborn about 1928
GibsonEsther born about 1901
GibsonGeraldine Eborn about 1923
GibsonOrlie Lborn about 1902
GibsonRaymond Dborn about 1926
GoukerEmma born about 1861
GrabillJoan Lborn about 1928
GreenBertha Mborn about 1910
GreenClyde Cborn about 1905
GreenHelen Mborn about 1914
GreenThad Lborn about 1900
GreenwoodAbbie born about 1884
GreenwoodJohn Nborn about 1880
GrocockDelilah Aborn about 1865
GroffAlbert born about 1903
GroffAlberta born about 1922
GroffElisa born about 1865
GroffElizabeth born about 1879
GroffHelen born about 1930
GroffJacob born about 1936
GroffJames born about 1932
GroffJulia Aborn about 1928
GroffLois born about 1907
GroffLouise born about 1923
GroffMae born about 1896
GroffMargaret born about 1936
GroffPeter born about 1861
GroffRichard born about 1934
GroffVirginia born about 1920
GroffWarren born about 1896

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H Surnames

HallBeulah born about 1888
HallDarald born about 1916
HallJohn Gborn about 1881
HarperEmory born about 1879
HarperHelen born about 1918
HarperWinnie born about 1887
HarrisEffie born about 1874
HarshbargerAmos born about 1919
HarshbargerColly born about 1916
HarshbargerDonna Mborn about 1937
HarshbargerDrussella born about 1908
HarshbargerElvin born about 1939
HarshbargerEsra Eborn about 1913
HarshbargerKatherine born about 1887
HarshbargerKatherine born about 1909
HarshbargerMamas Eborn about 1907
HarshbargerMartha Lborn about 1928
HarshbargerMary born about 1876
HarshbargerMelvin born about 1936
HarshbargerMoses born about 1868
HarshbargerVerne born about 1938
HarshbargerVernon Lborn about 1934
HarshbergerAlma born about 1937
HarshbergerBessie born about 1900
HarshbergerEli born about 1930
HarshbergerIda born about 1933
HarshbergerJoseph Eborn about 1901
HarshbergerLloyd born about 1927
HartClara born about 1911
HartDaniel born about 1861
HartEsmeralda Rborn about 1939
HartMarvin Rborn about 1935
HartVandetta Dborn about 1937
HartsoughErnest born about 1914
HartsoughFred born about 1922
HartsoughGrace born about 1919
HartsoughLloyd born about 1894
HartsoughLucretia born about 1893
HartsoughMamie born about 1894
HartsoughMary Eborn about 1936
HartsoughOtis born about 1893
HartsoughRichard born about 1925
HartsoughThelma born about 1930
HartsoughVelma born about 1930
HartsoughWilliam born about 1921
HartzlerDorothy born about 1911
HartzlerH Haroldborn about 1908
HartzlerHarold Eborn about 1934
HartzlerTheodoria born about 1936
HendersonNola Vborn about 1926
HershbergerAlvin born about 1926
HershbergerBarbara born about 1867
HershbergerBarbara Mborn about 1932
HershbergerCalvin born about 1936
HershbergerDaniel Gborn about 1898
HershbergerDaniel Jr born about 1933
HershbergerDorothy born about 1930
HershbergerEli Wborn about 1907
HershbergerElizabeth born about 1911
HershbergerErvie born about 1927
HershbergerFannie born about 1902
HershbergerFannie Mborn about 1935
HershbergerFloyd born about 1937
HershbergerGlenn born about 1929
HershbergerGoldie born about 1906
HershbergerIda Mborn about 1924
HershbergerJohn born about 1897
HershbergerJones born about 1861
HershbergerLevi born about 1911
HershbergerLewis Eborn about 1911
HershbergerLizzie born about 1907
HershbergerLloyd born about 1925
HershbergerLydia Aborn about 1905
HershbergerMargaret born about 1928
HershbergerMary born about 1934
HershbergerMattie born about 1876
HershbergerMervin born about 1938
HershbergerMonroe Jborn about 1931
HershbergerRachael born about 1931
HershbergerSusie born about 1907
HershbergerWilliam born about 1877
HershbergerWilliam born about 1935
HillyerClara born about 1872
HiteMartha born about 1868
HochtellerDorothy born about 1932
HochtellerElmer Sborn about 1896
HochtellerHarold born about 1927
HochtellerMatilda born about 1896
HochtellerPaul born about 1923
HolliboughWilliam born about 1872
HonderickBertha born about 1883
HonderickDaniel born about 1884
HonderickElizabeth born about 1853
HonderickEvelyn born about 1919
HonderickGladys born about 1909
HonderickGlen born about 1918
HonderickHenry Mborn about 1880
HonderickIda born about 1888
HonderickLois born about 1913
HonderickVerda born about 1905
HooverArlene born about 1929
HooverDonald born about 1937
HooverEdith born about 1924
HooverLowell born about 1925
HooverLucile born about 1934
HooverMandella born about 1901
HooverMariam born about 1927
HooverMaynard born about 1901
HostellerAlmeda born about 1920
HostellerClifford born about 1915
HostellerDaniel born about 1936
HostellerEdward Wborn about 1879
HostellerElam born about 1903
HostellerEliza born about 1904
HostellerEsther born about 1933
HostellerLabon born about 1927
HostellerLucy born about 1907
HostellerMagdalena born about 1885
HostellerMarilyn born about 1938
HostellerMary Eborn about 1881
HostellerMiriam born about 1929
HostellerNoah born about 1938
HostellerRuby born about 1916
HostellerSamuel born about 1931
HostellerSamuel Dborn about 1873
HostellerWilbur born about 1925
HowersGeorge Rborn about 1880
HowersNora Eborn about 1878
HowersRolla born about 1857
HowserSarah Eborn about 1861
HuffmanGeorge Wborn about 1899
HuffmanJoan born about 1933
HuffmanPhilip born about 1939
HuffmanRaymond born about 1924
HuffmanRichard born about 1922
HuffmanRobert born about 1921
HuffmanRomaine born about 1902
HuffmanVirginia born about 1928

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J Surnames

JacobsJoan born about 1937
JacobsMarie born about 1912
JacobsMerle born about 1936
JohnsDaniel born about 1851
JohnsEdward born about 1866
JohnsElizabeth born about 1877
JohnsGalen Iborn about 1920
JohnsIra Sborn about 1879
JohnsWinnie born about 1877
JudayBelle born about 1854
JudayEdna born about 1890
JudayElla born about 1869
JudayLuther Fborn about 1882
JudayRalph Pborn about 1894
JudeyElva Mborn about 1871

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K Surnames

KantFrank born about 1871
KantRosa born about 1880
KaserSarah born about 1863
KauffmanAlvin born about 1897
KauffmanCaroline born about 1904
KauffmanClarence Aborn about 1888
KauffmanDane born about 1930
KauffmanEdna born about 1894
KauffmanElla born about 1891
KauffmanElroy born about 1933
KauffmanElwood born about 1922
KauffmanEunice born about 1934
KauffmanFred Sborn about 1903
KauffmanGladys born about 1932
KauffmanGlen born about 1939
KauffmanHarvey Fborn about 1879
KauffmanHenry born about 1863
KauffmanLeland born about 1926
KauffmanLeona born about 1921
KauffmanLeonard Fborn about 1881
KauffmanLewis born about 1916
KauffmanLoa born about 1923
KauffmanLola Mborn about 1884
KauffmanLowell born about 1939
KauffmanMary born about 1878
KauffmanMaxine born about 1925
KauffmanOra Mborn about 1886
KauffmanOrpha born about 1917
KauffmanRebecca born about 1864
KauffmanRuth born about 1907
KauffmanRuth Eborn about 1916
KauffmanStanley born about 1917
KecklerMargaret Aborn about 1926
KecklerRosie Mborn about 1882
KehrBeulah born about 1894
KehrCarol Jborn about 1931
KehrJerry born about 1894
KehrJoan born about 1934
KehrRonald born about 1922
KehrWilliam born about 1926
KeimElva born about 1876
KeimKeith born about 1913
KeimMary Eborn about 1918
KeimZela born about 1914
KentJohn Jborn about 1876
KentLeona born about 1891
KeslerRussel Hborn about 1877
KimeWilbur Lborn about 1917
KlineCarrie Eborn about 1871
KlineHarry Eborn about 1871
KlineHazel born about 1897
KlineMarlin born about 1922
KlineMerritt born about 1920
KlingamanBertha born about 1918
KlingamanGertrude born about 1918
KlingamanJesse Fborn about 1883
KlingamanJohn born about 1915
KlingamanLoave born about 1923
KlingamanSarah born about 1861
KlingamanSarah born about 1889
KneppBarbara born about 1903
KneppKerol born about 1926
KneppLamer born about 1933
KneppLester born about 1924
KneppSimon born about 1901
KneppWilbur born about 1936
KoffmanDaniel Hborn about 1859
KoffmanSarah born about 1860
KuhnArma Sborn about 1905
KuhnCatha Mborn about 1932
KuhnDelacy Hborn about 1902
KuhnNancy Aborn about 1938
KurtzFloyd born about 1889
KurtzFloyd Jr born about 1927
KurtzLela born about 1891
KurtzMyrtle born about 1883
KurtzNorma Jborn about 1923
KurtzWilbur born about 1907
KurtzWilliam Mborn about 1871

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L Surnames

LambertArlowene born about 1918
LambertGabriel born about 1917
LantzBert born about 1880
LantzCaroline Mborn about 1939
LantzDora born about 1879
LantzJack Dborn about 1940
LantzKerry Wborn about 1939
LantzPearl Lborn about 1891
LantzRoberts Sborn about 1915
LantzRosemary Cborn about 1919
LantzStanford Aborn about 1892
LantzVerba Fborn about 1919
LantzWayne Sborn about 1915
LantzWilliam Hborn about 1863
LantzWilliam Hborn about 1938
LeboldAlice born about 1939
LeboldClara born about 1872
LeboldEthel born about 1907
LeboldFloyd born about 1937
LeboldJohn born about 1871
LeboldJohn Jr born about 1912
LeboldLawrence born about 1901
LeboldLeonard born about 1929
LecountDonald born about 1913
LecountLawrence born about 1918
LecountMay born about 1886
LecountOlive born about 1914
LecountRoma born about 1918
LecountTilman born about 1880
LeekAudrey born about 1925
LeekBeulah Lborn about 1891
LeekCarlton Nborn about 1931
LeekJerald Jborn about 1935
LeekOwen Nborn about 1899
LeekOwen Jr born about 1920
LeekPhyllis born about 1923
LeekRichard Lborn about 1922
LeerGerald born about 1912
LeerGrace born about 1887
LeerRobert born about 1915
LehmanCarl born about 1917
LehmanEvelyn born about 1915
LeichtyClara born about 1897
LeichtyIrene born about 1917
LeichtyIvan born about 1926
LeichtyMartha born about 1929
LeichtySamuel born about 1893
LivengoodDorothy born about 1925
LivengoodFannie born about 1887
LivengoodHarvey born about 1886
LivengoodLamer born about 1918
LivingstonBrunetta Fborn about 1887
LivingstonJ Elmoborn about 1920
LivingstonJohn Hborn about 1882
LongA Royborn about 1892
LongAlice born about 1861
LongArthur Eborn about 1881
LongArthur Jr born about 1919
LongDarleen born about 1926
LongDouglas Mborn about 1932
LongElnora Eborn about 1894
LongElva born about 1882
LongEva born about 1896
LongFay Eborn about 1901
LongFranklin Hborn about 1921
LongHomer Mborn about 1884
LongLouise Mborn about 1916
LongM Lucileborn about 1924
LongMarjorie born about 1922
LongPearl born about 1897
LongRay Rborn about 1886
LongRobert Dborn about 1923
LongRudolph Hborn about 1918
LongRuth born about 1893
LongShirley born about 1923
LongStanley born about 1893
LongThomas born about 1929
LongWalter born about 1915
LorimerBartlett born about 1871
LorimerBessie Mborn about 1882
LorimerChester Sborn about 1905
LorimerGeorge Rborn about 1939
LorimerGlen born about 1935
LorimerJoy born about 1927
LorimerJune born about 1937
LorimerLydia born about 1875
LorimerMary Kborn about 1909
LorimerOliver born about 1922
LorimerRebecca Jborn about 1919
LorimerRobert Wborn about 1877
LorimerRobert Wborn about 1915
LorimerSarah born about 1874
LoyRosa born about 1872
LukeJewell Mborn about 1921
LukeRussell Cborn about 1917

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M Surnames

MahlerCharles Eborn about 1912
MahlerEluise Gborn about 1917
MangesElla born about 1911
MangesIrvin born about 1905
MangesPeter born about 1934
MartinEdith Mborn about 1876
MartyDella Mborn about 1878
MartyDonald born about 1905
MartyOliver Jborn about 1879
MartyPearl born about 1903
MartyRobert Oborn about 1918
MartyRomana born about 1930
MasonArvilla born about 1875
MastAnna born about 1929
MastEdna born about 1913
MastHenry Lborn about 1907
MastMary born about 1887
MastMary Louiseborn about 1934
MastMervin Lborn about 1939
MastYost born about 1889
MaustEdward born about 1889
MaustEdward Jr born about 1924
MaustEmma born about 1892
MaustLowell born about 1935
MaustRobert born about 1929
McCannMay Aborn about 1877
McCannRay born about 1882
McClainLowell Eborn about 1924
McClainM Mildredborn about 1896
McClainMyron Cborn about 1895
McClainSheldon Mborn about 1923
McCloskeyFrank Eborn about 1876
McCloskeyOcie Bborn about 1876
McCormickLucy Mborn about 1884
McDowellMary Aborn about 1910
McDowellOra born about 1889
McDowellWilma born about 1887
McGaryArthur born about 1891
McGaryHelen born about 1894
McGaryJerry born about 1935
McGillLowell born about 1930
McGillRobert born about 1937
McGillVelma born about 1904
McGillVernon born about 1924
McGillWayne born about 1926
McGillWilliam Hborn about 1901
McKibbenAbraham born about 1901
McKibbenAlton Bborn about 1911
McKibbenCathleen born about 1915
McKibbenDaniel Wborn about 1869
McKibbenHarold born about 1930
McKibbenIda born about 1875
McKibbenLey born about 1920
McKibbenMary Cborn about 1925
McKibbenNorma Jborn about 1931
McKibbenReta born about 1901
McKibbenVictor born about 1927
McKibbonEva born about 1865
McKibbonWilliam Eborn about 1890
MengerCharles born about 1907
MengerDora born about 1910
MengerLydia born about 1880
MengerOrlendo born about 1868
MethodCalvin Cborn about 1869
MethodDavid Fborn about 1884
MethodLucy born about 1867
MillerA Patborn about 1932
MillerAdeline born about 1890
MillerAlice born about 1933
MillerAlma born about 1915
MillerAlpha born about 1925
MillerAlvin born about 1929
MillerAmanda born about 1915
MillerAmanda Mborn about 1929
MillerAmmon Aborn about 1915
MillerAmos Eborn about 1938
MillerAmy Eborn about 1938
MillerAnan Lborn about 1912
MillerAndrew Eborn about 1905
MillerAnna born about 1898
MillerAnne born about 1936
MillerAnnie born about 1881
MillerArie born about 1876
MillerArlene born about 1932
MillerArthur Rborn about 1878
MillerAugust Hborn about 1885
MillerBarbara born about 1915
MillerBelmont Dborn about 1873
MillerBernice born about 1921
MillerBessie born about 1892
MillerBetty born about 1932
MillerBetty Lborn about 1926
MillerCatharine born about 1933
MillerChester born about 1937
MillerClara born about 1927
MillerClifford Mborn about 1935
MillerD Louiseborn about 1926
MillerDale born about 1931
MillerDaniel born about 1915
MillerDaniel born about 1921
MillerDaniel Bborn about 1879
MillerDaniel Rborn about 1899
MillerDavid born about 1925
MillerDavid J Cborn about 1879
MillerDavid Sborn about 1890
MillerDenna born about 1935
MillerDonnabelle born about 1926
MillerDorothy born about 1913
MillerE Allenborn about 1907
MillerEdna born about 1906
MillerEdna born about 1930
MillerEdna born about 1935
MillerEdna born about 1939
MillerEdna Mborn about 1935
MillerEdward born about 1920
MillerEdythe born about 1911
MillerEileen born about 1936
MillerEldon Gborn about 1936
MillerElizabeth born about 1884
MillerElizabeth born about 1905
MillerElla born about 1922
MillerEllen born about 1914
MillerElmer born about 1897
MillerElmer Eborn about 1895
MillerElroy Gborn about 1936
MillerElva Bborn about 1925
MillerEmanuel born about 1936
MillerEnos born about 1939
MillerEsther born about 1922
MillerEsther born about 1939
MillerEsther Nborn about 1909
MillerEvelyn born about 1939
MillerFannie born about 1888
MillerFannie born about 1895
MillerFannie born about 1901
MillerFannie born about 1912
MillerFannie Eborn about 1939
MillerFannie Mborn about 1895
MillerFannie Mborn about 1931
MillerFanny born about 1895
MillerFloyd Cborn about 1936
MillerFreeman born about 1932
MillerG Monroeborn about 1874
MillerGerald Lborn about 1936
MillerGertrude born about 1921
MillerGladys born about 1895
MillerGrace born about 1877
MillerGrover born about 1885
MillerHarley born about 1932
MillerHarold born about 1920
MillerHarry born about 1886
MillerHelena Jborn about 1901
MillerHenry Sborn about 1896
MillerHerbert born about 1917
MillerIda born about 1902
MillerIda born about 1904
MillerIda born about 1923
MillerIda born about 1928
MillerIda Mborn about 1939
MillerIda Tborn about 1913
MillerIra Sborn about 1891
MillerIrma born about 1923
MillerIrvin born about 1880
MillerIrvin born about 1917
MillerIrvin born about 1920
MillerIvan born about 1934
MillerJesse born about 1922
MillerJohn born about 1924
MillerJohn J Cborn about 1884
MillerJohn Sborn about 1864
MillerJonas J Kborn about 1889
MillerJones Dborn about 1875
MillerJoseph Eborn about 1913
MillerKatherine born about 1938
MillerKatie born about 1908
MillerLama born about 1913
MillerLarry born about 1936
MillerLaura born about 1925
MillerLaura Eborn about 1926
MillerLavina born about 1909
MillerLeander born about 1921
MillerLeona born about 1936
MillerLeroy Jborn about 1937
MillerLester born about 1930
MillerLetha Lborn about 1934
MillerLevi Jborn about 1882
MillerLevi J Mborn about 1909
MillerLillian born about 1925
MillerLillie born about 1925
MillerLloyd born about 1933
MillerLora Mborn about 1882
MillerLoretta Jborn about 1938
MillerLouis born about 1930
MillerLucie born about 1922
MillerLuella born about 1925
MillerLydia born about 1893
MillerLydia Aborn about 1937
MillerLydia Mborn about 1897
MillerLydia Mborn about 1917
MillerLydia Mborn about 1933
MillerMabel born about 1905
MillerManasses Rborn about 1880
MillerMarie born about 1919
MillerMarion born about 1933
MillerMartha Mborn about 1933
MillerMartha Mborn about 1934
MillerMary born about 1867
MillerMary born about 1876
MillerMary born about 1890
MillerMary born about 1912
MillerMary born about 1919
MillerMary born about 1924
MillerMary born about 1926
MillerMary born about 1927
MillerMary born about 1936
MillerMary Cborn about 1940
MillerMary Eborn about 1923
MillerMary Eborn about 1939
MillerMary Nborn about 1929
MillerMarye born about 1927
MillerMarylyn born about 1936
MillerMattie born about 1880
MillerMax born about 1925
MillerMelvin born about 1922
MillerMelvin born about 1925
MillerMelvin Jr born about 1936
MillerMenno Nborn about 1902
MillerMeradeth Aborn about 1934
MillerMervin born about 1927
MillerMervin Mborn about 1932
MillerMilo Jborn about 1893
MillerMilo J Kborn about 1906
MillerMilo Jr born about 1933
MillerMiriam born about 1931
MillerMorris Eborn about 1928
MillerNaomi born about 1923
MillerNathaniel Pborn about 1884
MillerNed Rborn about 1940
MillerNoah Dborn about 1901
MillerNoah Nborn about 1883
MillerO Melvinborn about 1902
MillerOmer born about 1930
MillerOwen Jborn about 1895
MillerOwen Jr born about 1936
MillerPatricia Lborn about 1938
MillerPeggy born about 1935
MillerPurl Sborn about 1886
MillerRaymond born about 1919
MillerRaymond born about 1938
MillerReta born about 1899
MillerRobert Wborn about 1907
MillerRonald Eborn about 1934
MillerRosie born about 1927
MillerRuby born about 1937
MillerRuth born about 1929
MillerRuth Hborn about 1924
MillerSamuel born about 1895
MillerSamuel born about 1936
MillerSamuel Sborn about 1908
MillerSamuel Wborn about 1939
MillerSarah born about 1897
MillerSarah born about 1924
MillerSarah born about 1936
MillerSarah Hborn about 1875
MillerSarah Mborn about 1920
MillerSeth born about 1935
MillerShirley born about 1933
MillerSimon born about 1931
MillerSimon Sborn about 1925
MillerSoloman born about 1915
MillerStanley Iborn about 1939
MillerSusan born about 1876
MillerSusan born about 1894
MillerSusan born about 1908
MillerSusan born about 1918
MillerSusanne born about 1877
MillerSusanne Sborn about 1893
MillerThomas born about 1926
MillerTobias born about 1871
MillerToby born about 1921
MillerTruman born about 1911
MillerVanus Dborn about 1910
MillerVernon born about 1921
MillerVernon born about 1938
MillerViola born about 1897
MillerViola born about 1923
MillerVirginia Mborn about 1937
MillerWalter born about 1895
MillerWarren Wborn about 1881
MillerWilbur Dborn about 1929
MillerWilliam born about 1909
MillerWilliam born about 1937
MillerWilliam Jborn about 1916
MillerWillis born about 1927
MillerWillis Lborn about 1917
MusselmanCarrie born about 1909
MusselmanChristine born about 1931
MusselmanEdward Aborn about 1874
MusselmanEffie born about 1881
MusselmanIda born about 1891
MusselmanLawrence born about 1909
MusselmanNeva born about 1922
MusselmanShirley born about 1883
MusselmanVada born about 1914
MusselmanWilliam born about 1914
MyersCharles Rborn about 1871
MyersCherie Jborn about 1930
MyersCora born about 1872
MyersF Wayneborn about 1902
MyersJennie born about 1888
MyersMyra Bborn about 1873
MyersNadine Bborn about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonAnnabelle born about 1931
NelsonLouis Hborn about 1892
NelsonRichard Aborn about 1921
NelsonRobert Lborn about 1927
NelsonWinifred Vborn about 1901
NisleyBetsie born about 1915
NisleyCephas born about 1899
NisleyClara born about 1931
NisleyEsther born about 1935
NisleyFannie Mborn about 1940
NisleyIrvin born about 1936
NisleyIrvin Mborn about 1912
NisleyJacob born about 1897
NisleyJohn born about 1929
NisleyJones Rborn about 1914
NisleyKatie born about 1895
NisleyLeo born about 1929
NisleyLeroy born about 1937
NisleyLillian born about 1940
NisleyLorene Eborn about 1939
NisleyMarian born about 1933
NisleyMattie born about 1907
NisleyMelvin born about 1937
NisleyMillie born about 1903
NisleyMonroe born about 1907
NisleyMonroe Jr born about 1934
NisleyOra born about 1927
NisleyPerry born about 1910
NisleyRay born about 1928
NisleyVernon born about 1929
NisleyViola born about 1928
NisleyWilliam born about 1933
NisleyWillis born about 1937
NorlandL Marylnborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OttAlice born about 1871
OttBelmont Aborn about 1909
OttFred born about 1921
OttJanis Jborn about 1936
OttMerwyn Eborn about 1939
OttMyrtle Mborn about 1909

P Surnames

PearsonClinton born about 1926
PelchrzimEdith Lborn about 1902
PelchrzimLoren born about 1935
PenroseJohn Mborn about 1866
PenroseOtho born about 1902
PetgenDavid Jborn about 1940
PetgenE Ellenborn about 1916
PetgenK Virginiaborn about 1918
PetgenMary Kborn about 1938
PetgenMaurice Aborn about 1912
PfiesterMark born about 1902
PfiesterMark Jr born about 1929
PhebusAnna born about 1885
PhebusEdward born about 1887
PhillipsAlice born about 1872
PhillipsElvin Wborn about 1895
PhillipsFloyd born about 1927
PhillipsFred Cborn about 1889
PhillipsL Frankborn about 1909
PhillipsRuth born about 1893
PletcherAlvin born about 1920
PletcherAmasa born about 1884
PletcherAnna born about 1891
PletcherArthur born about 1885
PletcherCurtis Cborn about 1889
PletcherDelores born about 1928
PletcherDora born about 1889
PletcherEldon born about 1923
PletcherFlorence born about 1918
PletcherMartha born about 1921
PletcherMaude born about 1885
PletcherRalph born about 1928
PletcherRuth born about 1933
PletcherWalter born about 1914
PollockJohn Dborn about 1875
PollockNellie born about 1873
PotterCharles born about 1871
ProughCharles born about 1923
ProughJay born about 1921
ProughJoseph born about 1936
ProughNellie born about 1899
ProughRobert born about 1930
ProughSamuel born about 1893

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

ReedGeorge Cborn about 1918
ReedKaren Kborn about 1939
ReedLucinda born about 1918
ReigseckerDoris born about 1937
ReigseckerDuane born about 1928
ReigseckerJesse born about 1919
ReigseckerJohn born about 1891
ReigseckerLillian born about 1925
ReigseckerLouis born about 1922
ReigseckerNeomah born about 1893
ReigseckerRichard born about 1931
ReigseckerRobert born about 1934
RensbergerMabel born about 1897
RensbergerMelvin Jborn about 1919
RensbergerPauline born about 1918
RensbergerRalph born about 1895
RinkAlice Rborn about 1926
RinkBertha born about 1882
RinkBetty born about 1924
RinkBeulah born about 1926
RinkCatherine born about 1865
RinkClark born about 1882
RinkDonald born about 1930
RinkEllis Cborn about 1917
RinkEthel Dborn about 1894
RinkEthel Mborn about 1898
RinkFlorence born about 1900
RinkFred Jr born about 1928
RinkFreddie Oborn about 1899
RinkHarvey born about 1919
RinkHazel Bborn about 1899
RinkJ Franklinborn about 1869
RinkJohn Pborn about 1932
RinkLaurel Eborn about 1919
RinkOston Eborn about 1897
RinkPaul born about 1929
RinkPaul Eborn about 1919
RinkRay born about 1894
RinkRichard born about 1922
RinkSarah born about 1858
RinkShirley Aborn about 1894
RinkVirginia born about 1920
RinkZoe Mborn about 1869
RippeyMary Aborn about 1937
RippeyNancy Mborn about 1914
RippeyPaul Eborn about 1910
RippeyPaula Jborn about 1939
RippeyStephen Hborn about 1935
RisserClara born about 1879
RisserDwight born about 1921
RobinsonCharles Eborn about 1862
RobinsonEva Dborn about 1878
RobinsonWilliam Fborn about 1920
RobisonAlbert Rborn about 1874
RobisonClyde born about 1896
RobisonSarah Jborn about 1873
RochenbaughNicolas born about 1864
RockenbaughElizabeth born about 1873
RockenbaughJacob born about 1870
RockenboughAdam born about 1874
RockenboughDessie born about 1882
RoderickArdath Nborn about 1909
RoderickOlin Eborn about 1905
RogersCalvin born about 1893
RogersCaroline born about 1899
RogersDorothy Mborn about 1903
RogersEdward born about 1927
RogersEdward Aborn about 1870
RogersElnore Rborn about 1925
RogersEthel born about 1889
RogersHelen born about 1930
RogersJames born about 1928
RogersKaterine born about 1869
RogersRoy Eborn about 1902
RogersRoy Jr born about 1923
RogersWilma born about 1901
RohresEdith born about 1910
RohresGrace born about 1888
RosentraderElva Mborn about 1887
RosentraderGenevieve born about 1925
RosentraderGoldie born about 1920
RosentraderGustavus born about 1883
RothDwight Aborn about 1908
RothJanet Kborn about 1938
RothLillian Rborn about 1912
RothNancy Jborn about 1935
RoweElla born about 1876
RoweJacob Dborn about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SarkAlta born about 1888
SarkMary born about 1921
SarkOliver Jborn about 1880
SarkRalph born about 1934
SarkRussell born about 1916
SarkSandra born about 1939
SarkWalter born about 1923
SchrockAda born about 1888
SchrockAllen Mborn about 1878
SchrockAlvin born about 1921
SchrockAncil Cborn about 1936
SchrockAnna born about 1936
SchrockBarbara born about 1870
SchrockBarbara born about 1906
SchrockBeulah born about 1927
SchrockCaroline Aborn about 1873
SchrockCarrie born about 1880
SchrockChris born about 1878
SchrockClara born about 1908
SchrockClarence born about 1885
SchrockCletus born about 1904
SchrockClifford born about 1927
SchrockCornelius Jborn about 1886
SchrockCristina born about 1936
SchrockDale born about 1925
SchrockDallas born about 1923
SchrockDaniel born about 1926
SchrockDarleen born about 1933
SchrockElizabeth born about 1900
SchrockEllen born about 1933
SchrockEra born about 1930
SchrockErnest Cborn about 1939
SchrockEsra born about 1907
SchrockFannie born about 1938
SchrockFelty born about 1906
SchrockFloyd Wborn about 1936
SchrockFrancis born about 1926
SchrockFreda born about 1931
SchrockFredrick born about 1939
SchrockGertrude born about 1927
SchrockGladys Eborn about 1934
SchrockGlen born about 1938
SchrockHarry Cborn about 1867
SchrockHarry Jborn about 1904
SchrockHarry Jr born about 1930
SchrockIda born about 1896
SchrockIvan born about 1936
SchrockJacob born about 1930
SchrockJohn born about 1912
SchrockJonas Jborn about 1901
SchrockJones Aborn about 1868
SchrockJoni born about 1868
SchrockJoseph born about 1928
SchrockKatie born about 1881
SchrockLeon born about 1938
SchrockLeroi Mborn about 1896
SchrockLeroy born about 1920
SchrockLester born about 1933
SchrockLevi Jborn about 1907
SchrockLevi Jr born about 1928
SchrockLola born about 1928
SchrockLydia born about 1858
SchrockLydia Aborn about 1921
SchrockMarie born about 1904
SchrockMarion born about 1935
SchrockMartha born about 1912
SchrockMary Eborn about 1925
SchrockMaxine born about 1925
SchrockMelvin born about 1935
SchrockMenno born about 1901
SchrockMertie born about 1867
SchrockMervin born about 1933
SchrockMildred born about 1930
SchrockNeomah born about 1940
SchrockNettie born about 1922
SchrockPaul born about 1937
SchrockPearl born about 1888
SchrockPearl born about 1899
SchrockRichard born about 1893
SchrockRosa born about 1923
SchrockRuben born about 1929
SchrockRuth born about 1916
SchrockSoloman born about 1867
SchrockStanley born about 1924
SchrockSueville born about 1880
SchrockSusan Aborn about 1932
SchrockSylvia born about 1907
SchrockTressa born about 1931
SchrockVera born about 1913
SchrockVernon born about 1934
SchrockVernon Lborn about 1937
SchrockViola Mborn about 1925
SchrockWaneta born about 1937
SchrockWayne born about 1937
SchrockWilbur Dborn about 1934
SchusterClifford born about 1921
ScrannageWalter Wborn about 1884
SealSophie Cborn about 1863
SechleCharles born about 1876
SheelyBarbara born about 1937
SheelyLarry born about 1939
SheelyMildred born about 1920
SheelyWoodrow born about 1917
SheleyBetty born about 1940
SheleyHarley born about 1908
SheleyIna born about 1909
SheleyTheron born about 1933
ShermanGene born about 1935
ShermanRobert born about 1938
ShermanRomane Dborn about 1913
ShermanRuth born about 1913
ShowalterCharline born about 1925
ShowalterDale born about 1935
ShowalterEdna Mborn about 1895
ShowalterEdson born about 1861
ShowalterEsther born about 1932
ShowalterFlorence born about 1903
ShowalterGerald born about 1928
ShowalterGlen born about 1934
ShowalterJoy born about 1926
ShowalterNoble Lborn about 1892
SimmonsArthur Bborn about 1893
SimmonsDonald Eborn about 1916
SimmonsEstella Aborn about 1891
SimmonsEva Bborn about 1876
SimmonsLarry Lborn about 1937
SimmonsMary Jborn about 1918
SimmonsPaul Dborn about 1939
SimmonsRichard Sborn about 1934
SimmonsSherman born about 1876
SimmonsTheda born about 1925
SlabachBetsy Aborn about 1935
SlabachEdna Eborn about 1933
SlabachFreeman Rborn about 1939
SlabachIda Mborn about 1927
SlabachJoseph born about 1899
SlabachJosephine born about 1929
SlabachLydia Aborn about 1900
SlabachMartha Pborn about 1923
SlabachMary Cborn about 1922
SlabachRobert Jborn about 1938
SlabachRuby Pborn about 1925
SlabachVelda Fborn about 1931
SlabaughAlpha born about 1922
SlabaughGrace born about 1915
SlabaughHenry born about 1924
SlabaughJesse born about 1934
SlabaughMarian born about 1891
SlabaughOra born about 1888
SlabaughPaul Tborn about 1910
SlabaughPhillip Lborn about 1937
SmokerEdna born about 1917
SmokerFreeman born about 1930
SmokerIvan born about 1932
SmokerLeroy born about 1928
SmokerLevy born about 1905
SmokerLevy Lborn about 1939
SmokerLloyd born about 1936
SmokerRudolph born about 1939
SmokerSusie born about 1906
SmokerVernon born about 1934
SmuckerEmma born about 1875
SmuckerJesse Eborn about 1878
SnyderHannah born about 1860
SnyderHenry born about 1863
SnyderV Leroyborn about 1889
SparrLucie born about 1860
StablerImogene Iborn about 1923
StablerLeona Fborn about 1894
StablerMary Eborn about 1919
StablerRollo Wborn about 1918
StablerSamuel Eborn about 1883
StarnesSusan born about 1868
StarnesWilliam Hborn about 1864
SteeleClem born about 1886
SteeleDean born about 1908
SteeleEsther born about 1921
SteeleJosephine born about 1887
SteelePaul born about 1914
SteeleVivian born about 1923
StineCarol Mborn about 1922
StineClarine born about 1929
StineMadge born about 1896
StineOra Wborn about 1894
StineVictor Lborn about 1919
StiverAva born about 1924
StiverBoyd born about 1905
StiverIda Sborn about 1868
StiverLucile born about 1911
StiverMelvin born about 1914
StiverMerrill born about 1914
StiverRoy born about 1906
StiverWilliam Fborn about 1869
StonerBarbara born about 1867
StonerWilliam Hborn about 1863
StonesD Fredborn about 1868
StonesMargaret Lborn about 1911
StonesMary born about 1846
StonesMary Aborn about 1869
StonesSandra born about 1937
StonesWilliam Dborn about 1911
StroupCarlton born about 1930
StroupCathleen born about 1927
StroupEdwin Dborn about 1867
StroupEvelyn born about 1932
StroupGrace Mborn about 1902
StroupHerbert Sborn about 1901
StroupLettie Lborn about 1873
StroupLois born about 1916
StroupMartha born about 1939
StroupOrville born about 1911
StroupSalome born about 1869
StumpClinton Hborn about 1881
StumpHarriet Oborn about 1907
StumpOlive Mborn about 1879
StumpViola Aborn about 1905
StutzmanAgnes born about 1922
StutzmanAmasa born about 1875
StutzmanClem born about 1915
StutzmanCleone born about 1900
StutzmanDoris born about 1928
StutzmanEdna born about 1870
StutzmanEra born about 1899
StutzmanEsther born about 1922
StutzmanHarvey born about 1875
StutzmanJoan born about 1934
StutzmanLeon born about 1938
StutzmanLulu born about 1917
StutzmanMargaret born about 1928
StutzmanMaryllen born about 1930
StutzmanMildred born about 1916
StutzmanPearl born about 1889
StutzmanVelma born about 1914
StutzmanVera born about 1905
StutzmanVernon born about 1903
SwartzHoward born about 1925
SwartzSarah Aborn about 1856
SwihartAlice born about 1930
SwihartDonald born about 1939
SwihartEarl born about 1906
SwihartLois born about 1934
SwihartRay born about 1931
SwihartRosamond born about 1910
SwihartRoy born about 1937
SwihartRuth born about 1937
SwinehartDorothy Aborn about 1918
SwinehartElbin Wborn about 1902
SwinehartGenevieve born about 1921
SwinehartIda born about 1880
SwinehartJohn Nborn about 1878
SwinehartLeonard born about 1904
SwinehartMaud born about 1900
SwinehartRuby Mborn about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

ThomasAlvin born about 1925
ThomasCrissie born about 1877
ThomasEdith born about 1913
ThomasEdson born about 1871
ThomasGeneva born about 1928
ThomasHarry born about 1899
ThomasIda born about 1888
ThomasJacob Dborn about 1886
ThomasJohn Eborn about 1935
ThomasLloyd born about 1914
ThomasMaina born about 1897
ThomasMary Eborn about 1865
ThomasRaymond born about 1920
ThomasSamuel born about 1902
ThomasW Harleyborn about 1897
TroyerAda born about 1920
TroyerAnna Mborn about 1904
TroyerAnna Mborn about 1939
TroyerAnne Mborn about 1939
TroyerAtlee born about 1920
TroyerCatherine Eborn about 1936
TroyerClarence born about 1902
TroyerCornelius Hborn about 1923
TroyerDavid Jborn about 1878
TroyerDon Aborn about 1937
TroyerEdith Mborn about 1936
TroyerEdna born about 1915
TroyerEdna born about 1928
TroyerEdna born about 1939
TroyerEdna Aborn about 1933
TroyerEdward Dborn about 1903
TroyerEdward Rborn about 1905
TroyerEdward Jr born about 1935
TroyerEdwin Eborn about 1926
TroyerElizabeth born about 1878
TroyerElmer born about 1933
TroyerElmer born about 1935
TroyerElroy born about 1924
TroyerEnos born about 1911
TroyerEsra Sborn about 1900
TroyerF Alvinborn about 1920
TroyerFannie Mborn about 1931
TroyerFannie Mborn about 1932
TroyerFloyd born about 1939
TroyerHelen born about 1913
TroyerHomer born about 1925
TroyerHoward born about 1927
TroyerIda born about 1885
TroyerIda born about 1922
TroyerJeff born about 1907
TroyerKirby born about 1909
TroyerLamer born about 1937
TroyerLloyd born about 1933
TroyerLydia Eborn about 1881
TroyerMarie born about 1907
TroyerMarion born about 1932
TroyerMary born about 1901
TroyerMary Eborn about 1908
TroyerMary Eborn about 1936
TroyerMary Eborn about 1937
TroyerMelvin born about 1930
TroyerMervin born about 1936
TroyerMyrtle Aborn about 1928
TroyerOra born about 1933
TroyerPercy Oborn about 1908
TroyerRose Aborn about 1934
TroyerRuby born about 1939
TroyerSamuel born about 1897
TroyerSarah born about 1898
TroyerSeth Sborn about 1875
TroyerSevilla born about 1906
TroyerVernon born about 1938
TroyerWaneta Rborn about 1912
TroyerWilliam Aborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UleryMelvin Cborn about 1873
UleryMinnie born about 1873

V Surnames

VanceAnna born about 1871
VanceBetty Lborn about 1927
VanceHarley Aborn about 1900
VanceMary Mborn about 1903
VanceMildred Wborn about 1922
VanesMary born about 1871
VinsonBetty born about 1931
VinsonHarry born about 1903
VinsonMary born about 1908
VirgilCleo born about 1916
VirgilHorace born about 1918
VirgilNancy born about 1939
VirgilVictor born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WeaverAlvin born about 1919
WeigelEstelle born about
WeigelEstelle Mborn about 1887
WeigelMabel born about 1901
WeigelMary Lborn about 1931
WeigelRobert Jborn about 1928
WeisterGeraldine born about 1921
WeisterMacy born about 1885
WelkerDorothy Pborn about 1930
WelkerEvelyn Jborn about 1935
WelkerFranklin born about 1924
WelkerFred born about 1900
WelkerFred Jr born about 1929
WelkerGladys born about 1916
WelkerLouise born about 1926
WelkerNancy born about 1903
WelkerPaul Aborn about 1932
WelkerSamuel born about 1934
WengerHoward born about 1919
WengerJohn Eborn about 1880
WengerLucy born about 1879
WestonCharles born about 1924
WhipstockDale born about 1928
WhipstockEvelyn born about 1927
WhirledgeBeulah born about 1916
WhirledgeDaisy born about 1891
WhirledgeDonald born about 1925
WhirledgeIra born about 1884
WhirledgeIra Jr born about 1922
WhirledgeLanetia born about 1921
WhirledgeLottie born about 1900
WhirledgeOrlando born about 1895
WhirledgePaul born about 1928
WhirledgePauline born about 1923
WhirledgeWilliam born about 1916
WhitmerDaniel born about 1879
WhitmerElmer born about 1914
WhitmerMattie born about 1881
WidemanHaddie born about 1873
WidemanJacob Hborn about 1870
WilsonGeorge Hborn about 1934
WilsonLoretta Mborn about 1936
WilsonLottie Mborn about 1910
WilsonMagdalena born about 1876
WilsonMarion Iborn about 1876
WilsonRobert Jborn about 1911
WirtMabel born about 1891
WirtWilma born about 1895
WoodworthFrank Eborn about 1874
WoodworthViolet born about 1906
WortingerAlfred Oborn about 1879
WortingerFrank born about 1862
WortingerMinnie born about 1885
WortingerRebecca born about 1857
WortingerRosa born about 1868
WortingerWalbert born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeaterBessie Gborn about 1888
YeaterPaul Oborn about 1890
YeaterVirginia born about 1926
YoderAlice born about 1916
YoderAllen born about 1875
YoderAllen Jr born about 1928
YoderAmanda born about 1879
YoderAnna born about 1917
YoderAnne born about 1937
YoderAnnie born about 1909
YoderArie born about 1912
YoderBarbara born about 1929
YoderBarbara Eborn about 1938
YoderBetty Bborn about 1932
YoderCatherine born about 1892
YoderClemens born about 1908
YoderDale Lborn about 1929
YoderDean born about 1938
YoderDelbert born about 1939
YoderEdith Lborn about 1937
YoderEdna born about 1937
YoderElizabeth born about 1904
YoderEly born about 1940
YoderEmma born about 1876
YoderEsra born about 1919
YoderEva Mborn about 1889
YoderF Carlborn about 1914
YoderFred Aborn about 1884
YoderGary Lborn about 1938
YoderGerald born about 1913
YoderHary born about 1905
YoderHenry born about 1877
YoderIda born about 1920
YoderJanet born about 1918
YoderJanet born about 1937
YoderJean born about 1909
YoderJerry Tborn about 1913
YoderJoan Rborn about 1939
YoderJoseph born about 1911
YoderJoseph Eborn about 1876
YoderJoseph Hborn about 1875
YoderJoseph Jr born about 1939
YoderKatie born about 1877
YoderKatie born about 1937
YoderLizzie born about 1935
YoderMabel born about 1884
YoderMargaret born about 1931
YoderMattie born about 1933
YoderNoah born about 1895
YoderOrval born about 1938
YoderPauline born about 1918
YoderPearl Eborn about 1918
YoderPersy born about 1914
YoderRonald Aborn about 1939
YoderRuby Mborn about 1937
YoderRuth born about 1914
YoderRuth born about 1928
YoderRuth Eborn about 1923
YoderSarah born about 1924
YoderSol Dborn about 1876
YoderSophie born about 1886
YoderSusanna born about 1882
YoderThomas Aborn about 1940
YoderTobias Aborn about 1882
YoderTruman born about 1915
YoderTruman Fborn about 1914
YoderWilliam born about 1930
YoderWillis born about 1890
YoungCharles Aborn about 1885
YoungTena Pborn about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZiglerCarrie Mborn about 1871
ZiglerJacob Sborn about 1873
ZollingerGeorge Cborn about 1887
ZollingerJoseph Cborn about 1920
ZookBernice born about 1914
ZookBlanche born about 1883
ZookNadine born about 1921
ZookOscar born about 1885
ZookRussell born about 1919
ZookSydney born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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