1940 U.S. Federal Census of Concord in DeKalb County, DeKalb, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > DeKalb County > 1940 Census of Concord in DeKalb County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AikensCarl born about 1911
AikensFrank born about 1878
AikensMarie born about 1877
AndrewsM Hborn about 1866
ArgebrightBerniece born about 1932
ArgebrightBessie born about 1897
ArgebrightGeorge born about 1923
ArgebrightHelen born about 1930
ArgebrightIrene born about 1928
ArgebrightPauline born about 1925
ArgebrightRay born about 1891
ArmstrongEthel Vborn about 1881
ArmstrongSamuel Wborn about 1872
ArnoldEsther born about 1914
ArnoldPatricia born about 1937
AyersDonald born about 1901
AyersLelah born about 1904
AyersNorman born about 1921
AyersRose born about 1923

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B Surnames

BachelorEdith born about 1890
BachelorThelma born about 1911
BachelorWilliam born about 1874
BaileyOdessa born about 1897
BaileyRobert born about 1894
BakerClayton Aborn about 1917
BakerDennis Leeborn about 1939
BakerEmma Jborn about 1858
BakerEstelle born about 1874
BakerEugene born about 1924
BakerFrank born about 1885
BakerGazille born about 1903
BakerGeo Eborn about 1878
BakerHarold born about 1920
BakerHarriet Louiseborn about 1920
BakerLester born about 1906
BakerMabel born about 1884
BakerMargorie born about 1909
BakerMary born about 1887
BakerMeade born about 1877
BakerOrla born about 1876
BakerRuth born about 1915
BakerStanley born about 1905
BakerThelma born about 1906
BaltzGrant born about 1896
BaltzHazel born about 1896
BarnthouseLoren born about 1931
BassettCharles Pborn about 1901
BassettClark born about 1907
BassettGlenn born about 1904
BassettHarry born about 1900
BassettLottie Eborn about 1874
BaughmanArlene born about 1929
BaughmanDe Wayne born about 1936
BaughmanDonald born about 1927
BaughmanEugene born about 1906
BaughmanJosephine born about 1932
BaughmanMary Ellenborn about 1938
BaughmanMunson born about 1932
BaughmanRobert born about 1925
BaughmanRuth born about 1905
BechtoeAnna born about 1892
BennerIda born about 1900
BennerW Henryborn about 1881
BerryAda born about 1868
BetzMary born about 1874
BillowCarol born about 1934
BillowClifford born about 1905
BillowGertrude born about 1907
BillowJean born about 1928
BillowWilliam born about 1929
BleeksCharles born about 1889
BleeksHubert born about 1924
BleeksJay born about 1881
BleeksLoraine born about 1918
BleeksLouis born about 1919
BleeksMarjorie born about 1931
BleeksMinnie born about 1877
BleeksRuth born about 1899
BoneDiadem born about 1858
BorthwickGertrude born about 1888
BorthwickH Russelborn about 1914
BorthwickHoward Cborn about 1885
BowmanEsther Mborn about 1884
BowmanFrank Rborn about 1879
BowmanRay born about 1884
BowserApril Dawnborn about 1928
BowserCatherine born about 1903
BowserIvan Cborn about 1881
BowserJack Sborn about 1931
BowserJo Anneborn about 1934
BowserJunior born about 1923
BowserOrlo born about 1925
BowserRoy born about 1903
BowserStella born about 1885
BowserTheodore born about 1919
BowserWayne born about 1921
BraithwaitMaude born about 1874
BrandonWm Sborn about 1901
BrooksHomer Lborn about 1902
BrownClarence born about 1930
BrownClyde born about 1925
BrownDella born about 1878
BrownEdwin born about 1927
BrownEllsworth born about 1898
BrownHoward born about 1923
BrownMerle born about 1899
BrownNorma born about 1932
BrownRichard born about 1935
BrownStephen born about 1873
BuckinghamJ Pborn about 1858
BuckinghamLillian born about 1871
BurleyBennis born about 1846
ButlerKenneth born about 1920
ButlerPauline born about 1920

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C Surnames

CallowayMary born about 1903
CampbellVirginnia born about 1928
CarnahamHarold born about 1905
CarnahamMildred born about 1911
CarnahamRichard born about 1930
CarpenterCarl Dborn about 1898
CarpenterJohn born about 1937
CarpenterMary born about 1902
CarpenterPatricia born about 1926
CarpenterPhilip born about 1939
CarrFrances born about 1917
CarrHarold Rborn about 1936
CarrHubert Cborn about 1916
CarrRuth Annborn about 1937
CastlemanEdward born about 1930
ChaneyBarbara Jeanborn about 1938
ChaneyFrances born about 1939
ChaneyGlenn born about 1910
ChaneyHelen born about 1916
ChaneyRobert born about 1935
ChapmanInez born about 1875
ChorpenningAulene born about 1904
ChorpenningClayton born about 1899
ChorpenningDelores born about 1928
ChorpenningJack born about 1923
ChorpenningPatricia born about 1930
ChorpenningPeggajo born about 1924
CloseFrancis born about 1920
CloseLottie born about 1890
CloseMary born about 1924
CoburnBeulah born about 1886
CoburnCalvin born about 1939
CoburnCarol Jeanborn about 1933
CoburnCharles born about 1915
CoburnClay born about 1879
CoburnEarl Lborn about 1883
CoburnEsther Lborn about 1918
CoburnIla born about 1915
CoburnJohn Victorborn about 1910
CoburnLe Roy born about 1919
CoburnLeatrice born about 1937
CoburnOrville born about 1917
CoburnRobert born about 1913
CoburnRuth born about 1913
CoburnVern born about 1895
CoburnWilbur born about 1906
CoburnWilliam born about 1935
ColeEdith born about 1885
ColeGlen Eborn about 1892
CollinsAudra born about 1918
CollinsCharles born about 1890
CollinsDale born about 1917
CollinsEdward born about 1939
CollinsEffie born about 1892
CollinsEverett born about 1914
CollinsHerman born about 1922
CollinsRuby born about 1929
CookAlvin born about 1940
CookAnna born about 1916
CookCarl born about 1926
CookCharles Oborn about 1894
CookDale Wborn about 1936
CookDonald born about 1923
CookFred born about 1930
CookHelen Marieborn about 1940
CookJoyce born about 1928
CookKathleen born about 1915
CookMary born about 1935
CookNellie born about 1899
CookRobert born about 1917
CookViolet born about 1924
CookWalter born about 1915
CookWayne born about 1922
CullerHilmer born about 1921
CullerWayne born about 1918
CurieBertha born about 1880
CurieCarlton born about 1934
CurieCora born about 1882
CurieDelora born about 1864
CurieElgin born about 1890
CurieErid born about 1917
CurieFrank born about 1878
CurieFrank Jr born about 1924
CurieHarold born about 1929
CurieJoan born about 1932
CurieLeonard born about 1920
CurieMorris born about 1876

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D Surnames

DermottVictor born about 1883
DilleyGrace born about 1889
DilleyHollis born about 1885
DilleyJerry Wayneborn about 1939
DilleyJohn born about 1916
DilleyMarvella born about 1919
DoanThomas born about 1898
DonleyMary born about 1889
DonleyRuth born about 1922
DonleyWayne born about 1919
DonleyZelma born about 1924
DraggooFred born about 1889
DraggooHarriet born about 1874
DraggooJames born about 1921
DraggooLloyd Jborn about 1895
DraggooMarie born about 1896
DraggooRachel born about 1886
DraggorClifton born about 1913
DraggorFern born about 1916
DraggorJane born about 1939
DraggorSally born about 1935
DrakeBerneice born about 1921
DrakeBetty born about 1923
DrakeFrank Jr born about 1926
DrakeGeneva born about 1903
DrakeHugh born about 1899
DrakeLeona Mayborn about 1932
DresselMax Pborn about 1912
DresselViola Rborn about 1908
DumonMinerva born about 1878

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E Surnames

EllisGene born about 1931
EllisMonte born about 1929
ElsonFred born about 1890
ElsonJ Hborn about 1857
ElsonLora born about 1865
ElsonVera born about 1892
EngleAlden born about 1913
EngleDeanna born about 1939
EngleDorris born about 1918
EngleJohn born about 1886
ErvinJames born about 1859
ErvinMae born about 1922
ErvinWalter born about 1920

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F Surnames

FettersArnold born about 1934
FettersBertie Cborn about 1865
FettersCora born about 1892
FettersEllen born about 1911
FettersErvin Jborn about 1932
FettersL Gborn about 1884
FettersPaul born about 1909
FettersRuth born about 1937
FettersWalter born about 1925
FettersWayne born about 1923
FlukeCordella born about 1932
FlukeHenry born about 1905
FlukeHenry born about 1935
FlukeMiles born about 1937
FlukePatricia born about 1929
FlukeVivian born about 1912
FoltzClara Aborn about 1881
FoltzJoe Eborn about 1879
FrainBeatrice born about 1906
FrainMilo born about 1897
FrainWalter born about 1922
FreeburnCharles born about 1931
FreeburnEmma born about 1897
FreeburnGlenn born about 1894
FreeburnGlenn Jr born about 1925
FreeburnRichard born about 1922
FreeseFrancis born about 1935
FreeseMarcella born about 1917
FullerLogan Hborn about 1868
FullerMyrtle Jborn about 1877
FunkRebecca Dborn about 1887
FunkWm Dborn about 1870

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G Surnames

GablickJohn born about 1887
GablickLeona born about 1890
GaffEnlo born about 1916
GaffGlenn born about 1919
GaffLeo born about 1890
GaffNevada born about 1889
GarmanFay born about 1890
GarmanHelen Rborn about 1917
GarmanJames Hborn about 1939
GarmanR Stanleyborn about 1918
GarmanWarren Oborn about 1884
GeeAlice born about 1894
GeeEugene born about 1928
GeeFlora born about 1861
GeeFoster born about 1890
GeeLaney born about 1863
GeeMinnie born about 1870
GehrigDennis born about 1911
GehrigLouis born about 1937
GehrigMarcella born about 1911
GehrigMonte born about 1939
GeorgeEvelyn born about 1924
GeorgeJames born about 1921
GeorgeVirginnia born about 1926
GeorgeWalter born about 1886
GiantFrank Eborn about 1919
GiantGeorge Eborn about 1872
GiantMae Agnesborn about 1875
GibfordBeulah born about 1907
GibfordRoyce born about 1906
GlaweAugust born about 1870
GoldsmithMarie Aborn about 1854
GuildordArthur Aborn about 1898
GuildordHarriet Lborn about 1901
GuildordMarcia Vborn about 1928
GuilfordFreda born about 1908
GuilfordMerl born about 1906

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H Surnames

HablawetzAlta born about 1908
HablawetzRobert born about 1909
HablawetzWilliam born about 1870
HadgesClarice born about 1905
HadgesEarl born about 1906
HadleyAlice Mayborn about 1919
HadleyErmal Mborn about 1894
HadleyJohn Rborn about 1924
HadleyPaul Eborn about 1928
HadleyRay Pborn about 1896
HadleyRobert Lborn about 1930
HadleyRoger Wborn about 1926
HadleySamuel Oborn about 1921
HainesMabel born about 1903
HainesMary born about 1925
HainesMaxine born about 1930
HainesRichard born about 1891
HainesRuth born about 1928
HallerAllen born about 1898
HallerAllen Jr born about 1928
HallerKatherine born about 1903
HamiltonJames born about 1923
HamiltonPluma born about 1880
HammanForest born about 1914
HammanForest born about 1934
HammanJennie born about 1915
HammanSusann born about 1932
HarrisBarbara Annborn about 1932
HarrisCurtis Aborn about 1874
HarrisGeorge born about 1927
HarrisJames born about 1921
HarrisMarion Aborn about 1925
HarrisMaude born about 1892
HarrisNancy Nborn about 1876
HarrisOscar born about 1894
HarrisPatty born about 1930
HarrisSeth Tborn about 1926
HarrisWarren Dborn about 1897
HartBessie born about 1888
HartClara born about 1910
HartDonald born about 1911
HartEstella born about 1926
HartJames born about 1929
HartJohn born about 1881
HartRuth Annborn about 1937
HartranftCharles born about 1924
HartranftEdward born about 1892
HartranftIrene born about 1938
HartranftMae born about 1898
HartranftNorma Jeanborn about 1927
HartranftPhyllis Annborn about 1935
HatchJames born about 1923
HatchMabel Fborn about 1898
HatchMalcolm born about 1884
HatchVivienne born about 1923
HaverGerald born about 1903
HaverRuth born about 1898
HawkGlenda born about 1937
HawkLeo born about 1894
HawkLinda born about 1939
HawkTracy born about 1909
HawkWanda born about 1935
HellingerDoris born about 1924
HellingerEthel born about 1892
HellingerIvan born about 1884
HerrickIda Maryborn about 1864
HerrickO Hborn about 1863
HoffmanErna born about 1905
HughesFern born about 1911
HughesJackie Bborn about 1933
HughesO Eborn about 1905
HughesPatty Louborn about 1937
HullCalvin born about 1927
HullDonald born about 1934
HullEmma born about 1872
HullFred Eborn about 1899
HullGladys born about 1902
HullHarvey born about 1901
HullLoretta born about 1864
HullParley born about 1902
HurniBarbara born about 1935
HurniJean born about 1927
HurniLeila born about 1923
HurniMorris born about 1924
HurniOlive Oborn about 1905
HurniWillard born about 1904
HurseyAnna born about 1887
HurseyCurtis born about 1876
HurshHarry born about 1886
HurshNeva born about 1892
HustedFlorence born about 1911

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I Surnames

InlowArden born about 1919
InlowBecky born about 1928
InlowBetty born about 1928
InlowDelta born about 1921
InlowDonald born about 1930
InlowEmma born about 1890
InlowHarold born about 1923
InlowIrene born about 1915
InlowLoren born about 1925
InlowO Elmerborn about 1886
InlowRoger born about 1933

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J Surnames

JacksonCalvin Bborn about 1871
JacksonFord born about 1896
JacksonIris born about 1922
JacksonMabel born about 1890
JacksonValeria born about 1865
JacksonVera born about 1904
JarrettJanet born about 1939
JarrettLeonard Bborn about 1904
JarrettMildred Gborn about 1902
JenkinsEdna born about 1878
JenkinsFred Aborn about 1863
JenkinsMaude Aborn about 1867
JenningsM Pborn about 1889
JenningsNeva born about 1893
JohnsonArthur born about 1911
JohnsonE Wborn about 1875
JohnsonFrank Eborn about 1875
JohnsonGeneva born about 1873
JohnsonHarriet born about 1878
JohnsonLiladall born about 1870
JohnsonRobert born about 1908

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K Surnames

KeelerDaisy born about 1886
KeelerJudson Daleborn about 1926
KeelerOlivia born about 1917
KeelerRalph born about 1915
KeelerWill born about 1883
KeesHarry born about 1868
KeesJack born about 1933
KeesJames Rborn about 1927
KeesJosephine born about 1899
KeesLeon born about 1896
KeesLydia Aborn about 1859
KeesNina born about 1871
KeesNina born about 1940
KeesSamuel born about 1858
KeeslerBelle born about 1881
KeeslerEva born about 1906
KeeslerGloria Dawnborn about 1934
KeeslerMyra Nellaborn about 1925
KeeslerRuth born about 1923
KeeslerSam born about 1874
KeeslerWalter born about 1900
KellerBenjamin born about 1874
KellerClara Bborn about 1884
KellerClinton Eborn about 1881
KellerDon born about 1902
KellerHall born about 1923
KellerJennie born about 1876
KellerLozearn born about 1904
KellerNed born about 1926
KinseyAletha Jborn about 1871
KinseyDe Wayne born about 1914
KinseyDonald born about 1926
KinseyEarl Wmborn about 1918
KinseyGlenn born about 1907
KinseyJames born about 1930
KinseyMary born about 1907
KinseyMayola born about 1889
KinseyOpal born about 1927
KinseyRobert born about 1934
KinseyThomas Dborn about 1938
KinseyVirgilia born about 1916
KniselySarah born about 1861
KochAnna born about 1861
KochArline born about 1873
KochCharles born about 1870
KochJane born about 1859
KochRoy born about 1888
KochRueben born about 1858
KohlerFrances born about 1918
KrabillJacob born about 1864
KrabillRuby born about 1874
KriseHoward born about 1874
KriseMary born about 1880
KrisePaul born about 1904

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L Surnames

LanumRalph Eborn about 1923
LarueArticia born about 1877
LarueBetty Leonaborn about 1930
LarueJoyce Marieborn about 1938
LarueOscar born about 1904
LarueReba Joanborn about 1935
LarueW Dborn about 1902
LaymanIsreal born about 1872
LaymanStella born about 1877
LeffelLucille born about 1918
LeightyAgnes Iborn about 1872
LeightyBlanche born about 1869
LeightyEdd born about 1869
LeightyFrank born about 1882
LeightyFred Bborn about 1887
LeightyJ Hborn about 1880
LeightyJoan born about 1932
LeightyJohn Rborn about 1871
LeightyLora Eborn about 1885
LeightyVirginia born about 1912
LigherEdgar born about 1906
LigherNan born about 1866
LikeHarley Wborn about 1884
LikeMinnie born about 1891
LikesBarbara born about 1936
LikesCecil born about 1912
LikesEthel born about 1911
LikesGuanita born about 1934
LikesJ Lamoutborn about 1880
LikesKathryn born about 1932
LikesLee Wayneborn about 1938
LindleyNellie born about 1875
LittlefieldDorothy born about 1923
LittlefieldMabel born about 1895
LittlefieldMaude born about 1930
LittlefieldRay born about 1895
LoftusAda born about 1885
LoftusCandace born about 1925
LoftusJesse born about 1881
LoftusLeuis born about 1910
LoucksBarbara born about 1932
LoucksChester born about 1874
LoucksHarriet born about 1928
LoucksHarry born about 1910
LoucksMabel born about 1910
LoucksPhyllis born about 1935
LoucksRichard born about 1933
LoucksRobert born about 1930
LoucksWalter born about 1921
LucasEldora born about 1869
LucasGeorge Cborn about 1863
LyonsArthur Cborn about 1915
LyonsLucille born about 1916

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M Surnames

MarkinsBenjamin born about 1879
MarkinsCora born about 1873
MartinCecil born about 1912
MartinGordon born about 1919
MartinPaul born about 1900
MartinVerrie born about 1876
MasonClaude born about 1875
MasonLeona born about 1877
MaurerScott born about 1871
MaxwellJames born about 1922
MaxwellPatricia born about 1926
MaxwellRoy born about 1891
MaxwellStella born about 1895
MayFrank born about 1872
MayMargaret Janeborn about 1871
McCannClara born about 1862
McMillenJacob born about 1856
MeansFlora Bborn about 1870
MeansRose born about 1906
MeansStanley born about 1905
MeekL Bborn about 1890
MeekLena born about 1892
MeeseFrank born about 1871
MeeseQueen born about 1886
MersonDonald born about 1913
MessengerAda born about 1894
MessengerJohn Hborn about 1882
MillerWm Hborn about 1871
MillimanElizabeth born about 1883
MockDale born about 1930
MockDelbert born about 1908
MockEdna born about 1906
MockGerald born about 1940
MockHelen born about 1935
MockLynn born about 1932
MonroeAgnes born about 1898
MonroeFrank Aborn about 1919
MonroeNancy born about 1931
MonroeVernie born about 1896
MonroeWilliam born about 1927
MooneyEllen born about 1923
MooneyPhilbert Aborn about 1914
MooneyPhilbert Lborn about 1939
MoorDora born about 1880
MoorEdna born about 1906
MoorNorman born about 1936
MoorSamuel born about 1937
MoorWalter born about 1904
MooreAlbert born about 1900
MooreMary born about 1929
MooreRoscoe born about 1925
MooreVelma born about 1906
MorrC Rborn about 1879
MorrCarrie born about 1882
MorrEllsworth born about 1913
MumawSamuel born about 1878
MurphyCatherine born about 1879
MurphyCharles born about 1879

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N Surnames

NeilandHugh born about 1866
NeilandMary Rborn about 1876
NichollsRobertson born about 1867
NorthrupLela born about 1886

O Surnames

OberlinBarbara Jr born about 1934
OberlinHarriet born about 1909
OberlinMiles born about 1910

P Surnames

PaytonClarence born about 1912
PerryAlva born about 1869
PerryNellie born about 1875
PerryPaul born about 1895
PorterJoseph Fborn about 1874
PorterMaude born about 1879
PriceCora born about 1875
PriceCourtland born about 1863
PugsleyCarl born about 1915
PugsleyIrma born about 1916
PugsleyLester born about 1895
PugsleyMarcel born about 1924
PugsleyMyrtle born about 1894
PugsleyRonald born about 1937

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R Surnames

RandallSarah Jborn about 1869
ReasonerHuldah born about 1884
ReasonerRay born about 1881
ReedCarol born about 1924
ReedRichard born about 1925
ReidenbachAlice born about 1899
ReidenbachFrances born about 1926
ReidenbachRoy born about 1896
RhinehartGertrude born about 1913
RhinehartWalter born about 1910
RichmondAlice born about 1924
RichmondConnie born about 1918
RichmondDelain born about 1933
RichmondEvelyn born about 1936
RichmondHazel born about 1892
RichmondIvan born about 1873
RichmondJack born about 1919
RichmondJerry born about 1938
RichmondJessie born about 1880
RichmondKenneth born about 1918
RichmondLa Von born about 1914
RickerdDe Wayne born about 1936
RickerdDonnis Jeanborn about 1933
RickerdLa Rue born about 1912
RickerdLee Royborn about 1905
RickerdTrooas born about 1939
RidgewayBelle born about 1862
RidgewayBerwood Bborn about 1894
RidgewayBeverly born about 1934
RidgewayCallie born about 1895
RidgewayFloyd born about 1892
RidgewayKenneth born about 1918
RidgewayMary born about 1901
RidgewayRobert born about 1926
RidgewayRussell born about 1929
RoopBetty born about 1923
RoopElmer born about 1894
RoopHelen Lborn about 1934
RoopMinnie born about 1893
RoopNolan born about 1936
RoopWilliam born about 1913
RudeBina born about 1902
RudeBurl Jr born about 1922
RudeMary Ellenborn about 1925
RuppAndrew born about 1877
RuppMinnie born about 1885

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S Surnames

SailerC Hborn about 1861
SailerDorothy born about 1871
SailerEdith born about 1899
SailerZay Jborn about 1896
ScholesClark Fborn about 1895
ScholesKathleen born about 1908
ScholesLillian born about 1863
ScholesRev J Nborn about 1862
SchondelmayerHelen born about 1919
SchondelmayerJudith born about 1940
SchondelmayerReign born about 1917
SchraderEdward born about 1882
SchraderHazel born about 1917
SchraderLloyd born about 1915
SechlerAnna born about 1893
SechlerBernice born about 1916
SechlerCarrie born about 1891
SechlerDonald born about 1939
SechlerFranklin born about 1925
SechlerHarold born about 1888
SechlerLeola born about 1927
SechlerMary born about 1861
SechlerMerritt born about 1874
SechlerRalph born about 1894
SechlerRobert born about 1913
SheardyMargaret born about 1876
ShefferBasil born about 1913
ShefferGrace born about 1890
ShillingCecil born about 1880
ShillingJ Rborn about 1852
ShillingJosie born about 1860
ShillingMelinda born about 1865
ShroyerBessie born about 1874
ShroyerEdna born about 1911
ShroyerHenry born about 1866
ShroyerWilbur born about 1898
ShuffChalmer born about 1924
ShuffClaudia born about 1935
ShuffFranklin born about 1927
ShuffHarold born about 1939
ShuffHarry born about 1890
ShuffJacqueline born about 1925
ShuffJanice born about 1932
ShuffJoan born about 1930
ShuffKathryn born about 1938
ShuffLulu born about 1906
ShuffMary born about 1855
ShuffMedford born about 1937
ShuffMorris born about 1926
ShuffRobert born about 1929
ShuffShirley born about 1934
ShullFrank Hborn about 1907
ShullMildred Hborn about 1875
ShullNed Wborn about 1915
ShullO Kborn about 1875
SibleClara born about 1888
SibleFrancis born about 1915
SimantonMerlin born about 1918
SimantonPearl born about 1879
SmithAmy Mborn about 1888
SmithBetty born about 1927
SmithClarence Aborn about 1891
SmithFay Annborn about 1924
SmithHarry born about 1888
SmithHelen born about 1898
SmithIrene born about 1920
SmithJay born about 1929
SmithJohn born about 1855
SmithKathryn born about 1923
SmithLucille born about 1891
SmithPhillip born about 1883
SmithRichard Eborn about 1933
SmithWm Oborn about 1872
SmithWoodrow born about 1918
SnyderAlma born about 1888
SnyderGeorge born about 1896
SnyderGeorge born about 1910
SnyderW Jayborn about 1884
SouleBenjamin born about 1872
SouleMirtha Jborn about 1877
SquiresH Hborn about 1881
SquiresJosie Nborn about 1881
StamanAvis born about 1892
StamanWilliam born about 1884
StewartAudra Jeanborn about 1931
StewartConnie Roseborn about 1934
StewartDorothy born about 1924
StewartEllen born about 1895
StewartGladys born about 1925
StewartWalter born about 1892
StewartWalter born about 1928
StoneHarry born about 1881
StoneHattie born about 1871
StorerKatie Dborn about 1889
StorerMilton Eborn about 1888
StorerWayne De Wittborn about 1920
StrongAlice born about 1926
StrongBlanche born about 1921
StrongCarol born about 1931
StrongGrant born about 1923
StrongHarry born about 1926
StrongJune born about 1928
StrongLee Reignborn about 1898
StrouseEdith born about 1911
StrouseHelen Eborn about 1920
StrouseJoan born about 1939
StrouseTeddy Wborn about 1913
StrouseVerla Annborn about 1939
StrouseWaneta born about 1937
StrouseWm born about 1867
StrouseWm born about 1908
StrouseWm Franborn about 1940

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T Surnames

TefftAllie born about 1886
ThorpeCharles born about 1870
ThorpeLinnie born about 1860
TrostelAbner born about 1874
TrostelMarie born about 1882
TustisonAnna born about 1882
TustisonFrank born about 1877
TustisonPaul born about 1903

V Surnames

VanlearEsther born about 1875
VanlearLockus born about 1856

W Surnames

WadeAlbert born about 1903
WadeBeverly born about 1926
WadeCarol born about 1929
WadeCarrie born about 1884
WadeEdward born about 1932
WadeFranklin born about 1937
WadeGeorge born about 1914
WadeGwynor Leeborn about 1933
WadeHelen born about 1904
WadeHelen Eborn about 1913
WadeIma Leeborn about 1928
WadeMadonna born about 1904
WadeMarcia born about 1923
WadeMargaret born about 1929
WadeMarlyn born about 1931
WadeRoy born about 1881
WadeSally born about 1934
WalterFlorence born about 1893
WalterGeorge born about 1879
WalterGeorge Jr born about 1919
WalterLouis Hborn about 1923
WalterRussell Mborn about 1925
WaltersChalmer born about 1930
WaltersDale born about 1915
WaltersHenry born about 1896
WaltersLillian born about 1927
WaltersMary born about 1901
WaltersMax born about 1929
WaltersMayola born about 1919
WaltersRobert born about 1923
WaltersSharon born about 1934
WaltersVance born about 1937
WaltersVurgess born about 1939
WaltersVurmell born about 1937
WarstlerEthel born about 1903
WarstlerFrank born about 1892
WarstlerGloria Jeanborn about 1928
WarstlerJames born about 1933
WarstlerLester born about 1922
WarstlerRobert born about 1925
WashlerAdrian Jborn about 1894
WashlerDonald Aborn about 1898
WashlerGarnet born about 1921
WashlerLora born about 1896
WashlerLuella Annborn about 1930
WashlerMarilyn Dawnborn about 1937
WashlerMary Lborn about 1907
WashlerPhillip Maxborn about 1939
WaslerJunior born about 1931
WaslerMyrtle born about 1929
WaslerOrel born about 1910
WaslerVern born about 1910
WeaverEtta born about 1875
WeichiDorothy born about 1916
WeichiLester born about 1914
WeichiMarlene born about 1939
WesselLe Roy born about 1906
WesselLe Roy born about 1940
WesselLilian born about 1909
WesselLois born about 1937
WesselLorene born about 1934
WesselLucille born about 1938
WestrickElenora born about 1901
WestrickHerman born about 1899
WestrickHerman Jr born about 1936
WestrickLeo born about 1926
WestrickLois born about 1931
WestrickNorman born about 1928
WhistlerCecil born about 1904
WhistlerMargaret born about 1914
WhistlerNeil born about 1935
WhiteFrank born about 1878
WidneyByron Eborn about 1862
WiekelFloyd born about 1892
WiekelMable born about 1892
WiersCarol born about 1939
WiersClara born about 1920
WiersFrance born about 1894
WiersFranklin born about 1924
WiersHelen born about 1928
WiersMarcella born about 1922
WiersMary Annborn about 1931
WiersMax born about 1935
WiersRolla born about 1889
WiersShirley born about 1933
WilbernLeslie born about 1905
WilbernMary born about 1903
WilbernVirginia born about 1930
WilliamsFrank born about 1895
WilliamsHoward born about 1899
WilliamsIda born about 1864
WilliamsMark born about 1892
WilliamsPearl born about 1882
WilliamsWillard born about 1871
WilmotCarleton born about 1914
WilmotGeorge Gborn about 1882
WilmotHarold born about 1926
WilmotLeora Belleborn about 1928
WilmotOpal born about 1892
WilmotRuth born about 1920
WilsonGeorge born about 1856
WilsonLida born about 1870
WilsonMildred born about 1882
WimotFlorence born about 1853
WinelandEffie born about 1872
WinelandEthel born about 1893
WinelandGlenn born about 1891
WinelandJohn born about 1867
WoodcoxBelle born about 1873
WoodcoxCharles born about 1880
WoodcoxClarence born about 1873
WoodcoxCornelius Aborn about 1873
WoodcoxDaisy born about 1885
WoodcoxDevere born about 1920
WoodcoxI Mborn about 1872
WoodcoxIda born about 1885
WoodcoxLulu Bborn about 1877
WoodcoxMary Louiseborn about 1927
WoodcoxMaxine born about 1923
WoodcoxMorris born about 1922
WyattBobby born about 1925
WyattNevada born about 1875
WyattRobbie born about 1898
WyattSamuel Sborn about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeiderDonald born about 1931
YeiderDoris born about 1906
YeiderHarold born about 1925
YeiderRosemary born about 1927
YeiderWilbur born about 1905
YeiserIva Cborn about 1883
YeiserLloyd born about 1882

Z Surnames

ZimmermanL Royborn about 1883
ZimmermanLillian born about 1882
ZimmermanMelvin born about 1921
ZonkerChristine born about 1923
ZonkerGloria born about 1928
ZonkerJacqueline born about 1931
ZonkerMarilyn born about 1926
ZonkerPrincess born about 1899
ZonkerWalter Wborn about 1895
ZonkerWalter Jr born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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