1940 U.S. Federal Census of Dick Johnson, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Dick Johnson

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AcreaChristina born about 1892
AcreaHershel born about 1886
AcreaJohn born about 1914
AcreaLester born about 1918
AdylottEaster born about 1905
AdylottFlorence born about 1917
AdylottGeorge born about 1907
AdylottMary born about 1900
AlbersonAlmond born about 1884
AllenJames Eborn about 1892
AllenMattie born about 1871
AndersonDavid born about 1910
AndersonElizebeth born about 1887
AndersonEmmaly born about 1925
AndersonGuy born about 1872
AndersonJack born about 1900
AndersonJack Aborn about 1931
AndersonJenevieve born about 1902
AndersonJoe born about 1934
AndersonMary born about 1909
AndersonMaude born about 1926
AndersonRichard born about 1929
AndersonRobert born about 1930
AndesonEtis Sborn about 1879
AndesonLizzie born about 1883
AndesonLouis Fborn about 1924
AndesonOtis Kborn about 1920
AndrewsJohn born about 1905
ApplegateJennie born about 1868
ArcherAldo born about 1872
ArcherArtibelle born about 1925
ArcherBill born about 1929
ArcherCharles born about 1919
ArcherCucle born about 1913
ArcherDoris born about 1935
ArcherEarl born about 1888
ArcherEffie born about 1901
ArcherElmer born about 1889
ArcherEmma born about 1900
ArcherEmma Rozellaborn about 1922
ArcherFlora born about 1878
ArcherFloyd born about 1890
ArcherHida born about 1914
ArcherHila Jeanborn about 1933
ArcherJames born about 1877
ArcherJimmy born about 1927
ArcherJohn born about 1924
ArcherKenneth Vborn about 1938
ArcherMartha born about 1891
ArcherMary Eborn about 1920
ArcherMary Janeborn about 1876
ArcherNelle born about 1924
ArcherRosey born about 1888
ArcherRoss born about 1898
ArcherRuth born about 1932
ArcherSheralay born about 1939
ArcherWillard born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackneyMinnie born about 1888
BanksFred born about 1908
BanksLouis born about 1878
BanksMary born about 1874
BarleyBurl Jr born about 1935
BarleyBurll born about 1906
BarleyKathryn born about 1938
BarleyLillian born about 1912
BarrickDella born about 1889
BarrickLoyd born about 1890
BatchelorBen born about 1886
BatchelorCarl born about 1922
BatchelorLily born about 1888
BatchelorThomas born about 1925
BatchlerJohn born about 1874
BauerJohn Jborn about 1866
BauerMary born about 1910
BauerStella born about 1874
BauerWilliam born about 1894
BaughtmanEthel born about 1886
BaughtmanJohn Aborn about 1883
BaughtmanVirgalee born about 1921
BaysingerBert born about 1898
BaysingerBert Jr born about 1927
BaysingerDaisy born about 1903
BaysingerDelorse born about 1936
BaysingerWestley born about 1931
BeaboutDennis born about 1918
BeaboutJesse born about 1895
BeaboutJesse Jr born about 1925
BeaboutRobert born about 1936
BeaboutSophia born about 1896
BeallAlice born about 1899
BeallMarion born about 1897
BeallStanley born about 1921
BenderArval born about 1900
BenderEfen born about 1889
BenderJohn born about 1886
BenderJohn F Maryborn about 1860
BenderMargret born about 1879
BenderWalter born about 1925
BerryJammie born about 1906
BerryJohn born about 1899
BerryJohn born about 1939
BerryPatricia born about 1934
BiggsBill born about 1937
BiggsBryan born about 1929
BiggsCeclie born about 1926
BiggsConstance born about 1939
BiggsIra born about 1895
BiggsLaura born about 1899
BiggsLoyd born about 1915
BiggsMagdalene born about 1939
BiggsMildred born about 1916
BiggsRay born about 1897
BlairGeorge born about 1918
BlairGeorge Jr born about 1938
BlairLeona born about 1918
BlairRuth born about 1939
BlausBlossom born about 1896
BlausDavid born about 1937
BlausEdward born about 1921
BlausGrace born about 1925
BlausJohn born about 1931
BlausOliver born about 1891
BlausViolet born about 1923
BluebeckNora born about 1869
BluebeckSteve born about 1873
BoakerCarline born about 1903
BoakerEd born about 1879
BoakerEmma born about 1935
BoakerJean born about 1930
BoakerPauline born about 1939
BogardAlcian born about 1924
BogardDaniel born about 1898
BogardEthel born about 1900
BogardLewis born about 1922
BootAugusta born about 1881
BootJae born about 1876
BosswellHarry born about 1889
BosswellMinne Mborn about 1890
BouderJames born about 1902
BouderJohn born about 1869
BouderMargret born about 1904
BouderWilliam Pborn about 1914
BouillyElmer born about 1906
BouillyFlora born about 1921
BoysingerAlbert born about 1939
BoysingerBety born about 1931
BoysingerBonnie born about 1936
BoysingerCharles born about 1938
BoysingerDorthy born about 1908
BoysingerHazel born about 1934
BoysingerPatty born about 1933
BoysingerTheodor born about 1905
BrackneyBetty born about 1926
BrackneyJames born about 1883
BrackneyMary born about 1884
BransonDolly born about 1914
BransonEdward born about 1936
BransonLouis born about 1917
BransonLouis Jr born about 1938
BrentonCharles Hborn about 1878
BrentonCharles Mborn about 1922
BrentonElssie born about 1897
BrentonNorman born about 1927
BridgesDr F Bborn about 1875
BridgesKatie born about 1877
BridgesMeul Tborn about 1909
BridgewatersBetty born about 1933
BridgewatersGeorge born about 1915
BridgewatersJames born about 1918
BridgewatersJohn born about 1884
BridgewatersKathryn born about 1927
BridgewatersLely born about 1894
BridgewatersOrval born about 1922
BridwatersCharles Eborn about 1879
BridwatersGoldie born about 1898
BridwatersHarry Bborn about 1919
BridwatersRosemary born about 1925
BrintonJohn born about 1882
BrownElnora born about 1938
BrownEmy Juneborn about 1892
BrownErma born about 1929
BrownFlorence born about 1900
BrownFloyd born about 1886
BrownGeorge born about 1930
BrownGillen born about 1936
BrownGladys born about 1900
BrownHarvey born about 1921
BrownHarvey Leeborn about 1898
BrownHenry born about 1893
BrownHerman Eborn about 1887
BrownJoeph born about 1927
BrownJohn born about 1934
BrownKathryn born about 1938
BrownLuther born about 1919
BrownMardel born about 1920
BrownMaude born about 1922
BrownPhalda born about 1894
BrownRuth Annborn about 1939
BrownSusan Eborn about 1890
BrownWilliam born about 1917
BrusickBettsene born about 1923
BrusickEdward born about 1920
BrusickGarylord born about 1917
BurkAugusta born about 1881
BurkRobert born about 1876
BurrickJoesifson born about 1917
BurrickWilbur born about 1938
BussellHoward Jr born about 1929
BussingCharles born about 1902
BussingCharles born about 1927
BussingJames born about 1935
BussingJohn born about 1932
BussingMary Jborn about 1928
BussingOla born about 1908
BussingStephen born about 1938
ButlerMartha born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CaressFrank born about 1883
CaressMartha born about 1883
CarlimCecile born about 1909
CarlimHalley born about 1883
CarlimHomer born about 1922
CarlimJesse born about 1917
CarlimMarget born about 1890
CarlimRoymon born about 1915
CarpenterCourtney born about 1877
CarpenterEvert born about 1937
CarpenterGolda born about 1906
CarpenterHattie born about 1880
CarpenterJesse born about 1913
CarpenterKenneth born about 1939
CarterRalph born about 1887
CarterWinefred born about 1879
CaseWayne born about 1909
CaskoeyAnne born about 1862
CaskoeyBeulh born about 1907
CaskoeyRaymond born about 1899
CassidayBarba Janeborn about 1929
CassidayBilly born about 1930
CassidayDorthy born about 1905
CassidayMarian born about 1906
ClarkWilliam born about 1865
ClarkeLeslie born about 1884
ClarkeLinizy born about 1920
ClarkeLula born about 1888
ClarkeLulu born about 1901
ClarkeMarion born about 1891
ClarksJae born about 1926
ClarksJohn born about 1928
ClarksMolly Jborn about 1893
ClarksWilliam Jborn about 1893
ClarksWilliam Jr born about 1921
ClossinAuta born about 1881
ClossinHarld born about 1920
ClossinHarry born about 1879
ClossinRobert Leeborn about 1926
CondronJohn born about 1884
CondronLouisa born about 1885
CookseyBeatres Annborn about 1936
CookseyJames born about 1935
CookseyMable born about 1915
CookseyWilliam born about 1912
CorisscaLouie born about 1877
CrableBetty born about 1929
CrableBill born about 1923
CrableClara born about 1896
CrableJean born about 1922
CrableVan born about 1896
CragueEula born about 1887
CragueJackie born about 1930
CragueJames born about 1877
CragueJames born about 1922
CragueMaxine born about 1925
CragueNaomi born about 1927
CrangeJewelus born about 1896
CrangeLeroy born about 1905
CrowmerCarl born about 1879
CrowmerMae born about 1888
CurryLeroy born about 1881
CutshallAdelaide born about 1886
CutshallJames Lborn about 1885
CutshallMary Maeborn about 1921
CutshallWilliam Clayborn about 1888
CutshallWilliam Hborn about 1854

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D Surnames

DallaccaDom born about 1878
DallaccaDonald born about 1938
DallaccaHelen born about 1933
DallaccaMairon born about 1886
DallaccaMatthew born about 1910
DallaccaPatricia born about 1936
DallaccaRobert born about 1910
DallaccaRobert born about 1928
DallaccaRuth born about 1908
DallaccaRuth born about 1919
DavisAunt born about 1900
DavisBertha born about 1880
DavisClarence born about 1903
DavisClaude born about 1898
DavisFrank born about 1886
DavisImogene born about 1925
DavisJames Wborn about 1872
DavisMartha born about 1889
DavisMildred born about 1924
DavisNina born about 1907
DavisWilliard born about 1923
DellaccaBeulah born about 1915
DellaccaClara born about 1903
DellaccaGalvert born about 1918
DellaccaJerry Joeborn about 1939
DellaccaJohn born about 1879
DellaccaJohn born about 1895
DellaccaJohn Jr born about 1910
DellaccaLawrence born about 1868
DellaccaMananuel born about 1912
DellaccaMargaret born about 1923
DellaccaRamona born about 1939
DellaccaRichard born about 1937
DellaccaThelma born about 1916
DellaccaVan born about 1916
DickersonBrian born about 1930
DickersonGaylia born about 1932
DickersonHazel born about 1903
DickersonRaeburn born about 1901
DickersonReta born about 1937
DielLudona born about 1870
DielWillian born about 1866
DierdcorfBernice born about 1898
DierdcorfBetty born about 1927
DierdcorfHerman born about 1897
DierdcorfMargaur born about 1920
DierdcorfOran born about 1922
DierdorffDaniel born about 1880
DishAlbert born about 1931
DishAugusta born about 1897
DishDenis born about 1888
DishEmma Jeanborn about 1923
DishJosephine born about 1928
DishWillian born about 1924
DlugasHelen born about 1904
DlugasSteven born about 1860
DlugasSteven Jr born about 1894
DolianoFrancis born about 1922
DolianoKathryn born about 1920
DolianoLeonard born about 1881
DolianoLouise born about 1885
DonathBetty born about 1937
DonathDonald born about 1939
DonathHarry born about 1894
DonathJoan born about 1935
DonathMable born about 1912
DoneleyAlice born about 1895
DoneleyHarry born about 1875
DonhamAmelia born about 1886
DonhamDanile born about 1884
DowingEmma born about 1884
DowingWestley born about 1872
DowningAda born about 1910
DowningBertha born about 1888
DowningBob born about 1913
DowningCarrie born about 1871
DowningClifford born about 1910
DowningFranklin born about 1910
DowningGiffrod born about 1896
DowningHarvey born about 1892
DowningHelen born about 1894
DowningHelen born about 1900
DowningJene born about 1883
DowningJessie born about 1895
DowningLester born about 1898
DowningLouise born about 1918
DowningMarjory born about 1921
DowningMarolyn born about 1936
DowningMary Ellaborn about 1921
DowningOrla born about 1887
DowningPerry born about 1870
DowningRobert born about 1939
DowningStanley born about 1916
DowningWilliam Hborn about 1861
DrobnakCora born about 1905
DrobnakNic born about 1881
DrobnakRichard born about 1910
DureeClaude born about 1917
DureeMaggie born about 1876
DureeMarilyn born about 1937
DureePauline born about 1918
DureeWilliam born about 1872

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E Surnames

EardleyAnna born about 1895
EardleyAnna Kborn about 1921
EardleyJohn born about 1895
EardleyJohn H Jrborn about 1923
EardleyKenneth born about 1927
EardleySara born about 1868
EasterChester born about 1926
EasterMelle Bborn about 1884
EasterS Lborn about 1881
ElrbainEylvan born about 1924
EpertMerle born about 1904
EpertRuth born about 1905
EppertJohn Wborn about 1933
EppertJohnny born about 1906
EppertMildred born about 1910
EscottEydia born about 1892
EscottFrances Royborn about 1922
EscottRusselle born about 1928
EscottTracy born about 1925
EscottVivian born about 1930
EscottWilliam born about 1889
EvansAllen Tborn about 1871
EvansMargaret born about 1869

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F Surnames

FoncammCarrie born about 1918
FoncammRay born about 1889
FosterThomas born about 1879
FoxCora born about 1894
FoxRichard Jborn about 1889
FugateClara born about 1891
FugateEdward Lborn about 1886
FulkBasil born about 1923
FulkEmery born about 1890
FulkMerdel born about 1892
FulkWilliam born about 1925

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G Surnames

GallawayBetty born about 1926
GallawayBeverley born about 1930
GallawayFlorence born about 1895
GallawayWilliam born about 1898
GalleyElizibeth born about 1907
GalleyJoan Annborn about 1931
GalleyMary Annborn about 1937
GalleyShirley Annborn about 1929
GalleyT Korntonborn about 1898
GardEdithe born about 1932
GardGeorge born about 1901
GardGeorge born about 1928
GardLudona born about 1936
GardRobert born about 1930
GardStella born about 1905
GarguseEffa born about 1878
GarguseZene born about 1878
GilbridGeorge born about 1886
GilbridGrace born about 1885
GilbridHarland born about 1911
GodsuiDorthy born about 1926
GodsuiEugene born about 1922
GodsuiHoward born about 1934
GodsuiJames born about 1929
GodsuiNelson born about 1931
GodsuiRita born about 1924
GottcheClyde born about 1936
GottcheDavid born about 1939
GottcheElan born about 1905
GottcheEsther born about 1913
GraylersAllie born about 1888
GraylersWestly born about 1882
GraylersWilbur born about 1921
GraylessBesie born about 1896
GraylessBetty Jeanborn about 1938
GraylessChester born about 1916
GraylessClyde born about 1899
GraylessMary Louiseborn about 1939
GraylessNaomi born about 1920
GreenwallClaude born about 1906
GrentryAndrew born about 1932
GrentryClem born about 1898
GrentryDorthey born about 1901
GrentryHelen born about 1926
GrentryJames born about 1928
GrentryPaul born about 1927
GrentryPhilp born about 1930
GreyAnna born about 1898
GreyBetty born about 1926
GreyDon born about 1930
GreyJae born about 1883
GreyJae Jr born about 1923
GreyShirley born about 1938
GrolleJones born about 1873
GunnCharlis born about 1895
GunnElizabeth born about 1904

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H Surnames

HadelyLuther Eborn about 1888
HadelyMary Aborn about 1889
HaeberlyCharles born about 1878
HaeberlyElizebeth born about 1887
HaeberlyMargorie born about 1923
HagginsLola born about 1913
HagginsQueenie born about 1880
HagginsThomas born about 1880
HagginsViolet born about 1922
HallHenry born about 1879
HallMartha born about 1871
HannaJames born about 1887
HannaNora born about 1890
HapperCharles born about 1882
HapperVina born about 1888
HayesDella born about 1898
HayesEdna Floyborn about 1939
HayesFrank Sborn about 1887
HayesHerburt born about 1895
HayesJames born about 1925
HayesJohnny born about 1931
HayesRaymond Jborn about 1925
HayesRetha born about 1907
HayesWilliam born about 1871
HayesWilliam born about 1927
HaysonViolet Jr born about 1922
HerbertAlva born about 1882
HerbertCharles born about 1913
HerbertEva born about 1888
HerbertHoward born about 1917
HerbertMary born about 1915
HerbertMary born about 1925
HerbertRobert born about 1920
HernesDorthy born about 1923
HernesLois born about 1900
HernesPhyllis born about 1930
HernesVernmae born about 1921
HernesWilliam born about 1899
HillenburingGeorge born about 1918
HillenburingHomer born about 1921
HillenburingJae born about 1930
HillenburingJohn born about 1889
HillenburingMary born about 1932
HillenburingNora born about 1892
HillenburingWilma born about 1926
HodgeJenney born about 1882
HodgeShellor born about 1881
HoffmanCharley born about 1873
HoffmanHubert born about 1925
HoffmanLowell born about 1922
HoffmanMerdel born about 1888
HoffmanNina Jeanborn about 1924
HoffmanRobert born about 1880
HoffmanRobert Aborn about 1921
HopkinsAlpha Aborn about 1907
HopkinsBarbara born about 1940
HopkinsCletis born about 1908
HopkinsJene born about 1937
HopperCarl born about 1910
HopperClemens born about 1911
HopperDorthy born about 1931
HopperFlorence born about 1911
HoukBilly born about 1932
HoukEvlyn born about 1907
HoukJack born about 1934
HoukWilliam Wborn about 1907
HowardRachel born about 1860
HuckelberryAddie born about 1871
HuckelberryWilliam born about 1866
HughesBonnie born about 1888
HunterHelen born about 1903
HunterJames Bborn about 1874

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J Surnames

JamesAlice born about 1934
JamesBenny born about 1930
JamesBernard born about 1933
JamesBetty born about 1927
JamesBilly born about 1928
JamesEva born about 1936
JamesHarry Lborn about 1904
JamesHazel born about 1926
JamesJohnny born about 1939
JamesLaura born about 1901
JamesLaura Mborn about 1878
JamesLizzie Maeborn about 1925
JamesMildred born about 1905
JamesNancy born about 1883
JamesReava born about 1936
JamesRosey born about 1896
JamesRosey Annborn about 1937
JamesWarren born about 1904
JamesWilliam born about 1878
JamesWilliam born about 1888
JamesWilliam born about 1929
JarvinBetty born about 1922
JarvinDonald born about 1930
JarvinInez born about 1897
JarvinJames born about 1877
JarvinMarian born about 1923
JefferiesC Mborn about 1894
JefferiesHelen born about 1899
JenkensAlbert born about 1917
JenkensAlice born about 1914
JenkensLeon born about 1939
JohnsonJames born about 1909
JohnsonMable born about 1880
JonesMary Cborn about 1913
JonesWatkin born about 1876

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K Surnames

KennedyJohn born about 1885
KennedyMildred born about 1917
KennedyStella born about 1887
KesselElla born about 1867
KesselHoward born about 1901
KidwellFrances born about 1916
KidwellHurbert Rborn about 1914
KidwellIcaphine born about 1886
KidwellJames born about 1885
KidwellMoris born about 1919
KidwellWilliam born about 1939
KillinJeneva born about 1907
KillinMary Lborn about 1928
KillinRaymond born about 1908
KithDorthy born about 1928
KithEarl born about 1922
KithGarld born about 1930
KithHenry born about 1927
KithLaura born about 1924
KithMinnie born about 1900
KithRoy born about 1937
KnollBertha born about 1920
KnollHeman born about 1917
KnollJanet Sborn about 1939
KnoxIsadel born about 1916
KnoxWilbur born about 1916
KoloaterFreddy born about 1923
KoloaterJohn born about 1921

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L Surnames

LambertElotiss born about 1880
LambertLaura born about 1870
LattaAliva born about 1894
LattaBob born about 1929
LattaLeroy born about 1893
LattaRichard born about 1926
LawsonElmer born about 1883
LawsonHarry Lborn about 1924
LawsonJames Pborn about 1922
LawsonMargret born about 1888
LawsonRobert born about 1919
LeapFloyd born about 1910
LedbettonBetty born about 1924
LeeAmos born about 1904
LeeBetty born about 1938
LeeDorthy born about 1932
LeeEster born about 1911
LeeJimmy born about 1934
LeeJohn born about 1928
LeeMary born about 1936
LeeNorval born about 1930
LimonsBrooks born about 1915
LimonsClara born about 1917
LimonsEarnest born about 1889
LimonsSaddy born about 1894
LockmillerBob born about 1922
LockmillerCharles born about 1881
LockmillerJae born about 1925
LockmillerJohn born about 1915
LongOramal born about 1912
LutzBeverly born about 1939
LutzCatie born about 1934
LutzCeola born about 1935
LutzDorthy born about 1912
LutzForest born about 1936
LutzHarld born about 1907
LutzKelton born about 1938
LutzVermon born about 1931
LybargerEdith born about 1904
LybargerHarry born about 1898
LylorgerRachel born about 1876
LylorgerWilliam born about 1863
LynchBilly Rayborn about 1939
LynchImogene born about 1916
LynonsFlorence born about 1878
LynonsHubert born about 1915
LynonsMargert born about 1919
LynonsPaul born about 1877
LyonMerdel born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

ManeseAdde born about 1870
ManeseJenny born about 1906
ManeseJesse born about 1906
ManningHerbert born about 1911
MarietteBill born about 1922
MarietteDor born about 1912
MarietteJohnny born about 1900
MarietteRuth born about 1903
MarkovitchMike born about 1906
MarkovitchThomas born about 1902
MarkovitchVeronica born about 1899
MarshallAgnes born about 1867
MarshallBetty born about 1927
MarshallElec born about 1892
MarshallHarry Henryborn about 1904
MarshallRichard born about 1932
MarshallSophia born about 1906
MarshallThomas born about 1866
MasonAnna Bellborn about 1939
MasonGerald born about 1914
MasonGoldie born about 1890
MasonJohn born about 1881
MasonLillin born about 1918
MasonMarlin born about 1938
MayfieldCurry born about 1889
MayfieldEthel born about 1879
MayfieldGerna born about 1891
MayfieldHarry born about 1927
MayfieldHermand born about 1892
MayfieldMarie born about 1895
MayfieldMorris born about 1924
MayfieldPaul born about 1931
MayfieldRobert born about 1919
MayfieldRoscoe born about 1881
McBrideJessey Cborn about 1889
McBrideJohn Sborn about 1888
McCullothEarl born about 1892
McCulloughNorman born about 1914
McCulloughThelma born about 1919
McCulloughThoron born about 1938
McGranchandGertrude born about 1922
McGranshanHarriet born about 1881
McGranshanRudy born about 1883
McGuiganJane born about 1869
McGuiganJohn born about 1907
McGuiganPat born about 1897
McGuiganTom born about 1903
McKinneyJames born about 1872
McKinneyPete born about 1884
McLinGeorge born about 1918
McLinMontana born about 1920
McLinRobert born about 1939
McMainsFrank born about 1885
McMainsMildred born about 1918
McMainsNelle born about 1889
McVaryIsac born about 1876
McVaryLeatha born about 1886
McVaryMaxine born about 1923
McVaryRay born about 1919
McVeyMary Mborn about 1914
McVeyRoy born about 1919
MelberDavid born about 1869
MelberEmley born about 1873
MercerLurene born about 1913
MercerMelvin born about 1912
MershonFredia born about 1908
MershonGreta Sborn about 1939
MershonHubbard Mborn about 1937
MershonJohn born about 1905
MershonJohn Bborn about 1929
MershonJoyce Annborn about 1931
MershonWilliam Jaeborn about 1933
MilesRosvile born about 1932
MillerAmelia born about 1880
MillerAndrew born about 1921
MillerAnna born about 1877
MillerJames born about 1924
MillerRobert born about 1875
MillesBetty born about 1934
MillesBonny born about 1934
MillesJames born about 1927
MillesLarry born about 1940
MillesLeter born about 1903
MillesMerlle born about 1906
MitchellAnna Belleborn about 1913
MitchellHarld born about 1912
MitchellNancey born about 1939
MitchellWilliam born about 1937
MivensMelton born about 1883
MontgromeryGertia born about 1891
MooneyAnna born about 1903
MooneyAnnetta born about 1906
MooneyEster born about 1916
MooneyEula born about 1936
MooneyJae born about 1911
MooneyJane born about 1939
MooneyJoeph born about 1938
MooneyWilliam born about 1907
MorrisAlice born about 1869
MuirElizabeth born about 1862
MuirRobert born about 1891
MunceHomer born about 1876
MyersAbe born about 1870
MyersAch born about 1908
MyersBell born about 1876
MyersFred born about 1902
MyersMartha Jborn about 1918
MyersNance born about 1880

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N Surnames

NablesBertha born about 1879
NablesCharles Jr born about 1922
NablesVirgil born about 1915
NanceBobby born about 1934
NanceMarie born about 1910
NanceRobert Fborn about 1907
NicisionMary born about 1874
NinnesEldon born about 1927
NinnesFrank born about 1891
NinnesFrank Jr born about 1924
NinnesJames born about 1919
NinnesMarion Lborn about 1926
NinnesMarjorie born about 1921

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O Surnames

OdellCharles born about 1919
OdellCharles born about 1938
OdellRalph born about 1939
OdellRuby born about 1919
OdellTherman born about 1913
OdellThomas Jr born about 1937
OrvilleTilliey born about 1881
OrvilleWilliam born about 1876

P Surnames

ParsonsJames born about 1933
ParsonsMargery born about 1918
ParsonsRaymon born about 1912
PerkinsAllen born about 1882
PerkinsBertha Eborn about 1882
PhelpsAurthur born about 1900
PhelpsCarry born about 1902
PhilabaumAdam born about 1873
PhilabaumClarnce born about 1918
PhilabaumEmma born about 1893
PhilabaumErnest born about 1922
PhilabaumLeonard born about 1920
PhilabaumLois born about 1924
PhilabaumRalph born about 1920
PierceAnna Bellborn about 1923
PierceBernard born about 1931
PierceCharles born about 1928
PierceDonald born about 1924
PierceDoris born about 1926
PierceJoe born about 1903
PierceJoe Annborn about 1935
PierceMary born about 1866
PierceMary Aliceborn about 1924
PierceNellie born about 1903
PierceRobert born about 1937
PierceWalter born about 1885
PisoneCatherine born about 1877
PisoneJoseph born about 1916
PisoneVirgina born about 1920
PorkseyCharles born about 1909
PorkseyMadelson born about 1934
PorkseyMary born about 1911
PorkseyRobert born about 1931
PriceAlice born about 1935
PriceCharles born about 1932
PriceChester born about 1908
PriceClifford born about 1887
PriceDelores born about 1932
PriceDonald Lborn about 1931
PriceEdward born about 1905
PriceElise born about 1881
PriceFrances born about 1914
PriceKathryn Maeborn about 1909
PriceRobert Deanborn about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaderAlva born about 1895
RaderAnna born about 1896
RaderBilly born about 1925
RaderWayne born about 1929
RainesCharles Bborn about 1877
RainesJoy born about 1925
RainesLilly born about 1890
RainesRobert born about 1928
RatceliffEmma born about 1869
ReedFlossy born about 1888
ReedJames born about 1882
ReffettJacqueline born about 1937
ReffettKarolyn born about 1939
ReffettNoramae born about 1918
ReffettWarren born about 1917
ReynoldsThomas born about 1936
RiggoGlenn born about 1922
RiggoJack born about 1929
RiggoLeroy born about 1924
RiggoLuther born about 1927
RiggoMildred born about 1913
RiggoRhoda born about 1887
RiggoRuby born about 1919
RiggoThomas born about 1883
RiggsDonald born about 1932
RiggsEdith born about 1930
RiggsFlorence born about 1912
RiggsJohn born about 1937
RiggsLester born about 1907
RiggsNell born about 1907
RiggsPatricia born about 1934
RiggsRichard Daleborn about 1939
RiggsThomas Jr born about 1910
RingoGlenn born about 1915
RingoJae born about 1875
RingoJohn Lborn about 1922
RingoKatie born about 1884
RingoMaggie born about 1876
RingoMary born about 1917
RisslerJohn Wborn about 1869
RobinsonErnest born about 1919
RobinsonFrances born about 1919
RobinsonJames born about 1906
RobinsonJoephan born about 1910
RobinsonJoephan Jr born about 1938
RobinsonJohn born about 1916
RobinsonJulia born about 1932
RobinsonKathryn born about 1882
RobinsonLois born about 1933
RobinsonMary born about 1935
RobinsonNacey born about 1866
RobinsonNeal born about 1924
RobinsonNeil born about 1875
RobinsonPatricia born about 1934
RobinsonPerry born about 1898
RobinsonRobert born about 1919
RobinsonRosemary born about 1905
RobinsonRuth born about 1911
RobinsonSara Janeborn about 1879
RobinsonViolet born about 1914
RogersCarrie born about 1878
RogersCharley born about 1877
RuddockChester born about 1919
RuddockGeorge Thomasborn about 1936
RuddockGeorge Wborn about 1905
RuddockGeorge Sr born about 1886
RuddockGrace born about 1887
RuddockJack born about 1929
RuddockKathryn born about 1906
RuddockLouis born about 1923
RuddockLouise Annborn about 1935
RuddockNorma born about 1925
RuddockSam born about 1912
RuddockThelma born about 1927
RuppertEmma born about 1875
RuppertWilliam Hborn about 1867
RusherElizebeth born about 1902
RusherJones Aborn about 1876
RusselLydia born about 1902
RusselThomas born about 1904

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamsonAgnes born about 1928
SamsonBernard born about 1919
SamsonJohn H Jrborn about 1917
SamsonKathryn born about 1922
SamsonMildred born about 1923
SamsonMinnie born about 1889
SamsonRody born about 1900
SamsonWoodard born about 1892
SandersB Hborn about 1889
SandersBen born about 1900
SandersBonnetta born about 1926
SandersGladds born about 1902
SandersGrace born about 1892
SandersHazel born about 1929
SandersJames born about 1906
SandersJesse born about 1931
SandersRichard born about 1914
SandersRoy born about 1923
SandersSandford born about 1934
SandersThomas born about 1924
SandersWilliam born about 1937
SarerRody born about 1865
SausarFrances Eborn about 1878
SausarJohn Hborn about 1869
SausarRuth born about 1920
SawyerBetty born about 1928
SawyerGriss born about 1905
SawyerHelen born about 1910
SawyerJune born about 1936
SawyerRuth born about 1931
SawyerThomas born about 1934
SawyerWilliam born about 1927
SearingEffie born about 1883
SearingJames born about 1880
SearingsElizabeth born about 1922
SearingsGerold born about 1921
SearingsWilma Mborn about 1939
SeigmundEdward born about 1938
SeigmundMable born about 1915
SeigmundMarcia born about 1939
SeigmundWalter born about 1910
SertonElizabeth born about 1868
SertonSimon born about 1860
ShappellAlbert born about 1887
ShappellElizabeth born about 1895
ShappellMildred born about 1926
ShortAnne Lborn about 1920
ShortChloe born about 1886
ShortDale born about 1930
ShortElesie Mayborn about 1922
ShortForest born about 1933
ShortForest Pborn about 1909
ShortHarry Hborn about 1874
ShortJesse born about 1891
ShortJosephine born about 1901
ShortLaulyan born about 1899
ShortMarilyn born about 1936
ShortMorma born about 1934
ShortPhilip born about 1925
ShortVirginia born about 1927
SiskaDorthy born about 1926
SiskaFrancis born about 1923
SkokenGeorge born about 1859
SkokenMary born about 1857
SlakCurry born about 1938
SlakKaynard born about 1914
SlakLucille born about 1915
SmithAlva born about 1906
SmithCarline born about 1884
SmithCharles born about 1924
SmithDavid born about 1913
SmithDelores born about 1938
SmithDorthy born about 1938
SmithElizebeth born about 1914
SmithEveret born about 1913
SmithFrances born about 1921
SmithJae born about 1876
SmithJames born about 1917
SmithJoeph Jr born about 1919
SmithJohn born about 1936
SmithJoseph Dborn about 1899
SmithKate born about 1917
SmithMay born about 1931
SmithMirel born about 1899
SmithPatricia born about 1936
SmithShirley Annborn about 1932
SmithWayne born about 1925
SmithWestley born about 1912
SmithWilliam born about 1856
SmithZelma born about 1914
SnowBesse born about 1899
SnowClara born about 1872
SnowEthel born about 1896
SnowJames born about 1920
SnowRoy born about 1897
SnowVictor born about 1926
SnowWilliam born about 1881
SoutherlandHarvey born about 1890
StenegerAugustus Dborn about 1906
StenegerEllem born about 1913
StewartBesse born about 1888
StewartHelen born about 1907
StewartLaura born about 1886
StewartLeah born about 1911
StewartMax born about 1879
StewartRalph born about 1887
StewartSagie born about 1868
StigleoJames born about 1924
StinsonDonald born about 1929
StinsonEysle born about 1901
StinsonInez born about 1905
SulivanClever born about 1879
SulivanLora born about 1879
SummervilleAlma born about 1888
SummervilleAngie Leahborn about 1916
SummervilleMary Mborn about 1918
SummervilleToney Lborn about 1920
SummervilleW Toneyborn about 1883
SutherlandAnne born about 1882
SutherlandBill born about 1925
SutherlandCharles born about 1882
SutherlandEarnest born about 1922
SutherlandMary Francesborn about 1929
SutherlandOlveer born about 1884
SutherlandOrval born about 1927
SutherlandRuth born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TavinFrances Mborn about 1919
TavinNick Lborn about 1885
TavinNick Mborn about 1916
TellmanArthur born about 1925
TellmanErnest born about 1930
TellmanEvert born about 1936
TellmanFames Jborn about 1921
TellmanFrank born about 1927
TellmanIda born about 1899
TellmanLeo born about 1934
TellmanLeona born about 1938
TellmanTancus born about 1892
TellmanWayne born about 1932
ThomasElesley born about 1885
ThomasHarold born about 1917
ThomasMary born about 1854
TieffelAudrey born about 1885
TieffelLenard born about 1880
TrackwellMary born about 1922
TrackwellRoy born about 1918
TruchwellCharles born about 1898
TruchwellCharles Jr born about 1934
TruchwellFredrick born about 1925
TruchwellMerdel born about 1898
TruchwellSharlit born about 1933
TruchwellWilliam born about 1922
TurnerAlva born about 1891
TurnerAruther born about 1916
TurnerBert born about 1888
TurnerDovie Mayborn about 1878
TurnerFrank Eborn about 1865
TurnerIona born about 1922
TurnerRice Jborn about 1879

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanatteAuldry born about 1919
VanatteBetty born about 1922
VanatteDicky born about 1924
VanatteElla born about 1895
VanatteMary Louborn about 1931
VanatteMorris born about 1925
VanattePauline born about 1934
VanatteRichard born about 1889
VanattiAaron born about 1938
VanattiClarnce born about 1931
VanattiClaude born about 1910
VanattiIzeta born about 1924
VanattiJohn Amosborn about 1917
VanattiJohn Dborn about 1883
VanattiJohn Eborn about 1939
VanattiMabel born about 1893
VanattiMack Cborn about 1936
VanattiMelton born about 1934
VanattiMerlyn born about 1933
VanattiMildred born about 1914
VanattiP Annborn about 1938
VanattiThelma born about 1920
VanattiThelma born about 1928
VandeverLendard born about 1933
VaneverClint born about 1901
VaneverCora born about 1921
VaneverEmma born about 1905
VaneverJerald Dineborn about 1927
VaneverJohn born about 1924
VaneverRoss born about 1930
VaniceClinton born about 1921
VaniceEthel born about 1889
VaniceFred born about 1927
VaniceNola born about 1925
VaniceRaymond born about 1889
VosyoungKenneth born about 1940

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagleAnnie born about 1887
WagleMalion born about 1930
WagleMax born about 1927
WagleRosey born about 1922
WagleStacy born about 1876
WaleskiFrank born about 1910
WaleskiMinnie born about 1874
WaleskiToney born about 1876
WalkerAlfred Cborn about 1923
WalkerAlfred Oborn about 1902
WalkerHoward born about 1930
WalkerJohn born about 1933
WalkerOpal born about 1901
WallaceLenard born about 1911
WallaceRosey born about 1912
WallaceWilliam born about 1862
WallaceWilliam Samborn about 1902
WallingCharley born about 1886
WalterFrank born about 1890
WalterSara born about 1880
WaltonCarl born about 1903
WaltonCarl Jr born about 1929
WaltonDrucella born about 1859
WaltonEmily born about 1880
WaltonFrederick born about 1910
WaltonHelen Mayborn about 1925
WaltonJae born about 1878
WaltonJames born about 1889
WaltonKenneth born about 1925
WaltonMae born about 1916
WeaverErnest born about 1908
WeaverFred born about 1909
WeaverJosey born about 1885
WeaverLynne born about 1939
WeaverMaude born about 1904
WeaverRoss born about 1882
WeaverRuth born about 1913
WeaverTimothy born about 1939
WebsterCharity born about 1860
WellsCharles born about 1927
WellsClara born about 1922
WellsFlornce born about 1920
WellsHarry born about 1917
WellsJames Aborn about 1876
WellsMinnie born about 1883
WestAlce Fayeborn about 1939
WestBeulah born about 1918
WestDorline born about 1937
WestDuglus born about 1921
WestEva born about 1920
WestEva Cborn about 1895
WestEvert born about 1915
WestEvert Royborn about 1895
WestHarry born about 1924
WestLeatha Mborn about 1940
WestSteave born about 1861
WestThomas born about 1940
WhallonClaude born about 1910
WhiteAnna born about 1883
WhiteBert born about 1898
WhiteCharles born about 1928
WhiteHorace born about 1879
WhiteLeone born about 1927
WhiteMarie born about 1901
WidenerAlice born about 1881
WidenerPeary born about 1891
WigglesCharely born about 1875
WilliamsEdward born about 1896
WilliamsEugene born about 1928
WilliamsFloyd born about 1903
WilliamsLeland born about 1923
WilliamsMarie born about 1911
WilliamsRoleigh born about 1925
WilliamsRuth born about 1903
WillisonRegena born about 1931
WilsonAnne born about 1858
WilsonDaisye born about 1884
WilsonEthel born about 1882
WilsonJames born about 1881
WilsonJohn born about 1854
WilsonKenneth born about 1893
WilsonLeana born about 1887
WilsonMalcom born about 1856
WilsonMarry born about 1883
WilsonNora born about 1890
WilsonOmer born about 1880
WilsonPete born about 1883
WilsonWarren born about 1917
WilsonWayne born about 1922
WinneAbe born about 1920
WinneJames Leeborn about 1939
WinneMary born about 1922
WinsmanNell born about 1879
WrightAlberta born about 1937
WrightGrace born about 1922
WrightHazel born about 1919
WrightHoward born about 1938
WrightJames born about 1887
WrightJames born about 1935
WrightMildred born about 1922
WrightOrley born about 1912
WrightRoberta born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YoungEligh born about 1870

Z Surnames

ZiglerJames born about 1919
ZiglerJean born about 1931
ZiglerJohn born about 1880
ZiglerMellessa born about 1889
ZiglerNell born about 1921

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