1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eden, LaGrange, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > LaGrange County > 1940 Census of Eden

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AndersCharles born about 1928
AndersGrace born about 1892
AndersMaurice born about 1921
AndersWilliam born about 1888
AsherHenry Aborn about 1860

B Surnames

BabcockLola born about 1886
BabcockLyman born about 1883
BeachJacob born about 1871
BeachMae born about 1877
BeachyAlvin born about 1924
BeachyAmanda born about 1925
BeachyArma born about 1931
BeachyCornelius born about 1930
BeachyDaniel born about 1896
BeachyDaniel born about 1928
BeachyDaniel Jr born about 1934
BeachyDavid born about 1936
BeachyEli born about 1925
BeachyElizabeth born about 1899
BeachyElmer born about 1920
BeachyEsther born about 1937
BeachyEsther born about 1939
BeachyHarvey born about 1927
BeachyIda born about 1923
BeachyJonas born about 1911
BeachyKatie born about 1937
BeachyKatie Annborn about 1920
BeachyMahlon Jayborn about 1939
BeachyMelvin born about 1924
BeachyMenno Sborn about 1894
BeachyMenno Jr born about 1931
BeachyPerry born about 1933
BeachyRosa born about 1912
BeachySadie born about 1919
BeachySarah born about 1940
BeachySusan born about 1901
BeachySusie born about 1939
BeachyWilma born about 1934
BeashCharles born about 1907
BeashGoldie born about 1912
BeechyAlice born about 1931
BeechyAmmon born about 1922
BeechyAnna born about 1928
BeechyElva born about 1923
BeechyKatie born about 1934
BeechyMary born about 1926
BeechyNora born about 1909
BeechyRaymond born about 1932
BeechyVernon born about 1925
BeechyWilliam born about 1903
BeechyWilliam Jr born about 1936
BickelJohn born about 1922
BlakeEdward born about 1927
BlakeHarley born about 1898
BlakeHarley Jr born about 1925
BlakeMildred born about 1905
BlakeRobert born about 1932
BlanchardIda born about 1880
BlanchardOra born about 1878
BlanchardWilliam born about 1922
BloughBertha born about 1901
BloughElwyn born about 1900
BobeckAllie born about 1866
BobeckChester born about 1901
BobeckEvelyn born about 1914
BobeckFreman born about 1893
BobeckKarl born about 1913
BobeckKenneth born about 1938
BobeckNedra born about 1913
BobeckPearl born about 1891
BoleyLizzie born about 1902
BoleyMelvin Sborn about 1898
BontragerAda born about 1928
BontragerAmanda born about 1871
BontragerAmanda born about 1898
BontragerAmanda born about 1933
BontragerAmos born about 1915
BontragerAmos born about 1916
BontragerAmos born about 1938
BontragerAndrew born about 1882
BontragerAndrew born about 1924
BontragerAnna born about 1897
BontragerAnna born about 1922
BontragerAnna born about 1923
BontragerAnna born about 1930
BontragerAnnie born about 1888
BontragerBen Dborn about 1886
BontragerChrist born about 1884
BontragerClara born about 1929
BontragerDaniel born about 1922
BontragerDaniel born about 1938
BontragerDavid born about 1924
BontragerDavid Rborn about 1889
BontragerDe Wayneborn about 1932
BontragerEdna born about 1929
BontragerEdna Maeborn about 1918
BontragerEdna Maeborn about 1931
BontragerEdward born about 1897
BontragerEli born about 1925
BontragerElizabeth born about 1887
BontragerElizabeth born about 1906
BontragerElizabeth born about 1927
BontragerElizabeth born about 1934
BontragerElmer born about 1936
BontragerElmer born about 1939
BontragerErvin born about 1927
BontragerErvin born about 1938
BontragerEsther born about 1917
BontragerEsther Annaborn about 1939
BontragerFanny born about 1908
BontragerFanny Maeborn about 1933
BontragerFloyd born about 1931
BontragerGideon born about 1893
BontragerGrace born about 1909
BontragerIda born about 1924
BontragerIda Maeborn about 1917
BontragerJoni born about 1869
BontragerJoseph born about 1934
BontragerJoseph Mborn about 1874
BontragerJoseph Rborn about 1916
BontragerKatie born about 1887
BontragerKatie born about 1921
BontragerKatie Mayborn about 1929
BontragerLaura born about 1931
BontragerLeni Lborn about 1894
BontragerLevi born about 1936
BontragerLine born about 1894
BontragerLonna born about 1920
BontragerLydia Annborn about 1889
BontragerMahlon born about 1907
BontragerMahlon born about 1926
BontragerMahlon born about 1927
BontragerMahlon born about 1929
BontragerMalinda born about 1898
BontragerManass born about 1880
BontragerMannass born about 1918
BontragerMansa born about 1904
BontragerManus Jr born about 1931
BontragerMartha born about 1935
BontragerMary born about 1883
BontragerMary born about 1923
BontragerMary born about 1925
BontragerMary born about 1935
BontragerMary born about 1939
BontragerMary Ellenborn about 1937
BontragerMaude born about 1890
BontragerMelvin born about 1925
BontragerNehoma born about 1939
BontragerNettie born about 1933
BontragerNina born about 1901
BontragerNoah born about 1882
BontragerNoah Meborn about 1921
BontragerOra born about 1923
BontragerPerry born about 1929
BontragerRebecca born about 1892
BontragerRosa born about 1908
BontragerSamuel born about 1931
BontragerSamuel Jborn about 1903
BontragerSamuel Rborn about 1914
BontragerSarah born about 1928
BontragerSue born about 1914
BontragerSusie born about 1931
BontragerSusie born about 1939
BontragerWilliam born about 1908
BontragerWilma born about 1929
BowserBlanch born about 1886
BowserHoward born about 1882
BrennemanFloyd born about 1919
BrennemanGeorge Jborn about 1890
BrennemanMildred born about 1930
BullRay born about 1896
BussieAurel born about 1885
BussieHoward born about 1924
BussieJames born about 1885
BussieJames Jr born about 1920
BussieRobert born about 1922
BylerJoseph born about 1919
BylerMary born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallahanFrank born about 1900
CallahanFrank Jr born about 1925
CallahanLester born about 1932
CallahanMargaret born about 1899
CallahanPhyllis born about 1928
CarlsonAlta born about 1880
CarlsonDe Lorma born about 1930
CarlsonDean born about 1903
CarlsonMary born about 1901
CarlsonWilliam born about 1875
CashAmos Sborn about 1907
CashEsther born about 1936
CashFern born about 1913
CashMary Ellenborn about 1934
CashMenno born about 1893
CashRosa born about 1921
CashSarah born about 1894
CashVirgil born about 1932
ChiddisterBeryal Lborn about 1900
ChiddisterDonabelle born about 1927
ChiddisterLeland born about 1923
ChiddisterMadge born about 1901
ChiddisterRobert born about 1925
ChristmanLouis born about 1883
ChristnerAbraham born about 1889
ChristnerCarl born about 1921
ChristnerEddrania Dborn about 1887
ChristnerEli born about 1895
ChristnerFreeda born about 1928
ChristnerFreeman born about 1924
ChristnerGlenn born about 1910
ChristnerHarriet born about 1890
ChristnerIda born about 1920
ChristnerIra Aborn about 1898
ChristnerJohn born about 1856
ChristnerJoseph born about 1892
ChristnerLe Roy born about 1911
ChristnerMary born about 1860
ChristnerMary born about 1897
ChristnerNathan born about 1887
ChristnerPolly born about 1895
ChristnerRufus born about 1917
ChristnerSarah born about 1893
ChristnerSylvia born about 1895
ChristnerTruman born about 1922
ChristnerVerlo born about 1917
ChristnerVernon born about 1929
ChristnerWilbur born about 1920
ClawsonCarlyle born about 1925
ClawsonDelmar born about 1927
ClawsonEdwin born about 1863
ClawsonLauretta born about 1923
CobbumAmos born about 1872
CobbumCleo born about 1929
CobbumClint born about 1896
CobbumDella born about 1874
CobbumGenieva born about 1926
CobbumHazel born about 1923
CobbumNancy born about 1907
CobbumStanley born about 1919
CobbumWinnie born about 1908
ColeGaynell born about 1913
ColeMildred born about 1919
ConradArthur born about 1916
CramerJouinor born about 1924
CrossMahlon born about 1937
CusterCharlotte born about 1929
CusterJoan born about 1924
CusterJohn born about 1890
CusterLillian born about 1895
CusterMyrtus born about 1922
CusterRaymond born about 1920
CusterStanley born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DallasElizabeth born about 1906
DallasRoy born about 1887
DeavelJohn born about 1874
DeavelLula born about 1878
DeckerArkison Bborn about 1853
DeckerMary Eborn about 1860
DetwilerCharles born about 1886
DetwilerCharles Jr born about 1928
DetwilerRita born about 1892
DunithanBarbara born about 1893
DunithanChester born about 1882

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EashAda Mayborn about 1930
EashAmos born about 1924
EashAnna born about 1909
EashBenjiman born about 1917
EashCarrie Eborn about 1894
EashCornelius born about 1924
EashDaniel born about 1881
EashDaniel born about 1938
EashEdna born about 1929
EashEdna born about 1935
EashEli born about 1926
EashElizabeth born about 1897
EashElizabeth born about 1927
EashEmma born about 1934
EashEnos born about 1915
EashErvin Lborn about 1932
EashErwin born about 1895
EashErwin Jr born about 1932
EashEsther born about 1933
EashEsther born about 1940
EashEsther Marieborn about 1928
EashHarvey born about 1921
EashHelen born about 1919
EashIda Aborn about 1884
EashJacob born about 1910
EashJanet born about 1939
EashJohn born about 1895
EashJohn Hborn about 1879
EashKatie born about 1919
EashKatie Mayborn about 1930
EashLevi born about 1905
EashLim born about 1914
EashLydia born about 1885
EashMary born about 1907
EashMary Ettaborn about 1937
EashMaude born about 1915
EashMillie born about 1923
EashOra born about 1926
EashPolly born about 1932
EashPolly Annaborn about 1939
EashRosa born about 1939
EashRosa Ellenborn about 1936
EashSamuel born about 1864
EashSamuel born about 1931
EashSandra Kayborn about 1939
EashSusie born about 1871
EashSusie born about 1919
EashTheodore Mborn about 1937
EashViolet born about 1917
EashWilma born about 1936
EashWilma Joeneborn about 1923
EickhoffFred born about 1914
EmmitCharles born about 1880
EmmitNorma born about 1924
EmmitViola born about 1885
EschAnda born about 1918
EschEva Mborn about 1877
EschJoseph born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FisherAllen born about 1923
FisherB Perryborn about 1889
FisherCecil born about 1893
FisherClaude born about 1925
FoughtDennis Infantborn about 1940
FoughtEvelyn born about 1921
FoughtGerald born about 1916
FreyArtie born about 1901
FreyFanny born about 1913
FreyFloyd born about 1901
FreyIda Maeborn about 1940
FreyLionen* born about 1933
FreyLois born about 1930
FreyMelvin Jayborn about 1939
FreyTobias born about 1915
FunkDaniel Bruceborn about 1939
FunkJames born about 1866
FunkLarry Tborn about 1936
FunkNettie born about 1868
FunkRuby born about 1908
FunkTheodore born about 1905

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GehrettAlbert born about 1877
GehrettMinnie born about 1878
GingerichMattie born about 1918
GingerichNoah born about 1917
GlickAndrew born about 1923
GlickAnna born about 1930
GlickBarbara born about 1883
GlickDaniel born about 1864
GlickDaniel born about 1921
GlickElizabeth born about 1917
GlickMary born about 1925
GlickMose Eborn about 1889
GlickSusann born about 1871
GloorBetty born about 1926
GloorBilly born about 1933
GloorGust born about 1895
GloorJacob born about 1931
GloorJames born about 1923
GloorMargaret born about 1925
GloorMay born about 1892
GreenawaltAlma born about 1903
GreenawaltArthur born about 1887
GreenawaltClayton born about 1905
GreenawaltDane born about 1909
GreenawaltErnest born about 1882
GreenawaltHarriet born about 1883
GreenawaltJoyce born about 1887
GreenawaltLoura Maeborn about 1908
GreenawaltStanley born about 1927
GreenwaltAmos born about 1870
GrurtleGoldie born about 1880

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HartClara Edithborn about 1901
HartDelbert born about 1934
HartJ Clarkborn about 1891
HartJames Paulborn about 1925
HartMae born about 1939
HartMary Eborn about 1928
HartNettie Ruthborn about 1937
HartglasHazel Aborn about 1907
HartglasLorry born about 1936
HartglasQuentin born about 1932
HartglasRoy born about 1905
HartglasRoyann born about 1934
HartsonghEdna born about 1901
HartsonghJ Le Royborn about 1899
HartsonghJacob born about 1922
HartsonghLarry born about 1936
HartzlarCarolyn born about 1932
HartzlarCleo born about 1930
HartzlarDana born about 1893
HartzlarDorothy born about 1893
HartzlarMarlyn born about 1923
HartzlarNettie Lborn about 1867
HartzlarNolan born about 1921
HartzlarRufus Aborn about 1865
HaydenAurel* born about 1938
HaydenVivian born about 1909
HaydenWilliam born about 1932
HefferEthel born about 1874
HemmingerJulia born about 1860
HendersonFred born about 1927
HendersonHarley born about 1918
HendersonIva born about 1890
HendersonWalter born about 1891
HerschbergerEdward born about 1898
HerschbergerFreeman born about 1938
HerschbergerMary born about 1908
HershbergerBenjaman born about 1903
HershbergerChester born about 1937
HershbergerChrist born about 1937
HershbergerDaniel born about 1861
HershbergerEdwin born about 1914
HershbergerEdwin born about 1928
HershbergerEzra born about 1932
HershbergerFlorence born about 1923
HershbergerHenry born about 1939
HershbergerIda Maeborn about 1933
HershbergerIsaac born about 1930
HershbergerJoan born about 1933
HershbergerKatie born about 1920
HershbergerMadgelena* born about 1893
HershbergerMalinda born about 1887
HershbergerMenno Hborn about 1890
HershbergerRosie born about 1893
HershbergerRoy born about 1926
HershbergerSarah born about 1912
HershbergerSusann born about 1935
HershbergerWilliam born about 1883
HochsletlerChristie born about 1930
HochsletlerEdna born about 1929
HochsletlerKatie born about 1926
HochstetlerAda born about 1922
HochstetlerAmos born about 1923
HochstetlerAnna born about 1902
HochstetlerChristian Dborn about 1870
HochstetlerChristian Nborn about 1907
HochstetlerEdna born about 1933
HochstetlerImah born about 1908
HochstetlerJoni born about 1920
HochstetlerKatie born about 1871
HochstetlerKatie born about 1922
HochstetlerLydia Maeborn about 1930
HochstetlerManass born about 1899
HochstetlerMary born about 1902
HochstetlerOra Mannel*born about 1930
HochstetlerUrias born about 1902
HochstetlirBilly born about 1938
HochstetlirCalvin born about 1937
HochstetlirElizabeth born about 1912
HochstetlirJames born about 1939
HochstetlirOmes born about 1912
HochstihlerKatie born about 1937
HochstihlerLena born about 1932
HochstihlerLester born about 1933
HochstihlerLizzie born about 1907
HochstihlerWilliam born about 1905
HorsewoodGeorge born about 1888
HorsewoodMary born about 1890
HoslerIrvin born about 1874
HostetlerAmos Oborn about 1901
HostetlerCarolyn born about 1928
HostetlerCora born about 1885
HostetlerErnest born about 1932
HostetlerFanny born about 1877
HostetlerGorgia born about 1916
HostetlerJames born about 1902
HostetlerJoan born about 1933
HostetlerJonas born about 1864
HostetlerJoyce born about 1929
HostetlerMark born about 1938
HostetlerMaurice born about 1930
HostetlerMeredith born about 1936
HostetlerMerrit born about 1924
HostetlerMervin born about 1934
HostetlerNorman Leeborn about 1931
HostetlerOscar Sborn about 1875
HostetlerPaul born about 1906
HostetlerPaul Jr born about 1931
HostetlerRichard born about 1925
HostetlerRobert born about 1922
HostetlerRollin born about 1900
HostetlerRuth born about 1906
HostetlerThersa born about 1904
HostetlerWoodrow born about 1914
HostitlerDewey Wborn about 1898
HostitlerRuth Lborn about 1901
HostleterDavid born about 1881
HostleterErvin born about 1929
HostleterMary Annborn about 1887
HuntingtonAlma born about 1857
HutchingsEstella Marieborn about 1940
HutehingsAlma born about 1919
HutehingsLeon born about 1916
HutehingsShirley Annborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IantzBetty born about 1933
IantzDorothy Ellenborn about 1928
IantzEarl born about 1898
IantzHarold born about 1923
IantzKenneth born about 1931
IantzLuella born about 1905

J Surnames

JacksonRuth born about 1922
JohnsFannie born about 1893
JohnsRay Oborn about 1891
JohnstonIda born about 1855
JonesAlvin born about 1936
JonesFred born about 1914
JonesRaymond born about 1939
JonesSusanna born about 1916

K Surnames

KanffmanJacob born about 1862
KanffmanLizzie born about 1879
KauffmanAlma born about 1884
KauffmanAlpha born about 1888
KauffmanEzra born about 1924
KauffmanHarold born about 1926
KauffmanMark born about 1923
KauffmanMenno born about 1928
KauffmanOrpha born about 1917
KaufmanElizabeth born about 1865
KaufmanIrma born about 1902
KaufmanMerlene born about 1928
KaufmanMervin born about 1906
KlineIlene born about 1927
KlineIona born about 1931
KlineIrma born about 1921
KlineRalph born about 1891
KlineRosa born about 1899
KlineWinnie born about 1896
KlingamanCloyd born about 1881
KlingamanRosa born about 1891
KlingamanSara born about 1913
KohlElla born about 1883
KohlFred born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LahmanAmanda born about 1906
LahmanIrene born about 1928
LahmanPerry born about 1904
LahmanRuby Maeborn about 1930
LahmanWilma born about 1934
LambertEichard born about 1920
LambertHugh born about 1885
LambertLeola born about 1893
LambrightAlma born about 1903
LambrightAlma born about 1922
LambrightAlma born about 1931
LambrightAlvin born about 1933
LambrightAmmon born about 1904
LambrightAmos born about 1920
LambrightAmos Jborn about 1873
LambrightBarbra born about 1901
LambrightCalvin born about 1928
LambrightClara born about 1928
LambrightCornelius born about 1930
LambrightEdna born about 1922
LambrightEdna born about 1932
LambrightElmer born about 1929
LambrightElsie born about 1916
LambrightErnest born about 1937
LambrightErvin born about 1928
LambrightFanny born about 1881
LambrightFloyd born about 1927
LambrightFreeman born about 1919
LambrightFreeman born about 1930
LambrightFreeman born about 1933
LambrightHarley born about 1931
LambrightHarrey born about 1891
LambrightHarvey born about 1938
LambrightJacob born about 1895
LambrightJacob Jr born about 1880
LambrightJoes born about 1933
LambrightJoseph Sborn about 1898
LambrightKatie born about 1905
LambrightKatie born about 1921
LambrightLe Roy born about 1939
LambrightLeanna born about 1938
LambrightLeland born about 1935
LambrightLevi born about 1920
LambrightLizzie born about 1904
LambrightLonnie born about 1935
LambrightLuzy born about 1890
LambrightLydia Maeborn about 1925
LambrightMabel born about 1924
LambrightMary born about 1927
LambrightMary born about 1936
LambrightMary Estherborn about 1935
LambrightMelvin born about 1922
LambrightMelvin born about 1937
LambrightMeno born about 1915
LambrightOda born about 1908
LambrightOmer born about 1922
LambrightOrpha born about 1924
LambrightPerry born about 1932
LambrightRichard born about 1926
LambrightSarah Janeborn about 1932
LambrightSusan born about 1873
LambrightSusie Ellenborn about 1927
LambrightTobias born about 1901
LambrightViola Maeborn about 1938
LambrightWilliam born about 1905
LantzElva born about 1876
LantzEmma born about 1857
LantzLaura born about 1864
LantzMary born about 1873
LecountDorothy born about 1928
LecountEdward born about 1889
LecountKenneth born about 1913
LecountPhyllis born about 1928
LecountRea born about 1890
LeerCharlie born about 1888
LeerDolly Eborn about 1887
LehamanLa Void born about 1916
LehmanArvin born about 1932
LehmanBarbara born about 1921
LehmanCharles born about 1885
LehmanDaniel born about 1904
LehmanElnora born about 1930
LehmanElva born about 1929
LehmanEnos born about 1918
LehmanErnest born about 1935
LehmanFanny born about 1885
LehmanFanny born about 1907
LehmanIda born about 1934
LehmanJohn born about 1939
LehmanJohn Cborn about 1863
LehmanJonithan Mborn about 1890
LehmanLaura born about 1912
LehmanNoah born about 1937
LehmanPearl born about 1881
LengacherHanna born about 1902
LengacherJohn born about 1865
LengacherLucy born about 1868
LeslieEdward born about 1874
LeslieRuth born about 1892
LongcorHarley born about 1880
LongcorOna born about 1882
LontzDaniel born about 1923
LoyBirdie born about 1891
LoyShirley born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MartinDonald born about 1938
MartinMaynard born about 1939
MartinMinnie born about 1936
MartinRoy born about 1910
MartinThelma born about 1907
MastAmelia born about 1899
MastAmos born about 1921
MastAmos Sborn about 1905
MastAnna born about 1932
MastAnna Maeborn about 1927
MastAnnie born about 1924
MastDaniel born about 1901
MastDorothy Maeborn about 1939
MastEdith born about 1937
MastEdna born about 1938
MastElis born about 1932
MastElla born about 1934
MastElva born about 1939
MastEmmy born about 1901
MastErvin born about 1937
MastErvin Lborn about 1916
MastEsther born about 1939
MastEzra born about 1935
MastFreeman born about 1935
MastGoldie Fernborn about 1909
MastHarley born about 1926
MastHarley born about 1930
MastHenry born about 1928
MastHenry born about 1932
MastJacob born about 1896
MastJerry born about 1931
MastJoseph born about 1900
MastKatie Marie Infantborn about 1940
MastLe Roy born about 1935
MastLydia born about 1901
MastMary born about 1934
MastMattie born about 1917
MastMelvin born about 1926
MastMoses born about 1907
MastOra born about 1934
MastPerry born about 1928
MastPerry born about 1930
MastSameul born about 1925
MastSameul Lborn about 1918
MastShara born about 1907
MastViola born about 1924
MastViola born about 1933
McConnelCharles born about 1854
McConnelElizabeth born about 1863
McDonaldZella born about 1878
McIntireDale born about 1927
McIntireGlenn born about 1933
McIntireHarry born about 1892
McIntireKenneth born about 1937
McIntireRuth born about 1902
MehlDarlene born about 1935
MehlDeelo* born about 1911
MehlDonabelle born about 1912
MehlNorma Leeborn about 1931
MeroneyLe Roy born about 1878
MeroneyMinnie born about 1881
MillenAmmon born about 1925
MillenEli born about 1923
MillenJohn Eborn about 1893
MillenKatie born about 1893
MillenMary born about 1869
MillenMary born about 1932
MillerAda Reginaborn about 1938
MillerAlice Maeborn about 1922
MillerAlma born about 1938
MillerAlma Aliceborn about 1913
MillerAlton born about 1920
MillerAlvin Eborn about 1905
MillerAlvin Mborn about 1912
MillerAmanda born about 1900
MillerAmmon born about 1917
MillerAmos Sborn about 1892
MillerAnna born about 1880
MillerAnna born about 1899
MillerAnna born about 1900
MillerAnna born about 1912
MillerAnna born about 1927
MillerAnna born about 1931
MillerAnnie born about 1916
MillerAnnie Lborn about 1912
MillerAtlee born about 1897
MillerBenedict born about 1923
MillerBetty born about 1938
MillerBeulah born about 1920
MillerBuster born about 1873
MillerCalvin born about 1936
MillerChris born about 1904
MillerChrist born about 1925
MillerChristian born about 1937
MillerClara born about 1886
MillerClarence Jborn about 1910
MillerCletus born about 1924
MillerDaniel born about 1891
MillerDaniel born about 1934
MillerDaniel Dborn about 1908
MillerDennis born about 1928
MillerDonavern born about 1929
MillerDovid born about 1928
MillerEdna born about 1898
MillerEdna born about 1927
MillerEdna born about 1931
MillerEldon born about 1919
MillerElizbath born about 1919
MillerEllis born about 1924
MillerElmer born about 1930
MillerElmer Kborn about 1906
MillerEmma born about 1909
MillerEnrest born about 1921
MillerErvin born about 1922
MillerEsther born about 1936
MillerEthel born about 1913
MillerEvelyn Elaineborn about 1939
MillerFanny born about 1871
MillerFanny born about 1873
MillerFanny born about 1935
MillerFern born about 1910
MillerFlossce born about 1917
MillerFreeman born about 1932
MillerGenevive born about 1938
MillerGlenn born about 1937
MillerHarold Jborn about 1911
MillerHarvey born about 1928
MillerHatie born about 1886
MillerHenry born about 1875
MillerHenry born about 1930
MillerIda born about 1897
MillerIda Infantborn about 1940
MillerIrvin born about 1931
MillerIrvin Yborn about 1898
MillerJacob Jborn about 1871
MillerJacob Pborn about 1881
MillerJoe born about 1936
MillerJoe Bborn about 1894
MillerJoe B Jrborn about 1931
MillerJohn Dborn about 1886
MillerJonas born about 1914
MillerJonas Dborn about 1905
MillerJosiah Mborn about 1867
MillerKatie born about 1879
MillerKatie born about 1921
MillerKatie Maeborn about 1932
MillerLe Roy born about 1927
MillerLevi Sborn about 1897
MillerLizzie born about 1905
MillerLorma born about 1900
MillerLydia born about 1895
MillerLydia born about 1901
MillerMadona born about 1935
MillerMahlon born about 1926
MillerMargaret Annborn about 1933
MillerMargarete born about 1933
MillerMarilyn born about 1929
MillerMartha born about 1934
MillerMary Aliceborn about 1928
MillerMary Allceborn about 1934
MillerMary Lydiaborn about 1937
MillerMattie born about 1914
MillerMattie born about 1932
MillerMax born about 1925
MillerMerlin born about 1933
MillerMusabelle born about 1879
MillerNancy Maeborn about 1938
MillerNewton born about 1911
MillerNoah born about 1930
MillerOra born about 1919
MillerOra born about 1934
MillerOrla born about 1934
MillerOrva born about 1923
MillerPerry born about 1939
MillerPerry Bborn about 1905
MillerPerry Jayborn about 1939
MillerPolly born about 1919
MillerRalph born about 1932
MillerRetha born about 1908
MillerRobert born about 1908
MillerRosa born about 1936
MillerSameul Wborn about 1903
MillerSameul Jr born about 1939
MillerSamuel Wborn about 1890
MillerStanley born about 1931
MillerSusan Annaborn about 1938
MillerSusie born about 1889
MillerSusie born about 1911
MillerSusie born about 1915
MillerTobias born about 1930
MillerVerlo born about 1927
MillerVernon born about 1909
MillerW Harveyborn about 1871
MillerWilbur born about 1929
MillerWilbur Infantborn about 1940
MillerWilliam born about 1935
MillerWilliam Bborn about 1882
MillerWilliam Eborn about 1905
MillerWilliam Jborn about 1932
MillerWilma born about 1924
MillerWilma born about 1925
MishlerCarolyn born about 1930
MishlerLe Roy born about 1902
MishlerMargaret born about 1933
MishlerMary born about 1902
MishlerPhyllis born about 1939
MishlerRachel born about 1926
MishlerRobert born about 1924
MostAbraham born about 1902
MostEdna Maeborn about 1926
MostEnos born about 1931
MostFreeman born about 1939
MostHarry born about 1928
MostLene born about 1925
MostLora born about 1902
MurrayMargaret born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NelsonEdna born about 1906
NelsonNes Thomasborn about 1936
NelsonRosanna Leeborn about 1931
NelsonThomas Aborn about 1903
NorrisCharlotte Annborn about 1933
NorrisJoseph born about 1925
NorrisMarcene born about 1927
NorrisMarie born about 1895
NorrisRoss born about 1894

O Surnames

OeschAlice born about 1880
OeschLevi born about 1886
OeschViolet born about 1916
OlinghouseKathryn born about 1856
OstromAnna born about 1870
OstromT Tborn about 1866
OswaldAnna born about 1911
OswaldBenjaman born about 1885
OswaldBruce born about 1934
OswaldLauretta born about 1933
OswaldMartha born about 1886
OswaldPatricia born about 1938
OswaldTibbett born about 1931
OswaldTruman born about 1912
OswaldWilbur born about 1924
OttBertha born about 1902
OttClifford born about 1927
OttFred Alfredborn about 1921
OttHenry born about 1904
OttLillian Ruthborn about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PancratzClara born about 1875
PancratzEdward Jborn about 1874
PancratzHarold born about 1907
ParksLillie born about 1859
PenceAlice born about 1898
PenceBarbara born about 1928
PenceKarl born about 1917
PenceWilliam born about 1892
PetersheimJacob born about 1916
PetersheimMelvin born about 1939
PetersheimSarah born about 1917
PlaceElihu born about 1854
PletcherDonna Jeanborn about 1931
PletcherEdith born about 1898
PletcherMary born about 1907
PletcherSchuyler Wborn about 1901
PletcherVirginia Annborn about 1936
PolockRoy born about 1887
PolockWilda born about 1898
PoynterClarence born about 1877
PoyserJames born about 1906
PoyserRuth born about 1910
PriestGertrude born about 1881
PriestJohn born about 1869
ProughAllan born about 1917
ProughCarlyle born about 1924
ProughCharles born about 1900
ProughElla born about 1875
ProughEloise born about 1919
ProughElva born about 1894
ProughHerschel born about 1917
ProughJohn born about 1890
ProughKarl born about 1923
ProughLeonard born about 1920
ProughTilden born about 1877
ProughWillard born about 1864
ProughWilma born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RabenAnna born about 1886
RabenAnna born about 1914
RabenEdna born about 1937
RabenIda born about 1934
RabenJacob born about 1914
RabenJohn born about 1911
RabenJoseph born about 1879
RabenLevi born about 1939
RabenLydia born about 1932
RabenMattie born about 1918
RabenSusie born about 1918
RaberAbraham born about 1928
RaberAndrew born about 1922
RaberAnna born about 1891
RaberBenjaman born about 1891
RaberJoni born about 1933
RaberMarie born about 1919
RaberMary born about 1918
RaberMoses born about 1923
RaberSalomia born about 1930
RadabaughDonna Jeanborn about 1925
RadabaughGrace born about 1903
RadabaughVerna born about 1898
RamsbyElma born about 1895
RamsbyHomer born about 1884
RamsbyTheda Lonborn about 1930
ReedClint born about 1884
ReedDonald born about 1922
ReedLeah born about 1917
ReedMabel born about 1887
ResmAnna born about 1874
ResmForest born about 1915
ResmHelen born about 1915
ResmRuth Annborn about 1939
RhodesBetty born about 1924
RiedelLela born about 1909
RiedelMaxine born about 1932
RiedelVernon born about 1929
RiedelWalter born about 1899
RinkOrla born about 1912
RockenbaughHazel born about 1920
RockenbaughLawrence born about 1913
RohrerDallas born about 1897
RohrerJanice born about 1935
RohrerJoyce born about 1928
RohrerNellie born about 1901
RohrerRobert born about 1925
RohrerRobert Johnborn about 1860
RohrerWilliam born about 1926
RoppFrank Eborn about 1908
RoppLucinda born about 1911
RoppShirley born about 1932
RoppWilliam Franklinborn about 1937
RoyBernard born about 1922
RoyDessie born about 1890
RoyFred Lborn about 1891
RoyJane born about 1929
RoyRosamary born about 1918
RoyRuth born about 1919
RoyVirginia born about 1927

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SaggerAlfred born about 1892
SaggerJenny born about 1891
SaggersEmma born about 1872
SaggersJacob born about 1868
SaggersJacob born about 1896
SaggersMadge born about 1898
SaggersRichard born about 1924
SchlabachEdna Maeborn about 1924
SchlabachEmanuel born about 1901
SchlabachEmma born about 1887
SchlabachEmma born about 1925
SchlabachEsther born about 1928
SchlabachFredrick born about 1921
SchlabachJohn born about 1932
SchlabachMabel born about 1936
SchlabachNora born about 1903
SchlabachOrva born about 1935
SchlabachRoman born about 1930
SchlabachValentine born about 1890
SchlabachViola Infantborn about 1940
SchlabachWilbur born about 1938
SchlabachWilma born about 1938
SchlotterbackJohn born about 1875
SchlotterbackLura Violaborn about 1875
SchmuckerBulah born about 1937
SchmuckerJacob born about 1883
SchmuckerLizzie born about 1913
SchmuckerNoah Jborn about 1915
SchoockAmmon born about 1905
SchoockAnna born about 1864
SchoockElla born about 1919
SchoockMabel born about 1907
SchrackBeulah born about 1924
SchrackFranklin born about 1919
SchrackHazel born about 1920
SchrackJennie born about 1897
SchrackLyle born about 1931
SchrackMargaret born about 1930
SchrackNoah born about 1891
SchrackOrval born about 1922
SchrockAlice Eborn about 1934
SchrockAlvin born about 1940
SchrockAmmon born about 1930
SchrockAmos born about 1915
SchrockAnna Paulineborn about 1928
SchrockBeulah born about 1923
SchrockClemens born about 1938
SchrockCletus Jborn about 1921
SchrockEdna Ireneborn about 1932
SchrockElizabeth born about 1900
SchrockElizabeth born about 1913
SchrockElmer Jborn about 1938
SchrockEsther Lucileborn about 1936
SchrockFanny born about 1928
SchrockFreeman born about 1929
SchrockIda Maeborn about 1926
SchrockJohn Jborn about 1880
SchrockJohnson* born about 1897
SchrockKatie Maeborn about 1939
SchrockLeni born about 1894
SchrockLydia born about 1923
SchrockMary Ellenborn about 1930
SchrockNoah born about 1936
SchrockRaymond born about 1936
SchrockSusan born about 1880
SchrockTruman born about 1921
SchrockViola born about 1925
SchusterTresa born about 1892
SeelyGrace born about 1895
SeelyLee born about 1887
SeelyLee Jr born about 1927
SeeversOnida born about 1918
SeidnerArthur born about 1902
SeidnerBenjaman born about 1932
SeidnerDonald born about 1930
SeidnerHenry born about 1936
SeidnerOpal born about 1906
SeidnerPaul born about 1939
SeidnerViola born about 1928
ShafferClara born about 1878
ShafferElizabeth born about 1921
ShafferFrank born about 1876
ShafferJessie born about 1881
ShafferVerd Mborn about 1880
SheleyAda born about 1886
SheleyBenjiman born about 1873
SheleyFaye born about 1906
SheleyFinley born about 1910
SheleyKenneth born about 1917
SheleyLewis born about 1887
SheleyMary Annborn about 1877
SheleyMilo born about 1908
SheleyPina Mborn about 1880
SheleyRichard born about 1925
SheleyRussel born about 1914
SheleySameul born about 1865
SheleyWilliam born about 1861
SheleyWillis born about 1923
ShowalterDanil born about 1922
ShowalterFredrick born about 1850
ShowalterWilliam born about 1920
ShrachEmaneul born about 1877
ShreckFern Eborn about 1915
ShreckHarvey Lborn about 1912
ShreckWilliam born about 1936
ShrockAmos Iborn about 1889
ShrockElizabeth born about 1919
ShrockErnest born about 1918
ShrockVirgil born about 1923
SimmonsGeorgeanna born about 1858
SlabaughDaniel born about 1907
SlabaughDaniel born about 1922
SlabaughDaniel born about 1937
SlabaughPolly born about 1904
SlabaughRubeun born about 1938
SpeicherDaniel born about 1922
SpeicherMartha born about 1925
SpeicherRobert born about 1924
SpeicherVernon born about 1926
StablerGlenn born about 1908
StablerHarold born about 1932
StablerMildred born about 1908
StablerNorma born about 1935
StageBeryl born about 1888
StageIris born about 1887
SteeleBernice born about 1907
SteeleElliot born about 1907
StephansJames Nborn about 1868
StephansLora born about 1871
SteuryEdwin born about 1930
SteuryJeanette born about 1928
SteuryLouise born about 1923
SteuryLucy born about 1897
SteuryMarie born about 1925
SteuryVictor born about 1896
SteuryVirgil born about 1921
StoltzClaudia born about 1910
StoltzGarth Nborn about 1904
StoltzGene born about 1935
StoltzGordon born about 1931
StrangLulu born about 1886
StrangPorter born about 1881
SwartzentruberCleo born about 1916
SwartzentruberHildred born about 1892
SwartzentruberLelare born about 1926
SwartzentruberPerry born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TrotterCharles born about 1875
TrotterMary Eborn about 1874
TroyerAda Mayborn about 1880
TroyerAlma Ireneborn about 1922
TroyerAndrew born about 1939
TroyerAnna Marieborn about 1921
TroyerCornellius born about 1900
TroyerCrist born about 1913
TroyerElma born about 1903
TroyerEmaneul born about 1902
TroyerFanny born about 1901
TroyerIda Maeborn about 1926
TroyerJepha born about 1879
TroyerLa Void born about 1927
TroyerOhla born about 1923
TroyerSusie born about 1914
TustisonEvelyn born about 1923
TustisonFaye born about 1922
TustisonOlive born about 1898
TustisonRoss born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UmillerAlma Graceborn about 1935
UmillerCornelius born about 1909
UmillerKathryn born about 1915
UmillerMary Ellenborn about 1937

W Surnames

WaldronAnna born about 1878
WaldronHarold born about 1919
WatersAlbert Lborn about 1881
WatersOrah Lborn about 1884
WeaverJohn Sborn about 1877
WeltyBessie born about 1909
WeltyCarlyle Eugeneborn about 1936
WeltyCharles born about 1907
WeltyNorma Jeanborn about 1931
WeltyWayne La Manborn about 1935
WhiteFanny born about 1888
WhiteHoward born about 1887
WilerHarriet born about 1899
WilerJuanita born about 1924
WilerRalph born about 1929
WilerRobert born about 1900
WingardAda born about 1892
WingardCletus born about 1914
WingardGladys born about 1923
WingardHarley born about 1912
WingardInez born about 1925
WingardPeter Sborn about 1889
WingardRamah born about 1917
WirledgeCalvin born about 1922
WirledgeDorothy born about 1925
WirledgeEllis born about 1927
WirledgeErnest born about 1924
WirledgeEthel born about 1895
WirledgeGrace born about 1928
WirledgeLeo born about 1888
WirledgeWillis born about 1929
WoodworthHelen born about 1920
WoodworthJerry Infantborn about 1940
WoodworthLloyd born about 1915
WorkingMay born about 1885
WyattRobert born about 1917
WyattWilliam born about 1921
WygantCharles born about 1864
WygantMargaret born about 1867

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaderDorothy born about 1923
YoderAlma Estherborn about 1924
YoderAlvin born about 1923
YoderAlvin born about 1924
YoderAmelia born about 1885
YoderAmos born about 1894
YoderAmos born about 1938
YoderAndrew born about 1922
YoderAnna born about 1903
YoderAnna born about 1920
YoderAnna born about 1938
YoderAnna Marieborn about 1932
YoderArron born about 1914
YoderAtta born about 1916
YoderCarrie born about 1876
YoderCarrie Bborn about 1896
YoderClarence born about 1884
YoderClyde born about 1924
YoderDanel born about 1882
YoderDaniel born about 1858
YoderDaniel Vborn about 1873
YoderDarrel born about 1923
YoderDavid born about 1931
YoderDwight born about 1924
YoderEdith born about 1882
YoderEdna born about 1895
YoderEdna born about 1913
YoderEdna born about 1926
YoderEdna born about 1931
YoderEdna Ellenborn about 1919
YoderEdna Maeborn about 1919
YoderEdna Mayborn about 1927
YoderEdward Jborn about 1910
YoderEdwin born about 1890
YoderEli born about 1861
YoderEli born about 1939
YoderElman born about 1898
YoderElmer born about 1936
YoderElva born about 1898
YoderEmma born about 1860
YoderEnos born about 1871
YoderEnos born about 1920
YoderErnest Eborn about 1881
YoderEzra born about 1919
YoderFannie born about 1912
YoderFanny born about 1911
YoderFanny born about 1914
YoderFanny born about 1917
YoderFlorence born about 1890
YoderGalen born about 1926
YoderGary Infantborn about 1940
YoderGerald born about 1916
YoderGertie born about 1926
YoderGertie born about 1936
YoderGertrude born about 1897
YoderGlenn Edwinborn about 1928
YoderGrace born about 1924
YoderHarley born about 1934
YoderHarry born about 1922
YoderHarry Wborn about 1912
YoderHobert born about 1915
YoderIda Carolynborn about 1938
YoderJames Leeborn about 1936
YoderJean born about 1925
YoderJo Annborn about 1933
YoderJoan born about 1927
YoderJohn born about 1939
YoderJohn Iborn about 1890
YoderJohn Mborn about 1918
YoderKatie born about 1922
YoderLarry Richardborn about 1937
YoderLester Aborn about 1916
YoderLevi born about 1926
YoderLevi Jr born about 1934
YoderLine born about 1892
YoderLizzie born about 1887
YoderLydia born about 1888
YoderLydia born about 1910
YoderMabel born about 1928
YoderMaggie born about 1920
YoderManass born about 1881
YoderManes Mborn about 1904
YoderMargaret born about 1936
YoderMarietta born about 1934
YoderMary born about 1866
YoderMary born about 1894
YoderMary born about 1915
YoderMary born about 1925
YoderMary born about 1932
YoderMatilda born about 1866
YoderMattie born about 1871
YoderMattie born about 1892
YoderMattie born about 1919
YoderMaurice born about 1929
YoderMaynard born about 1918
YoderMelvin born about 1907
YoderMenno Dborn about 1900
YoderModella born about 1901
YoderMonroe born about 1915
YoderNellie born about 1903
YoderNoah Lborn about 1882
YoderNoah Jr born about 1863
YoderOwen Jborn about 1893
YoderPerry born about 1929
YoderPerry born about 1930
YoderPerry Mborn about 1900
YoderPolly born about 1922
YoderRaymond born about 1937
YoderRufus born about 1900
YoderSamuel born about 1920
YoderSarah born about 1895
YoderSarah born about 1930
YoderStanley Romayneborn about 1939
YoderSusan born about 1902
YoderSusie born about 1939
YoderTobias born about 1867
YoderTobias born about 1895
YoderTobias Uborn about 1870
YoderTruman born about 1888
YoderVerda Cborn about 1893
YoderVernia Paulineborn about 1923
YoderVirginia born about 1916
YoderWayne born about 1921
YoderWilliam Eborn about 1939
YoderWillie born about 1928
YoderWillim born about 1863
YoderZula born about 1891
YodesDaniel Jr born about 1857
YodesElizabeth born about 1860

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