1940 U.S. Federal Census of Eugene, Vermillion, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Vermillion County > 1940 Census of Eugene

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAlvin born about 1937
AdamsAnna Bborn about 1869
AdamsDonald born about 1921
AdamsDorothy born about 1914
AdamsForrest born about 1908
AdamsFrances born about 1922
AdamsFrank born about 1900
AdamsGerald born about 1936
AdamsIva Maryborn about 1885
AdamsJewel born about 1930
AdamsJordon born about 1927
AdamsJune born about 1909
AdamsLindsey born about 1900
AdamsLula born about 1901
AdamsMert born about 1903
AdamsMinnie born about 1888
AdamsRoe born about 1885
AdamsVernon born about 1924
AdamsVersia born about 1900
AdkinsBetty born about 1938
AdkinsKatherine born about 1916
AdkinsPeter born about 1913
AdkinsRobert born about 1936
AlbeGerald born about 1908
AlbeJoseph born about 1937
AlbeLeroy born about 1938
AlbeMary born about 1936
AlbeMildred born about 1914
AlbrightAgnes born about 1934
AlbrightAlaman born about 1894
AlbrightIva born about 1900
AlbrightMargrerette born about 1907
AlbrightOtto born about 1902
AlbrightPhyllis born about 1931
AldrichArtie born about 1894
AldrichDoris Eborn about 1927
AldrichEllen born about 1867
AldrichFrank Wborn about 1886
AldrichJulius born about 1891
AldrichMaude born about 1881
AlexandraAnna born about 1889
AlexandraClarence born about 1918
AlexandraJeon born about 1885
AlexandraNaomi born about 1918
AlexandraRidney Jr born about 1939
AlleeBessie born about 1891
AlleeDorine born about 1914
AlleeEmily Eborn about 1866
AlleeHelen born about 1932
AlleeHildred born about 1921
AlleeMary born about 1888
AlleePrecton born about 1889
AlleeRaymond born about 1910
AlleeRobert born about 1918
AlleeRoy born about 1886
AllesBert Bborn about 1919
AllesBilly Eborn about 1922
AllesEdna born about 1912
AllesGrace born about 1881
AllesMaxine born about 1915
AllesOtis born about 1903
AmbleFrances born about 1900
AmbleJames born about 1896
AmbleJames Bborn about 1921
AmbleJoe Cborn about 1933
AngtemyerEsther born about 1919
AngtemyerJoan born about 1938
AngtemyerRobert born about 1939
ArasmithMadeline born about 1922
ArmstrongAlexandra born about 1877
ArrasmithKeith born about 1921
ArrasmithStella born about 1881
ArthurDorothy born about 1921
ArthurEtta born about 1896
ArthurFem born about 1922
ArthurLa Verne born about 1922
ArthurRalph born about 1893
AsburyEula born about 1892
AsburyIvan born about 1919
AsburyJoe Aborn about 1885
AshleyBilly born about 1928
AshleyDean born about 1931
AshleyEdwin born about 1900
AshleyInez born about 1908
AshleyJudith born about 1936
AshleyLeland born about 1896
AtkinsonBetty born about 1938
AtkinsonCatherine born about 1916
AtkinsonErnest born about 1913
AtkinsonRobert born about 1936
AxtonGeorge born about 1886
AxtonGertrude born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyFrancis born about 1872
BakerAuburn born about 1912
BakerDoris born about 1938
BakerEarl born about 1916
BakerJack born about 1939
BakerLolabelle born about 1914
BakerMaxine born about 1918
BakerWilliam born about 1939
BaldwinBertha born about 1889
BaldwinCharles born about 1918
BaldwinHelen born about 1914
BaldwinKathryn born about 1918
BaldwinLaura born about 1860
BaldwinLeo born about 1909
BaldwinRobert born about 1936
BaldwinRussell born about 1899
BaldwinVernon born about 1906
BarkerDoris born about 1936
BarkerHarold born about 1914
BarkerLarry born about 1939
BarkerLucille born about 1913
BartleyCreed born about 1867
BartleyDan born about 1893
BartleyFlora born about 1871
BartleyJohn born about 1903
BartleyRuth born about 1896
BartleySarah Leeborn about 1924
BartleyT Creidborn about 1921
BaysingerDella born about 1872
BaysingerJames born about 1913
BaysingerJoseph born about 1915
BeardsleyDaisy born about 1906
BeardsleyJoe Eborn about 1904
BeardsleyJoe E Jrborn about 1938
BeckCharles born about 1935
BeckDorothy born about 1937
BeckGlen born about 1905
BeckJohn born about 1933
BeckLena born about 1904
BeckPaul Richardborn about 1931
BeeverDavid born about 1862
BeeverKatherine born about 1863
BellWilliam born about 1853
BelserAnna born about 1931
BelserJames born about 1935
BelserKarl born about 1903
BelserKarl Jr born about 1929
BelserOpal born about 1909
BennettAnthony born about 1938
BennettBernice born about 1911
BennettBertha born about 1889
BennettDavid born about 1939
BennettFreddie born about 1935
BennettJess born about 1909
BennettMary Aborn about 1931
BennettPhyllis born about 1933
BennettRobert born about 1890
BennettRobert born about 1923
BennettThomas born about 1930
Bichett??? born about 1938
BichettCharles born about 1885
BichettCharles born about 1913
BichettEdgar born about 1883
BichettHarold born about 1927
BichettHenry born about 1920
BichettIda born about 1891
BichettNellie born about 1916
BishopDedona born about 1890
BishopDonald born about 1917
BishopGeorge Eborn about 1886
BishopIzabella born about 1924
BishopJohn born about 1870
BishopJohn Fborn about 1858
BishopOrie born about 1882
BishopRobert born about 1908
BishopStella born about 1898
BishopWilliam born about 1922
BlackCharles born about 1918
BlackGuy born about 1895
BlackMary born about 1864
BlackMax born about 1917
BlackRonald born about 1938
BlackSusane born about 1939
BlairCora Pborn about 1872
BlairGretchen born about 1914
BlairJerome Deanborn about 1939
BlairLewis born about 1909
BlairSarah Eborn about 1916
BlairWilliam Hborn about 1869
BlakeJoseph Mborn about 1853
BlueDixie Belleborn about 1883
BlueRaymond born about 1930
BlueWalter Eborn about 1877
Boswell??? born about 1936
BoswellCarl born about 1915
BoswellLila born about 1882
BoswellLois born about 1916
BoswellWilliam born about 1940
BoydCecil born about 1873
BoydDoris born about 1922
BoydEvert born about 1920
BoydGlenn born about 1883
BoydMabel born about 1903
BoydMaxine born about 1925
BoydWayne born about 1924
BrazeltonJohn born about 1899
BrazeltonLula born about 1907
BreezelyOlis Fborn about 1894
BreezelySylvia born about 1901
BrewerAlfes born about 1866
BrewerEffie born about 1878
BrightEdwin Cborn about 1860
BrightEmma born about 1872
BrockwayAlice born about 1859
BrockwayTom born about 1888
BrooksCharley born about 1879
BrooksClara born about 1879
BrownBessie born about 1892
BrownBlanche born about 1905
BrownClyde Wborn about 1898
BrownDonald Cborn about 1936
BrownDorothy born about 1923
BrownElizabeth born about 1876
BrownElnora born about 1919
BrownHarold born about 1919
BrownIone born about 1898
BrownJames born about 1876
BrownJosephine born about 1902
BrownLeo born about 1929
BrownLeon born about 1929
BrownMarietta born about 1921
BrownMax born about 1917
BrownRalph born about 1891
BrownRobert born about 1922
BrownRoy born about 1925
BrownVirginia born about 1939
BrownWilliam born about 1922
BurchFrances born about 1934
BurchFrank born about 1905
BurchHattie born about 1912
BurchPatricia born about 1936
BurchThomas born about 1935
BurroughsAudra born about 1898
BurroughsGeorge born about 1899
BurroughsGeorge Jr born about 1923
BurroughsGloria born about 1929
BurroughsNorman born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CallahanDorothy born about 1918
CallahanFoster born about 1911
CambellGlenn born about 1921
CambellJunior Fborn about 1931
CambellMinnie born about 1935
CambellRaymond born about 1923
CambellRossie born about 1929
CambellRuth born about 1932
CannadyCalvin born about 1881
CannadyFrances born about 1876
CarnerAnna Lborn about 1883
CarnerJessie Lborn about 1884
CarterBarbara born about 1928
CarterBessie born about 1888
CarterElbert born about 1893
CarterJane Eborn about 1921
CarverAnna Mborn about 1927
CarverCharles born about 1933
CarverLeroy born about 1925
CarverMaude born about 1892
CarverRolla born about 1891
CarverRonald born about 1931
CaseAddie born about 1895
CaseDorothy born about 1927
CaseHomer born about 1895
CaseWilliam born about 1926
CashCharles born about 1913
CashDora born about 1922
CashGoldie born about 1880
CashTheodore born about 1872
CassidyBetty Eborn about 1873
CassidyThomas born about 1867
CasterElizabeth born about 1921
CasterJohn born about 1915
CatlinSam born about 1898
CaylorJohn born about 1877
CheesmanBobbie Leeborn about 1938
CheesmanCharles Jr born about 1900
CheesmanCharles Sr born about 1861
CheesmanEva Maeborn about 1913
CheesmanLuther born about 1913
CheesmanMaudie born about 1918
CheesmanPhyllis Anneborn about 1939
CheesmanSarah Aborn about 1871
ChewClaude Lborn about 1894
ChewDonald born about 1927
ChewLois Mborn about 1903
ChewMary Leeborn about 1869
ChewPearl born about 1901
ChewRaymond born about 1896
ChewReese Lborn about 1897
ChislerFlorence born about 1884
ChislerMargaret born about 1869
ChislerWilliam Mborn about 1880
ClarkClarence born about 1893
ClarkDonald born about 1915
ClarkEtta born about 1886
ClarkGeneva born about 1918
ClarkHarold born about 1914
ClarkHarold Mborn about 1939
ClarkIsabelle born about 1866
ClarkLane born about 1899
ClarkLeone born about 1899
ClarkMarjorie born about 1916
ClarkMarshall born about 1915
ClarkMartha born about 1883
ClarkMary Fborn about 1889
ClarkMelvin Cborn about 1923
ClarkRoy born about 1888
ClarkSam born about 1927
ClarkStephen born about 1852
ClarkSteven Bborn about 1938
CoffinFinis born about 1909
CoffinWarren born about 1898
CoffingMilton born about 1858
ColeBeryl born about 1935
ColeElvin born about 1928
ColeGuinter born about 1933
ColeJane born about 1926
ColeLee born about 1902
ColeLessie born about 1898
ColeLilla Eborn about 1939
ColeMartha born about 1920
ColliensGeorge Dborn about 1899
ColliensGeorge Fborn about 1925
ColliensPearl born about 1901
CollomEd born about 1901
CollomGoldie born about 1910
CollomIris born about 1933
CollonAxton born about 1919
CollonClara born about 1882
ComminsLula born about 1887
ConardBetty Aborn about 1934
ConardCassie born about 1901
ConardFrances born about 1928
ConardGlen born about 1924
ConardHazel born about 1926
ConardKenneth born about 1939
ConardRichard born about 1933
ConardRobert born about 1891
ConardRobert Leeborn about 1922
ConardRonald born about 1939
ConardRuth born about 1920
ConardVirgil born about 1930
CongletonCarl born about 1895
CongletonDella born about 1870
CongletonLawrence born about 1898
CongletonLouisa born about 1855
CongletonOlive born about 1893
CongletonStacey born about 1922
CongletonWilliam born about 1924
ConleyGrace born about 1864
ConradAlfred born about 1901
ConradDollie born about 1903
ConradGerald born about 1923
ConradHoward born about 1925
ConradMarle born about 1921
ConradMelvin born about 1930
ConradRhoda born about 1927
ConrodCharlotte Eborn about 1937
ConrodElmer Aborn about 1892
ConrodGoldie Bborn about 1924
ConrodJohn Jborn about 1930
ConrodJohn Wborn about 1916
ConrodLula Maeborn about 1932
ConrodMarrie Leeborn about 1927
ConrodMary Eborn about 1924
ConrodMelvin Louiseborn about 1935
ConrodNorman Gborn about 1939
ConrodVerdie Maeborn about 1905
CookBarbara Janeborn about 1934
CookCharles born about 1898
CookElsie born about 1897
CookFrances born about 1917
CookHenry born about 1877
CookJoana born about 1882
CookRobert born about 1910
CookWalter born about 1871
CookWilliam born about 1910
CookWilliam born about 1936
CoonceAlfred born about 1898
CoonceBertha born about 1924
CoonceCarroll born about 1930
CoonceDoris born about 1932
CoonceJackie born about 1935
CoonceMargaret born about 1907
CoonceMargaret born about 1928
CoonceMary born about 1926
CoonceOlive born about 1907
CornettJames born about 1868
CornettJennie born about 1870
CorsmanClara born about 1894
CorsmanHenry born about 1883
CosbyClarence born about 1882
CosbyMary born about 1854
CosbyRobert born about 1888
CoxFrank born about 1886
CoxNell born about 1885
CoxRobert born about 1913
CraftDorothy born about 1932
CraftEldon born about 1937
CraftFranklin born about 1935
CraftIrene born about 1927
CraftNora born about 1911
CraftPaul born about 1928
CraftRobert born about 1934
CraftShirley born about 1936
CraftVernon born about 1908
CraycraftClara born about 1919
CraycraftClarence born about 1910
CraycraftDale born about 1914
CraycraftGayle born about 1939
CraycraftJoan born about 1935
CraycraftLa Vera born about 1916
CraycraftLa Von born about 1937
CraycraftRobert born about 1939
CrevelisMartin born about 1925
CrooksMyrtle born about 1888
CrooksMyrtle born about 1899
CrowderCarl born about 1925
CrowderHazel born about 1905
CrowderHerschel born about 1904
CrowderKathern born about 1916
CrowderMelvin born about 1913
CrowderPaul born about 1927
CrystalAndrew Cborn about 1870
CrystalCalvin born about 1865
CrystalGeorge born about 1875
CrystalJohn Rborn about 1872
CrystalMary Eborn about 1886
CrystalWilliam Sborn about 1867
CuppyJesse born about 1883

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DaleKathern born about 1913
DaleMyrtle born about 1883
DallesBen born about 1893
DarrochGrace born about 1880
DarrochHenry born about 1905
DarrochSamuel born about 1880
DarrochVirginia born about 1908
DaviesHerman born about 1872
DavisAmmeyetta born about 1880
DavisBilly Leeborn about 1935
DavisBonnie born about 1924
DavisCarroll born about 1921
DavisEthel born about 1896
DavisFrances born about 1897
DavisFrances Peaborn about 1933
DavisFrank born about 1874
DavisHurley born about 1893
DavisJerrelyn born about 1939
DavisLaurence born about 1918
DavisMary born about 1912
DavisNorma Jeanborn about 1930
DawsonJames born about 1894
DawsonMarya born about 1868
DemotteBeulah born about 1934
DemotteBilly born about 1930
DemotteEdward born about 1916
DemotteFred born about 1906
DemotteFred Jr born about 1939
DemotteGrace born about 1913
DemotteRose born about 1932
DemotteVirginia born about 1936
DevecterElsie born about 1892
DevecterJack born about 1935
DevecterWilliam born about 1884
DevinRosabelle born about 1915
DevinsAlice born about 1918
DevinsEvelyn born about 1938
DevinsMarjorie born about 1935
DevinsSpencer born about 1917
DewittBennie born about 1909
DewittMatilda born about 1911
DickasonCharles born about 1910
DickasonDonald born about 1923
DickasonFranklin born about 1924
DickasonHelen born about 1900
DickasonJackie born about 1927
DickasonJoseph born about 1915
DickasonRobert born about 1928
DickasonWalter born about 1900
DickasonWalter Rborn about 1924
DickersonBlanche Aborn about 1892
DickersonChristine born about 1895
DickersonDoris born about 1923
DickersonEllen born about 1862
DickersonFred born about 1888
DickersonFreddie born about 1932
DickersonJackie born about 1930
DickersonJerrerson born about 1858
DickersonJesse born about 1889
DickersonSerena born about 1869
DicksonEdna born about 1892
DicksonGayle born about 1933
DicksonLois born about 1931
DicksonLyle born about 1929
DicksonWilliam born about 1895
DillmanAnnamae born about 1925
DillmanJacqueline born about 1927
DillmanLorene born about 1920
DillmanRoscoe born about 1898
DillmanSylvia born about 1902
DonaldArthur born about 1922
DonaldCarroll born about 1925
DonaldCharles born about 1930
DonaldEulalie born about 1902
DonaldIra born about 1897
DonaldLydia born about 1867
DonaldOlive born about 1927
DonaldRichard born about 1923
DonaldRobert born about 1933
DoveGrover born about 1886
DoveSamantha born about 1857
DowersBeulah born about 1907
DowersCharley born about 1903
DowersClifford born about 1935
DowersEarvis born about 1894
DowersEllen born about 1861
DowersElza born about 1922
DowersEziae born about 1853
DowersFloyd born about 1930
DowersGlen born about 1926
DowersHazel born about 1903
DowersHenry born about 1907
DowersHenry Jr born about 1933
DowersJames born about 1865
DowersLenard born about 1929
DowersLois born about 1932
DowersMarven born about 1933
DowersMildred born about 1914
DowersOrville born about 1934
DowersPearl born about 1919
DowersRobert born about 1914
DowersRobert Jr born about 1938
DowersVernie born about 1904
DowersVirginia born about 1923
DowersWayne born about 1928
DowninJoyce born about 1932
DowninRena born about 1897
DownsEsther born about 1898
DownsHelen born about 1928
DownsIra born about 1861
DownsLamont born about 1894
DownsMarjorie Loisborn about 1924
DunberyCharles born about 1919
DunberyJoe born about 1925
DunberyMildred born about 1923
DyeCharlette born about 1937
DyeLucille born about 1914
DyeMertecia born about 1896
DyeMorris born about 1907
DyeMorris Jr born about 1934
DyeOtie born about 1924
DyeVictor born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EarlsAbner born about 1856
EarlsBelle born about 1861
EarlsByron born about 1924
EarlsCharles born about 1922
EarlsClaude born about 1899
EarlsElis born about 1895
EarlsEmma born about 1899
EarlsGrace born about 1914
EarlsJoe born about 1926
EdwardsArthur born about 1895
EdwardsDella born about 1884
EdwardsDonald born about 1924
EdwardsEthel born about 1899
EdwardsIla Jeanborn about 1932
EdwardsIlene born about 1937
EdwardsIva Louiseborn about 1924
EdwardsIvan born about 1922
EdwardsMarjie born about 1929
EdwardsMary born about 1897
EdwardsRobert born about 1899
EdwardsRobert Aborn about 1935
EdwardsRosy Ireneborn about 1928
EdwardsWilliam Gborn about 1874
ElliottLydia born about 1875
EllisArtie born about 1932
EllisCharles born about 1928
EllisDuke born about 1934
EllisGeorge born about 1890
EllisGeorge Jr born about 1910
EllisLaura born about 1936
EllisMarria born about 1938
EllisOra born about 1930
EllisRebecca born about 1895
EllisWalter born about 1903
EmersonFlossie born about 1888
EmersonMary Anneborn about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FabelFred born about 1884
FabelHazel born about 1906
FabelMay born about 1881
FableGeorge Hborn about 1859
FableRose born about 1879
FaltzEllen born about 1865
FaltzIsaac born about 1866
FarleyFrancies born about 1890
FarleyJudith born about 1937
FarleyMary born about 1931
FarleyRobert born about 1923
FarleyRuth born about 1908
FarleySarry born about 1935
FarthingEdith born about 1897
FarthingJack born about 1922
FarthingJames born about 1919
FarthingWilla born about 1908
FarthingWilliam born about 1912
FeltyCora born about 1875
FeltyFrank born about 1883
FeltyJohn born about 1875
FeltyMaude Eborn about 1883
FennimoreCharles born about 1865
FennimoreMinnie born about 1871
FergasonMildred born about 1866
FergesonJames born about 1858
FitchBert born about 1869
FoglemanJohn born about 1855
FoleyAlice born about 1879
FoleyBen born about 1891
FoleyMary born about 1872
FoleyWilliam born about 1873
FortnerAnnabeth born about 1877
FortnerCelia born about 1908
FortnerClara born about 1882
FortnerDeloris born about 1932
FortnerEd Lborn about 1866
FortnerEva born about 1909
FortnerEvertt born about 1909
FortnerForrest born about 1907
FortnerJanice born about 1936
FortnerLarry born about 1935
FortnerLynda Sborn about 1939
FortnerPhyllis born about 1930
FortnerReuben Cborn about 1881
FosterBernice born about 1917
FosterMax born about 1917
FosterMerrill born about 1939
FransonArthur born about 1917
FransonFrances born about 1920
FrazierNathane born about 1869
FrazierSarah born about 1850
FreedBertha born about 1930
FreedCarolyn born about 1938
FreedFranklin Dborn about 1933
FreedGeorge born about 1887
FreedIvy Doraborn about 1892
FreedJessie Lborn about 1930
FreedLuella born about 1898
FreedMillard born about 1926
FreedWesley born about 1880
FreemanLavancha born about 1912
FreemanLillie born about 1882
FreemanMary born about 1939
FreemanOrie born about 1909
FreemanRobert born about 1930
FreemanWilliam born about 1937
FultyDichie born about 1932
FultyDora born about 1910
FultyJoan born about 1934
FultyLeo born about 1906
FultyMary born about 1894
FultzEstel born about 1908
FultzJake born about 1913
FultzJoan born about 1926
FultzJudith Rborn about 1938
FultzJune born about 1915
FultzMaude Lborn about 1884
FultzMurray born about 1903
FultzOwen born about 1881
FultzRobert born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GarrigusJohn born about 1912
GarrigusMary born about 1913
GarvinGertrude born about 1925
GarvinMargie born about 1937
GarvinPauline born about 1906
GaylorDonald born about 1925
GaylorGeorge born about 1875
GaylorGeorge Dborn about 1929
GaylorJane born about 1884
GaylorJohn born about 1918
GaylorMoris born about 1901
GaylorWayne born about 1903
GebhartEdith born about 1903
GebhartFred born about 1906
GebhartKathyrn born about 1934
GentryIra born about 1885
GentryJennie born about 1883
GentryLeory born about 1912
GentryRuby born about 1910
GephartArnold born about 1910
GephartBarbara born about 1935
GephartBeverly born about 1937
GephartDorothy born about 1936
GephartHelen born about 1914
GephartIsie born about 1914
GephartJohn born about 1881
GephartJoseph born about 1913
GephartLouis born about 1939
GephartMargaret born about 1933
GephartMinnie born about 1878
GibbsAnnabelle born about 1909
GibbsAnthony born about 1939
GibbsMarshall born about 1909
GilesBen born about 1917
GilesHazel born about 1917
GilesHomer born about 1913
GilesTerry Joborn about 1937
GillChester Lborn about 1937
GillClaudean born about 1939
GillEddie Tborn about 1891
GillElla born about 1919
GillWilliam born about 1915
GillisAndro born about 1868
GillisBarney born about 1931
GillisCharles born about 1921
GillisClar Jr born about 1920
GillisDon born about 1926
GillisDonald born about 1939
GillisFrank born about 1896
GillisFrank born about 1929
GillisGoldie born about 1895
GillisHenrietta born about 1927
GillisHenry born about 1907
GillisInez born about 1888
GillisIona born about 1909
GillisJack born about 1923
GillisJane born about 1916
GillisLucy born about 1903
GillisMacine born about 1912
GillisMariam born about 1862
GillisMathis born about 1863
GillisMerlin born about 1928
GillisOtis born about 1932
GillisPaul Nayneborn about 1936
GillisPearl born about 1881
GillisWayne born about 1911
GillmoreJohn born about 1895
GillmoreUra born about 1898
GoadArvie born about 1902
GoadFrancies born about 1897
GoadRaymond born about 1928
GodleyCloda born about 1925
GodleyLoretta born about 1937
GodleyLula born about 1917
GodleyRoe born about 1916
GordonGeorge born about 1875
GordonJohn Wborn about 1876
GordonLena born about 1912
GordonMary born about 1879
GreenSarah born about 1863
GriffinDavid born about 1937
GriffinHoward born about 1934
GriffinLois born about 1914
GriffinMark born about 1911
GriffisAnna Jborn about 1937
GriffisGleason born about 1904
GriffisJane born about 1932
GriffisMadeline born about 1909
GriffisMary Jborn about 1939
GriffisOlive born about 1872
GriffisRobert born about 1933
GriffisThomas born about 1871
GriffisThomas Eborn about 1934
GriffisThomas Wborn about 1901
GrondykeAltheda born about 1916
GrondykeJohn Sborn about 1864
GrondykeJune born about 1918
GrondykeSamuel born about 1920
GrubbsHarrison born about 1877
GrubbsRuth born about 1881
GrumelyLunda born about 1860

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H Surnames

HackBarbara born about 1929
HackChancey born about 1898
HackLaura born about 1866
HackLula born about 1908
HackWilliam born about 1902
HagaCharles born about 1923
HagaHelen born about 1896
HagaNorman born about 1932
HagaRussell born about 1930
HagaSheldon born about 1927
HamondAnn Leeborn about 1938
HamondCarl born about 1938
HamondClarence born about 1897
HamondEarl born about 1899
HamondLamoyne born about 1922
HamondMary born about 1899
HamondMaynard born about 1933
HamondPaul born about 1939
HamondPhyllis Roeborn about 1931
HamondRheba born about 1898
HamondRolph born about 1925
HancockOllie born about 1884
HancockWalter born about 1881
HarkerJohn Mborn about 1879
HarkerMax born about 1916
HarkerOris born about 1878
HarperBenjman born about 1933
HarperCecil born about 1911
HarperEllen born about 1920
HarperEsther born about 1896
HarperHarry born about 1881
HarperJames Eborn about 1921
HarperJames Mborn about 1892
HarperKeith born about 1922
HarperWilma Louborn about 1939
HarrierCecil born about 1905
HarrierFleet born about 1902
HarrierHarold born about 1925
HarrierNancy born about 1880
HarrierWilbur born about 1914
HarrierWilliam born about 1873
HarrisonClaude born about 1887
HarrisonRobert born about 1910
HarrisonRobert Jr born about 1934
HarrisonSylvia born about 1913
HarrisonVivian born about 1923
HartmanAlberta born about 1926
HartmanDonald Leeborn about 1929
HartmanDorrie born about 1905
HartmanHelen Maxineborn about 1927
HartmanHenrietta born about 1923
HartmanHershel born about 1906
HartmanJames born about 1871
HartmanMae born about 1909
HartmanMary Mborn about 1928
HartmanRichard born about 1921
HartmanVirgie born about 1902
HarveyBartlette born about 1939
HarveyDorcas born about 1932
HarveyEthel born about 1914
HarveyMorris born about 1909
HarveySamuel born about 1856
HarveyStanley born about 1937
HathawayAmanda born about 1882
HathawayBarbara born about 1923
HathawayDavid born about 1881
HathawayGeorge born about 1886
HathawayHoward born about 1931
HathawayJacklin born about 1928
HathawayJessie born about 1892
HathawayPaul born about 1926
HathawayRichard born about 1921
HathawayRobert born about 1923
HathawayRuth Aborn about 1928
HatkowayRennie born about 1857
HawnAileen born about 1907
HawnBetty Joborn about 1938
HawnDelores born about 1935
HawnForrest born about 1922
HawnGleason born about 1914
HawnGlen born about 1910
HawnGlen born about 1928
HawnKenneth born about 1937
HawnNellie born about 1888
HawnRobert born about 1936
HawnRussell born about 1920
HawnSylvanus born about 1907
HaworthChester Lborn about 1903
HaworthHarold born about 1925
HaworthJewel born about 1928
HaworthLester born about 1923
HaworthMary Dborn about 1900
HayesDonald born about 1919
HayesMax born about 1902
HayesMyra born about 1902
HayesRolla Jr born about 1933
HayworthElla born about 1876
HayworthJohn born about 1919
HeidbrederAugust born about 1875
HeidbrederMae born about 1870
HeidbrederNora born about 1875
HeidbrederWilliam born about 1865
HeidbrederWilliam Jr born about 1914
HendersonRuth born about 1939
HendricksRuth born about 1862
HendricksSam born about 1861
HepburmSamantha born about 1871
HepburmWilliam born about 1863
HigginsEarl born about 1902
HigginsEmma born about 1878
HigginsFrank born about 1884
HigginsJack born about 1917
HigginsJohn born about 1881
HigginsLona born about 1880
HigginsLouise born about 1919
HigginsRachel born about 1883
HillIsaac born about 1874
HillRose Nborn about 1904
HinkleBetty born about 1925
HinkleCarl born about 1936
HinkleEdna born about 1887
HinkleElsie born about 1911
HinkleFranklin born about 1934
HinkleGenevieve born about 1927
HinkleGeorge born about 1931
HinkleHarold born about 1906
HinkleHarry born about 1931
HinkleJames born about 1924
HinkleLarey born about 1938
HinkleRobert born about 1929
HinkleVirginia born about 1915
HinkleWilliam born about 1881
HiseForrest born about 1893
HiseLora born about 1896
HoladaySarah born about 1866
HoldEthel born about 1904
HoldJesse born about 1891
HollingworthAda born about 1879
HollingworthClara born about 1923
HollingworthJo born about 1876
HolroydEsther born about 1901
HolroydMary born about 1870
HoltonJewel born about 1909
HoltonNina born about 1910
HolycrossAlbert born about 1896
HolycrossClarence born about 1912
HolycrossEzra born about 1910
HolycrossFloyd born about 1932
HolycrossFrank born about 1914
HolycrossHarold Wborn about 1934
HolycrossLouise born about 1928
HolycrossMargie Maeborn about 1930
HolycrossMary Louiseborn about 1933
HolycrossMaxine born about 1927
HolycrossNorma Jeanborn about 1925
HolycrossRalph Eborn about 1938
HolycrossRaymond born about 1924
HolycrossRobert born about 1930
HolycrossRoll born about 1876
HolycrossSylvia born about 1898
HolycrossSylvia born about 1903
HolycrossSyulvia born about 1906
HolycrossWanda born about 1933
HooeFanny born about 1879
HootenBeverly born about 1935
HootenBilly born about 1938
HootenCharles born about 1910
HootenGenita born about 1939
HootenGeorge born about 1936
HootenMary born about 1933
HootenOnita born about 1939
HootenWanietta born about 1913
HootonCharley born about 1886
HootonRuth born about 1872
HootonWilliam born about 1875
HornemanCarl born about 1939
HornemanKenneth born about 1910
HornemanVirginia born about 1913
HortmanBeatrice born about 1940
HortmanBobby born about 1937
HortmanHarold born about 1939
HortmanJames Aborn about 1916
HortmanMae born about 1936
HortmanNoble born about 1904
HortmanRuth born about 1908
HortmanVirginia born about 1931
HortmanWanda born about 1934
HortmanWarren born about 1932
HortmanWinifred born about 1918
HosfordCharles born about 1875
HosfordCharles Jr born about 1916
HosfordDaisy born about 1881
HosfordEtta born about 1885
HosfordHelen born about 1919
HosfordKathern born about 1849
HosfordRuth born about 1927
HowardDeloris Fborn about 1917
HowardEvelyn born about 1922
HowardGeorge born about 1912
HowardIvan born about 1918
HowardIvan Jr born about 1938
HowardJacob born about 1861
HowardPhyllis Aborn about 1934
HowardSanya Lborn about 1939
HowardViola born about 1879
HowkinsLouise born about 1902
HowkinsWilliam Eborn about 1884
HowkinsWilliam Mborn about 1932
HoytAnnabelle born about 1879
HoytDan born about 1914
HoytPaul born about 1909
HoytRobert Lborn about 1876
HoytSarah born about 1919
HoytWilliam born about 1906
HudsonBertha born about 1922
HudsonClayton born about 1877
HudsonDwight born about 1921
HudsonWilliam born about 1928
HughesBertha born about 1924
HughesBertha born about 1929
HughesDallas born about 1916
HughesEd born about 1887
HughesEmma born about 1882
HughesEvert born about 1923
HughesEvertt born about 1903
HughesGeorge born about 1885
HughesGlenn born about 1895
HughesJesse born about 1872
HughesJohn born about 1869
HughesJoseph born about 1929
HughesKenneth born about 1926
HughesLoretta born about 1933
HughesLucy born about 1920
HughesLyetta born about 1935
HughesMarjorie born about 1904
HughesMary Louiseborn about 1925
HughesNora born about 1925
HughesPhilip born about 1939
HughesPhillip born about 1939
HughesWanda born about 1940
HugheyDaisy born about 1884
HugheyEdith Wborn about 1939
HugheyGoldie born about 1931
HugheyLeeander born about 1933
HugheyMary Mborn about 1935
HugheyVoilet born about 1913
HugheyZan born about 1876
HuntDeryo born about 1935
HuntDora born about 1867
HuntDoris born about 1936
HuntKeith born about 1939
HuntMildred born about 1911
HuntRussell born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IsaacsLevona born about 1904
IsaacsNancy Leeborn about 1935
IsaacsWilliam born about 1874
IsaacsWilliam Jr born about 1931

J Surnames

JacksonJennie born about 1892
JamesElizabeth born about 1931
JamesGladys born about 1900
JamesWalter Eborn about 1894
JamesWanda born about 1930
JamesWayne born about 1921
JamesWillard born about 1923
JamesWilma born about 1926
JarvisThornton born about 1852
JenningsAlice born about 1886
JenningsHubert born about 1923
JenningsJames born about 1920
JenningsJoseph born about 1857
JensonBertha born about 1889
JensonTheodore born about 1888
JerkinsGeorgia born about 1890
JerkinsJessie Lborn about 1887
JerkinsJohn born about 1924
JohnsonAlpha born about 1898
JohnsonEdward born about 1896
JohnsonMargaret born about 1874
JohnsonTom born about 1867
JonesArthur born about 1878
JonesBonnie Jborn about 1939
JonesBuford born about 1904
JonesClarence born about 1909
JonesCraig born about 1922
JonesGeorgia born about 1930
JonesJunior born about 1933
JonesMary born about 1910
JonesMary born about 1922
JonesMary Mborn about 1902
JonesMerle Wborn about 1904
JonesNettie born about 1880
JonesRichard born about 1926
JonesRobert born about 1933
JonesRuth born about 1903
JonesSyliva born about 1894
JonesThomas born about 1892
JonesWilliam born about 1888
JonesWilliam born about 1898
JordonBessie Jborn about 1884
JordonFern born about 1918
JordonForrest born about 1921
JordonFred born about 1884
JordonHelen born about 1921
JordonMaxine born about 1925
JordonWalter born about 1891
JordonWalter born about 1938
JordonWalter Jr born about 1922
JudsonCharles born about 1876
JudsonMargaret born about 1882
JulianGerald born about 1923
JulianMaril born about 1924
JulianMary born about 1876
JulianWilliam born about 1871
JulianWinfield born about 1916
JulickAllie born about 1895
JulickJohn Mborn about 1928
JulickOtto born about 1893
JulickOtto Jr born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KeeneFred born about 1918
KeeneLarry born about 1939
KeenePearl born about 1919
KeisterDonald born about 1933
KeisterEddie Wborn about 1923
KeisterGelpha Mborn about 1927
KeisterGeorge born about 1885
KeisterGeorge Fborn about 1925
KeisterHelene Lborn about 1929
KeisterMary Fborn about 1895
KeisterWilliam born about 1891
KellDoris born about 1912
KellForrest born about 1910
KelleyDorothy born about 1914
KelleyHoward born about 1911
KellyArline born about 1916
KellyJease born about 1880
KendallDonald born about 1935
KendallKenneth born about 1933
KennedyRalph born about 1900
KesnerArthur born about 1925
KesnerAurthor born about 1897
KesnerLevda born about 1928
KesnerMabel born about 1905
KesnerMargaret born about 1926
KigerEtta born about 1863
KigerFred born about 1890
KigerHelen born about 1902
KigerWalter born about 1899
KilgoreAmelia born about 1908
KilgoreArden born about 1933
KilgoreBilly born about 1931
KilgoreCarl born about 1911
KilgoreCharles born about 1891
KilgoreGlenda born about 1938
KilgoreIna born about 1893
KilgoreNellie born about 1873
KindermanIna born about 1890
KindermanJohn born about 1887
KindermanLaurence born about 1914
KindermanMargaret born about 1919
KindermanMazella born about 1915
KindermanRonald Denborn about 1937
KingEffie born about 1874
KingMadeline born about 1911
KingMillicent born about 1930
KingSam born about 1872
KingSamuel born about 1931
KingWallace born about 1908
KinnemanDelores Annborn about 1940
KinnemanIrene born about 1921
KinnemanMarjorie born about 1938
KinnemanMax born about 1936
KinnemanWilbur born about 1901
KnauerBlanche born about 1898
KnauerDale Wborn about 1932
KnauerDoris Eborn about 1929
KnauerFreda born about 1915
KnauerGeorge born about 1886
KoleaClarence born about 1900
KoleaMaty born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaclarioDale born about 1927
LaclarioEugene born about 1903
LaclarioJames born about 1936
LaclarioRuth born about 1907
LaddCharles born about 1877
LaddKenneth born about 1918
LaddLucille born about 1921
LaddMarie born about 1895
LaddPearl born about 1893
LaddVirgil born about 1924
LaddWilliam born about 1866
LamarrClyde born about 1910
LamarrEva born about 1910
LamarrJackie born about 1931
LamarrJoan born about 1932
LamarrPhyllis born about 1929
LamarrShirley born about 1937
LandresCharles born about 1876
LandresMaude born about 1880
LaughlinEthel born about 1879
LaughlinMilton born about 1879
LausClyde born about 1935
LausFreeda born about 1938
LausLouisa born about 1915
LausRalph born about 1915
LawsBetty born about 1933
LawsClaude born about 1909
LawsClaude Jr born about 1940
LawsHarold born about 1935
LawsKenneth Gborn about 1939
LawsMary Annborn about 1937
LawsSylvia born about 1908
LawsonJuanita born about 1918
LawsonLauona Kborn about 1937
LawsonOren born about 1918
LewisMary Jborn about 1922
LeyensappMary born about 1870
LittleGeneva born about 1916
LittleIrvin born about 1920
LittleMary born about 1921
LittleNellie born about 1881
LittleWayne Cborn about 1915
LivengoodHelen born about 1922
LivengoodJannett born about 1937
LivengoodWilbur born about 1916
LivingoodAndrew born about 1886
LivingoodDonald born about 1929
LivingoodHarry born about 1924
LivingoodHerbert born about 1920
LivingoodJennie born about 1887
LivingoodMargaret born about 1926
LivingoodRichard born about 1932
LovallBertha born about 1906
LovallJesse born about 1907
LoveallCharles born about 1927
LoveallElva born about 1907
LoveallMarcella born about 1932
LoveallRuby born about 1898
LowryFred born about 1872
LowryFred Mborn about 1918
LowryJames born about 1915
LoydHerbert born about 1910
LoydMarion born about 1878
LoydMarvin born about 1917
LoydMinnie born about 1887
LunsfordClay born about 1915
LunsfordEsther born about 1916
LydayDorothy born about 1932
LydayGerald born about 1934
LydayLeon born about 1904
LydayLorene born about 1911
LydayRichard born about 1930
LydayRobert born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MackBen born about 1888
MackBernice born about 1925
MackBertha born about 1895
MackEdward born about 1892
MackEsther born about 1928
MackMelvin born about 1934
MackPricilla born about 1938
MackRosalee born about 1937
MackRosie born about 1900
MaloneJoan born about 1913
MaloneMargaret born about 1884
MaloneWesley born about 1911
MannJudith Aborn about 1939
MannLucille born about 1916
MannPeggy Joborn about 1935
MannRobert born about 1912
MarketJosephine born about 1877
MasonAlbert born about 1925
MathesEmma born about 1867
MathesLouise born about 1881
MatthewsBeulah born about 1904
MatthewsErnest born about 1904
MatthewsJohn Normanborn about 1935
McCanceClara born about 1908
McCanceCoralea born about 1930
McClainBetty born about 1927
McClainDonald born about 1926
McClainHerbert born about 1930
McClainWilliam born about 1925
McClellanJoan born about 1933
McClellanKenneth born about 1912
McClellanKenneth Bborn about
McClellanNorma born about 1935
McClellanPatricia born about 1938
McClellanRachel born about 1915
McClellenBen born about 1879
McClellenGeny born about 1939
McClellenGeorge born about 1907
McClellenJack born about 1933
McClellenMarlin born about 1935
McClellenMary born about 1880
McClellenRegina Aborn about 1931
McClellenSamuel born about 1908
McClellenVirgil born about 1910
McClellenVirginia Sborn about 1910
McCluraKathryn born about 1935
McDanielFreda born about 1915
McDanielGeorge born about 1908
McDanielGeorge Pborn about 1937
McDanielGrace born about 1939
McDonaldErnest born about 1893
McDonaldEvelyn born about 1922
McDonaldPearl born about 1890
McGlossomDean born about 1935
McGlossomHarold born about 1917
McGlossomMaxine born about 1912
McGlossomTerranno born about 1938
McIntyreLois born about 1859
McKeeGeorge born about 1908
McKeeMaude born about 1876
McKeeSam born about 1869
McKoyArthur born about 1914
McKoyBurl born about 1907
McKoyCecelia born about 1934
McKoyFred born about 1908
McKoyGeorge born about 1910
McKoyLeroy born about 1916
McKoyMartha Pborn about 1876
McKoyPhoebe born about 1893
McKoyThomas born about 1880
McKoyWilliam born about 1904
McLainArtie born about 1882
McLainLurie born about 1904
McLainRussel born about 1906
McLainWilliam born about 1872
McMasterAllen born about 1875
McMasterEloine born about 1922
McMasterEugene born about 1924
McMasterLizzie born about 1884
McMastersArnold born about 1937
McMastersDonna born about 1939
McMastersMadeline born about 1932
McMastersMax born about 1933
McMastersRuth born about 1910
McMastersSam born about 1905
McMurtreyCarrie born about 1889
McMurtreyEugene born about 1884
McMurtreyRichard born about 1921
McMurtreyRobert born about 1919
MeekerDonald born about 1924
MeekerFred born about 1881
MeekerHarry born about 1918
MeekerMary Jborn about 1921
MeekerNellie born about 1888
MeekerPaul born about 1910
MeekerWilma born about 1921
MeltonFrances born about 1908
MeltonLenard born about 1932
MillerBetty born about 1937
MillerCarolyn born about 1938
MillerDan born about 1861
MillerDaniel born about 1914
MillerDebert born about 1885
MillerDonald Lborn about 1933
MillerEarnest born about 1929
MillerElmer born about 1890
MillerEsther born about 1934
MillerEthel born about 1897
MillerEthel born about 1914
MillerFlorrie born about 1924
MillerGarnet Gborn about 1939
MillerGeorgia born about 1905
MillerGus born about 1890
MillerJames Aborn about 1872
MillerLorene born about 1921
MillerLouis Dborn about 1919
MillerLouise born about 1917
MillerMarcella born about 1938
MillerMary born about 1918
MillerOris born about 1895
MillerOrville born about 1906
MillerPhoebe born about 1881
MillerPhyllis born about 1939
MillerRonald born about 1940
MillerShirley born about 1936
MillerZelma born about 1851
MillikinBert born about 1880
MillikinBertha born about 1881
MillikinHarold born about 1921
MillikinMary born about 1906
MitchelHelen born about 1904
MitchelHoward born about 1904
MitchelMelinda born about 1863
MitchelPaul Dborn about 1925
MitmanCharles born about 1861
MitmanMax born about 1905
MontagneCharles born about 1883
MontagneFlorence born about 1886
MontagneSara Bborn about 1924
MontaguePhillip born about 1918
MorganBertha born about 1924
MorganDale born about 1936
MorganDavid born about 1859
MorganEarl born about 1938
MorganFrances born about 1913
MorganHarriett Aborn about 1902
MorganHerbert Aborn about 1926
MorganHerbert Eborn about 1897
MorganJames born about 1886
MorganJames born about 1939
MorganJoan born about 1932
MorganMary born about 1886
MorganRaymond born about 1929
MorganRobert born about 1940
MorganRussell born about 1912
MorrisBilly born about 1933
MorrisClara born about 1915
MorrisFletcher born about 1909
MorrisLacey born about 1859
MurdockAddie born about 1868
MurdockBilly born about 1938
MurdockCecil born about 1907
MurdockDorothy born about 1939
MurdockEarnest born about 1936
MurdockElla born about 1913
MurdockElnora born about 1883
MurdockEsther born about 1928
MurdockEthel born about 1908
MurdockEvelyn born about 1928
MurdockFrank born about 1878
MurdockFred born about 1884
MurdockFred born about 1934
MurdockHelen born about 1930
MurdockHester Jborn about 1928
MurdockHoward born about 1925
MurdockIda born about 1882
MurdockJohn born about 1876
MurdockJohn born about 1926
MurdockLeonard born about 1916
MurdockMary born about 1936
MurdockMary Aliceborn about 1925
MurdockPerry born about 1874
MurdockRaymond born about 1909
MurdockRobert born about 1931
MurdockRuby born about 1890
MurdockRuby born about 1932
MurdockWilliam born about 1933
MurrayBertha born about 1913
MurrayCharles born about 1912
MurrayCharles born about 1932
MurrayDonald born about 1933
MurrayEllen born about 1861
MurrayEvertt born about 1938
MurrayJohnney born about 1930
MurrayLewis Dborn about 1893
MurrayOlive Eborn about 1895
MurrayRosetta born about 1935
MyersAlice born about 1904
MyersEdna born about 1926
MyersEdward born about 1925
MyersElvin born about 1937
MyersEschol born about 1939
MyersEthel born about 1928
MyersEvelyn born about 1930
MyersHarold born about 1929
MyersKenneth born about 1932
MyersLawrence born about 1903
MyersReva born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NaveBilly born about 1939
NaveBirdie born about 1884
NaveOtto born about 1915
NaveSamuel born about 1924
NaveVirgina born about 1922
NaveWiltie born about 1882
NaylorAda Janeborn about 1927
NaylorBarbara born about 1933
NaylorCharles born about 1904
NaylorClara born about 1905
NaylorCora born about 1870
NaylorCoy born about 1886
NaylorEarl born about 1886
NaylorEarl born about 1927
NaylorFred born about 1894
NaylorHarlan Wborn about 1927
NaylorJames born about 1863
NaylorJesse born about 1885
NaylorJohn Bborn about 1936
NaylorJohnson born about 1869
NaylorMary Lonborn about 1931
NaylorNoble Leeborn about 1923
NaylorPauline born about 1886
NaylorSarah Eborn about 1865
NewellEarnest Cborn about 1885
NewellForrest born about 1929
NewellFredrick born about 1916
NewellFreeman born about 1924
NewellFreeman born about 1926
NewellHartzel born about 1912
NewellHartzel Lborn about 1937
NewellKermit born about 1919
NewellLerena born about 1917
NewellLoretta born about 1939
NewellMyrtle born about 1924
NewellWayne born about 1931
NewmanBernice born about 1909
NewmanChristena born about 1870
NewmanDillman born about 1913
NewmanLawrence born about 1935
NewmanMary Mborn about 1908
NewmanSamuel born about 1864
NewmanWillard born about 1889
NewnumAlbert born about 1890
NewnumDaisy born about 1886
NewnumWilliam born about 1887
NewportLon born about 1871
NewsonBilly Dborn about 1928
NewsonJinny born about 1935
NewsonMildred born about 1901
NewsonWilliam born about 1898
NickolsRuth born about 1904
NickolsVirgil born about 1904
NorvelitisBernard born about 1901
NorvelitisElizabeth Annborn about 1933
NorvelitisMary born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdonnellDan Fborn about 1914
OdonnellEvert born about 1890
OdonnellFrank born about 1870
OdonnellIda Mborn about 1873
OdonnellMary born about 1899
OdonnellMaryann born about 1924
OnleyDel born about 1920
OnleyIris born about 1923
OnlyBetty Joborn about 1935
OnlyEdward born about 1902
OnlyElizabeth born about 1925
OnlyMarie born about 1902
OnlyRachel born about 1936
OnlyShirley born about 1938
OttingerArchie born about 1919
OttingerEdith born about 1920
OttingerHelen born about 1898
OttingerMerideth born about 1926
OttingerMinnie born about 1925
OttingerRuth born about 1923
OttingerWarren born about 1934
OttingerWilliam born about 1897
OverpeckDorothy born about 1927
OverpeckJohnney born about 1934
OverpeckMary born about 1939
OverpeckRoy born about 1898
OverpeckThelma born about 1905
OverpeckWarner born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkerBetty Joborn about 1928
ParkerLucy born about 1875
ParkerOrm Tborn about 1873
ParksKathleen born about 1928
ParksMerle born about 1902
ParksWilliam born about 1924
PatrickJohn born about 1861
PatrickLouise born about 1897
PatrickMartin born about 1859
PatrickMary Hborn about 1880
PatrickMary Lborn about 1917
PatrickRuth born about 1919
PatrickViola born about 1924
PatrickWilliam born about 1887
PatrickWilliam Jr born about 1935
PattersonWilliam born about 1875
PearmanDoris born about 1939
PearmanMona born about 1920
PearmanRay born about 1916
PearsonBetty born about 1921
PearsonChancy born about 1893
PearsonDoc born about 1898
PearsonEdna born about 1876
PearsonJames born about 1919
PearsonMary born about 1940
PearsonNora born about 1938
PearsonWanda Leeborn about 1938
PearsonWanneta born about 1912
PeevlesJeass born about 1926
PeevlesLeo born about 1914
PeevlesMarle born about 1894
PerryBetty born about 1937
PerryBobby born about 1935
PerryGrace born about 1912
PerryMarion born about 1933
PerryMary born about 1932
PerryTed born about 1906
PetersonBeverly Annborn about 1932
PetersonDolly born about 1900
PetersonFlorence born about 1921
PetersonGladys born about 1903
PetersonIvy born about 1893
PetersonRaymond born about 1929
PetersonRuth born about 1924
PetersonSamuel born about 1923
PetersonVernon born about 1933
PetersonWilliam born about 1883
PetersonWilliam Rborn about 1919
PhillipsJames born about 1919
PhillipsRaymond born about 1895
PhilpotClemont Lborn about 1869
PichardEna born about 1870
PichardEsther born about 1895
PollardJohn born about 1895
PollardSarah Jborn about 1872
PorterAlice born about 1870
PorterConrad born about 1932
PorterDavid Worthborn about 1931
PorterDorothy Louiseborn about 1924
PorterEdith born about 1879
PorterFred born about 1907
PorterHelen Leeborn about 1927
PorterJohn born about 1891
PorterJohn born about 1937
PorterJohn Cborn about 1868
PorterKyle Mborn about 1889
PorterLee Eborn about 1896
PorterLucy Eborn about 1889
PorterMabel Cborn about 1892
PorterMalcolm born about 1917
PorterMary born about 1907
PorterMurrell born about 1894
PoundMaria born about 1939
PoundMarshal born about 1915
PoundVirginia born about 1918
PraterAnna born about 1880
PraterCharles born about 1864
PrattEdson born about 1865
PribbleDonald born about 1912
PribbleReica born about 1886
PughMinnie born about 1870
PughPatrick born about 1898
PursleyElmer born about 1880
PursleyGeorge born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RadcliffFrank born about 1885
RadcliffMartha born about 1876
RatcliffDonald born about 1914
RatcliffLucilla born about 1914
ReaverEvelyn born about 1907
ReaverGeorge born about 1885
ReaverHomer born about 1939
ReaverLaura born about 1937
ReaverRaymond born about 1927
ReaverRobert born about 1925
ReaverSarah born about 1929
ReaverVernon born about 1931
ReaverWilliam born about 1919
RedenbaughBelah born about 1925
RedenbaughCharles born about 1895
RedenbaughDeward born about 1921
RedenbaughFaniel born about 1938
RedenbaughNina born about 1895
ReedDonald Lborn about 1926
ReedEdna born about 1903
ReedEdna Mborn about 1920
ReedElizabeth born about 1922
ReedJohn Eborn about 1920
ReedLarley born about 1925
ReedLeo born about 1896
ReedLeo Jr born about 1924
ReedLewis Aborn about 1883
ReedMary Mborn about 1882
ReedMorris born about 1919
ReedRuth born about 1921
ReedSandra born about 1939
ReevesClodene born about 1922
ReevesJohn born about 1913
ReevesMarvin born about 1939
ReevesRichard born about 1938
ReidEdward born about 1918
ReidNettie Vborn about 1862
ReidRuth born about 1919
ReidTed Wborn about 1939
ReisnerAlbert born about 1927
ReisnerClyde born about 1904
ReisnerLeota born about 1906
RemleyElsie born about 1874
RemleyMicheal born about 1869
ReynoldsCharles born about 1874
RhodenbaughCord born about 1886
RhodenbaughEd born about 1876
RhodenbaughFanny born about 1880
RhodenbaughJune born about 1925
RhodenbaughOrie born about 1886
RhodesD Emmaborn about 1897
RhodesElizabeth Aborn about 1921
RhodesMarvin born about 1896
RhodesRosalie born about 1923
RichardDonald born about 1905
RichardFrank born about 1868
RichardLucy born about 1873
RichardsonAda born about 1898
RichardsonAlice born about 1910
RichardsonBilly Dborn about 1937
RichardsonEdan born about 1917
RichardsonEdward born about 1935
RichardsonFlorence born about 1904
RichardsonGeorge born about 1903
RichardsonGeorge Jr born about 1932
RichardsonHael born about 1924
RichardsonInez Janeborn about 1930
RichardsonJames born about 1920
RichardsonJesse born about 1893
RichardsonJesse Jr born about 1936
RichardsonLee born about 1894
RichardsonMartha born about 1939
RichardsonMary born about 1866
RichardsonMary born about 1922
RichardsonMary Louisborn about 1926
RichardsonPhillip Cborn about 1932
RichardsonSanford Rborn about 1927
RichardsonVarnice Leeborn about 1924
RichartAnna born about 1922
RichartJames born about 1918
RichartPeggy born about 1939
RitterGeorge born about 1878
RitterLena born about 1877
RoachCharles Eborn about 1905
RoachCharles Lborn about 1874
RoachLeota born about 1882
RoarkKathleen born about 1894
RoarkLydie born about 1864
RoarkOakley born about 1899
RoarkOakley Fborn about 1923
RoarkViolet born about 1902
RobbinsWillard born about 1857
RoderickIda born about 1866
RoderickMarion born about 1875
RoderickOlive born about 1886
RollinsAlma born about 1893
RollinsBenard born about 1886
RollinsJohn born about 1922
RollinsWesley born about 1855
RossDelbert born about 1925
RossElizabeth born about 1900
RossFred born about 1888
RossHelen born about 1912
RossJames born about 1891
RossRuth born about 1872
RossVirgil born about 1895
RossVirginia born about 1932
RoswellDella born about 1902
RoswellDonald born about 1926
RoswellJohn born about 1901
RoswellMary born about 1923
RoushCharles born about 1899
RoushGeorge born about 1925
RoushLorraine born about 1923
RoushMabel born about 1903
RoushThomas born about 1937
RuddCharles born about 1887
RuddDella born about 1889
RuddElsie born about 1924
RuddGeorge born about 1909
RuddLula born about 1918
RuddVirgie born about 1920
RussellEdward born about 1865
RussellSusie born about 1872
RutherLucien born about 1872
RutherMary born about 1871
RylandJo born about 1913
RylandKathleen born about 1917
RylandRonald born about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamoFerner born about 1905
SamoNina born about 1911
SamoPhillip born about 1933
SamuelsGladys born about 1905
SamuelsNancy born about 1868
SandersFrances born about 1912
SarverKenneth born about 1926
SarverRobert born about 1932
SaulLena born about 1893
SaulOscar born about 1880
SaundersMargaret born about 1860
SayreAlice born about 1922
SayreAlice born about 1931
SayreBarbara born about 1929
SayreEthel born about 1890
SayreFrancis born about 1877
SayreWilliam born about 1917
SchmidtElnora born about 1929
SchmidtLorabelle born about 1926
SchmidtLouise born about 1907
SchmidtWalter born about 1900
SchmidtWalter Jr born about 1928
SchwabCharlette born about 1935
SchwabGeorge born about 1863
SchwabHelen born about 1929
SchwabMartha born about 1922
SchwabMona born about 1895
SchwabRosie born about 1862
SchwabWilliam born about 1920
SchwabWilliam Kborn about 1891
ScottFaniel born about 1898
ScottHall born about 1875
ScottNannie born about 1925
ShannonClara Belleborn about 1883
ShannonSeebren born about 1872
ShelatoAmanda born about 1861
ShelatoCharles born about 1912
ShelatoCharles Fborn about 1937
ShelatoFrank born about 1894
ShelatoGladys born about 1914
ShelatoJoyce born about 1939
ShelatoMargaret born about 1920
ShelatoMax born about 1928
ShelatoNancy born about 1864
ShelatoPauline born about 1918
ShelatoPearl born about 1894
ShelatoRobert born about 1925
ShelatoVirginia born about 1935
ShelatoWilliam born about 1923
ShelbyCleo born about 1923
ShelbyEunice born about 1864
ShelbyEvertt born about 1887
ShelbyGeorge born about 1921
ShemanWilliam born about 1880
ShipleyMary Eborn about 1875
ShumanBetty born about 1931
ShumanHelen born about 1926
ShumanLydia born about 1894
ShurmanJess born about 1911
ShurmanMay born about 1921
SidnerIsabelle born about 1877
SidnerThomas born about 1873
SimpsonJames born about 1928
SimpsonJean born about 1891
SimpsonJulia Anneborn about 1938
SimpsonMelissa born about 1930
SmithAmanda born about 1880
SmithAnna born about 1892
SmithArlie born about 1881
SmithBilly born about 1928
SmithClara born about 1886
SmithClarney born about 1876
SmithEdward born about 1921
SmithElias born about 1865
SmithHubert born about 1924
SmithImogene born about 1920
SmithJean born about 1924
SmithJessie born about 1878
SmithJosephine born about 1922
SmithKathryn born about 1895
SmithLacie born about 1883
SmithLaurence born about 1911
SmithLouise born about 1929
SmithPaul born about 1908
SmithRobert born about 1887
SmithRobert born about 1914
SmithVerna born about 1896
SmithWilliam born about 1876
SmithWilliam born about 1877
SmitleyEarnest born about 1884
SmitleyElla born about 1889
SmitleyJunior born about 1925
SmitleyMary born about 1923
SmitleyRichard born about 1927
SmitleyRosanna born about 1932
SolarsAdeline born about 1893
SolarsJames born about 1929
SolarsPatricia born about 1922
SollarsAmanda born about 1873
SollarsEd born about 1870
SongerCharles born about 1915
SongerLaura born about 1894
SongerOttis Cborn about 1884
SpanglerWilliam born about 1882
SpencerBetty Annborn about 1931
SpencerBilly Earlborn about 1938
SpencerDrusilla born about 1915
SpencerEarl born about 1914
SpencerIris born about 1923
SpencerJeston born about 1889
SpencerLenore born about 1936
SpencerLeonard born about 1882
SpencerMarie born about 1925
SpencerNorman born about 1939
SpencerPaul born about 1912
SpencerPearl born about 1914
SpencerShirley born about 1927
SpencerWilliam born about 1919
SproulsAlza born about 1885
SproulsAmos born about 1877
SproulsBessie born about 1885
SproulsGrace born about 1884
SproulsKenneth born about 1917
StalkerCora born about 1924
StalkerKith born about 1896
StalkerLolly born about 1897
StellaDonald born about 1939
StellaHerchel born about 1905
StellaMatty born about 1907
StennisEarl born about 1888
StennisGeorge Henryborn about 1918
StennisGertrude born about 1890
StevensDaisy born about 1922
StevensFrances born about 1939
StevensRobert born about 1919
StevensonFrances born about 1920
StevensonMay born about 1886
StevensonSamuel born about 1884
StevesonClarence born about 1898
StevesonCuba born about 1905
StevesonDeloris born about 1931
StevesonDonn born about 1935
StevesonDorwin born about 1932
StevesonMarvin born about 1924
StevesonThelma born about 1927
SticklerChester born about 1898
SticklerEmma born about 1926
SticklerHelen born about 1933
SticklerRuth born about 1902
StonestreetAndrew born about 1892
StonestreetGertrude born about 1895
StorkDick born about 1908
StorkDonnis born about 1929
StorkJerry born about 1930
StorkMaybelle born about 1909
StorkNorman born about 1935
StroheCaroline born about 1939
StroheChester born about 1905
StroheDaisy born about 1908
StroheDolores born about 1932
StroheEdythe born about 1928
StroheGerald born about 1934
StroheNorma born about 1937
SutliffBetty Jborn about 1932
SutliffCarol Sueborn about 1939
SutliffCrawford born about 1937
SutliffEmerson born about 1929
SutliffErnest born about 1899
SutliffErnest Hborn about 1934
SutliffHarry born about 1940
SutliffLois born about 1908
SutliffLois Cborn about 1931
SutliffMarie born about 1927
SutliffMarybelle born about 1935
SutliffRoger born about 1926
SwaimFaniel born about 1909
SwaimFannie born about 1887
SwaimGoyland born about 1920
SwaimLouisa born about 1918
SwaimRudolph born about 1937
SwaimVoilet born about 1875
SwainJohn born about 1872
SwainMarie born about 1912
SwainNorman born about 1932
SwemCarrie born about 1901
SwemCoy born about 1896
SwemFred born about 1892
SwemWillis born about 1907
SwenBarbara born about 1927
SwenDonald born about 1920
SwenMary born about 1903
SwenWilliam born about 1900
SwitzerDonald Lborn about 1931
SwitzerEffie born about 1870
SwitzerEugene born about 1917
SwitzerFrank born about 1895
SwitzerFrank Jr born about 1924
SwitzerJohn born about 1913
SwitzerLadonna born about 1919
SwitzerOdilla born about 1898
SwitzerOlive born about 1888
SykesElias born about 1862
SykesSamuels born about 1858

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TateAmos born about 1911
TateBertha born about 1884
TateBetty Janeborn about 1921
TateDorothy born about 1915
TateGilbert born about 1922
TateJames Rborn about 1920
TateJerry born about 1938
TateJohn born about 1882
TateJohn Joelborn about 1936
TateRonald born about 1935
TaylorFloyd born about 1922
TaylorGrace born about 1887
TaylorJess born about 1884
TaylorMalchom born about 1940
TcannadyWilliam born about 1870
TharpEula Maeborn about 1938
TharpRoberta born about 1918
ThomasAnnabeth born about 1921
ThomasBertha born about 1868
ThomasGladys born about 1891
ThomasHazel born about 1895
ThomasJohn born about 1897
ThomasL Paulborn about 1889
ThompsonEva born about 1867
TillitsonFrances born about 1900
TillitsonGlennyn born about 1926
TillitsonHelen born about 1930
TillitsonJoy Aborn about 1933
TillitsonRobert born about 1885
TillitsonRobert Jr born about 1928
TobyAnna born about 1928
ToddDorothy born about 1918
ToddJohn Dborn about 1879
ToddMabel born about 1899
ToddMartha born about 1938
ToddMary born about 1878
ToddRalph born about 1924
ToddWiley born about 1889
ToleyArthur born about 1924
TownerEmma born about 1891
TownerKenneth born about 1882
TrosperBert born about 1878
TrosperBlanche born about 1896
TrosperGladys Lborn about 1930
TrosperHerbert born about 1927
TrosperRoy born about 1931
TrosperWayne born about 1923
TrysonAlbert born about 1888
TrysonCharles born about 1916
TrysonClarence born about 1920
TrysonDeloris born about 1923
TrysonFlorence born about 1890
TrysonWilliam born about 1928
TylerLewis born about 1884
TylerVerna born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UplingerHelen born about 1920
UplingerJohn born about 1914
UplingerMaxine born about 1936

V Surnames

VancleaveWalter born about 1870
VandervenderCharles born about 1927
VandervenderEsther born about 1935
VandervenderFloyd born about 1933
VandervenderInene born about 1934
VandervenderJohn born about 1907
VandervenderKathleen born about 1931
VandervenderLeroy born about 1930
VandervenderLilian born about 1906
VandervenderMargaret born about 1939
VandevenderDaisy born about 1921
VanhootenA Eborn about 1874
VanhootenGertrude born about 1883
VanoteEsther Pcborn about 1914
VanoteGeorge born about 1875
VanoteGeorge Russellborn about 1939
VanoteLeslie Edborn about 1928
VanoteMabel born about 1937
VanoteNina Maeborn about 1926
VanoteRosie born about 1903
VanoteRuth born about 1933
VansantCarl born about 1925
VansantElva born about 1884
VansantHelen born about 1925
VansantJohn born about 1908
VansantOlive born about 1904
VansantPaul born about 1923
VansantPearl Jr born about 1921
VansantVern born about 1905
VansantVirgil born about 1910
VansickleWilliam born about 1865
ViceGeorge Wborn about 1891
ViceSadie born about 1894
ViceStella born about 1924
ViceVirda born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaltersBilly born about 1930
WaltersCaroline Joborn about 1938
WaltersCarrie born about 1893
WaltersCharles born about 1886
WaltersCharles Jr born about 1924
WaltersDock born about 1898
WaltersErvin born about 1928
WaltersGerald born about 1921
WaltersGrace born about 1889
WaltersIrene born about 1930
WaltersJames born about 1889
WaltersJames Jr born about 1926
WaltersJean born about 1934
WaltersJoan born about 1934
WaltersJoyce born about 1938
WaltersJune born about 1920
WaltersLouise born about 1914
WaltersLucy born about 1899
WaltersMarion born about 1923
WaltersMuriel born about 1923
WaltersNelson born about 1908
WaltersPaul born about 1919
WaltersRalph born about 1927
WaltersSarah Janeborn about 1936
WaltersThomas born about 1928
WalworthBlanche born about 1891
WalworthMax born about 1894
WamplerKathleen born about 1926
WamplerLetha born about 1906
WamplerMildred born about 1923
WamplerOpal born about 1924
WamplerPhyllis born about 1934
WamplerWilma Jborn about 1930
WamplerWilma Jeanborn about 1931
WannCharles born about 1857
WannDora born about 1880
WannEdward born about 1883
WannFlorence born about 1909
WatsonBlanche born about 1882
WatsonHoward born about 1889
WatsonHubert born about 1914
WatsonIola born about 1899
WatsonRobert born about 1920
WeathermanFlora born about 1875
WeathermanMesser born about 1871
WeaverMarguerite born about 1891
WeaverPaul Fborn about 1892
WebbAgnes born about 1906
WebbJames born about 1894
WeinkeFred born about 1895
WeinkeHoward born about 1925
WeinkeMinnie born about 1899
WeinkeRuth born about 1923
WeirBeverly born about 1936
WeirBlanche Cborn about 1892
WeirDale born about 1922
WeirDorothy born about 1940
WeirElsie born about 1891
WeirFay born about 1909
WeirFrank born about 1911
WeirGene born about 1935
WeirHenry born about 1923
WeirJimmie born about 1933
WeirLeonard born about 1921
WeirMack born about 1886
WeirMargie born about 1901
WeirThomas born about 1888
WeirThomas Jr born about 1925
WeirVera born about 1931
WeirVirgina born about 1915
WellLeonard Rborn about 1873
WellStella Mborn about 1878
WenEarnest born about 1922
WenJohn born about 1881
WestMay born about 1904
WhiteBirttie born about 1867
WhiteElie born about 1865
WhitlockMatilda born about 1853
WhittingtonClarence born about 1890
WhittingtonFrank born about 1888
WhittingtonGornett born about 1883
WhittingtonJohn born about 1917
WhittingtonJulia born about 1884
WickensElizabeth born about 1871
WiggleyFrances born about 1880
WiggleyJoseph Cborn about 1873
WigleyArthur born about 1935
WigleyClarence born about 1911
WigleyEllen born about 1914
WigleyFreida born about 1919
WigleyPaul born about 1914
WilhiteAlta born about 1891
WilhiteMartha born about 1925
WilhiteRobert born about 1927
WilhiteWillard born about 1893
WilliamsBernard born about 1919
WilliamsBetty born about 1927
WilliamsClarence born about 1886
WilliamsClark born about 1918
WilliamsClaude born about 1907
WilliamsClyda born about 1910
WilliamsDon born about 1927
WilliamsElla born about 1882
WilliamsElwood born about 1881
WilliamsEvert born about 1922
WilliamsHarve born about 1886
WilliamsJack born about 1923
WilliamsJune born about 1939
WilliamsLizzie born about 1898
WilliamsLoyd born about 1919
WilliamsMarie born about 1917
WilliamsNellie born about 1923
WilliamsNina born about 1928
WilliamsOrville born about 1885
WilliamsRichard born about 1880
WilliamsSadie born about 1905
WilliamsShirley Annborn about 1939
WilliamsWarren born about 1923
WilliamsonBessie born about 1904
WilliamsonElizabeth born about 1870
WilliamsonFrank born about 1903
WilliamsonJohn born about 1923
WilliamsonRaymond born about 1925
WilliamsonSarah born about 1926
WilsonBertha born about 1903
WilsonDayton born about 1926
WilsonRoy Nborn about 1898
WiltermoodJohn born about 1876
WitsmanFred born about 1888
WitsmanFreda born about 1936
WitsmanGene born about 1930
WitsmanJacqueline born about 1932
WitsmanLucy born about 1891
WitsmanMelvyn born about 1937
WitsmanRobert born about 1933
WitsmanThelma born about 1920
WitsmanWilliam born about 1925
WoodardArchie born about 1899
WoodardBertha born about 1878
WoodardCarroll born about 1932
WoodardCharles born about 1882
WoodardDorothy born about 1931
WoodardElda born about 1929
WoodardElla born about 1875
WoodardElnora born about 1939
WoodardElzo born about 1910
WoodardJake born about 1858
WoodardJesse born about 1914
WoodardMarie born about 1904
WoodardMary born about 1908
WoodardNellie born about 1916
WoodardRaymond born about 1903
WoodardRaymond Jr born about 1925
WoodardRh born about 1926
WoodardRose Maryborn about 1935
WoodardScott born about 1900
WoodardShirley born about 1933
WoodardSucille born about 1930
WoodardWarren born about 1928
WoodruffHerbert born about 1893
WoodruffJanice born about 1886
WoodrumAnna born about 1884
WoodrumElsie born about 1915
WoodrumFred born about 1913
WoodrumLaura born about 1919
WoodrumPerry born about 1883
WrightJohn Bborn about 1916
WrightJohn Cborn about 1886
WrightJohn Rborn about 1869
WrightMaude Fborn about 1886
WyhoffJohn born about 1866

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YickBarbara born about 1939
YickGeorge born about 1918
YickLarry born about 1937
YickPauline born about 1919
YohoClaire born about 1931
YohoClyde born about 1913
YohoHazel born about 1910
YohoJohn born about 1939
YohoKaren born about 1938
YohoPhyllis born about 1933
YohoRichie born about 1908
YohoSherin born about 1935
YohoShirley born about 1933
YohoVelma born about 1913
YohoWalter born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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