1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fayette in Fayette County, Fayette, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Fayette County > 1940 Census of Fayette in Fayette County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames S Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsWalker born about 1923
AddisonJohn Alvaborn about 1919
AddisonJohn Jborn about 1896
AddisonMargaret Bborn about 1898
ArcheyBettie Joborn about 1935
ArcheyDula born about 1908
ArcheyJohn born about 1902

B Surnames

BoneDonald Wborn about 1933
BrownBeatrice born about 1919
BrownJames born about 1914
BrownJames Floydborn about 1940
BrownRuth Annborn about 1938
ByrdDarlene born about 1939
ByrdEdward born about 1932
ByrdHayden born about 1910
ByrdRuby born about 1914

C Surnames

ChurchJanice Leeborn about 1938
ChurchJudith Annborn about 1932
ChurchRachel born about 1912
ChurchRaymond born about 1905

D Surnames

DixonAlva born about 1890
DonicaCharlotte born about 1910
DonicaMarion Aborn about 1908
DonicaNora Mayborn about 1930
DonicaWilliam Aborn about 1932

E Surnames

EvittsEarl born about 1911
EvittsFay born about 1911

H Surnames

HinshawDean born about 1929
HinshawFlora born about 1904
HoughlandDwayne born about 1930
HoughlandElmer born about 1898
HoughlandRoy Eborn about 1922
HoughlandStella born about 1902
HudsonGypsy born about 1938
HudsonMildred born about 1914
HudsonWilbur born about 1910
HudsonWilbur Jr born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JonesGarrett born about 1910
JonesNellie Mborn about 1911
JonesNorma born about 1933
JonesRobert born about 1928

L Surnames

LewisInez born about 1883
LewisSally born about 1859

M Surnames

McKinleyEliza born about 1889
McKinleyJesse born about 1924
McKinleyJoyce born about 1926
McKinleyJustine born about 1929
McKinleyTaylor Cborn about 1882
McMullenPauline born about 1926
McMullenPhyllis Jborn about 1929
McNeelyBarry born about 1936
McNeelyJohn Lborn about 1916
McNeelyJoyce born about 1916
McNeelyRobert born about 1900
MustinClara born about 1904
MustinIra Tborn about 1913
MustinNorman born about 1936
MustinShirley Jborn about 1935

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OnstottGerald born about 1933
OnstottGladys born about 1905
OnstottNicholas born about 1910

S Surnames

SheehyAnn born about 1914
SheehyDora born about 1885
SheehyDwight born about 1913
SheehyEugene born about 1936
SheehyJames born about 1939
SheehyJoan born about 1934
StantonBrenda born about 1937
StantonEverett born about 1915
StantonHelen born about 1921

W Surnames

WigginsHarry Rborn about 1894
WigginsMary Cborn about 1893
WilliamsMary born about 1937
WilliamsMillard born about 1896
WilliamsNora born about 1893
WiseClarence Mborn about 1918
WiseMurlle Rborn about 1939
WiseNorma born about 1922

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