1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fayette in Tippecanoe County, Tippecanoe, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Tippecanoe County > 1940 Census of Fayette in Tippecanoe County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AndersonKathrine born about 1923
AndersonLenard born about 1873
AndersonMabel born about 1901
AndersonRichard born about 1921
AreoonsIda born about 1916
AreoonsPaddy Jonryborn about 1935

B Surnames

BeamanLouise born about 1882
BrafordCarl born about 1880
BrafordRosa born about 1884
BrevnCaroll born about 1935
BrevnJoyce born about 1934
BrevnLois born about 1932
BrevnMelvin born about 1912
BrevnNellie born about 1913
BrichlerKatherine born about 1903
BrichlerPaul born about 1902
BrichlerRobert born about 1923
BrichlerWilliam born about 1923
BrishAason* born about 1869
BrishMargeret born about 1882
BroadnaxNorman born about 1937
BrownBetty Dborn about 1921
BrownBuddy born about 1930
BrownMary Hazelborn about 1912
BrownRaymond Dborn about 1925
BrownVirginia born about 1892
BrukhorissBerssard* born about 1912
BrukhorissBertha born about 1913
BrukhorissElizabeth born about 1938
BrukhorissJohn born about 1936
BrukhorissRichard born about 1935
BurtonDennis Lborn about 1939
BurtonJoe born about 1916
BurtonMartha born about 1920

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C Surnames

CarterSophia born about 1869
ChicheesJeslie born about 1910
ClardyAllane born about 1900
ClardyAllen born about 1900
ClayDenger* born about 1876
CoffieIrene born about 1873
CoffmanBeina Sborn about 1908
CoffmanBetty born about 1934
CoffmanFrances born about 1924
CoffmanJean born about 1931
CoffmanLanne born about 1927
CoffmanPearl born about 1907
ColbathDoloris born about 1916
ColbathPatricia Kborn about 1939
ColbathV Hborn about 1912
CrossAnna born about 1909
CrossClara born about 1930
CrossFrancis born about 1928
CrossHarry born about 1906
CrossHarry Richardborn about 1937
CrossMary born about 1932
CrossShirley born about 1934
CrossThora born about 1939
CrutchfiedDoris born about 1912
CrutchfiedDorothy born about 1896
CrutchfiedJames born about 1907
CulisattLena born about 1886
CulisattVerna born about 1912
CumminghamClarence born about 1910
CumminghamJury born about 1913
CumminghamThomas Kayborn about 1939
CurbyJames born about 1868

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D Surnames

DavisMary born about 1874
DavisMary born about 1875
DawsonBeverley born about 1929
DawsonDonald born about 1933
DawsonErtha born about 1908
DawsonLois Johnborn about 1931
DawsonPerry born about 1895
DawsonShirley Jborn about 1936
DockinsDora Mborn about 1909
DockinsWilliam Fborn about 1897
DreenWilliam born about 1876
DunnewoldDora born about 1888
DunnewoldEdna born about 1920
DunnewoldWalter born about 1886

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E Surnames

EransDare born about 1914

F Surnames

FainbersonDona born about 1880
FainbersonEdward born about 1864
FamfeisonErma born about 1921
FamfeisonJoyce Dborn about 1939
FamfeisonWilliam born about 1918
FeldmeyerElizabeth born about 1901
FeldmeyerWilliams born about 1899
FergusonHelen born about 1921
FergusonMargaret born about 1901
FoleyJva born about 1885
FrazierJohn born about 1869
FrionEdith Bborn about 1916
FrionMartha born about 1884
FulksBengamen born about 1895
FulksEdith Lborn about 1895
FulksEva Mborn about 1923
FulksNonna Jborn about 1928

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G Surnames

GanisonDonald born about 1930
GanisonFrancis born about 1936
GanisonHanry born about 1892
GanisonHarold born about 1928
GanisonKenneth born about 1932
GanisonMayleen born about 1902
GraffDoris born about 1915
GraffGeorge born about 1939
GraffGeorge Jr born about 1905
GraffLois born about 1934
GrondCornelius born about 1915
GrondJanet born about 1939
GrondMary born about 1915

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H Surnames

HallElizabeth born about 1906
HallHubert born about 1916
HanisAgnes born about 1907
HanisHarold born about 1911
HanisHarold Rborn about 1935
HanisLary Aborn about 1938
HannisEllen Roseborn about 1929
HaydaraRosie born about 1902
HaydaraYork born about 1904
HaydenEdna born about 1928
HaydenJames born about 1924
HaydenKatherine born about 1903
HaydenKing born about 1898
HaydenRobert born about 1926
HendersonHerbert born about 1891
HendursonGeorge Hborn about 1863
HendursonRichard born about 1872
HenryLola Vborn about 1901
HicksDonald born about 1929
HicksGoldia born about 1912
HicksJames born about 1870
HicksJames born about 1935
HicksLillian born about 1928
HicksShirley born about 1938
HicksVerl Vborn about 1900
HicksVirgie born about 1933
HicksVirginia born about 1931
HillClandes born about 1903
HillClaude Rborn about 1926
HillMarvin Sborn about 1928
HobarthFioley born about 1887
HobarthFlorence born about 1919
HobarthOscar Wborn about 1885
HobarthPaul born about 1921
HobarthPauline born about 1921
HobarthRosemon born about 1924
HolleyJohn born about 1875
HolleyMartha born about 1878
HowardElmer born about 1923
HowardLester born about 1920
HowardMartha born about 1862
HowardSamuel born about 1891
HowardViola born about 1926
Howill??? born about 1930
HowillAlva Bborn about 1924
HowillCharles Eborn about 1921
HowillElmar born about 1932
HowillMargaret born about 1929
HowillP Earlineborn about 1926
HuffardHarry born about 1889
HuffardLetha born about 1900
HugheJoe born about 1876

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I Surnames

IrrgangHartley born about 1913

J Surnames

JenbinsAlberda born about 1930
JenbinsBetty born about 1928
JenbinsMary Joanborn about 1937
JenbinsPatricia born about 1934
JenbinsPearl born about 1910
JenbinsRobert born about 1907
JenbinsRobert Jr born about 1938
JenbinsRoberta born about 1939
JenkinsJohn born about 1915
JenkinsJohn born about 1938
JenkinsThelma born about 1916
JohnCarrie born about 1883
JohnRobert Lborn about 1883
JohnsonAlbert born about 1896
JohnsonAlbert Jr born about 1930
JohnsonGerald Chisborn about 1918
JohnsonHelen born about 1908
JohnsonIda Mborn about 1877
JohnsonJack born about 1917
JohnsonJames born about 1890
JohnsonLuicle born about 1936
JohnsonMabel born about 1906
JohnsonNela born about 1919
JohnsonRanson born about 1867
JohnsonRobert Fborn about 1905
JohnsonRobert Lborn about 1939
JohnsonRuby Hborn about 1896
JohnsonSylvia born about 1885
JonesEdward born about 1924
JonesErnest born about 1894
JonesEva born about 1896
JonesIda Rubyborn about 1926
JonesKenneth born about 1921

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K Surnames

KeeferClara born about 1888
KeeferFoster born about 1888
KlutzkaAugust born about 1893

L Surnames

LawrenceArchie Cborn about 1895
LawrenceTexas Lborn about 1903
LawrenceTharon Mborn about 1934
LawrenceVala Nborn about 1936

M Surnames

MasseDonald born about 1935
MasseFrances born about 1910
MasseIsabelle born about 1928
MasseJarlforley* born about 1932
MasseOtto born about 1905
MasseyBarbara Jeanborn about 1929
MasseyFeslie* born about 1923
MasseyJames born about 1920
MasseyJola born about 1905
MasseyMora born about 1875
McClatahieAnnebelle born about 1927
McClatahieElsie born about 1906
McClatahieJames born about 1905
McClatahieJames born about 1936
McDoniclsPerry born about 1893
MerchantKenneth born about 1920
MillerCecil born about 1913
MillerCecilia born about 1921
MitchellDorothy born about 1926
MitchellEstitia* born about 1906
MitchellJohn born about 1890
MonroeClara born about 1896
MonroeClare born about 1902
MonroeJohnn Henryborn about 1939
MonroeJoshua born about 1892
MonroeJoshua Jr born about 1923
MorisonEthel born about 1895
MorisonHerbert Eborn about 1939
MorisonMargaret born about 1924
MorisonNaban* born about 1887
MorisonNalan born about 1928
MorisonNorma born about 1922
MorisonPatty born about 1931
MorisonRobert born about 1929
MorisonZetty born about 1925
MorreGladys Dborn about 1921
MorrisAddie Lborn about 1879
MyersHomer born about 1917
MyersMark born about 1876
MyersWilber born about 1921

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N Surnames

NealEsger born about 1939
NeumanArthur born about 1896
NevrklaAnton born about 1899
NevrklaEugene born about 1934
NevrklaMarie born about 1904
NictclbellDorothy Jborn about 1926

O Surnames

OndersCarrie born about 1883
OndersRufus born about 1882

P Surnames

PearsonErnest born about 1917
PearsonMary born about 1900
PearsonMaxine born about 1933
PearsonRaymond born about 1926
PearsonRichard born about 1922
PearsonThomas born about 1897
PearsonViolet born about 1928
PittmanEdward born about 1892
PittmanEthel born about 1895
PittmanJoe born about 1930
PittmanJuanita born about 1921
PittmanMary born about 1923
PlantengaCharlie born about 1900
PlantengaJesse born about 1911
PlantengaKatherine born about 1873
PoppingaErnest Dborn about 1911
PoppingaHann Hborn about 1872
PriceClarence born about 1924
PriceFanny born about 1883
PriceFlorence born about 1932
PriceMargaret Pborn about 1914
PriceMildred born about 1927
PriceWalter born about 1920

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R Surnames

Roark??? born about 1934
RoarkHenry born about 1911
RoarkOrdy born about 1912
RoarkRoslee born about 1939
RoarkTares born about 1936

S Surnames

SanduskyW Rborn about 1904
ScarlattEstella born about 1883
SchillingC Jborn about 1866
SchmidEsther born about 1894
SchmidFred born about 1887
SchraderDorthy born about 1915
SchraderElleen born about 1936
SchraderHerman born about 1914
SchraderJames born about 1935
SchraderRichard born about 1937
SchraderSally Annborn about 1939
ScottFoster born about 1901
SeamanCatherine born about 1913
SeamanDeloris born about 1935
SeamanKay born about 1936
SeamanNorma born about 1938
SeamanSamuel born about 1912
SmithAbe born about 1893
SmithArthur born about 1918
SmithArthur Cborn about 1939
SmithRuth born about 1918
StevensMary born about 1924
StingleyAlbert born about 1924
StingleyBarbara born about 1926
StingleyErnest born about 1895
StingleyErnest Jr born about 1922
StingleyReba born about 1901
StongDolores born about 1923
StongMary born about 1910
StongRichard born about 1932
StongRosalia born about 1939
StongShirley born about 1937
StongWayne born about 1909
StrawserAgnes born about 1878
StrawserPeter born about 1880

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T Surnames

TaylorFrank born about 1922
TaylorFuail born about 1907
TaylorLois born about 1931
TaylorLovoughlin* born about 1929
TaylorPaul born about 1907
TownsendMarggie born about 1884
TownsendMarion born about 1914

V Surnames

VanderiselenJohn born about 1865
VanderiselenMargaret born about 1870

W Surnames

WagerAlbert born about 1902
WagerBena born about 1902
WagerCarolyn born about 1935
WagerCharles born about 1924
WagerDean born about 1927
WagerJacob born about 1926
WallsMary born about 1873
WansAdam Bborn about 1918
WansBetty Annborn about 1937
WansGwendolyn born about 1939
WansMabel born about 1920
WaplesEvelyn born about 1923
WaplesJohn born about 1921
WashingtonJennie born about 1870
WaxerellGeorge born about 1935
WeinFlorence born about 1916
WeinKermit born about 1912
WernkeMary Lborn about 1914
WierngerEtta born about 1892
WierngerGeorge born about 1889
WierngerJohn born about 1918
WilliamsJames Eborn about 1892
WilliamsMabel born about 1895
WillsL Jborn about 1888
WilsonDora born about 1913
WilsonDoris born about 1936
WilsonJames Eborn about 1880
WilsonShirley born about 1940
WilsonWir born about 1901
WilsonWir Jr born about 1939
WinsonOrlotta* born about 1903
WoodFrank born about 1888
WoodHamilton born about 1906
WoodNancy born about 1903

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Y Surnames

YoungFred born about 1919

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