1940 U.S. Federal Census of Fayette in Vigo County, Vigo, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Vigo County > 1940 Census of Fayette in Vigo County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AcordAda born about 1876
AcordDavid Eborn about 1875
AdamsCharles born about 1870
AdamsDica born about 1887
AdamsEdwin born about 1888
AdamsLula born about 1870
AkersDella born about 1900
AkersJames born about 1889
AldenAlbert Hborn about 1907
AldenFlorence born about 1909
AldenMardell born about 1931
AlkireAdoline born about 1897
AlkireBertha born about 1914
AlkireBurley born about 1910
AlkireCharles born about 1892
AlkireCharles Tborn about 1918
AlkireClara Eborn about 1931
AlkireCourtney born about 1873
AlkireElizabeth born about 1927
AlkireEthel born about 1930
AlkireFannie Cborn about 1933
AlkireFrancis Lborn about 1926
AlkireHarley born about 1925
AlkireIsabell born about 1923
AlkireIvis Lborn about 1937
AlkireJames born about 1901
AlkireLoretta born about 1917
AlkireMargie born about 1928
AlkireMary born about 1910
AlkireOdessa born about 1921
AlkireRosetta born about 1870
AlkireSam born about 1923
AlkireVirgil born about 1903
AllCharles born about 1882
AllCleo born about 1902
AllenAnna born about 1893
AllenFrank born about 1888
AllenRichard born about 1927
AllsupEmma born about 1896
AllsupHenry born about 1894
AllsupJohn Hborn about 1928
AllsupMary Eborn about 1926
AllsupRosie born about 1924
AmburgeyBetty Jborn about 1931
AmburgeyDelbert Mborn about 1910
AmburgeyMary born about 1915
AndersonChampion born about 1903
AndersonGrace Lborn about 1920
AndersonJohn Mborn about 1917
AndersonMargaret born about 1905
AndersonMargaret Jborn about 1939
AndersonMary born about 1926
AndersonRobert Eborn about 1938
AndersonWanda born about 1924
AultErnestine born about 1927
AutersonCharles Wborn about 1937
AutersonNorma Jborn about 1939
AutersonPearl born about 1915
AuttersonClifford born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyCarrol born about 1924
BaileyOs?? born about 1904
BaileyPha born about 1905
BalesAlexander born about 1872
BalesAlice B Xborn about 1879
BalesAllen Bborn about 1876
BalesAudrey Mborn about 1920
BalesBertha born about 1921
BalesFred Hborn about 1923
BalesGerald Eborn about 1939
BalesHoward born about 1913
BalesJames born about 1911
BalesLura Bborn about 1927
BalesMettie Bborn about 1886
BalesRonald born about 1938
BallardCharles born about 1875
BallardJosie born about 1870
BalmaJoseph born about 1891
BalmaJosephine born about 1904
BalmaMargaurite born about 1924
BalmaRonald born about 1934
BaltonHarold born about 1929
BaltonMargaret born about 1899
BaltonThomas born about 1899
BandyAlexander born about 1854
BandyLevinia born about 1858
BarattaAmelia born about 1924
BarattaAntonia born about 1891
BarattaJohn born about 1883
BarattoJessie born about 1914
BarattoJohn born about 1919
BarattoLaetizia born about 1894
BarattoVictor born about 1890
BarbourCorey born about 1891
BarbourCorey Jr born about 1923
BarbourDaniel born about 1920
BarbourIva born about 1901
BarbourMartha Eborn about 1852
BarnardDolores Mborn about 1939
BarnardEva born about 1909
BarnardHarold born about 1913
BarnardHazel born about 1913
BarnardHazel Lborn about 1935
BarnardHenry Tborn about 1927
BarnardLouise born about 1889
BarnardMary Lborn about 1935
BarnardOpal born about 1915
BarnardRussel born about 1909
BarnardWilliam born about 1884
BarnardWilliam Mborn about 1907
BarnardWilma Lborn about 1940
BaumgardnerEdna born about 1890
BaumgardnerNettie born about 1867
BeauchampBetty Juneborn about 1924
BeauchampCharles Kborn about 1915
BeauchampDorothy born about 1915
BeauchampEugene born about 1922
BeauchampIrene born about 1902
BeauchampIvan born about 1897
BeauchampOlive born about 1902
BeauchampRita Leeborn about 1939
BeauchampRosemary born about 1926
BeauchampThomas born about 1899
BeauchampThomas Jr born about 1923
BeauchampsCharles born about 1883
BeauchampsPhoebe born about 1876
BedellFay Jeanborn about 1932
BedellIvan Lborn about 1903
BedellJessie born about 1911
BedinoAda born about 1919
BedinoGenoveffa born about 1887
BedinoGermo born about 1924
BedinoJoseph born about 1883
BedwellChristina born about 1932
BedwellEunice born about 1921
BedwellJames born about 1915
BedwellJohn born about 1894
BedwellJohn Jr born about 1930
BedwellOma born about 1897
BedwellRaymond born about 1935
BedwellThomas born about 1938
BedwellVivian born about 1919
BellAlfred Eborn about 1900
BellAlfred E Jrborn about 1938
BellEilleen Rborn about 1920
BellizoniDomenic born about 1871
BeltrameEma born about 1907
BeltrameFelix born about 1929
BennetDorthy born about 1928
BennetErnest born about 1926
BennetFranklin Dborn about 1937
BennetMax born about 1934
BennetRobert born about 1930
BennetVernie born about 1924
BennettBetty Jborn about 1925
BennettInez born about 1895
BennettOtto born about 1886
BernardonFerdinand born about 1882
BerryCedric born about 1909
BerryEvelyn born about 1907
BerryGeraldine born about 1902
BerryHarold born about 1903
BerryHarold Eborn about 1932
BerryJeanne born about 1926
BerryJoe Anneborn about 1922
BerryKatie born about 1879
BerryLucy Mborn about 1890
BerryMahlon Rborn about 1903
BerryMary born about 1911
BerryMax born about 1925
BerryRay born about 1901
BerryRaymond born about 1918
BerryRex born about 1915
BerryRobert Wborn about 1927
BerryThomas Lborn about 1929
BeymerAlonzo born about 1874
BeymerElizabeth born about 1880
BianchiniAlex born about 1883
BianchiniJosephine born about 1881
BildilliCharles born about 1876
BildilliMary born about 1886
BildilliRaymond born about 1916
BirdAugusta born about 1879
BirdAugusta Jr born about 1919
BirdBenjamin born about 1877
BirdBenjamin Jr born about 1911
BirdJoan born about 1930
BirdMata born about 1910
BirdVernon born about 1899
BishopFlora born about 1857
BishopFrank born about 1873
BishopWilliam born about 1864
BlachMinnie born about 1873
BlackForrest Wborn about 1923
BlackJohn born about 1890
BlackNancy Eborn about 1892
BlackburnCarol Sueborn about 1937
BlackburnCharles born about 1897
BlackburnDoris born about 1933
BlackburnEdward Wborn about 1928
BlackburnGail Hborn about 1933
BlackburnGetrude Mborn about 1926
BlackburnHarold Jborn about 1932
BlackburnHelen born about 1907
BlackburnJohn Hborn about 1896
BlackburnLean born about 1932
BlackburnMadeline Sborn about 1940
BlackburnMarion born about 1895
BlackburnQueen born about 1904
BlackburnRobert born about 1931
BlackburnRuth Eborn about 1935
BlackburnSydney Rborn about 1939
BlackburnViola born about 1910
BlackburnWallace born about 1908
BlackburnWilliam born about 1920
BlacketerAlfred born about 1879
BlacketerMaud born about 1886
BoatmanAlfred born about 1887
BoatmanGilbert born about 1913
BoatmanLarry Morrisborn about 1940
BoatmanMaude born about 1889
BoatmanRosemary born about 1921
BoatmanRussel born about 1889
BoatmanWilliam born about 1905
BolesDonald Aborn about 1926
BolesMabel Eborn about 1901
BolesPaul born about 1900
BoltonJames Cborn about 1885
BoltonJames Mborn about 1865
BorsaBattista born about 1881
BowersEddie born about 1876
BownRomana Myborn about 1937
BowserArther born about 1927
BowserCharles Dborn about 1918
BowserEllie born about 1893
BowserEtta Mayborn about 1921
BowserMax born about 1920
BowserRobert Jborn about 1939
BoyceElla born about 1871
BozarthMatilda Aborn about 1871
BradfordGlenn born about 1890
BradfordLila born about 1892
BradfordLouise born about 1919
BradfordWanda born about 1922
BranonBeverly Annborn about 1939
BranonCharles born about 1917
BranonDonald Lborn about 1914
BranonFlora born about 1878
BranonJohn Sborn about 1870
BranonSarah born about 1914
BridwellEffie born about 1883
BridwellGeorge born about 1887
BridwellThelma born about 1906
BrittonAlma Mborn about 1936
BrittonGeorge born about 1883
BrittonGeorge Hborn about 1908
BrittonIva born about 1899
BrittonJames born about 1897
BrittonMarvin Rborn about 1934
BrittonMary Mborn about 1923
BrittonMaude born about 1894
BrittonPeggy Jborn about 1937
BrittonViolet born about 1909
BrockmeierCarl born about 1903
BrockmeierCarl Lborn about 1932
BrockmeierCharles Tborn about 1930
BrockmeierHarvey born about 1915
BrockmeierHildanne born about 1939
BrockmeierHulda born about 1873
BrockmeierLee Fborn about 1927
BrockmeierLinnie Fborn about 1905
BrockmeierPhyllis Kborn about 1939
BrockmeierShirley Aborn about 1936
BrockmeierWilla Deanborn about 1928
BrockmeierZora Lborn about 1919
BroweErnest Bborn about 1876
BroweOna born about 1878
BrownCatherine born about 1860
BrownPolly born about 1869
BryantAltha born about 1930
BryantGoldie born about 1902
BryantMalcolm born about 1924
BryantSamuel born about 1897
BryantWalter Wborn about 1927
BuckerE?ca born about 1908
BuckerJoyce born about 1938
BuckerLowell born about 1937
BuckerMason born about 1908
BullockCarl born about 1923
BullockChester born about 1890
BullockKathaleen born about 1916
BullockStella born about 1896
BumgardnerDoyver born about 1923
BumgardnerMax Rborn about 1920
BumgardnerNana born about 1882
BumgardnerRay born about 1888
BundyClaude Cborn about 1886
BundyEdith born about 1890
BundyMark born about 1915
BuntainMarie born about 1898
BuntainPearl born about 1899
ButlerBernard born about 1881
ButlerEsta born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CainAnna born about 1926
CainBessie born about 1898
CainCharline born about 1931
CainClifford born about 1897
CainJune born about 1928
CainRobert born about 1938
CainVivan born about 1921
CainWilliam born about 1923
CainWilma Jborn about 1934
CampLucile born about 1923
CampRichard born about 1918
CampagnoliEmelio born about 1923
CampagnoliFrank born about 1884
CampagnoliMary born about 1890
CampbellClaude born about 1890
CampbellDavid born about 1893
CampbellDavid Jr born about 1930
CampbellEthel born about 1895
CampbellImogene born about 1928
CampbellLucile born about 1920
CampbellLucile born about 1926
CampbellNorma Jborn about 1925
CampbellRuth born about 1905
CanadaBetty Jborn about 1928
CanadaChester born about 1909
CanadaGrace born about 1908
CanadaMargie Lborn about 1931
CanadaRobert Lborn about 1934
CaniparoliFrank Dborn about 1917
CaniparoliJohn born about 1895
CaniparoliStephena born about 1897
CaplingerAllan born about 1935
CaplingerEdwin born about 1913
CaplingerElla Rborn about 1939
CaplingerIlene born about 1937
CaplingerMay born about 1913
CarmichaelCharles born about 1860
CarmichaelRosa Eborn about 1868
CarpenterElizabeth born about 1871
CarpenterFloyd Fborn about 1921
CarpenterFred born about 1900
CarpenterHarry born about 1916
CarpenterHarvey Aborn about 1936
CarpenterMyrtle born about 1902
CarpenterThelma born about 1917
CarpenterWilliam Fborn about
CarverJoann born about 1876
CarverRobert born about 1882
CasassaJohn born about 1923
CasassaTiny born about 1886
CasassaTressie born about 1914
CaseDorcas Mborn about 1936
CaseEva Mborn about 1906
CaseHulbert born about 1902
CaseIsacc Jr born about 1926
CaseLeland Rborn about 1928
CassleHiram born about 1907
CassleThelma born about 1911
CastagnaElsie born about 1921
CastagnaFelia born about 1932
CastagnaFrank born about 1884
CastagnaTressie born about 1892
CastagnaVira born about 1925
CaveneyKatheryn born about 1917
CaveneyRonald Eborn about 1939
CaveneyThomas Eborn about 1914
CertainFrances born about 1890
CertainHarold born about 1915
CertainWarnie born about 1886
ChambersLeona born about 1910
ChambersWilliam born about 1891
ChamperEverett born about 1900
ChamperMaude born about 1880
ChamperSamuel born about 1877
ChampionAdah born about 1881
ChampionMary Aborn about 1920
ChampionWallace Rborn about 1882
CharmolueErline born about 1875
ChesterfieldCristie born about 1887
ChesterfieldFlorence born about 1893
ChesterfieldRichard born about 1923
ChesterfieldWanda Rborn about 1926
ChiltonBarbara born about 1937
ChiltonBonnie born about 1902
ChiltonClifford born about 1926
ChiltonClyde born about 1935
ChiltonHenrietta born about 1931
ChiltonLoudye born about 1897
ChiltonMaxine born about 1924
ChiltonRichard born about 1939
ChiltonWilliam born about 1923
ChristesonClara born about 1880
ChristesonClyde born about 1880
CirtinCecil born about 1899
CirtinEverett born about 1898
ClarkAnna born about 1884
ClarkDora born about 1883
ClarkGrace Lborn about 1923
ClarkJames born about 1871
ClarkJohn Eborn about 1878
ClarkLaurene Aborn about 1936
ClarkLew born about 1871
ClarkLorene born about 1917
ClarkLowell born about 1916
ClarkMary born about 1915
ClarkNila Jborn about 1934
ClarkPhillip Rborn about 1937
ClarkRose Lborn about 1926
ClarkSimon Jborn about 1920
ClarkWalter born about 1910
ClineJuanita born about 1911
ClineOtha born about 1886
CobbleHershel born about 1905
CobbleJacob Rborn about 1863
CobbleRuth born about 1919
CollinsBetty born about 1922
CollinsBeulah born about 1920
CollinsClarence born about 1895
CollinsClifford born about 1887
CollinsElizabeth born about 1872
CollinsIda born about 1877
CollinsJohn Fborn about 1875
CollinsLily born about 1891
CollinsMaddalyn born about 1923
CollinsMary born about 1859
CollinsOrville born about 1881
ComerCarlyn born about 1940
ComerDouglas born about 1938
ComerMarshall born about 1905
ComerOllie born about 1915
ConklinMary born about 1862
ConnerBert Dborn about 1885
ConnerBertha born about 1934
ConnerClifford born about 1909
ConnerEilene born about 1917
ConnerEmma Jeanborn about 1937
ConnerEvelyn born about 1930
ConnerFranklin Dborn about 1935
ConnerHarold born about 1932
ConnerHelen born about 1913
ConnerMarlene Sueborn about 1939
ConnerVirginia born about 1940
ConnerWilma born about 1930
ConwayBetty Mborn about 1927
ConwayHelen born about 1921
ConwayJames Cborn about 1895
ConwayNorma Jborn about 1924
ConwayOla born about 1894
CooperFred born about 1916
CoppageGladys born about 1904
CoppageHarold born about 1902
CoppageNorna Lborn about 1929
CoppageWaneta Rborn about 1927
CostaAngelo born about 1907
CostaCinnie Lborn about 1934
CostaFinimondo born about 1914
CostaFred born about 1906
CostaJustina born about 1877
CostaLena born about 1914
CostaLinda born about 1917
CostaMonabelle born about 1911
CostaViolet born about 1927
CostaYolanda born about 1922
CoulterElizabeth born about 1895
CoulterJean born about 1893
CoxAlfred ???born about 1924
CoxAlice born about 1888
CoxAmanda born about 1854
CoxAudrey Bclleborn about 1926
CoxBillie born about 1906
CoxClyde born about 1927
CoxClyde Fborn about 1934
CoxDonald Wadeborn about 1932
CoxDorothy born about 1912
CoxDorothy Janborn about 1923
CoxErvin born about 1897
CoxEster born about 1924
CoxFo?? born about 1889
CoxGail born about 1923
CoxGeneva born about 1918
CoxGolda born about 1895
CoxHarley born about 1905
CoxHarry Lborn about 1931
CoxHerman born about 1914
CoxHerman Aborn about 1895
CoxHerschel born about 1913
CoxHoward born about 1926
CoxHugh born about 1898
CoxJoseph born about 1897
CoxJoseph Jr born about 1929
CoxKenneth Hborn about 1938
CoxLee born about 1924
CoxLorene born about 1903
CoxLoretta Juneborn about 1927
CoxMary born about 1903
CoxMary Louborn about 1928
CoxNancy Eborn about 1872
CoxNoel born about 1930
CoxOra born about 1900
CoxRay born about 1934
CoxRobert Allenborn about 1936
CoxRoy born about 1901
CoxRuby born about 1911
CoxSarah Oborn about 1872
CoxThelma born about 1936
CoxWayne born about 1927
CoxWilliam born about 1870
CoyCora Eborn about 1872
CoyFloyd born about 1898
CoyMary Mborn about 1939
CoyMildred born about 1919
CoyOliver Fborn about 1880
CraigClifford born about 1879
CraigElizabeth born about 1912
CraigElla born about 1881
CraigWilliam born about 1902
CristBetty born about 1920
CristDeanna Jborn about 1940
CristDelbert born about 1918
CristEthel born about 1925
CristGrover born about 1891
CristGrover Jr born about 1930
CristHarlan born about 1914
CristHelen born about 1922
CristHoward born about 1921
CristJerry born about 1937
CristMurrel born about 1913
CristNellie born about 1892
CristShirley born about 1936
CristStanley born about 1928
CristWanda born about 1934
CrowBetty Jborn about 1927
CrowCarol born about 1934
CrowClark born about 1895
CrowEthel born about 1897
CrowHonour born about 1923
CrynesJohn born about 1887
CrynesMinnie born about 1886
CrynesWayne born about 1927
CumminsClead born about 1875
CumminsIva Mborn about 1906
CumminsJohn born about 1938
CumminsJoseph Hborn about 1931
CumminsKatherine born about 1926
CumminsLulla Eborn about 1936
CumminsLulu born about 1875
CumminsMary Dborn about 1923
CumminsRobert Hborn about 1897
CurleyJohn Cborn about 1907
CurryClyde born about 1916
CurryDorothy born about 1890
CurryJackie Lborn about 1939
CurryLouie born about 1863
CurryMary born about 1921
CurryMinerva born about 1896
CurryMirl born about 1892
CurryVelma Lborn about 1928
CurryVerlin Fborn about 1893
CurryViola born about 1897
CurryViolet Lborn about 1919
CurryWilliam Hborn about 1881
CurryWilma Rborn about 1920
CuttsBeatrice born about 1903
CvjeticaninEmma born about 1895
CvjeticaninPete born about 1887

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D Surnames

DalponteAnton born about 1901
DalponteNilda born about 1931
DalpontePrimo born about 1926
DalponteSylvia born about 1904
DaviaBlanche born about 1904
DaviaEarl born about 1926
DaviaEzra born about 1896
DaviaMildred born about 1924
DavisonCarolyn born about 1938
DavisonCecelia born about 1905
DavisonCecelia born about 1933
DavisonLeona born about 1925
DavisonLeota born about 1923
DavisonRobert Lborn about 1901
DeanCharlie born about 1879
DeckerBlanche born about 1891
DeckerCharles born about 1928
DeckerCharlotta born about 1928
DeckerEarl born about 1908
DeckerFred born about 1923
DeckerJack born about 1920
DeckerJohn Mborn about 1889
DeckerNadine born about 1910
DeckerPatrica born about 1935
DelmestroJackie Dborn about 1937
DelmestroMary born about 1907
DelmestroPete born about 1903
DelmestroPhyllis Aborn about 1934
DemoraFloyd born about 1897
DemoraGeorgia born about 1912
DemoraMary Louborn about 1928
DemoraRuth Annborn about 1930
DenehieAvis born about 1890
DenehieFloyd born about 1908
DenehieLeon born about 1907
DenehieWalter born about 1884
DenhamClyde born about 1928
DenhamIvan born about 1897
DenhamJohn born about 1866
DenhamJohn born about 1904
DenhamLena born about 1903
DenhamMargaret Jeanborn about 1933
DenhamMary Janeborn about 1933
DenhamNorma born about 1923
DenhamRichard born about 1925
DenhamStella born about 1887
DenhamWilliam born about 1930
DennanyMary born about 1905
DennanyRaymond born about 1901
DennanyRaymond Jr born about 1924
DennanyRobert born about 1925
DennanyRuth born about 1922
DepriestFay born about 1888
DepriestGeorge born about 1880
DeramkSilas born about 1872
DevenportCharles born about 1888
DevenportDolly born about 1899
DickWilliam Hborn about 1860
DolphJacob born about 1911
DolphLoretta Fborn about 1938
DolphRuby born about 1920
DonnellyErvin Mborn about 1907
DonnellyEstella born about 1883
DonnellyIrvin Pborn about 1877
DonnellyJohn Rborn about 1915
DonnellyWilliam Pborn about 1925
DoranAlma born about 1918
DoranDennis born about 1920
DoranFlorence born about 1926
DoranFrank Lborn about 1915
DoranImogene born about 1939
DoranJohn born about 1917
DoranJohn born about 1938
DoranJohn Aborn about 1886
DoranLeonard Eborn about 1939
DoranMildred born about 1930
DoranSelestia born about 1921
DowdyEarl born about 1905
DowdyThelma born about 1904
DowellAudrey born about 1931
DowellCarrie born about 1893
DowellGrace born about 1920
DowellHarold born about 1932
DowellJohn Hborn about 1915
DowellNeut Wborn about 1887
DowellSamuel born about 1926
DowellThomas born about 1928
DowellWalter born about 1919
DowellWilliam born about 1924
DowningAllie born about 1867
DreherBetty Aborn about 1936
DreherBillie Jborn about 1936
DreherCharles born about 1915
DreherCharles Eborn about 1931
DreherDoris Anneborn about 1933
DreherErnest born about 1894
DreherFern born about 1892
DreherFred born about 1923
DreherFred Wborn about 1890
DreherGerald Fborn about 1932
DreherHarold born about 1911
DreherHerman Eborn about 1934
DreherJackie Hborn about 1930
DreherLaura born about 1893
DreherLois born about 1925
DreherLouis born about 1929
DreherMary Mborn about 1938
DreherMaryetta born about 1938
DreherMildred born about 1911
DreherMuriel born about 1914
DreherPauline Eborn about 1940
DreherWilliam born about 1913
DreherWilliam S Rborn about 1862
DrekerDella born about 1882
DrekerWilliam born about 1879
DrengacsBeulah Mborn about 1933
DrengacsDoyne born about 1917
DrengacsJames born about 1918
DrengacsLewis born about 1916
DrengacsLucile born about 1921
DuckEsther born about 1868
DuckworthCharles Lborn about 1871
DuckworthEmma Jborn about 1885
DuggerAnna Maryborn about 1910
DuggerCaroline Aborn about 1935
DuggerChristena born about 1886
DuggerDonald born about 1905
DuggerJames Aborn about 1905
DuggerJames Jborn about 1881
DuggerMarlene Rborn about 1937
DuggerMarvin Cborn about 1924
DuggerMary Jborn about 1917
DuggerSadie born about 1885
DuggerSamuel born about 1874
DuggerSamuel born about 1917
DyerAnna Lborn about 1883
DyerAntone born about 1903
DyerEdward Lborn about 1933
DyerErnest Aborn about 1930
DyerHarriet born about 1909
DyerLeon born about 1906
DyerMabel born about 1910
DyerMargaret Jborn about 1939
DyerMary Aborn about 1931

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EatonByron born about 1901
EatonCarrie born about 1882
EatonSammy born about 1921
EatonThomas born about 1876
EatonTommy born about 1921
EddingtonBilly Hborn about 1935
EddingtonCleo Hborn about 1915
EddingtonEvelyn Rborn about 1918
EddingtonHerbert born about 1914
EddingtonHerbert Jr born about 1936
EddingtonHomer born about 1914
EddingtonJames Mborn about 1877
EddingtonLucya born about 1914
EddingtonMary born about 1880
EddingtonNila Rborn about 1938
EddingtonOra born about 1880
EddingtonRosa born about 1901
EdingtonAda Maeborn about 1937
EdingtonAlbert born about 1875
EdingtonAlfreda born about 1933
EdingtonAnna Belleborn about 1931
EdingtonAudrey born about 1931
EdingtonBeverly Aborn about 1937
EdingtonBillie Rayborn about 1937
EdingtonCarl born about 1895
EdingtonCarl Aborn about 1904
EdingtonClara Maeborn about 1933
EdingtonDelbert Oborn about 1939
EdingtonDelmer born about 1932
EdingtonDeon born about 1908
EdingtonDora born about 1889
EdingtonDuain Gborn about 1935
EdingtonElla Mayborn about 1937
EdingtonEthel Roseborn about 1927
EdingtonFrances born about 1897
EdingtonGerald Lborn about 1938
EdingtonGilbert Dborn about 1935
EdingtonHarold born about 1913
EdingtonHazel born about 1910
EdingtonHugh born about 1910
EdingtonIra born about 1909
EdingtonIrene born about 1914
EdingtonJackie Eborn about 1935
EdingtonJames Dborn about 1934
EdingtonJerry born about 1939
EdingtonJohn Rborn about 1884
EdingtonJoseph Dborn about 1929
EdingtonLawrence born about 1935
EdingtonLenora Vborn about 1919
EdingtonLewis born about 1921
EdingtonLore Bborn about 1912
EdingtonLoretta Jborn about 1934
EdingtonMarjorie born about 1933
EdingtonMary born about 1910
EdingtonMary Eborn about 1876
EdingtonRhoda born about 1907
EdingtonThelma born about 1925
EdingtonWaneta Mborn about 1917
EdingtonWilma born about 1923
EdwardsBirt born about 1872
EdwardsEdsel born about 1934
EdwardsFrederick born about 1932
EdwardsHazel born about 1913
EdwardsLogan born about 1908
EdwardsRobert born about 1940
EdwardsWarren born about 1938
EllisAlice born about 1930
EllisCarl born about 1904
EllisChloe born about 1880
EllisDelbert Iborn about 1887
EllisDonald born about 1940
EllisErlene born about 1916
EllisFrances Kborn about 1918
EllisHarvey born about 1939
EllisJerry born about 1934
EllisLafon born about 1924
EllisLeatha born about 1890
EllisLenard born about 1919
EllisLois Iborn about 1927
EllisMarie born about 1910
EllisNaomi born about 1909
EllisPaul born about 1936
EllisRichard born about 1933
EllisSylvanus born about 1908
EllisVera born about 1927
EllisVernon Lborn about 1938
Eskridge??? born about 1912
EskridgeDoyne born about 1918
EskridgeKent born about 1939
EskridgeSandra born about 1938
EvansBertha born about 1881
EvansRobert Eborn about 1917
EvansWaneta born about 1918
EvensAnnie Mborn about 1922
EvensCyril born about 1898
EvensEdward born about 1937
EvensFlorence Jborn about 1898
EvensGilbert born about 1908
EvensGilbert Aborn about 1939
EvensHazel born about 1918
EvensJoyce born about 1927
EvensKathleen born about 1925
EvensSarah born about 1913
EvensShirley born about 1938
EvensVirgil born about 1909
EvingerAra born about 1880
EvingerClayton born about 1905
EvingerHarold born about 1930
EvingerHazel born about 1925
EvingerIda born about 1883
EvingerRuth born about 1908
EvrardCharles born about 1888
EvrardCharles Jr born about 1930
EvrardMary born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaggCeleste born about 1887
FaggDale born about 1937
FaggFred born about 1886
FaggFred Jr born about 1919
FaggMarvel Loneborn about 1925
FaggRachal Gborn about 1930
FaggRonald born about 1939
FaggRuth born about 1921
FaggWilliam born about 1888
FahyCarmenita born about 1938
FahyEdward born about 1940
FahyMary born about 1907
FahyThomas born about 1901
FarleyElizabeth Annborn about 1934
FarleyHelen born about 1926
FarleyJack born about 1923
FarleyJames born about 1929
FarleyJames Pborn about 1900
FarleyJohn born about 1898
FarleyLarunce born about 1872
FarleyLawrence born about 1931
FarleyMary born about 1899
FarleyNaome born about 1908
FeeGladys born about 1902
FeeLena born about 1881
FeeMarilyn Roseborn about 1929
FellowsEthel born about 1906
FellowsWilliam born about 1902
FenoglioAndrew born about 1916
FenoglioDomenico born about 1930
FenoglioErmio?? born about 1889
FenoglioJohn born about 1886
FenoglioMary born about 1897
FentonLloyd born about 1916
FergursonNoah Hborn about 1878
FessantBeaulah born about 1891
FessantJoseph born about 1874
FessantRichard born about 1919
FieldsFrann born about 1890
FieldsKathleen born about 1930
FieldsNara born about 1892
FieldsRobert born about 1921
FieldsWanda born about 1927
FieldsWilburn born about 1923
FiggBillie Janeborn about 1932
FiggFloyd born about 1898
FiggJames Jborn about 1926
FiggJanet born about 1929
FiggJoan born about 1936
FiggNellie born about 1905
FikFrank born about 1885
FikJennie born about 1894
FikJennie born about 1924
FikJohn born about 1890
FitzsimmonsEdna born about 1886
FlanniganAlfred born about 1906
FlanniganDonald Lborn about 1930
FlanniganGarret born about 1912
FlemingEtta born about 1867
FlemingJulia born about 1913
FlemingLoyd Sborn about 1910
FlemingRalph born about 1906
FoggAlmary born about 1939
FoggMarie born about 1918
FoggRichard born about 1911
FoggWilford born about 1937
FoltzJane born about 1875
FoltzJefferson Dborn about 1865
FranceCharles Wborn about 1879
FrancesFred born about 1906
FrancesFrieda born about 1927
FrancesMary Ellenborn about 1937
FrancesNorma Jeanborn about 1929
FrancesPatricia Annborn about 1932
FrancesViolet born about 1905
FranconeJohn born about 1880
FranklinClaude born about 1884
FreemanBessie born about 1886
FreemanBobby born about 1928
FreemanHenry Cborn about 1880
FreemanJohna born about 1931
FreemanMarjie born about 1924
FreemanMary born about 1907
FreemanPerry born about 1903
FreemanViola Jborn about 1922
FuguaAiley born about 1862
FuguaBertha born about 1889
FuguaEdith born about 1879
FuguaElla born about 1871
FuguaGeorge born about 1874
FuguaGlen born about 1884
FuguaGrace born about 1886
FuguaMary born about 1923
FuguaMaurice born about 1920
FulkAmos born about 1904
FulkIva born about 1911
FulkRalphford Lborn about 1936
FulkWilliam Aborn about 1939
FulmerElmer born about 1898
FulmerJerry Dborn about 1889
FunkhouserClayton born about 1925
FunkhouserClint born about 1937
FunkhouserClyde born about 1937
FunkhouserEdwin born about 1923
FunkhouserElmer born about 1867
FunkhouserFern born about 1899
FunkhouserGlennie born about 1929
FunkhouserHarlan born about 1931
FunkhouserHazel born about 1911
FunkhouserIsabel born about 1918
FunkhouserJacob Rborn about 1879
FunkhouserJoy born about 1934
FunkhouserLuretha born about 1870
FunkhouserMargaret born about 1922
FunkhouserOpal Sborn about 1904
FunkhouserOrndolph born about 1901
FunkhouserVerlin born about 1919
FunkhouserWrigtl?? born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GalbertAgnes born about 1865
GalbertEdna Mborn about 1927
GalbertFlorence Lborn about 1923
GalbertJohn Eborn about 1919
GalbertJoseph born about 1898
GalbertMary born about 1899
GalbertOpal Bborn about 1932
GalbertRobert Lborn about 1920
GannerCharlie born about 1886
GannerRuth born about 1886
GarrisonHazel born about 1888
GarrisonWilliam born about 1869
GarstDoyne born about 1893
GarstGretchen born about 1931
GarstHarvey Oborn about 1884
GarstRobert born about 1933
GarstThomas born about 1932
GarstWilliam born about 1932
GarzoliniBruno born about 1925
GarzoliniCatherine born about 1880
GarzoliniGermano born about 1914
GarzoliniGordan born about 1876
GastonCelia Aborn about 1924
GastonCreighton born about 1917
GastonDonovan born about 1918
GastonHarvey born about 1894
GastonLottie born about 1895
GastonWinston Hborn about 1935
GibbsAlice born about 1936
GibbsHelen born about 1928
GibbsNancy born about 1906
GibbsRosemary born about 1926
GibbsRussel born about 1905
GibbsSamuel Jr born about 1931
GibbsShirley born about 1939
GibbsWilliam born about 1871
GideonAlene born about 1922
GideonBelle born about 1895
GideonDavid born about 1890
GideonDoris born about 1926
GideonElsie born about 1924
GilibertoEmma born about 1917
GilibertoFreida born about 1938
GilibertoPaul born about 1907
GilibertoRobert Cborn about 1940
GilsonHarley born about 1891
GilsonHarley Wborn about 1923
GilsonLouise born about 1919
GilsonLucy Mborn about 1891
GloverBertha born about 1874
GoodmanBenjaim born about 1918
GoodmanKatherine born about 1923
GoodwinArnold Lborn about 1923
GoodwinBertha born about 1930
GoodwinBill Bborn about 1921
GoodwinDavie Leeborn about 1930
GoodwinEdward born about 1885
GoodwinFrieda born about 1914
GoodwinGeorge Fborn about 1899
GoodwinHarold born about 1928
GoodwinHarrison born about 1896
GoodwinHershel born about 1927
GoodwinJack Rborn about 1920
GoodwinJames born about 1926
GoodwinLeonard born about 1887
GoodwinLydia born about 1891
GoodwinMamie born about 1907
GoodwinMary Eborn about 1890
GoodwinRichard born about 1934
GoodwinRonald born about 1936
GoodwinRosemary born about 1924
GoodwinRuby Eborn about 1903
GoodwinViolet Jborn about 1939
GoodwinWallace born about 1931
GoodwinWalter born about 1891
GossettBessie born about 1907
GossettClaude born about 1883
GossettDonald born about 1928
GossettHallie born about 1881
GossettHarry born about 1925
GossettHerbert born about 1911
GossettIsom born about 1885
GossettJessie born about 1886
GossettKenneth born about 1930
GossettLoyd born about 1906
GossettSadie born about 1912
GouldClara born about 1875
GouldMamie born about 1893
GouldRoy born about 1893
GrahamBeatrice born about 1912
GrahamDonald born about 1933
GrahamDonald Rborn about 1936
GrahamKenneth Lborn about 1939
GrahamMary Eborn about 1929
GrahamMaude born about 1893
GrahamRay Aborn about 1916
GrahamRonald born about 1931
GrahamRoy born about 1893
GrahamRuth born about 1917
GrahamThomas born about 1905
GrahamViola born about 1860
GrahamWalter Lborn about 1931
GravellErnest born about 1884
GravellMabel born about 1887
GravellVentless born about 1881
GravesBeulah born about 1918
GravesHelen born about 1915
GravesHelen Jborn about 1917
GravesLee Sr born about 1890
GravesOra born about 1894
GreenleeArthur born about 1902
GreenleeStella born about 1907
GreenleeWalter born about 1884
GroseRita Annborn about 1938
GroseVirginia born about 1910
GroseWayne born about 1910
GrovesAlfred born about 1903
GrovesBonnie born about 1894
GrovesClate born about 1890
GrovesDoris Jborn about 1929
GrovesDoris Sborn about 1905
GrovesEdward born about 1929
GrovesGerold born about 1916
GrovesJackie Lborn about 1939
GrovesJohn born about 1878
GrovesMary born about 1894
GurielGeorge born about 1882
GurielMary born about 1890
GurleyGlenn born about 1902
GurleyMarie born about 1908
GurleyMarlyn born about 1935
GurleyRobert Aborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaleArthur born about 1916
HaleBilly Aborn about 1937
HaleEva born about 1894
HaleHomer born about 1892
HaleIrene Mborn about 1917
HaleLona born about 1922
HaleRobert Leeborn about 1939
HallEd Eborn about 1900
HallEd Yborn about 1922
HallHannah born about 1861
HallHazel born about 1902
HallJim Tomborn about 1925
HallNorma Aborn about 1924
HalloranMargaret born about 1865
HalloranPatrick born about 1868
HamiltonArelia born about 1907
HamiltonEllen born about 1940
HamiltonJoan born about 1926
HamiltonMabel born about 1907
HamiltonRobert born about 1929
HanselEmma born about 1860
HansellArnold born about 1937
HansellFrank born about 1893
HansellFrank born about 1923
HansellJean born about 1925
HansellLaura born about 1900
HansellMary born about 1921
Hargis??? born about 1922
HargisCecil born about 1916
HargisCharles born about 1882
HargisDonald born about 1937
HargisGrace born about 1887
HargisGrace born about 1926
HargisIrma born about 1915
HargisJames born about 1881
HargisJames born about 1939
HargisLilly born about 1890
HargisNelly born about 1927
HargisNorma born about 1932
HargisWayne born about 1919
HargraveBeverly Jborn about 1939
HargraveCharles born about 1894
HargraveCharles Jr born about 1926
HargraveEmma born about 1904
HargraveJune Rborn about 1927
HarknessGertrude born about 1902
HarknessJessie born about 1902
HarknessViola born about 1869
HarmonBarbara born about 1934
HarmonCharles born about 1871
HarmonClyde Cborn about 1908
HarmonFlorence born about 1915
HarmonHelen Hborn about 1908
HarmonJames Rborn about 1937
HarmonJeraldine born about 1935
HarmonLois born about 1937
HarmonLuzetta born about 1871
HarmonWayne born about 1914
HarmonWilliam Cborn about 1931
HarneyCecil born about 1885
HarneyEugene born about 1924
HarneyJohn born about 1936
HarneyLola born about 1902
HarneyMary Lborn about 1932
HarneyMaurice born about 1940
HarneyNyal born about 1937
HarrisAce born about 1892
HarrisBetty Jborn about 1926
HarrisClifford born about 1920
HarrisHerman born about 1923
HarrisLeo born about 1928
HarrisRuth born about 1898
HartmanEdgar born about 1908
HartmanMargaret born about 1886
HartmanMargaret Cborn about 1921
HartmanMelita born about 1915
HartmanThomas born about 1924
HartmanWilliam born about 1886
HarveyAnna born about 1901
HarveyAnna Mborn about 1927
HarveyBeulah born about 1923
HarveyEtta born about 1891
HarveyJames born about 1936
HarveyOren born about 1899
HarveyOscar born about 1885
HarveyRobert born about 1930
HayCarrie born about 1886
HayRobert Bborn about 1878
HayesBetty Jeanborn about 1928
HayesDonald born about 1922
HayesDonald Leeborn about 1930
HayesDorie born about 1882
HayesDorothy born about 1911
HayesEdgar born about 1924
HayesFrances born about 1898
HayesGeorge born about 1872
HayesGeorge born about 1899
HayesGeorge Jr born about 1920
HayesGladys born about 1922
HayesGlenn born about 1935
HayesIsabel born about 1916
HayesJessie born about 1888
HayesLeroy born about 1932
HayesPaul Wborn about 1921
HayesRaymond born about 1909
HayesSchell born about 1885
HayesTherman born about 1906
HayesVerlin born about 1925
HayesViola born about 1907
HayesWilliam born about 1927
HaymakerAnna born about 1882
HaymakerArthur born about 1903
HaymakerBetty Janeborn about 1933
HaymakerClarence born about 1906
HaymakerDorothy born about 1935
HaymakerEleen born about 1919
HaymakerGladys born about 1909
HaymakerHazel born about 1909
HaymakerHomer born about 1912
HaymakerIrene born about 1916
HaymakerJo Annborn about 1938
HaymakerJohn Allenborn about 1938
HaymakerLaura Mayborn about 1932
HaymakerLulu Belleborn about 1936
HaymakerMary Annborn about 1936
HaymakerNorma Louiseborn about 1934
HaymakerOlen born about 1907
HaymakerWilliam born about 1932
HayworthGarnet born about 1916
HayworthGearld born about 1920
HayworthJaunat?? born about 1893
HayworthNettie born about 1877
HayworthPhillip born about 1890
HeltDarline Mayborn about 1935
HeltGrace born about 1907
HeltHenry born about 1905
HeltJanice Roseborn about 1937
HeltMary Joneborn about 1940
HeltMervin Henryborn about 1938
HeltonFred born about 1886
HeltonPearl born about 1888
HensonAnna born about 1914
HensonDoris Aborn about 1936
HensonLa Rue born about 1923
HensonMilton born about 1897
HensonRobert born about 1937
HerodMinnie Gborn about 1876
HerrickArnold born about 1919
HerrickGenevieve born about 1922
HerrickLillie Pearlborn about 1939
HerringtonRobert born about 1923
HerringtonWillard born about 1870
HerrnArch Eborn about 1871
HerrnIren Mborn about 1878
HickmanDoyne born about 1915
HickmanEdith born about 1912
HickmanFred born about 1912
HickmanIrma born about 1935
HickmanLeonard Rborn about 1937
HickmanPatey Ruthborn about 1938
HickmanWayne born about 1913
HiggenbothamAda born about 1925
HiggenbothamArchibald born about 1927
HiggenbothamByron born about 1874
HiggenbothamDerry Leeborn about 1940
HiggenbothamJames born about 1920
HiggenbothamJames Rayborn about 1938
HiggenbothamThomas born about 1923
HiggenbothamVerda born about 1896
HiggenbothamVergil born about 1917
HiggenbothamWaneta born about 1922
Higgins??? Cborn about 1876
HigginsMary born about 1867
HillCarl Wborn about 1905
HillConnie born about 1896
HillEilene Eborn about 1921
HillElizabeth born about 1911
HillErnest Mborn about 1908
HillEugene born about 1896
HillFrank born about 1875
HillGeraldine born about 1939
HillGunilda born about 1927
HillHarry born about 1925
HillHelen born about 1921
HillIva born about 1908
HillJames born about 1914
HillLloyd born about 1913
HillOline born about 1876
HillPaul born about 1925
HillRuth born about 1922
HillSadie born about 1903
HillThomas born about 1899
HillWanda born about 1935
HillWendel born about 1912
HillWilliam born about 1903
HillWilliam born about 1929
HiteCharles Eborn about 1874
HivelyAmos born about 1889
HoldawayAlcion born about 1891
HoldawayBenjamin born about 1869
HoldawayBilly Rayborn about 1938
HoldawayCharles born about 1871
HoldawayCharley born about 1875
HoldawayChester born about 1910
HoldawayEmma born about 1871
HoldawayHarvey born about 1878
HoldawayHelen born about 1913
HoldawayMarion Rborn about 1910
HoldawayMary born about 1919
HoldawayMaxine born about 1921
HoldawayMorris born about 1914
HoldawaySarah born about 1883
HollJackie Jr born about 1929
HollLola born about 1904
HollRaymond born about 1902
HollWilma Rborn about 1924
HollingworthJohn born about 1866
HollingworthKate Mborn about 1865
HollowayRussel born about 1880
HollowayVesta born about 1891
HollowellGeorge born about 1920
HollowellGetrude born about 1889
HollowellJohn born about 1926
HollowellMary born about 1929
HollowellPerry born about 1889
HollowellPerry Jr born about 1923
HolmesFred born about 1894
HolmesMary Aborn about 1902
HoodAndrew born about 1872
HoodMartha born about 1877
HoovlerBarbara born about 1939
HoovlerCecil born about 1913
HoovlerElna born about 1915
HoovlerRobert born about 1937
HouseAlan born about 1913
HouseAudrey born about 1927
HouseChester Aborn about 1890
HouseEmma Jborn about 1922
HouseMarilyn Aborn about 1927
HouseMartha Eborn about 1925
HouseSarah born about 1897
HouserMaggie born about 1893
HouserMyrtle Mborn about 1923
HouserWalter born about 1888
HoustonMargaret born about 1886
HoustonOliver born about 1881
HoustonRuth born about 1925
HudgensEdward born about 1894
HudgensFrank Gborn about 1921
HudgensGertrude born about 1893
HuffmanOscar born about 1914
HuffmanThelma born about 1921
HugheyDorothy born about 1923
HullChora Jborn about 1876
HullDeliliah born about 1886
HullWilliam Dborn about 1912
HutchinsonCoen born about 1929
HutchinsonEdith born about 1900
HutchinsonMurrel born about 1899
HutchisonCarl born about 1908
HutchisonGeorge Lborn about 1938
HutchisonJames born about 1884
HutchisonJane Eborn about 1935
HutchisonLydia born about 1889
HutchisonMax born about 1937
HutchisonMyrtle born about 1909
HutchisonNed Wborn about 1933
HutchisonPeggy born about 1929
HutchisonPles born about 1897
HutchisonRuth Bborn about 1897
HuxDorothy born about 1923
HuxErma born about 1896
HuxEvelyn born about 1925
HuxJackie Lborn about 1931
HuxJames born about 1928
HuxLeloa born about 1896
HuxRobert born about 1934
HuxRoy born about 1897
HuxRoy Jr born about 1933
HuxVasco born about 1888
HuxVernon Eborn about 1928
HuxWilma born about 1923
HyltonCordelia born about 1856

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAndrew born about 1924
JacksonCharles born about 1932
JacksonFrances born about 1926
JacksonFrank born about 1909
JacksonFrank Leeborn about 1931
JacksonGertrude born about 1901
JacksonHarry Lborn about 1937
JacksonHazel born about 1907
JacksonHenry born about 1904
JacksonIssa born about 1901
JacksonJesse born about 1932
JacksonLula born about 1908
JacksonNorman Rborn about 1933
JacksonRobert born about 1938
JacksonRuby born about 1938
JacksonViolet born about 1939
JacksonWilliam born about 1929
JacksonWilliam born about 1935
JacksonWilma born about 1935
JaredClifford born about 1885
JaredClifford Jr born about 1927
JaredFloyd born about 1888
JaredIva born about 1888
JaredMeara born about 1892
JentryMary Eborn about 1879
JeremiahOliver born about 1858
JohnsonCora born about 1892
JohnsonGlenna born about 1893
JohnsonJames born about 1881
JohnsonLee born about 1889
JohnsonTom Robertborn about 1922
JonesJohn born about 1880
JonesMinnie born about 1882
JordanJames born about 1901
JordanWilliam Fborn about 1862
JoseAvery Dborn about 1927
JoseClaude born about 1890
JoseEarl Jborn about 1921
JoseMelita born about 1936
JoseMorris Jr born about 1925
JoseNora born about 1893
JoyBilly born about 1930
JoyDelbert born about 1908
JoyJackie born about 1933
JoyMargaret born about 1913
JoyceJames born about 1910
JoyceMarie born about 1938
JoyceMary born about 1915
JoyceMary born about 1933
JoyceNettie Aborn about 1939
JudyDoris born about 1911
JudyFrank born about 1868
JudyGlendora born about 1878
JudyHenry Eborn about 1892
JudyLoretta born about 1932
JudySimon born about 1905
JudyViola Lborn about 1895
JurinWendel born about 1881

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KasmarekAgnes born about 1887
KasmarekJohn born about 1883
KasmarekJohn born about 1919
KasmarekLeon born about 1932
KeithEverett Hborn about 1892
KeithNelle Eborn about 1892
KelsheimerAnna born about 1906
KelsheimerCharles Lborn about 1934
KelsheimerEarl born about 1925
KelsheimerHarold born about 1922
KelsheimerHoward born about 1902
KelsheimerRobert Lborn about 1931
KennedyFred born about 1912
KennedyIrene born about 1916
KennedyJewel Mborn about 1936
KennedyLeslie born about 1913
KennedyPaul born about 1940
KennedyThelma born about 1914
KernsteinBobby Jborn about 1930
KernsteinDonald Lborn about 1928
KernsteinEddie Lborn about 1935
KernsteinEula Mborn about 1937
KernsteinFlorence Eborn about 1905
KernsteinJames Rborn about 1902
KernsteinJessie Eborn about 1923
KernsteinMitchell Fborn about 1933
KernsteinRay Aborn about 1938
KiadoEris born about 1931
KiadoMartine born about 1901
KieferPatrick born about 1882
KiefnerWanda Fborn about 1927
KinesElizabeth born about 1864
KinesJames Daleborn about 1917
KingeryCharles born about 1920
KingeryElizabeth born about 1881
KingeryElmyra born about 1918
KingeryFrank born about 1879
KirkhamBarbara born about 1939
KirkhamDonald born about 1938
KirkhamFay born about 1906
KirkhamGerold born about 1934
KirkhamMaxine born about 1930
KirkhamMerle born about 1931
KnightAlma born about 1892
KnightCharles born about 1877
KoonceIva Cborn about 1862
KrotineCarl born about 1871
KrotineCaroline born about 1876
KrucigEva Marieborn about 1924
KrucigKatherine born about 1926
KrucigPet born about 1885
KukerFrank Pborn about 1896
KukerLotte born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LakeArthena born about 1883
LakeLoami Lborn about 1880
LakeVernice Rborn about 1909
LaneyAnna Leeborn about 1925
LaneyMarie born about 1898
LaneyMary Lborn about 1931
LaneyMay born about 1919
LaneyRachel born about 1929
LaneyRobert Fborn about 1927
LapworthAnne born about 1916
LapworthFina born about 1882
LapworthGwendolyn born about 1926
LapworthJohn born about 1886
LapworthJoseph born about 1894
LapworthLeonard Tborn about 1896
LapworthLeonard Wborn about 1924
LapworthMiria born about 1896
LapworthPrudence born about 1893
LapworthPrudence born about 1924
LapworthSarah Aborn about 1893
LapworthThomas Eborn about 1920
LapworthUna Mborn about 1929
LapworthWilliam Eborn about 1883
LareyAda born about 1882
LauthersJames born about 1885
LauthersLottie Jborn about 1879
LauthersWillard Vborn about 1918
LawsonEstel Jborn about 1922
LawsonEverett Jborn about 1920
LawsonIvan born about 1925
LawsonJessie born about 1889
LawsonJohn born about 1926
LawsonOrville born about 1910
LawsonSeibert born about 1913
LawsonTheodore born about 1918
LawsonThomas Jr born about 1931
LaymanBruce Dborn about 1865
LaytonByron Edwborn about 1935
LaytonRichard born about 1932
LeadermanDaniel born about 1860
LeadermanDottie born about 1894
LeadermanEdela born about 1924
LeadermanElla born about 1867
LeadermanElsie born about 1866
LeadermanFloyd born about 1921
LeadermanHugh born about 1889
LeadermanLawra born about 1912
LeadermanSarah born about 1863
LeckElsie born about 1924
LeckFlossie born about 1916
LeckFrances born about 1935
LeckFrank born about 1929
LeckGeorge born about 1906
LeckHelen born about 1926
LeckJames born about 1917
LeckJohn Mborn about 1889
LeckLucille born about 1907
LeckLulu born about 1880
LeckMargaret Roseborn about 1931
LeckMarjorie Roseborn about 1927
LeckMartha born about 1863
LeckMary born about 1877
LeckMary born about 1905
LeckPansy born about 1921
LeckRaymond born about 1927
LeckRose born about 1888
LeckSamuel born about 1869
LeckThomas born about 1901
LeckVirginia Maxineborn about 1922
LeeksDora born about 1873
LeeksFrank born about 1867
LeffertsEmma born about 1895
LeffertsEva born about 1892
LegeuneConstant born about 1865
LeloupBillie Hborn about 1924
LeloupEmile born about 1872
LeloupKatherine born about 1895
LemayClaude born about 1936
LemayEverett born about 1912
LemayGeorge born about 1921
LemayHarold born about 1932
LemayIra born about 1887
LemayRoy born about 1918
LemayRussell born about 1930
LemaySylvia born about 1893
LendermanMarguerite born about 1914
LendermanMaria born about 1916
LendermanMax born about 1915
LendermanRay born about 1913
LendermanSue Annborn about 1938
LivingstonBilly Joeborn about 1939
LivingstonDora born about 1881
LivingstonEvelyn born about 1917
LivingstonJames born about 1880
LivingstonJames born about 1911
LivingstonLester born about 1911
LivingstonMadonna Bborn about 1937
LivingstonMaxine born about 1920
LkeJames Rborn about 1891
LkePaul born about 1867
LkeVirginia Leeborn about 1891
LloydAlice born about 1922
LloydBeatrice born about 1905
LloydFairo born about 1903
LloydHarriet born about 1923
LloydIvan born about 1898
LloydJames born about 1920
LloydJanet born about 1923
LloydMary born about 1934
LloydThomas Wborn about 1901
LongAndrey born about 1900
LongEmma born about 1893
LongFrank Jborn about 1893
LongGuy Fborn about 1929
LorsonAmma born about 1914
LorsonAnita born about 1936
LottieFrank born about 1869
LovingJury born about 1897
LovingMary born about 1913
LovingMary Jborn about 1938
LowkherRobert born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MacbrideMargaret born about 1902
MacbridePatrick born about 1929
MaddoxBetty Jborn about 1931
MaddoxCarrie born about 1878
MaddoxLorraine born about 1928
MajorsDallas Leeborn about 1939
MajorsJeneva born about 1912
MaloneNora Belleborn about 1896
MaloneWilliam Eborn about 1886
MalvinFrances born about 1920
MalvinFrank born about 1894
MalvinJosephine born about 1928
ManleyGilbert born about 1910
ManleyJerry born about 1938
ManleyMargarite born about 1919
ManleyMary Francesborn about 1937
ManleyRaymond born about 1907
ManleyRonald born about 1936
ManleyWilma born about 1918
MaranzanaAngela born about 1870
MaranzanaOreste born about 1896
MarascoAnton born about 1893
MarascoElizabeth born about 1891
MarascoFrancis born about 1918
MarganEffie born about 1874
MarganJames Rborn about 1922
MariettaOddone born about 1880
MarionCatherine born about 1908
MarionLeonard born about 1896
MarionLeonard Mborn about 1931
MarionMaynard Eborn about 1934
MarionThomas Lborn about 1932
MarionWallace Rborn about 1928
MarioneJoe born about 1881
MarrsBertha born about 1875
MarsClea born about 1900
MarsGeorge born about 1928
MarsIra born about 1898
MarsJohn born about 1930
MarsRichard born about 1924
MartinAlice born about 1871
MartinBertha Rborn about 1920
MartinDonald Rborn about 1939
MartinErnest born about 1877
MartinFrance Lborn about 1858
MartinFrank born about 1919
MartinJames born about 1915
MartinJohnson born about 1888
MartinJohnson Jr born about 1925
MartinNellie born about 1890
MartinRosemary born about 1923
MartinaBessie born about 1908
MartinaEdward Hborn about 1876
MartinaEsther Cborn about 1879
MartinaGeorge Wborn about 1923
MartinaHelen born about 1916
MartinaMarion born about 1904
MartinaSuzanna born about 1905
MattoxJohn born about 1887
MattoxWilla born about 1890
McCartyHazel born about 1893
McCartyJames born about 1928
McCartyJeanett born about 1924
McCartyMargaret born about 1929
McCartyTherman born about 1920
McClainFrank born about 1891
McConkeyBeaulah born about 1904
McConkeyBertha born about 1880
McConkeyBertha Mayborn about 1928
McConkeyCharles born about 1878
McConkeyCharlotte born about 1924
McConkeyDale Royborn about 1939
McConkeyFrank born about 1881
McConkeyLeon born about 1903
McConkeyLucille born about 1916
McConkeyMartha born about 1892
McConkeyMax born about 1906
McCulloughCliva born about 1889
McCulloughThomas born about 1893
McDanielsCharles Rborn about 1925
McDanielsEster born about 1907
McDanielsJoe born about 1898
McDanielsJoe Jr born about 1924
McDanielsLeverle born about 1936
McDanielsLoretta born about 1934
McDanielsPatricia Jborn about 1940
McDanielsVirginia born about 1937
McDanielsWanda born about 1931
McDonaldHarley born about 1923
McDonaldJunior born about 1926
McGranahanEdward born about 1915
McKinneyHelen born about 1913
McKinneyThomas born about 1909
McLearyDirexa born about 1884
McLearyWilliam born about 1883
McMasterAlice born about 1935
McMasterBetty born about 1939
McMasterDela born about 1913
McMasterJoy born about 1936
McMasterOrvile born about 1914
MeadloAnne born about 1925
MeadloBeverly Aborn about 1937
MeadloCatherine born about 1881
MeadloCharles born about 1912
MeadloCharles born about 1926
MeadloCharles Aborn about 1930
MeadloEvelyn Jborn about 1935
MeadloFrank born about 1922
MeadloGeorge born about 1918
MeadloGoldia born about 1909
MeadloJean born about 1930
MeadloLeatha born about 1916
MeadloLucy born about 1920
MeadloMargie Rborn about 1933
MeadloMike born about 1917
MeadloMyrtle born about 1913
MeadloSteve born about 1908
MeadloTony born about 1910
MerittElizabeth born about 1889
MichaelsBertha Lborn about 1905
MichaelsBertha Mborn about 1926
MichaelsCharlie Kborn about 1906
MichaelsCharlotte Rborn about 1940
MichaelsErma Lborn about 1932
MichaelsEtta Mborn about 1921
MichaelsFannie Mborn about 1937
MichaelsFloyd Jborn about 1918
MichaelsGeorge Wborn about 1924
MichaelsJames Kborn about 1930
MichaelsJoe born about 1936
MillerAlfreda born about 1913
MillerArvel Jborn about 1886
MillerBlanche born about 1887
MillerCarl born about 1907
MillerCecil Jborn about 1901
MillerCecil Jr born about 1924
MillerDelbert born about 1903
MillerDonald born about 1922
MillerEmma born about 1888
MillerEmma born about 1920
MillerEmma Fborn about 1924
MillerEthel born about 1909
MillerFlorence Mborn about 1906
MillerJackie born about 1928
MillerJess Wborn about 1908
MillerJoann born about 1933
MillerJohn Eborn about 1888
MillerJordan born about 1932
MillerLaura Fborn about 1882
MillerSarah born about 1904
MillerSarah Lborn about 1857
MillerWilliam Eborn about 1927
MilliganOlen Wborn about 1924
MillsBenjaim born about 1875
MillsPaul born about 1914
MillsRosamond born about 1881
MinksFrank born about 1873
MinnichArletta born about 1873
MinnichEddie Jeanborn about 1930
MinnichEdgar born about 1898
MinnichGrace born about 1895
MinnichJames Fborn about 1859
MinnichJames Fborn about 1874
MinnichLes born about 1890
MinnichLuada born about 1928
MinnichRaymond born about 1939
MinnichRosemary born about 1925
MinnichThora born about 1900
MinnickCharles Wborn about 1869
MinnickElizabeth born about 1872
MontgomeryJames born about 1907
MoonHelen born about 1894
MoonJack born about 1888
MooreAda born about 1897
MooreEsther Lborn about 1928
MooreFlavie Aborn about 1892
MooreGeorge Hborn about 1922
MooreIlene Mborn about 1926
MooreJames Wborn about 1880
MooreMartha Lborn about 1908
MooreMary Lborn about 1931
MoppeBetty Judnborn about 1937
MoppeDorothy born about 1911
MoppeEugene born about 1907
MorelandChole born about 1910
MorelandDolores Jborn about 1929
MorelandGertrude Kborn about 1935
MorelandJames Jborn about 1933
MorelandJames Lborn about 1905
MorelandMargaret Eborn about 1939
MorelandSherman born about 1892
MorelandStella born about 1885
MorganLenard born about 1886
MorganMinnie born about 1890
MorganRobert Dborn about 1923
MorosinAugust Jborn about 1923
MorosinLura Dborn about 1901
MorosinMitchel born about 1896
MorosinMitchel Jr born about 1925
MorrisCarrie Mborn about 1886
MorrisCharles Eborn about 1875
MorrisGuy Cborn about 1908
MorrisLoretta Dborn about 1930
MorrisThelma born about 1911
MorrisWilburn Lborn about 1934
MorriseyMary born about 1871
MoseleArther born about 1911
MoseleErnest born about 1916
MoseleIrene born about 1923
MoseleMaria born about 1870
MoseleMaurice born about 1919
MoseleMaxine born about 1927
MoseleMinnie born about 1895
MoseleRichard Pborn about 1936
MoseleRobert born about 1913
MulhearnCharles born about 1890
MulhearnJohn born about 1886
MulhearnJulia born about 1864
MullikinElizabeth born about 1868
MulvihillCathryn born about 1904
MulvihillJoan born about 1925
MulvihillJohn Lborn about 1896
MulvihillMarion born about 1928
MulvihillPatricia born about 1924
MulvihillRichard born about 1926
MurerAnton born about 1879
MurerElizabeth born about 1883
MurerOtto born about 1911
MyersBenjaim born about 1888
MyersClaudia born about 1888
MyersLaura born about 1868

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NasalroadOla born about 1875
NasalroadWilliam born about 1868
NaselroadClark born about 1913
NaselroadDorothy Lborn about 1925
NaselroadEmmett born about 1924
NaselroadFloyd born about 1901
NaselroadGearold born about 1928
NaselroadJackie Lborn about 1935
NaselroadLarry Eborn about 1940
NaselroadPearl Fborn about 1899
NaselroadRuby born about 1915
NaselroadRuth born about 1905
NaselroadThomas born about 1902
NaselrodAgnes born about 1915
NaselrodPaul born about 1911
NaselrodPaul Lborn about 1932
NaugelBarbara Rborn about 1933
NaugelBonnie Lborn about 1935
NaugelCharles Tborn about 1930
NaugelFrank born about 1905
NaugelLily Mborn about 1939
NaugelMary Bborn about 1908
NaugelWallace Eborn about 1927
NaugleInez born about 1898
NaugleOllie born about 1891
NaugleOtto born about 1920
NealAubry born about 1915
NealCatherine born about 1916
NealEarl Rborn about 1919
NealEli Dborn about 1899
NealEligh Rborn about 1891
NealFernie born about 1884
NealFlorene born about 1905
NealGarfield born about 1893
NealGeorge born about 1916
NealGoldia born about 1905
NealIda Mborn about 1887
NealIllo Maeborn about 1926
NealJackie Jr born about 1926
NealJames Rborn about 1881
NealJohn born about 1883
NealLeon born about 1924
NealLois born about 1921
NealLou Jborn about 1858
NealLouise born about 1891
NealMary Annborn about 1935
NealMary Zborn about 1922
NealOscar Hborn about 1929
NealZula born about 1895
NeedhamEddie born about 1937
NeedhamJames born about 1883
NeedhamThomas born about 1913
NelsonFrank Jborn about 1877
NeviewJosephine born about 1914
NevinsAgnes born about 1914
NevinsBarbara Jborn about 1935
NevinsRaymond born about 1914
NewhartAnna born about 1863
NewmanBassa Bborn about 1926
NewmanElmer born about 1928
NewmanHester born about 1903
NewmanJohn born about 1891
NewmanJosephine born about 1925
NewmanMartha born about 1924
NewmanMary born about 1934
NewmanSarah Mborn about 1923
NewmanStanley born about 1930
NewmanWilliam Rborn about 1939
NewmanWilma Rborn about 1939
NoblittBrownie born about 1895
NoblittMildred born about 1927
NoblittSusie born about
NoblittWilliam born about 1936
NugentHelen born about 1911
NugentHenry born about 1905
NugentJack Hborn about 1931
NugentJill born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OlesanjiBarbara born about 1860
OlesanjiLouis born about 1868
OlingerMary Bborn about 1906
OlingerMary Fborn about 1887
OlingerRay born about 1904
OlingerRaymond born about 1924
OlingerRobert born about 1927
OlingerWilliam born about 1881
OliversBarbara Jborn about 1933
OliversElizabeth born about 1912
OliversRay born about 1905
OliversShirley born about 1936
OwensEllie born about 1892
OwensJames born about 1934
OwensJohn Aborn about 1887
OwensJohn Jr born about 1928
OwensMary Francesborn about 1926
OwensThelma born about 1932
OwensVirginia born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

PaglieroJohn born about 1907
ParkerDona born about 1898
ParkerJohn born about 1927
ParkerOrlie born about 1890
ParkerOzetta born about 1925
ParrClarence Rborn about 1901
ParrJames Rborn about 1926
ParrMargaret born about 1908
ParrMary Lborn about 1928
PassenGeorge born about 1912
PassenGeorge Eborn about 1938
PassenImogene born about 1917
PassenMickey Annborn about 1939
PassenNellean Eborn about 1940
PenningtonCalvin born about 1900
PenningtonCarl born about 1904
PenningtonCarl born about 1929
PenningtonCharles born about 1880
PenningtonEdward born about 1874
PenningtonElmi Aborn about 1884
PenningtonEthel born about 1905
PenningtonGeorge Aborn about 1865
PenningtonHenry Jborn about 1878
PenningtonJames born about 1924
PenningtonJoseph born about 1907
PenningtonLaura born about 1885
PenningtonOtto born about 1894
PenningtonPriscilla born about 1883
PenningtonSen born about 1933
PenningtonVirginia born about 1931
PenrodHelen born about 1915
PerieDovie Aborn about 1902
PerieJames Lborn about 1871
PerkinsAdah born about 1907
PerkinsBillie Joanborn about 1935
PerkinsJames Lborn about 1933
PerkinsJohn Rborn about 1909
PerkinsJohn Rborn about 1931
PerryDorothy Lborn about 1914
PerryGertrude born about 1884
PerryHerbert Cborn about 1912
PerryPearl Fborn about 1881
PickeellDawn born about 1895
PickeellRichard born about 1892
PickrellAda born about 1879
PickrellAlice born about 1886
PickrellClarence born about 1907
PickrellJames born about 1862
PickrellJosephine born about 1925
PickrellMargaret born about 1913
PickrellMarie born about 1910
PickrellNorma born about 1926
PickrellRalph born about 1912
PickrellRaymond born about 1882
PickrellRobert born about 1921
PikerCarl born about 1896
PikerEmma born about 1884
PikerFrank born about 1880
PikerIra born about 1909
PikerMargaret born about 1900
PikerOrlie born about 1894
PineAdren born about 1918
PineAvedia born about 1921
PineDelores born about 1935
PineIrma Lborn about 1939
PineJohn born about 1885
PineLillian born about 1922
PineLouise born about 1890
PineMartha born about 1926
PinePerry born about 1914
PineRalph born about 1928
PineRalph born about 1934
PineRosetta born about 1938
PineValeria born about 1915
PinsonBertha Eborn about 1887
PinsonCarl Cborn about 1887
PoffAlvia born about 1900
PoffBeverly born about 1936
PoffChristena born about 1927
PoffClara born about 1899
PoffDelores born about 1932
PoffJackie born about 1934
PoffMaxine born about 1925
PoffRichard born about 1938
PoffVirginia Rborn about 1929
PooleBobby Jborn about 1932
PooleClarence born about 1907
PooleCora born about 1881
PooleEarl Eborn about 1932
PooleEva Mborn about 1927
PooleGeorge Lborn about 1875
PooleGeorge Wborn about 1915
PooleGeorge Jr born about 1937
PooleGlenn born about 1905
PooleGlenna born about 1932
PooleLee Jr born about 1924
PooleLena Bborn about 1921
PooleLinda Lborn about 1938
PooleLucile born about 1910
PooleLuther Hborn about 1881
PooleMall born about 1882
PooleMildred born about 1905
PooleMorris born about 1919
PooleNorma born about 1935
PooleRuby Lborn about 1918
PooleRuth Jborn about 1930
PooleThelma born about 1920
PooleWilma Jborn about 1933
PosoccoIsadore born about 1889
PosoccoJean born about 1913
PosoccoJulia born about 1884
PratherBell born about 1863
PratherEmile born about 1896
PratherFrank born about 1866
PratherFurd born about 1888
PrattGeorge born about 1876
PrattLouise born about 1885
PrestonDicy Aborn about 1891
PrestonElizabeth Annborn about 1935
PrestonGwedolyn born about 1911
PrestonIrene born about 1916
PrestonJames born about 1914
PrestonLouis Eborn about 1889
PrestonMatilda Jborn about 1867
PrestonPatty Joborn about 1937
PriceDobe Cborn about 1885
PriceJames born about 1889
PriceMay born about 1885
PritchettSylvia born about 1902
PritehardBertha born about 1883
PritehardGeorge born about 1883
PritehardHershel born about 1919
PrivettHarold born about 1877
PrivettJewel born about 1909
PrivettJohn born about 1934
PrivettLeon born about 1906
PrivettRichard born about 1929
ProhaskaAlta Mborn about 1928
ProhaskaDorothy born about 1906
ProhaskaEdna born about 1915
ProhaskaJessie born about 1901
ProhaskaJoe born about 1904
ProhaskaJohnathan Fborn about 1908
ProhaskaJonathan J Cborn about 1936
ProhaskaMargaret born about 1883
ProhaskaMargaret Rborn about 1939
ProhaskaMyrl born about 1905
ProhaskaRose Mborn about 1929
Prouse??? born about 1934
ProuseAlbert born about 1938
ProuseBenjamin born about 1873
ProuseElizabeth born about 1917
ProuseEmma born about 1875
ProuseFloyd born about 1902
ProuseGeorge born about 1919
ProuseJeanetta born about 1937
ProuseLucille born about 1922
ProuseLuther born about 1913
ProuseMinnie born about 1923
ProuseNancy born about 1939
ProuseNorman born about 1939
ProuseRobert born about 1908
ProuseRobert Jr born about 1935
PughBobby born about 1929
PughDella born about 1932
PughEileen Oborn about 1929
PughIven born about 1888
PughJoyce born about 1922
PughKathleen born about 1930
PughMargaret Mborn about 1910
PughMyrtle born about 1892
PughOscar born about 1923
PughOwen born about 1910
PughSamuel born about 1858
PughShirley Aborn about 1939
PullerBetty Janeborn about 1932
PullerGeorge born about 1928
PullerMargaret born about 1890
PullerMary born about 1923
PullerStephen born about 1892
PullerVergil born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RamseyFrances born about 1903
RamseyRoy Eborn about 1901
RamseyRoy Jborn about 1930
RandallClytie born about 1923
RandallGeorge born about 1922
RayIke born about 1893
ReederLura born about 1862
ReeseChristine born about 1917
ReeseEverett born about 1884
ReeseFloyd born about 1904
ReeseGene born about 1936
ReeseImogene born about 1916
ReeseJerry born about 1935
ReeseLoren born about 1903
ReeseLouise born about 1903
ReeseMarjorie born about 1929
ReeseMary born about 1904
ReeseNeal born about 1923
ReeseNolan born about 1914
ReeseNora born about 1891
ReeseStella born about 1882
ReeseWilliam born about 1880
ReffettAlfred born about 1868
ReffettJames Oborn about 1893
ReffettSara Bellborn about 1869
ReganAnna born about 1896
ReganArthur born about 1898
ReganPartrick born about 1854
RegimatoFred born about 1889
RhodenBernice born about 1888
RhodenForrest born about 1917
RhodenIra Mayborn about 1887
RhodenKenneth born about 1916
RhodenMont born about 1887
RhodenTracy born about 1885
RhyanCharles Sborn about 1900
RhyanFrances born about 1902
RhyanMargaret born about 1922
RhyanNora born about 1870
RhyanSherman Lborn about 1865
RhyanSylvanus born about 1852
RiceAlfred born about 1929
RiceAnna born about 1890
RiceBernard born about 1883
RiceDorothy born about 1913
RiceEthel born about 1932
RiceHerman born about 1909
RiceJames born about 1920
RiceLoretta born about 1921
RiceLucille born about 1923
RiceMargarete born about 1915
RiceMary born about 1877
RiceRalph born about 1916
RiceRobert born about 1925
RiceWilliam born about 1881
RiceWilliam Jr born about 1918
RichardsMelvin born about 1912
RichardsonCharles Lborn about 1894
RichardsonEthel born about 1895
RichardsonLula born about 1872
RichieBillie born about 1925
RickettaAlice born about 1913
RickettaBetty born about 1935
RickettaJames born about 1937
RickettaPaul born about 1906
RittingerHarris born about 1859
RittingerViola born about 1876
RizzoloAngelo born about 1876
RizzoloLucie born about 1885
RizzoloPrimo born about 1923
RobertsBertie Mborn about 1888
RobertsBetty born about 1924
RobertsElizabeth born about 1926
RobertsJoseph Hborn about 1880
RobertsThomas born about 1881
RobertsonMattie born about 1885
RobertsonOscar born about 1884
RobinsonDonald born about 1938
RobinsonEdward born about 1928
RobinsonEvelyn born about 1926
RobinsonJames born about 1928
RobinsonJohn born about 1920
RobinsonJoseph Lborn about 1914
RobinsonKatherine born about 1915
RobinsonLeathie born about 1892
RobinsonMarian born about 1908
RobinsonMartha born about 1925
RobinsonMary born about 1923
RobinsonPaul born about 1933
RobinsonPerle born about 1911
RobinsonPerle Jr born about 1934
RobinsonRalph born about 1918
RobinsonRaymond born about 1886
RobinsonRoy born about 1900
RodichLawrence Rborn about 1926
RonMadalena born about 1864
RoseWilliam born about 1930
RosimerMaude born about 1877
RoushArthur born about 1921
RoushBert born about 1897
RoushBilly Sborn about 1939
RoushCharles born about 1930
RoushClarence born about 1932
RoushDelbert born about 1936
RoushHazel born about 1899
RoushHelen born about 1938
RoushNadine born about 1925
RoweDoris born about 1920
RundellEarnest born about 1875
RundellTalitha Bborn about 1871
RushHomer Fborn about 1899
RushIvan born about 1896
RushLukie born about 1897
RushMary born about 1897
RushMaxine born about 1922
RushRose born about 1873
RushVernard born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalamonGeorge born about 1862
SalbegoFrank born about 1880
SalbegoKatie born about 1869
SalmondElizabeth born about 1918
SalmondJames born about 1882
SalmondLaura born about 1887
SalmondMaxine born about 1924
SalmondRobert Jborn about 1911
SalmondShirley Bborn about 1937
SchermanCharles born about 1916
SchermanPearl born about 1888
SchermanWillie born about 1884
SchikelM Almaborn about 1900
SchikelMarion born about 1912
SchottEdward born about 1868
SchottEmma born about 1877
ScottArthur Dborn about 1917
ScottCletis Wborn about 1924
ScottDela born about 1881
ScottGertie Maeborn about 1924
ScottJames Aborn about 1884
ScottJames Wborn about 1887
ScottJames Jr born about 1912
ScottKenneth Cborn about 1926
ScottLeroy Lborn about 1922
ScottSandford Rborn about 1928
ScottTini born about 1890
ScottWilliam Dborn about 1918
SearlEsom Jborn about 1875
SearlGeorge born about 1900
SearlLily Maeborn about 1881
SekerakGeorge born about 1923
SekerakMike born about 1913
SekerakPete born about 1876
SelviaMargaret born about 1923
SelviaShirley Mborn about 1940
SeprodiFrank born about 1919
SeprodiKathrine born about 1906
SeprodiLouis born about 1920
SeprodiMary born about 1886
SeprodiPaul born about 1923
SevierBetty born about 1923
SevierCon born about 1895
SevierMabel born about 1894
ShanlssBertha born about 1909
ShanlssBobby born about 1935
ShanlssEugene born about 1931
ShanlssHelen born about 1930
ShanlssMamie born about 1905
ShanlssMary born about 1924
ShanlssNorville born about 1909
ShanlssOrville born about 1904
ShappellHarry Jborn about 1940
ShappellIda Lborn about 1936
ShappellJary Jborn about 1940
ShappellJonathan born about 1914
ShappellMyrtle born about 1936
SharkBruce born about 1886
SharkHanna born about 1901
SharkHarvey born about 1890
SharkJohn Eborn about 1921
SharkMary born about 1924
SharpLucy Rborn about 1880
ShaukGrace born about 1878
Shaw??? born about 1882
ShawFaith born about 1885
ShellyEugene Vborn about 1905
ShellyHarold Eborn about 1926
ShellyInez born about 1905
ShepherdMamie born about 1872
ShermanRichard born about 1936
ShermanRuth born about 1914
ShermanWayne born about 1914
ShewAnna born about 1863
ShewEldon born about 1912
ShewGuy born about 1905
ShewJannie born about 1934
ShewJudith born about 1939
ShewLucille born about 1914
ShewMartin ?born about 1864
ShewMay born about 1904
ShewOzzy born about 1894
ShewPerl born about 1875
ShoresClaude born about 1884
ShortCarol born about 1884
ShortMary born about 1886
ShowCharles born about 1874
ShowElizabeth born about 1877
SigmondsOrillie born about 1870
SigmondsSarah born about 1907
SmithBarrett born about 1896
SmithBessie born about 1898
SmithBetty Joborn about 1926
SmithClarence born about 1893
SmithEarl born about 1882
SmithEdna born about 1900
SmithEmma Oborn about 1873
SmithEugene Pborn about 1930
SmithEzra born about 1880
SmithFern born about 1905
SmithGrace Mborn about 1880
SmithHarvey born about 1902
SmithJacob Rborn about 1900
SmithJames born about 1872
SmithJames Eborn about 1927
SmithJames Eborn about 1935
SmithJoseph born about 1880
SmithKenneth born about 1922
SmithMary born about 1905
SmithMary born about 1923
SmithMary Jborn about 1851
SmithMary Jborn about 1866
SmithMay born about 1905
SmithMay born about 1907
SmithNina born about 1884
SmithNorma born about 1929
SmithRamona born about 1931
SmithRiley Eborn about 1885
SmithRoy born about 1894
SmithRussel born about 1925
SmithShelby Dborn about 1905
SmithShelby Mborn about 1926
SmithStella born about 1886
SmithWallace born about 1937
SmockAnna Eborn about 1876
SmockCharles Mborn about 1876
SmockFrancis born about 1872
SmockJohn Pborn about 1876
SmodillaAnton born about 1909
SmodillaBertha born about 1875
SmodillaCurton born about 1882
SmodillaWilliam born about 1910
SneathAlbert born about 1891
SneathArnold born about 1924
SneathHazel born about 1893
SneathRobert born about 1921
SneathVirgil born about 1927
SnetzerCharles Eborn about 1923
SnetzerEmma Jborn about 1927
SnetzerHelen Maeborn about 1934
SnoddyHarry born about 1904
SnoddyJeneva born about 1907
SnoddyNorman born about 1929
SnoddyRobert born about 1929
SollarsArthur Lborn about 1924
SollarsBarbara Aborn about 1939
SollarsEdward Rborn about 1915
SollarsKenneth born about 1915
SollarsLola born about 1917
SollarsMaggie born about 1890
SollarsMarzellia born about 1931
SollarsNora Jborn about 1938
SollarsOliver Eborn about 1928
SollarsOliver Lborn about 1875
SollarsPatricia Lborn about 1937
SollarsRobert Eborn about 1940
SollarsRuth Nborn about 1926
SollarsViola born about 1920
SollarsVirginia born about 1917
SollarsWillard born about 1918
SpringSadie born about 1871
SpringWalter born about 1876
SpurrArthur born about 1894
SpurrGearld born about 1905
SpurrGerald born about 1926
SpurrHazel born about 1893
SpurrMabel born about 1910
SpurrThelma born about 1921
SpurrVivian born about 1917
StachFabie born about 1892
StaffordBarbara Jborn about 1934
StaffordCarolyn Vborn about 1936
StaffordDora born about 1927
StaffordHarold born about 1925
StaffordJosephine born about 1931
StaffordNoma born about 1929
StanfieldBertha born about 1897
StanfieldCecil born about 1915
StanfieldEdgar born about 1921
StanfieldEdward born about 1876
StanfieldGeorge born about 1891
StanfieldJesse born about 1887
StanfieldMildred born about 1923
StanfieldPaul born about 1914
StanfieldRaymond born about 1936
StanfieldRobert born about 1927
StanfieldRonald born about 1938
StanfieldVivian born about 1884
StanfieldWilliam born about 1925
StarkeyCharlotte born about 1924
StarkeyClarence Lborn about 1907
StarkeyCleo born about 1933
StarkeyHarold born about 1926
StarkeyLeland born about 1896
StarkeyMarilyn born about 1932
StarkeyMarion born about 1869
StarkeyViola born about 1901
SteelIthel born about 1909
SteelLa Verne born about 1907
SteelMartha Aborn about 1932
SteinburgerElizabeth born about 1871
SteinerBetty Rborn about 1923
SteinerFay Aborn about 1900
SteinerFrank Mborn about 1895
SteinerJack Mborn about 1926
SteinerKenneth Eborn about 1929
SteinerMary Hborn about 1924
StevensPhillip born about 1879
StewartAlma born about 1891
StewartAlma Mborn about 1921
StewartAnita born about 1922
StewartAnna born about 1919
StewartBessie born about 1896
StewartBilly born about 1927
StewartCharles Cborn about 1910
StewartCharles Jr born about 1939
StewartClyde born about 1912
StewartElsie born about 1917
StewartGolda born about 1896
StewartJames born about 1889
StewartJames Jr born about 1920
StewartJean born about 1925
StewartKenneth born about 1914
StewartLester born about 1917
StewartLester Jr born about 1940
StewartMargeret Eborn about 1920
StewartRichard born about 1929
StewartRobert born about 1919
StewartRobert Wborn about 1939
StewartThad born about 1884
StewartThaddeus born about 1937
StewartWarner born about 1896
StroleAldina Kborn about 1878
StroleAlice born about 1897
StroleAlice Annborn about 1936
StroleArther Cborn about 1897
StroleCharily born about 1930
StroleClara Dborn about 1869
StroleDale born about 1933
StroleDonald born about 1922
StroleDoris born about 1931
StroleElizabeth born about 1882
StroleHelen born about 1923
StroleHester Aborn about 1867
StroleJanet born about 1926
StroleJohn born about 1924
StroleJoseph Sborn about 1866
StroleLouis born about 1909
StroleMargaret born about 1872
StroleMarvin born about 1938
StroleMyrtle born about 1878
StroleRay born about 1928
StroleRonald born about 1935
StroleRuth born about 1926
StroleSimeon born about 1871
StroleThomas born about 1893
StroleThomas Rborn about 1930
StroleWayne born about 1895
StroleWilma born about 1898
StultzWarren born about 1924
SurberClaude born about 1893
SurberTom born about 1863
SuttonBetty Jborn about 1925
SuttonCarl born about 1893
SuttonHelen born about 1926
SuttonLula born about 1887
SuttonWilma Mborn about 1928
SwallsEvelyn Lborn about 1915
SwallsJames Fborn about 1912
SweitzerJames Wborn about 1865
SwickardCyntha born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorBetty born about 1931
TaylorCyrus born about 1897
TaylorLottie born about 1897
TessariAnton Tteborn about 1916
TessariCatherine born about 1897
TessariEvelyn born about 1918
TessariJohn born about 1886
ThomasDorothy born about 1938
ThomasEmory born about 1914
ThomasJames born about 1933
ThomasJean born about 1902
ThomasNelly born about 1908
ThomasRaymond born about 1939
ThomasRosie born about 1917
ThomasSamuel born about 1906
ThomasSamuel Jr born about 1934
ThomasWilliam born about 1886
ThompsonBetty Jborn about 1937
ThompsonBobby Jborn about 1938
ThompsonChester born about 1923
ThompsonClifford born about 1918
ThompsonDorothy born about 1927
ThompsonEleanor Maeborn about 1931
ThompsonGwendoline born about 1919
ThompsonHarold born about 1925
ThompsonJone born about 1922
ThompsonLouis born about 1893
ThompsonRobert Mborn about 1915
ThompsonVerna born about 1900
ThrallsEmma born about 1871
ThrallsRaymond born about 1901
ThrallsSarah born about 1904
ThroneburgAndrew born about 1876
ThroneburgEllen born about 1886
TiddCharles born about 1939
TiddElmer born about 1922
TiddErnest born about 1918
TiddJames born about 1939
TiddLean born about 1924
TiddMadeline born about 1928
TiddMarion born about 1926
TiddMaxine born about 1919
TiddMinnie born about 1891
TiddRosa born about 1879
TiddVernon born about 1915
ToddBetty born about 1927
ToddClaude born about 1888
ToddDorothy born about 1934
ToddFred born about 1879
ToddHazel born about 1892
ToddLena born about 1897
ToddLinda born about 1937
ToddLucille born about 1919
ToddMyrtle born about 1884
ToddOscar born about 1897
ToddOscar Jr born about 1920
ToddRichard born about 1924
ToddRobert born about 1930
ToddThelma born about 1923
ToddWilliam born about 1928
ToddWilma born about 1919
ToddWinfred born about 1921
ToneyBetty Juneborn about 1929
ToneyDonald Jackborn about 1932
ToneyJames Edwardborn about 1935
ToneyJerry Leeborn about 1940
ToneyLeroy born about 1893
ToneyRuby born about 1903
ToneyWilliam Hborn about 1921
TracyGus Jborn about 1882
TrinkleDorothy born about 1920
TrinkleEthel born about 1890
TrinkleVirgil born about 1886
TrittSusan born about 1855
TrogdenAndrew born about 1867
TruemanBernice born about 1910
TruemanMary born about 1929
TruemanTaylor born about 1886
TruemanTaylor Jr born about 1930
TruttierGeorgia born about 1889
TruttierJohn Cborn about 1885
TuckerWilliam Mborn about 1887
TuleyEdith born about 1894
TuleyJames born about 1879
TullisAlan born about 1918
TullisAlan Henryborn about 1938
TullisLinda Leeborn about 1940
TullisSue born about 1918
TweedyDan born about 1936
TweedyElizabeth born about 1911
TweedyMorris born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodCelina born about 1903
UnderwoodClifford born about 1903
UtterbackArnold born about 1886
UtterbackMary born about 1899

V Surnames

VairaBeulah born about 1915
VairaJoe born about 1914
VairaJohn born about 1912
VairaJohn Robertborn about 1940
VairaJohn Sr born about 1885
VairaMary born about 1881
VanHoutin Cleoborn about 1893
VanNancy Cborn about 1937
VanZula born about 1891
VandeveerArthur born about 1892
VandeveerArthur Jr born about 1932
VandeveerGladys born about 1913
VandeveerMaxwellene born about 1937
VanhontinHugh born about 1917
VanhontinLeah born about 1919
VanhontinSharon Leeborn about 1940
VanhoutinSusan born about 1863
VanpattenGeorge born about 1929
VanpattenIsabelle born about 1905
VanpattenJane born about 1906
VanpattenJerry Lborn about 1936
VanpattenJohnnie Lborn about 1934
VanpattenLouise born about 1922
VanpattenMary born about 1925
VanpattenMyrtle born about 1939
VanpattenPauline born about 1928
VanpattenRichard born about 1903
VanpattenRichard born about 1924
VanpattenRoberta born about 1931
VanpattenRose Maryborn about 1931
VanpattenRuth born about 1936
VanpattenSharon born about 1938
VanpattenWilliam born about 1902
VanpattenWilliam born about 1925
VermeulemAugusta born about 1893
VermeulemCyril born about 1883
VermeulemEdgar born about 1919
VermeulemRaymond born about 1923
VermillionAnna born about 1859
VermillionAra Cborn about 1880
VermillionBlanche born about 1887
VermillionChristine born about 1919
VermillionCoen born about 1915
VermillionElla born about 1881
VermillionFrancis born about 1891
VermillionGladys born about 1903
VermillionHerman born about 1905
VermillionJames born about 1924
VermillionJames born about 1938
VermillionJohn born about 1936
VermillionJuanita born about 1920
VermillionLou Annborn about 1939
VermillionLouise born about 1908
VermillionMary born about 1916
VermillionMary Annborn about 1939
VermillionOlen born about 1905
VermillionOrlie born about 1883
VermillionRaymond born about 1912
VermillionRobert born about 1919
VermillionWilliam born about 1884
Verplaetse??? born about 1882
VerplaetseTheadore born about 1876
VerplaetseTheodore Jr born about 1914
VessoziAdele born about 1868
VickersDonald Bborn about 1934
VickersMarjorie born about 1915
VickersMerle Sborn about 1936
VickersWilliam Dborn about 1907
ViettiJoseph born about 1882
VinardiCarole Jborn about 1939
VinardiNick born about 1916
VinardiSusie born about 1921
VinerdiMary born about 1883
VinerdiMille born about 1881
VinzantClyde Vborn about 1935
Vivarelli??? born about 1898
VolkersAnna born about 1857

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaidFrank Cborn about 1886
WaidMaude Hborn about 1890
WalderBrita Lborn about 1935
WalderJerry Fborn about 1939
WalderLeonard born about 1924
WalderLeroy born about 1895
WalderMary Eborn about 1900
WalkerAvery born about 1882
WalkerHarold Eborn about 1932
WalkerKenneth born about 1929
WalkerMary born about 1892
WallAlice born about 1872
WallCharles born about 1870
WallaceAlva born about 1891
WallaceBetty born about 1924
WallaceCarol Mborn about 1939
WallaceDonald born about 1922
WallaceGaile Rborn about 1936
WallaceHarold Dborn about 1937
WallaceHelena born about 1918
WallaceJerald born about 1919
WallaceLoren born about 1917
WallaceNelly born about 1898
WallaceRalph born about 1915
WallaceRalph Mborn about 1935
WallaceSylvia Eborn about 1914
WalshJames Pborn about 1884
WalterFred Gborn about 1880
WalterPrudence born about 1879
WardCinderella born about 1858
WardL Clarenceborn about 1878
WardleCatherine born about 1882
WardleClaude born about 1912
WardleClaude Fborn about 1931
WardleErvin born about 1873
WardleEugen born about 1917
WardleJames Wborn about 1921
WardleJessie born about 1912
WardleLenovia Sborn about 1923
WardleLona born about 1895
WardleRalph Jborn about 1939
WardleRoland Hborn about 1934
WardleWilbur Oborn about 1925
WarrenMaggie born about 1886
WarrenMinnie born about 1900
WarrenWilliam born about 1866
WatersBoyd Eborn about 1917
WatersFlorence born about 1916
WatersMargaret Jborn about 1938
WatersMartha Allenborn about 1923
WatersOtis Darbyborn about 1925
WatersUlrick born about 1893
WatkinsRuth born about 1894
WatkinsThomas born about 1880
WatsonDela born about 1888
WatsonEdward born about 1885
WatsonEdward Jr born about 1920
WatsonElla Jborn about 1873
WatsonJohn Hborn about 1876
WatsonRuth Wborn about 1922
WattsBessie born about 1893
WattsCharles born about 1896
WattsLela born about 1876
WattsLura born about 1869
WattsWaldo born about 1872
WaughGloria born about 1924
WaughJames born about 1866
WaughJohn Hborn about 1901
WaughJohn Wborn about 1871
WaughMartha Mborn about 1926
WaughMillie born about 1927
WaughMyrtle born about 1907
WaughNorma born about 1922
WayMildred born about 1904
WayPearl born about 1904
WayVirginia Leeborn about 1925
WestDorothy born about 1918
WestEmma Louisborn about 1939
WestWarren born about 1916
WheatCharles Hborn about 1924
WheatDallis born about 1883
WheatFloyd born about 1899
WheatFrank born about 1914
WheatGladys born about 1914
WheatJackie Leeborn about 1930
WheatLenard born about 1913
WheatMarilyn Jborn about 1935
WheatMarnie born about 1894
WheatMildred born about 1914
WheatRuth born about 1924
WheatThelma born about 1928
WheatThomas Eborn about 1940
WheatWilliam Eborn about 1921
WheelerClaude Wborn about 1922
WheelerJanie born about 1881
WheelerRose Maryborn about 1921
WheelerWilliam born about 1877
WheelerWilliam Hborn about 1881
WheelerWilliam Jr born about 1919
WhitesellAgnes born about 1897
WhitesellAlice born about 1901
WhitesellAlice born about 1907
WhitesellAmanda born about 1858
WhitesellBetty born about 1925
WhitesellCharles Cborn about 1874
WhitesellCharles Hborn about 1884
WhitesellClifford born about 1926
WhitesellDale born about 1930
WhitesellDonald born about 1929
WhitesellDoris born about 1903
WhitesellDorothy born about 1899
WhitesellDorothy born about 1918
WhitesellDorothy Belleborn about 1922
WhitesellEarl born about 1925
WhitesellEmerson born about 1906
WhitesellErnest born about 1921
WhitesellEva born about 1874
WhitesellFannie born about 1883
WhitesellFrancis Wborn about 1920
WhitesellGeorge born about 1896
WhitesellGrace born about 1886
WhitesellGuy born about 1904
WhitesellJoseph born about 1906
WhitesellJoseph Sborn about 1909
WhitesellLaura born about 1889
WhitesellMadge born about 1898
WhitesellMary born about 1928
WhitesellMay born about 1894
WhitesellMorton born about 1889
WhitesellOren born about 1923
WhitesellOrlice born about 1883
WhitesellPearl born about 1897
WhitesellRalph born about 1918
WhitesellReed Alborn about 1916
WhitesellRichard born about 1922
WhitesellRichard born about 1930
WhitesellRobert born about 1927
WhitesellRoscoe born about 1894
WhitesellRussell born about 1926
WhitesellStanley born about 1918
WhitesellSusanna born about 1868
WhitesellThomas Rborn about 1878
WhitesellVernon born about 1915
WhitesellWilliam Hborn about 1870
WhitfordArther born about 1887
WhitfordJosie born about 1877
WhitfordLiza Jborn about 1854
WhitsellBruce born about 1902
WhitsellCarol born about 1932
WhitsellJudith born about 1924
WhitsellLogan born about 1929
WhitsellPatricia born about 1925
WhitsellUgenia Leeborn about 1924
WhitsellUrzula born about 1905
WhitsittFloyd born about 1894
WhitsittLily born about 1872
WhitsittRoy born about 1897
WhitsittSammie born about 1903
WildsJarvis born about 1881
WildsMary born about 1887
WilesBilly Rayborn about 1930
WilguesLily born about 1889
WilhoitEdith born about 1875
WilhoitSylvester born about 1869
WilliamDavid born about 1873
WilliamMinnie born about 1868
WilliamsBeverly born about 1937
WilliamsDaisy born about 1899
WilliamsEdward born about 1895
WilliamsEvelyn born about 1909
WilliamsFrances born about 1922
WilliamsGeorge born about 1877
WilliamsHenricia born about 1891
WilliamsIda born about 1926
WilliamsJerry born about 1932
WilliamsLena born about 1922
WilliamsLucile born about 1929
WilliamsMartha born about 1925
WilliamsMaurice Jborn about 1905
WilliamsMaurice Jr born about 1927
WilliamsMyrick born about 1921
WilliamsPatricia born about 1939
WilliamsRalph born about 1928
WilliamsRebecca born about 1882
WilliamsRuth born about 1923
WilliamsWayne born about 1930
WilliamsonAlice born about 1881
WilliamsonFreida born about 1923
WilliamsonGeorge born about 1906
WilliamsonHilda born about 1921
WilliamsonLois Eborn about 1906
WilliamsonRobert born about 1880
WilsonAlbert born about 1869
WilsonBetty Jborn about 1935
WilsonBilly born about 1929
WilsonCongetta born about 1919
WilsonDorothy Iborn about 1931
WilsonEugene born about 1919
WilsonFloyd born about 1917
WilsonFred born about 1920
WilsonHarry born about 1894
WilsonJackie Lborn about 1936
WilsonJohn Jborn about 1937
WilsonJohn Lborn about 1912
WilsonLarn born about 1914
WilsonMary born about 1923
WilsonNellie born about 1895
WilsonNewton born about 1877
WilsonPaul born about 1920
WilsonRosemary born about 1924
WilsonRoy Eborn about 1922
WilsonVirgil Aborn about 1938
WilsonWalter born about 1925
WintersBarbara Kborn about 1934
WintersCloral born about 1890
WintersDavie Leeborn about 1932
WintersMary born about 1913
WoodJoseph born about 1925
WoodMargaret born about 1901
WoodRobert Nborn about 1890
WoodardAlbert born about 1902
WoodardAllen born about 1930
WoodardArthur born about 1932
WoodardFern born about 1909
WoodardWilliam born about 1935
WoodsJoseph born about 1863
WoodsRachel born about 1858
WoolsJoanne born about 1870
WorleyDaniel Eborn about 1932
WorleyEdward Jborn about 1916
WorleyFreddie Jborn about 1939
WorleyGrace Mborn about 1920
WorleyLena Eborn about 1926
WorleyMartha Mborn about 1924
WorleyNorven born about 1892
WorleyNorven Dborn about 1927
WrightCharles Mborn about 1867
WrightCharles Wborn about 1914
WrightDaisy Cborn about 1878
WrightElla born about 1917
WrightElla Lborn about 1938
WrightErnestine born about 1937
WrightEverett born about 1918
WrightLela born about 1871
WrightLillie born about 1878
WrightSharlet born about 1935
WrightTelma born about 1934
WrightWalter Eborn about 1917
WrightWilliam Jborn about 1873
WrinAgnes born about 1905
WrinAnna born about 1903
WrinAnna Marieborn about 1937
WrinCatherine Roseborn about 1936
WrinEdward born about 1916
WrinGertrude born about 1913
WrinHerman ??? Jborn about 1911
WrinHumphrey born about 1908
WrinMary Janeborn about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YatesBetty Jborn about 1937
YatesEller born about 1911
YatesEstella born about 1917
YatesFrederick Wborn about 1939
YatesJames Zborn about 1913
YatesNancy Lborn about 1940
YatesRuel born about 1911

Z Surnames

ZaidelAlbert born about 1877

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