1940 U.S. Federal Census of Franklin in DeKalb County, DeKalb, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > DeKalb County > 1940 Census of Franklin in DeKalb County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AlbrightFlorence born about 1902
AlbrightGloria born about 1933
AlbrightLeo born about 1891
AlbrightLewis born about 1859
AlbrightMary Eborn about 1879
AlbrightWilbur born about 1928
AldrichGladys born about 1896
AldrichJohn born about 1865
AldrichLisle born about 1921
AldrichLoren born about 1894
AllmongAdelene Rborn about 1925
AllmongAgnes born about 1900
AllmongVirginia born about 1922
AllomongWayne Eborn about 1895
AnthonyDaldo born about 1901
AnthonyRosa born about 1875
AslerWilliam born about 1890

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B Surnames

BadrnamBetty Tborn about 1928
BadrnamDonald Eborn about 1936
BadrnamJack born about 1938
BadrnamJon born about 1932
BadrnamLawrence born about 1903
BadrnamLouise born about 1907
BadrnamRussell Wborn about 1926
BallAlma born about 1921
BallFrances born about 1874
BallHenry Wborn about 1866
BallMaynard born about 1915
BallZefme born about 1907
BaxterMartha born about 1873
BeardEleanor born about 1939
BeardEloise born about 1932
BeardHarold born about 1906
BeardVida born about 1907
BechtolFlorence born about 1906
BechtolGerald born about 1905
BeckwithFrank born about 1921
BenderAlbert born about 1902
BenderAnnette born about 1937
BenderCelestine born about 1925
BenderDevota born about 1929
BenderLavon born about 1933
BenderMildred born about 1907
BenderRita born about 1931
BenjaminAda born about 1893
BenjaminAustin born about 1895
BenjaminEsther born about 1922
BenjaminLois born about 1924
BenjaminMary Elenorborn about 1927
BenjaminPaul born about 1930
BenjaminRuth Annaborn about 1935
BethelDavid born about 1862
BethelIda born about 1858
BetzElmer born about 1876
BetzGertrude born about 1899
BetzGilbert Oborn about 1925
BetzLyrton born about 1929
BetzOtis Yborn about 1900
BetzPrudie born about 1877
BlakerNevina born about 1938
BlanchardGeorge born about 1935
BlanchardHelen born about 1932
BlanchardHoward born about 1901
BlanchardLewis born about 1928
BlanchardMarion born about 1909
BlanchardReha born about 1929
BolingerAlbert born about 1913
BonecutterAnnabell born about 1925
BonecutterBessie born about 1890
BonecutterClarence born about 1924
BonecutterDavid born about 1880
BonecutterDlenn born about 1920
BonecutterJen born about 1889
BonecutterMable born about 1890
BonecutterMaurice born about 1927
BonecutterPaul born about 1920
BonecutterVirgil born about 1917
BowersAllan born about 1939
BowersElizabeth born about 1866
BowersHelen born about 1908
BowersLeon born about 1931
BowersLoren born about 1932
BowersVirginia born about 1934
BowersWinn Cborn about 1900
BoyerElvin born about 1925
BoyerErele born about 1922
BoyerFreeman born about 1924
BoyerGerald born about 1919
BoyerGrover born about 1886
BoyerKathleen born about 1930
BoyerOrpha born about 1888
BrownAudra Mborn about 1893
BrownChiland Hborn about 1890
BrownLou born about 1880
BrownSam born about 1872
BurkJohn Eborn about 1878

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C Surnames

CallDolores Mborn about 1932
CallHenry born about 1880
CallJerald Dborn about 1935
CallSara Lborn about 1887
CallSoyle Jr born about 1930
CallVelma born about 1906
CallVelma Maeborn about 1928
CalvinDavid Lborn about 1939
CalvinDorothy born about 1914
CalvinJames born about 1934
CalvinJohn Kborn about 1908
CalvinLauren Jborn about 1932
CalvinRichard Kborn about 1936
CampLola Bborn about 1920
CampRobert born about 1918
CarpenterAda born about 1885
CarpenterEileen born about 1926
CarpenterHarold born about 1902
CarpenterJamice born about 1940
CarpenterLucile born about 1932
CarpenterRila born about 1879
CarpenterThelma born about 1906
CarrieAnna born about 1902
CasilomanPearl born about 1924
ChapmanArthur born about 1880
ChapmanClarence born about 1921
ChapmanEarl born about 1883
ChapmanHazel born about 1915
ChapmanKenneth born about 1918
ChapmanSc Ludiaborn about 1893
ChapmanTellie born about 1882
ChappellMary Aborn about 1871
ClarkChristina born about 1874
ClarkClara born about 1898
ClarkDelbert born about 1919
ClarkOpal born about 1924
ClarkRalph born about 1930
ClarkRaymond born about 1894
ClarkRoger born about 1939
ClarkeGlenn born about 1918
ClarkeRhoda born about 1881
ClarkeWayne born about 1911
ClearDon born about 1925
ClearFlossie born about 1887
ClearLouie born about 1881
ClubertsonIda Maeborn about 1881
CreagerAlbert born about 1928
CreagerEthel born about 1905
CreagerFerman born about 1903
CreagerGerald born about 1926

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D Surnames

DanglerDillon born about 1901
DanglerNorrettia born about 1937
DanglerRhoba born about 1902
DavidCecil born about 1919
DavidEmma born about 1892
DavidIda Mborn about 1923
DavidIdanette born about 1940
DavidMable born about 1918
DavidMax born about 1928
DavidWendell born about 1930
DavidZera born about 1877
DavisBernice born about 1913
DavisDonald born about 1931
DavisDoris born about 1933
DavisDorman born about 1935
DavisDorothy born about 1930
DavisDurand Wborn about 1912
DavisGeanvine born about 1938
DavisMardelle born about 1917
DayGerald born about 1912
DayMildred born about 1890
DayThomas Wborn about 1883
DeemsOrrin born about 1874
DeemsWilliam Aborn about 1885
DerrowMarie born about 1930
DerstAnn Jborn about 1940
DerstDayne born about 1914
DerstJoyce born about 1918
DietzanCelinar born about 1873
DillsGladys born about 1892
DillsPeggy Lborn about 1932
DirrimCharles born about 1873
DirrimMary Sborn about 1872
DirrineBert born about 1880
DirrineGrace born about 1888
DivinClella born about 1895
DivinHelen born about 1928
DivinMarion born about 1914
DivinOtis born about 1891
DivinWayne born about 1915
DixonBlanche born about 1895
DixonDaniel born about 1892
DixonGeraldine born about 1921
DixonHellene born about 1924
DixonHenry born about 1900
DixonIsabel born about 1865
DixonPauline born about 1907
DohmerDordon born about 1922
DohmerFarmon born about 1924
DohmerGarland born about 1926
DohmerHarold born about 1898
DohmerMarion born about 1902
DohmerMary born about 1928
DohmerNorman born about 1921
DohmerPatricia born about 1932
DohnerAlice Fborn about 1936
DohnerFaye born about 1903
DohnerGlen born about 1900
DohnerGordon born about 1922
DohnerJohn born about 1924
DohnerLee born about 1935
DohnerRichard born about 1922
DortzellRalph born about 1899
DottsEarl born about 1893
DottsMildred born about 1896
DouglasElizabeth born about 1890
DouglasHarold born about 1928
DouglasLoyd born about 1886
DouglasRuth born about 1934
DuncanJohn Wborn about 1879
DuncanMae born about 1876

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E Surnames

EddyLois born about 1914
EddyOrris born about 1915
EgbertAlice born about 1882
EgbertFredrick born about 1921
EgbertWilliam Cborn about 1886
ElbertAugustine born about 1918
ElbertDan born about 1888
ElbertGilbert born about 1921
ElbertHarold born about 1924
ElbertHerman born about 1919
ElbertJoann born about 1932
ElbertJohn born about 1895
ElbertMargaret born about 1890
ElbertRuth born about 1928
ElbertVictoria born about 1896
EverethEarl born about 1914
EverethJanis born about 1938
EverethRuby born about 1915
EverettaCurtis Mborn about 1859
EverettaIda born about 1939
EverettaLois born about 1915
EverettaWilliam born about 1888
EverettsAudey born about 1905
EverettsCharles born about 1939
EverettsFloria born about 1903
EverhartClus born about 1901
EverittJosie born about 1890

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F Surnames

FeeAgnes born about 1901
FeeAlice born about 1896
FeeDora born about 1874
FeeEleanor born about 1934
FeeGay born about 1879
FeeGeland born about 1921
FeeIda born about 1893
FeeKenneth born about 1927
FeeMarlene born about 1933
FeeOliver born about 1875
FeeOrlie Wborn about 1889
FeeRonald born about 1925
FeeRuby born about 1923
FeeWinifred born about 1923
FerrahFredrick born about 1932
FerrahSaleme born about 1912
FerrahSamuel born about 1904
FiferEthel born about 1884
FiferFreeman born about 1880
FiferViolet Mborn about 1926
FirestoneClhoe born about 1852
FisherAllen born about 1922
FisherHilda born about 1900
FisherOlis born about 1893
FisherRobert born about 1926
FlazeolleThors born about 1901
FlazeolleWill born about 1890
FordClidie born about 1894
FordDaryl born about 1918
FordDonald born about 1928
FordRollie born about 1895
FortAlma born about 1908
FortBernard born about 1929
FortBernard Jborn about 1904
FortCyrus born about 1930
FortMarvin born about 1932
FortWandell born about 1934
FreidenbergerDorothy Jborn about 1927
FreidenbergerHerbert Jr born about 1923
FreidenbergerHubert born about 1896
FreidenbergerVelma born about 1900
FryGeorgie born about 1918
FryRalph born about 1893
FunkEffie born about 1872
FunkFrank born about 1866

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G Surnames

GaffElmer born about 1905
GaffMax born about 1928
GaffMildred born about 1904
GearhartBert born about 1875
GearhartGladys born about 1899
GearhartMalcolm born about 1924
GettsEdith born about 1917
GettsEllis born about 1883
GettsGloria Annborn about 1938
GettsHeber born about 1915
GettsMargaret born about 1882
GettsMilldred born about 1918
GettsRichard Eborn about 1939
GettsWilliam Wborn about 1920
GettyFloyd Hborn about 1903
GettyRuth born about 1900
GettyeHarold Dborn about 1917
GettyeHilda born about 1921
GilsingerBarbara Aborn about 1932
GilsingerGane Sborn about 1938
GilsingerViola born about 1915
GinningsDale born about 1932
GinningsDeroaine born about 1923
GinningsLester born about 1899
GinningsMarvin born about 1926
GinningsMildred born about 1902
GinzburgAlex born about 1918
GinzburgElizabeth born about 1912
GolmanEvan Rborn about 1920
GolmanMary Cborn about 1879
GolmanRay Bborn about 1882
GouldArthur Mborn about 1882
GouldFlorence born about 1886
GrableErnest born about 1906
GrableMarjorie Jborn about 1934
GrableRetha born about 1910
GreenwoodBarbara Aborn about 1928
GreenwoodDavid born about 1887
GreenwoodEdna born about 1886
GreenwoodSparan Hborn about 1934
GreenwoodWilliam Dborn about 1926
GriestBernard born about 1925
GriestBeulah born about 1892
GriestCarol born about 1933
GriestClyde born about 1891
GriestPoland born about 1924
GriestWilmetta born about 1926
GrubbCharles born about 1911
GrubbClarence born about 1916
GunsenhouseHelen Mborn about 1924
GunsenhouseLois Mborn about 1932
GunsenhouseRalph born about 1927
GunsenhouseSara Bellborn about 1899
GunsenhouserCora born about 1873
GunsenhouserJacob born about 1870
GurtnerBauce born about 1908
GurtnerDonald Eborn about 1939
GurtnerJohn Dborn about 1936
GurtnerLorella born about 1909

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H Surnames

HagertyBernard born about 1925
HagertyEleanor born about 1926
HagertyElmer born about 1903
HagertyGela born about 1881
HagertyJins born about 1935
HagertyJohn born about 1877
HagertyLela born about 1928
HagertyMargaret born about 1906
HagertyThomas born about 1929
HagertyWayne born about 1930
HaggertyLewis born about 1865
HallHoward born about 1880
HallPermilla born about 1884
HammanDorothy born about 1912
HammanElsie born about 1896
HammanRussell born about 1900
HammanWalter born about 1911
HammanWayne born about 1939
HammonBertha born about 1882
HammonGilbert Rborn about 1871
HammonMarion born about 1920
HammonMartin born about 1922
HammondLida born about 1874
HammonsClarence born about 1909
HammonsDale born about 1931
HammonsDorothy born about 1913
HammonsMarilyn born about 1933
HammonsNorma born about 1936
HaultonDode born about 1875
HaultonMarion Hborn about 1900
HaultonMaude born about 1874
HeadleyGeorge Mborn about 1889
HeadleyGraydon Gborn about 1914
HeadleyImez Aborn about 1864
HeadleyMinnie born about 1893
HeplerBert born about 1868
HeplerNattie born about 1862
HerleyOra born about 1916
HizleyGeverett born about 1871
HohnanAlice born about 1914
HohnanKenneth born about 1909
HohnanRoger born about 1937
HolhamAsa Hborn about 1886
HolhamEmmagean born about 1923
HolhamLoren Wborn about 1918
HolhamOllie born about 1889
HorerstockCharles born about 1876
HorerstockVera born about 1905
HosachBilly born about 1930
HosachDorothy born about 1936
HosachHila born about 1901
HosachMarylyn born about 1932
HosachWilliam born about 1898
HoultonAlice born about 1911
HoultonBurton born about 1874
HoultonClaude born about 1905
HoultonFlora born about 1863
HoultonJerry Hborn about 1937
HoultonJessie Hborn about 1884
HoultonLeland Sborn about 1889
HoultonMary Louborn about 1931
HoultonMaud born about 1877
HouserDorothy born about 1937
HouserDunne born about 1927
HouserGeorge Hborn about 1899
HouserJerry born about 1928
HouserMaria born about 1924
HouserMarie born about 1903
HowardCharles born about 1934
HowardCharles Aborn about 1876
HowardDorthy born about 1910
HowardHerbert born about 1903
HowardRobert born about 1939
HuningtonChristian born about 1874
HuningtonHanna Eborn about 1874
HuntBessie born about 1885
HuntHarry Lborn about 1892
HuntJosephine born about 1923
HuntTheodore born about 1864
HuplerLora Leeborn about 1923

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I Surnames

IimhofEmit born about 1888
IsenbargerJohn born about 1879
IsenbargerRose born about 1881

J Surnames

JenningsCharles born about 1871
JenningsClara born about 1867

K Surnames

KandelGeorge born about 1931
KandelHelen born about 1902
KandelHerbert born about 1924
KandelHoward born about 1901
KandelKatherine born about 1926
KandelMargaret Eborn about 1866
KandelPeter Gborn about 1863
KanubuhlerAlta born about 1915
KanubuhlerDale Rborn about 1939
KanubuhlerJoan born about 1938
KanubuhlerLora born about 1935
KanubuhlerReinhold born about 1914
KauffmanCarroll born about 1895
KauffmanDon Carrollborn about 1935
KauffmanHazel born about 1898
KauffmanJa born about 1873
KeepLulu born about 1883
KeepWinfred born about 1924
KeepWinn born about 1882
KellerEula born about 1906
KellerGerald born about 1924
KellerHarold born about 1926
KellerMelvin born about 1901
KeplerAmelia born about 1869
KeplerCharline born about 1925
KeplerDomar born about 1930
KeplerElwood born about 1903
KeplerIda born about 1893
KeplerMarguerite born about 1909
KeplerRalph born about 1904
KeplerVirginia born about 1911
KingDoris born about 1922
KingGarford born about 1920
KingGeorge Rborn about 1939
KingJern born about 1922
KingJohn Wborn about 1938
KingJulia born about 1881
KingLaura born about 1930
KingLois born about 1916
KingManford born about 1878
KingOdessa born about 1887
KingRalph born about 1916
KingSamuel born about 1890
KiserKay born about 1937
KiserMary born about 1903
KiserOra born about 1900
KiserRoselie born about 1939
KlineEmma Bborn about 1877
KlineSolomon Tborn about 1878
KlinkJoseph Cborn about 1930
KlinkMarie Aborn about 1910
KlinkPhyllis born about 1935
KlinkRobert born about 1903
KlinkRobert born about 1939
KlinkRoberta born about 1931
KlinkSybilla born about 1933
KnorpFlorin born about 1918
KonoxBilly Gborn about 1926
KonoxGail born about 1890
KonoxGlen Hborn about 1921
KonoxHollin born about 1888
KonoxOvalee born about 1932
KrayderAnna born about 1866
KrayderClarence born about 1901
KrayderClarence Aborn about 1930
KrayderMinerva born about 1908
KyattCecil born about 1924

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L Surnames

LautzenhiserElizabeth born about 1939
LautzenhiserLoyd born about 1917
LautzenhiserMary born about 1915
LinnDavid born about 1872
LinnDonald born about 1924
LinnDonovan born about 1907
LinnPerry born about 1881
LockwardChester born about 1893
LockwardClifford born about 1927
LockwardJoyce born about 1894
LockwardRonald born about 1918
LockwardWillie born about 1932
LockwoodDayton born about 1921
LockwoodLois born about 1922
LongHarry born about 1901
LongJoan born about 1935
LongMildred born about 1904
LongRuth born about 1928
LoweBessie born about 1885
LowerCarl born about 1913
LowerMildred Eborn about 1910
LysingerSherwood born about 1875

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M Surnames

MagginnisDonald born about 1917
MagginnisDonnabell born about 1919
MagginnisMary Annborn about 1939
MagginnisMellie Jborn about 1939
MaierDonald born about 1930
MaierJimmie born about 1934
MaierKenneth Kborn about 1926
MaierLuta born about 1908
MaierMarrlill born about 1908
MaierMary Sborn about 1928
MannCharles born about 1885
MarkEarl born about 1886
MarkEva born about 1889
MarkFrank Jborn about 1925
MarkGeorge Zborn about 1871
MarkHattie born about 1880
MarkMarvine born about 1904
MarkWeir born about 1907
MarymanCecil Jborn about 1900
MarymanJesse born about 1862
MatsonDoris born about 1915
MatsonEllen born about 1939
MatsonLee born about 1938
MatsonWillis born about 1913
MazzimisClarence born about 1899
MazzimisClarence Jr born about 1925
MazzimisEster born about 1937
MazzimisMartha born about 1930
MazzimisOliver born about 1932
MazzimisRose born about 1898
MazzimisWilmer born about 1927
McDonaldRussel born about 1876
McKernAnomia born about 1919
McKernCora born about 1888
McKernGenevieve born about 1922
McKernGeorge born about 1920
McKernHomer Sborn about 1882
McNallLloyd born about 1935
MerchantMalvin born about 1870
MeusserBertha born about 1901
MeusserEvelyn born about 1927
MeusserKal born about 1938
MeusserLeonore born about 1929
MeusserRobert born about 1925
MeusserWillie born about 1902
MillerAllen Hborn about 1922
MillerAlyer Eborn about 1936
MillerAmanda born about 1931
MillerBarbara born about 1933
MillerCharles Wborn about 1933
MillerEthel born about 1901
MillerEthel Bborn about 1924
MillerHarriet Aborn about 1871
MillerHubert Dborn about 1932
MillerJohn born about 1900
MillerJohn Fborn about 1864
MillerJoseph Cborn about 1930
MillerJoyce born about 1930
MillerKatherine born about 1871
MillerLathan born about 1903
MillerManasses born about 1926
MillerManuel born about 1873
MillerRedith Sborn about 1937
MillerRobert Bborn about 1895
MiserDorothy born about 1927
MiserGoldie born about 1900
MiserMary born about 1930
MiserWilliam born about 1899
MockCarrie born about 1885
MockHenry born about 1914
MockWalter born about 1880
MorowBert born about 1887
MuisserArlo born about 1932
MuisserEdna born about 1891
MusserEned Mborn about 1939
MusserGeorge Wborn about 1875
MusserIrene born about 1921
MusserPaul born about 1911
MusserRaymond born about 1915
MusserVera born about 1921
MussieArnold born about 1933
MussieDorah born about 1928
MussieFloyd born about 1896
MussieHarvey born about 1863
MussieJanice born about 1937
MussieLorry born about 1894
MussieRuth born about 1925
MussieVelma born about 1930
MyersAlice born about 1931
MyersColumbia born about 1901
MyersDonald born about 1923
MyersLester Fborn about 1902
MyersMinnie born about 1873
MyersPriscille born about 1933
MyersThomas Eborn about 1867

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N Surnames

NeddieHelen born about 1914
NeddieJames born about 1866
NeddieRalph born about 1894
NewcomerAlice born about 1899
NewcomerArna born about 1879
NewcomerBarbara born about 1931
NewcomerBernadine born about 1925
NewcomerBertha born about 1903
NewcomerCharles born about 1874
NewcomerDale born about 1938
NewcomerGladys born about 1908
NewcomerHarold born about 1900
NewcomerHoward born about 1902
NewcomerLois born about 1929
NewcomerMable born about 1927
NewcomerMarion born about 1898
NewcomerOra Gborn about 1882
NewcomerPaul born about 1932
NewcomerPauline born about 1931
NewcomerShirley born about 1934
NoragonBert born about 1874
NoragonLoen born about 1896
NorrickFrank born about 1863
NorrickFranklin born about 1920
NorrickHarrison born about 1894
NorrickHulda born about 1930
NorrickIona born about 1927
NorrickNora born about 1891
NorrickPauline born about 1923

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O Surnames

OrainJames born about 1883
OrainJohn born about 1919
OrainOlive born about 1895
OverholtDean born about 1891
OverholtPearl born about 1892
OverholtSuella Mborn about 1924
OverlineCharles born about 1929
OverlineClaire born about 1927
OverlineGeorge born about 1931

P Surnames

ParkisonAnna born about 1888
ParkisonCorlin Jr born about 1925
ParkisonHarry Lborn about 1883
ParkisonIvan born about 1918
PattsCharles born about 1883
PattsPrydence born about 1885
PaulenAlfred born about 1908
PaulenThelma born about 1917
PinneyLewis born about 1872
PlattAnna Maeborn about 1917
PlattAudra born about 1893
PlattBetty born about 1922
PlattCharles born about 1907
PlattCora Vborn about 1878
PlattDona Juneborn about 1920
PlattFlora born about 1866
PlattHazel born about 1894
PlattJohn born about 1887
PlattRaymond born about 1911
PlattRichard born about 1878
PlattRobert born about 1887
PlattWilliam born about 1918
PorterJay born about 1881
PorterLucy born about 1879
PotterNellie born about 1885
PotterWilliam born about 1880
PraulGeorge Fborn about 1870
PraulMargaret Eborn about 1873
PriestDonna born about 1921

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R Surnames

RhonErnest born about 1897
RhonIda Mborn about 1892
RickeyHarold born about 1886
RickeyRaymond born about 1931
RickeyShirley born about 1936
RickeyTheron born about 1891
RickeyVelma born about 1906
RidgeJasper Lborn about 1870
RidgeJennie born about 1876
RidgeKenneth Hborn about 1907
RobbinsAllen born about 1934
RobbinsIrene born about 1909
RobbinsMarceline born about 1929
RobbinsRoy born about 1908
RobbinsShirley born about 1930
RogalElderd born about 1932
RogalJohn born about 1901
RogalJohn Cborn about 1929
RogalMelvin born about 1934
RoydJohn born about 1866
RoydThresia born about 1871

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S Surnames

SanxterCora born about 1889
SanxterEarl born about 1886
SattisonBessie born about 1885
SattisonDaldo born about 1877
SattisonJohn born about 1927
SattisonPhyllis born about 1926
SautzenhiserArgyl born about 1919
SautzenhiserArthur born about 1888
SautzenhiserDora born about 1894
SautzenhiserElizabeth born about 1853
SautzenhiserTwila Mborn about 1931
SchiekErnest born about 1897
SchiekMable born about 1900
SchiekWilliam born about 1922
SchmittBetty Gborn about 1928
SchmittClara born about 1891
SchmittEarnest born about 1889
SchmittWilma Mborn about 1915
SchnderCharles born about 1904
SchnderClara born about 1875
SchnderFrank born about 1873
SchnderJohn born about 1908
SchortzenBernard born about 1926
SchortzenCarl born about 1900
SchortzenCaroline born about 1890
SchortzenFrancis born about 1930
ScovilleMary born about 1870
ScovilleMott born about 1872
ScrauazeAgnes born about 1915
ScrauazeAllan born about 1938
ScrauazeDanilul born about 1936
ScrauazeJohn born about 1912
ScrauazeTerry born about 1939
ShadeElizabeth born about 1919
ShoudelAlbert born about 1904
ShoudelCleo born about 1933
ShoudelDonald born about 1937
ShoudelJohn Dborn about 1877
ShoudelLenord born about 1930
ShoudelMargaret born about 1879
ShoudelOliva born about 1905
ShultzAlbert born about 1870
ShultzBurton born about 1878
ShultzClara born about 1876
ShultzEffie born about 1880
SieberalerAloysius born about 1929
SieberalerLydella born about 1903
SieberalerMary Janeborn about 1937
SieberalerRaymond born about 1900
SieberalerRuth Annborn about 1934
SloudelAnthony born about 1905
SloudelDorothy born about 1909
SloudelMathia Hborn about 1939
SmartClellie Rborn about 1931
SmartDorothy born about 1934
SmartElellie born about 1907
SmartGladys born about 1908
SmartMancy born about 1939
SmartPatsy Annborn about 1929
SmartPhyllis born about 1932
SmithDal Dborn about 1909
SmithDella born about 1925
SmithDonella Mborn about 1928
SmithJessie Lborn about 1887
SmithJohn born about 1911
SmithMarion born about 1922
SmithMary born about 1905
SmythCharley born about 1932
SmythJannet born about 1935
SmythLinda born about 1938
SmythRosa born about 1912
SmythSamuel born about 1904
SnyderAmos born about 1928
SnyderCloide Dborn about 1882
SnyderHarold born about 1917
SnyderIova born about 1925
SnyderZantha born about 1884
SonesOllie born about 1920
SoudarBerdina born about 1925
SoudarClyde born about 1877
SoudarLoren born about 1903
SoudarMattie born about 1879
SoudarMay born about 1881
SoudarMilton born about 1874
SpakeEverett born about 1876
SpakeJohn Dborn about 1891
SpakeMable born about 1894
SpakeMatti born about 1883
SpakeNorma Jborn about 1926
SpencerBessie born about 1909
SpencerHarley born about 1903
StichlerSamuel born about 1876
StoneHarry born about 1868
StrokGrace born about 1908
StrokRussel born about 1903
SunamAlice born about 1887
SwiftDorothy born about 1913
SwiftEugene born about 1931
SwiftFred born about 1911
SzemanAnna born about 1880
SzemanAntony born about 1922
SzemanJohn born about 1875
SzemanJohn Jr born about 1904
SzemanJoseph born about 1913
SzemanMary born about 1882
SzemanOril born about 1922
SzemanStephen born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TemmonClara born about 1868
TemmonKeep born about 1870
TeutschAllen born about 1923
TeutschElsie born about 1888
TeutschFoster born about 1889
TeutschIalune born about 1912
ThomasMinnie born about 1873
ThusbueEverett born about 1899
ThusbueEverett Lborn about 1938
ThusbueMargaret born about 1910
ThusbueMary born about 1924
ThusbueRuth born about 1922
TierstmansAdam born about 1853
TrubeyKenneth born about 1911
TrubeyLowell Kborn about 1935
TrubeyMax Wborn about 1939
TrubeyOlivia born about 1907
TrubeyPaul Mborn about 1937

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanzileGuy born about 1882
VanzileStella born about 1882
VoseCecil born about 1911
VoseDouglas born about 1937
VoseJohn born about 1905
VoseMaud born about 1876
VoseOpal born about 1915
VovlicAnna born about 1897

W Surnames

WagnerEdith born about 1886
WagnerFrank born about 1903
WagnerGeorge Aborn about 1868
WagnerHelen born about 1909
WagnerIma Oliveborn about 1904
WagnerJohn born about 1933
WagnerLaura Gborn about 1939
WagnerLewis born about 1878
WagnerMable born about 1907
WagnerPaul born about 1905
WagnerRobert born about 1935
WagnerShirley Dborn about 1939
WatermanIsabel born about 1886
WatermanOtto born about 1883
WeichtDe Vir born about 1940
WeichtDe Von born about 1937
WeichtDe Wayne born about 1936
WeichtDean born about 1913
WeichtGeorge born about 1872
WeichtGeorge Jr born about 1922
WeichtHazel born about 1916
WeichtMary born about 1892
WellsTale born about 1885
WellsThema born about 1885
WhiteCharles born about 1884
WhiteEstell born about 1918
WhiteFrancis born about 1908
WhiteIona born about 1886
WillmarAnn born about 1935
WillmarBert born about 1900
WillmarEdgar born about 1907
WillmarLois born about 1911
WillmarOrlie born about 1903
WillmarRita born about 1939
WilsonAlbert Gborn about 1879
WilsonAlfred born about 1915
WilsonDessie born about 1916
WilsonEmma born about 1857
WingJohn Lborn about 1872
WingRuth born about 1912
WolfHiram born about 1858
WolfMelissa born about 1866
WolfeMinnie born about 1869
WoodEula born about 1894
WoodEva born about 1911
WoodLeta born about 1860
WoodRebecca born about 1933
WoodThomas born about 1900
WoodWayne born about 1897
WoodardHenry born about 1873
WoodardVera born about 1889
WrightCharles Aborn about 1909
WrightZepha born about 1915
WynkoopCail born about 1910
WynkoopCarrie born about 1889
WynkoopLiva Cborn about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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