1940 U.S. Federal Census of Green in Grant County, Grant, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Grant County > 1940 Census of Green in Grant County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbernathyLinda Karenborn about 1939
AbernathyReba born about 1917
AbernathyRichard Leeborn about 1936
AbernathyWillis born about 1915
AerhartMandy born about 1860
AlexanderVasper born about 1893
AlfertsDavid born about 1918
AllenEarl born about 1885
AllenEffie born about 1887
AllenGlen Sborn about 1885
AllenGoldie Gladysborn about 1888
AllenWilford born about 1922
AncilBonnie Jeanneborn about 1940
AncilFrancis born about 1917
AncilJames born about 1916

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B Surnames

BannonDewey born about 1899
BannonEileen born about 1924
BannonJoseph Oscarborn about 1932
BannonMabel born about 1898
BannonMamie born about 1898
BannonMary born about 1921
BannonOnner born about 1895
BannonRaymond born about 1923
BannonWilma Jeanborn about 1931
BatzBarbara born about 1927
BatzDonald born about 1926
BatzEmm born about 1932
BatzFern born about 1904
BatzJackie born about 1935
BatzJames born about 1897
BatzMyron born about 1930
BatzRaymond born about 1924
BaylessEd born about 1870
BeatyJoseph born about 1919
BeedleHazel born about 1894
BeedleHomer born about 1895
BeedleImogene born about 1930
BennettMartha Lborn about 1876
BlamkenshipEarl born about 1898
BlamkenshipIda born about 1893
BowlesIsaac born about 1918
BrasfieldGeorge Mborn about 1866
BrasfieldMinnie Aborn about 1870
BrownCharles Wborn about 1924
BrownMary Elsieborn about 1927
BryantMadeline born about 1921
BryantNellie born about 1887
BryantRoscoe born about 1884
BulesBetty born about 1927
BulesEvadene born about 1937
BulesMarion born about 1897
BulesMaurice born about 1926
BulesPhilip born about 1931
BulesRichard born about 1934
BulesStella born about 1905
BurokerAnna born about 1883
BurokerAnna born about 1915
BurokerBessie born about 1906
BurokerBeverley Annborn about 1936
BurokerDe Merle born about 1927
BurokerDelmus born about 1906
BurokerJudith Mayborn about 1938
BurokerLeland born about 1931
BurokerLindell born about 1929
BurokerLloyd Donaldborn about 1912
BurokerMaurie born about 1912
BurokerNoman Eugeneborn about 1939
BurokerPalmer born about 1879
BurokerRobert Donaldborn about 1936
BurokerZeda Telmaborn about 1912
BwackhamerClifton Wborn about 1887
BwackhamerFaye born about 1889
BwackhamerWilliam Richardborn about 1920

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C Surnames

ClarkCharles born about 1916
ClarkDoll born about 1881
ClarkEarshel born about 1902
ClarkEdna Gertrudeborn about 1928
ClarkJames Rofertborn about 1927
ClarkRuth born about 1906
CollinsBert born about 1878
CollinsGrace born about 1883
CollinsHarley Bborn about 1881
CollinsJane born about 1854
CollinsMyrtle born about 1880
ComptonEmma born about 1870
ComptonFrancis Leeborn about 1932
ComptonHallie born about 1898
ComptonLee born about 1860
ComptonMax born about 1921
ComptonMerrill born about 1928
ComptonRuth born about 1899
ConeOsa born about 1891
ConeWilbur Aborn about 1876
CooperBerry Wborn about 1864
CooperBlanche born about 1891
CooperBonnie Jeanborn about 1933
CooperHenry born about 1888
CooperMary Ambyborn about 1868
CooperVirgil born about 1924
CooperWilham Jborn about 1919
CovaltBetty born about 1925
CovaltFred born about 1887
CovaltGrace born about 1891
CraigHazel born about 1904
CraigNoah born about 1899
CraigRex born about 1924
CraigRobert born about 1921
CrullCharles Rexborn about 1925
CrullFrank born about 1893
CrullIva Joborn about 1923
CrullMabel Dborn about 1902
CrullPatsy Ruthborn about 1933
CudyArnold born about 1919
CudyEverett born about 1897
CudyJune Jilunborn about 1920
CudyWayne born about 1928
CudyWilda born about 1898
CurlessGlen born about 1889
CurlessMarion born about 1919
CurlessOpal born about 1891
CurlessRobert born about 1913

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D Surnames

DaleIris Fernborn about 1891
DaleKenneth born about 1884
DannsConnie born about 1905
DannsEdgar born about 1932
DannsEva Blanchborn about 1903
DannsFrank born about 1873
DannsLawrence born about 1901
DannsMarie born about 1869
DannsWilbur born about 1911
DavisBeulah born about 1895
DavisCharles Wborn about 1877
DavisClyde born about 1889
DavisFloy born about 1920
DavisJames born about 1864
DavisLouise born about 1919
DavisMarion born about 1911
DavisPearl born about 1877
DeetrAlfa Claraborn about 1913
DeetrHoward born about 1913
DeiterGrace born about 1883
DeiterWilliam born about 1883
DenningLena born about 1880
DenningOlive born about 1889
DevoerClarence Eborn about 1883
DevoerEffie born about 1886
DevoreBetty born about 1938
DevoreCarolyn born about 1936
DevoreJoan born about 1917
DevoreLuther born about 1917
DevoreVictor born about 1939
DexterDavid Robertborn about 1939
DexterHarriet Annborn about 1917
DexterMarilyn Annborn about 1937
DexterMarton born about 1915
DexterMichael Leeborn about 1938
DonningHarland born about 1914
DonningJean born about 1918
DonningJohn born about 1877
DonningPearl born about 1878
DooleyPearl born about 1890
DooleyRobert born about 1908
DounsEmmaline born about 1862
DraperCarl born about 1908
DuncanAlma Mayborn about 1896
DuncanEdward born about 1922
DuncanHomer Leeborn about 1932
DuncanJohn Williamborn about 1917
DuncanMary Ethelborn about 1922
DuncanRebecca born about 1938
DuncanRuth born about 1924
DuncanWayne born about 1935
DuncanWilliam born about 1892
DuncanWilliam Leeborn about 1923

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E Surnames

EchelbargerHelen born about 1908
EchelbargerLloyd born about 1907
EchelbargerLouise born about 1868
EchelfarzerChristian born about 1886
EchelfarzerMinnie born about 1886
ErtelBelle born about 1886
ErtelByron born about 1911
ErtelGlen born about 1922
ErtelJohn born about 1934
ErtelMiriam born about 1900
EstesGrace born about 1917
EstesJackie Leeborn about 1940
EstesMary Willborn about 1939
EstesWalter born about 1913
EvensLewis born about 1880
EverettEmma born about 1888
EverettLee born about 1886
EverettRobert born about 1921
ExmeyerArthur born about 1906
ExmeyerBarbara born about 1918
ExmeyerBetty born about 1932
ExmeyerRichard born about 1929
ExmeyerVera born about 1905

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F Surnames

FarleyBertha Leeborn about 1882
FarleyClaude born about 1879
FarleyFlorence born about 1915
FarleyWalter born about 1917
FeanJane Austinborn about 1920
FennelRussel born about 1903
FigginsEva Mayborn about 1884
FigginsHelen Louiseborn about 1923
FigginsValentine born about 1878
FleenerFern born about 1908
FleenerLornell born about 1930
FleenerRobert born about 1928
FleenerRonald born about 1905
FloreaBertha Maeborn about 1906
FloreaBetty Louiseborn about 1928
FloreaJohn Wborn about 1905
FloreaPhyllis Annborn about 1934
FloreaRaymond Leslieborn about 1931
FloreaRoland Wayneborn about 1929
FloydEarl born about 1905
FloydElizabeth born about 1937
FloydRonald born about 1934
FortCharlene Tborn about 1891
FortJanette Annborn about 1927
FortPaul born about 1888
FoxEsther born about 1900
FoxVirginia Nellborn about 1923
FullerAgnes born about 1901
FullerBetty Sueborn about 1932
FullerFranklin Delanoborn about 1934
FullerIslelta born about 1925
FullerJoan born about 1924
FullerJohn born about 1895
FullerJohn Morrisborn about 1930
FullerMary Francisborn about 1927
FullerNancy Louborn about 1937
FullerPatricia born about 1922

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G Surnames

GeorgeArthur born about 1915
GeorgeCharles Wayneborn about 1934
GeorgeMary Oborn about 1891
GeorgeS Wborn about 1883
GeorgeWanda Jeanborn about 1926
GeorgeWilburter born about 1921
GeorgeWilliam Eugeneborn about 1930
GlassRay born about 1891
GobleLester born about 1905
GobleMyrtle born about 1877
GobleVirgie born about 1902
GrahamCharles Michaelborn about 1939
GrahamM Angelaborn about 1922
GravesArthur born about 1887
GravesLovena Mayborn about 1884
GreenBertha Ellenborn about 1898
GreenOtto born about 1870
GreenRuth Ellenborn about 1923
GreenWayne born about 1895
GridleEarl born about 1930
GridleGladys born about 1915
GridleL Daleborn about 1908
GridlePallucia born about 1937
GrimBenie born about 1896
GrimHazel born about 1896
GrinChristine born about 1920
GrinDonald born about 1919
GrinElsworth born about 1892
GrinVirgie born about 1898
GrindDelight born about 1891
GrindFay born about 1923
GrindJohn Frankborn about 1867
GrindLarrisa Eborn about 1869

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H Surnames

HamiltonCarl born about 1883
HamiltonF Mborn about 1852
HannahClarence born about 1881
HannahEdna born about 1891
HannahEffie born about 1883
HannahFern born about 1916
HannahFrank born about 1877
HannahJ Fborn about 1870
HannahJanette born about 1919
HannahJessie born about 1881
HannahMarilyn born about 1936
HannahOral born about 1890
HannahWayne born about 1910
HardacreJess born about 1896
HartingGeorge Wallaceborn about 1925
HartingNathan born about 1892
HartingShirley Catherineborn about 1937
HartingZella Fayborn about 1898
HavensJames Cborn about 1880
HavensJane Cborn about 1885
Heiser born about 1905
HeiserDaron born about 1908
HeiserLowell born about 1933
HeiserWilma born about 1931
HelesHelen born about 1909
HelesRobert born about 1909
HelesRoberta Jeanborn about 1932
HiattCharly born about 1881
HiattEdna Mayborn about 1884
HiattElster born about 1877
HiattEverett born about 1892
HiattEverett Jr born about 1928
HiattGiles Setonborn about 1908
HiattGrace born about 1896
HiattMarvin born about 1920
HiattVera born about 1924
HighleyAlbert Eborn about 1873
HighleyAlbert Jr born about 1915
HighleyFlorence Mborn about 1885
HinisAmanda born about 1883
HinisHarriet born about 1912
HoferEdna born about 1885
HoferKenneth Lborn about 1923
HollowayDavid Leeborn about 1936
HollowayEdgar Earlborn about 1915
HollowayMonelle born about 1917
HollowaySandra Kborn about 1939
HollowaySharon Sueborn about 1939
HonneClayton born about 1909
HonneLois Karleneborn about 1938
HonneMabel born about 1907
HoodBelle born about 1862
HoodBetty Marieborn about 1938
HoodCharles born about 1921
HoodElizabeth born about 1915
HoodFlossie Sophroniaborn about 1887
HoodJacklian Jborn about 1934
HoodWayne Nborn about 1910
HoodWillie Bborn about 1884
HorineCora born about 1875
HorineEverett Allenborn about 1914
HorineFranklin Allenborn about 1937
HorineGeorge born about 1875
HorineJanet Sueborn about 1939
HorineMary born about 1918
HosierBernice born about 1929
HosierEmerson born about 1930
HosierLeona born about 1911
HosierRebecca born about 1905
HosierRoscoe born about 1904
HosierRoy Eugeneborn about 1938
HosierWaldo born about 1902
HughesCharles Cborn about 1887
HughesEllen Maxineborn about 1927
HughesFrancis born about 1917
HughesHazel born about 1891
HughesMarjorie Leeborn about 1925
HughesVirgil Paulborn about 1923
HughesWalter Donaldborn about 1933
HummelBasil Wborn about 1891
HummelLaura Belleborn about 1887

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I Surnames

IdlewineEsta born about 1908
IdlewineJohn born about 1903

J Surnames

JainaGrace Eborn about 1898
JainaJanice born about 1921
JainaWalter Eborn about 1897
JamersonHenry Kborn about 1877
JamersonMaud born about 1880
JarrisCharles born about 1894
JarrisHazel born about 1895
JarvisBetty Louiseborn about 1926
JarvisFernita Bemicaborn about 1902
JarvisFlorence Helenborn about 1933
JarvisVirgil Russelborn about 1896
JesterCharles born about 1889
JesterElta born about 1871
JesterEula born about 1895
JohnCecil born about 1881
JohnEllen born about 1859
JohnEllen Margueriteborn about 1910
JohnMabel born about 1890
JohnsonIlah born about 1920
JohnsonMary Francisborn about 1937
JonesHarry born about 1873
JonesIsabel born about 1879
JordanGoyle born about 1916
JordanJessie born about 1883
JordanRena born about 1885

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K Surnames

KelleyGeorge born about 1913
KelleyHattie Janetborn about 1923
KelleyMary Ruthborn about 1940
KelleyNaomi born about 1914
KeyEthel Catherineborn about 1903
KeyIvan Henryborn about 1935
KeyJean Franklinborn about 1928
KeyMerrill Wayneborn about 1932
KeyWayne Franklinborn about 1903
KilgoreCharles born about 1886
KilgoreCharles Eborn about 1885
KilgoreCharles Wborn about 1914
KilgoreDickie born about 1933
KilgoreKarl Francisborn about 1885
KilgoreKarl Jr born about 1910
KilgoreMary Eborn about 1888
KilgoreMary Louborn about 1916
KilgoreTerry Nelsonborn about 1922
KilgoreWard born about 1888
KilgoreZua Opalborn about 1884
KimbroughDan born about 1907
KimbroughDan Jr born about 1939
KimbroughOra born about 1908
KimbroughRushia Rosettaborn about 1936
KingElsie Eborn about 1906
KingHerbert Jamesborn about 1902
KirkendallBetty Leeborn about 1938
KirkendallJames Francisborn about 1906
KirkendallJames Marshallborn about 1937
KirkendallMargaret Esterborn about 1912
KirkendallPatrick Annborn about 1935
KirkpatrickPearl Marieborn about 1921
KirkpatrickWilliam born about 1939
KirkpatrickWillis born about 1918
KnightEsther Marieborn about 1901
KnightRussel born about 1893
KnightSarah Elizabethborn about 1870
KratzerBud Williamborn about 1925
KratzerDarl Wayneborn about 1927
KratzerDorothy Mayborn about 1907
KratzerOrville born about 1904

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L Surnames

LaneJoseph Bborn about 1884
LaneWill born about 1870
LawsonJohn Hborn about 1868
LawsonLucy Violaborn about 1873
LeerBlanch Avisborn about 1886
LeerCleo born about 1889
LeerGlendon born about 1884
LeerKathryn born about 1908
LeerKenneth born about 1915
LeerMaud born about 1887
LeerRobert Lborn about 1911
LeisureAnn born about 1939
LeisureHannah born about 1878
LeisureJoseph Wborn about 1905
LeisureMax born about 1920
LeisureMildred born about 1906
LemingJames born about 1876
LhamonDailey born about 1911
LhamonDale born about 1934
LhamonMildred born about 1914
LhamonPhyllis born about 1937
LindleyMilton born about 1859
LivezeyCarl born about 1885
LivezeyMerrill born about 1916
LivezeySena born about 1886
LizweyCharles Ernestborn about 1918
LizweyCharley Bobborn about 1924
LizweyEthel Maeborn about 1916
LlewellanFrancis born about 1865
LlewellanGeorge born about 1862
LondonJanet Roseborn about 1932
LondonMary born about 1915
LordCharlie born about 1891
LordFrancis born about 1918
LordLanda born about 1893
LordMadge born about 1895
LordNaomi born about 1924
LordZora born about 1895
LuckmanElizabeth born about 1923
LuckmanGeorge Francisborn about 1918
LuckmanMabel born about 1896
LuckmanWayne born about 1895
LuseAbigarl born about 1863
LuseBonnie born about 1932
LuseEdna born about 1898
LuseMartha born about 1925
LuseThomas born about 1896
LuseTracy born about 1936
LuseWhelden born about 1927
LystFloy born about 1878
LystGertrude born about 1898
LystJohn Hborn about 1872

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M Surnames

ManorEllen Lizzieborn about 1902
ManorMarion born about 1899
ManorMildred Eborn about 1922
ManorNedra Jeanborn about 1928
MapleArnold born about 1907
MapleConnie Sueborn about 1939
MapleHelen born about 1910
MapleJane Ellenborn about 1938
MapleJudith Annborn about 1936
MarineFrank born about 1912
MarineGlenda Kileborn about 1938
MarineLora Wilinaborn about 1911
MarineMark Leanborn about 1935
MarkleIda born about 1877
MartCharles born about 1918
MartErnest born about 1888
MartOlga born about 1893
MartinEarl Eborn about 1887
MartinIda born about 1886
MartinMary Janeborn about 1929
MatchettRichard born about 1922
MatchettRuth born about 1899
MaullerJane born about 1857
MaullerLewis Hborn about 1883
MaullerMamie born about 1887
McCallJack born about 1926
McCaskeyGertrude born about 1893
McCaskeyPearl born about 1883
McCoyCarroll Laverneborn about 1934
McCoyCharles Kennethborn about 1913
McCoyGnovine Mamiborn about 1914
McDanielsMildred Lborn about 1915
McDanielsRonald Fborn about 1933
McDanielsWallace born about 1915
McDonaldBarbara Jeanborn about 1931
McDonaldFrances Evelynborn about 1908
McDonaldRobert Louisborn about 1910
McDonaldRobert Louis Jrborn about 1939
McGoyCarol Lavernborn about 1934
McGoyGenevive born about 1914
McGoyKenneth born about 1913
McGrawEdna born about 1898
McGrawElsie Maudborn about 1882
McGrawGoldie Ruthborn about 1918
McGrawHattie born about 1876
McGrawJohn born about 1870
McGrawMary Elizabethborn about 1923
McGrawOral Mborn about 1893
McGrawOral M Jrborn about 1921
McGrawPaul Mborn about 1925
McGrawWalter born about 1883
McKenneyDessie born about 1917
McKenneyEatle born about 1915
McKenneyMartha Juneborn about 1937
McKenneyMarybelle born about 1934
McKinneyCarrol born about 1923
McKinneyLizzie born about 1894
McKinneyMagdeline born about 1929
McKinneyRoy Eborn about 1888
McKinneyVerna Leeborn about 1926
McManamanGertrude born about 1902
McManamanMarshall born about 1900
McManamanPhyllis born about 1927
McManamanRaymond born about 1921
McManamanRobert born about 1923
McManamanWayne born about 1933
McManamanWd born about 1880
MerrittJames Terrisborn about 1936
MerrittMargaret born about 1914
MillerAmos born about 1875
MillerDavid born about 1916
MillerEdith born about 1901
MillerEpriam born about 1857
MillerEtta born about 1880
MillerJesse born about 1872
MillerJohn born about 1876
MillerLillie Ballaborn about 1880
MillerLizzie Jborn about 1872
MillerMartha Eborn about 1886
MillerMartha Jeanborn about 1923
MillerThelma born about 1903
MillerVantine born about 1866
MillerWilliam Oborn about 1885
MorrisonLora Mborn about 1884
MyersAmery born about 1875
MyersBertha born about 1908
MyersEdgar born about 1898
MyersLouis born about 1874
MyersMattie born about 1869
MyersWilliam born about 1883
MyrphyHenry Mborn about 1884
MyrphyLydia born about 1884

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N Surnames

NashC Bborn about 1919
NashJennie born about 1888
NashJo born about 1917
NashLawrence born about 1884
NashMadonna born about 1924
NatchetteBasil born about 1895
NatchetteBasil Juniorborn about 1929
NatchetteFlora born about 1895
NatchetteGarl born about 1924
NatchetteKeith born about 1922
NatchetteMax born about 1923
NatchettePaul born about 1921
NatchetteRonald born about 1927
NewtonDavid born about 1925
NewtonElsie born about 1901
NewtonHelen Rachelborn about 1923
NewtonMarion born about 1933
NewtonRev G Nborn about 1897
NewtonRuth born about 1935
NoshClaribel born about 1896
NoshRex Juniorborn about 1921
NoshRex Dr born about 1896

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O Surnames

ObenbowPauline born about 1896
ObenbowWave born about 1888
OgloriaGrim born about 1940
OsbornJackie born about 1937
OsbornNieviasita born about 1911
OsbornNorman born about 1907
OsfomIda born about 1882
OverdorfD Gborn about 1900
OverdorfRuth Annborn about 1921
OverdorfShirley born about 1901
OvermanAddie Cborn about 1900
OvermanAlberta born about 1927
OvermanInes born about 1921
OvermanMark born about 1897
OvermanRichard born about 1918

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P Surnames

PageJ Cborn about 1872
ParksAudra born about 1915
ParksEffie Lborn about 1865
ParksMerritt Gborn about 1899
ParksWilliam Jborn about 1864
ParsonAmanda Janeborn about 1862
ParsonDora born about 1893
ParsonJohn born about 1892
ParsonLovi Andrewborn about 1856
ParsonMarilyn born about 1932
ParsonMartha Janeborn about 1921
ParsonMaurice born about 1916
ParsonRuth born about 1922
ParsonSue born about 1936
ParsonsFlora born about 1870
PerryCharlene born about 1925
PerryEvadene born about 1922
PerryHarold born about 1900
PerryMax Allenborn about 1935
PerryMildred born about 1904
PetersCharlie born about 1874
PetersVivian born about 1877
PetersonDonna Jeanborn about 1923
PetersonGertrude born about 1883
PetersonGlen born about 1907
PetersonJean born about 1925
PetersonMarie born about 1903
PetersonMary Lborn about 1914
PetersonPhil Jborn about 1937
PetersonRalph born about 1904
PetersonWilla born about 1926
PetroAda born about 1919
PetroAddie Janeborn about 1917
PetroCarolyn Sueborn about 1938
PetroClare born about 1880
PetroEmma Belleborn about 1883
PetroGrant born about 1925
PetroWalliam Merlborn about 1915
PhillipsCharles Thomasborn about 1913
PhillipsMary born about 1872
PhillipsThomas born about 1866
PierceGuy born about 1895
PlanalpAlbert Cborn about 1889
PlanalpIva Maryborn about 1891
PlanalpLester born about 1931
PlanalpLoranell born about 1927
PoeElbert born about 1916
PoeMyrtle born about 1916
PoswellClement born about 1865
PoswellJane born about 1863
PrattMartha born about 1861

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R Surnames

ReedCharles born about 1868
ReedSarah born about 1869
RichcreekCecil born about 1893
RichcreekDoris Louiseborn about 1940
RichcreekDorothy born about 1913
RichcreekEdgar born about 1917
RichcreekFranklin born about 1924
RichcreekJoy born about 1914
RichcreekLowell Jborn about 1893
RichcreekRaymond Dborn about 1937
RichcreekThomas born about 1927
RiddellJackie born about 1937
RiddellJames born about 1906
RiddellRaymond born about 1935
RiddellSally born about 1907
RiggsDoyte born about 1912
RiggsLambert Leeborn about 1935
RiggsNaomi born about 1911
RobinetteMelissa Mrsborn about 1859
RoeNorma born about 1906
RoeRobert born about 1928
RoeRoger born about 1933
RoeRonald born about 1935
RoeWayman born about 1903
RollinsGeorge born about 1871
RollinsLulu born about 1866
RoundsBeulah born about 1918
RoundsEdna born about 1914
RyboltBen born about 1882
RyboltCalvin Mborn about 1924
RyboltChester born about 1900
RyboltDoris born about 1922
RyboltErnest born about 1925
RyboltGoldie born about 1885
RyboltHattie born about 1881
RyboltIra born about 1877
RyboltMillisent born about 1928
RyboltZelia Maeborn about 1901

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S Surnames

ScottClaude Rborn about 1898
ScottDorothy born about 1899
ScottRobert born about 1924
SeeleyElizabeth Arleneborn about 1938
SeeleyHerman born about 1907
SeeleyLa Vorne born about 1906
SeeleyMarilyn Annborn about 1933
SeeleyTreva Eileneborn about 1927
SeeleyWilhemina born about 1929
SewardEvelin born about 1911
SewardJane Annborn about 1935
SewardJo born about 1937
SewardVerlin born about 1911
ShaneDecinal born about 1909
ShaneEarl born about 1937
ShaneFrannie Doraborn about 1878
ShaneFreda born about 1916
ShaneGeraldine born about 1924
ShaneKenneth born about 1935
ShaneLarry born about 1887
ShaneLarry Jr born about 1927
ShaneMaxine born about 1920
ShaneNettie born about 1929
ShanePaul born about 1937
ShaneRuth born about 1913
ShaneStella Mayborn about 1890
ShaneTed born about 1901
ShawEffie born about 1884
ShawOliver born about 1901
SheedyGarnet born about 1902
SheedyGlen born about 1904
SheedyJimmie born about 1935
SimpsonDale Eugeneborn about 1934
SimpsonDavid Warrenborn about 1939
SimpsonDonald Leeborn about 1936
SimpsonJuanita born about 1916
SimpsonLeran born about 1912
SizelanClyde Oborn about 1904
SizelanHallie born about 1906
SizelanJoseph born about 1925
SmithDavid born about 1925
SmithDoris Ilinarborn about 1937
SmithEddie born about 1887
SmithJunior born about 1920
SmithLilian born about 1920
SmithLuther born about 1914
SmithMargaret born about 1880
SmithMartha born about 1912
SmithRaymond born about 1922
SmithRiley born about 1910
SmithS Jborn about 1876
SmithViola born about 1921
SmithWilliam Josephborn about 1938
SnyderEarl Gainsborn about 1887
SnyderNanni Catherineborn about 1890
SpencerEmma born about 1881
SpitzmesserClara born about 1863
SpitzmesserWilliam born about 1864
StephensonMinnie born about 1896
StephensonOrval born about 1886
StephensonSadie born about 1915
StevensRebecca born about 1888
StevensRoy born about 1885
StingerCarl Dborn about 1900
StingerDora Ruthborn about 1926
StingerElnora Dorisborn about 1923
StingerElsie born about 1902
StrausburgAlice Lborn about 1894
StrausburgFrederick born about 1887
StrausburgLouis born about 1919
StrausburgMendall born about 1935
SummaBruce born about 1921
SummaJames born about 1915
SummaJauneta born about 1917
SwanCharles born about 1867
SwinneyAlva born about 1886
SwinneyBertha born about 1890

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T Surnames

ThatcherCharles Lborn about 1885
ThatcherFrederick born about 1921
ThatcherGrace Cborn about 1885
ThatcherMarjorie born about 1920
ThodeElsie born about 1890
ThodeWilliam born about 1902
ThompsonCarl Wborn about 1878
ThompsonDora Cborn about 1877
ThrailkillAnna born about 1887
ThroweGuy Oborn about 1888
TobiasCharles Vernonborn about 1934
TobiasClifford Townsendborn about 1937
TobiasEthel Mayborn about 1925
TobiasHazel born about 1904
TobiasLaura Francisborn about 1939
TobiasMollie born about 1928
TobiasNina Eborn about 1891
TobiasOllie born about 1926
TobiasRobert Eborn about 1880
TobiasSylvester Oliverborn about 1932
TobiasVerl born about 1877
TobiasVerllina born about 1930
ToddElla Mayborn about 1893
ToddMartha Mborn about 1924
ToddMary Vborn about 1916
ToddPaul born about 1891
ToddRichard born about 1925
ToddRuth Annborn about 1927
ToddWillis born about 1929
ToyneJohn born about 1870
ToyneOrise born about 1874
TrimbleEthel born about 1888
TrimbleFreddie born about 1926
TrimbleJary Leeborn about 1938
TrimbleJoyce Connieborn about 1939
TrimbleJulia born about 1911
TrimbleLowell born about 1911
TrimbleLumie Cborn about 1888
TrimbleMadonna born about 1916
TroutArthur born about 1881
TurnerBarbara Jeanborn about 1932
TurnerFern Coletteborn about 1915
TurnerJame La Vernborn about 1930
TurnerJerald Bernborn about 1934
TurnerJerry born about 1939
TurnerJohn born about 1914
TurnerJohn Wborn about 1894
TurnerJohn Jr born about 1924
TurnerLeroy born about 1866
TurnerNamie born about 1895
TuttlePaul Cborn about 1914
TuttleRuth Aborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanwinkleCharles born about 1877

W Surnames

WareGrace born about 1892
WareWilliam Bborn about 1890
WaymireHarold born about 1906
WaymireKyle Bborn about 1930
WaymireNell born about 1908
WaymireVon Leeborn about 1931
WeasrHenry born about 1859
WeasrSusan Suvomeborn about 1866
WeserAnna born about 1886
WeserFrank born about 1888
WhistlerAva Leeborn about 1930
WhistlerJaniece born about 1908
WhistlerKankeen born about 1934
WhistlerWebster born about 1905
WhylvewJohn Wborn about 1907
WhylvewMary Eborn about 1911
WimmerAlvin Lborn about 1893
WimmerArthur born about 1887
WimmerBasil Leoborn about 1921
WimmerBernice born about 1923
WimmerBertha born about 1887
WimmerDora born about 1881
WimmerEdna Fborn about 1897
WimmerEmma Mayborn about 1917
WimmerJane born about 1933
WimmerJanice born about 1937
WimmerLester born about 1919
WimmerMary born about 1915
WimmerVerda born about 1885
WinersClara born about 1902
WinersEffie born about 1870
WinersFreedis born about 1923
WinesEthel born about 1892
WolfordRoy born about 1909
WolfrodDorothea born about 1909
WolfrodIrene born about 1931
WolfrodLouise born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZellerEwan born about 1914
ZirkleGarl born about 1893
ZirkleRosa born about 1896

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