1940 U.S. Federal Census of Greencastle in Dearborn County, Dearborn, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Dearborn County > 1940 Census of Greencastle in Dearborn County

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames F Surnames H Surnames J Surnames L Surnames M Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames

B Surnames

BakerCorine born about 1903
BakerEarl born about 1898
BrightonLois born about 1915
BrightonPatricia born about 1936
BrightonPhillip born about 1915

C Surnames

CookJeannette born about 1921
CookJennie Francesborn about 1882
CookMillard Filloureborn about 1883
CrawfordMary Elizabethborn about 1919

D Surnames

DrohanDiana born about 1938
DrohanEdward Pborn about 1902
DrohanMargaret born about 1905

F Surnames

FowlerJohn Franklerborn about 1854

H Surnames

HarnedWilliam Lovelaceborn about 1919

J Surnames

JarvisLaura born about 1851
JonesMayne born about 1910
JonesRobert born about 1937
JonesWilliam Bborn about 1905
JonesWilliam B Jrborn about 1932

L Surnames

LangonLeona born about 1914
LangonThomas Jborn about 1904

M Surnames

MeyerCharles born about 1873

P Surnames

PattonElizabeth born about 1866
PattonH Fborn about 1868
PerryMartha born about 1915
PickerelGrace born about 1890
PickerelRobert born about 1890

R Surnames

RahiyaMichael Jborn about 1910

S Surnames

SiebelAfra born about 1908
SiebelHarry Wborn about 1911
SmithR Francesborn about 1910
SteigerwaldGeorge born about 1898
SteigerwaldMary Esterborn about 1921
SteigerwaldNelda born about 1898
StevensRichard Fowlerborn about 1920

T Surnames

ThonykinsElizabeth born about 1905
TiskDorothy Mborn about 1921

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