1940 U.S. Federal Census of Greenfield in LaGrange County, LaGrange, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > LaGrange County > 1940 Census of Greenfield in LaGrange County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AgleyDaniel born about 1859
AgleyElva born about 1890
AgleyJane born about 1867
AgleyLouis born about 1928
AgleyM Cborn about 1888
AgleyMark born about 1915
AgleyRomone born about 1917
AgleyTwyla born about 1937
AlleshouseDaniel born about 1869
AlleshouseElizabeth born about 1873
AlleshouseSylvia born about 1906
AlopaughLena born about 1876
AlopaughLyle Eborn about 1874
AndersonAlice born about 1890
AndersonBuce born about 1918
AndersonCarrie born about 1888
AndersonCharles born about 1889
AndersonEwart born about 1926
AndersonEzra born about 1909
AndersonGail born about 1888
AndersonIna born about 1891
AndersonOral born about 1881
AndersonOrla born about 1867
AndersonRalph born about 1924
AndersonRose born about 1937
AntonidsBulah born about 1915
AntonidsDale born about 1915
AntonidsLarrg Daleborn about 1940
ArklieConstance born about 1937
ArklieGarneta born about 1913
ArklieJohn born about 1913
ArverAddy Bborn about 1859
ArverElmer born about 1897

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B Surnames

BairdJohn Lborn about 1886
BairdLura born about 1897
BarnebeeDorthy Jborn about 1927
BarnebeeElenor born about 1904
BarnebeeRichard born about 1928
BarnebeeRose Maryborn about 1932
BarnebeeWilliam born about 1904
BarrDuane born about 1925
BarrFrank born about 1886
BarrHaldah born about 1890
BarrWilford born about 1927
BarrousArchie born about 1914
BartholdBradly born about 1933
BartholdLeond born about 1915
BontrigerPearl Eborn about 1885
BontrigerSimon Pborn about 1889
BontrigerThelma born about 1923
BontrigerWilma born about 1923
BoogsClara born about 1920
BoogsOrlin born about 1917
BoothAlice born about 1922
BoothFreabrick* born about 1921
BoothFredrich born about 1895
BoothHelen born about 1895
BowdshElizabeth born about 1928
BowdshLulla born about 1887
BowdshPaul born about 1922
BownanO Eborn about 1895
BrounBenoni Tborn about 1864
BrounCary Bborn about 1877
BrowserAlva born about 1907
BrowserArchie born about 1912
BrowserJessie born about 1903
BrowserLattay born about 1873
BrowserPeter born about 1872
BuergerElemon born about 1896
BuergerJwean born about 1923
BuergerMarvin born about 1932
BuergerMary born about 1896
BuergerRuth born about 1927

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C Surnames

CaldwellJane Annborn about 1933
CaldwellMildred born about 1905
CaldwellShelly born about 1902
CauseyHazel born about 1895
CauseyIra born about 1892
CislerGoldie born about 1904
CislerVincent born about 1899
CoeBrtha born about 1886
CoeClyde Mborn about 1881
CombsEdith born about 1937
CombsMargaret born about 1937
CombsPearl born about 1916
CombsWilliam born about 1914
ComlerBarbra born about 1929
ComlerDaniel born about 1875
ComlerElla born about 1894
ComlerFranklin born about 1938
ComlerHazel born about 1923
ComlerRoy born about 1919
CountermanLewis born about 1911
CrandleElla born about 1858
CrandleEva Pborn about 1880
CraneHean born about 1928
CraneJene born about 1929
CurtisEarl born about 1883
CurtisHarold born about 1930
CurtisHarry born about 1870
CurtisHarry born about 1923
CurtisJenny born about 1931
CurtisPearl born about 1894
CurtisShirley born about 1934
CurtisSylvia born about 1883

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D Surnames

DarnellAlbert born about 1895
DarnellJosephine born about 1921
DarnellNeoma born about 1898
DarnellRuth born about 1927
DarnellWayne born about 1920
DavisonEella born about 1896
DavisonJay Eborn about 1888
DepewBurr born about 1875
DepewIda born about 1881
DepewMonroe born about 1918
DetrickMarian born about 1916
DonalsonBarbra born about 1925
DonalsonBetty born about 1927
DonalsonElmer born about 1901
DonalsonHelen born about 1901
DonalsonJulia born about 1874
DonkelMaleon born about 1924
DonkelWilfured born about 1921
DonpleBert born about 1870
DraimeAemuel born about 1899
DraimeMildred born about 1916
DraimeNeal born about 1937
DraimeShirely born about 1934

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E Surnames

ElliottAnddra* born about 1896
ElliottDerelys born about 1924
ElliottLawes born about 1926
ElliottSherrel born about 1922
ElliottU Veroneborn about 1892

F Surnames

FairBasil born about 1900
FairBirdella born about 1901
FairCarl born about 1891
FairEvyon born about 1936
FairGrace born about 1884
FairHenry Cborn about 1870
FairJeannete born about 1936
FairMaurice born about 1913
FairMichael born about 1877
FairOliver born about 1879
FairOrvile born about 1921
FairRuth born about 1915
FanningEllsworth born about 1927
FanningGen born about 1898
FanningGrace born about 1897
FanningJames born about 1922
FanningJean born about 1928
FennelPearl born about 1883
FennellCarma born about 1931
FennellCharles born about 1879
FennellEarl born about 1901
FennellLina born about 1879
FennellLoise born about 1926
FennellMarie born about 1904
FennellMary born about 1933
FennellOwen born about 1929
FenzelBen born about 1879
FenzelFanny born about 1876
FenzelMary born about 1880
FenzelRichard born about 1925
FitzgeraldTlorence born about 1860
FordAlnie born about 1894
FordDorlen born about 1933
FordeCarl born about 1895
FrelighArthur born about 1864

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G Surnames

GarletBerne Lborn about 1924
GarletBess born about 1890
GarletMary born about 1929
GarletMilton born about 1891
GarletRichard born about 1922
GayArdeth born about 1931
GayHay Wborn about 1901
GayJene born about 1933
GayThyra born about 1909
GcrletsAmy Lonborn about 1917
GcrletsCharels* Jr born about 1913
GcrletsMargret born about 1937
GetzBillie born about 1926
GetzDarol born about 1930
GetzDonna Jborn about 1925
GetzJerry born about 1937
GetzJohnny born about 1939
GetzJunior born about 1923
GetzMarie born about 1905
GetzRoscoe born about 1901
GetzTeddy born about 1934
GoodEtta Jborn about 1880
GoodJeff born about 1867
GoodRose born about 1876
GoodSam Eborn about 1879
GoodwinDebert born about 1931
GreenwaltAlmon born about 1894
GreenwaltLeond born about 1892
GreenwaltLyn born about 1931
GreenwaltMax born about 1919
GreenwaltUgean born about 1923
GressElmer born about 1864
GroveBetts born about 1888
GroveDelmar born about 1909
GroveEdeth born about 1918
GroveElwood born about 1916
GroveJanet born about 1935
GroveJoan born about 1936
GroveJoyce born about 1938
GroveLester born about 1914
GrovePhillip born about 1939
GrovePhyllis born about 1937
GroveRuth born about 1913
GrubaughEarl born about 1891
GrubaughHerbert born about 1917
GrubaughRuth born about 1895
GunthropDonald born about 1927
GunthropFlo born about 1889
GunthropLeora born about 1923
GunthropRay born about 1887

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H Surnames

HallGuy born about 1881
HallLena born about 1889
HallMaurice born about 1917
HallMyra born about 1920
HalseyStehpen born about 1911
HalseyWilliam born about 1907
HanesBarbra born about 1929
HanesEliza born about 1868
HanesFranklin born about 1932
HanesJake born about 1864
HanesLizzie born about 1917
HanesLucillle born about 1908
HanesRobert born about 1906
HanesRosa born about 1879
HartCatherine born about 1899
HartFay Jr born about 1923
HartFaye Wborn about 1899
HartKeneth born about 1930
HartPatricia born about 1928
HartPaul born about 1935
HartPhyllis born about 1925
HartThelma born about 1927
HartVirginia born about 1936
HartWilliam born about 1920
HawkesEli Jborn about 1869
HawkesLulu Sborn about 1881
HawkesWilbur Cborn about 1913
HaylinCorline born about 1888
HaylinGarfield born about 1881
HaylinManard born about 1915
HernMary Aborn about 1856
HinesFlorane born about 1856
HirschyEldon Daylone*born about 1940
HirschyElton born about 1907
HirschyGladys born about 1912
HomerDorthy born about 1903
HomerHarol Hborn about 1902
HomerJasper born about 1896
HomerRichard born about 1932
HopkinsBurnices born about 1890
HopkinsEvangelene born about 1908
HopkinsFleming born about 1882
HopkinsJanet born about 1939
HopkinsPhillip born about 1937
HopkinsRichard born about 1908
HormerMarton born about 1867
HornerBarray* born about 1859
HuskensGeorge born about 1938
HuskensPearl born about 1895
HuskensWeldon born about 1895

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I Surnames

IddingsAlbert born about 1878
IddingsRose born about 1883

J Surnames

JenningsElla born about 1886
JenningsO Eborn about 1887
JochenaresFrank born about 1893
JochenaresGerald born about 1922
JochenaresGrace born about 1901
JochenaresPaul born about 1937
JochenaresRichard born about 1929
JohnsonArdella born about 1920
JohnsonEdna born about 1882
JohnsonLeola born about 1890
JohnsonLoyd born about 1886
JohnsonRobert born about 1919
JohnsonVirginia born about 1924
JohnsonWilliam born about 1878
JollyPhllip born about 1910
JonesEdeth born about 1927
JonesGerold born about 1934
JonesGladys born about 1924
JonesIda Lborn about 1931
JonesIva born about 1903
JonesJasper born about 1902
JonesLena Graceborn about 1940
JonesMabel Lborn about 1929
JonesMelvin born about 1935
JonesRuth Aborn about 1937
JonesWilliam born about 1933
JudeyBen born about 1883
JudeyChristella born about 1879
JudeyJane born about 1884
JudeyMary born about 1921
JudeyPaul born about 1925
JudeySanford born about 1877

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K Surnames

KarrisDon born about 1882
KarrisMildred born about 1893
KellettCatherine born about 1927
KellettCharels Rborn about 1874
KellettMertial born about 1892
KellettR Bborn about 1923
KellyAlbert born about 1878
KellyAmanda born about 1880
KellyEmma born about 1867
KimeMattie born about 1857
KingBilly born about 1929
KingBobby born about 1929
KingPeter born about 1904
KingVerna born about 1904
KitchenBilly born about 1925
KitchenEstel born about 1900
KitchenG Lborn about 1887
KitchenWilidean born about 1923
KlineBonny born about 1925
KlineJane born about 1932
KlineJenet born about 1936
KlineJka born about 1896
KlineJoan born about 1930
KlineMelvie born about 1898
Korning born about 1864
KorningFred born about 1865
KristansternMargaret born about 1873
KristansternWill born about 1873
KuhlmanAladine born about 1930

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L Surnames

LahmerArthur born about 1903
LahmerClarie born about 1900
LahmerHattie born about 1874
LahmerHenry born about 1870
LahrmanGeorge born about 1870
LarmerCharels Fborn about 1891
LarmerDorthy born about 1918
LarmerFredrick born about 1939
LarmerGoldy born about 1891
LarmerHildon born about 1919
LarmerLeona born about 1926
LarmerLusie born about 1920
LarmerMerie born about 1895
LarmerWayn born about 1924
LarmerWeldon born about 1892
LeerArlene born about 1922
LeerE Eborn about 1925
LeerKatherine born about 1928
LeerMildred born about 1920
LehmerLarry born about 1940
LehmerMarion born about 1939
LehmerRoger born about 1937
LehmerRuth born about 1911
LehmerTheron born about 1912
LeinsJohn born about 1880
LemasterHelen born about 1914
LemasterJane born about 1938
LemasterLevern born about 1913
LightAlice born about 1923
LightAllen born about 1920
LightAnna born about 1894
LightCharles born about 1889
LigltAnmie born about 1858
LmasterCharles born about 1884
LmasterMay Eborn about 1886
LongElyse born about 1919
LongIda born about 1867
LongJohn born about 1927
LongMabel born about 1894
LongMiron born about 1896
LongSarie born about 1860
LubeyBlanche born about 1882
LubeyCahrles born about 1872
LytleAlbert born about 1883
LytleHattie born about 1889
LytleTena born about 1882
LytleTom born about 1875
LytleVana born about 1919
LytleVilla born about 1926

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M Surnames

MathewsEstela born about 1882
MathewsM Iborn about 1881
McHomanFrank born about 1868
McHomanMargret born about 1867
McKenzieBruce born about 1927
McKenzieDean born about 1932
McKenzieEldon born about 1925
McKenzieFrank born about 1881
McKenzieGerald born about 1923
McKenzieJohn Cborn about 1923
McKenzieLiba born about 1862
McKenzieLouise born about 1933
McKenzieMabel born about 1895
McKenzieMargaret born about 1934
McKenzieMarian born about 1900
McKenzieMildred born about 1929
McKenzieNathan Rborn about 1899
McKenzieNella Jborn about 1925
McKenzieRichard born about 1927
McKenzieRond born about 1922
McKenzieSharon born about 1937
McKenzieVan Reed born about 1922
McKenzieVerl born about 1936
MeadDean born about 1932
MecklenburgAlice born about 1900
MecklenburgPerry born about 1927
MecklenburgRobert born about 1930
MecklenburgRuth born about 1925
MecklenburgWilliam born about 1886
MicholsonDonald born about 1922
MicholsonFred born about 1895
MicholsonSylva born about 1900
MillerBettsy born about 1890
MillerDeforest born about 1876
MillerHubert born about 1896
MillerJohn born about 1919
MillerLethera born about 1860
MillerLillian born about 1919
MillerM Aliceborn about 1863
MillerMabel born about 1895
MillerMarion born about 1918
MillerSally born about 1939
MonninghtonClayton born about 1922
MonninghtonFanny born about 1879
MonninghtonLewis born about 1878
MonninghtonWilliam born about 1904
MooneyCharels born about 1915
MooneyGeorge born about 1889
MooneyGeorge Jr born about 1922
MooneyInes born about 1894
MooneyLinda born about 1937
MooneyRuth born about 1919
MyersIrene born about 1918
MyersOwen born about 1889
MyersRobert Leeborn about 1925
MyersSylvia born about 1894

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N Surnames

NeihardtAlice born about 1938
NeihardtDoris born about 1908
NeihardtDorthy born about 1920
NeihardtFred born about 1908
NeihardtGorgia born about 1931
NeihardtJohn born about 1903
NeihardtJohn Leeborn about 1931
NeihardtLillian born about 1907
NeihardtLincoln born about 1934
NeihardtMargaret born about 1921
NeihardtMax born about 1918
NeihardtPatricia born about 1933
NeihardtRobert born about 1933
NelsonFloyd born about 1915
NelsonIlene born about 1918
NelsonJoan born about 1939
NicholsArlene born about 1933
NicholsCarol born about 1931
NicholsHelen born about 1907
NicholsPaulene born about 1935
NicholsPhillip born about 1930
NicholsRalph born about 1906
NicholsRonald born about 1937
NicholsRosemary born about 1939
NiehardtHowe Hborn about 1893
NiehardtMary Hborn about 1889

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O Surnames

OuickDavid born about 1937
OuickGarrette born about 1904
OuickLena born about 1911
OuickSidney born about 1933
OwersThelma born about 1920
OwersWalter born about 1914

P Surnames

PenixCharles born about 1882
PenixGrace born about 1917
PenixJames born about 1922
PenixLeo born about 1916
PenixMarie Eborn about 1926
PennCharles born about 1907
PennGary born about 1938
PennGaylord born about 1926
PennHope born about 1933
PennJoy Juneborn about 1928
PennPauline born about 1909
PettersCarl born about 1879
PhillipsBessie born about 1886
PiersonBart born about 1938
PiersonDaniel Lborn about 1898
PiersonElsie born about 1903
PiersonGerald born about 1940
PiersonIngs* Lerooe*born about 1926
PiersonJoseph born about 1932
PiersonLewis born about 1861
PiersonNancy born about 1928
PiersonNorman born about 1929
PiersonReva born about 1937
PiersonSophia born about 1935
PiersonVerna born about 1936
PiersonZola Mayborn about 1924
PippengerElla born about 1907
PippengerErnest born about 1912
PippengerGeorge born about 1909
PippengerJulia born about 1908
PippengerMartha born about 1928
PippengerMaurice born about 1933

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R Surnames

RaymerBernard born about 1917
RaymerBernice born about 1898
RaymerDan born about 1936
RaymerHarry born about 1888
RaymerHelen born about 1934
RaymerLoyd born about 1922
RaymerMary born about 1931
RinbleFrances born about 1925
RinbleGeorge born about 1900
RinbleHelen born about 1900
RinbleHoward born about 1928
RinglerEster born about 1908
RinglerRalph Rborn about 1904
RobbingCharles born about 1885
RobbingEva born about 1900
RobbingRosemary born about 1923
RoseBertha born about 1879
RoseHarry born about 1885
RoutrongBertha born about 1882
RoutrongJames born about 1879
RyneAbberta born about 1918
RyneDean born about 1939
RyneJennis born about 1938
RyneRobert born about 1915

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S Surnames

SannonD Jborn about 1889
SannonErma born about 1899
SannonKenneth born about 1918
SawersDillian born about 1928
SawersJean born about 1930
SchemerhornsClyde born about 1907
SchemerhornsEdith born about 1906
SchemerhornsKeith born about 1933
SchemerhornsMerlin born about 1927
SchemerhornsPhilipp born about 1937
SchemerhornsVirginia born about 1926
SchwomHershl born about 1929
SchwomLwra born about 1899
SchwomSturlen born about 1892
SeamenWilliam born about 1859
ShuttMaggy born about 1855
SigristElla born about 1879
SigristEster born about 1918
SigristWeldon born about 1879
SmeltzlyFredrich born about 1868
SmeltzlySusan born about 1872
SmithAda born about 1878
SmithAlton born about 1910
SmithElsie born about 1916
SmithHelen born about 1920
SmithHomer Aborn about 1897
SmithKathern born about 1939
SmithKenneth born about 1914
SmithKennth born about 1938
SmithMargret born about 1914
SmithMarian born about 1937
SpidellErsal born about 1899
SpidellHarold born about 1900
SpidellRichard born about 1930
SpringerAbner born about 1901
SteffeyCharles born about 1877
SteffeyCharles born about 1924
SteffeyDoris born about 1926
SteffeyMartha born about 1885
SteffeyVernal born about 1919
StrebyCary Bborn about 1889
StrebyEdeth born about 1923
StubeyFrank born about 1896
StubeyHelen born about 1899
StubeyShirely born about 1936
StubeyVivian born about 1931
StukeyCarlteon born about 1926
StukeyEthel born about 1901
StukeyGladys born about 1912
StukeyLee born about 1899
StukeyLynn born about 1884
StukeyManard born about 1925
StukeyMarilyn born about 1930
StukeyMelvin born about 1935
SuirhartCarl Jeneborn about 1932
SuirhartFloyd born about 1896
SuirhartGwendolyn born about 1924
SuirhartMarie born about 1901
SuirhartMelvin born about 1928
SuirhartPhillip born about 1922
SummyDarwin born about 1883
SummyNinia born about 1889
SuttorIsa Lborn about 1908
SuttorJoyce born about 1913
SuttorJunior born about 1935
SuttorTervor born about 1938
SwihartAlice born about 1881
SwihartElva Loyllborn about 1878
SwihartJanet born about 1935
SwihartLeah born about 1897
SwihartLedger born about 1914
SwihartLorence born about 1918
SwihartLouise born about 1869
SwihartManard born about 1908
SwihartMary born about 1886
SwihartMary born about 1928
SwihartMaurice born about 1924
SwihartRolon Jborn about 1878
SwihartSuana born about 1857
SwihartWilliam born about 1898

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T Surnames

ThompsonClarence born about 1875
ThompsonMabel born about 1873
TingleyW Bborn about 1877
TomasLester born about 1907
TrexlerRuben Mborn about 1881
TroyerAlfred born about 1925
TroyerBurnece born about 1894
TroyerJoe born about 1890
TrozellBlanch born about 1880
TrozellClarence born about 1905
TrozellTom born about 1914
TuckerG Aborn about 1876
TuckerGrace born about 1882
TuckerM Gborn about 1867
TuckerMilo born about 1904
TuckerPhil born about 1922

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U Surnames

UwoodsMargaret born about 1917
UwoodsMilton Rborn about 1918

V Surnames

VanolinghouseCarl born about 1923
VanolinghouseDonald born about 1932
VanolinghouseDorthy born about 1927
VanolinghouseDove born about 1895
VanolinghouseElma born about 1929
VanolinghouseJenet born about 1933
VanolinghousePearl born about 1900
VanolinghouseShirely born about 1939

W Surnames

WadsworthHarold born about 1921
WadsworthMary born about 1911
WadsworthRolan born about 1937
WadsworthRuben born about 1898
WadsworthShirely born about 1938
WagonerFlorence born about 1886
WagonerMerlie born about 1885
WalkerLama born about 1904
WalterLida Pborn about 1897
WalterMarilyn born about 1923
WalterMeriam born about 1913
WaltersGaer* Rborn about 1896
WelberFlosy born about 1894
WelberGlen born about 1892
WelberMaron born about 1923
WelkerBetty Louborn about 1939
WelkerCarl born about 1918
WelkerDorse born about 1921
WetzelA Jborn about 1924
WetzelCorlaie born about 1933
WetzelKles Gayborn about 1934
WetzelMax born about 1920
WetzelMignon born about 1892
WetzelNeema born about 1926
WetzelScott born about 1892
WetzelVearoin* born about 1928
WheelerIda born about 1875
WheelerRalph born about 1931
WhitcombAlbert Bborn about 1882
WhitcombUniace born about 1884
WillmanAlton born about 1888
WillmanBesta born about 1890
WillmanGordon born about 1923
WillmanWendle born about 1924
WillmanWilfured born about 1919
WillmsFred born about 1928
WillmsGrace born about 1936
WillmsJene born about 1931
WillmsLillia born about 1926
WillmsMarcia born about 1939
WillmsMarie born about 1902
WillmsMildred born about 1921
WillmsOtto born about 1897
WilsonClifford born about 1926
WilsonDewey born about 1912
WilsonLouise born about 1911
WilsonPitucha born about 1938
WoodsAlvin born about 1888
WoodsIda Mayborn about 1867
WoodsLola born about 1889
WoosterAgnes born about 1939
WoosterCarlyn born about 1939
WoosterCarol born about 1925
WoosterGladys born about 1911
WoosterHennry born about 1895
WoosterJames born about 1919
WoosterJames born about 1935
WoosterLester born about 1897
WoosterLester born about 1937
WoosterMabel born about 1928
WoosterMary born about 1897
WoosterNelson born about 1929
WoosterPatsy Annborn about 1933
WoosterRoy born about 1940
WoosterVirginia born about 1921
WrinklesHenry born about 1864
WrinklesJenny born about 1880

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Y Surnames

YhaywoodCeicle born about 1906
YhaywoodDorthy born about 1916
YoderCarl born about 1875
YoderIdella born about 1878

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