1940 U.S. Federal Census of Greer, Warrick, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Warrick County > 1940 Census of Greer

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbbottFlorence born about 1926
AhrensGerhardt born about 1894
AhrensMargaret born about 1903
AhrensMary born about 1875
AhrensRobert Bruceborn about 1928
AignerAltha born about 1896
AignerAngela born about 1935
AignerElva born about 1900
AignerEugene born about 1923
AignerFrank born about 1898
AignerMarry Mborn about 1925
AignerRichard born about 1900
AignerRichard Leeborn about 1927
AignerRiley born about 1925
AllenCharles born about 1888
AllenIda born about 1889
AllgoodDomene born about 1882
AllisonAlice born about 1903
AllisonMuriel born about 1906
AlmasWilliam born about 1877
AlmsCarrie born about 1879
AlmsJohn born about 1879
AlmsVernon born about 1909
ArendellBarbra Lborn about 1935
ArendellDoris Jeanborn about 1933
ArendellFlora born about 1902
ArendellJuanita born about 1934
ArendellLeonard born about 1903
ArendellLuella born about 1913
ArendellMinnie Bborn about 1879
ArendellPreston born about 1912
ArendellRobert Eborn about 1929
ArnoldHoward born about 1922
ArnoldMaud born about 1890
ArnoldMonroe born about 1892
ArnoldOswald born about 1895
ArnoldSylvia born about 1892
AufterhallDorothy born about 1916
AufterhallHarry born about 1885
AufterhallImogene born about 1920
AufterhallTessie born about 1888

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B Surnames

BardersRussell born about 1906
BarnettLarkin born about 1860
BartonCharles born about 1880
BartonEliza born about 1876
BartonG Wborn about 1869
BartonLennis born about 1916
BartonLouisa born about 1872
BartonNancy Fborn about 1870
BaumgartDortha Lborn about 1912
BaumgartEdwin Pborn about 1897
BentonAnna born about 1876
BentonBlanche born about 1910
BentonFrancis born about 1872
BentonSarah Emertineborn about 1918
BentonWilliam Jborn about 1871
BertramAlbert born about 1915
BertramEdward Lborn about 1872
BertramElla born about 1877
BertramMable born about 1914
BertramMartha born about 1910
BertramNorman born about 1907
BesingBeverly Jeneborn about 1938
BesingBonnie Leeborn about 1935
BesingCarolin born about 1932
BesingCecil born about 1912
BesingCleneth born about 1936
BesingClyde born about 1895
BesingDonald born about 1928
BesingEdith born about 1905
BesingEdsel Rexborn about 1928
BesingEdward Cborn about 1881
BesingEffa born about 1885
BesingEmma born about 1890
BesingFlorence born about 1879
BesingFred born about 1891
BesingGeneva born about 1916
BesingHarry Cborn about 1905
BesingIshmel born about 1918
BesingJames born about 1925
BesingJanen born about 1933
BesingJohn born about 1879
BesingMarguaret born about 1934
BesingMedrith born about 1904
BesingSimon born about 1890
BesingSimon Jr born about 1928
BesingVerna born about 1905
BesingWanda Juneborn about 1932
BetheAlfred born about 1916
BetheAnna Maeborn about 1931
BetheArvel born about 1918
BetheBillie Bborn about 1923
BetheCharles born about 1921
BetheClyde born about 1889
BetheEdna born about 1922
BetheEthel born about 1891
BetheEvelyn born about 1926
BetheFerdand born about 1889
BetheFerdnand Jr born about 1924
BetheGenora born about 1914
BetheHarvey born about 1914
BetheHelen born about 1922
BetheLeroy born about 1918
BetheLowell born about 1934
BetheOpal born about 1922
BetheVictor born about 1911
BetheWanda Leeborn about 1930
BetheWiferd born about 1910
BetheWilliam born about 1886
BlackwellMaude born about 1888
BlackwellWilliam Dborn about 1867
BleckmanEmil born about 1890
BleckmanHenry born about 1880
BleckmanMary born about 1903
BleckmanWilhelmema born about 1879
BleckmannLydia born about 1887
BleschAdolph born about 1916
BleschAgnes born about 1906
BleschAugust born about 1876
BleschCarrie Dborn about 1867
BleschCharles born about 1919
BleschEdwin born about 1913
BleschElizabeth born about 1894
BleschElsie born about 1916
BleschHenry born about 1872
BleschIvan born about 1915
BleschLouise Cborn about 1879
BleschNorbert Leeborn about 1938
BleschRonald Rayborn about 1939
BleschViola born about 1915
BleschWilber born about 1910
BleschWilliam born about 1872
BlytheAnna Fborn about 1926
BlytheHenry born about 1895
BlytheMae Mborn about 1927
BlytheMary Louborn about 1929
BondAlpha born about 1924
BondCarl born about 1922
BondGineth born about 1898
BondRalph born about 1927
BondWm born about 1893
BonkeDorthy born about 1928
BonkeMargaret born about 1910
BonkeStanley born about 1933
BonkeVictor born about 1901
BookerJane born about 1865
BoothMargaret A Aborn about 1853
BreckwinkleHilda Lborn about 1916
BreckwinkleJohn born about 1872
BreckwinkleMatilda born about 1884
BreckwinkleSarrah born about 1862
BristowHachel born about 1924
BristowJohn born about 1870
BristowNeal born about 1929
BrownBeatrice Mborn about 1932
BrownEarl Aborn about 1927
BrownGeorge born about 1899
BrownGeorge Fborn about 1930
BrownLillian born about 1903
BrownMary Leeborn about 1937
BrownMelva Mborn about 1935
BrownMyrtle Lborn about 1925
BrownWanda born about 1934
BuckHenry Fborn about 1875
BuckJames Henryborn about 1926
BuckWilliam born about 1868
BullockAnna born about 1882
BullockHenry born about 1874
BullockLillian born about 1912
BullockMorris born about 1913
BurnettEbbie born about 1878
BurnettEmily Janeborn about 1848
BurnettJames born about 1869
BurnettRobert born about 1877
BusingHarold born about 1921
ButcherAdrin born about 1899
ButcherAlton born about 1922
ButcherAraminta born about 1881
ButcherAudry born about 1899
ButcherBernard born about 1923
ButcherBetta Rayborn about 1929
ButcherBula born about 1921
ButcherCarol Fayborn about 1937
ButcherCharles born about 1895
ButcherCharles Aborn about 1918
ButcherEdward born about 1877
ButcherFrancis born about 1879
ButcherGeneva born about 1927
ButcherHerschel born about 1919
ButcherL Rborn about 1891
ButcherMyrtle born about 1897
ButcherNola born about 1891
ButcherOlive born about 1926
ButcherRonald born about 1931
ButcherRosa born about 1898
ButcherRosa Leeborn about 1931
ButcherVergil born about 1927

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C Surnames

CampbellSallie born about 1877
CannonSusan born about 1871
CannonWilliam born about 1864
ChambersMary born about 1863
ChivlareEttie born about 1872
ChristmasCurtis born about 1896
ChristmasFlorence born about 1883
ChristmasFred born about 1875
ChristmasJohn born about 1873
ChristmasLemuel born about 1904
ChristmasSarrah Eborn about 1869
ClarkKaherine born about 1882
ClarkLeroy born about 1884
ClulterDonnalee born about 1926
ClulterH Jborn about 1899
ClulterLeona born about 1904
ColemanClarence born about 1880
ColemanEllis born about 1871
ColemanMinnie born about 1873
CollierCharles born about 1874
CollierIda born about 1895
ConnersDasa born about 1886
ConnersRaymond born about 1922
CooperCharles Thomasborn about 1936
CooperMabel born about 1900
CooperRobert born about 1897
CorneliusWalter born about 1888
CornwellEmma born about 1876
CoxDonald born about 1931
CoxJasper born about 1878
CoxJasper Jr born about 1926
CoxLenard Leroyborn about 1924
CoxShirley born about 1898
CritchfieldAlbert born about 1907
CritchfieldHerbert born about 1939
CritchfieldNona born about 1906

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D Surnames

DagenhardtEverette born about 1924
DagenhardtGeorge born about 1883
DagenhardtIrwin born about 1919
DagenhardtLizabeth born about 1901
DagenhardtMarjorie born about 1922
DanielLena born about 1871
DanielRichard born about 1870
DasselCharles Aborn about 1862
DasselEsta born about 1888
DasselForest born about 1921
DasselFrank born about 1894
DasselJaqullynn born about 1940
DasselJesse born about 1895
DasselJune born about 1925
DasselLouis born about 1876
DasselMary Eborn about 1923
DasselMatilda born about 1884
DasselMattie born about 1899
DasselMinnie born about 1861
DasselMinnie born about 1902
DasselNorma Leeborn about 1927
DaubDarrell Rayborn about 1937
DaubElbert born about 1910
DaubThelma born about 1919
DavisIssabell born about 1908
DavisRussel Jborn about 1929
DavisRussell born about 1906
DenekeAnna born about 1880
DenekeFred born about 1886
DenekeGilbert born about 1902
DenekeGlona Annborn about 1931
DenekeJo Annborn about 1936
DenekeJohn Hborn about 1885
DenekeLillie born about 1887
DenekeLois born about 1914
DenekeLouis born about 1874
DenekeMagdaline born about 1918
DenekeMay born about 1904
DenekeRosine born about 1883
DenekeSharon Raeborn about 1935
DenekeWilbern born about 1910
DenekeWilferd born about 1918
DenekeWilliam born about 1914
DenekeWilliam Jr born about 1939
DenekeWillie born about 1905
DeusnerHarold born about 1924
DeusnerMartha born about 1898
DillbackLillie born about 1876
DillbackWilliam born about 1872
DouglasBertha born about 1888
DouglasBertis born about 1888
DouthittBetty born about 1895
DouthittChester Aborn about 1904
DouthittClarence born about 1888
DouthittMarjorie born about 1925
DouthittNola born about 1899
DuffyJane born about 1863
DuffyMantillie born about 1890
DuffyWillie born about 1886
DyerSteve born about 1867
DyerSusie born about 1876

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E Surnames

EbrechtEzra born about 1911
EbrechtMatilda born about 1876
EbrechtWalter born about 1878
EllerbrookBertha born about 1920
EllerbrookBertha Marieborn about 1939
EllerbrookFred born about 1919
EngelhardtAdam born about 1863
EngelhardtAlvin born about 1890
EngelhardtBeatrice born about 1918
EngelhardtCarlton born about 1930
EngelhardtCaroline born about 1937
EngelhardtCharles born about 1912
EngelhardtClifford born about 1923
EngelhardtElla Maeborn about 1914
EngelhardtHarold born about 1921
EngelhardtHelen born about 1898
EngelhardtHerbert born about 1917
EngelhardtSelma born about 1891
EngelhardtSharon born about 1939
EngelhardtVirginia Leeborn about 1932
EngelhardtWalter born about 1896
EngelhardtWalter Jr born about 1925
EnlowBobby born about 1931
EnlowClinba Jborn about 1930
EnlowJacqueline born about 1928
EnlowMaxine born about 1926
EnlowSadie born about 1905
EnlowVirginia born about 1940
EnlowWinfield born about 1922
EnlowZimmy Lborn about 1933
EnricoGarana born about 1880
EnricoHenry born about 1876
ErdmanAmna born about 1873
ErdmanWm born about 1868
ErdmannAnna born about 1873
ErdmannFerdnand born about 1871
ErdmannFredrick born about 1911

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F Surnames

FarnyFrank born about 1888
FarnyJerald born about 1936
FarnyLathara born about 1919
FarnyLeona born about 1894
FarnyMelvin born about 1933
FeastJohn born about 1877
FeistelHerman born about 1914
FeistelJosephine born about 1920
FeistelMarguaret born about 1925
FeistelOpha born about 1894
FischerAugust born about 1872
FischerMinnie born about 1875
FischerMyrtle born about 1896
FlemingAlma born about 1900
FlemingClarence Jr born about 1938
FlemingClerence born about 1888
FlemingLessie born about 1924
FlemingLoyd born about 1921
FlemingRuth born about 1927
FlenerDalles born about 1938
FlenerFausteen born about 1920
FlenerIrene born about 1918
FlenerOsmer born about 1918
FlenerRiley born about 1898
FlittnerAndrew Jborn about 1882
FlittnerRosa born about 1878
FlowersAnna born about 1904
FlowersLester born about 1926
FlowersMarjorie Amborn about 1935
FlowersMorton Jborn about 1931
FlowersOtis born about 1901
FlowersRaymond born about 1922
FlowersWilliam born about 1924
FloydJoseph born about 1915
FloydMary born about 1919
FosterBilly Jborn about 1933
FosterJ Nborn about 1867
FosterMargaet born about 1923
FosterWalter born about 1892
FosterZelma born about 1892
FraiserJohn Eborn about 1869
FraiserNelly Nborn about 1900
FraiserQueen Lborn about 1871
FromarBell born about 1871
FullingMary born about 1869

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G Surnames

GabhartJohn Hborn about 1879
GabhartLucy Aborn about 1887
GarbersArnle born about 1911
GarbersEdith born about 1914
GarbersEdwin born about 1896
GarbersMelvin born about 1938
GarbersVelma born about 1902
GeiselmanAdolph born about 1891
GeiselmanArnold born about 1920
GeiselmanArthur born about 1918
GeiselmanElnora born about 1922
GeiselmanEsther born about 1925
GeiselmanEvaline born about 1930
GeiselmanMinnie Cborn about 1894
GeiselmanRuth born about 1927
GentryCarol born about 1939
GentryHelen born about 1920
GentryLoren born about 1916
GeorgesBessie born about 1919
GeorgesCarrie born about 1885
GeorgesViolet born about 1923
GeorgesWilliam born about 1888
GerichaHenry Cborn about 1862
GerichaMinnie born about 1868
GerichsCaroline born about 1875
GerichsEmma born about 1902
GerichsLouisa born about 1864
GerichsMinnie born about 1865
GerichsNora born about 1890
GericksElmer born about 1898
GericksMyrtle born about 1907
GibbonsBessie born about 1893
GibbonsDonald born about 1930
GibbonsWilliam born about 1893
GibbonsWilliam Leeborn about 1925
GieselmanJohn born about 1866
GieselmanLena born about 1870
GockerAmanda born about 1888
GockerElizabeth born about 1872
GockerFred born about 1885
GodekeAlbert born about 1909
GodekeLorena born about 1914
GoergesCaroline born about 1882
GoergesDewey born about 1900
GoergesElizabeth born about 1882
GoergesGeraldine born about 1919
GoergesJohn born about 1917
GoergesOpal Maryborn about 1925
GoergesRoy born about 1912
GoergesRueben born about 1906
GoergesSelma born about 1922
GormanCharles born about 1903
GormanMary born about 1903
GraperArmon born about 1924
GraperElmer born about 1898
GraperElmer Jr born about 1930
GraperLina born about 1906
GreenEthel born about 1896
GreenEthel born about 1922
GreenEugene born about 1933
GreenGeorge born about 1914
GreenGladys born about 1930
GreenIoma born about 1925
GreenJohn born about 1928
GreenLily born about 1938
GreenMyrtle born about 1924
GreenRenis Jeoborn about 1939
GreenRennis born about 1918
GreenlerGorge born about 1859
GreenlerLizzie Aborn about 1860
GreenlerMary born about 1892
GreerCharles born about 1891
GreerEdna Marieborn about 1914
GreerIda born about 1893
GreerVerlis born about 1909
GrimAmelia born about 1881
GrimBeaulah born about 1921
GrimJohn Lborn about 1881
GrimLouis born about 1907
GrimMartha born about 1918
GrimMartha Aborn about 1926
GrimMattie born about 1903
GrimOpal born about 1924
GrimRalph born about 1919
GrimRobert born about 1864
GrimSarrah born about 1865
GrimWalter born about 1897
GrimwoodEula born about 1882
GrimwoodEva born about 1882
GrimwoodRoy born about 1911
GriscomJoel Mborn about 1878
GrissomClyde Aborn about 1886
GrissomWm Cborn about 1873
GwaltneyMillard born about 1911
GwaltneyPauline born about 1919
GwaltneyVincent born about 1940

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H Surnames

HaasAbner born about 1904
HaasFrancis Annborn about 1937
HaasReba born about 1903
HaleyClinton born about 1931
HalwesAmanda born about 1899
HalwesArlene born about 1937
HalwesAugust born about 1888
HalwesEdgar born about 1894
HalwesEdith born about 1901
HalwesEdna born about 1925
HalwesEloise born about 1924
HalwesHenry born about 1867
HalwesHulda born about 1894
HalwesIda born about 1892
HalwesLeola born about 1920
HalwesLeroy born about 1920
HalwesOtto born about 1908
HalwesRalph born about 1923
HalwesRuby born about 1914
HalwesRuby born about 1923
HalwesRudolph born about 1895
HalwesWilliam born about 1852
HalwesWilliam born about 1900
HammelArnie born about 1884
HammelBonnie born about 1929
HammelCaptola born about 1920
HammelClarence Eborn about 1914
HammelDonald born about 1932
HammelEula born about 1916
HammelJohn born about 1937
HammelLizzie born about 1894
HammelMartha born about 1860
HammelMary Ruthborn about 1916
HamnelHarmony born about 1927
HarkerAlta born about 1906
HarkerLenard born about 1908
HarmonHazel born about 1923
HarmonPearl born about 1884
HarmonSam born about 1881
HarrilsonAmos born about 1922
HarrilsonEmma born about 1901
HarrilsonMarjorie born about 1924
HarrilsonOtis born about 1896
HarrilsonPauline born about 1930
HebbelerAlice Bborn about 1895
HebbelerEdgar Fborn about 1893
HebbelerLeroy born about 1918
HebbelerMarylee born about 1930
HedgesAmanda born about 1886
HedgesBargia born about 1881
HedgesBonnie born about 1929
HedgesCharles Kborn about 1872
HegginbothamEmma born about 1895
HegginbothamWm born about 1886
HeldtBertha Cborn about 1873
HeldtCharles Lborn about 1873
HeldtG Wborn about 1868
HeldtHelen Bborn about 1877
HeldtOpal born about 1915
HillEdgaretta born about 1938
HillEdna born about 1931
HillGarnett born about 1910
HillGeorge born about 1933
HillGertrude born about 1929
HillKenneth born about 1934
HillLawerence born about 1898
HillMattie born about 1935
HillyardFrank born about 1873
HillyardMargaret born about 1871
HinmanKenneth born about 1892
HolderAlva born about 1920
HolderBettye born about 1925
HolderClyde born about 1885
HolderDonald born about 1927
HolderElmer born about 1870
HolderLeland born about 1924
HolderLeroy born about 1923
HolderLillie born about 1889
HolderLinnie born about 1880
HolfingerElvis born about 1897
HolfingerEvelyn born about 1925
HolfingerFlossie born about 1898
HollingsworthJames Haroldborn about 1933
HollingsworthMarvin born about 1931
HoltzAlfred born about 1914
HoltzAlton born about 1923
HoltzArthur born about 1923
HoltzCaroline born about 1882
HoltzEdwin born about 1895
HoltzElinor born about 1924
HoltzElnora born about 1922
HoltzEmil born about 1883
HoltzEsther born about 1899
HoltzEvaline born about 1888
HoltzFreda born about 1896
HoltzHenry Fborn about 1882
HoltzHerbert Fborn about 1892
HoltzIda born about 1886
HoltzIrma born about 1899
HoltzJune born about 1926
HoltzLarry born about 1939
HoltzLissetta born about 1887
HoltzMariline born about 1928
HoltzMartin born about 1898
HoltzMary born about 1858
HoltzMary Francisborn about 1922
HoltzWilburn born about 1921
HookMinta born about 1871
HookRobert born about 1913
HouchensGeo born about 1884
HuettEarl born about 1899
HuettLyda born about 1907
HulsmanAugust born about 1883
HulsmanBertha born about 1891
HulsmanLena born about 1880
HuntBenton born about 1903
HuntJohn Wborn about 1868
HuntLois born about 1926
HuntNancy born about 1873
HuntOttie born about 1908
HustDorothy born about 1924

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J Surnames

JacksonValada born about 1915
JenkinsCurran born about 1892
JenkinsEdna Maeborn about 1933
JenkinsEssie born about 1908
JenkinsGeraldine born about 1926
JenkinsKathleen born about 1921
JenkinsLeonard born about 1929
JenkinsLois born about 1923
JenkinsOdas born about 1895
JohnsonCharlotte born about 1926
JohnsonDavid born about 1931
JohnsonGilbert born about 1880
JohnsonJesse born about 1910
JohnsonLottie Lborn about 1875
JohnsonMary Francisborn about 1939
JohnsonRichard born about 1928
JohnsonRobert born about 1885
JohnsonRobert born about 1924
JohnsonRuby born about 1918
JohnsonRuth born about 1893

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K Surnames

KahlmeyerAlfred born about 1893
KahlmeyerAustin born about 1928
KahlmeyerCarl born about 1921
KahlmeyerCleneth born about 1934
KahlmeyerElgene born about 1927
KahlmeyerHerbert born about 1929
KahlmeyerLeroy born about 1919
KahlmeyerLucie born about 1923
KahlmeyerMinnie born about 1895
KahlmeyerWilliam born about 1925
KalleLa Vonia born about 1907
KallePauline born about 1935
KalleWalter born about 1909
KampeCaroline born about 1856
KampeFred Wborn about 1875
KampeFrederick born about 1916
KampeMildred born about 1918
KampeMinnie born about 1879
KeekerEarl born about 1913
KeekerFred born about 1914
KeekerHenry born about 1920
KeekerLettia born about 1890
KeekerLevi born about 1911
KeekerMary born about 1924
KeekerOpal born about 1916
KeekerPaul born about 1916
KeekerWalter born about 1928
KellnerDorris born about 1930
KellnerFred born about 1902
KellnerFredrick born about 1934
KellnerGilbert born about 1938
KellnerMarguaret born about 1939
KellnerMarie Eborn about 1903
KellnerMariland born about 1928
KellnerSharon born about 1935
KellnerWilliam born about 1924
Ketcham born about 1884
KetchamCyrus born about 1870
KetchamMary born about 1867
KetchamMinnie born about 1883
KetchamN Orinborn about 1902
KetchamRobert born about 1869
KetchamWilliam Cborn about 1868
KiferArkel born about 1909
KiferBruce born about 1937
KiferCletis born about 1915
KiferHenry born about 1864
KiferKattie born about 1871
KiferPatricia born about 1934
KiteFred born about 1915
KochBertie born about 1887
KochClenneth Royborn about 1936
KochFlora born about 1883
KochLinda born about 1895
KochOrval born about 1908
KochPauline born about 1925
KochSelma born about 1894
KochW Fborn about 1881
KochWilliam Cborn about 1891
KochWilma born about 1910
KohlmeyerBertha born about 1905
KohlmeyerCarrie born about 1872
KohlmeyerDorthy Maeborn about 1931
KohlmeyerEli born about 1900
KohlmeyerFloyd born about 1927
KohlmeyerHarold born about 1917
KohlmeyerLeona born about 1929
KohlmeyerNorma Jeneborn about 1926
KohlmeyerWarren born about 1932
KohlmeyerWilfred born about 1930
KrachtEmma born about 1910
KrachtGilbert born about 1908
KruseAlbert born about 1891
KruseAnna born about 1898
KruseBilly born about 1931
KruseEdward born about 1901
KruseEmiel born about 1893
KruseHarold born about 1925
KruseLaura born about 1887
KruseLester born about 1922
KruseLouisa born about 1865
KruseMary Cborn about 1869
KruseNora born about 1892
KruseOpal born about 1912
KruseRobert born about 1889
KuhlenschmidtAlice born about 1921
KuhlenschmidtDorothy born about 1914
KuhlenschmidtFloyd born about 1914
KuhlenschmidtHarold born about 1915
KuhlenschmidtHerbert born about 1919
KuhlenschmidtRuth born about 1918
KuhlenschmidtRuth Annborn about 1938

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L Surnames

LalleyJohn born about 1878
LambertArthur Jr born about 1910
LambertArthur Sr born about 1882
LambertLila born about 1928
LambertMona born about 1914
LambertRobert born about 1925
LangfondLora Lborn about 1884
LangfondWilliam born about 1870
LangfordClyde born about 1911
LangfordLonnie born about 1933
LangfordWilma born about 1912
LibbertOllie born about 1887
LochmuellerBobbie Leeborn about 1928
LochmuellerBobby born about 1930
LochmuellerErwin born about 1921
LochmuellerGoldia born about 1910
LochmuellerHenry born about 1875
LochmuellerJune born about 1909
LochmuellerKattie born about 1880
LochmuellerKeith born about 1936
LochmuellerLaverne born about 1919
LochmuellerMelvin born about 1908
LochmuellerMildred born about 1912
LochmuellerOrval born about 1905
LochmuellerOwen born about 1905
LochmuellerRaymond born about 1915
LochmuellerRichard born about 1938
LochmuellerRuby born about 1910
LochmuellerWill born about 1877
LuchmullerEva born about 1881
LuchmullerHrman born about 1881
LuchmullerPaul Hborn about 1918
LynnMartha Eborn about 1868

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M Surnames

MabreyAlvis born about 1897
MabreyAlvis Jr born about 1932
MabreyBessie born about 1923
MabreyBilly Jborn about 1928
MabreyChester Pborn about 1930
MabreyDona Leeborn about 1939
MabreyEarl born about 1922
MabreyFalfa born about 1904
MabreyLaroy born about 1926
MabreyMarguaret born about 1935
MabreyTommy born about 1925
MaddenClofa born about 1891
MaddenJames born about 1922
MaddenNancy born about 1862
MaddenRobert Iborn about 1898
MaginRachel born about 1869
MaikranzAlma born about 1899
MaikranzLeo born about 1896
MaikranzLeroy born about 1921
MankerHerman born about 1867
MankerMary Cborn about 1872
MasonDavid born about 1871
MasonElizabeth born about 1903
MasonElvis born about 1922
MasonFlorence born about 1910
MasonFred born about 1900
MasonRetta born about 1876
MaxeyJane born about 1871
MaxeyOral born about 1901
McClearyBlanch born about 1923
McClearyDoris born about 1925
McClearyEffie born about 1896
McClearyJoyce born about 1929
McClearyWalter born about 1895
McCutchanFern born about 1910
McCutchanJeanette born about 1934
McCutchanLeon born about 1931
McCutchanLloyd born about 1909
McCutchanPatty born about 1933
McDonaldGuy Cborn about 1888
McDonaldLexia born about 1896
McDonaldValere born about 1923
McGarrahArthur born about 1881
McGarrahEarl born about 1904
McGarrahSlyvester born about 1873
McKinneyDorothy born about 1910
McSwaneC Sborn about 1888
MeierEva Mayborn about 1917
MeierFloyd E???born about 1909
MeierJohn Hborn about 1865
MeierMildred born about 1936
MeierRichard born about 1934
MeierRobert born about 1938
MeierWanda Juneborn about 1940
MenkeBenny born about 1940
MenkeCaroline born about 1864
MenkeGeorge born about 1873
MenkeLester born about 1932
MenkeLorena born about 1910
MenkeMary born about 1873
MenkeRaymond born about 1938
MenkeRosemary born about 1934
MenkeRossell born about 1936
MenkeVernon born about 1930
MenkeWalter born about 1909
MenkeWilliam born about 1863
MenkeWilliam Jr born about 1893
MickelsonHattie born about 1888
MillerAlva born about 1901
MillerCaptola born about 1882
MillerCarl born about 1907
MillerChristina born about 1901
MillerDorthy born about 1912
MillerElizabeth born about 1862
MillerMailyn born about 1924
MillerMary Joborn about 1937
MillerTruman born about 1922
MillerWalter born about 1882
MorrisAugusta Mborn about 1881
MorrisBernice born about 1896
MorrisBertha born about 1898
MorrisCharles Aborn about 1896
MorrisCornelius born about 1914
MorrisGeorge Tborn about 1868
MorrisGeorge Wborn about 1901
MorrisHoward born about 1905
MorrisJeanene born about 1934
MorrisJosei born about 1909
MorrisLula born about 1873
MorrisMariloin born about 1925
MorrisMary Cborn about 1871
MorrisRobert born about 1893
MorrisRobert Bborn about 1871
MorrisRobert Kborn about 1928
MorrisRoy born about 1917
MorrisRuth born about 1919
MorrisSilas Eborn about 1883
MorrisWayne born about 1930

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NicholsonAlbion born about 1922
NicholsonAnna born about 1898
NicholsonBernice born about 1924
NicholsonClarence born about 1887
NicholsonClifford born about 1891
NicholsonEdna born about 1926
NicholsonEsther born about 1916
NicholsonFlorence Mildredborn about 1890
NicholsonHerschell born about 1931
NicholsonJacqueline born about 1937
NicholsonLuann born about 1939
NicholsonRoy born about 1917
NickilsonJohn Eborn about 1915
NickilsonWanetta born about 1920
NoltingFred Charleyborn about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OethFlorence born about 1895
OethGeorge Jr born about 1894
OethIrma born about 1932
OethRaymond born about 1924
OethVera born about 1928

P Surnames

PanhorstLeota born about 1918
PanhorstMeta born about 1891
PanhorstOscar born about 1894
ParkeCarrie born about 1897
ParkeLorena born about 1880
ParkeWilliam born about 1882
PascoBertha born about 1908
PascoJohn born about 1901
PascoKenneth born about 1938
PeckinpaughW Fborn about 1864
PembertonBobby born about 1932
PembertonGene born about 1927
PembertonRobert born about 1890
PembertonRuth born about 1935
PembertonThelma born about 1937
PembertonVesta born about 1905
PendellAndrew Jborn about 1869
PerryEzzie born about 1902
PerryJanett born about 1916
PerryLoriene born about 1925
PfingstonEshme* born about 1916
PfingstonWarner born about 1912
PhelpsCarl born about 1923
PhelpsHerbert born about 1917
PhelpsLaura born about 1889
PhelpsMable born about 1928
PhelpsMiles born about 1887
PhelpsRuby born about 1925
PoilesBert born about 1902
PoilesCharles born about 1931
PoilesJacqueline born about 1929
PoilesJerry born about 1939
PoilesPatsy Ruthborn about 1934
PoilesRuth born about 1910
PoilesSharon Jeanborn about 1936
PolkmanEthel born about 1912
PolkmanTheodore Hborn about 1910
PowellBertha born about 1884
PowellConnie Sueborn about 1939
PowellEugen born about 1908
PowellHerbert born about 1877
PowellJohn Lborn about 1919
PowellLillian born about 1920
PowersAdelene born about 1930
PowersAndrew Jborn about 1931
PowersEsther Mborn about 1899
PowersFranklin Dborn about 1936
PowersJesse born about 1924
PowersLouis Cborn about 1928
PowersMary Eborn about 1926
PowersThurman born about 1933
PrideRobert born about 1924
PrideRosco Sborn about 1887
PrideRuth born about 1900
PriuttOpal Ireneborn about 1923
PriuttOra Aborn about 1891
PriuttRaymond born about 1889
PutlerFlorence born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RamageHenry born about 1870
RamageIda Vborn about 1875
RamageL Eborn about 1908
RamageLessa born about 1914
RamageRaymond born about 1902
RamageRetta Rayborn about 1939
RamageShella born about 1911
ReebCarl born about 1896
ReebJohn born about 1934
ReebMartha born about 1898
ReedArlie born about 1937
ReedCharles born about 1928
ReedEarl born about 1894
ReedHelen born about 1907
ReedRaymon born about 1926
ReelBryan born about 1897
ReelElmer born about 1881
ReelJulia born about 1888
ReelRuth born about 1872
RehermanMary born about 1917
RehermanWilliam born about 1913
RehermanWilliam Jr born about 1936
ReinbrechtBobby born about 1933
ReinbrechtBonnie born about 1931
ReinbrechtDonald born about 1939
ReinbrechtUnice born about 1902
ReinbrechtWallace born about 1926
ReinbrechtWalter born about 1900
RenderBettye born about 1929
RenderEmogene born about 1925
RenderNellie born about 1909
RenderRichard born about 1869
RenderWalter born about 1903
RentchlerAnna Kborn about 1926
RentchlerEdward born about 1932
RentchlerHilda born about 1903
RentchlerLouis Eborn about 1898
ReutterHenry born about 1900
ReutterMary born about 1910
RichardsonAndrew Jborn about 1894
RichardsonBonnie Louborn about 1932
RichardsonEdward Pborn about 1868
RichardsonMary Aborn about 1865
RichardsonMary Jeanborn about 1923
RichardsonMinnie born about 1893
RicketsChelsa born about 1904
RicketsLewis born about 1870
RicketsNora born about 1871
RickettaChester born about 1905
RickettaJesse born about 1911
RickettsEmily born about 1866
RoadwellAugust born about 1890
RoadwellCarl born about 1921
RoadwellCecil born about 1916
RoadwellEverett born about 1919
RoadwellFloyd born about 1918
RoadwellMary born about 1885
RobbRuth born about 1919
RobbRuth Leonaborn about 1937
RobertsClenneth born about 1917
RobertsEva born about 1896
RobertsJean born about 1919
RobertsJerrell born about 1914
RobertsNigeal born about 1917
RobertsNigna Leeborn about 1936
RobertsWilliam born about 1927
RoettgerAlvin born about 1895
RoettgerCarrie Lborn about 1880
RoettgerEvelyn born about 1928
RoettgerLorella born about 1895
RoettgerWarren born about 1934
RoseCharline born about 1923
RoseClara born about 1888
RoseFred born about 1885
RosemeierHenry born about 1886
RosemeierMinnie born about 1887
RosemeierOrville born about 1918
RostronChester born about 1894
RostronCora born about 1878
RostronEdward born about 1886
RostronElizabeth born about 1887
RostronEthel born about 1920
RostronVida born about 1891
RostronWilliam Vborn about 1881
RowleyCecil born about 1915
RowleyLouise born about 1915
RuckmanGeo born about 1868
RyanFred born about 1891
RyanMary Aborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SandersFred born about 1868
SandersLouisa born about 1875
SandersRose born about 1878
SandersSelma born about 1906
SchmidtHerman born about 1862
SchoettleHerman Gborn about 1917
SchoettleRev Herman Jborn about 1883
SchoettleSelma Bborn about 1884
SchueyGeorge born about 1916
SchultzAdolph born about 1890
SchultzAlbert born about 1912
SchultzAlta born about 1892
SchultzAnna born about 1872
SchultzBertha born about 1882
SchultzBobby born about 1931
SchultzCarl Henryborn about 1913
SchultzChrist born about 1870
SchultzClara born about 1878
SchultzEdward born about 1892
SchultzEloise born about 1917
SchultzElouise born about 1931
SchultzFred born about 1882
SchultzHazel born about 1916
SchultzHenry Wborn about 1880
SchultzHerman born about 1909
SchultzKatherine born about 1919
SchultzLarry born about 1939
SchultzLeroy born about 1914
SchultzMaggaie born about 1880
SchultzMarcella born about 1910
SchultzMarie born about 1919
SchultzMartin born about 1917
SchultzMary born about 1917
SchultzMelvin born about 1914
SchultzMinnie Rborn about 1877
SchultzNora born about 1885
SchultzNorman born about 1912
SchultzNorman born about 1918
SchultzOtto born about 1875
SchultzRosena born about 1913
SchultzVenita Maeborn about 1921
SchultzVergil born about 1918
SchultzVerlis born about 1918
SchultzVictor born about 1894
SchultzWalter born about 1897
SchultzWilliam Rborn about 1938
SchwengelEdw T Fborn about 1872
SchwengelJulius born about 1906
SchwengelOlga born about 1904
SeebodeChester born about 1903
SeebodeMary Jborn about 1870
SelkeCarrie born about 1872
SellersDonald born about 1934
SellersFrank born about 1908
SellersPearl Kborn about 1932
SellersRosco Lerryborn about 1931
SellersSilva born about 1912
SenameierAlvin born about 1919
SenameierClara Maeborn about 1925
SenameierKate born about 1890
SenameierWill born about 1884
SeverittAlbert born about 1870
SeverittCarrie born about 1882
SharpElaine born about 1940
SharpFaye born about 1900
SharpLoral born about 1910
SharpMural born about 1900
SharpPhyllis born about 1938
SharpRollie born about 1902
SharpRosemary born about 1926
SharpThelma born about 1912
SifrigJacob born about 1881
SilkeDonald born about 1932
SilkeFlorence born about 1902
SilkeGary Edwardborn about 1939
SilkeHenry Cborn about 1885
SilkeJames Leeborn about 1926
SilkePaul Williamborn about 1922
SilkeSarrah born about 1860
SilkeWilliam born about 1898
SimpsonAnna Lborn about 1878
SimpsonCluster born about 1874
SimpsonGeorge born about 1871
SimpsonHerschel born about 1898
SincoHelen Dborn about 1925
SincoSally born about 1903
SizemoreDorthy born about 1928
SizemoreHazel born about 1926
SizemoreJesse born about 1886
SizemoreMorris born about 1921
SizemoreWilliam born about 1881
SlittIrma born about 1895
SlittMarilove born about 1924
SlittMarjorie Annborn about 1927
SlittWilliam Austinborn about 1930
SlittWm Rborn about 1896
SmithBert Cborn about 1874
SmithCarrie Cborn about 1871
SmithJohn Sborn about 1866
SmithRebecca born about 1866
SnowGilbert born about 1928
SnowHallie born about 1895
SnowIna born about 1897
SnowIvalan born about 1930
SnowWilber born about 1924
SnowWilfred born about 1925
SoursLillian born about 1878
SpeerMelvin born about 1908
SpeicherJohn born about 1886
SpeicherLula born about 1898
SpeicherRoyce born about 1932
StahlbergAnna born about 1881
StahlbergBertha born about 1883
StahlbergHenry Fborn about 1881
StahlbergLouisa born about 1872
StahlbergTheadore born about 1889
StoneConstance born about 1920
StratmanFrona born about 1872
StratmanJohn born about 1868
SuscottCarl born about 1914
SuscottIrma born about 1918
SusottAdolph born about 1888
SusottAnna born about 1883
SusottAugust born about 1872
SusottBertha born about 1893
SusottEmma born about 1889
SusottIrma born about 1922
SusottJohannia born about 1849
SusottJohn born about 1881
SusottJohn Jr born about 1923
SusottLousie born about 1894
SusottMarvin born about 1928
SusottMinnie born about 1889
SusottWilbern born about 1924
SusottWilfred born about 1920

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorAdrian born about 1899
TaylorBetty Eborn about 1925
TaylorBrilla Mborn about 1887
TaylorCarol born about 1937
TaylorLois born about 1927
TaylorLon Sborn about 1880
TaylorMarie born about 1900
TaylorPhipps born about 1849
TevaultArby born about 1892
TevaultEsther born about 1898
TevaultVernon born about 1927
TheneAmelia born about 1896
TheneCarol Jeanborn about 1937
TheneDean Allenborn about 1930
TheneDonald born about 1936
TheneDowney born about 1939
TheneElfreida born about 1900
TheneElmer Fborn about 1896
TheneEmil born about 1898
TheneEsther born about 1892
TheneFroneda born about 1902
TheneGerald born about 1934
TheneGeralda born about 1901
TheneHilda born about 1905
TheneLydia born about 1901
TheneMarie born about 1915
TheneMarilene born about 1932
TheneMartin born about 1911
TheneMinnie born about 1910
TheneNatalie born about 1930
TheneSamuel born about 1867
TheneShirley born about 1936
TheneStanton born about 1929
TheneTheodore born about 1908
TheneWalter born about 1899
TheneWilhelmena born about 1868
ThomasEsther born about 1899
ThomasWilliam born about 1899
TiteCarl born about 1911
TiteEdna born about 1890
TiteEsther born about 1917
TiteJacqueline born about 1937
TiteJohn born about 1887
TiteShermon born about 1939
TiteShirley Annborn about 1935
TomphsonMatilda born about 1860
TomphsonWilliam born about 1862
TownsendCecil born about 1906
TownsendDaniel born about 1931
TownsendJasemine born about 1905
TurpinBirdie Sborn about 1881
TurpinHezakiah born about 1873
TurpinVivian born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnselCharles born about 1897
UnselCharles Jr born about 1923
UnselDorthy born about 1924
UnselEvelyn born about 1922
UnselJames born about 1926
UnselKarl born about 1904

V Surnames

VaughtAda born about 1877
VaughtHenry born about 1867
VaughtMarie born about 1913
VaughtRobert Wborn about 1916

W Surnames

WagnerJohn born about 1872
WagnerPhilip born about 1870
WardBarney born about 1897
WardBethel born about 1922
WardBobby born about 1928
WardDouglas born about 1921
WardGeorge born about 1924
WardLouis born about 1932
WardMary born about 1927
WardWilma born about 1931
WattChester born about 1902
WattGertrude born about 1875
WattHelen born about 1930
WattRuth born about 1903
WattUdrian born about 1901
WeisheitHarold born about 1911
WeisheitMatilda born about 1876
WeisheitWilliam born about 1876
WheatonCarolin born about 1915
WheatonCaroline born about 1862
WheatonClara born about 1890
WheatonEdward born about 1884
WheatonEugene born about 1936
WheatonEverett born about 1914
WheatonFrancis born about 1924
WheatonGolda born about 1895
WheatonHarry born about 1884
WheatonHattie born about 1890
WheatonHelen born about 1926
WheatonHenry born about 1894
WheatonHerbert born about 1887
WheatonHowell born about 1856
WheatonHowell born about 1924
WheatonLaura Lborn about 1881
WheatonLeola born about 1928
WheatonOwen born about 1920
WheatonThomas born about 1876
WheatonWilford born about 1912
WiggersMeta born about 1894
WilkeJeanette born about 1875
WilkeWalter born about 1872
WilkisonAnna Fborn about 1867
WilkisonArvil born about 1918
WilkisonElla born about 1865
WilkisonEva born about 1890
WilkisonMyrtle born about 1927
WilkisonWelzie born about 1890
WilliamsMary Francesborn about 1932
WilliamsMary Jborn about 1864
WilliamsShirley Annborn about 1931
WilliamsWilma born about 1905
WilliamsonEvelyn born about 1905
WilsbacherGail born about 1936
WilsbacherSue born about 1939
WilsbacherTheodore born about 1908
WilsbacherVirginia born about 1913
WilsonRaymond Hborn about 1908
WintersAllen born about 1927
WintersEdward born about 1893
WintersGrace born about 1896
WithrowBernice Jeneborn about 1939
WithrowJames Rborn about 1938
WithrowJoice Dborn about 1940
WithrowOrvel born about 1917
WithrowVirginia born about 1919
WithrowW Oborn about 1874
WoolseyGeorge born about 1908
WoolseyGeorgia Maeborn about 1933
WoolseyMildred born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YohEllen born about 1938
YohKathryn born about 1908
YohLouise born about 1939
YohMary born about 1939
YohRev Charles born about 1911

Z Surnames

ZehnerCarolin Sborn about 1937
ZehnerDeloras born about 1916
ZehnerRaymond born about 1909
ZintAnna Mborn about 1876
ZintEdsel born about 1926
ZintFrank born about 1871
ZintHerman born about 1927
ZintJohn born about 1906
ZintJohn Jr born about 1935
ZintMary born about 1933
ZintRuth born about 1907
ZintWanda born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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