1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hamblen, Brown, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Brown County > 1940 Census of Hamblen

A SurnamesJ SurnamesR Surnames
B SurnamesK SurnamesS Surnames
C SurnamesL SurnamesT Surnames
D SurnamesM SurnamesV Surnames
E SurnamesN SurnamesW Surnames
F SurnamesO SurnamesY Surnames
G SurnamesP SurnamesZ Surnames
H SurnamesQ Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsAurther born about 1931
AdamsBeckham born about 1904
AdamsCarl born about 1923
AdamsEthel born about 1904
AdamsGraca born about 1901
AdamsHarold born about 1895
AdamsLee born about 1937
AdamsMary Louborn about 1935
AdamsOliva born about 1928
AdkinsAda Mayborn about 1886
AdkinsAlfred Cecilborn about 1922
AdkinsHenry Owensborn about 1925
AdkinsMardy born about 1891
AdkinsOlive Marieborn about 1927
AdkinsRalph Aurtherborn about 1929
AldersonGeorge Eborn about 1898
AldersonGeorge Wborn about 1866
AldersonMary Belleborn about 1866
AllenderBetty born about 1933
AllenderDean Laqueborn about 1935
AllenderGenevieve born about 1938
AllenderJackie born about 1937
AllenderPat born about 1904
AllenderZellia born about 1911
AllisonBonnie Fayborn about 1939
AllisonEvelin born about 1915
AllisonMarcus born about 1916
AndersonChester born about 1894
AndersonEdward born about 1861
AndersonHarry born about 1883
AndersonJames Leeborn about 1934
AndersonJames Wborn about 1873
AndersonMurl born about 1893
AndersonRobert born about 1910
AndersonRosa born about 1886
ArcheyEdna born about 1882
ArcheyRobert born about 1904
ArnoldsCam born about 1918
ArnoldsJosephine born about 1925
ArnoldsJuanita born about 1923
ArnoldsMaude born about 1884
ArnoldsRalph Hustonborn about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BaileyAlbert Wborn about 1889
BailiffElizabeth Cborn about 1890
BakerMartin born about 1925
BallJoseph born about 1879
BargerCordelia born about 1905
BargerIshmael born about 1899
BargerJohn born about 1925
BargerLovise born about 1923
BargerRaymond born about 1921
BargerRobert born about 1939
BarleyLaura born about 1874
BarnettBetty Geneborn about 1931
BarnettFern born about 1908
BarnettIsabelle born about 1876
BarnettJo Annborn about 1929
BarnettNorman Keithborn about 1938
BarnettOra born about 1900
BaumanDavid born about 1937
BaumanEthel born about 1918
BaumanLois born about 1934
BaumanLorraine born about 1915
BaumanLowell born about 1908
BaumanWilliam born about 1883
BayDavid Hborn about 1869
BayEarl Eugeneborn about 1939
BayJames Harleyborn about 1936
BayJosephine born about 1916
BayMarion born about 1912
BayRose Annborn about 1875
BayRose Maryborn about 1933
BayWilliam Rexborn about 1935
BellAda born about 1888
BellAlfred born about 1868
BellCatherine born about 1926
BellHarry Eborn about 1888
BellJoseph Cborn about 1894
BellMadelyn born about 1922
BellReheuasma Cborn about 1866
BellRobert born about 1923
BergmanAlbert born about 1886
BergmanAnna Marieborn about 1928
BergmanEmma born about 1888
BiselAlice Marieborn about 1932
BiselIva born about 1902
BiselMary Janeborn about 1881
BiselRose Maryborn about 1935
BiselRuth born about 1923
BiselVincent born about 1878
BoydJames born about 1901
BoydLucilla born about 1910
BoydMinnie born about 1931
BoydRebecca born about 1934
BradleyLouisa born about 1887
BradleyWilton born about 1880
BradshawAurther born about 1902
BradshawFlorence born about 1902
BrockAugust born about 1924
BrockBeulah born about 1930
BrockClifford born about 1921
BrockDollie born about 1926
BrockDorris born about 1940
BrockEdgar born about 1919
BrockLester born about 1939
BrockLottie born about 1929
BrockSim Lborn about 1897
BrockVirgil born about 1901
BronnLewis born about 1900
BronnWilma born about 1911
BrownAnna born about 1871
BrownCecil born about 1899
BrownCharles born about 1862
BrownDavid born about 1927
BrownEmmett born about 1871
BrownFlossie born about 1909
BrownJames Wborn about 1895
BrownMadison born about 1903
BrownPearl born about 1885
BrownSarah Jborn about 1872
BrownThelma born about 1898
BrownfieldEdith Estellaborn about 1909
BrownfieldHerbert born about 1909
BrowningGrace born about 1913
BrowningLe born about 1906
BrowningPatricia born about 1932
BuganRhoda Aliceborn about 1866
BunkerWayne born about 1901
BurgeBasil born about 1922
BurgeCarroll born about 1900
BurgeClarence born about 1900
BurgeDaral born about 1938
BurgeNorma born about 1927
BurgeRose born about 1928
BurgeSylvia born about 1924
BurgeVivian born about 1931
BurkEmma Mborn about 1875
BurkJohn Lborn about 1875
BurkeDessie born about 1883
BurnsSteven born about 1864
BurtonAmos born about 1884
BurtonClayton born about 1904
BurtonDorothymarie born about 1932
BurtonEdith Anabelleborn about 1936
BurtonEdna Jeanborn about 1933
BurtonEthel Mayborn about 1928
BurtonJosephine born about 1907
BurtonNancy born about 1872
BurtonViolet Marieborn about 1930
BusherWarren born about 1896

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellAlbert born about 1890
CampbellAlexander born about 1873
CampbellByron born about 1922
CampbellCharles Cborn about 1887
CampbellDonald Delanoborn about 1934
CampbellHerbert born about 1888
CampbellIva born about 1888
CampbellJames born about 1940
CampbellJames Porterborn about 1927
CampbellJessie Tborn about 1920
CampbellKenneth Eborn about 1923
CampbellMary Ruthborn about 1919
CampbellNellie born about 1892
CampbellOrval born about 1925
CampbellOrvile born about 1913
CampbellVernon born about 1912
CampbellViolet born about 1908
CampbellWestley born about 1907
CarlileCharles born about 1883
CarlileDonald born about 1927
CarlileDorothy born about 1932
CarlileFrancis born about 1929
CarlileHarold born about 1926
CarlileHellen born about 1900
CarlileJohn born about 1938
CarlileRuth born about 1933
ChartersThomas born about 1860
ClampittDollie Ruthborn about 1926
ClampittRobert Normanborn about 1928
ClarkJames Wborn about 1869
ClarkLeah born about 1890
ClarkMary Aborn about 1870
ClarkeSamuel born about 1871
ClarkeWilliam born about 1906
ClineDanzle born about 1931
ClineFay born about 1939
ClineFlo born about 1895
ClineGeraldine born about 1929
ClineIsabel born about 1925
ClineJune born about 1933
ClineMarion born about 1921
ClineMyrtle born about 1927
ClineRussell born about 1935
ClineSamuel born about 1888
ColeyCharles born about 1884
ColeyDema born about 1888
CondonCosta born about 1919
CondonFrances Mayborn about 1925
CondonHazel born about 1903
CondonJenny born about 1896
CondonJohn Henryborn about 1889
CondonThelma Janeborn about 1933
CondonVirgil born about 1892
CooleyAbe born about 1903
CooleyAurther born about 1899
CooleyBessie born about 1926
CooleyClinton born about 1927
CooleyEarnest born about 1906
CooleyEsta born about 1929
CooleyGrace born about 1911
CooleyHoward born about 1924
CooleyJeneva born about 1927
CooleyKenneth born about 1935
CooleyLoretta Mayborn about 1937
CooleyMaggie born about 1918
CooleyMartha born about 1928
CooleyMary born about 1902
CooleyOval born about 1927
CooleyWalter born about 1895
CooleyWilliam born about 1870
CoopJerldine born about 1935
CoopLucile born about 1910
CoopMilburn born about 1912
CoopRollin born about 1939
CoxOra born about 1934
CoyleJesie Leeborn about 1867
CoyleRalph Leeborn about 1882
CraigEwalde Mborn about 1882
CraigGeorge Wborn about 1873
CressFranklin born about 1937
CressLetha born about 1918
CressRobert born about 1915
CressRobert born about 1937
CrewsCarl born about 1925
CrewsCharles born about 1889
CrewsDelia born about 1894
CrewsPaul Allenborn about 1929
CrewsRachel Joneborn about 1933
CrewsRose Maryborn about 1926
CrewsRuth Oliveborn about 1926
CrewsThomas Webleyborn about 1932
CrookEthel born about 1904
CrookLewis born about 1898
CrouchHiram Jamesborn about 1884
CrouchMaggie born about 1890
CurtisAna born about 1898
CurtisBenton born about 1891
CurtisWanda Leeborn about 1930

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D Surnames

DaileyBernice born about 1914
DaileyBeulah born about 1935
DaileyDonald born about 1936
DaileyHellen born about 1935
DaileyJames born about 1907
DaileyJohn born about 1905
DaileyJohn born about 1929
DaileyKay Francesborn about 1938
DaileyLydia born about 1916
DaileyMargaret born about 1934
DaileyPatricia born about 1932
DaileyPhyllis born about 1939
DaileyRobert Leeborn about 1930
DaileyWilma born about 1911
DallasAgnes born about 1870
DallasBeatrice born about 1921
DallasBeulah born about 1924
DallasChester born about 1898
DallasThelma born about 1927
DallasVeda born about 1936
DallasVerna born about 1899
DanningerAlberta born about 1918
DanningerJames born about 1918
DanningerJanet born about 1939
DeckardCars born about 1916
DeckardEdith born about 1918
DeckardGrace born about 1916
DeckardLester born about 1913
DeppermanMargaret born about 1893
DeppermanOtto born about 1873
DeringerElmer born about 1927
DeringerEverett born about 1926
DeringerLillie born about 1922
DeringerRubby born about 1898
DeringerWilliam born about 1893
DerringerAurther born about 1920
DerringerLillian born about 1920
DineArther born about 1917
DineArvilla born about 1926
DineElva born about 1884
DineHerman born about 1915
DineJohn Wborn about 1883
DineMorris born about 1921
DineThelma born about 1925
DineWalter born about 1914
DuhamellCleve born about 1885
DuhamellJessie born about 1890
DunnCarl born about 1927
DunnDavid born about 1930
DunnDoris born about 1929
DunnEulah born about 1936
DunnFrances born about 1936
DunnGeorge born about 1900
DunnGolda born about 1900
DunnJean born about 1927
DunnJoel born about 1939
DunnLessie born about 1905
DunnMahlon born about 1935
DunnMarcus born about 1938
DunnOrion born about 1932
DunnRuth born about 1933
DunnTrevie born about 1934
DunnVanda born about 1922
DunnWilliam born about 1901
DunnWilliam Jr born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EderGrace born about 1877
EllenderGrace born about 1899
EllenderHellen Louiseborn about 1924
EllisEaster born about 1889
EllisEthel Lucilleborn about 1921
EllisHoward Leeborn about 1919
EllisNoah Josephborn about 1927
EmbertonDelores born about 1935
EmbertonJames born about 1921
EmbertonOrval born about 1881
EmbertonRichard born about 1930
EmbertonRonald born about 1936
EmbertonSylvia born about 1895

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F Surnames

FarrisErnest born about 1882
FisherDonald born about 1915
FisherMary Janeborn about 1876
FisherMaud born about 1887
FisherThelma born about 1920
FollisEthelyn born about 1932
FollisGeorge Gborn about 1880
FollisHershell born about 1888
FollisJennettie born about 1889
FollisLucile born about 1909
FollisRichard born about 1939
FordArlen Albertborn about 1921
FordArnold Aborn about 1893
FordArnold Jr born about 1927
FordChester born about 1915
FordDale Sborn about 1940
FordDenzil Le Royborn about 1933
FordDorothy Margaretborn about 1916
FordDorothy Marieborn about 1924
FordEugene Daleborn about 1931
FordFloyd Warrenborn about 1922
FordHarold born about 1931
FordHugh born about 1939
FordJames Allenborn about 1937
FordMary born about 1906
FordMaurice Eborn about 1929
FordOral Ivanborn about 1926
FordReynold born about 1893
FordWilma born about 1937
FordZetta Mborn about 1897
FoxAgnes Hellenborn about 1898
FoxArnold born about 1910
FoxArnold Jr born about 1935
FoxBeatrice born about 1918
FoxBessie born about 1910
FoxCharles born about 1917
FoxCharles born about 1925
FoxDaniel Eugeneborn about 1934
FoxDewey born about 1898
FoxDolly born about 1919
FoxEdith born about 1904
FoxFrances born about 1916
FoxFredie Leeborn about 1937
FoxGeorge born about 1923
FoxIris Arleneborn about 1939
FoxIsace born about 1896
FoxJames Oborn about 1893
FoxJames Wesleyborn about 1930
FoxJanas born about 1939
FoxJean born about 1925
FoxJessie born about 1927
FoxJohn born about 1862
FoxJohn born about 1933
FoxJunior born about 1928
FoxLaura Lborn about 1875
FoxLevern born about 1930
FoxLorean born about 1928
FoxLoreta Mayborn about 1932
FoxLoyd born about 1901
FoxMable Marieborn about 1926
FoxMartha born about 1876
FoxRaymond born about 1905
FoxRaymond born about 1917
FoxRobert born about 1922
FoxRobert born about 1936
FoxRoland born about 1939
FoxRonald Wesleyborn about 1939
FoxRussell born about 1922
FoxSherman born about 1876
FoxShirley Annborn about 1938
FoxThomas Aborn about 1858
FoxUnice Aborn about 1867
FoxViola born about 1928
FoxVivian born about 1934
FoxWillard born about 1902
FoxWilliam born about 1924
FritzBertha born about 1873
FritzGustav born about 1936
FritzHerman born about 1874
FryClarence born about 1933
FryRichard born about 1927
FryVirginia born about 1930
FryeDoris born about 1937
FryeEdward born about 1930
FryeJohn born about 1898
FryeLester born about 1935
FryeMamie born about 1901
FryeMary born about 1926
FurstDonald born about 1920
FurstEvelyn born about 1921

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G Surnames

GamberCharles Edwardborn about 1920
GamberCharles Elliottborn about 1881
GamberGarnet born about 1918
GamberSusie Mayborn about 1888
GannonCharlote born about 1913
GannonNorris born about 1893
GatewoodJames born about 1917
GatewoodLaura born about 1924
GatewoodMadeline born about 1922
GatewoodMary born about 1895
GatewoodOpal born about 1932
GeeMinnie born about 1885
GeeRaymond born about 1925
GeeWalter born about 1881
GillasbyFassett born about 1894
GradwellGladys born about 1906
GradwellLester born about 1887
GrayAlford Lborn about 1933
GrayCarl Nborn about 1927
GrayGeorgia Gborn about 1910
GrayJames Mborn about 1899
GrayLowis born about 1896
GrayMable born about 1901
GrayMargarett Joanborn about 1926
GrayNellie Sueborn about 1931
GrayRichard born about 1939
GrayRobert Lborn about 1935
GrayRussell Le Royborn about 1929
GraySamuel born about 1924
GroveJohn Lborn about 1887

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H Surnames

HackerImza born about 1901
HackerLowell Royborn about 1931
HackerThomas born about 1928
HainesForest born about 1928
HamblenEmmett born about 1880
HamblenJames born about 1887
HamblenKatherine born about 1893
HardenFrank born about 1890
HarmonElvet born about 1917
HarmonEthel born about 1901
HarmonRobert born about 1921
HarmonWestley born about 1893
HarmonWilma born about 1921
HarschEdward born about 1902
HarschElizabeth born about 1881
HarschFred Carlborn about 1908
HarschFredrick born about 1874
HarschLaura born about 1916
HarschRuby born about 1914
HartmanMary Eborn about 1867
HartmanOra Dborn about 1885
HaskellW Hborn about 1869
HeckmanHarry Wborn about 1882
HeckmanJune born about 1883
HendersonAlice born about 1908
HendersonCharles Mborn about 1884
HendersonEthel born about 1896
HendersonGordon born about 1925
HendersonHubert born about 1908
HendersonIrvin born about 1897
HendersonLonnie Glenborn about 1937
HendersonRay Thurlborn about 1939
HerringtonNancy Annborn about 1868
HerringtonRobert born about 1873
HightowerBertha born about 1900
HightowerRichard born about 1895
HirshCora born about 1890
HoffmanAlbertine born about 1863
HoffmanKarl born about 1872
HoganAlbert born about 1873
HoganClarence Albertborn about 1923
HoganMary Fborn about 1872
HollenbeckAlice born about 1871
HollenbeckGeorge Wborn about 1870
HowellJohn Eborn about 1894
HuffordIva born about 1891
HuffordWarren born about 1881
HuntNoah born about 1851
HuntsmanF Jborn about 1870
HutchisonEarl born about 1915
HutchisonNola born about 1888
HutchisonNora born about 1872
HutchisonOran born about 1880
HutchisonSarah born about 1919
HutchisonWilliam Leeborn about 1939

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J Surnames

JacksonAnna born about 1885
JacksonClarence born about 1888
JacksonJeremiah born about 1872
JacksonLoretta born about 1932
JacksonMyrtle born about 1892
JacobsOcie born about 1922
JacobsPearly born about 1872
JacobsWilliam Albertborn about 1920
JimmermanAbraham Rborn about 1879
JimmermanAnna Mayborn about 1923
JimmermanBasile born about 1933
JimmermanCatherine born about 1878
JimmermanClint born about 1889
JimmermanDenzil born about 1914
JimmermanElza born about 1902
JimmermanGeorge born about 1921
JimmermanGlenn born about 1908
JimmermanJames born about 1935
JimmermanJessie born about 1918
JimmermanJunior born about 1930
JimmermanMarilyn born about 1934
JimmermanMary born about 1932
JimmermanVernia born about 1892
JimmermanVivian born about 1905
JohnsonAlbert born about 1883
JohnsonEdith born about 1887
JohnsonEdna born about 1894
JohnsonFrank born about 1886
JohnsonGlenn born about 1931
JonesLeonard born about 1888

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K Surnames

KeatonBetty born about 1932
KeatonEthel born about 1925
KeatonJames Dborn about 1923
KeatonLeana born about 1889
KeatonLennis Cborn about 1916
KeatonOlive born about 1927
KellerGeorge born about 1884
KerchIda Mayborn about 1867
KerchWilliam born about 1866
KingAllie born about 1905
KingBetty Janeborn about 1928
KingCarl born about 1902
KingCecil born about 1914
KingFrank born about 1870
KingGeorge born about 1864
KingGeorge Wayneborn about 1935
KingHarlie born about 1898
KingLee born about 1931
KingMaggie born about 1917
KingPearl born about 1886
KingRalph born about 1925
KirtsMary born about 1920
KirtsToby born about 1912

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L Surnames

LawsonCharles born about 1922
LawsonDale born about 1934
LawsonEdelia born about 1926
LawsonFrancis born about 1929
LawsonGrace born about 1901
LawsonHarley born about 1901
LawsonJames born about 1928
LawsonMable born about 1927
LawsonMarjorie born about 1925
LawsonPhebe born about 1863
LawsonRiley born about 1894
LawsonWillie born about 1905
LeFay born about 1935
LeRalph Jr born about 1935
LeRoy born about 1931
LesleyOwen Fborn about 1876
LesleyRosa born about 1876
LewisJames born about 1887
LewisMae born about 1886
LouiseBert born about 1882
LucasBert born about 1910
LucasClinton born about 1926
LucasEathel born about 1913
LucasEdward born about 1921
LucasElsie born about 1910
LucasFred born about 1892
LucasGoldie born about 1934
LucasHattie born about 1919
LucasHellen born about 1921
LucasHesper born about 1932
LucasIra born about 1910
LucasJessie born about 1880
LucasKarol born about 1935
LucasMartha Eborn about 1864
LucasMary born about 1900
LucasPerry born about 1927
LucasPete born about 1881
LucasRussell born about 1932
LucasVern born about 1903
LucasWilliam born about 1860
LucasWilson born about 1928

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M Surnames

ManningFrank born about 1888
ManningFrank Wborn about 1888
MasonHarlie born about 1936
MasonHarold born about 1938
MasonJewell born about 1920
MasonMarcus born about 1915
MasonWanda born about 1940
MaulinAlice born about 1888
MaulinEileen born about 1921
MaulinKenneth born about 1930
MaulinRobert born about 1889
MaxwellHenry born about 1872
MaxwellIda Mayborn about 1884
McCallipAlice born about 1907
McCallipPaul born about 1916
McGahamSallie born about 1872
McPhearsonBonnie born about 1924
McPhearsonCharles born about 1888
McPhearsonCharlotte born about 1928
McPhearsonJack born about 1932
McPhearsonJoseph born about 1934
McPhearsonLottie born about 1889
McQueenAmanda born about 1875
McQueenVirgil Gborn about 1872
MeadHarold born about 1926
MeadInnie Belleborn about 1908
MeadJames born about 1927
MeadManford born about 1886
MeadMarvin born about 1890
MeadPearl born about 1894
MeadRose Eborn about 1928
MeridethLaura born about 1889
MillerArlene born about 1892
MillerEffie Eborn about 1884
MillerElsie Eborn about 1927
MillerIris born about 1931
MillerIsaac born about 1875
MillerJames Wborn about 1878
MillerLyndel born about 1933
MillerMartha Janeborn about 1932
MillerMay born about 1888
MillerNelson born about 1929
MillerOkle born about 1890
MillerPerry born about 1874
MillerRalph Mborn about 1919
MillerThomas born about 1934
MillerWavel born about 1927
MooreAlfreda born about 1920
MooreAmandy born about 1931
MooreCharles Clarenceborn about 1932
MooreEthel born about 1896
MooreGrace born about 1933
MooreHarvey born about 1882
MooreJames born about 1930
MooreJohn Henryborn about 1920
MooreLinnie born about 1873
MooreMable born about 1937
MooreSarah born about 1878
MooreStanley Lesterborn about 1936
MorganCharles born about 1857
MorreJohn born about 1873
MorreMargaret born about 1888
MorreMarilan born about 1924
MorrowAmanda Eborn about 1869
MorrowThomas born about 1867
MullisElizabeth born about 1867
MullisElmer born about 1892
MullisElmer Jr born about 1932
MullisLottie born about 1907
MullisSilas born about 1867

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N Surnames

NeffJessie Dborn about 1891
NeffJessie Juniorborn about 1921
NeffMaude born about 1895
NewtonEthel born about 1908
NewtonJohn born about 1890
NewtonLawrence born about 1939
NewtonMary born about 1935
NicholsLilly born about 1882
NicholsLuther born about 1872
NobleCharles Rborn about 1876
NobleMyrtle Mborn about 1880
NolinRuth born about 1889

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O Surnames

OliverAndrew Hborn about 1876
OliverChalmer born about 1882
OliverEmma born about 1880
OliverHomer born about 1915
OliverJames Pborn about 1905
OliverLee Williamborn about 1940
OliverLeona Maeborn about 1937
OliverLowell born about 1906
OliverMargaret born about 1877
OliverMarie born about 1913
OliverThurl born about 1911
OliverVernon Lborn about 1900
OsbornFoster born about 1882

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P Surnames

PainterArchie born about 1875
PainterMatilda born about 1889
PainterRobert born about 1929
PalmerJ Wborn about 1864
ParmaleeEdgar born about 1874
ParmaleeHellen born about 1869
ParmerleeEdna born about 1892
ParsleyAnnie Eborn about 1868
ParsleyBelle born about 1874
ParsleyCharles Eborn about 1868
ParsleyClarence born about 1876
ParsleyEileen born about 1922
ParsleyElmer born about 1893
ParsleyElmer Juniorborn about 1929
ParsleyElsie born about 1880
ParsleyGarnet born about 1918
ParsleyJean born about 1932
ParsleyLottie born about 1890
ParsleyOlie born about 1893
ParsleyOtto born about 1889
ParsleyRalph born about 1916
ParsleyRuth born about 1896
ParsleyWanda Roseborn about 1939
ParsleyWilliam Fborn about 1845
PaynesEverett born about 1917
PaynesGladys born about 1918
PaynesMable born about 1892
PaynesMarion born about 1926
PaynesRolland born about 1888
PearcyDelmer born about 1900
PearcyJosephine born about 1910
PearcyMary born about 1927
PearcyOmer Lborn about 1880
PerryArie Lborn about 1881
PerryJames born about 1884
PetroAlexander born about 1865
PetroArnold born about 1911
PetroBertha born about 1890
PetroCecil born about 1912
PetroCharles Edwardborn about 1940
PetroCharlie born about 1885
PetroDavid born about 1873
PetroDavid born about 1940
PetroDonald born about 1937
PetroDonald Leeborn about 1939
PetroEffie Arnettaborn about 1939
PetroEffie Fborn about 1890
PetroEugene born about 1936
PetroFrancis born about 1915
PetroGeorge born about 1862
PetroGeorgia born about 1915
PetroGoldie born about 1913
PetroIsaac Sborn about 1870
PetroIsace Cortlandborn about 1913
PetroIvory born about 1927
PetroJames born about 1937
PetroJames Mborn about 1916
PetroKenneth born about 1934
PetroLawrence born about 1911
PetroLenard born about 1925
PetroLeona born about 1908
PetroLevi born about 1916
PetroLois Marieborn about 1940
PetroLonnie born about 1901
PetroMargareta Violaborn about 1940
PetroMarilyn Sueborn about 1940
PetroMarjorie Lucilleborn about 1936
PetroMary born about 1895
PetroOliver born about 1918
PetroOpal born about 1921
PetroOrville Davidborn about 1938
PetroPaul Edwardborn about 1938
PetroRuby born about 1916
PetroSadie Mayborn about 1937
PetroSamuel born about 1905
PetroSamuel Jr born about 1935
PetroSylvia born about 1909
PetroThelma born about 1918
PetroVelentine born about 1924
PetroVirgil born about 1908
PetroVirgil Jr born about 1932
PetroWanda Violaborn about 1888
PetroWilliam born about 1873
PetroWilliam Sborn about 1868
PhelpsBertha born about 1905
PhelpsBualla born about 1925
PhelpsEugene born about 1931
PhelpsEva Marieborn about 1923
PhelpsVester born about 1899
PhillipAlonz born about 1879
PhillipRussell born about 1909
PhillipTina born about 1890
PingBennie born about 1907
PingLaurine born about 1916
PorterAllen born about 1934
PorterAudrey born about 1938
PorterJames born about 1935
PorterLois born about 1937
PorterMary born about 1916
PorterRay born about 1911
PorterThelma born about 1936
PowerShelby born about 1897
PreuittRobert born about 1927
PruittB born about 1866
PruittCharlie born about 1871
PruittCorea born about 1904
PruittEdward born about 1921
PruittEsther born about 1926
PruittGene born about 1932
PruittJon born about 1934
PruittLeslie born about 1894
PruittWayne born about 1924

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Q Surnames

QuinlanMaude Gborn about 1881
QuinlanWilliam Jborn about 1883

R Surnames

RainwaterCharles born about 1931
RainwaterGlenn born about 1921
RainwaterLucille born about 1927
RainwaterSinie born about 1893
RankGeorge Cborn about 1889
RappEster born about 1924
RascpeGlen born about 1923
RatliffBetty Jeanborn about 1931
RatliffEsther born about 1912
RatliffJessie born about 1908
RatliffJoan born about 1938
RatliffJune born about 1934
RedwoodMarie Pborn about 1888
ReedAmey Fborn about 1867
ReedBerl born about 1915
ReedCharles born about 1930
ReedFlorence born about 1937
ReedGertrude born about 1935
ReedJames Lesterborn about 1894
ReedKelly Herbertborn about 1932
ReedLouis born about 1934
ReedRuey born about 1918
ReedStella born about 1901
ReedWarren born about 1925
ReedWilliam born about 1889
RelliconHarry born about 1893
RelliconJean born about 1896
RichhartByron born about 1922
RichhartClem born about 1874
RichhartEarl born about 1935
RichhartForrest born about 1928
RichhartGertrude born about 1901
RichhartJames born about 1930
RichhartJimmy born about 1898
RichhartJustus born about 1901
RichhartLe Roy born about 1926
RichhartLennis born about 1938
RichhartLillie born about 1876
RichhartMarion born about 1937
RichhartMary born about 1905
RichhartPansy born about 1927
RichhartRuby born about 1923
RoboffTrayko born about 1868
RollerAlma born about 1928
RollerCharles Eugeneborn about 1930
RollerCharlie born about 1901
RollerDonald born about 1934
RollerEdward born about 1928
RollerFlorence born about 1880
RollerFrancis born about 1899
RollerJoe born about 1895
RollerLeeland born about 1931
RollerLucy born about 1907
RollerMable born about 1924
RollerMalcom born about 1925
RollerPearl born about 1900
RollerThelma born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalvensBlanche born about 1896
SalvensCurtis born about 1894
SalvensNorman born about 1925
SalvensWilliam born about 1923
SandersEdith Mayborn about 1926
SandersLeslie born about 1893
SandersLeslie Marloweborn about 1933
SandersMarvel born about 1906
SandersMary Emmaborn about 1869
SandersNathan Hborn about 1862
SandersRichard born about 1939
SapoutHarold born about 1913
SchrogamAnna born about 1918
SchrogamDouglass born about 1939
SchrogamFred born about 1911
SchrogamKatherine born about 1938
SchrogamWilma born about 1936
SchroghamAndrew born about 1903
SchroughamAlta born about 1890
SchroughamClovis born about 1914
SchroughamEva born about 1925
SchroughamHellen born about 1921
SchroughamHenry born about 1938
SchroughamIrene born about 1918
SchroughamMarla born about 1938
SchroughamMerrill born about 1923
SchroughamOmar born about 1887
SchroughamPearl born about 1936
SchroughamRalph born about 1912
SchroughamWarren born about 1920
ScroghamEverett born about 1928
ScroghamIva Mayborn about 1886
ScroghamSamuel born about 1885
SeitzAnna Mayborn about 1910
SeitzIra born about 1898
SeitzJeral born about 1934
SeitzRobert born about 1932
SeitzThelma Mayborn about 1936
SeitzWilliam born about 1929
SheltonDelvin born about 1932
SheltonDorothy born about 1921
SheltonEvelyn born about 1919
SheltonFrances born about 1898
SheltonJoseph born about 1898
SheltonLucille born about 1927
SheltonMary Francesborn about 1929
SheltonMelvin born about 1925
SheltonRuby born about 1923
SheltonWilma born about 1937
SibertCharles Wborn about 1878
SibertJames Williamborn about 1919
SibertJennie Eborn about 1881
SinkhornWilliam born about 1924
SlavensBuaine born about 1931
SlavensEugene born about 1928
SlavensJennie born about 1906
SlavensLuster born about 1924
SlavensStara born about 1878
SlavensSylvester born about 1926
SlavensWilliam born about 1873
SlavinsCatherine born about 1876
SlavinsCharlie born about 1911
SleighterBarrie Raushborn about 1895
SleighterEdmund Rborn about 1880
SleighterMargaret Annborn about 1883
SleighterRay born about 1892
SmithAllen born about 1919
SmithBetty Roseborn about 1928
SmithBonnie Louborn about 1933
SmithDonald Paulborn about 1928
SmithEffie Louborn about 1880
SmithEligah born about 1913
SmithEugene Clairborn about 1925
SmithEzra born about 1910
SmithGuylia born about 1936
SmithHarry Oborn about 1875
SmithHiram born about 1903
SmithHiram Jr born about 1930
SmithIda Lborn about 1908
SmithJessie born about 1883
SmithMinor born about 1893
SmithMyrtle born about 1914
SmithNancy Elizabethborn about 1886
SmithNewton Fborn about 1894
SmithNoble born about 1917
SmithOlive Robertaborn about 1939
SmithOpal born about 1893
SmithOtha Franklinborn about 1937
SmithPhillips Davidborn about 1923
SmithRuth born about 1928
SmithRuth Ireneborn about 1934
SmithersLula born about 1885
SmithersRuth born about 1913
SmithersThomas born about 1910
SmithersWilliam born about 1885
SniderOscar born about 1875
SparksAmbrose born about 1870
SparksEffie born about 1871
StanleyEldon born about 1901
StanleyMary Ireneborn about 1915
SteenJacob E Bborn about 1868
StewartAlice Mborn about 1887
StewartAurther born about 1885
StewartDorthy born about 1923
StewartEthel born about 1901
StewartJohn born about 1900
StewartJoseph born about 1921
StewartLena born about 1865
StewartWalter Tborn about 1876
StilabowerFlorence born about 1933
StilabowerHazel born about 1901
StilabowerLora born about 1906
StilabowerNorma born about 1939
StilabowerOmer born about 1895
StilabowerOrvil born about 1924
StilabowerRalph born about 1929
StilabowerRonald Leeborn about 1940
StilabowerRoscoe born about 1922
StilabowerVirgil born about 1920
StillabowerElza born about 1882
StillabowerHarold born about 1939
StillabowerLawrence born about 1905
StillabowerOrtha born about 1908
StillabowerRulie born about 1886
StockwellCinderella born about 1877
StockwellHerbert Wborn about 1870
StoebieAugust Johnborn about 1873
StrattonBetty born about 1928
StrattonCharles Fborn about 1899
StrattonCharles Hborn about 1927
StrattonIrene born about 1924
StrattonJames born about 1930
StrattonJoan born about 1938
StrattonNeomia born about 1904
StrattonRaymond born about 1933
StrattonRuth born about 1932
StutsmanEdgar born about 1867
StutsmanJohn Fborn about 1873
StutsmanOscar born about 1869
StutzGoldie born about 1888
StutzPerry born about 1886
SuttonElizabeth born about 1870
SuttonJ Rborn about 1866
SuttonVerna born about 1901
SuttonWilson born about 1898
SwainJames born about 1882
SwainSussan born about 1884
SwiftAddie Leonborn about 1924
SwiftCleo born about 1914
SwiftClifford Wayneborn about 1926
SwiftDavid Keithborn about 1933
SwiftEdith Myrleborn about 1936
SwiftHazel born about 1905
SwiftIra born about 1896
SwiftJames born about 1920
SwiftJoseph Sr born about 1874
SwiftOra Leeborn about 1931
SwiftPaul Edwardborn about 1923
SwiftWalter born about 1903

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TankersleyAlferd born about 1903
TankersleyDissiemae born about 1929
TankersleyGarin born about 1923
TankersleyRuby born about 1906
TankersleyVirginia born about 1926
TankersleyWinnie Leeborn about 1933
TaylorBarbara born about 1927
TaylorBobbie born about 1929
ThaxtonMola born about 1892
ThaxtonWilliam born about 1882
ThomasCharles Robertborn about 1939
ThomasJoan born about 1929
ThomasRobert born about 1911
ThomasViolet born about 1921
ThompsonDovie born about 1908
ThompsonElmer born about 1930
ThompsonJames born about 1938
ThompsonOrde born about 1904
ThompsonRobert born about 1932
ThompsonWilliam born about 1929
ThrustonAlonzo born about 1909
ThrustonCharles born about 1939
ThrustonPhyllis born about 1939
ThrustonVirginia born about 1920
TrislerMary born about 1873
TrislerMattie born about 1908
TrislerPaul born about 1906
TrislerRaymond born about 1931
TrislerRuth born about 1929
TrislerWard born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VaughtAdda Louiseborn about 1939
VaughtClyde Bborn about 1897
VaughtClyde Jr born about 1922
VaughtEmma born about 1905
VaughtMelvin born about 1930
VaughtRoscoe born about 1937
VaughtVirginia born about 1932

W Surnames

WaldenDonald born about 1939
WaldenMinnie Vborn about 1880
WaldenRobert Wborn about 1915
WaldenRonald born about 1939
WaldenRose born about 1917
WalkerAlva born about 1937
WalkerAnsel born about 1911
WalkerBessie born about 1884
WalkerCecil born about 1883
WalkerCharles born about 1881
WalkerClaris born about 1924
WalkerDenny Keithborn about 1938
WalkerFloyd born about 1913
WalkerFred born about 1880
WalkerHarold born about 1893
WalkerJ Eborn about 1877
WalkerJessie born about 1920
WalkerLaughlin born about 1922
WalkerLonna Mborn about 1890
WalkerLucile born about 1916
WalkerLydia born about 1889
WalkerMable born about 1890
WalkerRay born about 1918
WalkerRuby born about 1928
WalkerSaddie born about 1859
WalkerVera born about 1912
WalkerVirgil born about 1887
WalkerWarren born about 1925
WaltmanBlanche born about 1892
WaltmanElza born about 1894
WaltmanEugene born about 1939
WaltmanHellen born about 1929
WaltmanHoward born about 1927
WaltmanLee born about 1937
WaltmanMyron born about 1918
WaltmanOpal born about 1888
WaltmanOpal born about 1919
WaltmanPhylis born about 1925
WaltmanRobert Eborn about 1927
WaltmanThomas born about 1886
WaltzForest born about 1922
WaltzJohn born about 1858
WaltzMayme born about 1900
WaltzRachel born about 1858
WaltzWalter born about 1894
WarrenAurther born about 1937
WarrenClifford born about 1939
WarrenDoris born about 1936
WarrenEdna Mayborn about 1926
WarrenElsie born about 1906
WarrenHarry born about 1899
WarrenHubert born about 1938
WarrenLillie born about 1927
WarrenLono born about 1935
WarrenRichard born about 1933
WashburnEllen born about 1870
WashburnFrank born about 1867
WatsonRufus born about 1876
WatsonWilber born about 1927
WaymanClovus born about 1903
WaymanEdith Eborn about 1869
WaymanEdward born about 1906
WaymanElmer born about 1906
WaymanHazel born about 1908
WaymanJacob born about 1873
WaymanOpal born about 1895
WaymanOra born about 1893
WaymanWalter born about 1908
WeilCristina born about 1861
WengerBarbara born about 1932
WengerClarence born about 1899
WengerClifton born about 1928
WengerJohn born about 1930
WengerMarion born about 1934
WengerRuth born about 1906
WestGoldie born about 1897
WheatonSamily born about 1878
WheatonWilliam born about 1880
WheelerEstel born about 1922
WheelerLem born about 1919
WhiteBetty Louiseborn about 1933
WhiteDonald Rayborn about 1931
WhiteFlorence born about 1931
WhiteGeorge born about 1935
WhiteHancen born about 1938
WhiteLawrence born about 1910
WhiteLawrence Eugeneborn about 1929
WhiteLizzie born about 1940
WhiteMary born about 1913
WhiteMollie born about 1934
WhiteNettie born about 1908
WhiteOrval Leeborn about 1937
WhitePete born about 1888
WhiteRosemary Ileneborn about 1939
WhitlockBelva born about 1923
WhitlockDelores born about 1934
WhitlockForrest born about 1919
WhitlockJohn born about 1891
WhitlockRobert born about 1927
WhitlockVera born about 1895
WilkersonAlbert born about 1891
WilkersonCarol Aborn about 1930
WilkersonCharles born about 1918
WilkersonDonald Wayneborn about 1940
WilkersonGeorge born about 1863
WilkersonHellen born about 1922
WilkersonInez born about 1915
WilkersonJoan born about 1939
WilkersonJosephine born about 1916
WilkersonMary Aliceborn about 1908
WilkersonMinnie Janeborn about 1878
WilkersonOrville born about 1909
WilkersonRonnie born about 1892
WilliamsBetty Janeborn about 1935
WilliamsJames Warrenborn about 1937
WilliamsJohn Allenborn about 1939
WilliamsLoretta born about 1918
WilliamsLula Belleborn about 1896
WilliamsMalvin born about 1926
WilliamsMary Juneborn about 1936
WilliamsRobert Daleborn about 1927
WilliamsScott born about 1877
WilliamsWarren born about 1908
WilsonEstel born about 1904
WilsonMary born about 1915
WorenerAmelia born about 1870
WorenerWilliam Jr born about 1895

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YeagerlineLouis born about 1902

Z Surnames

ZimmermanGeorge born about 1881
ZookJames Aborn about 1869
ZookMaggie Mborn about 1876

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