1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hanging Grove, Jasper, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Jasper County > 1940 Census of Hanging Grove

B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames

B Surnames

BassCalvin born about 1926
BassClerence born about 1923
BassDeloss born about 1883
BassDosia born about 1924
BassHarvey born about 1928
BassMillie born about 1881
BozeLaura Belleborn about 1922
BozeRay born about 1882
BrendenburgDennis born about 1937
BrendenburgMary Ellenborn about 1939
BrendenburgMaybeth born about 1917
BrendenburgRobert born about 1917
BrewerGoldie born about 1899
BridgmanAda born about 1877
BridgmanClarence born about 1873
BrownBurnas born about 1915
BrownNorman born about 1913
BrownZetta born about 1895
BusselleEdison born about 1918
BusselleMildred born about 1919

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C Surnames

ClaryEdith born about 1876
ClaryGyy Hborn about 1875
ClaryHezel born about 1913
ClaryJean born about 1934
ClaryMargaret born about 1933
CochranClarence born about 1891
CochranEstella born about 1897
CochranEugene born about 1932
CochranGlenn born about 1919
CochranHarry born about 1888
CochranLeslie born about 1910
CochranPaul born about 1924
CochranPauline born about 1922
CochranRichard born about 1936
CochranRose Cborn about 1916
CochranRoy born about 1895
CochranTillie born about 1897
CookClara Hborn about 1895
CookDelos born about 1919
CookEdward born about 1890
CookEvelyn Aborn about 1900
CookFern born about 1898
CookHelen born about 1923
CookHerber born about 1929
CookIrene born about 1916
CookJean born about 1927
CookJeanette born about 1930
CookJohn born about 1897
CookJohn born about 1924
CookLois born about 1920
CookLola born about 1921
CookMalcom born about 1924
CookMerl born about 1891
CookPhilip born about 1925
CookRobert born about 1893
CookRobert Rborn about 1922
CookRonald Sborn about 1925
CookRuth born about 1909
CookSam Eborn about 1895
CookScott born about 1903
CookSimon born about 1862
CookSvott Jr born about 1937
CookTommy born about 1932
CookWallace born about 1915
CookWilliam born about 1930
CoupGeorge born about 1888
CoupKeith born about 1922
CoupMary Loisborn about 1928
CoupOlive born about 1888

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D Surnames

DentonBen Eborn about 1882
DentonDora born about 1924
DentonEdward born about 1876
DentonIma Jeanborn about 1927
DentonIra born about 1904
DentonIrene born about 1874
DentonMae born about 1884
DentonOwen born about 1907
DentonPatricia Annborn about 1933
DerlinBetty born about 1928
DerlinCecil born about 1899
DerlinEarl born about 1926
DerlinElizabeth born about 1906
DerlinEvelyn born about 1933
DerlinHarlan born about 1924
DerlinMerle born about 1926
DerlinNellie Maeborn about 1932
DerlinSidney born about 1929

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E Surnames

EplerAllene born about 1919
EplerCharles born about 1920
ErbCharle born about 1870
ErbEsther born about 1912
ErbMathlina born about 1877
ErlEvelyn born about 1931
ErlMarilyn born about 1931
ErlSarah born about 1903
ErlWalter born about 1903

F Surnames

FicherEthel Pborn about 1892
FicherOrville born about 1893
FicherPhylis Jeanborn about 1931
FritzFrank Kborn about 1889
FritzLillian born about 1891
FritzMildred born about 1926
FritzRegina born about 1916
FulkWilliam Cborn about 1883

G Surnames

GasperHazel born about 1893
GasperWalter born about 1882
GastineauKenneth born about 1939
GastineauRobert born about 1912
GastineauZelma born about 1918
GinnanDane born about 1875
GinnanMary Louborn about 1934
GinnanMyrtle born about 1883
GordonEllen born about 1875
GordonWilliam Hborn about 1870

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H Surnames

HauptlyLaura born about 1912
HauptlyMildred born about 1922
HauptlyRaymond born about 1920
HauptlyRudy born about 1880
HauptlyWillis born about 1916
HayesGary born about 1939
HayesJeanette born about 1920
HayesLeslie born about 1910
HefnerGlenn born about 1918
HefnerMarian born about 1937
HefnerOpal born about 1918
HerrArnold born about 1931
HerrGerald born about 1923
HerrHenry born about 1920
HerrJessie born about 1898
HerrJosph born about 1884
HerrLanila born about 1925
HerrLyod born about 1934
HerrMartha born about 1918
HitchingsElla Mborn about 1885
HitchingsOrvile born about 1885

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I Surnames

InadekerCora Eborn about 1902
InadekerGary born about 1901

J Surnames

JackeEthel Mborn about 1893
JackeMorris born about 1894
JackeRobert Mborn about 1920
JackeWade Pborn about 1916
JacksonHarold born about 1921
JacksonLoretta born about 1930
JacksonMabel Bborn about 1881
JacksonMay born about 1896
JacksonMilder born about 1881
JacksonMillard born about 1908
JacksonOscar born about 1891
JacksonThelma born about 1922
JacksonWanda born about 1935
JeffrisJames born about 1854
JordamDavid born about 1938
JordamDean born about 1907
JordamHarvey born about 1932
JordamLela born about 1908
JordamMarcia born about 1935
JordanBessie born about 1880
JordanCharles born about 1885
JordanJohn born about 1877
JordanLawrence born about 1920
JordanMary Eborn about 1923
JordanOlive born about 1889
JordonCarl born about 1920
JordonCatherine born about 1939
JordonFrances born about 1910
JordonJames born about 1896
JordonJoan born about 1926
JordonMarian born about 1928
JordonMarvis born about 1938
JordonOlive born about 1901
JordonRobert born about 1911
JordonSarah born about 1883
JordonWalter born about 1889

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K Surnames

KeithAnnabelle born about 1920
KeithCristel Koyborn about 1939
KeithIrene born about 1931
KeithJames born about 1919
KeithJohn born about 1880
KeithMarvin born about 1927
KeithSaddie born about 1889
KellenbergerBlanche born about 1909
KellenbergerHilde born about 1932
KellenbergerMelvin born about 1926
KellenbergerRay born about 1886
KellenbergerRuth born about 1933
Key??? born about 1918
KeyBetty born about 1896
KeyBeul* born about 1926
KeyHobert born about 1897
KeyJohn born about 1923
KeyNadine born about 1930
KrugerBenjiman Fborn about 1902
KrugerHelen born about 1928
KrugerHelen Mborn about 1913
KrugerJames born about 1932
KrugerJerry born about 1927
KrugerRalph born about 1930

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L Surnames

LollockBetty Louborn about 1936
LollockBlanche born about 1926
LollockEdna born about 1902
LollockJohn born about 1937
LollockLeon born about 1922
LollockRoss born about 1897
LylerCecil Jborn about 1899
LylerCora Eborn about 1889
LylerEvelyn born about 1931
LylerJames Nborn about 1934
LylerPearl Pborn about 1907
LylerRosa Dborn about 1872

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M Surnames

MarlinCharles born about 1890
MarlinClayton born about 1925
MarlinJohn born about 1922
MarlinLena born about 1897
MaxwellEthel Rborn about 1883
MaxwellHerbert Eborn about 1890
MaxwellPaul born about 1922
McDonaldBlanche born about 1890
McDonaldGlenn born about 1921
McDonaldRobert born about 1881
McGillBernice born about 1910
McGillBernice born about 1913
McGillDorthy born about 1934
McGillElbert born about 1938
McGillHerbert born about 1908
McGillHerbert born about 1909
McGillHerbert born about 1937
McGillHoward born about 1939
McGillMary Janeborn about 1935
MooreAustin born about 1919
MooreBilly born about 1939
MooreE Gleenborn about 1925
MooreEvelyn born about 1930
MooreFannie born about 1905
MooreJames born about 1928
MooreMalvin Fborn about 1936
MooreMehaley born about 1860
MooreMeina born about 1927
MooreRalph born about 1886
MooreWilliam born about 1899
MorganJohn born about 1922

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O Surnames

OentonDorthy born about 1914
OentonHarry Deanborn about 1939
OentonJoyce Elenborn about 1934
OentonLester born about 1912
OentonRobert born about 1937
OsborneEdna born about 1893
OsborneJohn born about 1894

P Surnames

PhilipsEsther born about 1900
PhilipsHarvey born about 1898
PhilipsJackie born about 1931
PhilipsKnight born about 1934

R Surnames

ReedGerald born about 1932
ReedLois born about 1926
ReedNeva born about 1901
ReedSeth Eborn about 1900
RichlingCora Maeborn about 1877
RichlingHarry born about 1877
RunesClaude born about 1899
RunesEvelyn born about 1921
RunesJeanette born about 1928
RunesMillie born about 1900

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S Surnames

SageJohn Rborn about 1916
SageJune born about 1919
SaltwellFred born about 1888
SaltwellGertrude born about 1894
SandersClifford born about 1914
SandersCorine born about 1936
SandersIva born about 1914
SandersLewis born about 1935
SaylerEdward born about 1919
SaylerIrene born about 1933
SaylerJackie born about 1937
SaylerJames Aborn about 1892
SaylerJames Rborn about 1932
SaylerLas Verneborn about 1936
SaylerMarcella born about 1925
SaylerMary born about 1929
SaylerReva born about 1893
SaylerThomas born about 1930
SaylerVirginia born about 1923
SaylerWoodrow born about 1920
SpallCarnese born about 1893
SpallPhoebe born about 1898
StewartDonald born about 1929
StewartHazel born about 1887
StewartRobert born about 1918
StewartRothold Tborn about 1888
SthrumCarl Aborn about 1913
SthrumClara Cborn about 1885
SthrumLouise born about 1886
SthrumWilmer born about 1916
SticddMary born about 1876
StollAndrew born about 1913
StollCaroline born about 1938
StollDoris born about 1939
StollRuth born about 1916
StrongAlice born about 1926
StrongAnna Maeborn about 1930
StrongCynthia born about 1899
StrongRoy born about 1900
StrongWilliam born about 1938
SweenyGeorge born about 1875
SweenySadie born about 1880
SwingDonald born about 1928
SwingGoldie born about 1903
SwingJames born about 1938
SwingJoyce born about 1932
SwingPaul born about 1900

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T Surnames

TiedieBlonnie born about 1898
TiedieJackie born about 1933
TiedieJanet born about 1922
TiedieJohn born about 1891
TiedieRobert born about 1930
ToppHary born about 1893
ToppJeanette born about 1934
ToppLillie born about 1896
ToppMaryan born about 1926
ToppPhylis born about 1931

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U Surnames

UtterbergBetty born about 1924
UtterbergHolsie born about 1895
UtterbergJohn Aborn about 1886
UtterbergVern born about 1921

V Surnames

VanmeterClarence born about 1902
VanmeterLucile born about 1909
VanmeterRoy born about 1932
ViceEthmer born about 1916
ViceMary born about 1921

W Surnames

WeaverCatherine born about 1911
WeaverCharles born about 1880
WeaverCharles born about 1924
WeaverJane born about 1927
WeaverJohn born about 1929
WeaverLenord born about 1912
WeaverMadge born about 1922
WeaverMary born about 1884
WeaverRosamond born about 1925
WillitsLena born about 1890
WillitsRussell born about 1890
WillitsRuth born about 1939
WillitsWilliam born about 1856
WillitsWilliam born about 1915
WolfeElsie Marieborn about 1904
WolfeOtto Jborn about 1872

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