1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hanover in Shelby County, Shelby, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Shelby County > 1940 Census of Hanover in Shelby County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsMary Aborn about 1857
AddisonCornelia born about 1870
AddisonDavid born about 1868
AlexanderBetty born about 1931
AlexanderCynthia Jborn about 1853
AlexanderEllen born about 1874
AlexanderFrank born about 1883
AlexanderHerbert born about 1929
AlexanderJune born about 1933
AlexanderLester born about 1907
AlexanderMay born about 1906
AlexanderR Oscarborn about 1881
AlexanderRobert born about 1927
AlexanderStella born about 1884
AllisonHarley Kborn about 1887
AllisonRuth Eborn about 1902
AndersonArchie born about 1914
AndersonCarl born about 1907
AndersonClayton born about 1892
AndersonHerschel Gborn about 1886
AndersonLinnie Jborn about 1868
AndersonMary Eborn about 1910
AndersonRichard Eborn about 1930
AndersonVictor born about 1911
AndisAmenia born about 1867
AndisAnna Louiseborn about 1928
AndisBetty Louborn about 1931
AndisCharles born about 1899
AndisClemma born about 1900
AndisDeanna Mborn about 1939
AndisElizabeth born about 1907
AndisFrank born about 1869
AndisFreda Maeborn about 1926
AndisHazel born about 1890
AndisLillian Sborn about 1921
AndisMadonna Fborn about 1938
AndisMarcia born about 1925
AndisRaymond born about 1895
AndisVirgil Iborn about 1912
AndisWilford born about 1923
AndrewsCalora Jborn about 1864
AndrewsHoward born about 1910
AndrewsJames born about 1848
AndrewsJennie born about 1911
AndrewsJennie Mborn about 1885
AndrewsWilliam Aborn about 1878
ArcherRaymond born about 1912
ArnettAlice born about 1916
ArnettAllen born about 1937
ArnettJack born about 1875
ArnettWendall born about 1914
ArnettWillard born about 1911
ArnoldGrace born about 1892
ArnoldHarold born about 1918
ArnoldWilliam Rborn about 1890
AshFrances Aborn about 1861
AshJacob born about 1856

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B Surnames

BallNancy Bborn about 1866
BaltingDorothy born about 1921
BaltingFred born about 1885
BaltingHilda born about 1886
BaltingPaul Fborn about 1911
BarkerMary Emmaborn about 1924
BarnardArthur born about 1872
BarnardHenry Eborn about 1878
BarnardMonta Vborn about 1892
BarnardMyrtle Kborn about 1878
BartlettNellie born about 1886
BassAry Cborn about 1869
BassBlanche born about 1889
BassClayton born about 1907
BassGeorge Lborn about 1906
BassJohn Kborn about 1933
BassMadge born about 1908
BassMary Aborn about 1934
BassMatilda Mborn about 1883
BassNoma born about 1871
BassViola Mborn about 1910
BeatonElizabeth born about 1912
BeatonRobert Lewisborn about 1936
BeatonWilbur Lborn about 1908
BeavenDavid Bborn about 1939
BecknerArdith born about 1915
BecknerBida born about 1889
BecknerDarst born about 1892
BennettAda Mborn about 1910
BennettGeorge Mborn about 1922
BennettHarry born about 1885
BennettHoward born about 1885
BennettNora Mborn about 1882
BennettWilbert born about 1907
BerryAbbie born about 1888
BerryClaude born about 1921
BerryMartha Bborn about 1900
BerryMildred born about 1926
BerryRalph Eborn about 1902
BirgeDersie born about 1893
BirgePerry born about 1897
BlackElla born about 1890
BlackIsaac born about 1883
BogemanPaul Vborn about 1919
BogueBertha born about 1889
BogueDeloris born about 1909
BogueDenzel Lborn about 1907
BoguePhyllis born about 1929
BogueSarah Janeborn about 1927
BogueWilliam Cborn about 1880
BogueZelma Fborn about 1929
BolesAudrey Eborn about 1894
BolesDonald born about 1910
BolesDonna born about 1938
BolesHubert born about 1916
BolesJames born about 1939
BolesLillian born about 1913
BolesMary born about 1917
BolesPatricia born about 1936
BolesWilliam Wborn about 1892
BoringJuanita born about 1920
BoringLeon born about 1917
BortonCarl born about 1898
BortonChester born about 1924
BortonEdith born about 1902
BortonEthel Maeborn about 1926
BosleyLaura Eborn about 1873
BosleyWilliam Mborn about 1874
BossHarold born about 1920
BossJerald born about 1940
BossJoyce born about 1918
BossLelah born about 1887
BossLois born about 1927
BossWalter born about 1885
BowdenArthur born about 1903
BowdenClara born about 1896
BowdenNorma born about 1928
BradleyGeneva born about 1931
BradleyGlen born about 1940
BradleyHazel born about 1911
BradleyKenneth born about 1937
BradleyMelvin born about 1933
BradleyMildred born about 1935
BradleyWilliam born about 1884
BrandenbergBonnie Jborn about 1937
BrandenbergGeorge born about 1895
BrandenbergJanet Lborn about 1938
BrandenbergMyrtle born about 1900
BrewerAnne Leeborn about 1910
BrewerHubert born about 1912
BrewerLeroy born about 1938
BrownAdeline born about 1911
BrownAlbert Bborn about 1882
BrownCharles born about 1940
BrownDorothy born about 1909
BrownEmma born about 1875
BrownGarnet born about 1915
BrownIra born about 1868
BrownJames born about 1934
BrownJohn Williamborn about 1862
BrownMary born about 1882
BrownMaryanne born about 1933
BrownNannetta Gborn about 1876
BrownOpal born about 1894
BrownOrville born about 1908
BrownRobert born about 1931
BrownThelma born about 1915
BrownWilbur born about 1891
BruningAlbert born about 1916
BruningCeleste born about 1918
BruningJames born about 1936
BruningJoe born about 1938
BuckinghamMary born about 1860
BushBelle born about 1880
BushCharles born about 1875
BushRaymond born about 1924
BushWilliam born about 1919
BussellMaria Lborn about 1865
ButlerEmma born about 1857
ButlerMelvin born about 1862

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C Surnames

CallahanElla born about 1919
CallahanHarry born about 1915
CampbellDocia born about 1865
Carmony born about 1912
CarmonyByron born about 1917
CarmonyCecil born about 1912
CarmonyCharlotte born about 1926
CarmonyDuane born about 1933
CarmonyFannie born about 1884
CarmonyHarry born about 1884
CarmonyHarry Neilborn about 1921
CarmonyMarvin Cborn about 1924
CarnettAra Francisborn about 1873
CarnettJohn born about 1877
CarneyChristina born about 1854
CarterBertha Mborn about 1884
CarterJesse Lborn about 1879
CarterJoseph born about 1875
CarterMary Eborn about 1874
CashEdward Fborn about 1909
CashGertrude born about 1912
CecilCharla born about 1939
CecilJ Everettborn about 1916
CecilLula Maeborn about 1923
ChadwickHorace born about 1861
ChadwickNancy Eborn about 1870
ChapmanIra born about 1888
ChapmanMary Jborn about 1893
ChapmanPaul born about 1925
ChittyFlora born about 1872
ChittyJean born about 1868
ClarkCorinda Eborn about 1862
ClarkCyril born about 1917
ClarkJohn Hborn about 1891
CleggRobert born about 1923
CochraneBetty Jeanneborn about 1931
CoersEmma born about 1876
CoersJohn born about 1865
ColclszierJohn born about 1855
ColeArthur born about 1936
ColeBetty Louborn about 1932
ColeCarolyn Jborn about 1934
ColeCarter Wborn about 1930
ColeDillard born about 1908
ColeEmma born about 1852
ColeGaylord born about 1934
ColeGene born about 1893
ColeGeorge Wborn about 1905
ColeJames Kborn about 1928
ColeJuanita born about 1933
ColeMaude born about 1873
ColeMona Cborn about 1927
ColeNadine born about 1914
CollinsCecil born about 1886
CollinsCyrelda Bborn about 1862
CollinsMary Eborn about 1877
ComstockDessie born about 1880
ComstockEarlene born about 1915
ComstockEmerson born about 1936
ComstockLarry born about 1935
ComstockNancy born about 1939
ComstockTheo born about 1876
ConnawayClyde born about 1878
CookSarah Aborn about 1857
CooperMonte born about 1899
CooperPauline born about 1929
CooperPearl born about 1908
CooperRuth born about 1928
CoppleArthur born about 1879
CoppleCora born about 1890
CoppleStella Mborn about 1878
CorellClem born about 1878
CorellMyrtle born about 1881
CoryMary Ellenborn about 1919
CoryRay born about 1891
CoryWilliam born about 1918
CounceCecil born about 1892
CounceDoris Mborn about 1922
CounceEthel born about 1890
CounceMarvin Eborn about 1923
CovaltBlanche Tborn about 1900
CovaltNorman born about 1897
CoxClarence born about 1893
CoxClarence Jr born about 1923
CoxElenora born about 1916
CoxFred born about 1901
CoxFred Jr born about 1926
CoxGladys born about 1894
CoxJohn Wallaceborn about 1929
CoxMarguerite born about 1905
CoxMary Eborn about 1857
CoxReta born about 1932
CoxRobert born about 1918
CoxVirginia born about 1920
CoyleCletus born about 1890
CoyleEarlene born about 1935
CoyleMarvin born about 1934
CoyleRuth born about 1914
CraftCharles Aborn about 1881
CraftViola born about 1918
CraigRobert Wborn about 1890
CramerWilma born about 1890
CramptonAnna Lborn about 1935
CramptonDorothy Aborn about 1904
CramptonEdgar Sborn about 1899
CramptonJack Kborn about 1929
CramptonJennie Vborn about 1862
CrossGrant born about 1871
CrossLeota born about 1905
CrossPatricia Aborn about 1931
CrossRaymond born about 1902
CrossStella born about 1878
CulbertsonWilliam Cborn about 1875
CurryDr O Bborn about 1896
CurryRuth born about 1912
CursonAnna born about 1877
CursonFrank born about 1882
CushBarbara Joanborn about 1931
CushWayne Eugeneborn about 1934

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D Surnames

DavisAgatha born about 1857
DavisBertha born about 1895
DavisBertha Eborn about 1882
DavisBonnie Jeanborn about 1924
DavisEsther born about 1931
DavisEverett born about 1927
DavisHarry Ervinborn about 1887
DavisJoseph Mborn about 1900
DavisJudith Annborn about 1939
DavisLavonne born about 1899
DavisLucille born about 1914
DavisMarjorie born about 1922
DavisRichard born about 1919
DavisRobert born about 1923
DavisSarah born about 1859
DavisShirley Annborn about 1940
DavisStella born about 1886
DavisVera Maeborn about 1930
DavisWalter born about 1890
DavisWalter Fborn about 1873
DavisWayne born about 1919
DearingerKaren born about 1939
DearingerMalcolm born about 1914
DearingerMary born about 1917
DeflippoJohn born about 1895
DennyEtsel born about 1923
DennyEverett born about 1929
DennyJesse born about 1892
DennyJoan born about 1934
DennyMartha born about 1898
DennyPauline born about 1926
DennyRobert Eborn about 1930
DoddsAlberta born about 1866
DonleyEdna born about 1895
DonleyFerd born about 1891
DuganHarriett born about 1888
DuganRalph Eborn about 1890
DuncanEdna born about 1880
DuncanFannie born about 1871
DuncanFlorence born about 1911
DuncanJames Lborn about 1879
DuncanMabel born about 1881
DunnLaurence born about 1899
DunnPauline born about 1901
DunnSarah born about 1903
DunnSharon born about 1937
DunnWilbur born about 1890
DyerHarold born about 1907
DyerRuth born about 1908

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E Surnames

EadsEd born about 1885
EadsJennie born about 1883
EarnestAda born about 1866
EckAlice born about 1919
EckFloyd born about 1917
EckMary Fborn about 1920
EliasRuby born about 1913
EnglekingDale born about 1929
EnglekingEliza born about 1903
EnglekingIvan born about 1933
EnglekingMargaret born about 1922
EnglekingNormagene born about 1927
EnglekingRaymond born about 1900
EnglekingRoland born about 1924
EnglekingStewart born about 1935
EnosAlta born about 1869
ErkillaJacob born about 1900
ErkillaNola born about 1912
ErnstesAnna Ellenborn about 1920
ErnstesJerry born about 1939
ErnstesMarla born about 1939
ErnstesPaul born about 1915
EvansEdward born about 1872
EvansJoseph Eborn about 1915
EvansPearl Eborn about 1879
EvansRobert born about 1921
EvansThurell born about 1910
EverhartEdith born about 1904
EverhartHarold born about 1925
EverhartMildred born about 1922
EverhartRalph born about 1932
EverhartRobert born about 1930
EverhartSherolyn born about 1939
EverhartVirgie born about 1898
EverhartWayne born about 1924

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F Surnames

FisherLeo Lborn about 1917
FisherVirginia born about 1917
FoxFrances born about 1902
FoxIda born about 1884
FranklinEvelyn born about 1918
FranklinJanice born about 1938
FranklinJoe born about 1911
FranklinParvalor born about 1881
FrazeeJohn Wborn about 1868
FrazeeLillie born about 1872
FrazierBertha born about 1876
FrazierLanham born about 1904
FrazierMurat born about 1912
FrazierTheodosia born about 1915
FreemanIda Mayborn about 1886
FreemanWilliam born about 1882

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G Surnames

GahimerSherley born about 1888
GarrisonElla born about 1871
GarshwilerMartha born about 1846
GatesA Byronborn about 1872
GatesFaye born about 1894
GatesJerry born about 1891
GatesLaura born about 1872
GearyBarbara born about 1930
GearyFranklin born about 1933
GearyGladys born about 1910
GearyRobert born about 1907
GearyShirley Juneborn about 1932
GermanJohn Rborn about 1882
GermanMabel Aborn about 1888
GibbsAaron born about 1909
GibbsMiriam born about 1912
GilbertAudrey Eborn about 1939
GilbertJames Iborn about 1934
GilbertJames Rborn about 1912
GilbertNellie Eborn about 1916
GillespieEarl born about 1914
GillespieLucille born about 1919
GillispieMinnie born about 1889
GillispieWalter born about 1891
GinniffWilliam born about 1871
GobleDorothy born about 1930
GobleErna born about 1908
GobleMary Aborn about 1933
GoblePaul born about 1935
GobleWilliam born about 1890
GoebelMarjorie Hborn about 1922
GoebelRalph born about 1913
GordonEva born about 1910
GordonHenry Lborn about 1909
GordonHoward born about 1883
GordonHoward born about 1935
GordonIna born about 1882
GordonJulia Lborn about 1890
GordonLeonidas born about 1897
GordonMargaret Hborn about 1861
GordonMontie born about 1881
GordonMyrtle born about 1901
GottliebStella born about 1872
GriffinMinnie born about 1865
GrindleChristopher born about 1916
GuffinEugene born about 1914
GuffinHallie born about 1892
GuffinMartha born about 1923
GuffinPauline born about 1921
GuffinRoland born about 1919
GunningElla born about 1881
GunningLaura born about 1859

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H Surnames

HamCedric born about 1931
HamEthel born about 1888
HamGarald born about 1910
HamMary born about 1924
HamptonPiety Eborn about 1878
HarcourtFaude born about 1891
HarcourtMarie born about 1900
HardinAbbie born about 1867
HardinEddie born about 1884
HardinEdwin born about 1924
HardinHarold born about 1913
HardinHelen born about 1916
HardinJoseph Eborn about 1861
HardinLavoughn born about 1907
HardinWilbur born about 1916
HardingCharles Wborn about 1926
HardingDeloris Jborn about 1938
HardingHarry Jborn about 1902
HardingJune Fborn about 1908
HardingPhyllis Kborn about 1935
HardingRobert Fborn about 1931
HardingRoberta Fborn about 1931
HardingWyneta Jborn about 1925
HargroveLelia born about 1892
HarperJohn Eborn about 1876
HarperMartha Jborn about 1925
HarperMary Annborn about 1918
HarperRuth Rborn about 1893
HarperThomas Gborn about 1915
HaskitZelda born about 1857
HaukAlvin born about 1875
HaukBetty born about 1925
HaukClifford born about 1916
HaukDavid Lborn about 1935
HaukDorothy Jeanborn about 1926
HaukEd born about 1866
HaukElma Kborn about 1916
HaukHazel Eborn about 1895
HaukHerman Rborn about 1893
HaukIsabella born about 1900
HaukJanice Mborn about 1936
HaukJulia born about 1879
HaukLanta Vborn about 1895
HaukLois born about 1903
HaukMarlin Sborn about 1915
HaukMary Louborn about 1874
HaukMinnie born about 1889
HaukOtra born about 1901
HaukVan born about 1929
HaukVerneitta born about 1921
HaukWilliam Pborn about 1888
HavensAvis born about 1888
HavensCarol born about 1925
HavensCharles born about 1885
HavensNolan Eborn about 1917
HawleyElma born about 1865
HayesBonnie born about 1888
HayesJohn born about 1857
HayesLloyd born about 1885
HayesSally born about 1866
HayesWilliam born about 1872
HaywoodViola born about 1881
HeckAdeline born about 1860
HeckBetty born about 1930
HeckBilly born about 1935
HeckBobby born about 1928
HeckEarl born about 1908
HeckGlorianna born about 1922
HeckHubert born about 1913
HeckJune born about 1933
HeckMildred born about 1907
HeckNellie born about 1883
HeckRichard born about 1904
HeckRoy born about 1937
HendersonFern born about 1897
HendersonJosie born about 1867
HendersonRalph born about 1898
HenleyMargaret born about 1900
HenleyMary Louborn about 1929
HenleyMelvin Wborn about 1902
HenleyRita Maeborn about 1926
HenleyVeralee born about 1932
HerthelHenry born about 1876
HerthelMaude born about 1880
HeveningJesse born about 1869
HeyJacob Rborn about 1873
HickmanCharles born about 1905
HickmanEvelyn born about 1929
HickmanRuth born about 1906
HildBarbara born about 1926
HildGladys Mborn about 1895
HildJean born about 1920
HildJohn Aborn about 1887
HildMarcia born about 1932
HildPatricia born about 1924
HildRebecca born about 1922
HildRobert born about 1929
HildThomas born about 1928
HiltBernard born about 1906
HiltEthel born about 1885
HiltJosephine born about 1914
HiltWilliam Aborn about 1860
HindsJames Oborn about 1871
HindsMary Hborn about 1883
HinesEmma born about 1872
HiteGaynell born about 1914
HiteJesse Bborn about 1871
HiteJoseph born about 1868
HiteKenneth born about 1913
HitePatricia born about 1934
HolbrookWilliam Fborn about 1868
HollarsAlice Mborn about 1930
HollarsBetty Lborn about 1928
HollarsLillie Eborn about 1909
HollarsRuth Eborn about 1927
HollarsWilliam Eborn about 1903
HollenbeckJohn born about 1875
HollenbeckLeona born about 1883
HollenbeckScott born about 1921
HopkinsErma born about 1912
HopkinsErvin born about 1891
HopkinsLillie born about 1893
HowellElmer born about 1861
HoweryCarl born about 1917
HoweryFrances born about 1912
HoweryMaude born about 1879
HoweryOmer born about 1887
HowkinsBelva born about 1905
HowkinsJackie Louborn about 1935
HowkinsRalph born about 1903
HowkinsSue Annborn about 1929
HudsonBertha Fborn about 1872
HuffmanEthel born about 1887
HuffmanHarry born about 1887
HuffmanJohn born about 1926
HuffmanNora born about 1920
HunkieEvelyn born about 1926
HunkieJack born about 1893
HunkieJoe born about 1922
HunkieLuta born about 1899
HunkieStanley born about 1927
HuntBonnie Bellborn about 1928
HuntDella born about 1908
HuntDoral Eugeneborn about 1931
HuntDorothy born about 1937
HuntEdgar born about 1902
HuntEva born about 1931
HuntEzra born about 1931
HuntGarland born about 1929
HuntIrene born about 1927
HuntJohn Eborn about 1934
HuntNorma Jeneborn about 1939
HuntRavenna born about 1934
HuntsingerDeloris Jborn about 1931
HuntsingerMargaret Jborn about 1914
HuntsingerRosemary born about 1932
HuntsingerVarnard Lborn about 1934
HuntsingerVernard Lborn about 1911
HurstChester Eborn about 1895
HurstMary born about 1898
HurstRobert born about 1921

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J Surnames

JacksonChas born about 1866
JacksonClaire born about 1900
JacksonGladys born about 1901
JohnsonHattie Mborn about 1867
JohnsonUzal born about 1867
JonesCynthia born about 1940
JonesJanet born about 1910
JonesRobert born about 1908
JonesRussell born about 1903
JonesWilliam born about 1937
JustusBessie Jborn about 1939
JustusCarl Allenborn about 1936
JustusElva born about 1874
JustusEsther born about 1919
JustusEva born about 1902
JustusHarry Daleborn about 1927
JustusIda born about 1875
JustusKathleen born about 1915
JustusLeonard born about 1921
JustusLeonard Eborn about 1872
JustusLoretta Maeborn about 1921
JustusLouis born about 1902
JustusMary Annborn about 1929
JustusWade born about 1895

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K Surnames

KeatonBarbara born about 1930
KeatonBen born about 1885
KeatonChas Pborn about 1885
KeatonGertrude born about 1919
KeatonMabel born about 1888
KeatonNellie born about 1885
KeatonRiley born about 1917
KellerHarold born about 1907
KelsoHubert born about 1916
KelsoMildred born about 1920
KempAda born about 1874
KempBertha born about 1877
KempDavid born about 1874
KempDella born about 1876
KempJames Mborn about 1871
KempLeona born about 1903
KempWanda born about 1927
KemperEthel born about 1882
KemperFrank born about 1875
KemperHielis born about 1918
KemperJoseph Jborn about 1879
KemperMaizie Bborn about 1879
KemperRachel born about 1932
KemperWeldon Pborn about 1915
KemperWilliam born about 1873
KennedyBenj Fborn about 1873
KentJames Wmborn about 1904
KentSarah born about 1937
KentVirginia born about 1903
KentWilliam born about 1847
KenyStella Mborn about 1879
KeppleEarl born about 1909
KeppleHelen born about 1914
KeppleWilma born about 1937
KinnearJulia born about 1876
KinseyMarietta Belleborn about 1927
KinseyZella born about 1906
KlugerCarl born about 1910
KlugerJacqueline born about 1930
KlugerMerlin born about 1934
KlugerMyrtle born about 1903
KocherAgnes born about 1900
KocherB Joanborn about 1932
KocherDennis born about 1896
KocherDorothy Eborn about 1929
KocherFrances born about 1934
KocherJanice born about 1940
KocherJohn Eborn about 1927
KocherRuth Aborn about 1925
KoontzElmer born about 1873
KoontzStella Cborn about 1880
KosterClarence born about 1904
KosterMary born about 1882
KosterOzro born about 1883
KuhnDonald born about 1935
KuhnHelen born about 1922
KuhnLouise born about 1919
KuhnMay born about 1898
KuhnRiley born about 1890
KuhnRobert born about 1930

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L Surnames

LainLeona born about 1910
LainMary Mborn about 1939
LainOrville born about 1904
LainSamuel Jr born about 1908
LainSamuel Sr born about 1867
LambBetty born about 1919
LambMadge born about 1891
LambSidney Rborn about 1888
LaneClara born about 1878
LaneJohn born about 1862
LaneLula born about 1866
LarrisonCharles born about 1905
LarrisonJerry Davidborn about 1937
LarrisonMae born about 1910
LatimerBetty born about 1889
LatimerFred born about 1882
LawsonCharles Cborn about 1921
LaydenChas born about 1895
LaydenClara born about 1885
LaydenEvelyn born about 1919
LaydenMary born about 1891
LaydenWilliam born about 1921
LeeBetty born about 1921
LeeBonnie Eborn about 1936
LeeCaroline born about 1930
LeeGeorge born about 1931
LeeJoe born about 1886
LeeMary Jr born about 1932
LeeRobert born about 1923
LeeRuth born about 1898
LeeThomas born about 1925
LeeWilliam born about 1927
LeisureCharles born about 1877
LeisureMattie born about 1880
LewisFlora born about 1863
LewisJohn born about 1898
LindleyCora Sborn about 1869
LindleyPitts born about 1867
LindseyCarol Sueborn about 1938
LindseyDorothy born about 1919
LindseyNellie born about 1880
LindseyRalph born about 1916
LinkLaurence born about 1907
LinkLaurence Jr born about 1939
LinkLula born about 1916
LinseyArthur Leeborn about 1918
LintonMartha born about 1872
LinvilleBelle born about 1870
LisherEffie born about 1857
ListonFred born about 1876
LoewellDora Rborn about 1897
LoewellRoy Eborn about 1896
LoewellVelma Oborn about 1922
LoewellVera Eborn about 1927
LoganGeorge born about 1934
LoganHalsie born about 1900
LoganVivian born about 1929
LongCarlos born about 1909
LongElizabeth born about 1910
LongFaye born about 1918
LongHarlan born about 1911
LongHazel born about 1889
LongJan Carlosborn about 1935
LongJasper born about 1862
LongJoseph born about 1905
LongMyrtle born about 1880
LongRoy born about 1877
LongRuth born about 1908
LongVernal born about 1883

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M Surnames

MacyClarence born about 1887
MacyGene born about 1926
MacyMary born about 1889
MagisonHoward born about 1918
MagisonMayrose born about 1921
MansfieldFrank born about 1866
MansfieldLula born about 1867
MartinDonald born about 1906
MartinOpal born about 1907
MartinRichard born about 1931
MartinWilliam born about 1927
MatherCharles born about 1926
MauerAlbert born about 1911
MauerRachael born about 1913
MayJohn born about 1860
MayLotta Maeborn about 1893
MayRoscoe born about 1893
MaysKatherine born about 1917
MaysMargaret Ellenborn about 1935
MaysWilson born about 1916
MaysWilson Jr born about 1934
McBaneRaleigh born about 1883
McBaneRuth born about 1896
McCalipHarry Wborn about 1873
McCallumElbert Aborn about 1871
McConnelEmma born about 1867
McConnelJesse born about 1864
McConnellAlbert born about 1905
McConnellNellie born about 1924
McConnellPauline born about 1913
McCurthyEdna born about 1883
McCurthyStanley born about 1883
McDanielCarolyn born about 1937
McDanielEdna born about 1905
McDanielEmerson born about 1929
McDanielEvelyn born about 1934
McDanielFletcher Wborn about 1905
McDanielMarilyn born about 1931
McDanielMartha Aborn about 1907
McDanielMary Lborn about 1934
McDanielOzro born about 1904
McDanielRowena born about 1932
McKayEunice born about 1891
McKayIra born about 1876
McKayJames born about 1918
McKayJohn born about 1884
McMillanFern born about 1905
McMillanMarvin born about 1933
McMillanRoyal born about 1903
McMurrainAlbert born about 1904
McMurrainDwight born about 1936
McMurrainLee born about 1931
McMurrainMyrtle born about 1907
McMurrainNathan born about 1932
McMurrainNorma born about 1930
McMurrainPaul born about 1934
McMurrainRoger born about 1939
McMurrayArthur born about 1908
McMurrayJayne born about 1935
McMurrayLinda born about 1937
McMurrayMary born about 1908
McWilliamsHarold born about 1928
McWilliamsIra born about 1891
McWilliamsMable born about 1893
MeidenWilliam Bborn about 1909
MeierBeatrice born about 1907
MeierHenry born about 1885
MeierMarvin born about 1904
MeierMayme born about 1893
MellisAnna born about 1857
MellisEarl born about 1884
MellisGenevieve born about 1890
MeyerEverett born about 1896
MeyerMary born about 1896
MilbournPaul Rborn about 1904
MilbournRichard Aborn about 1940
MilbournRosella Mborn about 1900
MillerAlbert Cborn about 1860
MillerAnnie born about 1867
MillerCarlos born about 1916
MillerCecil born about 1889
MillerCharles Rborn about 1869
MillerDora born about 1863
MillerFlorence Mborn about 1873
MillerJames born about 1934
MillerLaura Blancheborn about 1875
MillerMarie born about 1895
MillerMax born about 1909
MillerMona Gborn about 1936
MillerOlive born about 1910
MillerPrudence born about 1865
MillerRobert born about 1938
MillerSue born about 1866
MillerWilliam Cborn about 1931
MohlerBeverly Kayborn about 1937
MohlerGlenn born about 1906
MohlerLora Mayborn about 1906
MohlerMarilyn Aborn about 1936
MontgomeryCharles Fborn about 1874
MoonDoris born about
MoonJames born about 1907
MoonJanet Eileenborn about 1940
MoorHarold Dborn about 1940
MoorJanet Jborn about 1938
MoorMarjorie born about 1917
MoorNorma Jborn about 1939
MoorWilbur born about 1914
MooreArthur born about 1881
MooreBessie born about 1904
MooreCharles born about 1934
MooreEugene born about 1931
MooreFaye born about 1906
MooreKonral born about 1855
MooreLeola born about 1906
MooreMildred born about 1915
MooreNeal born about 1905
MorganCharlotte Iborn about 1937
MorganFred born about 1903
MorganJanet Iborn about 1939
MorganLaura born about 1914
MorrisAnna Bborn about 1868
MorrisEdward Lborn about 1868
MorrisHugh born about 1918
MorrisIda born about 1890
MorrisRobert born about 1876
MorrisonAlbert born about 1884
MorrisonEstella born about 1885
MorrisonHerschel born about 1906
MorrisonRuth born about 1910
MorrisonWayne born about 1908
MossBarbara born about 1927
MossEthel born about 1888
MossRomie born about 1877
MuirBarbara Kayborn about 1938
MuirClark born about 1907
MuirGwendolyn born about 1930
MuirMargaret born about 1912
MuncieOllie born about 1875
MuncieSim Kborn about 1873
MurrayHomer Bborn about 1877
MurrayOma born about 1880
MyerCharles born about 1888
MyerCharles Earlborn about 1933
MyerDarrell born about 1915
MyerDonovan born about 1932
MyerEthel Mborn about 1894
MyerFrances born about 1912
MyerFred born about 1906
MyerGlen Wborn about 1905
MyerHarold born about 1936
MyerHelen born about 1904
MyerHerbert born about 1878
MyerLowell born about 1920
MyerMarguerite born about 1921
MyerMarilyn born about 1928
MyerMarion born about 1912
MyerNellie born about 1888
MyerO Ruthborn about 1909
MyerOtto Sborn about 1885
MyerPhyllis Jborn about 1930
MyerRoberta born about 1926
MyerRoger born about 1939
MyerRoxie born about 1883
MyerS Thomasborn about 1883
MyerSue Annborn about 1934
MyerVincent born about 1929
MyersMarilyn born about 1928
MyesMaxine born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NeatonRoberta born about 1922
NelsonAlta Pborn about 1895
NelsonBrainard born about 1894
NelsonHarold born about 1925
NelsonMarjorie Aborn about 1920
NelsonMary Cborn about 1874
NelsonNora born about 1875
NelsonPatricia Aborn about 1928
NelsonPhilip born about 1935
NewbyMary Fborn about 1861
NewhouseJulia born about 1853
NewhouseMargaret born about 1905
NewhouseRichard born about 1905
NewnanBonnie born about 1891
NewnanFrank born about 1883
NewtonDoris Rborn about 1938
NewtonGladys born about 1918
NewtonOscar born about 1915
NiccumJohn born about 1884
NiccumMary born about 1896
NicholsCecil born about 1910
NicholsClarence born about 1894
NicholsLaverne born about 1895
NicholsThelma born about 1921
NighAaron born about 1914
NighAlonzo born about 1884
NighAzzie born about 1873
NighBetty Jeanborn about 1923
NighCarolyn born about 1937
NighClara Jborn about 1869
NighClayton Kborn about 1914
NighCynthia Aborn about 1868
NighDonovan Geneborn about 1935
NighDorothy born about 1897
NighDoyle Bborn about 1920
NighErnestine born about 1899
NighEsther born about 1914
NighEverett Wborn about 1882
NighGeorge born about 1872
NighGoldie Kborn about 1890
NighHelen born about 1917
NighJesse Mborn about 1871
NighJohn born about 1911
NighKay Leneborn about 1934
NighLouis born about 1867
NighMarjorie Aborn about 1916
NighNora born about 1885
NighTonea born about 1892
NighVirginia Leeborn about 1920
NollyDonald born about 1934
NollyEdward born about 1867
NollyFannie born about 1873
NollyFlora born about 1902
NollyHobert born about 1899
NollyJames born about 1924
NollyPaul Cleverborn about 1926
NollyRobert born about 1929
NugentCarol Aborn about 1940
NugentEarl born about 1902
NugentEva born about 1882
NugentFrank born about 1922
NugentG Everettborn about 1877
NugentHelen born about 1913
NugentJames born about 1913
NugentJohn Henryborn about 1934
NugentLucille born about 1901
NugentLucille born about 1921
NugentPatricia Annborn about 1932
NugentSarah Eborn about 1851
NugentShirley Annborn about 1936
NutterMildred born about 1909
NutterMildred Gailborn about 1938
NutterWyndham born about 1910

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OhairEmma born about 1869
OlingerAgnes born about 1916
OlingerAlma born about 1874
OlingerCharles born about 1882
OlingerCharles born about 1937
OlingerOliver Oborn about 1874
OlingerRaymond born about 1912
OsbornDaniel Eborn about 1872
OsbornDoris born about 1910
OsbornLula born about 1881
OsbornMartin born about 1908
OsbornRobert born about 1928
OsborneChas born about 1881
OsborneFlossie born about 1891
OsborneJohn born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParishAnna born about 1883
ParishLeon born about 1902
ParishWm Lborn about 1874
ParkerHazel born about 1900
ParkerOwen Sborn about 1896
ParkerSuanna Jborn about 1928
ParkhurstAnnie Louiseborn about 1911
ParkhurstNelson born about 1914
ParsonEarl Cborn about 1894
ParsonNellie Gborn about 1884
PattenAnn born about 1879
PattenAnna born about 1866
PattenDr Vern Cborn about 1871
PattenWilliam born about 1911
PattersonAaron Wborn about 1910
PattersonHazel born about 1912
PattersonJimmie born about 1936
PattersonLinnie Eborn about 1861
PattersonRuth born about 1919
PattersonWilliam Mborn about 1861
PauleyMargaret born about 1888
PauleyRichard born about 1916
PeaBertha born about 1888
PeaElmer born about 1887
PeaLouise born about 1906
PeaRichard born about 1923
PhillipyMartha Gborn about 1869
PhillipyRuth born about 1905
PiperBurton born about 1911
PiperJaunita born about 1922
PiperJennie born about 1890
PiperJohn Bertborn about 1888
PitcherElvin Lborn about 1938
PitcherInez born about 1916
PitcherJackie Lborn about 1935
PitcherMillie born about 1884
PitcherMyrtle born about 1925
PitcherParker born about 1907
PitcherRichard born about 1869
PittsAlozo Cborn about 1861
PittsElla born about 1870
PittsFannie born about 1872
PittsHazel born about 1889
PittsRalph born about 1896
PittsRufus Eborn about 1865
PlummerHarry born about 1876
PoerBen Pborn about 1917
PoerBertha born about 1878
PoerChauncey Kborn about 1879
PoerClaude born about 1876
PoerDavid born about 1879
PoerMaggie born about 1880
PoerMary Bborn about 1922
PoerMyrtle born about 1889
PoerNed Vborn about 1920
PollardChlysta born about 1917
PollardEvelyn born about 1916
PollardGeorge born about 1912
PollardHarry born about 1909
PollardMinnie born about 1895
PollardWillis born about 1884
PollittFred Aborn about 1904
PollittHarry Lborn about 1882
PollittIra born about 1882
PollittMary Eborn about 1908
PollittMary Louborn about 1927
PollittPearl born about 1880
PollittRuth born about 1927
PollittWanda Leeborn about 1933
PopeViola born about 1869
PostonAlberta born about 1931
PostonAnna Pborn about 1875
PostonBertha born about 1882
PostonBetty born about 1928
PostonEdgar Nborn about 1872
PostonFrank born about 1890
PostonHarley born about 1929
PostonHarry born about 1885
PostonHarve born about 1883
PostonJ Russellborn about 1876
PostonLa Von born about 1895
PostonLiberty born about 1897
PostonMary born about 1875
PostonMaurice born about 1888
PostonSelma born about 1927
PresleyCherisa born about 1875
PurcellCarl Eborn about 1918
PurcellClyde Rborn about 1895
PurcellClyde Rborn about 1930
PurcellE Burlborn about 1920
PurcellEdith Mborn about 1898
PurcellGene Lborn about 1923
PurcellH Vincentborn about 1927
PurcellKenneth born about 1917
PurcellMac Dborn about 1937
PurcellMartha Aborn about 1933
PurcellRobert Wborn about 1921
PurcellRuby Aborn about 1925
PurcellW Loreneborn about 1924
PurcillDorothy born about 1921

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaffertyAlvina Jborn about 1878
RaffertyCarrie born about 1883
RaffertyDale born about 1902
RaffertyGeorge born about 1880
RaffertyLaura born about 1877
RaffertyMary born about 1902
RaffertyMary Janeborn about 1926
RaffertyPatrica born about 1929
RamseyBarbara Eborn about 1930
RamseyBessie born about 1897
RamseyClaudie born about 1897
RamseyDonna Mborn about 1939
RamseyDoris Rborn about 1939
RamseyMarian born about 1921
RamseyRobert born about 1916
RamseyRussell born about 1926
RamseySarah born about 1878
RardinE Fborn about 1891
RardinSarah Aborn about 1896
ReesCarl born about 1884
ReesMary Eborn about 1884
ReidEffie born about 1880
ReynoldsEda born about 1880
RhoadesCecil born about 1938
RhoadesCora born about 1897
RhoadesEarl born about 1893
RhoadesGeorge born about 1930
RhoadesWaldo born about 1922
RiceBernice born about 1903
RiceGale born about 1923
RiceGerald born about 1925
RiceRobert born about 1929
RiceVerile born about 1899
RichardsonElizabeth born about 1912
RichardsonForest born about 1912
RigdonBetty Annborn about 1919
RigdonNancy born about 1892
RigdonRalph Eborn about 1890
RoanIda born about 1878
RoanJohn Hborn about 1883
RoanRussell born about 1910
RoanTalonodge* born about 1903
RobinsonCharles Mborn about 1861
RockCharles born about 1911
RockCharles born about 1937
RockChas Sborn about 1879
RockFlorence born about 1851
RockViolet born about 1915
RogersJim born about 1907
RogersJohn born about 1937
RogersLucile born about 1918
RonanRuby born about 1899
RosenfluchMarie born about 1899
RosorPearl born about 1892
RossFlossie born about 1889
RossGeneva born about 1919
RossJoe Kborn about 1931
RossOra born about 1884
RossRobert Lborn about 1927
RouseAnna Rborn about 1921
RouseBetty Jborn about 1923
RouseCharles born about 1892
RouseCharles Rborn about 1925
RouseEarl born about 1908
RouseGoldie born about 1898
RouseHelen born about 1936
RouseMae born about 1910
RouseRobert born about 1929

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SampsonVerda Bborn about 1865
SchmaltzBernice born about 1910
SchmaltzWalter born about 1911
SchoelchLillian born about 1917
SchroderAddie born about 1896
SchroderElmer born about 1889
SchroderWilliam born about 1895
SchuttCharlene born about 1932
SchuttCharles born about 1903
SchuttPhilip born about 1925
SchuttRetta born about 1930
SchuttRuby born about 1903
ScottDale born about 1924
ScottDonald born about 1927
ScottDoris born about 1934
ScottFannie born about 1884
ScottGrethel born about 1904
ScottMarsten Wborn about 1880
ScottMas born about 1936
ScottPhoebe born about 1915
ScottRalph born about 1901
SellsEdna Mborn about 1925
SellsGrace born about 1894
SellsJames Hborn about 1887
SellsLois born about 1930
SellsMarvin born about 1931
SellsRobert born about 1936
SellsRoberta born about 1929
SextonRachael Eborn about 1847
ShawLucille born about 1910
ShawPaul born about 1911
ShawSandra Mborn about 1940
SheltonD Ellsworthborn about 1865
SheltonEarl born about 1924
SheltonJohn Aborn about 1896
SheltonKeith born about 1919
SheltonMary Cborn about 1897
SheltonRobert born about 1917
ShippCurtis born about 1905
SidersRebecca born about 1866
SixCharles born about 1869
SixHelen Annborn about 1898
SixHelen Lborn about 1904
SixKaren Mborn about 1938
SixLizzie born about 1875
SixRoy Oborn about 1892
SkillmanFannie born about 1897
SkillmanJoan born about 1924
SkillmanNed born about 1926
SleethHelen born about 1923
SleethJames born about 1921
SleethPaul born about 1918
SmithAmy born about 1894
SmithCurtis born about 1891
SmithDewey born about 1900
SmithSylvia born about 1912
SpiegelCharles born about 1918
SpiegelMary Jborn about 1922
SpringerElsie Eborn about 1904
SpringerGene Pborn about 1935
SpringerJesse Cborn about 1886
SpringerWilliam Eborn about 1925
SpurlingAllan born about 1929
SpurlingBetty Louborn about 1930
SpurlingCecil born about 1917
SpurlingCharles born about 1905
SpurlingElsie born about 1919
SpurlingGoldie born about 1907
StanleyBertha Mborn about 1884
StanleyHarold Dborn about 1905
StanleyWeldon Bborn about 1908
SteffeyEmil Lborn about 1923
SteffeyGoldie born about 1891
SteffeyMarion Rborn about 1925
SteffeyMax Cborn about 1934
SteffeyMeredith Mborn about 1925
SteffeyRoy born about 1892
SteffeyRoy Fborn about 1928
SteffeyRussell Lborn about 1926
SterlingMargaret born about 1867
StevensBarbara Mborn about 1932
StevensGeorgia born about 1905
StevensHenry Bborn about 1900
StevensHenry B Jrborn about 1924
StevensInez born about 1920
StevensLeroy born about 1916
StevensThomas Hborn about 1929
StevensWilliam Eborn about 1926
StockdaleFern born about 1915
StockdaleLawrence born about 1908
StockdaleLeroy born about 1936
StoneEsther born about 1868
StoneLula born about 1873
StonebrakerCora born about 1872
SullivanBasil born about 1925
SullivanDoris born about 1906
SullivanFrank born about 1903
SullivanGrace born about 1876
SullivanJohn born about 1899
SullivanJoseph Lborn about 1874
SullivanLinda Leeborn about 1937
SullivanMarjorie born about 1925
SullivanMildred born about 1904
SullivanRachael born about 1873
SumpterMurlie born about 1883
SutherlandJune born about 1887
SutherlandRobert born about 1917
SwainAlice born about 1861
SwainAlvin Lborn about 1861
SwainFlora Eborn about 1860

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TagueLola born about 1902
TagueMarion born about 1864
TagueMary born about 1870
TagueMaurice born about 1909
TalbertBetty Kayborn about 1939
TalbertBonnie Lborn about 1932
TalbertClifford born about 1901
TalbertDennis Rborn about 1938
TalbertDorcas born about 1907
TalbertElma Mborn about 1928
TalbertEva born about 1895
TalbertFlora born about 1873
TalbertGoldie born about 1920
TalbertHarold born about 1906
TalbertHarry born about 1875
TalbertHoward born about 1912
TalbertHoward Eugeneborn about 1938
TalbertIrene born about 1903
TalbertIsabelle born about 1919
TalbertJenny Leeborn about 1931
TalbertLavonne born about 1905
TalbertLillian born about 1911
TalbertLoren born about 1907
TalbertMargaret born about 1877
TalbertMargaret born about 1915
TalbertMartha born about 1928
TalbertMary Tborn about 1864
TalbertMeredith Dborn about 1930
TalbertNancy Annborn about 1934
TalbertNellie born about 1888
TalbertRichard Nborn about 1928
TalbertRobert born about 1913
TalbertRobert Aborn about 1916
TalbertSusan born about 1862
TalbertTeddy born about 1934
TalbertThomas Dborn about 1903
TalbertViolet born about 1917
TerrellH Daleborn about 1921
TerrellSamuel born about 1872
TheobaldEdmund born about 1921
ThomasBertha born about 1875
ThompsonAllynjeanne born about 1931
ThompsonRaymond Wborn about 1908
ThompsonWilliam Jamesborn about 1935
ThompsonWilma Ireneborn about 1910
ThurstonBeulah born about 1914
ThurstonHerschel born about 1911
ThurstonLoretta Jborn about 1934
TillisonAda born about 1899
TillisonAllie born about 1895
TillisonCharles born about 1874
TillisonHazel Mayborn about 1931
TillisonRosella born about 1927
TillisonRuby born about 1901
TillisonRuth Violetborn about 1926
TracyAnne born about 1893
TracyErnest Aborn about 1894
TracyErnest Jr born about 1921
TracyFaye born about 1938
TracyHarold born about 1904
TracyHarry born about 1928
TracyJames Edwborn about 1928
TracyJanet born about 1935
TracyJo Annborn about 1938
TracyJoshua born about 1871
TracyJulia Annborn about 1907
TracyLoretta born about 1930
TracyLou Annetteborn about 1937
TracyLuella born about 1922
TracyMabel born about 1908
TracyPernel born about 1904
TracyPernel Jr born about 1926
TracyShirley Anneborn about 1927
TracyZona born about 1933
TremorJane born about 1918
TribbyAnna Louborn about 1925
TribbyClessie born about 1884
TribbyEdith born about 1927
TribbyEthel born about 1890
TribbyLoretta born about 1920
TribbyWendell born about 1918
TrimbleBilly born about 1927
TrimbleBobby born about 1929
TrimbleHazel born about 1906
TrimbleRussell born about 1906
TuckerClarice Aborn about 1910
TuckerJesse born about 1882
TuckerLoren born about 1906
TuckerZelma born about 1913
TurecekClara Bborn about 1901
TurecekJames Rborn about 1924
TurecekJoseph Eborn about 1898
TurecekLucy Lborn about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UngerAvery born about 1897
UngerBarbara Mborn about 1927
UngerBeverly Lborn about 1936
UngerClarence born about 1898
UngerElla born about 1888
UngerEsther born about 1908
UngerEtta Bborn about 1874
UngerFloyd born about 1899
UngerGeorge born about 1873
UngerHenry Mansonborn about 1890
UngerHortense born about 1898
UngerMary Juneborn about 1924
UngerRichard born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VandeventerEdward born about 1921
VandeventerKenneth born about 1897
VandeventerRobert born about 1923
VanscyocAlice Mborn about 1869
VanscyocBurl born about 1891
VanscyocCarl Wborn about 1931
VanscyocJessie born about 1900
VanscyocJohn Hborn about 1864
VanscyocLotis born about 1920
VansickleGroce born about 1876
VansickleWilliam born about 1878
VossJoseph born about 1873
VredenburgMuriel born about 1891
VredenburgRobert born about 1897

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagonerA Vernonborn about 1865
WagonerEffie Kborn about 1868
WagonerFlorence born about 1869
WagonerHarry born about 1871
WagonerIda born about 1868
WalkerBarbara Kayborn about 1939
WalkerGladys born about 1891
WalkerHarry born about 1886
WalkerMildred born about 1916
WalkerMonta Jborn about 1916
WalkerPaul born about 1915
WarbelJack born about 1928
WarbelOrlena born about 1900
WaymanBurton born about 1870
WaymanEsther born about 1914
WebsterCora born about 1879
WebsterJake born about 1881
WeingarthEtta born about 1882
WeingarthGeorge born about 1872
WestLavinia born about 1900
WestSamantha born about 1870
WestScott born about 1902
WesterfieldGlen born about 1897
WesterfieldJame Gborn about 1918
WesterfieldSara born about 1899
WhitakerHarry born about 1902
WhiteDonald born about 1913
WhiteEudora born about 1896
WhiteJessie born about 1871
WhiteJohn Cborn about 1893
WhitePaul Eborn about 1932
WhitesidesHazel born about 1902
WhitesidesWilliam born about 1899
WickerClarissa born about 1871
WickliffBucker Oborn about 1896
WickliffForest born about 1871
WickliffInez Mborn about 1898
WickliffLula born about 1902
WickliffMary Aborn about 1876
WickliffRalph born about 1899
WidveyBertha Mborn about 1918
WigginsMary born about 1873
WilcoxenJessie Daleborn about 1911
WilcoxonAlmina born about 1873
WilcoxonCaleb born about 1868
WilcoxonElsiechla born about 1892
WilcoxonEmerson born about 1904
WilcoxonEmerson Jr born about 1929
WilcoxonEmma born about 1904
WilcoxonEvelyn born about 1908
WilcoxonFrancis born about 1915
WilcoxonFrank born about 1879
WilcoxonHazel Sborn about 1895
WilcoxonHelen born about 1922
WilcoxonJack born about 1935
WilcoxonJean born about 1937
WilcoxonJoan born about 1929
WilcoxonMary born about 1884
WilcoxonNellie born about 1903
WilcoxonNora Fborn about 1884
WilcoxonRaymond born about 1893
WilcoxonRichard Zborn about 1871
WilcoxonRobert Wborn about 1933
WilcoxonThomas born about 1897
WilcoxonWayne born about 1899
WileyOwen born about 1909
WilliamsAllie born about 1881
WilliamsAlma born about 1887
WilliamsChas Fborn about 1856
WilliamsCobb born about 1869
WilliamsEugene born about 1927
WilliamsEvelyn Fayeborn about 1930
WilliamsGertrude born about 1882
WilliamsMae born about 1918
WilliamsMarjorie born about 1935
WilliamsMary Louborn about 1928
WilliamsMary Louiseborn about 1925
WilliamsMaxine born about 1927
WilliamsPaul born about 1885
WilliamsPauline born about 1931
WilliamsSherman born about 1923
WilliamsSidney born about 1905
WilliamsWenonah born about 1907
WinklerEmerson born about 1913
WolfJoan born about 1923
WolfMarion born about 1928
WolfMinnie born about 1866
WolfOra born about 1892
WolfPaul born about 1893
WolfVirginia born about 1925
WolfWilliam born about 1921
WoodNina Mborn about 1880
WoodOscar born about 1876
WootenFrances born about 1931
WootenGarland born about 1903
WootenHazel born about 1891
WootenJean born about 1926
WootenJoseph born about 1929
WootenManville born about 1891
WootenMartha born about 1912
WootenQuincey born about 1876
WootenRobert born about 1917
WorkmanCarolyn born about 1924
WorkmanDonald born about 1934
WorkmanEtta born about 1871
WorkmanJanet born about 1933
WorkmanJohn born about 1876
WorkmanLyall born about 1906
WorkmanRobert born about 1932
WorkmanVelma born about 1911
WorkmanWilliam born about 1940
WortmanDwight born about 1926
WortmanEphriam born about 1872
WortmanLaurence born about 1900
WortmanLouise born about 1899
WynantAlice born about 1909
WynantClyde Aborn about 1906
WynantMae born about 1870
WynantRita Rborn about 1940
WynantWilliam Aborn about 1856

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZikeAnna born about 1882
ZikeBertha born about 1875
ZikeCharles born about 1870
ZikeEdward Eborn about 1881
ZikeFannie born about 1885
ZikeGerald born about 1904
ZikeGertrude born about 1897
ZikeHerbert born about 1910
ZikeJaed born about 1930
ZikeJoseph Fborn about 1879
ZikeLaura Sborn about 1881
ZikeLucile born about 1903
ZikePaul born about 1892
ZikeUrsie born about 1883
ZikeWarren born about 1877
ZimmermanAmalie born about 1857
ZimmermanEarnest born about 1892
ZimmermanEarnest Jr born about 1921
ZimmermanJoan born about 1926
ZimmermanJoe born about 1926
ZimmermanLougene born about 1932
ZimmermanRobert born about 1923
ZimmermanStanley born about 1880

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