1940 U.S. Federal Census of Harmony in Union County, Union, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Union County > 1940 Census of Harmony in Union County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames P Surnames Q Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames W Surnames

A Surnames

AbermathyGerald born about 1932
AbermathyHarold born about 1933
AbermathyRichard born about 1936
AbermathyRobert born about 1898
AbermathyRuth born about 1913
AbernathyAgusta born about 1876
AbernathyCora born about 1878
AbernathyEdward born about 1859
AbernathyFrances born about 1917
AbernathyFranklin born about 1918
AbernathyFred born about 1883
AbernathyJoe born about 1864
AbernathyMervin born about 1915
AbernathyRuby born about 1895
AbernathyVada born about 1881
AbnerLoucile born about 1925
AbnerOlson born about 1901
AbnerVina born about 1903
AbnerZelma born about 1930

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B Surnames

BassEdna born about 1910
BondAlfred born about 1879
BondGladys born about 1880
BoreadsileAurther Lborn about 1931
BoreadsileGladys Iborn about 1924
BoreadsileHarry born about 1891
BoreadsileLina born about 1893
BossertHelen born about 1909
BossertJacob born about 1911
BossertPhylis born about 1936
BothastGilbert Dborn about 1936
BothastHarold born about 1915
BothastMartha born about 1917
BothastRandal Gborn about 1940
BothastWanda Eborn about 1938
BrandenbergCarol Jborn about 1930
BrandenbergDonald born about 1933
BrandenbergEdna Isabellborn about 1905
BrandenbergLouise born about 1936
BrandenbergLowell born about 1936
BrandenbergMarie born about 1925
BrandenbergPearl Wborn about 1929
BrandenbergWilliam born about 1902
BrittonAlbert Rborn about 1921
BrittonBertha Eborn about 1897
BrittonErma Loisborn about 1927
BrittonGeorge born about 1885
BrittonMay Roseborn about 1923
BrittonSara Judith Bborn about 1936
BrittonWillard Gordonborn about 1924
BrockmanMaude Eborn about 1901
BrockmanWm Aborn about 1882
BrookbankFred Hborn about 1877
BrookbankOrpha Mborn about 1880
BurkeAlvin born about 1932
BurkeFlorence born about 1894
BurkeGeorge born about 1887
BurkeHazel born about 1922
BurkeMarjorie born about 1927
BurkeOscar born about 1930
BurrisCarl born about 1887
BurrisMarie born about 1897
ButteryAmelia Marieborn about 1933
ButteryNettie born about 1903
ButteryStephen born about 1934
ButteryWilliam born about 1905

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C Surnames

CampbellCleveland born about 1885
CampbellDaisy born about 1885
CassadyCamp born about 1863
CosgroveElzena born about 1871
CraftFrank Gilbertborn about 1939
CrawleyW Hborn about 1859

D Surnames

DavisAncille Kborn about 1922
DavisClara born about 1895
DavisClifford Nborn about 1926
DavisGeorge Oborn about 1895
DavisKenneth Vborn about 1917
DavisManford born about 1856
DavisMary Francesborn about 1927
DavisSaphrona born about 1864
DollansFred born about 1923
DovanAda born about 1878
DovanCharles Hborn about 1873
DurhamBarbara born about 1939
DurhamLouise born about 1917
DurhamMargaret born about 1937
DurhamWoodson born about 1914

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E Surnames

EcklerLavon born about 1912
EcklerMatt born about 1867
EcklerRobert born about 1912

F Surnames

FielderHoward Wborn about 1920
FieldsAlice born about 1917
FieldsAlma born about 1910
FieldsEvylen born about 1909
FieldsMinnie born about 1881
FieldsOpal born about 1915
FowlerEstella born about 1882
FowlerJames Rborn about 1880
FruitsCharlotte born about 1925
FruitsEdward born about 1883
FullerDorthy born about 1924
FullerHazel born about 1926
FullerJulia born about 1897
FullerPatty Louborn about 1937
FullerRoy born about 1891
FunkhouserDonna Deanborn about 1934
FunkhouserJames Martinborn about 1939
FunkhouserJoe born about 1900
FunkhouserRuby born about 1913

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G Surnames

GarrisonCharles born about 1877
GesellLouis Rborn about 1919
GesellLowis born about 1882
GesellMaude born about 1889
GrimesAlfred born about 1887
GrimesIda Mborn about 1891
GristForrest born about 1888
GristMary Bborn about 1900

H Surnames

HaagBobby born about 1932
HaagCaloyn born about 1939
HaagEthel Maeborn about 1906
HaagLois Annaborn about 1935
HaagSherman born about 1900
HaagVirginia born about 1922
HalberstadtChester born about 1889
HalberstadtCina born about 1890
HalberstadtGene born about 1919
HensleyBertha born about 1895
HensleyKeith born about 1923
HensleyRaymond Cborn about 1894
HintonHazel born about 1905
HintonVelmer born about 1898
HowardAileen born about 1927
HowardAlbert Tborn about 1892
HowardElenaor born about 1902
HowardEugene born about 1902
HowardFloyd born about 1926
HowardGeneva born about 1934
HowardMartha born about 1925
HowardRichard Tborn about 1922
HowardVerna born about 1908
HuberEdward Pborn about 1894
HuberHarold born about 1926
HuberMary born about 1902
HuberNelda born about 1929
HughesClara born about 1883
HughesDonald born about 1931
HughesFances born about 1906
HughesFindley born about 1874
HurstCharlie born about 1920
HurstGoldie born about 1931
HurstJohn born about 1880
HurstLizzie born about 1892
HurstMaggie born about 1926
HurstMinnie born about 1925

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J Surnames

JenkinsFrank Vborn about 1878
JenkinsOla born about 1881
JohnBudd born about 1881
JohnIda born about 1886
JohnMartha Belborn about 1927
JohnViola Maeborn about 1919
JohnsonBuryl Dborn about 1934
JohnsonClarence born about 1901
JohnsonElizabeth born about 1927
JohnsonElsie born about 1932
JohnsonLulu Belleborn about 1936
JohnsonNorvilla born about 1908
JohnstonArthur born about 1871
JohnstonKatherina Cborn about 1878

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K Surnames

KeelerEdgar Aborn about 1891
KeelerNoah born about 1869
KeelerRose born about 1867
KendellBessie Maeborn about 1893
KendellChaley born about 1874
KippAdelaide Mborn about 1890
KleinAda Lborn about 1913
KleinBertrand born about 1922
KleinClyde born about 1917
KleinDanel Keithborn about 1936
KleinDonald Fborn about 1923
KleinEthel Cborn about 1891
KleinEugene born about 1907
KleinEveyln Mborn about 1912
KleinFrancis Hborn about 1928
KleinFred Gborn about 1886
KleinHerschel Lborn about 1918
KleinKathryn Mborn about 1926
KleinLouis born about 1878
KleinPearl born about 1882
KolterMary born about 1856
KuhnCarlyn born about 1938
KuhnEdward born about 1910
KuhnEthel born about 1920
KuhnHazel born about 1923
KuhnLaurence born about 1918
KuhnPatsey born about 1940
KuhnPaul Edwardborn about 1932

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L Surnames

LananeKatherine born about 1866
LananeLeo born about 1898
LananeWilliam Edgarborn about 1894
LaneHayden born about 1904
LaneHilda born about 1909
LanningArthur born about 1877
LanningWilliam Hborn about 1870
LawsClyde born about 1920
LawsHoward born about 1882
LawsOllie born about 1901
LemonJohn born about 1873
LemonMargaret born about 1870
LewisBuster born about 1922
LewisEllen born about 1895
LewisLillia born about 1885
LinkelFrancis born about 1901
LinkelJohn born about 1934
LinkelKatherine born about 1911
LinkelKathryn born about 1915
LinkelLenna born about 1936
LinkelMargaret Annborn about 1939
LinkelPhilis Geneborn about 1937
LinkelRichard born about 1939
LinkelStanley born about 1904
LukeHilda born about 1902
LukeMaroliyn Janeborn about 1940
LukePhillip born about 1905
LunsfordDorthy born about 1917
LunsfordEarl born about 1913
LunsfordJoyce Annborn about 1939

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M Surnames

MastersChas born about 1885
MastersRuth Kathrineborn about 1888
MaullerIva Louiseborn about 1883
MaullerJack born about 1925
MaullerJesse born about 1882
MaullerRobert born about 1912
MaullerTheodore born about 1905
MayHez born about 1877
MaySadie Pborn about 1876
MayberryAlbert born about 1940
MayberryElbert born about 1940
MayberryLouis born about 1896
MayberryViola born about 1903
MillsEliza Sborn about 1869
MorganCarrie born about 1890
MorganCharles born about 1929
MorganLouis Aborn about 1888
MorganRalph born about 1921

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N Surnames

NesterGarland born about 1939
NesterGlen born about 1914
NesterMary born about 1912
NesterWilliam born about 1939
NettieWhettis born about 1865
NewkirkClyde born about 1881
NewkirkViola born about 1883
NormanBetty Jeneborn about 1932
NormanNellie born about 1897
NormanWilliam Mborn about 1905
NusbaumerCecil Dborn about 1932
NusbaumerHelen born about 1914
NusbaumerLois born about 1934
NusbaumerMarcella born about 1937
NusbaumerOtto born about 1898

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P Surnames

PfaffAdam born about 1877
PfaffFred born about 1903
PfaffMaggie born about 1877
PflumCarrie born about 1909
PflumMike born about 1888
PiattElizabeth born about 1866
PohlerHazel born about 1898
PohlerJohn born about 1887
PohlerMyrl Wborn about 1913
PohlerMyrtle born about 1887
PohlerTheodore born about 1892
PohlerViola Maeborn about 1925
PohlerVirgil born about 1918
PondersAlferd born about 1914
PondersJames Jborn about 1938
PondersMary born about 1912
PondersThelma born about 1937

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Q Surnames

QuinlinJohn Pborn about 1873

R Surnames

RameyDavid born about 1938
RameyHomer born about 1903
RameyJanet born about 1933
RameyJoann born about 1930
RameyKarl born about 1929
RameyMary Aborn about 1892
RameyNellie born about 1906
RameyW Tborn about 1889
RaudabaughEarnest born about 1928
RaudabaughJimmy born about 1937
ReidenbachGeneva born about 1912
ReidenbachRichard born about 1934
ReidenbachVirgina born about 1936
ReidenbachWm born about 1889
RichardsonPearl born about 1890
RichardsonThomas born about 1885
RigsbyBradley born about 1936
RigsbyElbert born about 1930
RigsbyFreda born about 1912
RigsbyJess born about 1934
RigsbyOrris born about 1902
RollinsChester born about 1918
RollinsJulia Annborn about 1939
RollinsThelma born about 1917
RosfeldFrank born about 1885
RosfeldRosa born about 1889

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S Surnames

SchererJacob born about 1887
SchneiderEthel born about 1924
SchusterDanial born about 1851
ScottHenry born about 1882
ScottLaura born about 1880
ScottRuth born about 1923
SkinnerAddie born about 1880
SkinnerJames born about 1923
SkinnerJohn born about 1921
SkinnerRaymond born about 1880
SmithMartha born about 1883
SmithS Hborn about 1885
SnapeJesse born about 1866
SpencerMary born about 1908
SpencerPatsey Annborn about 1939
SpencerRussell born about 1926
SpencerVerne born about 1908
StantonIrene born about 1885
StantonPauline born about 1919
StantonW Wborn about 1870
StantonWilliam Aborn about 1871
SwaffordAlpha Mayborn about 1901
SwaffordArch born about 1857
SwaffordGeorge born about 1884

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T Surnames

TaylorDelphine born about 1869
TeegardenWm born about 1873
ThomasHarry born about 1899
ThomasReba born about 1925
ThomasRose Maryborn about 1938
ThomasThelma born about 1920
ThomasZella born about 1900
TuckerC Oborn about 1863
TuckerIda born about 1871
TuckerOscar born about 1885

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W Surnames

WaddellAnna born about 1902
WaddellDarrell born about 1937
WaddellEdith born about 1930
WaddellEdwin born about 1930
WaddellEileen born about 1936
WaddellGailen born about 1933
WaddellGardner born about 1904
WaddellGarland born about 1929
WaddellGeneva born about 1926
WaddellGeroldine born about 1939
WaddellGlendon born about 1933
WaddellJuanita born about 1926
WalkerEarl born about 1915
WalkerJerry born about 1888
WalkerMaude born about 1888
WalkerWilma born about 1922
WattersonEdgar born about 1878
WattersonEdna born about 1936
WattersonHelen Joyborn about 1933
WattersonJay born about 1939
WattersonJimmy born about 1937
WattersonJoan born about 1934
WattersonSarah Eborn about 1914
WattersonWilbur born about 1905
WattersonWilbur Jr born about 1932
WeweBernard born about 1917
WeweDonald born about 1939
WeweKathern born about 1910
WhiteCharles born about 1873
WhiteJohn Cborn about 1861
WhiteLola born about 1873
WhiteMay born about 1884
WhiteNellie born about 1880
WilderTeddy born about 1906
WyattDoris born about 1924
WyattHarry Rayborn about 1932
WyattJohn born about 1903
WyattJohn Jr born about 1927
WyattMary born about 1906
WyattRuth born about 1939
WyattSophia born about 1930
WyattWayburn born about 1928
WyattWinona born about 1933

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