1940 U.S. Federal Census of Harrison in Blackford County, Blackford, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Blackford County > 1940 Census of Harrison in Blackford County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames U Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AbshireFlorence born about 1863
AdamsDavid born about 1864
AdamsDavid born about 1920
AdamsDon born about 1932
AdamsHettie born about 1870
AdamsMildred born about 1921
AlbertsonAnna born about 1886
AlbertsonLillie Mborn about 1897
AlbertsonMildred born about 1917
AlbertsonWayne born about 1914
AndersonDee born about 1939
AndersonHarriett born about 1908
AndersonHoward born about 1936
AndersonMary born about 1915
AndersonRamona born about 1933
AndersonRuth born about 1932
AndersonVirginia born about 1937
AnthonyAvice Leeborn about 1927
AnthonyCharles Bborn about 1889
AnthonyGrace born about 1891
AnthonyMinnie born about 1884
ArmstrongMary born about 1880
ArmstrongWilliam born about 1873
ArnoldEva born about 1867
ArnoldWilliam born about 1870
AucremanCharles born about 1890
AucremanCharles Jborn about 1913
AucremanDenice born about 1890
AucremanKathryn born about 1923
AvickGlen born about 1887
AvickJ Jeannetteborn about 1892
AvickJoan born about 1917

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BainJohn born about 1862
BainKetty born about 1888
BakerBen born about 1875
BakerCora born about 1877
BakerDoris born about 1911
BakerDorothy born about 1907
BakerEllen born about 1883
BakerFrank born about 1877
BakerJames born about 1937
BakerMarie born about 1911
BakerNora born about 1881
BakerRamond born about 1906
BakerRobert born about 1907
BakerRuth born about 1916
BakerVinel born about 1869
BaldridgePauhld born about 1899
BaldridgeWalter born about 1891
BaldridgeWilliam born about 1934
BalesCarl born about 1873
BalesClara born about 1919
BalesElwood born about 1875
BalesFred born about 1911
BalesGeorge Henryborn about 1918
BalesGeraldine born about 1917
BalesHelen born about 1916
BalesJoseph born about 1913
BalesKenton born about 1889
BalesLetha born about 1889
BalesLillie born about 1878
BalesLloyd born about 1913
BalesMargaret born about 1905
BalesNancy Joborn about 1938
BalesRussell born about 1916
BallElizabeth born about 1904
BallLew Thomasborn about 1939
BallMartin born about 1905
BalusDewey born about 1915
BalusGlenn born about 1936
BalusRobert born about 1937
BalusWilliam born about 1939
BalusWilma born about 1918
BantzGladys born about 1912
BantzJames born about 1907
BantzJames Leeborn about 1932
BarnerCharles born about 1874
BarnerEmma Lborn about 1878
BarnerLee born about 1929
BarnerLois born about 1926
BarnerRay born about 1919
BarnerVirginia born about 1915
BarnesClyde born about 1884
BarnesOvas born about 1888
BarnthouseInez born about 1909
BarnthouseRay born about 1894
BarrMary Cborn about 1856
BarrettEugene born about 1925
BarrettRobert born about 1914
BarringtonAlice Jeanborn about 1932
BarringtonHugh born about 1914
BarringtonMartha born about 1888
BarringtonMaurice born about 1922
BarringtonVince born about 1886
BartlettGladys born about 1892
BaseyJosephine born about 1885
BaseyKieth born about 1928
BaseyOscar born about 1879
BatdorfForest born about 1902
BatdorfMarie born about 1898
BatesAuthor born about 1912
BatesMary born about 1915
BatesRobert born about 1937
BechettLeftridge born about 1883
BedwellCarl born about 1905
BedwellCharles born about 1885
BedwellCharles born about 1920
BedwellClarence born about 1925
BedwellClifford born about 1914
BedwellDelores born about 1921
BedwellDexter born about 1939
BedwellGeorge born about 1935
BedwellHarold born about 1924
BedwellHelen born about 1905
BedwellInez born about 1895
BedwellIrene born about 1919
BedwellJames born about 1930
BedwellMax born about 1927
BedwellMyrna Rueborn about 1939
BedwellNona born about 1923
BedwellOlive born about 1886
BedwellPeggy born about 1932
BedwellRussell born about 1895
BeeksBeatrice born about 1905
BeeksRalph born about 1899
BellAnis born about 1870
BellClara born about 1874
BellClyde born about 1900
BellDwight born about 1929
BellEarl born about 1922
BellHomer born about 1926
BellJohn born about 1864
BellMarie born about 1901
BellMarshal born about 1866
BellRay born about 1924
BellRoy born about 1931
BennCarrin born about 1879
BennJess Pborn about 1874
BennettCharles born about 1889
BennettClyde born about 1915
BennettClyde Earlborn about 1932
BennettDorthea born about 1930
BennettEsther Maeborn about 1928
BennettHoward born about 1912
BennettKenneth born about 1910
BennettLinn Eborn about 1873
BennettNila Sueborn about 1929
BennettOrliffee born about 1888
BennettPatricia Annborn about 1935
BennettRalph born about 1897
BennettSusie born about 1873
BerdenEdwin born about 1885
BerghmanCharles born about 1877
BerghmanCleo born about 1882
BerkoClarence born about 1900
BerkoEra born about 1902
BerkoHarry born about 1928
BerkoHerman born about 1922
BerkoInez born about 1924
BerkoMary Aliceborn about 1933
BerkoRobert born about 1926
BerrierJessie Hopeborn about 1928
BerrierMarie born about 1896
BerrierMartha born about 1935
BerrierMary born about 1935
BerrierNeal born about 1925
BerrierPaula Cborn about 1931
BerrierRoy Cborn about 1894
BerriesAnn born about 1900
BerriesEvertt born about 1895
BerriesWayne born about 1926
BerryBillie Louborn about 1929
BerryElijah born about 1890
BerryEthel born about 1897
BerryHelen born about 1926
BerryHoward born about 1901
BerryLaura born about 1909
BerryOlga born about 1910
BerryRussell born about 1905
BerryRuth Annborn about 1926
BerryThomas born about 1931
BettsMary born about 1868
BevingtonOscar born about 1868
BeymerBeulah born about 1914
BeymerCharles born about 1910
BeymerFloyd born about 1935
BeymerLawrence born about 1932
BinkleyCharles born about 1887
BixlerCharlotte born about 1911
BixlerNola born about 1886
BixlerWilliam born about 1887
BlackErnest born about 1890
BlackHarold born about 1926
BlackHazel born about 1894
BlackLyclia born about 1887
BlackRex born about 1917
BlissJoseph born about 1856
BlountThomas born about 1865
BloxsomLouella born about 1877
BlumenhortGeraldine born about 1920
BlumenhortMelville born about 1917
BongeOlive born about 1880
BongeWalter Fborn about 1882
BoothbyAngel Bborn about 1926
BoothbyHattie Albertaborn about 1928
BoothbyIsabelle born about 1897
BoothbyPricilla Janeborn about 1936
BoothbyRobert Leeborn about 1931
BoothbyRosetta born about 1921
BowmanDaniel born about 1877
BowmanDavid born about 1922
BowmanElla born about 1883
BowmanRuth Mborn about 1904
BradburyArch born about 1892
BradburyDorothy born about 1915
BradburyJoy born about 1937
BradburyLowell Jborn about 1938
BradburyMilly born about 1894
BradburyWarren born about 1914
BrennerChester born about 1885
BrennerMollie born about 1889
BrickesBennie born about 1930
BrickesJoe born about 1888
BrickesJune born about 1929
BrickesMary born about 1890
BrickesWanda born about 1924
BrightJennie born about 1867
BrindleStacy born about 1864
BrockersMeva born about 1884
BrockersOtto born about 1876
BrockersRaymond born about 1908
BrokmanFred born about 1917
BrothertonCarrie born about 1878
BrothertonLee born about 1886
BrothertonMaxine born about 1919
BroughmanCharles born about 1866
BroughmanMartha born about 1862
BrownAvis Jeanborn about 1929
BrownClyde born about 1883
BrownClyde born about 1911
BrownDonald born about 1932
BrownEarl born about 1891
BrownEdwin born about 1922
BrownFrederick born about 1920
BrownHoyt Kborn about 1918
BrownMorris Mborn about 1863
BrownPansy Maeborn about 1932
BrownPearl born about 1877
BrownRebecca born about 1890
BrownRussell born about 1909
BrownRussell Jr born about 1930
BrownShirley born about 1936
BrownVerna born about 1894
BrownViolet born about 1910
BrownWelda born about 1913
BrownWendall born about 1921
BrownWilliam born about 1875
BrumfielBenjamin born about 1883
BrumfielJane born about 1923
BrunworthCleo born about 1934
BryanRachel born about 1866
BrysonSarah Cborn about 1863
BuckleyHazel born about 1902
BuckleyIda born about 1888
BuckleyLeo born about 1900
BuckleyMary Jborn about 1926
BuckleyPatrica Annborn about 1932
BuckleyRobert Aborn about 1924
BuckleyWilliam born about 1886
BuckmasterAtwood born about 1876
BuckmasterCharles born about 1912
BuckmasterMaude born about 1893
BuellGolda born about 1902
BuellPaul born about 1899
BukoVirgil born about 1921
BuksClayton born about 1902
BuksClifford born about 1921
BuksEmmett Clayborn about 1932
BuksFloyd born about 1925
BuksIvan Dewayneborn about 1931
BuksLarry Gormanborn about 1936
BuksMax Deanborn about 1934
BuksPearl born about 1904
BuksRosa Mborn about 1928
BurdenBessie born about 1883
BurkeyEsther born about 1921
BurkeyRussell born about 1907
BurkyCharles born about 1911
BurnerMary born about 1874
BurnerMildred born about 1906
BurnerWilliam born about 1869
BursonBur Uborn about 1893
BursonJack born about 1930
BursonJean born about 1931
BursonMyrtle born about 1896
BursonNora born about 1881
ButcherWilliam born about 1875
ByerlyElsie born about 1905
ByerlyFawn born about 1899
ByerlyGrace Louiseborn about 1921
BylerBetty born about 1927
BylerBonnie born about 1910
BylerChristina born about 1935
BylerHoward born about 1905
BylerNina born about 1930
ByrleyClay born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CadyBlanche born about 1877
CaleAnn born about 1902
CaleBertha born about 1920
CaleCharles born about 1883
CaleEdith born about 1888
CaleEllabelle born about 1929
CaleJames born about 1912
CaleJames born about 1933
CaleLawrence born about 1925
CaleMildred born about 1922
CaleOcar born about 1893
CallBurt born about 1891
CallJeanice born about 1931
CallLeona born about 1892
CallOra born about 1893
CallWalter born about 1887
CampbellAdury born about 1930
CampbellClara born about 1898
CantwellAcord born about 1910
CantwellDonald born about 1934
CantwellLeslie born about 1915
CantwellMartha born about 1932
CapperSophia born about 1856
CarrClem born about 1863
CarrJacob Tborn about 1859
CaryPatrica born about 1926
CaryPearl born about 1902
CarySam born about 1927
CastatorThais Lborn about 1912
CertainMary born about 1865
ChaneySedalia born about 1890
ChaneyWilliam born about 1877
ChaneyWilliam Jr born about 1924
ChapmanAnna born about 1933
ChapmanArthur born about 1893
ChapmanBelle born about 1894
ChapmanBetty born about 1929
ChapmanDavid born about 1920
ChapmanGerald born about 1931
ChapmanMary born about 1928
ChapmanMaude born about 1888
ChapmanRussel born about 1918
ChapmanWilliam born about 1922
ChenowithEm born about 1895
ChenowithErnest born about 1921
ChenowithMorton born about 1889
ChenowithRaymond born about 1923
ChenoworthHarrison born about 1889
CherryAnna born about 1883
CherryGeorge born about 1884
ChildersMabel born about 1885
ChrismerJohn born about 1876
ChrismerLillie born about 1877
ChrismerMary born about 1924
ClarkBertha Mborn about 1875
ClarkElizabeth born about 1900
ClarkEmily born about 1920
ClarkEssie born about 1897
ClarkFaith born about 1922
ClarkGeorge born about 1927
ClarkGlendora born about 1924
ClarkHazen born about 1885
ClarkHerbert born about 1895
ClarkJames Allenborn about 1921
ClarkJohn born about 1897
ClarkJohn Wborn about 1922
ClarkLeigh born about 1870
ClarkLouis Pborn about 1867
ClarkMargaret born about 1923
ClarkMary born about 1904
ClarkMildred born about 1924
ClementsAlvan born about 1895
ClementsCarol Annborn about 1939
ClementsImagene born about 1918
ClementsNellie born about 1897
ClementsRobert born about 1922
ClementsRoger born about 1925
ClineBettey born about 1928
ClineEliza born about 1897
ClineEmery born about 1916
ClineOrval born about 1891
ClineOrval born about 1924
CloudAlice Leeborn about 1919
CloudBruce born about 1869
CloudKathryn born about 1877
CloudKathryn Mborn about 1911
CochranElzie born about 1876
CochranEmma born about 1878
CochranHarry born about 1911
CoffieldAlexander born about 1867
CoffieldIrene born about 1906
CoffieldNathaniel born about 1901
CoffieldSarah Jborn about 1865
ColeEmery born about 1888
ColeHazel born about 1918
ColeMable born about 1888
ColePaul born about 1914
ColeThomas born about 1939
ColemanAgnes born about 1922
ColemanAlbert De Wayneborn about 1939
ColemanAlice born about 1884
ColemanBonnie born about 1935
ColemanCharley born about 1879
ColemanClaude born about 1912
ColemanClayton Aborn about 1921
ColemanElbert born about 1874
ColemanHarley born about 1916
ColemanHazel born about 1911
ColemanHelen born about 1920
ColemanIrene born about 1914
ColemanLloyd born about 1903
ColemanLouella Sborn about 1880
ColemanMildred born about 1902
ColemanThomas born about 1935
ColemanVelma born about 1909
CollmanEdith born about 1935
CollmanGrover born about 1887
CollmanHerman born about 1924
CollmanJene born about 1922
CollmanNina born about 1933
CollmanPauline born about 1923
CollmanSherman born about 1937
CollmanStela born about 1902
CollmanVictor born about 1930
ColmanDoris born about 1930
ColmanEdward born about 1898
ColmanEvelin born about 1924
ColmanJunior born about 1934
ColmanMerdeth born about 1937
ColmanSarah born about 1901
ColvinEdith born about 1920
ColvinOmer born about 1916
ColvinRobert born about 1940
CombsAlbert born about 1907
CombsOpal born about 1910
CombsRobert born about 1928
ComerJean born about 1938
ConduffDorthy born about 1911
ConduffRaymond born about 1930
ConduffResman born about 1929
ConferDale born about 1904
ConferHazel born about 1907
ConnersWesley born about 1878
CookAreta born about 1870
CookCarl born about 1898
CookCarol Annborn about 1940
CookCharles born about 1921
CookClarence born about 1891
CookDavid born about 1926
CookDula born about 1897
CookElihu Cborn about 1884
CookEthel born about 1907
CookGarnet born about 1913
CookGuy born about 1937
CookHarvey born about 1908
CookHazel born about 1895
CookHenry born about 1897
CookJack born about 1927
CookJames born about 1920
CookJerry Jborn about 1927
CookJohn born about 1893
CookJon Lborn about 1934
CookJune born about 1906
CookMarcelle born about 1922
CookMartha born about 1895
CookMary born about 1866
CookMary born about 1897
CookNellie born about 1886
CookReginald Wborn about 1881
CookRichard born about 1873
CookRobert Cborn about 1916
CookRose Ellenborn about 1938
CookSally Annborn about 1937
CookVan Hborn about 1910
CookWilliam born about 1925
CookWilliam D Dborn about 1925
CookZackery born about 1861
CoonsEarl born about 1917
CooperJohn born about 1873
CootsEva born about 1885
CootsWilliam born about 1887
CorcoranAnthony Eborn about 1862
CorcoranMary Mborn about 1864
CrabillJames Iborn about 1877
CrabillMyrtle Cborn about 1884
CraigDavid born about 1905
CraigDavid Jr born about 1934
CraigDelight born about 1910
CriamoreArlet Jeanborn about 1938
CriamoreFay Cborn about 1902
CriamoreFreda born about 1912
CrismoreCleo born about 1904
CrismoreDonald born about 1928
CrismoreJames born about 1925
CrismorePearl born about 1904
CroftClara born about 1880
CromerJohn born about 1920
CromerMarie born about 1901
CromerWilliam born about 1898
CromerWilliam born about 1927
CronnerLillie born about 1858
CrumpLester born about 1921
CummingDorothy born about 1885
CummingWilliam born about 1884
CunnihanJulian born about 1866
CurtisElsie born about 1882
CurtisWesley born about 1874

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DalyBiss born about 1887
DanekyDella born about 1887
DanekyFrancis born about 1930
DanforthGarnette born about 1899
DaviesGrace born about 1919
DaviesMary born about 1893
DaviesWilliam born about 1881
DavisGlynn born about 1910
DavisHelen born about 1923
DavisJemmie born about 1935
DavisLeona born about 1916
DavisLotta born about 1870
DavisMarion born about 1921
DavisPatty born about 1928
DavisRose Maryborn about 1938
DavisWilliam born about 1924
DawleyLaura born about 1864
DayBeluah born about 1912
DayBerta Louborn about 1929
DayCharles born about 1884
DayHelen born about 1890
DeaneyWalter born about 1928
DearduffAnna born about 1917
DearduffJoan born about 1939
DearduffLaudeen born about 1934
DearduffPaula Mayborn about 1935
DearduffRachel born about 1873
DearduffWillard born about 1913
DearduffWillard born about 1936
DeckFlora Glemborn about 1889
DeechBlanch born about 1907
DeechRaymond born about 1906
DenneitzDonald born about 1927
DenneitzFlossie born about 1906
DennisDale born about 1923
DennisEldon born about 1918
DennisFreeman born about 1924
DennisGeorge born about 1890
DennisMinnie born about 1893
DennisNorma born about 1928
DentonBetty born about 1924
DentonCarl born about 1922
DentonCecil born about 1900
DentonGarl born about 1922
DentonHazel born about 1901
DentonPatty born about 1936
DeveesKenneth born about 1894
DeveesMalcum born about 1920
DeveesOna born about 1894
DickCatharine born about 1916
DickHarold born about 1911
DickMarie born about 1904
DickasonAlbert born about 1917
DickasonGeorge born about 1898
DickasonMelvin born about 1921
DickasonOpal born about 1897
DillonBarbara born about 1922
DillonCraig born about 1895
DillonLilah born about 1900
DillonRobert Cborn about 1922
DillonWilliam born about 1928
DoddsArthur born about 1880
DoddsPearl born about 1884
DortonBlanch born about 1890
DortonJohn born about 1887
DownhourClifford born about 1899
DownhourKeith born about 1920
DownhourMaude born about 1902
DownhourMax born about 1924
DowningChester born about 1902
DowningDorothy born about 1934
DowningKenneth born about 1927
DowningMadge born about 1908
DowningWilliam born about 1930
DowtyBenjimin born about 1886
DowtyGeorge born about 1921
DrakeSarah born about 1862
DrakerClarence born about 1876
DrakerKathyren born about 1877
DuganChris born about 1881
DuganMary born about 1886
DuganMildred born about 1922
DulinskyByron born about 1915
DulinskyThelma born about 1917
DuncanOtta born about 1882
DuncanScott born about 1881
DunciaGeorge born about 1878
DunciaStanley born about 1923
DunciaThomas born about 1872
DunciaVernia born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EartFrank born about 1918
EastBeckhal born about 1901
EastLouraleen born about 1924
EastLucile born about 1900
EastenHarry born about 1890
EbertsAlica born about 1900
EbertsVirgil born about 1895
EcgnoiJohn born about 1881
EcgnoiOlive born about 1883
EdgingtonAubry born about 1887
EdgingtonCharles born about 1883
EglyBetty born about 1928
EglyBob Geneborn about 1931
EglyGrace born about 1893
EglyHarry born about 1894
EglyHarry Jr born about 1919
EglyMarlene born about 1923
EicherHoward born about 1922
EllesonEugene born about 1912
EllesonMary born about 1919
EllesonPhyllis born about 1939
ElliottFred born about 1898
ElliottMildred born about 1903
EllisA Ellaborn about 1865
EllisBetty born about 1923
EllisCharles born about 1873
EllisClara born about 1879
EllisJames born about 1900
EllisJosephine born about 1903
EllisViola born about 1893
EllisonBernard born about 1922
EllisonCharles born about 1891
EllisonLedine born about 1925
EllisonNina Ruthborn about 1925
EllisonOral born about 1894
EllisonPatrica Janeborn about 1930
EllisonPauline born about 1920
EllisonRonna born about 1927
ElyAustin born about 1878
ElyBernice born about 1911
ElyBetty Jeanborn about 1937
ElyDean born about 1934
ElyDick born about 1938
ElyDonald born about 1934
ElyDonn born about 1930
ElyErla born about 1929
ElyErnest Geoborn about 1906
ElyFloyd Cborn about 1931
ElyFrank born about 1852
ElyGeorge born about 1856
ElyHarry born about 1906
ElyLellie born about 1902
ElyMabel born about 1897
ElyMary born about 1901
ElyMary born about 1904
ElyMay born about 1913
ElyNancy born about 1854
ElyNaomi born about 1901
ElyPaul Alldnborn about 1938
ElyPeggy Louborn about 1933
ElyRalph born about 1905
ElySarah Jborn about 1852
ElyVernie born about 1880
ElyWilliam born about 1873
EmahurllerAmos born about 1874
EmahurllerEthel Gborn about 1882
EmahwillerEthlyn born about 1877
EngleWilbur born about 1875
EvansBeryl born about 1908
EvansEllen born about 1925
EvansGertrude born about 1915
EvansHarold born about 1939
EvansMary born about 1860
EvansMary Sueborn about 1930
EvansRaymond born about 1913
EvansW Bborn about 1855
EversAlda born about 1888
EversElla born about 1865
EversEverett born about 1921
EversRalph born about 1908
EversWalter born about 1885
EversWalter born about 1909

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FarrSarah Eborn about 1865
FealAdelma born about 1913
FealJanet born about 1939
FealNetrum* born about 1881
FealNorman born about 1919
FearAlice born about 1869
FearBanksy born about 1908
FearC Hborn about 1868
FearEugene born about 1925
FearFrancis born about 1918
FearHelen born about 1908
FearMelvin born about 1938
FearShirley born about 1936
FearWilliam born about 1915
FenselAlkaniah born about 1901
FenselIrish born about 1906
FettyJohn born about 1914
FieldsEllise born about 1907
FieldsHarvey born about 1904
FieldsMarjorie born about 1927
FieldsVernon born about 1926
FierceMilan born about 1861
FitchBeatrice born about 1920
FitchJohn born about 1915
FitchJulia born about 1893
FitchRobert born about 1938
FitchVictoria Roseborn about 1940
FletherEva born about 1918
FordAlpha born about 1895
FordHolton born about 1925
FordJames born about 1886
FordJames born about 1928
FordJanice born about 1931
FordMabel born about 1907
FordMartha born about 1935
FordMary born about 1939
FordPaul born about 1904
FordPaul Jr born about 1927
FordRobert born about 1935
FoxEthel born about 1909
FoxHoward born about 1916
FoxJohn born about 1870
FoxNellie born about 1884
FoyBelle born about 1895
FoyCharles born about 1904
FoyDaniel born about 1886
FoyGuy born about 1917
FoyMollie born about 1876
FoyWilliam born about 1877
FoyWilma born about 1922
FrancesMary Cborn about 1872
FrancisMargaret Annborn about 1925
FrazierBonnie born about 1931
FrazierCaroline born about 1934
FrazierVera born about 1909
FrazierVerlin born about 1911
FreedSyrna born about 1871
FreedVerta born about 1875
FreemanKathryn born about 1902
FreemanRussel born about 1894
FreemanVelma born about 1924
FreeseCurtis born about 1913
FreeseEugene born about 1939
FreeseJeannette born about 1914
FrehDella born about 1869
FullerAda born about 1896
FullerEarl born about 1894
FullerEllen Lborn about 1924
FultonClaudine born about 1908
FultonKeith born about 1927
FultonRobert born about 1907
FultonVerley born about 1931
FunkMary born about 1886
FurnissDaisy born about 1891
FurnissJames born about 1883
FutrellEmma born about 1880
FutrellGeorge born about 1876
FutrellJoan born about 1934
FutrellLora born about 1919
FutrellMarie born about 1907
FutrellOra born about 1919
FutrellSylvia born about 1919
FutrellVeral born about 1907

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GabrielAna born about 1875
GabrielKirk born about 1884
GadburryHarold born about 1912
GadburryHelen born about 1911
GadburryJohn born about 1931
GaierCarney born about 1924
GaierElmer born about 1900
GaierJacob born about 1863
GaierMargrett born about 1869
GaierMary born about 1900
GaierRalph born about 1920
GamerAugan born about 1898
GamerLeford born about 1898
GamerRex born about 1932
GarrettArman born about 1858
GarrettCharles born about 1868
GarrettCharles born about 1930
GarrettCharley born about 1938
GarrettClara born about 1913
GarrettDelight born about 1922
GarrettDwight born about 1912
GarrettDwight born about 1922
GarrettEarl born about 1895
GarrettErnest born about 1912
GarrettGail born about 1934
GarrettGloria born about 1928
GarrettHelen born about 1901
GarrettIma born about 1898
GarrettJames born about 1898
GarrettLillie born about 1872
GarrettMandes born about 1892
GarrettMary Aliceborn about 1871
GarrettMay Belleborn about 1910
GarrettNora born about 1893
GarrettVerna born about 1900
GarrettWalter born about 1892
GarrettWesley born about 1866
GarringerLinnie born about 1889
GarrisonAnna Belleborn about 1926
GarrisonDona Mayborn about 1938
GarrisonDorothy born about 1935
GarrisonElizabeth born about 1859
GarrisonElizabeth born about 1920
GarrisonFranklin born about 1923
GarrisonGeorge born about 1927
GarrisonGoldia born about 1901
GarrisonJoe Reedborn about 1930
GarrisonMary Janeborn about 1925
GarrisonRobert Jackborn about 1933
GarrisonWilliam born about 1897
GarrisonWilliam Hborn about 1921
GarrttEma born about 1873
GarrttSilvanus born about 1870
GaskellJosephine born about 1912
GaskellRussell born about 1907
GentryBarbara Jborn about 1936
GentryHelen born about 1909
GentryJames Wborn about 1939
GentryPatrica Annborn about 1934
GentryThomas Lborn about 1938
GentryWilliam born about 1904
GerardAlfred born about 1897
GerardEsther born about 1923
GerardEugene born about 1926
GerardEva born about 1877
GerardLillian born about 1894
GerardMargret born about 1929
GerardRuth born about 1897
GetzCharles born about 1922
GetzClark Bborn about 1884
GetzEffie born about 1886
GetzNadine born about 1927
GetzRachel born about 1855
GetzTheodore born about 1920
GibbleClara born about 1872
GibbleFord born about 1876
GibsonAn Roseborn about 1925
GibsonBertha born about 1893
GibsonJohn born about 1894
GibsonMargret born about 1929
GibsonMary Evaborn about 1924
GilbertJack born about 1931
GilbertLeota born about 1912
GilbertRobert born about 1907
GitterEmma born about 1878
GlatteCarl born about 1902
GlatteClarence born about 1929
GlatteClaria born about 1910
GlatteFrank born about 1927
GlatteHarold born about 1938
GlatteHoward born about 1926
GlatteJanet born about 1933
GlessnerCharley born about 1868
GobleKathyrene born about 1938
GobleKennth born about 1909
GobleMargret born about 1901
GogerAlvin born about 1931
GordonBarbara Jborn about 1938
GordonCharles born about 1868
GordonEloise born about 1925
GordonEsta born about 1906
GordonHarry born about 1901
GordonHarry Jr born about 1928
GordonMinie born about 1870
GrantDeloris born about 1914
GrantJohn born about 1887
GrantMary born about 1934
GrantRobert born about 1922
GrantRose born about 1888
GrantRussel born about 1915
GrayBarba Sueborn about 1938
GrayClark Mrs born about 1854
GrayDallos born about 1901
GrayDorthy born about 1903
GrayJames born about 1931
GrayLena born about 1878
GrayLewis born about 1871
GreenDorthea born about 1894
GreenEileen born about 1922
GreenWillis born about 1891
GreerGeorge Dborn about 1895
GreerGeorge D Jrborn about 1924
GreerVera Bborn about 1902
GreerWilliam born about 1929
GriffithJean Ellenborn about 1921
GriffithMarie born about 1902
GriffthEverett born about 1912
GriffthJerry born about 1928
GriffthJustine born about 1895
GriffthRuth born about 1912
GriffthWilliam born about 1925
GrimesClyde born about 1919
GrimesJeanne born about 1919
GrimmChester born about 1906
GrimmHelen born about 1914
GroendykeJuanita born about 1919
GroendykeNancy Annaborn about 1939
GroverBeryln born about 1917
GroverCatherine born about 1918
GroverJames born about 1920
GroverMinnie born about 1880
GroverWillard born about 1878
GrovesBetty Ellenborn about 1926
GrovesEffie born about 1906
GrovesWalter born about 1902
GunkleLaura born about 1871
GunkleLouis born about 1898
GunkleWilliam born about 1912
GuyBelle born about 1872

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HagermanDora born about 1888
HagermanMarion born about 1873
HallMinnie born about 1903
HamiltonCharley born about 1878
HamiltonJessie born about 1898
HamiltonSam born about 1876
HammondAlice born about 1923
HammondArthur born about 1903
HammondClara born about 1903
HammondJesse born about 1921
HanlinFrank born about 1870
HanlinRose born about 1873
HarleyElla born about 1866
HarleyWilliam born about 1860
HaroldCharley born about 1873
Harron born about 1879
HarryJohn born about 1869
HarryZora born about 1881
HartArlando born about 1864
HartArthur born about 1872
HartBessie born about 1885
HartDelmar born about 1903
HartEthel born about 1890
HartFloria born about 1882
HartFrancis born about 1917
HartJ Wborn about 1868
HartJerry born about 1939
HartJoyce born about 1938
HartLawrence born about 1891
HartLucinda born about 1858
HartSue born about 1920
HarterAnna born about 1926
HarterCecil born about 1934
HarterEarl born about 1928
HarterHoward born about 1906
HarterLarry born about 1936
HarterLe Royborn about 1883
HarterLeona born about 1909
HarterNile born about 1930
HarterPhyllis born about 1939
HarterThomas born about 1931
HartleyAnna born about 1888
HartleyCharles born about 1917
HartleyCharles Jr born about 1939
HartleyJack born about 1887
HartleyMary born about 1921
HartleyWalter born about 1885
HartupMartha born about 1932
HartupPaul born about 1900
HartupRuth born about 1901
HawkAnna born about 1888
HawkBetty Oborn about 1930
HawkBillie Geneborn about 1930
HawkCharles born about 1891
HawkCharles born about 1892
HawkChauncy born about 1897
HawkClara born about 1926
HawkDeck Leeborn about 1934
HawkDoris born about 1919
HawkElizabeth born about 1923
HawkElsie born about 1901
HawkEsther Lborn about 1940
HawkEugene born about 1925
HawkFrances born about 1930
HawkGene Eborn about 1937
HawkGerald born about 1928
HawkGladys Mborn about 1925
HawkGrace born about 1909
HawkJohn born about 1887
HawkLena born about 1911
HawkLucile born about 1927
HawkMae born about 1897
HawkMax born about 1921
HawkOrval born about 1901
HawkVera Mayborn about 1934
HawkViola born about 1895
HawkWesley born about 1894
HawkWilliam born about 1923
HawkinsCarl born about 1903
HawkinsCarry born about 1888
HawkinsCurt born about 1880
HawkinsDelorise born about 1910
HawkinsDonald born about 1914
HawkinsElla born about 1857
HawkinsJane born about 1902
HawkinsJulia born about 1918
HawkinsMarie born about 1875
HawkinsMarvel born about 1897
HawkinsPearl born about 1888
HawkinsTommy born about 1937
HayDorthia born about 1906
HedgerBert born about 1882
HedgerGrace born about 1881
HedgesGeongeth born about 1914
HedgesHubert born about 1914
HedgesJames born about 1938
HeltonAudrey born about 1912
HeltonDorothy born about 1914
HeltonFloyd Le Royborn about 1911
HeltonGracianna born about 1934
HeltonHenry born about 1884
HeltonRalph born about 1921
HemingerRose born about 1872
HendersonAnna born about 1854
HendersonCaroline born about 1856
HendersonEva born about 1887
HendersonFlosa born about 1888
HendersonRalph born about 1884
HendersonRhoda born about 1887
HendersonRichard born about 1924
HendersonRoy born about 1884
HerrBetty born about 1930
HerrCharles Deweyborn about 1898
HerrDean born about 1926
HerrEthel born about 1906
HerrPearl born about 1904
HerrRoscoe born about 1902
HerrWillow Deanborn about 1924
HiemChristina born about 1938
HiemDale born about 1937
HiemDewight born about 1931
HiemDonna born about 1935
HiemImagene born about 1928
HiemJoyce born about 1940
HiemMable born about 1905
HiemMartel born about 1929
HiemSherman born about 1903
HiemSherman Jr born about 1927
HierGerldine born about 1913
HierIsbel born about 1910
HierNacks born about 1938
HinerClayton born about 1919
HinerKathyrn born about 1883
HinerMarie born about 1920
HinerWilliam born about 1872
HinesDorothy born about 1918
HinesRobert Lborn about 1914
HinesRobert L Jrborn about 1939
HinesRose Leeborn about 1938
HinshawBurleigh born about 1888
HinshawFred born about 1889
HiserCarl born about 1893
HiserCharles born about 1887
HiserChristopher born about 1889
HiserDelores born about 1919
HiserEstella born about 1890
HiserEthyl born about 1888
HiserMary born about 1889
HiserVera born about 1920
HizerLouisa Jborn about 1868
HodsonMary born about 1881
HodsonOpal born about 1913
HodsonW Eborn about 1888
HolmesChester born about 1886
HoltzappleJohn born about 1875
HoltzappleOlia born about 1878
HombakerDenice born about 1888
HombakerElin born about 1917
HombakerGorgette born about 1920
HombakerLester born about 1892
HombakerPaul born about 1914
HombakerWally born about 1938
HooksClarence born about 1906
HooksGarnet born about 1909
HooksLinda Maeborn about 1939
HooverClarrel Mborn about 1906
HooverCrystal born about 1911
HooverEarl born about 1885
HooverLucile born about 1892
HooverMarilynn born about 1933
HooverOrvell born about 1887
HooverRichard Dborn about 1928
HooverRuth born about 1908
HooverSandra born about 1936
HooverVaghn born about 1913
HooverVaughn born about 1913
HooverW Iborn about 1880
HortonJoseph Pborn about 1859
HoskinsCurtis born about 1868
HoskinsMary born about 1882
HoyGeorge Jborn about 1875
HoyGrace Lborn about 1879
HoyLent Wborn about 1870
HoyLulu Bborn about 1868
HudsonFay born about 1911
HudsonHoward born about 1917
HuffmanAlice born about 1909
HuffmanBetty Jborn about 1928
HuffmanBillie born about 1931
HuffmanCharles Hborn about 1938
HuffmanDonald born about 1926
HuffmanDonald born about 1930
HuffmanDora Mayborn about 1933
HuffmanFrederick Jborn about 1927
HuffmanGarnet born about 1929
HuffmanGeorge born about 1935
HuffmanJack born about 1937
HuffmanJennie born about 1869
HuffmanMaxine born about 1927
HuffmanPauline born about 1906
HuffmanSamuel born about 1864
HuffmanThomas born about 1872
HuffmanThomas born about 1925
HuffmanWalter born about 1901
HuffmanWalter Jr born about 1925
HugginsAgnes born about 1894
HughC Hborn about 1887
HughVera born about 1897
HullingerIna born about 1870
HullingerNeil born about 1870
HummerAlma born about 1881
HummerBettey born about 1933
HummerCharles born about 1920
HummerDelight born about 1939
HummerDonald born about 1935
HummerEthel born about 1892
HummerHarold born about 1929
HummerIllene born about 1912
HummerJames born about 1874
HummerRaymond born about 1931
HummerStanley born about 1902
HumpheryBelle born about 1861
HumpheryErvin born about 1892
HumphreyBenjaman born about 1910
HumphreyChristina born about 1911
HumphreyFred born about 1907
HumphreyFred born about 1930
HumphreyGearld born about 1937
HumphreyHelen born about 1921
HumphreyJanetta born about 1933
HumphreyOttis born about 1935
HumpreyBent born about 1885
HumpreyMargaret born about 1878
HurdleErma born about 1921
HurdleLola born about 1897
HurdleWilson born about 1897
HuretElla born about 1897
HuretHarry born about 1908
HustonMattie born about 1886
HustonRoy born about 1874
HutsonCurtis born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

I Surnames

IckerCora born about 1873
IckerEdward born about 1869
IckesEldon born about 1921
IckesIna born about 1879
IckesKenneth born about 1923
IrwinAlnola born about 1862
IrwinOra born about 1885

J Surnames

JacksonHarve born about 1891
JacksonHerman born about 1902
JacksonIlah born about 1903
JacksonMary born about 1896
JacksonNette born about 1875
JacksonNorman born about 1873
JacksonRaymond born about 1924
JacksonWalter Nborn about 1935
JacksonWilliam Sborn about 1927
JanetteAdie born about 1889
JanetteAustin born about 1921
JanetteCleford born about 1924
JanetteClifton born about 1924
JanetteThomas born about 1880
JarrettJoseph born about 1886
JarrettMinnie born about 1883
JetleyJennie born about 1868
JohnsonAlfred born about 1934
JohnsonAlwilda born about 1868
JohnsonAnna Lborn about 1926
JohnsonBernice born about 1915
JohnsonBertha born about 1891
JohnsonCarson born about 1892
JohnsonCarson Eborn about 1935
JohnsonCecilia born about 1868
JohnsonDeloris born about 1924
JohnsonDewayne born about 1936
JohnsonDon born about 1918
JohnsonDonald born about 1937
JohnsonDwight born about 1899
JohnsonEarl born about 1922
JohnsonEdna born about 1896
JohnsonEthel born about 1902
JohnsonFern born about 1895
JohnsonFrank born about 1910
JohnsonHarney born about 1900
JohnsonHarold born about 1923
JohnsonHettie born about 1903
JohnsonIona born about 1928
JohnsonJack born about 1930
JohnsonJames born about 1925
JohnsonJames born about 1936
JohnsonJeann born about 1933
JohnsonJesse born about 1903
JohnsonJohn born about 1855
JohnsonKatherine born about 1918
JohnsonLeona born about 1931
JohnsonLesle born about 1872
JohnsonLevi born about 1914
JohnsonLewis born about 1926
JohnsonMayard born about 1935
JohnsonMildred born about 1913
JohnsonMildred born about 1924
JohnsonPaul born about 1918
JohnsonPearl born about 1881
JohnsonRobert born about 1893
JohnsonRonald born about 1939
JohnsonSlyva born about 1911
JohnsonThomas born about 1895
JohnsonZonda born about 1920
JonesBarba Louiseborn about 1940
JonesDorthy born about 1923
JonesEdna born about 1927
JonesEmalyne born about 1903
JonesEvaln born about 1924
JonesJames born about 1920
JonesJames born about 1925
JonesJames Eborn about 1870
JonesOra Eborn about 1872
JonesRome born about 1871
JonesTear born about 1901
JulianMary born about 1916
JulianRobert born about 1915
JulianRobert Jr born about 1939

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KaneGeorge born about 1859
KaneMatilda born about 1857
KanedyAlonzo born about 1891
KanedyCharles born about 1927
KanedyRichard Leeborn about 1937
KanedyRosa born about 1898
KanedySylvia born about 1921
KeaghElwood born about 1873
KeaghEmma Iborn about 1890
KeagleClarence born about 1904
KeagleClarence Jr born about 1932
KeagleJanice born about 1928
KeagleJean born about 1934
KeagleJeannetta Mayborn about 1937
KeagleMary Pearlborn about 1940
KeagleMyrtle born about 1888
KeagleMyrtle born about 1892
KeagleRobert born about 1927
KeagleSarah born about 1908
KeagleThomas born about 1869
KeagleWilma born about 1926
KellerCecil born about 1906
KellerChester born about 1881
KellerClaude born about 1940
KellerGerald born about 1937
KellerRaymond born about 1907
KelleyCharles born about 1880
KelleyDorothy born about 1926
KelleyElizabeth born about 1876
KelleyEugene born about 1919
KelleyGladys born about 1894
KelleyHarry Lborn about 1886
KelleyHelen born about 1919
KelleyMargaret Aborn about 1921
KelleyOrval Eborn about 1907
KelleyVirginia born about 1922
KelloggDonnay born about 1939
KelloggHelen born about 1916
KelloggLee born about 1937
KelloggLoval born about 1913
KelsayMargrett born about 1911
KelsayMary born about 1938
KelsayNixon born about 1906
KenigBeverly born about 1939
KenigMadonia born about 1937
KenigMarvin born about 1936
KenigMerle born about 1907
KenigNellie born about 1917
KennedyArthur born about 1883
KennedyCarl born about 1915
KennedyCharles born about 1917
KennedyJohn born about 1920
KennedyKathaleen born about 1922
KennedyMargaret born about 1883
KerbyCharles born about 1900
KerbyHelen born about 1902
KerbyWalter born about 1928
KerdinAgnes born about 1875
KershenerCarl born about 1888
KershenerCora born about 1890
KershenerGail born about 1916
KershenerGuy born about 1914
KershnerDiatha born about 1893
KershnerDorothy born about 1919
KershnerGlen Eborn about 1912
KershnerWilliam born about 1853
KesheimerElla born about 1865
KetchumAnna Marieborn about 1922
KetchumSophia born about 1899
KimesAnna born about 1861
KindlesparkerCelista born about 1867
KindlesparkerRevis born about 1898
KingAmanda born about 1884
KingCarl born about 1938
KingGlen born about 1916
KingHarvey born about 1934
KingHerbert born about 1906
KingHerbert Mborn about 1890
KingJennie born about 1892
KingLois born about 1926
KingMabel born about 1905
KingMarion born about 1936
KingPaul born about 1912
KingStella born about 1932
KingTheodore born about 1876
KingWilliam born about 1923
KirlleyBertha born about 1888
KittermanClaude born about 1888
KittermanDorthy born about 1913
KittermanEdith born about 1891
KittermanRonetta born about 1859
KitzmellerEster born about 1883
KitzmellerL Mborn about 1884
KnoxClifford born about 1902
KnoxDorothy Jborn about 1930
KnoxEva born about 1908
KnoxPatrica Mborn about 1932
KnoxRichard Wborn about 1928
KnoxRobert Eborn about 1938
KoonKatherine born about 1909
KoontzBetty born about 1922
KoontzJohn born about 1914
KutlerCarry born about 1904
KutlerDollie born about 1916
KutlerIlen born about 1877
KutlerJacob born about 1866
KyleBlanche born about 1914
KyleErnest born about 1913
KyleJoe Edwinborn about 1940
KyleRobert born about 1938

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LamottCharles born about 1925
LamottEva born about 1908
LamottPauline born about 1923
LandessDora Bborn about 1880
LandessOscar born about 1872
LandisAlta born about 1903
LandisAnn Marieborn about 1925
LandisElaine born about 1924
LandisRalph born about 1903
LandisRobert born about 1931
LargentDorthy born about 1925
LargentManford born about 1921
LargentMarlene born about 1938
LargentVirgil born about 1899
LargentZada born about 1902
LatourMaude born about 1881
LavallerCharles born about 1934
LavallerDonald Geneborn about 1931
LavallerHoward born about 1907
LavallerNellie Mborn about 1908
LavallerRichard Cborn about 1933
LawsonJennie Mborn about 1876
LawsonWiley born about 1871
LaymanJohn born about 1886
LaymanNora born about 1885
LeavelBertha born about 1879
LeavelJames born about 1882
LeavelLa Faunborn about 1908
LeeBetty born about 1929
LeeFred born about 1903
LeeMartha born about 1907
LeeTommy born about 1939
LeichtyEdna born about 1909
LeichtyJames born about 1932
LeichtyRuebin born about 1892
LennonAlice born about 1866
LennonCharles born about 1883
LennonJennie born about 1886
LennonThana born about 1911
LexClara born about 1916
LightnerJohn born about 1908
LightnerZonda Mborn about 1911
LillebridgeEvelyn born about 1902
LillebridgeMartha born about 1920
LillebridgeSamuel born about 1899
LillieDavid born about 1886
LillieGrace born about 1892
LillieJohn born about 1924
LillieRobert born about 1930
LisenfeltIsca born about 1877
LisenfeltViola born about 1879
LittleEmma born about 1873
LloydDonald born about 1918
LloydMaxine born about 1920
LordCharles born about 1918
LordGertrude born about 1890
LoweryEugene born about 1929
LultonFrances born about 1913
LultonLadona born about 1918
LytleGeorge Robertborn about 1906

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaddexRuth born about 1888
MaddoxAlice born about 1865
MaddoxElla born about 1894
MaddoxElmer born about 1896
MaddoxRoland born about 1936
MaddoxThomas born about 1939
MaddoxTreva born about 1913
MaddoxWilliam born about 1911
MahorneyGeorge born about 1906
MahorneyHelen born about 1909
MaickBlenn born about 1905
MaickHelen born about 1906
MaickMarion born about 1930
MallotFred born about 1911
MallotMary born about 1917
MalottMargarett born about 1915
MalottRay born about 1914
MalottSteven born about 1938
ManierHelen born about 1919
MankyEdith born about 1910
MankyRobert born about 1932
MankyRoselyn born about 1937
MankyRussel born about 1909
MansfieldCaroline born about 1867
MarineAudrey born about 1904
MarineJohn born about 1929
MarineMary born about 1926
MarineVirgil born about 1894
MarionClara born about 1890
MarionDale born about 1912
MarionHerbert born about 1920
MarionJames Eborn about 1924
MarionMary Jborn about 1926
MarkerDaniel born about 1865
MarkinAlice born about 1896
MarkinsAda born about 1869
MarkinsAmos born about 1867
MarkinsDelpha born about 1898
MarkinsGeorge born about 1900
MarkinsHilda born about 1936
MarkinsMary born about 1934
MarkleyDaniel born about 1922
MarkleyHenrietta born about 1884
MarkleyHoward born about 1895
MarkleyIndiana born about 1879
MarkleyNettie born about 1895
MarkleySarah Janeborn about 1915
MartinOliver born about 1893
MartinOra born about 1872
MasonDona born about 1928
MasonDorsey born about 1886
MasonDorthy born about 1909
MasonIverson born about 1892
MasonJames born about 1888
MasonLula born about 1891
MasonMabel born about 1897
MatsonElizabeth born about 1868
MatsonErla born about 1901
MatsonFoster born about 1892
MatsonGhris born about 1880
MatsonHelen born about 1912
MatsonHelen born about 1913
MatsonJames born about 1872
MatsonMabel born about 1894
MatsonMurl born about 1910
MatsonRuth born about 1924
MatsonSamuel born about 1863
MatsonViola born about 1885
MatsonViolet born about 1891
MattsonCharles Wborn about 1905
MattsonJayne born about 1916
MattsonWarren born about 1906
MattsonWillard Nborn about 1871
McCafferyAnna born about 1914
McCafferyCaroline born about 1935
McCafferyDaniel Gborn about 1937
McCafferyGeorge born about 1939
McCafferySherman born about 1910
McCafferySherman Jr born about 1933
McCallEthel born about 1904
McCallFrank born about 1881
McCallMargaret born about 1872
McCallR Bborn about 1883
McCammonBetty born about 1929
McCammonDarrell born about 1934
McCammonEdna born about 1927
McCammonEssie born about 1881
McCammonFrank born about 1876
McCammonGettys born about 1896
McCammonJohn born about 1924
McCammonMerle born about 1921
McCammonNova born about 1897
McClishFern born about 1908
McClishHoward born about 1910
McClishJaniz born about 1937
McClishJohn born about 1939
McClishKathryn born about 1930
McConkeyDorothy born about 1919
McConkeyHarvey born about 1892
McConkeyNellie born about 1900
McCrayJames born about 1856
McCullickMarie born about 1897
McCullickPliny born about 1893
McDainelCharles born about 1938
McDainelDolores born about 1934
McDainelEthel born about 1894
McDainelJohn born about 1889
McDainelMarie born about 1931
McDainelRichard born about 1922
McDainelRobert born about 1926
McDirmitEvan born about 1924
McDirmitFred born about 1897
McDirmitFred Jr born about 1931
McDirmitHarold born about 1923
McDirmitHope born about 1928
McDirmitMargaret born about 1920
McDirmitMarietta born about 1901
McDirmitMary born about 1927
McDonaldSarah born about 1857
McDoneilElizabeth born about 1919
McDoneilRoy born about 1914
McDormanMary Cborn about 1869
McGeathAlma born about 1870
McGeathGlen born about 1902
McGeathI Sborn about 1874
McGeathKenneth born about 1902
McGeathMyrtle born about 1885
McGeathOcie born about 1876
McGeathRuth born about 1922
McGeathThomas Tborn about 1912
McGeathVivian born about 1915
McGoldrickDoris born about 1905
McGoldrickJoan born about 1927
McGreerAlwilda born about 1874
McGreerCharles born about 1874
McHenryGuylia born about 1898
McHenryHarry born about 1895
McHenryPatrica born about 1918
McHenryRobert born about 1920
McKeanClara born about 1882
McKeanElmira born about 1905
McKeanGarman born about 1905
McKeanLulu born about 1894
McKeanThomas born about 1929
McKeanThomas Jborn about 1874
McLinEmma born about 1873
McPhersonBillie born about 1930
McPhersonCharles born about 1902
McPhersonDoris born about 1909
McPhersonEdna born about 1893
McPhersonRobert born about 1928
MeadeElizabeth born about 1889
MeadeWilliam born about 1879
MelickDavid born about 1857
MelickEdna born about 1887
MellerVendelia born about 1906
MellerVolney born about 1904
MellingSarah born about 1877
MeltonHorace born about 1911
MendenhallAlvin born about 1870
MeridethCarl born about 1901
MeridethFrancina born about 1911
MeridethRobert born about 1931
MeridethWilliam born about 1929
MetsonLouis born about 1870
MetsonLouis Hborn about 1919
MetsonLouise born about 1872
MichaelBetty Annborn about 1925
MichaelBonnie Lborn about 1934
MichaelChester born about 1885
MichaelCora born about 1883
MichaelDon born about 1915
MichaelElla born about 1891
MichaelEthel born about 1897
MichaelGerald born about 1893
MichaelJames Haroldborn about 1913
MichaelJoseph born about 1923
MichaelMabel born about 1889
MichaelMargaret born about 1917
MichaelNorma Jborn about 1938
MichaelRaymond born about 1888
MichaelRichard Nborn about 1919
MichaelRobert born about 1916
MichaelWilma born about 1916
MichielsLydia born about 1855
MillardCarl born about 1908
MillardGrace born about 1868
MillardGrat born about 1899
MillardMary Joborn about 1907
MillardSarah Annborn about 1934
MillerBarbara born about 1871
MillerCatherine born about 1858
MillerCharles born about 1886
MillerClarence born about 1913
MillerEffie Aborn about 1877
MillerFrank born about 1915
MillerGeorge born about 1865
MillerGerald Eborn about 1908
MillerHulda born about 1886
MillerJennie born about 1863
MillerJohn Wborn about 1884
MillerJoseph born about 1880
MillerLaura Bborn about 1885
MillerLoyd born about 1918
MillerMargaret born about 1872
MillerMartha born about 1870
MillerMatilda born about 1863
MillerOrval born about 1917
MillerThelma born about 1916
MillerWilliam born about 1873
MimarJohn born about 1868
MimarLoyla born about 1872
MincerCena born about 1872
MingerAlbert born about 1908
MingerCaroline born about 1935
MingerEdith born about 1914
MinmarClayton born about 1910
MinmarDorothy born about 1919
MinmarJerry Allenborn about 1939
MinmarStella born about 1877
MitchelElizebeth born about 1857
MitchelJohn born about 1854
MooreEstella born about 1896
MooreLee born about 1888
MoorePaul Nborn about 1892
MooreRuby born about 1913
MorganCharles born about 1912
MorganHedley Gborn about 1895
MorganHelen born about 1924
MorganMildred born about 1926
MorganOrville born about 1897
MorganPearl born about 1899
MorganRuth born about 1904
MorganRuth born about 1921
MorganVera born about 1928
MormanAlonzo born about 1881
MormanPearl born about 1886
MorricalFrederick born about 1915
MorricalGrace born about 1887
MorricalJames born about 1888
MorricalMary Louiseborn about 1915
MorrisAnna born about 1879
MorrisArthur born about 1872
MorrisEarl born about 1884
MorrisJack born about 1916
MorrisJessie born about 1925
MorrisMarie born about 1916
MorrisMay born about 1887
MortimerBlanche born about 1898
MortimerWayne born about 1917
MortonKate Jborn about 1885
MosaLawrence born about 1879
MounseyClayton born about 1910
MounseyEdith born about 1911
MounseyThomas born about 1939
MoyerCarol Jeanborn about 1939
MoyerCatherine born about 1918
MoyerElijah born about 1893
MoyerLena born about 1870
MoyerMabel born about 1893
MullerDonald born about 1883
MullerFlorence born about 1889
MurpheyCharles born about 1877
MurphyAlva born about 1894
MurphyBetty Jeanborn about 1935
MurphyC Mborn about 1888
MurphyJoane born about 1927
MurphyJohane born about 1926
MurphyJunior born about 1928
MurrayLillie born about 1855
MurrayNellie born about 1884
MyersHelen born about 1915
MyersJack born about 1932
MyersOra born about 1887
MyersVance born about 1915
MyersWm born about 1885

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NarringtonJohn born about 1909
NarringtonRuth born about 1917
NealFlorence born about 1870
NealHugh born about 1888
NealJesse born about 1886
NealSarah born about 1856
NedlerDwane born about 1922
NedlerLizzie born about 1898
NedlerMargie born about 1929
NedlerOrd born about 1898
NeffAnna born about 1873
NeffAnna born about 1877
NeffBarbara born about 1932
NeffClyde born about 1894
NeffClyde Nborn about 1928
NeffCora born about 1882
NeffDenton born about 1871
NeffElizabeth born about 1925
NeffKenneth Dborn about 1930
NelsonFern born about 1897
NelsonHarold born about 1916
NelsonIra Pborn about 1869
NelsonJanice born about 1906
NelsonMabel born about 1916
NelsonMagdaline born about 1869
NelsonMarjorie born about 1927
NeuebaumerRay born about 1874
NeuebaumerRobert born about 1918
NeuebaumerRosell born about 1876
NewmanDallas born about 1907
NewmanPaul born about 1903
NewmanSedona born about 1935
NicholsonHelen born about 1914
NicholsonKenneth born about 1938
NicholsonPaul born about 1909
NollerCharles born about 1885
NollerFlorence born about 1890
NollerKeith born about 1920
NollerRonald born about 1927
NormanEarl born about 1916
NortonAlice born about 1864
NortonBeverly Sueborn about 1939
NortonCarl born about 1913
NortonCarl Jr born about 1936
NortonCarrie born about 1934
NortonDiana born about 1917
NortonEdna born about 1919
NortonElsie born about 1918
NortonFrancis Jborn about 1929
NortonHannah born about 1875
NortonIrez born about 1903
NortonJack Eborn about 1926
NortonJames Sborn about 1937
NortonJohn born about 1891
NortonJohn Jr born about 1923
NortonJunior born about 1921
NortonKenneth born about 1921
NortonMarie born about 1899
NortonMartin born about 1900
NortonMary born about 1922
NortonMary born about 1925
NortonMerril born about 1921
NortonMildred born about 1925
NortonNellie born about 1927
NortonOpal born about 1923
NortonPaul Rborn about 1934
NortonRose born about 1924
NortonRuth born about 1931
NortonWilliam Hborn about 1881
NortonWilliam Jborn about 1900

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OdellCharley born about 1911
OdgenBelle born about 1871
OdonnellGeorge Hborn about 1885
OdonnellMary Mborn about 1925
OdonnellViola Eborn about 1894
OdullEdith born about 1901
OdullGuy born about 1898
OhernFrancis born about 1906
OhernPaul born about 1903
OhernWilliam born about 1872
OsenbaughSarah born about 1868
OsenbaughWilliam born about 1870
OswaltCecil born about 1928
OswaltDorwin born about 1930
OswaltFrances born about 1933
OswaltGoldia born about 1909
OswaltMurel born about 1927
OswaltRuth born about 1932
OswaltSurley born about 1937
OswaltVirgil born about 1939
OswaltVirgil Tborn about 1904
OswaltWilford born about 1936
OutcaltClara born about 1923
OutcaltEugene born about 1923
OutcaltHenry born about 1914
OutcaltJames born about 1883
OutcaltJohn born about 1886
OutcaltLizzie born about 1883
OutcaltLloyd born about 1921
OutcaltMinnie born about 1888
OutcaltWalter born about 1904
OvermeyerGary Pborn about 1938
OvermeyerGordon Elbertborn about 1934
OvermeyerHarvey born about 1910
OvermeyerHerman born about 1904
OvermeyerJack L Landborn about 1932
OvermeyerReba born about 1912
OvermeyerSharon Sueborn about 1936
OvermeyerTerry Cborn about 1939
OxelCharles born about 1871
OxelEarl born about 1906
OxelElla born about 1870

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParkAgnes born about 1901
ParkClaude born about 1898
ParkImagene born about 1928
ParkJohn born about 1876
ParkLawrence born about 1922
ParkMargaret born about 1927
ParkMary born about 1887
ParkNorma Jborn about 1932
ParkPauline born about 1920
ParkRobert born about 1924
ParkerBertha born about 1912
ParkerCarolina born about 1933
ParkerClmer born about 1905
ParkerMack Georgeborn about 1909
ParkerRuth born about 1913
ParnellClifton born about 1913
ParnellClinton born about 1881
ParnellCora born about 1887
ParnellDavid born about 1917
ParnellForest born about 1915
ParnellFrederick born about 1919
ParnellJune born about 1926
ParnellOpal born about 1924
ParnellRobert born about 1921
PasesBarbara Jborn about 1935
PasesEdwin born about 1914
PasesHelen born about 1914
PasesRaymond Aborn about 1939
PattersonWilliam born about 1859
PenceBobbie born about 1931
PenceDonna born about 1938
PenceHoward born about 1909
PenceHoward Jr born about 1939
PenceIris born about 1913
PencePatricia born about 1933
PenceRichard born about 1930
PenceTreva born about 1909
PenceWarren born about 1907
PenrodAsa born about 1910
PenrodDelta born about 1935
PenrodElanore born about 1914
PenrodGuy born about 1903
PenrodGuy Jr born about 1932
PenrodJoe born about 1889
PenrodLoreda born about 1913
PenrodMartha born about 1926
PenrodMary born about 1884
PenrodVirgil born about 1913
PerkinsCecil born about 1920
PerkinsMartha born about 1923
PerkinsYvonne born about 1939
PerryLaura born about 1868
PettengerMary born about 1872
PhilabaumBazzel born about 1865
PhilabaumClem born about 1869
PhilabaumHannah born about 1874
PhilabaumWilda born about 1870
PhilebaumCora Bellborn about 1871
PhilebaumHary born about 1885
PhilebaumStella born about 1878
PhillipsChester born about 1894
PhillipsJames born about 1927
PhillipsJohn born about 1864
PhillipsSarah born about 1868
PoulsonA Carlborn about 1858
PoulsonDon born about 1889
PoulsonEthlyn born about 1891
PoulsonJames born about 1925
PoulsonJunior born about 1928
PoulsonNettie born about 1874
PownellCecil born about 1902
PownellJames born about 1925
PownellSussan born about 1901
PriceArley born about 1905
PriceDorsey Lborn about 1910
PriceJohn born about 1869
PriceJohn born about 1938
PriceLester born about 1939
PriceMaggie born about 1862
PriceWilda born about 1915
PughAnna born about 1880
PughCharles born about 1911
PughClay born about 1909
PughEsta born about 1915
PughJack born about 1930
PughJudith Annborn about 1940
PughLawrence born about 1872
PughMary Ellenborn about 1938
PughMary Merleborn about 1924
PughMattie Merleborn about 1880
PughMinnie born about 1873
PughOtto born about 1874
PughPatsy born about 1929
PughPaul born about 1934
PughRalph born about 1908
PughRussell born about 1921
PughSamuel born about 1872
PughTommy born about 1937
PughVivian born about 1906
PulleyDale born about 1917
PulleyEthel born about 1894
PulleyHomer born about 1893
PulleyJanet born about 1939
PulleyMadge born about 1921
PursifullFlossie born about 1915
PyleEffie born about 1913
PyleErvin born about 1936
PyleHoward born about 1908
PyleMarynelle born about 1931
PyleMelvin born about 1933

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RacerBetty Zoeborn about 1940
RacerErie born about 1903
RacerMarvin born about 1905
RacerWilliam Mborn about 1939
RainEdward born about 1896
RaingBlance born about 1888
RaingFrank born about 1923
RaingJoe born about 1915
RaingRoy born about 1884
RaingRoy Jr born about 1924
RainsEmma born about 1900
RainsEthel born about 1899
RainsFrances born about 1914
RainsJesse Dborn about 1892
RainsJesse Dborn about 1929
RainsJohn born about 1898
RainsKenneth born about 1922
RainsRay born about 1918
RainsVon born about 1924
RamesyEllen born about 1864
RaminsGeorge born about 1881
RaminsJane born about 1873
RamseyClyde Dborn about 1939
RamseyFrances Lborn about 1936
RamseyMargaret Eborn about 1930
RamseyMary Kborn about 1928
RamseyRaymond born about 1903
RamseyRobert Oborn about 1932
RamseyThelma born about 1910
RamseyVera Jeanborn about 1934
RamseyVirginia born about 1927
RappFred born about 1886
RappIsabelle born about 1888
RatliffLa Vonborn about 1913
RatliffLeona born about 1915
RayAlma born about 1887
RayAnna born about 1881
RayClare Nborn about 1875
ReaJean born about 1901
ReaSoloman born about 1864
ReamsnyderLillie born about 1884
ReddingRichard born about 1917
ReedCarl born about 1922
ReedFay born about 1898
ReedHelen born about 1926
ReedMary born about 1862
ReedWilliam born about 1896
ReedWilma born about 1919
ReedyAnna born about 1879
ReedyFrancis born about 1917
ReedyJoseph born about 1920
ReedyWilliam born about 1869
ReeseAlbert born about 1930
ReeseBonnie born about 1899
ReeseEmery born about 1890
ReeseHansel born about 1921
ReffAlbert born about 1911
ReffAlice born about 1939
ReffBarba born about 1930
ReffCharles born about 1925
ReffDenton Jborn about 1923
ReffDorothy born about 1928
ReffElizabeth born about 1916
ReffGelenie born about 1932
ReffGeone Annborn about 1938
ReffHomer born about 1893
ReffJohn born about 1904
ReffJohn Eborn about 1934
ReffMary Annborn about 1936
ReffMay born about 1906
ReffOscar born about 1905
ReffRonald born about 1926
ReffThelma born about 1912
ReffViolet born about 1896
ReffWilma born about 1931
RempelJohn Dborn about 1889
RempelMaritie Pborn about 1893
ReynoldsFrancis Mborn about 1870
ReynoldsGrace born about 1908
ReynoldsLillie Mborn about 1873
RhineCatherine born about 1893
RhineJames born about 1879
RhineMerle born about 1882
RhinePearl born about 1884
RhotonCarl born about 1930
RhotonHerkel born about 1902
RhotonJimmie born about 1935
RhotonMable born about 1910
RichwineBlanche born about 1894
RichwineEvelyn born about 1924
RichwineHarold born about 1896
RichwineJoe Kborn about 1922
RichwineMax born about 1927
RichwineRobert born about 1920
RickettsCleo born about 1909
RickettsDaisy born about 1875
RiggsAnna Louborn about 1888
RiggsB Donborn about 1891
RiggsHelen Louiseborn about 1923
RinardAlice born about 1885
RinardCatherine born about 1885
RinardCharles Eborn about 1875
RinardDona born about 1929
RinardJess born about 1884
RinardMartha born about 1858
RinardOlive born about 1884
RishCarl born about 1895
RishFaye born about 1892
RisingerAudrey born about 1935
RisingerDoris born about 1914
RisingerGeneva born about 1922
RisingerGertrude born about 1882
RisingerKenneth born about 1909
RisingerLeona born about 1926
RisingerLulu born about 1897
RisingerMax born about 1936
RisingerMelvin born about 1931
RisingerOliver born about 1879
RisingerOscar born about 1896
RisingerRobert born about 1938
RisingerSally born about 1937
RisingerSam born about 1899
RisingerSusanna born about 1872
RisingerVelma born about 1909
RiskBillie born about 1925
RiskBlanch born about 1884
RiskHenrietta born about 1918
RiskJames born about 1910
RiskMary Janeborn about 1915
RiskRobert born about 1880
RiskRobert Jr born about 1929
RobbBurl born about 1906
RobbThelma born about 1913
RobbinsBecky Annborn about 1935
RobbinsJerry Eborn about 1939
RobbinsMelvin born about 1909
RobbinsVerda born about 1917
RobertsAlonzo born about 1887
RobertsBert born about 1885
RobertsBetty Jeaneborn about 1927
RobertsByron born about 1908
RobertsCecil born about 1896
RobertsDallas born about 1920
RobertsDeliah born about 1893
RobertsDoris born about 1919
RobertsEugene born about 1924
RobertsGarnet born about 1916
RobertsGrace born about 1892
RobertsHarry born about 1891
RobertsHarry born about 1925
RobertsImogene born about 1927
RobertsInez born about 1893
RobertsLaurene born about 1921
RobertsMargrete born about 1923
RobertsMary born about 1883
RobertsRalph born about 1911
RobertsRex born about 1923
RobertsRussel born about 1919
RobertsVertner born about 1912
RobesonJohn born about 1879
RobesonMay born about 1879
RobinsonAlma born about 1911
RobinsonJohn born about 1868
RobyEdna born about 1895
RobyHenry born about 1889
RogerAlice born about 1874
RogerDwight born about 1931
RogerEarl born about 1906
RogerIrca born about 1863
RogerRuby born about 1909
RogersAlice born about 1926
RogersAmeldia born about 1868
RogersBarbara born about 1937
RogersBelle born about 1891
RogersBulle born about 1910
RogersClifford born about 1921
RogersClyde Fborn about 1932
RogersDorthy born about 1924
RogersElmer born about 1869
RogersElmer born about 1932
RogersFrank born about 1861
RogersJesse born about 1931
RogersJessie born about 1938
RogersJoe born about 1922
RogersJunior born about 1929
RogersMary born about 1869
RogersMary born about 1936
RogersMay born about 1929
RogersMelvin born about 1889
RogersMerle born about 1929
RogersMertie born about 1904
RogersMildred born about 1928
RogersMinnie born about 1908
RogersOpal born about 1902
RogersOscar born about 1887
RogersOtto born about 1904
RogersPaul born about 1908
RogersRaymond born about 1929
RogersRichard born about 1932
RogersRosey born about 1894
RogersVirgil born about 1911
RogersWalter born about 1903
RogesBertha born about 1864
RogesGeorge born about 1866
RoldrenLinda Louborn about 1939
RoldrenOrval Jborn about 1909
RoldrenViolet Eborn about 1910
RoushFlorence born about 1880
RoyalDiley born about 1890
RoyalFlorence born about 1893
RoyalJunior born about 1922
RoyalKenneth born about 1919
RoyalMartha born about 1923
RoyalMary born about 1924
RoyersJ Pborn about 1882
RoyersJennie born about 1887
RuberAugustine born about 1897
RuberCatherine born about 1860
RunkleAmanda born about 1903
RunkleCharles born about 1937
RunkleOscar born about 1902
RunkleRosalee born about 1935
RunmebaMinnie Cborn about 1861
RussellBarbara born about 1938
RussellCarol born about 1935
RussellClarence born about 1903
RussellMajeska born about 1907
RussellRobert Aborn about 1932
RustEdison born about 1911
RustJudith Annborn about 1938
RustMarilynn Sueborn about 1934
RustMildred born about 1911

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SamulsonGeorge born about 1886
SamulsonSadie born about 1893
SarberDora born about 1857
SarbrerHanson born about 1886
SarbrerJosephine born about 1856
SarkCecil Aborn about 1890
SarkHarry born about 1878
SchletzAlvin born about 1898
SchletzGrace born about 1899
SchmedtBetty born about 1939
SchmedtCarlon born about 1937
SchmedtGenevie born about 1915
SchmedtLawrence born about 1910
SchmidtCarol Sueborn about 1939
SchmidtCecil born about 1926
SchmidtGlen born about 1914
SchmidtHelen born about 1918
SchmidtJessie born about 1902
SchmidtJohn born about 1918
SchmidtKenneth born about 1923
SchmidtLarry born about 1937
SchmidtLucy Jborn about 1921
SchmidtOpal born about 1919
SchmidtRay born about 1895
SchneiderEmma born about 1872
SchneiderFrancis born about 1857
SchooleyEtta born about 1859
SchottSarah Lborn about 1878
SchwartzkophClifford born about 1916
SchwartzkophDorothy born about 1917
SchwartzkophLetha born about 1924
SchwartzkophOra born about 1879
SchwartzkophVada born about 1920
SchwarzkopfAnn born about 1918
SchwarzkopfBeula born about 1893
SchwarzkopfCareem born about 1914
SchwarzkopfCecil born about 1922
SchwarzkopfCharles born about 1887
SchwarzkopfClarence born about 1890
SchwarzkopfDelmer born about 1890
SchwarzkopfDonald born about 1940
SchwarzkopfEffie born about 1889
SchwarzkopfElma born about 1924
SchwarzkopfFannie born about 1891
SchwarzkopfGlen born about 1911
SchwarzkopfGlenn born about 1927
SchwarzkopfHoward born about 1923
SchwarzkopfJames born about 1938
SchwarzkopfLoner born about 1920
SchwarzkopfLuctria born about 1923
SchwarzkopfMargret born about 1929
SchwarzkopfMary born about 1919
SchwarzkopfRobert born about 1915
SchwarzkopfSherian born about 1938
SchwarzkopsAgatha born about 1908
SchwarzkopsJane born about 1928
SchwarzkopsMarion born about 1904
SchwarzkopsTom born about 1939
SeffenwellCozie born about 1876
SeffenwellSam born about 1878
SefustVirginia born about 1916
SellsGrace born about 1914
SellsMarie born about 1878
SellsRoss Sborn about 1910
SellsWayne born about 1918
SellsWesley Hborn about 1876
ShaddayBetty born about 1876
ShaddayMartha born about 1915
ShaddayMyrtle born about 1877
ShadleBert born about 1878
ShadleLaura born about 1873
ShadleNorma born about 1924
ShadleRalph born about 1896
ShadleRobert born about 1922
ShadleRolland born about 1927
ShadleRosa born about 1879
ShadleVerda born about 1900
ShannonCarl born about 1902
ShannonEunize born about 1913
ShannonMaggie born about 1892
ShannonScott born about 1892
SharpClaire born about 1909
SharpFrances born about 1873
SharpLeah Cborn about 1935
SharpLeona born about 1915
ShawFrank born about 1870
SheeldsGretchen born about 1911
SheeldsJeas born about 1888
SheeldsMargurite born about 1921
SheeldsMary born about 1886
ShellengerF F Mackborn about 1869
ShepardSarah born about 1868
ShermonAurther born about 1866
ShermonCloe born about 1905
ShermonForest born about 1902
ShermonKenneth born about 1929
ShermonLucie born about 1881
ShermonMartha born about 1935
ShermonMax born about 1918
ShieldsAnna born about 1877
ShieldsClaude born about 1884
ShieldsGarnet born about 1887
ShieldsWilliam born about 1893
ShinerElsie born about 1911
ShinerIda born about 1874
ShinerJames Oborn about 1930
ShinerOrville born about 1908
ShinerWannita born about 1933
ShinnBertha born about 1879
ShinnBrant born about 1875
ShinnIrene born about 1919
ShinnJerry Allenborn about 1940
ShinnLarry Leeborn about 1938
ShinnMargaret born about 1915
ShinnOrlando born about 1865
ShinnOscar born about 1904
SholtyElva born about 1891
SholtyEva born about 1927
SholtyJames born about 1893
SholtyJames Jr born about 1921
SholtyRuth born about 1926
ShowalterElizabeth born about 1880
ShreereCleo born about 1889
ShreerePatty Jborn about 1933
ShreereWilson born about 1882
ShullGeorge born about 1878
ShullGertrude born about 1881
ShullerDonzella born about 1934
ShullerElizabeth born about 1913
ShullerPatrica born about 1931
ShullerSandra born about 1937
ShullerWilliam born about 1913
ShumanHugh born about 1883
ShumanLillie born about 1887
ShutzErvin born about 1890
SillaBetty born about 1924
SillaDonald born about 1898
SillaJohn Eborn about 1920
SillaRuby born about 1900
SillsBarbara born about 1937
SillsEmma born about 1872
SillsEthel Cleoborn about 1901
SillsGrace born about 1895
SillsGuy Irvinborn about 1928
SillsJasper born about 1891
SillsKatherine Joanborn about 1931
SillsLeslie born about 1914
SillsMargaret born about 1925
SillsMilan Eborn about 1923
SillsRuby born about 1920
SillsRuth born about 1916
SimmonsJack born about 1933
SimmonsJeannette born about 1903
SimmonsJohn born about 1900
SimmonsShirley born about 1931
SimontonAlta born about 1872
SimontonMinnie born about 1893
SimsEtta born about 1869
SinclairGrace born about 1877
SinclairWilliam born about 1856
SlauterCharles born about 1896
SlauterCharles Jr born about 1924
SlauterJohn Lborn about 1931
SlauterLueretta born about 1899
SmithCharles born about 1870
SmithClara born about 1889
SmithCletus born about 1927
SmithClyde born about 1888
SmithClyde Jr born about 1922
SmithDale born about 1911
SmithDelmar born about 1918
SmithDennis born about 1898
SmithElizabeth born about 1870
SmithFred born about 1926
SmithGlen born about 1890
SmithHelen born about 1907
SmithJack born about 1928
SmithJack born about 1930
SmithJames born about 1931
SmithJames Oborn about 1875
SmithJoseph born about 1920
SmithJr R born about 1868
SmithKenneth born about 1938
SmithLe Royborn about 1922
SmithLee Rborn about 1897
SmithLester born about 1930
SmithLillie born about 1870
SmithLulu born about 1890
SmithLulu born about 1920
SmithMaggie born about 1903
SmithMargaret born about 1895
SmithMary born about 1910
SmithMinie born about 1877
SmithMurhl born about 1895
SmithMurhl born about 1905
SmithNancy born about 1939
SmithOliver born about 1875
SmithPauline born about 1910
SmithPeggy Sueborn about 1935
SmithRobert born about 1935
SmithRobert Eborn about 1929
SmithSarah Jborn about 1871
SmithStephen Nborn about 1907
SmithThurl born about 1924
SmithTillman born about 1876
SmithViolet born about 1905
SmithVonvona born about 1928
SmithWilliam born about 1902
SmithWilliam Aborn about 1928
SmithWilliam Jr born about 1926
SnyderGail born about 1919
SnyderGrace born about 1899
SnyderRalph born about 1897
SomervilleJennie born about 1877
SpaceClarence born about 1916
SpaceLucie born about 1892
SpaceRuby born about 1919
SpauldingAlice born about 1872
SpauldingBetty Rosborn about 1929
SpauldingDale born about 1891
SpauldingEdith born about 1933
SpauldingElla born about 1904
SpauldingGale born about 1925
SpauldingGouled born about 1924
SpauldingHerman born about 1923
SpauldingInez born about 1900
SpauldingIra born about 1889
SpauldingLeroy born about 1884
SpauldingOlive born about 1934
SpauldingThomas born about 1892
SpauldingVirgil born about 1898
SpauldingWilliam born about 1863
SpearsDavid born about 1853
SpearsEdna born about 1895
SpearsHarry born about 1882
SpeeceGrace born about 1892
SpeeceRobert Jborn about 1924
SpeeceRoger born about 1920
SpeeceVerl born about 1922
SpekeGerald born about 1915
SpekeGlee born about 1917
SpekeVirgil born about 1933
SpragueNancy born about 1857
SpurgeonDona born about 1880
SpurgeonWm born about 1869
StantonMinerva born about 1862
StarbuckHenry born about 1858
StarrEdna born about 1884
StarrRichard born about 1881
StearnClifford born about 1878
StearnOra born about 1884
StephensRuth born about 1906
StiverAnnetta Sueborn about 1934
StiverLouis Wborn about 1895
StiverMayme born about 1898
StjohnDanny born about 1929
StjohnEarl born about 1906
StjohnRuth born about 1906
StoltzBenjamin born about 1889
StoltzClo born about 1916
StoltzPaul born about 1915
StoltzRose born about 1892
StoneElla Fborn about 1868
StorerDenzil born about 1921
StorerMerle born about 1900
StorerRobert born about 1898
StorerRobert Jr born about 1927
StotlerEthel born about 1898
StotlerLavada born about 1926
StoutFlorence born about 1858
StraitSula born about 1890
StramFred born about 1860
StrentGuy born about 1884
StrentPaul born about 1911
StrentPearl born about 1890
StroudMartha Loisborn about 1920
StroudRay born about 1918
StukeyBetty born about 1920
StukeyClaire born about 1915
StukeyJesse born about 1877
StukeyMaxine born about 1913
StukeyNancy Annborn about 1939
StukeyRaymond born about 1912
StukeySarah Janeborn about 1862
StukeySue Annborn about 1939
StumbLille born about 1877
StumbOliver born about 1876
SuttonAlberta born about 1924
SuttonFred born about 1894
SuttonHelen born about 1922
SuttonJoan born about 1937
SuttonMarcia born about 1930
SuttonMargery born about 1934
SuttonMary born about 1901
SuttonRichard born about 1932
SwaimEva born about 1894
SwistonWalter born about 1897
SwovelandBenjamin born about 1863
SwovelandLydia born about 1868
SynerWn born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaitSamuel Sr born about 1856
TaylerLester born about 1890
TaylerMeldred born about 1902
TaylorJames born about 1870
TaymanGeorge born about 1892
TeagardenAlbert born about 1923
TeagardenEmagine born about 1927
TeagardenGurette born about 1903
TeagardenJames born about 1926
TeagardenLuther born about 1901
TeagardenWilman born about 1928
TeagleAdam Tborn about 1865
TeagleDora born about 1864
TeagleEdith born about 1888
TeagleHerman born about 1889
TeddsErnest Sborn about 1873
TeddsIda born about 1875
TerhuneClara born about 1911
TerhuneDarrel born about 1937
TerhuneRex born about 1914
TerhuneWilma Dborn about 1939
TewksburyElla born about 1868
TewksburyElmer born about 1866
TewksburyLaura born about 1872
ThornburgAlberta Louborn about 1938
ThornburgDorothy born about 1914
ThornburgFlorence born about 1877
ThornburgI Wborn about 1871
ThornburgMary born about 1868
ThornburgPaul born about 1911
ThornburgPauline born about 1916
ThornburgPhyllis Jborn about 1937
ThornburgRichard Lborn about 1914
ThornburgRiley born about 1867
ThornburgWilliam born about 1869
ThronbergClayton born about 1882
ThronbergLilli born about 1880
TisernClarence born about 1876
TisernGrace born about 1882
TisernThelma born about 1912
ToblerAlbert born about 1863
ToblerMarie born about 1910
TourneyBarbara Annborn about 1939
TourneyJanice born about 1923
TourneyRobert born about 1920
TownsDean born about 1935
TownsDee born about 1922
TownsEarl born about 1921
TownsHazel born about 1900
TownsHenery born about 1898
TownsJunetta born about 1927
TownsKate born about 1866
TownsLavetha born about 1925
TownsNeal born about 1930
TownsSherman born about 1866
TownsendMartha born about 1869
TownsendSam born about 1863
TreanaryRaymond born about 1888
TrentMartha born about 1904
TrusselArthur born about 1895
TrusselDaisy born about 1901
TrusselDonald born about 1904
TrusselEmma born about 1870
TrusselFaye born about 1899
TrusselKaren Sueborn about 1939
TrusselKenneth born about 1908
TrusselMadge born about 1912
TrusselWilliam born about 1866
TrusselWilliam Cborn about 1936
TwibellBertha born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

U Surnames

UnderwoodCharley born about 1882
UnderwoodMargery born about 1917
UnderwoodMyrtle born about 1888
UnderwoodPauline born about 1909
UnderwoodTex born about 1922
UsticWilbur born about 1911

V Surnames

ValandinghamJames born about 1875
VancampBarbara born about 1939
VancampCarrie born about 1888
VancampLeo born about 1931
VancampMarcella born about 1929
VancampMargery born about 1910
VancampSamuel born about 1871
VancampVernon born about 1905
VankirkMary born about 1873
VeerBeatrice born about 1934
VeerEdith born about 1898
VeerFranklin born about 1931
VeerHarold born about 1927
VeerJoseph born about 1924
VeerJoseph Cborn about 1886

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerDarwin born about 1895
WagnerDorothy born about 1913
WagnerFrank born about 1904
WagnerJosephine born about 1907
WagnerNadine born about 1937
WagnerRichard born about 1927
WagonerEmma born about 1873
WalkerCharles born about 1922
WalkerElizabeth Mborn about 1918
WalkerGale born about 1927
WalkerGarl Dborn about 1913
WalkerGathel born about 1923
WalkerGene born about 1925
WalkerGhlee born about 1911
WalkerGolden born about 1915
WalkerHarvey Tborn about 1885
WalkerLaurence born about 1929
WalkerLoyod born about 1918
WalkerMargaret born about 1914
WalkerNellie born about 1888
WalkerS Ruthborn about 1892
WalkerSandra Eborn about 1939
WalkerWilliam born about 1889
WallChester born about 1893
WallChester Jborn about 1919
WallHazel born about 1894
WallHelen born about 1935
WallPaul Cborn about 1927
WallWilliam born about 1923
WalmerDavid Aborn about 1861
WalmerJosephine born about 1862
WalmerMarguerite Sborn about 1892
WalsmithDorothy born about 1910
WalsmithFrank born about 1900
WalsmithJames born about 1930
WalsmithJoseph born about 1908
WalsmithRobert born about 1910
WalsmithSusie born about 1879
WaltzElizabeth born about 1855
WardAddie born about 1861
WardMary born about 1885
WardNathan born about 1878
WardWilliam born about 1918
WarfieldEva born about 1885
WarfieldGeorge born about 1909
WarfieldPauline born about 1911
WarnerCharles born about 1914
WarnerEsther born about 1923
WarnerMay born about 1885
WarnerPhyllis Juneborn about 1939
WatsonDoris born about 1926
WatsonGeorge born about 1894
WatsonRuby born about 1903
WearlyJean born about 1922
WearlyMable born about 1876
WearlySam born about 1876
WeaverBeatrice born about 1927
WeaverBetty born about 1924
WeaverDorothy born about 1928
WeaverGlen born about 1937
WeaverJohn born about 1882
WeaverJohn born about 1922
WeaverLeona born about 1884
WeaverManie born about 1884
WeaverMary born about 1904
WeaverMelvin born about 1883
WeaverPhelna born about 1915
WeaverRichard born about 1925
WeaverRuth born about 1923
WeaverTheo born about 1912
WelsMayme born about 1884
WentzFloyd born about 1897
WentzJean born about 1932
WentzMabel born about 1899
WentzMary born about 1923
WentzRichard born about 1926
WentzViolet born about 1935
WestRose born about 1890
WestlwoodCharles born about 1898
WestlwoodHenery born about 1864
WestlwoodJohn born about 1924
WestlwoodLawrence born about 1921
WestlwoodMary born about 1898
WestlwoodSyrpia born about 1863
WestonDora born about 1898
WheelerGlen born about 1914
WheelerJennie born about 1883
WheelerJoy born about 1910
WheelerThomas born about 1864
WhitacreAgnes born about 1928
WhitacreCloe born about 1900
WhitacreDelmar born about 1936
WhitacreGarnet Mborn about 1925
WhitacreLe Doriseborn about 1930
WhitacreMargaret born about 1876
WhitacrePaul Rborn about 1938
WhitacreRichard born about 1932
WhitacreWilliam born about 1877
WhitacreWilliam born about 1921
WhiteAmy born about 1873
WhiteArvel born about 1900
WhiteDonald born about 1929
WhiteDonald born about 1931
WhiteEdward born about 1909
WhiteGeneva born about 1914
WhiteGladys born about 1909
WhiteGlen born about 1914
WhiteJesse born about 1872
WhiteJoan born about 1931
WhiteKathryn born about 1928
WhiteKenneth born about 1933
WhiteMary born about 1898
WhiteNorma born about 1937
WhitePaul born about 1929
WhiteRuth born about 1903
WhitmanEdward born about 1872
WhybrewClyde born about 1897
WhybrewJerrelda* born about 1923
WhybrewJohn born about 1919
WhybrewMyren born about 1927
WhybrewPauline born about 1899
WikelDelight born about 1910
WikelEsther born about 1876
WikelEsther Louborn about 1928
WikelJean Annborn about 1935
WikelRalph born about 1903
WikelRobert born about 1931
WildyLaura born about 1876
WilliamsAlice Juneborn about 1920
WilliamsCary Bborn about 1885
WilliamsCharles born about 1887
WilliamsEdna born about 1907
WilliamsEtna born about 1925
WilliamsEugene born about 1927
WilliamsFlora born about 1894
WilliamsGarl born about 1887
WilliamsGertrude born about 1875
WilliamsGrace born about 1893
WilliamsHarde born about 1889
WilliamsJames born about 1923
WilliamsJess Oborn about 1907
WilliamsJohn born about 1903
WilliamsLester born about 1911
WilliamsManson born about 1870
WilliamsMargery born about 1927
WilliamsMartha born about 1922
WilliamsMary born about 1870
WilliamsMay born about 1909
WilliamsPatty Joanborn about 1934
WilliamsRobert born about 1918
WilliamsRoll born about 1889
WilliamsRosa born about 1894
WilliamsRussel born about 1903
WilliamsRuth born about 1884
WilliamsSam born about 1894
WilliamsThurman born about 1916
WilliamsTrepola born about 1890
WilliamsViolet born about 1899
WilliamsW Nborn about 1860
WilliamsonB Mborn about 1866
WillmanDorthy born about 1923
WillmanLoyd born about 1916
WilsonBaraba born about 1933
WilsonCecil born about 1917
WilsonCharles born about 1935
WilsonClem born about 1896
WilsonDaniel born about 1852
WilsonDavid born about 1933
WilsonDella born about 1882
WilsonDraker born about 1901
WilsonFrances born about 1900
WilsonGeorge Tborn about 1902
WilsonHazel born about 1909
WilsonHelen Etnaborn about 1940
WilsonJack born about 1939
WilsonJake born about 1886
WilsonJoan born about 1924
WilsonMarion born about 1898
WilsonMaxwell born about 1922
WilsonMildred born about 1931
WilsonOlive Mayborn about 1917
WilsonPaul born about 1927
WilsonPearl born about 1902
WilsonRobert born about 1925
WilsonRose Annborn about 1938
WilsonRuth born about 1930
WilsonThomas born about 1938
WilsonWalter born about 1928
WingateAllie born about 1874
WingerCarl born about 1914
WingerDoris born about 1916
WingetJohn born about 1880
WingetMarch born about 1920
WinjorgsBlenna born about 1882
WinzerAlva born about 1893
WinzerElizebeth born about 1921
WinzerHerman born about 1923
WinzerJames born about 1940
WinzerMabel born about 1895
WolfarthOra born about 1868
WonnellEber born about 1879
WoodGrace born about 1879
WoodPauline born about 1911
WorleyHarry born about 1869
WorleyIrene born about 1865
WorsterFlorence born about 1881
WorsterFlorence Lborn about 1918
WortEliza born about 1878
WrestlerJohn born about 1922
WrightDoris born about 1908
WrightGeorge born about 1909
WrightMary Sueborn about 1933
WrightSeward born about 1890
WrightSharon born about 1935
WrightZoe born about 1890
WunderbaumFanny born about 1922
WunderbaumLeah born about 1902
WunderbaumLouis born about 1895
WunderbaumRose born about 1929
WunderbaumSam born about 1924

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YadonBelle born about 1916
YadonJohnnie born about 1919
YadonPatrica born about 1939
YatesAmanda born about 1870
YatesDorothy born about 1924
YatesGeorge born about 1902
YatesHelen born about 1924
YatesHerman born about 1897
YatesMargaret born about 1921
YatesMary born about 1922
YatesRobert born about 1923
YatesThelma born about 1927
YatesVelma born about 1905
YatesWilliam born about 1919
YorkNorth born about 1910
YorkRuth born about 1910
YounceCharles born about 1870
YoungJosephine born about 1876

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZentClyde born about 1893
ZentSylvia born about 1893
ZinkAnna born about 1857

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