1940 U.S. Federal Census of Harrison in Clay County, Clay, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Clay County > 1940 Census of Harrison in Clay County

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames Z Surnames

A Surnames

AdamsHugh born about 1896
AdamsOlive born about 1894
AdkinsHarry born about 1909
AdkinsRuby born about 1908
AlexanderEthel born about 1903
AlexanderKash born about 1894
AlexanderPatty Annborn about 1928
AllburgAudric Mborn about 1940
AllburgEuela Wborn about 1913
AllburgJohn Wborn about 1936
AllburgMalcolm Gborn about 1913
AllburgSandra Jborn about 1938
AllenClella born about 1879
AllenEdie born about 1878
AllenI Nborn about 1867
AllenJ Rborn about 1871
AllenVerna Rborn about 1867
AllenW Vborn about 1878
AmermanAlice born about 1932
AmermanClare born about 1896
AmermanDon born about 1930
AmermanMerle born about 1916
AmermanRobert born about 1891
AmermanVerne born about 1919
AndersonBetty Mborn about 1927
AndersonCarol Jborn about 1939
AndersonJene born about 1906
AndersonMay born about 1907
AndersonRalph Rborn about 1930
AndrewThomas born about 1863
AngelHenry born about 1901
AngelJean born about 1931
AngelJudith born about 1928
AngelMary Eborn about 1927
AngelMelba born about 1925
AngelRachel born about 1905
AngelRachel Maryborn about 1939
AngelWilliam Henryborn about 1855
AntonCell born about 1916
AntonJesse born about 1892
AntonJohn born about 1886
ArcherAlbert born about 1868
ArcherBertha Mborn about 1883
AsburySusan born about 1851
AustinMary Bborn about 1894

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BackfishAnna born about 1905
BackfishFloyd born about 1904
BackfishFred born about 1900
BackfishJ Pborn about 1869
BackfishLavaghn born about 1930
BackfishMarie born about 1913
BackfishMarlene born about 1939
BackfishMartha born about 1875
BaileyCoy Oborn about 1905
BaileyDelores born about 1931
BaileyEdna Lborn about 1908
BaileyOpal Mborn about 1939
BaileyVelm Aborn about 1925
BailyErmon born about 1911
BailyJames born about 1877
BailyOra Eborn about 1875
BakerAmos born about 1871
BakerBeratice born about 1900
BakerClara born about 1865
BaldaufEdith born about 1903
BaldaufHarry born about 1901
BaldaufKatherine born about 1930
BaldaufRuth born about 1932
BaldaufWilliam born about 1927
BallPatricia born about 1930
BareBasil Wborn about 1897
BareBertha Mborn about 1901
BareCarolyn Jborn about 1926
BareLucien Aborn about 1921
BarnadEdgar born about 1898
BarnadThelma born about 1902
BarnettCecil Aborn about 1900
BarnettFlossie Mborn about 1890
BarronCharles born about 1902
BarronCharles Eborn about 1925
BarronDonald born about 1938
BarronEdward born about 1930
BarronFlinne born about 1906
BarronMarjorie born about 1932
BarronWanda born about 1936
BartonElmer Lborn about 1901
BartonHelen born about 1903
BartonImogene born about 1925
BartonJames Eborn about 1927
BattyEzekiol born about 1861
BattyKathryn Mborn about 1864
BaughnEleanor born about 1918
BaughnHarley born about 1893
BaughnIna born about 1895
BaughnLaura Rett Lborn about 1922
BaughnTerry born about 1937
BaughnVirlin born about 1915
BaumgartnerAnna born about 1904
BaumgartnerBarbara born about 1932
BaumgartnerBetty born about 1937
BaumgartnerErnest born about 1886
BaumgartnerFay born about 1922
BaumgartnerGeorge Wborn about 1866
BaumgartnerGrace born about 1885
BaumgartnerHubert born about 1918
BaumgartnerJohn born about 1876
BaumgartnerMamie Vborn about 1874
BaumgartnerMargaret born about 1910
BaumgartnerNorman born about 1904
BaumgartnerRalph born about 1907
BaumgartnerRichard born about 1928
BaumgartnerRosetta born about 1935
BaumgartnerSamuel born about 1879
BaumgartnerSamuel born about 1938
BaumgartnerSarah Eborn about 1879
BaumgartnerVerna born about 1896
BaumgartnerWilma born about 1920
BaxterBetty Lborn about 1925
BaxterMartha Hborn about 1896
BaxterMary Kborn about 1923
BaxterWilliam born about 1922
BaxterWilliam Lborn about 1894
BeattyClifton born about 1898
BeattyFlora born about 1900
BenellJames born about 1856
BentzAnna born about 1874
BentzHazel born about 1903
BentzMearl born about 1895
BentzSamuel born about 1866
BesieAlberta born about 1912
BesieHerman born about 1906
BesieJuanita Aborn about 1940
BicardElizabeth born about 1925
BicardEthel born about 1887
BicardFabin born about 1888
BicardJames Cborn about 1889
BicardMaggie born about 1891
BicardVerna born about 1919
BiggsC Wborn about 1869
BiggsGeorge born about 1873
BivensAnna born about 1896
BivensArza born about 1881
BivensEdith Pborn about 1900
BivensJohn Aborn about 1924
BivensMildred born about 1934
BivensOlive born about 1905
BivensRobert Lborn about 1931
BivensRose born about 1882
BivensWim Gborn about 1891
BlairAndy born about 1894
BlairBuelah born about 1893
BlairDon Robertborn about 1930
BlairLouise born about 1861
BlairNellie born about 1888
BlairNorma Leeborn about 1929
BlairR Juneborn about 1922
BlairRaymond Hborn about 1917
BlairRex Dborn about 1932
BlairWilliam Oborn about 1888
BledsoeJesse born about 1884
BledsoeMabel born about 1922
BledsoeVirgil Eborn about 1893
BolingerDonald born about 1901
BondBarbara Annborn about 1934
BondCarolyn Louborn about 1936
BondEthel born about 1923
BondFannie born about 1869
BondFlora born about 1875
BondJohnny born about 1903
BondRuth Ellenborn about 1925
BondWalter Cborn about 1896
BondWalter Dborn about 1939
BoruffDorothy Jborn about 1931
BoruffKinsey born about 1893
BoruffKinsey Jr born about 1925
BoruffMaud born about 1896
BoruffVada Mborn about 1929
BournePearl born about 1876
BowmanRoy born about 1894
BrintonMartha Luborn about 1868
BrintonTheodore Jborn about 1859
BrockBobbie Lborn about 1923
BrockCecil Eborn about 1895
BrockGeorgia born about 1901
BrockWarren Lborn about 1920
BrothersAlma born about 1885
BrothersArthur born about 1903
BrothersBradley born about 1874
BrothersCarey born about 1886
BrothersCharles born about 1873
BrothersConsada born about 1885
BrothersElsie born about 1901
BrothersFaye born about 1908
BrothersFebe Aborn about 1868
BrothersFern born about 1915
BrothersGilma Maeborn about 1926
BrothersIva born about 1888
BrothersJames born about 1916
BrothersJames Hborn about 1894
BrothersLeo born about 1913
BrothersMartin Zborn about 1905
BrothersMary born about 1905
BrothersMildred Lborn about 1921
BrothersOdeana born about 1910
BrothersRobert born about 1921
BrothersStanley born about 1912
BrothersWarren born about 1923
BrothersWilliam Tborn about 1885
BrothersZenth born about 1907
BroughBetty born about 1935
BroughCarl born about 1933
BroughHoward born about 1890
BroughJohn born about 1858
BroughM born about 1866
BroughRoy born about 1925
BroughVirginia born about 1923
BrownArlie born about 1909
BrownBettu Louborn about 1927
BrownClara born about 1888
BrownDell born about 1880
BrownDennis born about 1920
BrownEarl born about 1884
BrownEffie born about 1895
BrownEmerson born about 1922
BrownEmery born about 1906
BrownEmma Eborn about 1888
BrownErnestine born about 1910
BrownFloyd born about 1915
BrownFrances born about 1889
BrownFred born about 1897
BrownFred Wmborn about 1931
BrownGarry Leeborn about 1936
BrownHerbert born about 1883
BrownHester Leeborn about 1924
BrownJohn Wborn about 1885
BrownLois born about 1918
BrownMabel born about 1907
BrownMary born about 1867
BrownMaud born about 1887
BrownPhillip born about 1868
BrownRobert born about 1887
BrownViolet born about 1903
BrownZena born about 1882
BruchWm Cborn about 1862
BrushDaisy born about 1872
BrushJohn born about 1874
BrvialletteAllic born about 1888
BukerClarence Eborn about 1873
BukerNova Bborn about 1876
BumlerAnna born about 1911
BumlerShirley Annborn about 1934
BumlerWilliam born about 1900
BurchamBobbie Leeborn about 1927
BurchamElmer born about 1905
BurchamFairo born about 1907
BurchamLeola born about 1928
BurchanBillie Joeborn about 1930
BurgerAlbert born about 1912
BurgerAnna born about 1891
BurgerEdward born about 1886
BurgerEmma born about 1917
BurgerEthel born about 1910
BurgerHarly born about 1907
BurgerJesse born about 1889
BurgerJohn born about 1886
BurgerMaxine born about 1921
BurgerPaul Albertborn about 1940
BurgerRichard Leeborn about 1938
BurkhartMaud born about 1880
BurnhamAlva born about 1883
BurnhamCarrie born about 1884
BurnhamRobert born about 1904
BurnsCordelia born about 1873
BurnsJames Lborn about 1871
BurnsonFrancis born about 1938
BurnsonGeorge Eborn about 1908
BurnsonIdelia born about 1912
BurnsonRose born about 1876
BuslingerElmer born about 1883
BuslingerFlossie born about 1924
BuslingerRalph born about 1908
BuslingerVictora born about 1884
ButlerLottie born about 1883
ButlerMary born about 1849
ButlerRalph born about 1879
ButtEdward born about 1906
ButtLeona born about 1919

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

C Surnames

CampbellGerda born about 1886
CampbellHubert born about 1927
CampbellMary Eborn about 1884
CampbellMasten Sborn about 1881
CarpenterEdith born about 1896
CarpenterLucille born about 1892
CarpenterWilliam born about 1891
CatonWilliam Gborn about 1863
ChancyArdian born about 1897
ChancyMable born about 1896
ChapmanArthur born about 1896
ChapmanBilly born about 1922
ChapmanElizabeth born about 1862
ChapmanHarriett Janeborn about 1924
ChapmanHershal Tborn about 1892
ChapmanLeonard born about 1902
ChapmanMary Joborn about 1935
ChapmanMyrtle born about 1901
ChapmanNina born about 1887
CharMatilda born about 1873
CharlesArvo born about 1938
CharlesJohn Henryborn about 1937
CharlesKent born about 1908
CharlesThelma born about 1918
CharlesVictor Lewisborn about 1939
ChillsonBeatrice born about 1904
ChillsonClarence born about 1891
ChillsonErnest Rborn about 1901
ChillsonJohn Gborn about 1926
ChillsonMartha born about 1893
ChillsonMaura Lborn about 1935
ChillsonNorma Geneborn about 1918
ChurchAlger Aborn about 1866
ChurchAnnie born about 1873
ChurchClara born about 1887
ChurchHarley born about 1892
ChurchPerry Eborn about 1868
ChurchPherna born about 1871
CoanAlbert born about 1938
CoanBobby born about 1934
CoanClarence born about 1928
CoanMary born about 1905
CoanPerry born about 1884
CoanRalph Rborn about 1898
CoanRoy born about 1930
CoanRuth born about 1937
CoanWaneta born about 1932
CobbElizabeth born about 1911
CobbEmon born about 1875
CobbHudlie Mborn about 1910
CobbJohn born about 1938
CobbRuth Elizabethborn about 1937
CockershamHester born about 1900
CockershamJohn born about 1873
CocksrameEula born about 1904
CocksrameWm born about 1893
CodeLois born about 1867
CoffeyRobert Wborn about 1879
CoffeyRobert W Jrborn about 1921
ColenbaughBilly born about 1927
ColenbaughEmily born about 1904
ColenbaughMerle born about 1902
ColenbaughRuth born about 1929
CollinsAda born about 1893
CollinsClinton born about 1894
CollinsCoy born about 1901
CollinsDolpha born about 1894
CollinsDonald born about 1935
CollinsDorothy born about 1928
CollinsEvelyn born about 1907
CollinsFerrel born about 1930
CollinsForrest born about 1917
CollinsJacob born about 1861
CollinsJohn born about 1933
CollinsLillian born about 1887
CollinsLucille born about 1905
CollinsMaryetta born about 1864
CollinsPaul Lborn about 1905
CollinsRonald born about 1935
CollinsRosalind born about 1923
CollinsRosetta born about 1870
CollinsSyvil born about 1919
CollinsUra born about 1898
CollinsWanda born about 1930
ComeMars born about 1876
ComerDoria born about 1920
ComerRolla born about 1911
ConeerEssie born about 1881
ConeerJake born about 1875
ConnellyJames Aborn about 1882
ConnelyNora born about 1901
ConnelySever Aborn about 1888
CooperDoris born about 1904
CooperJohn born about 1892
CooperSamuel Hborn about 1861
CoopriderAgnes born about 1896
CoopriderAlvin born about 1910
CoopriderAmey born about 1874
CoopriderBessie born about 1893
CoopriderBlanche born about 1888
CoopriderBonnie born about 1920
CoopriderCarol Jeanborn about 1936
CoopriderCaswell born about 1868
CoopriderCecil born about 1895
CoopriderCecil Jr born about 1931
CoopriderCharles born about 1931
CoopriderCharles Cborn about 1880
CoopriderClarence born about 1896
CoopriderClarice born about 1893
CoopriderCliff born about 1872
CoopriderCorbett born about 1894
CoopriderCorrie Rborn about 1898
CoopriderDerbel Leeborn about 1939
CoopriderDonald Mborn about 1923
CoopriderDonovon born about 1928
CoopriderDorothy born about 1924
CoopriderDorthy born about 1930
CoopriderDouglas born about 1861
CoopriderEdith Cborn about 1882
CoopriderElaine born about 1930
CoopriderFarris born about 1899
CoopriderFlorence born about 1883
CoopriderFrances born about 1923
CoopriderFred born about 1897
CoopriderGeorge born about 1888
CoopriderGilberta born about 1918
CoopriderGlendal born about 1918
CoopriderGoldie Fborn about 1906
CoopriderHarold born about 1931
CoopriderHerbert born about 1921
CoopriderJack born about 1898
CoopriderJackie Leeborn about 1936
CoopriderJames Wborn about 1869
CoopriderJean born about 1926
CoopriderJohn born about 1915
CoopriderKathryn born about 1911
CoopriderKenneth born about 1916
CoopriderLelia born about 1901
CoopriderLoy born about 1901
CoopriderM Royborn about 1897
CoopriderMarie born about 1901
CoopriderMartin born about 1906
CoopriderMary born about 1877
CoopriderMary Eborn about 1877
CoopriderMary Kborn about 1933
CoopriderMax born about 1922
CoopriderMaxine born about 1931
CoopriderMorgan born about 1881
CoopriderNaomi born about 1918
CoopriderNorma born about 1928
CoopriderNorma Leeborn about 1925
CoopriderOlive born about 1899
CoopriderPatricia born about 1934
CoopriderPaul Gborn about 1937
CoopriderRex born about 1916
CoopriderRichard born about 1920
CoopriderRobert born about 1922
CoopriderRoberta born about 1922
CoopriderRonald Rayborn about 1940
CoopriderRuth born about 1928
CoopriderRuth Imogeneborn about 1923
CoopriderShirley born about 1923
CoopriderSidney born about 1889
CoopriderStella born about 1890
CoopriderSylvia born about 1916
CoopriderTishey born about 1910
CoopriderVirginia born about 1922
CoopriderW Ernestborn about 1912
CoopriderWayne born about 1923
CoopriderWilbur born about 1926
CoopriderWildona born about 1937
CordellAlvey born about 1894
CordellAlvey Jr born about 1937
CordellDoyle born about 1922
CordellHarold born about 1918
CordellLexie born about 1925
CordellNancey born about 1899
CordellWillis born about 1923
CorlettDean born about 1913
CorlettJack born about 1935
CorlettLegler born about 1917
CorsellFay born about 1913
CorsellFloyd born about 1904
CorsellGeorge born about 1876
CorsellGertrude born about 1876
CottenJunior born about 1922
CottenRose born about 1897
CottenWalter Cborn about 1894
CotterCarolin born about 1860
CotterElizabeth born about 1883
CotterJohn born about 1858
CourtheyArthur born about 1899
CourtheyEilleen born about 1900
CoverCarolyn Sueborn about 1939
CoverDonald Reaborn about 1937
CoverFloy born about 1916
CoverGvern born about 1912
CrabtreeCatherine born about 1877
CrabtreeGeorge Pborn about 1872
CraigClarence born about 1904
CraigEthel born about 1897
CraigJoy Eborn about 1940
CraigMaude Lborn about 1891
CraigThomas Fborn about 1890
CrawlAdam born about 1883
CrawlAnna born about 1880
CroftBessie born about 1888
CroftElsa born about 1902
CroftHorace born about 1897
CroftJoan born about 1938
CroftJohn born about 1887
CroftMax born about 1928
CromwillAudrea born about 1891
CromwillFred born about 1867
CromwillHarley Lborn about 1872
CromwillNatte born about 1872
CromwillNinth Vborn about 1874
CronwellHarry born about 1893
CronwellVera born about 1896
CruserHarold born about 1920
CruserJacob Hborn about 1872
CruserViola born about 1884
CucherCarol Jeanborn about 1931
CucherCharles Tborn about 1905
CucherChas Wborn about 1933
CucherDonna Reaborn about 1936
CucherMayme born about 1909
CullerBrenda Kborn about 1939
CullerPaul born about 1909
CullerRuth born about 1910
CummingsLizzie Eborn about 1861
CummingsMaude Mborn about 1871
CunninghamDorothy born about 1932
CunninghamGeorgia born about 1922
CunninghamGoldie Mborn about 1895
CunninghamJohn Aborn about 1885
CunninghamJosephine Kborn about 1923
CunninghamKatty born about 1894
CunninghamMarie born about 1918
CunninghamRalph born about 1911
CunninghamRichard born about 1934
CunninghamSamuel born about 1919
CunninghamWayne born about 1919
CurryBilly born about 1926
CurryGarland born about 1903
CurryIva born about 1902
CurryJack born about 1928
CurryLorann born about 1934

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DailyJerry born about 1933
DailySarah Mborn about 1901
DailyShirley born about 1924
DailyWilliam Eborn about 1882
DakeAnn born about 1908
DakeWilliam born about 1907
DaltonAlice born about 1937
DaltonBill born about 1921
DaltonBonnie Leeborn about 1935
DaltonClara born about 1889
DaltonClifford born about 1917
DaltonDavid born about 1895
DaltonEvelyn born about 1913
DaltonJennings born about 1898
DaltonJohn born about 1938
DaltonJulia born about 1935
DaltonKenneth born about 1912
DaltonLetha born about 1897
DaltonLloyd born about 1929
DaltonLois born about 1922
DaltonLucille born about 1908
DaltonLucy born about 1852
DaltonMary born about 1867
DaltonMaryellen born about 1932
DaltonMyrtle born about 1920
DaltonRenous born about 1900
DaltonRosalena born about 1931
DaltonSamuel born about 1925
DaltonZenes born about 1920
DaughertyClara born about 1877
DaughertyElmer born about 1862
DaughertyMildred born about 1905
DaughertyRaymond born about 1900
DavidsonHoward Rborn about 1907
DavidsonMartha born about 1908
DavidsonRoberta Mborn about 1936
DavisAlbert Eborn about 1927
DavisPearl born about 1874
DayVernon born about 1913
DayhuffRobert Gborn about 1932
DayhuffWanda Tborn about 1930
DebargelMary born about 1924
DebargelThomas born about 1926
DeckDorton born about 1858
DeckMary Aborn about 1865
DeckeyCeith Wmborn about 1924
DeckeyEthel born about 1903
DeckeyMorris born about 1903
DeckeyRuth born about 1922
DetrickGurtcher born about 1911
DetrickHerschel born about 1908
DetrickSheldon born about 1937
DickeyJohn born about 1863
DielJanetta born about 1937
DielRoy Aborn about 1902
DielZelma born about 1909
DierdrofMary born about 1864
DimmittFrank born about 1902
DimmittGeniva born about 1908
DouglasFlora born about 1900
DouglasHarry born about 1896
DouglasMary Mborn about 1922
DowdenBurr born about 1889
DowdenMetta born about 1892
DowdenRichard born about 1919
DowdinMay born about 1920
DowdinRobert born about 1916
DriestadtEva born about 1882
DriestadtFrank born about 1873
DriestadtJohn born about 1937
DriestadtRobert born about 1914
DuncanAmos born about 1909
DuncanAustin born about 1916
DuncanBetty born about 1925
DuncanBilly born about 1929
DuncanCarol born about 1936
DuncanClara born about 1909
DuncanCora born about 1872
DuncanDonald born about 1928
DuncanDonald born about 1937
DuncanDorothy born about 1938
DuncanEdward born about 1903
DuncanEhryn born about 1918
DuncanEleona born about 1907
DuncanEmial born about 1903
DuncanFloyd born about 1926
DuncanFrank born about 1872
DuncanGladys born about 1887
DuncanGlenn born about 1922
DuncanHarold born about 1893
DuncanHershel born about 1939
DuncanIrene born about 1920
DuncanIsaiah born about 1868
DuncanJohn born about 1881
DuncanKatherine born about 1929
DuncanKieth born about 1929
DuncanMary Eborn about 1938
DuncanMinnie born about 1872
DuncanMollie born about 1885
DuncanPatrick born about 1869
DuncanRichard born about 1931
DuncanRobert born about 1925
DuncanRosanna born about 1919
DuncanRuth born about 1927
DuncanSarah born about 1876
DuncanSarah born about 1897
DuncanThelma born about 1914
DuncanUra Bborn about 1882
DuncanVera born about 1925
DuniganNellie born about 1876
DyerElbert born about 1907
DyerGertrude born about 1918
DyerMax born about 1923

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

E Surnames

EasleyCharles Jborn about 1888
EasleyGeorge born about 1929
EasleyJohn born about 1920
EasleyRuth born about 1892
EdmonsonAlijean born about 1924
EdmonsonBertha born about 1893
EdmonsonEllen born about 1917
EdmonsonFrank born about 1888
EdmonsonGerald born about 1912
EdmonsonHenry Leeborn about 1916
EdmonsonHenry Rborn about 1852
EdmonsonLester born about 1891
EdmonsonLucinda born about 1864
EdmonsonMaggie born about 1901
EdmonsonPaul Jborn about 1925
EdmonsonRuth born about 1889
EdmundsonNell born about 1885
EllisAlbert born about 1881
EllisEva born about 1884
EllisGuy Qborn about 1913
EllisJohn Wborn about 1883
EllisLeona Lborn about 1920
EllisLula born about 1886
EllisMae born about 1874
EllisMaude born about 1888
EllisWalter Aborn about 1881
EllisZella born about 1888
EngleAnna born about 1907
EngleMarshall Wborn about 1905
EnglishNell born about 1883
EnglishRalph Aborn about 1882
EvanChester born about 1917
EvanEarl born about 1884
EvanEmma born about 1886
EverwineAlfred born about 1905
EverwineBetty born about 1928
EverwineClifford Kborn about 1914
EverwineDane Jborn about 1938
EverwineDelores Rborn about 1937
EverwineEmma Eborn about 1914
EverwineFloy born about 1906
EverwineJade born about 1881
EverwineJuanita born about 1908
EverwineLily born about 1859
EverwineNorma Leeborn about 1928
EverwineRoy born about 1907
EverwineRuby born about 1909
EverwineTray born about 1902

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

F Surnames

FaucettHelen born about 1918
FaultFrank born about 1881
FaultPearl born about 1880
FergusonAnna born about 1891
FergusonLowell born about 1923
FergusonMargaret born about 1858
FergusonVince Aborn about 1892
FirtzBetty born about 1904
FirtzDonald born about 1933
FirtzJenning born about 1898
FirtzMelvin born about 1931
FirtzRosemary born about 1937
FiscusBetty born about 1933
FiscusEva born about 1885
FiscusFloyd born about 1909
FiscusJacob born about 1876
FiscusJohn born about 1912
FiscusLouise born about 1911
FiscusNila born about 1938
FiscusNona born about 1884
FiscusRobert born about 1936
FiscusThelma born about 1914
FiscusWilliam born about 1880
FiscusWilliam born about 1939
FisherEthel born about 1904
FisherLeatha born about 1873
FisherPhyllis born about 1930
FisherRaymond born about 1901
FlaterRose Marieborn about 1928
FletcherBob born about 1926
FletcherEthel born about 1921
FletcherLena born about 1888
FletcherNoah Cborn about 1886
FolkCecil born about 1900
FolkLouise born about 1923
FolkManda born about 1870
FolkViolet born about 1902
FotchSufin born about 1856
FoxFlorence born about 1921
FoxworthyJacob Cborn about 1876
FoxworthyThurman born about 1902
FraasaEdith born about 1884
FraasaLewis born about 1880
FrancisAnna Maeborn about 1930
FrancisCarol Annborn about 1939
FrancisCleo born about 1884
FrancisDorothy born about 1883
FrancisFlorence born about 1885
FrancisGeorge born about 1912
FrancisLloyd Leeborn about 1920
FrancisMargorie born about 1885
FrancisMartin born about 1925
FrancisMelvin Lborn about 1929
FrancisOtis born about 1878
FrancisPaul born about 1919
FrancisRichard born about 1925
FrancisRosiland born about 1937
FrancisRoy born about 1912
FrancisRuth born about 1912
FrankClara born about 1902
FrankHarland born about 1936
FrankHershel born about 1927
FrankHomer born about 1897
FrankLeanna born about 1923
FrazierCarrie born about 1913
FrazierDosh born about 1915
FrazierEllsworth born about 1908
FrazierOtt born about 1887
FrazierTellie born about 1878
FreedEmerson Jborn about 1898
FreedEsther born about 1899
FreedHarry born about 1880
FreedMabel born about 1902
FreedPaul born about 1897
FreedRedith born about 1900
FreedRuth born about 1891
FreedleyClara Eborn about 1874
FreemanBilly born about 1935
FreemanClifford born about 1916
FreemanGrace born about 1924
FreemanHazel born about 1922
FreemanJerry born about 1939
FreemanLillian born about 1917
FreemanLora born about 1894
FreemanRichard born about 1921
FreemanRobert born about 1926
FreemanRussell born about 1893
FreemanShirley born about 1936
FreemanVirginia born about 1931
FretzRachel born about 1885
FritzErnestine born about 1903
FritzGlenn born about 1931
FritzHarold born about 1930
FritzJessie born about 1894
FritzJohn Wborn about 1919
FritzOtis born about 1894
FritzVerne born about 1894
FrumpAcey born about 1924
FrumpCarol born about 1936
FrumpClyde born about 1931
FrumpCox born about 1932
FrumpGeorge born about 1894
FrumpHazel born about 1927
FrumpJohn born about 1922
FrumpMarion Leeborn about 1929
FrumpNellie born about 1897
FryFlossie Mborn about 1920
FryWalter born about 1913
FulkBernice born about 1884
FulkElmer born about 1880
FulkFloyd born about 1901
FulkJoan born about 1925
FulkRobert born about 1924
FulkRosetta born about 1903
FullEvery born about 1877
FullLorene born about 1882
FullseurAnnie born about 1869
FunkJohn Wborn about 1934
FunkMargaret Eborn about 1936
FunkMax born about 1921
FunkMorgan born about 1885
FunkRussell born about 1909
FunkRuth born about 1911
FunkSarah Eborn about 1882
FunkhouserAlbert born about 1907
FunkhouserDaisy born about 1878
FunkhouserEmma born about 1876
FunkhouserEstel born about 1898
FunkhouserFloyd born about 1903
FunkhouserFrancis born about 1918
FunkhouserHerbert born about 1915
FunkhouserMellie born about 1918
FunkhouserOscar born about 1900
FunkhouserPaul born about 1904
FunkhouserRuth born about 1918
FunkhouserWoodrow born about 1916
FurryEllen born about 1876
FurryJames born about 1919
FurryJohn born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

G Surnames

GaineyMary born about 1882
GallockFred born about 1873
GallockKennth born about 1900
GardClara born about 1876
GardFlorence born about 1905
GardHugh born about 1900
GardJohn born about 1871
GarletBert born about 1888
GarletGuy born about 1912
GarletLouise born about 1918
GarletMyrtle born about 1888
GarletsAllan born about 1872
GarletsBarbara born about 1926
GarletsEdna born about 1892
GarletsFloyd born about 1929
GarlitEvelyn born about 1928
GarlitFlorence born about 1931
GarlitFlossie born about 1901
GarlitKathrine born about 1870
GarlitLawrence born about 1931
GarlitRay born about 1930
GarlitRichard born about 1934
GarlitRobert born about 1930
GarlitWilliam born about 1891
GarlittBetty Mborn about 1935
GarlittBilly Dborn about 1921
GarlittKatherine born about 1925
GarlittMargaret Annborn about 1938
GarlittMarsha Mborn about 1902
GarlittRoy born about 1894
GarlittRoy Jr born about 1929
GarrisonMay Aborn about 1886
GauchatAddie born about 1880
GauchatCarl born about 1878
GauchatMary born about 1914
GauchatVincent born about 1902
GeberOlive born about 1911
GeberRoss born about 1909
GeckelerAlbert born about 1893
GeckelerArmilda born about 1935
GeckelerDarell born about 1937
GeckelerMargaret born about 1904
GeckelerRuth born about 1925
GehmanClaricie born about 1909
GehmanOscar born about 1910
GerberBilly born about 1935
GerberClara born about 1880
GerberClara born about 1881
GerberDow Eborn about 1878
GerberGuy born about 1898
GerberJ Rborn about 1902
GerberJoan born about 1930
GerberLewis Jenaborn about 1926
GerberPhyllis born about 1933
GerberQuanita born about 1905
GerberTony born about 1932
GerberVinin born about 1900
GerberWilliam Dborn about 1872
GermanHulda born about 1862
GibbinsDonald born about 1935
GibbinsRewis born about 1909
GibbinsRuth born about 1909
GibbonsGrover born about 1885
GibbonsHelen born about 1918
GibbonsMary born about 1883
GibbonsNorma born about 1915
GillsonFay born about 1893
GillsonJack born about 1919
GillsonJohn born about 1892
GillsonLucille born about 1923
GooseAlov born about 1896
GooseAvetne Eborn about 1925
GooseGladys Lborn about 1901
GoshornClare Jborn about 1924
GoshornDelores born about 1912
GoshornEvelyn born about 1900
GoshornGlen Gborn about 1926
GoshornLaura Mborn about 1922
GoshornMartin Rborn about 1929
GoshornRobert born about 1900
GoshornWanda Mborn about 1927
GoshornZona Rborn about 1932
GraberClara born about 1888
GraberJohn born about 1881
GraberMaude born about 1871
GraberRoberta born about 1931
GrabesIssac born about 1857
GrabesMary born about 1897
GrabesRalph born about 1890
GrabesStanley born about 1930
GrableBertha born about 1907
GrableDavid Lborn about 1935
GrableDonald born about 1933
GrableFrank Bborn about 1906
GrayElizabeth born about 1924
GrayJean born about 1901
GrayRalph born about 1859
GrayTobitha born about 1860
GrayWillie born about 1926
GrayWm born about 1901
GrayonEthel born about 1897
GrayonGeorge Fborn about 1883
GreenwallRsunary born about 1925
GreenwallWarren born about 1922
GreenwallZona born about 1896
GreenwellBetty Jborn about 1923
GreenwellCora born about 1876
GreenwellEdward born about 1897
GreenwellHerbert born about 1908
GreenwellJefferson born about 1863
GreenwellMaud born about 1898
GreenwellWarren born about 1915
GreenwoodAlice born about 1889
GreenwoodWm born about 1892
GriffithBese born about 1888
GriffithClyde born about 1890
GriffithDale born about 1937
GriffithGuy born about 1912
GriffithJohn Kborn about 1923
GriffithJosephine born about 1917
GriffithLester born about 1895
GriffithLois born about 1918
GriffithMary born about 1888
GriffithMary Wborn about 1896
GriffithOlive born about 1893
GrifithEvelyn born about 1916
GrifithLloyd born about 1914
GrofeJacob born about 1881
GroundsFlora born about 1900
GroundsLee Vborn about 1893
GrowerElla born about 1888
GrowerElla Fborn about 1858
GuathrieBobby Jeanborn about 1931
GuathrieDorothy born about 1910
GuathrieSue Annborn about 1937
GuathrieTitus born about 1906
GuenwillMarion born about 1926
GuenwillMelvin born about 1886
GuenwillMinen born about 1899
GuenwillPhillip born about 1917
GuenwillPhyllis born about 1935
GuenwillVirgil born about 1924
GuenwillWillis born about 1917
GurberEuciba born about 1865
GuthrieGilbert born about 1911
GuthrieHelen born about 1922

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

H Surnames

HaleAnna Leeborn about 1932
HaleCharles born about 1930
HaleColonel Rborn about 1884
HaleElzada born about 1885
HaleFlorence born about 1905
HaleRobert born about 1906
HaleRuth Jeanborn about 1924
HallAnna Kborn about 1860
HallWilliam born about 1860
HangMary born about 1867
HanselMartha born about 1875
HarbaughCarey born about 1914
HarbaughCharles born about 1888
HarbaughDan born about 1859
HarbaughElnora born about 1884
HarbaughErnest born about 1884
HarbaughFannie born about 1869
HarbaughFrancis Mborn about 1880
HarbaughHerman born about 1908
HarbaughJames born about 1914
HarbaughJean born about 1919
HarbaughLink born about 1866
HarbaughNettie born about 1885
HarbaughPauline born about 1860
HarbaughPearson born about 1880
HarbaughReatha born about 1894
HarbaughRex born about 1914
HarbaughWalter born about 1915
HarbaughWinnie Gborn about 1884
HardenGertrude Mborn about 1892
HardenHarrison born about 1890
HardenWilbur Mborn about 1912
HaroldVirgil born about 1913
HarrisBonnie born about 1929
HarrisJesse Fborn about 1897
HarrisJimmie born about 1930
HarrisJohn born about 1926
HarrisJunior born about 1924
HarrisLetha born about 1904
HarrisOlive born about 1870
HarrisPhillip born about 1866
HartAquila Qborn about 1918
HartBernard born about 1891
HartCarol born about 1929
HartEmma Elvinborn about 1890
HartJohn born about 1887
HartJustis Tborn about 1919
HartRuth born about 1897
HartVirginia born about 1922
HartonHarley Eborn about 1880
HartonJessie Mborn about 1882
HaugBetty born about 1925
HaugCarolyn Annborn about 1936
HaugCecila born about 1903
HaugEarl born about 1898
HaugWaryjean born about 1934
HavilandEthel born about 1901
HavilandGeneva born about 1917
HavilandHanna born about 1874
HavilandHerbert born about 1917
HavilandJosephine born about 1925
HavilandMaxine born about 1914
HavilandNeal born about 1872
HavilandPerry born about 1895
HavilandRex born about 1927
HavileyDaisy born about 1926
HaydenDeerada born about 1911
HaydenGary born about 1916
HaydenGeniva born about 1920
HaydenHerman born about 1887
HaydenIda born about 1891
HaydenMartha Lborn about 1940
HaydenNoah born about 1920
HaymanAlma born about 1887
HaymanHildon born about 1922
HaymanIsac born about 1882
HaymanRichard born about 1914
HaymanRobert born about 1911
HeathEarl born about 1899
HeathLa Gune born about 1929
HeathMaxine born about 1928
HeathNeoma Ruthborn about 1932
HeathNina born about 1904
HensleyRuenny born about 1928
HensleyViann born about 1926
HerstineC Wborn about 1899
HerstineEnoma born about 1895
HerstineGythina born about 1921
HetonClarence Wborn about 1895
HetonFlory born about 1900
HetonMalcolm born about 1921
HickenbothamCharles born about 1874
HickenbothamElla born about 1877
HickmanHelen born about 1924
HickmanJesse born about 1884
HickmanMarie born about 1919
HickmanZella born about 1893
HicksDonovan born about 1922
HicksKatherine born about 1896
HinesChristina born about 1876
HinesJohn born about 1885
HochsletherGertrude born about 1867
HochsletherHerbert born about 1913
HochsletherRex born about 1908
HochstetterBetty Joanborn about 1933
HochstetterFlorence born about 1918
HochstetterJesse born about 1905
HochstetterMaude born about 1897
HochstetterPhyllis born about 1928
HochstetterRichard born about 1926
HockettMary Eborn about 1863
HockstitlerE Wayneborn about 1914
HockstitlerMarjorie Jborn about 1926
HockstitlerPearl born about 1886
HoffmanAnna born about 1894
HoffmanAnna Fayeborn about 1932
HoffmanEdward born about 1924
HoffmanElva born about 1917
HoffmanGeorge born about 1926
HoffmanGlen born about 1921
HoffmanRichard born about 1920
HoffmanRoscoe born about 1914
HoffmanRuth born about 1925
HofmanErnest born about 1889
HofmanKarl born about 1915
HofmanMasil born about 1916
HoopingernerBilly born about 1933
HoopingernerCharles born about 1922
HoopingernerGolden born about 1898
HoopingernerJoan born about 1936
HoopingernerMartin born about 1925
HoopingernerMax born about 1927
HoopingernerRobert born about 1930
HoopingernerViolet born about 1904
HopperHazel born about 1925
HopperJames born about 1928
HoppmanErmie born about 1884
HoppmanMerle born about 1922
HoppmanPerry born about 1884
HornAddison born about 1868
HornAgnes born about 1905
HornArcher born about 1907
HornAudrea born about 1911
HornBetty born about 1934
HornBeverly born about 1939
HornCaroline born about 1930
HornCecil born about 1904
HornDale born about 1924
HornDean born about 1931
HornGladys born about 1900
HornGrace born about 1910
HornHershal born about 1904
HornJoan born about 1927
HornJuanita born about 1923
HornJudith born about 1939
HornLuada born about 1930
HornMarjorie born about 1926
HornMary Kborn about 1932
HornMax Eborn about 1922
HornMerle born about 1903
HornPaul Cborn about 1902
HornPearl born about 1904
HornRay Gborn about 1926
HornRenos born about 1897
HornRobert Leeborn about 1933
HornSam born about 1896
HornVinie born about 1877
HornWalter Wborn about 1935
HornWilliam Nborn about 1871
HortonCharles born about 1882
HortonClaude born about 1906
HortonEffie born about 1887
HortonGilbert Leeborn about 1928
HortonIwa born about 1920
HortonJaunita born about 1917
HortonJohn born about 1922
HortonLola born about 1914
HortonMary born about 1863
HortonVeronica born about 1908
HortonWilma Jborn about 1939
HostetlerFlorence born about 1919
HostetlerLester born about 1914
HostetlerPatty Rborn about 1939
HostetlerWilma Rborn about 1937
HostetterBernice born about 1921
HostetterBertha born about 1891
HostetterCathrine born about 1916
HostetterCaton born about 1908
HostetterHarlen born about 1890
HostetterJohn Mborn about 1929
HostetterMary Cborn about 1870
HostetterMyron born about 1916
HostetterRoy born about 1926
HostettlerMary Mborn about 1848
HouchGilla born about 1900
HouchWilma born about 1922
HubbellClara born about 1883
HubbellGeorge born about 1926
HubbellJessie Aborn about 1885
HubbellMelvin born about 1920
HubbleBert born about 1887
HubbleClyde born about 1889
HubbleDella born about 1891
HubbleOliver born about 1882
HudsonClara born about 1878
HudsonJoseph Nborn about 1871
HuffmanClifford born about 1895
HuffmanElizabeth born about 1900
HuffmanFrancis Bborn about 1863
HuffmanStephen Dborn about 1861
HunesLester born about 1903
HunesWinifred born about 1901
HyattAllen born about 1872
HyattAlta born about 1928
HyattCash born about 1881
HyattForest born about 1911
HyattJohn born about 1919
HyattLouisa born about 1873
HyattMary born about 1936
HyattMyrtle born about 1891
HyattRebeca born about 1851
HyattThelma born about 1932

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

J Surnames

JacksonAnna Mborn about 1937
JacksonDareld born about 1936
JacksonDon born about 1934
JacksonDoyne born about 1934
JacksonEldon born about 1939
JacksonErnestine born about 1915
JacksonGlen Rayborn about 1930
JacksonHershel born about 1905
JacksonKenneth born about 1927
JacksonPatricia born about 1938
JacksonRaymond born about 1901
JacksonRoberta born about 1915
JacksonRoy born about 1911
JacksonRuth born about 1906
JacksonVirgil born about 1915
JamesBessie born about 1890
JamesMusie born about 1874
JamisonMart born about 1885
JamisonMaud born about 1880
JenkinsElmer born about 1889
JenkinsMuriel born about 1897
JensenHarl Eborn about 1897
JensenParsa born about 1900
JessonLebbie born about 1873
JohnsonAnna born about 1870
JohnsonDavid born about 1870
JohnsonElmer born about 1884
JohnsonEmma Rborn about 1895
JohnsonEthel born about 1881
JohnsonGladys born about 1923
JohnsonHarold born about 1921
JohnsonHarry Eborn about 1900
JohnsonLettie born about 1888
JohnsonMary born about 1905
JohnsonMary born about 1917
JohnsonRex born about 1926
JohnsonRoy Sborn about 1892
JohnsonRussell born about 1901
JohnsonSaluda born about 1875
JohnsonWilliam born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

K Surnames

KahraGottlieb born about 1873
KaiserGeorge born about 1868
KaiserHerman Rborn about 1906
KaiserMary Eborn about 1864
KayAdoph born about 1900
KayAnna born about 1901
KayBilly born about 1932
KaysRobert born about 1925
KaysRuth born about 1902
KaysVallis born about 1898
KealberLaura born about 1885
KealberRoy born about 1923
KellamMary Lborn about 1884
KellamWilliam Rayborn about 1883
KellerCecil born about 1896
KellerDorothy born about 1925
KellerEugene born about 1918
KellerJames born about 1928
KellerJosphine born about 1924
KellerRalph born about 1919
KellerSadie born about 1896
KellerVirgil born about 1885
KellerWayne born about 1922
KentEliza Aborn about 1853
KentFrank born about 1869
KentMary born about 1868
KettleCarol born about 1936
KettleIssal born about 1910
KettleMarjorie born about 1913
KillionCarl born about 1932
KillionFrank born about 1927
KillionLeon born about 1938
KillionNellie born about 1929
KillionRobert born about 1924
KillionViolet born about 1907
KillionWaldron born about 1905
KincadeDoyle Eborn about 1938
KincadeGerald Kborn about 1933
KincadeIoby born about 1890
KincadeLaura Maeborn about 1928
KincadeMarcella Rborn about 1930
KincadePearl Eborn about 1903
KingCharles born about 1893
KingFolson born about 1893
KingHelen born about 1918
KingJennie born about 1871
KingMadona born about 1934
KingMarie born about 1892
KingMarshall Bborn about 1898
KingMarshall Jr born about 1922
KingMax born about 1916
KingRalph born about 1910
KingRhoda born about 1864
KingWm born about 1862
KirchnerSam born about 1922
KirkCarmen born about 1904
KirkRobert Gborn about 1896
KirkRobert L Jrborn about 1932
KirklingDon born about 1926
KirklingMinnie born about 1901
KitchMinnie Mborn about 1880
KitchOnosl born about 1880
KitchVirginia Dborn about 1920
KlassClovis Dborn about 1936
KlassDonald born about 1933
KlassEarl born about 1906
KlassLucy born about 1911
KlineCharles born about 1870
KlingerDavid born about 1872
KlinglerCharles Uborn about 1885
KlinglerKenneth born about 1923
KlinglerMary born about 1891
KlinglerPaul Gborn about 1919
KlinglerRay born about 1928
KlinglerRobert born about 1921
KlinglerRuth born about 1926
KnoxMyrtle born about 1874
KohoeAnna Aborn about 1872
KorkfordEva born about 1890
KorkfordLeary born about 1929
KorkfordMax born about 1929
KorkfordPieus born about 1886
KorkfordWarren born about 1922
KrauchiBernice born about 1903
KrauchiEmma born about 1868
KrauchiGeorge born about 1927
KrauchiJack Rayborn about 1929
KrauchiMercedes born about 1905
KrauchiRichard born about 1927
KrauchiRufus born about 1901
KressBertha Lborn about 1884
KressFlora born about 1888
KressFrederic born about 1926
KressHubert born about 1910
KressOtis born about 1890
KressRay Dborn about 1885
KressWallace born about 1915
KriebleMerle born about 1910
KysenEdith born about 1888
KysenKarl born about 1882
KysenKeith born about 1916

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

L Surnames

LaholleAlfred born about 1904
LaholleEstel born about 1906
LankfordElizabeth born about 1927
LankfordEvelyn born about 1890
LankfordHarvey born about 1896
LankfordHelen born about 1925
LankfordIrene born about 1910
LankfordJames born about 1882
LankfordJay born about 1895
LankfordKennth born about 1912
LankfordMary Margaretborn about 1919
LankfordOtto born about 1890
LankfordVirginia born about 1915
LankfordWarren Dborn about 1928
LankfordWilma born about 1899
LasalleAlbert born about 1905
LasalleEunice born about 1918
LasalleHattie born about 1889
LasalleLois born about 1928
LasalleRaymond born about 1918
LasalleRoy born about 1884
LashfordArthur born about 1916
LashfordGeorgiane born about 1916
LashfordJimmie Leeborn about 1940
LaughlinElla born about 1874
LauhfordEdith born about 1911
LauhfordWm Gborn about 1909
LawsonBernice born about 1895
LawsonBobby born about 1931
LawsonCharles born about 1902
LawsonCharles Jborn about 1927
LawsonDean born about 1906
LawsonFrancis born about 1911
LawsonHelen born about 1921
LawsonHerbert born about 1895
LawsonHope born about 1923
LawsonIrene born about 1925
LawsonIrma born about 1928
LawsonJohn born about 1874
LawsonJune born about 1930
LawsonMartha born about 1882
LawsonMartis born about 1929
LawsonMary born about 1907
LawsonOlive Rborn about 1906
LawsonRobert born about 1929
LeachmanMatilda born about 1889
LeachmanNadallan born about 1918
LeachmanRichard born about 1917
LeachmanRoss Eborn about 1888
LehmanGeorge Bborn about 1872
LehmanPhobe born about 1877
LeichtyAlbert born about 1887
LeichtyHerman born about 1925
LeichtyMellie born about 1888
LeichtyRose born about 1861
LeichtyRosella born about 1923
LemmonsCyrus born about 1888
LemmonsRosanna born about 1892
LenningDorothy born about 1907
LenningTheodore born about 1906
LenningWalter born about 1934
LeohrAgnes born about 1923
LeohrBlance born about 1926
LeohrCharles born about 1886
LeohrClarence born about 1921
LeohrDorothy born about 1913
LeohrGeorge Wborn about 1865
LeohrHenry born about 1887
LeohrHulda born about 1886
LeohrJoy born about 1918
LeohrKenneth born about 1910
LeohrMattie Mborn about 1884
LeyArthsa born about 1930
LeyCart Eborn about 1914
LeyEarl Fborn about 1920
LeyGrace born about 1910
LeyInez born about 1899
LeyJohn born about 1891
LeyJohn Eborn about 1917
LeyLoretta born about 1918
LeyNadine born about 1924
LeyPaul born about 1901
LiechtyAnita Gborn about 1935
LiechtyBernice born about 1910
LiechtyBlance born about 1899
LiechtyDon born about 1929
LiechtyEmerson Lborn about 1908
LiechtyFrank born about 1883
LiechtyGloria Jborn about 1932
LiechtyJoe Markborn about 1938
LiechtyJohn Pborn about 1937
LiechtyMarco born about 1905
LiechtyMarcus born about 1890
LiechtyMary born about 1864
LiechtyThelma born about 1910
LiecthyAlma born about 1894
LiecthyCalla born about 1883
LiecthyEvelyn born about 1919
LiecthyNoah born about 1884
LiecthyRuth born about 1923
LiecthyWilliam Rborn about 1893
LietcheyHarvey born about 1884
LightElizabeth born about 1877
LightFrank born about 1871
LightMable born about 1910
LightRoss born about 1900
LimingBeatrice born about 1926
LimingHugh born about 1922
LimingLeland born about 1932
LimingMurray Cborn about 1891
LimingTheodosia born about 1894
LiversDavid Rborn about 1938
LiversKathlyn Fborn about 1885
LiversPatricia Jborn about 1927
LiversPatrick Lborn about 1886
LonasSarah Eborn about 1853
LoncerChas born about 1871
LoncerCurt born about 1880
LoncerEllen born about 1913
LoncerLaura born about 1879
LoncerSarah Eborn about 1853
LongAda born about 1892
LongBobby Joeborn about 1935
LongCharles born about 1927
LongCletus Lborn about 1907
LongCornelia born about 1900
LongCurtis Cborn about 1879
LongDonald Leeborn about 1937
LongGeorge born about 1923
LongGrace Gborn about 1886
LongHarrison born about 1892
LongMargaret Eborn about 1917
LongMay born about 1875
LongMildred born about 1934
LongNora born about 1931
LongPaul born about 1929
LongRuth born about 1924
LongWilliam born about 1897
LongWilliam born about 1934
LongfordElla born about 1877
LongfordHobert Jborn about 1917
LoudermilkBarbara Jborn about 1934
LoudermilkBetty Mborn about 1927
LoudermilkClifford born about 1895
LoudermilkClyde born about 1923
LoudermilkDale born about 1930
LoudermilkDelores born about 1926
LoudermilkJissie Lowborn about 1939
LoudermilkRuth born about 1908
LoudermilkRuth born about 1918
LoudermilkSylvester Wborn about 1889
LoudermilkSylvia born about 1892
LoudermilkVirginia born about 1936
LoudermilkWayne born about 1908
LoveEd born about 1896
LoveEdith born about 1892
LoveEverett born about 1917
LoveGlenn born about 1909
LoveHelen born about 1916
LoveMable born about 1919
LoveMargaret born about 1918
LoveMargaret Jborn about 1937
LoveMarion Aborn about 1911
LoveMarjorie born about 1938
LoveMary Mborn about 1936
LoveMaxine born about 1935
LoveNoma born about 1931
LovePauline born about 1917
LoveSekh born about 1887
LoveVernon born about 1939
LoveWardie born about 1940
LowdermilkAngelia Eborn about 1925
LowdermilkBertha born about 1888
LowdermilkCelsie born about 1928
LowdermilkGrace Oborn about 1923
LowdermilkLouise born about 1930
LowdermilkOdeana born about 1927
LowdermilkThomas born about 1881
LoweCarey born about 1890
LoweClifford born about 1883
LoweGlendolyn born about 1912
LoweHarold born about 1907
LoweMary born about 1924
LoweMax born about 1925
LoweOrville born about 1903
LowePaul born about 1911
LowePaul Eborn about 1926
LowePhyllis born about 1932
LutherBessie born about 1900
LutherErnest born about 1888
LutherGertrude born about 1887
LutherHenrietta born about 1917
LutherHerman born about 1899
LutherJacob born about 1882
LutherJohn Gborn about 1890
LutherJohn Jborn about 1919
LutherLarry born about 1939
LutherLela born about 1933
LutherLoraine born about 1936
LutherMack born about 1899
LutherMary born about 1897
LutherMarylan born about 1924
LutherMelvin born about 1930
LutherMern born about 1904
LutherMoyne born about 1919
LutherNora born about 1895
LutherOscar Uborn about 1878
LutherPhyllis born about 1928
LutherRichard born about 1921
LutherRonald born about 1897
LutherWarren born about 1918
LyonBessie Maeborn about 1939
LyonFred Mborn about 1907
LyonOmadean born about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

M Surnames

MaceNeoma born about 1931
MaeBob born about 1925
MaeCharles born about 1877
MaeJack born about 1923
MaeLois born about 1919
MaeLola born about 1871
MarkleyIsaac born about 1868
MarkleyJacob born about 1861
MarkleyNellie born about 1886
MartinDonald born about 1930
MartinEarl Williamborn about 1921
MartinGoldie born about 1899
MartinMillard born about 1895
MartinRuby born about 1916
MaybaughAdeline born about 1878
MaybaughCharles born about 1886
MaybaughChassie born about 1892
MaybaughEd born about 1872
MaybaughGeorge born about 1870
MaybaughGeorge born about 1916
MaybaughJohn born about 1867
MaybaughPatty Annborn about 1937
MaybaughRonald born about 1937
MaybaughRoy born about 1914
MaybaughRuth born about 1918
MayerElsie born about 1895
MayerGuy born about 1892
MayerRois Leaborn about 1920
MayroseCarrie Eborn about 1872
MayroseHenry born about 1867
McCrearyEarl born about 1907
McCrearyVelma born about 1910
McCulloughChancy born about 1892
McCulloughClara born about 1917
McCulloughClarence Pborn about 1919
McCulloughClem born about 1897
McCulloughDan born about 1890
McCulloughEleanor Rborn about 1921
McCulloughElenor born about 1920
McCulloughElla born about 1866
McCulloughLee born about 1879
McCulloughMamie born about 1891
McCulloughMare born about 1915
McCulloughOpal Vborn about 1910
McCulloughRalph Lborn about 1902
McCulloughSarah born about 1897
McGeareyHarvey born about 1904
McGeareyLucille born about 1908
McGeareyVictor born about 1935
McGillHillma born about 1917
McGillJanice Jenborn about 1940
McGillPaul born about 1916
McGinnGenen born about 1938
McGinnHellen born about 1903
McGinnWallace born about 1903
McKeeAltie born about 1876
McKeeArnold born about 1913
McKeeBobby Iborn about 1934
McKeeDorothy Mborn about 1925
McKeeElizabeth born about 1932
McKeeFrankie born about 1908
McKeeGloria Sueborn about 1937
McKeeJack Allenborn about 1930
McKeeMary born about 1912
McKeeNorma Juneborn about 1928
McKeePatricia Kborn about 1939
McKeeThomas born about 1881
McKeeWilliam Aborn about 1870
McKenzieFloyd born about 1883
McKenzieZona born about 1882
McKinneyLou born about 1906
McKneeAlice born about 1911
McKneeEma born about 1873
McKneeHelen born about 1924
McKneeJames born about 1908
McKneeJoe born about 1872
McKneeWhan born about 1917
McQueenEvertt born about 1900
McQueenGladys born about 1900
McQuireTom born about 1875
MeadowsDella Lborn about 1886
MeadowsMargaret born about 1922
MeadowsNorma born about 1927
MegenhardtA Pborn about 1877
MegenhardtAnan born about 1881
MegenhardtJ Fborn about 1867
MegenhardtMary born about 1867
MegenhardtMayme born about 1900
MeltonHazel born about 1903
MeltonJennie born about 1902
MeltonJo Annborn about 1923
MeltonJosephine born about 1894
MeltonMarcia Maeborn about 1927
MeltonOtis born about 1888
MeltonOtto born about 1895
MeltonRae Leeborn about 1925
MeltonWm born about 1902
MessickLaura born about 1868
MeyerBryan born about 1897
MeyerGertrude born about 1893
MeyerLela born about 1929
MeyerWilbur born about 1924
MeyersDean born about 1923
MeyersDewey born about 1900
MeyersFlorene born about 1911
MeyersHope born about 1934
MeyersIra Lborn about 1879
MeyersJoy Belleborn about 1933
MeyersKatherine born about 1896
MeyersLawrence born about 1891
MeyersLucille born about 1884
MeyersRaymond born about 1906
MeyersRichard born about 1931
MeyersSawell born about 1923
MeyersWilliam born about 1925
MichaelCarl born about 1939
MichaelHarold born about 1938
MichaelJohn Mborn about 1909
MichaelLena born about 1911
MichaelSeth born about 1915
MichaelThelma born about 1920
MichaelsGoldie born about 1891
MichaelsJames born about 1884
MichaelsMildred Mborn about 1925
MichaelsRalph Wborn about 1929
MichaelsShirley born about 1938
MichaelsThelma born about 1937
MichlerLizzie born about 1868
MicholsonJames born about 1862
MicholsonLawson born about 1902
MickeyChas Fborn about 1870
MickeyRosa Maeborn about 1874
MillerAgnes Mborn about 1895
MillerCharlortit Jborn about 1894
MillerChester born about 1921
MillerDonald born about 1929
MillerDonald born about 1939
MillerEdith born about 1905
MillerEdna born about 1907
MillerElla Lborn about 1928
MillerEmery born about 1889
MillerEva born about 1900
MillerFred Cborn about 1904
MillerGeorge Eborn about 1937
MillerGladys born about 1905
MillerGlenn born about 1908
MillerGlenn born about 1924
MillerGrethan born about 1916
MillerHarold Tborn about 1894
MillerIrene born about 1908
MillerIrene born about 1921
MillerJacob Aborn about 1860
MillerJames born about 1893
MillerJoan born about 1932
MillerJoe born about 1867
MillerJudith Annborn about 1939
MillerKenneth born about 1930
MillerKenneth Leeborn about 1933
MillerLeonard born about 1908
MillerLund born about 1869
MillerMargaret Oborn about 1930
MillerMarie born about 1934
MillerMartha Jborn about 1930
MillerMary Aliceborn about 1916
MillerMary Mborn about 1863
MillerMax born about 1926
MillerMaxine born about 1926
MillerMildred born about 1913
MillerMildred born about 1921
MillerNadine born about 1932
MillerNettie Louborn about 1934
MillerNetty born about 1927
MillerNolonudus Eborn about 1887
MillerNorma Jeanborn about 1927
MillerPatty Annborn about 1937
MillerPearson born about 1937
MillerPhyllis born about 1930
MillerPriscilla born about 1881
MillerR Williamborn about 1918
MillerRaymond born about 1912
MillerRaymond Bborn about 1904
MillerRex born about 1928
MillerRosalee born about 1923
MillerRosealee born about 1932
MillerRussell born about 1923
MillerRussell born about 1934
MillerSamuel Aborn about 1905
MillerShirley Rborn about 1938
MillerSusie born about 1898
MillerTena born about 1869
MillerValentine born about 1859
MillerW Hborn about 1877
MillerWanda Maeborn about 1929
MillerWilliam Lborn about 1892
MillerWilliam Leeborn about 1924
MillerWilliam Pborn about 1898
MillerWm born about 1867
MillerZelphia Bborn about 1899
MillsAlbert Rborn about 1886
MillsBertha born about 1892
MillsBetty born about 1918
MillsBob born about 1923
MillsEthel born about 1888
MillsFrank born about 1884
MillsGrocoe born about 1860
MillsHelen born about 1916
MillsJanice born about 1925
MillsJudith born about 1939
MillsNettie born about 1884
MillsRussell born about 1913
MillsRuth born about 1886
MishlerMadison born about 1921
MishlerMartin born about 1887
MishlerRuth born about 1893
MisllerEdgar born about 1899
MisllerErnest born about 1920
MisllerFern born about 1918
MitchellBarbara born about 1862
MitchellBetty Janborn about 1923
MitchellDora born about 1883
MitchellDorothy Eborn about 1925
MitchellGeneva born about 1915
MitchellJohn Cborn about 1857
MitchellLucille born about 1906
MitchellMary Eborn about 1928
MitchellPaul born about 1893
MitchellRobert born about 1931
MitchellRuth born about 1894
MitchellSeany born about 1886
MitchellWilliam Wborn about 1894
MitchelsDaley Ivinborn about 1939
MitchelsFloyd born about 1895
MitchelsGalen born about 1929
MitchelsPatricia born about 1932
MitchelsPhoebe born about 1902
MizerWilliam Mborn about 1881
MockAnna born about 1887
MoodyAlex born about 1875
MoodyEmery Eborn about 1871
MoodyMattie Vborn about 1886
MooreAlberta born about 1932
MooreDonald born about 1926
MooreDora Eborn about 1892
MooreFloy born about 1917
MooreHazel born about 1896
MooreHubert born about 1919
MooreJanice born about 1938
MooreJoe born about 1900
MooreLucien born about 1922
MooreMarline born about 1936
MooreNorma Jeanborn about 1929
MooreRolane born about 1922
MooreRollie born about 1891
MorrisClem born about 1909
MorrisEll born about 1927
MorrisEva born about 1897
MorrisGlen born about 1940
MorrisGorge Qborn about 1879
MorrisGrace born about 1887
MorrisJo Lborn about 1908
MorrisLavane born about 1939
MorrisLeoo Bborn about 1893
MorrisRay born about 1923
MorrisRonald born about 1936
MorrisRoscoe born about 1921
MorrisRuth born about 1912
MorrisVictor born about 1937
MorrisWilliam born about 1886
MorrisWilliam born about 1933
MoyerAlice born about 1867
MoyerBill born about 1916
MoyerDarlod born about 1936
MoyerDonald born about 1932
MoyerFloyd born about 1901
MoyerHugh born about 1906
MoyerJohn Sborn about 1871
MoyerLe Roy born about 1926
MoyerLena born about 1907
MoyerLois born about 1916
MoyerManna born about 1892
MoyerMargaret born about 1871
MoyerMyrle born about 1874
MoyerPatricia Annborn about 1932
MoyerRose born about 1871
MoyerRuby born about 1912

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

N Surnames

NassamanKate born about 1861
NavelRuby born about 1920
NavelVerlin born about 1918
NeiswingerBen born about 1932
NeiswingerBessie born about 1895
NeiswingerCharles born about 1883
NeiswingerCharles born about 1914
NeiswingerDonald Wborn about 1927
NeiswingerDwain born about 1916
NeiswingerErnest born about 1893
NeiswingerGene born about 1917
NeiswingerGrace born about 1897
NeiswingerHerbert born about 1915
NeiswingerJames born about 1924
NeiswingerKathryn born about 1919
NeiswingerKeith born about 1919
NeiswingerLizzie born about 1891
NeiswingerLloyd born about 1919
NeiswingerLucille born about 1920
NeiswingerMarvin Rborn about 1938
NeiswingerMyrle Aborn about 1920
NeiswingerRosemary born about 1922
NeiswingerRowane born about 1926
NeiswingerRuth born about 1920
NeiswingerSam born about 1891
NeiswingerWillma Rborn about 1923
NevinsSally born about 1880
NiswongerA Fborn about 1864
NiswongerLaura born about 1880
NochbauerChas born about 1858
NorrisEarl Eborn about 1891
NorrisHena born about 1886
NorrisJudith born about 1939
NorrisVirginia born about 1912
NorrisWalter born about 1912
NotterBelle born about 1876
NovelLoss born about 1891
NovelOval born about 1900
NovelSimon born about 1864
NovelWory born about 1926

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

O Surnames

OberholtzerVolkar Mborn about 1883
ObertholtzerArthur born about 1907
ObertholtzerCaroline Jborn about 1937
ObertholtzerDorothy born about 1916
ObertholtzerLillis born about 1910
ObertholtzerMarica born about 1937
ObertholtzerMelvin born about 1913
ObertholtzerPaul born about 1909
ObertholtzerWalter Wborn about 1873
OhooverEverett born about 1885
OhooverMarie born about 1880
OhuholsonAmstin born about 1914
OhuholsonMarjorie born about 1919
OrmanCarolyn Sborn about 1938
OrmanDennis born about 1906
OrmanEarl Cborn about 1922
OrmanEthel Bborn about 1883
OrmanMargaret Aborn about 1935
OrmanMartin born about 1911
OrmanMary born about 1916
OrmanRay Leonborn about 1940
OrmanRobert born about 1879
OrmanRobert Jr born about 1925
OrmanThelma born about 1914
OsbornFlorence born about 1885
OsbornHarvey born about 1893
OsmanBetty born about 1929
OsmanElsie born about 1890
OsmanEthel born about 1893
OsmanGene born about 1933
OsmanHarly born about 1890
OsmanJohn born about 1861
OsmanKeneth born about 1913
OsmanOslou born about 1890
OwenDan born about 1878

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

P Surnames

ParksCarl born about 1903
ParksRichard born about 1926
ParksVesta born about 1903
ParrillAnna born about 1874
PeacherGeorge born about 1864
PeacherLola Eborn about 1894
PentschlerBessie Mborn about 1898
PentschlerBilly born about 1927
PentschlerCleve born about 1932
PentschlerEvelyn born about 1924
PentschlerLoy born about 1899
PentschlerMerle born about 1933
PersingerHarve born about 1899
PersingerHarvey Lborn about 1934
PersingerViolet born about 1900
PertoffAd Aborn about 1909
PertoffCarl born about 1937
PertoffDon born about 1934
PertoffJanet born about 1930
PertoffNorma born about 1928
PertoffWilfred born about 1867
PfisterEmma born about 1867
PfisterSam born about 1863
PhippEdgar born about 1912
PhippEdgar Jr born about 1938
PhippLewis born about 1870
PhippLorrine born about 1935
PhippMae born about 1872
PhippMarie born about 1915
PietzLoretta Eborn about 1909
PietzNancy Aborn about 1937
PietzObert Rborn about 1907
PietzRowena Eborn about 1935
PinkstonClearence born about 1910
PinkstonGladys born about 1908
PinkstonJerry born about 1939
PinkstonWilliam born about 1928
PiperEffie born about 1876
PiperOscar Mborn about 1867
PiplesRose born about 1913
PiplesWayne born about 1913
PiplesWilliam born about 1875
PollardAaron born about 1887
PollardArthur born about 1925
PollardAudra born about 1888
PollardBrid born about 1884
PollardCristene born about 1894
PollardMarie Fborn about 1915
PollardMaryln Lborn about 1929
PollardRosalla born about 1922
PorterBessie born about 1901
PorterClearence born about 1930
PorterElberta born about 1928
PorterJulian Rayborn about 1937
PorterLilley Belleborn about 1926
PorterMelvin Jr born about 1923
PorterWayne born about 1922
PorterWinfred born about 1921
PothastAugust born about 1868
PothastBonnie born about 1892
PriceEmma born about 1864
PriceHelen born about 1913
PriceJames born about 1865
PriceMartha Eborn about 1871
PriceMax born about 1912
PriceNora born about 1894
PuttoffBetty born about 1926
PuttoffGlenn born about 1915
PuttoffMabel born about 1893
PuttoffRichard born about 1917
PuttoffRosemary born about 1923
PuttoffWm born about 1891

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

R Surnames

RaceGarland Lborn about 1889
RaceGeorge Wborn about 1883
ReaC Fredborn about 1892
ReaClaude born about 1925
ReaGeraldine born about 1916
ReaHerschel born about 1911
ReaLewis born about 1888
ReaMary born about 1911
ReaMary Lborn about 1896
ReaMinnie born about 1888
ReaTom born about 1902
ReaVerda Jborn about 1910
ReagonCharles born about 1883
ReagonDoris born about 1915
ReagonFreid born about 1911
ReagonGene born about 1913
ReagonHarold Leeborn about 1939
ReagonHoward born about 1914
ReagonJoan born about 1916
ReagonJoyce born about 1938
ReagonMarjorie born about 1915
ReagonMary born about 1890
ReagonRalph born about 1923
ReagonRoland born about 1932
ReagonWilma Jborn about 1936
ReamsAmelia born about 1870
ReamsDavid born about 1871
ReedCarl born about 1890
ReedCharles born about 1873
ReedChristine born about 1875
ReedClyde born about 1919
ReedJoan Nborn about 1928
ReedJohn born about 1866
ReedLavan born about 1931
ReedLillie born about 1880
ReedLily born about 1870
ReedManda born about 1880
ReedOtto born about 1894
ReedRex born about 1919
ReedRuby born about 1896
ReedWilliam Eborn about 1884
RentenschlerDon born about 1922
RentenschlerGeorge Lborn about 1917
RentenschlerLewis Cborn about 1888
RentenschlerRuth Bborn about 1895
RentschlerCharles born about 1895
RentschlerJames born about 1908
RentschlerLois born about 1928
RentschlerLottie born about 1895
RentschlerMartha born about 1910
RentschlerRoberta born about 1926
ReynoldsTena born about 1873
RhodesBertha born about 1880
RhodesClint born about 1878
RhodesDoll born about 1892
RhodesDonald born about 1919
RhodesFlora born about 1881
RhodesHugh born about 1913
RhodesLawerence born about 1892
RhodesMac born about 1930
RiggsEdith Eborn about 1899
RiggsElizabeth born about 1859
RiggsJackie Hborn about 1934
RiggsJiles Rexborn about 1922
RiggsPaul Hborn about 1891
RiggsPaulina Lborn about 1920
RiggsPunda Louborn about 1939
RiggsRobert Leeborn about 1926
RiggsWayne born about 1917
RileyOna born about 1897
RippyBetty Jborn about 1928
RippyBilly Joborn about 1932
RippyLena born about 1899
RippyMary Rborn about 1925
RippyOlen born about 1899
RivensDon born about 1932
RivensEdgar born about 1896
RivensIrney born about 1902
RivensMarjorie born about 1929
RivensMary Kayborn about 1938
RobinsonAmanda born about 1864
RobinsonBernard born about 1901
RobinsonCharles Rborn about 1876
RobinsonDarcella Jborn about 1937
RobinsonGeorge born about 1860
RobinsonJames Dborn about 1904
RobinsonJames Wborn about 1934
RobinsonMaggie born about 1865
RobinsonMarcella Aborn about 1878
RobinsonSamuel Cborn about 1932
RobinsonSarah born about 1900
RollinsJohn born about 1887
RollinsKenneth born about 1921
RollinsLeona born about 1892
RomineEdna born about 1898
RomineLeslie Aborn about 1899
RoushBetty born about 1927
RoushCharles born about 1935
RoushClenard Cborn about 1885
RoushGeorge Aborn about 1922
RoushHoldah born about 1887
RoushJacob Rborn about 1892
RoushJane born about 1923
RoushJay Rborn about 1926
RoushPaul born about 1930
RoushPhillis born about 1932
RoushRuth born about 1934
RoushTollis born about 1900
RoushWilma Jborn about 1921
RoyerEarl born about 1889
RoyerHester born about 1900
RoyerJoe Wayneborn about 1933
RoyerJohn born about 1898
RoyerJohn Jr born about 1925
RoyerMary Fborn about 1865
RoyerMary Juneborn about 1928
RoyerMaude born about 1889
RuppHarold born about 1913
RuppJohn Edwardborn about 1940
RuppJohn Sborn about 1882
RuppNettie born about 1886
RuppVirginia born about 1918
RyanBert born about 1877
RyanFloria born about 1898

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

S Surnames

SalterDenver Eborn about 1887
SalterGertrude born about 1918
SandsWilma born about 1915
SankfordFred born about 1897
SankfordHettie Cborn about 1874
SankfordSherman born about 1867
SchaferAda born about 1884
SchaferDaniel born about 1881
SchaferElsworth born about 1922
SchaferFrank born about 1866
SchaferLeota born about 1868
SchaferMabel born about 1905
SchaferWallace Wborn about 1903
SchaferWalter born about 1914
SchafferAdolph born about 1882
SchafferCharles born about 1935
SchafferClson born about 1912
SchafferDianena born about 1937
SchafferEvelyn born about 1916
SchafferInez born about 1887
SchafferIsral born about 1878
SchafferNora born about 1880
SchafferPauline born about 1916
SchafferPearl born about 1890
SchafferPhyllis born about 1939
SchafferWill born about 1871
SchanwackerAgnes born about 1893
SchanwackerJohn born about 1890
SchappenhurtBenjamio Nborn about 1873
SchappenhurtRosetta Mborn about 1880
SchauberGrover born about 1891
SchauberHarold Lborn about 1933
SchauberHershel born about 1912
SchauberLana born about 1893
SchauberLewis born about 1889
SchauberOpal born about 1909
SchauweckerCharles born about 1884
SchauweckerDorothy born about 1914
SchauweckerGordon born about 1920
SchauweckerLe Roy born about 1912
SchauweckerMadela born about 1885
SchauweckerWm born about 1880
SchaweckerCharles Fborn about 1915
SchaweckerGladys born about 1915
SchaweckerJessie Jborn about 1897
SchaweckerMaude born about 1893
SchaweckerRoselee born about 1929
SchaweckerVirginia born about 1922
SchelegelAgnes born about 1893
SchelegelClarence born about 1892
SchelegelEthel born about 1887
SchelegelOrema born about 1919
SchelegelOtto born about 1887
SchelgelCora born about 1877
SchelgelIrne born about 1912
SchelgelRuby born about 1908
SchelgelWilliam Lborn about 1879
ScherbEstell born about 1904
ScherbHenry born about 1892
ScherbIrene born about 1908
ScherbMartha born about 1883
ScherbRamona born about 1931
SchertBurton born about 1914
SchertEvalina born about 1887
SchertIrving born about 1885
SchieldsBilly born about 1939
SchieldsCora born about 1906
SchieldsHershel born about 1911
SchieldsLoretta born about 1931
SchieldsRobert born about 1881
SchieldsVerda born about 1909
SchieleAlice born about 1891
SchieleClara born about 1891
SchieleEllen born about 1862
SchieleGeorge born about 1891
SchieleJoan born about 1928
SchieleLanah born about 1858
SchieleLaura born about 1897
SchieleOliver born about 1886
SchieleSusie born about 1927
SchieleW Davidborn about 1899
SchilegelDorothy born about 1917
SchilegelEverett born about 1916
SchlegelArthur Eborn about 1936
SchlegelEllen born about 1869
SchlegelErma Bborn about 1936
SchlegelErnest Mborn about 1914
SchlegelEva born about 1876
SchlegelFlorence born about 1915
SchlegelGene Rayborn about 1932
SchlegelGlen Maxborn about 1934
SchlegelJerry Dborn about 1939
SchlegelJohn born about 1864
SchlegelMary born about 1912
SchlegelOrville born about 1905
SchlegelOwen born about 1903
SchlegelRobert Leeborn about 1932
SchlegelRoy born about 1909
SchlegelThelma born about 1906
SchlegelWilliam born about 1873
SchliekGrace Eborn about 1889
SchliekWilliam Jborn about 1888
SchmidtBarbara born about 1896
SchmidtFred born about 1892
SchmidtFredie Maxborn about 1930
SchmidtMary born about 1923
SchmidtVirginia born about 1920
SchraderAlice born about 1917
SchraderGaily born about 1907
SchubValera born about 1911
SchultzBertha Rborn about 1869
SchultzWm Eborn about 1868
SchweckerCora born about 1869
SchweckerGothip born about 1858
ScottArthur born about 1930
ScottBenj Fborn about 1894
ScottHarley Eborn about 1911
ScottInez born about 1911
ScottMaxine born about 1920
ScottMulder born about 1929
ScottNaoma Fborn about 1912
ScottOlive Rborn about 1909
ScottPatricia Kayborn about 1938
ScottRaymond born about 1923
ScottRobert born about 1925
ScottThomas born about 1890
ScottWayne born about 1925
SecrestFrank Aborn about 1925
SecrestFreida born about 1923
SecrestHenry Dborn about 1917
SecrestHerbert Rborn about 1915
SecrestJohn born about 1927
SecrestLouise born about 1921
SecrestMartha born about 1894
SecrestMay Ellenborn about 1928
SecrestRaymond born about 1934
SecrestRobert Eborn about 1889
SerfassJanet Mborn about 1928
SeymourEmma Rborn about 1863
ShankCharles Lborn about 1905
ShankDun born about 1891
ShankEthel born about 1891
ShankGerald Lborn about 1926
ShankKenneth born about 1923
ShankLeon born about 1925
ShankRuth born about 1903
ShankWilliam born about 1928
ShearsClara born about 1910
ShearsFloyd born about 1910
SheildsHilda born about 1939
SheildsJames born about 1908
SheildsLena born about 1917
ShieldsAnna born about 1883
ShieldsAsbery born about 1861
ShieldsElla born about 1875
ShieldsEverett born about 1908
ShieldsHenale born about 1916
ShieldsJames born about 1923
ShieldsLee born about 1875
ShieldsMary born about 1917
ShieldsMary born about 1925
ShieldsRalph born about 1897
ShieldsRoy born about 1897
ShieldsShirley born about 1934
ShonkAnna born about 1908
ShonkBilly born about 1933
ShonkDonald born about 1927
ShonkEmma born about 1880
ShonkFree born about 1916
ShonkJohn born about 1876
ShonkJohnny born about 1915
ShonkLewis born about 1912
ShonkMargaret born about 1918
ShonkRinsa born about 1904
SicklesEmery Aborn about 1877
SicklesHazel born about 1898
SiegleChas born about 1877
SiegleMaud born about 1882
SigglePriscilla born about 1874
SillsFlorence born about 1924
SillsGoldie born about 1915
SillsLouis born about 1885
SillsMary born about 1919
SillsRuth born about 1921
SillsWm born about 1875
SinderAgnes born about 1915
SinderEdward born about 1939
SinderJames born about 1916
SinderLevi born about 1867
SinderNancy Aborn about 1876
SindersAnn born about 1937
SindersClifford born about 1894
SindersDavid born about 1933
SindersEarl born about 1907
SindersElmer born about 1899
SindersFay born about 1908
SindersFerne born about 1921
SindersGladys born about 1908
SindersIrene born about 1909
SindersIrvin born about 1888
SindersLela born about 1930
SindersMax born about 1935
SindersMerle born about 1924
SindersPauline born about 1911
SindersRalph born about 1913
SindersRay born about 1899
SindersRuth born about 1926
SindersRuth Annborn about 1940
SindersVerna born about 1900
Sipple born about 1940
SippleHelen born about 1911
SippleKermit born about 1906
SlipeMartha born about 1857
SlipperIleen born about 1924
SlipperOra born about 1892
SlipperSimon born about 1880
SloughFrank born about 1916
SloughLaura born about 1919
SluckerDaven born about 1893
SluckerJessie born about 1896
SmaltzCarl born about 1893
SmaltzDonald Fborn about 1937
SmaltzEtta born about 1899
SmaltzJames born about 1922
SmaltzPiggie born about 1929
SmetherRussell born about 1907
SmithAddie born about 1905
SmithCharles Rborn about 1929
SmithClarence born about 1928
SmithFlorence Eborn about 1908
SmithFoster Wborn about 1901
SmithGoldie Mborn about 1883
SmithJessie Joanborn about 1937
SmithKenneth born about 1901
SmithMaudetta born about 1927
SmithTwilo born about 1907
SmithVirginia born about 1930
SmithWayne born about 1903
SmithWm born about 1879
SmithWm born about 1881
SnellenbergerCaroline born about 1938
SnellenbergerCecil born about 1916
SnellenbergerClatus Rborn about 1937
SnellenbergerFloy born about 1909
SnellenbergerJesse born about 1888
SnellenbergerKenneth born about 1929
SnellenbergerLoretta born about 1932
SnellenbergerM Kathreenborn about 1939
SnellenbergerNelson born about 1884
SnellenbergerNorma born about 1920
SnellenbergerRevell born about 1908
SollerDorothy born about 1924
SollerHelen born about 1910
SollerLester born about 1917
SollerRita born about 1886
SpearJ Robertborn about 1862
SpearLaura Fborn about 1870
SpelbringAmintha Aborn about 1855
SpelbringJohn Wborn about 1856
StaleyCharles born about 1894
StaleyChester born about 1930
StaleyDonnie born about 1927
StaleyDorthy born about 1922
StaleyEdward born about 1933
StaleyErnest born about 1914
StaleyGladys born about 1921
StaleyMadalene born about 1924
StaleyManiford born about 1922
StaleyRex born about 1919
StaleySodon born about 1925
StaleyVerna born about 1911
StawalleyBetty Louborn about 1932
StawalleyCharles Gborn about 1927
StawalleyEmma born about 1902
StawalleyOscar born about 1885
SteinerHerman born about 1903
SteinerJohn Maxborn about 1937
SteinerLeah born about 1863
SteinerLucille born about 1914
SteinerRuth Eborn about 1906
SteinerVictor Gborn about 1939
SteppCarey Eborn about 1880
SteppJohn born about 1881
SteuerwaldAudrea born about 1911
SteuerwaldElmer born about 1881
SteuerwaldFlorence born about 1881
SteuerwaldFreida born about 1916
SteuerwaldHarvey born about 1917
SteuerwaldJack born about 1933
SteuerwaldJennie born about 1901
SteuerwaldTracy born about 1876
SteuerwaldWalter born about 1880
StevensConrad Dborn about 1933
StevensCourt born about 1894
StevensEleson born about 1917
StevensFred born about 1892
StevensGeneva born about 1919
StevensJohn born about 1939
StevensKatie born about 1868
StevensMildred born about 1911
StevensNellie born about 1895
StevensRamona born about 1922
StevensRowena born about 1934
StevensSheldon born about 1912
StevensTheodore born about 1869
StevinsDewey born about 1898
StevinsDora born about 1901
StevinsJudy Annborn about 1931
SticklesAileen born about 1916
SticklesGrace born about 1886
SticklesJosephine born about 1916
StienerFrank born about 1863
StienerHenry born about 1872
StienerHershel born about 1908
StienerLucinda born about 1877
StillwagonLillie Mborn about 1865
StinogelHarold Rborn about 1938
StinogelNomoai Mborn about 1937
StinogelOrvil born about 1891
StinogelTressie Mborn about 1901
StokesCarl born about 1909
StokesMarguerite born about 1912
StokesShirley born about 1931
StoneJulia born about 1862
StoneJullane born about 1863
StonersFred born about 1864
StormBertha born about 1882
StormCarolyn born about 1852
StormEsta Mborn about 1901
StormHarry born about 1896
StormJane born about 1934
StormKarenian Jborn about 1936
StormMarjorie born about 1921
StormOpal born about 1903
StormPearl born about 1879
StormRalph Jborn about 1899
StormVirch born about 1927
StuernagelPaul born about 1898
StunkardFlo born about 1877
StunkardHerman born about 1903
StunkardJack born about 1924
StunkardMargaret born about 1926
StunkardMildred born about 1905
SummerlotDonald born about 1927
SummerlotDoris born about 1891
SummerlotIrvin born about 1889
SummerlotJohn Hborn about 1868
SummerlotJunior born about 1922
SummerlotMaggie born about 1885
SummerlotPaul born about 1924
SuttonBertha born about 1894
SuttonEstelle born about 1901
SuttonGeorge born about 1899
SuttonGerald Leanborn about 1929
SuttonHallie born about 1889
SuttonHerberta born about 1905
SuttonHoward born about 1889
SuttonIda Maeborn about 1909
SuttonLeland born about 1925
SuttonLowell Eborn about 1940
SuttonMarshall born about 1909
SuttonMary born about 1927
SuttonMerle born about 1928
SuttonRex born about 1934
SuttonRichard born about 1935
SuttonRuth born about 1936

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TennantHallie born about 1905
TennantJames Kborn about 1933
TennantRobert Jborn about 1929
TennantRussell born about 1902
TennantWm Mborn about 1938
TerryBertham born about 1878
TerryBetty born about 1928
TerryBilly born about 1923
TerryCaroline born about 1935
TerryCharles born about 1896
TerryFrances born about 1929
TerryLenord born about 1937
TerryNorma born about 1925
TerryVivian born about 1898
TerryWanda born about 1932
TerryWilliam Kborn about 1868
ThompsonAudry born about 1926
ThompsonCharley born about 1919
ThompsonElsie born about 1897
ThompsonFred born about 1920
ThompsonIra born about 1875
ThompsonJune born about 1933
ThompsonRaymond born about 1918
ThompsonRella born about 1887
ThompsonWilliam born about 1885
ThorbJane born about 1855
ThorbSarah Jborn about 1917
TiefelAnn born about 1926
TiefelBill born about 1927
TiefelClarence born about 1893
TiefelCletus born about 1899
TiefelFrank born about 1894
TiefelJack born about 1935
TiefelJames born about 1923
TiefelJohn born about 1929
TiefelKatherine born about 1899
TiefelMaxine born about 1920
TiefelRuth born about 1933
TiefelSusan born about 1869
ToddCharlotte Iborn about 1926
ToddElsie Rborn about 1924
ToddEschol Jborn about 1895
ToddIrene born about 1921
ToddJohn born about 1916
ToddJohn Edwardborn about 1940
ToddNancy born about 1897
ToneyChas born about 1884
ToneyNellye born about 1885
ToneyWilliam born about 1882
TrautCharles born about 1872
TrautMary Cborn about 1876
TravisGail born about 1939
TravisGrace born about 1903
TravisJohn born about 1873
TravisLavon born about 1935
TravisMary born about 1880
TravisRobert born about 1862
TravisT Williamborn about 1889
TravisTheoda born about 1938
TrippFlora born about 1862
TroutHenry born about 1877
TroutMinnie born about 1877
TrumpAustin born about 1926
TrumpCharles born about 1880
TrumpHenry born about 1877
TrumpJohn born about 1874
TrumpStella born about 1892

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanhornAnna Eborn about 1873
VanhornAnne Maeborn about 1913
VanhornCarolyn born about 1931
VanhornCelcie born about 1906
VanhornCharley born about 1881
VanhornCurtis born about 1925
VanhornDonald born about 1932
VanhornEvelyn born about 1920
VanhornGilbert born about 1928
VanhornGilbert born about 1930
VanhornGlenn born about 1917
VanhornHerbert born about 1890
VanhornMartin born about 1909
VanhornMayme born about 1894
VanhornMildred born about 1906
VanhornNancy Louborn about 1940
VanhornNaomi born about 1925
VanhornPierson born about 1900
VanhornR Mborn about 1866
VanhornRichards born about 1934
VanhornRuth Lborn about 1928
VanhornVerne born about 1891
VanhornVirginia born about 1922
VanhornWilly born about 1904
ViceCarl born about 1896
ViceFlorence born about 1894
ViceGerald born about 1920
ViceHerald born about 1925
ViceJaunita born about 1930
ViceMae born about 1927
VitterBarbara born about 1875

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WagnerAlice born about 1880
WagnerEster born about 1903
WagnerMarcus born about 1875
WagnerMaxine born about 1918
WagnerMelvin born about 1902
WagnerOtho born about 1936
WagnerRecabecca born about 1939
WagnerRemes born about 1938
WagnerVirginia born about 1937
WagnerZeland born about 1907
WalkbessinMalcolm born about 1917
WalkbessinRuby born about 1920
WalkerIola Mborn about 1899
WalkerMarle Mborn about 1867
WalkerWilliam born about 1894
WallaceHerman born about 1929
WallaceRay Gborn about 1918
WallaceVetra born about 1905
WaltersBaxton born about 1862
WaltersGrover born about 1884
WaltersMartha Cborn about 1864
WardDona Fborn about 1886
WarnerGrace born about 1900
WarnerRuth born about 1927
WeatherwaxAnna Maeborn about 1931
WeatherwaxBetty Lborn about 1930
WeatherwaxCharles born about 1912
WeatherwaxClara born about 1874
WeatherwaxJohn born about 1871
WeatherwaxLeonard born about 1903
WeatherwaxVernice born about 1903
WeaverClaude born about 1910
WeberCharles Hborn about 1891
WeberDena born about 1866
WeberDorothy Leborn about 1902
WeberEdgar Fborn about 1895
WeberHenry born about 1866
WeberJohn Cborn about 1921
WeberRuth born about 1895
WellmanBobby born about 1932
WellmanHarry born about 1898
WellmanPaul born about 1926
WellmanRoesmary born about 1928
WellmanRuth born about 1901
WellmanThelma born about 1922
WerremeyerFrank born about 1890
WerremeyerRebecca born about 1862
WeshDora born about 1876
WeshEmery born about 1911
WeshGene born about 1914
WeshJoe born about 1919
WeshLee born about 1909
WestJohn Cborn about 1865
WestentaverLesin Aborn about 1922
WestentaverTom born about 1931
WheelerVerna born about 1897
WhiteAnnie born about 1873
WhiteBen born about 1889
WhiteBernard born about 1903
WhiteBetty Jeanborn about 1930
WhiteClara born about 1904
WhiteDane born about 1926
WhiteEva born about 1892
WhiteFreeda born about 1893
WhiteGeorge born about 1920
WhiteHarvey born about 1893
WhiteHelen born about 1918
WhiteIrene born about 1904
WhiteJ Davidborn about 1938
WhiteJohn born about 1870
WhiteMartha born about 1899
WhiteMary born about 1874
WhiteMary born about 1908
WhiteNolan born about 1899
WhitePatty born about 1932
WhiteRaymond born about 1900
WhiteThelma born about 1928
WhiteVivian born about 1931
WhiteWarshall born about 1910
WhitmanBenier born about 1909
WhitmanElla born about 1866
WhitmanHenry born about 1881
WhitmanRusell born about 1903
WhitmanVennie born about 1913
WilkesAlice born about 1870
WilkesDorothy born about 1915
WilkesGilbert born about 1903
WilkesJames born about 1934
WilkesJudith born about 1936
WilkesLousie born about 1917
WilkesMargurite born about 1905
WilkesRalph born about 1908
WilkesWalter born about 1867
WilkinsonEva born about 1884
WilkinsonHenry born about 1881
WilkinsonViolet born about 1913
WilkinsonWanda Jborn about 1929
WillardGraham born about 1899
WillerBelle born about 1869
WillerChrist born about 1866
WillerVerna born about 1918
WilliamsElisha born about 1861
WilliamsOlive born about 1867
WillisLaura Eborn about 1876
WilsonEdwin Eborn about 1908
WilsonFlossie born about 1900
WilsonJackie born about 1929
WilsonMadena born about 1911
WinckieCarl born about 1894
WinckieOpal born about 1898
WinckieWilma born about 1911
WolfeBen born about 1875
WolfeBilly born about 1938
WolfeClarence born about 1924
WolfeElla born about 1883
WolfeHenry born about 1890
WolfeJimmie born about 1932
WolfeMuetsiel born about 1936
WolfeRussell born about 1918
WolfeRuth born about 1908
WolfeTrue born about 1903
WolfeZella born about 1901
WoodburnAlbert born about 1916
WoodburnElva born about 1912
WoodburnMary born about 1919
WoodburnNancy born about 1894
WoodburnOrval born about 1887
WoodruffDonald born about 1916
WoodruffErnestine born about 1912
WoodruffMarie born about 1923
WoodruffWayne born about 1912
WoodruffWayne Rborn about 1939
WoodsGrant born about 1869
WoodsMattie born about 1862
WoolsleyJosephine born about 1906
WoolsleyOtis born about 1876
WoolsleyRussell born about 1908
WorleyAdam born about 1888
WorleyBetty born about 1924
WorleyDolly born about 1890
WorleyGlenn born about 1927
WorleyLe Roy born about 1911
WorleyMatilda born about 1864
WorleyRaymond born about 1913
WrightMildred born about 1906
WrightPaul born about 1911
WrightPraula born about 1871

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YegerlehnerCaroline born about 1937
YegerlehnerClara born about 1901
YegerlehnerClearence born about 1897
YegerlehnerDelores born about 1921
YegerlehnerDurwain born about 1932
YegerlehnerEarl born about 1923
YegerlehnerEster born about 1894
YegerlehnerFloyd born about 1912
YegerlehnerGlendon born about 1933
YegerlehnerJohn born about 1868
YegerlehnerKenneth born about 1922
YegerlehnerLavina born about 1878
YegerlehnerMary Faeborn about 1902
YegerlehnerPaul born about 1920
YegerlehnerRalph born about 1899
YegerlehnerRuth born about 1913
YegerlehnerSamuel born about 1892
YegerlehnerWilma born about 1926
YoungMilton born about 1876
YoungOlive born about 1901

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Z Surnames

ZimmermanHelen born about 1914
ZimmermanJohn born about 1918
ZimmermanKate Jborn about 1923
ZimmermanLois born about 1916
ZimmermanNorma Lborn about 1920
ZimmermanRena born about 1889
ZimmermanRobert born about 1926
ZimmermanWilliam born about 1890
ZurcherAlberta born about 1919
ZurcherCarolina born about 1857
ZurcherClearence born about 1904
ZurcherDarlien born about 1933
ZurcherGleneva born about 1931
ZurcherHerold born about 1931
ZurcherIsla born about 1937
ZurcherJohn born about 1869
ZurcherJohn born about 1916
ZurcherJohn born about 1930
ZurcherLeland born about 1928
ZurcherLizzy born about 1873
ZurcherLorena born about 1926
ZurcherMary Aborn about 1871
ZurcherPaul born about 1913
ZurcherPeter born about 1901
ZurcherScherb John Pborn about 1852
ZurcherTherman born about 1927
ZurcherTommy Joeborn about 1939
ZurcherVerna born about 1900
ZurcherWanetta born about 1905
ZurcherWanetta born about 1913
ZurgerGeorgia born about 1893
ZurgerWm born about 1888

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

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