1940 U.S. Federal Census of Hendricks, Shelby, Indiana

Census index courtesy of RootsPoint.com

USA > Indiana > Shelby County > 1940 Census of Hendricks

A Surnames B Surnames C Surnames D Surnames E Surnames F Surnames G Surnames H Surnames I Surnames J Surnames K Surnames L Surnames M Surnames N Surnames O Surnames P Surnames R Surnames S Surnames T Surnames V Surnames W Surnames Y Surnames

A Surnames

AklesHomer born about 1912
AklesKatherine born about 1909
AklesKenneth born about 1935
AklesLillie born about 1876
AklesMerrill born about 1937
AmosGilbert born about 1895
AmosMaple born about 1899
AmosMildred born about 1920
AmosPaul born about 1927
ArllaZiegler born about 1875
ArmstrongArgus born about 1877
ArmstrongEmma born about 1880
ArnoldCharles born about 1929
AtwoodAnna born about 1892
AtwoodCarl born about 1887

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

B Surnames

BabbHenry Lborn about 1874
BabbPearl born about 1888
BanksMinnie Eborn about 1882
BanksThomas Hborn about 1882
BarkerGeorge born about 1913
BarkerJennie born about 1912
BarkerWilliam born about 1937
BarlowBernice born about 1896
BarlowDale born about 1915
BarlowElma born about 1925
BarlowElmer born about 1890
BarlowFred born about 1903
BarlowInez born about 1915
BarlowKenneth born about 1937
BarlowPaul born about 1921
BarlowRuby born about 1900
BassBernard Eborn about 1920
BassCarl born about 1884
BassHattie born about 1900
BassIrma Aborn about 1891
BassJohn Eborn about 1875
BaylissKenneth born about 1939
BaylissLois born about 1920
BaylissRobert born about 1915
BeaverJoseph born about 1912
BeaverRoberta born about 1910
BeckerMinnie born about 1874
BeckerSalome born about 1867
BeckerSherman born about 1866
BencheimerKate born about 1867
BencheimerRow born about 1864
BennettEva born about 1899
BennettJohn Mborn about 1875
BlakelyWilliam Wborn about 1893
BlandJames born about 1873
BlandJo Annborn about 1932
BlandJocye born about 1932
BlandJohn born about 1871
BlandLeonard born about 1902
BlandMaud born about 1877
BlandMaud born about 1905
BlandMyrtle born about 1877
BlandO Mborn about 1876
BlocherAlice born about 1918
BlocherArthur born about 1914
BlocherEllen born about 1907
BlocherJohn born about 1883
BlocherJohn Cborn about 1918
BlocherVernon born about 1916
BordersCarl born about 1935
BordersDonald born about 1939
BordersDorothy born about 1917
BordersEugene born about 1933
BordersGlendda born about 1937
BordersRay born about 1919
BozellAbigail born about 1911
BozellEugene born about 1906
BozellSonja born about 1937
BranninBert born about 1883
BranninHomer born about 1910
BranninMaud born about 1890
BranninMaxine born about 1921
BriggsBarbara Annborn about 1930
BriggsCarl born about 1904
BriggsFreda born about 1906
BrounClifton born about 1916
BrounDorothy born about 1919
BrounKatherine born about 1885
BrownCurtis born about 1915
BrownDortha born about 1915
BryantEarl born about 1923
BryantErvin born about 1882
BryantGarnet born about 1919
BryantMarvin born about 1913
BryantNathan born about 1882
BryantRussell born about 1921

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C Surnames

CairaClara born about 1929
CairaFrank born about 1881
CairaJohnnie born about 1913
CairaNora born about 1882
CalhounDella born about 1893
CalhounHelen born about 1925
CalhounHenry born about 1895
CampbellAudrey born about 1881
CampbellHelen born about 1907
CampbellOatis born about 1903
CampbellRobert born about 1927
CappleLaura born about 1877
CarderLeslie born about 1915
CarderLoraine born about
CarriageNella born about 1900
CartnerJennie born about 1875
CartnerMelvin born about 1868
ChaneyJulia born about 1848
ChapplowBenjamin born about 1888
ChapplowBetty born about 1930
ChapplowDaniel born about 1933
ChapplowEarl born about 1917
ChapplowHelen born about 1891
ChapplowHenry born about 1919
ChapplowJohn born about 1924
ChapplowRay born about 1926
ChapplowRobert born about 1915
ChasteenElmer born about 1888
ChasteenHarold born about 1917
ChasteenRuth born about 1894
CheathamFay born about 1917
CheathamPatrica born about 1937
CheathamPeggy born about 1938
CheathamR Lborn about 1913
CheathamRay Leeborn about 1939
CherryClaude born about 1888
CherryInez born about 1893
CherryJames Lborn about 1857
CherryKatherine Wborn about 1920
CherryMartin born about 1922
ChesserDaisy born about 1873
ChesserIra born about 1867
ClarkEvelyn born about 1914
ClarkPaul born about 1911
ClaytonClara born about 1895
ClaytonEstel born about 1890
ClaytonFrank born about 1916
ClaytonGarnet born about 1924
ClaytonLula born about 1922
ClaytonRussell born about 1920
CobblerDonald born about 1935
CobblerEdna born about 1911
CobblerHoward born about 1909
CobblerLewis born about 1887
CobblerMay born about 1891
CobblerNola born about 1939
CobblerNora born about 1939
CoeroGeorge born about 1881
CoeroHallie born about 1887
CoeroJoseph Annborn about 1930
CoheeGrace born about 1877
ConradPearl born about 1878
ConradWilliam born about 1878
ConwayAlta born about 1889
ConwayJake born about 1875
CooperCharles born about 1863
CooperHarold born about 1938
CooperHenry born about 1913
CooperRosie born about 1936
CooperVernie born about 1920
CornerClaudie born about 1880
CornerCurtis born about 1878
CornuttEllie born about 1862
CorsperJohn Wborn about 1880
CorsperJosephine born about 1910
CorsperMarilyn born about 1938
CorsperMary born about 1883
CorsperMaurice born about 1909
CorsperZ Ellenborn about 1939
CowenCallie born about 1877
CowenLafe born about 1875
CowenWayne Pborn about 1922
CoxAda born about 1905
CoxAnna Leeborn about 1929
CoxBeulah born about 1926
CoxDean born about 1934
CoxEdna Maeborn about 1936
CoxHarry Dborn about 1867
CoxLeland born about 1931
CoxLillian born about 1928
CoxWill born about 1902
CramerDella born about 1873
CreekLeotta born about 1886
CreekMary born about 1887
CrisswellFreda born about 1903
CrisswellJames born about 1925
CrisswellLen born about 1886
CrisswellSue Cborn about 1939
CrisswellVirginia born about 1928
CrosbyCora born about 1864
CrosbyGeorge born about 1858
CrosbyJohn born about 1861
CutsingerBelle born about 1863
CutsingerByron born about 1907
CutsingerCalvin born about 1931
CutsingerDwight born about 1904
CutsingerJackie born about 1939
CutsingerJoe Allenborn about 1936
CutsingerMargaret born about 1899
CutsingerMary born about 1935
CutsingerMilda born about 1873
CutsingerNaomi born about 1905
CutsingerOpal born about 1896
CutsingerOpal born about 1906
CutsingerPearl born about 1878
CutsingerRaymond born about 1893
CutsingerRussell born about 1933
CutsingerStanley born about 1896
CutsingerWilliam born about 1873

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

D Surnames

DavissonLucy born about 1867
DebaunAda born about 1929
DebaunCecil born about 1919
DebaunIthmer born about 1893
DebaunMargaret born about 1919
DebaunMarie born about 1925
DebaunMary Lborn about 1922
DebaunPearl born about 1904
DebaunSyvila born about 1939
DeerAlta born about 1907
DeerJane born about 1929
DeerRaymond born about 1903
DenisonHenry born about 1886
DenisonHenry born about 1926
DenisonKatherine born about 1916
DineBonnie born about 1908
DineCharlotte born about 1936
DineJo Annborn about 1939
DineLester born about 1910
DineShirley born about 1935
DragooJesse born about 1882
DragooMyrtle born about 1881
DrakeBessie born about 1915
DrakeCarl born about 1893
DrakeCora born about 1874
DrakeE Wborn about 1873
DrakeEarl born about 1922
DrakeJennie born about 1897
DrakeRobert born about 1926
DrakeWilber born about 1918

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E Surnames

EberhartMary Eborn about 1940
EberhartRuth born about 1920
EberhartWilliam born about 1920
ElkinsAda born about 1897
ElkinsEldon born about 1916
ElkinsEverett born about 1884
ElkinsJesse born about 1902
ElkinsMartha born about 1919
ElkinsPauline born about 1909
EllermanSadie born about 1883
EllermanWill born about 1876
ElmerFrank born about 1885
ElmerLora born about 1881
EmmingsMoris Jeanborn about 1923
EmmingsSpurlie born about 1900
EmrickLela born about 1921
EmrickWayne born about 1917
EvansCharla born about 1937
EvansDola born about 1916
EvansMargaret born about 1917
EvansNellie born about 1874
EvansPaul born about 1907
EvansRomona born about 1940
EvansTilden born about 1915
EvansUrsa born about 1898

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F Surnames

FacemireEzra born about 1878
FacemireLola born about 1882
FalisThomas born about 1874
FarrellAmy born about 1877
FarrellFrank Dborn about 1915
FieldsAnis born about 1900
FieldsBessie born about 1898
FieldsBryant born about 1892
FieldsClarence born about 1939
FieldsDiana born about 1940
FieldsFloyd born about 1898
FieldsMarie born about 1911
FieldsMary Bborn about 1897
FieldsRalph born about 1912
FieldsRobert born about 1923
FieldsRussell born about 1889
FieldsWilma Jeanborn about 1921
FisherAddie born about 1892
FisherCecil born about 1914
FisherDora born about 1885
FisherEmma born about 1888
FisherJames born about 1923
FisherJesse Cborn about 1892
FisherLola born about 1895
FisherNoah born about 1883
FisherVirginia born about 1915
FisherWayne born about 1923
FisherWilliam Bborn about 1894
FisherWillis born about 1882
FixRuth born about 1909
FoxArthur born about 1900
FoxCecil born about 1924
FoxGertrude born about 1905
FoxMary born about 1931
FoxRobert born about 1927
FreemanCletha born about 1886
FreemanLena born about 1877
FreemanRita born about 1883
FreemanWilliam born about 1874
FrenchMartin Dborn about 1877
FrenchOma Zborn about 1883

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G Surnames

GahimerBruce born about 1938
GahimerJosephine born about 1917
GahimerLloyd born about 1923
GahimerMae Roseborn about 1933
GahimerMaggie born about 1891
GahimerMartha born about 1929
GahimerMarvin born about 1932
GahimerR Wilberborn about 1914
GahimerSue Joborn about 1939
GarberCurtis born about 1921
GarberThelma born about 1922
GillEmma born about 1873
GillJessie born about 1900
GillJoseph born about 1924
GillRichard born about 1934
GillRobert born about 1923
GillVonie born about 1897
GillWayne born about 1925
GlassCharlene born about 1938
GlassDonald born about 1930
GlassFred born about 1901
GlassKatherine born about 1924
GlassMargaret born about 1902
GlassMaxine born about 1927
GloverHazel born about 1914
GloverRay born about 1907
GloverRobert Gborn about 1935
GoffChancy born about 1876
GoffGertie born about 1884
GohnEtel born about 1916
GohnHoward born about 1892
GohnInez born about 1896
GohnJack born about 1925
GregoryDaisy born about 1911
GregoryEdward born about 1910
GregoryNancy Eborn about 1933
GregoryRose Ellenborn about 1931
GunkelIssac born about 1876
GunkelIvey born about 1879
GunkelWayne born about 1915

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H Surnames

HackerMabel born about 1897
HackerRoella born about 1866
HackerRuth born about 1893
HamersArthur born about 1916
HamersDale Rborn about 1921
HamersEthel born about 1887
HamersJack born about 1880
HamersMarcia born about 1910
HannerJames born about 1874
HannerZella born about 1885
HardingBradley born about 1896
HardingGarold born about 1930
HardingJackie born about 1929
HardingJennie Mayborn about 1925
HardingLucille born about 1906
HardingMarlyn born about 1939
HardingRex born about 1931
HardingSamuel born about 1927
HardingShirley born about 1937
HardingTheresa born about 1903
HardingTomy born about 1940
HardingValice born about 1891
HarrellElizabeth born about 1903
HarrellHorace born about 1900
HarrellIda born about 1919
HarrellJoseph born about 1857
HarrellLoyd born about 1918
HarrellMildred born about 1904
HarrellMillie born about 1878
HarrellOllie born about 1877
HarrellSharon born about 1939
HarrellVelma born about 1925
HarrisBetty born about 1928
HarrisMatt born about 1889
HartardJoseah born about 1871
HattonBessie born about 1905
HattonDwaine born about 1932
HattonJanice born about 1936
HattonRay born about 1899
HawnRichard born about 1936
HendersonBertha born about 1892
HendersonCharles Wborn about 1894
HendersonElizabeth born about 1918
HendersonHerschel born about 1911
HendersonMarcia born about 1920
HendersonRay born about 1939
HendersonRuth born about 1929
HendersonSue Annborn about 1934
HildebrandCurtis born about 1931
HildebrandJesse born about 1882
HillFloyd born about 1904
HockettEvelyn born about 1911
HockettGeorge born about 1933
HockettHarry born about 1904
HockettHarry born about 1937
HolbrookAlva Fborn about 1880
HolbrookGeorge Wborn about 1913
HolbrookJessie born about 1883
HudsonAlta born about 1904
HudsonAnnie born about 1938
HudsonDaisey born about 1934
HudsonDorothy born about 1923
HudsonEdward born about 1914
HudsonEverett born about 1926
HudsonFrank born about 1900
HudsonHarold born about 1930
HudsonKaran born about 1899
HudsonMary born about 1936
HudsonPaul born about 1939
HuppFannie born about 1865
HuppSamuel born about 1863
HurstLeona born about 1906
HydenBetty Joborn about 1938
HydenCarl born about 1899
HydenDinkie born about 1902
HydenEdward born about 1923
HydenElden born about 1927
HydenEllen born about 1933
HydenElwood born about 1926
HydenHelen born about 1933
HydenHilda born about 1931
HydenJean born about 1927
HydenPaul born about 1921
HydenWa born about 1934

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I Surnames

IliffEdwin Mborn about 1883
IliffJulias Mborn about 1877
ImyderJack born about 1930
ImyderOrpha born about 1907
ImyderRussell born about 1908

J Surnames

JamesGeorgia born about 1925
JohnsonIrene born about 1866
JohnstonDavid born about 1875
JohnstonEmma born about 1913
JohnstonLulu Mborn about 1888
JonesCarrie born about 1890
JonesHelen born about 1911
JonesLoyd born about 1925
JonesOdis born about 1890
JonesRaymond born about 1911

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K Surnames

KaffeeFern born about 1923
KaffeeJohn born about 1916
KaffeeJohn Wborn about 1881
KaffeeSophia born about 1890
KancuseCharlie born about 1868
KancuseElmer born about 1901
KancuseMary born about 1871
KancuseVirginia born about 1910
KanouseDavid born about 1907
KanouseDelbert born about 1880
KanouseHarry born about 1877
KanouseJim born about 1882
KanouseMaud born about 1882
KanouseMildred born about 1912
KanousePatrica born about 1937
KanouseStanley born about 1914
KanouseSue born about 1932
KarntzRosie born about 1928
KellyIllene born about 1924
KemperCarolyn born about 1935
KemperCragen* born about 1910
KemperKatherine born about 1936
KemperKathryn born about 1911
KendallBertha born about 1886
KendallCarolyn born about 1939
KendallElsie born about 1918
KendallGarnet born about 1884
KendallGarnet born about 1914
KendallHelen born about 1922
KendallMaud born about 1886
KendallNorma born about 1916
KendallOtto born about 1880
KendallPatrica born about 1937
KendallRoscoe born about 1910
KnightJohn born about 1913
KnightRuth Lborn about 1917

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L Surnames

LaneBobby Joborn about 1936
LaneFrank born about 1892
LaneGeorge born about 1926
LaneHoyt born about 1922
LaneMarcus born about 1933
LaneMary born about 1903
LanePauline born about 1924
LaneViola born about 1930
LawBonneeti Mborn about 1927
LawMarian born about 1908
LawMary Janeborn about 1936
LawWilliam born about 1903
LeeElizabeth born about 1929
LeeF Leraborn about 1904
LeeFrancis born about 1922
LeeGlen born about 1940
LeeJaniece born about 1938
LeeRaymond born about 1895
LeeRaymond Jr born about 1931
LeeRobert born about 1925
LeeWilliam born about 1870
LightfootJessie born about 1889
LiskGoldie born about 1908
LiskHerman born about 1908
LiskMarilyn born about 1932
LongEmma born about 1874
LongJoseph born about 1911
LongRuth born about 1909
LorrieAmbrose born about 1890
LorrieLona born about 1890
LoseyCleo born about 1928
LoseyDella Jborn about 1936
LoseyEmerson born about 1938
LoseyGlen born about 1925
LoseyLe Roy born about 1916
LoseyMamie born about 1914
LoseyMax born about 1892
LoseyMaxine born about 1920
LoseyWaldo born about 1922
LoseyWalter born about 1914
LuskBertha born about 1892
LuskGarnet born about 1890
LuskWilliam born about 1922
LuttrellDoris born about 1939
LuttrellHugh born about 1910
LuttrellMary born about 1915
LuttrellRabon born about 1936

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M Surnames

MacmillanAlbert born about 1881
MainAudra born about 1890
MainFern born about 1914
MainMorris born about 1890
MainPaul born about 1913
McCainCecil born about 1885
McCainConner born about 1927
McCainElnora born about 1925
McCainJess born about 1881
McCainMandie born about 1866
McCainMartha born about 1878
McCainMaud born about 1881
McCainMerrill born about 1923
McCainPaul born about 1900
McCainTerca born about 1900
McCainWaneta born about 1922
McCartyBertha born about 1893
McCartyIsaac born about 1886
McCartyJames born about 1920
McCartyMary Ellenborn about 1917
McCartyRuth born about 1930
McClainDale born about 1912
McClainEmma born about 1928
McClainFrances born about 1922
McClainKatie born about 1894
McClainLona born about 1893
McClainMarcile born about 1913
McClainMary born about 1860
McClainMary Louborn about 1931
McClainWilliam born about 1918
McClureEdith born about 1897
McClureOscar born about 1890
McCreaFrank born about 1927
McCreaHarry born about 1884
McCreaMildred born about 1916
McCreaRobert born about 1920
McCreaSara born about 1886
McKeeDonald born about 1897
McKeeNorman born about 1894
McKenneyCharles born about 1928
McKenneyDonald born about 1933
McKenneyEffie born about 1913
McKenneyStella born about 1930
McKenneyWilma born about 1937
McKensonMarie born about 1860
McKensonNora born about 1879
McKensonWilliam born about 1878
McKinneyWilliam born about 1931
McMurrayAlvin born about 1932
McMurrayBetty born about 1924
McMurrayDonald born about 1939
McMurrayEarl born about 1928
McMurrayJesse born about 1902
McMurrayMary born about 1907
McMurrayPansy born about 1926
McMurrayRuth born about 1935
MedskerAlando born about 1887
MedskerAnna Maeborn about 1940
MedskerEsta born about 1888
MedskerJohn born about 1876
MedskerMaurice born about 1923
MedskerWilma born about 1922
MeurantAlma born about 1877
MitchellDale born about 1912
MitchellFrances born about 1918
MitchellGale born about 1935
MitchellKathryn born about 1916
MitchellMeridith born about 1935
MitchellPhyllis born about 1933
MitchellRonald born about 1939
MitchellRoydan born about 1914
MomeCarrie born about 1898
MomeEmerson born about 1925
MomeEnid born about 1930
MomeWilliam born about 1895
MomeWilliam Eborn about 1920
MoneyBertha born about 1898
MoneyGlen born about 1894
MoneyIsabel born about 1926
MoneyJoyce born about 1929
MoneyJulia born about 1927
MoneyNannie born about 1866
MooreJohn born about 1874
MuckCarol Vborn about 1924
MuckFrank born about 1901
MuckLoratta* born about 1903
MullenBernard born about 1924
MullenBobby born about 1936
MullenCarol born about 1938
MullenClyde born about 1910
MullenFrank Dborn about 1939
MullenHelen born about 1914
MullenJohn Jborn about 1881
MullenLucy born about 1884
MurphyHarry born about 1895
MurphyLillian born about 1898

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N Surnames

NelisThomas born about 1854
NewcombDelphine born about 1895
NewcombJulia born about 1922
NewcombRussell born about 1890
NewcombSpencer born about 1916
NewcombWilliam born about 1919
NewcombZora born about 1868
NoeBeulah born about 1918
NoeDarlene born about 1929
NoeHayden born about 1882
NoeLula born about 1887
NoeMary born about 1924

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O Surnames

OdellHal born about 1937
OdellJoseph born about 1859
OdellMaud born about 1897
OdellMollie born about 1868
OdellWalter born about 1893
OltmanCaroline Jayborn about 1939
OltmanEmmie born about 1920
OltmanRobert born about 1908
OltmanWilliam born about 1873
OwensEarl born about 1893
OwensElla Mayborn about 1927
OwensFredrick born about 1914
OwensHarold Wborn about 1929
OwensHelen born about 1914
OwensHerbert born about 1921
OwensMildred born about 1923
OwensMinnie born about 1895
OwensWilliam born about 1920

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P Surnames

PariasBarbara born about 1936
PariasMajorie born about 1938
PariasMemol born about 1912
PariasOrland born about 1907
PariasSue Annaborn about 1917
PariasWilliam born about 1934
ParkerCarol Deanborn about 1933
ParkerClifford born about 1914
ParkerDorothea born about 1919
ParkerGlenn Keithborn about 1937
ParkerKatherine born about 1910
ParkerLoren born about 1906
ParkerMarcia Kayborn about 1939
ParkerOpal born about 1888
ParkerWalter born about 1883
ParksArlie born about 1891
ParksJ Bborn about 1915
ParksJames born about 1927
ParksLillian born about 1891
PaytonFloyd born about 1937
PerryEdna born about 1899
PerryKenneth born about 1899
PerryLloyd born about 1923
PhillipsArtie born about 1895
PhillipsGeorge born about 1868
PhillipsMary born about 1871
PhillipsMerritt born about 1916
PhongsJoe born about 1905
PhongsMary born about 1903
PierceElsie Eborn about 1900
PierceLester born about 1896
PikeDillard born about 1911
PikeGlayds born about 1934
PikeMary born about 1915
PileBernice Gborn about 1886
PileJohn Eborn about 1883
PileKenneth born about 1926
PileLaura born about 1892
PileMajorie born about 1917
PileRichard born about 1889
PileWilliam born about 1862
PiperKatherine born about 1864
PoeAbigail born about 1874
PoePete born about 1874
PollardNorma born about 1933
PolstonCarson born about 1923
PolstonClara born about 1927
PolstonOliver born about 1876
PolstonSavanna born about 1887
PrestonFrances born about 1926
PrestonGuy born about 1898
PrestonLottie born about 1933
PrestonLucille born about 1923
PrestonPearlie born about 1903
PrestonWoodford born about 1928
PriceDonald born about 1929
PriceGlen born about 1933
PriceJohn born about 1877
PriceLinda born about 1939
PriceMora born about 1882
PriceRobert born about 1928
PriceRuth born about 1903
PriceVerrlle born about 1905
PriddyCharles born about 1894
PriddyDavid born about 1925
PriddyDella born about 1896
PriddyDellard born about 1927
PyleAlva Charlesborn about 1917
PyleAlvin Cborn about 1917
PyleMary born about 1884

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R Surnames

RalphAdeline born about 1907
RalphBogue born about 1909
RandolphCarol born about 1939
RandolphDorothy born about 1935
RandolphElmer born about 1905
RandolphFredrick Fborn about 1901
RandolphKenneth born about 1937
RandolphLora born about 1911
RandolphLouise born about 1933
RandolphMartha born about 1931
RandolphRichard born about 1932
RandolphRuth born about 1902
RappBillie Louborn about 1930
RappMarie born about 1900
ReedCharlie born about 1865
ReedEdna born about 1910
ReedHarriet born about 1863
ReedWilliam born about 1880
RhinehartMildred born about 1898
RhinehartRichard born about 1925
RhinehartRussell Jborn about 1898
RiceDella born about 1894
RiceEarl Cborn about 1891
RiceLorene born about 1916
RichardsMary Eborn about 1874
RichardsonBilly born about 1926
RichardsonElsie born about 1899
RichardsonJohn born about 1894
RichardsonMuriel born about 1923
RichardsonRaymond born about 1932
RichardsonRuth born about 1921
RicheyDaniel Zborn about 1885
RicheyDora Bborn about 1882
RickettsEttie born about 1880
RickettsEverett born about 1880
RidgonAugusta born about 1880
RidgonThad born about 1871
RoeAsma born about 1883
RoeAvis born about 1883
RoeClater born about 1884
RoeEugenia born about 1916
RoeMae born about 1884
RoeMaurice born about 1919
RoeRobert born about 1922
RoomeJames born about 1915
RoseByron born about 1903
RoseHarriet born about 1865
RossBertha born about 1891
RossHiram born about 1887
RothenfluchMartin born about 1867
RothenfluchRosie born about 1876
RunyanBillie born about 1922
RunyanFred born about 1903
RunyanMamie born about 1899
RunyanMercia born about 1871
RunyanNeda Janeborn about 1921
RunyanStephen born about 1868
RuppJessie born about 1884
RuppSardis born about 1880

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S Surnames

SamperCarol Deanborn about 1939
SamperElla born about
SamperGlandolia born about 1905
SamperJack born about 1933
SamperLloyd born about 1922
SamperPaul born about 1904
SandefurClarence Jborn about 1883
SandefurClarence Lborn about 1901
SandefurDonald born about 1939
SandefurEmma born about 1902
SandefurFred born about 1899
SandefurGrace born about 1916
SandefurJackie born about 1936
SandefurJames born about 1938
SandefurLloyd born about 1909
SandefurMaud born about 1881
SandefurOlive born about 1918
SandefurPauline born about 1915
SandefurRuby born about 1934
SandefurSamuel Jborn about 1914
SanderClaud born about 1903
SanderEster born about 1906
SanderJo Annborn about 1934
SanderRose Maryborn about 1925
SandersDale born about 1933
SandersJames born about 1911
SandersMamie born about 1887
SandersMarie born about 1912
SandersOtto born about 1878
SanefurJerry born about 1938
SanefurMajorie born about 1922
SanefurMary born about 1911
SanefurPeggy born about 1940
SchefflerFloyd born about 1901
SchefflerJean born about 1937
SchefflerJohn born about 1927
SchefflerOla born about 1902
SchloesserBarbara Aborn about 1938
SchloesserHarold born about 1910
SchloesserIrene born about 1912
ScottArthur born about 1921
ScottBessie born about 1892
ScottCaroley born about 1862
ScottClarice born about 1931
ScottDale born about 1928
ScottDella born about 1906
ScottDollie born about 1867
ScottEliza born about 1904
ScottGrover born about 1893
ScottHomer born about 1888
ScottHoward born about 1905
ScottIvory born about 1895
ScottJohn born about 1893
ScottLarry born about 1935
ScottMinnie born about 1895
ScottOrvha born about 1895
ScottPauline born about 1927
ScottRuth born about 1918
ScottThelm born about 1924
ScottTruman born about 1902
ScottVaomi* born about 1920
ScottWalter born about 1912
ScottWilliam born about 1868
ScottWilliam born about 1928
ScottWilliam born about 1938
SedgwickLucy born about 1865
ShadleyHarry born about 1901
ShadleyHarry born about 1935
ShadleyMary born about 1910
ShadleyRobert born about 1931
ShawJesse born about 1898
ShawMartha born about 1863
ShawRuth born about 1901
ShuttCarrie born about 1881
ShuttHarry born about 1889
ShuttIda born about 1866
ShuttMary Mborn about 1920
ShuttOren born about 1902
ShuttPaul Gborn about 1919
ShuttVirida born about 1898
SiebertDonald born about 1929
SiebertGilbert Aborn about 1905
SiebertPhyllis born about 1931
SiebertRuth born about 1906
SiefertDorothy born about 1925
SiefertEdward born about 1881
SiefertHerbert born about 1923
SiefertLouise born about 1887
SimpsonIrene born about 1907
SimpsonJesse Rborn about 1911
SmithBarbara born about 1938
SmithDonald born about 1937
SmithHerman born about 1914
SmithJackie born about 1939
SmithPhyllis born about 1940
SmithTilda born about 1870
SmithVesper born about 1918
SnappElmer born about 1864
SnappMary born about 1869
SnyderMary born about 1907
SnyderOliver born about 1908
SnyderRuby born about 1924
SnyderWilliam born about 1881
SpicerTellie born about 1880
SpurlinAlbert born about 1923
SpurlinAlva born about 1902
SpurlinBetty born about 1930
SpurlinGene born about 1926
SpurlinGene born about 1927
SpurlinGlenda born about 1939
SpurlinHurley born about 1896
SpurlinIda born about 1871
SpurlinJackie born about 1936
SpurlinJames born about 1925
SpurlinLloyd born about 1936
SpurlinLouise born about 1933
SpurlinMare born about 1897
SpurlinNorma born about 1931
SpurlinRuby born about 1904
SpurlinRuth born about 1938
SpurlinWilliam born about 1908
StainbrookAraminta born about 1877
StainbrookJohn born about 1874
StillabowerBetty born about 1929
StillabowerDelcie born about 1903
StillabowerDonald born about 1932
StillabowerRoss born about 1898
StoughtonBessie born about 1883
StoughtonJoel born about 1877
StoughtonJoel Jr born about 1926
StoupAnn born about 1875
StoupEllen born about 1922
StoupGarnet born about 1898
StoupHenry born about 1924
StoupJames born about 1913
StoupLeona born about 1905
StoupLois born about 1933
StoupMildred born about 1925
StoupTeddy born about 1939
StoupThelma born about 1920
StrawBertha born about 1898
StrawHarry born about 1895
StrawKenneth born about 1934
StrawRobert born about 1926
StroupChester Cborn about 1905
StroupHazel born about 1903
StroupMildred born about 1927
StroupMorris born about 1924
SweetLaton born about 1895
SweetVera Francisborn about 1897
SweetWillis born about 1917
SynderHomer born about 1884

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

T Surnames

TaylorFlora born about 1898
TaylorJosephine born about 1925
TaylorShelton born about 1924
TaylorWilliam Jborn about 1881
TennellBessie born about 1894
TennellBetty born about 1935
TennellCecil born about 1905
TennellCecil born about 1929
TennellDoris born about 1925
TennellDorothy born about 1905
TennellHarold born about 1927
TennellMaurice born about 1931
TennellRose born about 1938
TennellUlis born about 1892
ThomasHelen born about 1900
ThomasPatrica born about 1928
ThomasRobert born about 1926
ThomasSamuel born about 1905
ThopyElmer born about 1887
ThopyHarold born about 1936
ThopyLouise born about 1908
ThopyPaul born about 1909
ThopyVerla born about 1890
ThrustonAgnes born about 1903
ThrustonAllard Lborn about 1929
ThrustonBelva born about 1916
ThrustonCharles Bborn about 1870
ThrustonChristia born about 1876
ThrustonElva born about 1916
ThrustonErcie Lborn about 1933
ThrustonGeorge Rborn about 1921
ThrustonGuida born about 1887
ThrustonLuetta born about 1883
ThrustonNora Aliceborn about 1923
ThrustonRiley born about 1892
ThrustonRoscoe born about 1882
ThrustonWilliam Hborn about 1920
ThurstonBert born about 1876
ThurstonCarol born about 1937
ThurstonHattie born about 1879
ThurstonJames born about 1889
ThurstonLorene born about 1900
ThurstonLoyd born about 1914
ThurstonMajorie born about 1920
ThurstonMargaret born about 1922
ThurstonMary Fborn about 1912
ThurstonNannie born about 1895
ThurstonRalph born about 1910
ThurstonRegina born about 1917
ThurstonRobert born about 1934
ThurstonThomas born about 1889
ThurstonWayne born about 1920
TindallArthur born about 1907
TolenHellen born about 1910
TolenJohn born about 1909
TreonEdward born about 1934
TreonElvelyn born about 1913
TreonFrances born about 1910
TreonLawrence Rborn about 1908
TreonLora Nborn about 1910
TreonMargaret born about 1918
TreonOra born about 1910
TreonRichard born about 1930
TuckerAlbert born about 1861
TuckerAlpha born about 1873
TuckerAudrey born about 1891
TuckerBillie born about 1932
TuckerBurl born about 1921
TuckerCarl born about 1919
TuckerCarl born about 1939
TuckerCharlie born about 1883
TuckerDale born about 1919
TuckerDella born about 1879
TuckerDoris born about 1915
TuckerEarnest born about 1886
TuckerEdith born about 1910
TuckerFrank born about 1915
TuckerLarry born about 1934
TuckerLloyd born about 1904
TuckerMaratha born about 1862
TuckerMartha born about 1937
TuckerMay born about 1878
TuckerOlive born about 1922
TuckerPatty born about 1929
TuckerPaul born about 1917
TuckerRosie born about 1870
TuckerRuluff born about 1888
TuckerWilliam born about 1913

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

V Surnames

VanscycoBetty born about 1936
VanscycoDale born about 1909
VanscycoMartha born about 1913
VanscyocCharlie born about 1937
VanscyocEmerson born about 1904
VanscyocLillian born about 1935
VanscyocMajorie born about 1916
VanscyocZulee born about 1936
VaughtBertha born about 1883
VaughtHerbie born about 1875
ViellieberGladys born about 1923
VoelkerBarbara Jeanborn about 1931
VoelkerCecilia born about 1920
VoelkerJohn born about 1892
VoelkerMagelaine born about 1891
VoelkerRobert born about 1925

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

W Surnames

WaltzCarol born about 1926
WaltzEvelyn born about 1924
WaltzHattie born about 1900
WaltzOscar born about 1899
WarbleHattie born about 1871
WarbleJohn born about 1872
WarbleVelva born about 1895
WarnerHarold Hborn about 1899
WarnerMarie born about 1902
WassonHerbert born about 1911
WassonJune born about 1891
WassonMark born about 1886
WatersMildred born about 1912
WatsonGeorge born about 1867
WatsonOla born about 1877
WattsBert born about 1866
WeaverBradford born about 1925
WeaverClarence born about 1904
WeaverClarence Oborn about 1927
WeaverDeloris Annborn about 1929
WeaverGladys born about 1904
WeaverHarold born about 1933
WeaverMary Eborn about 1938
WebbLinda born about 1939
WebbThelma born about 1905
WeddleCarolyn born about 1934
WeddleEdith born about 1904
WeddleLeonard born about 1909
WerkingAlbert born about 1888
WerkingBetty Leeborn about 1887
WerkingJack born about 1930
WestAlec born about 1901
WestLucille born about 1906
WestMerrill born about 1930
WestSara Ellenborn about 1925
WestVernon born about 1923
WildGertha born about 1886
WildJoseph born about 1880
WilliamsChauncey born about 1862
WilliamsElnora born about 1909
WilliamsFlora born about 1868
WilliamsJake born about 1864
WilliamsMarcellina* born about 1910
WilliamsMilton born about 1874
WilliamsStella born about 1886
WilliamsWalter born about 1885
WillisCarrie born about 1911
WillisJames born about 1939
WillisJames Fborn about 1915

To view more information about these individuals and to view the document image, visit RootsPoint.com

Y Surnames

YaterHazel born about 1892
YaterPatrica born about 1924
YaterWilliam born about 1882

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